#I'll need to practice with more weapons again soon but I fear this might just be The One
hhhhhh I just got 10 splats in a game and that’s definitely a personal record but 3/4 of them were from ultra stamp and I don’t know how to feel about this. I have such a love/hate/??? relationship with this special. I feel like I can only barely control it and can rarely hit specific targets with it so I’ve learned not to rely on it for anything other than inking and being a huge distraction but every so often it just mows down the whole enemy team. apparently sometimes twice.
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Part III: I meant to say, that I love you, or maybe, fear like a flame, what's happening to me.
- The Power.
Part III : Just tonight, maybe I'll rest in peace
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Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part IV : There is much to do and I still want to live
Part V: our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : these ain't my sins, I broke my chains
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours
Part VIII: your blood like wine, invites me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
Another day, another battle. You shut out Shadowheart's physical closeness and familiarity with Astarion out of your peripheral vision. Because you like her. And this wasn't her fault. You don't want to hate her. But something strange would happen every now and again. Walking along with everyone, during the day, you trying to keep your distance from the two, trailing behind a bit... Astarion would turn back and look at you a few times. Catching you off guard. He would smile if he caught you looking at him sometimes.
What is he playing at.
It's not like we are friends. Not like that....I help him... And we fight together. And then you almost slipped on a cliff trying to go down a cragged rock, he stayed behind a bit, and held his hand out for you. You had to hold it or you would have fallen on your face. Embarrassing. And awkward.
He was happy. Smiling.
Dealing a lot of damage. Energized. His happiness energized you too. You were glad. If being his friend meant such warmth, you would take it. Remember what you want to be. You want to serve and protect. Even those that are too proud to ask for it. Or too lost to hope.
That night at camp was a celebration. You cannot remember why. But a bard was singing. Everyone sat around the fire. Laughing, singing. Drinking. Halsin was throwing someone in the air. Laezel was lecturing Gale on the merits of working out your body as much as the mind.
Once again you were lonely in a crowd.
It's not that you were'nt surrounded by people you loved who loved you back. But, that you sat opposite him. Across the fire. Him next to shadowheart. You between wyll and karlach. Shadowheart was telling him something pouring wine for him. He was laughing at what she said, happy. What a smile. He should smile more. Though he might accidentally show his fangs. You didn't realize you were inadvertently staring at his face. He locked eyes with you. You jolted and looked away.
It's embarrassing as it is, you keep his secret and let him drink you. This ...this is crossing the line even for you. While you looked away from him, your face solemn, between two happy people, Astarion couldn't help but notice. He felt sad. For you. You had helped him so much. Yet you were so sad yourself. He felt powerless. He resolved to come talk to you when he could tear himself away.
You didn't want to linger.
You got up. Took your sword. A bottle. And sulked into the darkness. Away from the merriment. Guilty of leaving those having fun. But you needed to channel your energy. You swing your weapon at a tree a few times, then practiced some moves by yourself. The noise fades away. Your mind quietened. You stopped to catch your breath. To take in the view.
It was breathtaking.
As you were lost taking in the river gleaning in the moonlight in the valley down the cliff, you heard someone approach.
"I saw you leave. I got you some wine". Astarion's smiling face appeared from the shadows. He handed you the bottle. You gratefully accepted. "it's beautiful out here".
Yes it was.
"shall we? :) Everyone is happy back at camp. Come join them" he beckoned. As if he had sought you out just to escort you back. You obliged. Walking back, he expressed his gratitude, and asked if he could come visit you again. That familiar feeling of being used...
But you couldn't say no.
After the merriment of the night, you went back to your tent. Dreading the encounter. Your heart was beating so fast in anticipation of this secret rendezvous. Why did it feel so wrong, yet so exciting. Images of his eyes, his face close to you, bent on your hand, flashed across. The alcohol must be getting to you. You paced around the tent. Shortly after, you heard him approach.
Your heart almost stopped.
He stumbled in. Had he been drinking so much? Shadowheart did make him drink a lot, but still. He ran his fingers through his hair. Smiled his charming smile and came inside. "Are you ready, darling? I can't wait, I'm positively famished" he said reeking of alcohol.
Ugh. Whatever. He is not even in his senses.
What was I expecting. You went to him, half expecting having to support him, but he just plopped down on your pillows. On his back. He beckoned you to come near him. Clearly lacking any energy to sit up. So you sat next to him. Extending your left arm to him. He held it, then smelled your arm. Taking you in.
Weird. You thought.
He then playfully licked your hand, while looking at you. Entwined his fingers with yours, and kissed them again. You could sense your heat rising in you. Your heart pounding, feeling warm down there. What a tease. Just get on with it and be done.
He did something very unusual.
He continued to kiss the back of your hand, trailing up ever so slightly, then licked your hands up and then slowly down a bit back to your fingertips. He then turned your hand over and kissed your palm. He was on his back the whole time.
Does he think you are her?
What is he doing? You were getting flustered, humiliated...but you didn't want him to stop. You were greedy. Just when you were about to ask him, he bit you. The sharp pang was surprising this time. He wasn't being gentle, you let out a little moan, looking away, then dropping down next to him. You felt drained. The feelings were too much to handle.
Principles be damned.
You want to savor the moment. The man you yearn for, right next to you. Your shoulders touching. Lying on your back, next to each other, hearing each other's breath. His face so close to you, with your hand on his lips. His thighs next to yours. You want to touch him...
But can you?
You shouldn't. Must not. Maintain your dignity. You urged yourself. Please. You don't want to stoop so low. He let go... With another kiss on your hand, he licked the droplets, then turned to look at you. You could smell the alcohol again. His eyes were happy, he was smiling. He looked nothing like the deceptive manipulative rogue you think he is, at that time. Just someone, very happy, very safe, very content.
Isn't shadowheart waiting?
You wanted to ask. But it wasn't your place. So you let him be. He held your hand in his. Entwined your fingers. And he showed no signs of getting up. Much to your panic. Is he going to be here all night? He can't be planning to? You propped yourself up on your elbows. To get a look at his face. But he was already asleep!
This....son of a gun!! He was passed right out.
Part IV : There is much to do and I still want to live
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
Stoned, working myself up to do my T shot (where's Roach to do it for me when I need him?), and instead of getting that done I wrote this thing* instead.
*thing here meaning a more passiveish voice from Ed's POV mini fix it, focusing on Ed's feelings and thoughts and grief and regret in the immediate Izzy being saved but still in early recovery period. Blackhands with the vaguest hint of potential steddyhands.
Please forgive any formatting errors; I'm publishing this on mobile (and will get this up on AO3 too at some point.) I'll try to check later on desktop and address any errors though.
He hasn't washed his hair yet. 
He will, eventually. 
But as long as Izzy's blood is in his hair, there's proof that it's all real. That it happened, and that Izzy is still there and breathing.
It was a very, scarily close call, per Roach. 
But Izzy is alive. Wounded, hurting, but thus far seemingly on the mend. He spends most of the days resting on the ship (anchored near the little island that holds the rundown house they want to make into an inn. As soon as Izzy is better, at least.) The nights, as Jim, Archie, and Frenchie relay it, are harder. They take turns staying up with Izzy, apparently, when he can't sleep. 
He offers to take a turn, be added to the rotation. He means it in genuine goodwill, and out of fear that Izzy might still slip away in the night, somehow. 
Jim's knife is at his throat before he can blink, and that's answer enough. 
There's a lot of blame. Fair blame, but no easier to bear. On himself and Stede for not checking Ricky over for weapons, for having Izzy and others more or less lead the charge when it should have been them. 
On himself, for not moving from Izzy's right away, to let Roach in to work to save him. It hadn't been a conscious choice, though he can't seem to get any of them to understand it. 
Roach had shoved him aside just as he'd caught the glimmer of the ring around Izzy's scarf. And it had made him pause, still in the way, as he had realised he wasn't sure where his matching ring was (with a tiny but pretty amethyst stone.) Rings they'd exchanged years ago now, despite never clearly labeling what they had.
Stede's used the term ‘husbands’ when they've talked in the nights since the escape. To clarify and make sure they're settled on the same page about each other and Izzy and how they're going to proceed. It feels the most fitting word, but it hurts the worst. 
The ring, he thinks, is still somewhere among what little loot they didn't toss or sell. He wouldn't have gotten rid of it, no matter what. He thinks he knows at least that much about himself for sure. 
If he finds it; when he finds it; it might be thin enough to thread into a braid in his hair, or fit over the fabric when he wears Stede's scarf. 
He wants to be wearing it when he sees Izzy again. Not when Izzy is sleeping and unaware of his visits during the day, but awake and maybe willing to talk. 
To let him apologise, practice in action, because if anyone would let him treat their apology as ‘practice’ it would be Izzy. Just so long as he knows it's real this time. 
He fidgets in the wooden chair near Izzy's cot, threading his fingers together, knowing they're clean, but still seeing only Izzy's blood on them. 
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toushindai · 3 months
What's your playstyle for Hades and Hades 2? Preferred weapons, heat/fear level? Are you working to max out the minor prophecies?
I'm really intrigued honestly by how different my playstyle is between the two games? I'm not enough of a Gamer™ to put a finger on exactly how or why, but even thoughts like "I can afford to spend a lot at this Well of Charon because it's going to be a while before I see a shop" are ones I'm having more frequently. And another interesting thing is that when I'm playing a difficult run, in Hades I, the beginning will not be so much more difficult than normal and then things start ramping up in Elysium or thereabouts; in Hades II, though, I feel like I am suffering and hating life until I'm about halfway through the third biome and then my build clicks and everything comes up daisies. Well, at least this has happened a few times.
My Hades preferences are so very firmly established: if I wanted to have as fun a run as possible for me personally, it's the Chaos-aspect shield with Doom on the special and something to inflict another status curse on the attack to get easy access to Privileged Status active as much as possible. At my best I was trying to make it so that all four levels of Extreme Measures + Middle Management + a level or two of Tight Deadline felt like a baseline, "normal" run to me. Having not played for a while I can't promise that I could still do that with consistency (EM4 was never quite a given for me) but it was feeling pretty comfortable for a while.
As for Hades II--
I can't decide what my favorite weapon is. It might be? Charon Axe? Drop a plain cast, fire off a special, deal AOE damage, it's a good deal. Especially if you can get like Super Nova and the double-omega-special hammer in there. Before the recent patch, which improved the skulls, I feel like I'd gotten into a groove with Persephone skulls, and now after that patch I am worse at them. The staff feels like a nice safe weapon and the new Momus aspect rocks. The blades... I'm not terribly compelled by their playstyle (and I'll trade their omega attack for the ability to hold to attack continuously at the first opportunity) but a dagger and a sickle is literally the hottest weapon combination I can imagine. And the torches are weird. I'm used to them! I can do them! They even feel good to me know. But they're weird. Maybe the sixth weapon will steal my heart. I have a secret hope for the sixth weapon but it's a secret.
Thus far my actual Preferred level of Fear is "none," although I did spend a little time practicing on one level of the Vow of Fury (enemies go fast) so that that speed essentially feels normal/default to me now. Thus turning that into three free Fear. Vow of Arrogance is my second go-to vow because it's just another element to keep in mind and build around. I am, however, up to about 20~24 with the bounties so what I actually prefer is not so much what's driving my choices. At this point I just have to broadly suffer. I'm also slow as hell, my Underworld runs are still averaging about 40-45 minutes which means I can't put on even one level of the timer. I've got to work on that. (I should start ignoring resources. I have so many resources. I don't really need more.) I'm somewhat confident in my ability to finish up those bounties soon and then my focuses will be a) attempting 32 Fear until I hate myself and b) trying to wrest Defiance out of Chaos, as that's the last achievable prophecy I still need to work on. I have no confidence that I'll be able to do this quickly. During the Hades early access period, I was chasing Defiance for several months' worth of repeated patch notes that SGG was making Chaos offer Defiance more often. They finally coughed it up on my first run of the Nighty Night update. I look forward to Chaos once again withholding this from me until some kind of significant plot update involving them is implemented.
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mellowyandere · 3 years
One Hell of a Logical Ruse Part 2
Reader: F
Characters: Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Summary: Toshinori's anxiety over your absence quickly gave way to anger as he tired of your attitude. His own version of a punishment was in order.
Length: 6.7k
Warnings: non-con spanking, yandere themes, bathing, non-con, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, size kink.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Based off the pre-established fic You’re Ours to Protect. 
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Toshinori and Hizashi were pacing the kitchen, phones in hand as they tried to get Shouta to respond. You had been missing for upwards of six hours now and the pros were on the verge of losing it. Their sleepy counterpart had stated he wouldn't need the two blonds help, but try as they might they couldn't help the anxiety clawing away at their minds.
"Fuck Toshi what if she got hurt? I know she's capable 'n all but the woods! There's god knows what out there!" The smaller blond was vibrating he was so wound up, the mental image of bugs crawling all over you and coyotes tearing you to pieces sending him into a panic.
All Might's anxieties were a bit more practical, imagining you finding your way to the road and trying to hitch hike away from them. What if a villain found you and hurt you? Nowhere was safer than home with them.
"Shouta is fully capable of finding her, any minute now and he'll give me a call..." The words were meant to bring Hizashi comfort, but he was struggling to convince himself as well. His phone was clutched in his large hand, its silence on the verge of killing him.
When it finally rang he almost threw it across the room as he fumbled it. Slamming the answer button he brought the phone to his ear.
"Where is she, is she hurt, is she alright?"
"Calm down she's fine. Dirty and upset, but otherwise relatively unharmed."
Hizashi bounded over, ears perked so he could listen in on the conversation. His perfectly aligned teeth worried his bottom lip at his husbands word choice of relatively. So he was a bit rough on recovery.
"I'll send you our coordinates, she managed to get pretty far into the endless forest. Good thing that contact of yours set up this quirk or else she would have reached the main road hours ago."
Toshinori heard your disgruntled yelling in the background at Shouta's newest revelation before the line went dead. His phone pinged and he made a mental note of where the two of you were. Taking a deep breath he puffed up his chest, taking on his more muscular appearance before running out the front door.
An endless forest. Go figures. From what you could tell the further you wandered into the woods the deeper they actually became. You weren't exactly sure how they got in and out the house around the quirk, but the path you took was clearly not it.
You were currently sitting on the ground, back to Shouta as you simmered. Now that he was no longer plastered on top of you your anger was rekindled. You could feel his eyes burning holes into you, but you were far too pissed off to acknowledge him. It was a good thing he seemed to know when to leave you be, not bothering with conversation after fucking you into the forest floor.
The only thing he'd done since violating you was get his capture weapon, dragging you along so he didn't lose sight of you again.
Your head was still pounding from when you had hit the ground earlier. Combining that with how filthy you were and Shouta's cooling cum on your inner thighs, and you feel like absolute shit.
The sound of a loud thud behind you caused you to flinch. You didn't have it in you to turn around and face the number one hero right now, not sure if you would be able to handle whatever expression was on his face.
"Oh goodness, Shouta she's a mess what did you do?"
The dark haired man simply huffed in response, eyes rolling at the number ones concern.
"Just get us home, she needs a bath."
You hated when they talked about you like you weren't there, as if you were just some pet or child instead of your own autonomous person.
All Mights heavy footsteps approached you, stopping just shy of touching you. When you made no move to acknowledge his presence he sighed deeply, tutting at your behavior, before scooping you up bridal style. You closed your eyes to avoid looking at him, turning away from his broad chest.
"Shouta you can just grip around my neck from behind, it will only take a couple minutes to get back."
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes at his words. He had covered what took you six hours in mere minutes.
As soon as Eraserhead had confirmed himself secure All Might took off. Wind rushed passed you as he soared high above the canopy. You peeked your eyes open, trying desperately to see where the forest ended, but much to your dismay the nearest city looked to be hundreds of miles away, and any possible roads were obscured by trees.
"Take a good look Y/N," Toshinori murmured to you, voice rumbling against your ear. He didn't need to say more, you understood him loud and clear. Escape won't be possible, even if you get out you can't outrun me, and even if you hide it's only a matter of time before we find you. Your tears of frustration fell more freely now. Way to rub salt in the wound.
When you landed a minute or so later Shouta wasted no time in dropping off the giant while Toshinori quickly brought you inside. Hizashi greeted you at the front door, a strange mixture of relief, anger and disappointment swirling in his emerald eyes.
"Oh no baby look at yah. I got the water runnin' in the master bath in your room Toshi come on lets get her clean." Toshinori followed Hizashi upstairs, refusing to put you down. You all trailed through his bedroom, simplistic design leaving the space void of personality, until you ended up in his bathroom. The room was large, to accommodate the size of its owner, with white marble tiles on the floor, accompanied by white walls and white appliances, giving the room a sterile feeling.
"Hizashi, Shouta, I'll take care of her for now." You had expected a bit of protest from Hizashi but he merely walked out with a sad nod.
"Take it easy on her okay, it's partially my fault she got out..." Shouta mumbled, following his husband out of the bathroom. The door closed with a soft click and for the first time since coming into this house you found yourself alone with All Might. He was normally so busy you barely ever saw him, but now here he was, gently lowering you to the floor.
He stepped away from you, running his hand under the large free standing tubs faucet to test the water temperature. Hizashi had left everything he'd need to clean you up, towel and spare clothes included.
"Go ahead and strip." His voice was colder than normal, an edge to it that filled you with unease. Turning to finally look at him you sucked in your breath. His eyes were fixated on you, searing you with a look that was equal parts disappointment and wounded. He was still in his muscular form, kneeling impatiently beside the bath.
Heat rushed to your face as you slowly began to peel off your filthy clothes, until you were standing in front of him in your bra and underwear. He quirked an eyebrow at you as his frowned deepened.
"All of it." Anger and fear mixed dangerously in your mind as you glared at him.
"I can clean myself."
"I don't recall asking if you could. Strip, now."
When you made no move to comply he threw his head back in exasperation, heaving a large sigh before standing to his full height.
"I have had enough of your behavior young lady. I understand your frustration with us, but we're doing this for your own good. Would you really rather waste away in prison?"
"I'd rather you assholes just kill me already or something, this whole playing pet thing is really starting to piss me off!" His face dropped, teeth grinding against one another as his mind processed what you said. You had no idea how villains got the nerve to fight him, right now it was taking everything inside you to not back down and apologize.
"Kill you? Are you serious right now!" He stomped up to you, frame looming over you threateningly as his eyes blazed with fury.
Swallowing hard you steeled your nerves, you had nothing left to lose so might as well give him a piece of your mind.
"I was perfectly fine before you fuckers brought me here! I don't need you! The fact that you had to prevent me from using my quirk is proof enough that I don't need you! Sure I might not have had much, but it was mine! My life to own and do whatever the hell I wanted with, not yours to take!"
"The moment you decided killing people was the only way to solve your problems was the moment you lost the rights to your life. As heroes in this world, and enforcers of justice, you are sentenced to our care. Now stop arguing with me and strip."
Puffing out your chest you narrowed your tear stained eyes and fixed him with the nastiest look you could muster. "Fuck. You."
In that moment you saw something inside him snap. Mouth pulled tight in a terrifying scowl, he had you maneuvered faster than you could comprehend. One moment you had been standing in front of him, the next you were strewn over his lap, facing the floor.
You yelled out in anger, clawing at his calves through his cargo pants. You knew what would be coming next, but your brain didn't want to slow down to think about how humiliating it was about to be.
"If you want to act like a child then you'll be punished like one. Count. One for every hour you were gone. Be grateful it's not more."
"Let go of me you fucking assho- aH!"
His large hand made contact with your clothed ass, the slap muffled by the sound of running water.
You bit down on your bottom lip hard, tears leaving trails as they washed the dirt down your face. You waited with bated breath, the stinging on your ass for now was bearable enough.
"Y/N, you will count on this next one or I will double your punishment. I'm done playing games with you."
You tensed on the expanse of his massive thighs. You didn't want to count, didn't want to give in, but deep down you knew you'd never win.
His hand came down again with another resounding smack right on top of the first hit. You let out a sob from the impact, choking out a soft "one" as your self preservation instincts kicked your ego to the curb.
"Good, only five more to go."
Your head hung in shame as you waited for your punishment to end, jolting and squeaking out numbers every time he made contact with your burning flesh. To his credit he applied the same level of force with each hit, but every time he made contact the intensity of your burn increased until finally you cried out a broken "six".
You felt so pathetic, strewn across All Mights lap. You used to be so independent, never did you imagine this would be your fate. What happened to your self confidence? The fire inside of you that pushed you to rid the world of villains felt smoldered. Doused by the degrading nature of your stay with the three pro heroes.
It made you want to curl up in a ball and cry until your head pounded from exhaustion. Today was simply getting to be too much for you to mentally handle. From your failed escape attempt, your pathetic attempt at self defense against Shouta, learning running was a pointless waste of your time, to now getting a spanking like a fucking child from All Might himself. The list of losses just kept adding up, and none of them were in your favor.
You were openly sobbing, and the fact that you were crying was pissing you off even more, making for a horrible cycle where you simply cried harder. Toshinori gently moved you around in his hold until he had you clutched to his chest, gently shushing you as you clung to him. Despite how wrong it was you found comfort in Toshinori as he rubbed soft circles into your back, grasping small handfuls of his t-shirt as you stained the white fabric with tears and dirt.
"Everything is going to be okay, I know you've had a bad day and being locked up isn't easy for you. Just give it some time Y/N and you'll see that things here aren't so bad with us. We're here for you, and we're never going to tire of you, even with that stubborn attitude of yours."
Toshinori waited patiently for your sobbing to turn into soft hiccups before peeling you off of him. He removed what little clothes you had left and then lowered you into the tub. The drain was unplugged since you were still filthy, and sitting you in a full tub of water would murky up the clean bath.
Grabbing a large cup Toshinori filled it and poured water over your naked body. You watched with unfocused and puffy eyes as the proof of your failed escape attempt swirled down the drain. Only when the water finally ran clear did Toshinori put the plug in. The lulling warmth progressively crept higher up your body, your head bobbing as you grew sleepy. Toshinori turned the water off once the water had reached your chest, leaving it a good bit from the lip of the tub.
You heard the rustling of clothes but paid the source no mind. You didn't so much as react when the now naked hero stepped into the bath, shimmying down until you were surrounded by him. The water level rose drastically with the addition of the 560 pound man. His thick thighs were splayed on either side of you, solid abdominal muscles pressed into your back.
You heard the pop of a bottle before two large hands gently began to lather your skin in body wash.
"I'm not sure how you like your hair cleaned princess. Whenever women find out I use two in one shampoo they give me a look like I kicked a puppy so I'll just leave that to you for another time." He chuckled softly as he spoke, massaging the tightness out of your shoulders before moving down to your arms.
He spoke so casually, as if all his anger from earlier evaporated with the ending of your punishment. You found yourself grateful that he moved on so quickly instead of lingering on your emotional degradation.
You felt his cock stir a bit as he came back to your chest, cupping them and working the soap onto your skin with more attention than he'd shown your shoulders. You stiffened a bit, but since he made no further move to grind himself against you, you remained in his hold.
"I'm sorry for being rough with you, I'd much rather do something relaxing like this than bring you pain." He pulled you until your head was laying on the expanse of his chest, the deep pounding of his heart mingling with the ringing in your ears. It was almost relaxing, minus the growing erection pressed against your lower back.
Reluctantly his hands left your breast, moving further down your body. He rubbed the soft expanse of your stomach, humming happily at your lack of resistance to him. Only when his hands drifted further did you begin to stir a bit.
"Now young lady I need to make sure all of you is cleaned up okay? You're behaving yourself so well I'd really hate to ruin the moment."
"No, no. Please. Just this one thing.."
His hands paused. He hated how broken you sounded right now. Pulling back he raised his arms outside the tub and rested them along the edges. You relaxed a bit as he retreated.
"Alright Y/N, do you need any soap?"
Sighing softly in relief, you were glad that he was willing to give you this. It almost made you feel human again.
"Nah, it's not healthy to use soap down there."
Toshinori merely hummed in acknowledgement, sliding further into the bath and pushing you along with him as he got comfortable.
You cleaned your core gently, it was still a bit sore from what Shouta had done earlier to you. Only once you deemed yourself spotless did you get soap to lather on the parts of you Toshinori had not gotten to. Speaking of, his breathing had gotten a lot deeper. You peaked back at him noticing his head uncomfortably resting against the tub as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Peering down his naked body you couldn't help but gasp softly as you took note of the large injury covering part of his abdomen. You turned towards him, sending ripples through the water as you cautiously brought your hand to the deep scar. You knew that All Might had been injured enough to force him into a smaller form, but seeing the injury first hand was something else entirely. Who on earth had been able to hurt this titan of a man?
You hadn't realized Toshinori had woken up until his large hand gently covered your own. Meeting his soft gaze you were taken aback by his sad smile.
"The man who did this to me, some say it would be best if I just killed him already. But that's not what heroes do, that's not what Nana would do."
Taking hold of your body Toshinori moved you until he had you straddling the smallest part of his waist. Since you were both completely naked you kept your eyes trained on his injury, heat rushing to your cheeks at the intimacy of the position. His hands rose from the water, gently cupping your face and drawing your gaze to his own.
"When I look at you sometimes I can see her. Your strong will, your intelligence, how beautiful you are... but you're not the same person. Not in a bad way, no you are unique. Your own individual, and someone who I've come to love, even if you don't feel the same way."
His blue orbs were hypnotizing, almost as if he believed if he tried hard enough your own glassy orbs would mirror his loving gaze, or perhaps he'd see it hidden in the depths of your irises.
This moment was far too intimate and personal for your comfort, it was so different than anything any of the men had done before. In a way you almost preferred when they failed to acknowledge you as an equal, it made it easier to hate them. But right now, sitting in the warm bath atop Toshinori, you could feel your resolve slipping.
You didn't want to bring attention to his confession so you decided to try and divert the subject.
"Who's Nana?" You had never heard of her before, not even in tabloids referring to All Might. Toshinori's hands froze on your face, eyes scrunching up as he contemplated on how he wanted to answer.
"Nana... Nana was my mentor. Though calling her that doesn't feel right, she was more like a mother to me. She's the reason I am who I am. Without her I'd be nothing."
Past tense, he was using a lot of past tense. It didn't take a genius to interpret why. His forlorn expression filled in the gaps, so you didn't bother to ask what had become of her. He saw you in the same light he saw this woman?
"Y/N, will you sleep with me tonight?"
Taking note of your hesitation he continued speaking before you could voice any protests.
"Coming home and realizing you were gone.. I was so worried, so afraid I'd never see you again. That you'd be taken away from me, and I don't know if I can handle losing you. I've lost so many people that I cared deeply about, I refuse to lose you too."
How in the ever loving fuck were you supposed to refuse him now. Even though you were still mad at him from his earlier form of punishment you couldn't find it in you to hurt him right now.
"Yeah that's fine, but just tonight. You probably put off a ridiculous amount of heat or snore or something..."
Toshinori flashed you his signature smile before bellowing out a laugh. The water rippled and your body jostled along with his hearty chuckle.
"Me? Snore? No, it'll be the coughing that might get to you haha-ack"
Pain flashed across his face before you felt his body rapidly shrink beneath you with a large puff of smoke. He scrambled upright, causing you to fall against him as he hacked out a lung. You awkwardly placed your hand on his back and rubbed small circles as one of his arms gripped you tightly for balance.
"So-sorry I think I was in my muscular form for too long."
He looked a bit sheepish, using the back of his forearm to wipe off some blood that had dribbled down his chin. You merely sat there, doing your best to look anywhere but him as he collected himself.
"The water's getting cold, come on let's get out princess."
You stood up first, awkwardly stepping over his legs and out of the tub. You were a bit embarrassed that he kept his eyes trained on you the whole time while his hands hovered to ensure your safety. A pile of large fluffy towels were set to the side of the tub on a stool. Grabbing the one on top you began the process of drying off.
You heard the sloshing of water as Toshinori stood up, followed by the sound of the plug being pulled and water draining. Looking over it amazed you that even in his smaller form he was was still intimidating. Wiry muscles clung tight to his frame, the angles of his face casting shadows across his eyes. Stepping out he grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry himself off as well.
"Hizashi left you some clothes it would seem... though they look a bit uncomfortable. You can borrow a spare shirt of mine, I also have a spare toothbrush on the top right hand draw of the counter if you want to hide out in my room tonight."
You very much wanted to avoid Hizashi, not sure if you could handle whatever he'd have in store for you right now. Out of three men here, he made you the most nervous. Even now, as you held the scandalous lingerie up to the light you knew he was still going to want his share of punishment.
"I'll take your shirt offer, as well as the hiding out offer. I don't think I can handle him tonight."
Toshinori hummed in acknowledgement before heading to his bedroom and shuffling about before reappearing with one of his large white t-shirts. He had on boxers now, which he must have bought specifically for his smaller form because they hugged all of him rather snugly. Tossing the shirt your way he meandered about the bathroom, preparing for sleep.
You both finished around the same time, leaving you to awkwardly shuffle towards his gigantic bed. He followed behind you, large hand on the small of your back to encourage you onwards.
You wanted him to sleep on the other side of the bed but weren't sure exactly how to voice your desire, especially when he followed so closely behind you. Pulling back the sheets you slid under the cool covers, and yet again Toshinori somehow found a way to leave you with no space.
After turning off the bedside lamp his long limbs quickly ensnared you, pulling you close and tucking you into his embrace. He was warm, but not unpleasantly hot.
Just for tonight. You'd give him this just for tonight. You were also beyond exhausted, your limbs heavy as you sunk into his ridiculously comfortable mattress. Your mind, which had been drifting off ever since the bath, finally dipped into unconsciousness. Your soft breathing filled the air as Toshinori watched you finally succumb to slumber. Smiling softly he lovingly stroked your cheek, planting a kiss to your forehead before giving in himself.
Waking with a jolt you were thrown off by limbs harshly clutching your body. It took you a moment to remember that you weren't in your own bedroom, meaning Toshinori was currently holding you like his life depended on it.
The room was pitch black so you had no idea what time it was, but figured it was still way to early to be awake. His grip on your body was borderline painful causing you to groan out in sleepy annoyance.
"Toshinori, damnit, wake up. You're squeezing me too tight," you grumbled, wiggling a bit to try and jostle him awake. He was murmuring in his sleep, deep voice grumbling against you with the way he had you pressed against his chest.
"D-don't go... no no. I am here... please."
His body was trembling, caught in a nightmare that you couldn't see.
You raised your voice a bit, trying harder to wake him up but he still wouldn't release his grip on you. Only when you accidentally elbowed him did he finally react to you.
With a harsh gasp he threw himself on top of you, pushing you into the mattress. His blue eyes were a wild blaze, messy blond hair framing his angular face. His long bangs were plastered to his forehead from sweat, lungs heaving to swallow air.
He looked so lost, eyes clouded with tears as his brain finally registered he was no longer trapped in his own personal hell. Groaning out in discomfort he lowered his body on top of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arms around you, trying to ground himself.
"Ah, I'm- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up... fuck." Moving down he rested his head against your chest, as if he needed to hear your heart beating beneath him in order to assure himself you were really here.
All you could find it in yourself to do was sigh in exhaustion, body going limp as you relaxed beneath him. It was a good thing he was in his smaller form, since he wasn't attempting to keep any of his weight off of you. You closed your eyes, not quite ready to ask him what his nightmare had been about.
He sniffled softly into your chest, arms unwinding from your waist to gently rub against your exposed flesh. His shirt had drifted up your body, leaving your stomach and lower half exposed.
"May I, may I touch you please?"
"You already are..."
"Oh, uh- yeah it would seem I am. Could I touch you, um down here?" His hand trailed down, knuckles softly brushing against your bare thighs.
You cracked your eyes open to look down at him, his own glowing orbs pleading up to you.
"Toshinori can we just go back to sleep? Please?"
Biting his bottom lip his hand continued to drift closer to your naked core, eyes averting from your own as he thought about what he was going to do next.
"I know I'm not around as much as Hizashi and Shouta but gosh I just- I need to feel you right now. The way they talk about you, how perfect you feel, I need you."
"I-I'd rather we just sleep, Hizashi is still mad at me an-"
Toshinori slid up your body, silencing your protests with a kiss. His hand slid up all the way, using his own thigh as leverage to keep you from closing yours.
His tongue delved into your mouth, fingers finally meeting your outer folds. You struggled beneath him, breaking the kiss.
"Toshinori please, I just want to sleep." In reality you were scared. You had seen his length before, and you'd be a liar if you said it didn't intimidate you. That coupled with the fact that tonight had been going semi-well with the pro, him finally having his share of you would cement your fate in this house even further. His fingers had paused, body still as he took you in below him.
"You don't have to do a thing then princess, I'll take care of everything. Just lay back and relax I promise I'll make you feel good."
"To-Toshinori please, I just want to sleep," you looked deep into his eyes as you pleaded with him, hoping somehow you could find the part of him that knew this was wrong. He gave you a sad smile, his eyes still a bit glassy from his nightmare.
"Just think of this as the last of your punishment then. I still don't think you realize just how terrified I was when I came home to an empty house."
You shook your head, sniffling a bit as tears formed. You tried to push him off but he merely took one large hand and easily secured both of your wrists above your head. His other hand resumed ever so gently teasing you, working on getting you aroused.
"Just lay back and relax alright, then we can go back to sleep. I just-I just need to feel you right now. Need to make sure you're really here."
You worked your bottom lip with you teeth, eyes closed so you no longer had to look at him. His thumb trailed up to press light circles against your clit while his middle finger began to delve a bit deeper, teasing your sore hole. Your body had gone slack, tired of the fact that this was just another situation in which your powerlessness was painfully on display. You didn't have it in you mentally to put up a fight.
Toshinori moved his slim hips until his clothed cock was pressed against your right thigh, rutting against you while he worked you open. He gave a gentle peck to your forehead before trailing kisses down your face to your mouth. He captured your lips with his own, freeing your bottom lip from your teeth and moaning into your unwilling mouth.
You didn't work with him, not giving him the satisfaction of your consent, but he wasn't deterred. He simply moved down, back arching as he made his way to your chest. His erection left your thigh as he finally settled on his stomach between your legs, allowing him to comfortably take your right nipple into his hot mouth.
He nipped at the sensitive bud, long finger pushing into you at the same time while he continued to work your clit. His movements were slow as he savored every moment, sleepy mind basking in the warmth of your body.
You tried to drift back to sleep, thinking that perhaps in the emptiness of unconsciousness you could avoid your punishment, but Toshinori was surprisingly very skilled when it came to manipulating your body. You shuddered beneath him when he gave a particularly hard suck to your breast, his lean digit rubbing against the spongy spot on your inner walls that had you clamping down on him in return.
His pace was torture, just on the cusp of bringing you satisfaction, but he seemed plenty content with dragging this out. You wiggled below him in annoyance, attempting to grind down against his hand in anger and desperation. If he was going to force himself on you then the least he could do was not torment you about it.
With a soft sigh Toshinori released your nipple from his mouth, a small trail of spit connected to his lips. Opening your eyes you glared down at him, while his eyelids were hooded in an amorous gaze.
"Tell me what you need me to do for you princess."
"Let me sleep."
Toshinori gave a sleepy chuckle before peppering your chest with lazy kisses.
"You're more than welcome to try."
Resting his head against your chest he continued to pump his finger excruciatingly slow, easily pushing all the way in to his knuckle, thanks to how wet you had become, before dragging out with a languid come hither motion against your sensitive walls.
You could feel your heart accelerate as he lazily stroked pleasure into your slack body. The way in which you velvety walls clamped down on him far too telling of his skill. It would be so much easier to hate him if he wasn't so damn good at this. In some sick and twisted way though, his loving movements quelled the rage inside you.
Did you want this? Tears slipped down your face as you realized that some fucked up part of you just might. Toshinori hummed softly into your flesh while he lazily worked you closer to your climax, the endorphins flooding your brain working to wash away your inner turmoil. His thumb rubbed gentle circles on your clit while he nipped and sucked on whatever flesh he could reach.
Once he realized you were close to finishing he simply added another finger, stretching and wiggling the two digits to help open you up. You moaned softly at the intrusion, hips bucking as you gave in to him. It didn't take him much longer to finally push you over the edge, but he didn't stop like you had hoped. Adding a third digit you inhaled sharply at the burning sensation, stretched walls still spasming from your orgasm.
"I'll make sure you're ready, don't worry about a thing. Just a little bit more, you're tight but I'll fit."
"It- you won't fit, please you know you won't."
As if to prove you wrong he pushed a bit harder then you were prepared for, burying three of his fingers knuckle deep and forcing a pained whine from your throat. He began to move, getting on his knees and arching his body over your own while continuing to stroke your now sensitive and stinging cunt.
"As I said earlier, just think of this as the ending to your punishment."
"But Hizashi hasn't-" Toshinori cut you off with a pointed look.
"That's not my fault now is it?" You cringed away from him, his cold tone from earlier in the night caused your chest to tighten in fear.
He sighed lowly at your frightened expression, before giving you a small smile and another gentle peck to your forehead.
"Just lay back and relax alright?" He gave your captured wrists a light squeeze as he spoke, large frame hovering over you as he continued to scissor his fingers inside you. The burning sensation from being stretched out began to subside as the familiar warmth of pleasure took hold of you once more.
"There we go, just like that. The more you relax the easier this will be I promise."
Finally pulling his devilish hand away from your soaked pussy he made quick work of shimmying out of his underwear, long cock springing free. The tip was red with a good bit of pre-cum dripping down his intimidating length, some getting lost in his neatly trimmed curly blond pubic hair.
You had flashbacks to the first time you saw it, a bit relieved that in his smaller form he lost a bit of girth. But holy shit if this 7 foot 2 inch giant of a man wasn't packing heat.
Heat flushed Toshinori's face as he watched you take him in. He knew his size could be a bit alarming, which is why he was well versed in the art of foreplay.
Bringing himself down on top of you he lined his tip up with your entrance, free hand helping to guide himself in. You could feel him, gently rubbing himself on your outer lips to gather your slick. His raspy breaths ghosted across the hot expanse of your face, while he closed his eyes, letting out a low groan as he began to push in.
"Sh-shit yes, just like that, ah fuck it'll be a tight fit."
You whined as he began to work on sinking into you, his hand leaving his cock in favor of gently wrapping around your throat.
Despite his best efforts his fingers hadn't been enough preparation when compared to his cock. Gasping in pain you thrashed beneath him. He shushed you gently, fingers stroking your throat delicately as he speared you open. Little by little he rocked his hips into you, holding you down while you cried out in pain.
"So good, you're doing so good. The worst is over okay princess hold out for me."
You hardly knew what he meant by worst part when it felt like he was never going to bottom out. He brought his face down beside yours, huffing and groaning into your ear until finally he was flush with you, cock buried to the hilt. You were breathing hard, small whines and whimpers slipping past your lips at how he stretched you.
"Oh shit. You- you're fucking perfect."
"Too much, it's too much plea-" much to your frustration his mouth met your own again in order to cut off your protests. He pressed your head into the pillow to try and prevent you from pulling away from him again, hungrily following your escape attempts. The hand he had around your throat receded, only to snake its way between the two of you so he could continue teasing your sensitive clit.
His hips began to move again, assuming he had given you plenty of time to adjust based off the way your pussy clenched around him as if begging for more.
He starting off with the same tempo he had been doing for the majority of the night, so slow it was as if he was teasing you. But as the burning sensation in your poor cunt eased you realized he was doing it for your benefit. He wanted you to enjoy this, needed you to find pleasure and comfort in him. After all this was your first time with him, he wanted to make sure you weren't afraid when he came back for more.
As your whimpers subsided, replaced with hushed moans, only then did Toshinori begin to pick up the pace. Finally he released your mouth from his kiss, both of you gasping for air. He showered you with praise as he fucked into you, deep gravely voice never letting you forget just how much he cared for you.
For your part all you could do was submit to him, letting his deft finger and cock bring you back to the brink of orgasm. Your warm walls fluttered around him as he took you closer and closer, the resounding slap of flesh on flesh filling the room as he lost himself in his own pleasure. He was grounded only long enough to see you through, but as soon as you began to convulse around him, hips bucking and pretty mouth moaning obscenely, his mind blanked out.
He abandoned your clit, hand coming up to join the other and thread his fingers through your own. He hammered into you, painfully drawing out your orgasm as he chased his own climax. The juxtapose of him lovingly holding your hands to his feral thrusts was giving you mental whiplash.
"Yes, yes fuck. So good for me, don't ever leave me again. Shit - fuck I can't lose anyone else."
His thrusts were erratic, your whole body forced to move against his. You had assumed he would cum in you, just as Hizashi and Shouta had already done, but right before he finished he pulled out quickly. Pressing the head of his cock into your skin, hot thick surges of cum covered your stomach. The excess quickly began to drip down the side of your body, mingling with your sweat on the sheets below.
Coming down from his high, his hands were still intertwined with your own, skinny body heaving from exertion. For your part your heart rate had mostly settled after your second orgasm, leaving you effectively spent under him.
You had managed to keep your eyes closed while he had fucked you, only now opening them to find him observing you fondly. Releasing his hold on you he leaned over to his bedside table and grabbed a spare handkerchief, using it to wipe off his cooling cum.
Only when he deemed you properly spotless did he toss the cloth to the floor and flop down in the bed beside you. Drawing your weary body against him he folded around you, capturing you once more in his unrelenting grip.
"I know you haven't been here very long, but I can't help but love you so much it hurts. I'll be good to you if you're good to me okay?"
A meager "m-kay" was all you had it in you to respond with, but it was all the man wanted to hear. With a satisfied hum Toshinori pecked your forehead with one last kiss before you both succumbed to sleep.
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purble-turble · 3 years
I request 2 with our favorite softboy Prince Red if thats chill
"Is there a reason you're blushing like that?”
Prince Red silently cursed himself as he covered his cheeks with his forearm. "Ah... forgive my appearance, mother," he said as cooly as possible, "I was... practicing katas before you arrived. Perhaps I overdid it with my fire."
He was getting better with his lies. He had started as a stammering mess, unable to stand up to either of his parents and bending to their unreasonable demands. It was only lately he'd been more courageous in his defiance... not in any way they would be able to tell, of course. He wasn't quite there yet. He might not ever be, but he was really trying. Not just for his own sake either.
Princess Iron Fan lifted a brow at his excuse, "Well, good to know my weak little pacifist is bettering himself," she said without an ounce of warmth in her voice, "keep at it and perhaps you won't be so useless next time we face off against that Noodle Boy and his peasant friends."
"Of course, mother." Red managed to keep the bite out of his voice. That part was easy. He'd had to learn to contain his anger a long time ago because there was so much of it. "The project you asked for isn't quite finished yet, but give me another week and I'll let you know."
"You know I don't like to be kept waiting." The wind whipped up slightly, blowing one or two lanterns off their hooks in the courtyard adjacent. Neither of the demons paid it any mind, allowing some nearby servants to scramble to retrieve them. "And your father is more impatient than I am... If you don't deliver soon I'll have to send him next time."
The only response was a nod. Red knew better than to react to the implicit threat there, despite the slight jolt of fear that he felt in his gut at the notion of his father visiting the court again. Luckily, Iron Fan seem satisfied with that, and the wind picked up yet again, this time circling around her in a violent whirlwind to whisk her way.
"See you in a week, darling," her voice carried back on the wind, and with that she was gone.
Prince Red hurried out into the courtyard to assist the demon servants who were picking up the further lanterns and ornaments that were disturbed by his mother's wind. A few of them shooed him away, insisting it was fine and they had it, but he still wanted to help. His parents always seemed to make a mess of things one way or another whenever they visited the court. It was starting to get exhausting.
Just as he was helping to upright one last stone lantern, he heard the door behind him slide open.
"She gone yet?"
Red looked over his shoulder and saw MK poking his head out from the small opening. His head was way down at ground level, like he had crawled over to the door on his stomach and slid it open while stretched out across the room.
"If you weren't sure, why would you be opening the door and risking her seeing you?"
A smile cracked across MK's face and he pushed the door open further so the rest of the small tea room was visible, along with the tea tray and drinks they were supposed to be sharing before being interrupted.
"Heh hehh, yeah I know she is. I heard the whole conversation... These doors don't block nearly as much sound as I thought." The Monkie Kid rolled over onto his back and hopped up onto his feet, "Speaking of... what's this project you're doing for your parents?"
"Ah... yes, that..." the prince said as he finally stepped back onto the wood platform just outside the door, "it's a weapon they requested. I've been putting off giving them anything but they're getting impatient." At the look MK gave him he felt the need to clarify further, holding his hands up defensively, "Don't worry, it's not going to work! I would never give them something they could actually use to hurt humans.... o-or you..."
"Yeah, ok," MK's smile returned, though softer this time, "let's talk about this some other time, I've only got a few more minutes to spare before Monkey King expects me at Flower Fruit Mountain." MK reached forward, seizing the front of Red's robes to pull him the rest of the way inside.
Prince Red's face turned a shade of red to match his hair as his blush returned, but he allowed himself to be dragged back into the tea room to be with MK and their sure to remain untouched tea.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Certain member of the company might have gotten Kíli smitten. Sadly, Thorin is not exactly fond of her, and the last thing Kíli wanted was to go against his uncle's will.
Pairing: Kíli x Hobbit!Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: I have a Dwalin x reader request on the making I'm kinda struggling with, so in the meantime, enjoy this first part of a two-part fic of Kíli <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Pretty" I commented, moving away from Fíli and in Y/n's direction. "the bow, I mean."
"Sad," she faked a pout at me and then resumed her excrutination of her newly acquired weapon. "I thought you meant me."
"Defining you only as pretty would be offensive." she snorted and I gave her a playful smile with my arm extended, prompting her to hand me the bow. "You know how to use it?"
"I thought you could teach me?" she suggested, a mischievous grin on her lips. "I could use some lessons." she took a couple of steps towards me and stood way closer than what was necessary to pick up the bow from my hands. "If you don't mind, of course."
I had to fight the urge of closing the space between us and crashing my lips against hers. "I do not." instead, I allowed myself to steal a stare at her mouth, tightened due to her smile. "I will get more alone time with you."
"Oh, you would love that," she teased, grabbing the bow and stepping back. "Wouldn't you."
"Indeed." I confessed, biting my lower lip. "can you blame me, though?"
"Kíli." I looked over Y/n's shoulder to be met with Thorin’s cold eyes. "Come, I have to speak to you."
"I'll go do... something... Elsewhere." Y/n turned around to take a look at Thorin before leaving me there.
"What is it?" I inquired, stalking to my uncle, who led me away from any nosy ears before starting the conversation.
"What do you think about Y/n?" his question was cryptic, even more than usual.
"I think she's kind and funny." I spoke not entirely truthful. "She learns fast."
"Fíli mentioned you're fond of her." my jaw clenched and my shoulders tensed. "Is that true?"
"No!" I replied, way too fast for it to be a reliable answer. "I mean, yes but only as far as friendship reaches."
"That's good." Thorin’s eyes dug into Y/n's back as she talked with Bofur. "I wouldn't like to get in your heart's way."
"Wait- what?" I burrowed my brows in confusion. "Why would you have to get in my heart's way?"
"You are a prince, Kíli." Thorin spoke apathetic. It was no secret that he, at his best, tolerated Y/n, but it felt like he was taking that to another level. "I could never allow such relationship."
"But- why? What does that have to be with anything?" I knew my already poor lie was crumbling, but I was not only confused, I was concerned.
"She's a hobbit." the despise in his tone made me step back. "It's just not possible." I stood there with my mouth in agape and my heart aching. "Kíli, do you understand?"
"Spare your heart, nephew." he spun around ready to leave and placed a hand over my shoulder, giving me an intent glance. I knew by the look in his eyes that he was dead serious. "Do not suffer for what it cannot be."
Once I was left alone, leaving the command to sink in whilst looking at Y/n. How was I supposed to spare my heart? She already had it.
I grabbed another arrow from the quiver, tied with a belt around my waist, and placed it on the bow, taking my arm back and aiming as I could before shooting.
I missed my target. Again.
A frustrated huff escaped my lips. Not all the fault fell over my capabilities with the bow though, it also happened to be dusk, and light was lacking. It was a pity that the only moment I could practice was the end of the daylight.
I repeated the process once more; I missed once more. Maybe if Kíli hadn't been avoiding being near me at all, I could have asked him for help.
Another try.
Just when I was about to let go of the arrow, I heard a voice behind me. "Don't do it like that."
"Are you stalking me?" I joked, turning my torso to meet the prince's eyes.
"I have better things to do." Kíli retorted in what was meant to sound as a joke, but inevitably hid some hostility.
"Now that you're here, though," I lowered the bow and made the arrow spin before handing it to him. "Why don't you teach me how to do it?" He looked to his left as if he was meditating if he should leave or not. "You agreed on giving me some lessons and I'm yet to have the first one."
"Okay," his hands picked the weapon from mines. "it'll be a quick lesson so pay attention will you?" I nodded, leaning against the tree besides me. "stand like-" he stomped his foot on the floor to lead my attention there. "this." he leaned on me and took an arrow from the quiver, getting a little too close before immediately retreating. "Take your arm back- chest up, arms steady, and let go." The arrow hit the center of the target and he handed me the bow back. "try."
I grabbed another arrow and followed his steps, in a seemingly perfect way, but before I could shoot the arrow he stopped me.
"Wait, not like this- your body has to be more-" his hands went to my hips and turned me to the side with a tug. "there. Also, it's better if you do it quick." he guided my arms and spread them faster than I had done. "try again." I did it once more, this time as he told me. "okay now chest up."
"my chest is up." I replied, and immediately observed him moving behind me. "what-" I involuntarily gasped when his hands tweaked my shoulders. "we're running out of light." I commented slightly stressed.
"we still have time, take a breath and relax." he whispered near my ear, "hold on like this." his hands lingered on my shoulders for a second, after which he moved away and circled me to stand by my side. "now."
My arrow hit right besides his and dug deep into the target. "Yes!" I exclaimed putting down the bow once more. "That was a great shot."
"I am a great teacher." he stated with a grin that as soon as had appeared, vanished. "I should go."
"Hold on, Kíli," I grasped his wrist and brought him back to me. "Tell me what's the matter?" I questioned, already tired of his sudden distant attitude towards me. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Then what's the reason for this behavior?" his eyes told me he wanted to speak up, but his lips didn't even part. "I thought we were friends?"
"We are."
"Thorin is not fond of you."
I widened my eyes in shock. "Does that mean you are not allowed to be fond of me?"
He shook his head no. "It is not like that."
"How is it then?"
There was that look again, though he refrained himself from saying whatever he wanted to, once more.
"You should come back to the others," he simply replied, setting free from my grasp. "it's getting late."
"What about you?" I questioned with a frown as I walked to the target in order to get the arrows back.
"I was sent to scout." he replied distractedly, for he had his attention on our surroundings to assure no one was with us, nor friend nor foe.
I stopped walking back to my previous position. "Alone?"
"I won't go too far," he soothed me, kicking a small rock with his boot. "I will probably be back way before daybreak."
"I don't think it's safe."
Kíli looked up from his feet to meet my eyes, "Don't stress about it," the dwarf then gifted me a brief yet sincere smile. "I'm stealthy."
I sighed with a mix of tiredness and defeat. "whatever you say, little prince."
He let out a soft laughter and casted his gaze down again. "In truth we didn't need Bilbo, I could—" he almost choked on his words when, unexpectedly for the both of us, I steadied myself with his arm and stood on my tiptoes to plant a peck on his cheek.
"If you're not back before daybreak I will worry." I warned him, making my way back to the improvised camp without sparing a second look at him, fearing he might notice the blush on my cheeks even with that poor light we then had.
I, therefore, wasn't able to see him standing there, dumbfounded, with his own face red and his fingertips ghosting over his cheekbone.
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crunchykiwibby · 4 years
Core Four
Hi! After days of my antics i had decided to show my drawings for my redrawn Descendants next to outfit clarification/ idea for my fanfiction (+ analysis because I love fashion analysis! I watched one episode of the topic and I'm hooked now-) also sorry about the poor camera quality I'll digitalize it soon 😭
So here's them all together:
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So what they have in common is the use of patterns and somewhat baggy(ish?) clothing whether it's from the top, ( Carlos, Evie) or by the pants ( Jay, Mal). The next use is pictures or patterns which is pretty predominant in Mal's side of town ( The inner city/ a good most of the Isle except anywhere near the coast. Which is known to be Uma's side of town.) 9 times out of 10 you would see a lot of painted clothes with patterns or designs, pieces of leather or cloth in clothing that can form a pattern or pictures. It is very popular on the Isle to wear gloves, bandages, and something you can at least move in because sometimes certain areas get congested and you might have to jump from a building time to time, run away from a troll, or fight. Also it's good to wear clothes that hide stuff you stole or hide weapons compared to Uma's side of town where you kinda just casually have a dagger or sword out. The inner city fashion is a mix of military, grunge, and goth depending on where you are. And it also reflects in the fanfiction in their Auradon fashion which I'll describe later. Their outfits together all clash but it's unified in one shape or pattern which also presents their friendship.
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So Mal doesn't have fear as she usually doesn't worry about being randomly shanked out of nowhere. Seen here I kept her purple/ green aesthetic but I used a very minium of pink which was her top which was magenta. Her outfit is quite girly tomboyish. Her top is a repurposed binder that she cloth dyed and painted green flames on. I did this changes because she's more of the rambunctious one in the group next to Jay so her clothes are fitted in the purposes of movement next to the fact of her always stealing and running away which I felt that the leather jacket limited her upper body in her og design, I do love the leather don't get me wrong! But it's more practical in fall/winter (assuming that it's pretty tight) than spring and summer which is when my fanfiction takes place. However the use of leather is shown in her pants as the her pockets is dyed leather. Her hair is more blunt like cut and a deeper purple more toward her hair in D3 (Which was the color I like the most) but it's not a long asymmetrical bob it's just a blunt cut bob and she keeps it that way for a while. She aims for that casual militant fashion a lot, as some of her outfits won't look like what is the one above since she's not jumping place to place in Auradon would lean towards edgy and militant for a while until Coronation and later in the series where it leans more like EGIRL/Prep as her hair gets longer and is just plain black and cut again so she would wear a baggy clothes with combat boots in darker shades of purple and green while some of her shoes consist of designs of her own graffiti in the earlier parts and eases slowly into more to skinny jeans and a shirt that's stuck in with some canvas shoes. You notice how her outfits would present a very dominant leader energy because her outfits would stand out a lot when she stands with the group. Reflecting her always in control and assertive role as leader in the group. Whether in maybe the graphics on her shirt or the pattern until later where her and the core four all equally stand out in their own ways but not clash with one another and she's not trying to outshine any of them. So her style choices in the beginning reflects how she sees herself more of a pawn to her mother and more of someone was placed in charge due to her mother's orders which makes her prone to have a harder time shifting from that mindset in the beginning.
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Her outfit is very male gaze oriented, intentionally as presented on how she was raised so how she dresses is out of place for normal people on the Isle that live more in the inner city as she dresses more for fashionable and what the Isle consider Auradon like. However don't get it twisted because her outfit is quite practical than one thinks. Her outfit is a dress with attached shorts that is hard to see due to her dress because she dresses in a way for the male gaze. Her sleeves are utilized in a way that she can keep weapons. Any weapon. Same applies to her dress skirt the cut is makes her capable of sneaking in a knife or something same rules don't apply to her purse as it just keeps makeup and a mirror in hand for quick access. Her dress is pretty tight at the waist as her mother always say "tinier the waist the better" and the closest thing of love she got from her mom is that she complimented her waist so her outfits then on compliment her waistline. Her colors are still blue and red as her mother thinks that what works because Snow White but later on she will have mementos of her mother's colors of red, black, purple, greens, and gold albeit jewelry or clothing pieces. Her shoes aren't made for any parkour. Most of her shoes are heels. Mother says a girl in heels fluctuate the legs. Her hair is in the braid as it makes her face pop out more, it represents also the strict beauty guidelines she follows due to her mother's influence so her hair will always be up and tight until later on she starts wearing it loser to present how confident she is in her skin. Her hair leans towards a black blue color it's has a blue shine if you see it in the sun which has a slight color reference to her D1 hair mixed with D3. As a result her Auradon fashion can be formed with ease as it's a easier transition since she dresses like that before going to Auradon so her outfits would be very reflective of what's popular in Auradon without the prep, so she would wear dresses but they would be in darker colors and have a few spikes. Of if she was wearing a skirt it would be a synthetic leather. Her fashion is edgy prep until later in the series where it's still edgy but has a color tune up a bit. Her outfits will very much reflecting of fitting in Auradon as much as possible and try to appeal to the male gaze in Auradon as she would try to look more modest and muted compared to everyone in the group until later on she's comfortable of being herself as she dresses more for herself and wears what's fashionable and what makes her comfortable than what her mother thinks. Her outfit choices reflects more of her needing to be approved by others which makes her have a wavering confidence in what she wears forming into her wearing clothes she would never be caught dead wearing but has to so she gets her mother's and other's approval until she realizes that she lives for her not anyone else.
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This dude knows he's a little shit. So he dresses like one. His is simple and it reflects that he needs to have places to store a box cutter and a cheap necklace. He's all about practicality. He hates and I mean HATES anything that prevents him from moving in absolute precision. There is no leather on him besides his pants which are similar to Mal's with the leather accents. Now his hair is long and just up until later he wears is down often and is just styled. So his Auradon outfits will reflect Mal in some form, it's different because it leans towards athlesiure, jock, and skater in many different ways until later he leans towards athlesiure and jock with a sprinkle of skeeter fashion with brighter colors and more simplicity so not a lot of patterns or graphics. His earlier outfits will always be outshined by Mal. No matter how similar it can be it will always be outshined by Mal. His outfit choices shows how he just goes along with Mal because that's who he knew the longest next to the fact that he doesn't crave the same need for power and leadership as Mal does he just in it for the loot and his mindset isn't about teamwork it's just what works for enough for him to get his share until he notices that he gets and works enough to get his share but...he isn't noticed that also made sure everyone get theirs, just somewhat ran over just because everyone assumes he doesn't care when he does or take it for themselves so they get brighter and become separate and drastically different from Mal making him shine.
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His outfits are practical yet fashionable like Evie's but simple. He wears anything that makes him blend in blend in. He blends in so hard that Evie stands out more than him. His clothes are very two sided like his mom's hair but he only literally have one outfit since being on the Isle and what was in his bag of stuff when he went to Auradon was like a few inventions and games and some pictures and his oversized jacket and finally getting new clothes given by Evie and some new friends he makes as seen worn here because he doesn't really go out. His hair remains the same and just gradually gets longer and he can place it in a ponytail. Which if posted on his friend's stories just looks like a maltese ponytail. His Auradon outfits are simple and blends in more better in Auradon than Evie's. He mostly wear button up shirts with some pants or sweater. He just is scared and a lot of his clothes represent security in the beginning so some of clothes would be bagger than others until later he becomes more secure and wears clothes that reflects his newfound happiness and security which is more fashionable and what's popular with Auradonian boys while being himself. As with such with the two-sided clothing from before it also presents what his personality is like really in real life, and his oversized jacket is washed its a pure white jacket. He's witty and comical and iconic while also being anxious and terrified. So his outfit choices reflects him coming out of his shell show what more of him meets the eye making him be the iconic king he is.
I hope that this analysis makes sense 😭 please let me know if it doesn't! Also i would like to hear some suggestions because ironically fashion is also not my strong suit and I'm worried that I made them too ooc but know disney i probably wasn't far off smh-
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Deception (A Kim Namjoon Mafia AU)
Previous chapters in the master list! Sorry for the delay.... let's get it!
Summary: A damsel in distress and a lonely mafia leader. Different but not too different. The two worlds collide on a rainy night when Kim Namjoon, a renowned Mafia leader is called for an emergency and Y/N Y/L/N is on the run from her abusive father. Feelings stir and he rescues her. But one of them is a liar. And the other's life is on the line. It's only a matter of time until all secrets are out in the open.
Will love be born? Or will death conquer?
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chαptєr thrєє: Lost and Found
Character Count: 10,033
Pairing: Namjoon×Reader (Appearances by the whole of BTS)
The lies you spun when we begun, you thought would be forgot.
-Micheal Faudet
Feeling peaceful wasn't something Namjoon was used to. It was a rare feeling considering the kind of things he had to deal with. His mind was in a constant battle between what was right and what he needed to do. A never ending self-conflict.
The news that Hana might be back was too much for Namjoon to handle. She was his best friend. They went to school together, they had picnics together, they grew up together. Both their families loved them a lot. Or at least that's what Namjoon thought. Until his father revealed that he was the heir of the Mafia, the most powerful one at that. Namjoon remembered telling hana about it. He remembered how she had smiled at him and comforted him.
"I'll stand here, no matter what. You do what you need to do."
Those were the times when he used to be at peace.
With her.
Beside her.
But one day, all of it had gone when she died. She took all of Namjoon's happiness, warmth and peace with her. The worst part was, Namjoon never saw her body so he searched for her. He searched and searched for years, eventually giving up when every clue led him to a dead end. And now here she was. 4 years later.
Placing his head on the wooden table in front of him, Namjoon sighed and closed his eyes. His head was gonna explode soon, he was positive about it. For the few minutes that he had spent looking at your sleeping form, he had forgotten about everything. It's like you were a medicine. A medicine that kept him sane and safe. The warm feeling in his chest was back and he liked it. But it was gone just as you started talking about leaving. How could he let you go? With everything that was happening, he needed to feel sane all the time. He needed to feel safe. He needed you.
And so he had answered you, a little harshly.
"You are staying here. Don't talk about going anywhere."
Namjoon winced at the realisation that he might have scared you. That was absolutely not his intention. A knock on the door startled him, making him frown. No one ever bothered him when he was in his study. Actually, he didn't even let anyone inside his study.
"Can I come in?" Your voice reached his ear through the door, slightly muffled and too soft, as if you were scared. Definitely because of Namjoon. "Come in." Namjoon replied, clearing his throat and making sure his appearance was alright. You slowly opened the door and stepped inside, glancing around the study as you pushed the door shut behind you. Namjoon watched you carefully, following your gaze in case he had left any kind of things related to his work.
"So, everything at your house is this.... pretty?" You asked, waving your hands in the air. Namjoon couldn't help but smile, surprised to see that you didn't seem so scared of him. "I'm sorry I forgot to give you a house tour." He said, his eyes falling to your clothes, more like his clothes. You had showered and changed, your hair was damp and a new t-shirt hung on your body. You looked down at your clothes and pursed your lips.
"Uh..sorry I still need to buy clothes. When I came out of the shower, these were already laid out on the bed." You stated, rubbing the back of your neck and looking down at the floor. Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off of you. He concluded that he just liked watching you and everything you did. It was his new favourite leisure activity.
"I told someone to give them to you. You look good in.....my clothes." Namjoon said, hesitating a little on mentioning his clothes. Your eyes widened slightly and you blushed, not accustomed to recieving compliments at all.
"Th-thank you." You stammered, biting your bottom lip. The elephant in the room still needed to be mentioned and you had no idea how to do that. What should you ask him?
"You don't have to go anywhere, Y/N. If that's what you're here to talk about then I think I should be honest with you." Namjoon beat you to it. He had never taken too much time to solve his problems, something people praised him for. You simply nodded and moved closer to his table, resting the palm of your hands on the cherry wood. You glanced at the chair beside you but decided against sitting on it for some reason.
Just like Namjoon thought, he felt better on seeing you. As if you had just taken away all his worries. Now all he had to do was convince you to stay.
"I wanna know everything you've ever been through." He said, resting his chin on the back of his hand. You did a double take at him, stilling all your movements, your eyes stuck on him like glue. Namjoon had hit a sensitive nerve, and he knew that. Your knees felt weak and you just couldn't stand anymore, giving up and sitting down on the chair.
"Why?" You asked, your heart pounding harder and harder. No one ever asked you this because no one cared. You were just a girl who everyone used, to fulfill their needs. Namjoon looked at you with sympathetic eyes and stood up from his plush leather chair. He slowly walked towards where you sat and kneeled down in front of you. Hesitantly, he placed his hands on yours, giving them a light squeeze. It pained him too much to see how sad you had become. He couldn't even imagine how traumatic everything had been for you. He still wished you had just let him kill your stupid excuse of a father.
"You have been through too much, Y/N. You didn't deserve that life. I wanna know so that I can....fix you." He mumbled softly, doubting his words when tears filled your eyes. But it wasn't because of him. It was because this was the first time that someone was so concerned for you. You couldn't help but think this was a game and he was gonna hurt you.
"Why would you wanna fix me? Can't you see? I can't be fixed. You don't know but I have scars that-"
"I have seen them and I really wish I could erase them, trust me." He interrupted you as your jaw dropped. When did he see anything?
You shook your head and pulled your hands away from him, your eyes darting around the room. Anywhere but him. Because you were scared you'd look into his eyes and you would stay. You just couldn't go through all the pain again.
"Y/N, I know you don't trust me but I mean you no harm. You can ask me anything you want." He said, slightly hurt when you had pulled away from his touch. Obviously you were a little too vulnerable at the moment. Maybe Namjoon should have approached this issue a bit differently. He stayed kneeling down in front of you as he saw the hesitation in your eyes.
So you had questions.
After a minute of silence, you finally gathered enough confidence to ask him whatever you wanted to ask.
"Who are you?"
Namjoon's breath hitched, not too surprised regarding your question. He was expecting this. Just not so soon. What was he to tell you? That he ran a mafia? That he was the person who everyone feared? That he killed people and he also did business with your father?
"You scared away my father. That man has never been scared of anyone in his life. You also have a gun."
Namjoon stood up and turned away from you, not wanting you to see the conflict in his eyes. There has to be something he could say. Some lie that you would believe.
"I own a company." Namjoon lied, hoping you bought it.
"A company?"
"Kim Enterprise. It's very popular and-"
"I know Kim Enterprise. I've heard a lot about it." You stated, nodding your head. It was true. Kim Enterprise was a very popular name in the whole country. It had a good reputation and did a lot of work of charities and other NGOs. That made you trust Namjoon a little more.
"What about the gun?" You asked, a little confused as to why a businessman would need such a dangerous weapon. But then again, it probably had to do something with all the rivals and threats.
"I am a businessman, Y/N. I have a lot of people who don't want me to be where I am today." Namjoon replied, surprised with how the lies were easily falling past his lips. You nodded and looked down at your feet, thinking everything through. Namjoon felt bad for having lied to you but that was the only way to make you stay. The truth was, Kim Enterprise did exist but it wasn't owned by Namjoon, it was owned by Seokjin. Along with being in the Mafia, Jin had a company which he ran in order to hide all his illegal practices. The power and money that came with being a CEO, helped the entire mafia in staying superior to others.
When Namjoon didn't hear any reply from you, he turned around to see you lost in your thoughts. You were constantly biting your lips and fiddling with your fingers, eyes trained on the floor. Namjoon walked towards you and pushed your chin up with his finger so that he could see your face.
"Please, Y/N. You won't have to worry about anything. I promise to not let anyone harm you." Namjoon promised, a desperate frown etched on his eyebrows. The sincerity in his eyes was enough to convince you. And so, the words tumbled from your lips.
"I'll stay. But please don't break me again, I am not sure I'll be able to take it."
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
A girl dressed in all black, pushed through the crowd, trying to get to the other side of the road. It wasn't her fault that the festival had to happen on the day that she decided to come back to Seoul, the happy chatters of the people irritating her to no extent. She wasn't annoyed because of the loud voices, she was annoyed because of the happiness evident in them.
"Jungkook, close in on her from the west. Hoseok, you take the east. I'm following close behind her." Yoongi said into the earpiece, nodding on hearing everyone's replies. Hana had returned to Seoul, saving Yoongi and the others from the trouble of going to Incheon just for an hour's interrogation. Namjoon had been a little M.I.A from the activities of the gang but it was okay. Everyone understood how bothered he must have been after finding out that Hana was alive. None of the members believed it either until they saw her with their own eyes.
Yoongi walked faster, sighing in relief when Hana started walking into an alleyway, making it easier for them to get to her. Yoongi noticed how she was constantly looking over her shoulder.
Maybe she knew that she was being followed.
Yoongi glanced at Jungkook and Hoseok, nodding at them as they came and stood by his side, all three of them looking in front of them as Hana came to a halt at the end of the alley. Their hearts were pounding loudly at the anticipation of what was to come. Slowly walking towards her, they stopped just as she turned around, their hands clutching their guns tightly.
She stayed confused, narrowing her eyes at the three men who stood opposite her until the realisation dawned on her.
"Jungkook?" She mumbled, making jungkook's breath hitch. Mostly because he finally believed that it was her. Hana was like his sister and the loss of her had been unbearable for him. After hearing her voice, he finally knew that she was alive and this news wasn't just a false assumption.
"Hana?" He asked, taking a step closer to her as Yoongi and Hoseok tensed beside him. They wanted to stop Jungkook but they couldn't. They still weren't sure if they could let their guard down but Jungkook was too overwhelmed to care about any of this. A sob erupted from Hana's mouth as she broke into a run, throwing herself into jungkook's arms.
Yoongi turned to Hoseok, only to find the younger male looking at Hana suspiciously.
"I think it's time to let Namjoon know."
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Taglist: @uwunamjoon @shadowstark @addy-nerd @tzuyyyuuu @stressedinmedschool247 @ifellinluvwithdorks @min-t-posts @floofwrites @pretty-in-pink-just-because @bts-d-onut @fangirllbookworm @mystical-writer @it-is-dana @ximaginx @kpopgirlbtssvt @pearylove
Let me know what you think. Also, tell me if you wanna be added to the taglist!
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lucy-in-the-house · 6 years
☆~Oc info sheet~☆
So I decided to get off my lazy @ss and post this :b
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^^^sketch of my oc(tails and ears not included)doing one of her favorite passtimes, free-run parkour in search of a wall to graffiti^^^
☆*Full name*☆
Lucy Jeanette Eileen Giroud
"The fox"
17 (physically)
Half human/half demon
Pineapple. Just kidding, Female
☆*Blood type*☆
HH, also known as 'Bombay Blood'
☆*Eye color*☆
☆*Hair color*☆
2nd year highschool student, or in France: Terminale student. And the personal bodyguard of the heir to a worldwide criminal organization.
-Eliott Giroud (older brother).
-Lisana Teatly (Lily for short, childhood friend).
-Thomas Carlson (childhood friend)
Drawing, 'performing arts' (dancing, singing, theatre,...), playing video games, watching anime and listening to Kpop.
☆*Favorite food*☆
Chocolate and any soft, and not sour, candy.
☆*Favorite drink*☆
Bubble tea
Iron bru (for the meme)
☆*For dem shipzzzz*☆
I like to ship her with Laito :3
"Crazy is such an ugly word. I prefer... mentally unstable."
"I ain't no fox!"
"You vamps are literally oversized mosquitos"
"*Irish accent* you wanna go mate? You wanna fight? I'll bash ye 'ead in! I swear on meh mom I'll destroy ya!"
"Well imma just skiddadle the heck outta here"
"Hon Hon Hon I am very française!"
"*T pose* I'm the meme Lord and punmaster. Fear my powerrrrr..."
"If you're feeling suicidal you came to the right place! Cuz I'm gonna f*****g kill myself as well"
"BTS are true Gods. No need for Jesus when I got these sunshines."
She will usually wear a red or purple hoodie with black shorts (sometimes jeans) with pink thigh highs and white shoes. She always has three hairclips to hold up the right part of her fringe. She has a pair of red glasses but doesn't wear them often because she forgets. She is very pale (mostly because of her unbalanced health) and is a bit chubby, she's a bit too busty for her age (but seriously doesn't give a damn).
She's a really laid back and bubbly girl, who has a bad case of swearing, and talking about morbid subjects with problem. She a good person, though she might be psycopathic. However, she's absolutely horrible at socializing, as a child she never had the chance to, so she has difficulty opening up to others, or speaking to people she isn't familiar with. Apart from that, she can get very sassy and sarcastic with a pinch of salt. She gets easily triggered like say sh&t about her fam and she'll diss yo @ss. She's also a 'daredevil', and will never say no to a challenge. She a kind soul with a pinch of spicyness and MEMES.
And although she's a weirdo, she a good and respectful student.
And I almost forgot, she a Kpop fan and an otaku (not a weaboo) so her social life is n o n e x i s t a n t.
(Note: her history is long, but if you read it all you'll get a cookie🍰🍩🍰🍪🍪🍪🍪)
Lucy was born in an average family. She grew up in france, though she was born in america. Her life at home was pretty normal, though she didn't get along very well with her father or siblings, but Lucy was pretty close to her mother who was like a best friend to her. At school however, she was constantly bullied, both mentally and physically. The reasons were one because she was the only child with red hair in her school (and they thought she had some contamination), and because she didn't fit in any social groups.
She grew up thinking she was a freak of nature and a disgrace, cursed to be alone, that love was something she'd ever experience and learned that the only way to be left alone was by being creepy and/or violent.
However, she managed to make friends with two people, and she made her mind to protect them no matter what. The bullying went on for 10 years. Her parents tried taking her to therapists, doctors, psycologist, but not one could fix her broken mind. So the only option they had left was to send her away to her Uncle and Cousin, after that day, she never saw her biological family again. (Except for her brother)
Her cousin Caitlin (who is now dead) was like an older sister, and was nice to her. She soon found out that her family came down from generations of monster hunters, her uncle was one, and so was her cousin, her cousin taught her how to fight, and the weakness of practically every monster that she could remember. But her cousin's intentions behind educating her on this topic was to find herself a replacement, to kill a demon she had summoned a few years back. Caitlin had sacrificed her soul to a demon to obtain the weapon needed, which she gave to Lucy.
After her cousin dissapeared, she went back to her hometown and reunited with her friends. She spent the next year hunting the demon her cousin was aiming for, but little did she know that the demon was also looking for her. When they finally encountered, it was a hard battle. Lucy won, but barely alive, having a big scar going across her torso. But before the demon died, it infuses its soul into Lucy's body, giving Lucy it's powers and cursing her with immortality. After that fight, she went back to her friends. They traveled down to the South of France and settled there, trying to live 'normal' lives... Until one day, she received orders from [...] to live with the sakamakis.
-Eliott: they almost never interact, although they are family. They only speak when it comes to business or important matters.
-Lily: they are very close, Lily is one of the only two people who know Lucy inside out. Lucy has sworn to protect Lily even if it would cost her life. They love to hangout together and cry over fandoms.
-Thomas: same as Lily, except he's like a mom, always taking care of Lucy, even when she says she doesn't need help, they both share a love for kpop and anime. Lucy's emotional bond with Thomas is stronger than anyone else she's close to, even Lily.
As Lucy is half demon, she gained most of the abilities of the demon who infused itself into her, who was a shadow demon:
-increased strength and hearing
-she can sorta float
-the shadow realm: by jumping into a shadow (a person's shadow, object's shadow, any shadow at all) she can enter an dimension called "the shadow realm", a place only shadow demon may access
-a little thing I like to call Katherine: Katherine was the 'name' of the demon Lucy fought with, this ability activities when she deadly mad or under too much stress or pressure that she just snaps and goes psycho. She has strange black tentacles (like a kagune from Tokyo ghoul). She will attack anything around her. Only Thomas and Lily can control her under this form.
Lucy has been fighting since as long as she can remember, so she is very skilled in the domaine.
Although she might not have all the abilities of the demon, she's still more powerful than a demon, as the fact she has emotions (which demons don't) has a great impact on her powers.
Lucy can't die from age ot sickness. But she candie from bloodloss and getting wounded, as she heals only slightly faster than a human.
☆*other info*☆
1-Lucy was the second eldest of her biological family.
2-she enherited half of her father's company (the other half her older brother) and her family's mansion.
3-she an absolute virgin :/ *le sad music*
4-She's left handed, therefore her capacity at cutting meat is non-exigent (true story, left handed people struggle more at cutting meat, and I'm talking out of experience because I am left handed)
5-she speaks fluent English and French (Those were the two languages she spoke throughout her childhood), she also learned German, Japanese and is trying to learn Korean. She's also fluent in Shakespearean and in both English and Australian slang.
6-in the south of France, she goes to a highly reputed international campus.
7-lucy doesn't like physical contact whatsoever, except for Thomas and Lily, and she can just about tolerate Laito but She gets really flushed and embarrassed. She gets uncomfortable when people touch her hair, shoulders, lower back and thighs, if someone does touch her there she'll flinch and try to pry them off.
8-she only wears clothes that fully cover her body because she's a very self aware person and she's covered in scars because of her sh&tty childhood.
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