#I'd say it's going along at a decent clip actually! Lol
sysig · 2 years
I got about 700 words into my Notes app and then decided, yeah actually I should probably write this down somewhere for realsies
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iamthemaestro · 2 months
would you perhaps regale us with tales of your time at sea (i am so curious what reenactment is like when youre traveling on an actual historical ship)
Ah, I *wish* I could say about the reenactment part but unfortunately the Lady Washington does not do much in terms of historical interpretation anymore—they definitely used to but they've gone through a lot of major changes in the past few years and it seems that was one of them. Frankly that would have been the only thing that could have made me more excited to be there lol.
However I appreciate the chance to infodump though since my brain is still very much in Ship Mode with nothing to do with itself... not sure if I have many *tales,* per se, but I did tons of fun stuff and tried to push myself hard in terms of trying things that scared me. On my last day I went up to furl the fore t'gallant (topmost yard on the foremast) which was probably the most physically difficult thing I did during my whole stay—while the climb up the t'gallant shrouds was fairly scary it was honestly much harder to just remain upright against the yard because the footrope was so shallow. On the topyards it's quite comfortable because you can functionally "stand" upright and lean against the yard at about stomach level while you're working, but here if you tried to stand upright the yard wouldn't even come up to your hips so you have to put all this weight into your knees, sort of crouching in order to have it in a good position to lean upon. I'd like to say I got pretty decent at furling in general but man... that one was a doozy. If I had had more time to practice it maybe it would come easier, but as it was we only set the t'gallants twice while I was there anyway. I will say I was surprised at how non-panicked I felt while I was hanging out there on the shrouds waiting for a wake to pass, not clipped into anything, held there by my own strength probably 50ish feet in the air—initially one of the hardest psychological parts of going aloft was staving off the intrusive thoughts, being a person very prone to them, but by the end I was actually quite impressed with how calm I felt up there. It's the best seat in the house, after all, second only to that of the main t'gallant: at first it feels dizzingly, unfathomably high, and when you look down you have this gut instinct of fear—I don't think humans were ever meant to be this high up, frankly—but the wind is whipping past you and your crewmates are like ants on the deck below you and all around you the shore disappears into fog on the horizon, and you're here; you swallow your fear and think, despite everything, "isn't this wonderful?"
My last day was a good one; during our transit from Port Orchard to Everett, the Seattle Krackens sent a film team out and had us set every sail we physically could along with a bunch of Kracken flags for their promotional video this season—we even rigged the main royal just for fun, despite the fact that it was too late for it to be caught on camera. Though I doubt I will ever see it, hypothetically there's some awesome footage of me loosing the bunt from the fore topsail with that fantastic WHOOMF as all that canvas drops—it looks so graceful from afar but when you're up there handling all that canvas it feels powerful more than anything else, all held up by the singular little midshipman's knot you undid with one hand, clinging to the jackstay with the other and watching the sail fall from the sky below you.
That night we also had a "shanty night" which I am very glad I got to experience, given my background as a musician, and it was a great time. Unfortunately I had no way to travel with my mandolin so I was armed only with my tinwhistle, but some crew members seemed genuinely pretty impressed with my ability to pick up tunes, which, at the risk of sounding extremely pretentious (forgive me) I am accustomed to thinking of as a rather mundane thing, but it was nice to feel appreciated. One of my crewmates, very drunk at the time, told me very earnestly that my "improsov" was very good and a "skill I should cherish," and honestly I don't think I'll ever forget that—when I picked up with the verse to Spanish Ladies everyone else had forgotten he cheered obnoxiously for me and kept up a steady stream of enthusiastic interjections where he didn't know the words, and while I am not generally fond of being the center of attention, I was fond of him for that.
Over the course of the trip I was introduced to a great number of tunes I'd never heard—which is something I value deeply—most of which I probably won't remember the names of, but of those I do I am making a point to learn. I love this sort of exchange—folk music at its most authentic—especially in a place like this, late in the evening on what, by the end of my time, I had decided was the most beautiful ship in the world, where our singing and our laughter carried across the water and into the night and my heart, though saddened by the air of finality that pervaded it all, was full.
Excuse me for getting a little prosaic—it's hard to describe the feelings you experience sailing a vessel like this one, at least to me, and it's been a dream of mine for a while. I miss it already and have full intentions on returning in coming years, but for now thanks for the opportunity to talk about it lol!
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whiskeynovember · 11 months
so, I'll say it took about 3 days to get the garden back in some kind of order, but not without casualties (some of which I committed myself when I returned. 😂)
in plot 2, the eggplants, purple basil, and peppers look great. radishes in the center of the peppers are taking shape. Bok Choi a little slow to sprout, but sprouting nonetheless. I'd like to add more, tbh, it's just hard to maneuver around.
I pulled the carrots too soon, and then tried to put them back. 😆 we'll see if it works (i should water them, now, actually). I also planted more carrots in 2 rows. not the rainbow carrots this time, but I might plant more once I pull the squash.
the squash is haggard. as are the long beans. as is the stevia. I cut the squash vine to the last fruit and I need to just prune what dies off. the long beans still have some life, but also need a decent pruning, tbh. I need to pull the stevia and pot it. I'll work on getting either the 7 or 10 gallon grow bag ready. I cut a lot of flowers yesterday, but I should have enough left for some seeds.
Plot 1 is doing ok. planted more Chinese cabbage and mesclun greens, got rid of a few tomato plants, and trimmed some basil. the holy basil is doing really well in ground. even the one that was tattered is stable. also, the beefsteak is finally doing something. A little late, but I plan to leave it in ground to overwinter anyway.
moved the 2 cherry peppers over to where the serrano seeds were. lost 2 of those so I have 2 left and one isn't looking hot, so I hope it will be a little easier to manage being out from under the squash leaves. the peppers are... peppering. even though that fat ass caterpillar fucked up my biggest jalapeno plant.
again, trimmed the squash down and need to continue pruning. the Cucamelon plant is going ham. need to continue training it to go up it's pole. same with the cucumbers, I'd like to keep them separate for as long as possible.
my poppy bushes are too cute for words. I kinda wish I could be assed to train it to go along the border of the house.
the potted plants are ok, but I need to figure out what's going on with the black diamond watermelon and yellow squash. neither are doing great. I think aphids and... who knows.
as for the potted herbs, well, not bad. mostly pruning, clipped some chocolate mint, some fucked up strawberry leaves (hopefully I caught the worms that have been having a field day.) and threw a few more purple basil seeds in the pot... just because. lol.
Sent my brother a list of seeds I have so hopefully I can send some to him by the end of the week.
tomorrow should be easy. pull the stevia, prune the beans and squash. should probably also pot the eggplants that I have in cups.
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quokki · 3 years
hii! i make a lot of edits and they do turn out okay?! but the thing is its quality.. it really decreases and I always am fascinated by yoour edits which are AMAYZING AND THE QUALITY IS GOOD TOO!! so could you give some tips to increase quality or apps that doesnt decrease the quality of org vid when making edits?
oh thank you :D
i think you're talking about the gifs right?
here's my tips lol (it's just how i do things honestly)
1. get the highest quality file available
when using an mv, download the highest quality version (i use 4k downloader, you can get it for free). if using a stage, try to get a raw .TS file (they can be hard to find 💔) or if the youtube video is 4k and you can tell it's really good quality then you can use that
2. use a pre processing software like vaporsynth or avisyth
this type of software will clip the parts of the video that you want to gif, and it has some sharpening features that are also very helpful. i can link some giffing tutorials i've used that taught me a lot!
I use vaporsynth (tutorial)
3. make your gifs on photoshop
photoshop has additional sharpening filters that can be useful, along with many other editing features.
4. exporting on photoshop:
file > export > save for web (legacy)
Tumblr media
I marked down all the important things:
➤ first on the upper right where it says adaptive: there are 3 options you can use, perceptual, selective or adaptive. they all work well for gifs but some will end up in a higher size file than other. i've been into adaptive later. you can just switch it up and see what you like best.
➤ then where it says pattern: there are 2 options you can use, pattern or diffusion. it's a matter of preference here, i like to go with pattern. both work fine. diffusion might make the file heavier.
➤ for the next part it says diffusion transparency dither, here you should use either that or pattern transparency dither.
➤ next is about the dimensions, for this part you should actually define it when you first start the giffing, in the clipping phase, using vaporsynth. just make sure you're using dimensions that are compatible with tumblr's format, for width either 540px (1 gif per row), 268 px (2 gifs per row) or 177 px (3 gifs per row). As for height normally you'd start with at least 350 px but that can vary a lot. Like in this extreme case from my screenshot where my height was 640px. Keeping in mind that the bigger the dimensions, the bigger your gif size will be and the lower number of frames you'll be able to have.
➤ which is the next point, size. as we know, tumblr has an image size upload limit of 10mb (honestly if my images are over 9.5 it already doesn't let me upload). ideally you want to keep your gif small as tumblr might tone down the quality a little bit with the upload.
For the rest of the options on the export screen I believe you typically don't need to mess with, so just make sure they look the same as mine :D
All of the above are standard procedure for me and imo usually indispensable for a decent looking gif.
5. editing
i don't know if by quality you also meant some aspects of my gifs that imo are due to my editing (such as how they're usually clear and bright). if you wanna know more about that, let me know in another ask! but generally i'd advise you to do a test drive with your gifs when it comes to filters. for example add a filter and try to export to see what the final result will actually look like, in comparison to a version of the gif that wouldn't have it. I say this because, for example adding noise to your gif could potentially make it look like it's in lower quality compared to not using it.
I'm sorry if you already knew everything I mentioned and it wasn't helpful😖
But feel free to send more asks if you wanna get down to more specifics or if you wanna know more about my own process :D
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Hello! I'd like to request Yamato and/or Ranmaru for the NSFW alphabet :3
I will give you Ranmaru in a little bit, but for now, here's Yamato.
Aftercare: how do they take care of their s/o after the act? Are they really into it?
Let him catch his breath bb lol for a while he'll just lay there beside you, staring at the ceiling. Sex with Yamato is always intense and both of you probably don't want to move afterwards. However, he will get a warm towel to clean you and himself up but anything more than that you're on your own until the next day.
Bondage: what's the furthest they would go in bed? 
Despite him being super into the act, he wouldn't stray far from the vanilla path. Might try to test your limits though and he is definitely interested in how many times he can make you cum before your body starts shaking. 
Cum: where is their favorite place to cum? Are they messy? 
Loves to cum on your face. Is hella messy when it comes to it and almost anywhere externally is totally his thing. The sight before him with his cum decorating your skin is just so hot to him and is sure to get him hard all over.
Dirty secret: what's something they'd never admit to their s/o? 
He really wants you to tie him up and blindfold him. Degrate him. Make him your little bitch. Will never admit that though because if that comes out to you or anyone else, he would get teased and made fun of to no end so that's why he will take it to the grave.
Experience: have they done this before? Are they a virgin? 
Definitely not a virgin, but he's not a whore either. Has had a few people in his life but they mostly don't last long. He's just too much to handle for some people. 
Fantasy: what's their ultimate fantasy? 
Sex on the beach in one of those caves by the rocks. The thought of getting caught and the walls echoing your moans is absolutely bliss to him. 
Good girl: are they into the reward and punishment system? If so, more on his s/o or him? 
Definitely has a praise kink. Tell him how good he is, how good he makes you feel and he's sure to return the favor. Has a thing for dropping his voice a couple octaves and whispering "fuck… you're such a good girl/boy for daddy…" everytime he fucks your face. Did i mention he has a daddy kink? 
Hair: what's it like down there? 
He's not super concerned about it but doesnt let it grow too long. A good trim but not too short. 
Intimacy: how are they? Is it sensual? Rough?
Mostly rough. He puts all his energy and being into making you feel good and sometimes gets carried away. On the rare occasions that he is lazy, he'll slow down but his thrusts are just as powerful.  
Jackoff: Do they do it? How often? 
Used to do it all the time. Like 4-5 times a week, but once you came along he didn't need to do it as much. Now he'll do it maybe once a week when you're not up for it. 
Kink: what's their biggest turn on? 
Daddy kink. He'll melt every time your perfect little lips call him that oh so sinful name. It makes him feel powerful and it's sure to get him hard and ready to go every time you say it. 
Location: where's their favorite place to do it? Where's a no? 
Anywhere that's not the bed lolol he's quite adventures and has christened basically the whole house with you. A no, though, is anywhere around the rest of HEAVENS. As much as he likes risks, he doesn't like being shamed by his bandmates.
Motivation: what gets them going? 
It's so easy to turn him on. Call him daddy, slowly run your hand up his thigh, tell him how awesome you think he is. Basically anything that puts him in the spotlight. Make him feel like he's your king and he's all yours. 
No: anything they wont do? 
He's open to anything but he's not into the extreme toys like nipple clips, wax play, or anything like that. Also no sex in the presence of his bandmates. 
Oral: receiver or giver? 
More of a receiver. He just loves to see you on your knees in front of him as you work your pretty little mouth around his hard cock. Grabs your hair and fucks your face and he swears there's nothing better on this planet. Doesnt mean that he cant give though because his tongue works magic on your clit and your thighs have bruises from his fingers because your legs end up shaking so much that he has to hold you in place. 
Pace: fast or slow? 
Fast. And rough. As much as he wants to be sensual and slow sometimes, it's just impossible when you feel so damn good around him. 
Quickie: would they do it ? 
Definitely. Has done it before. You are so irresistible to him and he's definitely pulled you aside to scold you for it "how do you expect me to keep my cool when you walk around in these shorts with your ass sticking out!?" Definitely loves when you wear shorts and you totally wear them to mess with him. 
Risk: are they into getting (potentially) caught? 
Oh yes. Likes the thrill. Loves the blushed face of yours afterwards. Of course he'd never let you get caught but likes to have you think that this is the riskiest thing of your life. 
Stamina: how long can they last? How many rounds? 
One pretty good round. Though hes usually rough and fast, he lasts a while due to his stamina that he build up over the years. Sometimes he's up for round two but usually round one takes everything out of him, and most likely, you too. 
Toys: are they into toys? 
Not really. He likes to use his hands and mouth. Likes to know that he can get you off like that, without the help of anything else. Makes him feel empowered. 
Underlying motive: Do they have one? 
Sometimes his underlying motive is to embarrass you, which is why he likes risky spots. Its more of a turn on to him to see you squirm and get a little scared, than the actual act itself. 
Volume: how loud are they? 
Low grunts and groans are all you're getting out of him. Not much of a moaner, but is sure to make you scream instead. You're his and by god he's gonna make the whole world, well neighborhood, know. 
Wish: what do they want you to do to them? 
As mentioned before, take control. Make him your little bitch. Force him to obey you for once. It's just, that, you know, he probably won't let you unless you can show him you got it in you ;) 
X-ray: how big are they? 
Pretty decent size. He's a good 6-7 inches and has a nice circumference. Definitely good enough to satisfy you, I assure you.  
Yearning: how badly do they need it? 
Has a pretty high sex drive ans is up for it anywhere anytime, just say the words. It's not hard to convince him and if you're down, he's down. Mostly he initiates it, but its so much more of a turn on when you do. 
Z-ZZZ: how fast do they fall asleep after
Lmao hes OUT right after. Again, he might clean you and him up a little bit but after that, his cute naked ass is back on the bed with an arm around you and he's out like a firework
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