#I’ve never watched ofmd n I’ve been really wanting to
centaur-dreaming · 11 months
This just in: Woman is woken from peaceful sleep by realisation that Stede Bonnet aka Rhys Darby is the voice of Coran from VLD and has only just put two and two together upon hearing his voice in a fucking tv commercial
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blackbeardsemophase · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @thermoskind
three ships: listen....idk if these are my top three but these are the ones i’m feelin most rn I think
gentlebeard. ofc. who are we kidding. i know everyone keeps saying this but this ship has altered my brain chemistry. any other ship i have ever shipped has only led to this i swear. i started watching ofmd on a whim because i liked taika via WWDITS and jojo rabbit. i really had no idea this ship was going to happen and i didn’t even watch in real time y’all. i just didn’t see any spoilers because i’d been out of fandom spaces for....idk, legit years until this show
destiel. i know. i know. but this ship feels like its in my dna at this point; i spent so long on supernatural you guys. that show did me and everyone so fkn dirty but man. it’s like...imagine what could’ve been?
wayhaught. i never see anybody talking about this one but!!! i really enjoyed watching wynonna earp and waverly and nicole are so good together....such a feel good ship. i think i may rewatch soon because i honestly don’t think i’m caught up due to streaming service issues i was having.
my honorable mentions are going to be laszlo/nadja because i love them SO much but who doesn’t ship them - they’re literally married. and marriage goals too lbr.
first ever ship:
“peterick” i can’t believe i am admitting this lol please don’t judge me but i got into fanfiction and shipping so young that the first people i can remember shipping were pete and patrick from fob. which is super embarrassing lol. but hey....that’s what happens when you’re a tween i guess. i thought much differently about RPF at 12 than i do now obv....
last song:
tearin’ up my heart by *NSYNC which is really funny because i don’t necessarily listen to *NSYNC much and when i do it’s one of their singles, but i’ve been very much into 90′s pop lately while i’m driving or working. 
last film:
i jusr rewatched suicide squad (the good one) tonight, but the last movie i watched for the first viewing of it was bullet train i believe. and it was fuckin fire.
currently reading:
this is going to sound terrible, but i haven’t read a book in ages. i just don’t have the attention span to concentrate sadly. i also have to read a lot for work so that doesn’t help.
currently watching:
i’ve been watching abbott elementary as it airs, and i enjoy it. it’s an easy watch and kinda reminds me of parks n rec, which is one of my all time favorite shows. i’ve also started watching doom patrol and that’s decent as well.
currently consuming:
i am addicted to the luigi’s lemon flavored italian ice. the ones you buy at the grocery store? yeah. i just had that.
currently craving:
if we’re talking food? i’ve wanted a dairy queen blizzard for the past week. otherwise, i ********************
anyways, thank you for the tag!
let’s see if i can come up with ten folks here to tag: @red-sky-in-mourning @dirtgrub @blackbeardskneebrace @forest-sprites @taikawaititisbellypudge @appleteeth @mossknit @stedesparasol  @ourflagmeansgayrights @pradelle
this was a bit of fun but no pressure to anyone to do one :)
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turq8 · 2 years
Okay, I’m on my 4th (5th?) rewatch of OFMD, but I tend to get distracted easily and I really wanted to note down all these little details to maybe write some meta, so here are my notes for episodes 2-5 from that
Ep 2:
-Izzy wants the hostages to sell them, but it's probably a bad idea for Stede to do that bc they're witnesses to his crimes. But he already sent someone back to the ship so maybe that ship has sailed (lol)
-when Buttons first meets Izzy, he tells him exactly how many men they have and where they are, but later in ep 8 when Calico Jack is asking about Blackbeard, he's noticeably cagier about answering; did he learn not to tell strangers potentially important info?
-during the hearing, Stede hallucinates Nigel talking about how he might have children that will "never see Papa again" and that's what sets Stede off about how he's killed someone... Shortly after that he says he doesn't feel bad about killing Nigel, and when someone suggests that he's feeling guilty about something else, we see a flashback of him looking in on his children the night he left
-obviously Black Pete talks a big game about working for Blackbeard but I literally don't think we see Ed recognize/acknowledge him once lmao
Ep 3:
-is this (& the bit at the end of ep 2) the extent of what we see of Blackbeard's ship?? Where the fuck IS it for the rest of the season?
-there's just skulls everywhere lmaooo that's so dramatic
-what exactly is the backstory for Olu & Jim? Bc Jackie says Olu is the one who suggested Jim as a server, and that was before Jim killed her husband and then they both ran and joined Stede's crew. Plus in ep 7 Olu says he's known Jim for like a year, and I don't think Stede's been sailing for that long, bc Jim writes that they've been in disguise and on the lam for 28 days in ep 2. What happened in the previous several months??
-"I explicitly told him 'Blackbeard desires his company'" IZZY HANDS YOU FUCKING LIAR, YOU SAID NO SUCH THING
-Jim and Olu are arguing about how he dragged them out before they could get their family dagger back, Lucius brings them said dagger, they say "now THIS. Is a good friend" very pointedly to Olu, kiss Lucius, and then hit Olu with THIS look:
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That's a hell of a message.
-everyone except Lucius screaming while Jim's "nose" is pulled off is always funny
Ep 4:
-the date they use on Stede's gravestone for his birthday is his historical baptism date lol
-Fang HISSES at them before telling them to get back to work
-I've seen a couple posts discussing what a terrible listener Stede is but I don't think anyone's mentioned Mary's "I hate the ocean, I literally said that the other day" when he's already started having the boat built as an example
-I love Ed giggling at all the trinkets as he goes through Stede's cabinet lol
-Izzy pleading with Ed to focus while Ed's distracted by the trinkets. Ed's brain literally never turns off (he noticed the clouds that morning, and then later has Lucius start counting down for 147 minutes- until dusk because he’s been working the plan the whole time) and he never stops moving, he's always fidgeting. His big frustration and source of boredom is that he's not being challenged anymore because being Blackbeard is too easy. That's ADHD babes
-As an addendum, I think the stillest we see him is when he's watching over Stede
-At literally the first possible opportunity to separate himself from "Blackbeard", he introduces himself as Ed
-Gnossiennes No. 5 starts playing just before "Do you fancy a fine fabric" and I have passed away, the musical director(s) were really on their shit because this also plays at "what makes Ed happy" 😭
(also it continues playing until Izzy comes in looking for Ed)
-Ok, so they go into the secret closet. There's the part with the actual closet, but behind them when they come in, we see a wardrobe and possibly more space to the right given how the light is coming in. 
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In Ep. 6 when Ed has his panic attack, he goes through the secret door and then the next time we see him is in the bathtub, but I can't imagine he would have left the secret passage to go there if it was somewhere else on the ship. Ergo, the bathtub is behind the secret door. Where am I going with this? In Ep 2, Jim knows Stede has a bathtub -> Jim knows about the secret passage.  Does the whole crew know about the passages, or just Jim (and Olu presumably)?  Food for thought for season 2.
-I don't see enough discussion about how Ed's fog trick is literally some Sherlock Holmes shit. More master strategist in season 2 please!!
-okay wait, everyone's on about how 1717 wasn't even a leap year, but I think even more importantly is that it's literally been months since the leap day and Ed would have been watching the moon cycle the whole time, so it's weird that he got tripped up on that. also we can literally check what phase the moon was on for September 1 1717, and it was just about 1st quarter which is a full week from full lol (I suspect the sources I'm using are on the Gregorian calendar, but the English colonies used the Julian calendar until 1752, and when they made the switch they added 11 days, so Sept 1 of the Julian calendar is Sept 12 on the Gregorian calendar.  Then again, France and Spain (and their colonies) switched in 1582, so who the fuck knows what calendar Blackbeard would have been using.  Either way though, the moon definitely isn’t full.). I have now officially put more thought into this than the writers did.
-Anyway Ed just builds a lighthouse rig out of a lantern, a mirror, a beam, some rope, and some booze bc he's brilliant??
Ep 5:
-In the flashback to Ed's past, you can see his dad passed out at the table- FORESHADOWING
-Ed wants to go to this fancy party so, so badly and it makes me want to cry a little
-Ed! In purple! With bows in his beard!
-"How do I win this interaction" that line is so telling
-3 different times in the show, people come up to Stede and say "there's a rumor going around about you". First is Nigel in ep 1, about Stede running off to be a pirate; second is in Ep 5, when they ask if he's Sir Godfrey; third is in Ep 10, when his old acquaintances ask again if it was true he became a pirate, but this time it's in awe instead of derision. Not sure exactly what that means but it feels important.
-"Would you be willing to palpitate my wife?"
Stede and Ed, who have no idea what phrenology is: 😳
-This ep is Frenchie at his absolute best
-"I killed a Prussian once" impulsive blurting out, Ed has ADHD example #374
-Ed can play the harpsichord (?), where would he have picked this up?
-Every line of the drawing scene is perfect
-there's been so much written about it already, but the turn when Ed realizes that they're laughing AT him, not WITH him is amazing
-Lucius is so powerful in that scene with Izzy
-Stede is also so powerful in the gossip scene, his pettiness knows no bounds and he completely destroys the reputations of an entire room of people just because they made Ed upset
-the way the scene ends with Ed staring at Stede, and then when it pans out from the ship Ed is STILL staring and you get the sense that he has barely taken his eyes off of Stede
-If I loved the moonlight scene less, I might be able to talk about it more
-Gnossiennes No. 5 again 😭 that's their love theme. It starts the moment Ed looks back up at him and I've seen someone point that out as the *moment* Ed falls (whether or not he actually realized it then)
-God I just want to dissect every second of the little nod to himself, deep breath, step forward, slight lean in and then pulling back and all but running away when Stede doesn't reciprocate because FUCK
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