#I’m thinking of that video with the choir singing radiohead
gunkbaby · 2 months
The other day i was thinking abt how Seinan Gakuin High School was based off a catholic school and all i can think about is if they had to sing hymns every morning.
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snowflake-risotto · 3 years
Eurovision 2021 Ranking w Comments
1. Denmark - Look this is god tier, idk what all the twitter ppl are talking about. Yeah it may be "dated", but by that logic, so is Finland.
2. Czech Republic - Again, god tier, but odds are also saying it won't qualify!!! Maybe I am out of touch.
3. Bulgaria - "No doubt you're worth saving, when getting up is all you've got" FUCK I CRIED.
4. Russia - Everything Toy wanted to be. Fave backing singer is the sweaty man.
5. Australia - We actually served this year and chances are we won't qualify. Yes, I am mad cause somehow our 2017 song qualified and it was shite.
6. Lithuania - The verses, the chorus, the yellow costumes, the hand thing. It's just too hard to pinpoint my favourite part of the whole package.
7. Georgia - LBR this will never qualify, but up until we get the MYYYY LOOOVVVEEEE its my favourite song. Idk it feels like such a waste that some mindless pop might qualify instead of this (*cough* *Moldova*).
8. Ukraine - I prefer the original version. This is still amazing tho.
9. Croatia - Love it. Suck shit 5g conspirator lady.
10. Cyprus - Some of the lyrics are so stupid (hotter than sriracha on the body), but goddamn that shit is catchy.
11. France - Everyone is raving about her performance style, but I'm not a fan tbh. Love the song tho and she does sing it so much better live than on the recording.
12. Italy - Out of the two rock offerings this year, this one is more timeless. Also, HELL YEAH! FEMALE BASSIST!
13. San Marino - Flo Rida or no Flo Rida it's a banger. Lmao @ Flo rida tho for judging a bikini competition instead of coming to a little insignificant song competition.
14. Poland - My guilty pleasure. It's just way too chaotic to hate (kinda like daddy Serhat in 2019) daddy Rafał hold me like one of your fish.
15. Serbia - Look I was annoyed at first listen, but a few rum-ba-ba-ba-bums later, it's a chaotic masterpiece, not a chaotic mess like #33.
16. UK - Massive improvement! Congrats, I guess. HOWEVER, I feel that this will still struggle to make top 20.
17. Belgium - Remember how they fired their singer that was supposed to represent them last year, it is for this reason that I think this song is a diss track about her. LUKA WORE THAT JOHNNY CASH T-SHIRT.
18. Ireland - Similar to last year, but unlike Azerbaijan, there are enough differences to make it a likeable entry. This of course is helped by the fact Ireland was a bit of a guilty pleasure last year.
19. Netherlands - Jeangu's voice is so rich and beautiful. I love the lyrics, but it is naïve of everybody to think that the commentators ( I'm looking at you UK) won't make a joke about that one lyric that sounds like a vegetable. I'm not gonna say what it is, google is free yanno.
20. Switzerland - It's one of those songs that I needed to listen to several times to appreciate.
21. Iceland - I love his message and his wholesomeness. Overall I like it, but I feel like the eurofan choir was only thought of to please the public in the short-term.
22. Malta - I love Destiny. I love her voice, her personality and the fact that she grew so much as a singer in front of our very eyes. However, they could have given her something that does not sound like a Melfest reject.
23. Norway - Radiohead 'Creep,' but make it g rated with design inspiration from Azerbaijan 2008 and and Croatia 2019.
24. Sweden - It's Sweden. It's safe, good and polished, but far too safe, good and polished.
25. Austria - On one hand, I can see through it as a jurybait wannabe. On the other hand, I do get (a good) emotional listening to it.
26. Greece - Its a vast improvement. This song suits Stefania better, unlike the "hello fellow kidzzz" rubbish of last year.
27. Finland - Welcome to 2004.
28. Slovenia - Excellent voice. That's it.
29. Spain - When I listened to it for the first time, I liked it, but I haven't really listened to it since.
30. Estonia - Pretty standard song, nothing special. Everyone calling Uku "daddy" on twitter is kinda funny tho.
31. Romania - I prefer Bulgarian Billie Eilish.
32. Portugal - The song is alright, his voice however is a bit too nasal for my liking.
33. Azerbaijan - You literally sent the same song. No effort! Boo! However, I do like the 20 second shaky camera disaster at the end of the music video.
34. Albania - I feel bad putting this so low, but when you have a national final so early, I often just forget it exists come contest time.
35. Latvia - Since I didn't like Samanta's offer last year or Tamara's song from 2019, it's probably the blonde bob haircut that I don't like.
36. Is**el - Out of all the pop songs this year, I am the most indifferent to this one.
37. North Macedonia - Better luck next year.
38. Moldova - The bit where Natalia dances with ice cream cones is unsettling because it reminds me of the music video for les succettes where dancing lollipops/penises are in the vicinity of France Gall.
39. Germany - The one guy that insists on playing his ukulele in any given situation. If you thought that was bad, just wait for the beat to drop.
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stairwelltradeshow · 3 years
The objective top 100 songs of all time.
This list is permeated by both recency bias and just terrible fucking taste in music. I made this list by writing down every song i liked, then slowly whittling them away. Once I got to 100 I selected a song and listened to it, I then listened to the next and if i liked it more than the previously listened to song I put it above the other song on the list. Rinse and repeat for 100 songs. A secondary disclaimer, some of the songs are either specific live versions, or youtube covers in which case i will make it clear.
100. Yer killin’ me-Remo Drive. A simple emo banger that starts off with a very triumphantly yelled “I dont wanna fucking be here anymore.” in a voice that can only be managed by a whiny 20 something. I also fucking adore the most chorus-y part of the song with the “You make me.” section. The only downside to this song is the acoustic section at the end.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kaMiIaT-sg&ab_channel=RemoDrive
99. Sing-Ed Sheeran. In the first of MANY opinions that will get a certain breed of music fan to fucking murder me is the best Ed Sheeran song. It is the only time where Ed Sheeran sounds actually fun to be around, and smooth as hell. Pharell Williams has his fingerprints all over this track and thank fuck for that. The groove in the bridge over Sheerans falsetto is immaculate, and that chorus bangs to put it scientifically. The verses are a treat with Sheeran doing fucking rap verses about club life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scHS8YaYoRA&ab_channel=EdSheeran
98. Never trust a man who plays guitar-Wingnut dishwashers union. This song is hard to talk about. It is just 2:17 of folk punk over a painfully robotic drum beat and the lyrics have no deeper meaning behind what is shouted by a man who cannot sing to save his life. And I fucking love it. Pat the bunny delivers a straight forward folk punk track with possibly his best lyric of all time in “No pulse is no excuse not to dance.” Which just screams angry and 20 at me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG9xvNTYJpQ&ab_channel=WingnutDishwashersUnion-Topic
97. You wouldnt be laughing-The Front Bottoms. In case you were still wondering I am young and god damn it if The Front Bottoms dont understand youth then no one does. This song is just young. From the pop punk influence in its songwriting, to the near apathetic delivery of lyrics about hating your friends this song exists in a perpetual state of high school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sXV9GLKsFQ&ab_channel=Thatguyspike
96. Zero-Smashing pumpkins. “You wanna go for a ride?” Yes Billy, yes I do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wk7C64kaP4&ab_channel=SmashingPumpkinsVEVO
95. Sweatpants-Childish Gambino. I’ve never heard Doland Glover sound so god damn cool. Gambino delivers a variety of flows on this song over one of the most ear worm-y off kilter beats I have ever heard, and includes the best use of both onomatopoeia and the word onomatopoeia. This brag rap (which based on the video I’m sure has a deeper meaning but I cant be fucked to find it because I like the surface song too much to look for it.) is something special.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04TNTpJnwcM&ab_channel=ChildishGambino-Topic
94. Look Into My Eyes-Johnnascus. With a driving beat and an Indian inspired synth line John delivers some of his best verses, and as a songwriter shows his talents by having a breakdown in a rap song. The soundscape created here is one of fear and discomfort. This song does suffer after the 3:39 mark in that it sucks, but the first 3 minutes are that good to get it on this list. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTogOFp3Y4k&ab_channel=JOHNNASCUS
93. Electioneering-Radiohead. Radiohead are a good fucking rock band and I feel we as a collective forgot that after Kid-a and In Rainbows. This blues based banger shows just how good Radiohead can be with just a basic rock kit and 2 musical savants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DtgWrFTtQk&ab_channel=Radiohead-Topic
92. circles ‘round the moon-nana grizol. A deceptively simple song that puts a surprising amount of grand ideas into less than 2 minutes. The opening verse which is only backed by a deliciously crunchy guitar and open cymbal drums hangs for about 40 seconds before bursting into a fucking jam complete with choir and tasty little synth line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzL-seezx5Q&ab_channel=leavemealonegoogle%2Cidontwanttochangemyname
91. You're Gonna Say Yeah-Hushpuppies. I firmly think that this song forgives the french for all of their misdeeds. This garage revival track is brimming with energy. The song has a constant motion to it, and never meanders. And I would be a filthy liar if i were to say I could resist that organ.
90. Waving My Dick In The Wind-Ween. A love song that has my favorite ween vocal delivery, and possibly my favorite rhythm guitar period. The lyrics also describe the longing that comes with the rock-star lifestyle, but doesn't whine about it like every other nerd with a guitar on tour.
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starblitz · 3 years
Dear Evan Hansen: Blind Reaction (derogatory)
Before you click the “read more” button I’d like to state we ( @simppoyo and I) absolutely hate Dear Evan Hansen and this is our first time watching the movie. If you’re a fan you can ignore this post I literally don’t care, shoo.
Bullet list of things we found completely ridiculous ft. commentary:
"Nice manicure, very school shooter chic."
"M,, sorry [naruto runs away]"
"I wish I was different 🥺 I wish I was apart of something 🥺"
"You fell out of a tree? [Stiffled laughter] That's the saddest thing I've ever heard."
"[has asthma attack in the bathroom and looks like an entire blowfish]"
"[Goes onto Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram like the true 30 year o- I mean high schooler he is]"
"This is... Connor wanted you to have this. [hands him his own letter]"
"Connor took his own life. [deadpan]"
"[Entire school gossiping about a suicide]"
"[Takes picture with the besties the day after news breaks in front of dead persons locker]"
"[Says dead brother was a bad person RIGHT AFTER HIS SUICIDE]"
"Who knew rehab could be so much fun."
Connors dad is kind of a dilf ngl
"It was just... [Breaks into song at dinner table]"
Take a shot every time Evan sings "forever"
"[Runs like a wild animal]"
"[Falls like a gmod ragdoll]"
"They think you're lovers you know that right 🤨"
"I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight"
"Ugh calm yourself honey🤨✋"
"[Fruity twirl]"
Why they dancin like those early 2000s mmd music videos
"Take that trees."
"No, Larry, she needs her parents. 👹"
Dilfy voice "I will sing no requiem😈"
"My dad uh... He lives in Colorado... He left when I was seven😃"
"Like what things? [Awkward silence]"
"I do that ironically ✋"
Take more shots every time Evan sings "her"
"[Shares medication information cutely as besties do]"
Me calling Alana(?) pretty for the entirety of her song
"All of us anonymous ones😈🥲😔🥺💔⛈️⛓️🔪🚬🩸💊⛈️💔🥺😔🥲😈"
"He never got invited to a single party😔🥲"
"You're so handsome😌" and it's the ugliest tie I've ever seen
"[Breathes heavily into mic] good mo🔇📣EEEE🔇good morning🔊 sorry-🔉"
Why is he licking his lips so much???
"[Sings in cursive] you will be fouuuUUNNDDD😩"
"His best friend died... You won't believe what he did next!" HELP ME?
[School presentation squares form Connors face like the fucking intro to Megamind]
Why is the dad crying making me emotional I hate this movie but that made me tear up a little it's literally the most emotion I've shown this entire time.
"This is just horrid 🤨" - My boyfriend
"You're gonna wanna grab some tissues 😔☝ [CUTS TO EVAN VOMITING]"
"Yeah he does..." He says as he doesn't have a dad.
"You know those aren't free!!! 👹"
Nvm he pussied out ✋
"Is your room upstairs? [Evan proceeds to give Zoey the grossiest smile ever]"
"I like u cuz... U." Wow that's crazy Shakespeare.
Imagine how awkward...you're a ghost and you see your sister and "best friend" becoming a couple... I'd off myself x2
Not another dinner scene I can't take this it's so awkward
Evans mom is such a bitch 🤨
The way he's coming clean through song is fucking sending us
"🐳WoOOOoORDs🐬 fAil🐋"
Some of this is shot like a horror movie it's so bizarre
My boyfriend momentarily scooches his cat out of his room and I just hear "mEEWw"
"Mom isn't goin anywhere 👹🚬[smokers lung]"
Evan's "YouTuber Apology" ensues
"[Squeezes knee]"
I hate this fucking movie man
Dear Evan Hansen more like Die Evan Hansen
The credits was the best part to the movie tbh.
"YOu wiLL be fOIUUnFdD🐋🐋🐋🐋" and I reply "dude your MOM will be found... In my bed tonight OHHHH🔊🔇"
Final Thoughts:
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onestowatch · 5 years
Gia Woods Delves into a Dangerous Infatuation in “Feel It” Video [Q&A + PREMIERE]
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Gia Woods came out to her Persian parents and the world all at the same time with her 2015 music video, “Only A Girl.” Soon after, the Hollywood native performed her first show ever at LA Pride in front of thousands of parade-goers. Her exotic charm swept the LGBTQ+ community, along with millions of pop perusers who have been streaming her songs ever since. Before long, she was signed to Disruptor Records and has dropped a killer lineup of alluring and breathtaking pop singles in anticipation of her debut EP. 
Her latest track is a roller coaster of maddening infatuation. Today, Ones To Watch is giving you an exclusive look at Woods’ new visual for “Feel It,” in which Woods and her love interest look-alike chase each other through a nightmarish dreamscape of hallucination and seduction. 
In celebration of the new release, we sat down with Gia Woods to talk about her original inspirations, her passion for authenticity, and the creative direction behind her new video. 
OTW: How did you discover your passion for singing/songwriting and what form did that take for you initially?
GW: I really started to become obsessed with just wanting to find out my musical taste through my sister. It was like Madonna, Green Day, Radiohead, she just had this amazing amount of different genres of music. So I was just always around it. And then growing up I had this guitar that was always sitting in my house but no one would play it. I started to just become curious about it, and eventually I just picked up the guitar and taught myself. My cousin was also a musician, so when I went to her house I would play around with her instruments. I was just always curious and wanted to learn almost any instrument I could find. From second grade to fifth grade I was in the school orchestra playing the violin, and then I did choir throughout middle school and high school. So I was just constantly wanting to be involved. Growing up I didn’t have much of a social life, like I didn’t have that many friends so I would always just be at home, writing music in my room with my guitar. So that’s really when I started writing and developing my voice. 
OTW: How does the new visual for “Feel It” compare or contrast with your "coming out" video and song "Only A Girl" in 2015? 
GW: Most of my songs are about a girl, but the thing I love about “Feel It” is that it’s kind of universal, like it doesn’t really matter who it’s about, it’s just about feeling that infatuation and obsession. But I definitely wanted to visual to tie in more of a narrative, like I really wanted to incorporate the infatuation with another person. So that’s why I actually included a visual with a girl, of us kissing, and of me seeing different versions of myself, whether I think it’s me or it’s not. That’s also kind of why I wanted to tie that back in, because in “Only A Girl” there is also a kissing scene. I thought it would be fun to show the narrative of what the song’s about. So that’s kind of where I wanted it to be cohesive with the first video I put out, because I haven’t really been doing much narrative in my videos since “Only A Girl.” The other videos since then have been visually more centered on me, but I thought it would be cool to incorporate more of a story with this one. By the way, I have to shout out one of my best friends, actor and model Sophia Ventrone, who plays the other girl in the video. We’ve been friends for a long time, and it was so much fun filming the video with her. 
OTW: Yea, I really liked seeing the juxtaposition between yourself and your love interest. What's the message behind the matching outfits and the way your faces morph into one another's? 
GW: Well the video is based on the film Black Swan, so it’s basically me confronting myself everywhere I go with this mysterious woman, whether it’s me actually seeing myself or it’s someone else, a twin of mine, or I’m seeing things. But this all goes back to infatuation, which is really what the song’s about. It’s like that feeling when you’re first starting to see someone and you’re just super infatuated with them. That’s kind of where I wanted to incorporate the twin element, because the video is basically just me being infatuated with the fact I can’t tell if I’m seeing myself, or I’m seeing this girl. I just really wanted the visual to make you feel that obsession, of like what is going on. And that control that you just do not have. 
OTW: This video seemed to have punk-ier, darker undertones than your past work. Are you going in a grungier direction with your look and music?
GW: Honestly, I feel like my style is all different ways, like I just love everything. I think it’s really cool to always trying something new, so that’s why I’m always down to try new concepts for videos, new visuals. But I definitely have always had more interest in the darker side of things, clothing wise. Like I would wear all black when I was growing up. I just think all my different songs and videos incorporate all the different styles I’m into, in general. But for this specific song, I really envisioned it being just a bit more like fiery and darker. A lot of people hear the song as like a fun summer song, but I hear it as the opposite. So I just wanted to vibe and the clothes to match that for this one. I like it when the visual doesn’t always match the sound of the song. 
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OTW: If you had to describe the specific message you want to send with your music, in a few sentences or less, what would it be? 
GW: Honestly I just want people to feel like themselves when they listen to my music. If there’s any way that my music could make someone feel that way, that would mean the world to me. And just being honest and genuine through my music, because I think that sometimes people can put a front, or you don’t really get a genuine message when you listen to someone’s song. So, I hope to be an artist who can represent that for somebody. I only listen to artist who I feel like can genuinely connect to their words and lyrics. Because you can tell when someone’s not genuine, you know what I mean? And I hate that. 
OTW: Who do you look up to most in the music industry and why? 
GW: Madonna! I was always obsessed with her growing up, she was really the first pop artist that I latched on to as a kid. And I was just obsessed with watching her videos and what she stood for. Her message was just like “this is what you get,” and that really resonated with me.  
OTW: Which artist or artists would you do anything to collaborate with?
GW: Hmmm, that’s a good one. I would love to do a song with Daft Punk sometime because I’ve always been obsessed with them. And I’ve always loved that kind of like 80s vibe music. Madonna definitely had that vibe too so I would really love to do a song with them.
OTW: Who are your Ones To Watch? 
GW: Dominic Fike, I found him at the very beginning. As soon as he dropped his first song I found it, and I was like this song is gonna blow up. (And it did.)
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starsmaysay · 6 years
part 2: answer EVERY number rn.
i’m gonna try and make this p diverse so it’s more interesting and challenging
1:A song you like with a color in the title
pink ocean- the voidz
2:A song you like with a number in the title
forty days- streetlight manifesto an absolute JAM and one of my fave smanifesto songs
3:A song that reminds you of summertime 
video games- the young professionals  this is a gay ldr cover and i love it
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
haha i can’t even listen to it to link it bc trauma but float on by modest mouse. twigger band.
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
poutine- the dreadnoughts this song sounds ridiculous and it is a bit but also it’s so good
6:A song that makes you want to dance
caught in the middle- paramore
7:A song to drive to
the hands that thieve- streetlight manifesto i could make a whole playlist of good driving songs but it’s hard not to go 90 when the instruments kick in on this
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
the taxpayers- i love you like an alcoholic i was trying to find a more upbeat party song but this is a big fave
9:A song that makes you happy
hunnybee- unknown mortal orchestra
10:A song that makes you sad
kettering- the antlers me, sobbing
12:A song from your preteen years
keep the car running- arcade fire i don’t remember anything from my preteen years but this came out in that time and it’s good so here
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
AFRICA obviously but i p much listen exclusively to the nsp cover so
girls just wanna have fun- cyndi lauper  don’t @ me
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
such great heights- iron and wine i’d want this as the first/slow dance and i would probably sob
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
just- streetlight manifesto (radiohead cover)
16:One of your favorite classical songs
L'amour est un oiseau rebelle from Carmen we learned this in choir junior year and it was a blast, and also like. where what little training/talent i have came from, bc opera is intense but such an absolute joy
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
i know you to well to like you anymore- reel big fish this is a silly one but i can’t think of any good duets off the top of my head
18:A song from the year that you were born
lovefool- the cardigans there’s a cover of this i really like but this is the ‘96 song
19:A song that makes you think about life
this year- the mountain goats
20:A song that has many meanings to you
antichrist- the 1975
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
dear sergio- catch-22 the origin of this url
22:A song that moves you forward
riot rhythm- sleigh bells this is some loud discordant bullshit but this album is a fave and this song gets me super pumped
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
my chem is the obvious answer so i’ll put muscle n flo by menomena instead bc it’s so good
25:A song by an artist no longer living
i somehow don’t actively listen to any artists that have passed away? so have another menomena song bc they’re fucking dead 
taos- menomena it’s a song abt sex addiction but it’s a bop
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
dream- mystery skulls 
27:A song that breaks your heart
neptune- sleeping at last both the atlas space albums make me cry but this song especially just shreds my heart
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
with any sort of certainty- toh kay this man whistles for 30 seconds straight and it’s flawless? how the fuck
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
basketcase- green day more from dookie bc fcuk you
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
moment of violence- streetlight manifesto you think i wasn’t gonna close this off with some streetlight??? SIKE
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justholdingstill · 7 years
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people.
The lovely @pantheonofdiscord tagged me in this, and while I love music I listen to SO MUCH & I hate making decisions, so I just plain cheated here. But more tunes for y’all, so, uh...sorry not sorry. ;) Click song titles for links through to YouTube vids! 
1."Brother", "Rumbrave", and "I Came Around" - Murder by Death
Here's the thing: I have no idea how more folks in the Supernatural fandom haven't heard of Murder by Death, because their early stuff especially is so thematically and sonically in line with the aesthetics of the show. And sweet crispy jesus, they have a cellist as an integral part of the band (who is intimidatingly babely in person I might add), which is an automatic win in my books. I've been lucky enough to see these guys live twice, and I definitely recommend checking them out album by album.
So brother, raise another pint/ Rev up the engine and drive off in the night/ See you somewhere, some place some time/ I know there's better brothers, but you're the only one that's mine.
2. Sable On Blonde - Stevie Nicks
I think I rediscovered this song because the author of a fic I was reading made note that they'd had it on repeat incessantly & I was like YES that's a good fucking song. And it is. It's got keyboards, it's got mournful electric guitar, it's got Stevie, and what more do you need for witchy winter morning vibes, really?
3. At The Center Of All Infinity - Yuri Gagarin (full album)
Our Kitten loves this album and so do I. I blast it & she lays down in front of the speakers and purrs her face off. It's on the heavier side, yet approachable, with some great prog-y guitar solos and a Swedish stoner "space-rock" feel, and I actually find it super energizing to write to.
4. Cry - Carly Rae Jepsen
Okay, so I'm pretty sure I listened to the album EMOTION by Ms. Jepsen at least 40 times this summer because it's super catchy & feel-good, and also kind of a modern-day pop masterpiece with an 80's feel (and, I swear to god, MAD Dean/Cas vibes in the lyrics of most of the songs). This is a killer B-side off that album which just wrecks me with its synth, its beat, and its plaintive vocals.
5. Lotta Love - Choir! Choir! Choir! ft. Sarah Harmer
We've covered cellos, we've covered synth, and now we get to the third thing that pretty much guarantees my listening pleasure: goddamn three part harmonies. The original C!C!C! is based out of Toronto, I think, and it's pretty much a large, free-from group of people who all get together, learn a song, and sing the heck out of it. They have a ton of awesome covers on YT (their Space Oddity is a standout), but I love Sarah Harmer, and this version of a Neil Young classic is particularly soulful.
6. Uthuling Hyl - Osi and the Jupiter (full album)
Honestly, I dont even know how I came across this band or this album, and I don't really know how to describe it; my best stab is "ambient progressive dark norse folk" but basically it sounds like it's halfway between the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and if Radiohead made a soft metal album with input from Bjork. It's really interesting & soothing by turns, and it's in fairly heavy rotation on my writing playlist.
7. I'd Rather Be With You - Bootsy Collins
First of all, I freaking love Redbone by Childish Gambino, which samples Bootsy here. Second of all, Bootsy Collins. He's funk royalty, this song bumps, and Andre 3000 probably wouldn't be the man he is without this intensely cool dude having paved his way.
8. Careless Whisper (Beave Remix)
I don't know much about Beave except that they're an Irish DJ who drops the kind of whomping deep dirty house that makes me wish I was still 22 wearing glitter and staying up all night dancing myself sore at the gay bar. Those were, as they say, the days. Some might say you don't fuck with a classic like this, but I say I've had myself some excellent boogie breaks to this edit.
(Bonus: this trap remix of Careless Whisper is stonkingly ridiculous and I love it.
9. Warm Enough - Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment (ft. NoName Gypsy & J. Cole)
jfc these LYRICS though.
Deceptive carnations, our wedding we announced On Sunday for the holy of it/ Solely covet me and you, for you and I/ Are blissfully tethered to simple redeeming When sadness gets worse and we don't know why/ Our city is bleeding for crimson/ I don't protest, I just dance in my shadows/ Hallow be thy empty/ When my name don't sing, shallow waters/ Under bridges don't forget 'bout me/ Who are you to love me and not call me by my name?
10. Need to Feel Your Love - Sheer Mag (full album)
I totally get that some people do not jive with the vocals of this Philly punk rock group, but they & this album have seriously grown on me. It's got serious cred & I bet Dean would be totally into it. :p
11. Sisters - A Tribe Called Red ft. Northern Voice
Another banger! First Nations music doesn't tend to get much representation in the mainstream media, and ATCR have been amazingly successful at helping to break down that barrier with their unique EDM. Their shows have been some of the most energetic & electrifying I've ever been to, and I 100% recommend going if you ever get the chance.
12. The Darkest One - The Tragically Hip
I'm still not over Gord & I probably never will be. Let's round out our Canadian contingent with probably the most Canuck music video that ever was.
13. Anais Mitchell: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
Oh Anais...somehow over the last 2 years I managed to forget that I'm absolutely in love with the woman who wrote Hadestown, the folk rock opera based on the myth of Orpheus & Eurydice. I have been such a fool, and rediscovering her lyricism has been like coming home.
okay okay okay, I'm really done now. I tag @bowleggedcharmer @nox-lee @knittedgauntlets @60r3d0m @conquestcastiel @hadespuppy @lucy-flawless- @theriverscribe @magicalmess93 and @goodtidingsdean
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enkelimagnus · 7 years
The ultimate tagging reply
I was tagged by the amazing @gingerangelofthursday
name: Agathe
nicknames: I don’t think I have any? except some various insults from friends xD
gender: Female
star sign: Libra
height: 156 cm. I’m a tiny person. 
hogwarts house: Slytherin
favorite animal: The kitty and the horseeey
average hours of sleep: Heeeeeeh 5? 
dogs or cats: CATS
blankets you sleep with: One. Or none. 
dream trip: US, Indonesia, Japan, maybe back in Russia?
dream job:  Doctor? Or writer. 
when i made my blog: I have no idea.
followers: 263
why i made a tumblr: for supernatural? I think. 
reasons for my url: enkelimagnus because I love Magnus Bane, and the enkeli is the angelic rune.
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller (kinda-ish; see above) I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair (ish?) My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges  I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head  I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (with a recipe) I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else was I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else was I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing (rp-ing) Fandoms are my #1 passion (kinda-ish) I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
💫 ethnicity: Jewish/Arabic 💫 favorite fictional character: Magnus Bane, Peridot, Wonder Woman, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood 💫 favorite fruits: pineapple, mango, raspberry, blueberry 💫 favorite season: Spring 💫 favorite book series: A Song of Ice and Fire 💫 favorite flower: Rose 💫 favorite scent: Cinnamon 💫 favorite color: Dark blue or dark red, or black 💫 time: Almost 11 pm 💫 birthday: 24Th of September 💫 favorite bands: Louden Swain, Pleasure, Panic!At The Disco, Imagine Dragons, Radiohead, Nirvana, RHCP 💫 favorite solo artists: Ruelle?  💫 the song stuck in my head: Stronger than You, Estelle 💫 last movie i watched: The Man From UNCLE 💫 last show i watched: Catfish 💫 what do i post: Shadowhunters, mostly Magnus Bane, Malec, and Harry Shum Jr, LGBT stuff, and politics 💫 do you have any other blogs: Yes 💫 do you get asks: Nope 💫 following: 2,081 💫 lucky number: No idea 💫 instruments: Guitar 💫 what i’m wearing: Emeral green pjs, silky like with some lace. 💫 favorite food: Sushi, couscous and chocolate 💫 favorite song right now: Stronger that you~Estelle and Live Forever, Oasis
Last drink: Tea
Last phone call: My friend
Last text message: “Ok Bonne soirée”
Last song you listened to?: Live forever, Oasis
Last time I cried: I don’t really remember when I last really sobbed. 
Dated someone twice: No.
Been cheated on: No.
Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes.
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: yes.
Been drunk and thrown up: No. I try never to go to the nausea stage because that’s sign of high intoxication.
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: Yes
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Met someone who changed you: Yes.
Found out who your true friends are: Yes
Found out someone was talking about you: No.
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: A couple.
Do you have any pets?:No. 
Do you want to change your name?: Nope.
What time did you wake up this morning?: 7. 30. 
What were you doing last night?: Chatting with @gingerangelofthursday , watching Catfish with her and drinking tea
Name something you cannot wait for: The announcement of The Bold Type, season 2, Shadowhunters season 3
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No.
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: People.
Blood type: 0+
Nickname: None
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac sign: Libra
Pronouns: She/Her
Favorite tv show: Shadowhunters, Steven Universe, The Bold Type…
College: Med school. First year.
Hair colour: Brunette
Do you have a crush on someone: No
What do you like about yourself: I don’t know
First surgery: Tonsilles surgery.
First piercing: Ears, when I was like 13? 
First sport you joined: Horse riding
First vacation: Beach side
First pair of sneakers: I can’t remember.
Eating: Nope
Drinking: Tea
I’m about to: Watch some tv and chat and sleep.
Listening to: Nothing
Want kids: Yes. But I don’t want to be pregnant.
Get married: Sure.
Career: Doctor
Lips or eyes: Both. 
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Older.
Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Neither.
Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank hard liquor: Yup
Lost contacts/glasses? Nope
Sex on first date: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: No
Been arrested: No
Turned someone down: Yes
Fallen for a friend: No.
In yourself: More often than not.
Miracles: No.
Love at first sight: No
Heaven: Yes ish? 
Santa Claus: Nope
I’m tagging… @flower-crown-lover
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weird thing
I’ve joined an LGBT choir, right? and this week we started singing a song called “Creep” by Radiohead
and I considered the lyrics and discovered that actually, being in an explicitly and proudly LGBT choir and singing “I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo, what the hell am I doing here?” hits WAY too close to the bone still. 
The best internalised shit I ever had was the “what if you’re being predatory” one. Still there, apparently. I will probably be able to divorce the words from their meaning pretty quickly, but I don’t think I’ll ever be at the stage of proudly saying I’m a weirdo. For other reasons, fuck yeah. I’m a weirdo because I write fanfiction, because I watch competitive Pokemon battle videos, because I like eating prawns mixed with Marmite. But I can’t reclaim “weirdo” for my sexuality. Not yet.
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kjaerekrake · 6 years
@finnishfun tagged me in some tag games and rather than putting them in two posts, i decided to combine them so here you go, under a read more <3
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: I think everyone i would tag has already done this so if you want to feel free to.
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: · I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: · I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: · I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: · I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion ·I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: · I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a video game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: · I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: · I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM SHIT: · I have break-danced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
nicknames: b.
gender: female
star sign: taurus ( i dont get why people hate us)
height: 5ft 3in or 160cm
time: 18:46
birthday: May 12th
favorite bands: One Direction, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the disco, the 1975, Radiohead, Karpe Diem (do they count as a band?), Artic Monkeys, Razika, Fjorden Baby!
favorite solo artists: dodie, Tryoye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, Siri Nlsen,Hozier, Harry Styles, Sam Smith, Daniel Ceasar, Khalid, Stromae, Carla Bruni, John Mayer, Frank Ocean, Tame Impala(I’m sorry this is so many lmaooo)
song stuck in my head: My My My - Troye Sivan
last movie I watched: Pride and Prejudice (i cry every time)
last show I watched: Las chicas del cable
when I created my blog: January 2017
what I post: language stuff study stuff and random ramblings
last thing i googled: “john wayne gacy” (it was for research i swear)
do i have any other blogs: so many omfg
do i get asks: not usually :/
why I chose my url: It was something else originally and i didn’t like it so i changed it to this because i like the word ‘kjære’ in norwegian and i like the word for crow in norwegian. 
following: 585
followers: 556 (thank you sm, like so many people followed me while i was away and i don’t understand why but thank you!!!)
average hours of sleep: between 2 and 10 lmao what is sleep?
lucky number: 12 idk
instruments: piano guitar violin
what I am wearing: mickey mouse t-shirt and purple gradient sweatpants
dream job: anything with languages, also video game designer also art also photography also psycology  and idk i have a lot of dreams and aspirations f;ajfajdfad
dream trip: norway spain france and finland mainly, but  literally anywhere out of this country, i literally want to see the whole world.
favorite food: pasta probably i like a lot of foods
nationality: american? (from the united states bc we need a better demonym)
fave song: only one? lol um actually here’s like five:  woman - harry styles, the less i know the better - tame impala, herregud - siri nilsen, undo - the 1975, why’d you only call me when you’re high - artic monkeys ( but i’m obsessed with like ten more do you want a playlist lmao)
last book I read: secrets for the mad - dodie clark
top three ficional universes i’d want to join: percy jackson, skam and probably the vampire diaries smh 
0 notes
hatingwithfears · 5 years
Top Albums of 2018: 10-2
I know there’s been plenty of articles written over the last few years about the Odd Future collective growing up and making more mature music (Tyler The Creator’s album from last year was a welcome surprise, and Frank Ocean’s Blonde is on it’s way to being era defining album), and Earl Sweatshirt’s new album is his strongest album yet, and one of the best to come from the collective.
In less than half an hour, Earl Sweatshirt and his producers bring back the soul sample beats that JDilla was well known for. Some Rap Songs wouldn’t exist without JDilla’s work, and the respect for older hip-hop and R&B is distorted by Earl with each song being stunningly short. Earl’s songwriting is potent, dealing with his father’s death, depression and doubt. The simple title Some Rap Songs is direct, and misleading at the same time.
Rating: 9.4
Is this the millennial OK Computer? How insincere is that criticism? Am I assuming this based off the the middle track “The Man Who Married A Robot”? (Or the fact that the song goes from being Radiohead’s “Fitter Happier” to the final moments of “Motion Picture Soundtrack” in five minutes).
Is this a rock album? Of course it is. (Note: if you think this band ISN’T a rock group, your ideas what rock and roll is are too constrained).
The criticism about the album’s structure isn’t working for me. This album’s strongest moments are it’s biggest, from the frantic “Give Yourself A Try”, to the straight ahead lounge jazz of “Mine”. While some of the ambient moments from their other album are here, A Brief doesn’t was much time, even in it’s ballads, like the closer “I Always Wanna Die Sometimes” (it sounds like “Wonderwall”!). “I Couldn’t Be More in Love” is a great gospel, R&B sounding track complete with backing choir. And yeah, “Love It If We Made It” is one of the greatest songs of the year.
Rating: 9.4
An album that throws together the biggest sounds that jazz can currently offer, this album isn’t quite up the grandness of Washington’s previous album, The Epic. Heaven and Earth is still a huge undertaking that respects where jazz has been with artists like Coltrane, Sun Ra, and Keith Jarrett being referenced, but the fury of the times shows up in Washington’s playing. The grand scale carries for two and half hours (there’s a bonus disc that has nice rendition of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”). Many of the songs here are eight, nine minutes long, even moments that are more relaxed are grand sounding.
Rating: 9.4
On their first album in eight years, noise rock group Daughters hold nothing back here, as they pummel through these songs with urgency. The noisy guitars, and angry vocals are still here, but it’s more constructed than their previous works, thanks to the perfect production (the bass on some songs drones on while still keeping the beat). The clarity in the production also show how the group has changed their dynamics, with this even more industrial sound that could soundtrack an apocalypse. There’s no two songs that are alike, but the overall feeling is a suffocating one that never settles.
Rating: 9.4
Experimental noise artist Gazelle Twin takes the horror of her music, and applies that energy to make an album critical of Brexit, and England. Pastoral is the jittery, messy album that takes current times, and distorts them into older ideas. The artist’s look is one of a court jester, and the album cover has countryside look with a distorted font in a yellow box, similar to one classical music label.
Gazelle Twin takes these “classic” touchstones and fucks them over. It’s a brutally critical album that never sacrifices musical experimentation for powerful lyrics. Pastoral’s Brexit landscape is a gross one, but it’s also very, very real.
Rating: 9.5
Tim Hecker’s work as a composer has always been a play between light and dark (look at the darkness of his 2014 album, Virgins, or the brightness of his 2016 album, Love Streams). Konoyo goes down the same path, but it’s a more meditative state (NPR says the album “beckons the sublime”) than anything Hecker has worked in before. This album was recorded mainly in Tokyo using a traditional Japanese instrument, a gagaku, that Hecker distorts, slows down, and lets drone over a good portion of Konoyo. It’s a creepy album that never quite settles, even when it seems like it does.
Rating: 9.5
A year after putting out A Crow Looked At Me, Mount Eerie’s new album continues the subject matter of his wife’s death. It’s a bleak look at times, Now Only isn’t quite as mournful, as the songwriter seems to have taken a page from Sun Kil Moon and rambling lyrics about whenever one is at that moment. Some songs are huge pieces that have the songwriter still singing directly to his late wife in second person. The emotion has shifted, The mourning has changed leaving us, the listener, going through these six songs in a less intrusive manner than Mount Eerie’s previous album. With these longer tracks, like “Two Paintings By Nikolai Astrup”, art itself is used to remember.
Rating: 9.5
I haven’t heard an album sound this goddamn good on headphones since Fever Ray’s debut in 2009.
Damn it, I’m not even terribly familiar with the band’s catalog (They’ve been around for 25 years). This doesn’t change the fact that I heard some of the greatest production of the decade on Double Negative. This album is heavy, distorted, hypnotic, even ominous at times. The songs here work more as sound experiences than songs, even with the great single “Always Trying to Work It Out”.
Rating: 9.6
Blood Orange has crafted a work that goes through many stages, but places importance behind all of them. With the care of a classical musician (yes, while there instances of strings and winds on this album, the care is more minute, and only started to make sense after many, many listens (there’s also a video of Haynes interviewing Philip Glass, so he carries an understanding of classical music)) Haynes has put together an album that’s somehow even more relevant than Freetown Sound. It’s a softer album than his other work, it’s also more spiritual and open than anything else that he’s done.
Rating: 9.7
0 notes
musicmapglobal · 6 years
Don't be afraid of De'Wayne Jackson...
At only 14 years old, Texan native De’Wayne Jackson started making his own music inspired by the gospel sounds he was exposed to at home and the rappers he’d hear outside of church. Fast-forward seven years and a move to L.A. later, the multi-talented artist is finally gaining attention globally thanks to a seriously powerful EP and a tour with Jessie J.
De’Wayne chatted with us about his musical journey so far…
Don't Be Afraid – EP by De'Wayne Jackson
Hi De’Wayne, what have you been up to?
De’Wayne Jackson: Hi, first off this is tight! Since I got back from tour, I’ve just been in the studio. Feeling mad inspired lately to create something I can be proud of. Released new music today as well – ‘Adios’ ft. Chase Atlantic:
You spent your younger years in Houston. Can you tell me about your earliest musical memories growing up?
Singing with my mom in the choir was cool for me coming up, ‘cause I always thought she had a beautiful voice. They always gave kids solos, so it was a start for me.
Has the move to L.A. changed you as a musician at all?
Most definitely! I’ve experienced my favorite music here. I also kinda grew up here in a way. Coming to L.A. at 19 just opened my mind in a different light so it was good for my music.
Is being in such a creative hub like California an advantage or disadvantage?
For me, I feel an advantage. All I ever wanted back home was to meet people who understood me and my music. Right place right time can change things for you. Along with getting lucky. It’s all weird man, like it freaks me out sometime to think about how things happen.
Your album Don’t Be Afraid is a bold and unique take on issues that many young people face. Tracks like ‘Do What We Want’ explore the contrast of wanting freedom while having responsibilities, which I’m sure lots of people can relate to. What is your process of making songs like that?
It’s just how I feel. I don’t think I’ll ever truly feel free because there’s constantly people pushing back on you. Life just does that. So it just makes sense for me to talk about that. I can’t wait for that day of complete freedom.
You ended last year touring with global superstar Jessie J. Can you tell us how that came about and how the experience was for you?
She’s such a G! I was at the studio and she came in and wanted to hear some of my songs. I was tripping out like haha! She was so genuine, and we really caught a vibe and made a song that day. She really looked out for me from that day on. It was a blessing. One night my team sits me down and tells me she wants to take me on her world tour and I cried haha. It was the most beautiful experience I’ve ever had. Getting to perform for thousands of people every night was just amazing. I dreamed about it my whole life.
I’ve spoken to a few artists from the States over the last few months and I was wondering how everything that’s happening there politically is affecting artists. Is it something that you are aware of when making music?
Of course! It’s so hard not to think about it especially being black and young. It’s on my mind a lot so it naturally flows. I don’t want to be scared to speak on it.
The music video for ‘Coming Back Home’ is visually stunning and suits the song perfectly, it looks like it could be a trailer for a movie. How involved are you with the concept and filming of your videos?
Thank you! A lot because I’m always trying to tell a story so I love when we can put it together to make it look cool and make sure you can feel it.
As a young musician at the start of your career, what do you see as the biggest challenges facing emerging artists?
Just really getting fans. Being able to tour and get yourself in front of the most people possible can be hard! Especially being independent. No matter what people say you have to keep going. No matter what.
I’ve seen on social media you’re really interactive with your fans. Some artists tend to shy away from these interactions. Is it something that’s important to you?
It’s so important for me. Because I never had fans until a couple months ago. It’s still so new to me I get excited. I’m just mad thankful to have people to listen. I think it’s good for us to have that connection.
With such a successful year in 2017, what are your plans for 2018?
Release music and tour again. Keep pushing for people to put genres and boxes in the trash. Buy my mom a nice present for her birthday.
And finally De’Wayne, what’s your favourite album of all time?
Radiohead – KID A.
Interview by Roxy Shah
Stream and download Don’t Be Afraid by De’Wayne Jackson via Bandcamp.
0 notes
timedecor · 6 years
100 Best Songs of 2017
Tumblr media
My 2017 greatest hits was too much to boil down to a list of ten. 
And I'm so happy about it - what a really fantastic year for music! There were brilliant tunes from my favorite old artists and there are many of my favorite songs from brilliant new folks. I'll be honest though, there was a lot to keep up. Like, a lot. Finding new music is very much my favorite thing to do but that's hard if there's never ending new music releases every other day. So there's always the picking and choosing. Sometimes I'll pick and choose solely on the album art. Sometimes it's something or someone familiar. Or sometimes it's just because my player is set to auto-play a new song after it's finished whatever it's playing.
You might point out this list has covers or remixes of tracks released before 2017 (#37, #58, #77) but I’m going to count it as new music released in 2017 because its my list, so there.
Each of these songs have a moment or place in time attached to it, I’m going to share a few of those with you.
Alternatively: Shut up and show me the Spotify Playlist
1 - The xx - Brave For You
This song has a lot of meaning and attachment behind it. Back in April, my coworker Adhishree asked me if I could make a video to play at the Teach For India Alumni Induction for 2015 Fellows who completed their two year Fellowship. I’m very attached to people in that team and this kids involved, so we set out to make a video with as many Teach For India classrooms as possible across the city. If you’re keen to take a look, here you go! Of course, it’s more personal if you’re acutally taught these kids for two years and are leaving, but hey let me know what you think.
2 - Joe Goddard - Electric Lines
This song was playing in the background one day and I caught this verse:  I don't know a real ale from a fake one / I don't know which is more sincere / The music we're making / Or the music we hear I just stopped and played the whole thing again. And again. And again. And again.
3 - Joe Goddard, SLO - Music Is The Answer
I heard this on some work playlist. I’d never heard of Joe Goddard before, but I’m so glad I found this song. It’s been a gateway to a whole world of new electronic music I’d never paid attention to.
4 - LCD Soundsystem - oh baby
The comeback track. It had to be good. It needed to be good. But my god, it was adorable as hell.
5 - Arcade Fire - Everything Now
Later into this list, you’ll find the reprise to this song AND a Bomba Estéreo remix. That’s how much I love this song and its stupidly catchy hook. Close friends and loved ones will know my freak out dance to this song. For humanity’s sake, let’s hope no one’s carrying footage.
6 - The xx - Seasons Run
They didn’t even let this song make the final tracklist! But I can either whine about the band not including this in the album or I can be grateful they saved it from “unreleased” hell and slapped a bonus track label.
7 - Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like the Piano
My mom really loves this song. She’s never appreciated or recognized any of the music I’ve played before (The go to response is usually, “Is this Coldplay?”) but she adores this song. Every time we connect the phone to the speakers, Mama will always ask - “Can you play that Sampha?”
8 - Lorde - Green Light
There’s a recording of me dancing to this and messing up lyrics in my friend’s phone. Pray that my kids don’t find it.
9 - HAIM - Want You Back
I’m very happy with my relationship status at the moment, thankyouverymuch, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stop singing and dancing to this at the top of my lungs in my balcony. Pants are optional.
10 - The Horrors - Something To Remember Me By
Ohhh this song, THIS SONG! It’s the most glorious “goodbye world and all of you in it” song ever. I can already picture a fast-paced montage with never ending roads intersperesed with faces of friends, family, and fools. I need to make this a home video!
11 - Kamasi Washington - Truth
12 - Sampha - Blood on Me
13 - Lorde - The Louvre
14 - Joe Goddard - Lose Your Love
15 - Mura Masa, A$AP Rocky - Love$ick
16 - The Killers - The Man
Sometimes I get worried I’m going to offend someone who doesn’t get the irony of this song... (so much so that I have to write it down here).
17. Lana Del Rey - Love
18 - Bonobo, Rhye - Break Apart
19 - SOHN - Conrad
20 - JAY-Z, Damian Marley - Bam
21 - Lana Del Rey, A$AP Rocky, Playboi Carti - Summer Bummer
Straight up fire.
22 - Arcade Fire, Mavis Staples - I Give You Power
It’s gravelly and cruel and a beast of a protest song. I should also mention - the instrumental version of this song is just as good.
23 - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Soldiers
24 - Radiohead - I Promise
25 - Gorillaz, Popcaan - Saturnz Barz (feat. Popcaan)
26 - The Killers - Wonderful Wonderful
27 - Lucy Rose - Is This Called Home
28 - Liam Gallagher - Chinatown
Proof that new Liam is better than new Noel.
29 - Arcade Fire - We Don't Deserve Love
30 - LCD Soundsystem - tonite
31 - The xx - I Dare You
32 - Arcade Fire - Electric Blue
33 - Bonobo - Kerala
34 - Ramin Djawadi - Dragonstone
Payoff Is Coming!
35 - The xx - Replica
36 - Joe Goddard - Home
37 - The 1975 - By Your Side (Sade cover)
This is my Diwali in Delhi song.
38 - Gorillaz, Peven Everett – Strobelite
39 - Liam Gallagher - Wall Of Glass
40 - Lo Moon - Thorns
41 - Skinnerbox, Axel Boman - Gender (Axel Boman Remix)
42 - Baio - Sensitive Guy
43 - RY X - Bad Love
45 - Four Tet - Two Thousand and Seventeen
46 - Hans Zimmer - Supermarine
47 - The xx, Jamie xx - On Hold (Jamie xx Remix)
48 - HAIM - You Never Knew
49 - JAY-Z - The Story of O.J.
50 - Public Service Broadcasting - People Will Always Need Coal
51 - Tourist, Ardyn - We Stayed Up All Night
Again, the instrumental is such a banger
52 - Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - Planets
53 - Bicep - Glue
54 - Joe Goddard - Human Heart
55 - JAY-Z - 4:44
56 - Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd - Lust For Life
57 - Cigarettes After Sex - K
58 - Aphex Twin, Murcof, Vanessa Wagner, Loscil - Avril 14th (Aphex Twin) - Loscil Remix
59 - Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye
60 - Ramin Djawadi - Truth
61 - The National - Nobody Else Will Be There
Another one of those brilliant ‘last night on earth’ songs.
62 - LCD Soundsystem - black screen
63 - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Walkin in Hawkins
64 - Sampha - Timmy's Prayer
65 - Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, Migos - Slide
66 - Radiohead - Man of War
67 - The Local Train - Aaftaab
Kritika introduced me to these guys. I’ve seen them perform live three times already this year. I really hope they get the attention from outside India - they deserve it.
68 - Dirty Projectors - Little Bubble
69 - Bonobo - Ontario
70 - Nilüfer Yanya - Baby Luv
71 - Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - American Dream (LCD Soundsystem cover)
72 - Stormzy, MNEK - Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2
73 - Rhye - Taste
74 - Kojey Radical, Collard - Utopia
75 - Four Tet - Scientists
76 - This Is The Kit - By My Demon Eye
77 - Daecolm - Dancing Queen (ABBA cover)
78 - Masakatsu Takagi - Marginalia #18
79 - Phoenix - Goodbye Soleil
80 - Coldplay - All I Can Think About Is You
81 - Westerman - Roads
There’s a fantastic storyboard for a music video in my head for this.
82 - French Montana, Swae Lee - Unforgettable
83 - Beck - Dreams
84 - N.E.R.D - Deep Down Body Thurst
85 - Ramin Djawadi - Home
86 - Anna Of The North - Someone
87 - Frank Ocean - Chanel
88 - Broken Social Scene - Halfway Home
89 - St. Vincent - Slow Disco
90 - Arcade Fire - Everything Now (continued)
91 - Joe Goddard - Nothing Moves
92 - LCD Soundsystem - call the police
93 - Mac DeMarco - My Old Man
94 - GoldLink, April George - Rough Soul
95 - Sufjan Stevens - Wallowa Lake Monster
96 - Meadowlark - Postcards
97 - Wilsen - Final
98 - Ramin Djawadi - Winter Is Here
99 - !!! - Dancing Is The Best Revenge
Straight to the top of my Ridiculous Mix playlist.
100 - Arcade Fire, Bomba Estéreo - Everything Now (Todo Ya) - Remix por Bomba Estéreo
This has been fun and I'm super pleased with my lists. If anyone's managed to reach this far, I hope you enjoy this. And if you don't... “...okay”.
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