#I’m tired of it!! that was such bull shit LMFAO
bottomvalerius · 7 months
The cognitive dissonance this site had when Tumblr officially dropped a merch store and made BS badges and plenty of trans women AND OR black women came on here practically begging people not to give the founders of this site money, citing years of repeated, unwarranted bannings & censorship, and the collective response was “don’t tell depressed people how to spend their money—this fake badge gives us joy” as if this isn’t the EXACT line Harry Potter fanatics describe with that IP like. I will judge you!! I will judge you for spending $$$$ on a site that actively antagonizes trans women and silenced black voices!! Something else will bring you joy that you can buy. Stop picking and choosing when and how you show up for women on this fucking website
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lunchador · 4 years
so when do we get the long post about your feelings about dragon age inquisition!!! i dunno if u wanna wait until dlc or not! i am i n t e r e s t e d (also its ok if u dont feel up to it im just!!!! again, interested in ur opinions/feelings)
kajsldkjf PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY DA FEELINGS ALL THE TIME and Inquisition was twice as long as the others so might as well do a word vomit now and I can always do another after the dlc (which several people have assured me are worth playing )
Yeah so inquisition is long. I dislike open world games so a lot of the (super repetitive!!) side quests did grate on my nerves and that docks this game a few points but over all the LORE IS SO GOOD, and it tying in so many choices in from 1+2 is the greatest butterfly effect I ever experienced in video games. I thought telltale + Until dawn were fun for that but good LORD bioware has showed up all of those games and I am really stoked to try mass effect when its out later and play more bw games. I only played Anthem before this and that game seemed...idk, gutted against BW’s wishes.
Yeah, I managed to go into the whole DA series knowing very, very little, despite how many artists I followed did fanart for it. Once I started playing, I added all the words I could think of to my blacklist but a lot of untagged stuff came through (fair, series is 10+ years old and inq is like what 4-5?). I allowed my friends to pressure me into playing an elf mage for the lore and to romance solas cuz they said he was as important to the story as alistair was. A lot of online followers said I should play how I wanted, which I def would recommend to anyone else, but honestly I can see where they came from and while he never would have been my first choice, I think he actually paired REALLY well with my Inq and how I was playing her. I put her as sensitive but trying to put her responsibility above herself, she was definitely the least funny of my 3 characters, but not incredibly serious. A bit reserved? Just more mature. She’s got faith but she didn’t think she was the chosen one but she’ll do her role the best of her ability. She makes hard decisions and then sobs her chest empty over them because how is one to ever feel like its the right one? I really like how the game lets you choose how you wanna approach the responsibility. Like i said, I wasn’t a reluctant chosen one, but she will do what she can. Versus my friend playing at the same time as me said he played as the second coming of jesus essentially lmfao Having so many characters come back for different roles was so GOOD!!! Like everyone told me Varric was in this one but were like ‘teehee you still cant romance him though’ but you how you play drastically changes your relationships with each person. Tons of characters I met I knew would be personal favorites but I ended up interacting way less because others were more fitting to my inquisitor. So i.e while I love Varric and would’ve smooched him a heartbeat with Hawke, I didn’t get that vibe with Clover. They were really good friends, he was a grounded friend with a sense of humor that was a good escape from everyone else and the ~inquisition~. At least, until the Beyond the Abyss quest. That obviously heavily fractured their friendship and hurt them both :( And i felt that for a long time, until the end. He looked tired. Poor guy is gonna be borderline dead in 4 at this point. But so many side characters you talk to coming back like Dagna and Samson??? Speaking of that quest, I got Stroud because, yeah...Alistair was dead for me and APPARENTLY IT COULD ALSO BE LOGHAIN??? If he stays a grey warden??  wish I did that so def would’ve preferred to save Hawke even if I think the wardens are more important as a concept but like.......i wanted to behead him, so....But yes even tiny details like..Varric wrote home to kirkwall to Carver for me because the rest of my family was dead and I never completed a full romance in 2 lkajslkdjf but the fact that changes based on your play through. BUT YEAH THE way this game weaves all your decisions in and how yeah, overall the story is the same but it makes it so personal to YOU and so different from everyone else ;w;
But I could see my Inq genuinely falling for Solas, and I see her best friends as Cassandra and Blackwall/Thom. Really close to Leliana and the Iron Bull as well. I just loved all their interactions. All the characters were so cool to get to know?? Like I thought I would’ve hated Cullen (hes a dick in O) and tbh I just got into the series as the VA was being a complete shit. But I liked him a lot!! I love the work buddies vibes between the Inq and the advisors. I thought I was going to love Sera!! And like, I did, but she hated my Inquisitor and their personalities clashed a lot. Shes the only one i didn’t get a cut scene for in the end :’) I loved coming back from story quests and having to take like 20 minutes to go around skyhold and make sure I talked to /everyone/ for their new dialogue. You genuinely feel connected to all these wonderful npcs ljkasljdf
I wanted to make Cassandra the new divine but I made leliana on accident and kinda dug it so I stuck with it. VARRIC IS THE NEW VISCOUNT??? h i l a r i o u s.
One of the things I loved the most in this game in particular, and while this is something in all of them it just really struck me in this one, was....everyone gave up so so much to devote themselves to the cause, y’know?? Like, it’s almost heartbreaking how much everyone loses and they’re still looking towards you with their belief and willingness to follow you to the end ;-;
The final fight almost felt, Idk, underwhelming? Dude dragons are way tougher than him asdkjhfkhjd. I even went up a difficulty in this game after feeling like I got the hang of the series. But at the same time, we just spend how many hours knocking down each and one of his advantages so fuck him lol.
But yeah there are so many things I wanted to do but I felt so worn out by mindless sidequests and story being level locked in comparison to the previous games. askdjhflkd
One of the things that blows my mind is so so many people were stoked i was playing DA and they couldn’t wait til I got to Inq, and so I find out most people I know only ever played Inquisition? TBH if I didn’t play O+2 I think I would’ve dropped inquisition and never finished it *shrug* all of the build up just means SO MUCH!!! Everyones argument seems to be the older games are ugly and yeah O has rough battle system but its easy to get over imo. Like, you need the chaos of 2 to get the real weight of the mage/templar stuff?? Theres so many characters and story and dialogue that go over your head without Origins?? Like yes inq can stand alone pretty well but, idk, I’m in love with this entire series and the world building and THE!! WAY!!! IT!!! ALL!!! CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how a quest can go differently by whos in your party, I love you can have more dialogue based on lore you’ve managed to pick up around, I love HOW COMPANIONS BICKERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The lore of these games are so good. It’s like playing an epic line of novels. It’s so immersive and I don’t think I’ve played too many games to this level.
I didn’t like the skill trees to being a mage in this one, Idk why. It wasn’t nearly as fun for me as 2, but then  again I really fucking liked being a force mage haha. I wanted to be a rogue to complete a diff class per game but everyone said mage brings a lot more interesting story/lore stuff so
but yeah I love having the full context now and seeing other peoples Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors and asking people how they played and how their options differed from mine and THERES JUST SO MANY POSSIBLE DECISION TREES!!!!! No wonder the fans play over and over.
but yeah ultimately so much fucking happened?? I’m probably missing a lot of key points.
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qualquercoisa945 · 5 years
Burned Out
hello, here i am, posting my first fanfic and, to no one’s surprise, it’s my latest obsession, six!! this is just a fic about what would happen once kitty s n a p p e d like once she got r e a l l y fucking pissed. there are probably gonna be continuations but idk when those will be coming out since i haven’t written those yet lmfao- but yeah! i hope you like it!!
Trigger Warnings- mentions of sexual abuse, it’s literally just mentions with no descriptions but please be careful and if, at any point, you feel uncomfortable, stop reading. i don’t want anyone to feel forced to read my stuff while feeling uncomfortable
When you’ve been ignored your whole life whenever you spoke up about something, you tend to internalize a lot of things. Obviously, Kath had gotten better at not doing it ever since she met Parr and the others. But anger was still something she rarely shared, scared of being excluded by them.
However, even she had her breaking point, and she was near it.
“Well, you can’t really blame us for having a little trouble connecting when the only thing we all knew for sure that we had in common is that the same guy fell in love with us.” And there it was. Kath expected it at this point, especially from Aragon- it was one of the lines she said in the show. And yet, the familiar annoyance bubbling inside her showed up again. Only this time, it was actually enough to send her over the edge.
“Heh, yeah, ‘love’.” She muttered, doing air quotes with her fingers. It was enough to catch everyone else’s attention, but she just looked around. “What? I’m not wrong.”
“Um, Kath,” Aragon began hesitantly, and Kath could feel everyone’s gazes on her. It made her want to shrink down and hide, but she stayed calm, at least outwardly. Acting was something that came relatively easily to her, “I don’t mean disrespect, or anything, but what exactly do you mean by that?”
Kath’s eyes narrowed, and she stared at Aragon for a while before chuckling dryly and running a hand through her hair. “C’mon, Catherine. Don’t act dumb. The fucker didn’t love us and you know it.”
This earned a general sense of shock. She knew why, obviously- Kath didn’t speak out about Henry very often, and when she did it was often a quiet sadness that was heard in her voice, not the angry tone she just used.
“Kath, I don’t think that kind of language is necessary.” Jane spoke with a hint of sterness, and Kath had to suppress a laugh, because this was honestly just so fucking hilarious at this point.
“God, don’t fucking patronize me, Jane!” She snapped, and she could see the others recoil. She didn’t care though. “God, you guys like to act like I’m some sweet little baby that has to be protected, but I’m not! Because, and fuck man I don’t like to boast but I’m gonna, I’ve probably got the most tragic out of all our stories!”
She could see the others start to actually listen. Well, if this is what it took, then so be it. She stood up, then looked at Aragon. “And, in case you want proof that he didn’t love us, I’ll go through each of us individually. Although I am going to skip you since, let’s be real, you of all people should know in what ways he fucked you up.” She turned to Anne, who’s usual cocky smirk was gone, replaced by a frown. “He emotionally abused Anne, making it clear he’d rather had a male child and very clearly acting less, loving, than usual, and then killing her on what grounds? Fucking made up claims, is what they were!”
Then Jane, who seemed… scared? Worried? Kath couldn’t decide, but she didn’t care either. “And Jane, well, let’s be real, he emotionally abused basically all of us, I’m not gonna be saying this every time, but let’s also mention the fact that you had the pressure of being at risk of what happened to Anne happening to you, putting you under even more stress.”
She looked at Anna, who simply stared back. Something in the back of her mind registered the tears beginning to stream down her face, but she didn’t pay it any attention. “And then, the fucker drags Anna over from fucking Germany, thousands of miles away from her home to a country that she didn’t even speak the language of, before simply divorcing her for what, not being as pretty as her portrait made him think she was, which is a complete lie, might I add!”
She turned to Parr, who’d been quiet throughout her monologue, simply staring at the ground. “And then Cath was forced to give up her dreams and her true love in order to marry a guy twenty three years older than her!”
And finally, Kath tried to take a deep breath, finally noticing the tears streaming down her face when it came out as a sob. “And me? I was sixteen Catherine. I was still a child when a man thirty three years older than me forced himself onto me, then locked me up for months because of men ten or more years older than me forced themselves onto me while I was a literal child, while he made a new law all so he could behead me, and he didn’t even fucking show up!” She tried to take a deep breath again, but once more it came out as a sob.
And for once, she realized what she’d been saying, and read the others for their reactions. There seemed to be a unanimous wave of shock settling over them. Well, she wasn’t done, and shutting up now would only lead to her bottling it all right back up. “So-” A sob interrupted her. “So don’t tell me he loved me, okay? Don’t tell me he loved any of us because even Jane, who’s supposed to be “the only one he truly loved,” and I’m sorry Jane but it’s true, was only loved because she gave him a “proper heir,” which is utter bull shit by the way, but whatever. Any one of us could have been in Jane’s place, so don’t tell me he loved us. All he wanted from us was sex and a son. You guys might as well just start coming to terms with the fact.”
And with that, she turned around and left the living room, weaving through the corridors to go straight for her room. She opened the door, closing it behind her before flopping down onto her bed and hugging one of her teddy bears- she couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to which one it was. She buried her face in her pillow, and just let herself cry while clinging onto the toy, slowly tiring herself out up until she had no energy left to stay awake.
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bladealvis · 6 years
Kuzupeko for the ask meme pls!
1) who can outdrink the other?
Fuyuhiko because Peko doesn’t drink ofc (even then, Fuyuhiko doesn’t drink very much-)
2) who says “I love you” more?
hMMMM i like to think both of them don’t say “i love you” a lot, but boy do they SHOW it
3) who has trouble sleeping alone?
both of them, once they share a bed one time, there’s no going back-
4) who swears more?
... you know the answer to this one
5) who does more of the housework?
Fuyuhiko is stubborn and will not accept them doing an unequal amount of work in any context so both of them are the Caretakers of the House
6) who forgets their anniversary?
both would NEVER omg?? their minds are too organized and they value their relationship too much to forget. I can see them getting distracted by anxiety over getting the perfect gift+organizing the perfect date though
7) who steals the duvet in their sleep?
I literally had to look up what a duvet was BUT ANYWAYS 
i think Fuyuhiko rolls more in his sleep, so probably him. After he does it about three times Peko decides to trap him in an Arm Cage so he can’t move. you won’t hear Fuyu complaining about that
8) who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Fuyuhiko is also That Guy, but Peko honestly can’t sleep without it
Please don’t imagine them being separated somehow and Peko not being able to sleep without the snoring
9) who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Peko doesn’t say anything, but Fuyuhiko can see That Look in Her Eyes and he cannot say no to something she wants (maybe they can’t keep them - One Asshole Cat is enough - but they can take them to a shelter!)
if they’re driving home and Peko has a sad look on her face, Fuyuhiko is like “it’s the dog, isn’t it. you want to go back for the dog.” and suddenly they’re TURNING TF AROUND
10) who usually makes dinner?
Okay i’m conflicted. because I love the idea of Fuyuhiko being the shittiest cook in the universe but I also love him being a decent one, because it’s not something he’s ever expected to do. and he’s already broken about 93858 of those expectations so why not one more
So they both cook! better yet, they cook together (and even if Fuyu’s food is shit, Peko can still appreciate it)
11) who plays their music out loud?
they’re both not too into music?? maybe some folk music is sprinkled in their life here and there
12) who hogs the bathroom?
Fuyuhiko does CONTRARY TO THEIR FRIENDS’ BELIEFS, because Peko has her look down the day before, and she’s in & out of the bathroom in 5 minutes. Fuyuhiko is the messy fashionista who’s suit has to be free of wrinkles and hair has to be perfect.
13) who gives the most compliments?
Fuyu is more prone to telling Peko she’s pretty randomly throughout the day. Of course, it’s all flirt and games until Peko flirts back twice as smoothly, ‘cause she’s like that
14) who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
Okay usually their problem is that they’re both stubborn as bulls or they hide things from each other, intentionally or not. Communication is Hard. If they argue, though, they’re both immediately guilty and will apologize. That, or they’ll cut off the argument entirely like “look, i don’t wanna argue, it’s not worth it. we can talk later if we still have stuff to say, alright??”
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
NEVER, especially for Peko. that’d be a really shitty thing to do to her :( and they both don’t do well with sudden attention+surprises in general
16) who gives the other cringeworthy pet names?
Them saying each other’s first name is enough of a sign of endearment, they don’t need pet names |D
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick?
BOTH LOL except Fuyu is more likely to panic because he’s not sure how to treat something. Peko is at a loss sometimes too, she’s no Mikan Tsumiki lmfao
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
Both (let’s be real, “both” is pretty much gonna be the answer for most of these questions lmao). I don’t even think Peko gets angry often in the first place?? She can be disappointed better than anyone Fuyuhiko knows, though
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
No clinging, but simple stuff like a hand on an arm speaks volumes for them
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Neither, they aren’t Touchy in general, but Fuyu will lean his head on her shoulder when he’s tired + Peko will hug him from behind because it’s the Optimal hug position for their height difference lmfao
send me a ship!!
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Is/Was BB rich like it's implied in the comics? What about now that he's with the Titans? Does anyone know? Does he like to spend money? On what?
[ EDIT: apologies for terrible formatting, tumblr asks are apparently having a glitch that i didn’t know about when i posted this. i’ll clean it up once this whole garbage can is resolved! ]
tl;dr answers: yep. yep. debatable to no. ehh kinda. gifts.
idk where he is comic-wise as far as new 52 & rebirth go ( because to be blunt, i don’t care lmao ), but from what i do pull out of the comics pre-reboot for my own writing gar being rich is something i include. that’s basically the only reason nicholas galtry wanted custody of him after he was rediscovered... he was gonna wait around until gar was old enough to inherit his parents’s estate and then kill him. because, you know. gotta get that sweet, sweet cheddar ( you can’t see me but i am rolling my eyes, using hella sarcastic tones and overall wanting to strangle an asshole with my stringy hands ). 
the way i write gar, specifically, he IS rich but he definitely doesn’t flaunt it. this is partially due to not... really knowing what the hell to DO with all this money he just finds himself sitting on for no other reason than his parents are dead ( *bruce wayne voice* awesome ) and also i think it comes from wanting actual friendships instead of surface level bullshit. y’know? he’s already a freak by society standards, a bit socially inept due to years of being isolated and/or abused, and he knows it. i think he has a string of underlying suspicion with a lot of first impressions buuuuuut his eagerness to befriend people and desire to believe in the good of humanity rather than the bad overrides that string. flaunting or making it publicly known that he’s rich would just add to that because when you got money, suddenly everyone wants to be your friend and shit’s shallow and it’s probably exhausting and he just... no thanks. he’s already got a lot of internal hatred whispering in his ear and he doesn’t need another voice muttering “they only hang out with you for your cash”.
i would say that the doom patrol knows if not just because rita and steve are his parents/legal guardians, and larry and cliff would know through them. steve’s also richer than bruce wayne, apparently, so lmfao amazing. 
as far as his friends/the titans, i don’t think anyone KNOWS outright, but i would say those closest to him and who are observant might have suspicions ( or if you’re a bat-family member, you may have done some digging and found all the legal paperwork and whatever and do know outright but just don’t think it’s important to bring up in conversation, idk ). 
for the most part, i would say gar isn’t much of a spender. the animated series can fucking fight me on this ( miss me with that “my goal is maximum couch time” bull ), but i think he WOULD want to get himself a job and earn a modest living on his own whilst setting aside all that money for emergencies, donations, or a Treat Yo’ Self sort of day when you’re like “fuck, i just got through a garbage can of a week and life is short, i’m buying that video game i’ve been staring at for the past two months”. i know that he’s cool with not being ‘normal’ and that being weird is something he’s not only accepted but is very proud of, but i also think he would want SOME sense of normality when it comes to just... day to day living, you know? having a day job, having a little apartment or something, and earning his own money would provide some of that.
( unrelated: i know gar wants to be an actor in the comics and i know/understand/respect why that’s important to him but... i’m also super sick and tired of shapeshifting being synonymous with acting as a profession, so i don’t really write him with having any desire to be an actor; instead i write him working at various animal sanctuaries NOT due to his powers but due to animals providing him a source of comfort and wanting to give back to them/teach other people about conservation and welfare and all that jazz )
when gar DOES spend money for the sake of spending money, it’s usually on friends. HEY, you guys want pizza? it’s on me! (uuuh don’t ask how or whyyyy i just uuuh--foUND THIS random $20 in the park after Dr. Light knocked me into a bush! weird, huh??). HEY, VIC, it’s your birthday, check this COOL NEW GADGET I GOT YOU (i’ve been totally saving... stuff for MONTHS, yeah, definitely didn’t just waltz into the store and grab it because i saw it and immediately thought of you or anything??). yo, raven, LOOK, i found that third book in that series you’ve been reading, you want it???
... this answer has gotten stupid long and i need to go get dell some ingredients for her dinners this week so i’mma end it here BUT IF I NEED TO ELABORATE ON ANYTHING, LEMMIE KNOW?? thank c: 
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havenesc · 5 years
For the character ask: Wally West, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne and Damian. Pretty please! 🥰🙏🏻😄
Favorite thing about them: Wally’s heart. His heart is HUGE and he is always determined to do the right thing and be the best hero he can be and do the legacy of the Flash justice. 
Least favorite thing about them: Honestly? Honestly??? Whatever the FUCK they’re doing to him in HiC. If I’m not being honest, then how they wrote him for the first few episodes of YJ. But boys are boys I suppose. 
Favorite line: “We both have a Martian on speed dial and you can’t give me the benefit of the doubt?”
BROTP: Dick & Wally, Shayera & Wally !!
OTP: Spitfire. But I’m also currently trying to find a good place to dig into the comics since all I really know is YJ/JL atm so there’s that. 
nOTP: Pretty much anything that’s not Spitfire.
random headcanon: i have a lot of headcanons for aus but. this is wally 
unpopular opinion: Wally West deserves better writers and better treatment by DC lmfao
song i associate with them: Ask Yourself - Foster The People
favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: Honestly? I definitely noticed that Jason has a lot of compassion and cares very deeply about people, even when he pretends not to. He loves his found family very much and would do anything for them, and that’s what makes a lot of RHATO’s stuff so much fun for me to read.
Least favorite thing about them: While I understand what his moral code is and how it differs from Bruce’s, sometimes he’s really impulsive and it gets him into some really bad situations. Take care of yourself, man. 
Favorite line: “Listen to the city on the other side of the walls. The cars racing to places people don’t want to go. The ambulances racing from horror to hope. Listen to the people shouting and laughing and loving and fighting and giving birth and taking lives. Listen for the heartbeat among the chaos of Gotham City... Like I did when I was a kid and slept on the sidewalk on more than one night. There is a world out there in this one city. Can you hear it?”
BROTP: the outlaws and jay!! and jay and his brothers!!
OTP: nothing really. 
nOTP: i get j.ay.ro.y etc, that’s cool, but anything within the batfam is a HARD pass from me
random headcanon: Jason finds himself liking the countryside the more he spends time out in it, even if it’s not really anything he’s familiar with. Gotham will always be his city, but sometimes it’s good to get away from the chaos and sit and watch wide skies and listen to the sound of the grass blowing or cows calling to their calves every once in a blue moon. It’s a whole different world.
Unpopular opinion: There comes a point where ripping someone’s family away repeatedly for shock value isn’t fun to read or watch the aftermath of and Jason is the poster boy pin cushion for it. Plus I’m not a huge fan of his new design (or the white hair streak thing either don’t slaughter me) 
song i associate with them: Fairly Local OR Message Man - Twenty Øne Piløts
favorite picture of them: miss yasmine putri does NOT have to go as hard as she does with the variant covers but i am GRATEFUL
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Favorite thing about them: He’s fuckin Batman but he also gives to charity. He doesn’t just beat people up and turn them in for criminal activity, he goes out of his way to supply funding for programs and welfare to help keep people of the streets and tries to give alternatives to criminal activity to stay afloat. Plus adoption man.
Least favorite thing about them: His distance keeping. His family worries about him and he has a whole nest of kids that really, REALLY need some empathy or a very active father figure, and Bruce is written as to be....not the greatest at that. Of course, luxury of comic reading that it is, we can retcon it, but I’m a bit tired of seeing Bruce only acting paternal in moments where it’s a life or death situation for one of his boys. I have a lot of shit to say about him and Jason’s relationship too but this is already too long as it is. 
Favorite line: Listen this is really stupid but the dry “yeehaw/yippe kai yay” in n52 I think?? where a goon tells him they’re gonna gore him like a fucking bull and he just coasts ON THEM down the stairs in resposne? fucking power move
BROTP: justice league and his family!
OTP: wonderbat wasn’t a bad idea during jlu ngl but other than that i don’t see anything that’s like “OH GAWD”
nOTP: anything with his family members. oof. big yikes.
random headcanon: Bruce can play polo and has some investments in the TB racing industry. Derby day is fun for the batfam. 
Unpopular opinion: jason is right more often than not idgaf what bruce and his moral code have to say about it
song i associate with them: drowning - EDEN project
favorite picture of them: MIZ WE HAVE THE SAME TASTE CAUSE OOOH
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Favorite thing about them: He’s a shit. But he is trying his hardest to follow in his father’s footsteps and not be what Ra’s decided he should be. He endures some awful hardships and still gets back up and steels his resolve. 
Least favorite thing about them: Ok so it was fixed with character development but sometimes hE REALLY IS MEAN AS FUCK TO JON AND HIS SIBLINGS PIPE DOWN BABY BAT
Favorite line: “Let me drive.” “No.” “I know how.” “No.”
BROTP: jon and his siblings /dabs 
OTP: nothing because he’s a baby
nOTP: da//mijon romantically and anything with his siblings, because that apparently is a thing too YIKES
random headcanon: everyone knows when damian’s falling ill because he becomes overdramatic about minor stuff and says shit like “guess i’ll die” and it pisses bruce off. he drops the whole formal language habit too so that’s how you know it’s fixing to REALLY hit him like a bus in the next day or two
Unpopular opinion: i still think it was ow that he got to be robin and tim got the boot ngl
song i associate with them: You’re On - Madeon
favorite picture of them: literally anything jorge jiminez draws of him is so good
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flameontheotherside · 6 years
Psychic and Psycho
I'm open about my illnesses. As someone who was a skeptic I don't mind and understand why from the outside looking in I look like a psycho. That's okay, whatever it happens. There's always going to be someone salty or ignorant just looking for reasons to think about it. 😂 Shit I would too but lemme just say this:
I often think I've lost my got-dayum mind too! 🤣
True story! Erik absolutely hates when I think too much. Oh... Sounds like Erik knocked over something down. No cat is here. I had to abruptly stop talking to him because I'm getting tired and was inspired to write this before Seroquel knocks me out. 😑 I take 4 medications. I see a psychiatrist (and therapist on and off) ... Even had myself backer acted (for those who don't know... ☝🏼😔 The baker act came from some bill past that states anyone in danger to themselves or others must be hospitalized for at least 72 hours) for the second and hopefully final time. This happened very shortly after Erik said I'm his twin flame. I seriously thought I finally lost my shit. I was there for almost a week. At least the place was kind of Hotel California. Very nice hospital. I though I was staying at a hotel resort. Lmfao 😂 I'm kidding but it was nice.
I've been psychic my whole life.
I had communicated with the dead (and aliens) before the age of 10. That ability caput when I moved to Florida. Then from end of elementary school to mid high school I was "seeing" the future in the form of daydreaming. Its like when you think back on a memory only it's something that will happen. 😵 It freaked me out. I didn't like being psychic. I still had interest in tarot cards and started readings when I was 16. Being sneaky using a deck of playing cards because I couldn't buy a deck and my mom was still in her religious phase 🙄. I remember predicting my ability to read cards in a game of solitaire playing a set in the bathroom whilst taking a dump 😂🚽💩. It's funny how I remember exactly what happened but I can't remember to eat Lmfao Omg... Only while playing I would "try" to predict the next card. Like the zerner psychic text deck.
Honestly was relieved I couldn't see the future anymore. Who wants to see that shit? It's creepy af! It still puts me off today. Ugh... 🤢 I rather let things play out on live 📺 TV. However intuition or I think clearsentience never left. I always sensed things. In my entire life I sensed the time ticking. When I was 11 I decided to follow my instincts to "find" Erik. I knew exactly who I was looking for. So it wasn't some ordinary, oh 💞😍💞 I wanna find my soul mate bullshit. I knew the specific and I knew he wasn't local. So most relationships were long distance until I just wanted to lose my virginity for the sake of. 😂 👌🏼 I'll be honest. I took whatever I could get. The relationship lasted 2 years. Which in high school time is a while. 🙄
Anyway I always thought maybe some "psychos" aren't after all.
I'm not as lucky of course. My tf is dead so... Anyway the first time at a hospital in '12 I had met a lady who was psychic. She admitted herself because she was tired of it and wanted to assume she's just crazy. I totally understand that. I wish sometimes it was that simple. I often think about just doing the same and see if it will work. It won't. It would be extremely hard to convince me I'm just 😵 crazy. Especially after having so much proof and connecting the dots. So much gathered information for me is hard to ignore. It's just impossible to throw in the towel. 😔 It's hard to explain. You'd just have to have this happen to you and I honestly hope it doesn't. This isn't a game that you can just quit when you want. I actually think it's my medications fault. During the times I was taking them, my abilities to sense things was stronger. The medications worked so well (lol 😂 or didn't depending) that I can focus better and I'm clear headed. Concentration happens. I can do all the things. I was getting messages right before starting meds again and just over 6 months later my abilities were slowly coming back.
Its hard to have a mental illness (and autism) and be psychic. Especially for someone like me that thinks and analizes too much.
😘 💞 💕 ❤️ Okay good night for realzies
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and shit. channelingerik.com.
Submit a Twin Flame reading for free at TwinFlameMedium.Com and I provide detailed and lengthy readings starting at $5 per question at Store.TwinFlameMedium.Com
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
imagine draggin your mans to a harry concert and him getting pulled up to the stage instead of you LMAOOO
Anonymous said: But we’ll never know how harry truly felt, like liam and Zayn etc will say stuff but harrys never going to, at least not right now, so we’ll never really know his feelings on everything, that’s all I meant. Maybe if he shares his grievances with the band one day I’ll understand the constant discourse lol
yea i guess lol
Anonymous said: my comic karma and God are punishing me and I deserve it. I made a joke about Harry's hairline a few months ago and I've now got a patch of psoriasis on my hairline and I've lost two whole inches of hair upwards it's bald. So here's the daily remind to treat people with kindness being nice is cool
oh god that sucks I'm sorry
Anonymous said: "i guess we're dating now" part was so funny no tea no shade mama!! i mean he said it but he still has two weeks off and he'll probably do some shit to give us nervous breakdown but anyway i love him lol
lmfao god
Anonymous said: i'm DEAD at that last anon lmfaoo kdkfjfksk
i cant lmao
Anonymous said: The 2 week hrought has started ����😭
i know........i already miss him
Anonymous said: I’m already tired of this hrought and want it to be over
mood lmao
Anonymous said: “Woody Allen Says He Feels ‘Sad’ for All In Weinstein Scandal — Including Harvey Weinstein” SO NASTY!
what the fuck who is even asking him his opinion no one cares what he has to say
Anonymous said: so my mom calls me from her bedroom and I was so lazy to go and she yells "Come see your boyfriend on tv" and I was so confused to what she was referring to so I go to her room and she says "Here, watch or listen" and she pressed play on the show she's watching 'Bull' and Sweet Creature started playing and I was super confused they play a good chunk out of it and it was so cute and I tell my mom "Good job on recognizing the song!" but what can I say it's her favorite song!
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im only doing this cause i cant sleep cause i fly to peru tomorrow
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions (or dont)
tagged by: @theraininvietnam
1. coke or pepsi: water cause im a boring ass motherfucker 2. disney or dreamworks: both I guess like who even knows 3. coffee or tea: tea because ginger tea allows me not to die 4. books or movies: books based on movies JK I love them both so much 5. windows or mac: I love my razor sharp macbook air 6. dc or marvel: marvel lmfao like bitch.............. 7. x-box or playstation: uhm 8. dragon age or mass effect: haha 9. night owl or early riser: rising early makes me feel like a person with their life together 10. cards or chess: Cards FUCK CHEESS WTF
11. chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate wtf
12. vans or converse: both but sad because I had to throw both of my pairs out
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: bitch what  14. fluff or angst: uh 15. beach or forest: forest my dude 16. dogs or cats: DOGS OBVIOUSLY IF U’VE MET ME. I still love cats tho 17. clear skies or rain: Clear skies 18. cooking or eating out: I love both but I can’t cook diversely so eating out 19. spicy food or mild food: both even though I’m soft and cried at hotpot and when I ate this one taco 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: uh the one with eight nights thank you 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: hot FUCK BEING COLD 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: teleportation lmfao bye bitch
23. animation or live action: depends honestly both
24. paragon or renegade: say huh 25. baths or showers: I have only taken baths as an adult when I had poison ivy in order to sooth my weeping body 26. team cap or team ironman: cap so I can holler at bucky tbh
27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy, I have disliked sci-fi since I watched 2001 a space odyssey at my best friend’s house as I child. I was like what the fuck is this bull shit 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
“sometimes a witchs’ gotta let loose and drink a little of her homemade poison juice” - me
30. harry potter or percy jackson: HP fuck percy jackson blue eyed bitch lookin like some man I used to know 31. when you feel accomplished: when I am so tired from my tasks I can only lie in my bed in pain. Also when my ass is numb from being at the library doing school work all day long. 32. star wars or star trek: honestly star wars 33. paperback books or hardback books?: paperback I need to like bend that shit 34. handwriting or typing? handwriting for taking notes in class but typing for essays BITCH YOU WON’T CATCH ME WRITING MY THESIS BY HAND BITCH NO 35. favorite film? I fucking don’t know my dude it changes all the time 36. Favorite Place in the world?: just like a place where I can be peacefully alone but like also in close proximity to people just slightly removed from them. preferably in nature. this is so deep wtf why 37. CDs or vinyl?: cd FUCK VINYL I can’t play no fucking record in my car fuck out of here 38: song lyric that’s important to you?:   "Interior Crocodile Alligator” no honestly there are too many to choose just one. 
39: whats your favorite form of self care? not giving a fuck 40. Who is someone you idolize? myself bitch jk no one honestly like I am being 100% real I’ve never idolized anyway oh shit maybe one of my profs but not really I know she flawed.
41. music or podcasts: music FUCK podcasts shut the fuck up bitch no one wants to hear you speak
42: manga or anime: I’m going to say manga because i’ve read way more manga than watched anime. 
43. fanart or fanfic: neither
44. cream soda or root beer: W A T E R
45. Favourite comfort food: ice cream, ramen, mac and cheese, cookies, smartfood.
46. Favourite song ever OR fave song right now:
honestly stand by me by florence cause michelle played in last night and I literally played it all day cleaning the house the cats were like yah stop that please thanks.
I’m not going to bother tagging anyone but I answered the questions Cady <3 u
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aberaspberry · 6 years
Lauren on Jimmy Kimmel
LMFAO! Thank you Jimmy for saying that! Like leaving a hit show (questionable i know) to be with your kids more sounds like such a damn lie. IDK why more people didnt/dont see through that bull. Maybe its cause I’ve been reading celeb gossip for years (ONTD for 10 years lol omg) I was like “no whats the real reason” whenever the news first broke in like May or whatever. Come on now, the “spend more time with family” is such a PR/TPTB excuse for whatever reason. Dude is an ACTOR he is still gonna be acting, or at least he damn well better lol. 
I freaking love Lauren tho. Like of course she had to know give her AMC/TPTB stock response in why Andy is leaving even tho she knows it’s crap. Like it’s extremely telling that at SDCC she nor Danai said a single thing in regards to family or kids or his wife in the reason why Andy was leaving. Lauren only had to cause she was asked point blank or AMC/TPTB got to her lol. But I do find it hilarious that when Jimmy is like “LOL Andy is lying to y’all” Lauren was like “welp you got to let him explain it for you, I’m not touching that.” No response like “No, he really misses his family” they both just told on him and I love it.
I think the real reason he’s leaving is cause of probably like 3 reasons:
1. Chandler’s dismissal. Like the way they fired Chandler was messy AF. AMC either didn’t want to pay him adult wages, cause wind of his reddit comments(lol), or they were annoyed with his dad/his tours idk. But Andy so isn’t like that and you could tell by how emotional he was at SDCC 2017. Poor dude.
2. Andy like a story with an ending. TWD seems to want to go on forever no matter what. The quality has gone to shit and Andy sees that. Of course he would never say it like that lol, he’s way to nice for that. 
3. He’s just tired. lol this is more so 2.a but whatev. With his tv son dead he’s pretty much like “well, whats the point?” He’s always said he’d love for the kid to take over or the kid to kill him. Dude never wanted to outlive Carl yet here we are. He’s tired of their shenanigans but again he would be way more professional and kind in saying he’s done with their shit lmao
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SLF losers
FREEDOM! I have been lurking sugar lifestyle forum for....forever!!! And I’m finally done with you morons. All you do is circle jerk each other over the same old shit. You crucify anyone who dares to approach things differently from the collective you. And the women. YOU WOMEN. God. You’re the fucking worst part. You’re so insecure and at the same time full of yourselves. I’ve seen you gang up on girls who threatened you, who dared to have confidence and self worth. It’s pathetic. Anytime someone says something you don’t agree with, no matter how pleasant their tone, you crucify them and down vote them into oblivion. You call girls entitled and say they have a bad attitude if they are more successful than you, or if they are able to have their higher standards met. She only accepts 3k+ a month, AND GETS IT, entitled lying bitch. She is a platonic only SB? BULL SHIT. I’m so tired of it. You can’t handle someone doing better than you. 80% of you have never even had an arrangement. They are like oooo we are a small supportive community just trudging through this world together, whee support and unity. Insecure, pathetic, fragile losers. That’s what they actually are. And the men. You think all girls should worship you because you have money. Sorry sweetheart, but if you’re fat, ugly, and look like you’re 80, I don’t want anything to do with you, and I don’t care how much money you’re offering me. And guess what? There’s not shit you can do about it. I am not obligated to make some anonymous internet loser feel good about himself. I’m not going to lie and be like ooo yea I love sleeping with my obese 75 year old SD teehee. You know why? Because I would never consider someone like that, and I don’t have to. I had the audacity to say that I don’t chase men, not even SDs. Chasing men NEVER serves women. Men like the chase, even the ones paying for it. And these bitches called me entitled because I don’t chase after men. LMFAO. Uh. Maybe YOU have to chase after men, but I don’t. And I’m not about to start to. If I’ve learned anything in my 27 years (that’s right, despite the language of this post I am a 27 year old college educated corporate bitch), you never get what you want by pestering and chasing a man. By not chasing after men, I have met and been in arrangements with CEOs and VPs of massive fortune 500 companies. I only want the OGSDs. And you can go fuck yourself if you think I should accept anything less. Despite your doubts, I get what I want. I am fucking good at this. I get the big fish, and I’m not even a 19 year old blonde with fake tits and lips. Some of us have it, and others don’t. I’m not going to feel bad about FINALLY feeling good about myself. Do you know how long it took me to get to a point where I wasn’t listening to all the bull shit jealous girls and insecure men had been chirping in my ears all my life? Sure, if I said all this shit to someone in real life, they might think I was a narcissistic asshole, but I don’t. Sometimes it’s good for women to acknowledge that they are attractive and that they might have something this world wants. We grow up our whole lives being told we aren’t good enough, we aren’t pretty enough, we aren’t thin enough, we aren’t powerful, we will never be successful. Fuck you. I’m not going to let someone make me feel bad for finally being happy with myself. Hell. No. Men don’t get pushed down for having confidence, and I’m not about to either. Don’t be petty and jealous, trying to cut down the tall poppies who are higher up than you. From now on this is my place. My own place. I’m going to post my thoughts, struggles, and experiences. I don’t need an audience, I just need a space. I don’t need friends who do this, I just need me. FUCK. I feel better. Off to the gym *peace sign emoji* (why aren’t emojis available everywhere).
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