#It was Duster (poor thing looked very beat up probably why it was only like $11) with a canister in the side for marbles
sysig · 2 years
I got about 700 words into my Notes app and then decided, yeah actually I should probably write this down somewhere for realsies
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Catch the MC Dancing/Singing By Themselves
So long 2020!!! I’ve been listening to nothing but End-of-Decade Mashups and the 2010s was the decade of club bangers, so excuse me as I write a little happiness at the end of this shitty, shitty year.
Lucifer was in his secret study with the door closed which usually would block out a lot of distractions, but…
The MC was out in the library just blasting this… awful noise!!
Okay, maybe the noise wasn't awful - but as a classical music man, he had no use for the electronic bleep-bloops of whatever the hell they called "music!"
He had tried to put up with it for about an hour… but he had his limits. Soon enough he could feel his fuse dwindling to nothing and he just HAD to open up the door and tell the MC to keep it down!
He just wasn't expecting to find them dancing… while belting their heart out using a feather duster as a microphone…
Oh… wasn’t this amusing~?
For once, Lucifer decided that work could wait for a minute or two as he leaned against the doorframe to watch the MC do their thing, his smile could only be described as somewhere between being highly entertained and genuinely smitten with the off-key goofball in front of him...
The look went away real quick after the MC finally noticed he was there and dropped the feather duster like it was on fire. Shame… They were acting so cute before... 
He still had a knowing smile on his face when he asked them to turn their music down some, but he didn’t blow up at them or anything… What can he say? He enjoyed the show. 😏
The MC has a nasty habit of singing under their breath when they’re bored. Mammon knew this, of course, and he never stopped straining to try and hear their quiet notes whenever he could...
It was hard to do since they had long trained themselves to keep it quiet in public, but he was certain that from what he could hear, he certainly wouldn’t mind listening to more!
The only exception was when they thought they were alone… like in their bedroom doing homework for example.
Mammon had just happened to pass by their bedroom door (and not going there directly just to bother them because he felt lonely or anything...) and heard something through the door…
It sounded like the MC but different… rhythmic and melodic… That was it!! They were singing!!!
He knew he had to be careful about this... If the MC realized he was listening, then they’d stop and leave him high, dry, and wanting more...
He had to push their bedroom door in incredibly gently so it wouldn’t make any noise… The House was old - okay scratch that, ancient - and all the doors have a creak to them if you’re not careful… but oh, was it worth it…
He knew, he just knew, that he would like their voice! Good or bad, it was all them! Why did they also sing so quietly?? He felt like he could listen for hours!
 And he just might have gotten the chance if he had been paying enough attention to notice that he was leaning ever closer into the doorway... The second those rusted hinges made a creak, the MC whipped around and snapped their mouth shut.
Unfortunately, no amount of begging got the MC to start singing for him again, so he had to go back to the drawing board… Maybe he’d get to hear them again someday… right?
Levi had been looking for the MC for some time now to see if they wanted to play a game with him but he wasn’t finding them in any of their usual hangouts… 
Their bedroom was the last place for him to check and when he stuck his head in he didn’t see them there… But he did heard the sound of running water from their personal bathroom.
He was going to leave, honest! He wasn’t going to be one of those creeps who listens to people shower (despite absolutely being perverted enough to do so) but he recognized a familiar riff coming from the room…
He knew it anywhere. It was from one of his favorite anime openings of all time!! And what’s more? He heard a new voice joining the singer like accompaniment… It was… the MC??
Levi could have probably fainted from delight right then. Even if the MC wasn’t as good at singing, the mere fact that they were singing that opening made his heart soar! Who doesn’t love to sing along to their favorite songs??
He probably should have thought a bit more before throwing the door open to belt out his favorite part like he did because, you know, even behind a shower curtain the MC was naked and definitely not expecting him... But, hey, for five whole seconds they sounded great together!
Annnnd then he ran out of the room, red-faced and shouting semi-mortified apologies right after he realized what he could have seen by doing that (*cough*nakedMC*cough*)... 
Poor Levi, but at least he just scored himself a new karaoke partner!
You ever been so happy about something you just want to go for a run? Or even better, dance? That seemed to have been the case for the MC that day...
The MC’s least favorite subject had just had a test and they received their scores before leaving the classroom the next day. He knew they must have been anxious by how nervously they clutched their paper...
They had been getting tutoring help from him for weeks and it really must have paid off! Satan wasn’t able to catch up to them before they checked their score, but the way their face lit up was a good sign at least.
He was on his way to go congratulate them when… they started to dance. Right in the middle of the school. They kicked up the music on their phone then started dancing down the hallway like nothing could stop them!
It was such a random and carefree act that it frankly blew him away... You’d think a human in a school full of demons would be running, maybe even hiding, but certainty not dancing! What even was their human sometimes...?? 
He had to hold in some laughter to keep from getting noticed and just followed them down the hallways with a grin on his face and his phone in his hand…
He, of course, posted it to the brothers’ group chat and all of them got to see the wonderful view of the MC shaking their ass to their favorite song of all time… Oh, and they aren’t going to forget that, like, ever. Devious little shit...
Asmo loves to go clubbing so dancing is just an enjoyable pastime for this man, but he never thought that he’d end up dancing in a dressing room... 🤷‍♀️
He and the MC were on their weekly trip to Majolish and the MC was behind some curtains in order to try on a new outfit he put together for them. Usually during these times, Asmo waits out in front of their stall distracted by his phone, but this time he actually noticed something...
The MC’s feet. He could see them behind the gap of the curtain moving along to the music playing through the store’s speakers… So they liked this song, hm...?
Honestly, Asmo couldn’t help himself. He ended up getting up from his seat and pulling back the curtain a tiny crack just to see what the MC was doing in their stall... Thankfully, they were already dressed, but they were indeed dancing by themselves hidden just out of his sight...
Now, how could he let them dance all by their lonesome~?
Asmo slipped into the stall himself and caught the MC by the hips, frankly any protest they might of had didn’t really last long as he guided their body along with his. 
It was far from their first time dancing together and it always felt amazing when they did… Their every move fit together perfectly like a call and response and it didn’t take long for them to get lost in the music.
Eventually, a store employee began to wonder why they were in there for so long and eventually found two sets of feet in one stall… Really, they got off lucky, because knowing Asmo it was kind of amazing that dancing was all he was doing back there!
Asmo was a far too valuable customer for the store to kick out, so the two of them just got a warning not to do it again but man was it worth it… 
The MC has to wear that outfit to their next club. No exceptions!! 😌
You know, sometimes you just got a rhythm and beat in your soul and it pops out at the most random times… like in the middle of cooking!
Beel was coming into the kitchen looking for yet another snack for the day when he caught the MC already in there baking and… dancing?
They had their phone out to play music while they worked, hips swaying to the beat. Hell, everything they were doing was set to that pace! Every flick of the whisk and stir of the batter was just a part of their private dance sequence.
For a second, he had to wonder if he had just stepped into a musical or something? Dancing while cooking? He hadn’t seen any of his brothers mix those things before… but it worked?? Like, they made it look natural and even a little fun!
Just imagine the look on the MC’s face when Beel came up behind them and pulled them into a twirl behind the counter. It caught them so off-guard that a bag in their hands slipped and covered them both in powdered sugar!
Not that Beel cared about the mess because he just licked his lips clean and told the MC not to stop what they were doing... Which was how the others found them both covered in sugar and moving to the beat while the MC was icing the cake they just finished. 🤷‍♀️
Lucifer ended up lecturing them both about being more careful in the kitchen but they were too busy sneaking smiles to each other to pay much attention... 
Sometimes the music just moves you, you know?
Belphie very rarely gets up from his naps without a little help. Sure, even his body needs to wake up eventually, but it normally takes some kind of outside force to drag him back to the world of the living...
So imagine his surprise when he seemingly woke up for no reason in the middle of his afternoon nap with MC… Or well, he thought there wasn’t reason, until he started paying more attention.
The MC was cuddled up to him like usual, but he could feel a hum against his arm that was coming from their chest. Steady and slow… almost soothing.
When he finally heard a noise in the air - equally soothing as the humming and in time with the vibrations - he put two and two together… Were they singing right now?
Belphie kept himself very still and pretended to be asleep just to check his suspicions and… yeah. He could hear the MC softly singing a human world song under their breath.
Must have been a testament to how besotted this cow man was with them that even hearing their voice that quietly could pull him out of his dreams. 
Eventually, Belphie just had to roll over and pull them up against his chest so he could hear them better... Of course, his movement just made them stop, but any idea that they were off the hook got swept away when they heard him grunt:
“Hey, you woke me up… Don’t stop now.”
Let’s hope they know a good lullaby or two...
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desdemonafictional · 3 years
TFA Fantasy WIP
Sentinel Prime, His Imperial Benevolence, The Auspicious and Holy Oneself, Emperor in Perpetua, entered the little farming villa like a spoiled brat waltzing into a tent of freaks. He cast his smugly disinterested eye over every dusty window and dinged up bit of furniture alike, observing the lack of bustling servants or fine hangings brought out for his arrival.
Optimus ground his jaw quietly.
“We apologize for the austerity,” he said, still standing stiffly at the door where Sentinel had shoulder-shoved past him to get inside. “The Orion House doesn’t have… much staff. I’m afraid we can’t receive you with all the honors due to a Prime.”
“Oh please,” Sentinel said, “don’t trouble yourself with a formal reception. I’ll just consider this a hunting party, how about that? Like old times, eh, Optimus?”
Bumblebee inched sidelong along the wall, leant sideways, and out the side of his mouth he said, “Y’all two know each other?”
The high ceilings of the Orion were indeed not dissimilar from the hunting lodges they had stayed in together from time to time, as junior officers in the Primal Guard. The air conditioning out here in the countryside was rudimentary, and the summers burned hot under the watchful stare of Hadeen, especially with so many bodies crowded into a single house putting off their own mechanical heat. It was, however, a manor house and not a hunting lodge. It was Optimus’ manor now, in fact, ever since he had been relegated here seven vorn earlier.
“Shall we make a room ready for you, your Benevolence?” Optimus said, ignoring the yellow car prodding at his side.
Sentinel gave the place a judgemental once over and said, “Just the one night, I think. We mustn’t trespass on your… hospitality.”
And with that, the rest of his retinue came sweeping in. Chamber attendants with berth dressings, a chef and cooks, secretaries—the Orion filled up immediately, bursting to its seams with activity. Optimus glanced through the window, and noted that out in the front of the house Sentinel’s guard was already setting up silk tents and laying camp with military efficiency.
“Bumblebee,” Optimus said, “why don’t you show the Prime’s bots where they can set his fixings for the night?”
“Uh,” Bumblebee said, “um, right—just this way, gentlemechs! You’re in good hands with me, I know everything there is to know about the Orion! Hey, stripes, you single—?”
Sentinel fell back to stand beside Optimus, not looking at him, in a parody of casual camaraderie.
“So I guess the pipsqueak isn’t your sweetspark,” Sentinel smirked. “That or you’ve developed a thing for being cuckolded?”
“I’m still single,” Optimus said. “I don’t have any sweetsparks.”
“What, not even that bulky hulk I saw out back?” Sentinel asked, grinning unpleasantly. “I bet he’s easy, rubes like that always are.”
Optimus squeezed his fist open and closed at his side, bruisingly tight, but discreetly. Sentinel was the Prime, and the Prime could say whatever nasty, petty thing he liked.
“Bulkhead is a brilliant engineer,” Optimus said, in an only slightly repressive tone. “He single-handedly designed the new extractors for the crystal fields, and the harvest is coming at 21% increased efficiency this vorn.”
“Whatever, farmer stuff,” Sentinel said. “I don’t give a scrap about that. You’re really still single? Seven vorns that you’ve been out here, and you haven’t even picked up some knobkneed crop duster for a tumble? Don’t tell me you’re still holding out for a conjunx.”
Optimus didn’t bother to point out that he’d been in mourning for most of that time, like Sentinel would have been, if he hadn’t been selected by the Matrix not one vorn after the hunting accident that took Elita from them both. Primes weren’t encouraged to mourn the loved ones from their previous lives. Just the angry edge to Sentinel’s bitter humor proved that he was still mourning, in his own way, and probably the empire would have been better off if he’d been allowed to deal with it on his own terms before being thrust into the mantle of Imperial Personage.
Optimus missed the friends they had been, before the bitterness.
“You know no decent court mech will have anything to do with a relegated bumpkin Count,” Sentinel pointed out. “Conjunxing is not in your future, Optimus. You’d be lucky to take an amica, like the peasants do.”
“There’s nothing wrong with taking an amica,” Optimus replied.
“Yeah, not for peasants and destitute washouts,” Sentinel said. “Hey, maybe you could be somebody’s subordinate conjunx, how about that? Not that you’d have any luck tempting a courtier away from Iacon with this…” he grimaced at the high ceilings and bare walls, “cabin in the mud.”
“Are you done?” Optimus asked, a little too forwardly for good manners.
“Watch it,” Sentinel said, narrowing his eyes. “If you’re not properly gracious, I’ll reconsider calling you back to court.”
“Re-?” Optimus skipped a pump beat. “Reconsider?”
Sentinel smirked again, this time with less humor and more coldness, and patted Optimus on the shoulder. “I’ve been thinking about it,” he said. “I could use more allies in the capitol. And you would be an ally for me, wouldn’t you, Optimus?”
The fragile shoot of hope withered all at once. Whatever Sentinel wanted him back at court for, it wouldn’t be out of the goodness of his spark. He still hated Optimus too much; any gratitude would be a yolk around Optimus’ neck for the rest of their lives.
“Yes, of course,” said Optimus. “I am at the service of the Primacy, as ever.”
“I thought you would be,” Sentinel said, and his smirk turned keen, and then he said: “Alright, show us where we can do some freshening up around here. You have body servants around this slaghole? I need a deep polish before dinner.”
His Imperial Benevolence came out of the shower quite a long time later, which was fortunate for his cooks, who had hastily taken over Optimus’ kitchen and were rushing to fill it with servable fuel. Optimus had quietly pulled his own kitchen staff—all two of them—away to help clean the place up a little more for guests. Sentinel’s cooks had ransacked the house’s pantry, pulling long spools of brass and bricks of gold onto every counter, vials of soluble compounds, crystals, seasonings. The cooks kept clicking their tongues at the spread. Optimus had the feeling that he was being Disapproved of.
In the house there were two cooks, one body servant, a housekeeper, Optimus, and the engineer (Bulkhead) who was out overseeing an upgrade to the manor rain pumps this month. The house had been on the empty side, before Sentinel, and now it was crammed full in every room with someone doing something. The change was a little bit dizzying. Bumblebee seemed to be loving it, though.
“Don’t make me clean,” he was whining, a squeegee dripping unhelpfully in his hand. “I want to go out and see the soldiers, let me go out and see if the soldiers need anything.”
Optimus pressed his lips together. “If you go out there now, I won’t see you again until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay, so? Sentinel’s cooks got it covered, you don’t need me.”
Optimus wondered if there was a polite way to say “I’m more worried one of them will lean you over his saddle bag without waiting for permission.” Bulkhead might or might not be easy, it wasn’t Optimus’s place to guess, but he had a distinct feeling Bumblebee would be.
“Just go get the place settings out,” Optimus told him, “when that’s done you can gossip with anybody in the house, but don’t go outside. I might need you.”
Bumblebee thwapped his cleaning cloth against his thigh and grumbled all the way out of the room. Optimus gave it depressingly low odds that he’d be obeyed the whole night, but, well, he’d done his best. He didn’t have time to be monitoring his staff all night, not when Sentinel was lurking about the place.
Besides, what were the chances Bumblebee could even bud new sparks? Less than thirty percent of the population could do it, under the best circumstances.
There was a shout from the direction of the baths, and Optimus whirled in time to see servants roiling away from the exclamation like insecticons in a disturbed hive. He pushed his way through the aimless anxiety and then—with a deep vent to pre-emptively cool himself—let himself into the washroom, where solvent was splattered all over the floor and Sentinel was splattered across the chest with globs of polish.
“My Prime,” Optimus said, leaning his hip against the wall. He didn’t smirk. He thought about it though.
Sentinel whirled, steam all but blowing out his vents. “One of your bumbling idiots broke my washkit!” He jabbed his finger at a very complicated looking fold-out case, enameled with blue and white and utterly smashed across the floor between himself and the body servant.
“I—” the servant said, “Optimus—your Courtesy—I was setting it out for the Prime, but one of the containers was—”
“Your idiot threw it at me!”
“One of the containers—there was a springloaded compartment and—”
“And it bit you like a needle-mouthed pit beast?” Sentinel mocked, furiously. “That case was one of a kind! My concubine made that for me!”
Optimus glazed at the poor smashed object. It certainly did look one of a kind, with that complicated enameling out the outside, the nested compartments all conjoined in different ways, like a puzzle box.
“Ugh,” Sentinel said, and glared down at his abdomen. “And you got them mixed up too, look at this, my paint is peeling, everyone knows you’re not supposed to mix cosmetic chemicals.”
Actually, it was peeling. Kind of bubbling too. That was alarming enough that Optimus pushed off the wall and went to fetch a dry cloth and a jar of water from the cabinet. Plain water was usually safe to mix with chemicals, whereas solvent was… not.
“Now I need to fix my paint too,” Sentinel seethed. “I wanted to go hunting tonight! I won’t have time to go hunting once we reach the border, it’ll be nothing but handshaking and touring the facilities!”
“I’m sure we can get your paint patched with plenty of time for dinner,” Optimus said, and sat Sentinel down at the edge of the great sunken oil pit (empty, as it usually was, the budget for hot oil being very slim at Orion House). He knelt down and dragged the broken kit back towards himself, fishing through the wreckage until he came up with the little jar of touch up paint in Sentinel’s classic blue.
“Um, my lord count,” the servant said, from somewhere behind Optimus.
“Don’t worry about it,” Optimus said, without looking back, “I’ll take it from here. You go help the others with dinner.”
“And get my hunting kit out more carefully this time!” Sentinel shouted after him, leaning so far forward that Optimus had to tilt his head out of the way to avoid bonking his Prime’s chassis.
Gently, Optimus pressed a palm to Sentinel’s chest and pushed him back into his seat. Sentinel slouched back into the bench seat, letting his elbows hang over the empty tub behind him. He eyed Optimus, his face tilted away at an angle that seemed half suspicious, half uncomfortable.
“You know you’re a Count now, not a cadet,” Sentinel said. “Below your station to be scrubbing and polishing anybody, even the Prime.”
Optimus’s half smile was more irony than humor. He wasn’t about to leave poor Screwshine alone with Sentinel, after that fit of temper. He focused on lathering up the powder paint and paint-thinner into something he could work with.
Sentinel let Optimus push his leg out of the way to get a better angle at the stripped plating, but his sidelong gaze didn’t ease up. “Not angling for a spot in the Primal Harem, are you?”
Optimus nearly shuddered at the thought. What a nightmare, locked up in the harem with a mech who hated him for the rest of his functioning. No amount of luxury or status was worth that. “No, my Prime. Definitely not. I just wasn’t going to let you keep terrorizing my servant all night.”
Sentinel scowled, but he also relaxed. “I wouldn’t have to yell at your staff if they weren’t a bunch of incompetent ninnies.”
“You’re the Prime,” Optimus said, fixing his frown firmly on the paint, and not on Sentinel’s face. “You’re meant to comport yourself with more grace than that.”
“Hah,” Sentinel said, and his face twisted into an even darker configuration, “what would a washout coward like you know about any of it, anyway.”
There was an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the smooth soft sound of paint applique. Eventually, Sentinel snapped, “Hand me that pill case, the pink one, it’s down in the slag pile.”
Optimus was reluctant to pause, thinking of the quick drying paint, but obeyed after only a second’s hesitation. He dug it out and handed it up, considering the esoteric pink inscriptions in the white enamel. White was the color of philosophy. Pink was the color of life. When Sentinel shook out a couple of the little capsules, in the moment before clapping them to his mouth and swallowing, their insides sloshed with a viscous magenta sludge.
“What… are those?” Optimus asked, feeling a little sick just from looking at the things.
“Mm?” Sentinel knocked back a quick swig of something from his subspace pocket and then coughed, wiping his mouth absently with the back of his hand. “Oh. Prima Materia. Divine Oneness philosophy is all the rage in Iacon right now. Guess you wouldn’t know about that out here in the boonies.”
Optimus frowned and wracked his memory storage. “An alchemical elixir?”
“Yeah,” Sentinel said, and tucked the little pill case back into his subspace pocket. “Couple a day, supposed to make you live forever. When the old chancellor came down with Zero Point Crytosis last orn, the court was hysterical. I don’t say this very often, but every once in a while, I miss soldiers.”
Optimus made a face at the idea of taking those goop capsules twice a day. “You sure that stuff is safe?”
“Please,” Sentinel said, “I’m the Prime. My alchemists aren’t grabbing any old dirt off the back of a truck and calling it gold. Anyway, one of my concubines is a chemist, and a damn good one for all she needs the smart mouth knocked off of her. She mixed the slag herself.”
Optimus continued to regard it doubtfully.
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sapphic-scylla · 3 years
@the-one-and-only-blake-llewell @dimitrescuslustwine I hope you enjoy Petra’s encounter with the rogue’s gallery that is Alcina’s Castle. It’s not a great story and not perfectly well written but regardless I hope you like it.
Ch. 1: Heresy
A smell of iron and wine mixed with the spruce trees nearby. Such a odd welcome to the plane she had just appeared in. It was so different from Rexentrum too. Nature seemed at peace with the world instead of deception lurking around every corner. Even these poor hopeless souls were honest about their intentions rather than manipulating people to their will. Not that it helped them in the end but it was refreshing.
Petra sheathed her sword, pulled out some incense, and lit it with a sacred flame. Just outside the village where she’d stopped in for a drink after planeshifting here to find a new home, three men tried too hard to take advantage of her only to fall into a trap of her own make. With extreme prejudice as they tried to feel her up as she tried to walk away, she severed limb and head from body without a care, leaving them in a heap of flesh. No tolerance, no mercy.
A very large castle-like manor loomed in the distance. At least a half an hour walk from here, but she felt like she was being watched. Not by an unfriendly being, but like she was being evaluated. Ignoring it, she wanted for the spell to finish.
Without a beat missed, she heard a voice behind her. “Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance now, don’t you?”
“They attacked me first, you saw it. I don’t claim to understand the mind of men like this or why they thought it was a good idea to try and take advantage of me as such, but here we are.”
Petra’s 5’6” frame slightly shuddered from the cold. She was wearing her usual outfit. Cloth wrap around the bust with her trench duster and black pants now covered in blood, not that she of all people minded blood. She picked up a nearby wine bottle dropped by one of her attackers. It still had a little bit left.
“Such a shameful waste of good wine.” Petra said, drinking the last, enough for one mouthful.
The figure behind her started to inspect the carnage. She looked like a tall drifter who passes through town without making a fuss.
“So you had questions, my dear?” Nytoria, Petra’s patron asked.
“It’s nice to talk to you. Considering you’re my only friend. But yes, I have a few questions.” Petra responded.
“Well, my dearest champion, considering you’re my only follower and you’re faithful to the last, I can’t help but protect you, but you really should find some friends.”
“Friends are a distraction and I’ve been betrayed too many times.” Petra deadpanned.
“You’re worth all the time in the world, which we have considering you traded your ability to see your sister for immortality as my champion. Fall in love, see the world, live a little, my dear.” Nytoria smiled mournfully.
“My sister was happy. She found a girl and she settled down after we brought that spineless priest that ordered my death all those years ago to justice. Emotional bonds slow me down. It’s why I never told her I was alive.” Petra said, studying the blood red brand on her arm.
“You did the right thing. She never would have rested had she known.” Nytoria said, her 6’7” frame giving Petra a sympathetic hug.
“She deserves to rest. But not me. I still have work to do and loving someone just isn’t in the cards.” Petra said, her thoughts of the past swimming through her brain, reliving the trauma and pain she had gone through in her 21 years.
Petra grew up in a village a couple days travel from Rexentrum. Years before the war with Xhorhas, Petra grew up reviled by the very people she was born to. Her people worshipped a god of protection and being the chosen of a god no one had heard of with a brand on her arm didn’t make things any better. Even her parents refused to accept that their child was heretical by nature. Thankfully her sister, Neraia managed to sneak her out of the city and raise her properly. When she turned 14, she and her sister were separated by assassins sent by the priest, St. Morvarian and she spent the better part of 2 years searching for her. During that time she became renowned as the Heretic, a cryptic mercenary with abilities only the gods could grant, hemocraft, mental domination, and blood red wings. She eventually used these skills to hone her sword skills, find her sister who, to this day, believed her sister to be dead, and burn the corrupt town to ash.
“One question for you before you start inquiring of me. Why keep your made up name? Did Anezi Diasea not suit you?” Nytoria asked.
Petra smiled. “It was a name given to me by family. As an aasimar with divine blood that runs through my veins, I felt no love for a name that was given to me by a corrupt system. Plus, Petra Naverrian suits me much better.”
“Fair. Well, as the goddess of free will, I accept your reasoning. Now, how can I help you, dear champion?” Nytoria drifted in front of her.
“What plane did we land on?” Petra asked without hesitation.
“Oh come on, love, you know the rules.”
“Oh shit, sorry. Yes or no questions only for this spell. Is a safe haven somewhere close to here?”
Nytoria pondered. “Safe isn’t the word I would use, but knowing you, you’d probably think so.”
“Fantastic. The village where these poor bastards come from, will they be missed?” Petra asked, grimly.
Nytoria smiled with a devious grin. “Oh absolutely not, you chaotic little thing. Though once old toothless over here tried to put his hand on your arse, I knew his fate was sealed.”
Petra laughed. “He deserved everything that came his way. Had it under control this time, not like the day we met.” As she thought back to that traumatic day.
Petra was tired and hungry. As she searched for her sister, her brand burned like ashes on her skin.
“NERAIA, WHERE ARE YOU!” Petra called, trying to focus while ignoring her brand. Why did she have this? It had never helped her. She was only 14. Those assassins from a few days ago were still tracking her, but this persistent burning was starting to hurt.
“Ah, there you are.” Three shadows walked out from behind the trees.
Petra spun around. “No, no please don’t.” She pleaded, her arm now exuding a crimson red aura.
“What? We just have a gift for you. Be a shame not to grant you something only we can give.” As they rushed her. Right before they grabbed her, Petra felt time slow to a stop. Except she was still moving.
She took a second to catch her breath, a knife inches away from her flesh brandished by the men and women who separated her from her sister, when she heard a voice.
“It’s about time we met. I heard your pleas. I wanted to wait until you were old enough, but it seems you’re ready now.” A woman said.
“Who are you? And what is going on?” Petra stuttered, clearly at her wits end.
“I am the goddess who saved your life. You poor thing, I’ve watched you since you were a baby. You’ve seen and experienced so much. So much rage, so many traumas. Assaults, violations…” The woman answered.
“Why are you just showing yourself now?” Petra said, tears streaming down her face.
The woman smiled, hand on Petra’s face. “The gods don’t interfere with human matters unless we need to, but I couldn’t keep watching you suffer rape and attacks like you have been. The pantheon forbade me from acting until now and considering I’m fairly new to this, I’ve been trying to reach out since you were born. I am Nytoria and I’m here to grant you the power to take back your control.”
Petra cried. “How? I don’t know any magic.”
Nytoria smiled. “My dearest champion, you need only ask. You need not lift a finger. Have them destroy themselves. I promised the world free will, but that does not mean all deserve it. And so, my girl, you will be my arm of judgment. Take their freedom that they have taken from you multiple times and rend them in twain.” She said, disappearing.
As time slowly started to move again, Petra turned and with a flourish of her hand, the woman of the group of three, knife extended, slashed the throat of her comrade, then stabbed her other friend several times in the spine. Finally, when she awoke from her domination and saw her actions, screamed, and ran in the opposite direction. Petra, drenched in blood and holding a divine saber, which she had no idea how long she’d been holding, stared in awe and her own prowess and knew this might be enough to take her life back.
As Petra refocused after remembering that day, she had her final question. “Is there a person watching me and if so, are they friendly?” Petra asked. Nytoria thought to herself. “Because I like you, I’ll let that slide, you rulebreaker. Yes, there is someone watching. A very interesting being to be sure, but friendly is an operative word. But who knows. Knowing you, you might get along famously.” Nytoria said before disappearing with a wink.
Taking a deep breath, Petra called out. “I promise I won’t hurt you. These rats deserved it, but I promise I won’t attack unless you give me reason.” Out of the shadows strode a hooded creature. She looked human, but not human. Smiling with a creepy grin, but somehow, Petra wasn’t unsettled.
“You smell new, child. Something not of this world.” The creature spoke with a witch-like tone. “You would be correct. I am fairly new to this place and am looking for refuge. Would you know of a place like that?” Petra asked the hooded woman.
The woman smiled a creepy smile. “We may be able to help each other. We have been watching you since your arrival not long ago and my lady, intrigued by your demeanor and energy, requests an audience. My name is Daniela and if you would be so kind, I would have you follow me.” Petra, skeptical but interested, spoke after some thought. “I guess. I don’t see why not. Lead the way.” “Fantastic. Follow.” Daniela urged.
Petra arrived with Daniela at the huge castle, slowly feeling more and more nervous. She couldn’t help it. Something was sapping her self-confidence, but not in a bad way.
Daniela knocked on the large front door and said “You know, my lady does not take interest in many people, so feel honored that you have this chance. She is an imposing woman and will not accept impudence, so please try to make a good first impression.”
Petra nodded, unable to form words as the door swung open. As they walked in, Petra was unable to hide her amazement as the castle had an extremely refined nature to it. Tapestries, paintings, and decorations lined the walls as she walked into the room leading to the main staircase. It felt strangely warm in this castle, so without thinking, Petra removed her coat and slung it over her shoulder, revealing her usual lack of shirt and gauze-wrapped chest binder. Petra was a fighter, but hated clothes because they restricted her movement and hindered her fighting, so she preferred just to tie down her assets.
As she entered the main room, she beheld a fireplace, burning with an intense light, and several candles to keep the chamber illuminated.
As they travelled up the stairs, they heard the thudding of footsteps, but not normal footsteps. It sounded like wolf footsteps.
“Shit…” Daniela muttered, diving out of the way as a massive wolf leaped at Petra. Petra, in an instant, sidestepped the pounce and drew her saber and pointed it at the creature. The wolf snarled as it turned toward her, haunches bristled as it slowly crawled closer to Petra.
“Tyrian, no, down, this is a guest.” Daniela scolded in a way what seemed to be out of character for her. As Petra turned towards Daniela in confusion, the wolf changed forms to reveal a naked girl with markings and a long braid that looked a foot taller than Petra. Petra blushed bright red, not because she was naked, but because “Oh my god, she’s gorgeous.” Petra accidentally said out loud.
“Fucking make me, I do what I want.” The wolfgirl said, staring at Petra for whatever reason. Petra, having the biggest gay panic of her life, could not look her in the eyes in fear of giving too much away. She sheathed her sword and said, voice cracking like crazy, “Yeah uh I’m just here to see the Lady of the Castle is that you by chance wow I’m still talking how are you?” “No, of course, it’s not me.” The wolfgirl said, eyes still trained in pure confusion on Petra. Petra was having a really hard time keeping eye contact with Tyrian because the view was stunning and her mind was running wild. Tyrian continued. “Dimetrescu is just down the hall. And Daniela, go fuck yourself.” “Yeah, fuck you too, Tyrian.” Daniela sneered. “Follow me, Petra, ignore her. Petra followed, but, God, was it hard to leave a girl like that.
Daniela finally led Petra into a sitting room where a woman was sitting. She was as tall as Petra was. Sitting. As the woman turned towards her, she had pale white skin, just like her and had this air of sophistication around her that intimidated her. Petra was never good at small talk and especially in high class situations. As she turned, Petra had a heart attack. The second one tonight. She was attractive as all hell, but not in the same way. Tyrian was attractive in a feral, wild child, would probably strip Petra naked at a moments notice kind of way. This woman had an intense, powerful, enticing vibe that drew you in and made you want to follow her every word. And Petra hated being told what to do.m which made this all the more confusing.
“Petra. What a lovely name for such an adorable girl. I am Alcina Dimitrescu and I own this estate. Daniela, leave us for a moment while we talk. And bring back Tyrian, I want to talk to her.” Daniela nodded, leaving the room. Alcina continued. “So, my child, you have a touch of immortality about you. Care to explain?” Petra could not speak. The gay panic attack she was experiencing was too strong. “I know the feeling. As a vampire, death does not come easily and especially someone of your figure…” Alcina said, giving Petra a noticeable once over, “would garner some interesting attention.” Petra swallowed hard and finally spoke. “If you’re interested in the men I killed, I’m sorry they were being…” “Oh no worries at all, my dear. Have a seat, drink some wine.” Petra sat, trying hard not to fan herself from how hard she was blushing. God, this woman was a gift to the senses. “Those men definitely deserve it and you disposed of them so elegantly, I can’t help but be impressed.” The lady said, eyes trained on Petra.
Petra felt so self conscious. This is the second time in a row she’d been blatantly eye scanned by an attractive woman and the attention was getting to her.
Lady Dimetrescu, clearly sensing Petra’s emotional state, smiled lovingly. “I’ll cut straight to the chase, darling. I want you to feel at home here. I have dozens of extra rooms and I would be honored if you filled one of them. You’re just so adorably vicious and it would be a pleasure to get to know you.”
Petra, still blushing, finally spoke. “It would be my pleasure. I’m just so new here. I am a cleric, miss, and do have loyalty to my goddess, Nytoria, but it would be a pleasure to stay here and continue to craft my magic here.” Petra, stumbling over her words as she got shy and reserved.
Lady Dimetrescu smiled. As she did, Tyrian bounded in. “Ah yes, Tyrian, I need your help with something. Petra darling, stand up for me and take the binding off for me.”
Petra blushed profusely. “Yes, mistress.” She said and did as she was told. Lady Dimetrescu smiled with such a warm loving glow and Tyrian had this wild grin on her face. Petra should have felt self conscious but she felt loved and attractive. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“What do you think Tyrian? Should we marry her?” “Wait what?!” Petra said, not hiding her excitement at all. “You called me in to ask me about something you already knew the answer to?” Tyrian said. Petra gushed with embarrassment. All of this was happening WAY too fast and she did not care. “Then it’s settled. Welcome to the family, Petra. We’re your new wives.”
Petra smiled and immediately sat down in Alcina’s lap as she gave a loving kiss on the forehead and Petra felt a presence. Nearby, in a place somewhere only Petra could feel, Nytoria was smiling in such a proud manner and could not be happier with her little champion.
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creepychippy · 4 years
Luigi’s Mansion 3 - Tickling Drabbles (Part 5)
Luigi/Chambrea + Goobs: Feather Duster  Just go in, get the suitcase, and out. Simple, right?  Well, of course it is easy- ...for the old professor, that is.  All he had to do was sit back, relax, and watch a certain terrified green plumber do the job for him, who was cautiously making his way through the 5th floor- the RIP Suites, to be exact.  "Luigi, what's taking you so long? Go to my room and get my briefcase!"  The timid ghost hunter did his best to carry out said quest, he really did.  However, having only the description 'The briefcase has to be in one of the rooms. I sadly do not remember the number of my supposed sleeping quarters anymore, but I'm optimistic that you will surely find it.' wasn't making things any less difficult, per se.  In fact, not only having to trial-and-error through various guest rooms but also having to do all of this while the place is being haunted on top of that is a whole other task on its own.  Nonetheless, the reserved plumber, who's method of walking was actually tiptoeing around as quietly as possibly, decided to pick up the pace, finally reaching the last room at the end of the hall.  "This must be my destination, then. Just go in, get the briefcase, then out."  It was a reasonable thought on the behalf of the ghost hunter, right?  Right, follow the plan, and everything should be alrigh- ...humming?  Why in the name of everything holy was there humming?  After all, nobody but Luigi would have had a good motive to be in this exact area at this exact time... Well, that would be true, if it wasn't for one crucial detail that the plumber's brain had so carelessly forgotten.  The maid.  Walking into the entrance of the beautiful and glorious Last Resort, the green plumber recalled catching a glimpse of a staff person cleaning the upper floor with a feather duster.  Seeing the type of clothing she wore, it surely had to be a maid, no doubt.  That very maid in question was now currently carrying out her duty by dusting off the tables, being completely unaware of the other presence that was standing behind her at the moment, frozen in shock.  Okay, she hasn't noticed you, yet.  Perhaps sneaking up to the suitcase and quickly taking off with it will work-  But alas, as quickly as the scared and unconfrontational plumber came up with that idea, as swiftly it was being sent into the void again, considering the fact that the eyes of the staff worker seemed to have caught a certain kind of interest towards the square object.  Picking it up, the ghostly maid appeared to be enticed by the desired briefcase, just like a bird would be when they see something shiny.   This wasn't good at all.  Luigi knew this would turn out to be a huge problem if he didn't take any action now, so he instinctively tried to convey to her that this very suitcase didn't belong to her by repeatedly verbalizing the word 'No!' over and over again and making frantic hand gestures.  However, in the heat of the situation, there was another completely and utterly critical point that the poor boy had oh-so neclegted.  He was a ghost hunter and that person standing- or rather, floating - in front of him was a ghost.  To say that both participants in the room got their fair share of yells of terror out of them was and understatement.  Clutching the object that was the reason for all this commotion in the first place, the maid inched away from the plumber, panic replacing her once calm facial features.  Right as the frightened hero was about to grab at his trusted weapon that was being carried on his back, he was suddenly greeted by stinging pain at the back of his head and the cold, hard floor.  "...Ugh, what the..."  It took some moments for Luigi to regain his conciousness, but when he did, the first thing that came to notice was how he couldn't move his arms anymore and that the familiar pressure on his back had vanished into thin air.  "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey."  Why was there a voice materializing itself from his right side? Forget that, why is there a blue hue emitting from both of the plumber's sides?  Scratch that, again. Why was the ghost hunter being detained by two ghosts?!  Actually, come to think of it, the loud screams of panic must have alerted some spectras around the area, who were probably just minding their own business.  Just great... "Please, hold him down tight. There is something that I want to do."  Oh how the poor and frightened plumber wished he could just abort the mission and disappear into nothingness, trying his best to tug at the captor's grips, however his efforts turning out to be useless, only receiving sinister chuckles from both of his sides. "Ah, ah, ah~ You're going nowhere."  "Exactly! You will stay here and endure your punishment.~"  Punishment?!  Overhearing that certain term being mentioned caused the dreading and tense feeling in the gut of the petrified ghost hunter to increase, his uneasy heart beating at a rapidly pace all the while his futile attempts at trying to fend of the hands of the mischievous ghostly hands, who were currently busy unbuttoning his overalls and rolling up his shirt to expose his soft and squishy stomach, were being futile.  A sudden grip holding up the squirming boy's chin is what him made him seize his movements instantly, more or less forcing him to stare into the eyes of the owner of said hand.  "My, my, you look like you are about to have a heart attack! Well, that would be a tragedy now, wouldn't it? No visitor of this hotel should endure such fate. Here, i know a way to calm down your nerves a little bit."  Luigi tightly closed his eyes, preparing himself to be met with with everything his mind could come up in the moment - only to be abruptly caught off guard by a featherly sensation brushing up against his exposed belly, causing the plumber to let out a high pitched yelp against his will.  Please, not this again. Not what happened after the bellhop.  The twitching ghost hunter pulled at his restrains the best he could, but to no avail, and immediatly chose to focus his concentration on not letting any laughter escape his lips that was currently bubbling inside of him.  "Aw, come on, dearie. Kepping everything bottled inside of you isn't good for you. I know you want to laugh by that smile of yours~."  She was right. Some small giggles were already fleeing his mouth, but the green plumber was determined to not give the maid the benefit of satisfaction, fighting the persistent urge with all his might, boots weakly pounding against the ground, all the while the feathers from the feather duster were dancing across his stomach.  "You heard the lady. Don't be so stubborn now!~"  "WhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA-?!"  Even with all the strength he mustered up, the sudden ghostly tail being drilled into his armpit is what finally caused the poor boy to break, catching him off guard and flying him into a fit of high pitched cackling that couldn't be stopped anymore.  "There we go. Wasn't so hard, now was it?"  "STOHOHOHOHAHAHA-HAHAHAHA-HAHAHAHP!!!"  "Stop now? But we've only just begun, silly!"  A faint blush was sprawled across the plumber's face, the tickling sensation overcoming his body and hands being balled into fists.  The only thing that Luigi could do now was pray and hope that anybody would come and rescue him from the clutches of these playful spectras.  "PLEAHAHAHA-HEHEHE-HAHAHASEHEHE L-LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHE HAHAHAHA G-GOHOHOHAHAHAHA!!!!"  "Oh no, dearie, I don't think you understand. We have to get all the stress that is residing within you out of you. This is a hotel, after all."  "NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!!!" "Look at how red he has gotten!"  "Yeah, just like a tomato, A squirmy tomato, that is~."  "EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" For some reason, the teasy hint in their voices being hissed into his ears made Luigi burst out more into high pitched laughter followed by the occasional snort and wheeze, tears having formed in his eyes and rolling down his red tinted face. "S-S-STAHAHAHAHAHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!!!!"  "No way in heaven we would do that! After all, a cute guest like you should only receive the best of customer service~."  "WHAHAHAHAHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA?!!!"  To make matters worse, the word 'cute' being dropped so casually but also teasingly is what really got to the embarrased plumber, making him go into hysterics, his whole body twitching and trembling.  How his vessel of his didn't turn into a mushy puddle somehow right on the spot is beyond the ghost hunter's understanding. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE N-NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!"  "Do you think we should stop?"  "Nah, to me it looks like he's enjoying himself too much right now. It would be kind of rude of us to come to a halt right now out of the blue, now wouldn't it?~"  "Eh, now that I think about it... you're right.~" After a while, the task of getting out any coherent sentences was getting increasingly difficult, the constant feathers dragging up and down his stomach and tail wriggling in his armpit making this rather quite impossible to do so.  To add onto it, the ghost on the left side, who had been absentmindedly observing everything unfolding right in front of them, finally decided to join in on the fun by spidering and scratching their fingers along Luigi's quivering side and ribs.  "P-PLEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHA-HAHAHAHASEHEHEHEH NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT T-THIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHA-!!!!"  "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat that again~?"  "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!!!!" The overflow of oxygen that the ghost hunter was forced to take was starting to make his head feel more lightheaded with each passing second, reducing his ongoing trashing and writhing of his body to weak struggling and flailing.  "AHAHAHAHAHAHA W-W-WHAHAHAhahahahahahahahihihihihihhihihihihihihihihihihihihit-"  The last thing the blushy mess of a plumber could recall before he passed out was his cloudy vision being blurred by the tears in his eyes and him dropping down to his knees... --------  "...uig..."  "...uigi..."  "Luigi!"  Hearing the voice of the scientist, Luigi immediatly jolted up from his lying position, his palms meeting a soft surface.  He was currently lying in a guest bed, a blanket being neatly tucked over him.  Putting his confused thoughts aside for a moment, the drowsy ghost hunter went on to shakingly grab his VB, still being worn out from the incident that has occured beforehand.  "Luigi, my boy, you're finally up! I thought the ghosts have somehow managed to transport your soul into another realm by the looks of it!"  "No, don't-a-worry. I'm still here and-a-alive."  "Good, you better should be. After all, if you were gone, who would return my precious briefcase then?"  Ah, wait! That darn briefcase!  "Yeah, yeah. Just gimme-a-few seconds, so I can-a-recompose myself again."  Turning off the device in his hands, Luigi rubbed his eyes and gave out a sigh.  Just get in, get the briefcase, then out... and hopefully not be demolished by a bunch of spectras along the way.  Well, at least they were kind enough to give the green plumber a comfortable resting placing instead of letting him lie on the hard floor. 
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siempre-pedro · 6 years
My Love Take Your Time
Michael Langdon x Reader 
Summary: Michael reassures you everything will be fine before he passes away.   
A/N: It was only a matter of time before I did a Hamilton inspired Michael fic. 
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She stood in the middle of the floor stunned, surrounded by her angered sisters, the smell of gunfire and blood plagued their noses. This was never the plan, this was not how it was supposed to happen…  not how you wanted to tell the coven you married the Anti-Christ years ago. Cordelia was speaking to the man, who stood there confidently licking the blood off his lips like it was candy, mocking her.
Could it have been simple enough to just get rid of his powers? Of course, it wasn’t, Cordelia wanted him gone, erased from the world he created in the image of his father. You held it together, stone-faced yet clenching your fists that were covered by the long sleeves of your pantsuit. When was the right time to be by his side? She hated being in the middle of this, the witches didn’t understand him and Michael was well, Michael. He was misunderstood, misguided Y/N saw him for who he was but also wanted to kill him herself when he didn’t take the help he needed.
Ms. Meade or what was left of her was on the ground, which made Michael pissed “I’ll slaughter you,” he hisses, raising his tense hand. Madison runs and grabs the gun from off the ground Y/N’s eyes rise in fear as she knew exactly what her intentions were with it. Pointing it at Michael with deadly aim, Y/N’s heart rate rose fearing her heart would beat right out of her chest.
The gun goes off several times, the sound muffles the hearing of the witches. The scene of horror plays out like it was slow motion, Michael’s body stumbles backward and lands against the blood splatted wall. His blue eyes stare at his wife and only her, the love of his life, the girl that knew him the best.  She stands there motionless as Cordelia calmly walks to Madison, the after-effects of the gun makes it so she can’t hear.
Once the other witches beside Madison hurry away to Mallory Y/N’s tears stream down her face “You stupid bitch,” she seethes, using her powers to throw her high against the wall, watching her fall with a loud thud. Y/N runs to Michael’s side, falling to her knees next to him, sobbing as her shaking hands touch him trying desperately trying to get him to talk to her.
“Michael,” she sobs hopelessly, tugging on his collar making her hands become covered in his crimson blood “Please.” Nothing, his dead weight doesn’t budge as she cries for him. She leans on his shoulder and grips the fabric of his jacket, the same fabric he would drape over her to protect her from the chilly nights  “I’m not strong enough to bring you back to me,” she weeps. She may have been very talented but she was never able to resurrect the dead no matter how many times she tried.
She looks to the other side of the man, a sharp piece of the robot lay there, shining from the lights in the room. She quickly reaches over and grips it, rising on her knees as she looks at Michael, she shakily brings the sharp piece to her throat. She was helpless, desperate, the only way she wanted to live was with Michael near her. Her vision gets blurry from the tears with a heartbreaking sob coming from her lips.
A hand suddenly but weakly places itself over hers, pulling it down to her lap. Michael looks at her with a soft expression “A plan is in motion.”
“What?” she whispers, shaking her head in confusion.
Michael simply smiles at her, blood trickling from his lips “My Love, take your time,” he tells her weakly. She drops the object and holds his hands in hers, pressing their bodies together. “I will see you on the other side,” he speaks to her one last time. What other side? Before she was able to ask he was gone.
She hears his last shallow breath, she starts to shake as she lets out a painful scream of despair “No!” The room was still as she begged for him to come back, her pleas began to subside and her vision blurs. The last thing she sees is a flash of white before everything does dark.
“Ms. Y/N,” a voice soothes, lightly echoing. Y/N’s eyes flutter open, in confusion she looks at her surroundings noticing she’s back at the academy. What the hell? Was the only thought she had, she sits up from her bed and her eyes glance down at the same outfit she had from the outpost minus the blood. “Ms. Y/N?” the same voice questions looking at her with an expression that matched her own; utterly confused.
Mallory, her student, the next supreme...the girl was apart of the plan to kill Michael.  The poor girl looks at her timidly, this wasn’t the same girl from the outpost “Yes?” she answers with a question. Or was it because she knew exactly what she did and was afraid of you and the repercussions?
“Your bag is downstairs,” Mallory tells her.
“You’re going to California to meet the new student? Remember…they’re nervous and wanted to meet one of the teachers?”
Y/N doesn’t remember, what the hell is going on? Does she know? Y/N rises from the bed and slides on the heels that were next to her bed “Where’s Michael?” Y/N asks, trying not to sound desperate.
“I-I don’t know?” So she did know!
Y/N pushes past her swiftly, making her way down the wood stairs to be greeted by a cool cond collected Cordelia with her marble printed suitcase by her side. “Cordelia,” Y/N greets.
“I hope you have a safe trip,” the supreme smiles, clasping her hands together by her waist.
Y/N shake her head and rubs her forehead with one of her hands “Cordelia what happened?” she asks.
Cordelia sighs softly “Mallory... fixed things,” she says simply, opening the door.
“He was my husband.”
“We won’t discuss this Y/N, please just bring back our new student,” Cordelia states growing annoyed with the witch. With a grumble, Y/N takes the suitcase and rolls it to the awaiting limo. Y/N takes a final look at the academy seeing the supreme and her successor standing there with warming smiles “Bitches,” she whispers bitterly.
A few days later, mostly postponed due to the fact she needed to get her shit together, trying to figure out how she was here, in a world were the apocalypse never happened and her sisters were safe. She pulls into a large mansion “Family’s made of money?” Y/N asks astonished as she looks out her window.
“Loaded,” the older man chuckles “They own some tech empire, the neighborhood threw a tantrum because the son is going to drop out of Harvard, almost graduated.”
“Shame,” she says in wonder. The car comes to a stop, the nice driver hurries and opens the door for the witch, she smiles and walks up the posh steps to the large white door. A nice old woman with firey red hair opens the door, clutching her feather duster in her hand.
“Hello Dear how can I help you?” she asks.
“I’m from Miss Robichaux’s Academy? I-I never got a name of who I’d be meeting.” The old woman laughs and opens the door wider, ushering her to come in. Y/N smiles and follows her to the library, admiring all the nice things the family owned.
She opened the French doors and when she looked in she saw a tall man with short blonde hair, his back turned to her. He’s looking down at some dusty old book, foot tapping against the probably expensive carpet “Sir, the representative from the school is here,” she maid announces. The man turns around a cheerful smile graces his face.
Her blood runs cold when her Y/E/C meets his blue ones “Michael?” she breathes like the wind has been knocked out of her. His expression drops, staring at the witch in shock. The maid’s eyes shifts between them awkwardly deciding to leave the room when Michael drops the book on the floor.
They slowly walk to each other, unsure if the other was real. His fingers reach up and grace her cheek when they get close enough “My Y/N?” he questions. The same fingers that touched her when she was sad, the ones that wrapped around her throat when they fucked, the ones when he begged her not to go after finding out he was the spawn of Satan himself, more importantly they were the ones she held when they married, one of which she put a ring on.
He pulls from his white dress shirt a cold chain with a gold wedding band attached to it. She starts to cry tears of joy, her fingers touching his cheek “My Michael,” she says firmly. He throws his arms around her and holds her tightly. She places her arms around his waist and touches the fabric, making sure he was real.
“How long has it been?”
“Only a few days for me.”
“I’ve waited all these years for you to return to me.”
“H- how is this possible?” she sobs.
He pulls back and cups her face, his thumbs lightly stroke her jawline “I told you there was a plan, when Mallory ran me over m-my cycle ended. I’m not the Anti-Christ, just a warlock.”
I don’t know,” he laughs nervously but he smiles when he gets to tell her the good news “I have really nice parents.”
Y/N smiles widely, knowing that’s all he’s ever wanted “I would love to meet them sometime.”
They embrace once again, this was the other side, why Cordelia and Mallory wouldn’t answer her questions. This was a universe where they got their happy ending. Home, love, and a family who loved the poor boy who once caused the apocalypse.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #22 Rating:Teen Notes: In case anyone is curious, I forgot to post the song title (and artist) to which Loki discovered Shandi dirty dancing in chapter #21. My bad. It was Freaky Girl by Shaggy. For this chapter, it’s Night and Day by the Temptations.
Shortly after dinner that evening, Shandi received the dreaded call from Nat. “Uh oh.” She kidded. “This could take a while. I best make myself comfortable.” She left for the entertainment room.
Moments later, Loki overheard her from the corridor.
“I’m fine, Nat. Please relax?” A brief pause occurred. “Yes, I plan to obey Loki.”
‘Obey me? Stop eavesdropping God of Mischief, before you’re entertaining another boner.’
Twenty minutes passed before Shandi appeared at the library door. “How is it she can express harrowing concern for me one minute, then threaten to go all ninja on me the next, if I even ponder ignoring your request? Clint finally lured her away with some vodka.”
“Eh he he he. Good thing he’s amply stocked.”
“By the way, I forgot to ask if the storm caused any damage to the grounds?”
“Nothing some tidying and readjusting couldn’t resolve. Even the pool cover endured.”
Shandi sighed. “I already miss the towers pool. It’s a shame I won’t be able to enjoy this one. The scenery here is beautiful.”
Loki put down his book. “What if you could?”
“It’s not possible. I’d damage the empathy belly, remember?”
“Perhaps you may not need it?”
“Come again?”
Loki bit his tongue. “Did you see any maternity bathing suits in Beth’s shop?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Then tomorrow we shall do some shopping for Tony’s mini me, while you chose.”
She shot him a look. “What’s the plan?”
“Trust me.”
“Okay, that’s twice you’ve waggled those eyebrows. Now I’m nervous.” ***** The next day, Loki woke Shandi with breakfast again and they were soon off to Beth’s shop.
“Are you always up so early?”
“Gods don’t require the amount of sleep humans do, unless ill or injured. Normally, I’m quite disgruntled in the mornings, but with freedom to enjoy the outdoors again, I’ve embraced it.”
Shandi felt bad knowing once their mission was over, he’d be confined to the Tower again. “What time are you usually awake at?”
“Around 6:30. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
Loki thought nothing more of her question.
Beth was friendly and welcoming of course and obviously pleased, with their over five hundred dollars in purchases. Shandi was emptying one of the baskets and came across some tiny t shirts. “Daddy’s little stinker?”
“Come now.” Said Loki. “You don’t find it fitting?”
“I guess that all depends on who the daddy is.” She casually stated.
Loki knew this referenced Tony, but Beth didn’t and couldn’t resist another opportunity to tease. Feigning the confused husband he froze, reaching into the cart. “Is that so? Care to explain yourself, Elizabeth?”
Shandi went scarlet and rubbed her brow. “Ohhhh, that did not come out right.”
Beth laughed when Loki did. “I’ve been working retail over twenty years. There’s almost nothing you could say to surprise me. Clifford shot me a quick wink before reacting, which helped too.”
“Pfft. Looks like I’ve been had.” Said Shandi.
Loki rubbed her belly and laughed harder. “Yes you have.”
Her face reddened. “Listen Clifford, just pay the lady!”
Beth informed them the ice cream shop nearby, was introducing ten new flavors and as a lover of it, Shandi decided to go. Unfortunately, Tanya’s a fan too and by absolute fluke, beat them to it. Right before they entered she feigned dropping her purse contents on the floor and ducked below a counter to retrieve them. The couple were well into the store when she stood, making them easier targets.
Shandis back instantly went up so Loki rubbed her arms from behind and brushed his cheek against her head. “Look, darling. They’ve Rolo, you’re favorite.” As Tanya paid, he quietly whispered. “Ignore her.”
“And how are you today, Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw?”
Her saccharine tone made Loki nauseous and Shandi remained silent, while fantasizing of throttling the little bitch.
Loki’s tone was flat, his eyes sharp and assessing. “We’re fine.” ‘Do not provoke me, imbecile.’
The two engaged in a mini stare down with Loki’s expression unflinchingly cold. Completely unfazed, Tanya continued testing them. “You can’t answer for yourself Mrs. Bradshaw?”
Loki gently squeezed Shandis shoulders. “My wife is capable of things you would never imagine, including speaking for herself. As I’m aware her present state, she’s opted not to.”
With a sly smirk, Tanya salaciously licked the circumference of her ice cream, moaning as her lips slid from the top, then slipped out the door. “Have a nice day, ‘Mr.’ Bradshaw.”
It hardly closed when Shandi muttered a curse and Loki gently stroked her cheek. “How many scoops, hm?” He addressed the young lady, waiting upon them. “Two of Rolo and one of chocolate mint, please?”
She warmed a scooper. “You newbies to town? I’m Ashley.” The couple introduced themselves. “I gather you’ve already had a run in with Tanya?”
“We have.” He replied.
“Then please, take my advice. “Avoid her whenever possible and never trust her. She’s no friend to anyone.”
They started down the street. “The ladies weren’t kidding.” Said Loki. “Beyond suspicion of murder, Tanya has quite a reputation.” It registered Shandi hadn’t once indulged in her ice cream and possessed a slight frown. “I recommend you eat that.”
She shook her head as he wiped a drip already melting onto her hand. “I can’t believe that idiot. I was standing right there.”
“Don’t feed into her game by becoming angered. It’s what she wants.”
“But she thinks I’m your wife.”
‘Worried about something, Pet?’ “The ladies warned us of such behavior, come.” He lead her aside to wrap napkins around the cone. “I sense you’ll wear more of this, than eat.”
“Honestly. She stared right at you and purposely licked her ice cream like a dirty…”
Loki smirked and covered her mouth. “Language, Elizabeth. Must I remind you, we’re in public?”
Shandi started walking again. “She needs a bitch slap. I’ll make Nat do it.”
“No you won’t.” Her frown deepened and he cackled. “I personally believe we’re failing at making this town more aware, the depth of our affections for each other. Perhaps we could try practicing more in front of Tanya.”
Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
“Random hugs, perhaps a few pecks on the lips? We discussed this previously, yet have enacted little.”
“Oh, right.”
“Pshh. What did you think, Lizzy? I intended to toss your pregnant self over a park bench and have my way with you?”
Shandis top scoop plopped onto her shirt. “Did you do that?”
He laughed. “No.”
“I swear. If you wish, we can retrieve a bib from the car?”
Shandi suddenly envisioned it nighttime at the local park with Loki thrusting into her from behind on a secluded bench, whispering filth into her ear. ‘Oh lord.’
“Nope, I’m good.” She wiped away the mess. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“A hardware store. The shed needs insect killer and mouse traps.”
Shandi snorted. “Is the God of Mischief afwaid of a wittle spider?”
“‘Wittle?’ The last three I encountered had body circumferences of a quarter coin with legs as long. One took a neighborly pounce onto my head. If you prefer doing the gardening, certainly they’d enjoy your thick and curly locks. Or, I could invite them in and grant ‘you’ the pleasantries of engaging in their doom. Perhaps with your fright inducing duster?”
“Very funny.” She sarcastically replied. “Insect killer is good.”
“I thought you might agree. Does the Queen of Unruliness fear spiders?”
“Ones that big? Yep.”
Upon returning to their public parking, Shandi hesitated entering the car and spoke quietly across the hood. “Are you aware Tanya is crouched down in the driver seat of a silver, Pontiac Vibe, five before us on the right?”
Loki’s brow arched. “Very observant, darling. I’m equally pleased and impressed.”
“So much for having stealth.”
He tisked. “Such sloppiness. She’d make a useless ninja.”
Shandi smiled.
“Let’s encourage her delusion, shall we?”
He casually strolled around the cars front. “Practice does make perfect.”
Shandi was stunned when Loki cupped her cheek, then leaned in for a kiss. And not just a ‘peck on the lips,’ either. His free hand slinked around her hip, luring her closer, as his tongue smoothed its way beyond the seam of her plump lips. His alluring scent, a mix of otherworldly forests and musk, permeated her senses and his firm yet gentle grip had her melting as the kiss deepened. Recalling her lower back an erogenous zone, his fingers languidly stroked there in sync with the rhythm of his tongue and a soft moan escaped her. The loud thumping of Shandis heart muted surrounding sounds and she clasped onto his shirt, when her knees began weakening. As it ended, he playfully tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth and smirked when she hazily looked up at him.
“Were we convincing enough for any onlookers?”
“Of our marital affections?” He opened her door.
‘My panties are undoubtedly convinced.’ “I believe so.” She entered and stared out the window, trying to unpretzel her brain. ‘Wow. His tongue must be capable of wonders, elsewhere.’ Just then, Tanya booted it out of the lot, altering Shandis thoughts to vindictive. ‘Awe, poor baby. Was that bothersome to witness? Suck it up.’ Seconds later. ‘Geez woman! ‘What’ is your problem?’
On the ride home, Loki noticed that same indent in the bushes, on the side of the road again and thought it odd. Upon arrival, Shandi was still quiet as they carried in the bags. “Are you alright?” He asked.
“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” ‘I’ve only been imagining your face between my legs since fastening my seatbelt and could probably put Niagara Falls to shame, but hey.’
“Up for a swim, then?”
‘Did he really just say that?’ “Not until you explain how this will work.”
Loki gestured towards the stairs. “Suit first, explanation after.”
“Fine, Sir bossypants.”
Loki grinned so slyly, she throbbed and fumbled on the second step. “What’s that about?”
“Shall I pour you a Malibu and mango juice on the rocks? It’s your favorite drink, correct?”
Her mouth fell agape. “How did you know I like coconut rum? And Rolo, too.”
“I’ve seen Tony pour you several from his bar. He chooses that particular brand and keeps a bottle there, knowing it’s your favorite.”
“Really? I didn’t know that.”
“Now you do.” He smiled, passing her on the stairs. “The vodka you drink mostly to appease Nat, the wine only as you prefer it to whiskey. That’s all we had, until my shop with Clint. The Rolo I’ve noticed you indulging in at the Tower from a place called, ‘Dairy Queen?’ Only twice mind you, but it was easy enough to assume.”
Shandi reached the landing. ‘Well I’ll be damned.’
Loki dropped the larger bags into the spare room. “I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re ready.”
Shandi called after him as he started down the back stairs. “You never said what that grin was for.”
“You called me Sir.”
“What the… I wouldn’t plan on getting used to that! In my opinion, Brat suits you perfectly!” She closed her bedroom door. “‘Sir.’ Pfft.”
Loki gulped down some whiskey and dumped ice into a tall glass. ‘We’ve yet to become better acquainted, Pet. Erotically, you may eventually find ‘Sir,’ more suiting.
Shandi returned in a choice very becoming. Black and turquoise, it highlighted her curves, exposing just enough a hint of cleavage to entice the eye. She stilled at the islands end and sipped her drink. Loki even added a straw, something Tony did too and it made her smile. “Thank you. Okay, I’m ready.” Her towel fell to the floor as the suits material began expanding at her stomach. “What the…”
“Relax.” Said Loki. It ceased at the empathy belly’s usual size and he gestured towards the sliding doors. “Refuge awaits you. Enjoy.”
“But..how is this possible? I don’t feel a thing.”
“Illusion. However, mind your step. Your feet shall remain elusive.”
A hand went to her hip. “Why didn’t you reveal this option, before?”
“I was being a Brat.”
“You…” She swatted him with her towel.
“Careful Queen of Unruliness. You haven’t a leg to stand on, should The God of Mischief retaliate.”
She playfully stuck her tongue out. “You don’t scare me.”
“Oh? Then why did you step outside before saying that?”
Shandi smirked. “I’m going in the water now.”
Loki’s phone rang and when seeing it Tony, he closed the glass door and entered the hall before answering. “Hey, Tin Man, what’s up?… She’s in the shower. Well, well, that’s intriguing. Very intriguing, indeed.”
Once the call ended, Loki decided to enquire of the song Shandi was so intrigued by, ‘Night and Day.’ He sauntered to the window, remaining hidden and sought it on Spotify. After finishing a couple of laps, she settled into one corner of the shallow end. Her eyes closed, as a gentle breeze bounced stray curls upon her cheeks. Water reflecting sunlight, danced upon her glistening features, while she basked in its warmth. How the incessant ache to touch, kiss and ravish every inch of her, drove him mad every waking moment. Peaking the volume, he soon became entranced by the words.
Night and day You are the one Only you beneath the moon And under the sun Whether near to me or far It’s no matter darling, where you are I think of you Night and day
Day and night Why is it so That this longing for you Follows wherever I go In the roaring traffic gloom In the silence of a lonely room I think of you Night and day
Night and day, under the hide of me There’s an oh, such a hungry Yearning, burning inside of me And this torment won’t be through ‘Til you let me spend My life making love to you Day and night Night and day.
Loki hadn’t related to song lyrics more in centuries, when thoughts of another love trickled into his mind. “Forgive me Iris. You’ll possess a sacred place in my heart forever. Since your absence, I assumed it hopelessly destroyed. Shandi is giving it life again and I so desperately need to embrace that. Please smile upon us from Valhalla, my unforgettable Dove? I need that too.”
With a heavy sigh, magic altered his clothing to black swim trunks, covered in bright red lip imprints, outlined in gold. The largest two were centered on his butt cheeks. “Norns, I’ve become a court jester. At the least, they should earn me a chuckle."
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mzyrimworld · 5 years
Duster Part 6 - Quadrum 5
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Last quadrum the colony suffered its first death thanks to a lethal mechanoid on a rescue mission, but it still gained more people than it lost. Hopefully there won’t be any more for a while...
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After rescuing Lucya’s ex-husband Vladimir it seems that everybody’s exes are getting in contact! There’s only one enemy, but two turrets. At least there are no mechanoids this time, though...
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A prisoner has chosen to join! Sky is a fairly young local and it’s useful to have another medic and farmer.
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His former prison-mate is not so pleased, perhaps realising it’s only a matter of time before they are won over too...
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The cruel woman goes after the first thing she sees - beating up the poor heavily-pregnant alpaca! Everyone else jumps in to defend it, so she won’t be able to hurt the alpaca any further.
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She’s quickly put down and back in the prison, where Henry will tend to her shortly I’m sure.
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It seems the colonists have decided to bring some democracy to the proceedings! Both candidates are from our original three, so they’ll retain control of the colony either way.
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We even have their platforms! Henry seems to be appealing to equality, which is surprising given her misandrist tendencies - at least she’s not trying to put all the women above all the men...
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Zeiph, meanwhile, seems to be very outcome-oriented. We wonder what he means by ‘good’ citizens - morally? Skilled? Some of the colonists might be alarmed if he means the latter... It’ll be interesting to see who they all vote for!
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Speaking of dubious colonists, this might be the last time Beryl collapses from a combination of being stoned and withdrawal symptoms - it looks as though he may finally be breaking from his addiction, and may become a much better worker for it, perhaps in time for a scary Mayor Zeiph.
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An intriguing trade offer has come through for the colonists! They have a lot of materials with which they could craft the requested goods if they want to, so that should not be a problem. Nobody actually needs a new eye at present, but given some of the wounds so far and how good it sounds to be, it seems likely they will take up the offer anyway.
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They were already struggling for storage space, so the colonists mine further into the mountain to create more. We have heard that there can be dangerous rooms in mountains, but the one they’ve discovered here seems to be empty and safe for use.
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7th of Septober and the voting begins! We know Henry is always prone to anxiety, but perhaps even Zeiph is right now... Also it’s only mid-Spring, but it’s already heating up a lot at the colony. They’ll have to invest in cooling systems once again.
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And Henry has won the very first election of the colony and of our show! I’m frankly not surprised; it sounded as though Zeiph might have wanted to kick some people out if he had won. Hopefully she can take the pressure on top of her anxiety...
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Her reign’s not off to the best start though - the same night a couple of raiders have shown up! This man doesn’t appear to be very well equipped or skilled...
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This one is better equipped but not that well skilled either. Hopefully the people who are still awake can handle it without waking everybody...
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Henry and Zeiph were still around from the voting, so they and Henry’s more aggressive animals come out to fight, perhaps still wanting to prove themselves to their fellow colonists.
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Both animals are downed, but both men are badly hurt without getting close to Henry or Zeiph as yet. This one appears to be trying to flee, but he’s not going to get far bleeding that badly...
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Instead he winds up going for Henry directly, and dying for his troubles. Hopefully the other raider will think twice before trying anything now.
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With the raiders killed or captured, it’s tending time. Poor Jethro has now lost a leg to match his tail! He should still be able to walk to a degree, but it must be a struggle.
Just a quick reminder that Henry did sign the waiver for herself and her dog, so we cannot be sued for anything that happens to either of them!
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The ibex ram got battered again (it must be very tenderised at this rate), but should recover from the bruising fine given time.
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It’s not just the animals though! Henry’s copied Dead and gotten her right ear destroyed! Shame it’s not a bionic ear they’re hoping to pick up! Hopefully this won’t affect her ability to listen to her constituents too much!
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But the worst was suffered by the raiders. This one’s lucky the colonists have such skilled medics to hand, or he’d bleed out very quickly.
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Perhaps she just didn’t want to share a prison again, but we have a tenth colonist as the other prisoner has chosen to join! She’s not very skilled, and I’m not about to forget the time she beat up the pregnant alpaca, but the colony does need more people if it is to send people out on trades and requests.
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Speaking of requests, with this extra colonist on hand, it has been decided to try and rescue Vas’ ex-girlfriend. Vas, Vladimir and Beryl are all brawlers so were probably itching for the chance to smash some enemies, and Fuego has the sole gun for range.
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So they set out west, across the rivers and plains, to their destination.
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Whilst they are on their way, the alpaca manages to safely give birth to another female alpaca, seemingly unaffected by the beating its mother received earlier.
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The travellers arrive at their location and we can see our first glimpse of Priscilla, and the one guardsman on patrol.  We’re more worried about the turrets, however...
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The plan was for the brawlers to go in and take the turret down while Fuego shot from a distance- But wait! What’s Fuego doing there instead of Vas? And what’s that hissing sound?
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The damaged turret exploded! And Vladimir is dead instantly! It looked like all three of them tried to run, but none of them got far and Vladimir has been especially slow since his psychite withdrawal kicked in, so he got almost nowehere. Beryl and Fuego are still alive, but badly hurt...!
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Of course all the commotion had the guard come running, but Vas is able to make short work of him so he can focus on his fellow colonists...
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Poor Beryl, not long since his withdrawal symptoms wore off, now he’s had shots to his head and torso, and both legs shredded - he needs medical attention and fast!
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And Fuego’s not much better off, with her torso, leg and arm all shredded too. She won’t last long without help...
Of course, the colonists weren’t so foolish to leave the colony without some herbal medicine - except the only medics who came were Vladimir and Fuego herself! Vas is unable to help them at all, and it’s too far back to the base!
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In desperation, Vas tries to batter the wall away from the remaining turret, to free his ex and hopefully get help for his friends!
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He gets through in time and she gratefully joins the colony- But the one thing she cannot do, for all her skills and interests, is medicine! Is there nothing they can do for Beryl and Fuego?!
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There is certainly nothing to be done for Vladimir. It seems that the explosion shredded his head and torso, killing him instantly. Perhaps Lucya will be relieved? Who knows...
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Beryl bleeds out first, as expected, probably the saddest loss of the trio.
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And then Fuego. For all that some danger must have been anticipated, this must be much worse than anticipated. Their first turret, they didn’t realise it would explode! Next time ranged weapons, it seems.
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Meanwhile Priscilla’s not even being careful, wandering into the remaining turret’s zone! She’ll be lucky not to get infected when there’s no medic around. Still, they have subdue the guard, so they’re fixing the hole in the wall to keep him in until they can leave. They could kill him, of course, but they could use new recruits at this rate...
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And while all this has been going on, a dry thunderstorm has caused fires near the home base, getting close to a new storage room that still has a wooden wall! It hardly compares to the massacre elsewhere though, even if it would be annoying to lose some of the new tuques Zeiph is making.
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Frustratingly, the one gun’s range isn’t quite far enough for Priscilla to destroy the battrey to the remaining turret without letting it shoot her. Hopefully she can manage it before she joins the rest of the dead colonists...!
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She manages it, but not without shots to her torso and kidney! 20 hours isn’t enough to get back to the main base and they still have no medic here, so they’re just going to have to try to pack up and pray that the bleeding dies down enough for her to make it, or Vas will be returning alone with the guard he didn’t even come for.
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It seems that without animals, only one prisoner and one colonist badly wounded, the party simply doesn’t have the strength to carry the bodies home. Not all of them, for sure, and not any if they want to also carry enough food to get home too, so the deceased are going to have to be buried here instead.
I am only reluctantly giving Fuego a montage, I’m not convinced she deserves it after beating up that pregnant alpaca for no good reason, and she was barely a colonist anyway. Also, if she had stuck to the plan and sniped from a distance, maybe none (or less) of this would have happened.
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*Vaguely sad and very half-hearted unlicensed music plays*
The colonists came across Fuego Grande keeping Vladimir hostage, kicked her ass and took her prisoner.
She did eventually decide to join, but not before trying to break out and beating up a pregnant alpaca along the way. No I will not let this go.
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She might have had promise if she had stuck with ranged attacks instead of trying to melee, but instead she’s dead.
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On to the other deceased members: we didn’t really get to know Vladimir much, but we’ll give him a montage anyway.
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*Generic unlicensed sad music plays*
Vladimir Black, 63 years old. There are still so many unanswered questions. What was an urbworld politician doing in this backwater planet? What happened between him and Lucya to break them up? Why would you ever shave off that magnificent beard? Maybe Lucya knows, but she’s not talking and now he can’t either.
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We can’t say for certain that Vladimir was a ‘good’ man, but he had his skills, got on with people for the short while he was a colonist, and despite his psychite withdrawal he never broke down and took it out on anybody, which is better than many could do.
I’m not sure that he’ll be missed, but he at least had a good run.
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This is the saddest case, and the one that the colonists would have wanted back most of all, but food is more important to save those who are still alive, and Beryl’s not alone here.
Get some better sad music!
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*Some genuinely quite sad and still unlicensed music plays*
Joel ‘Beryl’ Gemhunter made it nearly a year as a colonist after being rescued. It wasn’t always easy, and he struggled for a lot of that time with withdrawal symptoms from his Wake-Up addiction, but he kept trying.
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He may have been 78 chronologically, but his 29 actual years showed in his behaviour. He wasn’t good at much, but he put all his effort into the things he did, helping to fearlessly take down the mechanoid, taming animals... getting stoned.
It’s a real shame that he died so soon after getting clean, with all his future ahead of him, he could have continued being a good defender of the colony.
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I still don’t know if Gemhunter is a real name, but we’ll let him keep it in his grave. May he toke away* as much as he wants in the afterlife.
*Again our network must confirm that we do not endorse drug use. If you or any of your loved ones have issues with Wake-Up, Psychite or Smokeleaf, please speak to your doctor.
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Anyway, with everyone buried, the two remaining colonists start back with their prisoner, despite Priscilla gradually bleeding out from her wounds. I don’t think she’ll merit a montage if she dies on the way; everyone’s just seen the entirety of her time with the colonists! She’d never have even seen the home base!
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Speaking of the home base, all the forests have been burning down while we have been distracted.
Fortunately, nearly as soon as we paid attention to them again, it started raining, saving the fields and the new half-wooden storage room.
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We can’t get visuals on the travellers, but we can get some vital health details - while Priscilla is still barely conscious, it looks like she may have stopped bleeding? I don’t want to speak too soon, but if the men can help or carry her on, she may survive...!
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In clearer good news, the pregnant muffalo safely gave birth to another female muffalo. Makes you wonder what the colonists’ plans are for moving on from their current site, with the increasing number of pack animals...
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The travellers arrive back safely, and it appears that Vas and Priscilla are in good health now too! The prisoner still looks quite battered, but at least there are medics to hand now.
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Vas and Priscilla barely get to sleep and they’re sent out again! Zeiph had filled the order of tuques and Vas and Priscilla are used to travelling, so they’re sent off to make the delivery. Presumably they aren’t too awkward despite their ex-lover status?
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It’s a long journey though, much further in distance than the one they just made, though at least they have a clear road to follow. It will probably be the next quadrum before they return. Hopefully they won’t drive each other mad!
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I feel like they’ve had quite enough drama for this quadrum, but it seems bad influence and ex-raider Deedee has persuaded still-injured Morales to break out with him. I don’t reckon their chances...
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No, not the best idea he had there. I’m not convinced they’ll ever win over any of the pirate faction, they all seem like pretty bad eggs. Foolish ones too - if he’d just run for it he might have outpaced them, but for some reason he ducked into the mountain and then tried to bash his way out through a wall using a log. Strange man.
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Morales should have stayed in bed, but I’m sure Henry will be back along again shortly to fix him up again. Man needs to learn to resist peer pressure, though perhaps that would make him harder to win over for the colony too.
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Oh! Surprisingly, it seems the pirate managed to destroy one of Dead’s fingers, presumably with that log, must have been a lucky shot!
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Away from the action for a moment, Vas and Priscilla managed the journey and trade and have started on their way back, but definitely won’t be in time for the end of the quadrum, so we’ll have to have a look at them and their new item another time!
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But just before the quadrum ends, Dead has her first mental breakdown, wandering around apathetically. Losing an ear wasn’t enough, but perhaps a finger as well, and all the people who have died lately, has made her realise what she’s gotten into. This is not an easy challenge, folks! We have literally seen people die, if not our original colonists! Dead probably ought to consider herself lucky that her name is not also a description, but perhaps that is what is weighing on her, when that will happen...
Who knows? We’ll just have to keep watching!
Final stats:
Henry: Lost an ear, but now mayor!
Jethro: Lost a leg :(
Zeiph: Lost an election
Dead: Lost a finger
Ibex ram: Beaten up again
Lion: Incredibly fine, as usual
Beryl: Dead :(
Lucya: Minus an ex-husband, maybe for the best?
Vladimir: Dead...
Vas: Took some shots and forced to spend time with an ex-girlfriend, but alright
Sky: Recruited, doing alright
Fuego: Recruited, dead.
Priscilla: Recruited, got a bullet wound scar on her kidney, but alive
Other animals: one poor alpaca beaten up, but a muffalo and an alpaca born
Colony: Went up to ten people, lost three, gained one, now at eight again (and one prisoner). 1 husky, 1 ibex ram, 3 muffalo and 3 alpacas.
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valloryr · 6 years
One Page Lost
Author: Vallory Russups
Rating: T
Pairing: Byakuran/Sawada Tsunayoshi, Bluebell/Yuni, Bluebell & Byakuran, Sawada Tsunayoshi & Arcobaleno
Prompt: Sky Day (Dragon AU / Royalty AU) for @khrrarepairweek
Tags/Warnings: N/A
Summary: Byakuran saw Tsuna at the library and fell in love.
For Byakuran, the world was a book. A well-read one, but not a book you open again and again to discover new sides and angles, new perspectives and old secrets. Rather, the type you pick up because it's comforting, familiar, and there is nothing better anyway.
Lounging on a cushioned sofa as white as everything else in the room, Byakuran frowned at the marshmallow between his fingers. Kikyo would be annoyed with him if he went through all their stocks of marshmallows in a single day yet again. which was the perfect reason to cheerfully finish off the last packet.
"Bya-nii!" Bluebell's sweet voice signalled her presence before the girl burst through the doors, leaving wet footprints on the plush white carpet. She latched onto him and pouted into his stomach.
"You should come when you don't smell like sea-weed, dear." Byakuran patted the head of his 'little sister'. "Went out for a bath in the sea?"
"She dumped me."
"Well, I've been telling you it won't work out between the two of you. You're the sister of the man who murdered everyone she loved, after all."
Byakuran rubbed Bluebell's shoulder consolingly. Honestly, he didn't understand why Yuni had to be so difficult about some things.
Bluebell shook her wet hair and glowered.
"Not like this, dummy. She dumped me into the water, nyu. We quarrelled, and she pushed me. This hasn't ever happened before!" Bluebell intertwined her cold, slightly scaly fingers with Byakuran's warm ones and looked down. Mumbling, she added, "What if there is something wrong with her? Are you sure that tea you're feeding Yu-chan is... safe?"
Byakuran sighed.
Everything would have been so much easier if people had less morals. Even his closest and dearest ones fell prey to this fate.
Touching Bluebell's cheek gently, Byakuran said, "Safe or not, without that tea you wouldn't have Yuni-chan at all."
Bluebell bit her lip to stop it from trembling.
"But this way, I have to wonder whether it's really Yu-chan I'm with or someone I've made up myself."
Smiling, Byakuran told her a joke to keep her mind off such useless things, and then chattered a mile a minute, switching to more interesting topics. Scruples were so boring, and he was already bored by so many things he wondered how he functioned. Probably out of pure spite. People would be much happier with him gone.
Yuni was a disappointment.
After Byakuran's country of Gesso crushed the Vongola Empire and created the Millefiore Empire, his first action was to secure the family of the Giglio Nero prophets. The mother was too strong to be contained by his magic, which was the reason Byakuran killed her along with everyone who protected the prophetess. He drugged her daughter Yuni, keeping her at hand just in case, but she didn't See what he needed her to, so Byakuran easily discarded the girl.
She was lucky Bluebell took interest in her.
In a world where everything was a book, there was just one page torn out. A single page Byakuran didn't know the contents of.
That 'page' was an old story, almost a myth. It told about a group of mystical ancient dragons controlling the keystones of the world.
The Arcobaleno.
Byakuran desired that page more than he had ever desired life.
"And what are you doing here?" Byakuran purred into the ear of an unfamiliar figure in the royal library.
The figure - it was a young man, almost a boy, no matter how high-pitched his scream - shuddered and stumbled away from the White Emperor. He managed to bump into two oak desks and almost bash his head into a bookshelf.
Quite a bemusing reaction. Usually people just bowed, threw their money at him, and fled the country.
The boy rubbed his head. He was a cute little thing, all scrawny knees and brown doe eyes and fluffy hair Byakuran longed to brush. The oversized robe hanging off his frame only emphasised his small stature. It had seen better days. Several necklaces of golden beads festooned his neck, so thin Byakuran could snap it with one hand, and they rattled every time the boy moved. Very bad for stealth.
He might have even been interested in romancing the boy, had Byakuran not known how those things unfold. Boring, like everything else.
"Scared of me?" he asked with his usual smile. The boy looked to the side before taking a deep breath and looking right into Byakuran's eyes, a feat unheard of even among Byakuran's most loyal servants.
His heart skipped a beat.
"I know the things you've done, Your Highness," the boy - who looked too young to be there - said in an endearingly direct way even though his shoulders trembled. "But I'm not scared."
"How delightfully suicidal."
Byakuran swept past the boy to drop into a chair, furrowing his eyebrows at the fact that it was gilded with gold. Why gold? He had told them he only welcomed silver.
"Now, who are you? I haven't seen you here before. And where is Mammon. It's not like them to eschew their duties."
Mammon was the Keeper of the Books and the one in charge of the special archive that contained precious information on such things as the world before Byakuran's reign as well as the legends of the old - The Seven Arcobaleno Dragons.
"I'm Tsuna," the boy told him. When he wasn't shrieking, he had a soft, soothing voice. Byakuran wouldn't mind listening to this boy lecturing him in Kikyo's stead. "Master Mammon took me in and told me to help clean everything up." Tsuna scratched his cheek. "They... aren't fond of that."
"Well, they weren't hired for their cleaning skills."
Byakuran took a nearby book in hand. Indeed, it wasn't dusty - a rare event in Mammon's library. They were lucky they were incredibly knowledgeable about languages as well as had a gift of repairing frail pages and charred tomes. Then again, Byakuran might still get rid of them in the future. To spice things up.
"Th-this is my first day," Tsuna spoke up nervously, unable to bear the silence. He fiddled with the beads on his chest. "Everything is fine, right? I haven't done anything wrong, right? Master Mammon is... very easily irritated." He added under his breath, "At least they don't shoot me with a musket."
Byakuran let Tsuna's ramblings wash over him.
He didn't remember hearing about Mammon taking anyone in - they were not the charitable kind - but to be fair he generally skipped reading reports because he could guess everything written in them, both complaints and praise. He left such mundane things to Kikyo and Zakuro.
This was a minor surprise, but even small surprises were the reason Byakuran made it that far.
He returned the next day.
He returned yet again, with Mammon nowhere to be found all the while.
Byakuran would have liked to torture them a bit for lazing about in their work hours, but when Tsuna greeted him with a shy grin and a wave of his feather duster before falling off a step-ladder, he laughed and found himself actually grateful.
"Ouch." Tsuna jumped to his feet, wincing when his movement pushed the step-ladder to the ground with a loud clatter. He ignored it and braved on, "P-please don't punish Master Mammon for not being here. I tried to rope them into helping. They escaped."
"Probably drinking fairy-dust essence with that meditation master from the Oriental District."
"Actually, no. Really, no. Master Mammon hates Fon-san. I think they teamed up with Skull to go bother Master Magician Verde."
"Skull? Ah, the messenger from Carcassa."
Tsuna hummed, leaning down to right the step-ladder. Byakuran appreciated the view of the round behind. Such a shame the boy insisted on those horrid clothes. Honestly, even if you have no money, just go and steal it!
He should send some underlings out for a present. Even Byakuran hardly ever managed to shove Torikabuto out of his tower, but Daisy would appreciate a work-out. He should send him somewhere remote though - Daisy had interesting hobbies like carrying around a bunch of torture tools and trying them out on citizens to see if he met anyone as immortal as him, and people were oddly judgemental of that pastime.
"Your neck is very lovely," Byakuran whispered in Tsuna's ear, enjoying the poor boy's blush. He trailed his finger down the his Adam's apple before wrapping his hands around it.
"Thank you, but, um." Tsuna pushed Byakuran's hand down firmly. He righted his jiggling necklaces, this time with charms on them - a present from Byakuran. "I'd like to keep it."
"Tsu-chan, don't be a meanie. Of course I'll let you keep your neck, I don't want to snap it or cut it off. Just... strangle it a little."
"Hiee!" Blushing to the roots, Tsuna coughed into his fist. "That's... No. Not my fetish. But..." His voice lowered. Byakuran leaned in even deeper to hear it, inhaling the scent of dust, honey, and musket powder. "But I may not be opposed to trying out something else."
With that he used a burst of magic to blast Byakuran out of the library.
Rubbing the back of his head, the Emperor laughed. He hadn't expected little sweet Tsuna to have magic.
Byakuran found out that Tsuna was bullied by some of the other servants in the castle.
He was pleased.
After all, how else would he find an opportunity to show his Tsu-chan just how much he treasured him?
He gathered the bullies and their families and executed them in the most brutal ways possible, aided by the imagination of the torture masters Lal Mirch and Colonello. By the end of it, even Bluebell trembled, clutching Yuni's hand and shielding Yuni's eyes from the gruesome sight - sparing her lover in the only ways she could afford to.
Tsu-chan watched the proceedings solemnly. Unlike Byakuran or Daisy, he didn't laugh a single time. His eyes glowed strangely orange, and Byakuran didn't hold himself back from kissing his sweetheart on the eyelids once the show was regrettably over.
"You didn't find it cruel? Their death?"
Byakuran caressed Tsuna's lower lip with a curious thumb. It was soft, like a petal of a toxic flower.
His Tsuna grasped Byakuran's hand, the one adorned with the rings both his own and those of fallen enemies'. The boy's fingers lingered on the Vongola ring.
"Perhaps I did. But it was also necessary."
In Tsu-chan's eyes Byakuran read mourning but not regret.
It was then that Byakuran decided that he loved him.
"So, you didn't change your mind, kora?" Colonello asked him. His eyes showed he would respect any decision Tsuna made, but the spherical Dragon Amulet on his chest shone bright blue, anticipating blood-bath.
Tsuna glanced down at his hands. Noticing their trembling, he curled them into fists - even though Reborn pretended to just sun himself on the stones, he was watching, and his teacher would release a stream of scorching fire any second to 'help Tsuna deal with stress'.
"No, I didn't. Why would you think so?"
"That's pretty obvious, Tsu," Skull chimed in. Unlike half of them, who took on their dragon forms since their secret meeting place allowed them to let loose, he remained a human. He was the biggest dragon, after all. Besides, he would get an opportunity to fly freely soon. "You've been getting quite chummy with that albino bastard."
Viper, a beautiful indigo dragon happy to shed their Master Mammon disguise, huffed out fumes of black mist. Their equivalent of pursing lips.
"Mou, I didn't lose so much money by playing translator just for it to end up useless."
"There are things more important than money," Fon preached, still sounding calm and peaceful even as a long red dragon twining around trees. "Self-discovery, for one."
"Thank you, Fon, but I think I've discovered enough about myself to want to bring down the man who has made my people suffer for so long," Tsuna said.
On his neck, his amulet glowed, the orange gold of his eyes not concealed by the magic of the beaded necklaces he wore in the human form. The power inside the little sphere was ancient and beautiful, reminding Tsuna of times long past, when he founded the Vongola Empire with Giotto. Giotto then became the First Emperor, while Tsuna kept his identity concealed - he was the leader of the immortal Arcobaleno dragons and what would he do if he broadcasted who he was to everyone he met?
Lal Mirch wrapped the end of her navy blue spiked tail around Tsuna, while Verde abandoned his heap of research papers to make the tea he awkwardly presented to his boss.
Tsuna smiled at all of them.
A pity that the human whose company brought him so much enjoyment had been twisted before they even met, but Tsuna would never be alone.
Tomorrow they would be sieging the castle, freeing Yuni (who told him she wanted to bring a tagalong, and Tsuna didn't mind - he always listened to his friends' requests), and Tsuna would see Byakuran one last time. He wondered what expression the man would make.
Tsuna's heart ached briefly, but he had seen a lot of death, some caused by Byakuran himself.
Some things were cruel but so necessary.
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
Hi! Can you write a bad angst family thing? You always write happy endings for the angst.
Oh anon, this fic’s fault is all on you…
This work can also be found on AO3.
Summary: Rumplestiltskin wakes up after the curse to find out that he made the biggest mistakes he could think of.
Notes: Disclaimer: I don’t own Once Upon A Time or any of the characters and storylines in the show. 
Trigger warning for suicide attempt. I never thought I’d write another season 1 AU, but this prompt could only fit it. Sorry for the angst.
His Cursed Soul
Hestood in front of the window, feeling some kind of coldness that had nothing todo with the weather, but with the despair feeling his soul in that moment. Shewas sat on the hospital bed inside there, both wrists wrapped with bandage, herskin twice as pale as it should be, her lips, once plump and pink, now whiteand dry, her eyes lost in an invisible point as her trembling hand disappearedinside the acrylic bassinette to soothe the small creature laid inside there,bundled in white blankets. She looked miserable and his heart thumped painfullyin his chest at the realization that he had caused this.
Slowly,his eyes slid shut, memories of two different lives getting mixed inside hishead, but even though everything seemed confusing, he could still manage todiffer the voices of two cruel men. Rumplestiltskin. Mr. Gold. No matter whichname or skin he used, he had been the coldest bastard in the world with theonly woman who had ever loved him and now this was his punishment: to watchher, weak and hopeless, wishing to be dead and having to force herself towhisper sweet nothings to keep his child quiet.
Whenhe opened his eyes again, he saw that she had pulled the bundle up to her armsand fat tears were now falling from her eyes. A part of him urged to get insidethat room, to comfort her and hug her tight, but as the one to cause her thepain she was feeling now, he knew it was better to watch from distance. Hewondered if she would reject the child later, but then he saw Belle brushingher lips tenderly against the new-born’s forehead, bathing it with her tearsand, for the first time in long, he heard her voice.
“I’msorry,” Belle whispered. “I’m so sorry for what I did. I didn’t meanto hurt you… But now that you’re here, I promise I will never to such a thingagain. You will be the air I breath and the reason my heart beats. I love youmore than anything.”
Thechild’s answer was a wail, a very thin one, which made him think that the poorthing was probably too small and weak. She wasn’t supposed to have given birthnow, it was too soon, but he had heard that when she arrived the hospital,there was no hope for her so all the doctor could try was to save the baby shecarried. But both of them had survived, both were safe and alive and he didn’tunderstand why it felt even worse than facing a death to him. Maybe because heknew that she hated and that the child in her arms was destined to do the same.Just like Baelfire.
Hetook a step back, eyes still fixed on them, but his mind too lost in thememories to really pay attention to what was happening inside that hospitalroom.
Shewas cleaning his house that day – as any other day ever since her father becameunable to pay for the rent with only the money he made at the flower shop –when he came back home, almost exploding with anger after things finally madesense to him. Last night, before she went home she had confessed that she waspregnant and he wasn’t able to say anything immediately, so he let her go andmade sure that he wasn’t there when she arrived that morning to do her job. Butnow that he fully understood the meaning of this, he needed to end this storyas soon as he could.
“Thiscan’t stand,” Gold yelled, storming inside the living room to find herdusting his bookshelves.
Herblue eyes were wide, as if she was slightly scared.
“Youneed to get rid of it,” he lost no time to say. “You can’t have thischild.”
Sheblinked, then released a sound that was something between a gasp and ahumourless chuckle. Her hands dropped to her hips and she lifted her chin,pulling on that petulant attitude that drove him mad at the same time it madehim want to lay her down on the floor and fuck her until she was blind withpleasure.
“I’msorry I didn’t make it clear for you, Mr. Gold, but you don’t have a saying init. It’s my body, my choice,” she stated. “I’ve just told you becauseI thought you had the right to know.”
“You’regoing to ruin your life and my lifeif you keep it,” Gold insisted. “I will pay for the clinic.”
Thebrunette gave her back to him so he couldn’t see that she was fighting againsther tears. She loved him, she had told him so a couple of failed time and wasalways snapped at. He said she was young and stupid, that she had no idea ofwhat she truly felt and she hated him for it, but if she couldn’t have him,then at least she would have this. The child he had put inside of her.
“Don’tbe stupid, Lacey, you don’t want it,” he continued. “You can’t eventake care of yourself.”
SuddenlyLacey spun on her heels, throwing the duster at him and letting some of hertears escape her eyes.
“Whodo you think you are to tell me what I can do or not?” She shouted out inanger. “Screw you, Gold. I’ll show you’re wrong.”
Henodded without changing the blank, cold face he had pulled on. Bastard. He didn’t act like this when hewas in need of a blowjob. She was wonderful and independent when it wasconvenient for him, but when it wasn’t then she was a spoiled girl, who knewnothing about life. Lacey was tired of it, she just wanted him to be honestwith himself about what he felt about her and what he wanted, but apparentlytoday wouldn’t be the day it was going to happen.
“Fine,”Gold snapped. “You’re fired.”
“Getthe hell out of my house.”
So,she did and she never came back.
Heregretted that day, he did it now as he kept watching her - nursing the babeand still whispering to it - and he did it by the moment he recovered his memorieswhen Emma’s name woke him up. Mr. Gold had vague memories of her walking aroundtown, almost escorted by Ruby Lucas, the only one who hadn’t turned her back toher after she revealed that she was expecting the town’s monster’s child. Herfather threw her out, refused to help her as did he, who pretended she didn’texist and the child swelling her belly wasn’t his.
Backthen he meant every word he said, or at least Gold did. Rumplestiltskin wasn’tless a bastard than him, but wouldn’t have commanded her to make an abortion,to rip his own child from her body. In fact, he would have begged his belovedto let it grow and if she didn’t want to be involved in its life, he would makesure that at least the babe was safe and cared for. He knew how it felt to losta child, he would never want to lose another, but his other persona thoughtotherwise. Gold wanted to inflict that pain to Belle - Lacey as she was calledhere - when she clearly only wished to have her baby in her arms.
Apparently,the details of the child’s conception meant nothing to her, as she traced itsbare arm with a finger as if she was seeing light for the first time in herlife. She was in love with the little thing, he could see and he felt jealous,because she would never love him the way she loved his babe. He was spell-boundedby their image. He could still remember how he had fucked her against the wallat dungeons of his castle. His pleasure had been immense, but he had meant tohurt her to prove to that stupid little maid that nobody could love him and allshe did was to writhe in his arms and reassure him of how much he was wanted.Rumplestiltskin had no mercy, he was rude and forceful and the product of thatnight laid now on her arms, nursing as the woman who had just tried to killherself sang to it.
Mr.Gold was not much different from him, although he was crueller. He had used herin all the ways he wanted, not caring even a bit for what she felt. In thisland, he had learned, numbers mattered a lot, which was why the whole town wasscandalized when they found out about the affair between a young girl whobarely reached the age of nineteen with and old pervert in his late fortieslike him. Gold pretended not to hear the offenses the people made whenever hecrossed paths with them after he threw her out, he missed his little toy, buther attachment to him and the fact that she was willing to birth that child,made him forget her in a few weeks.
“Yourbreathing is so difficult…” Belle murmured from inside the room.“They said your lungs weren’t fully ready yet. It’s my fault, I know, butI want you get strong. I need you toget strong.”
Hereleased a sharp breath. The child was really weak. It could die. If it did, itwould kill her like the wounds in her wrists weren’t able to and if they bothdied, then it would be the end of the small spot of light that still existed inRumplestiltskin’s dark, cursed soul.
Itwas about noon that morning when Mr. Gold made his way to his shop aftercollecting the rent of a few people. The nuns had been his favourite, becausethey didn’t have all of it and he threatened to throw them out of the conventif they didn’t pay him until the weekend. He had a grin on his face and a pairof sunglasses on, leaning heavily against his cane as he walked, enjoying thesunlight, when he heard a shout coming from somewhere behind him and had to turnaround to look at a teary-eyed Ruby Lucas, wearing more clothes than she usedto in a daily basis.
“Areyou happy now?”
“Forgiveme, Ms. Lucas, but I have no idea of what you’re talking about.”
“Lacey,”Ruby choked the name. “She slit her wrists this morning. Because of you,because she still loves you and you ignore her and now she is going to have achild that she can’t take care of!”
Fora brief moment his whole word stopped. Lacey slit her wrists. Stupid girl, whatdid she think that she would won with it? Wasn’t she the one so decided to keepher child and raise it all alone? She certainly should have come to her sensesand realised that was never going to make it on her own.
“Ioffered her a solution, Ms. Lucas, she didn’t want to accept it,” he saidwith a shrug. “I’m sorry that she is dead but she chose it herself.”
“Sheis not dead,” Ruby yelled, but then her eyes fell to the floor and hershoulders shook visibly. “At least she wasn’t when I left the hospital.They are trying to save her baby first.”
Themost selfish part of him wanted them to fail saving the child, because if Laceywas dead, but the babe was alive, then he would have to deal with people comingafter him and trying to make him take care of it, because after all he had madethe stupidity of conceiving it.
“Goodluck for the doctors then,” he said emotionless before turning around andstarting to make his way down the street again, straight to his shop, where he hopedto not be bothered.
“You’resuch a cold-hearted asshole,” Ruby Lucas yelled at him. “You neverdeserved her!”
Yeah, Gold thought, I didn’t.
Stupid, silly girl.
Hehad no idea how long he stayed there, watching Belle tender the baby, but whenhe heard two nurses talking about how she was going to be locked on the asylum –her father had already signed the papers that allowed them to do so – and thebaby was going straight to adoption, he knew he needed to do something to stopit from happening.
Shewas weak, lost lots of blood and the baby was fragile, he heard it from her ownmouth. They were both going to die if they were separated. He dropped his gazeto his cane – a reminder of his past of cowardice – and decided that he couldbe the cold he was one last time if it was to save them both. Rumplestiltskintook a deep breath and swung the hospital room’s door open, startling Belle,who jumped in place and clutched the little bundle closer to her chest.
“Whatare you doing here?” Belle – no, not Belle, Lacey – asked.
“I’veheard about your failed attempt to kill yourself.”
“So,you came here to check if it was true?” She laughed humourlessly. “I’m sorry todisappoint, Mr. Gold, but we are both fine. Now, if you don’t mind please getaway from us before your cold sight can fall over my baby and - God forbit –make something bad happen to him.”
Heswallowed hard, jealously and something else – pain maybe – filling him. Shehad a boy, one that would be a reminder of his failures with Bae forever. Hewas hoping for a girl ever since he woke up from the curse, one that was sweetand innocent like Belle and didn’t have anything of him. But life was full ofdisappointments.
“GideonFrench,” she said. “My son. Nobody else’s.”
Thebabe turned around in her arms, making a soft noise, his tiny hands moving upand the blanket falling a bit to reveal his face. Dark eyes, like his, but asmall little face as angelic as its young mother’s.
“You’regoing to my house. You’ll stay in one of the guest rooms and be as much of asilent ghost as you can,” he defined as coldly as he could. “I’ll proved foryou and him.”
“Idon’t want to.”
“Youdon’t have a saying in this,” Gold said, copying the words she had told him solong ago. “Either you come with me or your sweet father will throw you in theasylum and the child will be given to adoption.”
Sheblinked and there were suddenly fat tears falling down her face as she lifted thebaby up, laying his little hand on her chest, where he had laid his so manytimes before.
“I’llbe back tomorrow morning and you can decide.”
Heleft and she cried.
Shehated him and she loved him.
Thenext morning when he came back, she went to his house. But not for herself.Never again for herself.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Our Princesses are Definitely in this Castle [Part 1]
With the flaming zombie tornado quelled and ghost hunter badges recollected from Romero and Carpen Town, our Angels returned to a distressed crowed back at the Abbey. From what little information they could give, volunteers and visiting humans reported several prominent Angels missing. Concern piled up once everybody realized that both Strappon and Father Handcuffs failed to return despite the fact that both left Romero and Carpen Town before anybody. Panic set in shortly after and a few grueling weeks passed since then. Many Abbey residents became restless and other theorized possible reasons for the disappearances. To help ease them, Thrones worked on calming the Angels, guiding them in the absense of their leaders. This gave a few others a chance to hold council to come up with a plan. At the behest of Tunic, those with seniority in Daten and military experience were gathered after receiving crucial intel from an inside informant. The group consisted of Duster, Caplet, and Ovr'Kot with guest appearances from Blazer, Hot Pants, and Sukafu. The group at first was confused as to why Demons would turn on themselves, but putting their political strife aside they made haste in formulating a plan. After a few stressful hours, they settled on a plan: Sukafu will become a scout. He shall disguise himself as a Hell Corp. cyborg and relay any useful information ranging from patrol schedules to the locations of their leaders. After the verdict, Sukafu went to work almost immediately. He successfully joined Hell Corp. with the council building upon their plan as information became available. In time, a small strike team was formed for the actual infiltration. Demons had a little less action than Angels. Sure, there was a buzz after the Angels and priests were captured, but they returned to their busy lifestyles after five minutes of mocking. They couldn't risk being off their shifts too long without having their pays docked. A few high ranking Demons did keep close tabs on their prisoners, one Demon keeping a bit too many tabs. It was the informant, Jokki, who would frequent the prisoners. She would often take them for her own projects, mostly cleaning animal enclosures, as a cover to gather information to relay back to Angels. It wasn't long until others became suspicious of her and eventually she was forbidden from seeing them. It was prime time for Shroud to unveil his plans. The week was nearing its end with Demons swamped with work as usual. That or attempting to steal their work from Fundoshi, the poor guy really needs a lengthy vacation. The intercoms turned on, feedback playing through them. "Good afternoon, we are to meet in the training arena within the hour. I think it's about time our guests were shown our true hospitality." As the intercoms turned off, many Demons became giddy. Were they gonna pit them against each other? Sounded like a good form of entertainment! Or maybe they'll fight them! Maybe they'll gain a rank by defeating high ranking Angels. Oh the possibilities! Let's pray to the Lord that nothing bad actually happens. 
DEFINITELY THIS CASTLE. YEP. The Demons of Hell Corp have been summoned to the arena for an extra-special event. --------
Today was clearly a day for celebration, and Hell Corp was practically busting at the seams with excitement. The clamor about the halls was extraordinary- as if there was some sort of free food, a peep show of momentous proportions, or everyone was let out early. Either way, it was clear to the passerby that Hell Corp had one Hell of an event planned (pun intended).   Seats in the Coliseum were filling up quickly, the murmur of excited demons filled the air as everyone whispered about the tarp-covered cages in the middle. They had captured someone from the opposing side, or several, and some could recall a similar event that had happened the year prior. Needless to say, it was worth the excitement.
BRIT:  Shroud stood in the very middle of the stadium with his arms crossed  behind his back, waiting patiently for the seats to fill. He looked so  filled with enthusiasm, the narrator points out with sarcasm.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling stepped into the Coliseum, flanked on all sides by the biggest,  most basic NPC lookin' thug mother fuckers you ever did see. Her own  personal entourage of thugs she had since growing up. None of them  were demons when she had them beating up street rats back in the day.  She fixed that when she joined Hell Corp. The jewelry covered demon  made her way to a seat in the lower middle. Close enough to see the  action, but not close enough to get covered in blood. She just had  this outfit cleaned, you know. Bling folded her arms over her chest  and crossed her legs as her entourage took all the seats around and  behind her. Her eyes narrowed at bit at Shroud.
SALAD ASS:  Tails of course, was dressed for the occasion, if anything  overdressed. He tried to find a seat as close as possible to the show,  knowing he wanted to hear and see and even feel everything that  happens. He was excited to say the least, a sharp tooth grin stretched  across his face, it was rare he ever allowed himself to go out to any  big events but he made this particular one an exception.
OWLIE:  Circlet was slightly annoyed at the fact she had to delay her work.  And as she entered the Coliseum, her eardrums were nearly blasted off  by the other demons' excitement. Sighing, she seated herself at the  middle rows, alone. She's here so she might as well enjoy the show..
KRO:  Well this day has finally arrived and Jokki was a little nervous. Not  because of what they've got in store for their guests, but she was far  more concerned about the possibility of being ratted out publicly for  helping Angels. As if Fundoshi chastising her wasn't enoug.   Hairpin was just as anxious, but he actually had the ability to worry  about some of his friends since he wasnt a
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks walked into the Coliseum with a smile on his face. He  looked around and sees newly faces that he never met. Inside, he saw  some of the hellbents, demons, inquisitors, and of course, the  Absolute. He was finding a seat for himself and took the middle seat  to see the action. With a smile on his face and a little bit of  lolipops that he brought in a lunch bage, he can wait to see what's  going on in the Coliseum.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels was escorted out of her pimped out black hearse,four  tall body guards assuming their position at her sides. Her body  adorned in a lacey black dress. She was sipping the last drop of a  glass of wine and with a soft sigh she tosses the glass in the middle  of the street. With a smirk she sashays inside of the Coliseum. What a  lady.  Her guards crouch down, making a seat for her and with the flip  of her hair SN directed her attention to Shroud.
KRO:  SINCE he wasn't doing much to aid the enemy.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori stretches as he sits down in the very back of the coliseum,  for consideration sake. There was suddenly a bunch of commotion that  woke him out of his mid afternoon nap and he just followed the crowd  here. The sudden jolt from waking up caused a ceiling tile to be  impaled and stuck on one of his horns, not that he noticed. His eyes  still a bit sleepy, and fought back the urge to nap. Jeokori looked  around for one of the five people he actually knows.  Fascinator's eyes quieted in the sunlight, his skin itching and his  retinas slightly burning. It's been days since he last went outside  outside of work purposes and it was a fucking experience. He didn't  really know anyone here, and he felt his chest begin to tighten with  anxiety. His heart began to beat faster and it was getting hard to  breathe. Fascinator sunk into the closest seat he could find, and  prayed that someone who knew him would call him over. Hopefully.  Maybe. Possibly?
SAIYAN:  Bowtie had made her way from her desk all the way through the long  hallways to the Colosseum. She thought back to the last time she was  here. It had been a long time for sure. She made her way to her a seat  that was open next to Jokki and sat down.
 “So what do you think is in the box? Must be important if the  summoned ALL of us here” Bowtie said to her.
KUMA:  Sukajan had heard about the event and decided she'd show up. It would  really be her first time around so many demons. She didn't think it'd  be a significant lead to her father's location, but it was better than  nothing. In very back she spotted a tall, pink, and familiar figure.  Sukajan went next to Jeokori and waved.
TORI:  Ah yes, this was certainly a day for excitement and interest from  demons everywhere. Everybody would be flooding coliseum and gathering  around in anticipation for what was about to occur, though honestly  many probably weren't sure exactly what that thing was. It was just an  interesting day all around, everybody was quite excited for the events  of the day. Well… almost everybody. Not every demon today was as  excited and energetic as some of the others, and that little Demon was  Waist Belt, though he hated that name and just went by Etch. He had  sat himself quite far from some of the other Demons, as they all piled  up at the front Etch found himself a nice little seat where no other  demons had surrounded and sat his butt carefully onto the chair. Etch  was what you would call a paranoid mess, he had a bad feeling about  the day and could only imagine things going wrong, but hopefully that  wasn’t going to be the case. Etch had a lot of reasons more than  just anxiety when it came to sitting far away from the fellow demons,  for one, he didn't like demons all that much. Now sure that may be  hypocritical of him considering he was a demon, but nobody said  anything about him liking himself either. Sitting in the chair legs  swinging slightly in the air as he was far too small to actually reach  the ground with his feet, the little succubus looked around at his  fellow demons. All of them were so scary, sure some seemed nice, and  maybe a few weren't as bad as they seemed, but in the end they were  all terrifying to the boy, every single one of them. Part of the boy  just wanted to be an angel, this was more reason that he separated  himself from the demons around him. He just hoped that he wouldn't  have to talk to anybody today. Hopefully the fact that he was as alone  as he could be wouldn’t attract any unnecessary attention. From his  seat however Etch couldn't help but peek up at the absolute, of all  the scary demons, he was the scariest, he didn't even want to think  about him so as quick as he could he buried his head into his hands  and ran them back into his hair, avoiding the three little horns set  on his head… god he hoped those didn't grow at all.
HITA:  Stretching out its legs, Volto Foglia cracked its neck and adjusted  its mask on its face.  Its bird circled the room briefly before  alighting onto the demon's head again.  Ignoring the rabble of the  others took effort sometimes, truly, but not now.  Its intense focus  was centered solely on the Absolute and what he brought with him to  the Colosseum.  Would it be impressed?  Probably not.  Rarely was it  ever impressed with this Sector.  Though this Absolute had earned its  grandmother's respect, unlike many others, but clearly there was some  lunacy involved in being in charge of this Sector.  Groaning to  itself, VF cracked its neck once more as Cerniera surveyed the arena.  Perhaps it might get to beat someone up today.  Hopefully.
BRIT:  Amulet sat next to Hairpin and leaned in toward him.  "This is going to be just as fun as the last time, sans your sister  getting stabbed." He whispered to him with a short chuckle.
 Fundoshi sighed from the middle of the arena beside Shroud. This was  very different from the last time and he was actually wishing he'd  kept his underwear on. But there it was, implanted in the ground in  front of him as he rested his hands on "Unleashed."  His eyes wandered to Jokki and he gave her a kind of nod in greeting.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori peeked up seeing Sukajan as he waved enthusiastically. He  smiled brightly, the dimples in his cheeks showing as he showed a  paper,  "Sukajan! I wasn't expecting you, I'm happy to see you!"  He got up as he kneeled down to look her in the eyes.
PYROBIRD:  Any opportunity Belt Buckle had to get away from the pencil pushing  was a good opportunity, especially if there was a chance for some  action or classic Colosseum violence. She shoved her way through the  arena's halls with little care for any spilled snacks or falls she  might've caused.
 After making her way to the inner circle, BB scanned the crowd for her  friend Overalls.
 "Damn, must not be here," she thought. After all, Ralls did like to  skip out on these events time to time to follow the roaming pandas.  Instead of wasting more time standing on the steps, BB started to jog  down them towards the front row, just in case they needed some  volunteers. This might be a chance to get back some honor after being  beaten up the last time she was here.
KRO:  Jokki raised a brow at Bowtie, "We all know what's in the box... And  it's not a box of dicks. Well, I guess it depends on the context."   She stops herself before further explaining her joke. The Angels were  dicks. She waved at Fundoshi with a nervous smile. Was she sweating?  Probably. Poor thing, she's got anxiety.
  Hairpin nudged Amulet, "Honey, you're not helping. We both know this  is gonna involve some of my friends so have a little more tact."
KUMA:  Sukajan felt a bit embarrassed by him kneeling down. She knew he  didn't mean anything by it but it was an emphasis on their height  difference, and specifically her shortness. She cleared her throat.  "Yeah its nice to see you too. I'm not... exactly sure what's going  on, but I just figured I should come."
SALAD ASS:  Yeezy of course clumsily and violently made her way to her seat,  finding Tails and sitting next to him with snacks and a mouth full of  hot cheetos. He muddled excited voice was yelling and spiting chunks  of spiciness all over Tails clean and prep and perfect outfit in which  resulted in him shoving the snack down her fucking throat like a  heathen.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes wandered for a bit. She looked up to see the absolute,  the only demon she'll never piss off. Then she here eyes drifted  towards the faces of the other demons in the arena. almost all of them  were total strangers to her... But she saw one familiar face among the  sea of strangers.
OWLIE:  "Hey Dress socks!" Circlet waved, she's practically shouting over the  other demon's noise
SAIYAN:  Dick in a box played in Bowtie’s mind for a moment before she  started laughing as she got the joke.
 “Yeah I guess you could say that! Hopefully we can get a few hits on  them ourselves!” Bowtie smiled as she cracked her knuckles.
 That would be nice, especially since there hasn’t been much in terms  of fun going on. At least this in and of itself was a nice break from  the monotony of paper work.
OSCARK9:  While Dress Socks was waiting for the event to start from the  Absolute, he reach inside the bag and took out his main fave Green  Pop. What can he say, he like sweets. Especially if they're green. "Oh  sweet lime, take me away to a sweet life." Like that, he put it in his  mouth and enjoying the flavor. While enjoying the flavor, he heard  voice that was calling him and a familiar one at that. He turn to see  who it is and it was Circlet. "Oh! Hey Circlet!" He waved at her and  shouted back with a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN yawned softly and crossed her arms, her eyes closed, "Better than  having interviewers make me deepthroat a mic for a half hour..." She  groaned, who knew talking and oral were the same thing for her? SN  opens her eyes and she leans against the arm of her "chair" earning a  small grunt from guard. "No familiar faces either.. There's gotta be  someone as bored as me." SH murmured as she looked around.
EMI:  Mankini strolled into the bench area, wearing some bejeweled  sunglasses and holding a coffee. It had been a long time since he'd  been around and his paperwork had piled up to obscene levels. He  actually barely recognized the crowd at this point.
 He tilted his sunglasses down and looked straight at any demons he saw  under 5 feet tall. Today was gonna be a good day back.
EMI:  Somewhere in the distance, Nightshirt leaned back in his chair, far in  the back. He had a good enough view of everything, at least if he sat  up.
HITA:  Glancing around once more, Cerniera took flight and coasted around the  room, eyes locking onto a small form huddled all to itself.  She let  out a warning shriek (because she wasn't uncultured and could, in  fact, be polite) before landing on the bench next to Etch.  Creeping  forward, she considered the child and handed him one of her feathers.  A great honor, she felt, to bestow on anyone.
 With the bird's take off, Volto Foglia had to follow after its pet to  ensure she wasn't harassing others... again.  Instead, as it took an  almost circuitous route, it spotted several groupings of demons and  sneered beneath its mask.  How sad, it thought, that none of these  demons were worth even half a single South-Western demon.  Though with  this in mind it was frankly surprised to see Cerniera near another  demon, let alone a small and clearly weaker one.  Head tilting, it saw  she had given the boy a feather and it grinned beneath the mask it  wore.  Regardless of its feelings on the matter, its Nan would beat IT  for not protecting a small child.  That in mind the tall demon sat  down beside Etch, effectively blocking him from other demons, and  stretched out once more with a small wave to the boy beside it.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori nods as he pats the seat next to him, the ceiling tile shaking  on his horn. He sits backs down as he points to the covered cage and  handed her another note,  "Something about that."  Fascinator looked down at the floor, self conscious about himself.  Everyone had friends, except him. Perfect. That's fine. It wasn't  fine. He was screaming internally as he wished someone would tap his  shoulder. This is what happens when you don't got friends.
SALAD ASS:  "Stop being a food whore and sit down, Youre gonna ruin the show with  your loud mouth smacking." Tails hissed under his breath, shoveing  Yeezy into her seat a,d brushing all the discharge of food that landed  on his handsome frame.
OWLIE:  Circlet stood up from her seat and sat herself next to Dress Socks,  "Isn't this intriguing?" She asked him, "I wonder what's behind those  covered cages...?"
BRIT:  Amulet's nose scrunched up a little.  "I can't believe you're friends with those rash Angels. They're  unruly." He said, leaning back to his original position. "Ah, well.  Maybe it's just your generation."  He wasn't fond of that idea either.
KUMA:  Sukajan took the seat next to him, happy to be seated for a couple  reasons. She then glanced up at the cages. Her head tilted a little as  she tried to think of what they might be for.
KUMA:  (hit enter too early) "Well it probably isn't to show off a giant  bird,"  she commented.
OSCARK9:  "Yeah." He answers her. He look over to the cover cage. "I wonder too.  Maybe it's a price of something." He guess. "It could be anything. But  for now, want some pops?" He ask her.
OSCARK9:  *prize
HITA:  There was a pause before gloved hands landed with a smack onto  Fascinator's shoulders.  A grin spread over Rose's face as she plopped  onto the seat next to her mother's friend.  Tucking back her hair, her  eyes tracked over the action on the arena below.  How boring, she  thought, though she did lean into Fascinator.  "How's things, buddy?"
KRO:  Hairpin frowned, "If it's any better, I care more for one of them."  Hairpin leans in close, cupping his mouth as if he was a gossiping  preschooler, "It's uh...the one that hooks you up with the goods that  I care more about."   Hairpin corrected himself in his seat, straightening out his suit  hoping that Amulet at least felt sympathy for that bit.
TORI:  Well so much for sitting where nobody will bother him. Etch happened  to notice quite clearly when the weird demon that was Mankini looked  at him, and as quick as he could he did his best to avert his gaze as  quick as he could. Locking eyes with any demon in Etch mind was a bad  idea. Maybe they were like cats and considered that to be a sign of  wanting to fight or something. Regardless of what that demon wanted  Etch would do his best to just ignore him for now, hoping to god that  he wasn’t going to talk to him. However Etch nearly jumped out of  his seat when he heard of what sounded like a fucking bird coming  right towards him, he almost jumped out of his spot before looking at  the bird that hand landed next to him, which had just proceeded to  hand him a feather. Now Etch wasn’t scared of animals like he was  birds, and he was happy to receive such a gift from such a kind  creature, thinking more about it he couldnt help but feel like it was  kind of cute, and took the feather in his hand gently, unsure what to  do he spoke up to the bird. Etch’s voice was very soft and feminine,  his words came out incredibly smooth and his voice to some could  almost be considered hypnotic, maybe he should look into ASMR.
 “Th-thank you…”
 His words were quick, but to the point, however, what happened next  was something that he did not want to happen, nor did he know how to  handle. Looking away from the bird he took notice of something that he  had ignored on accident, but before he knew it, it was too late. Right  next to him was a giant of a demon, was this even allowed, were demons  allowed to be this tall, this seemed illegal, this was no fair, in  fact, being next to him only made Etch feel smaller. However, the  demon waved at him, so reflexively Etch sat up in his seat, his feet  unable to touch the ground still, in fact he felt like he shrank, and  he waved back cutlery before speaking anxiously.
 “H-H-H-Hello… I-I um… Hi… uh…. hhhh”
OWLIE:  "Yep," Circlet replied, taking a red lollipop from Dress Socks, then  she looked over to the center of the coliseum, waiting for the event  to start. She's actually felt excited by now, she hopes to see some  violence.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips as he replies,  "These demons do have giant birds though…"  He began to theorize of possible entities. Perhaps it was son sort of  beast abomination they made in a lab? They caught enemies? Maybe they  just wanted to show off a new cage. Yes, a shiny new cage. He leaned  closer to Sukajan as he whisper noted,  "Maybe they're trying to get demons for lab testing."  Fascinator screamed in shock as he squirmed. Lord, the curse was real.  He didn't think the gypsy was right but he was wrong. He was gonna  die, and none shall mourn his death. He didn't want this- oh wait. It  was a wild Rose. Settling back down he shakily stutters,  "H-Hi! Didn't expect you here. Seems like a crap shoot right now."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "God damn it I swear if its an anim-" She pauses for a moment, making  well, its an ahegao face if any of her guards knew one, before  sneezing. Not just any sneeze, one high pitched enough to break the  wine glass beside her, which was thankfully empty. "I  fuckin..ughhhhh!" She buffs and removes her lipstick tube from her  cleavage, she puts it to her lips. Now to match a dart and a birdy.
KUMA:  "They do? I guess I still have a lot to learn about demons," Sukajan  said legitimately taken aback by that fact. She was also confused by  the mention of the labs. It was really evident on her face. "Oh well  sometimes in gangs if you capture someone from the rival gang you'll  like embarrass them or torment them in front of your underlings. It's  supposed to be a moral boost."
HITA:  Tilting its head, Volto Foglia scooted slightly to the left in order  to give the small demon some space.  Despite its size and general  misanthropy towards others of the Sector, it wouldn't hurt a child.  Flipping out a notepad, it began to scratch out some sort of message  as Cerniera rubbed her face into the small demon's shoulder.  Apparently, she had decided this boy was a good child.  Message done,  VF reached over to pet Cerniera gently for a moment before revealing  the notepad.
 'It is Volto Foglia.  Its bird friend is Cerniera.  She seems to like you.  And wants to protect you.'
 Popping off its mask, the tall demon placed the mask on its lap and  smiled kindly at Etch, knowing its face was probably a kinder thing to  look at than a hunk of metal.  Cerniera let out a coo, wing draping  over the small boy's lap.
 Rose laughed at the scream, amused beyond reason that Fascinator was  so easily spooked.  "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna be neat, at  least, yeah?"  Her hands gestured to the tarp-covered cages at the  center.  "I mean, maybe it's a new ghost!  Or something to beat up?  Who knows, right?"  Her hands gestured more wildly at that, excitement  clear.  She wished her mother was here but apparently she had business  to attend to with Gorgons, something about a turf war with some of the  demons of another Sector trying to take over part of the sea.  Still,  at least something interesting was happening.  "It'll be fun, I bet."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at her as he tried to imagine her humiliating someone  else. Keyword: try. He honestly couldn't see Sukajan doing that, gang  or not. She was a nice hooman. Unlike Fascinator, who does freaky  shit. He shook his head as he snickered a bit as he pats her head,  passing on a note,  "I can't… see you doing any of that."  Fascinator narrowed his eyes at the cage as he hums quietly,  "Maybe, I just hope it isn't a bull."  The gypsy's fortune will be feared. He smiles brightly at Rose as he  chuckles,  "Right, I should cheer up. Doesn't help being blue. Anyways how're you  Rose in this heat?"  He was dying in the sun, his pasty pale skin was use to playing hide  and seek with the warm rays of sun light.
SALAD ASS:  "God this is so booooring when is it gonna staaaart I came here for  fun not, whatever the fuck this is." Yeezy whined in her chain,  shoveling popcorn into her mouth out of boredom.
KUMA:  "Well we haven't really... yet." Sukajan's voice was a bit small when  she said that, but she got some confidence as she continued. "We don't  have any enemies really. We have a plan for what to do, of course.  Just in case..."
BRIT:  Shroud scanned the crowd before turning to the rather quiet set of  covered cages. Birds always quieted down when covered, even if they  needed a little help for the human.
 "Attention, demons: Thank you all for attending this event. I'm sure  you await with bated breath the reveal of our prey. First, I would  like to explain what the event is about."  He walked over to the cages, motioning Fundoshi to pull the tarps off.
 Fundoshi pulled them off to reveal their live prey: Strappon (who had  his mouth taped), Bifocals, Broshades, Father Handcuffs, Undershirt,  and Dermal.
 Strappon struggled with his bindings, clearly a spitfire.
 "Welcome our pincushions, a choice selection of high-ranking Angels  and two Men of the Lord. They will be your entertainment for tonight."  He began again, walking across the cages, "We will be choosing several  of our ranks to show these honored guests our excellent hospitality-  facing off against hem- as punishment for stitching their noses where  they don't belong."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling had her head resting on her hand as she watched Shroud and his  lap dog just stay in the middle of the area, not really doing  anything. She frowned, closing her eyes for a moment in annoyance at  how long they were taking just to pull down a bunch of tarps. She  hoped that meant Shroud was actually an old man and might die of being  an old fart soon or something. So she could jump on his position. She  opened her eyes when Shroud spoke out again. Bling raised her head off  of her hand at the sight of several high and mighty jackasses in  cages. Her brow raised, with the added information that a few people  here were going to be fighting them. She should've figured something  was going to fight something. It's a Collesium.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SUn's pointed ears perked up at the word pincushion, arousing her  curiosity. Hopefully there'd be blood the rocker thought. With a grin  she dug her nails into the back of her guard, at the edge of her seat.  "Wonder who they're gonna pick.~" Sneaker Heels purred to herself as  she watched the angels squirm. A show and bondage? Slow start but for  this it was worth it.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was surprise that the Higher Ups capture the Angels for  snooping. "Well serves them right for doing that." He said. With a  wide smile on his face, he wonders who will facing who. Oh the wonders  of entertainment!
KRO:  Jokki side-eyed Bowtie, clearly upset by the arrangment. She was  worried her behavior today will get her in trouble, but given her  track record she shouldn't give a fuck anymore. She was about to  respond but stopped as the tarps were removed. So it begins.
  Hairpin looked on with one hand on Amulet's which he was fiddling  with.
  Shades somewhat covered his eyes, letting them adjust to the  lighting. As that happened, he couldn't quiet put his finger on where  he heard the Demon Absolute's voice. It sounded a bit too much like...  Like... That was the mayor's voice. He finally found which exact Demon  was the gotdang mayor.   practically plastering himself on his cage's wall he pointed to  Shroud, "So this is where you are! Where's city hall you oompa  loompa!?"   Jokki nearly lost it but Hairpin didn't make the effort to contain  his laughter. Oompa loompa, holy shit.
TORI:  Etch certainly had no idea what to think of the illegally tall person  before him. Were they nice, mean, scary, crazy, kind, who knows  honestly, but Etch was having a hard time fully grasping what exactly  this demon wanted with him. However, Etch took some interest when the  demon began to write in the notepad. Etch had never met somebody who  would just sit next to you to ignore you so he figured this must have  something to do with something. Maybe they couldn’t talk? Whatever  the reason it did not entirely get rid of Etch fear, and he was still  unsure what to think. He did however quite like the bird that was  being quite friendly, though he wasn’t entirely sure what to do, or  if he could touch them. Before long however Etch was able to take a  look at the demon again and saw that they had finished writing in the  notepad. Ah… a message? Etch figured that they probably couldn't or  prefered not to speak, so he didn’t question it. Reading carefully  Etch looked up at the demon still quite frightened and spoke up again.  Though this time he forced a little smile on his face.
 “U-uh i-it's nice to m-m-meet you V-Volto… Foglia... “ He had to  think about how to pronounce the name before speaking it. Despite only  being a demon for a short ammount of time and still possessing a  little bit of a japanese accent Etch was rather good with english.  “N-Nice to um… meet you… I l-l-like your b-bird…”
 Etch was a little surprised to see the demon before him take off the  mask, and although the face underneath still scared him, it certainly  was not as bad as the mask he had on before, and did allow Etch to  find some more comfort. However His attention was turned away from the  demon before him to the announcement that was now to be spoken by  Shroud.
 Etch saw the angels in the cage and despite his demonic nature, his  heart did sink a little. Although he would not speak this Etch was  quite a fan of angels, and really did not want to see them all trapped  up like this. And to hear that the demons would be fighting against  them was well, it wasn't fun to think of. Tapping his feet together  Etch took a deep breath and simple sighed, he was hoping he wouldn't  have to fight anybody today, especially not angels. The angels they  had captured were quite friendly looking and all seemed very kind, not  at all like the demons around him. Etch just felt like hed fit in  better but, he knew that was not an option, and so he pushed those  feelings aside and sat still in his chair, clearly a little  uninterested in the situation.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips, unsure if the whole speech was suppose to be  taken seriously with all the puns. He pursed his lips, unsure if he  ever saw those people but he nudged Sukajan,  "Damn, you were right Suka."  Perhaps she was able to see the future. He squinted his eyes as he  considered this possibility.  Fascinator was about to say something but then voila, the cage was  revealed. He didn't really recognize everyone but then he saw Shades!  He calls out while waving,  "Shades! Heeey! Whats up buddy? What're you doing in a- Oh… wait."  He pursed his lips as he sunk in his seat. Well this was awkward.  Fascinator twiddled his thumbs as a cold sweat dripped down his brow.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked down at the box that was now uncovered. Well it looks  like there dicks in a box after all.
 Undershirt had been rattling a cup against the bars of the cage. The  cup was gift from Caplet that said #1 Dad on it. Why he had it with  him he had no idea. This time cooped up had been so fucking boring and  he had the bejeweled theme song stuck in his head for the past few  days. At least he could now see outside of the cage since the tarp was  removed. He then dropped the cup and looked around at the coliseum  filled with Demons.
 “Holy…” he started to say before stopping himself.
OWLIE:  "Damn, this ought to be good," Circlet said to herself, sneering.  seeing the angels in the cages, she rapped her fingers against the  armrests, excited.
KUMA:  Sukajan groaned a bit at the puns. She wondered how someone could took  all this seriously with those. However, she was very pleased with  herself at the reveal that her guess was correct. She looked back up  at Jeokori and noticed his squinted eyes of suspicion.  "It was just my intuition," Sukajan said with a shrug. "This is also  what tends to happen in movies and stuff like that."  Though she did have some concern about all this. Who were those people  down there in the cage anyways? What had they done. There was now some  unease setting in.
HITA:  Upon the revelation of what was in the cage, Rose grinned, sharp teeth  glinting violently.  "Well... it seems like today is fun!"  Turning  her attention to the question though, Rose smiled softly at the man.  "I'm fine.  I'm built for sterner things ya know.  You an' me, pasty  pal, we'll be all right."
 Humming, VF looked out at the arena, neither agreeing with or  disagreeing with Etch's statement on whether it was good to meet him  or not.  It did try to smile kindly, though its attention was arrested  quite firmly by the ruckus at the center.  Eyes narrowing on the  angels and humans, it sneered in the direction of the Absolute.  So it  was this again.  Joy of joys.
 Tap.  Tap-tap.  Tap tap-tap tap.  Bifocals continued on playing  Bejeweled, the music clearly being pushed straight towards Undershirt.   However, the comment about the Oompa Loompa's made her snort, lose,  and sigh.  Still, with a grin she brought up YouTube and began playing  the very song Shady mentioned.
BRIT:  Shroud's resounding silence at the comments about his height was  deafening.  "Oh, sew you finally recognize me?" He asked, turning to Shades.  "Don't you know where city hall is? I thought that was common  knowledge."  He scoffed and turned back to the rest of the crowd.
 Strappon struggled further in his bindings, kicking as much as he  could.
 "Sew who will be first?" Shroud asked.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori noticed Sukajan's unease and placed a hand on her shoulder. He  writes down,  "I'm sure it's fine. After all, enemy is an enemy."  His eyes lowered as he remembered the many days his mentor smashed  that into his skull. Literally. His left eye socket still burns. He  shook his head, trying to forget as he asks,  "You know any of them?"  Fascinator wanted to agree. He really did. He wanted to say he was  tough, but he couldn't lie. His soft baby hands hasn't done something  violent in months. He makes a stab at himself,  "Yeah, but I'm just a marshmallow though."  He sighs as he lowers his head, it started to sink in how much of a  wimp he was. How did he ever get a boyfriend? He grits his teeth,  trying hard to keep a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN snickers at the Oompa loompa comment, sitting back as she watched  in amusement. She hopped up a bit, quite excited for impending ass  whipping. She thought angels looked better bruised and bloody, its  kinda the whole aesthetic of her tumblr blog. Blood is low key sexy.  SN was resisting the urge to me me me!
KRO:  Shades tried not to laugh as Bifocals brought up the video. It's  appropriate, really. But Shroud's remarks snapped him back, "I can go  first! Me and you, your office! The sewage system??? School lunches?  Come on, I've been waiting months for ONE meeting."   Even in the face of the enemy does Shades care more about politics  than whatever the fuck was going on.
KUMA:  Sukajan felt comforted by the hand on her shoulder. Sure, she didn't  know any of them personally and they could have done something  terrible. There were probably a threat to demons and well, technically  she was at least half demon. A sigh escaped her lips and she seemed a  bit more reassured.  "Nope. None of them look familiar."  Her expression changed to seem more disconnected. It was a calmer look  that suited a gang member.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes were practically glowing with excitement, she secretly  hopes that she'll able to witness some bloody and brutal duel. She  also low-key wishes she'll be able to get into some fighting, even  though she's just recovered a broken rib.
(( OOC: God says: First round will be Circlet v. Broshades ))
EMI:  Dermal glanced around the arena, much less roughed up than his  cagemates. He blew some hair out of his face.
 "My, what a crowd this place is."  He adjusted himself in his seating position. His eyes stopped on the  green haired demon in the bleachers and the grey strands of hair in  the back, and a few other choice demons around. He concealed a smirk.
 "You've done quite a job fixing this place up after the last Absolute,  child, but if you think anyone's going to even touch me, you're sadly  mistaken."
 "Last time we had a Seraph around, he nearly skewered a small child."  Mankini said, tossing his empty coffee cup perfectly in the trash,  seating himself next to a small boy.  "I'd avoid fighting, you'd be quite the target..." He gave Etch a  toothy grin.  "So... You're new?"
BRIT:  Behind the mask, there was probably a sadistic little grin. But you  know, no one could actually see it.  "You want to meet with me?" He asked Shades, "Earn it. It seams you're  a strong Angel. I feel my ranks will put darts in you, pincushion. You  beat one of them, I'll entertain the notion of a meeting with you. Pin  that on me."
 He turned back to thr crowd.  "Our first fight will be this rather loud Angel by the name of Shades.  Who will stand to fight him?" He asked loudly.
 Amulet, from his seat, squinted at the Seraph in the cage.  "Who the fuck is that?" He asked, almost whistfully, "The Seraph..."  He tilted his head but shrugged and kind of smirked as he leaned back  in his seat again, seeming to answer his own question while touching  the hair covering his eye, playing with it a little.
(( OOC: Fight thread: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/172/event-princesses-definitely-castle ))
OWLIE:  Circlet suddenly stood up, impulsively, she said, "I want to fight!"
TORI:  Etch sat a little uncomfortably next to VF and the bird, unsure  exactly what to say. He was certainly not the best at talking and had  no idea what to say to him, but he did appreciate the company to some  degree. Etch was quite focused on the idea of not fighting, but his  attention was very quickly turned to the wicked looking demon sat next  to him. Who… who was this. The fear that had been in Etch’s chest  the whole time as of now shot up to a million, and he was now on high  alert, who the heck was this demon and why was he so scary? His grin  was scary and he had no idea what he was ment to think of this demon.  Scooting closer to VF and in turn farther from this new demon, Etch  poked his fingers together trying to find words, his face a bright  red. He felt not only fear but embarrassment, he couldn't find any  words, and had no idea how to speak, it's as though they had been  taken from him, he was embarrassed. However after some time of him  shuffling around in his seat he spoke, looking at the ground.
 “I-I um… I d-d-d-don't think I w-w-w-want to fight anyw-w-ways  um… I uh… I’d be too...t-t-t-o scared… a-a-and um… yeah.”
 Etch had no problems admitting he was scared, he was after all, but  honestly for more reasons than one at this point. He took another  breath, still poking his fingers together.
 “I um… y-yeah im… im new… m-my name is.. Uh…  E-E-E-Etch….”
 He felt like he would regret telling this demon his name, but he also  realized he had not told it to VF who had been sitting next to him,  feeling bad Etch buried his face in his hands, before shaking it off  and taking a breath, no point in stressing over that now.
HITA:  Smiling, Rose pat him on the shoulder.  "Aw come on, I'll keep you  safe.  I made a new grenade!  It lets out acid fog.  Pretty neat,  huh?"  Poor man, thinking he was in this alone.  "Besides, all else,  you might just fight the human and he can't be too tough if he can't  keep the birds from flying the coop, right?"
 Letting out a soft chirp, Cerniera eyed the newcomer with distaste.  VF narrowed its eyes as well, mouth stretching in a wide grin.  With a  whistle, it signaled Cerniera to do as she pleased.  Her claws struck  out at Mankini and she let out a sort of hissing noise.  From beside  Etch, VF's grin widened as it pulled the small boy close to its side  and let the bird settle between Etch and Mankini.
 "It would appreciate if you would ask before interrupting a  conversation with another."  The double-toned voice sounded derisive  and degrading almost, as if the demon that settled himself down were  nothing better than dirt under its shoe.  Raspy as its voice was, it  was clear the tall demon didn't view the superior demon with much  respect.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Bifocals with annoyance. That fucking song was  gonna be the death of him.
 He also couldn't believe that they were gonna be used as entertainment  for these Demons! It felt so degrading. More so because of the fact  that they were captured in the first place!
 "Hopefully this whole ordeal would be over soon enough" he hoped.
EMI:  Mankini jerked back and glared at the dumb feathered creature.  "No one taught you manners, I suppose." He spat at VF.  His scowl transitioned into a grin when he looked at Etch again.
 "I supposed another time, then, Boy." He said with a bit of a wink,  fixing his hair.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pats her back as he smiles,  "See? No feelings hurt! I think I'll join in."  His sense of empathy was quite twisted. He was almost delighted to  hear of the events, watching intently. Should he join in the blood  bath? Sure, why not? In the spirit of the celebration. He raises his  hand, obviously unable to to call out.  Fascinator sweated a bit, he forgot that Rose made grenades. He shrugs  as he tries to object,  "W-Well I mean I broke my collarbone last fight I was in..."  He was just praying he won't be picked at all. He was a lover not a  fighter. Even then, he wasn't a lover either.
KRO:  Feeling his blood boil, Shades scooted away from the cage bars and  grabbed Bifocals by the shoulders, "Hey knowing me, I don't think I'll  last 3 seconds with a healthy and young looking Demon so if I die...  Tell my fiance and son that I love them, okay?"
 He paused for a few seconds, then spoke, "And I'm being incredibly  serious about it."
 Jokki was close to going into a full-blown panic attack and slid up  next to Shroud, "My Supreme Absolute," she started. It sounded like  she was about to gag just saying that title, "If you wish, I can  assume your mayoral duties and get this particular Angel out of your  hair. Besides I don't think it wise to hurt Angels in the first place,  it'll bring out popularity in the polls down on Earth."
 She doubted that Shroud even cared for Earth politics, but it was  worth a shot.
 Hairpin turned to Amulet briefly, looking at him as if asking what's  up, "What about the Seraph, sweetie?"  Tell him the juicy gossip.
KUMA:  Sukajan's facade was essentially broken when Jeokori said he was going  to fight. He did once tell her that he was a soldier, but she had sort  of forgotten about that. To her he seemed more like well, a gentle  giant type.  "You wanna fight? Really?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels clapped with excitement, watching the slight uproar.  Wonder if this would be okay to put on world star? Who the hell knows  but it was tempting. She sits back and she rests one leg over the  other, she was excited in more than one way. Weirdo.
TORI:  Holding his hands on his face Etch simply happily scooted towards VF,  he had no idea who this other demon was but all he got from him was  bad vibes. This was the first time he had heard VF speak and it was  quite intimidating, but much nicer than this other demons voice for  some odd reason. Looking up at VF Etch spoke up in his usual soft  tone, though he was sort of whispering, perhaps not wanting the other  demon to hear, though he was probably close enough that he could.
 “U-Um… Wh-who is that?” Etch for some reason trusted asking this  scarry demon over that one
 The words ‘another time’ resonated inside Etch, he didint speak to  him, but it made Etch curl up into something of a ball and if you  looked close enough, it looked like he was vibrating, or maybe that  was just an illusion or something. Internally however, Etch was  screaming…. loud.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori tilted his head, confused but kept his hand up as a volunteer.  It seems his decision shocked Sukajan. He shows a small note,  "What's wrong? Only way to get better is to practice."  It wasn't really even blood lust, just a desire to make his mentor  proud any way possible. She always had a small smile when they  sparred. Jeokori has a lot of mother issues. Many issues in fact.  Someone adopt this orphan, he's only 2,300+ years old. Perfectly fine.
BRIT:  Shroud looked up at Jokki for a few moments.  "Last I checked, you weren't my advisor." He said to her, "I'd rather  be the one running this machine. And if you don't mind, I have  Gladitorial combat to oversee."
 He motioned at Fundoshi to open the cage.  "Take the mouthy one out." He said.
 Fundoshi's mouth twitched and he turned to open the cage, grabbing  Shades by the arm and pulling him out promptly before shutting it  again. He leaned in to him.  "Don't fuck this up." He whispered before shoving him toward the  middle of the Arena, but hanging awfully close behind him.
BRIT:  "You, over there. Your name is Circlet, correct?" Shroud asked,  pointing to her, "You'll be our first."
 Fundoshi motioned for her to come to the arena.
OWLIE:  "Yes!" Circlet said, delighted. 'Yes! I get to fight!' She happily  thought while cracking her knuckles. She made her way down to the  arena, preparing herself to what's about to go down.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was waiting patiently to hear who's fighting who. It did  made him dull, just a little, but the wait was over and hear the names  called out and it was his friend Circlet. He turns to Circlet with a  smile on his face. "Have fun in their, Circlet." He said while giving  her a thumps up. "Don't hold back!" This will be fun to watch.
KRO:  Shades could feel his face flushed. Shit, was he overheating?  Medication does that to ya. Or was he just appreciating the chiseled  male figure that was Fundoshi. The guy got pretty close, just like  temptation.  That was actually kinda hot.
 He crossed himself not only to keep temptation off, but so that the  Lord is merciful and lets him live. He missed Father's day for his  son, he kinda owes it to the kid to come back, even if it's with a few  missing limbs.
 "If I lose it's gonna be an embarrassment. Not for my pals, but  because of my rank..." he whispered. It was kind of to Fundoshi but at  the same time kinda talking to himself. He was nervous, okay.
OWLIE:  Circlet reached the arena and saw her opponent clearly. Her malicious  smile nearly faded. Ok, maybe she didn't think this through, she got  nervous at the sight of the higher ranking angel... But then again,  beating him means good to her and humiliation to him. She took off her  namesake and it transformed into a bident, preparing for the battle.
KUMA:  "I mean... you're right," Sukajan said with the initial confusion  leaving her. "I guess to most people practice and training is like  hitting a punching bag or something." She then sort of gave up on that  initial topic.  "So the people down there, are those angels?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Was it weird that she was enjoying this more than she should be? Yeah.  Did SN give a flying fudge nugget? Nope. This was hot and she'd  definitely take pleasure in this fight. She leaned forward a bit to  get a better look and she giggled. "This'll be one hell of a sight~"  SN stop you need help.
BRIT:  Shroud looked over Circlet and turned to Shades. He walked up to him  and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to his  height.  "We should make this a fair fight." He said to him in a low tone, the  whisps of his cape seeming to shift and move around their ankles for a  moment, "You're of high rank, but I think you'd operate much better on  even ground."
 There was likely a sharp pain in Shades' ankles before he tossed him  in front of Circlet.  "You may begin." He said, turning sharply and taking his seat on the  outskirts of the Arena.
KRO:  Shades tried not to scream in Shroud's ear, but he kinda wished he  did. Falling to the ground, he rolled and sat up, shaking a fist,  "Come on, man! I'm an aging guy!"  He sighed, getting up with difficulty, "Now I know how Overwatch  characters feel when they get nerfed," he mumbled to himself.
OWLIE:  Grinning, Circlet charged at the angel with great speed, kicking him  hard with her left foot in the chest and batting him with her bident,  though she knows it didn't do much damage on him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shrugs as the demon went up to fight, maybe next time. He made  a mental note to find out what a punching bag was later but he nods as  he points to the pink haired one,"I think that one is a human, if I'm  not wrong."  There really wasn't a distincation between human and angel but he  heard there were some mortals down there. Suddenly the ceiling tile  came loose from his horn, smashing onto his head. Unable to move his  vocal chords he made gurgling throat sounds in an attempt to speak as  he rubbed his head.  Fascinator bit his lip, silently praying for Shades. The man made good  tweets. May the angel live another day. He sighs as he looks at his  phone, looking for new employment soon since he might not have his  idol money making job. Maybe that's why he was depressed. Nah probably  not it. Proabbly the ice cream he had before he went to bed yesterday.
KRO:  "OOF," his back slammed hard on the ground again and he shielded his  head with his arm as this child batted him. Man, this wasn't different  from gang kids kicking his ass. He tried to grab the weapon out of  Circlet's hand, he was getting close to going into full Dad mode and  chastise her.
 "I know it's the point, but you're gonna splat my brains all over the  damn floor!"
 Hairpin winced at the kick Shades received. How the hell didn't his  heart stop then and there? Miracles, one could say.
OWLIE:  She pulled her weapon free from the angel's grip and used her left  fist to punch him in the chest.... Which only hurt her hand more than  him... she bit her lip to keep herself from wincing.
KUMA:  Sukajan squinted as she looked at everyone down there. She honestly  couldn't tell the difference. She was going to ask if there was  anything that gave her away as a demon hybrid, but she was caught off  guard by the ceiling tile that fell onto Jeokori's head.  "Whoa, are you okay?"
KRO:  That punch wasn't as bad, but he squinted at Circlet, "Instead of the  chest, I suggest the solar plexus. Ya know, where it'll leave people  literally breathless?"
EMI:  "Put your back into it, Spades!" Dermal shouted from the cage.  What a pathetic turn of events for the man. Pretty disappointing so  far.
OWLIE:  Circlet stared at her opponent, dumbfounded. Did he just... gave her  advice? Did he want to die? Snapping out of it, she decided to deliver  a blow to Shade's jaw, punching it hard.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Possibly the only sound someone ever heard from Jeokori and it's  horrible demonic sounds since he couldn't use his voice. It wasn't  like he was in complete pain but still. It fucking hurt?? He rubbed  his head, finally stopping the unpleasant throat sounds. He pointed to  the spot where it hit and wrote down,  "Did it leave a mark?"
KRO:  Shades stared off to the side after receiving the blow. He blinked a  few times, moved his jaw around until a gross pop was heard. Opening  and closing his jaw, he just kinda nodded, "Well, thanks for fixing  what my doctor couldn't?"
 He was getting his ass beat, but it was a win-win for him in this  regard. Girl got to punch an Angel, he got his jaw fixed. It's what he  gets for having dick2bomb.
OWLIE:  Circlet snarled and threw flurries of punches all over Shades' body,  though it seems that he's unaffected by his punches.
KRO:  Sorta sissy slapping the punches out of the way, still getting hit  with a few, he grabbed her by the wrists to make her stop. She was  getting frustrated, he could tell, but he's gotta be real with her.  She was kind of a shitty fighter at the moment.
 "Now hold up! Are you new here or something? Cause your form leaves a  lot to be desired, at least learn how to properly punch. It's like  your fists are opening up mid punch!"  He took this time to straighten himself out, sitting upright on the  floor. Ya know, this isn't that bad, except he may be overstepping a  few boundaries in terms of authority. There's a reason he's not a  trainer anymore and that's because he's a weak fuck.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  This is illegal. Nothings supposed to be this hot, hell she's not even  that hot. She was almost drooling. Pull yourself together sweet lord.  SN shakes her head and gives herself a slap. Keep the undies on.
OSCARK9:  "Woo!" He shouted at her from a far. Hope she can hear him from his  distance. "You've got him on the ropes now!" He was filled with joy  for seeing this fight. Hopefully in the future that he'll get a chance  to fight one of them. For now, all he can do is to grab another pop  from his bag and enjoy the show. This time, it was an Orange Pop.
KUMA:  Sukajan looked up to the top of his head and there didn't seem to be a  mark. She shook her head in a no. "It looks fine but geez," her glance  went back up to the ceiling. "Must be some cheap ceiling tiles... Is  there anything I could do to help?"
BRIT:  Fundoshi scowled deeply. Shades was literally doing his job...  Not that Shroud seemed to be budgeting much in terms of training. Most  of it seemed to go into ghost research.  He squinted, having a feeling this would end badly.
KRO:  He could tell that he got the kid's attention, lowering her guard and  such. Letting go of one wrist, he took her left hand and balled it up  to a fist.  Shades pointed to her knuckles, "See, you were punching with your  fingers. That's kind of a big no-no. They're kinda brittle unless you  do special training. That goes for even us Immortals. What you  actually want to do is punch with your knuckles. They're sturdier.  I mean, only reason why brass knuckles aren't called anything else.  NOW."
 He balls his right hand into a fist, sucker punching Circlet on the  forehead. Wow he felt like an asshole but in all fairness, he was  getting his ass beat by poor form, "That's how you punch."
 Jokki winced at Circlet getting punched, but she hoped Fundoshi was  taking notes on how to sucker punch unruly Demons.
OWLIE:  "Fuck!" Circlet cursed in pain, she gets up and gets into her battle  stance, this time, she'll make him pay
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shakes his head and rubs his temples, patting her shoulder in  gratitude. He points to the fight and shakily scrawls out,  "You watch the fight, I might be a while, okay?"  He gently pats her back, before sinking deeep into his seat. To the  point that he had to bend his knees in order to sink further and that  is couldn't really be counted as sitting.  Fasciantor winced at the punch, but shit that was good form. A a man  who use to be in a not so legal underground fighting rink, having a  good punch will let you live 5 matches. Wait... Maybe that's he can  make money if he loses his job. Realizing this, he began to make plans  (or rather lies) when he goes so loved ones wouldn't worry. It'll be  like when he got into college, and after he dropped out.
KRO:  Finally getting up from the ground, Shades limped over to her, keeping  his hands up in case she tried to hit him as he approached. Until he  saw that he wasn't going to get torn to shreds, he smacked her upside  the head. He could of gone for an attack but he was hurting so it's  not like he was gonna do much damage.
 "In all fairness, it's deserved considering you had shit form."  He crossed his arms with a huff. Kids these days, right?
OWLIE:  Circlet winced in pain as she rubbed her head, Damn this angel,  Circlet was getting pissed. She panted as she stood up. In a strained  voice, she said, "You'll... Pay..."
TORI:  Etch for the most part was ignoring everything, though he did have to  admit that the angel was doing a really good job. He was honestly  hoping the angel won but he figured if he did something bad would  happen, so at the same time he hopped he didin’t. Crossing his legs  to get more comfortable Etch was reminded of his uniform. He hated the  skirt, he was a boy after all, why would his caretaker buy him the  skirt. It made him stand out more than he already did and honestly it  didint suit him. Oh well, back to resting his head in his hands.
OWLIE:  She yelled and slashed her bident across Shades' chest, but it didn't  draw any blood, it just scratched him a bit.
KUMA:  Sukajan nodded at him and hoped he felt better. To be fair she wasn't  paying too much attention to the actual fight itself. Now that she was  actually paying attention, she wasn't really sure who to root for. The  obvious answer would be the demon, but she wasn't that invested in the  conflict. It also seemed like they weren't fighting that hard.  Though Sukajan did have a thought that if she fought someone down  there and won, it could give her an in with some of the demons.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker Heels yawned a bit and she stretched. "Either they're both  holding back or they're tired as hell.." She said as she looked at her  nails, well at that length they were talons. SN digs said talons into  her body guards back and she sighs, pulling them away to pick at the  blood on them. "Boy did I miss that taste.~"
KRO:  Shades was about to make a small little quip about how his money got  stolen when he was captured. Someone owed him $20 and he was gonna pin  that on Fundoshi as soon as he got out of this mess. But the bident  was coming in fast, yelling he tried to move out of the way. He wasn't  unscathed and he rubbed his chest.
 "Hey! This was my favorite shirt, what the hell! It's Gucci!" This  shit costs an arm and a leg, what a little shit.
OWLIE:  "Like I give a damn about your damn shirt" Circlet said, twirling her  weapon,
KRO:  Better judgement was telling Shades to not hit a kid even if they were  a little gremlin. But fuck it. He grabbed her bident and flung her  across the arena. Oh would you look at that, he's still got it.
 "You should cause it literally costs as much as a newborn child!"
OWLIE:  Circlet yelled in was thrown to ground like a ragdoll. She really had  a talent of pissing people off, and it backfired on her.
KRO:  He approached Circlet once more. He helped her get back up on her feet  but then shook her a little. He wasn't exactly gonna attack, but he  was livid as all hell (ha) about his shirt.
 "Listen here you little gremlin, at least have respect for expensive  brands."  After he was done shaking Circlet, he handed her back the bident.
 "And this is yours, by the way."
OWLIE:  Okay....? Like a cornered animal, she quickly grabbed her weapon from  the angel's hands and leapt away from him. She still had one more  shot, she better not fail this time.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at the areana then to Sukajan and then back to the  arena. He was wondering if she was seeing this shit too. This was  suppose to be a good fight, right? Was it the ancient Earth tradition  he heard about, opposite day? But he returned his interest, the fight  suddenly getting interesting. Hopefully the angel now does ancient way  of killing an opponent: Claw-Plach. But he watched in despair as the  opponent helped the demon up. No Claw-Plach today...  Fascinator gasped and placed a hand over his mouth, he was surprised  at the bident flick. Damn son, he didn't think this would happen.  Atfirst, he thoguht Shades was gonna pimp slap Criclet but he was  relieved ( and a bit disappointed) that he was more of a gentleman  than that.
OWLIE:  Taking a deep breath, Circlet threw her weapon towards Shade
OWLIE:  welp. It didn't cause much damage. it only ripped the shirt even more.
BRIT:  "Petty." Fundoshi scoffed, "I thought Angels weren't matierialistic."  He crossed his legs and arms a little tighter, tapping his foot. How  could they call this a fight?
KRO:  Deep breaths Shades, deeeep breaths. He decided to zip up his jacket  for the sake of decency. It was getting a bit chilly too, since ya  know, his shirt was getting ripped apart.
 Hairpin yells from the bleachers, "At least it isn't Prada!"
 Shades turns around to glare, but nods in understanding. The carrot  had a point.
OWLIE:  Gaining a bit of her confidence back, she started moving towards her  opponent, then she ran and gained forward momentum, kicking Shades  flat on the stomach while in mid-air
KRO:  Hearing hurried steps, Shades turns around only to have the air leave  his lungs from that kick. Well, he can't get mad when he literally  taught her where to hit. He flew back and on his side, rolling to face  the ground while holding his abdomen.
 "Damn, that was a pretty good kick," was all he could muster.  Jokki gave Fundoshi a look, hoping he'd understand that this Angel  clearly wasn't meant for combat if a kid's shit form was doing this  kind of damage. She ran up to him and whispered, "I'll tend to his  wounds. Or bones...They're hollow so he's probably internally bleeding  from bone fractures.."
BRIT:  The applause from the demon crowd was phenomonal. A lower-ranked, new  Demoness beat a high-ranked Angel! How incredible!
 Fundoshi looked at Jokki and gave her a nod in acknowledgement before  shooting a look at the Absolute as he stood.  "Circlet is the winner. An excellent display, even for a new spool."  Shroud commented as the crowd went wild - Whatever he meant by 'new  spools' anyway.  Fundoshi didn't hesitate to walk over to clear the Arena.
 Strappon made more noise seeing Shades get taken down. He was not  happy about this, about having one of his own taken out so early in  the game. What was the point of all this??
OSCARK9:  "You did it, Circlet! You beat that Angel!" He said to her while  applauding to her from a far. "Woo!"
KUMA:  Sukajan sort of cheered, only because it'd be awkward to not give any  acknowledgement. Taking down an angel didn't seem that hard. Of  course, the other one fighting seemed to be a full demon. She clenched  her fist as she internally debated actually get in on these fights.
OWLIE:  Meanwhile, despite all the cheering, Circlet fell down on her knees,  she's tired, and at the same time, overwhelmed, she really thought  she'll lose. But she didn't, she won (thank goodness, the guy was so  pissed with her), she sighed with relief, as she help herself up with  her bident, knees shaking.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She clapped for the new demoness, feeling pride. She knew angels were  weak but wow this was defiantly exceeding expectations. "Go Circlet!"  She said and she sat down, pleased with what she saw.
(( OOC: We'll be ending the RP for tonight, so make your final posts! **We will be continuing tomorrow at 2-3 PM EST!** ))
TORI:  Etch to say the least was quite disapointed that the angel lost to a  demon. He was just glad it wasnt him down there fighting. Sure if he  was he would do his best but he wasn't a fighter, his weapon wasn't  even really meant for killing from what he had observed, it was blunt  and there was no way he could kill a person to begin with. He sighed  and closed his eyes. When was this gonna end.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori just silently stared at the arena with an unfazed face. He  wasn't really impressed no matter what. Yes, well placed kick but that  doesn't make up for chorography of the whole fight. He taps his claws  on the arm rest quietly judging.  Fascinator didn't cheer but instead worry for Shade's health. That had  to have dislocated or fractured something. Hopefully no metal plates  have to be used, but hol shit. He was still worried. He'll send  flowers once he learns where he's starying. Maybe a bouqet of sun  flowers.
KRO:  Jokki rushed over to Shades, placing a hand on his shoulder to make  sure the guy was still lucid. Seeing that it's the case, she picked up  the Angel bridal style but before she took off Shades tapped her  shoulder to make him face Circlet.
 He gave the kids a thumbs up as he was taken away. It may be odd that  an Angel was giving a Demon positive reinforcement, but that's a  Northerner for you.  It didn't take him too long before he actually knocked out of  exhaustion. He'll be okay, he's just taking a lil'nap.
OWLIE:  Circlet limped back into the bleachers next to Dress Socks, sure,  she's hurting all over, but she won't miss the next fights, she  slumped back into her seat and waited for the next fights to come.
BRIT:  Fundoshi turned to the Absolute, who seemed to be rather amused with  himself.  "Are we moving on to the next fight, Sir?" He asked, adjusting his  positioning slightly.
 "Yes, of course. It seams the people want more," Shroud said,  gesturing to the crowd of cheering demons. "Are we to deny what they  want, Fundoshi?"
 He looked over the crowd, seeing the slightly concerned faces of his  peers among their midst before sighing and nodding. He turned back to  the cage.
What will become of the Angel's Ranks if this fight continues? Will they win, or will there be another ripped Gucci shirt among their midst? Find out tomorrow, things are just starting to heat up!!
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