#god I live for absolutely RIPPED women
otvlanga · 2 years
don’t be shy. make your nord woman oc huge. make her 6’1 and absolutely jacked like someone who hauls lumber and hunts and lives in the snow and fights trolls should. she should be able to pick her little mage husband/wife up like a sack of potatoes.
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calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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bodyhopper-files · 1 year
The Imposter Jason
"Fuck yes, I've finally done it! I've stolen your body, Jason," the former nerd muttered under the hot and steamy water of the shower, "Your perfect body is now mine."
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Jason was built like a modern Adonis – a perfect and smooth sculpture of gym-built toxic masculinity in all its rawest forms. The former nerd felt the hot water cascade over his rock-solid shoulders and thick chest and chiseled abs. He flexed his biceps and glanced down to his stiffening cock with pride.
"And this cock!" he continued to admire the fruits of his labor, "With this body and this cock, I can have anyone I want. Every inch of me is flawless now, absolutely fucking perfect!"
His smooth, gently curved penis got even harder at the naughty words coming from the imposter Jason’s mouth.
"Let's not forget this face. I'm so handsome now that I'd even fuck myself."
He could no longer contain himself and let his hands grasp his hardening manhood as he caressed it like a hard-won prize. Soon he found himself bracing against the wall of the shower as his hips were thrusting back and forth. His abs clenched, and with a gasp, he ejaculated onto the tiles of the shower.
"Oh, damn!" he exhaled, "Is this what it's like to be hot? I turn myself on every time I see myself and I'm so fucking horny all the time!"
He finished his shower and stepped out, drying himself off with the softest of towels. He then proceeded to choose one of Jason's sexiest outfits for going out to a bar. He put on a tight-fitting black T-shirt that accentuated his broad chest and muscular arms. He slipped into some slim-fit jeans that hugged his thighs and butt perfectly. On top of it all, he put on a leather jacket that gave him an air of dangerous mystery. His hair was styled in a messy bedhead look that made him look even more attractive than before.
Finally ready to go, the former nerd checked himself in the mirror one last time, feeling primal, full of arrogant confidence, and ready to fuck.
"Now, let's see what this body can do," the imposter said with a cocky grin.
At the bar, the former nerd introduced himself freely as "Jason." He'd become settled into his new personality and was now wearing it like a skin-tight glove as he gained the lustful attention of men and women alike. He'd never felt so alive, so free and so powerful. Every person he talked to was captivated by his new body and his powerful charm. His confidence was unparalleled as he made one conquest after another.
For the first time in his life, he felt like he could do anything. He was living a dream and it was all thanks to his new, perfect body. By the end of the night, the imposter Jason had become a master of seduction, a god with a mission of masculinity.
As the night progressed, Jason found himself in the company of a stunning woman named Sophia. With her long dark hair and piercing blue eyes, she exuded confidence and sexuality in a way that made Jason's heart race. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her, even as he reveled in the attention of others. The two of them talked and laughed, their conversation flowing easily as they sipped on drinks and leaned in closer to one another. As the night wore on, the air between them grew thick with tension. Finally, Sophia leaned in and whispered in Jason's ear.
"I want you, Jason. Come back to my place with me."
Unable to resist her seductive nature, Jason followed her out of the bar and into the cool night air. The woman led him to a nearby apartment, where she wasted no time in ripping off his shirt and pressing her lips against his chest. He moaned softly as her hands roamed down his stomach, worshiping his every naked inch.
Jason found himself forgetting about his past as Sophia pleasured him and he aggressively returned the pleasure. Together, the two of them explored each other's bodies, giving in to their primal desires until sunrise.
By the time they said their goodbyes, the former nerd no longer felt like an imposter. He was a new man. One who knew that he could conquer anything – and anyone – he set his mind to.
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 month
Heyyy! May I request headcanons for Carmila CarminexReader who has similar mannerisms to Obanai? (Both live rent free in my head) Have a good day/night!!!
Haha. Awww, that’s cute and I can absolutely see it! I am not sure how it’d go personally but let’s try it out for fun. Shall we! God, I struggled with this so much so I’m sorry if it blows
Carmilla Carmine- Bandy-Bandy
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You’re a unique one, that’s for sure. Thats what Carmilla tells herself when her beloved daughters, Clara and Odette, brought you as a brand new potential employee for them. A lonely quiet determined sinner with a connection to all kinds of snakes
Carmilla watches you, at first, to test how good you are at the job her precious daughters give you and she is pleased with the results. You’re quite good at your job but you’re also kinda isolated and don’t talk to anybody but your hyper-intelligent ‘scarf-snake’ friend
But then Carmilla’s watching becomes one of interest… you’re interesting, your behaviour is a lot less than what she suspected from a Sinner worker and how antisocial and distance you are is intriguing for anybody, even her
Carmilla does end up approaching you and she gives you a lunch… despite the fact you already have a lunch and whilst you’re kinda blunt and quiet and uninterested with her, you’re polite and respectful to her and let her accompany you
So, this became routine. Everyday, Carmilla comes over to you during lunch and presents you with a fancy lunch she has made for you and enjoys a lunch break with you. She is more of the talker whilst you listen to her quietly, surprisingly
Carmilla took a while but she’s been relatively open, talking about her beloved daughters, about other Overlords annoying her during meetings, about a number of things about herself. It’s shocking for a strong mature woman like her to even speak on these things with her new employee
It took quite some time but throughout all the sessions Carmilla has befriended and talking to you and having dinner with you, you grew to have quite the big crush on her to the point you get jealous and furious at others being around her… except Zestial, to a degree
Carmilla doesn’t really notice how protective you are to him and aggressive you are to others over her. She just believes you and her are friends but you don’t feel that way, you love her dearly, so much that she is basically your everything… even after you feared women due to your awfully tragic past
You don’t really eat unless Carmilla is and since Carmilla is a kind graceful yet powerful woman, even as a mighty Overlord, she’ll eat with you since she notices how dependent you are… on her? She suspects it’s something to do with comfort so doesn’t question it as much
Carmilla is your starlight, the sugary yet tough mochi that has truly changed your life from a bland hell of self-deprecation and loathing to something much worth it. Now, you can actually express emotions better and you want to give yourself to Carmilla as to express how much you adore her
Carmilla is seemingly oblivious to your intense love for her as she has grown to view you, as she acts, like a surrogate child of hers. She doesn’t notice your affections and favouritism and much more, she just believes you’re a enthusiastic employee of the business that wishes to please it
Carmilla does, in general, absolutely appreciate and likes you. It’s why she still approaches and tries to bond with you to this day. You’re a mysterious, quiet but fearless and strong and willing to rip people a new one. She respects that and it’s a reason she likes you
“Hello once more, dear friend. It’s been quite the rough day. My girls have had the hardest hours for quite a few years recently. Would you like to hear it?”
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There's no Parvati without Lavender :) When I was a kid first reading the books, I didn't like Lavender and Parvati much. They were written in a negative way. They would giggle about everything and say 'oooh' and 'aaah' about stuff and shriek and squeal. And of course, they liked pink and were very emotional... yuk, right? (Note the sarcasm here.) Now, I realize the misogyny that backs all that up. Lavender and Parvati are young women who possess big hearts and know what they like. They are in tune with their emotions and their feminity. And there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with liking girly things. I have a pair of fluffy pens on my desk that I write letters with to my friends. I own a drawer full of stickers that I stick on my planner. I like the colour pink more and more as I grow older and fuck everyone who makes young women believe they are not allowed to like those things. Because god forbid, you're considered 'girly', which in this case sounds like 'weak'. Weak? Are you kidding? Lavender and Parvati fought in the war. They risked their lives to save others. Lavender ran after Blast-Ended Screwts to help Hagrid with his class! I would rather eat my socks. NoT To MEntiON, the two of them were the only students who bothered to comfort Professor Trelawney when her bloody career was on the line! I will no longer accept any criticism about Lavender. She is a good person. I'm going to continue because there's a lot to say.
Oohing and aahing when you see a unicorn is not annoying, Harry. You pubescent little shit. If I saw a unicorn, I would bawl my eyes out. Don't judge people.
Crying when your pet rabbit dies is also NOT ANNOYING. Have some sympathy. Hermione, just because YOU don't believe in Divination doesn't mean it's nonsense. Don't make fun of people and their perception of the world. RIP Binky <3
Am I done? NO! Lavender was a 16-year-old girl when she got her first boyfriend. Was she clingy? Yes. Did she use silly nicknames? Yes. Does that mean she deserved to be led on for weeks? No. So, Ron Weasley, apologize. For the love of GOD.
Alright, I think I'm done.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 7 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Five
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 2,7k
Warnings | +18, MC is attacked, insults, receives hatred and humiliation, angst, blood, Jimin takes care of her and also teases her, slight fingering, Jimin tastes her, MC does not understand her feelings, Hoseok grabs her by the neck
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi guys, here's the fifth chapter of Dark Moon 💜Let me know what you think, I've only been writing yandere for a short time, but I love it and I hope you like what I write too 💕🥰
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal, @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling, @namjoonsbuspass, @darkuni63, @xicanacorpse
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"Here she is, Jimin's new dog."
Y/N lifted her gaze to Ester, the woman watching her with disdain and a more than obvious expression of envy.
Other girls behind her giggled, as if to humor her, and Y/N preferred not to respond to that provocation.
After the terrible evening she had spent with that monster, she just didn't want to know about fighting with that chick as well, her face aching from the slaps she had received, as well as her head from the repeated tugging. Not to mention her throat, she was so ashamed to even admit it to herself.
"Aren't you going to answer? After an evening of getting fucked like a bitch in heat, I bet you don't lack appetite," Ester spat between her teeth, pointing to the small plate of cookies the young woman had indulged in, after a whole day spent in her room, between the covers. Terrified that he might return to finish the job.
"Leave her alone, Ester! It's certainly not her fault that you're no longer in Jimin's good graces.... ever if you were ever there, maybe you found yourself in that position because you were the only one who could stand it," Hanon interjected, Ester seemed hesitant to continue with her torture, from what Y/N understood, Hanon was Namjoon's favorite, and everyone knew the man had quite a bit of power within the Dark Moon, almost on par with Seokjin himself.
"Why do you get in the way? Have you become best friends yet?"
"You said I am Jimin's new dog.... does that imply that you were previously one too?"
Silence fell in the room, the women present stared in surprise at Y/N, then a growl ripped the air and the girl felt something hit her head, she screamed in shock at the sudden aggression and fell back, bumping into a tea table that caused her to hiss from a sharp pain in her side, then a weight not inconsiderable for one of her build came down on her.
Soon realizing that Ester was striking her in a frightful fury, the young woman dodged a few blows by covering her face with her hands, but she could not avoid Ester's well-manicured nails that dug into her cheek, leaving long scarlet streaks as a reminder.
"Ester, that's enough!!!" shouted Hanon, shocked by her colleague's fierce anger, grabbed her by the shoulders pulling her back, but she really only moved a little before she came back to strike at every point Y/N, who tiredly grabbed Ester's hair, pulling it to herself before punching her in the nose, the one with a stunned cry froze, falling to the side.
"What's your problem!" gasped Y/N in shock, touching her face with her heart struggling against her rib cage.
To her horror, she saw the fingers of her hand smeared with blood; all the women were watching her with their hands to their mouths, confused by that sequence of events far too fast to reason logically.
"My problem is you, you filthy little bitch! I don't know where the fuck you came from, but I'm going to make sure I bring you back, so it'll be just like before!" growled Ester with murderous eyes and a bloody nose, raising her arm once more so that she could strike the young woman, but a much larger and stronger hand clamped around her wrist, blocking that violent movement.
Jimin looked somberly at Ester, who fell silent in response, making herself tiny.
Then the boy cast a glance at Y/N, whitening slightly. The girl had ruffled hair and an obvious wound on her face, a trickle of blood flowed down from her forehead to join the disaster that stretched across her cheek, she was also holding her side with a pained expression, her arms were red, and bruises would surely appear soon. Ester, on the other hand, had only a streak of blood under her nose; it was obvious who had started it all, but the man wanted to hear it.
"I won't repeat myself twice, who started this?" his grip on her wrist intensified, Ester squeezed her eyes shut in pain but did not speak, nor did the others.
Y/N looked at Jimin and Ester with disdain, him because he was the cause of her pain, her because she was so obsessed with the man that she had gone so far as to beat her for no good reason.
But the boy did not seem angry with her; perhaps she could have used that situation to get that woman out of her way; he had a feeling that with Ester around she would not have an easy time of it.
It was Hanon who spoke up, trying not to put too much stock in the young woman, who by snitching would surely attract the displeasure of the other women as well. But that was how it worked there, newcomers were always the victims of bad jokes and nastiness.
"Ester didn't understand her place here, so she didn't take your decision well, Jimin."
Ester gritted her teeth, glowering at the older woman, who was not intimidated by her gaze.
Jimin nodded in her direction, casting another glance at Y/N.
"Take her to her room, let her stay there until I return," Hanon immediately took a step toward Y/N, but Jimin blocked her, "I wasn't referring to her."
Y/N winced as Jimin threw Ester to the floor, who let out an outraged cry before the boy stepped over her to reach Y/N.
"You're coming with me," he said harshly, before lifting her by the arm without hurting her to the profound amazement of the young woman, "You need to be medicated," he hissed under his breath to be heard only by her, the others watched that exchange increasingly dumbfounded, never had they seen Jimin so caring toward one of his girls. Nor had he been with Ester, who felt a painful twinge of jealousy sweep over her without her being able to do anything, not in Jimin's presence. She had to bow her head in the face of that defeat filled with humiliation.
"Can you walk?" asked Jimin coldly, Y/N nodded but he looked at her skeptically, she was limping as she continued to hold her side that had hit that tea table, the blow must have been quite severe and Jimin with an all too natural movement passed one arm under her legs and the other around her hips, lifting her up like a hapless little bride.
"I can very well walk by myself," she hissed with contracted lips, not only had she yet to recover from the pain he himself had caused her, now she was also feeling strange twinges in her head and face, she was losing blood and still did not know what had hit her head so brutally.
"Jesus, give it a rest!" blurted Jimin, lowering his gaze to her face, they found themselves inches apart, their breaths mingled and Jimin squinted his eyes at the faint scent of cherries and peony that the girl exuded, her expression seemed to him that of a frightened puppy trying to show herself strong in front of the hunter, "You need me, no one else will stand by you like I do," he continued, feeling a strange feeling of possession in his chest, she could only survive because of him.
"You think you scare me?" she huffed like a cat, but Jimin sneered as he entered through a door the girl had never seen before.
It soon turned out to be the infirmary of the Dark Moon, the beds arranged in a row in that space so white and clean it sent chills down her spine, it looked like a room out of a real horror movie.
The boy had her lay down with a strange delicacy on one of the beds, before walking away in search of products to disinfect the cuts.
"Do you feel pain anywhere?" he asked, Y/N licking her chapped lips from the long bites she had given herself the night before out of nervousness.
"I was beaten, of course I feel some."
"You're right" was the man's simple reply, which led the girl to wonder what he was up to, he seemed far too placid, she was sure that in another situation he would have slapped her for her boldness.
When Jimin reached her with everything she needed, the girl flinched, fearing a sharp reaction. But the boy remained firmly in place, scrutinizing her expressionlessly.
" You’re scared for so little, sweetheart," he sneered, earning a glare, "Now, let me see."
It took Jimin the next few minutes to realize that the extent of the damage was too great to settle for simple disinfectant and bandages, something heavy had been thrown at the girl's head, which continued to bleed, albeit more slowly. Moreover, the scratches on her cheek were deep, from whatever angle he looked at her he agreed that stitches were needed there, and he was not really the person for such a job.
For the moment he dabbed the medical substance with soft cotton, Y/N hissed occasionally squinting her eyes, escaping the boy's predatory gaze.
"Are you... Are you going to punish her?"
Jimin blocked his action, tilting his head slightly to observe her better, they were so close that he once again smelled her scent.
"Don't you want to?" he asked, but she turned away, "No ... that's not it. You want me to punish her," he chuckled.
He took her chin between two fingers, forcing her not to look away from his.
"Do you like this awareness?"
Y/N clenched her fingers, clinging to the sheets as if to escape a disgusting guilt, and her mind was asking her to lie, to evade it.
"Go ahead, tell me. What is it that causes you pleasure? The fact that he will suffer for beating you... or the idea of someone standing up for you?"
"No!" she exclaimed, knowing she was lying.
Jimin held her tighter to him, "Liar, you've lived a shitty life and I bet no one has ever bothered to make you feel protected," each word was a stiletto to her poor heart.
He was right, she wanted someone to protect her, she was tired of fighting the world alone, she just wanted to rest. She needed a hero to chase away the bad guys for her, but Jimin was no hero and he certainly would not be hers.
"Stop it, you don't know anything about me! You're just a madman who kidnapped me and took my sister away!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes, hitting him in the chest with weak fists, the man towering over her with his weight, crushing her against the bed.
"You only have to look at you for a moment to realise that you're just a little slut quivering for a little attention, would you get wetter if I told you I'd be willing to kill her to avenge you?" an electric shock to her core was what made her miss a beat.
No, she could not get aroused by such evil. She was not like him, she was not-
She arched her back as Jimin's hand sank without warning into her intimacy, she hadn't noticed the silent movement under her skirt and gasped wordlessly as his fingers moved in and out of her soft slit.
"Mhm... Yes, you are such a slut all wet," giggled the boy.
She tightened her legs around that hand, felt the man's fingers curl up before snapping out with a strange wet sound, watched him lick her essence with the tip of his rosy tongue, before sucking in contentedly.
Jimin squinted his eyes as he swirled the taste of her on his tongue, his palate was in ecstasy at that forbidden sweetness, the thought of ripping off her panties and licking her until she screamed tickled his mind, but torture was his speciality.
As if he had done nothing naughty, he went back to applying patches to her face, all under the shocked eyes of the woman, who had not even moved to avoid that little sexual assault.
Which she still couldn't understand.
"Ester will get what she deserves, don't worry," he clarified, "But you will have to surrender in return."
"Surrender to what, to you?" huffed the young woman, shaking her head, "I am not yours, Jimin."
The man felt his cock stiffen and swell inside his boxers at the sound of his name, spoken in a low, persuasive tone.
He smiled like a feline at the hostile provocation, putting his lips to the young woman's, "You will beg to be mine".
He was about to kiss her, his intentions could be read clearly, he tilted his head to reach her better and Y/N imperceptibly moved her head further back, indecisive. Was she to fight and deny herself? Was she to give him at least that once as thanks for saving her from Ester's fury? But that would once again have been like selling herself as a prostitute.
Her doubts were not answered, the boy's soft, turgid lips never reached hers.
"Am I interrupting something?"
The look Jimin gave the man standing in the doorway must have been worth a thousand words, because Y/N saw him stretch his lips into a smirk.
"You know very well, Hoseok."
The girl frowned, then remembered. It was that red-haired man who had laid hands on her sister that night.
A blind rage pervaded her, with what courage was he showing up there after all he had done to a little girl?
She jerked off the bed with a force she never believed was hers, pushing Jimin away who was stunned at her reaction, wanting only one thing, to ruin Hoseok's beautiful face.
She almost succeeded, almost.
For even before the girl's hands could reach the man's perfect face, Hoseok did not find it difficult to peg her by the throat two feet off the ground.
The young woman struggled against that death grip, gasping for air and kicking at his abdomen to try to stop him, but Hoseok seemed to chuckle at her grit.
A firm grip imprisoned his wrist, Hoseok looked with a raised eyebrow at Jimin, who was watching him coldly.
"Leave her, hyung. I don't want to repeat myself."
"She attacked me out of the blue, I'm just teaching her to stay in her place," blurted his friend, tightening his fingers even more around that thin, soft neck.
Jimin inhaled through his nose, "She's hurt, she's not thinking straight. Look at her, she's still bleeding and needs stitches," he hissed, trying to calm himself. He didn't want to argue with Hoseok, he was a close friend and didn't want to go that far, as sensing his thoughts the man let go of his grip in a rush, causing Y/N to tumble to the ground, who took to coughing paonazzily in her face.
"Then call a doctor," he said adjusting his jacket, "But mind you, one more little joke like that and you won't be able to save her, I heard about the fight and was curious how she was doing, I didn't expect such a welcome."
"You raped my sister!" croaked in tears, Hoseok tilted his head.
Then he raised his eyebrows, as if he suddenly remembered.
"Ah, yes...that whiny girl who was with you, I didn't rape her, I just ascertained if she was a virgin, and she was lucky for her," he shrugged, "Surely she'll be better off than you," he sneered, casting a glance at his friend, "She ended up with a big shot, you on the other hand will be forced to take a lot of cocks."
Again that annoyance, Jimin did not know where that sense of oppression he felt in his stomach came from every time he imagined her with another man.
"You're a disgusting being," hissed Y/N at the address of Hoseok, who laughed openly.
"Well, I'll be off then... and who knows, maybe your next client will be me."
"Don't bother," was Jimin's dry reply, which surprised Hoseok and Y/N.
Hoseok sealed his lips, Jimin was very strange in the last few days, just since he had kidnapped that girl, he understood that it was better to cut it out, an angry Jimin was also a lethal Jimin.
He took a step back and with a nod to his friend got out of the way, collapsing the silence in the room.
Y/N felt her eyelids grow heavy, slumped to the floor and did not hear Jimin's half-expletive, which caught her before she could hit her head.
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schemmentis · 5 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 10
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
Summary: Barbara learns the truth and you spy someone unexpected talking with the Feds...
WC: 3.4k
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Barbara Howard is still thinking about the fact she has this ledger, and Melissa does not want it back. The woman knows that she shouldn’t open it- not with the explicit instruction from her friend to not open it, but she feels the need to. Perhaps she could help to balance the checkbook and find where the issues are in the ledger.
So, with Gerald in the office and the girls nowhere around, the woman of God opens up the ledger. And when she sets her eyes upon it, she can’t help but gasp.
It isn’t what she expects to see- not in the slightest. No, instead there are a bunch of names that she’s heard were rumored to be connected to the Irish mob, and others that she knows she's heard her husband mentioned before in his work. Lo and behold- there is the Schemmenti name.
Barbara slams it shut. She should turn this over to the police immediately, and she nearly does. She’s actually in her car and about to pull out before she stops to think what this would mean for your family.
Turning this over means that you would end up in prison, potentially Melissa too if she has any ties to this side of the illegal business. It means that the girls would grow up without a mother figure, perhaps two- ending with those two sweet girls who Barbara absolutely adores in foster care and away from her. It means ripping a family apart that she absolutely adores, even if they do have a hand in what her husband actively roots against. She cannot do this to the Schemmenti family, she decides.
Without a second thought, she hides the ledger that she now knows the truth of in her glovebox. And then she pulls off out of the driveway and heads for church.
When she gets there, she slides into the back pew silently. Barbara is the only one there, no sermon taking place. But she needs the strength that God can give her, so she prays to God by herself.
“Dear Lord,” she whispers softly, head bowed down. “Please... please grant me the strength to carry what I am holding with me now. Please keep those beautiful little ones safe and out of harm’s way. Please... please keep those two, who you know I am speaking of, safe. Please... if not for the two of their sake, for their little girls. Lord, please. I am begging. I am here begging...  because even though they are wrapped up in shady business, they are good people. They are two wonderful women who would do anything for their little girls. And God, please... if something does happen to them, please do see to it that those two little ones are spared of the understanding and disparity of the world. Gerald and I will take them in if we have to. Just please, keep them safe, and keep them from this dark and depraved world that we live in- because they don’t deserve to grow up in this world without somebody, anybody who loves them for who they are.”
She slips out of the church with her eyes down, as if she doesn’t have something that could quite literally get her killed. The woman of God speeds back to her house and hides the ledger back where it once was. There is no way she can let anyone find out she has this- especially not her girls.
By the time you leave Mickey, you feel that you know what you have to do. You have to continue to fight for this- if not for yourself, than for your family- the family that is real and true. You feel the slightest bit better having been able to speak to Melissa’s brother, and as you drive through the countryside, you allow yourself to hum along to the music that plays softly through the speakers. You’re more at ease than you’ve been in the past few days.
When you pick up Melissa, you park the car in the lot and head in through the back. She looks so at ease now, in her element. She’s humming softly to herself as she and Val continue to prep for the dinner rush, and you can’t help but let your eyes go soft as you take in the beautiful sight and sounds.
You snake your arms around her waist and kiss her cheek and then behind her ear in that one spot that almost always makes her shiver. “Hi, my love.”
“Ciao, mi amore,” she whispers back to you as she craned her neck to kiss you gently. “How was your day?”
“Actually…” You start before pausing long enough to kiss her lips again before letting her return most of her focus to her prepwork. Your arms stay around her waist. “It was good.” 
“A quiet day around the house did you good, huh hun? I knew you'd relax eventually.”
You prop your chin on your wife's shoulder. “I went to see Mickey,” You admit softly. You watch your wife's hands as she works. You notice the small pause in their process when she hears what you've said before they keep moving.
“What'd you go all the way up there for?” She mutters as she chops a pepper with a bit more force than before. “‘S a long drive.”
“A drive I needed. It helped clear my head, I think. I'll make it up to you by staying home bored out of my skull tomorrow?” You say, attempting to joke as you squeeze her waist lightly.
Melissa is quiet for a long moment. You don't push her to speak her mind. Instead you let her think as she works, just enjoying being in the presence of your favorite person. You're about to pull away from being so in her space when she sets her knife down.
She turns in your arms, hands on your wrists to keep you from stepping away when she moves. “You coulda talked to me and helped clear your head. Instead you went all the way to the pen.” She sighs, lightly brushing stray hair away from your face. “It was that bad, hey? You needed my goofy ass brother's advice?”
“C'mon, you know it ain't like that, babe.”
“Then what's it like? Tell me.”
“We've both been stressed to hell ‘bout this. How was I gonna just…talk to you ‘bout it? Wring us both through it for the hundredth time?”
The fingers caressing your cheek slide down in order to grip your jaw. “I'm your wife.” Melissa reminds softly. “That's kind of my job, amore. Go through the wringer with you as many times as we need to. I meant it when I told you ‘for better or for worse’.” 
You smile at that, just a bit. You remember when you had first started seeing each other- how you both had your doubts and fears. You remember the day that the two of you decided to lay everything out on the table, weighing the pros and cons of intermingling your businesses and how it would affect both your personal and professional life. She had told you that day that she was in it if you were. You answered her with a passionate kiss. You also remember the day that the two of you were wed and your families were officially tied together- the way that as you both spoke those words in front of your families to witness, Melissa let go of her tough act, her voice wavering and eyes shining with tears, as she told you that the two of you would be together for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death did the two of you apart.
And you have seen each other through better and worse. You’ve seen her on the happiest of days- the day you found out you were pregnant, the day the girls were born, when they took their first steps, when she opened her restaurant. And you’ve seen her through the lowest of lows- the day her Nonna died, the day she finally cracked under all the pressure with opening Twelve Tables, how she’s had quite a few moments of doubt when it comes to raising the twins. You’ve seen each other through moments of wealth, as well through moments where you were living paycheck to paycheck and doing everything you could to make ends meet. You’ve both seen one another in sickness and in health- whether that be while you were suffering from terrible morning sickness during your pregnancy with Cat and Rosie, or when the two of you were taken down by the flu that the girls brought home from daycare. You’ve held each other through it all, loving and cherishing every waking and sleeping moment that you share together, and you fully plan on it until death does the two of you apart. 
Now though, the two of you aren’t sure when it will be that death parts you. For all you know, it could be tonight. And that… terrifies you beyond belief. Even before, when things in the business got rocky, it’s never been as bad as it is now. You’ve never been in as much danger. But now? Now you’re on the forefront of this operation, and you have the feds tailing you and presumably tracing your every move.
You sigh, Melissa's eyes on yours softening you as they always do- especially now with how relaxed you can see they are. She's not upset or angry, just trying to understand your choices and remind you she's here. 
She uses the fingers gripping your jaw to pull your face to her own so her lips can kiss yours. “Sono con te amore mio. Sempre.” Melissa whispers the reminder against your lips, her hand sliding away from your jaw to the back of your neck as she kisses you deeper this time.
The sound of someone clearing their throat loudly behind you in the room makes you pull back after a moment. You gently press your forehead to your wife's, not moving away further.
“Hey, Val.” You greet your wife's manager without looking.
“How many times am I gonna have to remind you the restaurant is off limits to foolin’ around?” She teases with a smile as she moves past both of you.
“That depends.” You say as you slowly pull away from Melissa, though not completely. Your hands are still on her hips, hers are still at the side of your neck and gently threading the fingers of her other hand through your hair. “How long you plannin’ on workin’ here?”
“As long as your wife lets me, Y/N. You know that.” Val tosses back easily.
“Then I guess you got at least a hundred or so more reminders that might happen.”
Melissa lightly hits your shoulder for that. “Stop.” She murmurs. It doesn't sound that much like she means it when she kisses you again. “Lemme finish what I'm doin’ then I'll be ready to get the girls.”
You continue to hold the redhead by her waist as she finishes chopping the cilantro used for garnish before she sighs softly. “Okay, let’s go get our little tornadoes, and then… Val, I’ll be back for the dinner shift.”
“Melissa, you know I have it handled if you want to spend time with your family,” the manager reminds her.
“I think I need to be here,” the owner states. “But I might just have to bring my circus with me.”
“We’ll see you later, Val,” you nod in the woman’s direction as you guide your wife out the back door.
The second that you’re out of the restaurant though, your wife has you pinned up against the stone wall. It catches you off guard, but it’s not unwelcome. 
“Honey,” you mutter against her lips after a few minutes- your wife’s hands and lips wandering. “Baby, as much as I would love to… you do have security cameras out here, and we do have to pick up the girls.”
She groans but does pull away. “We need a night where we aren’t both so exhausted, and we can actually have time to ourselves where we aren’t just sleeping.”
“I’ll see if I can take the girls to one of our parents this weekend,” you promise her. You lead your beautiful wife down to the car, and you pull off in the direction of the girls.
Once you’ve collected them, you take them back to the restaurant, and they are all too thrilled to jump on Valentina with hugs and kisses.
“Can you keep an eye on them?” Melissa asks her manager. “Just for like… twenty minutes?”
Val eyes the two of you, who are still very much undressing each other with your eyes. “No.”
“You still want a job?” your wife threatens, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Let me remind you that I do own this place.”
“You wouldn’t fire me,” Valentina rolls her eyes. “Fine. Just… don’t… anywhere where I’ll be able to see it on the security cameras.”
By the time the two of you reenter the restaurant, you’re both much more at ease. The girls are sitting at their designated table in the back with their coloring books and crayons with Val, giggling as she too doodles with them.
“We really need to give her a raise,” you sigh softly as you watch with a soft fondness in your eyes.
“Oi, remember who you're married to.” Melissa says with a small jab of her elbow to your ribs when she sees your look at the twins with Val.
You roll your eyes but kiss your wife again just to make sure she knows you definitely didn't forget. “Like I could forget being the luckiest woman in the world, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah, just watch our girls, sweet talker.” Melissa answers despite her smile and a tint to her cheeks.
You take over coloring duty to let Valentina follow your wife back to the kitchen for the dinner rush that's starting to come in. The twins chatter with you about their days over their crayons and pages. You manage to keep them quiet and contained to your table until Val is bringing out little plates for them for dinner. You smile knowing well that it's your wife's work and nothing at all that's actually on the menu. The best and solely Melissa made things were reserved for your tiny twin terrors.
“Mommy!” Both your girls are saying excitedly, with mouths full a few minutes later.
“Stay here.” You say softly at them starting to scramble for your wife despite her making her way over.
Melissa sets a plate in front of you and one next to you for herself. Quickly kissing the heads of your girls and murmuring to them softly as she wipes their faces. It's only then that she takes her spot next to you for her dinner break. 
“You comin’ home with us for bedtime or are you stayin’ to close with Val?” You ask as you work on stabbing another forkful of pasta.
“I don't wanna make ya come back.” Melissa answers. “It'll be late and I don't want to—”
“No fuckin’ way.” You cut your wife off when you glanced back up from your plate, your eyes catching a table across the restaurant floor.
“Mam! That's a bad word!” Rosie says loudly from her spot standing on her chair next to you instead of sitting. You wince as most of the sentence is said directly into your ear.
“Mam you gotta pay the jar a dollar!” Cat exclaims from next to her sister, referencing the swear jar on the entertainment center in your living room.
“What is it?” Melissa asks, seeing your face. “Rosie, sweetheart, sit down before you fall.” She adds without even looking at your youngest.
“Sit down completely.” You add when you see Rosie merely crouch on her chair instead in the corner of your eye. You lean a bit more into your wife, gesturing as subtly with your fork as you can. “Look at who's sittin’ at the table ‘cross the floor.”
Melissa glances about the room, looking like she's merely checking on the restaurant and that her staff is working even though she's on break. You know when she sees it though because a half second after her head is turning back to face you, her eyes wide.
“I know that is not Uncle Dom sittin’ with the Feds in my restaurant.” She hisses out at you.
“‘Cept it is. It definitely is.” You retort, forcing most of your attention back to your meal and your daughters. 
“You think he's talkin’?”
You scoff at your wife's question. “Dom? Flipping? I don't think so, babe. I think he'd sooner have a heart attack at your restaurant for the dramatics of it than do that.”
“Then they're pressin’ him.” Melissa guesses, doing her best to not seem as if she's noticed that particular table at all.
“Or tryin’ to.” You cede. “Maybe finally gettin’ closer on the Bobby business. Realized it ain't somebody like us they should be worried about.”
“God, if only. I ain't gonna put my guard down yet though.”
“I wouldn't.” You agree.
You're nearly finished eating when Val comes to your table, leaning close to your wife's side. “Dom is askin’ for you. I told him he'd have to wait.” She relays, glancing between the two of you for reactions. 
Valentina doesn't know about the salon and it's extra business. She doesn't have to, though. She lives in the neighborhood and she knows plenty well who people like Dom are. If you guessed, you'd imagine she has an idea of who you and your wife are, too. 
“Thanks, Val. I'll take care of it, huh? You mind bringin’ the girls a couple cannolis?”
You groan as your daughters cheer and Val walks away. “Baby, why?” 
Melissa leans to kiss your cheeks. “‘Cause they've been little girls on their best behavior for their moms tonight.” She says loud enough for the twins, shooting them a smile. “And to keep them occupied just a little longer.” She adds in a whisper to you.
You reach and grasp your wife's wrist as she gets up to leave the table, watching Agent Shaw and Danik rise from Dom's table and shake his hand before they leave. You look back to Melissa who looks down at you. “Be careful, yeah?” You whisper before you kiss her knuckles. 
She smiles, her fingertips brushing your cheek in affection when you pull away. “I'll be fine.” She promises before stepping away to weave through the tables on her dinner floor.
Valentina comes over and brings your girls dessert, and they grin the entire time that they eat, the chocolate sauce and raspberry sauce finding its way more to their cheeks than their mouths. You silently curse your wife as you usher them into the bathroom to clean their sticky faces and fingers- but you have to admit that they’re absolutely precious.
“Why’re you here?” Melissa asks the older man- the one who took your salon out from under you. “And why the hell were you talkin’ to the feds?”
Dom shrugs. “I wanted dinner.”
“You know you can always get dinner over at Ma’s. You have no business bein’ in here during our rush, and you know that,” your wife says pointedly.
“They were askin’ me questions,” he tells her. “Asking about you and the restaurant- if this place had anything to do with Bobby’s murder.”
“What the hell could they be askin’ ‘bout?” the redhead grumbles. “They already searched the damn place and tore it up. I’m sure you heard about it.”
“I told ‘em that the restaurant is legit,” Dom says quietly. “I told ‘em that you put your whole heart into this place, just as you do with the salon… that they need to stop harassin’ you, or there’s gonna be hell to pay.”
“We already told them that,” Melissa mutters. “They have no right showin’ up here like that.”
“Well, they did,” the man shrugs. “And it seems like you should be in the clear with the way that they saw how business is conducted- that you brought your girls here. Which is why, I have a proposition for you.”
“And that would be?”
“We start using Twelve Tables as the front.”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
nah but Molly Weasley and Bellatrix Lestrange being mothers in law is gonna be insane
I’m sure Weasley!Reader does what he can to keep them separated (the first time they met was the wedding) but Lestrange!Daughter loves the drama, especially having back up since Bellatrix would share the same views, and them attacking Molly together in the rare times their paths do cross
Bellatrix likes to crash family dinners, especially if Weasley!Reader has taken them out to a nice restaurant, making a point to be loving and motherly to the Reader and her daughter, irritating Molly
Bellatrix would most definitely rub the Lestrange Fortune in Molly’s face but in the way snobby rich ladies do
Narcissa would definitely jump in and join Bellatrix from time to time while Admromeda attempts to play peacekeeper but if Molly says something particularly nasty she’ll join them too
Molly draws the line when Bellatrix asks if Lestrange!Daughter and Weasley!Reader will be giving their children the Lestrange name to continue the bloodline and the Reader says his. Molly absolutely loses it.
poor Weasley!Reader can never enjoy a family event again
and god forbid Molly found out what he was doing to make all this money? it would be over
Molly damn near had a full on heart attack when Lestrange!Daughter!Oc came into the picture, imagine her blood pressure and heart rate when Bellatrix herself pulls up. Merlin, this woman would absolutely lose her ever loving shit. And Bellatrix and her daughter are living for every second of it, meanwhile poor Weasley!Reader is stuck in the middle just trying to just get by in life with running his criminal empire and trying to support his family.
We all know how Molly treated Fleur in the beginning when it came to Bill but she would be so much worse with Lestrange!Daughter. But not only is Lestrange!Daughter built different, Bellatrix is very much around and involved, and she sure as hell not letting Molly get away with treating her daughter like shit or treating the Reader in any way she or her daughter don’t agree with. Bellatrix has teeth and she’s certainly not afraid to bite, literally and figuratively. Meanwhile her daughter is just the same, particularly when it comes to her darling but she would literally try to rip Molly’s throat out with her teeth so the Reader has to keep a good hold on her to ensure she literally doesn’t attack his mother (and Lestrange!Daughter certainly doesn’t mind either cause her darling’s hands are all over her😏).
I just love the idea of yan!mother-in-law!Bellatrix just taking Weasley!Reader in and under her wing, basically adopting them. Plus, yan!Narcissa and yan!Andromeda sweeping in too. Especially, if Molly pretty much put the Reader on the back burner most of their life until they started making their ‘extra’ money and then started showing them more attention cause of it. Kind of like she didn’t treat them like there was anything special to them until they started contributing something to the family, or something of that sort in that regard, and only then did she start to gush about and overall act proud of them.
Also, I wholeheartedly believe that Lestrange!Daughter and Weasley!Reader totally got married behind Molly’s back and without any of the rest of the family knowing, excepts for Percy. Like, there was a whole ass wedding but it was held at Lestrange Estate the remaining Black family members were in attendance, not to mention Percy, and possibly the Reader’s whole loyal crime syndicate.
Imagine Molly’s reaction when she finds out. Leave it to Bellatrix or Lestrange!Daughter herself to lay it on her. It probably happens during a pretty intense argument/interaction between the women only for one of them to mention it and the other to vouch for it. And then Molly goes running to the Reader, still not believing it for a second but needing validation only for the Reader to show their ring and for Lestrange!Daughter to pop up out of no where and show hers’ off too with an utter shit eating grin and an absolute batshit crazy twinkle in her eye. She’s like, “They’re mine forever now, bitch” and she would never let Molly forget it.
Honestly, it probably comes out in that same situation that Lestrange!Daughter is pregnant too. Or they just roll up one day and Lestrange!Daughter is very heavily pregnant and then it comes out that they got married without the family knowing, save for Percy. And you know given the dynamic that Molly would accuse Lestrange!Daughter of the child not being the Reader’s and she’ll gladly die on that hill even though she knows damn well that Lestrange!Daughter wouldn’t so much as look at anyone else that wasn’t her darling, let alone allow anyone else to so much as touch her.
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twola · 1 year
I always hate like “requesting” something because it feels like a forceful “write this for me now!” kind of thing, but a I’ve always had this smutty idea in my head where Arthur is getting a little weaker from the TB, but is also pinning after some cute girl in camp. Some wooing occurs and things start getting steamy~ but it’s her first time or she’s not super experienced. I feel like HH!Arthur would try to be the gentleman to show her a sweet, gentle time, but wouldn’t have the stamina for missionary, so his partner would pick up where he leaves off by riding him like the work horse he is. I just thin the scenario would be perfect for like sexy words of encouragement (def NOT thinking of his mare voice lines *wink wink wink*) plus Arthur getting taken care of too instead of just doing the caring. I have like 0 writing skills tho lol so if you ever found yourself in need of smutty I soo I would feel HONORED for you to bring my nasty Arthur thoughts to life
Ooh, TB whumpy smut… I’m sensing a pattern here. My poor boah, how I love to torture him…
This was a good one! Still working on a few more. I love and thrive on feedback so drop me a line if you liked it.
Regret Me Not
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
Regrets seem to take up much of his headspace these days... But for one regret of his, Arthur takes action with a little bit of urging on your part.
Arthur wheezes, covering his mouth with the back of his palm, the wet, hacking noise that scrapes out of his throat as he sits on the boulder south of Beaver Hollow, out of earshot of the camp. 
Not that he needed people’s stares. He looks terrible enough that he gets looks of pity from the women, avoided by the men - and Dutch? Well, he is living in another reality.
Another cough rips through him, as he feels as if he were drowning within his own body. A small hand lands on his back. He looks up, rubbing his mouth with the back of his sleeve.
You stand over his shoulder, rubbing gently, concern alight in your eyes. You look down and dig into the pockets of your skirts.
“Here.” You say with a small smile, handing him a bottle of tonic.
He coughs again, butchering his thanks, as he takes the bottle from your hands, uncorking it quickly and downing the foul-tasting liquid quickly.
“How are you feeling?” You ask quietly, hand still resting on his shoulder, slowly, gently rubbing circles into his upper back.
Arthur wants to lean wholly into your touch. He wants to wrap himself into you and let you card your fingers through his hair. He wants to rest. He wants to sleep.
He wants, he wants - but alas. None of that was possible.
“Like hell.” He grits out hoarsely, tossing the empty bottle to the dirt at his feet.
“I’m sorry, Arthur.” You say softly. Your other hand moves to his back as well, rubbing at his other shoulder.
“ ‘S alright.” He murmurs, not wanting to let on how good your hands feel on him.
A silence settles in, and you rub at his shoulders for a few moments more before drawing your hands away from him.
“Well… I just wanted to check on you. See how you’re doin’. I’ll see you later, Arthur.” You say, and he can hear the crunch of gravel under your boot as you turn on your heel. You begin to walk up the path back toward camp, as he turns and follows you with his gaze over his shoulder.
Arthur wants. In the embracing of his mortality, the facade of propriety and the painstakingly built walls around his heart crumble in the face of his own death.
He has watched you for months. Yearned for months, wanted and needed your attention, always too self-conscious to reach out and touch.
Sister Calderon’s words echo in his ears with each step you take away from him.
“Take a chance that love exists.”
“D-do you wanna get outta here?”
His voice is hoarse, almost weak sounding. Nothing of the man that he used to be.
You stop, turning around, a small smile creeping across your face. “God, get outta this hell hole? Absolutely. Anywhere is better than these hills.”
His heart hopes.
“I gotta go grab some mail from Van Horn. Ain't much better though…”
“It ain’t here, Mister Morgan. Let’s go.”
Van Horn is just as decrepit as the last time he was here. Falling apart and full of the dregs of society, left behind by the churning wheel of progress. He mirthfully counts himself as one of them, he supposes.
He tucks the letters he retrieved into his satchel, moseying slowly toward the back of the dock, where you stand with your elbows on the railing, gazing at the river’s lazy waters. Northward, toward the mountains and the river’s origins.
“Y’ready there, ma’am?”
You look back at him but don’t move. “Already? Ugh. Camp’s just so…”
Arthur sidles up next to you, placing his own elbows on the railing, grunting in agreement. You didn’t need to go any further, he knew where you were going with your comment.
The camp was… well, a gloom has settled upon it. Dutch acting irrational, angry. The loss of Hosea and Lenny. Running from Pinkertons.
And his own impending demise, of course.
“What’re you gonna do after?” Arthur asks quietly and notices the stuttering breath you take as your shoulders drop a little.
“I… I don’t know. I don’t have much else than this.”
Arthur hangs his head, taking in a deep breath. A breath that seems to barely fill his ailing lungs, and he coughs slightly under the rim of his hat.
“Y’got a good head on you. You’ll do fine.” He grits out, voice hoarse.
You remain silent, your eyes set on the water of the slow-flowing river. A boat chugs southbound, heading toward Saint Denis.
“I don’t know how I’ll fare being alone.” You softly murmur.
He sighs. “I’m sure you can stay with Abigail or Missus Adler. Or Charles. You got people to watch out for you.”
“But not you.”
A pang, a sharp pain shoots through his chest, above and beyond the near-constant constriction of his lungs.
“No. Not me.”
You look up at him, a sheen of wetness over your eyes. It pains him as he looks back.
A tear rolls down your face and it’s everything he is not to lean over and cup your face in his hands and wipe your tears away.
“Sweetheart, you deserve-”
“Don’t. Don’t tell me what I deserve, Arthur Morgan.” You spit out, tears openly running down your cheeks.
Arthur sighs, looking back down at the water. It is murky, muddy, dirty right under the dock. Just like this damn town.
You push yourself into his surprised embrace, clutching at his shirt, and it takes him a moment to realize that this wasn’t a dream, and he winds his arms around you, pulling you against him.
“I wish you would stop hiding from me.” You whisper as he holds you to his chest, your cheek pressed against his breastbone, probably hearing the crackling failure of his lungs with each breath he takes.
He doesn’t know how to answer that. For years now, it’s been easier for him to keep that urn with the remains of his heart buried from all.
“I’m here… I’m here now.” He murmurs, resting his chin atop your head.
“I’ve been waitin’ for you, Arthur. Waitin’ and wishing for you to ask me to be yours.” You bury yourself in his embrace.
Arthur’s resolve cracks like a piece of porcelain.
“I’m just a fool. A fool for making you wait.”
You shudder against him, digging your fingers into his shirt, and your breath stutters as you try to stifle a sob. Pulling away, you look up at him, his bloodshot, sunken eyes, still the blue-green pools you would drown in.
You lean up on your toes, arms winding around his neck, but he turns his face away as you draw closer. 
“No. I ain’t gettin’ you sick too.”
You frown, glassy-eyed, about to draw your arms from him before he leans down and presses his lips to your cheek, again and again, moving up toward your ear.
“But…. I’ll give you whatever else it is you want.” He rumbles, arms wound tight around you, his body arcing over yours.
You shiver in his embrace, pulling your head back ever so slightly to look him in the eye.
“I want whatever you’re willing to give me.” You whisper, hands moving up and clutching at his collar.
He leans his forehead against yours. “If you want a dying, washed-up gunsling-”
You interrupt, pressing up on your toes and kissing his cheek, “I want you, Arthur Morgan. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
So long.
So long.
Goddamnit. He’s been looking at you, yearning for you, for months. Before Blackwater and ferries and being chased by Pinkertons. Before Dutch became erratic, before all of these complications. When he was chasing tumbleweeds across the wild and open west.
He gives a shuddering sigh, and draws you closer, pulling you to him and placing his lips on the long line of your neck. You whimper as he pulls a bit of your pale skin between his teeth, suckling on it, hoping to leave a mark.
You throw your arms completely around his shoulders and begin to pant in his ear. Whimpers turn to whines as one of his large hands moves down from your waist to clench roughly at your rear, drawing you against his pelvis and his rapidly hardening cock.
“A-Arthur - please -” You moan, rubbing yourself against him, and he regretfully draws his mouth away from your skin, pink-tinged and wet from his attentions.
As much as he’d love to turn you around, throw up your skirts, and press himself into you for the sake of time, he knows you deserve more than that.
“Lemme get a room.” He pants, letting go of you, moving to adjust himself in his trousers. “Go on upstairs.”
You pull at the collar of your blouse to hide the evidence of your indiscretion and quietly nod, moving past him and slowly climbing the rickety stairs to the second story of the decrepit building. 
He quickly pays for a room, and grabs the key from the clerk with a dismissive grunt, hurrying his way up the stairs to find you leaning against the second-story railing, waiting for him. 
Arthur jams the key into the door’s lock, pushing it open, and lumbering into the room, where he immediately sheds the repeater strapped to his back and places it on the worn table next to the door. His gunbelt follows as you step inside, closing and locking the door behind you. 
He places his hat atop the pile of guns on the table, looking back at you.
“Still want to do-”
You cut him off by closing the distance between you and throwing your arms around his waist.
He pulls you toward the bed, and places his hands on your waist, holding you still, as he sits on the bed, the worn frame creaking under his weight. He doesn’t spare it a second thought, eyes trained on you, and he gently pulls you to sit in his lap.
You cup his cheek gently, thumb tracing along his beard that he’s kept longer to hide the gauntness of his cheeks. His large hand lands on your thigh, squeezing it as he presses his face into the hollow of your neck.
You gasp as you feel his tongue on your skin, clutching at his shirt as you tilt your head back.
You shiver again as his hand creeps up under your skirt, finger gently rubbing against the seam of your bloomers, which dampens quickly under his ministrations.
“It's been a while,” He grunts out, unable to stop his hips from bucking up against your legs with you seated in his lap, the long line of him chasing your warmth.
“M-me too. Ain’t since-” you mewl into his ear as his fingers push your bloomers to the side and brush against the damp skin of your core, “some stable boy when I was sixteen- ahh - we - we didn’t know what we was doin’.” You gasp out as his pointer finger, thick and strong, dips inside your entrance, sheathing to the knuckle within your cunt.
He slides another finger inside you, groaning against your hair when he realizes how tight you are, clutching desperately at his digits, imagining how good you would feel surrounding his cock.
“I’ll be good to you,” He grits out, crooking his fingers within you.
“Oh-” You gasp, “I know, I know you will, Arthur.”
Arthur pulls you from his lap and lays you on the bed next to him, and immediately starts to shed his clothing, tossing it into piles on the floor as you join him, skirts and shirts thrown from the bed, a union suit and chemise - your bloomers land on the floor and he quickly climbs atop you, spreading your legs and fitting his hips in the cradle of yours.
In this old, dirty bed in this old, dirty room, he swears he has never seen something so beautiful as you sprawled out beneath him, the rise and fall of your breathing, the blush crawling down your cheeks to your neck, spreading out across your chest, to your pink nipples, pebbling as they are exposed to the cool air.
He leans down, balancing himself on his forearms, finding that spot on your neck again and nibbling at it, while one of his hands works its way to the space between you, grasping his hard cock and stroking it as he presses the swollen head against your core.
You mewl as he presses in, the head of his cock entering you, his hand moving from its base to frame your head again.
“God, you’re perfect.” He groans as he starts to press himself inside, inch by inch disappearing into your wet warmth, your panting high and fast in his ear as he suckles on your neck once again.
He thrusts, gently, and his hips press against yours as he’s buried himself to the hilt in your cunt. You mewl out a high whine, nails digging into his shoulder.
Arthur presses himself up slightly, looking down upon you. His fingers begin playing with the curling hairs at your temple, waiting for you to open your eyes, a sign that you’re used to his length and girth within you.
And when you do, he’s stricken. Your eyes flutter open and you inhale a breath with a sweet sigh. God, for once in his damn life, he’s doing something right.
Your arms wind around his neck as you press your lips to his cheek, he knows that you want to taste him, to mold your lips together and moan into each other’s mouths - he wants that too, but it’s a step too far. He’s already half afraid of spreading his sickness to you.
Arthur thrusts, gently still, but faster and harder than he had been, you squeal in delight, which spurs him into finding a rhythm, his body moving over yours.
He grunts, panting as he moves his hips, fucking into you and pressing you down into this old, uncomfortable mattress. He swears he’ll bring you to some nice hotel in Saint Denis and make love to you on a plush expensive mattress-
A constriction in his chest stops him mid-thrust.
He pants, wheezing, his hips slowing as he struggles to catch his breath. Christ, what a sorry excuse for a man he is - can’t even please a woman in the state he’s in.
You gently push on his shoulder, and he has the stamina, at least, to raise himself up and look upon you, cheeks blazing in shame.
“Here, maybe I should get on top?” You ask, your hand cupping his cheek while the other gently lays upon his chest.
He groans at the thought, his traitorous cock twitching as he’s buried in your cunt, causing you to gasp out. 
“Alrigh’,” Arthur grunts, and steadies his knees while he pulls his hands to you: one beneath your lower back, one below your shoulder blades. In a jumble of limbs and skin, he rolls over, somehow keeping himself sheathed in you until you’re splayed atop him, your small hips spread out over his.
He has to admit, this was a good idea you had, even before you think to move, what a sight he’s given. His cock fully enveloped in your hips, the dark thatch of hair between your thighs mixing with the curls at his base. Up, up the curves of your waist, he trails his hands, gently skimming your sweat-slicked skin. Your breasts, small yet perky, he’s enraptured by the way your nipples pebble as he rubs his thumbs over them, the sweet sigh that leaves your lips as your head falls back.
God almighty, you’re the sweetest thing alive.
Your hands find purchase on his chest, fingers pulsing, as you roll your hips once over him. His breath stutters, eyes widening as inches of him leave you, only to gently return moments later.
“G-good?” You ask, a self-conscious fear in your eyes.
His hands clamp on your waist and help to guide your movement.
“So good, you’re so good.” He rasps, the end of his lips curling up into a smile.
You smile back, rolling your hips again, taking him and out, following the pathway to your own pleasure and dragging him along for the ride. 
Your murmuring devolves into gasping moans as you continue to gyrate above him, squeezing your eyes shut, your fingers spread wide over his pectorals.
“That’s it. You’re alright, girl.” He urges, one hand moving from your hip to where you’re joined, his thumb parting your folds just above where he’s speared into you.
You moan aloud, giving no qualm to volume as he circles and presses against that little nub of pleasure.
“C’mon, sweetheart, you’re almost there.” He whispers as his hips jut upward into yours, he can see the far-off look in your eyes, the way your lips hang open, the shortness of your breath, and the slightly painful way your fingers are clenching into his chest. He can tell, your pulsing, squeezing, sweet little cunt is so close.
You ride him fast, like a horse at a gallop, and that blooming lava in his gut churns in a way that he knows he’s not far behind.
“A-Ar…” You stutter as your eyes close tightly.
“That’s it, that’s it, Darlin’.” He urges, his other hand tight on your hips, aiding your movement.
“Agh, oh god - Arthur.” You moan out, bottoming out completely as you throw your head back. He groans aloud as he feels your muscles constrict around his shaft, the sweet clutch of your cunt.
He thrusts his hips upward again and is rewarded with the sweetest mewl from your mouth, he cannot help but to whimper as he feels warm, wet slick start to seep from where you’re joined, his swollen and heavy balls covered in them.
You recover, gasping as your hands move to his chest, your hips grinding down on him slowly.
“I wanna-” you pant, catching your breath, “I wanna make you come.”
Arthur groans in response, hips bucking upward as his hands fly to your hips again, clenching them hard.
“Ain’t gonna- augh- ain’t gonna be hard to give you that.” He stutters out, knowing that the pull in his gut is getting stronger with each sweet movement you make.
“You’re so good -” You mewl, rolling your hips over him as he grunts, hands sure on your waist, fingers pulsing as his eyes flutter closed, his mouth hanging open as he approaches that precipice.
“You feel just like I’ve always dreamed.” You sigh, and all he can respond with is a thrust upward of his hips, to give you more, to give you himself, all that’s left of him.
He’s there, he’s there. His eyes shoot wide and he grunts, hands hard over your hips. “Get- you gotta, move.”
But you lean forward, not stopping the gentle roll of your body over his, and kiss his forehead.
“Come inside me.” You breathe, hands steady over his beating heart, “Give me all of you.”
Of all the stupid, childish things… but the resolve of a dying man, it is far less strong than before - weakening much like his ailing lungs.
He does, he does.
He grunts needily as he pumps his release into you. Staying sheathed in your warmth, not jerking himself into cold air.
Arthur sits up immediately, burying his head into the side of your neck, and suckles gently at the skin there as your fingers start to play with the wisps of hair at the nape of his neck.
He regrets, it’s all he has left, that again, he wasted his time, glancing shyly at you across the fire for all those months. All he can do is offer you a few fleeting moments of pleasure. He regrets, it’s all he has left, that he cannot taste your lips and the sweetness he knows lies beyond them.
“Darlin’-” he trails off into your skin, trying to compose himself.
I’m sorry- I’m sorry this is all that’s left of me - sorry I can’t give you nothin’ but -
You place your lips on his forehead gently before pulling back. You cup his cheeks in your hands and nod your head.
“Let’s not waste any more time.”
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
So... Thoughts on The Penguin trailer?
I'm trying to reign in my optimism a bit and be a little more cautious, but so far: ahahahah oh man, oh man oh man, I'm really excited for this.
God I gotta get back on my Sopranos watch, I gotta start making time for it again. I mean, it's been a terrific show so far, I'm not just watching it because of this, but out of everything we've seen so far this trailer is the biggest "we're doing The Sopranos" thing I've seen from them yet.
I love the mention of Rex Calabrese here and the recontextualization of his character, and how Oswald views him. For comparison's sake: In Batman Eternal, Rex Calabrese was brought up as a brutal ruler who ripped throats out with his teeth and terrified all the other cops and crime families into obeying him and who understood the natural order through which he was supplanted by Falcone, who was then supplanted by Penguin. But here, he talks about Rex Calabrese as a childhood hero who helped people, who was given a funeral parade as a show of love from the people. That's the kind of person Oz idolizes, the kind of life he wants and is starting to think he will never get to have.
Here's one of the big reasons why this is already the best take on Gangster Penguin there's ever been, and the thing I love the most about this trailer, and something that absolutely defined him in the movie as well: Oswald is completely delusional about what being a gangster actually means.
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Oswald here is a guy who had his heart broken in the movie because Falcone, the guy he followed and obeyed and looked up to with every breath, turned out to be a backstabbing piece of shit, with Oswald clearly kept in the dark about the nastier things Falcone got up to. He gets very offended at the suggestion he murdered Annika or that he did the Riddler's serial killer rat maze trap, and in that deleted scene where he tries to pay Selina and keep her from going underground, he clearly wants to be the guy who treats his staff allright and pays them what they need and tries to shield her from the grubby animals downstairs that he on some level finds disgusting (even though they're on his club, and he's providing them with what they want, and he's shielding the worst one of all).
And now he's sitting here talking about his old hero, a gangster from his neighborhood who reached out to people in the street and helped them, who died with his pride in hand and was beloved by his community for it. The kind of guy that Oswald emotionally talks about as someone he wants to be like, as he's getting ready to go to war and shoot and stab and blow up people in a crumbling nightmare city.
This is, in spite of everything, a guy who is very, very preoccupied with being some kind of gentleman, or at least more of a gentleman than the criminals he cavorts with, and a guy whose vision of himself doesn't match the reality of what he does, and a guy who has made a ridiculous cartoon of himself in order to try and forcing that childish idea into reality. This is a Penguin who lives and dresses and acts as an absurd child's idea of a rich and powerful man, except what that entails has changed.
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Instead of wanting to be the romantic aristocrat, instead of playing the cultured gentleman thief, this Oswald wants to be the friendly gangster. He wants to be the neighborhood king who runs soup kitchens and helps old ladies cross the street and inspires beaten-down insecure loser kids like him to strive for more, the mafioso who looks out for women and kids and isn't scared of the cops and gets funeral parades for being such a swell guy who just does a little crime ova here every now and then, eeyy, c'maan.
Oswald here has the same dream as Giorno Giovanna, from JoJo Part 5, and he saw Rex Calabrese as the distant mysterious gangster who looked out for Giorno and invisibly kept bullies from picking on him and made the neighborhood treat him decently, who showed him what real power, power to protect himself and others, looks like, and he very clearly wanted to project that kind of fantasy onto Falcone, who is an actual gangster, and thus doesn't act remotely the way Oswald thinks they ought to act.
Oswald here wants to be the Depression-era honorable mafioso, just as outdated and fictional and mismatched a character in our time as the gentleman thief aristocrat was to the 1940s, and to me that feels like the first time anyone's really made Penguin-as-Gangster be a concept worth it's weight and play into makes him so engaging a character. It's just instead of being a burglar and crimelord who reads Raffles and quotes Shakespeare, this Oswald is a Tony Soprano who prays every night to be Don Corleone once he grows up.
And he might even get his chance! Because the way things are going in Gotham, with the city destroyed and in need of rebuilding, with the entire infrastructure crumbled and the mob having lost their figureheads and supply, and Oswald holding one of the few structures not completely totaled, he has the opportunity of a lifetime here to swoop in and play the Capone/Dillinger to this Depression-flavored Gotham.
And I'm really curious as to where he's heading within the show: whether he's going to make this fantasy of his work and be the reasonable flexible-but-unbeatable crimelord and the sole player remaining in town, or whether the downfall of organized crime in Gotham and the rise of the weirdos means that our beloved waddling freak is going to have to come to terms with what he actually is, and grab his colorful suits and his new name and make some umbrella guns to embrace and ride his bizarre awfulness into the sunset.
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kimetsu-chan · 2 months
ik I don’t normally talk abt stuff like this, but it’s been really weighing me down a lot. This is a major vent(rlly bad and prob rlly triggering) and I’m talking to no one in particular, just in general. I would encourage ppl not to say anything abt it or just not read it at all bc I’m mostly just typing what I cannot say out loud.
Okay, so the presidential election is this year. Yeah, I’ve heard abt project 2025 😐 I’ve read about it. And I want to scream. How has trump managed to make something that infinitely worse than Kosa(imo)
because holy fuck, I know this is not what I should be focusing on and it’s low-key selfish, but reversing women’s rights?! I’m not 100% sure what that entails, but I’ve seen a screenshot of the actual legitimate document saying that the only “valid family” is with a working husband and a stay-at-home wife.
Do you not understand how frustrating it is to have the ability to do whatever you want with your life dangled in front of you for your entire life, and be told you could be whoever you want to be, just for it to very possibly be ripped away from you right as you get close to adulthood.
Everything about this is so horrendous?!
I already wished I lived anywhere but the us, but it’s so much worse now.
If Trump becomes president again, and if this project gets put into place, would I even be able to leave the country??! Would I be allowed to live in another country, or would I be forced to stay here, miserable.
like, in all seriousness, completely 100% genuine right now. I might actually just kill myself if and when I get to adulthood if this happens, and if I am forced into a life I don’t want. I’m already suicidal, and the thought that I won’t get to experience life as I told I would be able to would absolutely crush me and would probably be the final straw tbh.
It feels like I’m being toyed with, why are some(<- important, i know good Christians) Christians so fucking entitled and cruel and just horrible. This is going to drive people AWAY from your religion, it’s going to make people hate it! Why does trump think he gets to shove all of his beliefs onto everyone else and force everyone to comply. I don’t want to be a stay at home mom, hell, I don’t think I want to be a mom, period!!
I thought we stepped away from all the toxic stuff before lgbt and women’s rights. But no, apparently not.
I am actually raging and crying over this, you cannot do this to me! Or anyone! It’s not fair!!
I hate this place, I don’t want to be here anymore, genuinely :(
likely will take this down later, but I desperately needed to get this off my chest bc idk if I can trust my dad enough to talk abt it. Bc my family is super religious and I’m guessing my dad is a trump supporter. God, I hope not.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
The Bear S3 Capri Live React
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WARNING! Spoilers for each episode below the cut!
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EP 1 - “Tomorrow”
Oh your poor hand I wanna kiss it, my sweet baby :((
Omg it’s filmed so differenttttt AAAAAA!!!!
Zaddy walked in meaning business lets gOOO
Like I said in TB&HH and many of my one shots this is a STUNNING restaurant - like FUCK!!! Carmy is BRILLIANT !!
Carmen RELAX!! Jesus! With punting the chair!
Omg his notebook from The French Laundry!!! Cute
New Yorks got everything :( OH this seeaaason is gonna rip my heart to shreeeeeds New York destroyed him.
Oh I think we are getting loads of baby chef Carmy FUCK 
Oh god oh god 'subtract'??? Fuuuuck
I would hate how perfect he always is HAHAHAHA I would haaaate working with him!!!!
Cousin Steve took care of him, I'm glad someone did 🥺
Oh fucking for Carmy to kiss me like that 
The kiss on the nose is everything I want to do in life 
“It’s never gonna happen again” he will die before it happens 
Good apologize to Richie you FUCKING IDIOT and good for saying I’m sorry good for saying I love you. Good boy. Good boy. 
He is about to make everyone miserable.  
“I know you are, honey” that is his real mother figure. 
While Mikey was dying Richie was destroying his marriage trying to save him and Carmy was getting verbally abused in New York. I am…gutted! 
I have thought about Carmy finding out about Mike. I never. Fucking. Thought. They. Would. Show it.
Like a mother Nat snuck the money in his pocket. I’m fuckin CRYYYING BRO THIS SEASON IS GONNA GUT ME 
The best meal Syd has ever had 🥹
The fennel makes him think of Syd because she has an allergy I’m gonna stroke out. 
EP1 ; Final Thoughts - SydCarmy is SO happening if it doesn’t what the fuck are they doing. Baby Carmy is gutting me. I hope Luca doesn’t go away after this episode. Mikey. Oh, Mikey :(((. Natalie? The cinematography - oh I’m about to EAT w these fics. Oh my god.I am fucking GUUTTTEEDDD THIS SEASON IS GOING TO DESTROY ME
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EP2 - “Next”
the AirPod falling out is so real
Lmaoooo her dad !! She is absolutely moving out as soon as she can 
Awww the ‘love you chef’ <3
See this music like shut up SydCarmy or bust!!! lmaooooo
Why is the fourth wall being broken???
His anxiety is so insane he is acting cracked out LMAO
CICERO OH NO - this is gonna be INSANE
Carmy needs to step off Syds dick and give her some control lmfaooo - like ? you don’t even own this place little man.
“Technique is spelt wrong but OK” BYE THIS IDIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 
“You know buddy, I tried to call in and get you an order but they says you was back in the fridge yelling at yourself” LMFOAAOAOAO VJKFDNVLAKNLKVN I AM CRYING HE IS I LOVE UNC SO MUCH
everyone is asking him why the fuck he’s doing this and he cant say “because i cant stick my dick in syd” so he doesn’t know what to say.
He’s quitting smoking not for his health but to save … time. Alright then.
“The computer drafted the agreement so make sure you have a lawyer look at it” CAAAACKLING 
Carmen shut the fuck up you are in no position for fuck yous.
“I commend your bravery from inside a locked vault” IM DRFNDJSNENN HAHAHAHA GET HIM RICH
“Oh my god am I finally having a stroke?” “Am I having a stroke?” These POOR WOMEN SOMEONE PUT CARMEN ON A FUCKING LEASH
“I insist that you get fucked my good man” BYEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA RICHIE IS TOO FUNNY 
They are bickering like BITCHES 
his ego needs to be stroked lmaoooo he’s asking Syd to stroke his ego 
“I know sweetheart, don’t be scared” NATALIEEEE HAHAHAH It's ok Fak I'M scared of Carmy rn lmao.
holy fucking shit Carmen you are driving me CRRAAAAZYY SHUT UP 
“Every day Jeffery-Ballet?” TINA HAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT 
This IS banana town sweetheart Fak
“He was gonna tell us what he said to Claire”- Richie: “classic behavior dysregulation” PLLLEEASE
“Then I actually take it back, fuck you” i love Richie down
The gum chewing is sexy 
“Is that what you did” “no i’m just here if you need anything” oh, Carmy :(
Oh, Marcus :((((((. “Take us there bear” “yes chef” oh my god I’m crying again 
EP2 ; Final Thoughts - Carmen needs to fucking relax and I’m gonna say this probably a lot. Omg the fighting with Richie in this episode was pissing me off they are fighting like catty brothers!!! The moment with Marcus at the end really got to me. This was overall though a hilarious episode
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EP3 - “Doors”
Marcus mom funeral!! Awww I’m glad they all are there for him. Thiiis is the moms funeral, ok, so they did it all in one day the shooting for both funerals so we wouldn’t know!!!
I wonder how Carm feels he’s there for Marcus’ mom but wasn’t for his brother 
Wow this speech must be so impactful for Carmy to get a glimpse into someone else’s life like this 
Look alive lizards we are OPENN
Richie is so goooodddd at his job 🥹🫶
For the bear and his honey fans princess cake is 100% going in there hahahah
Hmm things are going a bit too well 
Carmy throwing so much good decent edible food away makes me twitch. 
Carmy and his little edible flowers hahaha I love it
“The rare Transylvanian 5 titted goat?!” CICEROOO HAHAHAH
“Joy” “this is a waste of time, give it to sugar” HAHAHAHA
Fak not putting it ON THE TABLE and Richie being like “keep my mans name out of your mouth “ PLLLELEEEASEE
Something abt Carmy cleaning is so hot
They’re being so too hard on tina :((
Richie is bringing patrons to the kitchen and Carmy is just violently bitching Syd out I am dead also, someone get the belt i’m gonna beat him.
This goes out to everyone who said there’s no chance the bear could fail and that it was a stupid idea it could? (cough- ex moots, cough) ; please tell me why they don’t even have a star and they’re already doing poorly with funds
I can’t- Carmen and Richie are fully going at each others throats and physically fighting.
Please Fak just grilling customers for info.
Carmy is SO little brother and I wanna choke him “we’ll figure it out” “ME?” “I’m trying to use less shiiittt >:(“ like a winey bitch - YOU ARE AN ADULT SHE IS THERE TO HELP YOU YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKER DO YOUR GOD DAMN JOB EFFICIENTLY
Carmy is losing it he needs to be medicated ASAP
Thank GOD Syd is putting her foot down and telling him to shut up
Syd looks fed the fuck up, rightfully
EP3 ; Final Thoughts - Holy shit Carmen is going nuts. Sydcarmy is going so hard rn he needs to finish shit with Claire so he can admit his feelings to himself about Syd. He needs to stop being so mean to her, he is going to cause her to panic. Whats so funny is I drafted Carmy bitching Syd out in my OC fic in the most recent chapter before this even came out (but in my world (in girl world) winnie is behind him chewing his ass out and literally told him he’s acting like his old boss) But it’s funny because hes literally telling her abusive ass shit his boss told him.
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EP4 - “Violet”
Ohhhhh to kiss Carmy that way. A dream
The nose kiss oh my god oh my god 
He’s such a good listener 
He is so fucking - oh my god this man. This man. I need him astronomically 
Marcus :(((
I love Syd’s scarf but also lmao the stress of that docu - I get you girl hahah
Yaaaay she’s moving! 
This apartment is stunning!!!
Him laying with her is so cute. 
“He’s not my uncle like Carmy” 🥹PLS SO CUTE
This is so good such kid convo omgggg kids are just like thissss!! He’s such a good dad omfg playing her handdddd fuckFUCKCJCKCJC expect more Richie content soon
“Maybe you’ve reached as far as your talent can go” makes MY stomach hurt, dawg 
“I feel like Bear is starting to respect me” please the way they look up to him I cantttt lmao
TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!!!!!!!
This Frank guy is weird- they made a great job at making this feel awkward as fuck.
that’s my girl! 
Oh is she about to get poached
Oooo like not Carmy??? Oooooo hes trying to poach her
Marcus has such nicely manicured hands
The way they just stuff snacks in faks mouth to make him go away hahaha love it
Mmhmm this season will make me fall more in love with Richie then ever before
Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Oh my god. My heart is being ripped out 
Wait they’re being reviewed for a star?! Already? They JUST opened! 
EP4 ; Final Thoughts - This was SUCH a Richie episode! I loved it alot :))) <3!!! So many Dad!Richie moments that made me smile. He also almost made me cry with his whole being alone thing. I will remedy my sadness with writing Richie fics literally probably tomorrow because holy holy holy this man I need to give him kissesssssss
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EP5 - “Children”
So do the Bears all have the same alarm clocks?
Marcus speech really touched Natalie :((
Carmen doing the boxes by himself HAHAHA its what he deserves!! BAD BOY! 
Syd the ultimate good friend helping Marcus with his moms stuff 
Syd looks so cute her outfit is adorable 
Lmaooo Syd with her dead mom club jokes she’s too funny I see why Carmy is so whipped 
The Bear and His Honey is going to fucking SLAP with this new Carmy content WOW
Him throwing away more food that is perfect literally perfect. *sarcasm*
I wanna leave hickeys on Richie’s neck so bad - it’s so pretty 
Omg Carmys mentor closing the restaurant- he’s spiraling and looking at the every second counts she instilled in him- oh god.. Oh god-
Richie has grown so much im so so proud of him! 
He is crushing on this girl from Ever so hard
Carmy is gonna get his legs broken if he doesn’t cut it out hahahaha
Fak drinking a Capri-sun LOL
Omgggg him saying to fire Marcus you are CRAZY 
Lmaooo Jimmy venting to syd and saying that carmy has a tree up his ass
Carmy finding baby pics I’m SICK
EP5 ; Final Thoughts - WOWOWOWOW This is the last ep. I am watching tonight I need to digest. This was such a cute Richie ep. I am so in love with Dad!Richie. He is such a good, good dad. I also am dead- John Cena as a Fak? And having a mikey esc. Haircut???? And smoking in the restaurant- and then them saying it smells like smoke I am dead as fuck. Richie really really wants this review to go well, I hope it does:((
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EP6 - “Napkins”
Good morning! time for e6 It is Directed by Ayo so i fear it is gonna kill me :) !
Well at least Tina has a normal clock 
Oooo get down on it!!!! Let’s go Tina!!! Get in that groove mama! 
Tina is so Puerto Rican mom I love it so so much 
Tina’s married?! I love it!! how sweet 
If Mikey’s in here- I’m gonna fucking die 
Baker tina!! Oh- customer service Tina? No! Books Tina!!! Smart girl!! that’s my lady :))
Oh Tina I’ve been there mama you’ll land on your feet :((( That’s right baby everything will be ok 
One thing about this show is all of the characters need routine 
The degree thing pisses me off to no end because of how real it is. Like shes been doing this 15 years and knows it better then someone right out of school with a stupid degree.
Awww Tina and hubs been together so long!! So sweet I love it her husband is good to her. 
I sooo love Tina is getting her moment the actress is so kind and amazing 
Woah I thought the big interview would be at the beef LOLLLL like not that it’s big but that they really need her lolll 
Oh my god. They hired someone ??? What the fuck and didnt tell her?!! RUDEEEE 
This little fucking prick oh my god yes Tina fuck him
Aw baby I wanna hug her it’ll be fine mama I know it doesn’t feel like it
“Maam you can’t smoke in here anymore” I can’t hahaha
Everyone calling him handsome I can’t hahah he is! But still hahaha
Omggg richieeee I love him he’s always been so sociallll!! Get ready to eat with the beef Richie oh. Wow. This whole scene is so chef kiss i cant wait to write more the beef!richie
“She can’t be crying in here” I am done LMAO
I fear I’m seeing the Mikey crush AAA “sandwich really that bad??” Stop being funny !! I also see how he got Carmy out of his panic attacks what a brother stop Mikey!! Why would you do that Mikey everyone loved you so muchhh 🥺💔
Gosh Mikey IS so handsome
oh my god Carmy takes after him SO SO SO MUCH oh my god Carmy takes after him so much 
Oh my gosh I didn’t realize she was older then Richie!! 46 means something in this show- did Mikey…at 46? If he did I will fucking sue 
OMG SHOWING HER THE PIC OH ANS TELLING ABOUT CARMY SHUT UP HE “hes the shit” he wasn’t allowed to work at the beef because mikey knew that he’s better then the beef. He sees so much in him I knew that was the case!!! I’m sick 
My god !! Carmy!! Takes!!! After Mikey so fucking MUCH!!! 
Oh Mikey- oh. Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Michael Berzatto. Hit me while I’m down PAL kick me why don’t you?! “I knew I was gonna get skipped because I had people to take care of” I knew this episode would make me sick. 
oh my god when Tina said she loved Mikey she loved Mikey like a good friend and I am so gutted when Carmy says everyone loved Mikey and he just lit a room up and could make anyone comfortable oh my god I’m so gutted!!!!!!!!!!! 
EP6 ; Final Thoughts - This episode let us truly meet Michael & oh my god it’s almost painful to watch these back to back like- this is a lot to digest holy fuck. When Carmen talked about a temp in a room and how Mikey could feel it then lean into it and manipulate it however he wanted. He did such a good job portraying that. I’d give anything for him to have just called Carmy when he was on that bridge and for him to have answered and for Carmy to change his mind. Oh my god I’m so- like oh my god? This show. I can’t.
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EP7 - “Legacy”
Carmy so pretty :)
Oh Richie. Thinking about :((( everything. 
Syd thinking of Carmy 
good Carmy is back at AI-ANON 
so much fucking family hahahah god I love Italians hey uncle Gary! 
*sighs* good morning, Syd. 
Oh. Ok he’s opening his own place ok…and he’s asking her I KNEW IT POACHER!! POACHER!!!!!
oh my god he’s offering her a real CDC job - with a real good salary,  it would be healthier for her sadly!!!!!!
How’d I headcanon Carmy knew French PUUUURRIODD 😌
“You look nice” ha. Ha. Ha.  Shoot me in the FUCKING FACE
“That sounds legendary pal” I WANT TO KISS HIM ON HIS STUPID MOUTH 
“Matter of fak supply” LOL
Richie is taking this so seriously which makes me more mad how Carmy treats him like he really is so good at the job and loves it.
Aw he really misses Tiff. :( he’s so different now and wishes he could go back so bad but he’s gonna find someone that I’ll be very jealous of bc I need this man SO BAD
Oh him crying abt Mikey- no stop I can’t 
“Hey grandpa” “hey grandma” I love Ebra and Tina sm lol and her mimicking his accent they’re adorable 
“Maybe you can go fuck, Ted” hahahaha I love telling people to go fuck now 
Eva’s drawing in Richie’s host book 🥹🫶
Carmen I wanna choke you out so bad!  Can you take a single suggestion ???
EP7 ; Final Thoughts - Another good episode!! Very balanced which I like, the character centered episodes feel very heavy but I still love them. I'm just happy that we got a little bit of a second to breathe!! I think it’s cool how they’re doing the beef on the side, like so cool! I never thought of that as an option. Because it’s true the neighborhood would probably miss their local sandwich spot! I liked this episode a lot :) Carmy can go fuck this episode, though he’s in the dog house and I hope Syd leaves to teach him a lesson! (& it makes him realize he loves her!!!)
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EP8 - “Ice Chips”
I’m guessing before we start Nat is gonna find comfort not in her brother, but in Syd! 
oh my god Donna SUGAR oh my god sugar snapping on Donna I can’t 
someone get someone here other then Donna 
My Scorpio sissy Natalie !!! 11/10/88 (this confirms to me carmy is still in his 20s theres no way hes 33 when nat is 34)
Donna needs to leave this is the worst she’s the worst birth partner ever 
At least Donna is being nice 
She never told her mom she was pregnant??? Wow!
Donna’s labor with Carmy being so incredibly hard is honestly canon! That is so funny actually. Yeah that kid makes everything hard for himself! 
lol you get that epidural queen!!!
I’m glad Donna is hearing that she scared them as children. 
Donna is an alcoholic because her mother had problems
Ok I’m feeling Donna sympathy 
EP8 ; Final Thoughts - wow. Wowowowowowowowow 0 Carmy and 0 Richie basically but this was nats episode and Donna’s! I am happy we were able to see the sweet side of Donna, I think (and hope !!) she is on the right path to sobriety!!! This episode was very tender , I loved hearing about their childhoods more <3 Nat is gonna be a good mommy!!!
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EP9 - “Apologies”
Magic? Ok sick, ok Marcus!! That’s who was watching this ok then wonder what thats about?
“Claire is peace” please- the thought of her gives you a panic attack. 
He’s gonna apologize this episode Jesus we wasted a whole season still no sydcarmykiss. It’s ok guys stay strong we’ll be there next season 
Yes Syd leave him 
Carmen you are nuts!!! 
Richie and Carmy staring at eachother through the window like bears about to kill eachother is freaking me out.
Syd say it -
Oh wait it’s the funeral for ever lol! I forgot that’s the funeral. Ok not worried 
He goes to the walk in to try to make it in his mind like he hasn’t waited all this time to apologize hahahaha 
“Missing one, that wouldn’t the the thing happened to be wedged up your ass the last few weeks is it?” JIMMYYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jesus this man’s eyes literally glow blue 
He owes him sooo much money wow 
Tina and Marcus are so cute
Carmy and his drawings are adorable 
Ten minutes left and Carmy hasn’t said sorry lol 
His little smile at the farm AAAA
Syd ls bringing them food before Carmy 
No she’s right Carmy I’m sorry why wouldn’t it be immediate insurance what is … wrong with you?
Oh my god fak going to see Claire Fak leave now no no no no no no no no oh my god this is so bad 
Mommy Nat 🥹💖
Aw Carmy looking at mikes funeral card 😭💔
EP9 ; Final Thoughts - Why does this season not feel done?! Well prob because they’re gonna do a season 4. But still there’s no way they can finish all of this in one episode. Holy moly the Faks need to stop interfering this is so bad!!!! Too many Faks!! Ok I can’t last episode time AAA
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E10 - “Forever” !!!!!!
This mentor I like very much 
He took the popes nose thing from this mentor hahaha
This man who mentored Carmy it’s understandable why he was so driven or like, inspired to keep going
Richie is crushing on Jess hard 
Luca oh baby I wanna kiss himmm oh him 
oh my fid oh my god oh my god oh my god his boss his his oh my god 
Oh my god oh m y god “working for a bad boss is the worst because the culture you’re a part of is the culture you create” Carmen is spiraling rn (the next chapter of my oc fic is gonna go crazy)
Syd being more sociable then Carmy bc Carmy is panicking 
This smug bastard loves that he makes Carmen squirm I wanna punch him
“This is why you’re alone you can’t handle this” I’m going to fucking stab something
Carmy finds 0 joy in cooking anymore. 
Richie is so lovable the boss loves him and knew him for less then a week hahahahah
Carmy OH CARMY CARMY CARMY OH CARMY  “generally being you” my jaw is my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw on THE FLOOOOORRRRRRRRRR. Oh my god. He’s such this asshole boss I hope he dies holy fuck HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE. I WANT TO PEEL OFF HIS SKIN
Luca and Syd??? Ok- I say go for it queen
My mind is blown so far this is so amazing but also how the fuck hasn’t he sorted with Claire and S3 is closing???
Omg after party at SYDS?! Where is Carmy??? literally Marcus and Tina are there and the Faks?? He has to be seeing Claire there’s no way why would he miss out on this!!!!
If only Carmy got to be apart of something fun. Of course he’d deprive himself. OF COURSE
He is… giving Syd ptsd like his boss did to him. She is having done to her what was done to him.
Oh Syd. Oh Syd. Oh you need to get out of there baby it’s killing you. I hate seeing her upset its hurting me.
Their review was bad…. :((((((((((((
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EP10/S3 ; Overall Final Thoughts -
IM CRYING omggggg omg omg omg omg omg omg the whole thing with the boss had me in actual tears. TB&HH is about to eat so hard so so hard oh I have so many ideas AAAA and I’m so in love w Richie even more then last season he is totally crushing on Jess. Oh my god syd needs to get out of the bear Carmy is actually killing her. He is doing to her what his boss did to him and that’s evil!!! Evil evil. Oh my god so many thoughts I have but wow just wow. I can’t most of all wait to read the rest of the fandoms thoughts WOW my fics are about to eat I’m so inspired ALSO SydCarmy fics are about to be so angsty and eeeeeaaaatttttt!! He is slowly killing his girl, also - him being able to say sorry to syd but not claire??? I’m mad that the Faks had so much screentime like they were funny sometimes sure, but waywaaay too much faks. Not enough Nat, not enough MARCUS!! The most powerful touching scene or at least most inspiring of the season for me was the one with carmy & his old boss the sack of shit, that scene is gonna propel tb&hh so farrrr also this whole season is going to! Im so excited to keep writing that. I see people are not liking this season in my peeks on my home page (i didnt want to taint my thoughts) but im kinda surprised - like yes we didn’t wrap everything up & there were too many faks and not enough syd BUT the cinematography was stunning, and we got to see in carmys head which is what i predicted - this season was to get in his head to see 2 main things 1) how he does what he does 2) why he is how he is - and we got both of those answers, I think everyone was expecting this to be the last season and it was never going to be! In order to wrap this up we had to fully understand why carmen is how he is, are you all catching my drift here? I cant wait for S4!!! I feel it that SydCarmy will happen, I know that chefkids will put it in to words because their brain is much bigger then mine - but wow wow and wow. I’m gonna have to watch each episode 10 more times to digest it but wow. Loved it! MOST OF ALL I CANT WAIT FOR S4!!!!!! AAAAA
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mrhaitch · 1 month
Living in London, I feel like a lot of incidents are isolated attacks that you dont hear about as opposed to organised riots. Whilst there have been some riots in the more conservative areas (like Walthamstow and Chingford) and more towards Central, in East London especially, I've experienced and heard of isolated anti-immigrant/muslim 'attacks' where it's one or two people that are perpetrators.
East London is the MOST multicultural place you'll find, but my dad's car was kicked in by some white guys literally two days ago. Thank God he was already in the car and was able to drive off, but I've found that it's mostly incidents like these.
In Whitechapel, which is literally full to the brim with Muslims, a young girls hijab was ripped off a month or two ago. Whilst I don't live in Whitechapel, me and my mum have been called nasty names to the point where my mum didn't feel like it was safe wearing her face veil anymore. Islamic private schools have been subjected to attacks as well and generally havent been perceived well, but this is nothing new. It's been happening for years, but you don't really hear about them because it's isolated incidents. I only know because I've been in those spaces and environments and have experienced it personally.
Loads of my friends don't feel like it's safe to go out being women because of the new wave of anti-muslim/poc sentiment and people mainly targeting women. Again, whilst this is nothing new from my experience of being born and raised in London, the anti-muslim/immigrant sentiment has only grown, and certain individuals are feeling braver because of the nationwide riots.
But there's a sense of community in London because of its multiculturalism that other places up North and around the UK don't have. Where you have some people committing hate crimes, you have others that are staunchly outspoken against it and that are really supportive, which I'm forever grateful for. My neighbours are absolutely wonderful, and I know that I'm completely safe with them, I know that if anything was to happen, I'd have people supporting me.
Its weird though because London is one of those places where you'll find there are extremely wealthy areas right next to some of the most destitute places, driving through Bow Road/Mile End Road/Whitechapel Road to Aldgate is a perfect example of that, you can see where it immediately changes and switches up. Same with Hackney and Shoreditch, you walk for 5-10 minutes, and it's like you've entered a whole new realm, likewise with Canary Wharf. It's kind of dystopian, tbh and literally, all the new buildings being built are high-rise 2/3 bedroom flats that obviously aren't for families.
It's like the with the new architecture too is trying to push families out. Alongside the serious underfunding of government facilities like public libraries and gyms. Over the past couple of years, dozens of libraries across have been closed, and public gyms have been sold off to private organisations. Youth facilities are horrendous, too. I've gone completely off on a tangent here, and I do apologise. But I just think it's so crazy that London has some of the poorest areas in the whole UK with poverty being at 25% I think (correct me if I'm wrong) just after the North and West Midlands which is around 28%.
I really shouldn't complain because I know in London we are so fortunate to have such an interconnected train/tube system and that our health care and schools are much more funded than those outside of London. But with more business and wealthier people coming in, the costs in London are increasing so much more disproportionately to wages.
My mum works in the NHS, and what the government did is before increasing the London living wage, they increased the NHS staff wages by 5%, compared to the London living wage by 10%. The NHS HCAS didn't increase, however, and stayed the same. On top of that, NHS staff are subjected to higher national insurances. I think it's just ridiculous. Anyways, I apologise for the long and rambling ask, and I totally lost focus. I hope you have an amazing day, and there's no pressure to answer this whatsoever <33
Nothing further to add here, as I'm not that familiar with London - call it a northerner's suspicion - but will definitely provide further insight to people less familiar with the UK.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 18 days
To Ash and Dust
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A Rovickie fanfiction
18+ MINORS DNI for some smut
I'm waking up to ash and dust. I wipe my brow, and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in the chemicals. . .
- Radioactive, Imagine Dragons
Vickie had gotten a little over excited when she heard that Robin was here at the hospital, and it wasn't because she was hurt. Hawkins had been turned upside down, torn open by an earthquake that hadn't actually been an earthquake. It was still hard to wrap her head around that it had been a monster who had come from another dimension to make everyone his puppet. A monster that had lived here before. . .Vickie hadn't seen much of Robin after she explained things and the creatures that had spilled out with Vecna. They had both been quite busy; with Robin trying to save the world, and Vickie volunteering at the hospital with her father. It was crazy because Robin had been at the hospital nearly as much as Vickie, but their paths had barely crossed. . . Until now. Vickie skidded into the waiting room to find Robin locked in an intimate embrace with Steve. Vickie blinked rapidly, her heart racing as Robin pulled back and kissed Steve’s cheek. Vickie felt like her heart had dropped out of her chest, and she couldn't stop the gasp from coming out. Steve and Robin pulled away, Steve smirking at the sight of her.
"Oh, hey Vickie," Steve said.
"Vickie!" Robin exclaimed. "I was just saying to Steve how unfair it is that even though we're both here we barely get to see each other."
"Oh! Really?" She squeaked, her voice higher than normal.
"Yeah, are you okay?" Robin asked.
"Are you dating Steve?" Vickie blurted out, and Steve's smirk widened.
"What?! No! Absolutely not. We're strictly platonic. . .with a capital p!" Robin exclaimed.
"Thank God!" Vickie exclaimed, and Robin looked her questioningly, causing Vickie to blurt out, "I don't like Steve!"
"Pardon?" Robin asked, raising her eyebrows.
"I mean, I do like Steve. I mean, I don't know him because I haven't really spoken to him at all but he seems like a nice guy and obviously he's handsome but I don't want to like him like that, you know?"
"You like Steve, but you're not in like with him," Robin smirked.
"Exactly," Vickie sighed with relief and paused before deciding to just rip off the band aid. "I'm really glad you're not dating him because I like you."
"Really?!" Robin squeaked.
"Yeah," Vickie laughed. "I wasn't sure if you liked me back or not. I mean I still wasn't sure how I felt about you either or what I liked but I know that I liked, well, boobies and I knew that you worked at Family Video so what better way to drop a hint to you that I like boobs then with my favorite movie. I hope on some level that you got the message but maybe I was too subtle."
"Oh, I got the message. Robin didn't, though. . .I told you. . .boobies," Steve said.
"It was too good to be true," Robin said to Vickie. "But yeah. . .I like you too. . .and Steve, what did I say about you saying boobies?"
Vickie squealed and threw her arms around Robin's middle, burrowing her head into her chest. Robin laughed, hugging her back.
"Boobies," Vickie giggled and Steve laughed.
"So, she's allowed to say it?" Steve asked.
"She's cuter than you are, Steven," Robin replied as Vickie pulled back slightly, her arm still wrapped around Robin's waist.
"So, you think I'm handsome, huh?" Steve asked Vickie.
"I have eyes, don't I?" Vickie asked.
"I'm so confused, I thought you liked boobies," Steve said.
"Like my favorite Starman, David Bowie, I'm bisexual," Vickie said with a giggle. "I like men and women."
"You can do that?" Robin and Steve asked with identical looks of confusion.
"I can't believe I ever thought you two were together," she laughed. "There's so much that you guys don't know. Hell, I still don't know. I mean, I knew that Bowie was bisexual longer than I knew about myself. I always struggled between liking women and liking men. Even knowing about Bowie, I still thought for myself that I had to choose between the two. I thought I could be straight or that I was a lesbian. That's why I went back with Dan briefly because I just needed to know which is what I needed to finally close the book on that relationship. I still can't believe he was bitching about his ruined spring break when people died. It was kind of seeing you run away in the War Zone. . .which by the way, what person takes their girlfriend on a date to the War Zone?! Anyway, it took seeing you to finally accept myself, and I didn't want to run away anymore."
"Wow," Steve said and then frowned. "You know, I think I knew about Bowie too, I just forgot. There were moments where I thought I was gay, too, you know but then I thought that everyone questions their sexuality a little bit or every straight person must like the same sex at least a little bit."
"No, they do not," Vickie said.
"You've been questioning your sexuality?" Robin asked Steve.
"Yeah," Steve said. "I guess I'm not as straight as I thought I was. Cool."
"You just realized that you're not straight and that's all you can say?" Robin asked.
"We're in the middle of the end of the world, Robin," he said. "Priorities."
"So, what? You'll freak out later?" she asked.
"Yeah," Steve said. "You're the first person that I'll call when it happens."
"I better be," she said with a soft grin and then said with deep affection. "Dingus."
"I love your friendship," Vickie sighed and Robin kissed her forehead.
"You might want to give us a minute, Steven," Robin sighed. "I think I'm going to eat her face a little bit."
Vickie giggled.
"There's someone I need to talk to, anyway," Steve said and walked out of the waiting room.
Robin turned to Vickie and cupped her face. She rubbed her thumb across Vickie's cheekbone, staring into her eyes. Robin's eyes were a prettier shade of blue than hers, Vickie noticed.
"I can't believe this is happening," Robin whispered.
"Believe it, babe," Vickie whispered.
Vickie closed the distance between them, pressing her lips gently against Robin's. They both sighed as their lips met, moving softly against each other. Vickie never wanted to stop kissing her, they fit perfectly together like they were always supposed to meet. This felt so right. Vickie and Robin moaned into their mouths, gasping as they continued kissing. . .slowly moving the pace along. Vickie grew eager though and she deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around Robin's neck. She let Robin's arms fall to her waist, supporting Vickie as she stood on her tiptoes slightly. Vickie touched her tongue to the bottom of Robin's lip and she opened her mouth to let Vickie in. She had just slid her tongue in when she felt her shirt raise up and she felt Robin's skin touching hers slightly. It sent a jolt down her back and Vickie remembered where they were. She pulled back.
"Thank you," Robin gasped and Vickie laughed.
"You're welcome. . .so polite of you," Vickie teased.
"Shut up," Robin blushed.
"Make me," Vickie said and she did.
Their little moment didn't last long, and once they got separated again, it was a while before they saw each other. It left Vickie yearning for her and for her lips. It also left her in a constant state of worry about what might happen to Robin. She didn't want to leave her father, but every instinct she had was telling her to make sure that Robin was safe.
"I'm not going to stop you if you want to go look for Robin," her father's voice broke through her thoughts. "As much as I hate the idea of you being out there, I don't want you to resent me for trying to prevent you from doing the right thing. Besides, you're not really here."
"Dad," Vickie protested. "I'm here. I'm helping."
"You're helping, but you're a million miles away," Matthew Fisher sighed. "Go save your girl."
"You know?" Vickie asked.
"I wanted you to come to me when you were ready, but we're kind of at the end of the world here," Matthew said. "And I need you to know how proud of you I am."
"I'm proud of you too, dad," Vickie said softly.
They hugged tightly, and Vickie ran off before she could change her mind. She had stopped by Max Mayfield's room first and checked on the comatose girl that Robin had frequently visited. The only other person that was there was Lucas Sinclair. He didn't know where Robin was, so Vickie headed for the parking lot. Matthew had his own gun on him, and she knew there was a gun in the trunk of their car. There was also a pistol in the glove compartment. After double checking and verifying that they were all still there, Vickie pulled out of the parking lot. She didn't have a destination in mind, but she drove around the known parts of town: the destroyed town hall, Melvald's, the high school, and she even drove towards Family Video. The sky was red now with thunder flashing harshly above her. Hell was here on Earth. Vickie swallowed.
It was when she was getting close to the old radio station that she found Steve’s now busted car on the side of the road. He was out and trying to fix it, looking over his shoulder every so often. There were giant claw marks on the side of his vehicle. It must have been a demogorgon. She had yet to run into one. Thankfully. She grabbed the pistol and stepped out of the vehicle. That's when a bat like creature dove for Steve. Vickie quickly raised her gun, firing rapidly. She managed to get quite a few hits in, causing it to fly off screeching. Steve screamed and dropped to the ground. He peaked over the hood with wide eyes.
"Hey, handsome, need a ride?" Vickie asked.
Steve steadied himself and stood up, grabbing a bat with nails that had been leaning against the car. He grabbed his backpack and moved closer to her.
"Yeah, gorgeous, anytime," Steve said. "And thanks."
Vickie slid into the car with Steve, putting the gun back. She drove off to the radio station like he asked her to.
"You think I'm gorgeous?" Vickie asked, trying to ease the tension.
"I have eyes, don't I?" Steve replied, and she laughed. "So, what are you doing out and about?"
"I was worried about Robin," she admitted.
"You really like her, huh?" Steve asked.
"So much. . .it's ridiculous how much I like her," Vickie said.
"Well, your taste in women. . .very questionable," Steve said, teasing.
"Are you judging me for liking your best friend?" Vickie asked.
"Oh, yeah," he said with a grin.
"You're such an asshole," she laughed. "Now, you have to tell me who you're crushing on so I can judge you."
It had fallen silent for a moment, and Vickie wondered if she had crossed a line.
"Like, it's not weird to like both at the same time just because we like both, right?" Steve asked.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Like, for example, say you liked Robin, but you also liked me, and you wanted to be with both of us. . ." Steve trailed off.
"I'm sorry, Steve, I really meant it when I said I don't like you like that," she said softly.
"No! No! This is just an example," Steve said.
"Oh! So. . .you're saying you have a crush on both a woman and a man. Do you want to be with both of them?" She asked.
"So much now," Steve said.
"Well, then it isn't weird," she said. "Who is it?"
"Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers," he said, blushing.
"Uh, your ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend?" Vickie asked. "Okay, I'm judging you a little bit."
"Asshole," he laughed.
"It's not weird at all, Steve. Whatever your feelings are. . .they're important to you, and it's okay to feel that way. If anyone makes you feel like it's not, then they're the assholes. You got to live your own life. No one else can do it for you," Vickie said.
"That's true," Steve said.
They fell into a comfortable silence, and then they pulled into the parking lot of WSQK. Of course, Vickie's luck with gravity had to run out at the point. She fell and scraped her hands as she got out of the car. Vickie cursed as Steve rushed to the other side to help her up. He quickly started to wrap her hands up with a couple of black bandanas he pulled out of his brown leather jacket pocket.
"Has anyone ever told you look like Tom Cruise in that jacket?" Vickie blurted out as he bound her hands.
"Like from Top Gun?" Steve asked.
"Have you seen it yet?" Vickie asked.
"No, been a bit busy," Steve said. "Goddamn apocalypse."
"Guess you're a fan of Tom Cruise?" Vickie asked.
"Oh, yeah, loved him in Risky Business," Steve said.
"Me too!" Vickie exclaimed.
"God, can we be best friends now?" Steve asked, and he paused. "If my dad could see me now. . .well, he wouldn't be very proud of me. He always said that men and women can't be friends. I'm glad I have another friend to prove him wrong."
"Me too!" Vickie beamed. "Ooh, maybe after this, we can have a Tom Cruise marathon!"
"Oh, yeah, definitely," Steve grinned. "Call it a girls' night. We can order pizza and do each other's hair."
"You'll let me do your hair?" Vickie asked with a gasp. "That feels very. . .sacred."
Just as Steve laughed, a very loud growl startled the both of them. A demogorgon had emerged from the woods, sniffing the air.
"Shit. It smelled your blood," Steve whispered. "Get inside. Hurry."
Vickie and Steve moved slowly to the door, but the demogorgon heard them. It jumped in front of the door, blocking their way inside. Steve pulled out his bat and hit it before rolling away to make it chase after him. The demogorgon roared and swiped at him. Steve swiftly dodged it. Vickie grabbed her pistol from the car, reloaded, and began firing at the monster. It roared again and turned on her, but Steve distracted it by hitting it with the bat. Vickie gasped, trying to remember what they told her about the monster. Shit. Right, they hate fire. Vickie dove into the car again just as the demogorgon had pinned Steve to the ground. She grabbed the hairspray her dad kept in the car and a lighter before climbing on top of the car.
"Hey asshole!" Vickie screamed and fired her pistol at it.
The demogorgon ran to her, skidding in front of the car. It stood to full height, opening its face like a flower. Vickie screamed. With her makeshift flamethrower, she sprayed fire right into the monster's mouth. It whimpered and stumbled back, screeching. Suddenly, it tilted its head as though it was picking up a signal and ran off, still screeching in pain. Steve stared at her in shock and walked over to the car.
"Holy shit, that's twice now that you saved my life," Steve said and helped her down, right into his arms. "Thanks, gorgeous."
"Anytime, handsome," Vickie grinned as they hugged.
They hadn't even noticed that Joyce and Hopper had pulled up with El, Nancy, and Jonathan.
"Jesus, kid, you okay?" Hopper asked.
"Yeah, fine," Steve said as he pulled away from the hug.
"Who's she?" Nancy and Jonathan asked.
To Vickie's amusement, they had said it with such animosity that Hopper and Joyce looked at them in surprise. El and Steve just looked confused.
"I'm Vickie Fisher," she said. "My dad's a doctor at the hospital. I was volunteering there, but I decided to help Steve and Robin."
Suddenly, a bright yellow pizza van was pulling up, the doors opening with a bang. Robin spilled out with Will, Mike, Erica, and Argyle.
"Oh my God, we saw a flaming, smoking pissed off demogorgon run by us and we thought for sure something bad happened!" Robin exclaimed. "Oh my God! Vickie! You're hurt!"
She rushed towards Vickie and took her hands.
"Yeah, she saved my life twice," Steve said.
Robin gasped and, without thinking, bent down to kiss her deeply. She pulled back quickly before Vickie could return the kiss.
"Oh! I just kissed you in front of everyone," Robin said. "I'm sorryI'msorryI'msorry!"
"Babe, it's alright. Besides, if they can handle all of this but can't handle two girls kissing, then we need to get them to the hospital to get their heads checked," Vickie said.
"That's a fair point," Robin laughed.
"Alright, let's get inside," Hopper said softly.
Everyone spilled into the station, Vickie talking rapidly about the bat and the demogorgon, Robin's wrapped tightly around her waist.
"Oh, me and Steve are best friends now," Vickie beamed. "And after this, we're going to have a girls' night and watch a Tom Cruise movie marathon."
"Oh god," Jonathan groaned. "Nancy won't stop pouting about missing the Top Gun movie."
"Not pouting. . .I'm just disappointed," Nancy shrugged.
Jonathan and Nancy walked ahead of them, discussing something rather privately as they whispered to themselves. Every so often, they'd look back at Steve. Vickie cleared her throat, smiling.
"Well, no one will have to be worried about me hanging out with Steve," Vickie said loudly. "Strictly platonic."
"With a capital p?" Robin asked excitedly.
"Oh, yeah," Vickie laughed.
"Well, I wasn't worried," Robin said.
Meanwhile, Joyce had walked over to Jonathan and Nancy to scold them slightly for being rude. Vickie looked back at Steve in amusement.
"What?" He asked.
"You're telling me you didn't notice the way Jonathan and Nancy spoke to me outside?" Vickie asked.
"Well, I thought it was a little harsh the way they spoke to you," Steve said with a frown. "Was there something wrong?"
"Oh, Steve," Vickie said affectionately.
"Okay, I'm missing something," Robin said.
"It's up to Steve to tell you what he told me in the car," she said.
"Uh? Oh. . .oh! Do you think?" Steve asked excitedly.
"Definitely," Vickie replied.
"Okay, seriously, if you two being friends means that I'm going to be left out of things. . .," Robin started to say.
"Okay! Okay! It's not just Nancy I see in the RV," Steve said softly. "It's Jonathan, too."
"Oh, damn, I did not see that coming," Robin said. "Which I really should have. . .oh my god! They were jealous!"
"Yeah," Vickie said.
Vickie wasn't sure what talk they were having, but she could guess when Joyce hugged Jonathan and Nancy before walking away. Steve caught their eye, beaming. He wiggled his fingers and winked at them. Nancy and Jonathan both blushed. Steve quickly fixed his hair and then checked his breath.
"Okay, I'm going in," Steve said with a goofy smile.
He was so focused on Nancy and Jonathan that he almost didn't avoid getting hit by a door. He apologized to the inanimate object before moving along.
"Oh my God. He's such a dork. Was he actually ever popular, or was it just a shared delusion on our part?" Vickie asked.
"Damn. You might be onto something, babe," Robin snorted with laughter. "Should we make score cards?"
"Robin! No!" She giggled. "Hush!"
They watched as Steve charmed them both, pulling imaginary lint off their clothes as he did so. He tucked a strand of hair behind Nancy's ear and pulled an eyelash off Jonathan's cheek, letting him make a wish off his finger. He brushed hair from Jonathan's forehead, saying something that caused him to blush deeply and Nancy to giggle.
"Okay, I really wish I knew what they were saying," Robin said.
Suddenly, Hopper ushered everyone into the room for a discussion. Vickie noted how Steve’s hands hovered over their lower backs, gently encouraging them forward. Neither Jonathan nor Nancy protested at his delicate touch. Once they settled down in the other room, Steve wedged between his potential partners and Vickie practically sitting on Robin's lap. Hopper stood in front of them, going over the plan. Vickie was amazed that she could concentrate on what he was saying with Robin sitting next to her and holding her, but she managed it. She's not sure how Nancy and Jonathan were doing. Every so often, they'd look at Steve as if they were seeing him for the first time. Sometimes, Jonathan would space out and stare blankly ahead, his cheeks red. Vickie was pretty sure that Steve’s hand was still on his lower back and caressing it. Vickie was amazed that they could find happiness at the end of the world.
"Vickie," Hopper's voice spoke.
"Are you sure you want to get involved in all of this?" Hopper asked.
"This whole town is kind of involved now, aren't they?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, but you can still get out with your dad," he said.
"My dad isn't going to leave his patients, and I can't leave without trying to help the town I grew up in. Besides, Vecna, or Henry Creel, whatever his name is, he killed my cousin," Vickie said. "Chrissy."
"What? I didn't know that Chrissy was your cousin," Robin said.
"Yeah, I didn't know until today. I knew my dad had a twin sister, but they had a falling out, and she broke my father's heart. He didn't like to talk about it much. He tried to get involved later when he discovered that his sister was starving her own daughter, and Laura threatened to call the cops to have them take me away. There wasn't much that he could do because he didn't have any proof. So, yeah."
"I'm so sorry," Joyce said softly.
"Well, I couldn't do anything for my cousin then, but I could do something for her now," Vickie said. "And I can do it for my dad, too."
"Okay, then," Hopper said. "Let's get to work."
"You're so amazing," Robin said fondly.
"I know," Vickie said, and Robin laughed. "So are you."
She didn't understand how she got separated from Robin again. One minute, they're escaping, yet again, from the soldiers that were after El and the next thing they knew, they were getting shoved into separate vehicles. Now, Vickie was in the back of Argyle's pizza van, struggling to hold onto something.
"Hold onto your butts, brocachos!" Argyle screamed.
"I like him," Vickie said as she stumbled into Jonathan's arms again. "He's a good egg."
"A little cracked though," Jonathan muttered with a smile.
"Aren't we all?" Vickie asked, and Jonathan laughed.
Argyle made a sudden hard turn, and Jonathan held onto Vickie tighter, grabbing onto the closet thing. . . it happened to be her breast.
"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!" Jonathan yelled as he let go, and Will laughed.
"I think Robin might be pissed that you got to second base before she did," Will said. "And Argyle said to hold onto to our butts. You never listen, Jonathan."
Vickie laughed as Jonathan flipped Will off, and she leaned closer to whisper to Jonathan so Will couldn't hear.
"Well, I promise I won't tell Nancy and Steve," Vickie said.
"Were we that obvious?" Jonathan asked.
"Oh yeah," she said.
"Uh, Will already knows," he said.
"Oh, about Nancy and Steve?" Will asked. "Yeah, super obvious now once he told me."
"Is it official?" Vickie asked.
"Definitely," Jonathan said.
They all screamed as Argyle avoided being hit by a fucking bomb. They managed to successfully avoid it, but they were hit by the concussive force of the bomb, or something like it, that had been dropped on a demogorgon up ahead of them. Argyle couldn't stop the force from topping them over like a domino. Vickie had thrown herself on top of Will and Jonathan, just as Jonathan had been about to do the same. She clutched them both tightly, her ears ringing and her head pounding. The van had settled, and she waited for a moment before pulling herself off of the boys. Her head felt wet. Was it raining inside the van? Jonathan and Will were trying to talk to her, but they weren't making a sound. Oh, no, it's because she couldn't hear. Jonathan and Will dragged her out of the van, then helped Argyle. He was clutching his arm. The ringing in her ears cleared up a little, and she could hear them a little now.
"A little purple palm tree delight will fix this right up."
"Argyle, your arm is broken. You're going to the hospital."
It was a bad idea to shake her head, but she did it anyway, and she wanted to throw up. A few minutes later, a military vehicle showed up, followed by the blue van Joyce was driving. A soldier got out of the vehicle, Joyce hopping out of the van with Hopper following. Joyce and Hopper screamed at the soldier as they moved towards them. Was it him who gave the orders? Joyce immediately went to Jonathan and Will, while Hopper tried to speak to Vickie. She blinked when she saw a soldier holding a rocket launcher. Oh. She stared at the red sky above her, the lightning that continuesly flashed in the sky like it was never going to rain. It never did. Dust flared up from where the demogorgon had been blasted to smithereens. It swirled around around with the particles from the Upside Down. Is the kind of world they lived in now? Vickie realized she might be in shock. She heard the sound of the ambulance, as though it was from a distance as Hopper tried to talk to her. She watched as her father hopped out of the bus and then suddenly began shining a light in her eyes.
"Vickie?! Vickie, can you hear me?!"
She snapped back into focus as the ringing began to lessen. She finally realized her father was standing in front of her.
"Daddy?!" She cried.
Matthew pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.
"Oh, I don't see any signs of a concussion, but you're still going to the hospital," Matthew said.
He moved to help Argyle onto the bus before moving to help his daughter do the same. With his arm wrapped around Vickie, he flipped off the soldiers as he got into the vehicle. Vickie couldn't help but giggle. Her father was a quiet, sweet man who never raised his voice to anyone, let alone flip someone off. She had hardly ever seen him so angry. It was startling. The last time he had been so angry was when her mother died. Matilda. If she had been here now, would she have been just as angry? Vickie had gotten her ability to ramble from her mother, and she knew she wouldn't have been afraid to go off on the soldiers. In a way, she was glad that her mother wasn't here to see her beloved town like this. Matilda always said there was beauty to be found under all the judgment and hatred. You just had to look for it. Vickie thought about her mother and how angry she would have been at how they treated Eddie. . .how they didn't look for any other suspects. . .she would have reigned Hellfire down on them. Her rage burning as bright as the hair on her head, the hair she passed onto Vickie. It all fell out in the end, Matilda clinging to whatever hair she had. . .fighting for every bit of life. The cancer had won, though.
"What are you thinking about, honey?" Matthew's voice cut in.
"Mom," she said, and she suddenly felt her mother's rage fuel her, refusing to let this fucker win.
When they finally finished checking her out at the hospital, Robin had come into her room in tears. There were still people in there, and all Vickie wanted to do was kiss her. Vickie grabbed Robin's hand and dragged her to an empty on call room. She locked the door and pressed Robin up against it. She kissed her desperately. Robin pulled back, cupping her face.
"Are you okay?" Robin asked.
"I'm okay. I need you," she whispered. "I just need to feel you."
Robin smiled and kissed her. Vickie smiled against her lips, her fingers quickly working to unbutton her shirt. She slid it off Robin's shoulders and let it fall to the floor. They quickly shed both of their clothing, pausing to marvel at each other with their eyes shining with want. Vickie pushed her gently onto a bed and climbed on top of her, kissing her. All she could feel was Robin, pressed up against her and moving eagerly. Vickie's hands slid down her body, gripping her hips as Robin threw a leg over her own. For a moment, all they did was kiss each other and explore their naked bodies, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. Vickie needed to taste her, and eventually, she found herself in between Robin's legs and caused Robin to arch her back as she called out Vickie's name as Vickie spoke between her legs. Then she was sliding in between Robin's legs with her own, and everything was exploding with pure ecstasy.
"Fuck me," Robin gasped as they collapsed on to the bed, sweating.
"I just did," Vickie teased. "You're ready to again? So soon?"
"Gah, no! You wore me out," Robin said.
She flopped around like a fish until she settled onto her stomach, pressing her cheek into the pillow. Robin let out a sigh of contentment. Vickie turned on her side, gazing at Robin in wonder. She was beautiful, inside and out. She loved the way she laughed and the way she played her trumpet. She loved the way she rambled, so much like Vickie but at the same time so completely different. She loved the way she was unashamedly herself and the way she dressed herself. Vickie loved her heart, how open it was, and at the same time so closed off. She loved her friendship with Steve and the way she looked after the kids. She loved the way she got distracted in everything she did, but when it was well and truly important, she was determined to try and focus. Overall, she just loved the way her mind worked and that the fact that she was so good with languages. . .all very attractive. She just loved her energy and the fact that she was such a romantic. . .the fact that she loved old romance movies was adorable to Vickie, even if it wasn't her cup of tea. Robin gazed at her, her eyelids clearly heavy, but she was trying so hard to stay awake so she could keep looking at Vickie. God, she loved her. Oh. . .she loved her! Should she say it? Was it too soon? Was it a cliche to say it after sex?
"I love you," Robin said, and Vickie giggled in delight.
"I love you, too," Vickie said.
She kissed Robin and laid down next to her, throwing an arm across her back. They closed their eyes and went to sleep.
Robin and Vickie woke up with a gasp. Someone was knocking and trying to get in. They hurried to get dressed and tried not to giggle as they did it. Robin and Vickie unlocked the door, running out as quickly as they could without being scolded by the doctor in the hallway. They found the others in the waiting room. Dustin, Mike, Will, and El had taken the opportunity to go visit Max. Nancy and Jonathan were giggling in the corner with Steve, their hands on the back of Steve's neck.
"Where were you guys and why did you switch clothes?" Hopper asked.
"Hopper," Joyce said, trying not to smile.
"Uh, Vickie needed to take a nap, and I thought someone should watch over her. That someone is me," Robin replied.
"And you had to swap clothes?" Hopper asked.
"Hopper, come on," Joyce giggled. "You're not this dense."
"We had sex," Vickie blurted out.
"Oh," Hopper said, his face turning red and his eyes squinting in embarrassment.
"How'd you get to be a cop, Hop?" Steve asked teasingly.
"Shut the hell up," Hopper growled, causing Nancy and Jonathan to laugh. "We don't have to keep talking about this."
"Oh, I don't know," Robin grinned. "It's pretty fucking hilarious."
They giggled and found their way over to the other couple in the room. Or was it throuple?
"You two look cute wearing each other's clothes," Steve said with a teasing grin.
"I would say that you three should get a room, but the on-call room is now taken," Robin said.
"You think they knew what we were doing in there?" Vickie asked.
"I doubt it," Robin said. "I drew boobies on my shoes for a long time and no one noticed. Besides, Hopper just proved that people with good investigative skills can be pretty clueless."
"You're not going to let this go, are you?" Hopper asked.
"Oh, never."
The final battle against Henry Creel was set in motion by the resurrection of Eddie Munson or so, Robin and Vickie had heard. They had spent quite a while looking over Max after that, but once again, they had gotten separated when Hopper needed all hands-on deck for the final battle. Once again, they had been shoved into different cars, but this time, it had been days since she last seen Robin, stuck at WSQK with Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve. The town had lost power with the lightning growing stronger, with Henry growing more powerful. The light from the red sky filtered in the room slightly, and they did have lamps that were used for camping to give them some light. Not only was she cut off from Robin but from her dad as well. Even though she was tired, bruised, and bloody, Vickie couldn't sit still.
"They're going to be okay," Nancy reassured Vickie.
"I hope so. I'm not going to be jealous that at least you get to be with your partners," Vickie said. "Oh, that's not very nice of me."
"Well, you're stressed. We all are," Nancy replied.
"But you guys can't be with your families either," Vickie sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Well, let's get your mind of something else," Nancy said. "Are you planning on taking Robin on a date after this?"
"Oh, definitely," Vickie sighed. "And it's not going to be the fucking War Zone."
"Wait, did Dan really take you there on a date?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah," Vickie rolled her eyes.
"I always thought he was an idiot," Steve said.
"Well, at least, I know what not to do," she replied, and they all laughed. "I was thinking about maybe a movie so that way no one can see us kiss or hold hands. . .maybe a picnic on. . .Mount Weathertop? Right, that's what the kids call it?"
"Yeah," Jonathan said. "That sounds nice."
"What about you guys?" Vickie asked with a grin. "What's a date between three people going to look like?"
"Well, I was thinking about maybe cooking them dinner, and there's this bookstore up in Indianapolis that's in a strip mall. There's also a great record store next to it, a comic bookstore, and there's a photography studio there that I thought Jonathan would love. Last time, Robin and I went up there. We were there for hours, and I thought that Nancy would love the bookstore, considering it's owned by a female journalist. I mean, when I saw it, I immediately thought of Nancy and Jonathan," Steve said fondly.
"Really, Steve?" Nancy asked, looking at him affectionately, her eyes wide.
"Yeah," Steve said.
"That's sounds great, babe," Jonathan said and they both kissed his cheek.
"It's perfect," Nancy said.
"It's also where me and Robin got our tattoos," Steve said.
"You have a tattoo?" Nancy asked.
"Well, not really," Steve said. "We did ours together and we both got scared of the needle so it's more of a dot."
"Oh! I was about to say I did not see a tattoo anywhere on Robin's body," Vickie said. "Now, that I'm thinking about it. . .there was an oddly shaped mole on her butt. . ."
"Yeah, it's on my butt, too," he muttered, and they all laughed.
Just as she was about to inquire further about their little trip, the whole ground began to shake. It was an earthquake on a much larger scale than the one that ripped its way through Hawkins a year earlier. They all dove for safety, holding onto each other tightly as they waited for it end. It went on for a long time, debris falling all around them, and they thought for sure that they were going to die. Finally, it ended after a few rounds of aftershocks. They stayed where they were until they knew for sure it was over. Nancy led the group outside.
"Holy shit," Steve gasped.
The red sky had started to fade, and the lightning had stopped. The particles had started to disappear as dead demobats started to rain from the sky.
"Did we win?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, I think so," Steve grinned.
Vickie hollered as Steve picked her up and twirled her around. She giggled and hugged him back before demanding to be put down. Nancy and Jonathan had just pulled away from each other, having kissed each other in excitement. Steve drew Nancy into a kiss before doing the same with Jonathan. She watched them fondly for a moment and she looked surprised when Nancy walked over to her. She hugged Vickie and pulled back, grinning.
"Don't look so surprised, Fisher, you're officially one of us," Nancy said, and Vickie smiled at her.
"Shit. . .do you think that Max . . . ?" Steve started to say.
"Hospital," they all said.
They all piled up into Nancy's car and drove off towards the hospital. They were careful to avoid debris and vines on the road. The sky was mostly blue now, and they could see the sun again. When was the last time they had seen the sun? When they got to the hospital, El, Will, Joyce, and Hopper were already there. El and Will looked completely exhausted, but they were happy to see that Max was awake. Her father was there, checking the state of Max's eyes. She would never be able to see well again, but she was alive, and the most important part was that she could see Lucas. He had never left her side.
"Glad to see we have another redhead in our group," Max said.
"Yeah, this is Vickie. She's pretty badass," Nancy said with a smile. "She's saved our lives a bunch of times."
"She is Robin's girlfriend," El said.
"El!" Will exclaimed.
"Was I not supposed to say anything?" El asked.
"It's fine," Vickie chuckled. "It was going to come out eventually. We can't seem to keep our hands off each other."
"That's so great. You're lucky to have Robin," Max said. "I used to have a crush on her."
"What?!" Steve asked.
"Yeah. I thought I was obvious," Max said and shrugged. "I have Lucas, so you have nothing to worry about."
"You like men and women, too?" Vickie asked.
"Are you telling me that you're a bisexual and a redhead?" Max asked. "If you tell me that you like skateboarding, I'm done."
"No! But I always wanted to learn. I'm a bit of a klutz though," Vickie said.
"The minute I get out of here and finished with therapy, I'm teaching all of you how to skateboard. And you can't say no because I just came out of a coma," Max said and they all laughed.
"So, being bisexual means you like men and women?" Lucas asked Max.
"Yeah," Max replied.
"Oh, I didn't know that. That's cool. I always just assumed - no, it's stupid," Lucas said.
"I mean, it probably is," Max laughed. "Go on."
"I thought like all straight guys secretly thought other guys were hot like this unspoken agreement," Lucas said.
"Well, you're just like me, man," Steve said. "I thought the same thing."
"Really?" Lucas asked.
Lucas grinned and hugged Steve tightly. Steve pulled back, slapping Lucas on the back.
"So, just a headcount, and you don't have to say anything, but is anyone in this room straight?" Steve asked.
Everyone shook their heads except El who just looked confused.
"I don't know," El said.
"And that's okay," Steve said, and she smiled at him. "We're all still figuring things out."
"Mom?" Will asked.
"My first time was not with a man," Joyce said, shrugging.
"Hopper?" Jonathan asked.
"Your mother was there both times when I hooked up with a man," Hopper said, shrugging. "I just thought that's what people do."
"Oh my god!" Max asked with a grin. "Did you guys have an orgy?"
"Do not answer that," Will said.
"Well. . ." Joyce said.
"You're only young once," Hopper said.
"I said not to answer that," Will groaned.
"Not going to lie to the girl who just came out of a coma," Hopper said. "I learned my lesson."
Vickie laughed.
"You're all so amazing," she said, and Max laughed with her.
"What else did I miss? Did Jonathan and Steve duke it out over Nancy?" Max asked.
"No," Jonathan and Steve laughed.
"It made more sense that all three of us are together," Nancy laughed.
"You can do that?" El asked.
"Of course, you can," Nancy grinned.
El shared a shy smile with Max and Lucas. Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve also shared a knowing look.
"I guess we all won," Max said, smiling and then her face dropped. "Except for Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick."
"Shit, Goddamnit, we almost forgot," Hopper said. "They're alright. They're the ones who helped us kill Creel. Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick were never dead in the first place. Vickie, your cousin is alive. She's with your father being checked out down the hall."
Vickie took off almost immediately. She finally passed her father before skidding to a stop and turning around to hug him tightly.
"Chrissy?" She asked.
"Well, she's in there, but I wouldn't go - "
Vickie didn't bother to listen to the rest of what he had to say. She burst into the room, only to find Chrissy sucking face with Eddie Munson. They jumped apart pretty quickly.
"Sorry!" Vickie squeaked. "I'm Vickie!"
"I know, Uncle Matthew told me," Chrissy laughed.
"I just got excited when they told me you were alive. I swear I didn't know you were my cousin until after you had. . .well, um. . .died, so it sucked that I didn't get to know you," Vickie said.
"You can blame my mother for that one," Chrissy said. "She told me her brother was dead. I'm glad she was wrong."
Vickie was surprised when Chrissy pulled her into a hug, but she quickly hugged her back.
"Hey, you're both the same height!" Eddie exclaimed and Vickie pulled back with a laugh.
"That we both get from Granny Fisher," Vickie replied.
"And your red hair?" Eddie asked, flashing his dimples.
"Well, I get mine from my mother," Vickie said. "Chrissy gets hers from Granny."
"You guys are definitely related. You don't really look alike, but you have the same energy," Eddie said.
"Yeah, another thing we got from Granny," Vickie said. "We should go visit her after this!"
"Granny had a lot to give, didn't she?" Eddie laughed.
"Yeah. . .Eddie, I want you to know that I never once thought you could do any of those things. Me and my father, thought it was dumb the way they didn't try to look for any other suspects. Although, how could they find anyone else when the guy who did do it was from an alternate dimension? Although Jason made himself look pretty guilty. I mean, everyone knows you broke up with him before the game," Vickie said with a frown.
"You ramble on a bit, don't you, darling?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"Yeah, like a - "
" - runaway train," a familiar voice finished her sentence.
Vickie whirled around and gasped when she saw Robin standing in the doorway. She couldn't help it. She threw herself into Robin's arms, wrapping her legs around her waist, causing her to laugh with delight. Vickie didn't care. She crashed her lips to hers, crying. She pulled back, still allowing Robin to hold her.
"Hi," Vickie said.
"Hi," Robin grinned.
"I was scared you might be dead," Vickie whispered.
"Well, I'm not. I'm here," Robin said.
"I'm sorry, I got carried away," Vickie said.
She moved to slip out of Robin's arms, but Robin held on. She collapsed into a chair, holding Vickie in her lap. Vickie smiled, studying her face. For once, she had nothing to say. Suddenly, Eddie moved beside them, causing them to jump.
"Don't worry, I don't have a problem with it," Eddie said.
"With me and Robin?" Vickie asked.
"Well, that too. . .but no. I was talking about you rambling," Eddie replied. "If you were worried."
"I wasn't," she giggled.
"With you rambling away and me eager to stand on a soap box, I see us doing a great many things, Fisher," Eddie said delightfully.
"Stop propositioning my girlfriend, Munson, and go away," Robin said.
Robin pulled Vickie closer to her, her hand accidentally drifting against Vickie's ass. Suddenly, Vickie thought about Robin's and the tattoo that was there. She burst into a fit of giggles and she couldn't stop.
"Are you okay?" Chrissy asked in amusement.
Vickie was about to say something when Steve walked in, and she couldn't help but laugh harder.
"What?" Robin asked.
"I'm sorry but I know about your tattoo," Vickie giggled.
"Traitor!" Robin yelled at Steve.
"Sorry, I had to get her mind off our impending doom," Steve said.
"You, Robin Buckley, have a tattoo?" Eddie asked with a grin.
"Yeah, I'm full of surprises," she mumbled. "Steve has one, too."
"Well, whip it out, big boy, let's see it," Eddie said.
"It's on my ass, Munson," Steve replied. "And I wouldn't even call it a tattoo. It's a dot."
"Why would you get a tattoo of a dot on your ass?" he asked. "Don't you have, like, a million of natural ones?"
"Well, we didn't factor in our fear of needles because we didn't know we had one until it touched our skin," Robin said.
"Yeah, we figured it probably has something to do with getting drugged against our will by the Russians at Starcourt," Steve shrugged.
"Okay, well, now I feel bad for laughing," Vickie said.
"Don't be, baby," Robin said. "Your laughter is like music to my ears."
"Besides, it's hilarious," Steve grinned. "Anyway, Dustin wanted to see if you guys wanted to go the roof and look at the sunset."
"Hell, I'm up for it," Eddie said. "Could use some fresh air."
"Me too," Chrissy said and hugged Eddie.
They all moved out of the room and down the hallway. Eddie and Chrissy had gotten a bunch of stares from the nurses and the doctors.
"Yep, it's me. Eddie Munson, murderer, back from the dead and the girl he was accused of killing," Eddie said cheerfully. "We're dating now! Anyone want an autograph or a picture. . .heard they last longer."
"Eddie!" Chrissy laughed.
The party gathered up on the roof. Smoke, dust, and ash swirled in the air, so it wasn't exactly fresh. It was still alarming to see it back in the daytime after spending so long in the dark. The trees were dead from lack of proper air, sunlight, and water. Fires had erupted and been promptly put out, but some of them had been set loose to start the process of life over again. The town had a long way to go but as Vickie looked around at the group that had gathered together, she knew that they would all come together to help heal the town that they had all loved so dearly. Vickie wrapped her arms around Robin. She wished that it had happened some other way, that people didn't have to suffer, but she was glad to be a part of this group. . .this family, and she was also glad that they could find happiness amongst all this hellfire.
I'm waking up, and I feel it in my bones. Enough to make my system blow. Welcome to the new age, to the new age. . .
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
Hello India! Because I unfortunately belong to the overthinkers club, I´ve been recently thinking about that "famously sexy" quote especially after H´s extra sexy outfit yesterday. And I would like to share some of my opinions about this theme which maybe goes hand in hand with H´s sexuality.
As we can see how Louis is becoming more and more confident and open every show - his tanktops, his smile after barricade ripped tank top and how he came back half naked looking beyond happy, his interaction with fans, dancing and just feeling himself - I have no doubt that H is very the same. When I think back to that Better homes and gardens´ interview he said something like how he struggled with himself and felt that his sex life was the only thing that was truly his and he felt ashamed of that. The Harry we can see on stage these months is - as I personally see it - very open person who no longer struggle to be truly himself, being proud and comfortable of his sexuality (no matter how he identifies) and he loves his body. Of course, there´s a factor of being on stage and put up a great show but I don´t think he´ll be able to do it as he does if he won´t be confident and won´t feel it. Yes, there are all those marketing strategies how he´s sold as a sex symbol mostly for female audience and I see this very similar to how Ricky Martin has been sold during 00´s - he has very sexy videos where he´s making out with woman, his body was (and still is) very ripped and mostly half naked. Back then even my child self (I was about 10 years old) saw him as a total sex god. And now he´s openly gay, still doing very sexy photoshoots....because he´s proud and he´s feeling himself. But I see something different with Harry being more open and giving hints of his queerness - something Ricky Marting wasn´t probably able to do back then - his total sexy gay outfits (yesterday he looked like he´s literally came on stage from gay bar), his banana dick, penis jokes and gay innuendos are just a few which came to my mind now. And there´s his role for MP and those sex scenes which he was able and comfortable to shoot which also speaks volume. Writing this, his stunts with women and interaction to some het signs are just to get away with everything queer he does. And the last question to think about - for whom is he famously sexy? He´s sold as a sex symbol for female audience mostly but....but does it mean that gay men don´t see him as a sex symbol too? What if his actual target are gays and never women (but heteronormativity makes us feel like it´s primary for women) - we will never know because he will never tell and that´s probably good because he´ll loose most if he just come out. Sorry for longer message, hope it´s understandable what I´m trying to say - not everything we think he´s sold as and primary for whom might be true and his inner target can be totally different.
I think, to stay mentally healthy, Harry has very much learned to compartmentalize between his personal and professional life.
I tend to think the fandom struggles with this compartmentalization because it feels so drastically different from what he seemed to want when he was younger and how much he visibly pushed against that overly sexualized image (which he still does, btw, because enjoying being sexy and inviting sexualization will always be two different things).
But yeah, I think the fandom doesn’t know how to reconcile his personal acceptance of his status as a sex symbol with the way he used to push back so fiercely against it. But really, I think it’s just a conscious, strategic adult decision.
This is not to say I agree with forcibly closeting anyone, or using closeting/stunting as currency to win back inalienable rights and personal freedoms. I absolutely do not and I wish the world was not this way at all.
But I’m also aware that we live in this reality, where the entertainment industry will continue to commodify people because there’s nothing that stops them, which means playing into that role allows him other freedoms, because anyone with any kind of professional career understands that making yourself “worth the trouble” and irreplaceable, especially in such a finicky industry, is what’s going to allow for both creative control and longevity in your career.
At the end of the day, I think it all boils down to cost. We like to think of stunts in a vacuum - either they exist or they don’t, and everything else stays the same - but the truth is, that’s not the way it works. Rather, it’s a lot more likely that stunts are a constant part of being That Kind of celebrity, particularly because of Harry’s profile, how he shot to fame, and how he has always been marketed, and what he has managed to do is gain enough leverage and popularity to exchange participation for something/multiple things: creative freedom, personal expression, rainbow flags every night, sparkly bi music… the list goes on.
And, as easy as it is to say it’s black-and-white not worth it… do we really mean that? If we had a printed receipt that said the cost of being allowed to fly a rainbow flag every night and play a starring role in a queer film and write songs like She and Find Line and Little Freak and helping fans come out and saying “we’re all a little bit gay” was one (1) stunt every year, would we, as a fandom, be willing to make the trade? Would we be willing to go back to the way it was in the 1D days, where everything he did and said was so tightly monitored that a glimpse of anything rainbow would send us into cardiac arrest and growing his hair was the biggest act of authenticity and rebellion he could manage?
And more than that, do we even have the right to have weigh in on something we know nothing about the complexities of, and that neither affect our life/our career/our future/the way we’re allowed to move about the world as a person/artist?
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i was wondering if you could do something g about lorraine broughton having a secret wife and teenage daughter, maybe the daughter is upset and has reckless behavior because lorraine is never around or something and lorraine comfort a her and it’s fluff and angst 🫶 <3
You were never a real mother
Warnings: Fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, angst?
Word count: 2.1 K
Pairing: Lorraine Broughton x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Athena barely knows her mother Lorraine, which annoys her… More when she has to live with her.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Charlize Theron characters masterlist]
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The British government could not fully trust the testimony of Lorraine Broughton. If they were completely honest with themselves, they didn't know her at all. And they were absolutely right in the world.
No one knew of Y/N:;not how she met Lorraine; nor how they started dating; nor do they know that both sealed their love with a pair of rings; much less did they know the little girl, fruit of that love.
It was logical that nobody knew those secrets of the blonde woman. The names of those women never left Lorraine's mouth; had never seen a photo of them; she did not even have a representative lake of them with her. Another thing that perpetuated this idea of the loneliness of the blonde was that she was always available for any mission. Nothing in Lorraine's life could get in the way of her work life.
Y/N could understand.
She had met Lorraine on a mission, and she saw firsthand how demanding and dangerous her job could be. But she also saw the blonde's guilty taste for work, not to mention how obsessed and protective she could be. She is capable of anything to protect her family.
But Athena could never understand it.
For as long as she could remember, she always remembered herself longing for the return of her taller mother. She knew, she knew that her blonde mother had missed her first word, her first steps, her first day at school, the time she got chicken pox, when she learned to ride a bike, when she had a fight with her best friend, when the boy she liked rejected her. Lorraine missed everything.
Athena had a lot of resentment towards Lorraine. Athena thought that her life would be a thousand times better if Y/N didn't wait every night for the return of her wife. Athena thought her mother deserved better than the blonde.
Quickly, the young brunette went downstairs, sitting on a step so she could put on her usual boots.
"Are you going to leave without breakfast?" Athena rolled her eyes, causing her mother to let out a small laugh "don't make that face at me, lady" they both laughed
"No, I'm already late, I'll just take an apple with me" the teenager took an apple from the fruit bowl, washed it and took a bite.
"For God's sake, buy a decent breakfast at school."
"Yes mom" crooned the girl
The woman quickly took her daughter's face to give her small and repetitive kisses on her right cheek.
"I love you, you know"
"Yes mom, I love you too" the girl took her backpack and her keys.
Just before the young woman walked out the door and started listening to music through her headphones, her mother's voice made her stop.
“By the way, I almost forgot. Try to arrive early, tonight mom is coming"
Athena felt the blood drain to her feet.
"What? Is this a fucking joke? Because it's not funny at all, Mom."
Y/N could see the annoyance and discomfort on her daughter's face. She was identical to Lorraine.
"Please, Thena, let's not start…"
"But mom…"
"No buts, go before you're late"
With a final huff, the teenager left, slamming the door.
Y/N knew how the girl might behave when her blonde mother was around.
The locker was closed with such great force, it easily caused the other students around her to freak out.
"Wow, relax tiger, what has you in such a bad mood on a Friday?"
The sarcastic smile that Alicia kept on her face was only making Athena want to rip it off with a severe blow.
"I'm not in the mood for your shit, Alice."
She tried to escape from the redheaded woman, because she really didn't want to vent her fury on her best friend, but the redheaded woman decided to follow her.
"Oh come on Thena, what could be so bad that you can't take your friend's shit?"
“My problem is Lorraine Broughton”
Alice knew the complicated relationship her friend had with her second mother. She had even tried to persuade her to no start calling her 'Lorraine' instead of 'mother' or 'mama', but she also knew that her friend could be stubborn as a mule.
"Well, Thena, look on the nice side…"
"Al, there's no 'nice' side to this shit."
“Thena, don't say that. It's your mom"
“Listen to me very well Alice, she has NEVER been a mother. She has never cared in the slightest about me or my mom. The fact that her ovum was occupied to bring me into this world does not make her my mother."
Athena left before she could hear any reply from her friend, leaving her speechless and forcing her to follow her to her first class.
It's going to be a hard day, Alice thought.
Y/N's foot tapped repeatedly on the floor, looking forward to sitting on the couch with the remote control in her right hand and a glass of red wine in her left.
It was already after 8:00 p.m. and there was no sign of her daughter, who normally arrived around 6:00 p.m.
The woman's thoughts stopped when she heard the front door open and close.
She quickly left the glass on the table in the living room and got up to stick her head towards the door.
She found a blonde mane; she was a little longer than when they first met, pretty hands leaving suitcases on the hall floor, and long, sexy legs covered in pretty stockings.
"Oh, it's you"
"Well, that's a very nice way to welcome me, darling" Lorraine teased as she bent down to open her suitcase and take out the gifts she had brought.
“Oh baby, believe me, I'm glad you're here” Y/N quickly hugged her wife's back and spread small kisses on it causing Lorraine to laugh “I'm just worried. Thena has not arrived"
“Let her breathe for a moment Y/N, she's 17, let her be. Stop worrying for a moment and come see what I brought you from Spain”
More interested, Y/N released her wife, who quickly placed before her eyes a package of Serrano ham and a beautiful bottle of Spanish red wine.
“Wow honey, you do have refined tastes” Y/N joked
“That's not the best part.” As if by magic, Lorraine pulled a pearl necklace from her coat pocket.
“Oh honey, they are beautiful. Where…?
"There is a Spanish island where they specialize in pearls" commented the blonde hugging her wife by the waist while they both looked at the jewelry.
"They are perfect. Thank you so much"
“But, the surprises do not end here. Go put on a great dress, my love, because as soon as Athena walks through that door, I'll take you to the best restaurant in town."
"Oh honey, that's not necessary"
“Of course it is necessary. I want to make up to my two girls for being away for almost 6 months”
As if it had been summoned, minutes later the door opened to close again with a loud bang. Without a doubt, it was Athena.
"Yes mom?"
Both women stuck their heads into the hall watching how the girl began to untie the laces of her boots angrily.
"Hi cute"
The teen's head turned so dramatically, both mothers feared the girl had broken her neck.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well honey… I live here"
"Thena!" yelled Y/N
"You know what? I'm not for this shit" without further ado, Athena left her boots and started running up the stairs.
"Get dressed because we're going to dinner with your mother!" scream y/n
"Athena Broughton I'm not playing!"
The teenager did not respond and the only thing that was heard was a loud slam.
"She hates me, right?"
Y/N didn't deign to answer. She didn't want to break her wife's heart, but she also didn't want to lie to her when the truth was right before her eyes.
“You know, maybe you two should go alone to dinner…”
“No, this is for three. I promise, no, I swear that tomorrow Thena and I will have a conversation."
"That soothes my soul a bit" Y/N replied between giggles.
Lorraine laughed too and planted a long, loud kiss on the temple of the black-haired woman.
"I love you"
"I love you much more"
Athena's leg was bouncing frantically as she listened to the stupid anecdotes of the blonde woman in front of her.
"Thena, honey, stop moving your leg, you make me nervous" Y/N tried to joke
"Can we go now?"
"Honey, we just got here"
"I'm not in the mood to be here…"
"How have you been in school, Thena?" asked Lorraine
"Do you really care?"
"Clearly I care, Athena."
"Well, you have shown the opposite in the last 17 years"
"Look, Thena, if I've been away for anything, it's so you'll have a bed to rest that ungrateful behind on."
"I never asked you!"
"You didn't have to ask me, it's my obligation!"
The teenager got up and quickly left the restaurant.
Lorraine didn't even let Y/N say anything so she too got up and left the restaurant.
She knew it was a bad idea to go after her now. She would leave her alone for a while to go talk to her.
"I can sit here?" asked Lorraine lightly kicking her daughter's boot. The girl didn't answer and just stepped aside, leaving her a space on the park bench. “Hey honey, I just want to let you know that what I said at the restaurant…isn't what I think at all. I love with all my heart being your mother."
"Don't lie Lorraine, we all know it's not true"
"Why do you think that is not true?"
"You've never been there for me, you don't know how much my mom and I have had to go through alone" Athena didn't realize she had started to cry until she saw the blonde woman and her own tears trying to clean her own " You don't know anything about me, you don't know my friends' names, you don't know which university I want to enter, what's more, I bet you don't even know the day I was born; I don't even remember when was the last time you hugged me."
Lorraine just let the girl cry as she ran her hand over her back. When the girl calmed down, it was time for Lorraine to speak again.
"I'm so sorry you feel that way, Thena" without realizing it, the blonde began to cry "I've never been very good at showing my true emotions; your mother knows very well what that shit is like” she laughed through her tears “not to mention how demanding my job is. I know I'm fucking shitty as a mother, I know that, and really, I'm so sorry" the crying began to intensify "you and your mother deserve someone who spends every fucking second of their lives with you, and your mother,instead I, who with a lot of luck I can come home. I'm sorry, sweet girl” Athena was surprised to feel the woman's arms surrounding her in a hug and feeling the tears on her neck “please don't hate me Thena, you are what I love the most in life. I couldn't live knowing that you hate me."
Athena could hear in her head the thousands of stories her mother told to justify the blonde woman, just like she could hear Alice trying to persuade her friend. She hated that someone else was right.
"I don't hate you, mother, even if I wanted to, I couldn't hate you"
"I would do it"
"You are not helping me"
They both laughed.
“Well, now that we're here,” Lorraine wiped away her tears, smiling in the process, “tell me how school has been. I want to hear it all"
Y/N's feet carried her around the living room of her house, while her right hand held the phone to her ear.
She had been trying to communicate with her wife or daughter for more than an hour, but none showed signs of life, until she heard laughter at the front door, which opened and closed again.
"Where the hell were they?"
"Calm down mom. We were talking"
"but where?!"
"Calm down baby, you wanted me to improve my relationship with Thena, right? Well, I already did"
"My loves, I am very happy that you are better" she taken both of their cheeks and plant a kiss on both of their cheeks "but you had me extremely worried. So… both of you are completely grounded”
"But mom…"
"Shut up Thena"
"You can't grounded me"
"Don't tempt me Lorraine"
I have to admit I LOVED writing this. Thank you very much, mystery person.
I hope you enjoy it
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