#I'll at least go through my notifs on here today and Maybe send some asks... or post some more one-liners from the Nikolai sc / more opens
yeonban · 1 year
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The pretty heterophobia in his eyes 🥺🥺🥺
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mmushroomwriter · 2 years
(sorry for this mess of a post, I promise I'll put out something better/more about the actual project soon, I just wanted to put out this more personal message first. I know the formatting is dodgy and it may not all entirely make sense, but it comes straight from the heart/sleep-deprived mind. I might take this down and re-write it tomorrow later today it's the early hours of the morning when I inevitably re-read it and cringe, but for now, here it is)
So turns out I missed the one-year anniversary (January 14th), so well done me...
It's wild to think that I've now officially been working on pftet for over a year now. My life has changed so wildly and drastically over the 12-month span that it's almost hard to imagine where I was when I started it.
I haven't done as much in that time as I would've hoped at the beginning, but to be fair to myself, I don't think I could've imagined what an utterly chaotic mess 2022 ended up becoming for me. I've mentioned a few different things on here (the mess that moving flat became, getting covid, breaking my arm, etc.) but on top of those and just the impact they had on my life, there was a bit more behind the scenes, as well as uni and work (gross). Especially now as where I live is going through a cost-of-living crisis, it's not only been stressful as fuck, but I've had to start working even more frequently than before (both a blessing and a curse, as it means less time to write in general, but also I'm pretty sure all of my best moments of inspiration have come to me on my commute).
That's not to say I'm not still working on pftet, because I am. And even when I'm not actively writing, I'm constantly thinking about the characters and the world. I love this project, and I promise I'm not abandoning it - no matter how long I go between randomly popping up to answer questions that have been in my ask box for several months. The unfortunate truth is just that, at least at the moment, I need to prioritise some other stuff - namely work and my health (although, touch wood, my health hasn't had any major blows since my arm in May).
However, I do promise that in 2023 I will (at least try my best to) be more active than last year. At the very least, assuming there aren't any wild unforeseen circumstances, I promise not to disappear without a trace for basically three months! Who knows? Maybe the fact that I've had to deal with all this wild shite in 2022 means I'll be able to handle it better in 2023.
Anyway, this has been long and I've said a lot of nothing, I just thought that my spotty appearances necessitated some sort of explanation. You guys deserve that.

The main thing, though, is that I want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who's ever shown any interest in the dumb things my brain spouted one day and spiralled into this weird story about growing up and feeling as though the world is ending (and realising that it actually might be!) I don't think I'll ever be able to properly express my gratitude. Every single notification I get makes me grin stupidly, and I'm still mind-blown every time someone sends in an ask. I'm going to do a proper post more about thanking you all soon, maybe include a contest of some sort, I'm not entirely sure yet, but keep an eye out.

2022 was a shit show, but I'm hoping to get (at least a little bit) more on track and be active far more frequently. Thank you all so much for caring about pftet so far, and here's to the future!
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managedmischiefs · 3 years
north//chapter twenty
genre: fluff, angst
warnings: mentions of canonical violence and deaths, lmk if I missed anything
word count: 4k
summary: Spencer is getting reacquainted with life outside of prison, and he gets a not-so-great phone call.
pairing: season twelve spencer reid x oc
please remember to comment, like, and reblog!!
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Spencer and I managed to sleep through the entire day and the majority of the night. After all, the previous day was probably one of the most eventful of my entire life and it left me absolutely exhausted. I can't quite speak for Spencer because I'm sure he's had much longer days than yesterday, especially when he has been away for cases, but it was still stressful and way too long for both of us.
I wake up before Spencer as the sun starts to rise the next day, the sunlight pouring in through the opened window on the other side of the room. Before I even consider getting out of bed or looking at my phone, I look to my side to check on Spencer. He's sleeping soundly, his cheek pressed against his pillow and his hand on my side of the bed, no longer wrapped around mine. He looks absolutely angelic at this moment, his mouth hanging open and his body completely relaxed.
I promised Spencer that I'd be here for him and that I wouldn't leave the bed without him. I've never broken a promise to him before and I don't plan on starting now. So, moving as little as possible so I don't disturb him, I sit up against the headboard, reaching into my bedside table for my journal. I pop open the top and start furiously scribbling down everything I can remember from the last two or so days and how I feel about it, how excited I am to have Spencer home again, and how terrified I am to have Spencer home again.
I barely even notice it when Spencer starts squirming beside me, and my attention is only taken away from my journal when his hand grabs onto my thigh. I smile down at his suddenly tiny figure, finding that he's already looking up at me with a tired gaze.
"Good morning, love," I chirp, tossing my journal onto the floor and sinking back under the duvet in an attempt to absorb some of his radiating body heat. Since he already touched me and he's seemingly feeling okay in the morning sun, I let my hand stray and trail through his flat curls. "Did you sleep well? You didn't wake me up."
Spencer sucks his lips between his teeth, shrugging softly. "I woke up a few times. I just--" he wiggles his hips as he tries to come up with an excuse, "I didn't need to wake you up. I didn't need to bother you. Having you here was enough."
I bring my hand to the back of Spencer's neck, huffing with some slight annoyance, "You're not a bother. You never have and you never will be," Spencer just shrugs dismissively in response, and reaches his hands up to rub his eyes. Spencer has never been good at these kinds of conversations and I imagine he's far too tired to entertain a lecture about how important he is. So I make a mental note to bring this topic back up as I sit up and stretch. "Alright, well, do you want some breakfast? I can make us something to eat."
"Yeah, sure," he nods, ducking away from my grasp and quickly sliding out of bed, putting on a pair of shoes I hadn't realized he set up on his side of the bed.
I reach for a pair of sweatpants but when I look up to find Spencer frozen in his spot, staring at the bed, I drop the pants and sit up on my knees. The sheets are rustled and the duvet is in a heap under me, and he's very fixated on this. His arms are glued to his side but his fingers are twitching like he's dying to use them.
"Spence? Everything okay?" I ask gently, and like the other instances where he gets lost in a daydream, he doesn't react to me. "Spencer?" I call again in hopes of getting some sort of response. But his fingers just twitch and he takes a long, frustrated breath. "Talk to me," I don't know if pressing the issue will help, but if I don't at least try to get him to talk, then I'll never figure out what his issue is. "I just wanna help you, but I can't do that if you don't talk to me."
Spencer quickly covers his face with his hands, his breathing becoming labored and heavy, chest heaving. "The bed. It's the bed. It's-- I need-- it's the bed."
It looks like a bed to me. It's a messy bed, sure, but it's just a bed to me. I pause for a second to try to get my brain to match Spencer's. I try to see what he is seeing, but all I see is a bed that we just used for its intended purpose. It just needs to be made, that's all. I can't see into Spencer's brain so I have to resort to asking. "What about the bed?"
"I--" he drops his hands, balling them up into fists again, "The bed is supposed to be made. I need to make the bed. It needs to be made or else they're gonna come and I'll get in trouble. It-- the-- the bed needs to be made."
Oh, this poor baby. My heart aches for him. Not all of him made it out of that prison cell. Part of him is still there. He's not here with me. He didn't really come home.
"Spencer, you're not gonna get in trouble here. It's just me. It's just Lia," My voice shakes as I try to speak, my hands pressed to my cheeks to continuously wipe the tears that start to fall. "I'm never gonna yell at you or hurt you or get mad because you didn't make your bed. Dove, you can make the bed if you want to, but you don't have to. It's okay. I'm not gonna be mad. You won't get in trouble. It's just me."
Spencer stares at me, his eyes wide and his lips parted. His hands aren't twitching anymore but they're still reaching towards the bed. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me in bewilderment.
I compose myself with a deep breath, wiping my cheeks quickly and climbing off the bed. "Dove, make the bed, please. I want you to do anything that makes you feel better. But if you choose not to, I'm not gonna be mad," I step towards Spencer, holding my hands out in front of me and not expecting him to grab them. "I'm gonna go downstairs and I'm gonna start cooking, and you come down when you're ready, okay?"
I give Spencer one more attempt at a convincing smile before turning and going downstairs. My first stop is to the living room, and I pop the record into the player that Spencer had put on yesterday. If it did something to comfort him yesterday, hopefully it will do the same today. I grab both of our phones and start cooking breakfast.
I mix batter for waffles in a bowl as I check my notifications, sifting through a whole load of texts. My groupchat with my friends has a couple hundred texts, starting off with lots of questions and concerns about Spencer from yesterday, asking if he's okay, if he's home, wondering how happy we are. I have other texts from Wendy and Mike, asking the same types of questions that my friends did. I send some quick responses to all of them and let them know that we're home, we slept for a very long time, and that I'll contact them later with more updates.
Spencer's quiet footsteps approach and I turn to face him, breathing a sigh of relief when I find he's not so worked up anymore. "I hope waffles are okay."
Once I've closed the waffle maker and let it start cooking, I glance over my shoulder to ee what Spencer is doing. He's sitting gingerly at the island, placing his elbows on the granite and eyes darting around the room. Honestly, I don't even know why he sat there. He absolutely hated sitting there and eating yesterday, and it made him have some sort of flashback. Maybe it's because he started off the morning with the prison-bed situation, and now the natural order of events in the day is to be transported right to prison-breakfast.
"Hey, bub, you don't have to sit at the table," I say casually, trying not to bring too much attention to it. "You didn't like that yesterday. But you seemed better when we sat on the floor so we can do that again, or we can go on the couch or the balcony." I don't even have time to see his reaction before the waffle maker beeps, and I have to whip around to pull the waffle out.
I can hear Spencer shuffling behind me, and then I feel his shoulder brushing against my leg as he slides down to the floor beside me. I put the waffle onto the plate and hand it down to him, then open the drawer above his head to grab a fork.
"Thank you," Spencer mumbles, catching my free hand in his and pressing his lips to the back of my hand. It's clearly a thank you for more than just handing him a fork, or making him breakfast, or sleeping with him, or showering with him, or anything of that. It's a thank you for being so patient with him, but I couldn't fathom not being there for him in the way he needs. I want to tell him that he doesn't need to thank me, but in his mind, it is something he needs to do, so I decide to let it happen for a while before I start to refuse his thanks.
The next week functions almost identical to this. Spencer is quiet, keeping to himself and eating his meals on the floor and making the bed perfectly in the morning, cleaning the bedroom floor every night, wearing a tee shirt to bed. I get just a few glimpses of the man he was, but not many.
Emily had called later that day to let Spencer know that the entire BAU was placed on a mandatory six week leave, but also that he had to be evaluated for reinstatement. A whole slew of people have to review Spencer's actions, have to interview him, have to test him to see if he's fit to return to work, and he didn't take this news well. He didn't talk to me for a hours and just curled up on the floor of the bedroom, staring out the window with the drawn-back curtains. I tried, for so long, to get him to talk to me, but he didn't budge and he didn't even look at me. So I just grabbed whatever book was inside his go-bag from the last case he went on and sat beside him, reading aloud in an attempt to bring him back down to earth. And when he did, he went off to shower and then straight to bed.
Spencer's work is his life and there's few things he loves more than his work. I know that he would be lost without the BAU and that he would have absolutely no clue what to do with his life if he couldn't keep working there. So hearing that there's a chance that he may not be reinstated to the BAU is absolutely crushing.
On the other end of the spectrum, the prospect of Spencer not being reinstated isn't all bad to me. In his line of work, there are always going to be enemies. There's always going to be another Cat and another Lindsay. He's always going to have guns pointed at him and bombs blowing up beside him and people wanting to kill him. If he's not reinstated, I get to have him home every morning and night and I won't stare at the wall at lunch with Jenna, wondering if Spencer has just been shot or if he has a knife to his neck. I know that he would absolutely hate not being reinstated, but it would save me so much heartache.
That's an incredibly selfish thought, I know. I'm happy and willing to strip Spencer of one of the things that makes him happiest in his life just so I can sleep at night. But all I've wanted from the moment I met him is for him to be safe and to be happy and if he's not chasing serial killers, I know that he will at least be safe. Happy? I can't help but imagine he wouldn't be.
After a tense week at home, I convince Spencer to let me take him back to his apartment. He insists that he doesn't want for stay there and would rather stay with me, even though I said I would stay at his apartment with him, but I'm happy to let him keep with me. I just want him to be happy.
So I drove him over to his apartment, picked up most of his clothes and whatever else he was needing, and he rounds up an entire duffle bag full of books that I'm sure he would read in just one day. But we collect whatever he could possibly need and shove it in my car, then go straight back to my apartment. I'm starting to get a little stir crazy, being trapped in my apartment, but Spencer doesn't want to go out anywhere yet and the last thing on my mind is forcing him into things he's uncomfortable with.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I unzip the bag full of books and start making a few small piles against the wall, glancing over my shoulder at Spencer. He shrugs gently, too distracted with picking a record to properly respond to my question. Sighing, I return my attention to the books.
The record turns on and this time, I recognize it to be a record full of Christmas music. We've been listening to nothing but Taylor Swift, Frank Sinatra, and Christmas music this past week, and while that's my favorite music and I have no problem with it, it's odd. Spencer never really listened to that music, whether we were together or not. He always managed to convince me to put on some cello concerto that wound up being fifteen minutes long. I thought he would rather listen to that and not Christmas music when it's almost the summer, but I haven't questioned this yet.
"Could we," Spencer starts speaking after a moment, tearing my attention from the books, "maybe watch a movie?"
It's the first time he's suggested anything like that. Honestly, it's one of the first times he's suggested that we do anything. He's just been staying quiet and following me around like a puppy dog, watching me attempt to draw in a sketchbook or watching me cook or watching me do the laundry. He's stuck to my side, even if he hasn't been touching me much. So now that he's suggesting that we do something, I'm not about to pass up this development.
"Yeah, of course. You can choose whatever you want. I'll be over there when I'm done," Spencer nods and turns his back to me, and I pick up my pace in emptying the books from the duffle bag. I don't want to lose this momentum of him, maybe, feeling just a little bit better.
Once I've stacked all the books, I fold up the duffle bag nicely and put it in a place where it won't bother Spencer, and then head into the living room. He's sitting on the couch with a DVD case in his lap, and he holds it out to me when I approach. Always a technophobe, he never goes near the DVD player and lets me do it.
"Polar Express?" I raise my eyebrows, but that's as far as my questioning goes. I pop the DVD out of the case and put it into the player, then grab the remote and press play.
I settle onto the couch with my favorite plaid blanket, draping it over my lap. As the movie starts and the title screen shows, I feel cold. I'm completely covered and under my trusty blanket, but I'm cold. Absolutely freezing. I pull the blanket tighter around me and when my temperature doesn't shift, I quickly realize where the cold is coming from.
Spencer and I are a very physical couple. Despite his aversion to touch, he never seemed to have the problem when it came to me. Especially when we watched movies, we were always touching. Legs, hands, shoulders and heads, laps and heads. There was always a connection, but now there's none. I'm left on my own couch cushion, not sharing Spencer's cushion and continuously pushing closer and closer until we're squished together. A shiver runs down my spine.
We watch the movie in silence for a little while, all the way up until the three main characters are singing a song at the back of the train. And while they're singing, I feel Spencer reaching over, grabbing the edge of the blanket, tugging it closer to him. "You can come closer," he tells me, looking up at me through his lashes, fingers grasping the fuzz of the blanket.
Happy to comply with this request, I scoot closer to him until our legs are touching. I think that's enough for now, but then Spencer slings his arm over my legs and tugs me closer until my knees collapse over his legs and I'm laying my head on his chest. It's a position that I'm so familiar with and I've been dying to be in, but he hasn't been up for lately. My body warms up. The shivers stop.
I completely melt into his embrace, pressing my ear against his chest to listen for the steady beat of his heart as I wrap my arm around his stomach. I let my eyelids flutter closed and relax into him. The movie isn't important anymore, at least not to me.
Today is a good day, one of the first I've actually had since being home since my prison release. I thought that actually leaving Amelia's apartment would make me nervous, but returning home wasn't as horrible as it seemed like it would be. For once, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm even feeling well enough to watch a movie and cuddle with Amelia on the couch, just like we used to do. She still can't creep up behind me or touch me without showing me her hands first and I still can't eat at a table, but it's an improvement. Albeit a tiny one, but it's there nonetheless.
By the time the movie is coming to an end, Amelia has slid down to rest her head on my lap, her curls sprawled out and her hands pulled up to her chin. She looks ridiculously adorable like this, and even though it's a sight that I've seen many times and I've committed to memory, I wish I could sit and stare at her forever.
But that plan is foiled when my phone starts buzzing on the coffee table. My first instinct is to look down to check that Amelia is still sleeping, and all she does is scrunch up her nose a bit before relaxing. Adorable.
I grab a pillow from beside me and slide it under her head when I slip out from under her. Thankfully, she doesn't notice and she doesn't wake up. Pleased with this, I grab my phone and rush onto the balcony. I don't have time to check who it is before I answer. "Reid."
"Hey, Reid," Rossi's voice comes through the phone. "How's it going?"
"It's-" I ponder my answer for a moment, double-checking that the door is closed as I sink into one of Amelia's adirondack chairs, "um, it's a good day today."
"Good, I'm glad. And I'm glad you've got Amelia to look after you. You've got a good one there. She really cares about you," Rossi says, and his words prompt me to turn and peer into the window at her sleeping form, curled up on the couch and holding the blanket to her chest. "Where-- uh-- where is she right now?"
"She's sleeping right now. I'm on the balcony," Honestly, this is already some of the most talking I've done in the last week and I'm exhausted. I'd rather be talking to Amelia, but Rossi called me for a reason, plus I know that Amelia needs to get some sleep. "Did you need something?"
"Yeah. I'm afraid I may need to bring your day down a bit," Rossi sighs, and my heart drops down to my feet. "I feel horrible calling you now, after everything you went through and while the BAU is on leave, but you need to know the situation."
I furrow my eyebrows, balling my free hand into a fist, digging my nails into my palm to give the pain somewhere to go. "What situation?"
"Damian Kelsey's signature popped up on two bodies in LA."
I didn't think that I would have to face a day where Damian Kelsey's signature reappears. I admit that I have stayed late at work many times just to look at Damian's case file and rememorize the details and try to predict what his next murder would have been all while ignoring the chilling family photos that contain my girlfriend as a horribly abused child.
And this is the worst possible time for this to happen. I can barely go a day without flashing back to prison or almost yelling at my amazing and patient girlfriend. How can I possibly tack on dealing with her serial killer father's signature resurfacing, all while trying to keep it a secret from her? It's nearly impossible. I thought that I could just take these stupid six weeks off to spend time with Amelia and try to rest comfortably, but I guess that's not possible.
"I'm heading to LA as we speak. I'm getting on a plane right now. And while we both know what his signature coming up again could mean, the good thing is that these are male victims and they're not surrogates for Amelia. I know that's what you're worried about. The other good thing is that this is across the country and obviously nowhere near Virginia. So--"
"Spencer?" Amelia's sweet voice comes from the balcony doors, the blanket disregarded on the couch and her hair messy on the top of her head.
"Gotta go," I mumble, hanging up my phone and tossing it aside, not even waiting to say goodbye to my coworker.
Amelia steps onto the balcony, her bare feet silent as she approaches me slowly, rubbing her eyes like a small child. "Everything okay?"
I reach my hands out for her and she smiles, placing her hands in mine and slowly sinking onto my lap, resting her head on my chest, similar to the position we had been in before. Amelia runs a hand over my chest and it takes everything in me not to let out a sound akin to a cat purring.
I just hold her tightly in my arms, probably the tightest I have since I saw her for the first time in the parking lot of my correctional facility. Rossi swears that Damian Kelsey won't come after Amelia but I just hold her tighter, as if that will protect her from the horrors of the world. I have a lot of holding to make up for from when I was gone, and I suppose that time starts now.
@babybloodstonebones @bxnnywriting @blameitonthenight21 @feralreid @anepiphany @reidscardigan @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @4x24 @whollytaciturn @thegingerfairchild @yasminwashere @shrimpyblog @anamelessfacelessnerd @wonderlandhatter @whxt-to-write @just-call-me-non @imagining-in-the-margins @boldlyvoid @homoose @gubler-me-up @thundergunexpresss @eideticmemory @andiebeaword
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willddheartt · 4 years
26 Days | Wilbur Soot
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30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right? It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.
You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…
Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.
Word Count: 2264
Masterlist Series Masterlist
26 Days
God, you hated him so much! You wanted to scream it from the top of a building how much you truly hated Wilbur. But you couldn’t
Lately, no matter what you did or said on stream, he always had a problem with it. You had been streaming Minecraft together, on the SMP. You were just messing around, no lore this time. You suggested you made a house together in L’manburg, no matter what you did, the two of you couldn't agree on a material, you wanted to build it out of birch wood and cobblestone but he insisted on dark oak logs and spruce planks would look better together. You gave up and let him have what he wanted because he was so persistent and you knew had it gone on you would have blown up on him in front of all your viewers, and that’s the last thing you needed right now. 
You were up late, last night, planning out when you were going to meet up, and just a few hours ago the two of you got along perfectly. Laughing over the phone as you were laying in bed, chatting mindlessly. You wondered what happened between then and now.  You and Will planned to meet up in the middle of next week, you were going to drive down to see him and stay at his place. Although you brought up getting a hotel room, Wilbur insisted you stay with him, too tired to resist you agreed, but now you're starting to think maybe getting a hotel room might be for the best. 
You and Wilbur ended your streams at the same time, and you sighed as soon as you were sure it was off. 
“What?” Wil asked, still in the voice chat.  “What was that back there? Why the hell are you so disagreeable?” You let out.  Will scoffed, “Me? You’re the one who kept on insisting birch and cobble when that wouldn't even fit in L’manburg!”  “Jesus Christ,” You sighed, leaning back in your chair and running your hands down your face. “How in the hell are we going to get through this month?”  “Maybe you should stop being so uptight and argumentative.” Wil shot  “Fuck you,” You mumbled before clicking out of the chat and leaving your PC. 
You needed to get out of the house and away from any form of contact you had with Wilbur and social media. You had been cooped up inside your apartment for close to a week at this point, maybe some fresh air would do you good.  You grabbed a jacket and keys before leaving the apartment, leaving your phone charging on your desk. You didn’t want to bring it with you because you didn't even want to think about getting a text or any kind of notification from Wilbur right now, you knew you would have blown up at him completely. 
The weather was just beginning to turn nice, the air was warm but the wind still had a slight winter chill to it, although all the snow was long gone Jack Frost still made his lurking presence known.  Buildings lined the walls of a small square common area where teens mostly hung out after school and on weekends. The square had a fountain in the middle of it, the water had been shut off for the winter but with the warm temperatures from the last month, it had recently been turned back on.  You sat on the ledge of the brick wall around the bottom pool for the fountain, looking at everyone passing through on this nice Wednesday evening. Older couples out for an evening walk, middle-aged business people speed walking their way home from the office, teens scattering the open area, sitting on blankets and laughing in their small groups of friends. You found watching people be interesting, it made you think. 
We are all living our own lives at the same time and most of us on this small planet don't even know of one another, or if you know of them you don't know them, you only know their name. It's weird how that works.  It's astounding to think about though, what are the chances of meeting exactly who you did, at the time you did, and what a gamble it is for them to stick around. 
You had been sitting on the fountain for close to five minutes and when the wind had just started to pick up, sending a slight shiver down your spine.  Your mind was clearer now and you were no longer angry with Wilbur, it was stupid what you fought about and as much as it pained you to admit, he was right.  You were being stubborn and didn’t take into account the surrounding aesthetic of the area. It was your fault that the disagreement broke out in the first place. 
You got home and saw your phone had been basically blown up by notifications from Wilbur, asking if you were really mad at him or if it was for a bit that you took too far, but when you didn't answer he slightly snapped you, asking if you were okay and where you were.  You answered immediately, scared he might have been worrying.
Hey! You typed, Sorry I went for a walk after stream, needed to get out. 
There you are! He responded within seconds, I got worried. 
I’m okay, I left my  phone home, needed a break from the internet and things. You know? 
You mean you needed a break from me? 
You could have sworn, had you been on a video chat with him you would have seen him frowning. You weren't sure what about that message got you, but you found yourself almost with tears in your eyes, you didn't mean to hurt him and you hoped you didn't -what were you talking about. Wilbur didn't mean anything to you, he was just someone you kept in contact with because you were in the same friend group. 
No, you typed, not the whole thing at least. I just needed to clear my head, and i'm sorry for being such a dick on stream, I didn't mean to cause that, and you were right about the blocks. 
You sighed when hitting the send button, never in a million years did you think you would be telling Wilbur, The Wilbur Soot, that he was right about something. I’m sorry. 
Christ Y/N it’s alright, really. Just don't scare me like that again, I was starting to think something bad happened to you. 
I didn't mean to scare you, Wil. 
You found yourself feeling bad about leaving him in the dark while you were out, you didn't mean to worry him, you just didn't want to hurt him by blowing up at him. 
Still call tonight, yeah? He messaged 
You nodded, even though he couldn't see you. Yeah, I'd like that very much. I'll call you before I go to sleep. 
In the time that you had been a fake couple, you and Will had started calling while you were getting ready to fall asleep in bed, you usually ended up falling asleep before he did, the sound of his raspy sleepy voice lulled you to sleep like there was no tomorrow. You'd wake up in the morning to find that Wil left the call going, you thought it was cute. Sure it might have been some highschool relationship stuff but it was cute nonetheless. 
“Hello, Y/N” Will said through the phone, his voice sounding tired and soft  “Hi Wil,” You smiled, giggling slightly. Although you had just been on a voice chat with him earlier you loved hearing his voice when he was tired, it sounded like stirring honey into your morning cup of tea, or reading an old book, but specifically an old book that smells of must and age of being stored at the back of your grandparents bookshelf that hadn't been touched in years.  “You sound tired,” you mumbled, laying down with the phone resting on your stomach as you looked up at the ceiling.  “I am,” He hummed, “You don't sound very tired though, did you drink a lot of coffee today?” He asked  “A little more than usual, but I’ll be fine.” You sighed, your voice almost coming out in a whisper. There was something about talking to Wilbur before going to sleep that made you feel soft and loved, but you couldn't put your finger on exactly what it was. Maybe it was the thought of having someone there, or maybe it was just as simple as it was Wilbur and it was you.  
“Are you excited for next week?” He asked  “Right now it feels too far away to be real,”  “Who’s talking here, is it you you or is it us you?” He asked, unsure if your thoughts were good or bad “Its both,” You said. “It feels so far away to me right now, but so close at the same time and a side of me cant wait for it to get here, so we can finally meet in person. But another side of me feels like it’s good that it feels so far away because maybe something will come up and I wont be able to make it and i don’t want to think that or even say it because thats a terrible thing to say but you know how it is.” You rambled, trying your best to explain it to him in a way that he would fully understand the crossroads your mind is at, and not sound like a dick while doing it. 
Although you couldn’t see it, you could tell he was nodding along. “How about we make a deal, alright?” He started, “In these night chats, we don’t have to put on the face of the characters we play on stream and through out the day, Alright?”  You rolled over to your side, putting an arm under your head and setting your phone on the mattress by your head. “I like that. Deal.”  “Okay now tell me how you really feel about all of this” 
All the thoughts ran though your head a mile a minute, you didn’t know where to start honestly, you had a lot of thoughts but if you really looked at it and narrowed it down most of them talked circles around the same thing just using different words. 
“You promise what ever I say wont hurt you or make you flip out?” You asked  “Swear on Tommy’s life.” You could sense the smirk that tugged at the side of his mouth when he said that. “Okay,” You started with a sigh. “So I din’t really know where I stand on it anymore, at the beginning I thought this was going to be insufferable, but now that we’ve gotten into it for a few days, you’re really not that bad, but I’m still on the fence.”  “I hope come meeting, your opinion has changed a little bit more. But I do understand where you’re coming from. Its weird being able to talk off stream and such with you and not be fighting twenty-four-seven. It’s nice, I feel like I’m getting to know you better.” 
He was right, you had told Wilbur more in the last five days than you had ever in your years of knowing him. You were surprised to find out that he’s actually not as bad as you thought, but you would never tell him that bit. 
“Do you have to put on a character when we do those streams and such, Wilbur?” You asked, 
“I don’t think I do, and if I do it I don’t know what I’m doing it. It’s just something thats easy to do, I’m not sure how to explain it.” He replied “Do you have to when we’re talking like this?”  “No. Not at all, this is 100% me.” 
You’re not sure what part hit you the most, when he said he didn’t have to put on a full character mask when showing your ‘relationship’ to the public, or if this Wilbur, the tired one was the real Wilbur who you've been falling asleep with for the past three nights. You weren’t sure what you though you wanted to hear when asking him that but it definitely wasn't what you go, but maybe it was what you needed. 
The line went dead for a couple of minutes, you had the radio playing softly in the background to help you sleep better, and Wilbur seemed to be enjoying listening to you breathe through the phone.
“Hey Wil,” You yawned  “HM?” He hummed, you could tell he had his eyes closed with the phone by his face, like he did on one of your face time calls the other day.  “I’m soon gonna pass-out,” You whispered  “Thats alright, go to sleep. Get your rest, I’ll be here when you wake up, love.” He was so sweet it almost made your heart hurt.  “Okay” You nodded, but don’t hang up, okay? I like it when you’re here with me when I fall asleep.” 
You struggled to keep your eyelids open, feeling heavy and light all at the same time. You felt so light it was as if you could float away but you were too heavy and weighed down to get up and move, even if you absolutely had to move for whatever reason you don't think you could have. 
“Goodnight Wilbur, love you.” You mumbled into your pillow  “Sweet dreams.” 
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raylee-kai · 5 years
When You Love Someone - Park Jae Hyung Chpt. 1 (Part 1/2)
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Here's the thing.
You hated playing the guitar. 
You were clearly a keyboard/piano person but when you heard that Jae had volunteered himself at the local music shop, you barely hesitate to put your name down on the form for the guitar lessons. It might have got something got to do with the crush you harbor on the guy. 
Your hate of the guitar was mostly because of the fact that your fingers were never flexible enough to press on the strings, how loud and gritty the sounds of an electric guitar echoes and also how there were different ways to play with different songs.
Like what on earth was plucking? 
Why are there different ways to play one instrument? 
It didn't help that there were different ways to tune a guitar. The amount of time you struggled with the tuner was making you regret the decision but as soon as Jae smiles at you and helped you out, you found yourself back in the studio, practicing yet another song on the guitar.
"Have you been practicing your chords?"
You nod, totally forgetting that he was actually asking about guitar chords and not keyboard. He gave a small chuckle and settled in front of you.
"Great, let's see it!"
The next few minutes consisted of;
"Did you tune your guitar? It sounds a little weird.." 
"That's the G chord."
"Bring that finger here and this one here..." 
"Show me A chord..... Uh... That's C chord."
"That's not even a chord."
It was amazing how Jae was never frustrated with your inability to learn the chords because your limit was approaching fast. 
Every mistake you made, you simply want to throw the guitar down and leave but Jae was always there to stop you from doing that. With his kind smile and carefree attitude, you could not stop yourself from falling for him even more. He was honestly your only motivation to learn the guitar.Your frustration was clear on your face but once he ruffles your hair, you can't help it but to come back for the next session. 
"You did great! Just need a little more practice."
Jae flashed a proud smile when you get a chord right was the highlight of the entire lesson.
"That's it for today!"
Jae clapped his hands and pats your shoulder, as if signing to you that you did a good job. Your shy smile made its appearance along with a slight blush but luckily, his attention was on the notification of his phone. He briefly read through and perked up, catching you before you leave. 
"Before I forget, here!"
He held out a shiny silver ticket out to you and grinned.
"Umm... What is this?"
"There's a gig, tomorrow at Club Eclipse. Thought that maybe it would be nice for you to see a few live performances."
You eyed the ticket for a bit before you glance up at him.
"You'll be playing?"
"Not this time but I'll be sure to invite you next time! Pinky promise!"
He stuck out his pinky, wiggling childishly to which you curled with a small giggle. Jae gave you a ruffle on your hair before looking at his watch. 
"I'll pick you up at about 7 at the cafe near school?" 
"You have a license?" 
"Only one way to find out right?" 
He winked, smiling while you tried to bite back your smile. 
You might have went all out in trying to find the perfect outfit which had Seungmin groaning in pure annoyance at the fact that you just practically dumped a bunch of clothes infront of him. The amount of times that you ran into his bedroom's toilet and came out with a new outfit had him regretting his friendship with you.
As if he could break a childhood friendship that easy.
You and Seungmin met each other at a piano recital when the two of you were younger. Ever since then, it was as if it was fated for the two of you to be friends. Both of you kept getting into the same classes, courses and school with or without planning on it. Plus, it did not help that Wonpil, Seungmin's brother, was your partner for a piano recital which made the two of you even closer.
"Are you seriously doing this at my house?"
"I need fashion advice."
You pouted, turning away from the mirror for Seungmin's view. He barely gave you a glance and scoffed.
"Stop pouting. You ain't cute."
You pouted even more at his harsh words but it was just a Seungmin thing to do so you weren't offended in the slightest. 
"Why aren't you asking Hyunjin for fashion advice? He is better than the rest of us at fashion."
You immediately grabbed your phone and called Hyunjin over to Seungmin's house. It didn't take long for him to arrive but not alone.
"Who invited the sunshine twins here?"
"We are here for mental support!"
"Get out of my house."
"Why do you like Jae anyways?"
Felix's question threw you to a state of flabbergast.
"Why Jae?"
Jisung added on, while Hyunjin was picking up outfits and trying to pair them together.
You sat on Seungmin's mattress much to the other's displeasure and thought about it to yourself. 
At first, it was the smile. You always thought that Jae had a cute smile with how he smiles with his eyes. He had a variety of smiles from the playful mischievous grin to the tired yet blessed smirk. It stays in your mind every time and you could not help feeling warm seeing his smile.
"Who's that?"
You asked Seungmin, who had been re-reading his script for the tenth time that day. Your dear friend was a part of the MC line up for some after school event which he was extremely nervous for which was why you, his dear friend, was there to cheer him on.
"That blonde? I don't think I had seen him before."
"Oh, Jae?" 
You raised a brow as if trying to get him to explain more. "He was a student here, my brother's senior. They called him back to help us with the event."
Your attention went to the blonde who was joking around with some of the MCs to calm their stage nerves. The way he threw his head back to laugh caused you to smile a little.
Then, you fell for his personality. How friendly and welcoming he was with everyone, how thoughtful to those he held those dear and how mature and gives the best advice at times. He was like a canvas with similar yet different shades that you would only realize after looking closely.
Jae was not close to Wonpil by any means. 
It did not mean that they hated each other or anything but it is just that their friend circles never really clashed. So, Jae had no reason to protect Wonpil like he did that one time during his third recital. 
During his third recital, the seniors had Wonpil running around, forcing him to do stuff which would make him late to the recital. They went as far as to cut his formal clothes causing him to turn up with red slick back hair and blue button up which had caused a ruckus among the audience and judges for not being professional. But without a doubt, he was able to pull a performance that had the audience crying and reaching out for their tissues. 
Unfortunately, Wonpil was disqualified and was banned from joining in another recital in the event hall for not being "professional" and was reported for "harassing" the seniors that he had helped. 
That had caused you and Seungmin to fume in pure anger with how you had seen Wonpil going around to help the seniors, even going as far as to cut his practice time. 
It was the first time you saw Wonpil getting upset that he walked away. 
You and Seungmin were about to storm into the judges when Jae reached before the two of you could and provided them with evidence and eyewitnesses of the seniors bullying Wonpil and forcing him on errands. You watched in pure amazement at how the older glared the seniors down. 
When you asked why would he stand up for a total stranger, his reply would always be the same. 
"Why not?"
After, you just could not help but pay attention to him no matter where he goes. It's like your eyes would constantly be searching for him. There was just something about his presence that made you look at him in amazement. 
What do you like about Jae?
"I don't know. I just like him."
You should probably trust Hyunjin more than you did because the outfit he put together really looked good. Not only you looked good but you also feel good in the outfit. So there you were with nervous jitters waiting outside the cafe for Jae, typing at your phone furiously, trying to calm yourself down. 
Millennium Line Unite (5)
Memelix : Still cant believe u got boss to give u today off
Memelix : On short notice
J.ONE : Not fair :(
SeungSky : I dont get y u guys complaining
SeungSky : M covering her shift 
SeungSky : If anyone want complain it be me
                                                    lmao he saw my ticket 
                                                    he just send me off 
Dramallama : boss said you need friends 
Dramallama : hes sad Minnie is ur only friend 
Memelix changed Dramallama to PrettyJinnie 
PrettyJinnie : Aww
PrettyJinnie : Thanks baby
Memelix : Anything for my Prince 
J. ONE : my eyes
SeungSky : No flirting 
SeungSky : Not in this christian household 
Memelix : jokes on you
Memelix : im catholic 
SeungSky : And Jisungs a rapper 
Memelix : ??? 
J. ONE : ??? 
PrettyJinnie : ??? 
SeungSky : it means idgaf 
                                        taht got to hurt 
SeungSky : Idgaf bout ur date either 
SeungSky : u made me work on my off day 
SeungSky : u officially out of my friend list 
J. ONE : at least u were in his list 
SeungSky : Han 
SeungSky : stfu 
Oh shit oh shit oh shit
Jae here gtg 
wish me lcuk
Memelix : Stay safe 
PrettyJinnie : Use protection 
J. ONE : good lcuk 
Private Chat : SeungSky
SeungSky : Text me ASAP if somethings wrong 
SeungSky : Don't accept drinks from strangers 
SeungSky : Stay close to Jae hyung
                                        Must u do this everytime 
SeungSky : U only have one braincell
SeungSky : It worries me that u dont have common sense 
                                        I do have 
                                        hope I dont make a fool of myself 
SeungSky : Tough words for a clown like u 
                                        f u 
"Coming in?" 
Jae's voice hollered from the car as you look up from your phone. You darted into the car taking the seat next to the driver's and greeted him casually. You tried to avoid his look, considering how he actually put effort in looking good and you could barely stop yourself from combusting at the sight. 
"Looking good today."
"Thanks. You too, Jae. It's been awhile since I saw you in something other than a shirt."
"That's cause I'm usually half awake and late for work."
"Well, does that mean that you are late everyday?" 
"Hush now little one."
Laughing quietly at his words, you guys started talking about random things and before you know it, you were already there in the club.
He asked, seeing how you hesitate after parking the car nearby. An arm over your shoulder had you calming down almost instantly. It was as if just knowing that Jae was there brought you calmer. 
"Is this the wrong time to tell you that this is my first time going to a club?" 
"You mean to tell me… you're a club fetus?!" 
You giggle at his dramatic scandalised face and playfully pushed him away. He laughed and placed his hands on your shoulder leading the way. 
"Don't worry and just stay close."
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [fam christmas woooo when you ain't talked to your sister in 4 months either just to make it more awks] Rio: [what a fun time for all, when you are constantly on your phone so much 'cos Ryan won't stop messaging you and wants a play by play Buster: [he'd be drunk before he even got there ffs boy] Rio: [when it's that point in the evening when everyone is playing stupid games tipsy and you just cannot so you go hide in the kitchen] Buster: [let's say he bumps into her literally cos yeah what you need is another drink boy] Rio: [when you literally jump back like 'oh'] Buster: [when you do the thing peeps do to me & go twenty miles out of your way round her] Rio: ['Don't fall, McKenna'] Buster: ['Only for you, babe' too drunk & voice too loud] Rio: [When you swipe his drink off the counter 'fore he can stop you can take a sip and put your finger to your lips like 'shh, idiot' and hand it back to him, shaking your head] Buster: [When you down that drink so you have to get another & be in there longer] Rio: ['tis the season' when even when you're talking you're constantly on your phone and not that bitch and they love eye contact but she's not smiling like 😍 it's more like 😑] Buster: [when you take her phone before she can stop you & put it down where she can't reach it] Rio: [the lowkey panic in your eyes that you try to mask, 'Come on, don't be a dick'] Buster: ['Don't be rude'] Rio: ['Your territory, I know'] Buster: ['You trying to come for my crown now?'] Rio: ['Maybe' trying to move a chair to wherever he's put her phone] Buster: ['Antisocial is closer to the other twin. Try harder' Lifts her up so she can get it cos drunk & shameless] Rio: [When you stop breathing 'til you're back on the ground and then you breathe out so heavily, 'You wanna be social now? Party's in there' points to the lounge] Buster: ['Hopeless romantic is more her thing too' throws the words over his shoulder as he leaves cos he knows about the bf through stalking them socials] Rio: What are you talking about Buster: You love him Buster: It's cute Rio: It's not even been a month Buster: Moving fast is more of a lesbian thing, like I said, Nance will either be thrilled or threatened Rio: Talk to her and see Rio: though you've definitely got better things to catch up on than my dating history Buster: Put your phone down & try it yourself Rio: I see her every day Buster: Run out of shit to say then? Understandable Buster: Probably don't tell her that though Buster: So rude Rio: I'm not trying to take away from your sibling bonding time Rio: soz Buster: You can't take something that don't exist Rio: It exists, you both just choose to ignore it Rio: least it's mutual though so Buster: Nah, it's been scratched out the schedule instead of penciled in Buster: Still siblings no time to bond Rio: Hmm Rio: you're SO busy, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Lovely Buster: Not the word Rio: Not so miserable I'm here to listen to the 'stresses' in your life, tah Buster: Never said it was negative, I just don't use old lady vocab, like Buster: You sound like a teacher Rio: 🙄 Rio: Now you're gonna chat shit on my vocabulary, alright private school Buster: I am a pleasure to have in class if you wanna let my parents know Rio: That was the whole point, remember Rio: how would I know Buster: Play really well with others too but probably don't let 'em know how you know that Rio: You'll be wanting to delete that, I presume Rio: surprised you've even got the balls to talk to me at all Buster: How many convos did you start? Buster: I weren't expecting you to jump out of a cake but a happy birthday would've been polite Rio: Likewise Rio: Expecting or fantasizing, you'd have to make a booking Rio: not showing up uninvited, heaven forbid Buster: Mine was first, babe & I ain't never pretended to be that Rio: So if I'd have said it to you, you'd have returned the favour Rio: You're so childish Buster: We'll never know now Buster: What I might've said Buster: Or gifted you Rio: Save it up for sweet 16 Rio: maybe you'll be allowed to talk to me then Buster: Maybe I'll show up in time to stop the wedding Buster: Fingers crossed you don't get knocked up like your mum Rio: Shut up Buster: Only so much your good looks could do to beat the odds of it being an ugly kid Rio: What would you know Buster: Flawless + Fuck ugly = you're right I don't know Buster: Don't wanna Rio: You've never even seen him Rio: don't be so judgmental Buster: Wrong again, babe Buster: Factual more like Rio: Well I clearly don't think so if I love him so much, do I Buster: That'll be all the cum in your eye Rio: So mature Buster: They don't age check on those vids, it's fine Rio: should run a basic IQ test on you Rio: someone who claims to be such a pleasure in class, like Buster: I've done one but I know you hate when I brag about numbers Rio: That's universal Rio: no one but your hanger-on mates wants to hear that Buster: Your friend loved it, she thinks hers is lucky Rio: I'm glad you found someone officially more stupid than you then Buster: That's universal Buster: Applicable in every case, like Rio: Sure she loved being told that too Rio: such a bullshitter Buster: We didn't do that much talking Buster: Once I'd told her what to do, not much else left to say Rio: Why are you still talking Buster: Why are you still replying? Rio: Gotta be on my phone ain't I Buster: Not in this convo though Rio: Well you're blocking my notifications Rio: you'll pussy out soon enough and be gone Buster: Well I'm drunk. Mute me Rio: Take some responsibility for yourself Rio: you always want me to do everything Buster: So you don't want a line then? More for me Rio: That explains why you're talking so much shit Rio: go on then Rio: have to be here so Buster: [brings it to her cos gentlemanly] Rio: [goes off to the bathroom, 'cos learnt something about getting caught, humming white christmas like] Buster: [lols] Rio: Cheers Buster: Merry Christmas Rio: Merry Christmas, Buster Rio: [bringing the baggie back, assuming there's plenty to go around here] Buster: [does his off the kitchen counter cos wants to be where she is] Rio: [rolls her eyes but licks a finger to clean up the excess and sucks it off] Buster: [is 😏] Rio: ['still like danger, do you?] Buster: ['Don't you?'] Rio: ['Obviously'] Buster: [picks her up & puts her on the counter cos throwback & is standing between her legs like close af 'good to know'] Rio: ['How gone are you?' cos what else can you say rn] Buster: [whispers 'depends who you ask' in her ear and puts a finger to his lips like its such a big secret okay boyyy] Rio: [lols, 'thanks for inadvertently answering my question there' but is just looking at him still like #conflict] Buster: [reaches round her to take her drink cos left his in the other room] Rio: ['oi!' pouty face] Buster: [rather than just giving her it back like a normal person, feeds her the drink like this is crepes 2.0] Rio: [into it.com, 'sharing is caring today, huh?'] Buster: [a nod because so much eye contact so much tension who can speak] Rio: [when you're so close now your phone is the only thing between you and then it goes off and you shit yourself] Buster: [angry.com idk whose house they are in but blatantly walks off & punches the wall in potential full view of the fam cos coke ain't your friend boy] Rio: [when you gotta go outside to have that call 'cos not only not wanting him to hear but everyone tbh] Buster: [when everyone's like umm wtf buster but you ain't having it so you storm out & are also outside but the front while she's in the back] Rio: [when every convo is like talking him off a ledge 'cos he's that bitch do not need this Ryan, even a little bit, going back in finally to get a drink 'cos 1. need and 2. hoping he's had the same idea] Buster: [when you're just having a meltdown lowkey] Rio: I'm just sending this in case you want anything but me to fuck off Buster: I can't Buster: Want anything but that Rio: I'm sorry Rio: genuinely Buster: Don't Buster: Just fucking do not Rio: What can I do Rio: tell me and I'll do it Buster: Nothing Rio: that's what you need? Buster: Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, fucking none of it Buster: *Look Rio: Okay Rio: I will Rio: I'm not gonna give out totally empty promises it'll be hard but I will Buster: [When you just yeet like where do you think you're going at Christmas babe] Rio: [Later] Rio: Tell someone where you are Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: & Why would you ask me to? That's a broken promise already Rio: That's what I do Rio: I'm a shit person, like you don't know by now Rio: but they're gonna go out looking if you don't soon so heads up Buster: Let 'em, I don't care about ruining their fun in case you didn't know by now Rio: Alright Rio: if you don't wanna stay where you are Buster: Why? Rio: Know they'll find you Buster: No, why do you love him? Rio: Honestly? Rio: I don't, you can believe that or not but I don't Rio: I'm just trying, you know Buster: I believe it, if only 'cause I want to Buster: That & I've seen him Rio: Alright 😂 Rio: it's not all about looks, general statement, not a declaration of love Buster: He's got that good of a personality, yeah? Rio: Well Rio: said I weren't it love with him, didn't I Rio: he's alright but it really don't go much deeper than that right now Buster: There's no chance he knows that Buster: Unless he's just that chatty with everyone Rio: Yeah Rio: he's a lot Rio: just that type, you know Buster: Do you want me to chat to him? Buster: I can be a lot Rio: Don't think that means you should be besties Rio: it's fine though, honestly Rio: I can handle him, and whoever else Buster: Alright Rio: are you Buster: Don't ask me questions you already know the answer to Buster: You ain't meant to even be talking to me Rio: Yeah Rio: just want the answer to be different Rio: can't be acting surprised, notoriously bad at keeping any kind of promise, and leaving you alone Buster: Maybe Santa will bring you what you want next year, babe Buster: Don't waste your birthday wish though Rio: 🤞 Rio: Sure some other fucker's got to the wishbone too Rio: keep an eye out for shooting stars Buster: Do my best Buster: Any less isn't an option, like Rio: Nah Rio: what can I say if you don't? Rio: see, best gift of all yeah Rio: room to breathe Buster: I know that ain't yours to me, someone's fucked with that tag Rio: Yeah, I just got you socks but worth trying to claim it Rio: you got me Buster: Socks have their uses Buster: Cold feet or otherwise Rio: Yeah, think of me whenever your feet are cold Rio: 😂 Buster: Obviously Rio: Where are you then Buster: You're not getting an invite Rio: Just curious Rio: Anyway, with you gone and them out looking, I've got the drinks to myself now so tah Buster: Shame it's not the house Buster: That'd be worth coming back for Rio: Stay gone a few hours more maybe the search party will include rugging up all the kids Rio: keep you posted on how special you are Buster: Cheers Rio: it's just your da and granddad Rio: which I did point out probably wasn't the best team when assumedly you've found a pub that's open Rio: might have to stop for a pint, even if you ain't Rio: rude not to Buster: & I had my money on mum & Nance, gutted Buster: The fan club's a fucking sham Rio: shit state of affairs, honestly Rio: where's janis when you need her Rio: sure she'd find you Buster: Only if you'd started searching first Buster: & Were about to find me Rio: That would've been a well good excuse Rio: just tryna find enlightenment it's okay Rio: my ma would buy it and she's the nosiest so Buster: There was a ticket to Heaven on offer so Rio: should've come on the search, like Rio: knew I'd fuck up the talking one so reckoned I could at least go a day or two without looking Rio: if I played it right Buster: I still haven't been found Buster: If you wanna do the honours Rio: Hide and seek Rio: what do I win? Buster: I told you not to ask when you already know the answer Rio: Okay Rio: wish its me that finds you 'cos awkward if it's them Buster: I don't need hope or wishes, remember Buster: Neither do you Buster: Not for this Rio: Okay Rio: no cheating, I'll know Buster: I swear Buster: Head boy's honour, like Rio: are you actually head boy now Buster: Did you actually think I wouldn't be? Rio: Didn't doubt you for a second Rio: hot Rio: in a nerdy way Buster: I'd have brought the badge if I'd have known you were so into it Rio: I know this christmas was going pretty shocking but you've really ruined mine now Buster: [sends her a pic of him when he was wearing it] Buster: You bring me problems, I offer you solutions Rio: 😍 Rio: If you ever go proper missing, make sure they use that Rio: well inspiring Buster: I can do better, but they can't show that level of inspiring on the news Rio: not even the 10 o'clock one Buster: Probably keep 'em your eyes only, babe Rio: Fine by me Rio: I wanna be the one to find you anyway Buster: I want you to Rio: Lemme sniff this out Rio: did you have your keys on you Buster: I always have my keys on me Rio: if you've gone home that's so funny Buster: You know I'm hilarious Rio: Your dad is Rio: if we wanna keep ruining the festivities tell your mum how dumb he is Rio: be a hoot Buster: Will do Buster: Hold on Rio: Alright? Buster: Depends who you ask Rio: Well if you've had an empty house this whole time and you're only just telling me Rio: don't know if this is even you tbh Rio: convincing serial killer maybe Buster: I just needed Buster: That breathing room I got as a mystery gift Rio: Makes sense Rio: I don't have to come Rio: if you still wanna be left alone, I won't tell Rio: they can worry a bit longer Buster: You do have to Buster: I wanna be alone with you Rio: I want that too Rio: hold on Buster: Okay Rio: Promise you'll take my phone away when I get there Buster: If you promise not to tell anyone that I think my hand is fucked Rio: How fucked Rio: like, if you show me how to strap it we can do that or sneaky trip to A&E fucked Buster: Like I can already hear the lecture about punching walls instead of bags Rio: We'll sort it Rio: I won't tell anyone Buster: Thanks Rio: doesn't mean I don't get to fuss though Buster: Such a mum Buster: I ain't got that many issues that its a turn on for me, you know Rio: Shut up Rio: so rude Buster: You're cute Rio: 😒 yeah and as unsexy as a mum Buster: You couldn't be unsexy if you tried Rio: swear you got just enough issues? Buster: Talking about them would take all night Buster: But so would what I'd rather do Rio: Well Rio: think they'll clock before then but Rio: take whatever time we can get Buster: Well then I swear I'll make it worth it Buster: Even if we have to be quick Rio: Jesus Rio: I know it'll be worth it Rio: how could it not be Buster: Yeah, but you don't know how worth it yet Buster: You will Rio: You too Rio: I swear Buster: Tell me this is actually fucking happening this time Buster: I need you Rio: It has to Rio: 'cos all that's happening is I'm caring less and less about the risks and more and more about just making it happen Buster: I know I'm drunk but I never cared about anything but this Buster: I don't Rio: We're both drunk but it's still true Rio: I can't stop, Buster Rio: whatever the fuck this is Buster: You don't have to Buster: Be with me, that's all I want Rio: I'm coming Rio: I'm sorry but even if your family walks in at this point I ain't fucking stopping Rio: I'm so sick of not getting what I want Buster: I can't not give it to you Buster: Everything you want Rio: You Rio: that is all I want right now Buster: I'm not even offended that you don't reckon I'm everything Buster: Easily proved wrong Rio: Exactly Rio: show me Buster: Fuck Buster: Say that again Rio: Show me, baby Rio: I want you to be everything, 'cos you're all I can think about Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: Hurry up & be at my house for fuck's sake Rio: you know I live in the middle of nowhere Rio: [cos figure cali gaff has the most space so logic they'd have been there] Rio: it's the biggest cockblock, modern day princess in a tower basically Buster: 😂 Buster: I'm surrounded by princesses all day, you ain't Rio: Bit rude but I've been called worse Buster: It's the opposite of rude the way I mean it Rio: Let you off then Buster: Don't you know that you're on another level? Buster: Doesn't he tell you that in all those texts you get? Rio: He says a lot of things Rio: I'd be lying if I said I was always tuned in, like Buster: Of course not, like you said, I'm all you can think about Rio: Literally Rio: it's stupid Buster: Nah, 'cause if it was it'd be shared stupidity & I'm too smart for that Rio: 😂 Rio: very self-serving, but I'll take it Buster: Plus, I fucking hate sharing Rio: I know Rio: but you know you don't have to with me Rio: not really Buster: You're gonna dump him, yeah? Rio: I can Rio: we can talk about that later though Rio: what we wanna do for the rest of the time and all that Rio: don't think about it right now Buster: I can't think Buster: Not properly Rio: Then don't Rio: you know I want you more than anyone else right now Buster: Yeah Buster: More than anyone else ever Rio: Yeah Rio: Whatever it is Rio: I know I ain't felt it before Rio: wanting someone so hard all the time Buster: Me either Buster: Wanting someone this hard Buster: Never mind all the time Rio: I know it's crazy Rio: but I don't care Rio: can't Buster: Folie à deux, like Rio: You and your French obsession 😏 Buster: I had to learn to kiss somehow, you didn't teach me shit Rio: You wouldn't let me Rio: so NOT a pleasure to have in class Buster: You could've made you move any time Buster: Including before I was dared to make mine Rio: You take the piss enough that I was in love with you without that Rio: you'd have been even more unbearable if I had, like Buster: No Buster: I only was 'cause you made me do it & then it went like that Rio: I didn't dare you Buster: You didn't have to Buster: Don't act like there weren't loads of chances before that Buster: You could've took one Rio: Better late than never, ain't it Rio: be there in 5 Buster: Of course Buster: Be here now though Rio: Could hardly ask for a lift like hey, think he's here but give me like 15 alone, k dad Buster: Can't your boyfriend drive? Perfect way to dump him Rio: Yeah that'd go well Buster: You'd soon forget all about him Buster: We don't need 15 minutes for that Rio: Not gonna time you, like but Rio: hold you to it Buster: You don't need to, give me one second & you won't remember his name Rio: Fuck Rio: I'm so ready for this Rio: for you Buster: Show me Buster: I'm done waiting Rio: [when you show up and see 'em like hell no] Rio: This is beyond an actual joke Buster: [when you can't even answer cos you're beyond angry like if you thought he was mad before peeps] Rio: Fuck this Buster: [later cos you have to deal with them] Buster: Meet me tomorrow Rio: I can't Rio: we go to see my da's family Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: I know Rio: can't get out of it though we stay over Rio: there's no way they'd let me stay home Buster: When are you back? Rio: 30th Rio: you're staying for new year's eve, aren't you Buster: Barely but yeah Buster: My flight's next day Rio: We'll make it work Rio: they'll all be so gone Buster: We're gonna have to, it ain't no commuter flight this time Rio: Yeah Rio: you're so lucky Buster: Not how I feel right now Rio: No, me either Rio: really not in the mood, they're all in my face constantly Buster: My dad's lucky he ain't going to A&E Rio: Not condoning that but I could've easily jumped 'em myself so Rio: this is bullshit, swear they left us alone constantly as kids Buster: I'd lift you up, babe. Teamwork Buster: & Yeah, you can swear to that 'cause they did Rio: 😂😍 Rio: #goals Rio: getting my own place as soon as I can Buster: See, I do play well with others Buster: Come to London, I'm always on my own there Buster: Fucking typical Rio: I will Rio: and you can't be mad because that's an invite Rio: however casual Buster: Mad ain't the word Buster: You're always trying to put the wrong ones in my mouth Rio: Don't make my mind go there Buster: If your mind is anywhere else, tell me how you did it Rio: it ain't Rio: but your mouth specifically now Buster: Shame my mouth ain't specifically where it wants to be Rio: Shame ain't the word Rio: for a white boy you got really good lips, you know Buster: I know Rio: ugh Rio: be here Buster: I'm here, that's all I can do Rio: I'm glad we're talking Buster: You missed me, yeah? Rio: You know I did Buster: Tell me Rio: I missed you loads Rio: I thought about you all the time Buster: You're not gonna go see that lad now are you? Rio: No Rio: he wants me to but I don't have time anyway Buster: Don't. I didn't turn you on for his benefit Rio: I don't want him Rio: you don't either, okay Buster: Okay Rio: Not today Rio: you were mine Buster: I still am Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: it feels so good saying your name Rio: I wanna say it for you Buster: Call me Rio: [does, 'cos you gotta do something poor bastards] Buster: [you deserve this lads] Rio: [when even this is gonna be fire] Buster: [literally better than anything I could ever do] Rio: That was Rio: I feel a bit better now Buster: If you think you feel good now, wait until NYE Rio: I don't wanna wait Rio: but fine Rio: try my best Buster: I don't wanna either but I do wanna make up for lost time so behave & I'll make you cum for every day you've had to Buster: Hold me to it Rio: Damn Rio: you're really daddy, huh Rio: 😇 Buster: It's not that high of a number yet Buster: You can be impressed when I make the offer after being away for ages Rio: You better Rio: gotta have some incentive to come back, right Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm so jealous Buster: Put your teacher voice on & come with Rio: 😏 I'll get the 'fit Buster: I look forward to seeing it Rio: You're there to actually learn, babe Rio: maybe I'll tutor you, if I have time Buster: You're saying you don't have enough to teach me full time? Disappointing Rio: Plenty Rio: 'nuff to take it stateside Buster: Start packing then Rio: When we going Buster: Why not now Buster: Fuck it Rio: That's what I need Rio: you, distance from this fam and a place no one knows us Buster: Exactly Rio: One day Buster: Hold me to it too Rio: Can we stop doing the thing where you leave and we don't talk for months now Rio: like, it's exhausting pretending I hate you and don't wanna fuck you, you know Buster: I have to leave, but yeah, we also have to talk Rio: I know you're going Rio: I mean like I see you for a week or something and then that's that 'til the next family function Buster: I know what you mean Buster: It's not like that's how I want it Rio: Why'd it always end up happening, like Buster: What can I say? Buster: What do you want me to? Rio: I ain't blaming you Rio: it's both of us Rio: just, let's not let something happen between now and when you go so you won't talk to me alright Buster: Whatever happens, I still wanna Buster: It's not that black & white though, is it? Rio: nah Rio: I dunno Rio: we got separate lives to live Rio: obviously, and that's cool Rio: but idk why that means we have to end up hating each other Rio: like it is black and white, all or nothing Buster: I can't hate you Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: alright, pretend then Rio: you're quite convincing sometimes Buster: Well I need to be Buster: Sometimes Rio: Yeah Buster: Just don't break my fucking heart, yeah? Buster: Simple Rio: Why would I do that Buster: All or nothing Rio: that's not how I want it either, I'm telling you Rio: we can do better Buster: Obviously Buster: I can always do better & you always keep up Rio: 😏 Rio: thanks Rio: I think Buster: It's a compliment Buster: Nobody else can Buster: Not that I've found yet anyway Rio: Maybe you'll find yourself an American girl who can Buster: Maybe Rio: just don't get married Rio: can only deal with the accent for so long Buster: Before I've done uni & got a career? My mum would kill me Buster: She'd turn up with a shotgun to stop it, fuck encouraging it Rio: 😂 Rio: Nance is the hopeless romantic, I remember Buster: Good Buster: I don't do repeats never mind wedding vows Rio: Never? Buster: Like I said, they can't keep up Buster: I'm not running a charity Rio: You are funny Buster: I'm also too good at it to be having shit hook ups Buster: Tell your friends Rio: 🙄 Rio: No one's forcing you, to my knowledge Rio: so don't think you can complain Buster: I ain't Buster: You asked & I answered Rio: I did not ask you to specifically tell me how good anyone is Rio: let alone people I know Buster: I haven't Rio: Come on Rio: I know what that comment implies and about who Rio: not seen her for ages anyway so can't say I'm heartbroken over her, like Buster: I'm just saying for future reference, let you friends know that anyone can always do better Rio: It is truly amazing anyone wants to sleep with you Buster: They don't want to talk to me Buster: I told you it ain't easy Rio: It ain't hard Rio: stop flattering yourself for a sec, babe Buster: Start flattering me then, babe Rio: 😏 Buster: Can you really not meet me tomorrow? Rio: I really wanna Rio: but we leave so early Buster: You should go then Buster: Sleep Rio: but Buster: I know Buster: But I'll be there, won't I, you always dream about me Rio: Hmm so you reckon Buster: Come on Rio: You Rio: don't you wanna offer to make me sleepy? Rio: amateur Buster: Sleepy ain't the word Rio: I don't reckon you can get me to pass out from there but alright Buster: You don't? Rio: Nope Rio: don't feel bad, like 😉 Buster: Answer your phone & do exactly what I tell you, let's see how we both feel then Rio: [does, duh] Buster: [opened pandoras box here lads] Rio: [least you can do this to your hearts content no matter where y'all is, 'cept when Ryan is around, which is sadly too often] Buster: [god bless technology especially the waterproof phones of the future] Rio: [defs a thing] Buster: [they should fall asleep on the phone together though] Rio: [deffo]
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sheepydraws · 7 years
I'll Kick Your Ass! I'll Kick My Fiancee's Ass! I'll Kick My Own Ass! (10/11)
Not Anal
I don’t know if it was good or bad, but I know I changed something.
I was in the hospital, thanking the gods that Ukyo and Ryoga are mostly okay and have rooms close to each other. I’m in the hallway between their rooms, actually, trying to calm down for  half a sec, but instead I started getting angry.
All I knew about Ranma Saotome was that he was some asshole who went around hurting people. He basically admitted it in the middle of that fight. I thought he was nothing but a walking dick. A bad omen, a harbinger of his own chaos.
That’s eloquent. What I was thinking right then was, Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuck youfuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou.
I couldn’t go punch him, and unlike Mousse he’d probably punch me back, so I typed his name into facebook. All I managed to type was Saotonmee, because my hands were shaking. I was shaking. I was thinking of all those cyberbullying documentaries they made us watch in middle school, and all the stuff about baiting people into suicide. Sick, I know, but who can be healthy in a hospital at midnight?
Ranma’s profile didn’t come up right away. Instead I got his mom’s profile. At least, I think it was his mom’s. She looked kind of like him, and her last name was the same, but she lives near me. I think she taught at the dojo where I used to take lessons. She had some photos of where she worked and I had one of those sense memories where the lighting turns brighter, sunlight mingling with fluorescents, and the smell of sweat and plastic mats washes over you.
I sent her a message. Something about having been one of her students and that she should know what her son was up to.
She immediately messaged me back and seemed really confused, so I linked her Ranma’s facebook and filled her in on some details. She said thank you, but now I’m scared to send anything else to her. I still hate Ranma, but now I’m a little worried about him. What kind of mother says she doesn’t have a son? Did I really fuck something up?
Ranma Satome you have a friend request from Nodoka Saotome. Accept?
               Yes                            No                       Panic
To: All Students
Several students have been caught red handed organizing and participating in unofficial fighting matches. Students other than those directly involved in the fight were harmed as a result of it, and we can not allow more innocent members of our student body to be hurt. Students who engage in this sort of reckless and detrimental behavior should not be welcome on our campus.
Those we have caught are currently suspended, and after further investigation will likely be expelled. If you have any information about them and the duels they participated in, please feel free to make a statement to myself or my secretary, or to send me an e-mail. I would like to make a strong case before the rest of the board.
—-Dean Kuno
Kodachi’s Journal
The legendary thick Kuno skull
I should have stayed in my room
I should have ignored my phone
I should have understood
When Amir saw the texts
And asked if She had anything better to do
She meant me.
The woman who fought a duel for Akane Tendo
Meant me
But how I could I hide it from my father?
How could I tell him if he wants all the duelists gone
His tuition coffers will be empty
Come next fall?
Ranma’s Diary
I might be expelled and that’s the least of my problems. Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. I don’t know if keeping a diary is making me any better adjusted. It’s probably better than banging my head against the wall until something dents, but maybe I’d rather black out than re-live all this shit.
I should be packing right now, since I’m allowed to stay on campus only until dad can come pick me up on Wednesday, (“Until a legal guardian can escort you off campus”) but all I do is open a drawer, stare at my clothes and think about the friend request my mom sent me.
I haven’t accepted it. I just take out my phone and stare at the notification. If I open my eyes really wide and don’t blink I almost feel like I can see through the pixels and figure out what she was thinking when she sent it. Did she know that I had changed my name all this time? That we lived in the same state? Could she have found me any time she wanted? And if she could, what the fuck was she waiting for?
I would ask someone for advice, but no one will talk to me. Either I punched their face in, sent them to the hospital, or they don’t want to be associated with the guy who might be expelled for dueling. I get it. I don’t know if they would expel you for watching-well, they might, but they wouldn’t if they found out how many kids knew about this stuff. The school would empty out. Not that I can prove that.
You know what? They’re totally going to expel me. And I don’t give a shit. I didn’t want to come here in the first place.
Might as well beat them to it.
Nabiki’s phone——->Akane’s phone
Have you seen Ranma
I went to check up on
him, but he wasn’t in
his room.
                                                  Can we not talk about
I was hoping you
would text him. He
isn’t responding to
                                                 Why would he
                                                 answer me?
You two are closer.
                                                  WE ARE NOT.
You spend more time
                                                 Because we have  
                                                 classes together  
                                                 and stuff.
                                                 I’m not texting him.
What happened
between you two?
You were really good
together for a second
                                               He’s a dick, Nabiki.
And he’s totally alone.
No one has talked to
him since the hospital
thing. I mean, I get it.
Ukyo looks like a cat
mauled him, Ryoga’s
on crutches, and
Kodachi almost got
frostbite (although I
don’t think that
was Ranma’s fault)
But he’s alone and
he’s hurting like every
one else. I want to
know he’s okay.
                                             …Since when did you
                                             grow a heart?
I’ve been reading too
many romance novels.
Also, I’m procrastinating.
Please text him.
Facebook Messenger:
Akane: Nabiki is worried about you. Where are you?
Ranma: Oakridge
Akane: HOW DID YOU GET TO OAKRIDGE? Are you running away from home?
Ranma: Maybe I’m running to home?
Ranma: I’ve been across the street from this dojo for the last hour. They’re going to close soon.
Akane: You went all the way to Oakridge to stare at a dojo? How’d you get there?
Ranma: There’s a taxi company around here. I walked until I was in their range and got a cab.
Akane: Why???
Ranma: I have a mom.
Ranma: She works here.
Ranma: Dad and I used to live in Canada, actually. We came back to the states when I was eight. We went from relative to relative for a while. I guess this is why we stopped here. I thought it was because we hit a coast, but this is why dad knows people around here. I think this is my parents’ hometown.
Akane: Why haven’t you talked to her?
Ranma: She doesn’t know me.
Akane: What?
Ranma: She hasn’t seen me since my name was Ayame.
Ranma: What if she doesn’t believe me? What if she hates me? It’s getting dark, how the fuck will I get back to campus?
Ranma: Since winter break.
Akane: You’re hopeless.
Akane: Listen, when you get back to campus I go back to hating you, but right now I’m going to tell you something.
Akane: And you forget this on your way back here, you understand? This stays in Oakridge.
Ranma: Of course.
Ranma: Hurry it up, my hands are turning purple.
Akane: I never had to come out to my mom, and I used to spend a lot of time wondering how she would have reacted. But nowadays I wonder what she would think of the woman I’ve become.
Akane: If your mom thinks you’re gross or weird or lying-and that could happen-she’s going to be missing out on the most kick-ass guy between here and wherever The Rock summers. Better, because you are the guy I know, who, hands down, has kicked the most ass wearing a binder. If she still wants you to be her daughter, she’s losing the best son she’d ever have.
Akane: And if you screenshot that and show it to anyone else I will deny it happened and break your face. Got it?
Ranma: Got it.
Ranma: I’m going in.
Akane: Good luck.  
Akane’s Phone——>Nabiki’s Phone
Ranma’s in Oakridge.
Don’t ask. If he needs
a ride home he might
call, though.
                                         And calling us  
                                         would help how????
From: Tkuno
To: Nabiki Tendo
Nabiki Tendo, If I did not have the finely tuned instincts of a kendo master I may not have realized that you are avoiding me. But I have. And I would like to know why.
From: NabikiTedno
To: TKuno
Look, Kuno, babe,
It’s been fun. By which I mean it’s been weird. But maybe you should take your horny fandom rants to tumblr and leave me alone, okay?
See ya.
From TKuno
To: NabikiTendo
I was hoping to bring this up face to face, but as you refuse to see me I am forced to broach the subject digitally:
Does this have anything to do with us kissing?
From: NabikiTendo
To: TKuno
What? That?
Honey, you were very vulnerable. You would have kissed an anthro cactus. If that intensely chivalrous side of you has decided that you have to marry me now—Don’t worry about it. It didn’t mean anything to me. I don’t have any honor left for you to defend.
Facebook Messenger:
Ryoga: I’m booooooooored….
Ukyo: I’m in class. Don’t you have homework to be doing?
Ryoga: I got so bored I did it all. Now I’m really bored.
Ukyo: Do you think they’ll really expel you?
Ryoga: I don’t know. I think the Dean just wants to crucify someone over this, and Ranma couldn’t have been dueling himself.
Ryoga: I’m glad you and Shampoo aren’t in trouble. And that you kicked Ranma in the face.
Ukyo: Ugh, don’t remind me.
Ryoga: You regret it?
Ukyo: No, but smiling makes my face hurt.
Ryoga: Wait, why does smiling hurt, but kissing didn’t?
Ukyo: Different muscles?  I mean, I was also smiling then. That wasn’t weird was it? I was just so glad you were alright, and, you know, it makes everything even.
Ryoga: No, it was fine. It was good. Completely appropriate amount of tongue.
Ukyo: Cause I don’t want anything to be weird. I mean, we’re all such good friends.
Ryoga: Good friends who kiss sometimes.
Ukyo: Well, there was that thing with you and Shampoo and then we had to put it all back to rights. It’s fine now.
Ryoga: It is fine, but, you know, being good friends who kiss sometimes, that’s pretty good isn’t it?
Ukyo: Sure, but it isn’t sustainable.
Ryoga: That was your thesis, right?
Ukyo: What?
Ryoga: Shampoo said you wrote a whole essay about Ranma breaking your heart. Which, from what I’ve seen, is a pretty healthy way to deal with a bad break-up.
Ryoga: But she said your conclusion was that love doesn’t exist.
Ukyo: Romantic love. Yeah. I wrote about how it’s total bullshit.
Ryoga: Because Ranma didn’t love you?
Ukyo: That’s oversimplifying it. Ranma and I, we had this great relationship, and then his dad said that he had to marry someone else and he turned around and told me it was over.
Ukyo: Turned out all that love, and the plans and everything was just some fun he was having until his dad told him to pack it in.
Ryoga: But weren’t you in love with him?
Ukyo:…What is with you and Shampoo lately? All you guys want to talk about is romance. Are we twelve? Shakespearian poets?
Ukyo: If you two want to get together, you don’t need my permission. I’m not like one of those militant vegans. If you want to try your hand at dating, go ahead. I think the two of you have a better chance than most, if that’s what you want to hear.
Ukyo: I really have to take notes right now. Unlike you, I’m probably going to have to take finals.
[Ukyo is not active]
Ranma’s Diary
We had tea in her office. It was so tiny it was like being in a doll house, with a tiny tea kettle and a miniature tea set.
I couldn’t just walk up to her and tell her I was her son. Or that she had sent me a friend request on facebook. I walked in while she and some other teachers where packing up mats, and asked if I could talk to her. I told her it was about Genma Saotome.
She started at me, with this furrow between her eyebrows and said we should go to her office. She looked at me like that the whole time she made tea. While she chattered about the weather and what tea I wanted, there was this little furrow. She didn’t have raspberry, so I told her to choose and she made mint which makes my nose burn, but whatever.
Then she opened her tiny office window and got a carton of cream off a generator or something. She shook it and it sloshed around like it was half frozen.
“What do you do in the summer?” I asked her
“I drink water.” She said. Then there was the tea steeping and the cream and sugar and finally she sat down across from me and said, “So. Genma Saotome.”
“He’s my dad.” I said. I unzipped one of my pockets and gave her my birth certificate. It looked so stupid with all those creases in it, like it was one of those thick notes kids pass in middle school and not an official federal document. “That’s my birth certificate.” I added, like it didn’t say that at the top.
She sipped her tea and spent way more time reading the certificate than you would need to read that little. I mean, it also has blood tests and family history and stuff, but still. She didn’t need that shit. She put it down and said, over the rim of her cup, “Do you know a Xian Pu?”
“Me either. She sent me a message on facebook, completely out of the blue, saying that you had brutalized some friends of hers.” She put her tea cup down. “If that’s true you are definitely Genma Saotome’s son.”
I wanted to die. Like, I wanted that little generator to explode and break the window, sending a shard of glass into my jugular, killing me instantly.
“I…” I beat the shit out of two people, and fucked with like five more because I was having a bad day, and Akane won’t talk to me, so my dad has managed to ruin two relationships for me and never taught me to do anything but fight, but it can’t all be his fault, right?
“This guy challenged me to a fight.”
“And you accepted. Even though I’ve been told you could be expelled for it.”
It was so hot in that little office, with the tea kettle and the hot tea and the heat of the generator all shoved in around me. I could feel the blood throbbing in my cheeks. “If I’d forfeited he would have…” My voice got so small I could barely hear it. “he would have gone with a girl I like.”
Dad would have slapped me on the back and told me he was proud I wasn’t letting some guy run around with my girl. Nodoka’s lips went thin, and her eyes were hard.
Then her face broke open and she slumped over her desk, suddenly exhausted. “I’m sorry. This is just so much. I woke up in the middle of the night to someone telling me they had found my child and they were really pissed off at him. And now you’re here!” She toyed with her tea cup. “I’m not sure how to react to any of this.”
“If it helps, I was standing outside for like three hours trying to get up enough courage to come in.”
Nodoka almost laughed. “Does your father know you’re here?” She asked.
“No, I found you on my own. He’s never talked about you before.”
After I said that Nodoka decided to tell me the whole story about how her father and dad’s father told them to get married, and they did, and she tried to make it work, she really did, but dad didn’t care. He wasn’t even that much of a dick, but he was still doing all the shit he’d been doing before they got married, except sometimes he ate dinner with her, and I guess they had sex one time. Nodoka didn’t think he’d be very interested in me, and for the first few years he wasn’t, but as soon as I wasn’t a helpless baby he said mom was coddling me, and basically kidnapped me to Canada.
“I tried to find you, to contact him, anything, but he was going around like he was a fugitive, even though the police didn’t really care.” She almost laughed, but cut herself off. She put her hand over mine. Hers was hot and damp, but so was mine. At least by then I could feel my face again. “I’m sorry I stopped searching. I am so sorry I let Genma do this to you.”
“What do you mean this?” I said like I didn’t know.
She looked at me, her eyes filled with concern. “You beat up four people over some girl. I would not have raised you like that.”
I stared at our hands but I didn’t take mine back. “It was only two people. And it wasn’t all about her.”
“You think getting into fights is an acceptable way to deal with things.”
“You teach judo, don’t you?”
“Judo,” She said, “Is about redirecting your enemy’s attacks. It’s basic self defense. It’s-“ I thought she was going to recite whatever the calligraphy hanging on the wall behind her said, but instead she stopped. She sat up straight and took a breath. I’ve never seen someone actually do that before. Sometimes dad takes deep breathes when he’s pissed, but that just means he’s so pissed that he has to take a minute to contemplate how mad he is.
“I don’t think Genma has been a good influence on you.”
“He taught me to fight.” I said. I was going to do a passionate movie speech, a real oscar winner, but that was where my scriptwriter got drunk and fell off his desk. Cause that was it. My dad taught me to fight. It’s all I’ve got. “And he was supportive when I came out.”
Nodoka fidgeted in her seat for a second. “I’ll admit I don’t understand that at all-at first I thought Genma changed your name on purpose-but Watanuki told me it doesn’t have anything to do with your father.”
You know, I never really pictured meeting my mom. Not what she would look like or where we would be, or even what we would say. All I wanted was for us to hug and for all this love to wash over me. Huge tidal wave of love. That was all. Creamy white light and pure understanding.
That was when I looked at my mom and I felt the real life version of that. I’m not a great kid, probably some parents’ worst nightmare, but here was my mom, no idea what to do or how to talk to me, or what I even wanted from her, but trying so goddammned hard. Maybe she wanted that too, all that love and understanding. The last time she saw me I was probably calling her mama, and I didn’t have any problems she couldn’t fix. Now I’m an adult, and I don’t know her, and I’m so fucked up it’s not even funny.
“I’m sorry.” I said, “I know I wasn’t what you were expecting.”
Nodoka took my hand again, both of them. “Ranma, I’ve had over a decade to expect things. You are certainly not the worst possibility I came up with.” Then she stood up and took the walk around her desk so she was close enough to hug me.
And she did.
I started crying. I think I’ve cried more this year than in my whole life. She held me so tight I could barely breathe between crying and being pressed into her gi, and it felt ridiculously good. I walked three hours in the snow for that hug and it was worth it.
“I’m sorry,” She said, and she kept saying it and stroking my hair, and it’s so basic but it made me feel like I could go out there and fix all my problems. It felt like they were being fixed as she did it.
Something like two hours later I had calmed down, and she had called a cab, and now she’s sitting on my bed, talking to her brother-my uncle-about how she has to be down here because she has to talk to the school board. Her phone is up super loud, and she isn’t explaining things very well, so I keep hearing my uncle yell, “What?!” and “Genma Fucking Saotome?!”
It’s pretty nice background noise while I wait for Ryoga to get back from where ever the fuck he is. I kind of like that the first thing I say to him in days is going to be, “This is my mom. Don’t worry, it won’t be awkward. I just met her today too.”
Facebook Messenger
Akane: Kasumi, give me some big sister advice.
Kasumi: Yes?
Akane: What should I do about Ranma?
Kasumi: Tell him to take a hike.
Akane: But I like him.
Kasumi: So tell him.
Akane: This is not the delicately put, well thought out advice I’m looking for here.
Kasumi: Akane, you have more relationship experience than me. You know why my kid doesn’t have a father? Because I have no interest in trying to meet a man and holding hands and having sex and talking about our relationship.
Kasumi: Look, if you and Ranma didn’t have this looming specter of an engagement, and children, and stuff, how would you feel about him?
Akane: I wouldn’t have met him.
Kasumi: PRETEND. Pretend Genma was just a family friend dad was bringing around and Ranma came with him, and the two of you got to talking, and you realized you liked him.
Akane: But that isn’t what happened.
Akane: That’s the problem. Sure I like Ranma, but do I only know him enough to like him because of all this shit? I want to leave all this drama behind, but I don’t know if that means leaving him behind or not.
Kasumi: There is always drama. See what I wrote about not wanting all that relationship stuff? It’s a lot of drama. But so was not having a relationship and having a baby anyway.
Kasumi: If you had met Ranma because Genma was some nice family friend, wouldn’t he still be going out with that other girl? So that would have been a whole thing. Or what if we had met him because he ran away from his dad and begged us to take care of him? Or what if you had met him at college with people throwing themselves at both of you? You can’t have Ranma without the drama, but you can’t have anything without it. The question is if he’s worth it.
Akane: I always used to think about what a good mother you would make, and now you’re finally having a kid, and all I can think is, ‘You should have another’.
Kasumi: Thank you?
Akane’s Diary
Wasn’t expecting a woman to be in Ranma’s room when I came bursting in. Definitely wasn’t expecting HIS MOTHER.
She’s super sweet, and terribly confused. She’s been getting the last twelve years of Ranma’s life in the last two days. At this point she’s just trying to retain stuff. Ranma’s dad will be here tomorrow, so mostly she’s preparing for that, and the showdown she’s going to have to have with the dean.
Ranma’s room looks like a lawyers office just before the big courtroom scene in a movie: Blaring laptop, paper everywhere, even the roommate getting into it(not that Ryoga will talk directly to Ranma, but I think he likes having an adult on his side, since his mother couldn’t make it down the coast soon enough to deal with everything).
We talked about evidence and in-school suspension and the hospital records, and a lot of other stuff, and the whole time I’m sitting on Ranma’s floor thinking, ‘Okay, yeah, but I wanted to talk to you about feelings and stuff’.
I think three hours passed like that. I’m not saying it was boring, it just wasn’t what I had come to do. Still, I had homework, and I wasn’t a big help since I’m not going to pretend Ranma and I were in my room doing homework at the alleged time of the incident (not that anyone would believe that) so I said I had to get back to my room.
“Let me walk you.” Ranma said. Which sounds pretty innocent, but that’s exactly why people use it to get alone time.
We weren’t even out of Ranma’s hallway when he said, “So, why are you talking to me again?”
I got nervous. “I wanted to apologize.” I said, because it was easier than the shoujo-style confessions I’d been cooking up sitting on Ranma’s floor.
“For what?”
We walked outside and the cold hit us. We were silent for a minute, adjusting.
“This whole thing was my fault.” I said. “I told Ryoga to fight you the other night.”
Ranma started walking closer to me, so that our shoulders bumped against each other. “Cause you were still mad at me, right?”
“I wasn’t—I mean, I was mad at you, but I was mad because you did something totally normal, but the situation was all fucked up…” I trailed off. Great time to get incoherent, I know.
For a few minutes the loudest sound was the two of us crunching through what’s left of the snow.
“I might go live with my mom after this semester.” Ranma said.
“Does your dad know?” I asked.
Ranma stopped walking. We were in the copse of trees in the middle of the triangle created by my dorm, Ranma’s dorm, and the dining hall,
“We don’t have to tell him. I’m an adult, and Nodoka’s still married to him, so even if I wasn’t there isn’t much he could do about it.”
“That’s great.” I said. Ranma looked surprised at my total lack of sarcasm. “Ranma, your dad is an asshole. Maybe he isn’t awful to you, but I’ve known Nodoka a couple of hours and already I’d rather have you live with her.”
Ranma didn’t say anything for a minute, which I understood. You can’t drag someone’s father and expect them to be like, ‘Yeah, he’s a dick’.
“You want to know why I’m scared of cats?” He said.
“Sure. I could use something to listen to while my face freezes off.”
Ranma took the hint and we started walking again, but what he said made me stop short.
“My dad threw them at me, when I was learning how to dodge. He had three. I think he got them off the street. He hurled them at me. It really pissed them off, and then he’d pick up the pissed off cats and do it again.”
My mouth hung open for a minute, and all I could think to say was, “Didn’t he get scratched?”
“He wore gloves. Like, elbow gloves. This was back when we were in Canada. I think he stole them out of the shed in the garden. That was a nice house, I think. It was a duplex, and—”
I grabbed Ranma by the front of his coat and said, “Ranma Saotome, you are going to Oakridge with your mother.”
“But I don’t want to,” He said, “If you’re still my fucked up fiancee. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to be my girlfriend because you want to be.” He grabbed the front of my coat so our arms were tangled together. “I finally figured out that I’ve been going about this all wrong. I keep saying I tell the truth, and I do, but I’ve been telling the wrong ones. I’m sorry I outed you, and I’m sorry I’ve been making all these things about you that aren’t, but the truth is I really like you and I would try to be the best boyfriend I could if you’d give me the chance.”
I let go of his coat and slid my hands up his neck to cup his cheeks. “I should tell you the truth too: I really want to kiss you.”
So we kissed. I don’t know how two pairs of numb lips can create enough heat between them to make you flush, but there it is. It was…um…I feel all stupid and breathless writing about it, but I’ve only done it once before, so maybe it wasn’t that good? Ranma was as red as the ends of his hair, but maybe that was just the cold? We got back to my room and then he kissed me at the door, and for a few minutes we held each other, breathing deep, until I gave him a peck and wished him good luck tomorrow with his dad and the dean and everything.
Then he kissed me one more time, fierce and hot and it’s a good thing my door was right behind me, or once he was gone I would have slid down the wall and giggled like an idiot right there in the hall.
From: Nabiki Tendo
To: TKuno
Look, Kuno, since you cant’t seem to get it through your thick skull: I’M BAD NEWS. I’m gonna take you for a ride, make you see double, all that shit. And I’m going to tell your father that you broke his precious rules, so fuck off now before we have to do one of those stupid confrontation scenes where you scream, “You betrayed me!” Okay?
From: TKuno
To: NabikiTendo
I admit I used to harbor the thoughts you have often accused me of: General suspicion of your family, as well as your character. I convinced myself that you could not have any of the characteristics that I desired in a partner, or in a person in general.
Then you revealed yourself to have all of them. You are smart, and witty (and obstinate enough that I was forced to acknowledge that). You are stunningly beautiful (an observation which needs no explanation) and you are kind when the situation warrants, tough when it doesn’t (you keep me on my toes, like the best sparring partner). You care for those you love as best you can, and you are unerringly loyal to them (which is why you will not reveal my fighting to my father, for in doing so you would be forced to expose Ranma as well, and you would not rend your younger sister’s heart in your effort to mend it again).
With love,
Tatewaki Kuno.
From: Student 819
In relation to the duels, I think you should check out this website: itstimetodddie.tumblr.com. It seems someone has compiled photographs of the duels and the wounds earned therein, as well as some basic descriptions of the fights.
—-A Student Who, Like Your Son, Has Done A Bad Thing
P.S. If you continue to pursue expulsion of students other than than your son, I will release this url to every person on campus.
Kodachi’s Journal
It is a word I never thought to be turned on me
And yet.
That is all our lots in life.
For every ‘never’
There as just as many, ‘I never thought I would’
And suddenly you have.
I saw Ranma Saotome
For the first time in so many moons of loss and ecstasys
My heart did not fall into it’s familiar pattern
‘Ran-ma Ran-ma Ran-ma’
I found that I had betrayed him
My heart jumps to the beat of another’s call.
I told him. I could do little more for him and little less.
He leapt from his seat
Hugged me
Shook my hand
And introduced me to his mother
So I suppose we shall remain friends.
Copy-pasting my favorite parts from the deans latest mass e-mail, for posterity.
>It has come to our attention that these events were widely attended, which perhaps means that the school has failed to provide adequate socialization opportunities, something which we will attempt to rectify next year
>seeing as all parties involved were consenting adults we are unable to bring charges of assault foreword. We can’t be expelling students for inflicting hickies on each other, can we?
>We were very lucky that only one of these incidents required trips to the emergency room. While we still cannot promote these actions, it should reassure many that for most of these duelists this was merely an innocent way of blowing off steam
>Though we will continue to persecute further instances of dueling, for this year we are adopting a three strike policy, which we may implement in years to come. Please be aware of this decision when scheduling further matches.
WTF even is this?
Kodachi’s Journal
Spring is bearing down on us,
Ushering in green life
And fresh panic.
Long fingers of sunlight creep over my bed
And onto shoulders much too early in the morning.
New life on these ancient grounds
It is perhaps too perfect for us
For though Amir will leave her legacy
My life here is still fresh
I could not ask the woman who will soon be gone
Lost to adult life
To let me cling to her
I say this with rationality yet
Kodachi’s Phone——->Nabiki Tendo’s Phone
Dude, my idiot brother
is trying to kill him
self or something.
Could you make
sure he doesn’t have
brain damage for me?
                                        Is he at campus health
                                     …You want me to go so
                                     you don’t have to, don’t
Yea. Plus, you two are
dating or whatever.
There was a window on that
hospital room door. I saw
you kissing over my dad’s
                                           Lies. Lies and Slander. You
                                           were disoriented.
Whatever. Kuno’ll be fine
on his own.
                                         I believe so. I’m sure he
                                         knows the drill.
Unless he’s finally given
himself a concussion…
Well. It is certainly a good thing that I keep a diary. Mrs. Saotome wants to use it in court. After my last encounter with the man she is married to, I would gladly print up several hundred copies and scatter them around town for her.
Alright. I must prove that my brain is still in working order, so I shall recall for you all the events leading up to my legal discussions with Mrs. Saotome.
Ever since Ranma’s last duel my sister has been withdrawn. Of course, father was upset with her, and, once she was safely home and we knew all was well, they blew up at each other over gymnastics and boys and aiding and abetting illegal fights. I attempted to argue her side, but seeing as I had to feign ignorance myself (and my dearest sister was kind enough not to rat on me) I did little to help.
Then, a few days ago she perked up considerably. So considerably that I became rather suspicious. I asked her if Ranma Saotome had anything to do with her improved mental state and she became shy. So shy that I marched down to Ranma’s room to have a word with him.
Relax, my confidant, I had no intention of challenging the man! I have learned my lesson several times over. Rather, at that point, I had decided to ask him about his intentions with my sister, and, if they proved pure, I would school him on her history, likes, dislikes, and how to interpret some of her more obscure moods.
When I reached Ranma’s room I found him engaged in conversation with his mother, a handsome woman in her early forties who gave me a proper handshake when I introduced myself instead of making a face like a recently boiled frog as her son did.
“I came here,” I began, “ To discuss my sister.”
Ranma rolled his eye and slumped nearly out of his bed. “Oh my god, WHAT. Was I not sad enough when she said she was done with me?”
His words rendered me ineloquent. “She what?”
Ranma sat up again with renewed vigor. “She dumped me the other day. Gave me the boot. Said she’s been exploring her sexuality.” In an aside to his mother he said, “Which means she’s been exploring Amir Kahn.”
Mrs. Saotome snorted in a way most unbecoming of a lady her age.
As I attempted to process this information a man appeared in the doorway behind me. It was the brute who I had once had the misfortune of learning was Ranma’s father.
When I saw him his face went pale—No, ashen. He looked ill. Ranma had a similar expression. Mrs. Saotome kept a cool head but there was a glint in her eyes. I have seen that look before, in Nabiki Tendo’s face. On her it means that she knows she has won, but she still has to finish playing the game.
“Genma.” Mrs Saotome said.
Mr. Saotome sputtered like fish drowning in air. “How on earth did you get here?”
“I drove.” Mrs. Saotome said.
“I brought her.” Ranma said. His feet had shifted into a defensive stance, and his tone matched.
Mr. Saotome’s attention snapped to me. “Who the hell are you?”
“Tatewaki Kuno.” I said, keeping my back ramrod straight. I will not be cowed by a lout whose only weapons are his fists.
“Fuck off, kid.”
“I shall remain here.” I said. That was when I took out my phone. “Considering our last encounter, I shall wait for the proper moment to call the dean and campus security.”
Mr. Saotome snorted. “Really, Nodoka? You’ve got some kid playing bodyguard?”
“Nah,” Ranma said, “He’s just like that. Ignore him.”
“I don’t want to air dirty laundry in public.” Mr. Saotome replied.
“This isn’t ‘dirty laundry’, Genma.” Mrs. Saotome said, “This is kidnapping and neglect and several other crimes I’m sure.”
It’s a small room. It wasn’t hard for Mr. Saotome to plant himself right in front of Mrs. Saotome and lean into her menacingly. “Are you kidding me?” He hissed, “I didn’t kidnap my own kid, and I sure as hell didn’t abuse him. You’re just trying to coddle him, just like you did when he was little.”
“I want to take care of him. I want to make sure he has what is best for him, even if that means he doesn’t go to the Olympics.”
“Bullshit,” Mr. Saotome said, “You just want him to be like you. Some mincing little girl who can barely throw a man.”
It was a strange thing to watch. Mr. Saotome full of hot rage, and Mrs. Saotome all cold fury.
“I don’t care what you think.” She said, “I never did. All I want is my son, and if throwing you through a window is what it takes, I’ll do that.”
Mrs. Saotome took one step backward, removing herself from the sheen of heat surrounding Mr. Saotome. “I don’t think it will come to that, though.”
Mr. Saotome groaned. “Jesus, this is just like you. Playing mind games.” He leaned around Mrs. Saotome trying to make eye contact with his son. “Ranma, look, you’re an adult. Tell her she’s out of her mind and she needs to leave.”
“Mind games?” Ranma said, like he couldn’t believe his father would say something like that. “She’s playing mind games right now? By telling you that your an asshole and she’d like to fuck you up?” Which isn’t what she said, but I had the rare feeling that it was not the time for pedantics. “That’s mind games? Not telling you you can’t have dinner until you’ve done enough reps? Not telling you that no one will want you if you can’t break cinderblocks with your bare hands? Nah, that’s just parenting. Telling you she hates you, but she’s going to shove a lawyer up your ass instead of playing by your rules—That’s mind games?”
“Lawyer?” Genma said, his confusion at only that word disturbing me more than any of his previous behavior.
“I’m calling campus security.” I said, raising my phone to dial.
In a movement faster than I could track, Mr. Saotome grabbed my phone from my hand and hurled it out the window.
By which I mean through the closed window.
I don’t know what came over me, but at the sound of shattering glass I leapt at Mr. Saotome, a move which he was not expecting. He moved to block me, but I had not intended to strike him. Instead I crashed into him and we toppled to the floor.
Once stuck at close range, Mr. Saotome is still a formidable opponent, but he has less avenues to be an underhanded one. I believe I got in several good hits before he managed to roll me over and crack my head against the side of Ranma’s bed.
Mrs. Saotome has told me that I continued punching, kicking, and clawing until campus security arrived (Ranma called them, although I believe the broken window tipped them off as well) and pried Mr. Saotome away from me, but after my head hit the side of the bed the next thing I remember is being on a cot at campus health and being told that my sister is going to come watch me until my father has a spare moment from dealing with the Saotomes.
To compare a blow to the head to a concussion is to compare infatuation to love, I thought, as I slid into that heavy darkness between sleeping and waking. The nurse kept checking up on me, and I would jolt to, but once she was done making sure I could still wake up, I would lie back down and slip away again.
At some point I heard the door open and returned to the world, the fluorescents a painful neon yellow against my eyes. Instead of the nurse it was Nabiki Tendo who appeared before me. The sensation of deja vu slid down my spine. Once before Nabiki Tendo had found me on a cot at campus health, although I had been much less disoriented. By the time she arrived I was only in pain.
‘What are you doing here?’ I had said.
‘I thought you might be dying.’ She said, with such an accusatory edge I thought I might have implied that in my texts.
‘I’m not. They said I don’t even have a concussion.’
‘Oh.’ I thought her very strange to oscillate between anger at me for getting hurt, and disappointment that I was not hurt too badly. ‘I suppose you don’t have any bruises then.’
‘You can check,’ I said, suddenly eager to please. I tilted my head towards her and tried to part my hair, not sure exactly what she was looking for.
She whistled. ‘Can I take a picture of that?’
Having no idea what she was talking about, I consented. I heard the click of the shutter sliding shut, and for a second I feared the image would wind up on some sleazy website ‘hot young injured athletes!’ or some such nonsense.
‘Does it hurt?’ She asked, tracing a line at the top of my head, the impression of the blade where it struck me.
I shivered and her hand slipped, stroking through my hair once. I tipped my face to hers, and for a second she wore an expression I had never seen before. Her hand slipped again so it was cradling my cheek, and though I had seen Nabiki Tendo’s fast talking bravado slip before, that was the first time I thought to myself, ‘I would like to see this again’.
That was when my sister appeared and Nabiki Tendo said, ‘Hell of a bruise he’s got.’ and Kodachi said, ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Just making sure he’s okay.’ She shouldered past Kodachi to the door and said, ‘It would be pretty boring without him.’ In such a breezy, nonchalant way I knew it was forced.
So at the present, which is now the past—that is, the second time Nabiki Tendo appeared before me at campus health—she was much more disheveled, and I was in much more pain.
“Is it true you finally cracked your skull?” She said, panting like she had run all the way from her dorm to the third floor of the student union.
“Merely brain damage.” I said.
“Oh, thank god,” She said as she collapsed into giggles and a tiny plastic chair. Once she had recovered she dragged it to the side of my bed and said, “Kuno, I sent your father all the dueling photos.”
Have you ever been struck with a mallet when you already had a concussion, thus resulting in another shakedown on your already weakened brain? I haven’t, but the sensation upon hearing those words was similar.
“You did what?!” I yelled, and then had to grab my head to keep it from splitting in two.
“Nothing bad is going to happen,” She assured me, placing one hand on my shoulder, “Half the school is in those photos. Your father can’t expel them all.”
I let the room swim for a minute. “You may be right.” I conceded. “I’m lucky to have the father I do have.”
“What do you mean?”
“I encountered Ranma Saotome’s father this morning. I was forced to incapacitate him until campus security arrived to remove him.”
I closed my eyes and listened to a ringing silence.
“Nabiki Tendo?” I asked, raising one hand to feel for her and almost smacking her in the face.
She grabbed my hand between both of hers and held it for a moment. “You mean you didn’t get this concussion doing something stupid?”
I rambled on with my eyes closed. “I am not sure if being erudite mattered. I was concerned for the safety of Ranma and his mother because they were threatening legal action against him, and I thought that an assault charge would not do either of them kindly-“
“What were you even doing there?”
“I had gone to uncover if Kodachi and Ranma had rekindled their relationship.”
“Isn’t she banging Amir Kahn?”
At that I opened my eyes again, and I was going to make a comment on that turn of events, when I found that Nabiki Tendo was much closer than I had anticipated, and that she was still holding my hand.
“Nabiki Tendo, did you come here merely to tell me that my sister has gone sapphic?”
“Why do you always use my whole name?” She asked.
“Because you’re Nabiki Tendo,” I said, and I managed the coordination necessary to tuck half her bob behind her ear, pulling her slightly closer. “You are an utter singularity. To say ‘Nabiki’, to say ‘that Tendo woman’, as though you could be anyone in a parade of similarly named women, would be to lessen that.”
Nabiki Tendo gave the tiniest laugh I have ever heard, and said, “You haven’t changed a bit, you know. You still start fights over the slightest thing, and you talk like a shakespeare wannabe, and you’re so loyal you refuse to consider what defending someone else will do to you, but the more I know you, the more I love all those things.”
All through this speech she was getting closer and closer, and I lay there, in anticipation of fireworks, but when she finally kissed me white light burst behind my eyes and I was shaken to my core. A volcano erupted in my chest, wiping out everything else so new life could burst forth from the ashes.
To: gsaotome456@yahoo,com
I’m sending my brother to pick up Ranma’s things. You remember him, I’m sure. Hopefully you won’t be shocked when you see him. Or break a window.
From: Gmansaotome05@yahoo
To: Nodokasweetie@yahoo
You drive me crazy, Nodoka. You always have.
Why can’t we talk about this? Do you really want to rip Ranma away from his father and his life back home?
From: Nodokasweetie@yahoo
To: Gmansaotome05@yahoo
You’re a decade late with that line, Genma. I don’t want to talk to you. In fact, if you harass me or Ranma, I will not only slap you with a restraining order, but will also look in to the statute of limitations on kidnapping. (I’ll save you a google search: There isn’t one)
From: Gmansaotome05@yahoo
To: Nodokasweetie@yahoo
You can’t do that, you’re my wife. And Ranma’s my son! You don’t have the legal right to do that.
From: Nodokasweetie@yahoo
To: Gmansaotome05@yahoo
Ranma’s an adult, and I’m about to be a divorcée.
I am not a nineteen year old girl who wants to please my family more than anything. I am a forty year old woman who will BREAK you if you come near me or my son.
Group Chat: URS
S: Emergency. Meet me in the dorm.
U: Is this a real emergency? Cause they have parfaits in the dining hall.
R: Okay, you can get a parfait first. But then you have to come to your dorm.
U: Why bother? I already know what y’all are gonna say. You fell in love and you want to let me down gently, but the truth is I’m a third wheel and you need space. It’s fine, you guys. I need some space, too.
U: I mean you’re both going to destroy this wonderful thing the three of us have so you can suck face and then break each other’s hearts and I love you both too goddamn much not to warn you, but it’s whatever.
S: It’s not like that.
R: We want there to be the three of us. And you get to come first.
S: Yes, okay? That’s the thing we’ve been dancing around for weeks. Ryoga and I like each other, but we like you too. So we’ve decided that it’s going to be all three of us, together.
R: I mean, you can turn us down.
S: Right. We can’t make decisions for you.
R: That’s just what both of us want.
U: wut
U: So you both met someone you really like, and want to make out with, and you said, ‘Y’know what, let’s make this even more precarious by adding another person to the mix!’?
S: Well, first of all, you met Ryoga and then introduced him to me.
S: You were patching him up, because you are the only person I know who not only brought a first aid kit to college, but also knows how to use it. I thought the two of you were so cute I wanted to jump in the middle right there.
U: You did not.
R: No, I believe it, but I can’t believe you sublimated that into bickering about sitcoms.
S: And then Ukyo smoothed everything over by having us all cuddle for two days watching stuff.
U: That is not how that happened.
R: That is exactly how it happened. And when we were going nuts over finals you made us stop and relax. You’ve done nothing but be kind to us.
S: And crack stupid jokes, and be weird, and obscenely beautiful. So come back to the dorm, okay? It’s an emergency.
The Last Five Posts from: okinomiyakimeansiloveyou.tumblr.com
5. Angsty quotes about failed love
4. Angsty quote about failed love with pastel landscape background.
3. It looks like cool wordplay, but it’s actually an angsty quote about failed love.
2. Food porn: Extreme Cheese Compilation
1. A photo taken from above, with a selfie stick Shampoo found buried in her suitcase. It’s Ryoga, Ukyo, and Shampoo, lying in that order on Ukyo and Shampoo’s beds. Shampoo is preening for the camera, hair flipped over her shoulder, one leg over Ukyo’s. Ryoga is also doing his best duck lips and has one arm wrapped around Ukyo’s shoulders. You can’t tell, and neither can he, but one of his hands is tangling Shampoo and Ukyo’s hair together, which is why the next picture is blurred, jostled as they all laugh trying to get untangled from each other.
Ukyo’s smile looks too big for her face, happiness bursting out of her.
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