#I'd love to draw something for youuuuu
Today on March 28, 2024, I decided I wanted to start art commissions. Why? A little cash to do things I’d like would be much better than sitting at home bored with no way to feed my itch to buy gardening supplies! Why is this even important? I like drawing and I’d like to draw things for other people.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
[Grabs you by the collar and shakes you]
I was scrolling around at way too late at night and saw one of your posts, and I love your posts, so I went to your blog, and bing bada boom, I see the Izuna in Wonderland post and I read through it. I enjoy the writing and the ideas and the art (how dare you be good at both writing and art (affectionate)) and I reach the end and that last drawing.
The one where Madara is like "oh yeah only the Senju could heal u so we have a peace treaty with them now-" That fucking drawing of Madara, has grabbed my by the balls and refused to let go, what the fuck.
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He looks so fucking soft and sleepy but like in an unhealthy sick Victorian child way. He looks like he would tell me not to go to school tomorrow bc he likes me but I'd go anyway bc what he really means is like hey take a mental health day bc school is hell, he's just too sleep deprived to realize(care) how evil he sounds. He looks like he either has hair the texture of burnt straw or the fluffiest softest hair imaginable, no in between. He looks like he gives great hugs but could (and would and has) also use those hugs to suffocate someone to death. He looks like a sneeze could kill him and also he is the creator of every virus known to man.
It's the fucking soft yet untamed hair, the creasing and maybe slight puffiness around his eye, the slight coloring (redness I assume) to his nose, the sweat that might be nervousness, might be him having literally worried himself sick at his brother's side and now he has a fever.
I already liked the way you drew Madara, I like all your Madara drawings, but for some reason, this one broke something in me and I can't stop myself from wanting to write fanfiction while spinning this specific Madara around in my head like a rotisserie chicken. Idk if what I'm saying makes sense, it's late, I'm tired, I barely slept last night. I just want you to know that this Madara drawing now lives in my head rent free and if I ever get around to writing the various TobiMada fics in my head, this is how I will imagine him.
Also, love how draw Hashirama too. He looks like a Mii character that got ROM hacked to have a Battle Cats face. And also how grumpy and low effort Tobi looks in here too, his more detailed design is great too. Also I like how you draw Izuna- BASICALLY, I LOVE ALL YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNS, THIS ONE JUST BROKE ME FOR SOME REASON. I'M GONNA STOP WRITING NOW, I NEED TO SLEEP.
I'm fucking crying actually thank you??????? Nicest thing anyone's ever told me about my stuff, I'm gonna explode wtf
Also I can tell you haven't slept in a while so oh my god go do that
Pls take this quick Madara in thanks, I tried to do my best to draw him how I did in the Izuna in Wonderland comic but idk if I did him justice
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I've been struggling to find a good way to draw him consistsntly, so I will internalize what u have told me and try to keep that sickly Victorian man energy going forward
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
IM LOSING IT OVER YOUR RECENT IKE FIC. LIKE OH MY GOD. its so sweet and heartwrenching i felt just as nervous and anxious as reader the entire time, and when ike reciprocated my heart MELTED AHHH his freckles!!! how kind and beautiful he is, and his confusion turning into acceptance and his SQUEALSSS AAAA. i cant take it this is my fav ike and probably luxiem fic of all time. all of your hard work paid off so well, it was so well structured and emotional and everyone felt so real!! like they arent characters, theyre actual people!!
ahh, now i wish i knew ike's perspective during those stream moments and his reaction to pen and paper ship content HAHA. i imagine he swiftly bookmarks it on his private account but he keeps blushing and his hands shake whenever he sees any fanart WAAAH. maybe one time he sees pen and paper kissing and he cant properly look at the notifications from reader's chat without FLUSHING RED i love them so bad
i love whenever i'm reading a fanfic and it's so sweetly emotional that you feel your own emotions kicking in. so whenever i hear my work has that effect on someone else it's one of the nicest feelings in the world and WHAT DO YOU MEAN FAVORITE IKE AND/OR LUXIEM FIC EVER. that's super high praise thank youuuuu sobsobsob
i mean this is the kindest most /posi way possible but "they aren't charcters, they're actual people" is the scariest compliment i've ever heard. like on one hand i'm genuinely happy! i worked really hard on keeping multifaceted personalities in mind even for the minor characters! but also Oh No. I'm Writing Vtubers. We Need To Play This So Carefully And So Conscious Of The Creator/Audience Boundary Or My Ass Is GONE
real talk one of my most favorite ike things is when he squeals at something cute or because he's embarrassed ahhhh. and his speaking voice gets so high pitched and soft when he's flustered too like?? it's probably my favorite charm point of his
the ogs remember the poll i ran like a month ago about if ike should have freckles or not. shoutout to the landslide victory, if i remember correctly 97% of voters wanted ike with freckles! so glad that worked out, it works so well with the star theme and the difference between an online friendship meeting irl, and how reader loves them because it's a reminder that they have so much to learn about ike and are ready/willing, and also, freckles are just plain adorable. ike is just plain adorable. put them together and if i were richer and thirstier i'd be commissioning an artist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
real talk tho i feel like ike goes from 1 to 100 whenever he catches himself simping over reader before the off-collab. either he's really good at acting composed, being normal, just interacting with his best friend like best friends do... or he's a stuttering, blushy mess that wavers like jell-o.
ike's the type of guy to sleepily check twitter before going to bed and whenever he sees pen and paper on his fyp it's like he snaps awake. maybe even squeaks or goes "a!" if it's especially.... you know. sometimes he can't even comprehend that people want him and reader to. well. his mouth goes dry.
and then he feels so dirty and embarrassed just because it's there, but... he's still looking at it. is it bad he's still looking at it? it definitely is but it's captivating, in a way. somehow. the artists are so talented, and somehow they nail your body language to a t, and the way your hair swoops above your eyes, and draw you with the cutest little expressions, and—
ah, who is he kidding.
in moments of weakness it triggers something in him to bury his face a little deeper in his blankets, pretend the screen's light would cool the heat pooling over his cheeks, and search the hashtag himself.
not even three pieces of fanart later, he has to throw his phone face-down on the mattress, cover his blush with a pillow, and now he's definitely squealing. it's healing and it makes him ill. it's... pretty. you're pretty. and he's pretty dumb for letting a silly crush distort itself like this.
the worst part is that some of these line up a little too well with daydreams he wanted to lock away until the end of time. he likes when he takes the lead. the stunned, puppyish expression so rare it only shows up on your face during the biggest plot twists during a stream, but coated in a darkened blush as he pecks them on the cheek, elegant and composed. calm.
ohhhh, this can't be good for his heart. especially when ike himself is so red-faced just thinking of it. calm, his foot.
still with the pillow over his flush, ike feels around for his phone and sets it on his nightstand. he chides himself. that's enough internet for the day, eveland! now quit acting like a shoujo high schooler in love and go to bed already, it's not going to happen!
he sets his face into a determined frown as he lifts the pillow and sets it aside. with any luck, he'd go the rest of the night without thinking of reader and his feelings for them.
the frown eases as he nestles into his blankets and tucks himself in. soft sheets and warm comfort greet him as he shuts his eyes, and he enters the fluffy haze of sleep as he slips into dreamland...
...is what he'd like to say, but not even ten seconds later his eyes snap open and jerks upright in bed. wait, i'm acting like i'm in love?!
he sits with the thought seeping through his brain like a corrosive acid, filing through every little moment he daydreamed about you, and when those don't paint him a picture he likes, he tries to recall the moments he shared with you instead. those are even fonder, and even worse.
he slaps his hands over his face and sighs, and when it sounds lovesick he sighs even more.
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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natsmagi · 1 year
NO I understand being able to only see natsumugi <- also very ill about them because the others only pale in comparison.. subanatsu is a very cute friendship, and natsuiba I'd like a one-sided rivalry (insert ibara saying 'come alice, let's play in this dream" in WONDER GAME)
also not sure if you remember this but it's me rikoo, the one who made the 'let's take ibuprofen together' teumugi thing ksjlsk
THE WONDER GAME HOMOEROTICISMSSSSSSSS it is SUCH a good dynamic though ur right. its probably bc both ibara and natsume are such inherently funny characters to me that putting them in the same room is guaranteed to be amusing bc theyre SO EXTRAAAA AJSHFKAJSHDG
AND YESS!! alot of natsume dynamics are ADORABLE friendships to me, and i dont really wanna like. Force it to be romantic. i really enjoy platonic relationships and think they can be just as, if not more impactful as romantic ones!! im someone who loves my friends very very deeply and i just. want natsume to have friends :')
OMG I DO REMEMBER YOUUUUU!!!!!!! i think about tsumugi "lets take ibuprofen together" all the time. constantly. ive thought about drawing it before just so i have something to stare at when im too lazy to take my much needed painkillers AKSJHFKAJSHD
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merrymorningofmay · 2 years
hi!!! i adore adore adore your frog bag art! it is so so cool!!!! i love little charms hanging off of the little guy! it all feels so charming and cute and bright and i love it! u did such a good job!! i was wondering if you knew where someone could start if they wanted to make or find something similar?
thank youuuuu!! 🥺
it's a pretty straightforward kind of crafting tbh :') you just need some felt + threads (i use embroidery floss bc i have a lot of it lol) + something to stuff it like cotton wool; then you draw whatever shapes you want on paper, cut them out, trace them on your felt sheet(s), cut that out, stitch the pieces on top of one another :')
you can also just glue stuff together with UHU or smth like this, or dab some glue on the edges if you're afraid they might fray (i did that with the frog's toes and fingers), i use pva but i heard it can dry yellow so maybe some other glue will be better for this
the metal parts on the frog are all for jewelry making (except for the snaps) + for the cross stitched design i just loosely stitched a piece of canvas onto the felt (get the kind that has big holes), embroidered the thing, then pulled out the canvas from under it thread by thread
this purse is a decoration more than anything so i only used felt, if you want something bigger/more functional i think making the lining from some sturdier fabric is a good idea bc felt can be stretchy and the weight of whatever's inside the purse/the snaps being pulled open can damage it...
and if you're, like, a beginner-beginner i'd suggest making something small and flat first (like a pin), just to get the hang of stitching and a feel for how felt behaves in general
but from there it's really just the good ol' Mess Around and Find Out x)
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vinnie2757 · 6 months
14, 66 and 71 please 😊
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Depends on the feeling. I've obviously never been possessed by evil alien cells hellbent on planetary destruction and my brain damage is debatable lmao. When I'm writing a scene, I work out what the thread holding the scene together is, say to myself "wouldn't it be fucked up" and then do that. I don't think I'm particularly skilled at emotional scenes, I have a lot of trouble feeling and describing my emotions, it makes communication with my partner really difficult because I can never express how I feel in any meaningful way.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (i.e. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.?)
Lol I dont. I don't let myself experience pressure on my writing, it kills all enjoyment. I write when I have the energy and whimsy and if I don't update for three years, I don't update for three years. It can be kind of miserable at times, having such a lax schedule and massive gaps, because it means that I don't get the regular readership some writers get, because I cant keep a schedule to entice readers but I don't write for massive engagement? I'd love more! Of course I would I'm a millenial I crave validation, but I don't want the need for it to remove my desire to tell stories
71. When it comes to more complicated narrative, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, etc?
For the manor and the steward I have handwritten documents of plot points, character arcs, story timeline, history etc, as well as overarching plot points and chapter outlines, going from single sentences to page and a half. It gives me scope to change things when I can see it and writing it by hand is relaxing to me. I think I had 20 something pages for the manor. I don't have as many for the steward because I wrote before I planned.
Thank youuuuu 💜💜💜
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iizuumi · 4 years
izuumii, I'm in love with the shadows and lights you add to your drawings. They make your pretty artwork have a nice atmosphere
sjkdhfjks I never even got a notif for your ask I’m sorry :c damn you tumblr.  But thank you so much !! I’m super happy you think so! ♥ Working with lights and shadows is one of the most fun things for me with art ♥
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swanimagines · 4 years
Talking about a possible way to restore my inspiration when I’m ready for it below, kinda longer post so that’s why it’s below a cut, but as a short version I found some oneshots + drabbles/imagine-sized fics I’ve written in 2015/2016/2018/2019 + last winter/spring/summer/fall about multiple characters on my fandom list and thought on translating them and converting them to reader inserts. Not sure about it though but yeah. That’s just a thought and I haven’t decided anything because at the moment I can’t even read them without feeling anxious.
I was bored so I explored around my external hard drive files and found some 1k-5k oneshots + shorter stuff I have written during this year, the newest ones I wrote in September + October, and some have been written in 2015/2016/2018/2019. And that struck me with an idea.
I wrote them in Finnish with myself as the main character, I'm telling you this because I might rewrite (some of) them in English as reader inserts when I'm strong enough to do that and picking out the best ones/for which I have the most inspiration. I might end up not translating any of them because I don't know if they're any good but yeah.
I just wanted to tell you in case I'm spamming you with oneshots/non-requests once I come back since those would probably be the ones I'd use to try waking up my inspiration. I won't be ignoring your requests, they just might take time to start up because a lot of things has happened and I need to steady myself before starting to run this blog properly again. It won’t have a good effect if I start filling my requests straight away and immediately someone starts to be rude or someone who requested with their url ignores me... (ngl, I have some people like that in my inbox who have always done that when they’ve requested and yeah honestly I’m not looking forward to that because that always gets my inspiration down when they a) ignore their filled request completely and just put another right away or b) just leave a like, not naming anyone but I hope they know who they are because they should know that it hurts my feelings when you just leave a like. If you requested, ALWAYS reblog or at least leave a reply/an ask or something...)
In case you're interested in what I have (for example):
TMR Newt (also started a (small?) series but never finished it... kinda tempted to give it a try and continue though........... @myriadimagines​ I BLAME YOUUUUU FOR POURING FUEL TO MY NEWLY FOUND LOVE FOR THIS BOI WHEN YOU SHIPPED ME WITH HIM, also just a side mention that my friend read that fic you wrote for me about him yesterday and said she’s tempted to make a comic or a drawing out of it because it was super cute in her opinion, if she does and gives me the permission I’ll send it to you if you want).
TMR Thomas
TMR Minho
TMR Gally
TMR Teresa
TMR Chuck (they’re platonic in case someone thinks otherwise, we don’t support pedophilia here)
TMR Brenda
General oneshots/stuff from TMR (featuring mainly the boys)
(Yeah I got a friend who also likes TMR soooo my inspiration for it shot through the roof during last winter/spring/summer)
TUA stuff, featuring the Hargreeves siblings
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
DBH Rupert
John Murphy (The 100)
James Kidd/Mary Read (Assassin's Creed)
Wrench (Watch Dogs)
Fellowship of the Ring/Lord of the Rings
I'm not sure if these are all I have but these I found from my (Finnish) oneshots folder 🤔 I have a feeling that a couple of fics are missing so I might have saved them elsewhere or then I remember wrong and never wrote them, or then my PC ate them for dinner.
Also as I said, I'm not sure if they are any good or if I'll end up translating them, so this isn’t any kind of promise about anything.
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peridammit · 4 years
Hey artists of tumblr I need some help. I've been doing digital art on my phone for years and I've decided I want to get an actual drawing tablet, but I have no idea where to even start. Does anyone have any recommendations? I think I'd prefer something standalone cause I do a lot of my art while like watching tv on the couch. I'd also love any software suggestions cause I don't know much about what's what in that sense. Thank youuuuu
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zekejeagrs · 4 years
Hello! I was hoping 4 a mha matchup if thats okay X). my pronouns are he/him and im bi, my hogwarts house is Slytherin i think? Idk much about harry potter but i took a test n thats what i got LMFAO, my sign is virgo and my mbti is ISTP-T.
I think im a funny person! I love joking around and making my friends laugh even though majority of my jokes may be nonsensical,I am kind of creative!!! Nd im easygoing for the most part lol. I tend to get quite loud though which ends up getting annoying. I am very quick to anger and i tend to act out on any anger also..very sensitive grr X(.I also find myself being every emotionally distant sometimes, sympathy is just so difficult to me and i have a hard time expressing my own emotions. I'm pretty lazy for the most part but i can be insanely reckless too X'0.
My appearance is lazy asf. Not too much thought put into what I wear its just whatever I can get my hands on usually hoodies n shiz, if its comfortable I'm into it(although im not opposed to wearing something stylish LOL). I lack sleep resulting in baggy eyes X'''|, i have messy asf brown hair + brown eyes. I'm not too confident in my face(especially nose) but its ok LMFAO. I'm not....too tall I think I'm only 5'4 T_T...
My love language is gift giving =o= I don't much care about what gift it is... If you gave me a doodle you made on some scrap paper you find id be so happy... I'd like someone sweet asf!!! Someone whos patient with me since i may have trouble opening up emotionally or taking in affectionate touches(IM SO NOT OPPOSED TO IT i just need time) ! ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WITH A LIL SENSE OF HUMOUR. I wanna make my s/o laugh or even smile X'0.
Ok! Thats all! I hope its not too much! Thankk youuuuu ^__^<3<3
it’s perfect,,, np! <3 
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i match you with...
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Eijiro Kirishima
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you and kirishima would work so well. your personality works pretty well with his friend group so he began getting to know you. what eventually made him fall for you was your sense of humor and how you never failed to make him laugh. the energy when you’re around and hanging out with his friend group is great. kirishima prefers to not get into trouble but you’re just so much fun that he doesn’t mind getting reckless with you.
kirishima definitely began to get worried about you once he learned you can be closed off and quick to anger. luckily for you, he is very patient and willing to help you work things out (if you let him, of course). eijiro quickly learned that gifts make you happy and he now gives you tiny notes with drawings on them. some of them are of stick figures that are meant to represent the both of you and others are just random things he drew in class. kirishima even confessed to you with via a note.
once you start opening up to him and getting more comfortable, you two cuddle and spend off days in your rooms. he makes sure you sleep because it’s good for you. to help you sleep, he would trace shapes on your face if that makes sense. eijiro just treasures you so much that he wants you to be healthy and aware of possible danger.
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your runner up: Ochaco Uraraka
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hope you enjoyed.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Congrats on 750 followers my sweet and talented friend!! 🥰 I'd love to join your event and draw something for One Piece ❤️
Ellieeee! Thank youuuuu! Hyped to see you will participate, it means my eyes might get b l e s s e d again by your talent QwQ 
Your cliche item to include: candle(s) / candlelight 
As always, looking foward to your gorgeous art!! Good luck love! 
Take part in my event! Artists and writers welcome <3 
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