#I'll fix the images later
indilaras · 8 months
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Thankless Vhas? ❌️ Tactless Vhas? ❌️ Bloodless Vhas! ✅️✅️✅️
ID: a collection of drawings of Vhas from Rolling with Difficulty. On the lower left corner is the only one fully colored; it pictures him from the chest up, grinning. The word "VHAS!" is by his shoulder. The other drawings are in simpler colors and include: Vhas asking Kyana "Y'wanna fight?" and Kyana replying "heck yeah!!" She has her fists below her face and her astral arms mimicking her pose. Vhas with a pot on his head, holding a pot full of water, smiling like he's proud of himself. Dani yelling at Vhas: "OI BLOODBAG! You don't got blood, you don't need to worry about being POISONED!!" He replies "oh, right-- Appreciate it, boss!" Vhas grinning and giving a thumbs up. He's wearing the "I Heart 'Gil" shirt, sleeves rolled up above his shoulders. Vhas sitting on VR-LA's lap, with an arrow pointing at him saying *choosing which lever/button/etc. to mess with next*. VR-LA is glaring at him and saying "GET TF OFF ME". End ID.
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mattodore · 9 months
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spinning them around
#ts4#ts4 edit#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#echthroi#a burning house to live in#river dipping#the dof messing with theo’s beautiful face 😔#anyway i think i’m gonna go read this 140k fic and then i'll be coming back later to read kmik heh 😋#oh ALSO ! realized it’s theo’s birthday this month so... i'm gonna be busy these next few days :)#i have to make theo as a child and fix his teen sim and then make poses and try to figure out how exactly#i’m going to execute this idea that i have for his birthday edit#with matthias’s birthday edit(s) it took me like a week to do iirc? and i was still late posting it 😭#like his birthday is 04/11 and i think i didn’t post it until 04/16 or something????#a trial…. fr so difficult#with theo’s i’m planning on messing around with transparency stuff i think#or maybe like… a gallery wall effect? idk i should really start working on it now tho rather than waiting until it’s nearly the day of#which is what i did with matthias bc i forgot his birthday 😭#but theo’s is 09/28 like i would never forget it ☝️#but yeah……… they rlly need an emoji of a guy laying dead on the ground so i can use it#like that’s how i’m feeling thinking abt the whole process of this#unlike with matthias’s edit theo’s is meant to just be one long image#but with three scenes within it kind of?#and him at every age#so like it’s a thing idk#i can picture this edit so clearly in my mind like it comes to me very easily#but yk how it is. ideas beyond my skill level or whatever
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
okay the junk follower spam is officially over ( over 7k... what the fuck....) and I'm gonna start clearing it out so
i respect your right to lurk silently but tumblr has an ongoing problem with b*t accounts, you can literally change your icon to a meme and your header to "not a bot lol", don't care, it just has to Not Be Default. or a real picture of a woman, actually, don't do that either. if blogs keep blocking you, that's why! if you don't know How to change those... try " google.com "
that is all
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I'm going to keep being vague about what this AU is about, but...
Because boredom and sleep deprivation took over
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whoslaurapalmer · 5 months
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laura (1944) / laura by vera caspary -- waldo and laura meet
bonus deleted scene from the movie script, with a third interpretation of their meeting --
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[Image ID: A colored comic.
Panel 1: Chikao's hand offering a peach. She says "It's a peach of immortality."
Panel 2: Tongbi is mildly surprised. The background is of a night sky. Chikao says "I thought maybe...if you wanted..."
Panel 3: Tongbi's tail rests on Chikao's arm. He says "Promise me something?"
Panel 4: Chikao gives him a mildly confused expression and a "?"
Panel 5: Cut to both of them standing in front of each other. Tongbi looks nervous and has a hand outstretched. He says "If we do this...we stick together?"
Panel 6: Chikao smiles widely and exhales softly in amusement.
Panel 7: "We'll be together forever." Is at the top of the screen. At the bottom there is a peach seed that splits open and grows up into two branches that split off each other, where Chikao and Tongbi sit beside each other and look out at the night sky. The background under the branches is dark green fading into black.]
Yeah I did this instead of the actually planned drawings lol.
Anyway, I actually like how this turned out for the entire thing being made on zero sleep?? Even if you can kinda see the exhaustion start to kick in in places and I'll probably wake up tomorrow horrified at how much I missed XD.
On the last panel I kinda wanna just slowly add stories/drawings under/around the peach tree (that's what I was attempting, the seed sprouting up - I dunno how well that translated lol) and yeah. Idk think it would be interesting lol.
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ria-starstruck · 1 year
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design from @/foileadeux’s hollow knight gjinkas!
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strxnged · 11 months
ok im starting to get dizzy so i'll just drop my new carrd here and go to bed
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eyndr-stories · 11 months
1. Your first OC ever?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess (i bet i can guess something for that one kldgj)
ME!!!!! >:3
1 - I think my first ever OC that i can remember was this little dinosaur fella I would draw all the time in paper margins way back in middle school, I don't actually have any pics on my computer but I doodled him real quick for ya
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Binosaur cause his head is just the letter B fdkjgjhgfdkfdg
4 - Lianel!!!!! I don't think I've ever shared them anywhere?? I made them back in highschool (hence the old signature, I went by a different name back then), I actually made a short little comic of them exploring this ruined world that I can't find >:( It's hiding in a sketchbook somewhere i hope and I just haven't scanned it. But anyhoo! Lianel is on the run for space crimes!! Jury's out on whether or not they actually committed said crimes or were framed though. They found their ancient armor from the ruins of a resistance organization that died out a long time ago, but when you're on the run you take what you can get. They've got a funky staff that an even funkier little magic blob lives in, so long as Lianel takes them on adventures, since the little blob can't travel on their own. In return the blob lets Lianel use some of their magic when they get into trouble. I don't think I ever named the blob??????????
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13 - Hehohoho!!!!! >:D This is Calcifur!!! They look small and unassuming but they will steal your wallet fhgjhkgfjklhgf
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Cal loves being gay and doing crimes, especially graffiti in places they're not supposed to, although after they met Lato they toned it down a lot and now stick to mostly silly pranks. Calcifur is one of the main three fellas I used to draw a whooooole lot before I fell out of doing art for a good while, and i will definitely be using this as an excuse to talk about them gjhfijhgfd but first, more about Calcifur! Cal's skin glows and changes color with their mood, (neutrally they're blue) and they've got a nifty pair of headphones that can transform into a stylish neck kerchief. They can speak, but can only be heard by people they want to hear them. And now the trio!
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Ok so the other two are Lato and Cube (bet you can't guess who's who lmao) Lato is my fluffy puff ball sweet boy, friendliest fella you'll ever meet. He's naturally very curious and aims to be pals with everyone he meets. He's semi aware of his being an artistic creation, though he's pretty chill about it. Cube on the other hand, is fully aware and somewhat peeved at me about it jhgdkhgdjkjhgfd Cube is a straightforward know it all with a short temper and vast knowledge. Originally I made him to be a companion to Lato, to keep him company in the void (since I was very bad about never drawing any sort of backgrounds lmao) and to answer Lato's many ceaseless questions for me. He often shows up doodled in the margins of whatever I'm working on to make snide jokes about something or other or yell at me to stay focused. Now a days the three live together in a nice house out in the forest and have fun domestic style shenanigans. I could talk about these three for a thousand years so I'll stop here because this whole ask has already gotten slightly out of hand kgfdhlkdjgfhgj
43 - (Looks at my crew of just the silliest lil guys. Jokesters and pranksters abound) Idk can't think of anything
dkhfjhlgdgljgfh I do really like silly characters, and characters with more simple designs that are easier for me to doodle here and there without taking too much time or energy. Cube is VERY popular in my notes and sketchbooks. Funny enough a lot of sillier characters are more recent creations, characters I made in highschool and earlier had more tragic / serious backstories. Oh, I also draw a LOT of little creatures, just strange monster things. Not sure if they count as OCs, most aren't even named or I only drew once or twice, but I do love me a creature
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A few gifs from Leave the Revenge to Lupin (Part 2 Episode 84) which despite mostly being a “serious” episode had some very cute moments.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
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I feel like my V can't take a serious picture to save his life
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fluffbeast7 · 2 years
Idk if i like this
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adamnedmartyr · 2 years
Yusuke would yell "MRS MINAMINO'S GOT A FINE ASS."
If you lost my muse in a crowd, what “offensive” thing could you yell that'd be GUARANTEED to track them down?
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"What was that, Yusuke?" asks an alarmingly friendly voice from just behind him.
"I'm quite certain that I didn't accurately hear what you said just now."
[ 10/10 Effective. ]
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triangle-dog · 2 years
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rain-filled-garden · 4 months
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No idea why in the heck tumblr decided to break the image imbeds for a decent few icons/deco pics on my muse page and some info pages-- but i've fixed them now that i'm on my laptop again
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in celebration of me being able to post sprites to this blog without scaling them up, and have them show up nice (ON THE BLOG VIEW. theyll be tiny in your dashboard sorry), here r some new sprites i've been really enjoying :))
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