#wow incredibly trustworthy behavior!
plorable · 6 months
“This is so disgusting! I could never write that! If you like [old ass porn trope that everyone and their grandmother can recognize as being specifically about the taboo] you’re a CREEP and you’re NORMALIZING [real form of abuse].”
Yeah I don’t fucking believe any of you. You’re acting a little too holier-than-thou, a little too superior to other girls and queers and victims, for me to believe that your disgust is anything other than performative garbage.
Some folks are nice and even as you frustrate them they’ll validate what you say your feelings are, and articulate in great detail how fiction functions and the nuance of how it affects reality. I see you fucks for what you are though and I’ll tell you what you are: a bunch of pick-me’s. Newsflash- you’re never going to be a pure enough woman, you’re never going to be a “normal” enough gay, you’re never going to be a good enough victim. Stop trying, because now I’m getting disgusted. 🤮
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americanhouses · 2 years
Weirdcord modchat and the exposure of minors to inappropriate material (Edit: Read reblogs and replies for more experiences)
TW// mention(s) of grooming, minors being exposed to NSFW content, uncomfortable situations, mention of sexually explicit conversation I've been kind of inactive on discord recently and somebody brought it to my attention that Gib (@godenteredmybody and owner of Weirdcord) had to make an announcement on Weirdcord that minors will no longer be allowed to be moderators. I won't go into details out of respect for these people's privacy, as they were forced to be around inappropriate and NSFW convos as minors and I don't want them catching flack from Weirdcord moderation. I've heard multiple stories from friends who have been on the mod team at various points in the server's history and 18+ NSFW content and discussion is apparently commonplace. It's shocking that it took Gib, who also frequently posted said NSFW content/topics in modchat, would suddenly now step in to make this rule. Of course this has apparently been going on for a few years and when it started Gib would have been 18, they are now 20. All of the people I spoke with have agreed that moderators on Weirdcord have been as young as 14 years old so this is concerning. I'm disturbed that an adult would be discussing NSFW topics in a private channel with minors (modchat is only accessible to mods and the server owner(s) so nobody else can see it's contents). Gib has also been known to read explicit fanfiction in public Weirdcord voice chat on multiple occasions around minors, going so far as to make official server announcements alerting all to join vc to participate. I was also told of a time Gib (19 at the time) made a minor (who was 16-17 at the time) read one of these NSFW fanfictions in vc for an audience of server members. The fact that this announcement was even made makes it clear that something was in fact going on in modchat and it's no place for a minor to be, especially when the server is controlled by an adult who fully knows how inappropriate the things they talk about are. As someone who has been groomed as a minor in the past, I see Gib's behavior as incredibly worrying and unfortunately all too familiar. I'm not making this post to say "wow guys Gib is a groomer", I'm making it to spread awareness that Weirdcord may potentially be an unsafe environment for minors. I've received all of this information from trustworthy individuals and friends who have no motivation to lie and I am making my own conclusions based on the evidence provided and my own lived experiences.
Stay safe everyone, have a nice night!
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mkr-2002 · 2 years
Weirdcore continued...
This is a follow up to my previous post.
As I stated, I do not condone any actions made by the owner of Weirdcord. However, I also do not condone any of the actions made by the admin and moderator team. As admins and moderators they also had a responsibility to address these issues.
I haven't been active on the Weirdcord server lately at all but I just feel really shitty knowing this has happened.
I'm going to put the original post below in case the OP gets deleted. I am aware of the fact that this is purely text without any screenshot proof so take this as you wish. I've made my decision to not be involved with the server much from now.
I hope everyone can move on and learn from this. Please be aware of minors. Saying the things that were said, regardless if it is behind a screen or to their face, this is still not right.
Take care everybody <3
January 5th 2023
Weirdcord modchat and the exposure of minors to inappropriate material TW// mention(s) of grooming, minors being exposed to NSFW content, uncomfortable situations, mention of sexually explicit conversation
I’ve been kind of inactive on discord recently and somebody brought it to my attention that Gib (godenteredmybody and owner of Weirdcord) had to make an announcement on Weirdcord that minors will no longer be allowed to be moderators. I won’t go into details out of respect for these people’s privacy, as they were forced to be around inappropriate and NSFW convos as minors and I don’t want them catching flack from Weirdcord moderation.
I’ve heard multiple stories from friends who have been on the mod team at various points in the server’s history and 18+ NSFW content and discussion is apparently commonplace. It’s shocking that it took Gib, who also frequently posted said NSFW content/topics in modchat, would suddenly now step in to make this rule.
Of course this has apparently been going on for a few years and when it started Gib would have been 18, they are now 20. All of the people I spoke with have agreed that moderators on Weirdcord have been as young as 14 years old so this is concerning.
I’m disturbed that an adult would be discussing NSFW topics in a private channel with minors (modchat is only accessible to mods and the server owner(s) so nobody else can see it’s contents). Gib has also been known to read explicit fanfiction in public Weirdcord voice chat on multiple occasions around minors, going so far as to make official server announcements alerting all to join vc to participate. I was also told of a time Gib (19 at the time) made a minor (who was 16-17 at the time) read one of these NSFW fanfictions in vc for an audience of server members.
The fact that this announcement was even made makes it clear that something was in fact going on in modchat and it’s no place for a minor to be, especially when the server is controlled by an adult who fully knows how inappropriate the things they talk about are.
As someone who has been groomed as a minor in the past, I see Gib’s behavior as incredibly worrying and unfortunately all too familiar. I’m not making this post to say “wow guys Gib is a groomer”, I’m making it to spread awareness that Weirdcord may potentially be an unsafe environment for minors. I’ve received all of this information from trustworthy individuals and friends who have no motivation to lie and I am making my own conclusions based on the evidence provided and my own lived experiences.
Stay safe everyone, have a nice night!
January 8th 2023
I am very sad to say that this is indeed true.
TW// Mentions of adults grooming minors, minors being exposed to NSFW content, mentions of sexually explicit conversation, and general discussion of very uncomfortable situations I was best friends with gib (godenteredmybody​) for a long time and was a mod/admin in weirdcord from April 2021 through June 2022. I have a lot to say about this. I should also mention that I do have screenshots of a decent amount of these conversations.
Starting off, there were in fact numerous instances where there were deeply NSFW conversations within mod chat involving minors. There was one instance I remember (around June 2021) where there was an in depth conversation about fetishes for around an hour or two, which included minors aged 14-17, and gib was 18. Everyone was encouraged to share their fetishes, although I’m not sure if it was gib who initiated this, but at the very least he did nothing to stop it and partook in it himself. I myself was only 15 at the time, and two friends of mine who were also there were 16. Frequently there would be graphic sexual jokes made within mod chat. It was said multiple times that it was okay to talk about such things in mod chat since it was a private channel that only we could see, and as far as I remember, gib said that we could talk there to not weird out regular server members. I think it’s important to note that these jokes were made so frequently that it made people uncomfortable, but nobody said anything because gib was older and everyone looked up to him. Many times in vc (both public and private) gib would frequently make highly explicit jokes with minors there. After knowing someone for as long as I’ve known gib, I understand when they’re joking and when there’s something more to what they’re saying.
Also in june 2021, I invited gib and another user (who I will not be mentioning by name, instead I’ll call them H) to a private server to post “something secret”, what it was, I wasn’t sure until it was posted. H then posted a porn drawing of their (gib and their) OCs. Gib then said “Now delete it before Dragonn sees :troll:”, although it was not deleted. H was only 16 at the time, and I think it’s worth noting that their OC was their sona and would also be 16. The fact that gib was telling a minor to draw porn of his OC and the minor’s OC and to show it to another minor is extremely concerning and quite frankly, disgusting. It’s clear that this was not a “joke”, you do not joke about stuff like that, and I don’t see how this could have been a “joke.” The fact that gib mentioned me by name shows that he was fully aware of what he was doing, and the fact he said to delete it shows that he was aware of how bad this behavior was. The fact that he said my name specifically shows that he was fully aware of who it was directed at. Gib was fully aware that we were both minors. There is nothing that can be said that can excuse this behavior, especially the fact that this had an adult making a minor draw and send explicit material to another minor.
Right after this, H asked if I wanted them to draw porn of my OC and gib’s, and I said yes because at the time I thought it would be funny. Looking back I know I only considered this funny because I was socially conditioned by gib to think that this “humor” was appropriate and funny. H later sent the drawing in the same channel, to which gib then pinged another person and started making fun of me. Over the next few months we would talk in this GC, and of course the NSFW topic discussions would continue. H would also send more porn drawings and so did gib once, but he deleted it right after, although it was in the middle of everyone talking so we all saw it. He stated that it was sent intentionally. Throughout this period, me and another person who was also in the GC (who I will not be mentioning by name either, and will call F) were encouraged by gib to date. F was 17 turning 18 in 3 months, and I of course was 15. The age difference was mentioned by all of us several times, but we still ended up dating for around a month, and gib would make slight comments about us. Although these weren’t sexual. Mostly teasing I guess. Throughout this period, gib would casually mention his fetishes. There were a few times F would make a single extremely sexual joke towards me in front of everyone else and make me extremely uncomfortable. I once made a very sexual joke (not directed towards anyone though) about the OC that gib and the 16 year old would draw porn of that F screenshotted it and would say in public chats on weirdcord that they would “send the screenshot”, which would also make me extremely uncomfortable and anxious. Eventually, someone pinged @everyone, to which gib started freaking out. For context, there were around 15 or so users who were completely inactive and never checked the server, all of which were members from weirdcord. Gib then started deleting all the channels because it had “his personal information in it” and then had H make a new server for us to talk in. The person who pinged @ everyone started apologizing profusely to me and gib and asked if they could join the new GC, but gib told me in DMs that he no longer trusted them. This person was 14 or 15 at the time.
Me and F broke up in late July due to the fact that they were close to turning 18. I was still only 15 at the time. Starting around August, me and H started dating and they would frequently make unprompted graphic sexual jokes towards me in the GC in front of everyone else. I could go on and on about what they would say to me in DMs, but it isn’t really relevant here. I will say that this relationship was very one-sided, as I felt pressured into it after they said they had a crush on me (which they told gib about first and informed me of that.) A lot of this would go on over the next few months until the GC slowly died over the course of 2 weeks or so, but the sexual jokes in mod chat continued happening.
It’s important to mention that everyone mentioned here was a mod on weirdcord, and everything here happened in private servers or as with the things mentioned at the very beginning such as the fetish sharing incident, in mod chat.
Around a month later I mentioned to gib that H had me in a toxic relationship and gib said “yeah, I could tell you were uncomfortable.” This goes to show that he knew what was going on was very wrong, but chose not to do anything about it. He purposefully chose not to step in to help me even though he was fully aware of what was happening.
Now as for the NSFW fanfiction readings, this happened starting when I joined weirdcord in early March of 2021, and I was also told by gib that this was a sort of “tradition” on weirdcord, so it was happening before I even joined the server too. One of the very first calls I was in on weirdcord was one of these fanfic readings. They would typically last a few hours with gib usually reading them, but every now and then he would ask me to read one, but I refused since I did not want my parents to hear me reading out loud very graphic imagery for over half an hour. As everyone knows, these eventually would become official server events with @ announcements for them. I raised concern about this in mod chat for obvious reasons, considering many many minors were in the server, with a lot being very young, like 13-15. I was instantly shut down and told that “gib knows what he’s doing.” These readings were in fact still very graphic. Gib had made a thread where people could send fanfictions for him to read, and of course many of the people sending them were minors. There was no 18+ restriction for any of these events or the thread whatsoever. Earlier on in 2021, around April-June, gib would host drawpiles where gib would start drawing porn, yet again “as a joke.” One time I remember he did it with someone’s OC, who was 15-16 at the time. Many other minors, like with the fanfic readings, would also be watching or partaking.
In my opinion, all of these instances culminated make it hard to deny that gib in fact had some level of malicious intent with all of this. It makes me really sad to say all of this, but it’s the truth and I want to make everyone aware of this so nobody else will be made a victim.
Lastly, I want to thank OP for making this post. It has encouraged me to come forward with this information. I want to encourage anyone else who has been made a victim or otherwise been made uncomfortable by this to also come forward.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
I saw you mention this in one of your posts and this sounds like a swell idea! Something where JGY figures out that NHS is The Scary One before he touches a hair on NMJ’s head. :D
on ao3
When his father said that someone ought to get rid of Nie Mingjue, that he was in their way, that he would never stop, Jin Guangyao’s first thought was about the Song of Clarity that Lan Xichen was teaching him – and the Song of Turmoil, that he’d taught himself in one of his secret visits to the Lan sect library. He’d long ago noticed the similarities between the two tunes, one to help and the other to harm; it wasn’t similar enough to fool anyone skilled in music, of course, much less in musical cultivation, but Nie Mingjue rather infamously wasn’t.
His second thought was: let’s wait and see.
Perhaps it was only that it had been a very long day, and Jin Guangyao was tired, feeling unusually surly and dissatisfied. But it occurred to him that it wouldn’t do his father any harm to have to actually ask for something from him, rather than merely hint at it and have Jin Guangyao run to do it for him before he even finished the sentence – a rather unpleasant comparison had been made between Jin Guangyao and a poodle earlier that day, and he was still sore.
So yes.
Let’s wait and see.
Waiting was not, it seemed, paying off.
His father’s hinting had grown all the more intense, although he had not yet actually asked, and as for Nie Mingjue...
Nie Mingjue had promised to try to trust him again, Jin Guangyao thought to himself with a sigh, but most days it seemed that the only thing he trusted was that Jin Guangyao was up to something.
He scolded and he scowled and he questioned, always looking for loopholes and tricks hidden behind every word and gesture, never giving him the benefit of the doubt on a single thing. Jin Guangyao thought nostalgically back to the days when Nie Mingjue would simply present him with a problem that needed taking care of and tell him to deal with it as he saw fit, trusting not only in his competence in dealing with it but also in his judgment of how things ought to be resolved.
They said that trust was like a priceless porcelain vase: once shattered, it would never be whole again, even if it was repaired.
Jin Guangyao supposed that he deserved it for letting himself get caught like that.  An amateur’s mistake, but you only needed one of those to ruin everything.
But if it couldn’t be fixed…
He was just contemplating the Song of Turmoil again as he walked through the halls of the Unclean Realm when Nie Huaisang unexpectedly tackled him around the waist, making him Jin Guangyao stagger back and nearly fall – poor cultivator or no, Nie Huaisang had some heft to him, and plenty of muscle from years of running from his brother’s attempts to make him train.
“You have to help me, san-ge!” Nie Huaisang said, eyes wide and pathetic in such a patently unauthentic way that Jin Guangyao had an immediate stabbing feeling of empathy, an affliction he almost never suffered from. What a little scoundrel you are, he thought, not without fondness. “Da-ge’s on my case again. Scolding and scowling and trying to catch me in some sort of trick – and I would never play a trick on him, never - not in a million years -”
It occurred to Jin Guangyao that perhaps Nie Mingjue really did treat him as a younger brother, and it was only that he’d incorrectly assumed that he’d be treated as being somewhat more capable than the man’s actual younger brother.
Who was, he conceded, probably equally untrustworthy when it came to the likelihood of playing tricks on his too-earnest older brother, even if the tricks Nie Huaisang generally played were significantly lower in both quality and importance than his own…
“Huaisang! Where are you – ah, Meng Yao. What are you doing here?” Nie Mingjue asked, blinking at him. “Anything urgent?”
“Ah – no?” Jin Guangyao said. “I came to play for you, da-ge, you remember – er-ge said –”
“Right, of course,” Nie Mingjue said, in the tones of a man who had completely forgotten. “Could I borrow you for something else while you’re here? Perhaps Huaisang will learn better if it’s not just me.”
“Of course, da-ge,” Jin Guangyao said. It was always better to do someone a favor than the other way around, to better use it later, and Nie Mingjue almost never asked him for anything. “What are you trying to teach him?”
“How to run a sect,” Nie Mingjue said, lifting Nie Huaisang by the waist. “No, Huaisang,” he added when the younger man whined. “You do not get a choice.”
With that said, he lifted the younger man above his head – Nie Huaisang, as mentioned, was not light, but Nie Mingjue didn’t seem to notice – and walked back towards his office.
Jin Guangyao followed, torn between wondering if this was the reason that the ceilings in the Unclean Realm were all so high and being unable to keep himself from doing the math: Nie Huaisang weighed more than Jin Guangyao did, being both heavier and thicker around the middle, so if it was Jin Guangyao that Nie Mingjue was holding, it could be estimated that he could hold him up for at least an hour, and even longer if he was braced against something convenient such as a wall –
He shook his head to rid himself of the useless thoughts. He would need all his cunning about him if he was going to embark on the difficult mission of trying to get Nie Huaisang to actually learn something, especially something as boring as sect management.
Questions of assassination were, comparatively, much easier.
The problem, Jin Guangyao discovered, was not, as he’d suspected, in keeping Nie Huaisang’s attention.
It was in everything else.
“ – and the sect leader is now requesting assistance,” Nie Mingjue concluded his summary of the situation behind the letter that they had received, laying out both the actual content of the letter, the implications behind it, and the background necessary to make a decision so efficiently that Jin Guangyao lost his head for a moment and imagined what life would be like if he could hire Nie Mingjue as his deputy. His life would be so much easier. “How do you respond?”
Nie Huaisang heaved a sigh. “That’s obvious!”
It was. The request was far more than this particular sect really deserved, given its past behavior (rather despicable) and the moderately high chance that they were simply trying to get the Nie sect to pay for benefits that would later go to themselves or, at best, the Jiang sect, but granting the request would not seriously damage the Nie sect’s coffers and would lay the groundwork for a better relationship in the future –
“We write a letter that heavily hints about what we know that the sect leader did in the past, expressing our concern and indicating that we received the information from the Jiang sect in a moment of indiscretion,” Nie Huaisang said happily. “He’ll be so distraught at the thought of potential blackmail from them that he’ll beg us for assistance, and we’ll be able to extract additional benefits before finally agreeing to –”
“No, Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue said, even as Jin Guangyao boggled at the sheer wretched cleverness of the idea. It would work perfectly to isolate the other party through their own paranoia, leaving them feeling that they had no other way out but to throw themselves on the Nie sect’s mercy – there wasn’t a limit to what could be extracted that way. “If he’s so untrustworthy as all that, we don’t actually want him, do we? He’ll just betray us next time he can. No, we write to him the way we would anyone who wasn’t our dependent and lay out our terms, free and clear; if he wants better ones, he knows what to do.”
“People don’t have to be trustworthy to be useful, da-ge,” Nie Huaisang whined, and the infantile tone of his voice very nearly disguised the fact that he was saying something incredibly insightful. Not at all something Jin Guangyao would have expected to come out of the mouth of one of the Nie sect, much less Nie Huaisang, the most useless of them all. “They don’t even have to know they’re being used to be useful! I can think of at least three ways we could use –”
“The answer is no. Besides, I thought you liked Sect Leader Jiang?”
“Yes, but he’s far too direct to be dealing with someone like this – think of it as us ridding him of a pest! We could –”
Nie Huaisang sighed.
“ – but if you would only consider what we could achieve with just a little bit of bribery –”
“But it’s such a small amount! I could do it with my own pocket money!”
“Ugh, fine, have it your way, we’ll just ask, I guess…”
“Oh, wow, that’s a tough one. Uh…murder?”
“What?! It was a reasonable guess!”
“It was not a reasonable guess!”
“We wouldn’t let anyone know that we were the ones that – I’m making it worse, aren’t I?”
“Yes, Huaisang. You’re making it worse.”
“I’m guessing the answer isn’t going to be blackmail?”
“That’s correct.”
“And not it’s bribery, either.”
“Definitely not beating him up…”
“Huaisang, are you trying to get the answer by process of elimination?”
“It’s a valid strategy to figure out the answers to test questions!”
“This isn’t a test question, it’s real life!”
“No, it’s a test, because if it was real life, I could use blackmail.”
“…you know what,” Nie Huaisang said after a couple of moments of serious contemplation. “I actually have no idea what I’d do in that situation. San-ge? Can I have an assist?”
Jin Guangyao had managed, over the past shichen or so, to get ahold of himself. He shrugged apologetically. “I must admit that I’m at a loss myself. It seems like an especially tricky situation.”
The situation in question involved the crimes of an extremely well-connected individual, with interests from all over the cultivation world deep in his pockets; he would be a difficult man to cross. Moreover, he was well known for his perfidy, rendering blackmail useless, and well-off enough to make bribes pointless; mere intimidation was also out, given his connections – he’d already gone through a “trial”, if it could be described as such, and he’d only used it to cleanse himself. In such a situation, Jin Guangyao would probably hang back out of caution, seeking further information and hoping that an appropriate situation would appear that he could take advantage, but Nie Mingjue had specified that there was a time limit involved…
Nie Mingjue groaned. “You’re both overthinking it: for once, murder is the right answer.”
“Wait, it is?” Jin Guangyao asked, staring at him blankly. “I mean - what exactly do you mean, murder?”
“The man slaughtered children in broad daylight! The evidence is unquestionable and undeniable; he should be executed immediately.”
“But – his connections –”
“That’s why there’s a time limit,” Nie Mingjue said, rolling his eyes on both of them. “If you do it quickly enough, it gets attributed to the hair-trigger Nie temper going out of control and everyone treats it like a casualty in the face of a force of nature – the same way you’d shrug off the death of someone who got in the way of a hurricane or tsunami.”
“Oh,” Nie Huaisang said. “I see.”
Jin Guangyao envied him: he most certainly did not see. Since when was outright murder a possible weapon in the Nie sect’s diplomatic arsenal?
“Speaking of which, I’ve already delayed long enough, trying to teach you something,” Nie Mingjue added. “Huaisang, can you host Meng Yao for dinner? I’ll be back later this evening.”
“Of course, da-ge! Count on me!”
Nie Mingjue nodded at them both and strode out without another word.
“…where is he going?” Jin Guangyao asked.
“Presumably to go murder someone,” Nie Huaisang said, as if it were obvious, and then laughed, presumably at Jin Guangyao’s expression. “He always makes me practice with real questions, you know, though he does save them up if he can.”
“That wasn’t what I was surprised about,” Jin Guangyao admitted, because he’d already figured out – possibly for the first time – that Nie Huaisang almost certainly already knew what he was like under the smile. “It’s just…murder? Really? Da-ge?”
“Da-ge’s righteous, not kind,” Nie Huaisang said with a shrug. “Leave questions of mercy to the Lan sect! Here we believe that showing excess mercy to evildoers is itself committing a harm to their victims…ah, well, let’s not talk about it, shall we? If we do, I’ll just get another headache from trying to figure out the line between what I’m allowed to do and what I’m not allowed to do.”
“You know perfectly well what you’re allowed to do,” Jin Guangyao said, deliberately keeping his voice light rather than accusing. “You just want your brother to be a bit more open-minded.”
“He won’t be.” Nie Huaisang’s voice was fond. “He’s willing to pull those sorts of tricks when he has to – our exculpated murderer is an excellent example – but he’s never going to understand why anyone would pull a nasty trick if they had another choice…it’s just the way he is.”
He laughed, taking out his fan – a new one, Jin Guangyao observed – and lightly nudged Jin Guangyao in the side even as he hid his smile behind it.
“It’s fine, though,” he said. “Isn’t that why he has people like us?”
“Yes,” Jin Guangyao said, following Nie Huaisang to the dinner table, thoughts running through his mind. The Song of Turmoil – it would still work, more than likely, because Nie Mingjue would let him play it for him and him alone, and even Nie Huaisang needed clay to build bricks. But if he did it, and Nie Huaisang ever found out…
He thought that he might not like being Nie Huaisang’s opponent. 
He wasn’t sure which one of them would win and which would lose, of course, and he rather thought he’d bet on himself, but in all honesty he wouldn’t like to try. 
“In fact,” he said casually, “Huaisang, if you don’t mind, I have another situation that I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on.”
“Not another one,” Nie Huaisang whined, but his eyes narrowed in blatant curiosity. “But all right, all right, just one more. Only for you, san-ge, and only because I like you so much.”
Jin Guangyao smiled. “I appreciate it. Now, for the situation: assume there are two sect leaders, and one of them wishes to eliminate the other through underhanded means…”
“Murder, I think,” Nie Huaisang said thoughtfully. “No – most definitely murder. There is no other path forward. The only question is, I suppose: how much do you want your father to suffer during the process?”
Jin Guangyao smiled.
It was so nice to work with people that understood.
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So. i recently learned that the song oranges (by Lawrence) is on patton's playlist. i listened to it. suffice it to say, i have Thoughts, but also its a really good song, honestly. props to Clyde Lawrence on this one, you're doing great things for the world.
I am fully prepared to be absolutely wrong. I don't really think the playlists are like. a super good a source for theories, just because songs written by people other than the creators almost certainly didn't have the show in mind. But i'm suspending my disbeief because I want to ramble insesantly <3
so about the mentioned Thoughts, we're going line by line, because this song is PACKED. fair warning, this is seriously long, proceed with caution.
starting with the chorus. its funny how nobody sings about oranges when you've got one in the palm of your hand. how much more clearly can you say "wow, this orange side guy is like right there, crazy that no one seems to have noticed :/" while looking into the camera? but jokes aside, the fact that it's on patton's playlist makes me wonder if patton feels remorse for how he's thought of the dark sides so far and is thinking that orange might not be that bad? he sure isn't feeling too confident in his ideals or past behavior towards them since POF.
i think patton learned a thing or two from janus in that episode, when janus turned out to not be so bad. maybe he's starting to rethink his previous ideas, after being so thoroughly disproven. a lot of things that patton assumed were true for years were picked apart, so maybe he's questioning if orange should even be hidden anymore. If that's the case, it probably won't actually be good for orange, because patton is on pretty thin ice with basically all of the other sides. (see the end card of WTIT for reference)
this is supported by the line I'm starting to mind how we take our ideas and put them in storage. we can assume that patton hasn't historically thought too highly of orange, and he might be rethinking that after POF. maybe asking if its a good idea to keep him 'in storage.'
but peel back the rind, who knows what you'll find. taking some risks, as if you're afraid. you know who is 100% going to hate it if patton starts reconsidering his ideas about orange? virgil. he's already on shaky terms with patton, and most likely really really doesn't like orange. who knows what would happen if orange were let loose? best not to take that risk. patton being less hesitant towards orange could inadvertently make it harder for orange to get virgil on his side, because virgil is primed to disagree with patton right now, especially since he's gotten closer to roman, who is also not at the best place with patton. virgil specifically would probably be less than thrilled about patton's opinions on weather a dark side is trustworthy or not, after janus. I also wouldn't be surprised if this line was also referencing some of pattons own conflicting thoughts, because it is a well known fact that janus and remus both scared him to death, and willingly revealing one of the others is a pretty radical idea, for patton especially. he didn't mind virgil so much, even from the start, but virgil was also here from the start. remus and janus have both been hidden, possibly partly because patton didn't like them. He is C!Thomas's morality, which canonically makes him the final decider on whether or not a side can be trusted. patton doesn't really trust his own judgement right now, possibly somewhat rightfully, and would be incredibly apprehensive about this orange guy. asking janus to let him go would be very unexpected, to say the least.
But honestly, patton being more open to orange could actually show some awesome character development? It might backfire on orange, but patton trying his best from the very beginning to understand a new side before he jumps to a conclusion would actually make a lot of sense in the narrative.
if life gave you an orange, would you make lemonade? . would you really want the orange side to be fundamentally different when the other dark sides have proven time and time again that they can be helpful as they are? is it right to expect that from them? also, since lemons are referenced, would it be okay to keep having janus hide orange? and is it more damaging to pretend everything is okay until you can't anymore, 'making lemonade out of an orange' as it were. patton has been there and done that with repression, and has shown to have grown from it. he almost certainly recognizes it in how the Others have been treated.
crazy how nobody sings about chocolate. it seems there would be, nothing so sweet, like we're living in the boxes of someone who's locked it. how can that be, it just ain't for me. this line sticks out to me because it sounds like the pinata metaphor from SvS, candy inside of a locked container. maybe it's a comparison patton is drawing, because in that situation, janus was right. and it would have saved them a lot of trouble to trust him in that situation. and just maybe, it's the same way with orange, and they should metaphorically open the box and let orange contribute. this goes back to the idea of patton trying to learn from his mistakes, especially in regards to janus and the Others. or, it's also possible that patton is uncomfortable with orange being withheld in the first place; ergo, 'how can that be, it just ain't for me'. we know that patton isn't really the champion of deception, and it makes him uncomfortable, he most likely isn't a fan of being lied to.
we are curving our motions and faking our bets, if you don't open the chocolate who knows what you get? immediately noticed the parallel to "if you pull back the rind, who knows what you'll find" from earlier. he wants to get to know this orange side like he knows janus and virgil, even if its really dubious, because he's learned from seeing past their scary exteriors and not having to wonder if janus being around makes C!thomas a bad person, or think that virgil doesn't want to be around any of them. he probably likes knowing that the people around him aren't damaging the integrity of the person he's part of, or that they don't hate him. even realizing remus didn't make C!thomas a terrible person made him much more content.
now purples got us blue, and silver's going grey. now purple's got us blue, huh? does this have something to do with how patton and virgil are kind of on the rocks? we don't really know the nature of these figurative rocks, but we can assume it has something to do with patton's need for control, from vigil's line in the end card of WTIT: "Oh, thank goodness, you're giving him permission." as we've established, virgil is not going to be happy about bringing in this orange guy, and is likely to be (how to put it) Skeptical when patton brings up the idea. it seems to frustrate virgil that patton's word is the law, so when orange is introduced, and patton tries to be on orange's side, it has the potential to really feel like patton is doing something without consulting the group, or like a betrayal, since virgil deffinitely has an "us versus them" mentality going on. purples got us blue indeed. (no but actually I think that's such an interesting facet of his character i love them all so 'freakin much) "silver's going grey" probably connects to remus, another side who isn't exactly on great terms with patton. the last time they talked face-to-face was the episode where patton was worried that remus's very existence made C!thomas a bad person. patton has been steadily losing support from the other sides, especially in regards to his ideas about the dark sides, so when it comes to orange, it. probably won't go over well.
oh, imagine a world where we don't play this game, with apples and oranges, nothing's the same. patton is not likely to trust his own judgement, especially after POF, and as established, he is losing support of the sides around him. i can see him trying to get a clearer perspective, and wanting all perspectives to do so. in other words, he wants to stop playing this game of 'good' and 'bad' and orange could help figure that out, since he probably doesn't have any beef with patton yet.(probably) could be great character development for patton to fully acknowledge that morality isn't as simple as right and wrong!
but that's just my idea, and to clarify, i don't think patton has the power to reveal orange, that's janus's jurisdiction, i just think patton might not be all that hostile towards orange when he comes around, and might kind of... egg janus on? or at least be open to listening to the orange side. this isn't his first rodeo. i am fully prepared to be wrong about all of this, the point is that i get to ramble about these wonderful character arcs and overanalyze, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
This isn’t really much of a defense as it is just a acknowledgement of the difference: Oz NEVER planned on telling anyone anything, if a way to stop Salem cropped he’d have probably still never told anyone. Ruby, DID plan on telling people, just after they earned her trust. The reason this is still a criticism is because SHE SHOULD FUCKING TRUST IRONWOOD.
Asking this to the fandom as an honest question: when do we learn that Ozpin never planned to tell anyone? To my recollection he doesn’t say that (and I admit completely it’s just my recollection, I could be forgetting something), but rather he says instead: 
“Do you really think Leo was the first? That he didn’t say those exact same words to me? I’m sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I’m not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I’m saying that I have reasons for the things that I do. The secrets I keep. I--”
(This is a speech that the group - and via them the audience - never has to grapple with because Ozpin realizes in this moment that the relic is gone, moving the conversation away from his defense and towards Ruby’s refusal to give it back/Oscar forcibly taking Jinn’s name.) 
Saying, “My experience means that I have good reason not to spill these secrets carelessly” is not the same thing as “I never plan on telling them to anyone.” This is, in fact, the exact same reasoning that Ruby adopts: I plan to tell you things after you’ve earned my trust. Ozpin admits here that Team RWBY doesn’t have his trust yet. Not because they as individuals have done something to lessen that (though I’d argue that the group’s overall attitude makes trusting them justifiably difficult), but rather that platitudes - “You can trust us!” - have proven to be meaningless throughout Ozpin’s lifetime: “Do you really think Leo was the first? That he didn’t say those exact same words to me?” Here, Ozpin is in the same place with Team RWBY as Ruby was with Ironwood for weeks on end. I simply don’t trust you yet and you’ll just have to wait until I do. (Even though, as you say, Color2wheel, Ironwood had actions to prove his trust whereas Team RWBY just has those platitudes...) 
The only “proof” I’ve heard in the fandom that Ozpin never intended to tell them about Salem is the fact that Qrow doesn’t know about her yet. The logic goes, “Well if Qrow doesn’t know after years and years of working with Ozpin then obviously he doesn’t plan to ever tell him at all.” It sounds damning on the surface but what this argument fails to take into account is what Ozpin himself points out, that his behaviors are “backed by experience.” Or, to put it more bluntly, this argument fails to take trauma into account. 
Ozpin is grappling with trauma that, thus far, no other character has had to try and overcome. 
Ruby actually gives us a good baseline. We can think of her trust as akin to an equation: 
Being betrayed by one person (Ozpin) + encountering an ally who is doing everything possible to demonstrate trust (Ironwood) = needed a couple weeks in order to trust them. 
Ozpin’s equation is more like: 
Being betrayed by an unknowable number of people across a thousand years (Raven, Lionheart, and Team RWBY most recently) + encountering allies who do things that demonstrate that trusting them may be quite a risk (Qrow is called out for not being a reliable spy and is emotionally very fragile, Ironwood disagrees with Ozpin’s methods, Team RWBY is constantly pissed at him, etc.) = needing....? 
How long does it take to trust again after all that? After a thousand years of people not just hurting you when they learn this secret (abandoning you for Salem, trying to kidnap you, kill you) but also hurting themselves as well (Qrow falls into an alcoholic stupor and only comes out of it when his niece threatens to leave him behind)? If Ruby’s experiences as a 17yo with (at most) two years experience outside the safety of Patch/Beacon means it took her weeks to trust again, how many years does it take someone who has been through as much as Ozpin? Probably the number of years that Qrow has been trustworthy “enough” to learn this secret but hasn’t. Needing more time to trust again because you’ve been traumatized by trusting others isn’t comparable to not trusting because you’re a bad person and you just didn’t want to. “Not now” doesn’t mean “never” and “I currently can’t” is not the same thing as “I won’t.” In addition, none of this takes into account that Ozpin kept silent during a time of peace when telling people (arguably) wasn’t necessary, whereas Ruby kept silent during a time of war when she knew Ironwood was putting time and resources towards a doomed plan. Those are radically different situations, even removing Ozpin’s trauma.
In the interest of boiling complex stuff down into more easily understood examples, let’s talk about another kind of trauma for just a moment. Something simpler, straight forward, and generally more accepted: a fear of dogs. 
Ruby: I was bitten by a dog once. I wasn’t the worst bite in the world but it still effected me. Now I’ve met this other dog and he’s... kind of scary. Big. Looks mean. Barks a lot. I get intellectually that the dog isn’t attacking me and is showing that he will sit quietly if I were to approach... but I can’t bring myself to pet the dog yet. I need time. 
The Story: Entirely understandable. 
Ozpin: I’ve yet to have a good experience with a dog. I’ve been bitten by them throughout my whole life - which is over fifty times the length of Ruby’s. These bites have left scars. I’ve been mauled by dogs before. I’ve had people set their dogs on me. I get intellectually that all dogs aren’t bad, but it’s incredibly hard for me to pet any at this point, even those whose owners insist that they’d never, ever hurt me. I’ve heard those same words right before I was bit again... 
The Story: Hmm. Seems suspicious. 
Ruby: Okay! I’ve spent weeks with this specific dog now and you know what? I’m ready to pet him. I’m emotionally in that place now. There. I did it! Aren’t you proud of me? 
The Story: We are! Wow that was so well done. You are such a good person for petting that dog and I’m sure your ability to do so is based entirely on your morality and has nothing to do with your individual experiences. 
Ozpin: No, I still haven’t pet any dogs yet. I’m not ready. 
The Story: Well Ruby pet one. 
Ozpin: Forgive me, but Ruby had one bad experience with a dog. She’s been surrounded by other supportive, happy, loyal, gentle dogs her whole life! Has any dog ever tried to kill Ruby? I feel like that would have a bearing on how quickly she starts interacting with them again... 
The Story: Nope. She’s just better than you. 
Now replace all “petting dogs again” with “trusting someone with this secret again.” Before I condemn Ozpin and uphold Ruby, I’d like to see a version of Ruby Rose who went through even a fraction of what Ozpin has been through regarding trust, secrets, and absolutely horrific betrayal. Give me a Ruby who has told people the Salem secret and they leave her, attack her, try to kidnap her, kill her, deny her support, grow to hate her... and then lets see if it still “only” takes a few weeks to spill it again. Give me a Ruby who has to suffer through Blake abandoning her, or Weiss joining up with Salem, or Jaune trying to kidnap her to ensure his own safety and then we can start praising her if she trusts quickly after all that. 
For me, it has never been established that Ozpin would have never told his allies this secret, only that his experiences mean he needs more than the average person to take that risk. I actually think having a Salem plan would have made all the difference. Reassuring someone that there won’t be repercussions for the awful thing they just heard is a great way to ensure they aren’t nearly as angry as they might have been: 
Person A: I... accidentally left the gate open and the dog got out. 
Person B: You what? 
Person A: But don’t worry! I’ve already got a plan to get him back. Everything is fine!
Person B: It’s a damn good thing. 
Person A: I... accidentally left the gate open and the dog got out. 
Person B: You what? Well how are you getting him back? 
Person A: I haven’t figured that out yet...
Person B: What the hell is wrong with you? 
People like easy solutions to hard problems. It’s the first thing Ruby asks: We just learned that Salem is immortal and we know you’ve failed to get rid of her for a thousand years...but you have a plan to fix this in our lifetime, right? We don’t have to deal with this awful immortality business because you’ve figured out how to fix everything for us, right? And when Ozpin admits that he doesn’t have that solution fury gets the better of them. He’s punched into that tree. They drive him away. If Ozpin had been able to say, “Don’t worry! It doesn’t matter if Salem is immortal because I’ve found a way to circumvent that immortality! This reveal will have no negative impact on you moving forward,” we would have gotten a very different conversation. And very different actions on Ozpin’s part throughout his life. The whole reason he keeps Salem’s immortality to himself is because he has no way to circumvent it. He doesn’t want to tell people that this fight is (currently) impossible because that is what leads to them giving up/joining Salem/taking their fear out on him. There’s no longer a reason to keep her immortality a secret if the immortality is circumventable. A plan would have removed at least some of Ozpin’s (justified) fears. People aren’t going to attack him if he can easily fix this problem for them. If he can’t fix it? Well, then you’re disposable. We’re going to leave you for someone more powerful (Salem) or just cut you out of our life completely (Team RWBY). 
What it comes down to is that Ruby’s experiences and Ozpin’s experiences simply aren’t comparable. It’s something he says outright in the story - “you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience” - but moving forward RWBY has chosen to ignore that. The man who has spent a thousand years being traumatized by trust going sideways can’t compare to the teen with just a spattering of experience under her belt trusting for the second time. Ozpin was Ruby at one point. There was a time when he trusted a second time and he didn’t get an Ironwood who sat calmly and accepted the news with such grace. So what proof do we have that without being so lucky (without a narrative that ensures Ruby comes out on top) Ruby wouldn’t have become Ozpin in time? There’s nothing intrinsic in Ruby that makes her a better person who is more able to trust others. It’s entirely that her experiences haven’t (yet) led to trust being a trigger for abandonment and assault. Ruby is just an Ozpin in the making because anyone can struggle due to trauma - even a “simple soul.” It’s a crucial difference and, frankly, I think RWBY has failed not to acknowledge it. 
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veridium · 5 years
for the record - cellar gate and this whole mess.
I have thought a lot about this. I know I said I would resign from speaking further on it, but some ideas have come to my attention and so I wish to act on my conscience and consideration. 
I wholeheartedly think toxic positivity is a prevalent issue in fandom and popular culture. I wholeheartedly believe it works as a silencing and tone policing for those most marginalized in our communities. I think it is something we must be critical of when we engage with each other and our expectations from fandom spaces. That being said, one of the primary reasons I am incensed at its prevalence in this fandom is because it has been fueled for all the wrong reasons: for deeply self-serving, personal, and petty reasons, and not simply to see the fandom be better. 
And so, with cautious dread, I am bringing back the issue of the “Cellar Gate” or however it has come to be known.
I think it is safe to say the issue caused a fracture in opinions and people who were all at one time members. I think it is safe to say that drama and dispute has become publicly evident, if not a blaring elephant in the great big room. 
I was one of several people who went public with my membership in the cellar. I did so, in part, to have some kind of autonomy and control over how the narrative was being written. I also did it to take responsibility and combat the ways in which that narrative was being twisted in inflammatory, violent, and deceitful ways. I did it because I was hearing how some of my mutuals were being adversely targeted and effected by my name being included on the “burn list” that circulated in the aftermath. I did it to prevent what I believed antagonists wanted: for a dramatic and righteous crusade to begin, which would drive out the people they believed to be “bad apples.” I did it because it was necessary. 
And I believe that, considering how much was avoided in the way that conflict subsided, I considered it a worthy gambit. People were listened to, reality checks were taken, and the fanfare was allowed to settle. 
Unfortunately, I think some thorns were forgotten about, and left to fester. 
I think the former members/people who used the exposure of the Server and the “Salt” to mount their reckoning moral crusade have used the remains of that to persist with a narrative of positivity and inclusion. This narrative, though shiny and great on the surface, is born of toxic fruit: it was not created purely for selfless, apolitical reasoning. It was created to combat a problem they blamed us for: a cultural fixation they believe exists wherein people allow themselves to be critical bullies in the name of “social justice.” I believe they did so in part to antagonize us in public where explicit callouts could not be used. I believe they push positivity as a means of ameliorating their previous involvement in private conversations they believed malevolent harassment, though they took place in, as I said: private conversations. 
In short: this positivity wave, as we have recently seen in this fandom, is not much more than a bunch of white women wanting to sleep at night again for sins they deem below their moral high-ground. You know, sins such as: privately salting about problematic fics, shit talking people they don’t like, being rude, petty, salty, and at times insensitive. 
One of the reasons I owned up to shit was because I was sick of the image that was being depicted: mean people hiding in some back room somewhere, or backlog of a chat, looking for any reason to tear people apart and be cruel. I was sick of this false interpretation that minimized and reduced a substantial part of my fandom community to heartless maleficents. Especially when these “positivists” once benefitted from, and enjoyed that community as a big part of their audience and support system. Especially when they depended on that community for listening, support, feedback, and friendship. Several of them are people I once considered some of my closest friends in fandom -- people I confided in, trusted, and believed in their integrity. 
Unfortunately, I was misguided. 
There are several reasons I am coming up for air about this. Firstly, so that I am clear when I say it was never my intention -- or that of anyone I know -- to make it seem like this ordeal was more righteous and universal as it really was. What upset me was watching these ideas about “shutting up” and “minding your business” and “being positive” being pushed onto people who had no involvement with the Server drama, who would nonetheless read their incessant reblogs of that content and think, wow, am I a piece of shit would having criticisms for someone’s work? Am I missing the point in being in fandom when I don’t focus on the positive all the time? Because these messages are being circulated by people who, I think, don’t sincerely care about fandom positivity when it doesn’t serve them and their needs of self-soothing and self-reward. That is wrong, and that is a method of undermining and tone policing I think should be called out. 
Secondly, I want to make something explicitly clear: the people pushing positivity and “minding your own business” have all, every single one, participated in the behavior they deem incorrect. They have been comforted by it, they have participated in it, and I would imagine they still do. I have an INCREDIBLY hard time believing that they do not at all speak negatively or harshly about people in fandom considering I, and several others who they deem nemeses, are still here despite their championing. I also have a hard time believing it because they have included and become friends with fandom members who they not-too-long ago verbally and explicitly despised -- people who they lobbied to be banned from the server for being manipulative and toxic, for victimizing them. Someone believed an unsafe presence for them.
And just so we’re clear on this account as well, I’m looking at you, @Tortuosity-Writes, @tanaleth, and @Allisondraste. Hope you’ve been really transparent about that with your newfound friend, @Cassandra-Pentughasst. If not, I know there are plenty of receipts to submit. It’s tax season, no? Just in case you want to suggest it was a matter of ya’ll being poisoned against each other, when you were holding the damn vials yourselves. And the only reason the links don’t work is because we have each other blocked, but somehow I think you’ll see this.  
But I suppose bygones are bygones, right? Positivity! Inclusivity! 
Also, just to prevent some ammunition unnecessary, and because I know well enough the people I’m working with here: I think it’s horseshit to say you’re all about shutting up and being positive while you’re still passive-aggressively shit-talking people in tags and posts, hoping maybe they’ll come across them or that they’ll cause some whispers/drama/stress for those people. Like, for example, @Cassandra-Pentughasst beautifully resentful tags:
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Yep, that’s me she’s talking about. And she’s right: I took forever on a commission, was not communicative, and had spelling mistakes, ones which I sincerely apologized for. I did my best but it wasn’t on par with where I should have been. At the time, I thought I was doing it for a friend, though; and when I could, I was communicative. I even asked after sending a draft to look over if she thought it was okay, because I always do so, so my clients are happy (and people can attest to this practice, and I have email and screenshot records as well). She said everything looked good, so I believed her. It was an unfortunate situation where I wasn’t at my best and I was unprofessional. 
What I am not, however, is a coward. 
Which is why this kind of behavior incenses me: it makes it seem like she had no way of telling me something was wrong, or that she was unhappy. And it also makes it seem like no one in my circle is ever critical of me, or is invited to be. Apparently everyone thinks the sun shines out my flaky ass. 
So, here’s my dilemma: how can people who claim they’re all about positivity, integrity, and inclusivity, possibly condone this kind of behavior? How can people who I once called friends say in all seriousness that their standard of decorum doesn’t apply here, because it’s me? Because it’s someone who didn’t agree with them? 
And here’s a very particular thorn: this person, and the group above, only became friends after they all left the server and realized the enemy of thy enemy was thy friend. Before that, it was incessant shit-talking of each other, talking about how one was making them feel unsafe, how toxic they were, and how they should be kicked off or blocked from the server entirely. This person was suddenly forgiven despite the LITANY of conversations and concerns about her trustworthiness, character, and integrity. 
At the end of the day, I obviously cannot control people, and they do change. My stance is, however, that none of these people have changed from who they were. They are people: they shit talk, praise, are friendly and also mean. They make mistakes and are regretful. They dislike things, and dislike people. They have animuses and grudges. They are HUMAN BEINGS like we all are. 
Only one “side,” however, is trying to get people raked over the coals for admitting to partaking in “negative” behaviors. Only one side is pushing a shut-up-and-mind-your-business broad brush when they really mean they want a specific group of people to shut up. Only one side is trying to push a positivity politic that is first and foremost self-serving. 
That, to me, is gross. And that is toxic to fandom as a whole. And I am sick of watching them poke, prod, passive-aggressively post, and seeing their stuff splash onto my dash even though I have them blocked. I am sick of watching it knowing a good portion of what motivates them is spite and antagonism. I am sick of people taking their word for it, and using it as reasoning to be mean to marginalized members. And for that reason I also want to make VERY SURE that no people of color feel like they are being manipulated by anything I have a part in. I want to reiterate: I believe the dysfunction and harm they have circulated to be real and consequential to more than just us tied to the server. I never ever intended false rallying. 
Which is to say: their beliefs that we are obsessing over them day and night, trying to find new ways to ruin their lives and antagonize them, is bullshit. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I have, like, a day job. I have family and friends to spend time with. I have PTSD to treat. I think it is safe to say shit-talking people you dislike in private conversations, and conniving/obsessing, are two different things. 
And, like I said: if any of these people have said no negative, gossipy, or disrespectful things about us, or myself, since the “Exodus,” then my word to those people are: In case you forgot, you didn’t just leave a server: you hurt a lot of people who were your friends. You made a hell of a lot of people feel unsafe and insecure with their visibility in fandom for shit they had no part in. You didn’t just exit and begin some harmless, painless agenda to bring joy to any and all around you. You fucking hurt people. Swallow that pill and recognize that talking about it -- that includes talking about you -- is a valid form of processing and healing form the disruption you caused in all of our lives. Disruption that we are still dealing with. 
Lastly: I have said over and over that I do not care for clout. I do not care for popularity stakes, for “positive” cults of personality. So, if this gets me “cancelled” so be it. But I’d rather be “cancelled” for being transparent than accepted for being shady. My qualms are both broad and personal. I have personal issues with people and I have broad issues with how they are using fandom as a space to enact their false sense of inclusivity. 
And at the end of it, I hope these former friends of mine understand one thing above all else: that I soberingly understand the harm they have done in their desire to live with themselves and their guilt, and it is for that reason -- for everything I saw and everything I heard in the aftermath of their need to redeem themselves and their “side” of things -- that I will never, ever forgive them. I have said many harsh things, I have said many unkind things, and I have made many mistakes. But for as long as I fucking live, I will never, ever elect to be known as someone who tried to pass their vendetta and grudges as a community-oriented, positivity-celebrating, sanctimonious cause that made numerous people, especially people of color, have to go to bat to counter and prevent from doing harm.
Also, on a personal note because why not, the fire is going to consume me anyways: you can’t block half of the femslash/wlw genre because you’re insecure about your work or have had drama with them, and then lament that there’s a lack of material. Whoops!
So, yeah, I’ve fucked up. I have. But I can also call bullshit when I see it. And if this ends my tenure in the fandom, again, so be it. I have my friends and my community, and I don’t just jump ship when I see the stormy weather ahead. I have my life, and my loved ones. And more importantly: I sleep very, very well. 
Oh and, for the record, contrary to all ya’lls stuff, we aren’t a cult. And I didn’t have to ask permission for posting this from anyone, or mind my manners. I also think it’s very telling when people enact the same standards of control, us vs. them, and dehumanizing that cults are supposedly known for -- and then call us one. It’s really convenient, isn’t it? To have distance from the people you hurt and betrayed, and then say it was nothing more than a cult? And to say that their methods of healing, supporting one another, and processing their anger and pain in private is only proof that they’re a cult?
Yes. Really convenient. 
So, there. You want a battle? I think you all know damn well I’m armed. All that I ask is you save your ammunition for me, and not for my friends. Not for people who had nothing to do with the mess we’ve made. Or else. 
And this is all to say that, if I have made anyone feel manipulated, led-on, used, or exploited for any of this - then that is something I am responsible for and I sincerely apologize. It is behavior that is below me, and certainly not my intention, but I don’t get to decide how I impact people’s lives and their participation. So, again, I am sorry. And I respect any and all choices you make on that account. 
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
It started when...
Kanene’s note: Aaaa, okay! This little guy here give me some trouble and I had to re-write it some times but I really liked the ideia, so my butter heart didn’t let me to dig it in some deep archive of my computer, soooo…
Here he is!! Is a boy fluff! xDD
Well, at first it was suppose to be a OC fanfic, but then I felt some urge to made a Logan liking tickling and I think I didn't captured his personality very well xD. However, I really loved the result! Hope you enjoy this as well!!!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belongs to Thomas Sanders! Yaaay!
* This is a SFW Tickle-fic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another arts. There are a lot of wonderful arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Something around 4000 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* This idea, like most of the good ideas came from NOWHERE! It’s pretty funny to write, tho. Hope you all enjoy it!
* Portuguese Version coming soon!! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a incredible week!  Byeioo!~
‘If you could create your own Tickle World. How it that would be?’
For Roman it started when Logan stopped going to his room to talk about new video ideas and their developments. Not that it was an obligation of the said (in truth, sometimes it was very frustrating and tiring), but it had become part of the creative guardian routine, almost a bonding moment between both.
Most of time it was good and the royal side found himself waiting for this weekly moments that for some unknown reason  simply ceased from existion. They diminished little by little until  became so sporadic that Roman took the responsibility into his own hands and now made a point of visit the other when he missed these meetings or just had a random idea and felt the necessity to share it, even if it was undeveloped.
He never addressed this fact to Logan, simply for the lack of some subject that connected or lead to that or for being too distracted debating the good and improving points in the script, where they could be changed and the trails that it would be leading. Because of this he just remembered to bring up the conversation when he already was out of the other’s room, don’t find much motivation to return and broke the pleasant conversation they both had, for the most of time at least, for a subject of which Roman didn’t even knew to what territory it would lead.
For that reason, the subject on matter was left aside.
For Patton, the things initiated a little earlier, perhaps at the very beginning of everything. Just at that period when the one who wears tie moved his balcony chair for a point further away and hidden from the front window.
Those moments when the evening reading in the living room were shifted to the went to his bedroom from where he didn’t came back so early, and, when he did it was only for a short amount of time or somewhere a little farther from the couch itself. Patton lost the count on so many times Virgil had to hiss, like an adorable and cute dark kitty- Okay, focus! Focus!!- until Logan transfers himself to other place or furniture.
The guardian of morality couldn’t help himself in feeling… a bit worried with the behavior change, however, every time he thought in mention it he noticed the extremely rare and calm smile opened so naturally in Logan’s face as he stared something in his phone.
For this reason, for him, the subject on matter was half left aside.
For Virgil, realizing the change on the routine and natural order of the house was absolutely common, small changes happened with small new activities, and the curious aspect definitely was someone who always sought to explore the newest types of knowledge and, due this, for him the things just really began when this change on the routine became… well… routine.
The brain of one on hoodie didn’t waited too much before starting to have the most miscellaneous theories as answers to the not-so-sudden but equally strange change. The hypothesis varied according to his humor, going from it all being Deceit faking being Logan (refuted since both already had been seemed together fighting for the last cup of coffee) to everything being his fault because of his adaptation by the Light Sides, which was the favorite one of that voice in the deep of his mind.
Nevertheless, between all of them, just one hypothesis proved itself as the truth. It was proven on a cold day, the reason why everyone was locked in their room enjoying the warmth from their own beds.
Everyone but Virgil, who already had an almost natural protection (he already accepted the hoodie as part of his own body, it doesn’t matter what the society says.) and calmly headed for the television looking forward to re-watch some movies seeking the references that the last conspiracy theory video he saw said to exist, when his gaze met the shape layed on the couch dropping bubbling giggles.
Logan. Bubbling giggles.
These was for sure two things which didn’t seemed nestable at all, but wow, formed a pretty picture.
So that was it. Logan has an obscure secret. An obscure secret that made him lightly, happily giggle.
(Blackmail, maybe?)
The anxiety’s representation cursed the logic side for being always so respectful about his personal space, his thoughts opinions, desires and almost everything that involved Virgil feeling comfortable, supported and calm around them; because this fact just pushed away any and every evil will to sneaky behind Logan and finally cease once and for all his curiosity.
Consciousness. For that reason, he had to leave the subject on matter aside. But not completely, oh no, never completely.
Logan felt restless. He tapped the fabric of his pants lightly and observed all the landscape, trying to focus on its details and analyze them, seeking for distract his brain off the story he had read the last night, however his mind was always an indomitable spirit when it was referring to this subject. He spent the entire morning thinking, visualizing it, and before he could have a minute for researching about the stars and finally focusing in something else Roman called everyone to discuss in his room about the new scenario that would be used for the special video, which it showed as a proposal practically irrefutable to Logan, who put his obligations above almost every other thing.
- I let the room as a white canvas for we paint it at our desire! - The nomination maybe have been a little too literal, although it didn’t captured the whole essence of the albino forest surrounding the quarter. -   Sure I will be the first who- PANDA COSPLAY, IF YOU PUT ‘WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE’ ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR FOR THE HOLY SWOR-
Logan rolled his eyes for the duo fight, and when his glaze dropped all his body froze, electric goose bumps ran down every inch of his skin, his eyes slightly widening, tense muscles.
The grass around him was beginning to transform, to color itself. From where his feet touched green spirals started to very calmly unfold, as if unaware about its surrounding, including the fright of its ‘creator’.
But, since nothing in life is easy, of course it was not only in color that the grass was being transfigured, but also in shape. The centimeters around his shoes were no longer grass, and yes small green, and as it seemed, extremely soft feathers.
Logan felt blush, nevertheless, more than blush he felt scared… No, ‘scared.’ wasn’t the correct word.
Apprehensive. He felt apprehensive
The rationality’s representation glanced at the others, who fortunately wasn’t paying any attention to him.
He stepped back. The color and feathers followed him, each footprint leaving the place more modificated and colorful. Logan felt his mouth dry. That was a bad idea. An awful idea. He wasn’t supposed to feel that way, wasn’t supposed to have this kind of thoughts. He was the logic, rational, serious, trustworthy, fact-based, not shaken up by feelings side.
Apprehensive. Anxious.
Virgil turned around, letting Roman and Patton chat a little about the scenario to discuss a few option with Logan, since he probably would already have some analysis about the place and more tangibles ideas whic-
His eyes widen.
“Coming here was a mistake. I need to do something. I should…. I should….”
- Logan. Logan. Hey, hey, hey. - He lifted up his glare, allowing himself to look as vulnerable as he felt. Virgil moved closer, their eyes met. - It’s alright. Everything is alright. - His voice was in a slowly, velvety, paused tune. Logan’s muscles slightly relaxed. - There are no problem, ok? It’s alright. We are here. It is we, and we are here at your side.
The one who wears a tie nodded, closing his eyes for a moment and bringing up Thomas’ memories from when he was anxious. He taken a deep breath, always a deep breath.
Breathe in. Hold it for seven seconds.
- Everything is alright.
Yes. It was. It was they and everything was alright.
Virgil finally looked down, seeing what was source of concern for the rational side. The green color began to grow more vivid, more palpable as the spirals increased and expanded, getting bigger and bigger until the divisores lines mingled and they form a only one greenish circle.
Keep your eyes closed. It is more easier to control myself when my eyes are closed. Focus on the breathing. Focus on the dark. There is nothing to be afraid of.
The movements were bold, precise and calculated. Almost mesmerizing. Now little white particles loosened from the circle that resembled the grass. These particles fluttered in the air for a few moments before starting to stretch and took… a softer, fluffier, delicate shape.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Wait. Is those feathers?
It is they. It is they. It is they. There is no problem because it is they.
A pleasant cold wind became, as if it brought distant news of a coming rain. It was so nostalgic that automatically all the muscles off his body loosen and the sound of small raindrops hitting the treetops became present, even if there was no visible cloud.
They are family. And respect me, so it is alright. Everything is under my control.
The wind made all the feathers move faster and faster, spiraling around Logan and his concentrated countenance. It was like a little private swirl.
And it spined, it spined, it spined and spined spined spined spined.
And he could be the aspect responsible for the rationality, knowledge and logic for certain, however it didn’t prevented him to be something more, or to appreciate what he appreciated. It was ok.
It always was.
Patton and Roman’s voices stopped to echo across the room, their gazes finally meeting the peculiar scene unfolding in front of their eyes. They both turned, the attention completely captured.
- Logan?
The logic side opened his eyes.
Breathe out.
The swirl exploded consuming everything in a matter of few seconds. Nobody could hear nothing and even less utter some other word. They assumed a defensive pose, arms in front of their eyes and legs tensed ready to run away from any danger; until they realized that wasn’t any real danger. The feather didn’t even touched much their skin, feeling more as a stroke than any other thing.
The sensation ceased. The weather seemed different, colder, lighter, cozier.
And, when they were sure that everything really stopped, that there would be no further transformation, everyone opened his eyes, their breath catching for an instant, as if afraid to spoil the art-  no! Even better… the world around them.
Through all the space white feathers graciously floated to the ground, as little drops of paint in a emerald green that covered the whole grass, which stirred with the calm breeze that hitted it and and lead to green feathers also been released from the said and fly for few seconds before coming back to their original places. Not that it was always possible, since some usually  ended up trapping themselves in the greyish trunks of leafy trees painted in colors that went from pastel to vivids, flashy shades. Small vines decayed from the branches.
Roman stepped forward, curiously touching a pastel one, which wrapped around his wrist, soft as a blanked, each touch leading to electric shivers that made an involuntary smile groom in his face.
The trees were neither too tall nor too high, fact that allowed the cloudy sky been easy seem, not as an anticipation for a storm, but as if it was predicting an pleasant weather either to go out for a wandering or to stay home under the covers catching up on your favorite series. Virgil heard something else, however, he didn’t needed to focus too much before listen the velvety voices came audibles, as if they were brought by the pleasant-scented breeze.
“You are wonderful.”
“Does it tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle?~”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Oh, it seems like someone is a bit ticklish.~”
“Thank you for all your effort.”
“I didn’t even did nothing and already became a blushy mess! Coothie coothie coo!”
“You did a good job.”
“The tickle monster is gonna getcha, getcha, getcha!”
- No! - Logan’s protests snapped everyone out of their trance, causing their eyes quickly find him, who had tripped and now attempted to get away from two floating gloves that mischievously wiggled their fingers in his direction. The huge smile on his face was almost as noticeable in his tune, whose its owner didn’t had any really warm on trying to escape. - Don’t  you dare to approach an infinitesimal cent-ack!! Nohohohohohohohohohohoho!
All the words went in vain, transfiguration  themselves in laugh when the two gloves ignored his warnings and attacked his ribs. Logan let himself lay on the grass, little snorts flying from his mouth as the said struggled to hold back his laughter, but nothing compared to the volume of the squeal that came from Patton’s lips as he processed the scene unfolded. He excitedly bitted his knuckles, don’t waiting a half second before running to the other.
- Logan!! I can’t belive you like tickling!!!
- Ohohohohohohohohohoho nahahahahahHAHAHAHAAHAaha!! - Their fingers started to focus in his hips, reason why the loud squeaks and more uncontrollable giggles leaved his mouth, but the logic aspect used all his willpower to cover his face with his hands, rolling to the opposite side in order to not being able to see the expression which the cat lover gives to him. Part of him relieved for don’t need to hide nothing anymore and part still very apprehensive with what all of this would result.
- Uh huh, sir! - Patton playfully complained, a grin spreading across his face as he sat at Logan’s side, his hands quickly, and very skillfully, meeting his armpits. Logan shrieked before get lost in a laughing sea, removing his hands from his face in a attempt to stop the new pair which tickled him. His face was completely red, the smile almost brighten the room for its light for being so big, his nose wrinkled and little dimples starting to been present. Patton felt his gaze shine, also laughing. - No hiding that wonderfully cute face of yours, mister! I can’t believe that you didn’t told us sooner, Lo-lo! 
- We can all agreed that this is… how would you say it…? - Virgil showed up, discovering to be an impossible mission not smile at the scene. The melodious giggles, yelps and squealing from both sides filled the air. - undeniably adorable.
Unable to explain why, Logan’s laugh increased, his legs squirming when the dad’s quarter got bored from his armpits and now went for his tummy, scratching, poking, squeezing and making his fingers dance through all its extension, which would surely made the mind’s representation curl in a defensive ball, if it wouldn’t the gloves changing its tickles to his thighs, each knead leading to a different squeal.
A thought crossed the one on hoodie’s brain. His smile faded.
- Hey, Patton. - His voice was more serious, a little fearful. - Wait, wait, wait! - He holded his shoulder, slightly pulling him back and making the paternal one reluctantly stop his ‘attack’, staring Virgil with that ‘lost puppy’ eyes, with a Logan behind thanking silently, or as quietly as possible when laughter and snorts unintentionally kept escaping from his lips due two fingers that teasingly scratch the underside of his knees, taking a few sips of air.
- Kiddo, I know you also wanna have some fun, but you need to be patient and wait your turn! -Virgil felt his entire face on fire, especially as Logan turned, apparently interested in the conversation.
- That isn’t it! - Patton couldn’t help but grin with the defensive tune the other used. Virgil frowned and rolled his eyes, his hands gesticulating all over the room. - This situation… It’s too much to show at once. Logan can be feeling vulnerable, maybe even uncomfortable to being exposed like this.
Both turned to the said, worried, alarmed looks. Logan opened his lips, only for a little squeak jump when the gloves started to squeeze and knead his kneecaps, his wobbly arms tried to remove them, but in vain.
- He need a little break… Roman! - The guardian of anxiety drew the other’s attention, who had to break free of some vines before joining the group, his hair a little messed up and with a breathless smile.
- Oh, why do you call , stormACK!! - The prince’s phrase was interrupted when the purple lover grabbed the gloves and tossed them on him, who even tried to fight against the saids, however ended subdued by skills when they found way to his feet. - VIRHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIGIL!! NOhohohohohohOHOHOHOHO!
- Sorrey, dude. - Virgil smirked receiving a sharp, but without any anger in it, glare from the aspect of creativity. It was pretty hard take him serious when the said was squirming and happily laughing, tough.
- Uhuhu. You are evil. - Patton also excitedly smiled, before the duo remembered the previous topic of conversation and turned round to the logic side.
Logan was already sitting, adjusting his glasses and tie, his face still had remnants of the blush so as the smile. Everything got quite quiet, apart from Roman, who still laughing with the tickles. Maybe it was that laugh that gave Logan a bit more bravery to lift his gaze, clean his throat and stare the two side who observed him full of cautelous.
- A-about the previous question, Virgil. - For a moment he wished that the voices stopped their teasing, being promptly answered. Thank you. - I appreciate your concern and the free of judgment reaction of everyone, nevertheless. - “The vulnerability, no, the intimacy doesn’t bother me for the only main fact that it is you all, and I know that I’m more protect in your hands than any other on this vast universe.” - N-no hassle. - At least he could remind and utter something from his lift cards, since his brain didn’t seemed to much helpful on this moment. His face was gonna to melt, he was sure of it. - The sensation of vulnerability just would bother me if the fear of rejection was still present or our intimacy wasn’t yet strong. - Looked away. - The latter situation clearly isn’t the case and the first one… There is no reason to be afraid of. - And shut himself.
- Oh, Lo-lo, you are so silly… - Patton knelt down in front of him, staring in such a tender and affectionate way that for a moment Logan really realized how his fear was irrational. - There is no problem in like tickling. - The smile of the paternal figure increased when notice Logan squirm and lightly blush as heard the word.
- We would never criticize you for something like that. - Virgil didn’t knelt down, but the meaning on between his lines already demonstrate enough. -  Liking is liking. If it’s nothing hurting anyone… - Then shrugged.
- In fact is making good! Now we know what to do to hear your fabulous laugh! - The representation of morality evil smirked, wiggling his fingers, which made Logan instinctively stepped away, seeking help on Virgil, who seemed a bit surprise by his action, but he grinned, grabbing one of the flying feathers and twirling this between his fingers.
Logan stepped some more centimeters away as precaution, little giggles beginning to form between his lips.
- Without to mention that he seems to having so much fun! - Patton pointed to Roman, everyone turning to observe the scene where the aspect of hope and dreams still laughing with the gloves’ attack, which apparently found themselves in the mission of create the most bubbling and snorts almost at the same time by scribbling white feathers on his neck.
- Don’t we should help him?
- Do not worry. - Logan adjusted his glasses, voice stuffed with a slightly playfulness. - I programed the gloves to feel when you want more tickles or not. As long Roman don’t wish anymore tickle there wouldn’t be any of it. All of this ‘world’ works as this.
- I have to admit I’m a bit jealous. - Patton absently commented, taking one of the feather falling in circle moviments to the ground. The creator felt his eyes gloom, an absurd urge to smile taking over his body.
- Is that so, Patton? Well, allow me to help you with this impasse. - and before anything could be answered Logan hugged him from behind, digging his fingers on his tummy and leading belly laughter to explode from the cat lover, who started to squirm almost instantality. 
- THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT WanS’T WHAHAHahahahahAHAHAT I meAN! LOHOHOHOHohohohohohohohohohohoHOHOHOHO! - His laughter were totally filled with high pitched squeals and screams almost as adorable as his personality.
- Oh, but after your attack I believe that is my right to seek revenge. - His whispered words tickled the shell of the other’s ear, who immediately attempted to hide the ticklish spot in his shoulder, receiving a raspberry in the vulnerable side of his neck. - How kind of you to show that delicate point of yours so I can tickles, tickles, tickles, Patton. Very considerate of you.
- NahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahaha!!! - He stopped to struggle, just lightly squirming and letting himself to be carried away on this moment of playfulness and affection from the other, the teasing painting a strong blush on his cheeks and small droplets started to accumulate in the corner of his eyes. Virgil snorted.
- Don’t think that I forgot you, Virgil. - Logan only glanced the one on hoodie, but that alone was already enough to release cold shivers down his spine, smile starting to rise in his face. Even when the logic side came back to give attention on the victim on his claws his Fight or Flight instincts didn’t stopped to kick in.
Something velvety wrapped around his waist.
- NO! Wait!!! - Virgil tried to dislodge the vine that involved him, turning around on time to see other in light colors happily coming towards him. - I didn’t even did nothing! Let me g-
- Precisely, dear Virgil. You have allowed me to be attacked without lifting a single finger, and I believe that  judicially, this can be termed ‘complicity’. - The soft vines began to curl up around all his body, vibrating as they purred. Virgil closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly, putting effort for any giggle came out of his mouth. Logan’s expression softened a little. - Do not worry, the pastel ones are responsible for light tickles. - When one found its way to that sweet spot beneath his shoulder blades and camped there the barrier broke, a flow of giggles, snorts, and low yelps flyed from his mouth. Virgil’s legs failed in keep him up and for that reason he ended up being carried, having the sensation that he floated in pure light, soft and unbearable tickles. The smile on his face wasn’t huge, but seemed able to light all the space with its cuteness.
And, for Logan, it was in this exact moment, when the carefree laughter walked and danced through all the room that he spent hours and hours imaginating, that everything started…
… to get really interesting.
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hungline · 5 years
let’s have a talk
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pairing: showki  genre: angst, cops au, supernatural au, rated m  warnings: possession, ghosts  words: 1600 
summary: Hyunwoo expected this, he just thought Hoseok would come to talk with him earlier is all. Except maybe he didn’t expect Hoseok to say that Kihyun is possessed. That took him completely by surprise.
⇢ day twenty-five of 31 days of halloween 
⇢ part five of eternally 
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"Chief, we need to talk."
Hyunwoo looks up to see Hoseok standing hesitantly in the doorway. The elder waves a hand, telling him to close the door and take a seat. Hoseok does so quickly, perching himself on the edge of the chair in front of Hyunwoo's desk. Hyunwoo finishes reading over the case file in his hand and closes it, lacing his fingers together as he studies Hoseok.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Hyunwoo knows what Hoseok is planning to say. If there's anybody on the force who might know Kihyun as well as he does, it'll be Hoseok. And Hoseok is over-observant almost always, so Hyunwoo is surprised it's taken this long for Hoseok to come talk to him about this.
"Well," Hoseok mumbles awkwardly, twisting his fingers together in his lap. "It's about Kihyun."
Hyunwoo nods, waiting for Hoseok to continue.
Hoseok looks sheepish when he finally says, "There's something wrong with him."
Hyunwoo leans back in his chair and sighs, relieved, glad he'd been right. "I thought it was just me."
"You mean, you've noticed?" Hoseok leans forward in his seat, gaping at his boss.
"Of course I have. He lives with me after all and we're, wellーwe're intimate," Hyunwoo shrugs, trying to gloss over the last part. "Of course I'd notice when he starts acting weird."
"Listen, Chief, you don't have to act like I'm a clueless five-year-old. Everyone knows you and Kihyun-ah are fucking. What we don't know is why you haven't confronted Kihyun about his behavior yet," Hoseok says with a scoff, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches a variety of emotions flicker across Hyunwoo's face.
"What do you mean everyone?" Hyunwoo finally manages to ask.
Hoseok rubs his arms, a shiver running down his spine. "Well, it's obvious to everyone on the force that Kihyun is acting strangely. At first, I thought it might be relationship problems between you two but that hasn't been the case at all really. I still remember when Kihyun went missing for two days and you went insane trying to find him. You obviously care a great deal for him and I know that he used to care for you a lot too. So my theory is that this is a doppelganger and the real Kihyun is still missing."
Hyunwoo raises a brow at Hoseok, incredulous of the younger's theory. "A doppelganger?"
"Well, what do you think? The man you've been sleeping with went missing and came back not himself, please enlighten me about what you think happened," Hoseok replies, incredibly irritated.
Hyunwoo blinks, surprised by the outburst. "I...well, I'm not very sure, butーI just...Look, all I know is that he's not my Kihyunnie."
Hoseok lets his arms fall, gripping his knees anxiously as he leans forward and peers up into Hyunwoo's crumpled face. "Chief, I have an aunt who's a medium."
Hyunwoo glances up at the younger, utterly confused about why Hoseok is bringing this up now.
Hoseok continues though, his words a rapid flurry of disbelief. "She never talks to me, says she hates how I don't take spirits seriously and stuff. But she called me yesterday."
Hyunwoo still doesn't know where Hoseok is going with this.
"She was scared. Almost hysterical as if she didn't expect me to answer the phone," Hoseok chews at his nail, obviously distressed. And thenー "Hyung, she told me that a dalgyal gwishin was near me. I didn't think anything of it really, just dismissed it but it came back to me later that she never calls me. I always have to call her."
Hyunwoo nods, not understanding how this is relevant but he can vaguely recall hearing stories about gwishins when he was younger and his grandmother was still alive. If Hyunwoo recalls correctly, she was a medium as well. She helped spirits pass over and cleared houses of dark gwishins. Hyunwoo tries to remember what she might have told him about dalgyal gwishins, but he's only drawing a blank so far.
Hoseok shifts in his seat, peering over his shoulder as he leans even farther forward, his elbows on Hyunwoo's desk now. "I did some research about them and oh god, hyung they're terrible dark spirits. They aren't meant to leave the spirit world, not unless someone has created a rift between spirits and humans that they can slip through, and that's actually more common than you'd think. No one who's seen a dalgyal gwishin has survived, hyung."
"Okay?" Hyunwoo asks, brows still raised, still going through old memories of his grandmother.
"I called my aunt back and asked her about the gwishin," Hoseok murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. "She didn't want to tell me anything at first, but when I mentioned Kihyun, she started babbling all this nonsense about a ritual and that someone close to me hasn't been acting themselves lately because they aren't. Themselves, I mean.
"Hyung, you're right, the Kihyun here with us isn't your Kihyun," Hoseok whispers.
Hyunwoo sits back in his chair, completely stunned. They stare at one another for some time, neither saying anything as the clock on the wall continues to tick. Hoseok wipes his forehead clear of sweat and looks over his shoulder again, nervous. Hyunwoo blinks and rubs his eyes, stretching his legs out in front of him as he slumps completely into his swivel chair.
"Hoseok-ah, are you implying that my boyfriend has been possessed by an evil spirit and that's why he's acting like more of an asshole than usual?" Hyunwoo quietly asks.
Hoseok drags in a sharp breath, fingers tangled together in his lap. "It's crazy, I know. I like my doppelganger theory better, to be honest, but I can't ignore my aunt. She's been right about a lot of things."
"Like what?" Hyunwoo asks.
Hoseok looks sheepish when he replies, "Well, she was right about you and she was right about Kihyun and I and she was right about me."
"Wow, wait. You've mentioned us to her?" Hyunwoo holds a hand up, still confused about what Hoseok is trying to prove with this.
"Well..." Hoseok hesitates, his body tensing up as he bites his lip and then finally he takes in a large gulp of air and says, "I thought you were a complete asshole when I first started working here and I told my aunt about it, just complaining you know, but she told me to get over it because you'd go on to do great things and you'd need someone trustworthy to have your back and that I was going to be that person and well, she turned out to be right when we were assigned as partners and then you got promoted and now you're Chief of Police."
Hoseok coughs then, peering tentatively up at the elder, relieved to see that Hyunwoo is fighting back laughter. Then Hoseok tenses up again, his fingers twisting in odd ways in his lap.
"And, uh, well, Kihyun and I. Weーwe were never a thing! Believe me, I'd very much have liked to, but my aunt advised me against it. Said our lives weren't meant to be intertwined that way."
Hoseok pauses to scratch his hair, his mouth a thin line as he thinks about his next sentence.
"She always asked me when the two soulmates would finally get together and I didn't realize until now that she meant you and Kihyun. She used to tell me about this grand love story between two cops when I was a kid and that was kind of why I became one in the first place, I wanted a grand story told about me too and then I met Kihyun and I thought, you know, that well, he's the one.
"Except he wasn't. He's your one. My aunt kept asking about you two and I was dumb enough to think it was about Kihyun and I when really, I never stood a chance," Hoseok finishes lamely, waving away the look Hyunwoo gives him. "Oh, don't look at me like I'm a kicked puppy. I got over Kihyun a long time ago and I'm really happy about you two, or at least, I was."
"Hoseok, I never even knew you thought about Kihyun like that," Hyunwoo murmurs. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Hoseok shrugs. "Didn't matter much in the long run, plus I kind of thought you were homophobic when we were first paired up."
Hyunwoo laughs then, the tense atmosphere around them breaking. Hoseok smiles, that wide smile that takes up his entire face and Hyunwoo can't help but lean over his desk and clap his ex-partner on the back.
"As you very well know, I'm not homophobic in the slightest. I think my long string of ex-boyfriends should be proof enough of that," Hyunwoo chortles.
Hoseok nods, his smile reigning itself in. "But about Kihyun..."
And just like that, the tense atmosphere is back.
"I'll look into it. My grandma was a medium too so I'm going to drive up to my grandpa's place this weekend and look through their old things, see if I can find anything that might prove your aunt right. In the meantime, let's look into that doppelganger theory of yours."
The two men lean in, whispering frantically and completely unbeknownst of the fact that Kihyun is standing behind Hyunwoo's desk, pressed against the wall and covered in a variety of charms and spells that conceal him from human eyes. It's just his luck he had to possess a man who's surrounded by spiritually influenced people.
Now he'll definitely have to kill them.
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herroyaldarkness · 7 years
for every @ I talk about people I love
@maimedlion​ Wow I think I’ve actually known Courtney for going on 5 years now? She’s one of my VERY first followed blogs on here, and in the RPC as a whole. Never has there been someone more fiercely loyal to her friends, more ready to burst in from her life and FIGHT for people she loves. She adores her muse/s so much and it shows in the detail and care she gives them. She’s a fixture in the ASOIAF community no matter how absent she might currently be, everyone knows who she is. Everyone knows her Jaime. And they should. She’s been such an incredible friend to me, a constant rock of support, understanding, and companionship. And bitches best know that she and I are quite literally unbeatable in BGO. We’re so vicious people wont even PLAY if we’re on a team. And if we’re not on a team we make secret alliances anyway. She’s amazing, talented and the kind of partner in crime EVERYONE needs at least one of in their life.
@deauvergne Nook is one of those wild-appearing people who seem to pop in and out of my RP scope at random, but every time she’s around I am blessed. Her enthusiasm, kindness, realness, and honesty are everything I enjoy in a friend & RP partner. She’s someone I love to dish with about drama, and who can brighten even the dullest most drab of dashboards with her ridiculous muse.@divinechoke / @amoire / uhhh forgive me lovely I forgot theM ALL. GABI Talk about a huge busting balloon of talent. She’s got the writing chops to be leaving us all behind and penning novels. She’s really that good. I love seeing how creatively she crafts her OCs and how much she loves them. She’s worth way more than the fuckers in this RPC have tried to hand her. She knows who the fuckwits are and they know who they are, and if anyone ever thinks of bringing up old drama with her then they can come right over here and answer to me. I’d fight a ‘Roo any day of the week for Gabi. Nothing like having friends who hate the same people as you, and who are hated by the same people as you. That’s some true bonding right there.@clownin holyshit Paola how did we become such close and fast friends? You came out from nowhere to flip-turn my world upside down with your caring, and understanding. I still cannot believe the way you’ve treated me, how you stood by me when I hadn’t earned it from you. How you could objectively look at friends and people’s behavior and see through the bullshit. It’s amazing. I wish more people were like you. And how deeply you adore your muses, how you aren’t afraid to show their ugly sides, and love it as much as their nice sides. It’s a rare thing you do, and I want to keep seeing you do it for as long as I can.Judas / Aaron / The Real Homogay -- Idk what blog you’re on rn, but lbr I never do. This is much less about your writing and creativity (though it be vast) as it is what kind of friend you’ve been to me. You’re the realest, most honest and trustworthy person I know. Straight up when I need a real opinion on something serious or impactful to do with the RPC, you’re the first person I think of asking. You don’t judge, or take any shit, and it’s glorious. Almost as glorious as your fucking voice. I can’t wait to see how far you go, and hope I can still be here to see it in times to come. 
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wickedbananas · 7 years
The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority
Posted by MiriamEllis
Q: What kind of content should a local business develop?
A: The kind that converts!
Okay, you could have hit on that answer yourself, but as this post aims to demonstrate:
There are almost as many user paths to conversion as there are customers in your city, and
Your long-term goal is to become the authority in your industry and geography that consumers and search engines turn to.
Google’s widely publicized concept of micro-moments has been questioned by some local SEOs for its possible oversimplification of consumer behavior. Nevertheless, I think it serves as a good, basic model for understanding how a variety of human needs (I want to do, know, buy something, or go somewhere) leads people onto the web. When a local business manages to become a visible solution to any of these needs, the rewards can include:
Online traffic
In-store traffic
Social sharing
Offline word-of-mouth
Good user metrics like time-on-page, low bounce rate, etc.
Takeaway: Consumers have a variety of needs and can bestow a variety of rewards that directly or indirectly impact local business reputation, rankings and revenue when these needs are well-met.
No surprise: it will take a variety of types of content publication to enjoy the full rewards it can bring.
Proviso: There will be nuances to the best types of content for each local business based on geo-industry and average consumer. Understandably, a cupcake bakery has a more inviting topic for photographic content than does a septic services company, but the latter shouldn’t rule out the power of an image of tree roots breaking into a septic line as a scary and effective way to convert property owners into customers. Point being, you’ll be applying your own flavor to becoming a geo-topical authority as you undertake the following content development work:
Foundational local business content development
These are the basics almost every local business will need to publish.
Customer service policy
Every single staff member who interacts with your public must be given a copy of your complete customer service policy. Why? A 2016 survey by the review software company GetFiveStars demonstrated that 57% of consumer complaints revolve around customer service and employee behavior. To protect your local business’ reputation and revenue, the first content you create should be internal and should instruct all forward-facing employees in approved basic store policies, dress, cleanliness, language, company culture, and allowable behaviors. Be thorough! Yes, you may wear a t-shirt. No, you may not text your friends while waiting on tables.
Customer rights guarantee
On your website, publish a customer-focused version of your policy. The Vermont Country Store calls this a Customer Bill of Rights which clearly outlines the quality of service consumers should expect to experience, the guarantees that protect them, and the way the business expects to be treated, as well.
Don’t overlook the three most important pieces of content you need to publish on your website: your company name, address, and phone number. Make sure they are in crawlable HTML (not couched in an image or a problematic format like Flash). Put your NAP at the top of your Contact Us page and in the site-wide masthead or footer so that humans and bots can immediately and clearly identify these key features of your business. Be sure your NAP is consistent across all pages for your site (not Green Tree Consulting on one page and Green Tree Marketing on another, or wrong digits in a phone number or street address on some pages). And, ideally, mark up your NAP with Schema to further assist search engine comprehension of your data.
Reviews/testimonials page
On your website, your reviews/testimonials page can profoundly impact consumer trust, comprising a combination of unique customer sentiment you’ve gathered via a form/software (or even from handwritten customer notes) and featured reviews from third-party review platforms (Google, Yelp). Why make this effort? As many as 92% of consumers now read online reviews and Google specifically cites testimonials as a vehicle for boosting your website’s trustworthiness and reputation.
Reviews/testimonials policy
Either on your Reviews/Testimonials page or on a second page of your website, clearly outline your terms of service for reviewers. Just like Yelp, you need to protect the quality of the sentiment-oriented content you publish and should let consumers know what you permit/forbid. Here’s a real-world example of a local business review TOS page I really like, at Barbara Oliver Jewelry.
Apart from serving up some of the most fundamental content about your business to search engines, your homepage should serve two local consumer groups: those in a rush and those in research mode.
Be sure the former is being given must-have information to understand your business at a glance and contact it immediately.
For the latter, the homepage should offer clear navigation, consumer-centric content, and inducements to further explore additional pages of the website (take advantage of a special, look at products, see project photos, read a blog post, etc.) as they seek to get to know your business better before choosing it for a transaction.
Pro tip: Don’t think of your homepage as static. Change up your content regularly there and track how this impacts traffic/conversions.
Contact Us page
On this incredibly vital website page, your content should include:
Complete NAP
All supported contact methods (forms, email, fax, live chat, after-hours hotline, etc.),
Thorough driving directions from all entry points, including pointers for what to look for on the street (big blue sign, next to red church, across the street from swim center, etc.)
A map
Exterior images of your business
Attributes like parking availability and wheelchair accessibility
Hours of operation
Social media links
Payment forms accepted (cash only, BitCoin, etc.)
Mention of proximity to major nearby points of interest (national parks, monuments, etc.)
Brief summary of services with a nod to attributes ("Stop by the Starlight tonight for late-night food that satisfies!")
A fresh call-to-action (like visiting the business for a Memorial Day sale)
Store locator pages
For a multi-location businesses (like a restaurant chain), you’ll be creating content for a set of landing pages to represent each of your physical locations, accessed via a top-level menu if you have a few locations, or via a store locator widget if you have many. These should feature the same types of content a Contact Us page would for a single-location business, and can also include:
Reviews/testimonials for that location
Location-specific special offers
Social media links specific to that location
Proofs of that location’s local community involvement
Highlights of staff at that location
Education about availability of in-store beacons or apps for that location
Interior photos specific to that location
A key call-to-action
For help formatting all of this great content sensibly, please read Overcoming Your Fear of Local Landing Pages.
City landing pages
Similar to the multi-location business, the service area business (like a plumber) can also develop a set of customer-centric landing pages. These pages will represent each of the major towns or cities the business serves, and while they won’t contain a street address if the company lacks a physical location in a given area, they can contain almost everything else a Contact Us page or Store Locator page would, plus:
Documentation of projects completed in that city (text, photos, video)
Expert advice specific to consumers in that city, based on characteristics like local laws, weather, terrain, events, or customs
Showcasing of services provided to recognized brands in that city ("we wash windows at the Marriott Hotel," etc.)
Reviews/testimonials from customers in that city
Proofs of community involvement in that city (events, sponsorships, etc.)
A key call-to-action
Product/service descriptions
Regardless of business model, all local businesses should devote a unique page of content to each major product or service they offer. These pages can include:
A thorough text description
Answers to documented FAQs
Price/time quotes
Technical specs
Reviews of the service or product
Differentiation from competitors (awards won, lowest price, environmental standards, lifetime support, etc.)
For inspiration, I recommend looking at SolarCity’s page on solar roofing. Beautiful and informative.
For many industries, image content truly sells. Are you "wowed" looking at the first image you see of this B&B in Albuquerque, the view from this restaurant in San Diego, or the scope of this international architectural firm’s projects? But even if your industry doesn’t automatically lend itself to wow-factor visuals, cleaning dirty carpets can be presented with high class and even so-called “boring” industries can take a visual approach to data that yields interesting and share-worthy/link-worthy graphics.
While you’re snapping photos, don’t neglect uploading them to your Google My Business listings and other major citations. Google data suggests that listing images influence click-through rates!
The content of your FAQ page serves multiple purposes. Obviously, it should answer the questions your local business has documented as being asked by your real customers, but it can also be a keyword-rich page if you have taken the time to reflect the documented natural language of your consumers. If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what types of questions your customers will ask, try AnswerThePublic and Q&A crowdsourcing sites to brainstorm common queries.
Be sure your FAQ page contains a vehicle for consumers to ask a question so that you can continuously document their inquiries, determine new topics to cover on the FAQ page, and even find inspiration for additional content development on your website or blog for highly popular questions.
About page
For the local customer in research mode, your About page can seal the deal if you have a story to tell that proves you are in the best possible alignment with their specific needs and desires. Yes, the About Us page can tell the story of your business or your team, but it can also tell the story of why your consumers choose you.
Take a look at this About page for a natural foods store in California and break it down into elements:
Reason for founding company
Difference-makers (95% organic groceries, building powered by 100% renewable energy)
Targeted consumer alignment (support local alternative to major brand, business inspired by major figure in environmental movement)
Awards and recognition from government officials and organizations
Special offer (5-cent rebate if you bring your own bag)
Timeline of business history
Video of the business story
Proofs of community involvement (organic school lunch program)
Links to more information
If the ideal consumer for this company is an eco-conscious shopper who wants to support a local business that will, in turn, support the city in which they live, this About page is extremely persuasive. Your local business can take cues from this real-world example, determining what motivates and moves your consumer base and then demonstrating how your values and practices align.
Calls to action
CTAs are critical local business content, and any website page which lacks one represents a wasted opportunity. Entrepreneur states that the 3 effective principles of calls to action are visibility, clear/compelling messaging, and careful choice of supporting elements. For a local business, calls to action on various pages of your website might direct consumers to:
Come into your location
Fill out a form
Ask a question/make a comment or complaint
Livechat with a rep
Sign up for emails/texts or access to offers
Follow you on social media
Attend an in-store event/local event
Leave a review
Fill out a survey/participate in a poll
Ideally, CTAs should assist users in doing what they want to do in alignment with the actions the business hopes the consumer will take. Audit your website and implement a targeted CTA on any page currently lacking one. Need inspiration? This Hubspot article showcases mainly virtual companies, but the magic of some of the examples should get your brain humming.
Local business listings
Some of the most vital content being published about your business won't exist on your website — it will reside on your local business listings on the major local business data platforms. Think Google My Business, Facebook, Acxiom, Infogroup, Factual, YP, Apple Maps, and Yelp. While each platform differs in the types of data they accept from you for publication, the majority of local business listings support the following content:
Website address
Business categories
Business description
Hours of operation
Marker on a map
Additional phone numbers/fax numbers
Links to social, video, and other forms of media
Attributes (payments accepted, parking, wheelchair accessibility, kid-friendly, etc.)
Reviews/owner responses
The most important components of your business are all contained within a thorough local business listing. These listings will commonly appear in the search engine results when users look up your brand, and they may also appear for your most important keyword searches, profoundly impacting how consumers discover and choose your business.
Your objective is to ensure that your data is accurate and complete on the major platforms and you can quickly assess this via a free tool like Moz Check Listing. By ensuring that the content of your listings is error-free, thorough, and consistent across the web, you are protecting the rankings, reputation, and revenue of your local business. This is a very big deal!
Third-party review profiles
While major local business listing platforms (Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp) are simultaneously review platforms, you may need to seek inclusion on review sites that are specific to your industry or geography. For example, doctors may want to manage a review profile on HealthGrades and ZocDoc, while lawyers may want to be sure they are included on Avvo.
Whether your consumers are reviewing you on general or specialized platforms, know that the content they are creating may be more persuasive than anything your local business can publish on its own. According to one respected survey, 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations and 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews to form a distinct impression of your business.
How can local businesses manage this content which so deeply impacts their reputation, rankings, and revenue? The answer is twofold:
First, refer back to the beginning of this article to the item I cited as the first document you must create for your business: your customer service policy. You can most powerfully influence the reviews you receive via the excellence of your staff education and training.
Master catching verbal and social complaints before they turn into permanent negative reviews by making your business complaint-friendly. And then move onto the next section of this article.
Owner responses
Even with the most consumer-centric customer service policies and the most detailed staff training, you will not be able to fully manage all aspects of a customer’s experience with your business. A product may break, a project be delayed, or a customer may have a challenging personality. Because these realities are bound to surface in reviews, you must take advantage of the best opportunity you have to manage sentiment after it has become a written review: the owner response.
You are not a silent bystander, sitting wordless on the sidelines while the public discusses your business. The owner response function provided by many review sites gives you a voice. This form of local business content, when properly utilized, can:
Save you money by winning back a dissatisfied existing customer instead of having to invest a great deal more in winning an entirely new one;
Inspire an unhappy customer to update a negative review with improved sentiment, including a higher star rating; and
Prove to all other potential customers who encounter your response that you will take excellent care of them.
You’ll want to respond to both positive and negative reviews. They are free Internet real estate on highly visible websites and an ideal platform for showcasing the professionalism, transparency, accountability, empathy, and excellence of your company. For more on this topic, please read Mastering the Owner Response to the Quintet of Google My Business Reviews.
Once you have developed and are managing all of the above content, your local business has created a strong foundation on the web. Depending on the competitiveness of your geo-industry, the above work will have won you a certain amount of local and organic visibility. Need better or broader rankings and more customers? It’s time to grow with:
Structural local business content development
These are options for creating a bigger structure for your local business on the web, expanding the terms you rank for and creating multiple paths for consumer discovery. We’ll use Google’s 4 micro-moment terms as a general guide + real-world examples for inspiration.
I want to do
A homeowner wants to get her house in Colorado Springs ready to sell. In her search for tips, she encounters this Ultimate Home Seller’s To-Do Checklist & Infographic. Having been helped by the graphic, she may turn to the realty firm that created it for professional assistance.
A dad wants to save money by making homemade veggie chips for his children. He’s impressed with the variety of applicable root vegetables featured in this 52-second video tutorial from Whole Foods. And now he’s also been shown where he can buy that selection of produce.
A youth in California wants to become a mountain climber. He discovers this website page describing guided hikes up nearby Mount Whitney, but it isn’t the text that really gets him — it’s the image gallery. He can share those exciting photos with his grandmother on Facebook to persuade her to chaperone him on an adventure together.
I want to know
A tech worker anywhere in America wants to know how to deal with digital eye strain and she encounters this video from Kaiser Permanente, which gives tips and also recommends getting an eye exam every 1–2 years. The worker now knows where she could go locally for such an exam and other health care needs.
A homeowner in the SF Bay Area wants to know how to make his place more energy efficient to save on his bills. He finds this solar company’s video on YouTube with a ton of easy tips. They’ve just made a very good brand impression on the homeowner, and this company serves locally. Should he decide at some point to go the whole nine yards and install solar panels, this brand’s name is now connected in his mind with that service.
A gardener wants to know how to install a drip irrigation system in her yard and she encounters this major hardware store brand’s video tutorial. There’s a branch of this store in town, and now she knows where she can find all of the components that will go into this project.
I want to go
While it’s true that most I-want-to-go searches will likely lead to local pack results, additional website content like this special gluten-free menu an independently owned pizza place in Houston has taken the time to publish should seal the deal for anyone in the area who wants to go out for pizza while adhering to their dietary requirements.
A busy Silicon Valley professional is searching Google because they want to go to a "quiet resort in California." The lodgings, which have been lucky enough to be included on this best-of list from TripAdvisor, didn’t have to create this content — their guests have done it for them by mentioning phrases like "quiet place" and "quiet location" repeatedly in their reviews. The business just has to provide the experience, and, perhaps promote this preferred language in their own marketing. Winning inclusion on major platforms’ best-of lists for key attributes of your business can be very persuasive for consumers who want to go somewhere specific.
An ornithologist is going to speak at a conference in Medford, OR. As he always does when he goes on a trip, he looks for a bird list for the area and encounters this list of local bird walks published by a Medford nature store. He’s delighted to discover that one of the walks corresponds with his travel dates, and he’s also just found a place to do a little shopping during his stay.
I want to buy
Two cousins in Atlanta want to buy their uncle dinner for his birthday, but they’re on a budget. One sees this 600+ location restaurant chain’s tweet about how dumb it is to pay for chips and salsa. Check this out @cousin, he tweets, and they agree their wallets can stretch for the birthday dinner.
An off-road vehicle enthusiast in Lake Geneva, WI wants to buy insurance for his ride, but who offers this kind of coverage? A local insurance agent posts his video on this topic on his Facebook page. Connection!
A family in Hoboken, NJ wants to buy a very special cake for an anniversary party. A daughter finds these mouth-watering photos on Pinterest while a son finds others on Instagram, and all roads lead to the enterprising Carlo’s Bakery.
In sum, great local business content can encompass:
Website/blog content
Image content including infographics and photos
Social content
Video content
Inclusion in best-of type lists on prominent publications
Some of these content forms (like professional video or photography creation) represent a significant financial investment that may be most appropriate for businesses in highly competitive markets. The creation of tools and apps can also be smart (but potentially costly) undertakings. Others (like the creation of a tweet or a Facebook post) can be almost free, requiring only an investment of time that can be made by local businesses at all levels of commerce.
Becoming a geo-topical authority
Your keyword and consumer research are going to inform the particular content that would best serve the needs of your specific customers. Rand Fishkin recently highlighted here on the Moz Blog that in order to stop doing SEO like it’s 2012, you must aim to become an entity that Google associates with a particular topic.
For local business owners, the path would look something like when anyone in my area searches for any topic that relates to our company, we want to appear in:
local pack rankings with our Google My Business listing
major local data platforms with our other listings
major review sites with our profiles and owner responses
organic results with our website’s pages and posts
social platforms our customers use with our contributions
video results with our videos
image search results with our images
content of important third-party websites that are relevant either to our industry or to our geography
Basically, every time Google or a consumer reaches for an answer to a need that relates to your topic and city, you should be there offering up the very best content you can produce. Over time, over years of publication of content that consistently applies to a given theme, you will be taking the right steps to become an authority in Google’s eyes, and a household brand in the lives of your consumers.
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mondaymentalhealth · 5 years
Relationships (intimate, partnerships)
Today’s topic: RELATIONSHIPS (Intimate, romantic, dating, partnerships, marriage)
I feel like this topic needs to be addressed because I’m seeing my social media accounts overloaded with more negative complaints about relationships than positive ones. I also have a few people seeking advice on this topic. It’s unfortunate that people tend to complain and dwell on the negatives more than rewarding and appreciating the positives. What do you see and hear more often? “My partner doesn’t treat me right”, “We are thru”, “I’m over it.” “I don’t need a man/woman.” Or “I love my partner, he/she is so good to me.” “I have a healthy relationship.” We don’t commend the good things about our relationship but vent about the downfalls and issues. Obviously, I am not a trained relationship counselor, so everything I write will be personal views and experiences that I hope you can relate to.
My personal relationship:
If I wasn’t in the place I am now with my relationship I would not be writing this. I have been in toxic, controlling, miserable, and just the wrong relationships. My partner now is strong, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, funny, reliable, motivated, hardworking, inspiring, uplifting, committed, and many other things. He is who I choose to be with. He saw something in me I couldn’t see in myself and he has faith in me. Is he perfect? No. Am I perfect? No. So how can I expect him to be good and right all the time? I can’t, that’s impossible, we have to deal with the hard times that will come just as they do within friendships and relationships with family members. I would like to give credit to my partner for giving me the ability to write this because a lot of my inspiration, if not all of it, comes from him. He is my biggest fan and biggest supporter, he wants me to do well, be better, be the best version of myself, live up to my expectations, and guess what, I want the same for him. It was my partner who suggested I start a support group of some sort to help me with my issues and in turn help others. I could not have done this without him. My partner and I have been thru hell and back, but we are always side by side. SIDE BY SIDE! He is not above or below me and I am not above or below him. We are equal parts in our relationship. When I am weak he is strong for me and vise Versa. Our relationship has lasted over a year and it is long distance. People who don’t know us think we are absolutely bonkers until they see us together and it is clear we are meant to be. It took a lot of bumps in the road to get to where we are now but no matter what, we were always there. Have I questioned it? Of course. Has he questioned it? I’m sure. We are at a place now where there is no question about it. My partner is very strong into individuality within a relationship which I also think is very important. We are together because we choose to be together and we are still who we are whether or not we are in the relationship. I’ve heard this time and time again from him but NOW I finally get it. At first, I thought he was being cruel saying he didn’t need me and he’d be fine without me. That wasn’t the case. I finally understand that he means we need to be who we are, not a different version of ourselves to conform to the other persons liking. I have my faults and he has his and we can decide if the person is more than their faults and if we can accept those things.
Yay! The fun part. I get to tell you what to do. Here’s my advice take it or leave it.
Dating: Before I get into already formed relationships I want to discuss starting a new one and selecting a partner. If from the very beginning there are already developing issues, red flags, warning signs, things that you don’t particularly like but since it’s new you tend to disregard them but it becomes an issue later, or anything that has you questioning the relationship, then take a step back, evaluate it, and decide if this is actually something you want. I see a lot of people get very quickly emotionally involved and very serious way too early into a relationship and end up being very hurt and disappointed. If you are interested in someone but they are not showing the same attention, effort, or affection, it’s likely they don’t feel the same way. I realize this is difficult for people to accept and we tend to question why, but honestly who cares if someone is ignoring you, who cares if someone is avoiding you, who cares if someone isn’t paying attention to you. You have YOU and if they don’t see what you see why put in the effort to force them to see it. If you love YOU then you won’t worry about anyone else who doesn’t love you back. So, don’t be so quick to get upset about a failed attempt at a relationship or about someone feeling differently. Try spending some time with this person, talking to them, getting to know them, and enjoy it. All we have is time, so take it. I don’t believe there is any reason to jump into a relationship with someone you’ve just met, don’t know, or decide you should be in a relationship JUST BECAUSE you’ve been going out on dates a lot, spending a lot of time together, or it just feels like you should take the next step. Take time to develop something. My partner and I talked for about four months before we even met and then waited another month to two months to finally begin our relationship.
Relationships in general:
Pick your battles: I know you’ve heard this one, it is so true. I swear I fight with this man over the dumbest shit that doesn’t even matter and I’m arguing to the point that I don’t even remember why I got upset to begin with. When it comes to things that make you upset about your partner try to remember that they’re going to do what they want because ultimately the choice is theirs. Why be upset and get yourself worked up about something someone else has done, especially with repetitive behavior. Continuously fighting about something that happened in the past is absurd. It’s either you get over it or you don’t and if it’s that bad that you cannot get over it, then leave. I read a book that talks about “predictable behavior” and wow did that change my perspective. For example, if your partner is constantly late, constantly drinking, constantly lying, or whatever behavior they are doing that’s upsetting to you and you have to repeatedly ask them to change it, it’s clear there’s a pattern. So, if you can predict the behavior before it happens you can set yourself up to not be disappointed when it occurs because you already knew it was coming. If you already know what’s going to happen and you don’t want to put up with it anymore, then leave. You cannot expect change from anyone, that’s not your place to decide how someone should behave, just like no one can control your actions, nor would you want them to. Unless, of course, you are codependent which is something entirely different. If you change unwillingly just to satisfy the other person, who does that negatively affect? Well, both of you. You are giving the person you are with a false perception of you and you are lying to yourself.
Want what’s best for each other: If you’re with someone it’s because you love and care about them, right? Don’t you want them to be their best self, don’t you want them to be happy, don’t you want them to succeed? The same goes for you, they should want those things for you. Don’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about your success, who doesn’t bring you up and uplift you, who doesn’t want you to be better, or someone who wants to belittle you or make you feel unworthy or helpless or lowers your self-esteem. I am so incredibly regretful and sorry to my partner for EVER saying or doing anything to him to make him feel unloved, unwanted, or unappreciated. I love him and he should know that. I should show him that. If you don’t want to show the person you’re with that they mean something to you and that you care about them and want to see them succeed, then they may not be right for you, or maybe you’re selfish and you shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone but yourself.
Be individuals: BIG IMPORTANT FUCKING POINT! Just because you are in a relationship with someone does not mean all of the sudden your brains and bodies are fused together. I was talking to a friend about this and he put it like this “We tend to lose our sense of self when we are involved in a relationship.” Yes! I see it all the time, people get into a relationship and what happens? You stop talking to and hanging out with your friends, you start spending more money, you become isolated, you become clingy and attached. Why? Why is it now that you’re with someone you have to change everything else you were doing before? I guess because we get caught up and consumed in our relationship and that becomes the priority. It becomes a chore and a task to make time for each other or you feel obligated to spend time together, like ALL of your time. It is okay to not be together 24/7. I know this because I live 200+ miles away from my partner and we enjoy being away from each other because the time spent together is so much more appreciated and meaningful. It doesn’t feel like we HAVE to be together, we GET to be together and we are lucky for that. We live separate lives. He works full time, he has his friends, he has hobbies, and I have school, work, my daughter, and all kinds of shit to do. When we GET to have time together it’s dedicated to enjoying each other, not a forced effort to make time just because we feel like we SHOULD hang out. Even when we are together we are not suffocating each other. We go out to events with people and you won’t see us clinging to each other trying to cram as much time together as we can. We can separate and talk with other people and then go back to check up on each other later. Remember who you were, who you are, and who want to be. Like I mentioned before, don’t conform to a false identity just to make someone else happy. Enjoy YOUR life. It’s okay to just stay home and have some alone time, it’s okay to hang out with your friends, it’s all okay and the moment it’s not okay, you need to evaluate your relationship and ask yourself if this person is restricting you from doing the things you want to do.
Trust: Here we go. I have never trusted someone the way I trust my boyfriend with my heart and brain. Do you know the amount of trust it takes to be in a successful long-distance relationship? A lot, everything you have. My partner always says “Trust them until they give you a reason not to.” If we did not trust each other entirely we could never make this work. We could be lying and doing anything and everything behind each other’s back and never even know. Do I question this? Absolutely not. If I did or he did, we would not be together. Of course, everyone always asks me “Aren’t you worried about him cheating on you?” Here’s my final answer: NO! Why would I sit around and worry about that and make myself crazy? Or “How do you know he’s being honest?” Well, because, I TRUST THAT MOTHERFUCKER. Guess what. If something does happen then we deal with it, but like he always tells me “You’re worrying about shit that hasn’t even happened.” So, if your partner gives you a reason not to trust them or your concerned about their loyalty and honesty you’re either incorrect and struggling with your own insecurities and you’re going to push them away or you should not be with them.
Space: My least favorite statement. “I need some space.” This can be a very difficult thing to do, give someone their space. We tend to question why they need space or need a break away from us, is there something wrong, you don’t want to talk to me, or you don’t love me anymore. NOT TRUE! I have come to the realization that space can be helpful and positive, unless there, in fact, is an underlying reason that your partner wants to create distance. Space and distancing yourself are two different things. When someone needs space and you begin to push them and question them more you’re most like going to push them further away. It happens, we need time to ourselves and time to think. My partner and I have come to the agreement that if we feel like we need a little break from talking or some space, or if we are irritated with each other and don’t feel like discussing it at the moment, that we will let the other know and we will respect that. When you’re in the midst of an argument or momentarily enraged, you can’t think clearly. I used to get really upset when my partner wanted to get away from me at those moments because I wanted to solve it right then and there. I’ve realized that getting away from each other and taking some time to view the situation, calm down, think rationally, and then approach it again, is much more effective.
Love yourself: I’ve already discussed self-love in a previous topic so all I’m going to say is you have to love yourself and be comfortable with yourself before you can truly love someone else and let them love you.
Communication: A woman’s favorite thing to complain about and a man’s least favorite thing to do. Sorry to be stereotypical about this, but I know this thru experience. I don’t want to be sexist or gender-biased, so I acknowledge that this can go both ways but since I am a woman in a relationship with a man I will speak from my point of view. My partner is better at socializing and communicating face-to-face but guess what, with a long-distance relationship we can’t do that so freely as people that live close in proximity. Communication is all we have to work with and because of that, we get to know each other more. Look, if you’re with someone because you love them, then you should be able to talk to each other about everything because that’s the person you can share everything with. My partner is my best friend, we tell each other everything, things that other people would find disturbingly sick and twisted, but that’s just us. Have I wished that he opened up to me more about his FEELINGS? (uh oh, they hate that word, “great she wants to talk about feelings again”) Yes! I love reassurance once in a while. The way I see it is, if someone wants to tell you something, they will, don’t force people to open up to you or tell you what you want to hear because then it won’t be sincere. Talk to each other. If you can’t talk to each other or you find it difficult then what do I say? Leave.
Sorry to be so harsh, but the truth hurts. If it’s not right for you to be in it, then end it. A lot of people stay with someone and sacrifice their own happiness because they fear hurting the other person. Pretending or faking happiness for someone will hurt them even more in the long run than being honest about your feelings upfront. If you are unhappy, miserable, and suffering, how is that fair to you? You come first. I know it may not be easy regardless if you’ve been together 1 year or 20 years and invested a lot into the relationship if you’re just not happy anymore it’s no one’s fault, just decide what’s best for you.
P.S I am now a supporter of long-distance relationships and online dating because it worked for me, but prior to this I would have also thought I was crazy.
Here’s to happy and healthy relationships. Good luck!
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The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority
The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority
Posted by MiriamEllis
Q: What kind of content should a local business develop?
A: The kind that converts!
Okay, you could have hit on that answer yourself, but as this post aims to demonstrate:
There are almost as many user paths to conversion as there are customers in your city, and
Your long-term goal is to become the authority in your industry and geography that consumers and search engines turn to.
Google’s widely publicized concept of micro-moments has been questioned by some local SEOs for its possible oversimplification of consumer behavior. Nevertheless, I think it serves as a good, basic model for understanding how a variety of human needs (I want to do, know, buy something, or go somewhere) leads people onto the web. When a local business manages to become a visible solution to any of these needs, the rewards can include:
Online traffic
In-store traffic
Social sharing
Offline word-of-mouth
Good user metrics like time-on-page, low bounce rate, etc.
Takeaway: Consumers have a variety of needs and can bestow a variety of rewards that directly or indirectly impact local business reputation, rankings and revenue when these needs are well-met.
No surprise: it will take a variety of types of content publication to enjoy the full rewards it can bring.
Proviso: There will be nuances to the best types of content for each local business based on geo-industry and average consumer. Understandably, a cupcake bakery has a more inviting topic for photographic content than does a septic services company, but the latter shouldn’t rule out the power of an image of tree roots breaking into a septic line as a scary and effective way to convert property owners into customers. Point being, you’ll be applying your own flavor to becoming a geo-topical authority as you undertake the following content development work:
Foundational local business content development
These are the basics almost every local business will need to publish.
Customer service policy
Every single staff member who interacts with your public must be given a copy of your complete customer service policy. Why? A 2016 survey by the review software company GetFiveStars demonstrated that 57% of consumer complaints revolve around customer service and employee behavior. To protect your local business’ reputation and revenue, the first content you create should be internal and should instruct all forward-facing employees in approved basic store policies, dress, cleanliness, language, company culture, and allowable behaviors. Be thorough! Yes, you may wear a t-shirt. No, you may not text your friends while waiting on tables.
Customer rights guarantee
On your website, publish a customer-focused version of your policy. The Vermont Country Store calls this a Customer Bill of Rights which clearly outlines the quality of service consumers should expect to experience, the guarantees that protect them, and the way the business expects to be treated, as well.
Don’t overlook the three most important pieces of content you need to publish on your website: your company name, address, and phone number. Make sure they are in crawlable HTML (not couched in an image or a problematic format like Flash). Put your NAP at the top of your Contact Us page and in the site-wide masthead or footer so that humans and bots can immediately and clearly identify these key features of your business. Be sure your NAP is consistent across all pages for your site (not Green Tree Consulting on one page and Green Tree Marketing on another, or wrong digits in a phone number or street address on some pages). And, ideally, mark up your NAP with Schema to further assist search engine comprehension of your data.
Reviews/testimonials page
On your website, your reviews/testimonials page can profoundly impact consumer trust, comprising a combination of unique customer sentiment you’ve gathered via a form/software (or even from handwritten customer notes) and featured reviews from third-party review platforms (Google, Yelp). Why make this effort? As many as 92% of consumers now read online reviews and Google specifically cites testimonials as a vehicle for boosting your website’s trustworthiness and reputation.
Reviews/testimonials policy
Either on your Reviews/Testimonials page or on a second page of your website, clearly outline your terms of service for reviewers. Just like Yelp, you need to protect the quality of the sentiment-oriented content you publish and should let consumers know what you permit/forbid. Here’s a real-world example of a local business review TOS page I really like, at Barbara Oliver Jewelry.
Apart from serving up some of the most fundamental content about your business to search engines, your homepage should serve two local consumer groups: those in a rush and those in research mode.
Be sure the former is being given must-have information to understand your business at a glance and contact it immediately.
For the latter, the homepage should offer clear navigation, consumer-centric content, and inducements to further explore additional pages of the website (take advantage of a special, look at products, see project photos, read a blog post, etc.) as they seek to get to know your business better before choosing it for a transaction.
Pro tip: Don’t think of your homepage as static. Change up your content regularly there and track how this impacts traffic/conversions.
Contact Us page
On this incredibly vital website page, your content should include:
Complete NAP
All supported contact methods (forms, email, fax, live chat, after-hours hotline, etc.),
Thorough driving directions from all entry points, including pointers for what to look for on the street (big blue sign, next to red church, across the street from swim center, etc.)
A map
Exterior images of your business
Attributes like parking availability and wheelchair accessibility
Hours of operation
Social media links
Payment forms accepted (cash only, BitCoin, etc.)
Mention of proximity to major nearby points of interest (national parks, monuments, etc.)
Brief summary of services with a nod to attributes ("Stop by the Starlight tonight for late-night food that satisfies!")
A fresh call-to-action (like visiting the business for a Memorial Day sale)
Store locator pages
For a multi-location businesses (like a restaurant chain), you’ll be creating content for a set of landing pages to represent each of your physical locations, accessed via a top-level menu if you have a few locations, or via a store locator widget if you have many. These should feature the same types of content a Contact Us page would for a single-location business, and can also include:
Reviews/testimonials for that location
Location-specific special offers
Social media links specific to that location
Proofs of that location’s local community involvement
Highlights of staff at that location
Education about availability of in-store beacons or apps for that location
Interior photos specific to that location
A key call-to-action
For help formatting all of this great content sensibly, please read Overcoming Your Fear of Local Landing Pages.
City landing pages
Similar to the multi-location business, the service area business (like a plumber) can also develop a set of customer-centric landing pages. These pages will represent each of the major towns or cities the business serves, and while they won’t contain a street address if the company lacks a physical location in a given area, they can contain almost everything else a Contact Us page or Store Locator page would, plus:
Documentation of projects completed in that city (text, photos, video)
Expert advice specific to consumers in that city, based on characteristics like local laws, weather, terrain, events, or customs
Showcasing of services provided to recognized brands in that city ("we wash windows at the Marriott Hotel," etc.)
Reviews/testimonials from customers in that city
Proofs of community involvement in that city (events, sponsorships, etc.)
A key call-to-action
Product/service descriptions
Regardless of business model, all local businesses should devote a unique page of content to each major product or service they offer. These pages can include:
A thorough text description
Answers to documented FAQs
Price/time quotes
Technical specs
Reviews of the service or product
Differentiation from competitors (awards won, lowest price, environmental standards, lifetime support, etc.)
For inspiration, I recommend looking at SolarCity’s page on solar roofing. Beautiful and informative.
For many industries, image content truly sells. Are you "wowed" looking at the first image you see of this B&B in Albuquerque, the view from this restaurant in San Diego, or the scope of this international architectural firm’s projects? But even if your industry doesn’t automatically lend itself to wow-factor visuals, cleaning dirty carpets can be presented with high class and even so-called “boring” industries can take a visual approach to data that yields interesting and share-worthy/link-worthy graphics.
While you’re snapping photos, don’t neglect uploading them to your Google My Business listings and other major citations. Google data suggests that listing images influence click-through rates!
The content of your FAQ page serves multiple purposes. Obviously, it should answer the questions your local business has documented as being asked by your real customers, but it can also be a keyword-rich page if you have taken the time to reflect the documented natural language of your consumers. If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what types of questions your customers will ask, try AnswerThePublic and Q&A crowdsourcing sites to brainstorm common queries.
Be sure your FAQ page contains a vehicle for consumers to ask a question so that you can continuously document their inquiries, determine new topics to cover on the FAQ page, and even find inspiration for additional content development on your website or blog for highly popular questions.
About page
For the local customer in research mode, your About page can seal the deal if you have a story to tell that proves you are in the best possible alignment with their specific needs and desires. Yes, the About Us page can tell the story of your business or your team, but it can also tell the story of why your consumers choose you.
Take a look at this About page for a natural foods store in California and break it down into elements:
Reason for founding company
Difference-makers (95% organic groceries, building powered by 100% renewable energy)
Targeted consumer alignment (support local alternative to major brand, business inspired by major figure in environmental movement)
Awards and recognition from government officials and organizations
Special offer (5-cent rebate if you bring your own bag)
Timeline of business history
Video of the business story
Proofs of community involvement (organic school lunch program)
Links to more information
If the ideal consumer for this company is an eco-conscious shopper who wants to support a local business that will, in turn, support the city in which they live, this About page is extremely persuasive. Your local business can take cues from this real-world example, determining what motivates and moves your consumer base and then demonstrating how your values and practices align.
Calls to action
CTAs are critical local business content, and any website page which lacks one represents a wasted opportunity. Entrepreneur states that the 3 effective principles of calls to action are visibility, clear/compelling messaging, and careful choice of supporting elements. For a local business, calls to action on various pages of your website might direct consumers to:
Come into your location
Fill out a form
Ask a question/make a comment or complaint
Livechat with a rep
Sign up for emails/texts or access to offers
Follow you on social media
Attend an in-store event/local event
Leave a review
Fill out a survey/participate in a poll
Ideally, CTAs should assist users in doing what they want to do in alignment with the actions the business hopes the consumer will take. Audit your website and implement a targeted CTA on any page currently lacking one. Need inspiration? This Hubspot article showcases mainly virtual companies, but the magic of some of the examples should get your brain humming.
Local business listings
Some of the most vital content being published about your business won't exist on your website — it will reside on your local business listings on the major local business data platforms. Think Google My Business, Facebook, Acxiom, Infogroup, Factual, YP, Apple Maps, and Yelp. While each platform differs in the types of data they accept from you for publication, the majority of local business listings support the following content:
Website address
Business categories
Business description
Hours of operation
Marker on a map
Additional phone numbers/fax numbers
Links to social, video, and other forms of media
Attributes (payments accepted, parking, wheelchair accessibility, kid-friendly, etc.)
Reviews/owner responses
The most important components of your business are all contained within a thorough local business listing. These listings will commonly appear in the search engine results when users look up your brand, and they may also appear for your most important keyword searches, profoundly impacting how consumers discover and choose your business.
Your objective is to ensure that your data is accurate and complete on the major platforms and you can quickly assess this via a free tool like Moz Check Listing. By ensuring that the content of your listings is error-free, thorough, and consistent across the web, you are protecting the rankings, reputation, and revenue of your local business. This is a very big deal!
Third-party review profiles
While major local business listing platforms (Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp) are simultaneously review platforms, you may need to seek inclusion on review sites that are specific to your industry or geography. For example, doctors may want to manage a review profile on HealthGrades and ZocDoc, while lawyers may want to be sure they are included on Avvo.
Whether your consumers are reviewing you on general or specialized platforms, know that the content they are creating may be more persuasive than anything your local business can publish on its own. According to one respected survey, 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations and 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews to form a distinct impression of your business.
How can local businesses manage this content which so deeply impacts their reputation, rankings, and revenue? The answer is twofold:
First, refer back to the beginning of this article to the item I cited as the first document you must create for your business: your customer service policy. You can most powerfully influence the reviews you receive via the excellence of your staff education and training.
Master catching verbal and social complaints before they turn into permanent negative reviews by making your business complaint-friendly. And then move onto the next section of this article.
Owner responses
Even with the most consumer-centric customer service policies and the most detailed staff training, you will not be able to fully manage all aspects of a customer’s experience with your business. A product may break, a project be delayed, or a customer may have a challenging personality. Because these realities are bound to surface in reviews, you must take advantage of the best opportunity you have to manage sentiment after it has become a written review: the owner response.
You are not a silent bystander, sitting wordless on the sidelines while the public discusses your business. The owner response function provided by many review sites gives you a voice. This form of local business content, when properly utilized, can:
Save you money by winning back a dissatisfied existing customer instead of having to invest a great deal more in winning an entirely new one;
Inspire an unhappy customer to update a negative review with improved sentiment, including a higher star rating; and
Prove to all other potential customers who encounter your response that you will take excellent care of them.
You’ll want to respond to both positive and negative reviews. They are free Internet real estate on highly visible websites and an ideal platform for showcasing the professionalism, transparency, accountability, empathy, and excellence of your company. For more on this topic, please read Mastering the Owner Response to the Quintet of Google My Business Reviews.
Once you have developed and are managing all of the above content, your local business has created a strong foundation on the web. Depending on the competitiveness of your geo-industry, the above work will have won you a certain amount of local and organic visibility. Need better or broader rankings and more customers? It’s time to grow with:
Structural local business content development
These are options for creating a bigger structure for your local business on the web, expanding the terms you rank for and creating multiple paths for consumer discovery. We’ll use Google’s 4 micro-moment terms as a general guide + real-world examples for inspiration.
I want to do
A homeowner wants to get her house in Colorado Springs ready to sell. In her search for tips, she encounters this Ultimate Home Seller’s To-Do Checklist & Infographic. Having been helped by the graphic, she may turn to the realty firm that created it for professional assistance.
A dad wants to save money by making homemade veggie chips for his children. He’s impressed with the variety of applicable root vegetables featured in this 52-second video tutorial from Whole Foods. And now he’s also been shown where he can buy that selection of produce.
A youth in California wants to become a mountain climber. He discovers this website page describing guided hikes up nearby Mount Whitney, but it isn’t the text that really gets him — it’s the image gallery. He can share those exciting photos with his grandmother on Facebook to persuade her to chaperone him on an adventure together.
I want to know
A tech worker anywhere in America wants to know how to deal with digital eye strain and she encounters this video from Kaiser Permanente, which gives tips and also recommends getting an eye exam every 1–2 years. The worker now knows where she could go locally for such an exam and other health care needs.
A homeowner in the SF Bay Area wants to know how to make his place more energy efficient to save on his bills. He finds this solar company’s video on YouTube with a ton of easy tips. They’ve just made a very good brand impression on the homeowner, and this company serves locally. Should he decide at some point to go the whole nine yards and install solar panels, this brand’s name is now connected in his mind with that service.
A gardener wants to know how to install a drip irrigation system in her yard and she encounters this major hardware store brand’s video tutorial. There’s a branch of this store in town, and now she knows where she can find all of the components that will go into this project.
I want to go
While it’s true that most I-want-to-go searches will likely lead to local pack results, additional website content like this special gluten-free menu an independently owned pizza place in Houston has taken the time to publish should seal the deal for anyone in the area who wants to go out for pizza while adhering to their dietary requirements.
A busy Silicon Valley professional is searching Google because they want to go to a "quiet resort in California." The lodgings, which have been lucky enough to be included on this best-of list from TripAdvisor, didn’t have to create this content — their guests have done it for them by mentioning phrases like "quiet place" and "quiet location" repeatedly in their reviews. The business just has to provide the experience, and, perhaps promote this preferred language in their own marketing. Winning inclusion on major platforms’ best-of lists for key attributes of your business can be very persuasive for consumers who want to go somewhere specific.
An ornithologist is going to speak at a conference in Medford, OR. As he always does when he goes on a trip, he looks for a bird list for the area and encounters this list of local bird walks published by a Medford nature store. He’s delighted to discover that one of the walks corresponds with his travel dates, and he’s also just found a place to do a little shopping during his stay.
I want to buy
Two cousins in Atlanta want to buy their uncle dinner for his birthday, but they’re on a budget. One sees this 600+ location restaurant chain’s tweet about how dumb it is to pay for chips and salsa. Check this out @cousin, he tweets, and they agree their wallets can stretch for the birthday dinner.
An off-road vehicle enthusiast in Lake Geneva, WI wants to buy insurance for his ride, but who offers this kind of coverage? A local insurance agent posts his video on this topic on his Facebook page. Connection!
A family in Hoboken, NJ wants to buy a very special cake for an anniversary party. A daughter finds these mouth-watering photos on Pinterest while a son finds others on Instagram, and all roads lead to the enterprising Carlo’s Bakery.
In sum, great local business content can encompass:
Website/blog content
Image content including infographics and photos
Social content
Video content
Inclusion in best-of type lists on prominent publications
Some of these content forms (like professional video or photography creation) represent a significant financial investment that may be most appropriate for businesses in highly competitive markets. The creation of tools and apps can also be smart (but potentially costly) undertakings. Others (like the creation of a tweet or a Facebook post) can be almost free, requiring only an investment of time that can be made by local businesses at all levels of commerce.
Becoming a geo-topical authority
Your keyword and consumer research are going to inform the particular content that would best serve the needs of your specific customers. Rand Fishkin recently highlighted here on the Moz Blog that in order to stop doing SEO like it’s 2012, you must aim to become an entity that Google associates with a particular topic.
For local business owners, the path would look something like when anyone in my area searches for any topic that relates to our company, we want to appear in:
local pack rankings with our Google My Business listing
major local data platforms with our other listings
major review sites with our profiles and owner responses
organic results with our website’s pages and posts
social platforms our customers use with our contributions
video results with our videos
image search results with our images
content of important third-party websites that are relevant either to our industry or to our geography
Basically, every time Google or a consumer reaches for an answer to a need that relates to your topic and city, you should be there offering up the very best content you can produce. Over time, over years of publication of content that consistently applies to a given theme, you will be taking the right steps to become an authority in Google’s eyes, and a household brand in the lives of your consumers.
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Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority 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The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority 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bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết 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The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority http://ift.tt/2nXR9E2 xem thêm tại: http://ift.tt/2mb4VST để biết thêm về địa chỉ bán tai nghe không dây giá rẻ The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority 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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Vol. 5 Known By Its Song
This is a re-posting from Nov. 18th, 2017 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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Five years on air and RWBY still has the ability to make me stupidly emotional. This episode was no exception.
Our title, "Known By Its Song" comes from the old saying that "A bird is known by its song, a man by his words," presumably referring to times when a man's "word" was equated with his honor. We begin the episode with Qrow--someone who is notably both man and corvus, a dichotomy that the episode will later comment on--who is out keeping his own word to Ozpin, searching for other huntsmen and huntresses to help them in their battle against Salem.
...and he's a complete drama queen about it.
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Yes, in retrospect this is a Very Serious Situation, but getting a montage of Qrow literally bending over backwards in frustration before finally collapsing to his knees? Pretty hilarious. The first bar he visits, looking for someone named Shiro, doesn't go well at all, but for two minutes at least we can chock everything up to Qrow's semblance: the bartender doesn't know where Shiro is, he's not allowed back until he pays what he owes, and that debt is apparently high enough to warrant Qrow getting a knife thrown at him through the wall. Yeesh.
As his mission continues though, it becomes clear that there's far more at play than a bit of bad luck. Qrow is conducting his search in the poverty stricken areas of Haven, which is both a wonderful bit of world building and a perfect bit of characterization. After all, Qrow had a life of raids and disreputable behavior before he hooked up with the Ozilluminati. Any friends that he goes "way back" with are bound to be, if not criminals, then other huntsmen and huntresses with equally dubious pasts. The area where Qrow expects to find his friends is drab and gray, a sharp contrast to the beautiful seating area he'll rest in later, complete with holographic technology and a water garden with lily pads. The houses are boarded up and falling apart. The people wear filthy clothes, spend their time betting on street fights, and have some rather horrific injuries--hello, one-eyed weapons seller. What really completes the picture is a sign outside the bar proclaiming that there are NO FAUNUS allowed. Here in the U.S. racism has long been used as a means of pacifying those at or below the poverty line. Struggling to survive? Facing a government that cares little about whether you eat or your kids go to school? Well at the very least you're still white! It's a horrific truth about this country, but a truth nonetheless, and for once I'm glad that Rooster Teeth is forcing their race analogy back into the narrative. As flimsy as it still is, it does make sense that the most poverty-ridden parts of Haven would also be one of the most overtly discriminatory. This is just a more blunt version of what we saw back in Atlas during Jacques' little charity ball. He makes speeches about faunus who complain about dangerous working conditions. Bartenders in Haven slap up signs on their wall. It's the same thing with a different face.
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Not that Qrow has time to worry about that right now. He runs through name after name learning that each person is missing--or worse. His search comes to an end when, frustrated, he reams out a guy right before a little girl toddles up, asking if this strange man knows where her Mommy is. I find it rather poignant that it's in this moment, one of his worst, that Qrow actually resists his flask. Perhaps he wants to keep feeling whatever emotions rose up from that little encounter. I think he hates himself just enough to go that route.
I also find it reassuring that for all his talk about how he can't get close to others because of his semblance, Qrow does know a lot of people. He's popular in his own way, making allies, acquaintances, and friends on both sides of the fence, so to speak. It's a punch to the gut when we see him back among Haven's upper class, staring at a mission board like the one we saw in Beacon. Every name up there--all these people he's come to care about--are missing, gone on search and destroy missions and never returned. Just as the viewer is beginning to realize why Shiro hasn't payed his debt, that it probably has nothing to do with a sleazy nature, Qrow is back at the bar. He pays off the money Shiro owes and tells the bartender firmly that "His name is clear" now.
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I'd be more moved by this scene if I wasn't distracted by how the hell lien works in this world. Seriously. It seems straightforward enough at first glance. Different colors represent different amounts, right? But then here's Qrow throwing down a single card that pays off the16,000 debt. That seems like a random number. Who makes a 'bill' worth that exact amount? Unless Qrow payed him more than the minimum, or that was acting more like a credit card.
I don't know. This is the fantasy show that has yet to introduce languages other than English. You can't look too closely at RWBY's world building.
On to things I can actually conceptualize: Yang and Weiss are finally having their talk with Raven. Who was surprised by the setting that includes a decorative tea set and low table? Not me. I've seen a bunch of comics these last two weeks depicting that conversation exactly as it occurred, at least aesthetically. How did we know? Something something Yang's Asian influence. Again, don't look too closely. The point is that Raven is starting a very ironic conversation regarding "truth."
I actively dislike this woman.
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Her attempts to manipulate Yang two episodes back were pretty blatant, but kudos for better subtly here: by insisting that Yang needs to question everything--including Raven--Raven actually positions herself as both wise (the one to gift Yang with this advice) and trustworthy; as the only one to admit her own, potential duplicity, she paradoxically comes across as the most honest. Too bad Yang's too smart to fall for her mind games. Or too straight forward. Weiss is the one talking herself in circles about whether magic might actually exist or not. Yang has a laser focus that nothing can penetrate: find Ruby.
I said last time that Raven was going to either drop some crazy plot twist about Ozpin, or just catch the girls up on what we already know. Looks like Rooster Teeth went with option two. Raven (taking her sweet time and being real vague about it) sums up what we've learned this season, if not earlier: Salem is a person that exists and is a Big Threat, she wants to kill off all of humanity (which presumably includes the faunus?), magic is a thing, and Raven just happens to know someone who can "come back from the dead." Wow. Wonder who that could be!
She does actually drop a few tidbits of interesting information. She reveals that she and Qrow entered Beacon to learn how to kill huntsmen and obviously only one of the twins was dissuaded from that goal. Her comment that the entrance exams were "child's play" is particularly fascinating because I'd always assumed there had to be something beyond just sending in transcripts and not screwing up initiation. Which begs the question, how did Jaune get past an exam of that caliber? Did Ruby just skip it with Ozpin's permission? Presumably.
In the end though, no matter how much Raven might want Yang to believe her "truth," her overwhelming bias shines through. The fact that she claims to have info on Ozpin and makes the beginning of the conversation all about Qrow hints at those feelings of betrayal. She ends the conversation on Tai--an insult that finally has Yang losing her patience. And throughout the middle Raven emphasizes that Salem is an entity that can't be stopped. Her beef with Ozpin (according to this conversation at least) isn't that he's inherently evil, but that he's convincing people to fight with him in an impossible war.
The problem here is that Raven is the only one who sees this war as "impossible." I've touched on this before, but Volume 5 is pulling strongly from that mission in Mountain Glenn, back when Oobleck got Team RWBY to think about why they wanted to be huntresses in the first place. Yes, on the surface that episode seems to confirm Raven's belief that most enter the life for money, fame, or power: Blake wants tools to fight for equality, Weiss wants to break away from her father, Yang wants an exciting life--they all have ulterior motives. But Raven didn't watch the full episode, all the way to when the girls acknowledge this around the campfire and make conscious (if silent) decisions not to be overly influenced by these motivations. They're fighting first and foremost because it's the right thing to do. Raven sees them as the "poster children" of Beacon academy, naive kids who are too blinded by their ideals to realize how cruel the world is, easily manipulated and then sacrificed by Ozpin. But she's the one who's blind here. The girls know more than they let on, they've acknowledge their failings and the world's... and they've decided to fight anyway.
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For Team RWBY/JNPR  fighting Salem isn't impossible. It's just incredibly hard. Ruby, their leader, is the embodiment of this belief, reminding Oscar last episode that they have to keep moving forward. And it’s a sign of growth: Team RWBY is what Ozpin once hoped Team STRQ could be. Raven hates Ozpin because she sees a man sacrificing pawns to an unbeatable foe. Ozpin's allies love him because they see a man doing everything he can to defeat an incredibly powerful foe. But not an invincible one.
Of course, we don't have all the information yet. Raven says that she hates Ozpin for one more reason, for "what he did to my brother and me." The pacing of this scene is important, because Raven's second in command tells Yang and Weiss to go "see for themselves" what this horrible sin is and it's then that we get Raven soaring through the air in her bird form. It's been a big question for a while now: how can Qrow and Raven transform if they have other semblances? The reigning theory was that it had something to do with their tribe connection, but now it seems that this was, somehow, Oz's doing.
Oz is the Wizard theory, anyone?
Why Raven views being able to turn into a kickass bird as a bad thing, I don't know. Some aversion to magic perhaps? Is there a downside here? I’m rather confused as to how this is something bad... And I'd actually always assumed that Ruby and Yang knew about their uncle's ability, but we learn otherwise here. Why keep it from the girls then? Is it just because it's personal, like a semblance? Or does Qrow also view his transformations as something tainted... unnatural even? I hope this aversion is addressed. Perhaps it will tie back to this volume's focus on semblances. In that, if Team RWBY is truly Team STRQ 2.0, then Ozpin might well gift the girls with new abilities too, just as he did for Qrow and Raven. He's already admitted that there are heights to reach beyond merely unlocking and practicing your semblance--heights that he can perhaps unlock.
Which raises another interesting possibility: Could Summer do something extra? ... can Tai?
(And then here's prodigy Ruby with semblance, silver eyes, and potential magic powers on the way. Don't overload the small child lol. There needs to be some struggle.)
In the end, if Raven had hoped that her little talk would get Yang on her side she was very mistaken. She opens the portal and Yang drives them through without hesitation, right when Qrow is agonizing over what's happened to all his contacts. His panicked "Raven?" transforming into a simple, happy "...oh" was a blessing in two words.
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Then. Then we're given the scene that watered my crops, cleared my skin, and has done all my other writing for me. Ren, Nora, and Ruby happily cooking up a huge dinner together, expecting a whole slew of fighters to show up with Qrow and intending to feed every one of them. Ruby burning the food despite Ren's warnings. Hearing Qrow calling her and knowing what was about to happen. It’s all great. 
I really love that Ruby was so nervous when she caught sight of Yang. Despite her letter last volume where she admits that running off to Haven was reckless, we haven't seen much about her thoughts on that decision. It all comes tumbling out here though. That a part of her regrets it, how sorry she is that she didn't wait for Yang, she should have tried to do more...everything. Not that Yang blames Ruby for any of that. She takes one look at her crying sister and runs to hug her, saying only, "I love you."
And Weiss... oh Weiss. How dare you question your place here. She looks discouraged for only a moment before Ruby (always perceptive) calls her over.
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The episode ends with this.
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And we're officially halfway through the volume. We've got Team RWY back together, much sooner than I expected, honestly. 
Now it's time to find Blake!
Other Details of Note
Of course Weiss can tell the difference between a crow and a raven. I mean yes, that was necessary for the plot, but still.
Weiss' "I know that you're really obnoxious" in response to Raven's attempts at hospitality. Pfff drag her.
Weiss' eye roll when Raven said she wouldn't be as "nice" next time they meet. Please.
Weiss' overt concern for Yang and saying straight out that it's okay if she's not okay and my god she was on fire this episode for someone mostly sticking to the background.
Yang telling Raven not to talk about "my family" that way. Raven is no longer a part of that picture and I want to cheer at how Yang is handling all this so far.
I also appreciate the contrast, visually, between Qrow's transformation and Raven's. Their 'reveals' are done in opposite directions and for opposite purposes: Qrow transforms while flying left to right across the screen and attempting to save his family; Raven transforms right to left while trying to keep Yang from hers. Nicely done there.
I forgot to mention this last time but... can we lay off the Nora + food jokes? It was funny before we learned she starved for most of her childhood. So yeah, comments about how she's going to eat everything in sight aren't so much a joke as a sign of trauma. Let the poor girl eat what she likes.
Yang cradles Weiss in "Lighting the Fire" the exact same way she cradles Ruby here. Yang is confirmed big sister to the entire RWBY/JNPR group.
Oscar's confused look that melts into understanding, courtesy of Ozpin. It's a subtle moment, but just another indication of how they're synching up. Lovely detail there.
25 notes · View notes
ubizheroes · 7 years
The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority
Posted by MiriamEllis
Q: What kind of content should a local business develop?
A: The kind that converts!
Okay, you could have hit on that answer yourself, but as this post aims to demonstrate:
There are almost as many user paths to conversion as there are customers in your city, and
Your long-term goal is to become the authority in your industry and geography that consumers and search engines turn to.
Google’s widely publicized concept of micro-moments has been questioned by some local SEOs for its possible oversimplification of consumer behavior. Nevertheless, I think it serves as a good, basic model for understanding how a variety of human needs (I want to do, know, buy something, or go somewhere) leads people onto the web. When a local business manages to become a visible solution to any of these needs, the rewards can include:
Online traffic
In-store traffic
Social sharing
Offline word-of-mouth
Good user metrics like time-on-page, low bounce rate, etc.
Takeaway: Consumers have a variety of needs and can bestow a variety of rewards that directly or indirectly impact local business reputation, rankings and revenue when these needs are well-met.
No surprise: it will take a variety of types of content publication to enjoy the full rewards it can bring.
Proviso: There will be nuances to the best types of content for each local business based on geo-industry and average consumer. Understandably, a cupcake bakery has a more inviting topic for photographic content than does a septic services company, but the latter shouldn’t rule out the power of an image of tree roots breaking into a septic line as a scary and effective way to convert property owners into customers. Point being, you’ll be applying your own flavor to becoming a geo-topical authority as you undertake the following content development work:
Foundational local business content development
These are the basics almost every local business will need to publish.
Customer service policy
Every single staff member who interacts with your public must be given a copy of your complete customer service policy. Why? A 2016 survey by the review software company GetFiveStars demonstrated that 57% of consumer complaints revolve around customer service and employee behavior. To protect your local business’ reputation and revenue, the first content you create should be internal and should instruct all forward-facing employees in approved basic store policies, dress, cleanliness, language, company culture, and allowable behaviors. Be thorough! Yes, you may wear a t-shirt. No, you may not text your friends while waiting on tables.
Customer rights guarantee
On your website, publish a customer-focused version of your policy. The Vermont Country Store calls this a Customer Bill of Rights which clearly outlines the quality of service consumers should expect to experience, the guarantees that protect them, and the way the business expects to be treated, as well.
Don’t overlook the three most important pieces of content you need to publish on your website: your company name, address, and phone number. Make sure they are in crawlable HTML (not couched in an image or a problematic format like Flash). Put your NAP at the top of your Contact Us page and in the site-wide masthead or footer so that humans and bots can immediately and clearly identify these key features of your business. Be sure your NAP is consistent across all pages for your site (not Green Tree Consulting on one page and Green Tree Marketing on another, or wrong digits in a phone number or street address on some pages). And, ideally, mark up your NAP with Schema to further assist search engine comprehension of your data.
Reviews/testimonials page
On your website, your reviews/testimonials page can profoundly impact consumer trust, comprising a combination of unique customer sentiment you’ve gathered via a form/software (or even from handwritten customer notes) and featured reviews from third-party review platforms (Google, Yelp). Why make this effort? As many as 92% of consumers now read online reviews and Google specifically cites testimonials as a vehicle for boosting your website’s trustworthiness and reputation.
Reviews/testimonials policy
Either on your Reviews/Testimonials page or on a second page of your website, clearly outline your terms of service for reviewers. Just like Yelp, you need to protect the quality of the sentiment-oriented content you publish and should let consumers know what you permit/forbid. Here’s a real-world example of a local business review TOS page I really like, at Barbara Oliver Jewelry.
Apart from serving up some of the most fundamental content about your business to search engines, your homepage should serve two local consumer groups: those in a rush and those in research mode.
Be sure the former is being given must-have information to understand your business at a glance and contact it immediately.
For the latter, the homepage should offer clear navigation, consumer-centric content, and inducements to further explore additional pages of the website (take advantage of a special, look at products, see project photos, read a blog post, etc.) as they seek to get to know your business better before choosing it for a transaction.
Pro tip: Don’t think of your homepage as static. Change up your content regularly there and track how this impacts traffic/conversions.
Contact Us page
On this incredibly vital website page, your content should include:
Complete NAP
All supported contact methods (forms, email, fax, live chat, after-hours hotline, etc.),
Thorough driving directions from all entry points, including pointers for what to look for on the street (big blue sign, next to red church, across the street from swim center, etc.)
A map
Exterior images of your business
Attributes like parking availability and wheelchair accessibility
Hours of operation
Social media links
Payment forms accepted (cash only, BitCoin, etc.)
Mention of proximity to major nearby points of interest (national parks, monuments, etc.)
Brief summary of services with a nod to attributes (“Stop by the Starlight tonight for late-night food that satisfies!”)
A fresh call-to-action (like visiting the business for a Memorial Day sale)
Store locator pages
For a multi-location businesses (like a restaurant chain), you’ll be creating content for a set of landing pages to represent each of your physical locations, accessed via a top-level menu if you have a few locations, or via a store locator widget if you have many. These should feature the same types of content a Contact Us page would for a single-location business, and can also include:
Reviews/testimonials for that location
Location-specific special offers
Social media links specific to that location
Proofs of that location’s local community involvement
Highlights of staff at that location
Education about availability of in-store beacons or apps for that location
Interior photos specific to that location
A key call-to-action
For help formatting all of this great content sensibly, please read Overcoming Your Fear of Local Landing Pages.
City landing pages
Similar to the multi-location business, the service area business (like a plumber) can also develop a set of customer-centric landing pages. These pages will represent each of the major towns or cities the business serves, and while they won’t contain a street address if the company lacks a physical location in a given area, they can contain almost everything else a Contact Us page or Store Locator page would, plus:
Documentation of projects completed in that city (text, photos, video)
Expert advice specific to consumers in that city, based on characteristics like local laws, weather, terrain, events, or customs
Showcasing of services provided to recognized brands in that city (“we wash windows at the Marriott Hotel,” etc.)
Reviews/testimonials from customers in that city
Proofs of community involvement in that city (events, sponsorships, etc.)
A key call-to-action
Product/service descriptions
Regardless of business model, all local businesses should devote a unique page of content to each major product or service they offer. These pages can include:
A thorough text description
Answers to documented FAQs
Price/time quotes
Technical specs
Reviews of the service or product
Differentiation from competitors (awards won, lowest price, environmental standards, lifetime support, etc.)
For inspiration, I recommend looking at SolarCity’s page on solar roofing. Beautiful and informative.
For many industries, image content truly sells. Are you “wowed” looking at the first image you see of this B&B in Albuquerque, the view from this restaurant in San Diego, or the scope of this international architectural firm’s projects? But even if your industry doesn’t automatically lend itself to wow-factor visuals, cleaning dirty carpets can be presented with high class and even so-called “boring” industries can take a visual approach to data that yields interesting and share-worthy/link-worthy graphics.
While you’re snapping photos, don’t neglect uploading them to your Google My Business listings and other major citations. Google data suggests that listing images influence click-through rates!
The content of your FAQ page serves multiple purposes. Obviously, it should answer the questions your local business has documented as being asked by your real customers, but it can also be a keyword-rich page if you have taken the time to reflect the documented natural language of your consumers. If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what types of questions your customers will ask, try AnswerThePublic and Q&A crowdsourcing sites to brainstorm common queries.
Be sure your FAQ page contains a vehicle for consumers to ask a question so that you can continuously document their inquiries, determine new topics to cover on the FAQ page, and even find inspiration for additional content development on your website or blog for highly popular questions.
About page
For the local customer in research mode, your About page can seal the deal if you have a story to tell that proves you are in the best possible alignment with their specific needs and desires. Yes, the About Us page can tell the story of your business or your team, but it can also tell the story of why your consumers choose you.
Take a look at this About page for a natural foods store in California and break it down into elements:
Reason for founding company
Difference-makers (95% organic groceries, building powered by 100% renewable energy)
Targeted consumer alignment (support local alternative to major brand, business inspired by major figure in environmental movement)
Awards and recognition from government officials and organizations
Special offer (5-cent rebate if you bring your own bag)
Timeline of business history
Video of the business story
Proofs of community involvement (organic school lunch program)
Links to more information
If the ideal consumer for this company is an eco-conscious shopper who wants to support a local business that will, in turn, support the city in which they live, this About page is extremely persuasive. Your local business can take cues from this real-world example, determining what motivates and moves your consumer base and then demonstrating how your values and practices align.
Calls to action
CTAs are critical local business content, and any website page which lacks one represents a wasted opportunity. Entrepreneur states that the 3 effective principles of calls to action are visibility, clear/compelling messaging, and careful choice of supporting elements. For a local business, calls to action on various pages of your website might direct consumers to:
Come into your location
Fill out a form
Ask a question/make a comment or complaint
Livechat with a rep
Sign up for emails/texts or access to offers
Follow you on social media
Attend an in-store event/local event
Leave a review
Fill out a survey/participate in a poll
Ideally, CTAs should assist users in doing what they want to do in alignment with the actions the business hopes the consumer will take. Audit your website and implement a targeted CTA on any page currently lacking one. Need inspiration? This Hubspot article showcases mainly virtual companies, but the magic of some of the examples should get your brain humming.
Local business listings
Some of the most vital content being published about your business won’t exist on your website — it will reside on your local business listings on the major local business data platforms. Think Google My Business, Facebook, Acxiom, Infogroup, Factual, YP, Apple Maps, and Yelp. While each platform differs in the types of data they accept from you for publication, the majority of local business listings support the following content:
Website address
Business categories
Business description
Hours of operation
Marker on a map
Additional phone numbers/fax numbers
Links to social, video, and other forms of media
Attributes (payments accepted, parking, wheelchair accessibility, kid-friendly, etc.)
Reviews/owner responses
The most important components of your business are all contained within a thorough local business listing. These listings will commonly appear in the search engine results when users look up your brand, and they may also appear for your most important keyword searches, profoundly impacting how consumers discover and choose your business.
Your objective is to ensure that your data is accurate and complete on the major platforms and you can quickly assess this via a free tool like Moz Check Listing. By ensuring that the content of your listings is error-free, thorough, and consistent across the web, you are protecting the rankings, reputation, and revenue of your local business. This is a very big deal!
Third-party review profiles
While major local business listing platforms (Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp) are simultaneously review platforms, you may need to seek inclusion on review sites that are specific to your industry or geography. For example, doctors may want to manage a review profile on HealthGrades and ZocDoc, while lawyers may want to be sure they are included on Avvo.
Whether your consumers are reviewing you on general or specialized platforms, know that the content they are creating may be more persuasive than anything your local business can publish on its own. According to one respected survey, 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations and 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews to form a distinct impression of your business.
How can local businesses manage this content which so deeply impacts their reputation, rankings, and revenue? The answer is twofold:
First, refer back to the beginning of this article to the item I cited as the first document you must create for your business: your customer service policy. You can most powerfully influence the reviews you receive via the excellence of your staff education and training.
Master catching verbal and social complaints before they turn into permanent negative reviews by making your business complaint-friendly. And then move onto the next section of this article.
Owner responses
Even with the most consumer-centric customer service policies and the most detailed staff training, you will not be able to fully manage all aspects of a customer’s experience with your business. A product may break, a project be delayed, or a customer may have a challenging personality. Because these realities are bound to surface in reviews, you must take advantage of the best opportunity you have to manage sentiment after it has become a written review: the owner response.
You are not a silent bystander, sitting wordless on the sidelines while the public discusses your business. The owner response function provided by many review sites gives you a voice. This form of local business content, when properly utilized, can:
Save you money by winning back a dissatisfied existing customer instead of having to invest a great deal more in winning an entirely new one;
Inspire an unhappy customer to update a negative review with improved sentiment, including a higher star rating; and
Prove to all other potential customers who encounter your response that you will take excellent care of them.
You’ll want to respond to both positive and negative reviews. They are free Internet real estate on highly visible websites and an ideal platform for showcasing the professionalism, transparency, accountability, empathy, and excellence of your company. For more on this topic, please read Mastering the Owner Response to the Quintet of Google My Business Reviews.
Once you have developed and are managing all of the above content, your local business has created a strong foundation on the web. Depending on the competitiveness of your geo-industry, the above work will have won you a certain amount of local and organic visibility. Need better or broader rankings and more customers? It’s time to grow with:
Structural local business content development
These are options for creating a bigger structure for your local business on the web, expanding the terms you rank for and creating multiple paths for consumer discovery. We’ll use Google’s 4 micro-moment terms as a general guide + real-world examples for inspiration.
I want to do
A homeowner wants to get her house in Colorado Springs ready to sell. In her search for tips, she encounters this Ultimate Home Seller’s To-Do Checklist & Infographic. Having been helped by the graphic, she may turn to the realty firm that created it for professional assistance.
A dad wants to save money by making homemade veggie chips for his children. He’s impressed with the variety of applicable root vegetables featured in this 52-second video tutorial from Whole Foods. And now he’s also been shown where he can buy that selection of produce.
A youth in California wants to become a mountain climber. He discovers this website page describing guided hikes up nearby Mount Whitney, but it isn’t the text that really gets him — it’s the image gallery. He can share those exciting photos with his grandmother on Facebook to persuade her to chaperone him on an adventure together.
I want to know
A tech worker anywhere in America wants to know how to deal with digital eye strain and she encounters this video from Kaiser Permanente, which gives tips and also recommends getting an eye exam every 1–2 years. The worker now knows where she could go locally for such an exam and other health care needs.
A homeowner in the SF Bay Area wants to know how to make his place more energy efficient to save on his bills. He finds this solar company’s video on YouTube with a ton of easy tips. They’ve just made a very good brand impression on the homeowner, and this company serves locally. Should he decide at some point to go the whole nine yards and install solar panels, this brand’s name is now connected in his mind with that service.
A gardener wants to know how to install a drip irrigation system in her yard and she encounters this major hardware store brand’s video tutorial. There’s a branch of this store in town, and now she knows where she can find all of the components that will go into this project.
I want to go
While it’s true that most I-want-to-go searches will likely lead to local pack results, additional website content like this special gluten-free menu an independently owned pizza place in Houston has taken the time to publish should seal the deal for anyone in the area who wants to go out for pizza while adhering to their dietary requirements.
A busy Silicon Valley professional is searching Google because they want to go to a “quiet resort in California.” The lodgings, which have been lucky enough to be included on this best-of list from TripAdvisor, didn’t have to create this content — their guests have done it for them by mentioning phrases like “quiet place” and “quiet location” repeatedly in their reviews. The business just has to provide the experience, and, perhaps promote this preferred language in their own marketing. Winning inclusion on major platforms’ best-of lists for key attributes of your business can be very persuasive for consumers who want to go somewhere specific.
An ornithologist is going to speak at a conference in Medford, OR. As he always does when he goes on a trip, he looks for a bird list for the area and encounters this list of local bird walks published by a Medford nature store. He’s delighted to discover that one of the walks corresponds with his travel dates, and he’s also just found a place to do a little shopping during his stay.
I want to buy
Two cousins in Atlanta want to buy their uncle dinner for his birthday, but they’re on a budget. One sees this 600+ location restaurant chain’s tweet about how dumb it is to pay for chips and salsa. Check this out @cousin, he tweets, and they agree their wallets can stretch for the birthday dinner.
An off-road vehicle enthusiast in Lake Geneva, WI wants to buy insurance for his ride, but who offers this kind of coverage? A local insurance agent posts his video on this topic on his Facebook page. Connection!
A family in Hoboken, NJ wants to buy a very special cake for an anniversary party. A daughter finds these mouth-watering photos on Pinterest while a son finds others on Instagram, and all roads lead to the enterprising Carlo’s Bakery.
In sum, great local business content can encompass:
Website/blog content
Image content including infographics and photos
Social content
Video content
Inclusion in best-of type lists on prominent publications
Some of these content forms (like professional video or photography creation) represent a significant financial investment that may be most appropriate for businesses in highly competitive markets. The creation of tools and apps can also be smart (but potentially costly) undertakings. Others (like the creation of a tweet or a Facebook post) can be almost free, requiring only an investment of time that can be made by local businesses at all levels of commerce.
Becoming a geo-topical authority
Your keyword and consumer research are going to inform the particular content that would best serve the needs of your specific customers. Rand Fishkin recently highlighted here on the Moz Blog that in order to stop doing SEO like it’s 2012, you must aim to become an entity that Google associates with a particular topic.
For local business owners, the path would look something like when anyone in my area searches for any topic that relates to our company, we want to appear in:
local pack rankings with our Google My Business listing
major local data platforms with our other listings
major review sites with our profiles and owner responses
organic results with our website’s pages and posts
social platforms our customers use with our contributions
video results with our videos
image search results with our images
content of important third-party websites that are relevant either to our industry or to our geography
Basically, every time Google or a consumer reaches for an answer to a need that relates to your topic and city, you should be there offering up the very best content you can produce. Over time, over years of publication of content that consistently applies to a given theme, you will be taking the right steps to become an authority in Google’s eyes, and a household brand in the lives of your consumers.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don’t have time to hunt down but want to read!
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from IM Local SEO https://imlocalseo.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/the-best-types-of-content-for-local-businesses-building-geo-topical-authority/ via IFTTT
from Gana Dinero Colaborando | Wecon Project https://weconprojectspain.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/the-best-types-of-content-for-local-businesses-building-geo-topical-authority/ via IFTTT
from WordPress https://mrliberta.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/the-best-types-of-content-for-local-businesses-building-geo-topical-authority/ via IFTTT
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maryhare96 · 7 years
The Best Types of Content for Local Businesses: Building Geo-Topical Authority
Posted by MiriamEllis
Q: What kind of content should a local business develop?
A: The kind that converts!
Okay, you could have hit on that answer yourself, but as this post aims to demonstrate:
There are almost as many user paths to conversion as there are customers in your city, and
Your long-term goal is to become the authority in your industry and geography that consumers and search engines turn to.
Google’s widely publicized concept of micro-moments has been questioned by some local SEOs for its possible oversimplification of consumer behavior. Nevertheless, I think it serves as a good, basic model for understanding how a variety of human needs (I want to do, know, buy something, or go somewhere) leads people onto the web. When a local business manages to become a visible solution to any of these needs, the rewards can include:
Online traffic
In-store traffic
Social sharing
Offline word-of-mouth
Good user metrics like time-on-page, low bounce rate, etc.
Takeaway: Consumers have a variety of needs and can bestow a variety of rewards that directly or indirectly impact local business reputation, rankings and revenue when these needs are well-met.
No surprise: it will take a variety of types of content publication to enjoy the full rewards it can bring.
Proviso: There will be nuances to the best types of content for each local business based on geo-industry and average consumer. Understandably, a cupcake bakery has a more inviting topic for photographic content than does a septic services company, but the latter shouldn’t rule out the power of an image of tree roots breaking into a septic line as a scary and effective way to convert property owners into customers. Point being, you’ll be applying your own flavor to becoming a geo-topical authority as you undertake the following content development work:
Foundational local business content development
These are the basics almost every local business will need to publish.
Customer service policy
Every single staff member who interacts with your public must be given a copy of your complete customer service policy. Why? A 2016 survey by the review software company GetFiveStars demonstrated that 57% of consumer complaints revolve around customer service and employee behavior. To protect your local business’ reputation and revenue, the first content you create should be internal and should instruct all forward-facing employees in approved basic store policies, dress, cleanliness, language, company culture, and allowable behaviors. Be thorough! Yes, you may wear a t-shirt. No, you may not text your friends while waiting on tables.
Customer rights guarantee
On your website, publish a customer-focused version of your policy. The Vermont Country Store calls this a Customer Bill of Rights which clearly outlines the quality of service consumers should expect to experience, the guarantees that protect them, and the way the business expects to be treated, as well.
Don’t overlook the three most important pieces of content you need to publish on your website: your company name, address, and phone number. Make sure they are in crawlable HTML (not couched in an image or a problematic format like Flash). Put your NAP at the top of your Contact Us page and in the site-wide masthead or footer so that humans and bots can immediately and clearly identify these key features of your business. Be sure your NAP is consistent across all pages for your site (not Green Tree Consulting on one page and Green Tree Marketing on another, or wrong digits in a phone number or street address on some pages). And, ideally, mark up your NAP with Schema to further assist search engine comprehension of your data.
Reviews/testimonials page
On your website, your reviews/testimonials page can profoundly impact consumer trust, comprising a combination of unique customer sentiment you’ve gathered via a form/software (or even from handwritten customer notes) and featured reviews from third-party review platforms (Google, Yelp). Why make this effort? As many as 92% of consumers now read online reviews and Google specifically cites testimonials as a vehicle for boosting your website’s trustworthiness and reputation.
Reviews/testimonials policy
Either on your Reviews/Testimonials page or on a second page of your website, clearly outline your terms of service for reviewers. Just like Yelp, you need to protect the quality of the sentiment-oriented content you publish and should let consumers know what you permit/forbid. Here’s a real-world example of a local business review TOS page I really like, at Barbara Oliver Jewelry.
Apart from serving up some of the most fundamental content about your business to search engines, your homepage should serve two local consumer groups: those in a rush and those in research mode.
Be sure the former is being given must-have information to understand your business at a glance and contact it immediately.
For the latter, the homepage should offer clear navigation, consumer-centric content, and inducements to further explore additional pages of the website (take advantage of a special, look at products, see project photos, read a blog post, etc.) as they seek to get to know your business better before choosing it for a transaction.
Pro tip: Don’t think of your homepage as static. Change up your content regularly there and track how this impacts traffic/conversions.
Contact Us page
On this incredibly vital website page, your content should include:
Complete NAP
All supported contact methods (forms, email, fax, live chat, after-hours hotline, etc.),
Thorough driving directions from all entry points, including pointers for what to look for on the street (big blue sign, next to red church, across the street from swim center, etc.)
A map
Exterior images of your business
Attributes like parking availability and wheelchair accessibility
Hours of operation
Social media links
Payment forms accepted (cash only, BitCoin, etc.)
Mention of proximity to major nearby points of interest (national parks, monuments, etc.)
Brief summary of services with a nod to attributes ("Stop by the Starlight tonight for late-night food that satisfies!")
A fresh call-to-action (like visiting the business for a Memorial Day sale)
Store locator pages
For a multi-location businesses (like a restaurant chain), you’ll be creating content for a set of landing pages to represent each of your physical locations, accessed via a top-level menu if you have a few locations, or via a store locator widget if you have many. These should feature the same types of content a Contact Us page would for a single-location business, and can also include:
Reviews/testimonials for that location
Location-specific special offers
Social media links specific to that location
Proofs of that location’s local community involvement
Highlights of staff at that location
Education about availability of in-store beacons or apps for that location
Interior photos specific to that location
A key call-to-action
For help formatting all of this great content sensibly, please read Overcoming Your Fear of Local Landing Pages.
City landing pages
Similar to the multi-location business, the service area business (like a plumber) can also develop a set of customer-centric landing pages. These pages will represent each of the major towns or cities the business serves, and while they won’t contain a street address if the company lacks a physical location in a given area, they can contain almost everything else a Contact Us page or Store Locator page would, plus:
Documentation of projects completed in that city (text, photos, video)
Expert advice specific to consumers in that city, based on characteristics like local laws, weather, terrain, events, or customs
Showcasing of services provided to recognized brands in that city ("we wash windows at the Marriott Hotel," etc.)
Reviews/testimonials from customers in that city
Proofs of community involvement in that city (events, sponsorships, etc.)
A key call-to-action
Product/service descriptions
Regardless of business model, all local businesses should devote a unique page of content to each major product or service they offer. These pages can include:
A thorough text description
Answers to documented FAQs
Price/time quotes
Technical specs
Reviews of the service or product
Differentiation from competitors (awards won, lowest price, environmental standards, lifetime support, etc.)
For inspiration, I recommend looking at SolarCity’s page on solar roofing. Beautiful and informative.
For many industries, image content truly sells. Are you "wowed" looking at the first image you see of this B&B in Albuquerque, the view from this restaurant in San Diego, or the scope of this international architectural firm’s projects? But even if your industry doesn’t automatically lend itself to wow-factor visuals, cleaning dirty carpets can be presented with high class and even so-called “boring” industries can take a visual approach to data that yields interesting and share-worthy/link-worthy graphics.
While you’re snapping photos, don’t neglect uploading them to your Google My Business listings and other major citations. Google data suggests that listing images influence click-through rates!
The content of your FAQ page serves multiple purposes. Obviously, it should answer the questions your local business has documented as being asked by your real customers, but it can also be a keyword-rich page if you have taken the time to reflect the documented natural language of your consumers. If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what types of questions your customers will ask, try AnswerThePublic and Q&A crowdsourcing sites to brainstorm common queries.
Be sure your FAQ page contains a vehicle for consumers to ask a question so that you can continuously document their inquiries, determine new topics to cover on the FAQ page, and even find inspiration for additional content development on your website or blog for highly popular questions.
About page
For the local customer in research mode, your About page can seal the deal if you have a story to tell that proves you are in the best possible alignment with their specific needs and desires. Yes, the About Us page can tell the story of your business or your team, but it can also tell the story of why your consumers choose you.
Take a look at this About page for a natural foods store in California and break it down into elements:
Reason for founding company
Difference-makers (95% organic groceries, building powered by 100% renewable energy)
Targeted consumer alignment (support local alternative to major brand, business inspired by major figure in environmental movement)
Awards and recognition from government officials and organizations
Special offer (5-cent rebate if you bring your own bag)
Timeline of business history
Video of the business story
Proofs of community involvement (organic school lunch program)
Links to more information
If the ideal consumer for this company is an eco-conscious shopper who wants to support a local business that will, in turn, support the city in which they live, this About page is extremely persuasive. Your local business can take cues from this real-world example, determining what motivates and moves your consumer base and then demonstrating how your values and practices align.
Calls to action
CTAs are critical local business content, and any website page which lacks one represents a wasted opportunity. Entrepreneur states that the 3 effective principles of calls to action are visibility, clear/compelling messaging, and careful choice of supporting elements. For a local business, calls to action on various pages of your website might direct consumers to:
Come into your location
Fill out a form
Ask a question/make a comment or complaint
Livechat with a rep
Sign up for emails/texts or access to offers
Follow you on social media
Attend an in-store event/local event
Leave a review
Fill out a survey/participate in a poll
Ideally, CTAs should assist users in doing what they want to do in alignment with the actions the business hopes the consumer will take. Audit your website and implement a targeted CTA on any page currently lacking one. Need inspiration? This Hubspot article showcases mainly virtual companies, but the magic of some of the examples should get your brain humming.
Local business listings
Some of the most vital content being published about your business won't exist on your website — it will reside on your local business listings on the major local business data platforms. Think Google My Business, Facebook, Acxiom, Infogroup, Factual, YP, Apple Maps, and Yelp. While each platform differs in the types of data they accept from you for publication, the majority of local business listings support the following content:
Website address
Business categories
Business description
Hours of operation
Marker on a map
Additional phone numbers/fax numbers
Links to social, video, and other forms of media
Attributes (payments accepted, parking, wheelchair accessibility, kid-friendly, etc.)
Reviews/owner responses
The most important components of your business are all contained within a thorough local business listing. These listings will commonly appear in the search engine results when users look up your brand, and they may also appear for your most important keyword searches, profoundly impacting how consumers discover and choose your business.
Your objective is to ensure that your data is accurate and complete on the major platforms and you can quickly assess this via a free tool like Moz Check Listing. By ensuring that the content of your listings is error-free, thorough, and consistent across the web, you are protecting the rankings, reputation, and revenue of your local business. This is a very big deal!
Third-party review profiles
While major local business listing platforms (Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp) are simultaneously review platforms, you may need to seek inclusion on review sites that are specific to your industry or geography. For example, doctors may want to manage a review profile on HealthGrades and ZocDoc, while lawyers may want to be sure they are included on Avvo.
Whether your consumers are reviewing you on general or specialized platforms, know that the content they are creating may be more persuasive than anything your local business can publish on its own. According to one respected survey, 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations and 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews to form a distinct impression of your business.
How can local businesses manage this content which so deeply impacts their reputation, rankings, and revenue? The answer is twofold:
First, refer back to the beginning of this article to the item I cited as the first document you must create for your business: your customer service policy. You can most powerfully influence the reviews you receive via the excellence of your staff education and training.
Master catching verbal and social complaints before they turn into permanent negative reviews by making your business complaint-friendly. And then move onto the next section of this article.
Owner responses
Even with the most consumer-centric customer service policies and the most detailed staff training, you will not be able to fully manage all aspects of a customer’s experience with your business. A product may break, a project be delayed, or a customer may have a challenging personality. Because these realities are bound to surface in reviews, you must take advantage of the best opportunity you have to manage sentiment after it has become a written review: the owner response.
You are not a silent bystander, sitting wordless on the sidelines while the public discusses your business. The owner response function provided by many review sites gives you a voice. This form of local business content, when properly utilized, can:
Save you money by winning back a dissatisfied existing customer instead of having to invest a great deal more in winning an entirely new one;
Inspire an unhappy customer to update a negative review with improved sentiment, including a higher star rating; and
Prove to all other potential customers who encounter your response that you will take excellent care of them.
You’ll want to respond to both positive and negative reviews. They are free Internet real estate on highly visible websites and an ideal platform for showcasing the professionalism, transparency, accountability, empathy, and excellence of your company. For more on this topic, please read Mastering the Owner Response to the Quintet of Google My Business Reviews.
Once you have developed and are managing all of the above content, your local business has created a strong foundation on the web. Depending on the competitiveness of your geo-industry, the above work will have won you a certain amount of local and organic visibility. Need better or broader rankings and more customers? It’s time to grow with:
Structural local business content development
These are options for creating a bigger structure for your local business on the web, expanding the terms you rank for and creating multiple paths for consumer discovery. We’ll use Google’s 4 micro-moment terms as a general guide + real-world examples for inspiration.
I want to do
A homeowner wants to get her house in Colorado Springs ready to sell. In her search for tips, she encounters this Ultimate Home Seller’s To-Do Checklist & Infographic. Having been helped by the graphic, she may turn to the realty firm that created it for professional assistance.
A dad wants to save money by making homemade veggie chips for his children. He’s impressed with the variety of applicable root vegetables featured in this 52-second video tutorial from Whole Foods. And now he’s also been shown where he can buy that selection of produce.
A youth in California wants to become a mountain climber. He discovers this website page describing guided hikes up nearby Mount Whitney, but it isn’t the text that really gets him — it’s the image gallery. He can share those exciting photos with his grandmother on Facebook to persuade her to chaperone him on an adventure together.
I want to know
A tech worker anywhere in America wants to know how to deal with digital eye strain and she encounters this video from Kaiser Permanente, which gives tips and also recommends getting an eye exam every 1–2 years. The worker now knows where she could go locally for such an exam and other health care needs.
A homeowner in the SF Bay Area wants to know how to make his place more energy efficient to save on his bills. He finds this solar company’s video on YouTube with a ton of easy tips. They’ve just made a very good brand impression on the homeowner, and this company serves locally. Should he decide at some point to go the whole nine yards and install solar panels, this brand’s name is now connected in his mind with that service.
A gardener wants to know how to install a drip irrigation system in her yard and she encounters this major hardware store brand’s video tutorial. There’s a branch of this store in town, and now she knows where she can find all of the components that will go into this project.
I want to go
While it’s true that most I-want-to-go searches will likely lead to local pack results, additional website content like this special gluten-free menu an independently owned pizza place in Houston has taken the time to publish should seal the deal for anyone in the area who wants to go out for pizza while adhering to their dietary requirements.
A busy Silicon Valley professional is searching Google because they want to go to a "quiet resort in California." The lodgings, which have been lucky enough to be included on this best-of list from TripAdvisor, didn’t have to create this content — their guests have done it for them by mentioning phrases like "quiet place" and "quiet location" repeatedly in their reviews. The business just has to provide the experience, and, perhaps promote this preferred language in their own marketing. Winning inclusion on major platforms’ best-of lists for key attributes of your business can be very persuasive for consumers who want to go somewhere specific.
An ornithologist is going to speak at a conference in Medford, OR. As he always does when he goes on a trip, he looks for a bird list for the area and encounters this list of local bird walks published by a Medford nature store. He’s delighted to discover that one of the walks corresponds with his travel dates, and..
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