#I’ve seen people say: why do people in the districts have children?
darknesspervades · 4 months
I’ve seen people talk about the tesserae system and how exploitative it is, how it strengthens class divide, how it targets the lower class, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone discuss that it’s actively a reward for having children.
Same as how women were given a small amount of money and rewards for each child they had in fascist Germany, the tesserae system works to exploit people’s desperation to have more children. Again, it enforces the hope in the hunger games; especially in the larger districts, it can be seen as a reward for very little risk.
It makes participation in Hunger Games (and thus the act having children itself) become an active job - a responsibility for which families are rewarded. This is especially interesting because we do not know much about the treatment of women, but it definitely shows how Panem was at least built on a misogynistic society, if it isn’t actively Patriarchal itself, because it implies that women are treated as little more than mothers when having children is a viable source of food for a while.
And that then exacerbates class warfare. It turns the lower classes on the middle classes, as they are not so desperate as to risk losing a child just to survive.
It’s implied in Mockingjay that the human race was on the brink of extinction in Panem, so rewarding people for having kids was very likely a way to combat humanity’s dwindling numbers.
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
This is an assumption. But why do you think JK bought his property in Itaewon out of all places ? And now building a mansion there which means that will be his main house he decides to settle. I've seen all korean stars buying their homes to love with their family in more decent and high end areas like Gagnam, Hannam etc. No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
I understand tone can’t be accurately interpreted with written words, so I just want to make my tone clear first and foremost.
I’m speaking with no harshness, judgement or condescension.
DM me and we can delulu cutely together with no air of authority on the matter, cos we should know we don’t know shit, but can still want to coo and dream with others 🤗.
We’ve seen and been outraged by sasaengs and their stalking of members and called them out at times. We’ve literally seen Jungkook on live entering his apartment and being annoyed with sasaengs loitering outside of his building, he has even said in that same live that he knows people knows where he lives and posted online.
Put yourselves in their shoes, who wants millions knowing your full address and being able to turn up unannounced? Because they’re fans of your music, of your image? I’m gonna leave that there.
I will say in regards to Itaewon, I’m not Korean, I don’t have a Korean father, a Korean brother, a Korean bff who works at Hybe, nothing. I do have a friend who went on a program, studied there and lived there for years but that’s it. I don’t know anything about Itaewon apart from the Halloween tragedy and a K-Drama. So guess what I did, yup you guessed it, I GOGGLED💪
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No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
Incoming cheeky tone…I thought I said ‘genuine asks’? This right here sounds like laying down the groundwork to paint a certain picture of Jungkook?🤔🤨
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You said: ‘I’ve seen all Korean stars buying their homes to live with their families in more decent high end areas like Gangnam, Hannam etc’.
I say: That’s a pretty bold, blanket statement 😬
Famous idol Rain and his actress wife and children have a home in Itaewon as do many other celebrities with their spouses, partners and families
Actor Song Joong-Ki and his British wife, who was pregnant at the time, moved to his Itaewon mansion along with her family from the UK. They welcomed a baby girl in 2023.
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Chaebols like those belonging to the Samsung family also have homes in Itaewon
Doing my googles, Itaewon is known as ‘a multi-cultural commercial area located in Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Seoul, known for its nightlife and trendy restaurants.’ ‘Seoul's International District’.
I know some other places that sound like the above.. London…New York…Paris…
I wonder where the prostitution, drugs and one night stands come into it for people who wanna buy or build houses in those cities?
Jungkook is currently a 26 year old multimillionaire, who is a member of one of the biggest groups in not just South Korea, but the world, so I guess he’ll have lots to do when he’s not working his ass off with his intense more than full time job. Settling somewhere with family…I’m sure he’ll take Bam into consideration in his plans, wherever it may be.
Something I did find cool when doing my googles 😁
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‘Korean singer-songwriter JYP (Park Jin-young) and Yoo Se-yoon's hip hop duo UV released the song "Itaewon Freedom" in April 2011. The title alludes to (and the lyrics celebrate) a common Korean perception of Itaewon's "open atmosphere", in contrast with conventional Korean culture, which is more conservative.’
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LGBTQIA+ ‘haven’ Itaewon
‘The 2020 South Korean Netflix television series Itaewon Class is set in Itaewon. The drama was praised for its diverse and inclusive cast and its realistic portrayal of subjects such as prejudice and discrimination against foreigners, ex-convicts and the LGBT people, as well as the portrayal of misbehaviors by chaebol corporations.’
Sounds like Itaewon is a cool, diverse, inclusive place, full of sites & attractions, shops and good food. If a 26+ year old man that’s been working and in the public eye since 13/14 wanted to build a home there, Itaewon sounds like a great place and a good investment.
I’d love to visit there, if I ever had the time AND money 🥲
Thanks for the ask, it caused me to learn something new!
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s-j320 · 10 months
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It always felt like this.
Like she was alone. But the difference this time was that the room was full of people.
People who came to congratulate her, her and her district partner.
‘Hey have you seen Peeta?’
‘Excuse me? I’m sorry but have you seen the other victor?’
You couldn’t find him, asking every person that was here tonight if they have seen him.
But nothing
She looked up. There were the starts, she wishes
you could see them better.
She climbed the stairs to the roof, it was silent here.
She put her Champagner flute on the ground and sat down, If Effie could see what she’s doing in this dress she’d be dead.
Like all the other tributes, she won. Not fair or square but she did.
‘Hey’ she turned around seeing Peeta
‘Hey, where were you? I’ve searched all over the place’ she said looking at him
‘Oh I met some of the other victors, they quite .. interesting’ he laughed
‘You and the socialising’
‘Someone needs to ’ he sat down next to her also looking at the starts
‘I always wanted to see the start closer.’ She admitted to him
‘They always remind me of home, when picked up things from the field early at day before the sun even rose’
He listens to her voice like it’s a melody, he loved to hear her voice. His dreams have been plagued by her voice since early teenager years
‘When I look at them they remind me of your eyes, they shine so bright with willpower that people just need to believe you’ he said moving a hair that fell in her face behind her ear
She raised her eyebrows and looked at him ‘really?’
He nodded and looked behind her in the horizon, both of them were sure that the other could hear their pulse.
‘Happy July begin my love’ Peeta said in a smooth calm soothing voice
‘Happy July begin to you* she smiled at him. July didn’t have any meaning to the capitol. But at 12 in the first summer night, was special.
It was tradition. The children helped the parents cook, clean or hunt.
After this the whole town met and they ate, danced and sung together like they had no problems in the world.
‘You were always a good dancer’ Y/N joked
‘And you were always stepping on my foot’ he replied
‘Shut up’ she rolled her eyes playfully
‘I miss home’ she looked at him
‘I don’t. Wanna know why?’ She nodded ‘because I’m home where ever you are’ he said in a calm serious tone
‘Charmer.’ She again rolled her eyes, he laughed
‘I’m honest I promise’ he turned his head towards her
‘If I’m not with you I fell homesick, and abandoned. But if I’m with you, the games didn’t even have a meaning for me. They just happend and we killed people’ she looked back at him
‘I love you. Y/N. And I have since we were children, since we run together in the river and making our mothers scared and angry’ she laughed when she remembers the moment
‘I would bring you every star in this universe just so I could call you mine’ he confessed. She teared up
‘I love you too mellark’ she kissed him. She kissed him deeply and passionate.
He kissed back.
If you’d ask them which July night was the best in their lives, it would be easy both would say that, it was the nights in July they spend in district 12
before both of them were picked and thrown into the arena. Before the bombing on 12 or the rebellion. Even before of them being together.
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swanimagines · 6 months
Hi! Can I get E12 + Peeta Mellark! Thank you!
Prompt: E12. Sitting by the fire
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When you first met Peeta, you had never paid a thought on developing a crush on him when you'd grown up. You were actually annoyed by him trying to be your friend - you had always been alone, you had survived alone. You didn't need someone coddling you like a child. Even when you were children at the time.
Him not caring about you trying to push you away eventually developed into a tentative friendship. You still had your walls up, but Peeta just... knew what to say, how to chip your walls away. He even got you to open up a few times. You told him about always being an outcast in your District - District 9. People there seemed to think there was some kind of curse upon you, as everyone around you was always sent to be hunted at the Hunger Games, and they never won. Even those who said they didn’t believe in it, had started to avoid you.
And in a way, you were scared about it too. Letting anyone close would sentence them to death, so you started to avoid any friendships, any kind of relationships. Eventually, you fled your District, smuggled yourself to the farthest District you could get to. You built yourself a little hut in the woods and did as much by yourself as possible.
You knew that getting caught would end up in great trouble, but at least that trouble would only be bestowed upon you. Hardly no one knew who you were, where you came from and why you are rarely seen and don’t talk to anyone.
You were barely a teenager when you arrived in District 12. In the middle of the night, you found yourself a place to be, and only a month later, you first met Peeta, who had become curious of the mysterious person who lives by themselves in the woods. Compared to how your relationship left off, you shouting at him to get out of your property and then giving him silent treatment when he kept coming back, it was a surprise you had grown close over these three years.
Still, every year you dreaded the Games coming again. Year by year, the feeling grew - this time Peeta would get chosen. This time he would die. This time the curse would hit him too.
And every year, Peeta came over the previous night and stayed with you, reassuring you that he wouldn’t leave you. He reminded you about how narrow the chance is, he held your hand, making your heart race, making all the flashbacks take a step back.
The flames danced in your eyes as Peeta held your hand. He ran his thumb over your knuckles, staring into the fire with you, and you swallowed.
“What if… what if it happens this time?” you mumbled. “You have more and more entries every year, and you’re already sixteen. The chance grows each time, and–”
“I know,” Peeta interrupted you. “I just try to not think about it.”
You huffed. “I’ve only been at the Reaping two times. And both times, someone I knew was chosen and died. I was probably the only one there who wished it would be me. I would have thrown myself at someone purposefully, so I wouldn’t curse anyone ever again.”
You saw from the corner of your eye that Peeta had turned his head towards you. Some years ago, back when you met, he might have told you you’re not a curse, just incredibly unlucky. And how everyone in your District surely knew you somehow, they would have accused you about anyone. But now, he just let go of your hand and pulled you into him, stroking your back as you leaned against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
He still said it, but wordlessly. He knew you appreciated it more than him saying it. Words had little weight compared to actions with you. Yet another thing Peeta knew to do just right, which anyone else didn’t know how to do. You almost felt like he was meant to be there, you were meant to meet him. As if he was your soulmate, like in some silly romance book you once read when Peeta gave you that as a gift.
You wished you had enough courage to kiss him, you wished you would just sit up and lean in. Take the leap, take the risk. But you were still afraid, after all this time - if Peeta was chosen, his likely rejection would feel even more crushing. And if he returned your feelings and was chosen - your heart would break once he was killed. And in any case, you believed it was Katniss he wanted. Not you. Who would want you anyway?
Lying here against him was a momentary comfort for what tomorrow would bring. You wouldn’t be able to attend - officials would return you to District 9 right after they discovered you don’t belong in District 12. You always hid away on that day. District 9 had likely announced you dead by now, not seen for years.
“You come right back to me when the Reaping is over,” you muttered, feeling his hand rubbing your arm. “I want to know immediately when you get out. The feeling is worse this year.”
“You say that every year.”
“But this year it’s actually worse, a lot worse.”
He didn’t reply, just sighed, knowing there was no use in arguing. You were quiet for a moment again, before Peeta shifted slightly.
“It’s late. Do you want me to stay over?”
You slowly sat up, meeting his eyes briefly. “I may not be able to sleep.”
He stood up and held his hand out to you. “Then you’ll listen to me snoring. Maybe that will comfort you.”
You bit back a smile at that, taking his hand and letting him pull you up. You stood there for a moment, and you swore you saw him glancing at your lips. And at that moment, a voice started chanting in your head.
Kiss him.
Kiss him.
Kiss him.
But you pulled away, clearing your throat. Peeta frowned at you, and you took in a shaky breath. “Are you sure you want to come over?”
He stared at you for a moment and nodded, and you kicked dirt on the fireplace to extinguish the flames. You then turned towards your hut, but were stopped by Peeta grasping your hand. “Wait.”
You turned back to face him, cocking your head. He smiled, a kind of smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, and your heart started to race.
“What is it?” you whispered, somehow knowing where this was going, but you didn’t dare hope.
“I said I don’t believe I’ll be chosen, but… if I still–”
You shook your head. “Don’t say that, it’s enough that I’m–”
He interrupted you, “I want to look at you one last time. I want to remember your face if I end up dying on that battlefield.”
Your lips parted slightly, and you blinked at him. “Peeta, what are you–”
And then, his lips were on yours, and the world seemed warmer once more.
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waywardangel-wilds · 5 months
lol why did i cut this? it's kind of funny:
“How you doing?” The talk-show’s hosts words were drowned out by the crowds cheering. “Thank you for watching!” The host laughed as the cheers continued. She looked directly into the camera “It’s time for the hot topics.”
“So, people are very very very excited for the Hunger Games this year,” the crowd cheered again. “Yeah! So I thought, maybe I could help you handle those emotions.” She smiled conspiracy.
“All eyes are on District Twelve this year.” Our pictures were projected on the screen behind the host, some of the crowd cheered, others whistled. “Yes! I know. A cute pair. Turns out they’re a couple.” The host made a face. “Or so they say.”
The camera panned over the crowd; a woman made a disapproving face. “What?” the host asked. “You know how these people are. They’re liars, playing a game! Have you seen this little girl?” My picture filled up the screen, “She needs all the help she can get.”
“And she’s a cute little thing, I’m sure. But a victor? C’mon.” She picked up the mug at her side and took a long drink.
“What about the— ” someone said offscreen. The camera panned over to a man with an earpiece. “The fashion.” He clarified.
“And what’s his name again? What? Kristine, you’re joking. Pee-ta? Peeta Mellark? What in the hillbilly… I’m sure his parents loved him but… yikes. Some people are too dumb for children, that’s all I’m saying.”
“so District Twelve is doing the fire theme. And I loved it. Listen, I hate it when the fans go up in a tizzy, but is this your fashion icon? This is your fashion icon. This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen!”
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mollywog · 1 year
Let's talk about Mr Everdeen, Mrs Everdeen, and Mr Mellark.
“He said, ‘See that little girl? I wanted to marry her mother, but she ran off with a coal miner,’” Peeta says.
“What? You’re making that up!” I exclaim.
“No, true story,” Peeta says. “And I said, ‘A coal miner? Why did she want a coal miner if she could’ve had you?’ And he said, ‘Because when he sings... even the birds stop to listen.’”
From this, do you think Mr Mellark had serious relationship with Mrs Everdeen?
Do you think her family disown her, after Mrs Everdeen marry with Mr Everdeen?
Thank you :) @curiousnonny
Okay so I guess I jumped the gun and already started talking about this
Now I’m thinking about some parallels between Katniss and her mother.
Mrs. Everdeen
How revolutionary was it that Mrs. Everdeen married someone outside of the Merchant side of town?
My mother’s parents were part of the small merchant class that caters to officials, Peacekeepers, and the occasional Seam customer. They ran an apothecary shop in the nicer part of District 12. Since almost no one can afford doctors, apothecaries are our healers. My father got to know my mother because on his hunts he would sometimes collect medicinal herbs and sell them to her shop to be brewed into remedies. She must have really loved him to leave her home for the Seam. I try to remember that when all I can see is the woman who sat by, blank and unreachable, while her children turned to skin and bones. I try to forgive her for my father’s sake. But to be honest, I’m not the forgiving type.
She left the relative comfort and security of the Merchant quarters. I can’t find a way around her parents not disowning her for the choice: why did no one help her after her husband died? Family and friend alike. There is no other mention of anyone else marrying across town lines (Prim and Mrs. Everdeen are out of place in the Seam with their blond hair and blue eyes.)
How revolutionary it was for Katniss to volunteer for Prim on the reaping
Effie Trinket asks for volunteers, but no one steps forward. He has two older brothers, I know, I’ve seen them in the bakery, but one is probably too old now to volunteer and the other won’t. This is standard. Family devotion only goes so far for most people on reaping day. What I did was the radical thing.
Katniss tells us: her volunteering for a sibling is the exception not the rule. Almost every character from D12 that we meet has/had a sibling (Madge sticks out as someone who definitely didn't.) Katniss is the first volunteer in decades (plural): Every year someone's brother or sister is reaped and no one is doing what Katniss did. In D12 tribute = corpse.
Both actions were driven by love: Romantic/Familial
Katniss and her mother also both loose the person who inspired their revolutionary actions and fall into a debilitating depression as result. Their recoveries are also both linked to Peeta
this is of course ignoring the obvious (the nightlock incident)
Thank you @curiousnonny!!
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warriorlid14 · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about it and I kind of ship Gale Hawthorne with Delly Cartwright. I know you’ve spent much more time thinking about these characters than the week or so that I have though so I’m curious about your thoughts.
I saw a post that was talking about how Gale hasn’t seen killing on an individual level the way Katniss did in the games so it’s sort of more abstract to him. I started thinking about it and realized that Katniss (for much of the series) hasn’t seen firsthand killing on a massive scale like Gale did with the bombing of 12. So in a way she’s also naive. She and Gale have such different damage that by the end of the series they can’t understand each other despite their early shared history, upbringing, and similar personalities.
So my thought is that Delly is to Peeta what Gale is to Katniss—someone who shares his temperament and upbringing and functions as a sibling/best friend. Just as Peeta was by Katniss’s side in the games, Delly shared Gale’s pain throughout the series. She watched her childhood friend get whisked away to die twice & she watched bombs fall on her district as she huddled in the woods.
Katniss and Peeta work well together—opposite temperaments with shared trauma. So I feel like Delly is someone who is perfectly suited to complement Gale as he heals. Thoughts?
Oooh interesting thought!
I love the differences between the killing Katniss saw v the killing Gale saw.
Katniss saw other people kill each other. And while yes, obviously she knows this is the Capitol’s fault, there is also some blame to give to the person who directly did the killing (and also have sympathy for them because she's in their shoes). She also gets to meet and sympathize capitolites.
Gale saw direct capitol weapons (and their supporters) kill his entire district. All the blame is on the capitol (and their supporters). It's why I subscribe to the whole Nut scene being 30% logic, 70% raw emotion ("We saw children die and couldn't do anything about it!")
I also ship Gale and Delly! I also ship Gale with like 378363 other people because he's a shippable dude.
Delly: yes, absolutely! I always kind of forget that she also had a friend in the Games. Delly/Gale to me work best post war. Gale is going through the motions and trying his best to fix a broken nation but is emotionally checked out. And Delly, despite the trauma of losing her family and home (and growing up in Panem) is still somehow optimistic, which is what draws Gale to her. She is his summer the way Peeta is Katniss' spring. (Also wrote a thing about them earlier)
Madge: Gotta say, this one has risen to my number 1 ship. I see them as revolutionary buddies. He's tactical and strategic and she's stealthy and has connections and can charm the rich. I headcanon that they become friends during the first book and are exchanging secret plans in the 2nd one.
Peeta: .... listen, LISTEN. They bond over being hung up on Katniss and fall in love. Just, it writes itself. Also I have this scene seared into my brain where they're training together and Gale has no idea Peeta can wrestle. And gets his ass handed to him. And is mentally like ".... is it wrong that I'm a little turned on?"
Thom: childhood best friends to lovers (Katniss didn't rlly have friends, but I headcanon that Gale had a friend group within his classmates)
Johanna and Cressida are also decent options and both have a "mark me down as scared and horny" vibe and I love that for him.
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lonely-shine · 2 years
34 for alnair, 31 for atlas, and 19 for shell!
34. How did they react when they learned they'd died of the plague?
Funny fact! Alnair becomes aware of her own death moments before they tell her, it's a very visceral knowledge and she almost remembers her death (she always comments on how ironic it is that the only thing she remembers about her past life is her death).
I actually have this scene written, so don't mind me if I pull it from my massive WIP (Alnair's journey is a route mashup and I'm writing it all):
“We— we knew each other, four years ago.”
“We… did?” I gape at [Julian], shocked, but not in pain.
Julian nods. “You were an apprentice at my clinic, during the plague. Learning medicine to help the victims. I…” he trails off, sighs. “When Lucio fell sick, I went to work at the Palace. You went at the Lazaret.”
The Lazaret. I remember when I visited it with Nadia. The looming ruins, the ashen sand, the way it called out to me… Like it held answers for me, secrets. Is that why I felt like I’d been there before? Because I had? But what was with that strange sense of belonging?
“It wasn’t— I didn’t…” Julian runs a hand through his hair. “Listen, uh, just stay calm and listen to me, okay?”
I hear it in my mind, that same calling I heard then, like answers waiting to be unveiled. Come here… Come inside… I’m not physically there now, but I follow. A red haze fills my vision. I hear distant voices, cries, and feel an intense burning on my skin that I can’t tell if it’s from the fever or the flames.
“I found out that… that…” Julian’s voice sounds distant even when my gaze focuses back on him.
“That I died there,” I say, and know it’s true, feeling it deep inside my bones, knowing it like I’ve never known anything else.
“Then that means… are you… are you okay?” Julian says, reaching out to rest a hand on my shoulder, to give me support or in fear I lose my balance, I’m not sure.
“I think I am.” There’s no headache, no sickness, and though I can feel my mind racing, I’d be worried if it wasn’t. I chuckle nervously. “It actually explains so many things, in a twisted way.” I remember how the people from my district used to look weird at me three years ago, like they’d seen a ghost… Hah, who would have thought.
31. Have they always lived in Vesuvia? How well-travelled are they?
Nope, Atlas isn't from Vesuvia! His home is in a village near the Void Lake (south of the Sea of Persephia). He's well travelled, and has been through all the central part of the map, but is still missing the north (Prakra, the Mountains, etc) and south (Shining Steppe, Scourgelands, Southern Spines, etc). See map below for a very rough aproximation of what I mean
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19. Are they good at handling animals? Are they good with children?
Shell is neutral with animals (doesn't have a particualry good or bad hand/relationship with them), and could more accurately be described as the crazy auntie with kids in most routes xD That said, she does become a mother in some routes and will do great at it (and probably be the most level-headed parent too when she's with Asra, Julian, or Lucio)
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ledenews · 6 months
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egcarlos · 8 months
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It’s been a whirlwind of thoughts and experiences since I last wrote. I am currently back in Bukavu and I’ve decided to cut my time away from home short. I’ll be back home next week, instead of May. Sure, I had a lot of complaints and concerns about MSF and the hospital I was made to work, but at the end, the bottom-line is that I miss home, I miss Yamini and I miss Rio. There was not one day in this trip that I did not think about him. I see pictures of him and try to talk to him daily, but its not the same. Deep down, I really wanted to complete my 6 months here, but well, I just couldn’t. Je suis faible. I am weak, is what I tell others. Being given the opportunity to be away and pursue my dream, while yet being also a father and a husband is a privilege. In fact, opportunity is the word I think I’ve been reflecting on my last several weeks in the project.
Opportunity. You can have all the potential in the world, but if you do not have the opportunity; if you were born to a broken family, or forced to grow up in a country marked with poverty and corruption- makes all the difference. The difference between me and the patients I helped and the local staff that I worked with was just a matter of chance. I say this all the time in my blog that I was born in the right place, to parents who stayed together and to a family that had the opportunity to move to the United States. I cannot confidently tell you whether shear hard work and dedication brought me to where I am today, sure it played a part, but this opportunity was given to me and made freely available. Where several billions of others living in our world long just to simply have the opportunity. I could feel that sense of urgency in some of the people I met. I went to a small town called Penekusu, it was about 4 hours away by motorbike from Kalole to give a few lectures on HIV/TB and check out how their program was running. There was one doctor who had so many questions. His level of curiosity was amazing and such a pleasure to see. He asked about the possibility of a vaccine for HIV. He asked about specific cases he has seen at this hospital and so many more. But, he also works in a setting where resources are limited and medications are prone to run out. When I did an inventory of his program, they had run out of phase I or medication for the initiation phase of tuberculosis and they had no HIV medication for children. His laboratory had a microscope to be able to run the Zeel-Neelsen test, a stain/coloration to detect tuberculosis, but besides that, the government, nor MSF had given him the tools for a successful TB/HIV program.
Back in the main hospital in Kalole, the main reference hospital for that district in South Kivu, a hospital where you could have multiple patients in one bed and about 10-20 people in one large room, it is so tough not to imagine seeing my family having to use this kind of facility. It is so tough not to imagine my wife having to take my son to a hospital like this, laying down on a bed with another sick child. Luckily, Rio will never have to experience this; God forbid- if he gets sick, he will be able to have his own bed, his own room, and the best medical technology that the US can offer, but these kids in Kalole, well, the best that they had was me. I guess that explains it, right? This absurd inequality is just accepted in the world as if this is how it should be. Why does this have to be the way it is? How can the world just sit back and accept this? How can we let so many people die as if their lives have no meaning or purpose. This is why the world is as shitty as it is today. This is why there’s so much filth, so much hatred, so many lies and deceit. Just imagine how much in terms of potential we are losing because we openly and blatantly allow suffering this way? Just imagine how many children die without an education, without the ability to dream and realize what they were made to do? After this project, my second with MSF, I feel worse than when I did leaving South Sudan in 2020. Its so hard to describe because its not really pessimism, I still have hope, in fact I know I should and I do, somewhere in my soul, its this sense of sadness; its another slap in the face about what reality is; it’s a wake up call to the fact that whatever problems we have now, whatever concerns, worries, failure we believe we have, it could really be worse. I’ll be back, stepping foot onto US soil this Thursday with, I believe, with a different mindset than I did before. I still consider myself an optimist, I still consider myself hopeful and bright-eyed, but because of what I’ve seen, the deaths I’ve had to observe, the mothers’ cries and howls after their child passes away, the frustrations and complaints I have with humanitarian work and all of its imperfections, I guess I am now a cautious optimist. I know that for the world to improve, idealism must lie with practicality. I can’t just hope that benevolence and the good will win in the end, I have to make sure that people are given the right and opportunity to do so. But anyway, that’s my rant. There is more where that came from, trust me. I don’t know where these thoughts and experiences will take me. All I know is, I have the opportunity and I must use it.
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learningnewways · 1 year
Hello Again
Hello faithful blog readers! It’s been over 3 months since my last blog post, and you may wonder what I’m up to now... Well... I’m currently on a plane, on my way to Cambodia.
It may sound random and it kind of is, but also it’s not. When I got back from The Gambia, I knew I wanted to spent some time with a different organisation who also works with survivors of sex trafficking. An organisation that’s larger, been around for longer, and who is doing things well. An organisation like Destiny Rescue.
I’d known about Destiny Rescue for years but wasn’t sure how I could be involved, as they don’t typically send white people overseas short term, but rather only long term and only if needed to support what the locals are already doing. But a few months ago, I started a conversation with one of their directors, who is a friend of my boyfriend Q, and long story short, I managed organise a trip for him and I to visit a Destiny Rescue project for a few weeks, to check out the work they do.
Over the last few months being back in New Zealand, I’ve had many questions and thoughts around what my place is in this world, how God might be wanting to use me, and how I might feel about that! The first two months back were really hard. I had strong reverse culture shock and my heart was so broken for what I had seen in The Gambia and beyond. I think I explained in a previous post that it felt like I was living in The Hunger Games, that in the Western World, we are living in the Capitol in ridiculous luxury and selfishness, knowing full well that the rest of the world living in the Districts are suffering, yet we do nothing about it. I felt heartbroken that although I was back in the safety and beauty that is New Zealand, the people and children I’d met in The Gambia were still living in poverty and suffering big time.
I’ve struggled to know what I can do to help, like, actually help, not just what my white privileged brain thinks would help! I’ve read books, talked to friends, listened to podcasts... But I still haven’t worked it out yet. I feel like my work in The Gambia is not over yet, but I’m not quite sure what that means either. As the timeframe I’ve been back in NZ grows, my experiences in The Gambia seem so long ago and so far removed from my life here. While my heart still aches, it aches a lot less than it did. Maybe that’s part of settling back in, but I also know that when I got back, I had this feeling that I didn’t want to settle back in, that I didn’t want my old NZ life to be my sense of “normal”. That I didn’t want to ever forget the things I’d learnt and the way my eyes and heart had been opened to the devastating suffering around the world.
I recently heard someone suggest that if God places something on your heart that makes you say, “Why doesn’t someone do something about this?” then that probably means that YOU are that someone He’s asking to do something about it. I’ve definitely felt like I would rather stay in my comfortable life, but that others should be doing more, not realising it’s not others that God is asking to do something, it’s me! He has chosen me for a specific task. Wow. That’s humbling. Still not sure what or where that task is yet...
But I also realise that I really struggled in The Gambia. In the heat, in the thunderstorms, in the intense physical, emotional and spiritual loneliness... It’s easy to look back with rose coloured glasses and remember all the good times, all the ways I felt used by God, but forget my countless nights of fear, anxiety, loneliness and tears. I do know that most of the time when God asks us to do something, our first response is typically, “Who...? Me? No, surely not. I’m not the right one because.....” But it’s in our weakness that God is glorified, because we have to rely on Him, not ourselves. And so around and around my brain goes... Trying to balance how we are called to step out in faith, into the uncomfortable, but also realising we are human and have our limits.
Another person recently said that if you can’t find God, go to where the people He loves are. That God is right where you’d expect Him to be. With the lost, the lowly, the oppressed. Of course, He is with everyone and wants everyone to be in right relationship with Him, but Jesus did have a tendency to spend time with this specific group, more than the religious folk. So if I want to know Him more, to see Him at work, to love who He loves, it should be no surprise that He leads me straight into discomfort, challenge and heartache.
So, back to Cambodia. Why am I here? Well, I’m hoping to learn lots about Destiny Rescue, how they work and how I might be able to partner with them in the future, either in NZ or overseas. I’m hoping that God will continue to break my heart for what breaks His, leading me closer to what particular people or issue He has called me to. And I’m hoping that I’ll be willing to hear what He says.
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takiki16 · 2 years
Just because I’ve seen this mistake crop up a lot lately in the context of the Alex Jones meltdown and it’s directly relevant to my irl job and it bugs me a little:
In the American legal system: a plaintiff’s lawyer is NOT a prosecutor
The USian legal system has two big general categories of legal cases: civil and criminal.  PLAINTIFFS are for civil law.  PROSECUTORS are for criminal law.*  Civil and criminal cases use a lot of the same procedures and terminology (subpoenas, cross examination, discovery, restitution, etc), so it’s understandable people get them mixed up.
The Alex Jones/Infowars case is a CIVIL defamation suit.  Mark Bankston, the lucky guy who got to grill Alex Jones about those leaked texts, is the plaintiff’s attorney.  Civil cases are about money, not about prison time or about how much the police/prison system can punish you.  If you want to sue your neighbor for money to pay for the time they crashed into your car and broke your leg, you hire a plaintiff’s lawyer and file a lawsuit. 
Pretty much anyone - good, bad, or ugly - can try to hire a plaintiff’s lawyer.  Johnny Depp hired a plaintiffs’ attorney to sue Amber Heard.  The families of the children who were killed at the Sandy Hook school shooting do not have the power to put Alex Jones in jail for the shit he’s spewed.  What they and Mark Bankston are trying to do is get money out of him for the damage he’s caused in their lives.   Prosecutors and criminal charges are not involved...YET.
PROSECUTORS (also called district attorneys, or DAs) are government attorneys who come after people for alleged crimes they have committed.   If a police officer arrests you for a crime, they file a report to their local prosecutor’s office.  A prosecutor will read that report and decide what, if any charges, to bring against you when you show up in front of the judge - do you get a misdemeanor weed hold for community service, or do you get felony possession for sale carrying up to 4 years prison? 
Prosecutors DO NOT work on behalf of individual clients - they may falsely CLAIM to be representing victims, but legally they are supposed to represent the concept of the state, the government, or “the people.”  This is why criminal cases are named “People vs. [client name here].”  The implication is that the defendant has caused harm to their community, and the prosecutor is the lawyer for that community trying to prove it.  Prosecutors also do not openly work to get money - they are generally looking for things that affect your liberty (i.e. jail, prison, probation, community service, etc). 
Prosecutors are cops in suits - when we say ACAB, we should ABSOLUTELY be including prosecutors. They will be in charge of any plea bargain you are offered.  Your local district attorney has IMMENSE power over the community.  They can choose to run on progressive platforms...but more often they choose to feed mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex.  This is why it is INCREDIBLY important not only to protest against the police and the injustices they perpetuate, but to pay attention to your local district attorney election and show up for jury duty.
*side note: i am AWARE that if you reeeeeally get into the weeds of local county systems the terminology is blurred, but i’m speaking in broad strokes here GIMME SOME SLACK
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A Texas mother sounded off Tuesday after a grand jury declined to indict the man who fatally shot her 9-year-old daughter in the head while chasing a robbery suspect through the Houston area.    A grand jury in Harris County declined to bring charges against the suspect, 41-year-old Tony Earls, in the deadly shooting of 9-year-old Arlene Alvarez on Tuesday, prompting outrage from the girl’s family at a press conference after the decision was announced. The district attorney’s office is now turning its focus to the yet-to-be arrested robbery suspect who authorities say targeted Earls and his wife at a nearby ATM. 
Earls chased down the suspect and said he believed he heard gunshots and was under fire before he opened fire toward the suspect, instead striking a pick-up truck driving by at the same time, prosecutors said. The 9-year-old girl was in the back seat and was shot in the head while wearing headphones. She died from her injuries later at a hospital. 
"I don’t agree with what happened today," the girl’s mother, Wendy Alvarez, told reporters. "I lived that moment and I go back to that day every night. And I know what happened."
"Maybe Earls was not held accountable for his actions, but he knows what intentions he did – with what intentions he shot up our vehicle because self-defense is not more than nine shots," she said. "He knew what he was doing, and he knew he was gonna intentionally kill whoever was in that vehicle." 
"It was proven that he never jumped into our vehicle," the mother said, referring to the robbery suspect and Earls’ mistaken belief that Alvarez’s vehicle was the getaway car. "So, I don’t understand his innocence. He gets to see the light. My daughter doesn’t. My daughter is still down underground." 
"This is aggravating, but one message I do want to send out to the community – stop shooting into the vehicles," she said. "After my daughter’s death, there has been shooting after shooting after shooting. What is your point to that? There’s a lot of people dying. There’s a lot of children dying."
"Our future is dying," the mother continued, speaking about the broader violent crime plaguing the Houston area. "What is wrong with you guys? Where is your humanity? Where is your heart? Where is your soul? Why do you have to shoot and kill people? I don’t understand. But there is a God, and God is also a judge … I didn’t agree with what happened today, but I’m going to allow everything to process." 
Crime Stoppers of Houston announced up to a $30,000 reward Tuesday for information leading to an arrest and conviction of the robbery suspect seen on surveillance video putting a gun in Earls’ wife’s face and demanding the couple’s cash, check and wallet at a drive-thru ATM. A large majority of that reward amount — $25,000 worth — was donated by Houston-area billionaire Tilman Ferttita.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, joined by the Alvarez family at the press conference, told reporters that Earls himself was one of two victims of an intended robbery in this case. She said her prosecutors presented the grand jury with all the possible charges, including murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault and criminally negligent homicide, against Earls as the shooter in the case. 
The jury also heard possible defenses to justify deadly force under the law, such as mistake of fact, defense of third person and protection of property at night, and ultimately "no-billed" Earls, Ogg said. 
"This is very hard for the Alvarez family. This is very hard for them to understand and to accept," Ogg said. "And what I’ve asked them to do is work with us to catch the killer. There’s a robber out there who started this tragic chain of events… If captured, he will face felony murder charges – ultimate penalty is life … I know that we can find this killer with your help – I know someone knows who he is." 
Ogg said her office brought the evidence, but she does not agree with the grand jury’s decision.   "I cannot imagine living with the fact of being responsible for a child’s death in this way," Ogg remarked to reporters. "While the grand jury found no probable cause — or a no-bill — it doesn’t mean you’re innocent, Mr. Earls. It means you were not held criminally accountable." 
The defense attorney representing Earls released a statement offering condolences to Alvarez’ family, while also saying the district attorney’s office should "not be so hasty in the future to charge the best available person, but rather, the most appropriate person," referring to the robbery suspect.  
"Their decision reflects our position since the onset of this case," attorneys Brennen Dunn and Myrecia Donaldson said of the grand jury in a statement obtained by FOX 26 Houston. "The worlds of two different families were clashing at once, from different perspectives. Mr. Earls did what we believe anyone in that situation would have done."
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jlalafics · 3 years
prompt: peeta catches katniss skinny dipping in the lake
Hello anon! I don't know if you were hoping for smut, but this kind of turned in a bit of a fluff cloud.
Hope you enjoy anyway!
He wasn’t stalking her.
Peeta assured himself, as he followed the dark-haired girl, that he was just making good on a promise to himself at the beginning of the school year.
Actually, it was more a promise that started when they were children and Katniss Everdeen captivated him with her siren song.
However, his courage had waned throughout the year, seeing her with Gale Hawthorne who seemed to be glued to her side. They didn’t seem to be together; Katniss barely acknowledged him next to her as they walked down their school hallways.
Also, he may have slipped her little sister Prim some free cookies before casually asking if she and Gale were a thing.
“Oh no—” The sweet girl had responded between bites. “—our families are close. Katniss doesn’t think of Gale like that.”
At that, Peeta had sent her off with some cupcakes.
The last of their classes finished up for the rest of the year and now was his chance.
Except, looking around, he had lost her.
A sudden movement to his left peripheral and Peeta turned just in time to see Katniss making her way towards the fence bordering District 12.
Stealthily, he followed, looking back periodically, and seeing the town disappear behind them.
There was a shuffle and Peeta turned just in time to see her disappear underneath the fence. He had heard rumors that the electrical function had been turned off, but no one from the Merchant side would even dare try to test the theory.
However, judging by the lack of electrical buzz on the wired, Peeta felt safe enough to follow Katniss.
Entering the forest, he looked up at the sky touching trees, a smile growing on his mouth. There was a freedom to being out here. The sounds of the town disappeared as Peeta walked further into the thicket of trees. Nothing laid before him but lush green and the sounds of songbirds in the distance.
He had almost forgotten his mission when the sound of a splash broke through his thoughts.
Moving forward, Peeta could hear the sound of lapping water.
It was followed by a light laugh.
Katniss was laughing. She never laughed—not at school or around him, anyway.
The sound filled him with warmth and he kept on, longing to hear it again.
As Peeta walked further, the light of the forest brightened, and the sound of water became clearer. Soon he found himself looking at a fencing of reeds and just beyond that—
A lake.
The water was deep blue, the light of the sun hitting from the west, and he was enchanted.
“What are you doing here?”
Peeta started, his eyes suddenly going to the dark-haired girl staring at him from the water.
“Oh! I…um…I—” He could feel himself burning—besides getting caught by Katniss, there was the realization that she was wearing nothing. Looking up to avoid her penetrating stare, Peeta searched the sky for an answer…and some help. “Well—”
“You followed me,” Katniss stated. “You can look. There’s barely anything to be seen.”
Peeta quickly flashed his eyes down to her before looking up once more. “Yes, there is.”
There was a lot to see.
She laughed. “I know the water is clear. I was just saying that I don’t really have much…to see.”
He let out a strangled breath. “I beg to differ.”
Peeta could hear her swimming closer. “Why did you follow me?”
“It’s just that I’ve always wanted to talk to you,” he admitted. “I’ve been working up the courage since…”
“Since when?”
Here goes.
“Since you sang The Valley Song.”
“That long, huh?” Katniss mused, and Peeta heard the swish of water. “Join me.”
His head snapped down to find her grinning. “What?”
“You want to talk to me? Let’s talk.” She swam towards him. “But…fair is fair.”
“What do you mean?” Katniss nodded at him, her eyes going to his slacks and white shirt. Peeta almost choked on his tongue, realizing what she wanted. “You want me to take off my clothes?”
“Yes,” she replied bluntly.
Logically, it wasn’t fair that he had seen her so…bare.
“Turn around then,” he told her.
Katniss raised a brow in amusement before turning.
“Don’t be ashamed,” she called out. “During wrestling matches, those uniforms can be very exposing.”
“You’ve watched my wrestling matches?” he countered as he pulled his shirt off.
Peeta unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down and folding them next to his shirt on the grass.
“I never saw you as a briefs boy.”
He whipped around, covering his crotch with his hands.
“I thought you weren’t going to look!” Peeta yelled out.
Katniss met his annoyance with a smirk.
“You’re not completely naked. I can still look!”
“Close your eyes then,” he huffed. “I’m taking them off.”
She obligingly covered her eyes with her hands and quickly Peeta pulled the briefs, tossing them to his clothes.
Slowly, he stepped into the water, savoring the cool water.
Wading for a bit, Peeta slowly made his way over to Katniss. “Open them.”
Lowering her hands, her grey eyes met his own. “Hello.”
His mouth rose as he roved over her pretty face. “Hi.”
Peeta’s gaze went to a singular drop of water on her cheek, following as it ran down and landed on the corner of her mouth. His own mouth parted hungrily, wanting to press his lips to that drop.
Katniss swallowed thickly. “You wanted to talk to me?”
“I just wanted to say that…I like you,” he told her quietly. “I’ve always liked you.”
She moved in a little closer, her hand reaching to brush back his hair from his forehead, dampening it in the process.
“I figured.” Their eyes met and Katniss smiled softly. “Prim was sick for a day after stuffing her face with those cupcakes. In-between the vomiting, she mentioned that you asked her about Gale and me. I could’ve told you that there was nothing between us.”
“How would I know that? He is always around you,” Peeta pointed out.
“Well, he doesn’t have the courage to ask Madge Undersee out,” she told him. “He seems to think that standing around me will make her jealous.”
He guffawed. “I could have told you that Madge spends a lot of time at the bakery complaining about Gale!”
“If only they didn’t waste so much time,” Katniss mused and look to him. “Like some people.”
Peeta snorted. “Only took me most of our adolescence.”
She pressed closer, her eyes on him. “Now what?”
Slowly, he reached, stroking his fingers along her cheek.
Katniss sucked in her breath. “Oh…” Her voice trembling at its end. “I like you.”
Peeta smiled. “Good.”
He brushed his lips along her wet ones.
Then he did it again, this time tasting her along his tongue.
“Again,” she breathed against his lips.
“Only if we can come back here tomorrow.”
Katniss grinned. “We have all summer.”
Then she pulled him back to her once more.
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theseusurus · 3 years
Lost in a Haze, Fighting Fate | Part 2
Summary: Y/N Raven has always suffered from their sight, From a young age Y/N could just always seem to predict the future however they just thought they were lucky, after attending Hogwarts and discovering their Seer Roots they began to trust it more and more however that can not be said for others. When Y/N fled Hogwarts they left everything behind, their teen love, their friends, family, and now with what seems like all sides against them, will they be ignored like seers before them and feed into temptation or will they fight for the good in the wizarding world and their love?
Warnings: Mentions Bullying, slight hint at emotional abuse, and possible tw derealization (very short)
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader (Slow Burn)
Word Count: 2.4k
When you arrived in Professor’s Trelawney tower to prepare your lesson for the day you didn’t expect her to be all over you introducing herself as Sybill and gushing about how she was excited to work with you and how it was an honor. You waved her off with a smile before you got a feeling, it was like your heart was being pulled out of your chest and you grabbed at your chest with only one thought in your mind, Moody.
You ushered Trelawney an apology and called that you would be back but with that, you rushed to where you remember Trelawney had shown you where the Defense against the Dark arts classroom was and sprinted as fast as you could before you slammed open the door.
“Professor Moody, that iz quite enough! What in the great heavens do you think you are doing? I can hear your class telling you to stop from down the hall and performing Unforgivable curses in front of children?! This iz extremely inappropriate!”
Your Cry caused the students who were crying for him to stop and Moody himself to be startled and stop the Cruciatus curse, before storming over to Moody and slapping him across the face. He jerked and placed the Spider down as you walked over to the student who he forced to watch the curse, he seemed obviously uncomfortable at the curse, looking Almost downright paralyzed you placed a hand on his shoulder, and the other on his arm, you whispered to him “Are you alright Monsieur?” He shook his head No and you sighed.
You began to lead the boy out of the door before turning to Moody and sneering at him, “You should be Ashamed, I have NEVER seen such a disgusting teaching method, expect to hear from me again, next time I see this display I will personally inform Dumbledore, Are. We. Clear?”
He cleared his throat and nodded at you before turning to A bushy brown-haired girl who was also obviously uncomfortable, You turned away from him and continued to help the boy out of the classroom before leading him into an Empty Hallway, he looked sickly and as if he was about to throw up or pass out at any second, staring blankly into the wall, You reached out and rubbed his arm.
“Monsieur? Are you okay? It was disgusting what he did in there and I am completely sorry, are you doing okay? Do you need to sit? Here let me help you..”
You helped lower him to the ground and sat beside him smoothing out your robes, you didn't say anything for a good few seconds before sighing and turning to him.
“I know it might be hard but please talk to me, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the Medic?”
He shook his head no again, “You know, my parents were tortured with the Cruciatus Curse, Moody knew that too.” You released a deep sigh before shaking your head in disbelief.
It was quiet for another pregnant pause before you whispered to him, “You know I was hit with a Cruciatus Curse once, it's why I can't hear too well in my Right Ear and can't see too well, one of the many reasons I wear this Veil.” “Really?” “Mhm, Teenagers can be Cruel, they didn't get much trouble for it either..” “Oh…” “Oh Indeed Monsieur..., what exactly your name I never quite got it, sir?”
“Ah, it's Neville, Neville Longbottom.” “Well, Monsieur Longbottom are you feeling any better?” “Just a little bit, not by much..” “Well Monsieur, you are free to join me in my Classroom until you feel better and You are always welcome to come in at any time if you feel like you need to do so, especially in Moody’s Class, now come on I'll brew you some Warm Tea.”
When the Fourth Years came in Professor Trelawney´s correction- Sybill and your classroom for their Divination lesson they certainly did not expect to see you sitting on a cushion on the floor with Sybill and Neville by your sides, you sat with your veil covering your face as you poured Neville and Sybill tea and shook your head and laughed.
“Can't be a hidden Seer and have an unknown identity if I lift my one concealing item for some Tea Now can I dears”
This caused Neville to blush before getting up and getting ready start to walk to his desk but you called out and he handed you his teacup before leaning over and watched as you swirled the cup and nodded, ¨Very promising Monsieur Longbottom, Very Promising Indeed, see that? Mhm, Indeed a Butterfly, Success, and Happiness are coming in your near Future.¨
Sybill stood up and smiled at you before turning to the class ¨Good Evening everyone, Let's take a Seat Please, Now today is a very special day! Thanks to the Triwizard tournament we are having a very special guest coming to visit us from France, This is the Head Seer at Beauxbaton and A relevant Figure in the Divination field, who was one of the best accuracy rates for Seers in Europe, This Is Professor Delphi¨
You nodded your head at her before walking over and standing at the front of the class, ¨Bonjour! My Name is Professor Delphi or Delphi, I have been a Seer for as long as I've been able to walk and Have been a practicing Seer since just about your age, Today I will be giving you all free readings however I will warn you all before my word is true and clear however if you choose to acknowledge fate and fix your mistakes you may be able to change it. Now, Any Questions?¨
Multiple hands shot up and you looked around the room before nodding at the Bushy Brown haired girl who you saw in Moody´s Class earlier in the day
¨Speak up for me Madame! Thank you, Now please say your name and your question?¨¨Hermione Granger Professor, How exactly are you ´Head Seer´?” ¨Wonderful Question Madam Granger! I am head seer as I have the most accurate Sight in my district let alone France and most of Europe, in my 24 years of living, and 13 of Being a known Seer I have gotten Two Predictions wrong, two out of thousands.¨
She seemed to be distrustful but nodded along anyway ¨Next Question?¨ More hands shot up this time, You called on a Brown haired boy and he responded with a thick Irish accent.
¨Name Monsieur?” ¨Seamus Finnigan Professor, Why exactly do you have a veil? Covering on?¨ You nodded and placed your hands down on the table for support, leaning down and feeling for a chair to sit in as the boy beside him knocked into, sighing ¨Seamus! That's rude!.¨ ¨Amazing Question Monsieur Finnigan do not be afraid to ask the hard questions!¨
You paused ¨However I wear this for multiple reasons, One to hide my identity being a professional seer can be hard and sometimes dangerous, Some people refuse to accept the fate and turn their anger towards me, some have threatened to hurt my family so this helps protect my identity and my family´s as well, even the name Delphi is a cover-up name Monsieur!¨”
Which got a few curious and surprised looks from the students, you looked around the room soaking it in before allowing yourself to continue. ¨Two, I use it to hide identifying features especially with my condition, A special someone in this class found out why today but for those who don't know I am Hard of seeing in my Right eye and almost completely deaf in my left ear.¨
You paused again before clearing your throat and swiping at your eye under the veil as you feel them begin to gloss up with potential tears, ¨it was due to an attack on me during my youth and while it did help me develop my higher senses it made me extremely vulnerable Physically, That is why I do not do big trips like this however I am here to teach the youth and inspire you all to look into the divination field so it is worth it.¨
Sybill patted your arm and asked quietly if you needed a break, you shook your head before turning back to the class ¨Any more questions before we continue?¨ A few students shook their heads no, hands sinking after the big questions were asked you nodded, ¨alright Madames, Monsieurs and all others let us begin! You all have a Teacup in front of you, I want ALL of you to drink your tea and come sit with me one at a time when you are finished if you wish, I assure all of you we have a lot to talk about.¨
You nodded at all of them, wishing them all good luck before sliding fully into the chair and feeling around for the teacup that you had left to your right, you heard someone sit to your right as they pushed the teacup in front of you.
You turned and saw A Blonde girl with fluffy wavy hair smiling at you. You returned the smile under your veil and took the teacup in your hands before sliding it up under your veil to inspect it.
¨Good Evening Professor, My Name is Lavender Brown! Divination is my favorite class. I've believed in it after Professor Trelawney predicted my poor rabbit´s death and predicted Neville would break a cup and it came true!¨
You smiled at her before giving a little chuckle ¨I'm glad dear so let's inspect this together, hmm oh yes that's interesting, you are going to be in love in the near future¨ This excited the Girl before you cut her off ¨However dear, do not force the love, let it come naturally or you will taint it and sweet child be safe, you will face danger in the future, never walk alone am I clear Madame?”
She nodded before turning to you and hugging you tightly, ¨Thank you professor¨ You returned the Hug and whispered ¨I believe in you child, let your heart soar freely but be smart!” she giggled at this and ran back to her friends that began to gossip to one another.
The Next student made you smile before he even sat down you could recognize that red hair anywhere ¨Monsieur Weasley, it is a great pleasure.¨ He sent you a look before you chuckled and ushered him to sit down ¨I knew your older brother Monsieur, you could say we were close when he attended here.¨ With a smile, remembering how Handsome Bill looked the last time you saw him.
¨You knew Charlie?” You smiled before shaking your head ¨Next one dear, but let's focus on you Monsieur Weasley let see this cup of yours.¨ You picked up the Cup and swirled it ¨Oh yes, hmm indeed, I sense self-doubt, You doubt you are worthy as those around you but oh how wrong you are. I see great things for you Monsieur Weasley, oh work in the Ministry it seems, oh how loyal you always return to your family hm?¨
Ron frowned at the mention of the ministry and smiled when you praised him for his loyalty especially to family, you extended your hand to him, ¨You may love your friends and they might be ´special´ but never doubt your worth Monsieur, I sense greatness in your presence doesn't let me be wrong due to jealousy.¨ With that, you placed your hand down and bowed your head to him ¨Do not forget my words Monsieur¨
You hear someone run over before whimpering out a sigh, looking up its Neville ¨Monsieur Longbottom, what do I owe the pleasure, hmm? Now let's see this.¨ The tea swirled before it cleared, ¨Oh how marvelous, Monsieur Longbottom you sure are meant to be a Gryffindor! You have an amazing spirit and loyalty, you have confidence under all that shyness, you must let go of your worries, I see greatness and passion in your future, A leader, hmm a teacher? We will see!¨
He stuttered and pointed to himself ¨Professor? Me? But I'm not brave!” ”Oh False indeed! You just haven't unleashed it yet, you are more than a house title anyways my boy, you are a son, a friend, a student, someone who brings light into anyone's life, you make your parents proud my boy, be you!¨ You wrapped his hand in your own and bowed to him ¨My word is truth, fate has foreseen your greatness my boy don't forget that. Be brave.¨
You didn't have to look up to tell who had shuffled up to your desk, you could tell by the voice having heard the same voice talk to Ron and call said voice harry.
¨Monsieur Potter, what do I owe the pleasure hm? From what I've heard you do not believe in my craft and often lie for a good grade hm?¨ He stiffened at the jab you made before you smiled.
¨Sit sit Monsieur I know how hard Seer classes can be for non-seers, this is no easy class Monsieur however you are special in other ways and it shows, you have a great burden on your shoulders, Fate will be cruel to you but you have great friends and a family, hmm protect those around you good sir, and Monsieur tell your godfather to find me for me, the oracle needs him, Oui?”
He seems shocked at the final statement but you merely smiled to yourself and bowed your head to him which he stiffly returns before hurrying over to Ron and Hermione, ah they are friends you remark to yourself and smile at the trio as they began muttering to each other quietly as soon as he returned, Oh how fun this trip will be.
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alliswell21 · 2 years
What is a common, classical name you feel Everlark would name their baby? Preferably a girl. Asking for a friend.
Good question Anon.
I would say, since it’s The Hunger Games real, the names will stay close to plants and nature, or something alluding to the district or even bread related (🤣). But if by “classic” you refer to names like John and Mary… then the sky is the limit, and your friend can probably name names to their heart’s content 🤣
Now, a very popular Fanon name is Willow for a girl, and of course, Rye, for a boy. I’ve seen a lot of Arrow, Coal, Bannock, Daisy, and Rose, although I don’t know why anyone would think Katniss would voluntarily name her daughter Rose considering the symbolism the flowers/smell have with President Snow and the Capitol on her perspective. I get that people have explained it away as “in honor of PrimROSE” but the canon logic doesn’t support that explanation… so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would say Katniss hates roses by the end of THG, I absolutely doubt she’d name her child that.
I personally try to look at Roman mythology for certain names depending on what I’m writing, and if a certain name calls to me and fits the story, I use it. But Ive also used flowers and plant names, and I’ve been planing bread names for toast babies in one of my WiPs I’m working on right now… I enjoy the process of thinking what names fit best for the universes I write, and honestly, it’s my favorite part of the process when I get to that point.
Do I think Everlark would name their children normal names? I think they would stick with flower names for the most part, which I guess can be pretty classic and timeless.
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