#I'll get it I'm sure but wahhhh
anothermonikan · 4 months
If I'm gonna keep having G5 brainrot I need to learn how to draw these ponies and god,,,guys I know you guys prefer the G4 artstyle to G5's TYT one, but I should not have to go digging for TYT pony references because the first results when I search up a characters name is fanart of them in the G4 artstyle instead. please
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selfshippinglover · 10 months
Okay so just some thoughts about the Ben interview @ghiertor-the-gigapeen
~Bonjur returns! :DD
~ This is after Mark's death and you can hear hurt he is :(((
~Talks about sitting around and twiddling his thumbs, feeling lost without orders/ a command
~comes from a long line of servants
~Arrested for public nudity in Uni sdkhgdg (FRAT INITIATION OFC)
~Parents are from England
~Ben dresses Mark when he passes out drunk(oh Ben sweetie)
~DOES COCaine ksdvHbjk
~ 3 wishes would be Mark doesn't die, everyone in the world gets their own butler, and everything to be clean all the time(so true bestie)
~ It's like anytime he brings up Mark he's moments away from crying like you can't tell me he doesn't care about him :(((
~Doesn't like Chef like everyone else xD
~Mastertude school is prooobably to make sure people don't get overpaid =-= (i'd bet partying and gossiping too tho!!)
~Most difficult task was when Mark filled a tub with hot coco(bleh) and he had to clean it up(christ)
~Ben wouldn't clean Mark up, he made him clean up himself (so surprisingly, mark can do that but I'm sure he'd prefer not to liek the little bitch eh is dskhbgsdb)
~Mark sucked at cleaning himself SMHHHH
~MARK THANKED HIM, SHARED DRINKS WITH HIM, AND ALLOWED HIM TO JOIN IN ON PARTIES? AWWW Mark really did care i think ,,QwQ,, (at least, that's the most we've ever heard of such a thing happening)
~Mark hired him right out of Uni
~No medical issues related to WKM Except that murder is a triggering subject for him
~ William owed Mark a LOT of money, Ben saying it's like a life debt's worth
~was drinking with Mark before the night of the party
~Lives in the mansion and is working 24/7 =-=
~That wine was an 1810 Chardonnay
~But another part of the will was to check up on William every few months and man he doesn't liek doing that :((
~doesn't like Will's denial of the dying(it's just not right), doesn't trust him, but also doesn't believe he killed Mark
~Fell into a depression once Mark left and still is but is trying to go out again nearly a year since then :((
~Had Ben wear gloves the last few months before the party while everything was going down. Didn't want help, to be touched, to be seen, nothing. Ben called it all weird
~enjoys jogs cause it remind him of a happy memory :)
~Ben born in 1891!!!
~Graduated school in 96
~So five years of butlering
~Graduated top of class, known as the "greatest butler of history" in butler magazine.
~Likes beer and occasional scotch :)
~Always wanted to be known as the best servant hat every lived, that people would bid for him to be theirs (BUDDY YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER THOOO)
~DAMN HE STRAIGHT UP SAID I'M SO GOOD A OF A BUTLER I'LL MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSOOON (Wonder if he thought of Mark like that too :.)
~Loves and is loved by animals :)
~Only experience with supernatural is night with Celine and he still doesn't understand what happened to her :((
~He has mourned for Celine, describes her as a kind woman, as has missed her since the divorce...
~Has a hard time finding time for himself :((
~Mark really cared about status, being the best, a lot of stairs
~Doesn't like dirt hjgjj
~No opportunities to make friends cause of work(no wonder he likes Mark and Celine so much. He probably saw them most. Wonder bout dames tho!!)
~poor man starts his work day at 4 am
~BUTLER BALL CANON(But wants to run romantic partners by master)
~Bad press after Mark's death lowered his approval rating amongst butler alumni :( ~wants a private quarter that only he uses
~Likes hanging out the DA :DD
~Believes the Detective's background checks out but finds him odd
~He doesn't take days off? BRO ;-; HE JUST WANTS TO BE DISTRACTED
~Celine and Mark attached at the hips since childhood?(HOLY SHIT THEY WERE FRIENDS TO LOVERS TOO??)
~Has no idea why Celine left Mark
~ Speaks English, German, spanish, and french(but only a little)
~Not allowed to get sick?? does not get sick? Calls in replacements??
~4th of July fireworks run at the last minute! Mark was apologetic and gave him a bonus? They just shot the breeze with fireworks together?AWW THAT'S SO SWEET
~Mark treated the Chef with kindness and respect(DOUBTFUL KJGJBGSD)
~Mark and Dames are close friends and also used each other to look good socially
~Had secrets about one another that he couldn't speak of? (SOUNDS PRETTY FRUITY??)
~Really enjoys Damian's company :)
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iamthecomet · 7 months
GAH fair enough i'll try cook up something else.... i will say sometimes i do send different people very similar things by complete accident because my memory is horrible and i forget what i've said to who😭😭
just from the top of my head right now though (just finished a nightmare hell world shift at work so i need to think about The Characters or i'll die):
cirrus helping aurora discover and explore Butchism❤️ BUTCH LESBIANS 5EVER
cumulus washes, dries, and brushes cirrus' hair for her when her arms are too sore/tired to reach up (in my mind cirrus has EDS just like meeee:3 )
controversial take but short cirrus and tall cumulus is so real to me.... BUT cirrus is still the big spoon. she jetpacks it
cumulus: why is it taking her so long to text me back....
cirrus: google how do i spell gorjus
cirrus has AWFUL penmanship (it's either EDS or autism, or both! I'm still figuring that out myself.) and cumulus cannot stand it. she loves that girl but absolutely despises her handwriting. in a similar vein, cirrus is god awful at wrapping presents and cumulus will confiscate them and wrap them herself ("ITS NOT THAT BAD ITLL GET TORN OFF ANYWAYS!" "it is that bad and i don't care")
i think cirrus is just bad with her hands in general for a number of reasons (world's worst handjob giver💔 sad but true. millions cried.) so cumulus often does fine motor tasks for her (writing things down, wrapping presents, sometimes cutting up her food for her when it's just the two of them. they are so tender.... ue ue ue)
cirrus can't swim. that's all
ironically, cumulus is somewhat afraid of heights and cirrus is TERRIFIED of flying bugs (especially moths) (which makes phantom very sad because he loves them. she tries VERY HARD not to squash them whenever he's around....)
WAHHHH I love your takes on Cirrus! The fandom as a whole (me included) get really caught up on Cirrus being the responsible, smart, in control one who is elegent and is good at everything because someone has to be, and I just love seeing thoughts of her that don't subscribe to that. Especially bad penmenship, bad speller, terrble present wrapper Cirrus.
We all headcanon her as such a perfectionist but what if she isn't? What if she's actually sort of a trainwreck sometimes? Also scared of heights cumulus? Butch Aurora and Cirrus? fuck yeah. FUCK YEAH. I love finding little ways to make the ghouls more "human" and well-rounded. I love the idea of reserved, elegent, sure of herself Cirrus--but I also love the idea that maybe she is also sort of a mess too. Terrible at painting her nails neatly. Impatient. One of the worst cooks in the Abbey. But genuine, and funny, and kind, and absolutely willing to step up and take care of her pack when she needs to. UGH I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH.
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eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
let's see here....more headcannons? I HAVE THEM ALL!!
you might not be interested but I'll drop my headcannons for their zodiac signs!
Hanako and Tsukasa are canonly Sagittarius but shushsyhsgsys Hanako is my eyes screams such Leo I can't, and Tsukasa says Gemini, I know this hc is impossible but....🥹
I have a hard time deciding but Aoi is either pisces or Taurus, she could also be a Scorpio for.....self indulgent reasons....
ah yes, Akane is 100% our Taurus, loved the idea of the the Aoi's being tauruses but Aoi is hard to decide
Teru ah Teru... he is our Capricorn
Kou is like an Aries ykkk
I know it's funny but Nene is a Sagittarius to me always, the funny part is Nene and the Yugi brothers share a birthday month(sorta)
hear me out, Fake Mitsuba is Scorpio and real Mitsuba is Cancer
Natsuhiko you sly Virgo
okay okay I'm done I shall commence, MORE HEADCANNONS!!
fuckkk I can't remember if I've mentioned this hc but ykw it's very precious to me so I will put it here in case
AKANE OWNS A DESERT SPINY LIZARD!!! he loves his lizard and takes good care of him, his name is Aoi, after his lovely Ao chan, who is in fact scared of the lizard
Natsuhiko brings soup and snacks ect to have with Mitsuba and Tsukasa (sometimes Sakura) and they just watch television together (yes there is a tv in kamome idk why but it's canon)
Natsuhiko is fearless, except when it comes to mice! he can't stand them!! so scary
Teru used to be left handed but was taught to use his right because it was traditionally still seen as devilish by the priests, so now he uses his right and can't use his left for shit, he also has the worst most ugly and uncomfortable looking hand posture when holding a pencil but he somehow knows how to force better beautiful hand posture in front of people. it's terrifies Akane every time
Teru bites his nails....sad truth, he gets very self conscious of them in public
Kou accidentally adorned Teru's biting nail habit, he tries his best not to though...
Kou is dislexic okay?!??!? it's so true.... @teruwasright was the one who brought it up awhile ago can't stop thinking of it
in early mornings Tiara likes to sit at the corner to the kitchen and listen to Kou talk to himself, it's one of the only ways she's able to know how her brother feels.
Tiara steals and plays on Kou's switch (it's fine because Kou isn't much of a gamer) and loves to run around and catch Pokemon so her brothers got her let's go!Eevee (they had to fight over which one she would like Kou said Pikachu and Teru said Eevee) and she can't stop playing with them! she nearly cries everytime a Pokemon faints so Teru battles for her (and secretly plays some for her character to go farther also he's a game addict) her favorite type is Fairy!
Sakura barely gives a shit whether her skirts flair up in the wind but she does make sure they don't just to be modest, also it comes naturally for nature to never ruin her hair or clothes idk...
Amane used to feed a stray cat and thought of the cat as his only other company, the cat went missing though
okay I'm done for today
WAHHHH THESE ARE LOVELY i love the broadcasting club one i feel like someone would bring in a gaming console or something too and theyd watch tv and play video games together
AND the one where kou talks to himself and tiara listens i love that so much it works so well
i love all of these so much theyre very canon
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Spoiler for my stories
Your styling your hanii hair up to be an ice cream when you see reaper run back holding box of gifts and wheeling other things as well behind him, he almost tripped if not for CHAu Kohaku using magic to levitate him from crushing to the snow.
CHau Kohaku: don't run.
Reaper: woah.. thank you... I almost crush my gifts... (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Reaper went toward you two and put three gifts in front of you two.
Reaper: snow come too fast! I don't wrap my winter gifts!! But here you two! Or three... I have one for bee and other bee. (●´u`●)
CHau Kohaku, stared at the gift:... >.>
He then glow before long, he become two people. Bee held the gift meant for him and bee(?) Did the same too.
Bee: thank youuuu.♡(ӦvӦ。)
Bee(?):... >.> Thnx I guess.
MC, held the gift too: your visitors would arrive soon enough.
Reaper:(。☬0☬。) r-really... Ahm... D-do ... C-can they... See... That thing w-with me? (>0<;)
MC: ooh. Ye I guess. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Reaper: you guess? Your not sure...? (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
MC: I mean it depends on your friends if they wish to see obviously. (ㆁωㆁ)
Reaper: o-oh!!! Right!! (´ε` )
Reaper made a snow block to seat beside you three but made sure to not be too close to trigger those two.
Reaper: soon... ♡(> ਊ <)♡
No sooner than later a portal appear beside you four, in comes running many people wearing black and white outfit toward reaper, hugging him.
[ note (la mort Au Chara): Hadey (Rei), Eternity ( Ritsu), Grave (Nagisa), Frost (Mayoi), seimei (meaning: existance/life spirit-> MC)
Hadey, hugs reaper: OH MY PRECIOUS FRIEND I MISS YOU!!!
Seimei, pat reaper head: how are you our winter blossom? (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Reaper: (。・//^//・。) e-everyone...
eternity: woah look at this guy. Is he going to cry?
Reaper tearing up: (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) WAHHHH. I MISS YOU ALL!!
Reaper tried to hugs all his friends as he cried.
Frost: fufufu. What a silly child.
Grave: don't bully the child frost or I'll bury you.
Frost: your no fun.
Reaper: I miss you all. Woah... Huhu... (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Hadey: you made us so worried! You where gone from where you were till we saw a note! We almost thought you get kidnap!
Eternity: honestly kidnapping a grim reaper? What a silly idea.
Frost: what a worrisome child you are... Fufufu.
Grave: you were also worried weren't you. After all you treat winter blossom as your so called baby with seimei spirit.
Reaper: everyone!!! ₍ᐡඉ ̫ඉᐡ₎
Seimei: were you feed well? I hope so! Does someone bullies you!? I will, I will... Ask mayoi for help to beat them up... (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Frost: of course I'll help you, my love!
Eternity: disgusting.
Hadey: tell your best friend who bullies you here! I'll take their soul away!
Reaper quickly shakes his head: I'm not bullied
A moment of flashback where he keep being the one who takes the punches, the poison and the hits comes in mind but he quickly mask his face
Reaper: I'm so glad to see you all! I'm doing fine in this world, but I wish to make you see the spring in winter?? So please allow me to show you all!
He smile widely at them as he wipe his tears away. Everyone stared at him and all agreed. They will obviously will love to see such wonderful sight That they been told from the letter of reaper. That he prepared for many months. Because they wish to finally see spring with him, their precious winter blossom.
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zhongrin · 1 year
Dodhnseidbdbenidis RIN AIIDHDJSOJDBSNS
Ayato can basically fuck off if Baizhu is his competition, I will choose Baizhu over everyone heh 🤸❤️❤️
Your man is very cute indeed mhm, but how about you hide with him in his hidey hidey hole? Yes you aren't dw <3 you're deep in love and it's cute ❤️
Exactly!! And I am sure his caudal fin would be so beautiful frfr, and only you have the honour to touch it. You. His wife. <3
Help Rin my heart omfg;;.. like everyone who knows me knows I am crushing hard on Baizhu, and I will do my best to let him know it too. <3 ofc I will give him all the kisses and reassurance, everytime he needs ❤️
Omfggg the nicknames aaaaaa;; I have two questions then, are you speaking indo and / or chinese and why did you choose a different language for ya nicknames? <33 (pls don't get it the wrong way, it's so interesting!! ❤️)
You're so sweet plsssss;; I love gushing abt our Selfships sm aaaaaa
Omg you both are menaces, perfectly fitting for each other <3 but what I can also imagine is - you calling him "babe" to fluster him and him bringing up a embarrassing childhood story 😭
Rin no. Because I won't ever say "Bai", I would always stay by his side. <3 (but if we somehow come to the point where I say goodbye to him.. yes. Yes. Because it's funny 🤸❤️❤️)
Ikr ikr they need to know when it gets serious frfr
Help he would ofmfhsishehdj - but not that often like the others cuz he knows the other ones make me fluster and blush every. Single. Time. 🤸
HELP SO CUTE, I can also totally imagine Zhongli holding your hand or laying an arm around your back while ya are out <33 ❤️❤️
YOU?? FEEDING ALHAITHAM?? that's so cute ofmfndbjsjsn;; help <33
With one ya have many outdoor dates and with the other ya have many indoor ones, so adorable aaaaaa 💞💞
Now I have a question - do you think your hubby's are jealous or not that much? If they are - do they show it and how?
HALKJDLASJD baizhu is sweeping the competition i see 👀 understandable, that's me @/zhongli
oh yes i'll hide in his hidey hole. actually i'm a vvip in his hidey hole, he doesn't allow anyone else to enter his abode <3
noooo his tail fin ;w; i will smooch it and caress it gently. must be a very pretty golden color that shimmers in the water aaaaaa
everyone in liyue knows baivi atp. they're always expecting one of you nearby the other whenever they spot you in public. "oh dr. baizhu's here? ms. dresvi must be around then." "is that ms. dresvi oh good i wanted dr. baizhu to take a look at this bump on my arm-" lol
dw i got you hehe it's bc me and my s/i is actually indo-chinese! and zhongli is- well- liyue is based on china so there's that heheh hence we tend just to mix up indo and chinese words in our day to day life!
HELP HE WOULD TOTALLY DO THAT HDLSKJFKLSD "hey babe-" "remember that time when we were kids and you were so obsessed with horses-" "LOOK EVERYONE HAS A HORSE GIRL PHASE OK YOU CAN'T BLAME ME but also please shut up i'm so sorry i won't call you babe anymore pumpkin pookie wookie snookers-" *cue us bickering and kaveh watching in the bg with a popcorn*
hsldfjksldjlf please hahahah now i'm picturing a little puppy!dresvi tottering behind baizhu everywhere help-
speaking of do you both have any pets? :D i would say changsheng but i feel like she'll bite me when i say so- CHANGSHENG NO PLEASE I'M SORRY
he. he's totally the type who would put his hand on my back to guide me around yes 😭 i love love love it when ppl do that??? also i can see him offering his arm so i can link our arms together ueueue
he's now accustomed to reading his books while eating bc i spoil him too much hsldfkjsd if i feel like being extra chaotic that day i'd feed him soup lmao
ikr the 2 pairings have such a different but somewhat similar dynamics i love imagining it sm wahhhh
i think they're both pretty secure and doesn't get jealous that much unless something very very sussy happens!! i see them both as more of the protective type? like they'd readily jump in if they sense any danger or something similar! for zhongli - depending on the season and other parties involved, i feel like his slightly more possessive dragon instinct might come into play, but it's not often hehe <3
both of them would be the type who would try to avoid full-blown confrontation so they'd steer us away from the situation... they're both good at mind games and twisting words to deescalate the situation (zhongli) or distress the other party enough so they walk away willingly (al haitham) after all lol
how does baizhu show that he's jealous and does he talk it out with you later on? or does he keep it bottled up inside? what kind of situations irks him the most and how did you handle him? 👀
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marmastry · 2 years
Confession time!!!! The only reason I went to Komiket was because of you uwu (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
I initially wasn't planning on going pero while I was scrolling on twitter I saw that you were coming and I went "OMG I HAVE TO GO" because I really like your art!!! I don't believe in love at first sight, but the moment I saw your Link artwork laying on the grass under the moonlight...suddenly I do GANON HAHA. It has forever been etched in my brain 🥹
I have never been to any comic con/art con/basta any con ever in my life HAHAHA and I'm glad I went (I bought so many goodies from different artists that I also love!!)
Anyway huhu since bumabagyo nung Sabado I was so sad kasi ayaw ako palabasin ng magulang ko because of the weather 😭 anyway by 3 pm medyo humina yung ulan and LET ME TELL U I GOT UP AND ASKED MY PARENTS TO BRING ME TO KOMIKET HSJDDJ eventually they agreed!! I got to the venue and I went straight to your table to buy the moonlight link pero it was sold out :'((( it's okay though!! I still bought the Link print with the star!! Next time for sure I'll be able to buy it!! (Simply because I don't have credit card & I have no idea how to buy from InPrint) 😭😭😭 anyway, thank you so much for your art!!! I'm glad they exist (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Wahhhh now I feel bad not printing enough ;w; Hopefully I get to join another con so you can buy that print anon!!
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taegularities · 2 years
Hi, Rid! I just wanted to say that as long as you're enjoying writing and are excited for the stories you have planned, I'm sure that I'll love reading them as well.
I really do love your writing and I'm willing to read anything you create, truly. Also with these life-ruining photofolio pictures of Tae, I've been thinking a lot about you and your stories tbh.
I hope you're doing well and I'm sending you lots of love 💞💞
you're genuinely such an encouraging person, and so so so kind, ivi. i've definitely always enjoyed the stories i posted – and with the lovely feedback that i get back, we have a great symbiosis going on, i think 🥺
the love you've shown me and my fics in such a short time means more than you know, honestly :(( thank you for supporting me every day. and ugh the photofolio pics are really a threat to the entirety of army, but i should've expected such a thing from such a man 😭 i'm so honoured they remind you of me, though wahhhh !!!! 🥺
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anothermonikan · 1 year
Literally debating with myself so hard over whether I should go to a place tomorrow
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southstand · 18 days
i'm not sure if my previous ask went through (tumblr's been quite glitchy for me lately, and i hope you don't mind me checking) but thank you so so much for taking the time to answer my ask about the SK national team! it was a great write up and i really enjoyed learning more about the players through your perspective. went to watch some clips/highlight videos of some of the players you mentioned and it's so interesting to see how they fare in their respective teams/leagues.
and i'll definitely update you on the match with some thoughts and whatnot! excited to see it live and not on the telly, though i hope sonny stays injury-free & isn't overworked like he was in the asian cup.
also! off topic but romano reported that spurs are planning to keep timo for another season! it's a loan deal which is going to have the same conditions as the previous one. i'm so pleased for him, i know timo's a bit of a controversial player amongst the fans but he really puts in the effort, will help somewhat with our options up front and has the experience we need competing in the europa league + rest of our cup games for next season. his injury worried me but i hope timo can excel next season now that he's got a second chance.
hope you've been doing alright! COYS. - 💙
hiii my friend! i think tumblr gobbled your previous ask up ☹️ thanks for sending it to me again though!!!
i’m glad the write up helped! and yeah i know timo is a bit controversial but i think the general sentiment is that it’s a good business deal and he’s very much proven that he fits the system and gets things done, he had a respectable number of g/a and forced at least two own goals iirc? i’m completely fine with the loan extension provided we get other reinforcements for the attack. also he’s just a great guy!
do update me on the game!!! so thrilled for you wahhhh i wanna hear all your thoughts!! 🥺🤍
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gentleaura · 9 months
Oh wow, thank you so much!! 😭 I'm so happy to you hear you liked them! really made my day~
I'm not sure when I'll get them done, I kind of just work on them when I have inspiration. As far as Amane's iI'm trying to redo hers cause I hated how the first draft of it came out. Hopefully I can make one that looks better
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@modernpolymath Hoo boy, that was a LOT. Sorry for the very long responses in turn, I am working through some thoughts. Thank you SO MUCH for all of this good information. Here we go:
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I looked up the tests for IH, I've done overnight sleep tests but not the naps. I will totally bring this up to my sleep doc. Very curious if the naps would find anything interesting or useful.
Yeah, I have a gastroenterology appointment in May. It's funny that you and I had discussed Crohn's a long, long time ago, but I never considered it for myself until recently. I've got SOME sort of IBD, for sure, but we'll see what exactly. Very interesting that there's some sort of connection between IBD and sleep issues? Makes sense inasmuch as, if you're not properly absorbing nutrients, you'd be tired, but I wonder if there's more connection than that?
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I had NO IDEA narcolepsy was potentially autoimmune! Fascinating! My pain doc told me at some point that she usually sees autoimmune disorders come in threes. I've had rheumatoid arthritis my whole life, and was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, so gotta find number 3. Likely Crohn's. It totally makes sense, if your immune system is gonna erroneously attack one thing, why shouldn't it attack all the things?
Have you been able to stay off of the Remicade? I know biologics are super rough, so even if going off of it didn't help your fatigue, I hope you are able to do okay without it.
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I will do some more research on the modafinil. The liver toxicity language was starting to get too technical for me when I was digging before, but I'll stick with it this time, lol.
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Ohhhh. Thank you for the heads up. I'm between birth control methods right now. I was on Depo Provera for like... eight years? Then got a new gyno and she didn't want to continue it. Apparently long term use causes bone density loss, and since osteoporosis runs rampant in my family, I saw the wisdom in discontinuing. She suggested the arm implant, but, uh... I have... a Major Problem with picking at any sort of blemishes or weird spots on my skin, so I am Concerned that I would not leave it alone. ://// Really stupid, I know. But I'll bring up the modafinil interference at my next appointment so that we can make a decision with that in mind. I have GOT to restart birth control ASAP. My last period sent me to the ER. 🙃 Fucking love endometriosis.
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Oh. Well, shit. I very much ruin my routine on weekends; I tend to not take the modafinil (or drink coffee) and sleep through either Saturday or Sunday. Wahhhh. I'll, uh. Have to seriously consider stopping that.
... to be fair, staying awake on the weekend would improve my mental health. Like. Being only ever at work or in bed means that I do basically nothing wrt leisure activities, which weighs really heavily on me, lol. It would be nice to like, play a video game. Make art. Read a book.
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HMMMM. Never even considered that since I'm not hypermobile... though as I say that, I'm reminded that my physical therapists tend to comment on my flexibility... but I've never dislocated anything and my skin isn't stretchy. I will do some digging. I've got a friend with EDS, I'll see if she'll let me pick her brain a bit.
So you did 23&Me? Did it find anything else useful? I am deeply skeptical of the DNA testing trend, but like, if it has actual medical uses, I may reconsider?
Again, thank you so much for all the info. You're giving me a lot to investigate, think about, and potentially act upon. Which I've desperately needed.
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zephyr-together · 6 years
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I might be a bit behind on the Pop’n challenge the next few days due to Anime North...!! also I’m so sorry that there’s a bunch of plushies and pictures from past cons that I never posted...I feel bad because you all have encouraged me so much to get to the point where I can do stuff like this and I don’t share...everything is just so exciting and overwhelming that I can’t put things into words properly and procrastinate on talking about what happened all together...but I hope I’ll be able to soon...!! 
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kaidans-alenko · 2 years
🔥 👀
It's ridiculous how Kaidan stans are just kinda supposed to just grin and bare any mistreatment he gets from bioware and the fandom because anything else we're over reacting or dramatic.
Like bioware misspells Kaidan's name wrong at every turn and pretty much alienated every fan of either Kaidan or Ashley and it was funny joke on N7 day. Ya know a day for mass effect fans to get together and celebrate our favorite game and by extension favorite characters. That N7 day.
I'm sorry, Garrus and Liara get even the slightest criticism from anybody and you're getting hate in your inbox from 5 different anons expecting an apology for shit they do on the daily.
Like if you're gonna dish it you gotta be able to take it hunty I'm sorry. Garrus ain't the second coming of christ....Kaidan is skdjdjs(no I'm joking...well actually 🤔)
The vs cannot catch a break 😔
*Kaidan and Ashley accuse you of cheating in me3* fandom response: OH MY GOD HOW UNREASONABLE I WAS DEAD HORIZON WAS A BREAK UP WAHHHH HERE'S A MOD TO FIX IT(which...the mod was Kaidan specific might I add 😒)
*Liara accuses Shepard of the same thing in me2* Fandom response: I'm sorry blue alien wifu I'll dump them I promise 🥺"
Or the ninjamance thing when it's Kaidan its an issue when it's Liara it's sure whatever she's cute.
And like I'm sorry I'm supposed to shell out money for a hoodie with his name spelled wrong on it because otherwise I'm entitled because "at least he gets merch"?
Like any other character it wouldn't even be an issue, like that mistake just wouldn't happen but if it did this supposed "underpaid intern" would be let go because it lost them money people would've spent on a hoodie :/ and it'd be justified on their part because you expect a certain level of quality control :// funny how that works huh? :///
Like I get it, he does seemed to be the more favored human squad mate seeing as how he does get considered for merch and blasy blah but that doesn't matter when the merch and flimsy and cheap and his name is spelled wrong in a million different ways.
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headaching · 2 years
hi beck!!! I just wanted to drop Ina nd let you know that i DID read your tags on the constellation art and I want you to know that I'm gonna be thinking about your tags forever actually like- you would buy a print of it!?? 🥺🥺 that's actually one of the coolest things anyone's ever said about my art wahHHH THANK YOU SO MUCHH
im still such a beginner at art so I wouldn't want to have someone spend money on smth that I could be doing better- but!!! when I get around to redrawing that piece (cause I really want to!!) I'll be sure to dedicate to to you because ahHH you're too kind 💕💕 but yeah I just wanted to let you know your tags are the sweetest and I hope you have an amazing day!! <33
terra this is so sweet i-
honestly if a lot of people haven't said that about your work, im surprised! your style is SO CUTE, and ive loved it since the first time i saw it. it's so distinctive, like i look at a piece and know instantly, "terra made that." but at the same time, especially with the constellation-freckles sokka piece, that could just be. a beautiful boy with colorful stars mapped across his freckles. of course i would love a physical copy of that!
it's so wild to see you refer to yourself as a beginner! im not saying you're not of course, it just makes me even more hyped to see how your art evolves, if it's still in its beginning stages. as you can tell by my rambling, i think you're incredible, and i absolutely would buy prints from you if you ever decided to sell them! 💘
and 😭 dedicating the redraw to me?? im so honored that you would even say that, thank you so much 💖💕💗❤️ i hope you have an amazing day too, i really appreciate you sending this 🥺
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
I meant to type out ma'am not mum 😂 😂 I have a ticket for London and I'm trying to make a plan for when the dates get rescheduled, so as soon as the date is announced I can book a hotel if I need to, I'm SO not used to being out in the evenings I'm worried if I have to travel home late I'll spend the whole show worrying about it, I'm such an old lady lol. Outfit planning is also so hard when you're not sure what season the show going to be in! I will be much more relaxed once I can make a concrete plan. I hope you can work out somewhere to stay in NYC 😔 XX
KSDJNBFHJ PLEASE AND OHHH OKAY yeah I would def book a room so you dont have to worry! and it would be fun to stay in one for the night too lol especially in london! and 2 people im mutuals with have already offered im sook edjfnhb everyone is so nice so wahhhh I can always get a hotel too but those prices are...ugly BUT THANK YOU BBY <333
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