#I’m tired of your baby radfem takes
plorable · 6 months
“This is so disgusting! I could never write that! If you like [old ass porn trope that everyone and their grandmother can recognize as being specifically about the taboo] you’re a CREEP and you’re NORMALIZING [real form of abuse].”
Yeah I don’t fucking believe any of you. You’re acting a little too holier-than-thou, a little too superior to other girls and queers and victims, for me to believe that your disgust is anything other than performative garbage.
Some folks are nice and even as you frustrate them they’ll validate what you say your feelings are, and articulate in great detail how fiction functions and the nuance of how it affects reality. I see you fucks for what you are though and I’ll tell you what you are: a bunch of pick-me’s. Newsflash- you’re never going to be a pure enough woman, you’re never going to be a “normal” enough gay, you’re never going to be a good enough victim. Stop trying, because now I’m getting disgusted. 🤮
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prosshi · 3 years
I hate when cis people talk about shinigami eyes like it's some big scary thing. Trans people aren't babies who are going to immediately trust people if their names are in green, we have critical thinking abilities. The app can be helpful for people like myself with serious anxiety issues that cause hypervigilence. If someone is red I know to be cautious, if someone is green I don't have to be as cautious. I'm not going to share my personal information with someone who's marked green.
I see people complaining that it can be used to find trans people and trans allies to support, but that's not actually that hard without the extension. People get harassed just for putting their pronouns in their bio. And on tumblr you can just search the word "trans" on someone's blog and look through their posts on the subject. Trans people aren't going to be safer if the extension goes away.
I've also seen people whining about how anyone can mark someone trans friendly or anti trans, but I'm pretty sure that has to be approved by an actual person. If you mark someone red they show up red on your screen but not for anyone else unless it gets approved.
Also like, do people not understand how fucking exhausting it is to feel like anyone on your dash might think you don't deserve to live because of your identity? Do you know how much anxiety it causes to come across a blog that openly hates you? Obviously that's not a trans exclusive issue, but it still fucking sucks. Being able to just mark someone red can give trans people like myself a tiny feeling of control when being faced with people trying to take away our basic rights. I know that arguing with a radfem isn't going to work, I know that arguing with a transmed isn't going to work. I'll just be wasting my time. Being able to mark someone red just gives me a tiny amount of control, it lets me feel like I'm doing something about this horrible person even if I'm not making any difference.
I'm just fucking tired. I often end up looking through radfem blogs because I want to know what to look out for as far as dogwhistles and stuff. Being able to mark someone red with the hopes that it'll make someone cautious around that blog is the only thing that really keeps me sane when I'm doing that. And then some fucking cis asshole comes along whining about how "ooh you can't really trust the extension so there's no point in using it" or whatever. Fuck you, it's not meant to replace your fucking brain. Stop trying to take away tools that help trans people feel just a tiny bit safer online.
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discyours · 5 years
Anyway I know I’ve said this before but I’m so goddamn tired of the way radblr treats trans people. 
No amount of “cis is a slur” or “cis doesn’t mean anything” is ever going to change the fact that cis people have an immense fucking privilege of simply being able to pretend that trans people don’t exist whenever it suits them. I’m not saying that cis people aren’t negatively affected by transactivism or that they can choose to stop being affected by it whenever they want. Unfortunately that’s not the case at all. 
But the fact is that when trans issues do come up, “trans isn’t real” is a response only cis people have available to them. It’s juvenile but it’s still used, and it does “work”. The assertion that trans people aren’t a coherent class falls so incredibly short when trans men are being pressured if not forced into male spaces, when trans men are denied the chance to talk about their own biology because they’re “men”, when trans men are specifically targeted by abusers in the trans community because the vulnerability of being female-bodied is only added to by the perceived lack of vulnerability in being male-identified. 
But being trans is a choice, you might say. Nobody forced you to transition. Another switched narrative, depending on what’s suitable. Trans men are either victims being pressured into transition by a homophobic society that hates GNC women, or autonomous actors who made their own damn choices and have to lie in the bed they made for themselves. All the tears you cry for the young autistic girls on puberty blockers and the baby butches being forced into binders dry up real fucking fast when they become adults and want to be treated like a coherent group of people for suffering this type of treatment. 
Pointing out that transness is less “rigid” and more of a choice than say, being same sex attracted or being a racial minority doesn’t cut it when you have far more empathy for the “chosen” aspects of other marginalised identities than you do for trans people. Same sex couples could choose not to show PDA, but the point is that they shouldn’t be held responsible for people discriminating against them when they do. I’ve never seen any radfem suggest that butch women who are kicked out of women’s spaces because they aren’t recognised as female should simply do a better job at performing femininity, even though that’s a choice they have available to them too. Hell a lot of radfems will only accept that this happens when cis women are the ones talking about it. For butches being read as male is an everyday reality, an incredibly impactful aspect of living as a masculine woman. For trans men it’s a delusion and it doesn’t happen. 
Y’all need to realise that being able to pick and choose which narrative you’re going with is a privilege. Being able to take a brick wall approach to trans issues by simply refusing to acknowledge their existence and hoping that they’ll go away is a privilege. Trans people actually exist outside of your theory and your chosen political approach, and the policies that are made with the words you refuse to acknowledge as real fucking affect us. Enough already. 
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witchqueen · 7 years
why are YouTube comments so fucking awful LMFAO it’s like some weird pit where all the worst scum sort of drizzle into??
like im just trying to look into outlast 2 lore and OF COURSE I come across shit like “um blaming sjws isn’t a trend it’s a reality they’re the reason games r being censored and why everything is so censored lately”
im?? Sorry?? where the fuck is this?? Where is this imaginative place where feminist women have so much power in the game industry that they have control of censorship over ENORMOUS MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS like EA??? What games has Anita or “any radfem scum” (idk much about anita the comments just mentioned her but ik some things) had their Sticky PC Fingers in that they legally got games censored?? where WHERE are these secret hidden feminists that are up in the authorities positions??
holy FUCK people are so goddamn fucking stupid. i hate the extremists of both “sides” but fuck me sideways if “anties” and their counter culture aren’t part of the reason why real feminists r so mad
And I say real feminists because if ur feminism isn’t intersectional, you’re not a feminist. period. Terfs and twerfs and radfems aren’t feminist because the shit they say and support contradicts what real feminism is and does and is meant to do. these people hate generalizing but that is exactly what they do to feminists and then use that as justification for treating any and all feminists as the same (and ill tell you what it’s fucking disgusting knowing they put me on the same level as a terf)
GOD I guess I’m just so fucking sick of this “HURR DURR FUCK DA ES JAY DUBLEYEWS!!!!!” bc people are only EVER saying that shit when it!! is not!! relevant!!! and even if the subject IS on social justice stuff, throwing the SJW around is as if it’s a conversation Ender. Like if ur an sjw this convo isn’t valid/doesn’t matter!!
I’m so fucking sick of people throwing these words around and then they’re called Buzzwords, which when people think of buzzwords they think of it as a joke, not serious. Sj warriors might be a joke but social justice isn’t..? terfs are not lighthearted villains to woobify or a term to throw at someone who doesn’t want cishets in what little fucking spaces they have? terfs and their agenda is fucking EVIL and DANGEROUS and you bet your fucking ass I am JUDGING YOU if you try to put “aphobes” and terf on the same field. D o n ’ t.
and ik we’ve been able to make a joke out of it like w “what is this sjw bullshit…” but like im genuinely so tired LMFAO
I’m so tired of these people having no motherfucking goddamn clue what they’re really saying or talking about
like I had to read with my own two eyes that “STATISTICALLY men are raped far more than women, bet u didn’t know that little gem?” ???? what the fuck is wrong with you… this is not something to try and use as a GOTCHA! like can you fucking not? not only is that not true but they were taking these “statistics”“ out of context? these stats apply to the U.S. only if you include prison rape? which obviously is awful and evil but do u see how the context changes their comment? their statement isn’t true. It just isn’t and the stats were taken just to boost their own shit/use it as a GOTCHA! as if they actually give a fuck about men in prison or those who are raped (in OR out of prison)
Jesus fucking Christ I just don’t understand why I’m a pissy baby esjayw too sensitive crybaby femmy!! just because I give a FUCK about people who aren’t me?
why the fuck am I weak and "controlled by PC culture!!!” just because i want to fucking respect people??
“Hey u shouldn’t misgender them, it’s pretty easy to just–” “WHAT PC BULLSHIT SJW BULLSHIT WHINY BABY SHIT IS THIS? FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!”
holy fuck I hate that “argument” cuz u know they would also defend both nazis and neonazis had they been alive when the holocaust happened. it all started with SPEECH. are u seriously going to fucking sit there and defend hitler bc freedom of speech??
you have got to draw the line somewhere you fucking HAVE TO!!! this whole I’m Neutral I defend All sides Everyone is equal as is and we don’t need to change anything that is systematically in place bc that’s just a feminist conspiracy!!“
holy shit y'all can u tell I don’t have anyone to discuss this with lol…
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