#I’m talking like 5’10-6’0 on average
otvlanga · 2 years
don’t be shy. make your nord woman oc huge. make her 6’1 and absolutely jacked like someone who hauls lumber and hunts and lives in the snow and fights trolls should. she should be able to pick her little mage husband/wife up like a sack of potatoes.
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la-sopa · 1 year
do you happen to know how tall Ferus and Anakin were as padawans? i need to know for fic reasons.
I did math for this.
TinyTim, why are we doing math?
You might be thinking. Well simple answer to the methods of my madness. The we can use Anakins height to gauge(?) Ferus’ height and create a time table because idk how old they are in your fic :)
Anakin Skywalker
Let’s start from the begin
Jake Lloyd was 9 when he played anakin and was 4’5(135cm(this number was rounded)
Hayden Christiansen was 19 when playing Anakin in ep 2 no was 6’0(182cm)
Now why do we need this information? Basically we’re going to find the average growth (in cm) per year between ages 9-19.
We can take 135cm and divide it by age,9, to give us 15cm. Now this makes sense because you grow a lot from when you were an infant to a young kid but this rapidly growing doesn’t add up when you are older. ( I am not accounting for growth spurts I’m working with a fixed continúes growth) so we 15/2=7.5cm which does mathematically make more sense. So we can set up this equation 7.5x= y which basically means 7.5 times X years (because time is a constant) and Y is height.
Yes we can switch the variables to a different symbol but this makes sense to me, because in my mind, there’s a graph. Very blurry graph but still there :)
Also Give or Take a few cm because no one grows at a constant.
Now we can do the fun part 🤩
By setting up a chart.
9. 135 (4’5)
10. 142.4 (4’8)
11. 150 (4’11)
12. 157.5 (5’2)
13. 165 (5’4)
14. 172.5 (5’7.9 ( technical 5,8)
15. 180 (5’10)
16. 182 (technical 187.5 so 6’1) 6’0
17. 182
18. 182
19. 182
I don’t care that the chart is impractical
Let me explain a little bit also, most boys hit their growth spurt from 12-16 but the chart shows hit it early, good for him ig, Also most boys stop growing at 16 and start growing muscle mass instead of height :) science 🧬
I would make a graph online but I’m too stupid
Ferus Olin
Now the disclaimer I TinyTim am very biased and this is opinion based off of my own and other peoples opinion and my foggy memory.
I always just assumed he was about 2in taller than Anakin
And you can carry this on for when there adults and have him permanently taller. But I like to have fun with it and have him stop around 5’8-5’11 (because I think it’s funny and there’s no way all that stress didn’t do anything to stunt is height yk.)
Now I took 5’8 (177) and divided that by 16 (for already explained reasons) and got a scary number 11.0625 so I just then I divided it by 2= 5.5
So to do this logistically I worked backwards
16. 177 (5’8)
15. 171.5 (5’6)
14. 166 (5’4)
13. 160.5 (5’2-5’3)
12. 155 (5’0)
11. 149.5 (4’9)
10. 144 (4’7)
Also small thing to keep in mind, which I love to talk about for some reason. Is the 2-3 year age gap (I think it’s 2 but there’s a possibility it could be 3) so when Anakin is 12(5’2) Ferus is (5’4) making him taller ever though he caps at at a not so short short king. Anakin surpasses Ferus at 15 Anakin being 5’10 and Ferus at 5’8
Ok everyone clap now I did it.
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
That soap ask/the new hyunjin fic in progress inspired me to reread take me home (also because the first time I read it, I read it before instinct so I was missing a lot of context, whoops) and hyunjin getting super turned on by readers strength?? Looooved it
That moment + wooyoung (who I’m assuming is an omega?) asking if she could lift him without getting competitive about it made me wonder though - in this au, does the omega “submissive” nature override the male ego in omega males?
Idk if that makes sense but it was interesting to me because irl I’m 5’10, so quite tall for a lady/also taller than the average man, and it’s been a fascinating lifelong case study in how men deal with traits they are potentially both attracted to and intimidated by (lots of weird objectification, lots of men using me as a human meter stick to try to prove they are 1/4 inch taller than me, lots of shorter men trying to make me say I’m 6’0” because they are 5’10”)
I would think if this were still an issue with the omega males that it would just lead to constant tension since alpha female seem to be stronger/more dominant generally, but maybe the whole concept of “masculinity” is different for the omega males where being bigger/stronger doesn’t really matter for their self-image at all? Idk it just struck me that in neither of those cases did the guys try to one up her in any way. The abo stuff just adds a really interesting layer to the traditional gender-role dichotomy -🍁
ha! take me home is definitely a lot more fun with instinct context, yes 😂
very interesting question, as always 🥰 i ended up rambling so much on this, but that’s par for the course!
in this universe, it essentially boils down to universally-agreed perceptions. it is pretty much generally agreed that alphas are stronger than omegas. absolutely. if an omega cannot beat an alpha in an arm-wrestling contest, that makes sense. that’s what should happen, regardless of gender. an omega dude is pretty much expecting not to be as strong as an alpha woman - they just probably think it will be a closer call than against an alpha dude. there is no surprise in being weaker than an alpha lady, and therefore no wounded egos.
(but obviously, there are exceptions to every rule, and i’m sure douchey gymrat omega dudes exist in this universe and would absolutely try to outlift reader. douchebags gotta douchebag.)
but when it comes to omega dude vs omega lady? or alpha dude vs alpha lady? that’s when you get the closest to real-world dude egos.
as for masculinity for omega dudes, that’s a very interesting question. i think, generally, it’s more closely tied to sexuality (like, the sexiness kind, not the sexual orientation kind) than anything else. omega dudes aren’t expecting to outlift alpha ladies, but they are kinda expecting to seduce them right out of their big strong pants. and i imagine there’s been a strange stereotype for centuries of alpha dudes trying to settle down with omega ladies, but damn, that omega dude is hot and tempting him away from the family unit. i think you would have seen far more examples of omega men as “mistresses” (misters? masters? the male equivalent of that word) to famous rulers. bc can’t get pregnant so can’t mess with the whole heir/succession thing. so, therefore, far more common to associate omega dudes with harlotry n sinful sexytimes.
but in the specific case of wooyoung, he’s just…really fuckin attracted to strong ladies. real thirsty for those big strong muscles. he wants to get manhandled. thrown about. the dream.
(fun fact, my best female friend is also pretty tall! she’s about 5’9 😊 i am almost always in heels, so any time i drop back down to wearing flats, she’s always delighted to talk about how smol i am. i enjoy. i’m tiny and adorable, and everyone should know this.)
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kisafavi-17 · 3 years
- football star
- quarterback
- friends with newsies in middle school
- openly bisexual
- he/him
- seems scary but is really nice
- had a small fling with sarah
- average student
- creator of blog
- junior in high school
- just turned 17 in february
- teachers love him
- massive flirt
- loves horror movies and will put them on to have background noise
- lives with medda
- straight A+
- honor roll gate kid
- taking 5 AP classes
- gay and on the ace spectrum
- major social anxiety
- new kid
- met jack first
- closeted/didn’t know
- tutor to most newsies
- has a older sister sarah (by 1 year) and younger brother les (10 years old)
- he/they?
- editor of the blog (once joined)
- mentally ill
- scared of spot
- sophomore taking junior classes
- 15 years
- reads romantic novels to understand women
- has feminine products on him at all times
- has sensory issues
- pothead
- always has nic of some kind
- always horny
- flirts with all
- attracted to few
- very openly gay
- gets bullied a lot
- on-scene reporter for the school news blog
- barely passing
- he/they/she (doesn’t care really)
- swears A LOT
- met spot in 4th grade
- sophomore (got held back a year) 16 years old
- is down for anything
- lives with jack at medda’s
- is the meme lord
- does. not. sleep. (or sleeps all the time no in between)
- has dyslexia and reads wattpad or redit
- either really rich or really poor
* Rich:
- daddy’s money
- old family friends with jack
- arranges interviews with people for the blog
- on baseball team
- picks on boys
- lowkey feminist
- internalized homophobia
- drives a porsche… a BRIGHT RED porsche
- he/him (says nor/mal like a douche tho)
- takes “performance enhancing” pills
- secretly hangs out with the newsies
- junior but really young
- david is his tutor
- lowkey really dumb
- refuses to read anything. ever
- he’s like 5’10 (says hes 6’0 tho)
- real name is thomas
* Poor:
- wears zip-up hoodies with black skinny jeans
- beat up black vans
- emo
- also a really young junior
- hot topic is his ✨home✨
- everyone is scared of him
- the “quiet kid”
- he/him
- closeted bi pref men
- race is his only friend
- occasionally smokes weed
- oldest sibling of 3 (twins one of each. 5th grade)
- has a job no one knows about
- works as a waiter at a dinner an hour from school
- HE. IS. LIKE. 5’11.
- gets into fights and never looses
- secretly simping for race
- protects the newsies
- writes anonymous articles for blog
- ✨black eyeliner✨
- always has painted fingernails
- B+ average
- real name is sean
- book worm
- she/they
- loves the book worms
- reads anything and everything
- does photography for school blog
- definitely does theater/choir
- owns wattpad
- writes on wattpad
- definitely simping for fictional characters
- has tried a vape once
- lightweight
- tall
- like 5’8.5
- mamma mia fangirl
- loves DC movies
- has every girl/boy crushing over her
- therapist friend
- always has everything you need somehow
- met jack at a party
- doesn’t allow ANYONE to pick on david along with jack
- cottage gore ascetic
- loves disney
- drives a blue subaru
- is on the high school dance team
- hates the term “UwU”
- is a 16 year old junior
- on football team
- still has eyepatch but no one cares
- gayyyy
- dating mush
- funny af
- is a really old sophomore
- 16 years old (a january baby)
- camera man for race for blog
- besties are bumlets, mush, and jack
- only one without family trauma
- has twin sister
- has the funniest laugh ever
- volunteers at homeless shelters
- cinnamon roll🥺
- real name is dylan
- hornyyyyy
- has smexy pics on snap
- harry potter fan
- griffindor
- starts beef for no reason
- watches horror to freak mush out
- it works
- hates horror movies
- is dating blink
- is on the wrestling and dance team
- people tease him for being on the dance team
- 15 year olds sophomore
- wants to be a veterinarian
- owns a chicken for some reason
- no one knows how he got a chicken
- chickens name is Kentucky (hehe)
- is a cinnamon roll 🥺
- body dysmorphia
- has eating disorder
- nicknamed sunshine (brought to you by blink)
- has braces
- has mainly girl friends and everyone thinks he’s dating them
- he/him
- pansexual
- civil rights activist
- hates when blink gets hurt
- is a crackhead some times
- is a vegetarian
- works lighting for blog interviews and reports
- PDA is not his thing but he doesn’t mind it
- people think he’s a crybaby when in reality, he rarely cries
- loves disneyland and disney in general
- friends with everyone
- is the matchmaker
- cuddle bug with blink
- mostly C’s and B’s on his report card
- real name is aaron (hehe)
- is a romantic so… mush
- emo vibes
- on dance team
- is secretly good at soccer
- gamer boi
- has only been in one long term relationship
- is broken hearted
- keeps to himself
- they/he
- pansexual
- had a crush on blink for a bit
- has crushed on every newsie at least once
- is pretty chill
- 15 year old sophomore
- currently single
- taking AP classes with david
- is like really smart
- reads AO3
- doesn’t like wattpad
- plays CoD and halo
- rages when he games
- scary dog privilege (owns a pit bull)
- pit bulls name is kiara
- knows how to ballroom dance
- romantic boi
- doesn’t open up easily
- knows how mush got his chicken
- friends with poor spot
- is a writer for blog because he can actually spell
- real name is lucas
- has depression hence “bumlets”
- surprisingly really strong
- ✨flexible✨
- one of the oldest newsies (terms of joining)
- only talks to bumlets and jack
- doesn’t like david to much
- has a RBF
- is 16 (turns 17 in august)
- is a junior
- smokes cigarettes
- doesn’t have social media
- is on the varsity water polo team
- ✨rings galore✨
- tries to be cool
- has 2 cats
- cats are cheesy and monica
- has an older brother in college
- works at 7 11
- is not looking for a relationship
- he/him
- straight ally
- tried being gay but didn’t work out
- drinks white wine
- always stressed
- decent student
- A- average
- friends with all the coaches
- headphones are his lifesaver
- is a very numb human
- always has cold skin for some reason
- even in like 100 degree weather he is still cold to the touch
- had facebook then deleted it because hack found his account and spammed it
- historical fiction type of dude
- is the one who finds all of the info to give to writers/reporters for blog
- loves bumlets dog
- drives a toyota prius
- real name is jefferson
- no one but jack knows how he got the name skittery
- was in a car accident
- real name is charles
- has social anxiety and dyslexia
- should get picked on but jack doesn’t let that happen
- soft boi
- technically isn’t a newsie but shows up to the meetings
- is a emotional support teddy bear
- is the assistant director for the school plays
- best friends are jack, sarah, and mush
- only has instagram
- terrified of heights
- occasionally sleeps over at meddas
- adults love this child
- they/them
- gay
- loves disney
- knows the entire hunchback of notre dame movie by heart
- is 14 years old
- freshman. the only freshman newsie
- child of the group
- goes to all of his friends game or competitions to cheer them on
- is really short
- says “rawr” a lot
- jack and races mother
- is a voice actress
- has been in disney films
- “if you’re going to drink id rather you do it in the house” mentality
- hates the idea of nicotine
- on the PTA
- has annual passes to disneyland
- loves all the newsies
- wants to adopt poor spot
- is in her late 30s to early 40s
- she/her
- straight… kind of
- she says she’s straight but by definition she’s pan
- civil rights activist
- has an ACAB sticker on her car
- if the sexuality/gender exists in the lgbtq+ community, she has their flag
- likes gardening
- will never use the wrong pronouns
- doesn’t really eat at chain restaurants
- not afraid to kill someone who hurts one of the newsies
- i’m serious
- she’s tried
- ….
- in 5th grade; 10
- friends with poor spots siblings
- is friends with the newsies
- loves medda
- is like another crutchie without the trauma/depression/anxiety/etc.
- asks david if him and jack are dating
- he knew david was 💅 before david did
- loves it when one or all of the newsies picks him up from school
- everyone loves him
- got picked on for having a “looser brother”
- spot (both poor and rich) picked him up one time with david. said “if you have a problem with les, you got a problem with me!”
- les was never bothered again
- gets lifted onto the guy’s shoulders all the fricking time
- loves feeling tall
- wants to play football like jack
- is very smart
- is ridiculously fast
- he has the fastest mile time in the whole grade
- teachers pet
- doesn’t have many friends his age
- brags about the newsies to his classmates
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adonis-koo · 4 years
tease: 14 preview 🌸🌷
“Nothing,” You shrugged nonchalantly before laughing as you tugged him along, his lips quirking a little unable to resist a smile despite his brows furrowed in suspicion, “Just made me think what if Cherry still did accepted males, I don’t think you’d be able to handle it.”
Jungkook didn’t seem to understand as he tilted his head, making you laugh louder, “Me being around other filler male strippers, on stage, together, wearing next to nothing….” You raised your brows, Jungkook’s lips parted as if offended by the idea making you cackle as he thickly swallowed.
“I...I wouldn’t care,” He shrugged despite his clenched jaw, his grip on your hand tightening a little.
“Uh- well…” you fumbled realizing you had gotten caught up in checking Jungkook out, “Yes...he is, 24 and no he’s not tall- Hey!”
“I’m 6’0 foot actually-“ “You’re 5’10!” You shouted as you stomped your foot as you tried to reach for the phone he so rudely snatched from your heads, you could hear your sister cackling on the other side of the line as Jungkook took the opportunity to introduce himself and presumably Nari did the same just as you snatched the phone out of his hands with a dirty glare, “Sorry about that- someone’s a little sore about height.”
“You could always tell her about my impressive length instead.” Jungkook smirked as you choked on your saliva before harshly squeezing his hand as if it was supposed to be a warning.
Jungkook was good at, really anything. So the few moments when he wasn’t good at anything, god forbid he even be average at something, well, it was a sight for sore eyes as he growled in frustration. Tossing his ring that flew to the back of the tent forcing a snort to leave your mouth as you cackled.
“It’s all about the flick of the wrist Jungkook.” You mocked as you grabbed your own ring giving it a light toss as it caught against the neck of the bottle. You wouldn’t deny it was immensely pleasing to watch him huff in frustration and his constant need to be the best at everything drain any cutesy intentions of winning you a stuffed animal.
“Just let me do the talking baby. If all else fails we run.”
You clacked your lips as your brows furrowed at his idea, there were lots of good ideas in this world, innovative ideas! Brilliant ideas! This was not one of them. Jungkook pulled you along though determinedly, “Babydoll just trust me.”
“Trust you!?” You whipped your head to glance at him as you scoffed, curving an eyebrow, “Last time I trusted you we almost ended up joining a cult!”
You...you didn’t even want to go into that story. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he paused, still a good distance away as he turned to face you, “Okay first of all, that wasn’t my fault- that was Jimin’s because he likes getting his dick wet with witches or whatever and what we learned is to not drink with him during raves.” You sighed as you facepalmed making Jungkook clack his tongue, “Relax it’ll be fine. I mean we could get in for free if you’d just flash them your tits.”
Note: this is the first look at chapter 14! Still needs some work but I’m hoping to have it out by Friday! 😚
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
Talking some actual football
Somehow, someway, fall camp is here.
No, starting practice does not guarantee there will be football this fall but it does at least keep the dream alive. After what has been one of the strangest off-seasons of all time, it’s nice to have a little taste of normalcy. The season still hangs in the balance but for now we can at least imagine what this Auburn team could like look this season.
Usually with these depth chart projections, I try to give a snapshot of where I think things might stand right now. Without spring practice though it seems kind of silly to use that criteria. Instead, I am going to give my best shot at predicting the depth chart we will see come game 1. Also, unlike the cowardly coaching staffs around the country, I will not resort to the easy out of using `OR`s to keep everyone on the roster happy. Call your shot or shut off your laptop. That’s what my dad would always say.
Let’s go.
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John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
#10 Bo Nix | 6’2” | 213 lbs | Sophomore
#14 Grant Loy | 6’5” | 230 lbs | Senior
#24 Cord Sandberg | 6’3” | 222 lbs | Sophomore
#15 Chayil Garnett | 6’1” | 216 lbs | Freshman
One of the biggest questions facing this Auburn football team in 2020 is whether or not Bo Nix has taken the next step. As a true freshman, Nix was thrown into the fire against one of the toughest schedules in America. He performed admirably but far from spectacularly. There were incredible moments where you could see the All-American potential and frustrating lows that had fans wondering if he was the right quarterback for the job.
He completed less than 50% of his passes in 3 of Auburn’s biggest games last fall. That can’t happen this season. He averaged 6.7 yards per attempt, one of the worst for quarterbacks under Gus Malzahn since Jeremy Johnson. That must improve this fall. He had only 3 games where he threw multiple TDs. He needs to double that number in 2020.
But there is also plenty of positives to build on. When Auburn needed him most, he often rose to the occasion. Nix seemed at his best when the Tigers upped the pace of play and took his handcuffs off. Even in losses against LSU and UGA, Auburn stormed back in large part due to Nix carving apart elite secondaries. It’s up to Chad Morris to find a way to harness all of Nix’s raw talent and elevate his play from “good for a true freshman” to “one of the best in the SEC”.
Running Back (4)
#21 Mark Antony-Richards | 6’1” | 208 lbs | rFreshman
#4 Tank Bigsby | 6’0” | 204 lbs | Freshman
#3 D.J. Williams | 5’10” | 216 lbs | Sophomore
#8 Shaun Shivers | 5’7” | 179 lbs | Junior
#22 Harold Joiner | 6’4” | 215 lbs | rSophomore
I am still clinging on to my early summer prediction of Mark-Antony Richards being Auburn’s RB1 in 2020 but my confidence has faded dramatically. Why? Well it has nothing to do with Richards who I still believe is immensely talented. It has more to do with Tank Bigsby. It’s hard to ignore the buzz building around the true freshman who has apparently impressed coaches and teammates alike with his attitude and work ethic since arriving on the Plains. I won’t be upset in the least if my Richards prediction is wrong because it likely means Bigsby has lived up to the hype.
However, entering fall camp, D.J. Williams is absolutely the man to beat. Having him at #3 doesn’t mean I think he’s bad. It means I think that highly of the ability of the two freshman listed ahead of him but it wouldn’t be a stunner if the rising sophomore held onto the top spot. He showed flashes in 2019 of his big play ability but he also failed to snatch the #1 spot from Boobee Whitlow when given the chance. I will add that if DJ Williams is Auburn’s 3rd best running back this fall that’s a testament to how quickly Carnell Williams has elevated the talent in that room.
Shaun Shivers and Harold Joiner are the veterans of the group and the biggest wildcards. Shivers will always be an Iron Bowl legend but I still don’t see him as an every down back. I am still not sure if Harold Joiner even is a running back. The Tigers seemed more apt to use him as a pass catcher than a ball carrier in 2019. We will see if that changes this fall. I’m ok with him making me look really dumb though with a breakout season.
Tight End (3)
#87 Brandon Frazier | 6’7” | 270 lbs | Freshman
#47 John Samuel Shenker | 6’3” | 241 lbs | Junior
#86 Luke Deal | 6’6” | 247 lbs | rFreshman
#85 Tyler Fromm | 6’5” | 237 lbs | rFreshman
#89 JJ Pegues | 6’2” | 300 lbs | Freshman
That’s right, calling my shot here folks. The tight end position is about to become MUCH more involved in Auburn’s passing attack and I think the man leading the charge will be a true freshman. Brandon Frazier was Chad Morris’s #1 TE target last cycle. He landed his pledge while head coach at Arkansas and then landed him again when named offensive coordinator at Auburn. You don’t work that hard for a kid to sit him on the bench. He’s a big man at 6’7” 270 lbs but is a legit vertical threat and has the ability to make plays after the catch. He might not start the season as the #1 guy but I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s a starter by season end.
Pegues is the biggest wildcard of the bunch. 6’2” 300 lbs is not something you usually see at tight end but you also rarely see 6’2” 300 lb kids with Pegues’s athletic ability. He more fits the mold of Malzahn’s preferred athlete at the 3-back and Gus seemed almost giddy about this kid on signing day. I expect the Tigers to draw up some specific packages to get him involved but not sure he sees regular time at tight end out the gate.
Wide Receiver (9/Split End)
#18 Seth Williams | 6’3” | 211 lbs | Junior
#9 Ze’Vian Capers | 6’4” | 194 lbs | Freshman
#81 J.J. Evans | 6’3” | 210 lbs | Freshman
The 9 spot has been a gateway to the NFL under Chad Morris. DeAndre Hopkins, Martavis Bryant, Mike Williams and Courtland Sutton all starred at this position for Morris. All four were NFL draft picks with Hopkins and Williams both going in the 1st. Might Seth be next?
The Tuscaloosa native emerged as Auburn’s most potent offensive weapon in 2019. Despite missing some time with a shoulder injury the rising junior caught 59 passes for 830 yards and 8 touchdowns. Williams excelled at winning 1 on 1 matchups and should get even more opportunities to eat under Chad Morris. What might matter most is whether or not Auburn can establish a #2 threat to take some of the pressure off Williams and give him more space to work in 2020.
With Zach Farrar transferring out and Matthew Hill moving to defense, I expect a pair of true freshman to see most of the work behind Williams at the 9. Capers has drawn some early comparisons to Williams and seems the likeliest of the freshman class to become the next dominant outside WR for the Tigers.
Evans was a big play receiver in high school and would give the Tigers some more speed at this spot ala Darius Slayton/Sammie Coates. He’s a big kid too at 6’3” 210 lbs so he’s got the frame to beat press coverage on the outside. I am excited about this freshman crop of wideouts and interested to see who can start to emerge as the next man up behind Seth.
Wide Receiver (5/Big Slot)
#11 Shedrick Jackson | 6’0” | 201 lbs | Junior
#17 Elijah Canion | 6’4” | 213lbs | Freshman
With Sal Cannella departure and Chad Morris’s arrival, I expect to see some changes at this WR spot moving forward. Under Malzahn, the 5 was initially the tight end before merging into some sort of tight end/wide receiver hybrid featuring bigger framed athletes who excelled as blockers. That could still be the case under Morris but he’s also used this position as the grooming ground for the next 9 man so don’t be surprised if someone like Ze’Vian Capers gets some work here this fall.
However, it’s pretty obvious Shedrick Jackson will be the man heading into the season. I am still high on Jackson’s potential and am hopeful the Tigers find more ways to use this kid to stretch defenses vertically. He excelled in high school at taking the top off of defenses. He’s shown he will put in the work as a blocker now it’s time to reward him with some deep balls.
Keep an eye on Canion. He was the lowest rated wideout of the bunch but might be the freakiest athlete. I also expect Auburn to cross train wide receivers more under Morris so don’t be surprised if you see Jackson and Canion get some action at the 9 as well.
Wide Receiver (3/Slot)
#12 Eli Stove | 6’0” | 191 lbs | Senior
#6 Ja’Varrius Johnson | 5’9” | 160 lbs | rFreshman
#23 Caylin Newton | 5’11” | 201 lbs | Junior
Ok so I am cheating a bit on this one. By adding a fourth WR on the depth chart, I can avoid the traffic jam at the 2 and list both Stove and Schwartz as starters.
Eli Stove had his most productive season last fall and will look to build on it with a strong senior campaign. To do that, Chad Morris needs to find a way to get him, Williams and Schwartz all on the field at the same time more often. Last season, Auburn’s three best WRs did not play double digit snaps together. That needs to change in 2020.
Johnson is a breakout player to watch. He’s got a similar skillset to Ryan Davis with possibly more explosiveness. 160 is pretty damn light though for SEC football but it doesn’t matter if no one can get their hands on you.
You know Newton is going to attempt at least one pass on some sort of trick play this fall. I am interested to see if he can find a way onto the field. My guess is his snaps will be limited this season but he will have a chance to see more regular playing time in 2021.
Wide Receiver (2/Flanker)
#1 Anthony Schwartz | 6’0” | 179 lbs | Junior
#5 Kobe Hudson | 6’1” | 196 lbs | Freshman
Malcolm Johnson Jr | 6’1” | 185 lbs | Freshman
The player that was likely the most excited to see Chad Morris arrive on the Plains was probably Anthony Schwartz. Injuries have slowed things but it’s also felt like Malzahn isn’t quite sure how to harness all of Schwartz’s speed. I expect Morris to use him like he did Sammie Watkins back in 2011. Lots of designed concepts to get the ball in his hands in a variety of ways from speed sweeps to deep shots to quick hitting concepts over the middle. For Auburn’s offense to reach its full potential the Tigers must find a way to truly establish Schwartz as one of the scariest offensive weapons in the SEC.
Behind him are two freshman. I have high hopes for Kobe Hudson but I suspect he’s a year away from being heavily involved in the offense. Malcolm Johnson Jr is supposed to be playing his senior year of high school this fall instead he will be playing an SEC only schedule. That’s a large jump for any kid.
Left Tackle
#68 Austin Troxell | 6’6” | 312 lbs | Junior
#65 Alec Jackson | 6’5” | 315 lbs | Junior
#77 Kilian Zierer | 6’7” | 294 lbs | Junior
#72 Prince Michael Sammons | 6’7” | 313 lbs | Senior
The biggest question mark at the position with the most question marks heading into fall camp is the left tackle position. Despite Auburn’s struggles to recruit highly rated prep offensive tackles, they have found a way to pretty consistently have an NFL calibre player at this key position each season. That doesn’t look so certain heading into the 2020 campaign.
There is no question Austin Troxell has SEC level talent. But three major knee injuries in six years is hard to ignore. If he’s truly 100% and can stay healthy all fall, I would expect him to be Auburn’s starting left tackle and to have a strong season. However, he will be facing some fierce competition this fall camp.
Kilian Zierer was my pick to be Auburn’s starting left tackle back in the fall but he too is recovering from a serious knee injury. Malzahn says he’s “almost” back to 100% which is good but given his little experience at the position along with most of his time on Auburn’s campus to date focused on rehab, I doubt he’s Auburn’s day 1 starter. He might emerge later in the fall.
That means former defensive lineman turned tackle, Alec Jackson, has a tremendous opportunity in the coming weeks to make a move up the depth chart. It also wouldn’t be unprecedented considering Auburn’s most recent starting left tackle. He worked at the position all last season so hopefully he enters camp more focused on elevating his game than learning the position. It will be fascinating to see how things play out at left tackle.
Left Guard
#71 Brandon Council | 6’4” | 325 lbs | Junior
#56 Tashawn Manning | 6’3” | 324 lbs | Junior
#62 Kameron Stutts | 6’4” | 325 lbs | rSophomore
It’s still early but there’s been a lot of positive buzz surrounding former Akron standout Brandon Council. The graduate transfer has two years of eligibility remaining and is likely the most versatile piece on Auburn’s offense line. He’s reportedly worked at guard to start his Auburn career but he’s played both center and tackle previously in his career. That flexibility makes it likely he starts somewhere on the offensive line. If Troxell and Zierer struggle to get their legs underneath them and Jackson proves not ready, don’t be surprised to see Council bump outside.
Behind him are two intriguing players. Tashawn Manning, like Alec Jackson, arrived on campus as a defensive lineman but has now transitioned to the offensive side of the ball. When Auburn’s 2nd team offensive line entered the games last fall, Manning manned the left guard position. The competition is stiff in the interior of Auburn’s offensive line but I expect Manning to be very involved. If he doesn’t earn a starting spot chances are good he will be the first guard off the bench after an injury.
There’s also Kameron Stutts who wasn’t a highly regarded recruit coming out of high school but a kid who I really feel like has a chance to develop into a solid player on Auburn’s offensive line. I would be surprised if he earns a starting gig this fall but we’ll see if he can make some noise in the coming weeks.
#52 Nick Brahms | 6’3” | 299 lbs | Junior
#79 Kamaar Bell | 6’2” | 325 lbs | rFreshman
#57 Avery Jernigan | 6’3” | 306 lbs | Freshman
The one position that seems certain starting camp is the center position. After playing merry go round with Kaleb Kim the past two seasons, Brahms finds himself the lone returning starter and the likely leader of Auburn’s front five. He struggled as a freshman due in large part to so much strength lost after a gruesome leg injury but improved as a sophomore. Now it’s about taking the next step from “good enough to start” to “being one of the best centers in the league”.
Behind him are two kids that will likely be battling out to be Brahm’s incumbent in two years. Kamaar Bell was the last player to make it to campus in 2019 and took a redshirt without seeing any action. Now with a year of strength training under his belt, Bell looks poised to emerge as Auburn’s backup center this fall. He’s a powerful kid who will add some bulk to the interior of Auburn’s offensive line.
But Bell will face some stiff competition from one of the more underrated members of Auburn’s 2020 signing class. Avery Jernigan ain’t flashy but he loves hitting folks and has the skillset to be a really good player for the Tigers in the very near future. I am really intrigued to watch this position battle unfold over the coming years between Bell and Jernigan.
Right Guard
#58 Keiondre Jones | 6’3” | 335 lbs | rFreshman
#50 Jalil Irvin | 6’2” | 310 lbs | Sophomore
#54 Tate Johnson | 6’3” | 309 lbs | Freshman
Before a concussion sidelined him for the fall, Keiondre Jones was turning heads as a true freshman. That buzz returned during bowl practice and I think he’s the frontrunner to take over Mike Horton’s old spot.
But he’s far from a lock. Jalil Irvin was Auburn’s backup right guard last fall and probably enters the fall as the #1 guy. I thought Irvin’s future would be at center for the Tigers but Auburn slid him over to guard last spring and the results have been positive. Depending on what happens at right tackle these two could also see competition from Brodarious Hamm if Jack Bicknell decides to bump him back inside.
Right Tackle
#59 Brodarious Hamm | 6’5” | 330 lbs | Junior
#65 Brenden Coffey | 6’5” | 279 lbs | Junior
#76 Jeremiah Wright | 6’5” | 340 lbs | Freshman
Despite never having started for the Tigers, Brodarious Hamm is the name that keeps coming up when folks talk about offensive lineman with the highest ceilings. Hamm started his career at guard but slid outside last season and looks poised to be Jack Driscoll’s replacement this fall.
The biggest wildcard at offensive tackle this fall has to be Brenden Coffey. The JUCO signee looked destined to be a Tiger over the summer before Zierer’s commitment seemed to end any chance of it happening. Then when Jonathan Buskey’s academic status became uncertain, Auburn pushed for and eventually landed the big man. Coffey is a tremendous athlete who could also slide inside if needed. If he shows out this fall, it would give Auburn the flexibility to move Hamm back inside. I suspect though he starts his career off as the #2 guy
Looking at Auburn’s offensive skill players, it’s easy to see the incredible potential of this offense. But examining the offensive line quickly makes it hard to get too high on this offensive attack until the abundance of questions are answered up front. I think there’s talent on this OL but all of it is unproven. With no spring, a new offensive line coach and just a few weeks from kickoff, building and developing this new offensive line is this offense’s biggest challenge to reaching its ceiling.
Tomorrow, we will take a look at the defensive side of the ball where a number of super stars are gone but a ton of proven talent remains.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/8/20/21267024/2020-depth-chart-offense-fall-camp-edition
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
What Is Resting Metabolic Rate And Why Is It Important?
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What Is Resting Metabolic Rate And Why Is It Important?
Charushila Biswas December 12, 2018
Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the amount of energy you burn when you are at complete rest. Your basic physiological functions like breathing, circulation, body temperature, brain function, organ and glandular functions, muscle repair, and other functions require energy in the form of calories. And RMR represents that number. But what is its function and how do you calculate it? Is a high RMR better or lower for weight loss? Read on to find all that information here. Swipe up!
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RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is the number of calories burned when the body is at complete rest. RMR is calculated by lying on a bed for at least 15 mins to 1 hour and analyzing the oxygen usage and carbon dioxide release.
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is a more accurate method of calculating the calories burned when the body is at rest. For this, you should not exercise for 24 hours, sleep for at least 8 hours, and get the test done in a 12-hour fasted state.
It’s clear that both RMR and BMR are important for losing weight and maintaining healthy body weight. In this article, to avoid confusion, I will talk only about RMR and why it is important. But before that, let’s understand what metabolic rate is.
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Metabolism is the chemical process through which your body converts food into usable energy. The metabolic rate is defined as the body’s energy expenditure per unit time.
The faster your metabolism, the greater your metabolic rate. And the fewer chances of you storing calories in the form of fat.
But if your metabolism or metabolic rate is slow, your body will take more time to convert food into usable energy. In this case, your chances of storing the unused food as fat are higher.
RMR (or Resting Metabolic Rate) is your metabolic rate when you are doing nothing or are at rest. So, your RMR will be lower than your metabolic rate when you are active. Makes sense? But the question is, if that’s so, why do we need RMR at all? Well, find out the answer in the next section.
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Resting metabolic rate is important to lose weight and maintain optimum body weight without hampering the basic body functions. Your RMR will give you an idea of how many calories you are burning at rest and how many calories you should be taking to lose fat (or gain muscle mass). To find out your RMR, you must know how to calculate it. Here’s a formula to calculate RMR.
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To calculate RMR, you may use either a trusted online RMR calculator or the following methods:
1. Harris-Benedict Equation
Women RMR (or BMR) = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in Kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) – (4.330 x age in years)
Men RMR (or BMR) = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in Kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) – (5.677 x age in years)
2. Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation
Women RMR (or BMR) = 9.99 x weight in Kg + (6.25 x height in cm) – (4.92 x age in years)
Men RMR (or BMR) = 9.99 x weight in Kg + (6.25 x height in cm) – (5 x age in years)
3. Calculate In Metabolic Rate Testing Lab
You can also get your RMR calculated in specialized fitness clubs. You will be required to lie down and wear a mask for at least 15 minutes. Your oxygen usage and carbon dioxide release are measured, which determines the number of calories you have used during your resting phase.
Now, there are a number of factors that affect your RMR. Scroll down to find out what they are.
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8 Factors That Affect Your RMR
Age – With age, your RMR will decrease.
Genetics – Your pre-coded genes may predict your RMR.
Muscle – The less muscle you have, the lower your RMR will be.
Meal Timing – Regular, small meals increase RMR.
Crash Dieting – You lose muscle mass when you crash diet. So, your RMR decreases.
Pregnancy – Increases RMR.
Supplements – A few supplements may increase your RMR.
Weather – If you live in a cold region, you will have increased RMR.
You must know what your ideal RMR is. Take a look at the following tables to know what your ideal RMR should be.
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What Should Your Ideal RMR Be?
Here are two tables that determine the ideal RMRs for men and women of different heights.
RMR Chart For Women
Height (feet) RMR Range Mean 5’1” 1120-1350 1240 5’2” 1135-1370 1255 5’3” 1155-1390 1275 5’4” 1195-1430 1315 5’5” 1235-1470 1355 5’6” 1270-1500 1390 5’7” 1310-1550 1430 5’8” 1350-1585 1470 5’9” 1370-1600 1490 5’10” 1410-1650 1530 5’11” 1450-1685 1570
RMR Chart For Men
Height (feet) RMR Range Mean 5’4” 1200-1600 1400 5’5” 1275-1685 1480 5’6” 1340-1750 1550 5’7” 1410-1870 1610 5’8” 1480-1890 1680 5’9” 1550-1960 1750 5’10” 1615-2030 1815 5’11” 1685-2095 1885 6’0” 1750-2165 1950 6’1” 1820-2235 2020 6’2” 1890-2300 2100 6’3” 1960-2370 2160 6’4” 2030-2440 2230
What if your RMR is way too low and does not match the RMR range given in the chart? Here’s what you’ve got to do.
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How To Use Your RMR Data To Lose Weight
To lose weight, your body must go into a negative energy balance (fewer calories in and more calories out). So, the more calories you use up, the better your body functions. You can achieve that by increasing your RMR. How can you do that? Find out in the next section.
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You may increase your RMR by doing the following:
Exercising regularly. Do a mixed workout of 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training. When you lose a great chunk of fat, you may change this routine to 2 days of cardio and 3 days of strength training to build muscle. When you build muscle, your RMR will spike.
Eating frequent, small meals. Eating every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism active and increase RMR.
Chewing food properly. Chewing will take up your energy and help burn calories. So, take your time and chew properly and slowly.
Avoiding crash dieting. Crash dieting causes muscle loss. And you know that you need to have a certain percentage of muscle mass for your metabolism to be firing. When you lose muscle mass, your metabolism slows down even more. That’s why, post-crash dieting, dieters start storing food they consume as fat and quickly regain double the weight.
Taking supplements. Taking protein supplements may help increase your RMR. Your muscles are made of protein. If you are not getting enough protein from your diet (0.8g – 1.5 g protein per kg body weight depending on your daily activity), you might take protein supplements and improve your muscle mass. This, in turn, would help increase your RMR.
NOTE: Talk to your doctor before taking any protein supplement.
So, you see, exercising and following a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are essential for increasing your resting metabolic rate. This, in turn, will help you lose weight.
To conclude, knowing your resting metabolic rate (RMR) will help you understand what your body needs. It will prompt you to take action and change your current unhealthy lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle is a time-consuming process, but it will help you in many ways. It will not only help you lose weight but also make you more productive and improve your mental health. So, get your RMR checked today and take a step toward a healthy, disease-free future.
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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
What is the average resting metabolic rate?
The average RMR differs from person to person depending on their sex and height. Check out the “What Should Your Ideal RMR Be?” section in this article.
What affects resting metabolic rate?
Your metabolic rate is affected by age, sex, daily activity, meal timing, muscle mass, pregnancy, genetics, and weather.
Does resting metabolic rate increase with exercise?
Yes, the resting metabolic rate increases with exercise. You must include strength training in your exercise routine.
How can we improve it?
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Charushila Biswas
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/what-is-resting-metabolic-rate/
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junker-town · 7 years
Maryland football is building, but the 2017 schedule’s going to hide that
The Terps’ degree of difficulty rises, but recruiting has the future looking solid.
In this week’s Illinois preview, I talked about the dangers of inefficiency, even in the face of massive big-play ability.
However you define explosive plays, if you have more of them than your opponent and fewer turnovers, you’re going to win 90-plus percent of the time. Big plays matter even more than you think.
But what creates big-play opportunities? Efficiency. Successful plays give you more plays. Staying in favorable down-and-distance leads to more successful plays and therefore more big plays.
Illinois had the third-worst three-and-out margin (three-plays-and-punt drives that you force minus the ones you commit) in the country. Granted, it was only the second-worst in the Big Ten (thanks, Rutgers), but it doomed the Illini even though they had big-play ability in the skill corps and on the defensive line.
Maryland faced similar issues. DJ Durkin’s Terrapins ranked 87th in FBS and ninth in the Big Ten by committing 3&Os on 22.9 percent of their offensive possessions; meanwhile, they forced them on only 21.4 percent of their possessions (68th and 12th, respectively), a minus-1.5 percent margin that ranked 81st overall. Include what I have been calling three-and-out-plus drives, which are 3&Os plus other no-point drives that end in three or fewer plays (turnovers, failed end-of-half situations), and the Terps’ margin falls to 109th.
When you are inefficient offensively, you are inconsistent — you might be capable of big plays, but you don’t know when they are going to come.
When you are inefficient defensively, you are struggling to create big plays (or prevent them) because your opponent is in favorable down-and-distance combinations.
Maryland failed in both, ranking 90th in success rate on offense and 112th on defense. They also dealt with the same quarterback injury issues that Illinois faced — starter Perry Hills was in and out, and four quarterbacks threw at least 33 passes each.
Maryland also won twice as many games as Illinois. The Terps weren’t world beaters, but they went 6-7, reaching a bowl for the third time in four years despite inefficiency and negative turnovers luck. How?
Maryland may have been inconsistent, but there was a pattern to its failures. Against good teams, the Terps had nothing to offer. Against lesser ones, they took advantage of the advantages they found.
Maryland vs. S&P+ top 50 teams (0-5): Avg. percentile performance: 16% (~top 110) | Avg. score: Opp 44, Terps 7 | Avg. yards per play: Opp 6.7, Terps 4.1 (minus-2.6)
Maryland vs. everyone else (6-2): Avg. percentile performance: 58% (~top 55) | Avg. score: Terps 37, Opp 21 | Avg. yards per play: Terps 6.4, Opp 5.1 (plus-1.3)
Hills’ injuries correlated to when the schedule got rougher. He threw only 14 combined passes against the five top-50 teams on the schedule. When you are never at full strength against good teams, you’re going to suffer.
That doesn’t explain everything, though. The defense was good against iffy teams and horrible against good ones. The run game that was the basis of the Maryland attack was dominant against iffy teams and inconsequential against good ones.
(No, seriously, breakout star Ty Johnson averaged 2.6 yards per carry against top-50 teams and 12.1 per carry against everyone else. Holy cow.)
Some systems are built around tactical advantages and some around talent advantages. In a perfect world, you do both, but few pull that off. Maryland seemed to be more latter but couldn’t build a talent advantage against enough teams.
The solution? Bring in a ton of talent, of course! Per the 247Sports Composite, Maryland’s 2017 signing class ranked 18th in the country and fourth in the blue-blood-heavy Big Ten. It graded out better than Nebraska’s and every other team’s in the Big Ten West and was inferior only to Ohio State’s, Michigan’s, and Penn State’s. The 10 teams below them signed an average of 1.7 four-star prospects; Maryland signed eight.
Granted, this can only get you so far when you’re still recruiting behind three division mates — I’m thinking Durkin and Terps fans could be swayed to join the pods bandwagon — but that’s something to worry about later. For now, the combination of bowling and recruiting made for a successful first go-round for Durkin, the former Florida and Michigan defensive coordinator, even if it included losses to Ohio State and Michigan by a combined 121-6.
That Johnson and fellow breakout running back Lorenzo Harrison return is exciting. The defense returns a majority of its play-makers as well, and there’s at least one incoming four-star each at quarterback, running back, offensive line, defensive tackle, cornerback, and safety.
If Hills were returning, I’d say the Terps would be poised for a high-caliber season. But he’s not, nor are quite a few of last year’s receivers. S&P+ suggests a shaky season before things get rolling in 2018 and beyond. But upside could make the Terps interesting.
Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images
D.J. Durkin
2016 in review
2016 Maryland statistical profile.
There was one other plot development: Maryland’s secondary imploded. Nine defensive backs made at least 12 tackles, and 12 made at least four, but only one played in all 13 games: cornerback Alvin Hill. 2015 star William Likely III missed half the year, and safety was a revolving door.
As a result, no matter the opponent — top-50 or otherwise — Maryland’s defensive competency plummeted.
First 7 games (5-2): Avg. defensive percentile performance: 52% (~top 60) | Avg. yards per play: 5.0 | Completion rate allowed: 50% | Passer rating allowed: 110.6
Last 6 games (1-5): Avg. defensive percentile performance: 20% (~top 105) | Avg. yards per play: 6.4 | Completion rate allowed: 62% | Passer rating allowed: 147.5
Granted, “last six games” includes Michigan and Ohio State, but it also includes Rutgers and BC. And the numbers were still drastically different over the second half of the year.
In theory, then, you could pin Maryland’s struggles on injuries. That would make the Terps’ No. 87 final S&P+ ranking artificially low and suggest that their No. 72 projection for 2017 is also a bit on low. But as with Hills, certain key DBs are gone, so you can’t say a return from injury will cure ailments. Plus, there’s the matter of having the second-worst run defense in the country per Rushing S&P+.
Full advanced stats glossary.
What happens when you’ve got a run game that is unstoppable against lesser teams and ineffective against good ones? You get a fun combination of full-season stats. Maryland ranked 12th in Rushing S&P+, 15th in Adj. Line Yards, seventh in Rushing IsoPPP (which measures the magnitude of successful plays), and 31st in opportunity rate; the Terps also ranked 55th in rushing success rate, 113th in stuff rate (run stops at or behind the line), and 125th in power success rate. They couldn’t necessarily bowl you over, but if the blocks held up, Johnson and Harrison were prepared to explode downfield.
No matter who the big plays came against, this duo was dynamite. They combined to rush 198 times for 1,637 yards (8.3 per carry) and 11 touchdowns. Despite poor short-yardage execution, they gained at least five yards on 45 percent of their carries, and elite explosiveness led to Johnson ranking in the 99th percentile and Harrison ranking in the 92nd percentile in their respective categories.
Photo by Rob Foldy/Getty Images
Lorenzo Harrison
You can build around two elite backs, yeah? Especially with a line that features four returnees with starting experience and six former four-star recruits? Give coordinator Walt Bell a stable quarterback, and you’re really cooking.
There’s potential behind center, at least. Sophomores Tyrell Pigrome and Max Bortenschlager got their feet wet in 2016 — that’s the polite way of saying they were way over their heads (Bortenschlager averaged 4.3 yards per pass attempt including sacks, and Pigrome averaged 3.8) but have time to figure things out.
Plus, UNC transfer Caleb Henderson joins the mix. A former four-star, Henderson looks the part, and Bell was one of his recruiters at North Carolina. But he threw exactly one pass for the Tar Heels, which makes him about as much of an unknown as the sophomores. Hell, it puts him only so far ahead of four-star freshman Kasim Hill.
If Henderson or anyone else is able to play well and stay healthy, he should have bouncy targets running around. D.J. Moore (5’11, 215) led the Terps with 637 receiving yards in 2016, though in Maryland fashion, he was all-or-nothing — 15.5 yards per catch, 33 percent success rate. Senior Taivon Jacobs (5’9, 165) returns from injury as well, and players like sophomore DJ Turner (5’9, 200), senior Jacquille Veii (5’9, 185), and incoming freshman Tahj Capehart (5’10, 175) appear to have solid potential.
That’s great, but is there a target with size anywhere? That remains to be seen. Tight ends Derrick Hayward and Avery Edwards combined for five receptions, and wideouts over 6’0 combined to catch ... zero passes last year. If someone like 6’2 senior Chris Jones, 6’2 freshman Jayden Comma, or 6’4 freshman Carlos Carter looks good in fall camp, plenty of opportunity is available. Size isn’t a requisite for being a good receiver, but it helps to widen the window a new QB has to throw to.
Bruce Thorson-USA TODAY Sports
D.J. Moore
Maryland’s defense got off to a rough start when freshly named coordinator Scott Shafer stepped down in early April, an awkward time to find a replacement. Durkin leaned on former Stanford co-worker Andy Buh, and the results were mixed. The Terrapins were disruptive — 14th in Adj. Sack Rate, 29th in power success rate, 31st in defensive line havoc rate, 76th in stuff rate — but got mauled by decent run games. And when the pass defense fell apart, well, that didn’t leave any way for Maryland to stop opponents.
Big-play prevention remained a strength, but that only matters if you have any hope of preventing five or six yards at a time.
There’s probably a reason why Durkin loaded up on defensive linemen in his 2017 class. He does return an excellent pass rusher in senior Jesse Aniebonam (14 tackles for loss, nine sacks), and senior nose tackle Kingsley Opara (11.5 TFLs, three sacks) is a keeper, but despite solid injury continuity and a seemingly solid set of play-makers, Maryland’s run defense was abysmal. The sooner four-star freshman tackles Cam Spence and Breyon Gaddy can look the part, the better.
Bruce Thorson-USA TODAY Sports
Jesse Aniebonam
The timing here is awkward. When your run defense is this bad, you can only expect so much improvement in a single season. But while there are exciting freshmen throughout the line and some appealing sophomores (plus freshman Ayinde Eley) at linebacker, the top four returning linemen and top three returning linebackers are seniors. The keys will be handed over to 2018 recruits quickly, maybe more quickly than would be advisable.
There’s something to build on in the secondary, at least. In Likely, Hill, and safety Jarrett Ross, the Terps have to replace three of their steadier options, but the replacements are mostly sophomores and juniors. So whoever steps forward is likely to return next fall.
The ceiling appears high in the back, too. Junior corner JC Jackson is a former four-star Florida signee who led the team with seven passes defensed. Junior safety Darnell Savage Jr. combined 3.5 TFLs with five passes defensed. Four-star sophomore Tino Ellis saw decent action and broke up three passes, and incoming cornerback Deon Jones and safety Makquese Bell are two of the best-touted freshmen in the class.
One can see a path forward for the secondary, and the classes are far more balanced. The front seven might not have all of its ducks in a row until about 2019, but the secondary could be strong in 2018, maybe 2017.
Maryland showed it can beat iffy competition even with an awful run defense; it wasn’t until the secondary got banged up that everything fell apart. But with a schedule that features five projected top-20 teams and four more in the top 50, the run defense will need to improve a solid amount. It’s not a given that this will happen.
Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images
Jermaine Carter
Special Teams
I’ll say this for Wade Lees: if you’re going to have short punts, make sure they’re unreturnable. Lees averaged only 39.8 yards per kick as a freshman in 2016, 91st in the country, but only 20 of his 72 punts returned, and at only five yards per return. That resulted in a No. 65 punt efficiency ranking.
Combined with steady kick returner D.J. Moore, Maryland has decent pieces returning in special teams, but the Terps ranked 102nd in Special Teams S&P+ last year because of the points they lost in the place-kicking and kickoff departments.
Adam Greene made just 75 percent of his under-40 field goals (you’d like that to be 85 percent or higher) and both of his over-40 kicks, while Greene and Danny Sutton combined to boot touchbacks on just 15 percent of their kickoffs. Those numbers have to improve to prevent Maryland from leaking points.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 2-Sep at Texas 16 -18.7 14% 9-Sep Towson NR 30.8 96% 23-Sep Central Florida 78 3.7 58% 30-Sep at Minnesota 47 -8.3 32% 7-Oct at Ohio State 2 -30.0 4% 13-Oct Northwestern 37 -5.5 37% 21-Oct at Wisconsin 11 -22.5 10% 28-Oct Indiana 39 -5.5 38% 4-Nov vs. Rutgers 92 5.9 63% 11-Nov Michigan 10 -18.8 14% 18-Nov at Michigan State 44 -9.1 30% 25-Nov Penn State 8 -20.3 12%
Projected S&P+ Rk 72 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 98 / 45 Projected wins 4.1 Five-Year S&P+ Rk -2.4 (81) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 32 / 37 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* -7 / -2.2 2016 TO Luck/Game -1.8 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 57% (38%, 77%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 5.9 (0.1)
Few teams had as many definitive strengths and weaknesses, and that makes the Terps a hard team to project. Focus on Johnson and Harrison, Henderson’s four-star rating, health in the secondary, and incoming recruits, and you talk yourself into a big autumn.
Note the awful run defense, and the turnover at receiver and defensive back, and the fact that those recruits are true freshmen, and point out that the offense was only good when the departed Hills was behind center, and you settle on the Terps needing another year or two.
I see the former but lean latter, especially after taking a gander at the schedule. Maryland will be a major underdog at Texas, Ohio State, and Wisconsin, and at home against Michigan and Penn State. Without a major upset, that means the Terps will have to go 6-1 against everybody else to bowl again. That means losing no more than one at Minnesota, at Michigan State, and at home against UCF, Northwestern, and Indiana.
That seems a bit too much to ask. And while it’s interesting to see what might happen to recruiting if Maryland’s record regresses in Durkin’s second season, I’m going to assume that the Terps win four or five games while getting key players experienced and primed for a nice step forward.
Team preview stats
All power conference preview data to date.
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pcwpolwrestling · 8 years
PCW Rewind: Extreme Political TV-1/11/2012 - Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street
PCW travels back to 2012 for a series of flashback shows illustrating the rise of the American Heartland/Independent/Les Miserables movement.
In this episode: it’s the Tea Party versus Occupy Wall Street, Independent Valora Salinas gets a title shot against then PCW Champion Daniel-San, Jon Huntsman drops out of the American Patriots race to determine the challenger to then CEO Barack Obama, and Snooki (of Jersey Shore fame) name drops current PCW CEO Donald Trump.
Featuring current PCW wrestlers: Ray McAvay, William Daniels Bryan (then Daniel-San), Texas Jack, Starz N . Stripes (then Kevin Scott), ‘The One Man Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism, Yamamoto Tanaka, and Average Joe.
PCW Extreme Political TVWinter Sports Ice ArenaWillow Grove, PAMonday January 11th, 2012 Host: Johnny Suave
MATCH #1- joined in progress. PCW Tag Team Title Match:‘The Self Proclaimed Savior of the Middle Class’ Big Labor and James the Jeep Worker (D) © vs. John and Ronnie Walker
This is a rematch from last Thursday when Big Union obliterated the Walker Brothers and then offered them a rematch.
Last week:Big Labor cuts a disingenuous heel promo about how, as the Self Proclaimed Savior of the Middle Class, he hated to deliver the Scabbuster to a fellow middle class member.  Of course, if the Walkers were part of a union- that class A, asskicking, they just received would never had happened.  Big Labor says he’ll give Walkers a rematch any time, anywhere.
Big Labor lays out Ronnie Walker with a Scabbuster and then turns to John Walker and smiles.  He lifts Ronnie up a second time and hits him with a second Scabbuster.
Big Labor makes the cover…1…2…NO!  Big Labor pulls Ronnie up at the last second.   He calls for a microphone and tells the Walkers they showed some guts in showing up here to get their ass handed to them a second time.  Big Labor tells John to pledge his allegience to the true Savior of the Middle Class…
Suave: “That’s Self Proclaimed Savior of the Middle Class.”
…or else he’ll spike his brother a third time.  John turns to the crowd for help.
Big Labor: “You don’t put your faith in the hands of some rabbling scabs.  You put your faith in me.”
John is about to answer when…
Charlie Blackwell (American Heartland Coalition)  HT: 6′ 4″  WT: 215 / HOME: New Braunfels, TX / FIN: Tazzmission (Katahajime) MGR: Kenzie Blackwell
Mike the Mechanic (American Heartland Coalition)HT: 5’10”  WT: 202 / HOME: Cleveland, OH / FIN: Jumper Cables MGR: Tequila Sheila
Bobby Bare‘s ‘Pour Me Another Tequila, Sheila’ plays as Tequila Sheila leads Blackwell and his Les Miserables along with Mike the Mechanic hit the ring to battle Big Union.  Sheila hands Mike the Mechanic the jumper cables and he knocks out James the Jeep Worker (D) with them.
Blackwell ducks a right hand by Big Labor and puts him in the Katahajime.
Down comes the California Teacher’s Union…’The Foul Pole’ Andy Golatta (D) HT: 6’5″  WT: 245 / HOME: Warsaw, Poland / FIN: Foul Pole MGR: Gov. Jerry BrownMalibu Dusty (D) HT: 5’9, WT: 195 / HOME: Bakersfield, CA / FIN: Picket Line MGR: Gov. Jerry Brown
…but they’re intercepted by the Tea Party…Average Joe HT: 6′ 2″  WT: 220 / HOME: Defiance, OH / FIN: Average SlamNRAHT: 6′ 2″  WT: 269 / HOME: Richmond, IN / FIN: Gun Rack (modified torture rack)‘Tin Cup’ Ray McAvay HT: 6′ 2″  WT: 185 / HOME: Salome, TX / FIN: Seven-Iron MGR: Tromeo and Dr. Molly Greenwald
…The Tea Party brawls with the CTU until…
Occupy Wall Street (D) NateHT: 5′ 10″  WT: 190 / HOME: Minneapolis, MNShaneHT: 6′ 1″  WT: 185 / HOME: Newark, NJAdam HT: 6’0″  WT: 200 / HOME: New York City, NY
…shows up…the referee for their scheduled match appears and clears out the ring.
MATCH #2- Six Man Tag Team Match The Tea Party (R) vs. Occupy Wall Street (D)
[…Average Joe  rolls onto Nate connecting with a knee. NRA tags in McAvay. McAvay rolls onto Nate connecting with a knee. Nate gets up. Nate springboard DDT’s McAvay onto the mat!  Nate locks McAvay in the Occupy Grapevine submission.  The referee checks for a tap out. … … McAvay is fighting the hold.  Blackwell in the ring with a double axe handle and Nate breaks the hold.  Nate sends McAvay out of the ring.  McAvay is in the wrong part of town as Shane swings a Steel chair and blasts him with it.  McAvay is bleeding as a result.  Nate does a handspring and hits McAvay with a bodyblock, what a move!  McAvay with a Salome suplex on Nate that drives him to the floor.  McAvay bites Nate’s arm. ]
Suave: “HOLY CRAP!”
[Back in the ring, McAvay hits the cobra clutch suplex.   He follows with an arm wrench and Nate is in trouble.  McAvay with a frog splash on Nate.  He picks Nate up and hits a stomachbreaker.  Tromeo tells McAvay to finish him off and throws him the seven iron.  *WHACK*  Seven iron shot on Nate! McAvay covers…1 …2 …3 ]
WINNER: The Tea Party @ 16:06
Leader of the PCW Executive Committee Harry Reid (D-NV) charges down the ramp with the Democrats in tow and they attack the Tea Party.   O’Beck Bahama, PCW Television Champion ‘The One Man Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism, Big Union, The CTU, Axel Rodd, ’New Age Sensitive Guy’ Blaine Thomas-Taylor obliterate the Tea Partiers.
Finally, the Republicans respond in kind and send their wrestlers to the ring.  PCW Security tries to sort it all out as PCW goes to commercial.
BACKSTAGEPCW Investigative Reporter Woodward Bernstein reports that Jon Huntsman (R-UT) is dropping out of the Republican race to challenge PCW CEO Barack Obama in November.
Huntsman: “This race had degenerated into an onslaught of negative and personal attacks not worthy of PCW and not worthy of this critical time in American history.”
Huntsman endorsed the Massachusetts Redblood Mitt Romney (R-UT) and then took a shot at current PCW CEO Barack Obama (D-IL) for engaging in “class warfare” and added that he felt it contributed to the divisiveness in PCW.
This leaves five main contenders left in the race to be the Republican to challenge PCW CEO Obama (D-IL):
Newt Gingrich (R-GA) Mitt Romney (R-MA) Rick Santorum (R-PA) Ron Paul (R-TX) Rick Perry (R-TX)
Suave: “Last week, Valora Salinas finally got her wish- a title match against PCW Champion Daniel-San (I) which will take place this Saturday at South Carolina Slaughter.  Here’s how it came about.”
Last Thursday on PCW Politics is War on P-SPANDaniel-San: “All she wants is a chance at the PCW title.  And as the PCW Champion, I’m willing to give her a shot.”
Reid and Pelosi are stunned.  Daniel-San sets the match for next Saturday’s PCW South Carolina Slaughter show and says “may the best man…or woman win.”  Valora escapes from Big Labor and Chism and low bridges both men.  Reid and Pelosi run for it.
In the ring, Daniel-San soaks up the crowd’s applause- not seeing that John Creese and the Cobra Conservatives are sneaking up on him.  Creese signals his gang and they attack Daniel-San.  The Cobra Cons deliver a vicious beatdown of the PCW Champion until Valora hits the ring and makes the save.
PCW Champion Daniel-San (I) talks with Woodward Bernstein.  He explains that the reason he is giving Valora a title match is because he’s obligated to defend the title and she deserves as much as anyone else.    Mrs. Miyagi adds that he’s not going to take her lightly before getting cut off by the champion.  Daniel-San then adds that Valora has won titles before and it’s time to see just how she’ll handle a big time match.
Bernstein then asks about the sneak attack on him last week by John Creese and the Cobra Cons.  Daniel-San evades answering the question and walks away leaving Mrs. Miyagi puzzled.
Suave: “That was weird.  And totally out of character for Daniel-San.  What’s going on?”
MATCH #3- PCW Television Title #1 Contender’s Match w/Special Referee: ‘The One Man Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism (D) and Special Enforcer: ‘The Japanese SuperDestroyer’ Yamamoto Tanaka (D) O’Beck Bahama (D) vs. New Age Sensitive Guy Blaine Thomas-Taylor (D)
The match is delay when Chism grabs the microphone from ring announcer Kimber Marshall and rants about the fact that he holds a title but O’Beck Bahama is considered the Democrat’s number one wrestler.  Chism says he’s getting tired of being disrespected and demands that Bahama relinquish his #1 slot to him.
Bahama, of course, tells Chism to stick it in his ear.  Chism attacks Bahama while ‘New Age Sensitive Guy’ Blaine Thomas-Taylor tries to play peacemaker.  Thomas-Taylor gets a Hollywood Blockbuster from Chism for his troubles.
Then Tanaka attacks both Chism and Bahama and there’s a three way brawl in the ring.  Finally, PCW Executive Committee Chief Harry Reid (D-NV) and former PCW Competition Committee Chief Nancy Pelosi (D-NV) rush down to the ring to separate the three.
Suave: “There is no love lost between Chism and Bahama or Tanaka.  None at all.  Chism’s responsible for costing both Bahama and Tanaka the PCW title at one time or the other.”
Finally, PCW Security hits the ring and tears Tanaka, Bahama, and Chism away from each other.
Suave: “For all the stuff about the Republicans squabbling, don’t forget that the Democrats have their loony wing as well that doesn’t get along with the others.”
Suave references the Andrew Sullivan article in Newsweek  which has on the cover this week the caption “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?”  and then turns it over to Steve Hunter for a new feature on PCW…
Steve Hunter’s Three Sentence Political Commentary- because three sentences is all you need to get your point across.
TOPIC: Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek article
Sullivan’s article in Newsweek is thoughtful and well worth the read.
The same can’t be said for the idiotic caption on the cover that could have come from the editorial department of MSNBC.
Really Newsweek, I thought only Fox did stupid stuff like this…allegedly.
BACKSTAGESnooki aka Nicole Polizzi of Jersey Shore fame tells PCW Investigative Reporter Woodward Bernstein that Donald Trump should be the next President of the United States.
Snooki: “I thought Trump was gonna run.  But he’s not, right? I would endorse him and vote for him.”
Snooki continued to ramble on until PCW Women’s Champion Valora Salinas (I) ran in and decked her with a steel chairshot.
Bernstein: “Thanks…I think.”
MAIN EVENT: ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott (R) w/’The Massachusetts Redblood’ Mitt Romney (R-MA) Texas Jack w/Rick Perry (R-TX) Jim Schmidt w/Ron Paul (R-TX) The Right Rev. Randy Richardson w/Rick Santorum (R-PA) K-Roy w/Newt Gingrich (R-GA)
Richardson, urged on by Santorum, starts the match on fire and nearly eliminates K-Roy right out of the box.
Schmidt is sluggish from the get-go and ends up being the first one eliminated.  Not a good night for the Ron Paul-ites in the audience.
After Richardson’s hot start, it’s Texas Jack who gets it in gear for the first time in months and starts to kick serious ass all over the ring.   He hooks up with K-Roy and they brawl from one side of the ring to the other.
Like Mitt Romney, ‘American Citizen’ Kevin Scott plays it cool and stays out of trouble for the most part.
Richardson runs out of gas and gets tossed by K-Roy.  Newt Gingrich cheers while Rick Santorum does not look pleased.
Towards the end of the match, Romney is talking with Johnny Suave at ringside and calls the Gingrich super PAC flick the ‘biggest hoax since Bigfoot.  Then Romney calls ‘McCain-Feingold a disaster.  Suave then reminds Mitt that McCain is his biggest, high profile endorsement and sure enough, McCain comes out.
In the end, Kevin Scott gets distracted and allows K-Roy to push him over the top rope and out of the match.
McCain and Romney talk as they head to the back.  Scott is not pleased.
Down to K-Roy vs. Texas Jack; Newt vs. Perry.
Texas Jack on his game but K-Roy is even more sharp tonight.   Texas Jack misses a Texas Lariat and K-Roy hits a K-Bomb and makes the cover.  Newt jumps in the ring and assists the referee in making a proper 1-2-3 and K-Roy wins the match.
Winner: K-Roy @ 11:26
Suave: “Not the greatest night for Romney.  Newt gets a little momentum headed into Saturday’s match at South Carolina Slaughter.   We’ll see you Thursday night for PCW Politics is War on P-SPAN.”
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