#I’ve never called out anyone who’s added one into mg posts
bioswear · 2 years
LOL what if someone comes in and calls me performative for reblogging that last post because it has an image description in it 😂😂😂😂COULD YOU IMAGINE
#you would HAVE to be a few plums short of a fruit pie if someone did that after the day I’ve had#LMFAO LMFAO IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY THO#but I don’t mind that bc the person who added it also included something worthwhile in addition to the post#like to me that shows the person was engaged enough with it to formulate an opinion and response to the original post#also again. why is the concept of manners so hard#like much how you don’t show up to an event empty handed you also should either ask#or give a little compliment to the person you’re adding a description on to like#when it’s just out of the blue it can seem a little unsolicited regardless of whether the intent#is to aid other people or not#like what so asking for consent only counts if it’s not about art??#i know what it is. it’s like reposting art without asking#like if you really want to add something on even a little ‘hey hope it’s cool I added this’ in the tags would be great#actually it’s really just called basic fucking manners and being polite#like you have to remember that you’re basically adding onto a strangers post#i don’t know you like that!#it’s fine if any given person has too small an understanding to get what I’m saying#i never said I had a problem with people adding descriptions on to my work#it saves me the fucking time#but I’m an artist that’s my creation that’s a piece of me#I’ve never called out anyone who’s added one into mg posts#like I get over it eventually it’s just the initial feeling of ‘oh a comment!!’ and then it’s NOT
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gloamingdawn · 5 years
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I don’t normally do big posts like this because I’m definitely the kind of person that would rather just reach out privately than dump an entire text post on a website but seeing as today is “World Kindness Day” in honor of Mr. Fred Rogers I’ve decided to deviate a little. As we slip into the Holiday Creep our online communities can start to feel a little more distant as important RL things are happening for folks and now seemed as good a time as any to give some public kudos. 
The bulk of this post is going to be me gushing over people I haven’t spent enough time gushing over lately, and it’s not meant as a personal slight if you read this and aren’t included -- my thoughts are really hole-y after a long couple of weeks at work and there’s a good chance I’ll do a couple more of these as we drift into the New Decade. 
@kharrisdawndancer​ You & I have been online (and RL) friends for a very long time now. One of my favorite memories from when I lived near enough to you to visit easily was sitting at your kitchen table, eating tiramisu that your husband put way too much booze in. I moved over to WrA with you, we’ve raided together, you were one of the first people I called after Rory had to be emergency admitted to the vet for his troubles, and you’re one of my constant pillars of support when I’m struggling with my place in the community. 
You do so much by hosting Cakes in game nearly weekly & trying your hardest to make it out to all the social events you can to support the other players and guilds who give their time to make sure other RPers have a space to hang out. You, your characters, writing & art are very special and I hope you keep creating in this space for a while to come. 
@turning-through-the-never​ What a year, huh? I can narrow that down even further to “What a month, huh?” as you, with Kharris, were driving forces in bringing people together for the October Writing Challenge. You’ve doubled down on this and started the Weekly Writing Challenge over at @weekly-writing-challenge​, adding to all the stuff you do to make the WoW RP & WoW Tumblr community a more creative and constant space to play in.
You do so much in game to not only make good events with the Tarts but you constantly advertise, attend, and sometimes perform at events for other guilds within WrA and MG and I know how time consuming that is -- especially with how incredibly busy you are in your personal life. You’ve done a very good job of keeping up with your stable of characters through all of this, something that never fails to impress me. I’m very happy I ran into you nearly five years ago when you were barking for a Tarts event -- my time on this server has been so much better for it. 
@darbiebot​ Your D&D game has made me lifelong friends and brought me closer with people who I was never able to find the time to hang out with even though we only lived 20 minutes from each other. It’s a major factor of joy in my life and I really do get a little sad when we can’t play as much as we want. I’ve been telling my own group that the next couple of months will be rocky -- that’s just how it is as adults with families around the holidays, but I’m looking forward to diving in feet first when we’re able to get back to playing again in the HOMEBREW STORY you made. It’s in all caps because I’m so proud that you’ve done this and I am extremely excited to do my best to ruin as many encounters as you’re willing to put in front of me (& maybe also thunderwave the rest of my party to death). 
@andijelly​ You’re at the helm of a huge, icon of a guild and I know how spooky that can be. You’ve had to navigate losing officers, gaining officers, dealing with the insanity that trying to plan and execute a good event can bring. You’ve got an amazing support net behind you, & the fact that they’re always so willing to help you out speaks volumes to your character and theirs. 
Thank you for putting up with me pestering you about things with grace. As a former major officer for a big, military style RP guild and an event planner in real life I often have Suggestions or Observations and you kindly listen to me every time I dump them in your lap. You’re going to rock that hat you’re making, just take it one stitch at a time and remember -- you can always rip back and fix your mistakes! Yarn is the most forgiving material.
@lylianwyatte​ We’ve not known each other very long but your excitement around RP and your willingness to reach out to literally anyone to start a thread or get them involved at whatever event is going on is refreshing. You’re such a bright and light personality that you’re a boon to any community space whether that’s a guild or in a discord. I’m happy the Owl found you, and that you engaged with me & some of my other spaces through them. 
@belillinafireseeker​ You are SO NICE. All the time. It might be the curse of being close enough to Canada that it’s just seeped into you from across the border, but it’s the trait of yours I immediately mention when new folks are asking about the who’s-who around the server. You’re another one of the major drivers of events on the server, and you’ve somehow managed to bridge yourself across two high-performance, high-event guilds and I am constantly impressed that you’re able to keep that up. 
@theconstructsworld​ You didn’t think you’d be able to write as much for the October Writing Challenge, but you really stuck to it and made sure to get something out on a daily basis. Life’s kept you away from the game for a while, but your posts really do pick up my day sometimes. I hope you’re able to come back soon, but in the meantime there’s always this terrible website & discord. Please keep writing as much as you’re able! 
@seraphai​ My crafty buddy <3. Your quilting is so impressive to me, it’s one of the fabric witchery crafts that I’ve yet to dive into and it makes my history loving heart so happy to see the blocks you’ve put together. It’s one of the handmade disciplines I really worry will die out over the next decade (maybe that’s a good resolution for me, huh? Just start). On the in-game, in-RP side of things our characters just sort of clicked and then we just sort of clicked. Chatting with you about our stories or what’s going on is a highlight of my day whenever we manage to find the time. I hope you’re able to get some good R&R over your upcoming holiday break, you’ve earned it in spades!
Alright, my brain is mush. I’m going to sign this off here and come up with more gratitude over the next few weeks so I can be mushy about more folks in my sphere in another (probably way too long) post. 
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watchmoatburn · 5 years
Why did Ekksdee delete the discord server? The last post from him about what was going on looked like he wanted to help mg... Also, how did he get ownership?
Unknown, but it may be a combination of reasons like,
1. Moat had been actively harassing his girlfriend (mae) for months, especially to the point where he sent her unsolicited dick pics.
2. Moat went to seek out treatment only to come back just as bad as ever. He called people out, harassed them, made fun of Zomb, list goes on. He went to the hospital to seek treatment for his psychological conflicts but ended up berating everyone there, calling them all crazies and such. It's possible Ekksdee was just annoyed that Moat had finally been given the chance for treatment and ended up wasting it due to his own arrogance.
3. Ekksdee was probably just annoyed that Moat kept ruining the community every chance he got (This is kinda what happened with Leo, he got tired of Maot ruining shit.)
That's all I got for reasons, they aren't conclusive but they're the most logical at the moment.
Also I have no idea how he got ownership. This is a very complicated question; in the end, everything revolves around Moat's obsession over Mae and the fact Ekksdee is Mae's boyfriend means that many decisions against/for Ekks could have been made out of spite or jealousy of their relationship.
Another thing to clarify on, Ekks probably genuinely cared about the community. Numerous people cared about the community and did what they could to hold it together; my speculation is Ekks was given ownership while Moat disappeared to the hospital. Yes he did want to help the community but you can only hold a fire down for so long until the fuel overwhelms you, and Moat's return added a lot of fuel to the fire in the form of community frustration. We've seen this with Suess, Leo, any admin in any notable position tried their hardest to keep the community they fell in love with together, and many left because they realized they could not keep it all together.
This is one major reason Meepen left, beyond getting banned by Moat himself over a foolish incident, Meepen was made community lead at the time because the admins didn't want to deal with Moat directly. Some may remember the time when Suess left and when Leo was about to leave, the only reason Leo stayed was due to Meepen gaining CL so the admins didn't have to tolerate Moat's shit. Suess left due to Moat (correct me if I'm wrong) and came back because if he hadn't some other internal conflicts would arise (he also came back because Meepen was made CL.)
I used to work for Moat (a paid position, many out there know who I am already and know I maintain this blog.) My reasons for leaving and for creating this blog are similar to the frustrations of many others. I was unhappy with the incomprehensible directions given to me and how disconnected Moat was from reality. I was previously given the go-ahead to work on a project and at the point that it was finished Moat had acted as if he never gave me the project in the first place. It was difficult as I was tight for money at the time and the thought that he wouldn't pay me because he refused to acknowledge his previous plans put me in a bit of a panic attack. I was sick of dealing with it, to me it was a very demotivating environment to work in and I chose to leave when he ignored my criticisms of how he handled the dev teams.
The conclusion here is many people that worked closely with Moat be it admins or devs all left because of him. It would make sense that Ekks was equally frustrated, especially with the realization that the community was beyond saving.
About my story, in time I will make a large post about who I am, my own resolve around this blog, and what I will be doing with it.
For now, I've recently chosen to leave the community and I cut all ties to anyone that was at any point involved in it. I didn't make this decision lightly and I didn't do it as a personal statement against them, there are many I will miss but I've realized that opening myself up to those connections somehow leaves me with the desire to stay connected to the community, and I really don't want that right now. For the people I've cut away, I'm sorry. It's nothing against you, some of you were good friends and maybe in time, if things improve with the community I will come back. But not for now. So with that, this blog will slow down greatly as I don't really have any connection to the Moat community anymore as I've done my best to distance from it.
I will leave submissions open but from here on out all personally gathered updates will cease. Feel free to submit updates, ask questions, etc. But I'm no longer keeping up with the going-ons of Moat.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Okay, well today wasn't bad. Still kind of overall stressed, but dealing with it. I have time at least, to get all this shit done, get it spaced out over and all that, so that helps. Alarm went off at 7 and I got out of bed and made it to work and made it through the rest of the file for the permanency hearing, which was more of the parents being like "we're not alcoholics we don't need treatment fuck you" all the way to getting their damn kid removed, so I write up some normal permanency hearing questions and took that and the file over to the lawyer who gave it to me to talk to him about it. I ask if they ever made a paternity finding, because there was a whole big thing about it because apparently her "dad" her whole life isn't technically her legally-presumed dad because her mother was married to someone else when she was born, but I never found a finding, and then the lawyers like "oh yeah, well dad passed away in November, something related to his alcoholism." Oh. Well. And he goes on to add the mom is basically on her death bed in the same situation. Don't need treatment my ass. This poor child. She seems like a good kid though, so hopefully we can get her get into some post-high school training if not actual college. I'll get to meet her and interview her Monday. At that point I went back to my office and created a template for permanency hearing questions that I could just tweak for individual cases since the status based questions are largely the same. Somewhere in all of this my eyes were drooping way too much again so I took another 15 minute head on desk session, I might've actually passed out for a few minutes, but when the alarm went off I freaked out for a minute because I was expecting the wrong time for some reason and thought I accidentally passed out for like two hours lol. So I was fairly glad that didn't happen. Somewhere in here I also tried to call my psychiatrist about the whole Xanax thing I was discussing last night, only to be told he's on vacation till the end of the month.....I mean, the guy definitely deserves it, he's partially retired already and probably in his 70's, and I don't want to disturb him or anything, but like, I know him and I know he would want to hear two sentences from me on this issue but I didn't want to say it was an emergency because it wasn't, and if I did they probably would've put me on with one of the other psychiatrists that are filling in for him, and I'm sorry but there's no way I'm trusting anyone else with this shit. I think I'm gonna increase it to 3 mg a day for now at least, which is still within the normal range he said I could try so it's not a big deal. Hopefully that will make finals a bit more manageable. So that was less than ideal, but oh well. All of my events are really out of order for today so idk if any of this happened in this order, but around lunchtime I went to go see my across the hall friend who's now my across the building friend, to see if she was feeling better and if she wanted to get lunch because I, like a kindergartener, left my lunch box in the fridge yesterday (I had actually packed dinner in a brown paper bag for later but I didn't want to pack two of those). So we went to the "bakery" that has super awesome pizza an I got some of their pizza with the seriously biggest slices and ate like, half a slice lol. So good though. It was nice to talk to her though, we traded crazy stories from our courthouse and the DV one, and I was just like man, I'm so glad I have people I can share these things with without them being immediately horrified and me being like "yes I know those are terribly tragic circumstances but if you hang in there for a moment the court moment was really funny!!" Lol, it's gallows humor for sure but I mean gotten let it out somehow. I vent to my brother about crazy cases too, that's helpful since talking about the law is one of the few things we can talk about and actually have a lengthy productive discussion on without it somehow devolving into him being an asshole (mostly, anyway). So there's that at least. He appreciates my stories. So back from lunch and I spent a while organizing orders into alphabetized folders for two different lawyers haha who both apologized for the shitty work but I'm like hey whatever it's all good I know I'm the intern and I'll deal with your shitty jobs if it gets me a good in here. And then I had to show my supervisor how to send in the mid-semester evaluation my field placement supervisor wanted from him (oh, and he apparently knew my FP supervisor like 15 years ago and he was her boss in this office??? I swear he was everyone's boss at some point) because he was getting so lost in computer forms and retrieving files and saving them and electronically signing forms, so I'm just sitting there showing him how to do it and he's like "ohmygosh Rachel, you're so smart!!!" and I'm like trying not to laugh because he's just so adorably funny. And then of course I got to read more of the nice things he said about me which made my heart melt once again because he's literally so nice I can't handle it and his words are always really genuine too so it's nice. And yeah. So I didn't have anywhere to rush to right after leaving the juvenile courthouse today for the first time I can remember since, the summer, since I decided no kickboxing this week because I simply don't have the emotional or physical energy for it, so I was just gonna find a Starbucks to chill in and work on my appellate brief until small group time. So I got to like, take my time leaving and my supervisor is like "Rachel what are you still doing here, you're gonna be late to class!!" and it's like 5:01 haha so funny. So then waiting for the bus I saw the PD that was on the panel we did yesterday so we of course talked about delinquency stuff, like the spring break project from last year and of course eventually got into the whole transferring to adult court thing and I mentioned the slenderman case because that's just the most horrific case of misjudgment by the system and she'd heard of it of course but didn't know the details and she was beyond horrified to hear that they're trying two severely mentally ill 12 year old children as adults and having them face 35 years in prison. Like, we literally have an entire juvenile justice system FOR PRECISELY THESE REASONS. Bypassing it ignores all the science and research and not to mention the recidivism rate which skyrockets when you try children as adults. I'll cap it there though, not gonna go into a full rant at the moment (I know I've already done it on here). I got off the one bus to catch another and had to watch it stop and drive off while I was stuck on the other side of the crosswalk which SUCKS and it was just chilly enough to be annoying out today, but then thankfully another bus came like 2 minutes later which isn't typical but I was very grateful for. So I took that to the Starbucks area, then popped into Walgreens to buy more of their caramel chocolates that Lyft driver got me hooked on (lol) except they didn't have those exact ones, so I got what's basically the same but with toffee pieces and I tried a little and they're pretty amazing. So then I went to Starbucks and got an iced white tea lemonade and tried to surreptitiously eat my sandwiches (I mean I was facing the window so I didn't have to be all that secretive about it) and start the behemoth that is gonna be finishing my appellate brief, and I pretty much immediately felt lost, but always over like the stupid stuff I could find like whether saying "don't use the party names" meant the given names or the terms plaintiff/defendant....(it's the prior, I think anyway) but I figured as some sort of game plan I would work on fixing the argument section based on the feedback I got from our prof, since that still is the substance of the brief, and then work on adding all the extra parts. Half of the edits she gave me though we're like about ordering the arguments and shit and it just pissed me off because I like the way I order my arguments, dammit, because IT MAKES SENSE, and I'm sorry if it doesn't fit your blue book standard but my boss at my actual job where I submit actual motions to actual court seems to be quite impressed with it so you can take your argument order and shove it.....(note please that that wasn't actually directed at my prof, cuz I kind of like her, and I know it's the curriculum and not her setting the standards). But that just annoyed me cuz like, real life isn't legal writing fact patterns. You're not always gonna have an analogous case and a distinguishable case, and you're gonna have to make it work. I just....I get too worked up about all of it. But I at least made some progress on preliminary efforts, so maybe, 5% done? It's a start, at least. I walked from the Starbucks to church which is like a ten minute walk and even though it was still a little chilly I haven't done any walking for the past two days and I haven't had any chance to work out this week (I likely won't go to the gym tomorrow because I have no reason to be downtown) so it's something at least, to go with my push ups (which I think may be hurting a muscle in my side, because trying any new physical activity is basically let's see how I can piss my body off this time for me). But yeah, small group was good. This was something I meant to mention quickly on my last week's recap of it, but I think I might have a teeny tiny crush on one of the guys? Like it was in my head last week but it was barely anything, then I get in there today and we start talking about the marvel tv shows and you know I can talk above superheroes all damn day haha so that was enjoyable, and then he was being like "yeah it was cool being at my cousins wedding this weekend but it's also so weird being single at a wedding" and I'm like alright, that might have been a subtle hint, lol, and of course as soon as the idea even entered my head I spent the rest of the night pretty much planning our wedding when I haven't really decided if I even like the guy yet, lol. Physically he's not like drop dead gorgeous, but he's definitely not ugly and has a certain charming quality to his appearance, so I can work with that. The rest of small group (I almost just wrote Smallville) was good too, we talked about a passage in 1 Corinthians I was familiar with about love and of course I got to opine about my deep theories on the issue about how basically the passage is indicative of the entire problem of "religion" and what the church is facing today- that is, they have all the rules, all the right answers, but without love following through all of it it's basically useless, and I feel like that's so on point for what the church is dealing with right now. Like, no. Love meets you were you are. Love is right in there with your mess. Love doesn't require you to clean up your act before you're welcomed into our church. Jesus certainly didn't require it to be let into his presence, so how dare we even try to do it? And yeah, other random deep shit like that, lol, you get the picture. Took the train to the bus as my normal and AGAIN had to run to make the bus (this was a different stop, but same bus route) and again had to bang on the door to get let in while the driver was looking so put out by it and I'm just like....calm your tits lady we're giving your company money but being here, lol. But I got home, didn't almost get run over by a car but had the weird experience of a car stopping fully at a red light, and I started crossing, and then they suddenly started driving again and blew the light by like, a mile. They didn't even come close to wear I was crossing so I was never in danger or anything, but I was like seriously, wtf man? Who does that?!? Idiots. For home and watched Powerless, which was cute of course, then Riverdale which just left me with the comment that this is the one teen drama where all the high schoolers have it together for the most part and all their parents are going batshit crazy, lol. But I enjoyed both, and that pretty much wrapped up my night. And it's late, and I get to sleep in which I'm very glad about, but still I'm tired and want to go to sleep now, so that's what I will do. Goodnight mis amigos. Happy Friday.
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omnigeekempire · 5 years
Well, this truly is the last day and blog of the decade huh? Man, I can’t even remember where all the years went to to be honest, but I guess that just means I’m getting old, or maybe I spent most of my time playing video games and didn’t realize. Either way, in the last decade I have played some remarkable games of that period, many of which have left a lasting impact on my psyche. So today, I wanted to commemorate those games in this blog today. My Top 30 games of the last decade!
Now, I know many have done this kind of thing already, some even rounding it up to just ten games, however, when I look back at the times and all the games I’ve played I couldn’t leave certain games behind or out of the list. So what I’ve decided to do is break them down into the ten year period in groups and give a line or two as to why I enjoyed the game. This way the blog won’t be a chore to read. Hopefully!
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood & Darksiders
Let me start with Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. I got into the series in AC2 and I was immediately engrossed with the concept of the Creed and the Assassins. So when AC:B came out, I was more than ecstatic to jump back into the world of Ezio and I was not disappointed. The combat and stealth abilities was amazing for it’s time and being able  explore 16th-century Rome as a history fan was unreal.
Darksiders was a game based on religious background, mainly the Christian belief that dealt with a post-apocalyptic Earth, where mankind has become extinct and angels and demons battle for the world’s control. Among them are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the last of the Nephilim who are tasked to bring balance to the universe. It’s I’ve always been interested in concept of angel vs demons, so seeing this take was unique. The story was great and the game had the right balance of combat, puzzling and everything in-between.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim & Sonic Generations
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was probably the first proper open world rpg game that I can say I’ve sunk so many hours into. I honestly remember how everyone was hyping this game up, making it seem like the ultimate game that lets you do whatever you wanted. Naturally, I was drawn to that idea and what I got was an amazing adventure that has made me a fan of the Elder Scrolls series.
After Sonic Unleashed (a criminally underrated game imo) I was starting to get excited for the future of Sonic games. I won’t lie that I am a fanboy of the blue blur as he has, and still is, one of my all time favorite video game character of all time. So when I so Sonic Generation, a game that celebrated 20 years of Sonic, I was hyped. I can happily say I was not disappointed. They finally got the gameplay right and every stage was a blast to play. To this day, many still hold this game as a standard for future modern sonic gameplay. If only they’d take inspiration from Unleashed level stages, now that would be a dream.
Guild Wars 2, Journey & Gravity Rush
One of the main core reason why I have a PC today was all thanks to Guild Wars 2. After Champion’s Online had gotten boring, I needed another MMO to dive into and I came across this game that talked about all this features such as dynamic events and the likes. At that time, it looked amazing so I knew I needed to build a PC for it. After that, I sunk more that 500 hours into the game and I still play it occasionally from time to time.
Journey was one of those games that I just came across randomly, I had no idea what to expect but that part of why I enjoyed it so such. From its stunningly beautiful graphics to it’s simply gameplay, there was something that made me comeback to the game. The journey was something I still think about to this day, and the way they implemented the multiplayer was genius.
Just like Journey, Gravity Rush was a came I picked up when I first got the PS Vita. It’s a game that in we players take the role of Kat, a young woman who can manipulate how gravity affects her, allowing her to walk on walls and fly through the air. It was a very unique ide at the time and was one of the first PS Vita game that I enjoyed.
Tomb Raider & Injustice: Gods Among Us
The reboot of Tomb Raider was one that of those games that I felt has always been criminally underrated considering she came before Nathan Drake’s Uncharted. I was an action-adventure video game that operated as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. And that it did very well, establishing the character really well, keeping her exposition ground in a plausible world. One of my favorite aspect of the game was was seeing how the world of Yamatai, a fictional lost island in the Dragon’s Triangle off the coast of Japan unfolded as you progress through the story.
Man, Injustice: Gods Among Us gave me exactly the storyline I’d hoped for in DC story. The idea of Superman crossing the line and becoming this overbearing ruler actually made for a more compelling story in a fighting game and a DC story. Combat was great for its time but it was the storyline that captivated me.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor & Dark Souls 2
Shadow of Mordor was I believe the first game that did the nemesis feature right. It was the first game that I genuinely felt a passion of hatred for a NPC that shit talked me after beating me in a fight. Forcing me to post-pone my main mission to hunt that bastard down. I enjoyed every moment of it and the story was very good from what I can remember.
Dark Souls exposes a lot of games when it first came out. And even though I’ve played the first game, the reason why I put this on the list was simply because it improved on a lot of the feature of the previous game and its the one were I played co-op with my brothers that showed no mercy in exposing me and calling me trash for dying a lot. I plan to finish the games on my own some day (i’m actually quite far into it) but it made an impact to me so it’s here.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain personally wasn’t my first exposure to the MGS universe, but it was the first game I became engrossed with. I never thought an open world stealth game could work, but my goodness did it work. From the story, the characters, the visuals, everything was amazing. This was the game that made me actually take the MGS series, more seriously and go back to playing the other games.
Dying light in my humble opinion did the zombie genre right. I’ve never felt scared of a slow moving zombie, but one that can run and climb building. Yep, that will do. Not only that but the traversing and free-running mechanics in the game was amazing, probably the best of it’s time.
When it comes to Until Dawn, it was one of those games that I got from the PlayStation Plus deal. I read the description about an interactive drama survival horror video game where your choices affects the story, got it and didn’t regret a second I spent with the game. The story was compelling and interesting and over time the characters started to grow on me. But man, knowing that your characters can die and you have the abilities to save them really added the tension because I wanted everyone to survive. I managed to only lose one person but shit I never liked that fucker anyones.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse did something I never thought we’d get from a dragon ball game. A brand new story that lets you be the main character. The story was OK if I’m being honest but it was the multiplayer that proved to be the most fun, before hacking became the norm.
Final Fantasy XV & The Last Guardian
Now, despite what many will say, Final Fantasy 15 was still a great game to me. It could be that this was my first Final Fantasy game, so I didn’t have much expectations going into it but I really did enjoy my time with the game. The story of Noctics and how it all ended hit me harder than I actually expected. The gameplay was fun too and exploring the world felt rewarding. Yeah, I know they sold pieces of the story in dlc (which I did not buy) but at it’s core, I had fun playing the game.
Last Guardian was another game that I never played the original and jump right in. The game lets you clim structures, carry objects such as barrels, and operate mechanisms such as levers. It was innovative and unique, especially using Trico’s to reach areas that the boy can’t reach alone. It created this unique dynamic in which you couldn’t directly control Trico but had to tell him what to do hand hope he did it. Aside from that I really enjoyed the way the game told the story, making Trico seem almost alive in the process.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Little Nightmares, Nier: Automata, For Honor & Sonic Mania
I was never a fan of Zelda, I tried in the past and couldn’t get into it. So when the Breath of The Wild version for the Switch came out, I figured why not! I’ll give it one last chance and oh boy was I hooked. The amount of freedom this game gave you to solve all the puzzles and how you wanted to approach the world was insane. This is when I learned how open world games should be handled.
For a long ass time, after the Ezio/Desmond had concluded, the Assassin’s Creed story had been all over the place. No other came afterwards was able to capture the vibe I got from playing the game. That was until Assassin’s Creed Origins came out and introduced a strong character by the name of Bayek. The gameplay was solid and actually made me appreciate the changes but there was two reasons why I both this game. The first was that it was telling the origins of the Assassin’s, so that means we would be going back in time where it’s less industrialized and more ancient. Secondly, it was based in Ancient Egypt, an African civilization featuring a black assassin that didn’t start out as a slave but as a Medjay. The did both very well and the game shot up to two spot in my ac list.
Little Nightmare was a simple puzzle-platformer horror adventure game that I found enjoyable. There was something about the atmosphere of the game that kept me coming back, making me want to learn more about the world.
Nier Automata was perhaps one of the best action role-playing hack and slash video game to come in recent memories. It’s best feature was the story hands down, but not only that, the gameplay was challenging and there was a lot or lore to explore that your leisure. And jeez, don’t even get me started on the music, S-tier materials right there.
With For Honor, I’ll keep it real with you guys, I did not play the story mode. All I played was multiplayer and it was glorious. Yeah the game had some issues at the beginning but that was mostly ironed out over time. But man, I’ve never raged in a game so much yet enjoyed every moment of it. The tactical combat system, known as “Art of Battle”, was a very interesting take on a sword-based fighting game and proved successful if you ask me.
Sonic Mania, the most rated game in Sonic’s history. I enjoyed my time with it. Yeah, I’ll admit I’m not a fan of 2D Sonic, simply because I started with the 3D era, but of course I can appreciate a solid game when I play one.
Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man PS4, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Detroit: Become Human, God of War PS4, Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Red Dead Redemption 2 was an experience that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Yeah, so will say it was a slow burner but to me, the pacing was perfect. It took its time to tell the story of Arthur Morgan and his crew and how their world around them was changing. Seeing Arthur go through his change was amazing and if you got the good ending, then you’d understand .
Spider-man was the game all spidey fans have always wanted. A game where you feel like Spider-Man. The controls for the swinging mechanics is the best it’s ever been and following a Peter Parker that was all grown up, dealing with adult life stuff while doing the Spidey gig was a fun experience.
There’s not much to say when it comes to Dragon Ball FighterZ. Its hands down THE best looking Dragon Ball game ever. To the point where now everyone in the anime community is begging Arc System works to make a game based on other anime IP’s’.
Detroit: Become Human is another interactive game that I really enjoyed. This time I was anticipating the game after playing Until Dawn. I really liked how the told the story from three different perspective. Yes, the game had a real life narrative but I really liked how it was executed.
God of War was one of those games that will linger in people minds for years to come. The compelling story of how Kratos went from a raging spartan to a man trying to be the best father he could be was touching to say the least. Combat and the boss fights in the game wasn’t as crazy but still it was a great experience nonetheless.
Once again, not much to say about Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It is the ultimate version of the Smash series and one that will probably go down in history as the greatest crossovers in gaming history.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, The Outer Worlds, Astral Chain & Fire Emblem
Sekiro well deserved to win Game of The Year. I was a game that challenged you and made you get better by learning from your failures. Amazing combat and an interesting story, this game was also my game of the year pick.
The Outer Worlds was perhaps the best open rpg to come out in 2019, which was why it got nominated. The world may be small in comparison to other open world games, but what it lacked in size, it more than made up on it with quality. Side quest feel like main quest, companions are actually interesting, dialogue has depth and gameplay was great. Can’t complain really.
Astral Chains lest player take the role of a detective from the “Neuron” special police task force, who are tasked with solving cases and investigating incidents. It had exploring, questioning characters and examining evidence but the main take from the game was the insane combat in which you take control of another character called Legions. Once you had leveled up your legions, there was almost a crazy amount of combos you could pull off in game. It was also the game that got PS4 fans to actually complain to Platinum Games about not brining the game to PS4. Good game.
Last but certainly not least is Fire Emblems: Three Houses. Probably my favorite tactical role-playing game on the Switch. I really enjoyed the Harry Potter like house gimmick of you being the teacher guiding your students and building a bond with them, only to have watch as you mercilessly kill them on the battlefield years later. Aside from the great 80 plus hour story, the tactical aspect of the game as been well refined and would make even the most elite Fire Emblem fans happy.
Well that’s it from me. Man, hope this list ain’t too long for ya. I tried to keep it short and concise for you guys but I didn’t want to leave any game that made an impact on me. Please, do share your list in the comments below.
Top 30 Games Of The Decade (2010 -2019) That Made An Ever-Lasting Impact! Well, this truly is the last day and blog of the decade huh? Man, I can't even remember where all the years went to to be honest, but I guess that just means I'm getting old, or maybe I spent most of my time playing video games and didn't realize.
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bellyelling · 6 years
i haven’t posted on this blog in who fucking knows how long, but i just need to write about what i’ve been experiencing so i can sort it out in my head and throw it into the void
ok so i’ll start.... from the beginning i guess. or the start, or the inception of my mental health issues because that’s really what this is about. was born into a middle-class family, the younger of two children. i obviously don’t remember my infancy, so i can’t be sure what happened then. but as far back as i can remember, my mother was... not great. aggressive - never physically, but very often emotionally and verbally. i remember a lot of screaming, a lot of being attacked for things i wasn’t sure i had even done, or for things i didn’t know were “wrong”. or wrong to her. i remember never feeling safe, especially around her, and then around my father, because he never once did anything or stepped in to defend myself or my sister. and this is where it gets tricky, because if, as a child, you never feel safe around your parents or protected by them... you don’t feel loved by them. so i’ve gone my whole life (i’m 20 now) without ever having felt loved. because if you never felt loved as a kid it’s gonna be pretty hard to ever feel loved as an adult. you never learned how. okay. that’s the beginning, now i’m gonna skip to the middle.
once i entered adolescence, probably around the time i entered middle school, i started having a lot more anxiety around social interaction. i had always had trouble relating and making friends, but adolescence is when that really started to weigh me down emotionally. every social situation was nerve-wracking, i felt like i had nowhere to go and fit in. and this is the case for a lot of middle schoolers, i know i was not special in this feeling of being afraid of not fitting in. but i think because of the added bit of never having felt loved, it may have been a deeper fear for me. regardless, i was never comfortable. i did end up forming a couple close friendships, but i always kept some distance. and then, around age 14, a couple things happened. one, i started to get hit with the beginning of what would become a three to four-year long bout of dysthymia with frequent periods of major depression. and two, i discovered the depth of entertainment to be found on the internet. so the more depressed i got, the more nervous around social interactions i got, the more time i spent on the internet. it quickly became my favorite pastime, and then my ONLY pastime. i slowly started spending less and less time with friends, partly because i often felt i needed to be alone and partly because the longer i went without seeing them, the more i became convinced that they didn’t want to see me. so i spent more and more time alone. i still kept up with friendships while at school, i was involved in the music program which was the only place i really had friends, but around the time i turned 16 it started to get worse. i honestly don’t remember many details from my junior year of high school. and then, when i turned 17 and started my senior year, it got even worse. i started seeing a therapist in the fall of 2014 because i cracked and told my father i needed help. i didn’t give him many details, didn’t tell him that i had been feeling suicidal or that i had been hurting myself for a couple years at that point. but i got a therapist and started going to see her, and after the first session she recommended that i start seeing someone who could prescribe me medication as well. so we tried to get me in somewhere, but i wasn’t going to be able to get in until late march. ok, that’s fine, i had gone that long without medication so i could go longer. except time went on and i got worse and worse. i was scared all the time, i always had intrusive thoughts, images of myself falling and smashing my head every time i went up or down a set of stairs, images of me accidentally stabbing myself in the eye when i would hold a pair of scissors, and then there were the fantasies that i often consciously created. when i was anxious, i would often imagine stabbing myself in the leg or banging my head against the wall. but once it got really bad, probably around the end of 2014/beginning of 2015, the fantasies weren’t of injury, they were of death. instead of stabbing myself in the leg, i was slitting my wrist with the intent to kill. instead of banging my head, i was throwing myself in front of moving vehicles and being killed on impact. it ended up getting to the point where i felt so trapped, so backed into a corner, that i felt i needed to die. i didn’t end up dying, but i did end up in a psych ward for the first 2 weeks of march. and once i got out.. then shit got interesting. they had put me on prozac in the hospital, then switched me to zoloft because i had been showing more OCD-like symptoms. anyways, i was on 50 mg when i got out, which is generally a starting dose. but around my last day there, my mood started to lift very very quickly. i was excited to go to school for the first time in years. i would stay up all night painting on the walls and not be tired at all the next morning. i was jittery and euphoric and i couldn’t stop talking. it was probably my first time not being afraid to talk to people. it was my first manic episode. i got taken off the zoloft pretty quickly, but the episode kept going, probably lasting around a month. i ended up getting pulled out of school AGAIN because i couldn’t make my mind slow down or my body sit still enough to go to class. after that, i had a weird few months. i was volatile, i self-harmed more in those few months than i had in the few years before, but i still wasn’t anxious. no one really knew what to do with me, i was essentially a different person. i honestly still don’t know what that was. over the summer, i became more like my old self again. not as depressed, but definitely more familiar. i tried to go to college in august, and i ended up having a breakdown and having to drop out after a couple weeks. whatever. i came home, went into partial hospitalization for a couple weeks, and then did nothing for nearly a year. no school, no work. i did nothing. then, come next fall, i tried to go to community college. i did a semester, but barely made it through. around halfway through i struggled severely to even show up and was too embarrassed to tell anyone in my life about it. i tried to do the second semester but it didn’t work out. i think i dropped it after the first day. that must have been, what.... january 2017?? february? something like that. at that point i was 19 years old and didn’t have much hope at all. even so, i decided to try and get a part-time job. i had tried to get a seasonal position during the holidays, but had only gotten one interview that i bombed. so i didn’t really have any expectations. i applied to a bunch of places and got one call, one interview for a sales associate position at a women’s clothing store. i went and actually had some interesting things to say because i’m really into clothing and at the time was selling vintage clothing online. so i got hired in march 2017 as a part-time sales associate. i was really anxious there for a while but i eventually acclimated and actually got friendly with some people there, and in october i got promoted to supervisor. at that point i was probably the happiest and most stable i’ve ever been. and i was good at my job. then, time passed, and things started the change. i’m not sure when. maybe january or february of this year. i got more and more depressed, and now, in june, i’m truly starting to feel like i don’t have any more options. 
i feel stuck. and i know a lot of this is because i have bipolar disorder. i didn’t mention it, but there were some fucked up manic episodes in the middle of all this. luckily, the worst of it happened before i got hired. but part of me believes that some of this goes back to my childhood. i still don’t feel like i know how to interact with the world because of how i grew up. is that what’s really holding me back? i don’t have it in me to try and fight that when i’ve never known anything different. it would take a lot of time and a lot of effort to help myself in that regard. and as far as the bipolar goes, i have done, am doing, everything that i can. it seems to always come back to this. in the past when i’ve been suicidal it’s been out of fear and desperation, but now, i feel like i just don’t have any more options. how long can i keep trying? i can barely make myself go to work at this point. in the past week, i’ve cried before every single shift because i’m so desperate for a break, because i feel so tired and worn out and nothing ever stops. i don’t want my life to be this hard. i look at other people, about how they do all these activities in their free time when they’re not working and i wonder how they do it. i can’t do anything other than go to work. i can barely do that. and now, when i go, i’m starting to think i shouldn’t even keep this job. i’m not performing as well as i used to, and i know people have noticed. i just think it might be time to throw in the towel. game over, you tried, but life just isn’t for you. i wish it weren’t the case, but i think it might be.
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Parasites-How Do You Know if You Have Worms and What to Do About Them
Parasites-How Do You Know if You Have Worms and What to Do About Them
I had a client a while back who had this question for me: "I've noticed that I've been getting menstrual cramps the last few months and I don't usually have them. Can you tell me what you think it is?"
It was determined, strangely or not so strangely enough, that the cause of those menstrual cramps was parasites! And this isn't the only disease caused, in part, by parasites. Read on...
I recommend for her, and for you, that you worm both your pets and yourselves about twice a year.
I've tried natural wormers over the years--actually LOTS of natural wormers such as: garlic, cloves, black walnut, cilantro, wormwood, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, diatomaceous earth, Rascal, Zymex, Vermifuge, several other natural wormer formulas and homeopathics, but nothing seems that effective. I've even tried the Hulda Clarke "Zapper" (which does not work by the way, because the voltage of the thing is not strong enough to penetrate the fecal material within the bowels--save your money by not purchasing or building one!) I am sorry to report (as a naturopath) that studies show these herbal treatments are only about 20% effective. The Certified Organic organization says when all else fails, use ivermectin (which is not organic in any way), but have you seen the list of side affects to that particular product? Three pages long!
I will say that when a client comes to me, I ask them if they have any cravings. One sure sign they are "wormy" is when they tell me they crave cloves. Clove oil has been shown to penetrate the egg and kill it where the other herbs only kill the adults. Herbs that kill parasites are often found in herbal cancer formulas because parasites are often a core cause of that particular disease.
One reason why I push so much for routine worming is that the medical field often misses this diagnosis--especially if you don't have a history of traveling outside the United States where parasites are often a big issue. I love working in my garden and often I am an open-mouth breather when I'm working up the soil. We also live in a windy area and dirt from the wheat and grass fields is often in the air. I try to wash my hands frequently, but anyone who works in the dirt knows that it's nearly impossible to keep from getting it on you.
Another reason why I stay on top of the worm situation is that worms carry viruses into our body. Some of these viruses can cause cancer, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and a host of other horrid diseases.
In my opinion, the safest, cheapest, easiest, most effective way to worm yourself and your pets of the most common worms (roundworms--also called strongyles, thread worms, pinworms, ascarids) is to go to the local feed store and get a bottle of horse or dog roundwormer--Equi-Phar, ProTal, Strongid-T, and Nemex are all trade names of Pyrantel Pamoate. I say this because when you ask your doctor for a wormer, they usually tell you there is no need for you to be wormed. Make sure it says Pyrantel Pamoate on the label and nothing else added. Combination wormers are not always needed and not always safe.
Dosage: Use the dose of 5-10 mg/kilogram bodyweight (about 1 ml/5 to 10 pounds of a 50mg/ml solution) of bodyweight for dogs and humans and 1 ½ ml/5 to 10 pounds for cats. One teaspoon is 5 ml or cc (ml and cc are the same unit of volume). If you are not good at math, you'll want to double-check that you are taking the correct dosage. Although this wormer is so safe that you can take 40 times the amount with no harmful side effects, you don't want to under dose. And, "If a little is good, a LOT is not necessary better." The most common side effect is nausea so take this product with something on your stomach like a small meal or a few crackers.
One dose is all it takes, but you may have to give a second dose 7-10 days after the first dose for the initial worming or if the wormload is quite large. I use this once a year now for myself as I have had a history of heart palpitations (another symptom associated with parasites.) The worms will be dead within 20 minutes. You won't feel anything and should have no side-effects. You won't see anything pass into the toilet as a general rule but if you are wondering about what is passing, a photo often helps. Often people will mistake intestinal shreds for flatworms or tapeworms and undigested food for parasites. This wormer will not kill those types of parasties. Occasionally I see a pet get nauseated with an overdose, but in 30 years, I have never seen any other side-effect.
Will store-bought wormer work the same? No. Many stores still carry Piperazine wormer which has been so overused that it is no longer an effective wormer. Piperazine is often marketed as a "monthly" wormer in the pet sections. I once saw a litter of eight puppies in full seizure who had just been wormed that week with piperazine. Imagine eight cute little Golden Retreiver puppies laying on their sides shaking. It was horrifying! I immediately wormed them with Pyrantel and the worms just flowed out their little rectums and the seizures stopped within 20 minutes. It was incredible to watch!
If the product you purchase contains a tapeworm medicine (like clorpyriphos which is an organophosphate wormer), that may cause some serious side affects. Never use these store bought wormers on pregnant animals. The animal's guts can contract so strongly to pass the worms that they can rupture their uterus and die. Always get tapeworm medicine from your doctor or veterinarian as we carry much safer brands than the grocery or feed stores do. Tobacco plug is also not safe. Don't use it.
How do you get worms? We pick up worms from some of the things we eat, from the dirt, and from the dust we breathe in. Eating dirt is a sign of iron deficiency. We should talk if you are doing that... I got pin worms when I was a little girl by eating a mud pie (my friend said she'd give me a nickel if I did it!) Pinworms are the equivalent of cat and dog roundworms, only they are a different species of worm so are not passed from us to them and vice-versa. See more on that below.
Most adults (pets and people) have enough enzymes in their mouths to break down most of the eggs coming in through our mouths and nose, our stomach acids break down even more, but some eggs get by both of those back-up systems where they hatch, find a home, and grow into adults within about 10-14 days in our small intestine. After 14 days, these adult parasites are producing more eggs--millions of them in their lifetime. Yuk!
We see worms most commonly in baby animals and humans because their salivary enzymes are not as strong, the hydrochloric stomach acids have not been totally developed yet, and because they have oral fixations and put lots of things into their mouths--they ingest more dirt than adults. Their immune systems cannot keep up with that. The "load" (number of worms) gets so great in the small intestine that it spills over into the large intestine and into the stomach. This is why it is so common to see babies either vomit worms or poop them out. Because adults have a better immune system, the load is controlled and the worms like the environment of the small intestine, so that is where they stay. We may still have worms, but it is not as evident as it was when we were young children (or pets under a year of age.)
How do you know if you should take a wormer?
Signs of roundworms include, fevers, cough, wheezing, stomach problems, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramping, appendicitis, gas, bloating, increased cramping (menstrual), heart palpitations, pain in the lower right quadrant that comes and goes (spasms in the ileocecal valve), itchy anus', dry lusterless hair with split ends, seizures, pica appetite (often for sugar), clear mucous strands in the stool (yes you should be looking at it each time you go! And yes, I will ask you what it looks like if you ever consult with me.) People and animals with lots of parasites also have big bellies and lots of diameter below the belly button caused from the intestines losing their tone. Most times worms can be diagnosed by looking at the bowel contents under a microscope or doing a blood test, but not always. Protozooal parasites such as giardia are often missed.
Can I get roundworms and tapeworms from my pets?
Good question, and I get that a lot. If you worm your pets regularly, you won't have this problem. Dog and cat worms are different than most human worms. There are only a few species of worms that are zoonotic (passed from your dogs and cats to you)--one of those is Toxoplasma cati, which is passed to the human from cat feces and causes blindness in children. But, the Pyrantel Pamoate kills that and if you clean the litter box every day, the probability of that being passed is nearly nil. Giardia lamblia, an intestinal protozoal parasite can be passed to you through your pet as well, but mostly humans get Giardia from drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated lettuce or water chestnuts. Mange is NOT passed from animals to humans and neither are head lice or public lice. Tapeworms are not transferred from dogs and cats to people (but they are from fish and some farm animals). Tapeworms are treated with different drugs than roundworms.
Ring worm is not actually a parasitic worm. It is really a fungus and that, too, can be passed from your pets to you. We have fantastic homeopathic drops for that, but keeping the area scrubbed and applying iodine to it can help. Also keeping your immune system and that of your pet healthy with good high-quality foods helps immensely.
Well, that's worms in a nutshell (or in this case, an intestine!) Appetizing, eh?
Source by Denice Moffat
Post Source Here: Parasites-How Do You Know if You Have Worms and What to Do About Them
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wellpersonsblog · 8 years
3 Tips To Help Quit Smoking
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Quitter’s Circle, a collaboration between the American Lung Association and Pfizer. All thoughts and opinions presented in this post are purely my own.
  Hi Friends!
Don’t worry, you’re not at the wrong blog.
A few months ago, the folks at the American Lung Association & Pfizer reached out to me about a partnership. They’ve developed Quitter’s Circle, a website full of information, resources, and tips for those who want to quit smoking and their supporters. There’s even an app that both quitters and supporters can use. We’ve all seen the graphic ads and images of quit smoking campaigns, but I’m a big fan of supporting someone to quit smoking with positive encouragement and lots and lots of support.
While I’ve never been a smoker, something you guys may not know is that hubby started smoking while we were in college. Since we dated for most of our college careers, I can remember plenty of cold nights standing outside with him while he smoked one last cigarette before bed, plenty of drives with the windows down to let smoke out of the car and plenty of loads of laundry that smelled like smoke.
Eventually, I put my foot down and encouraged him to quit. I believe it was the summer before our senior year when he decided he was ready. I’ll never forget him calling me late one night while he was digging through the trash can trying to find that last pack of cigarettes he threw away because he just wasn’t sure he could do it. It’s scary to think how cigarettes can really have a hold on us sometimes.
In the end, I’m so proud to say he beat smoking and I like to think I played a supportive role in the process. I truly believe quitting smoking is a huge step toward improving your health and the health of those around you (i.e. my health and the health of our future children is what I was thinking at the time). (1)
I put together a few tips to help quit smoking for you or someone you know and wanted to share them with you today.
#1: Set new goals to focus on
Think of quitting as taking a step toward a healthier life. (1) Once you’ve made the decision to quit, it may help to set a couple of new health-related goals to focus on to help distract you from the temptation of smoking.
For example, you could use this as an opportunity to improve your eating habits! Set a goal to meal plan and food prep for 4 weeks in a row. Or pick a new physical activity, skill or hobby to work on improving. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try Crossfit or a Body Pump class at the gym – now would be a great time! Or maybe you want to learn to play the guitar that’s been sitting untouched in the corner for the past few years.
Having something else to work toward besides the single goal of quitting smoking may help give you something to focus on other than the task of quitting smoking, which might seem overwhelming at times, and can also help distract you from temptation.
#2: Plan ahead
Many people enjoy the social aspect of smoking and the breaks it provides in their day. An important part of quitting is planning ahead so you can be ready when the urge strikes. (2) Consider keeping a journal where you record when urges strike so you can see patterns and work to address (or avoid) them.
Keep healthy snacks and drinks on hand. Snacks that can be eaten slowly over a period of time, like trail mix, popcorn, etc. are a good start. Also keep water (plain or flavored) on hand at all times to keep you hydrated, and keep your hands and mouth busy! (3)
Over the next couple of months, I’ll be sharing a few nutritious recipes that might be helpful while trying to quit (but are also delicious enough for anyone to enjoy!). I’ve got a couple of healthy snacks that pack a nutrition punch and can also be eaten slowly to keep your hands busy, a pre-portioned dessert you can keep in the freezer and more! So stay tuned!
If you feel the need to get away from your desk, grab a friend and go for a quick 5-10 minute power walk break instead of a smoke break. (4)
If you know alcohol inhibits your ability to resist cigarettes, consider cutting back on alcoholic drinks while you’re trying to quit smoking to help avoid giving in to cigarette cravings. (5)
Remove triggers from your routine. If you usually start the day with a cigarette, try changing up the order of your morning routine, choosing a new healthy breakfast (or adding breakfast to your routine!), or add in a morning workout. Anything you can do to avoid following the same morning routine where you’ll encounter triggers and urges to smoke is a step in the right direction!
#3: Have a Support System in Place
There’s no doubt that quitting smoking is hard, but having a support system in place can help. (2)
Tell your friends and family that you’re planning to quit. Talk to others who have quit successfully about what worked for them. Lean on your support system when you slip-up or when you’re having a stressful day and fill them in when you successfully resist a craving so they can cheer you on!
If you’re looking to be a support system for someone trying to quit, this DIY Quit Kit is a great gift idea!
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
[1]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking & Tobacco Use: Benefits of Quitting http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit_smoking/how_to_quit/benefits/index.htm. Updated December 5, 2014. Accessed October 18, 2016.
[2]Fiore MC, Jaén CR, Baker TB, Bailey WC, Benowitz NL, Curry SJ, Dorfman SF, Froelicher ES, Goldstein MG, Froelicher ES, Healton CG, et al. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update—Clinical Practice Guidelines. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2008.
[3]Spigt (Eur J Neurol 2005) Spigt MG, Kujiper EC, Schayck CP, Troost J, Knipschild PG, Linssen VM, Knottnerus JA. Increasing the daily water intake for the prophylactic treatment of headache: a pilot trial. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(9):715-718. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2005.01081.x
[4]Bowler DE, Buyung-Ali LM, Knight TM, Pullin AS. A systematic review of evidence for the added benefits to health of exposure to natural environments. BMC Public Health. 2010;10:456. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-456.
[5]McClernon FJ, Westman EC, Rose JE, Lutz AM. The effects of foods, beverages, and other factors on cigarette palatability. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007;9(4):505–510. doi:10.1080/14622200701243177
The post 3 Tips To Help Quit Smoking appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.
First found here: 3 Tips To Help Quit Smoking
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