#I'll put her image up on her profile once I get home
ncmvds · 2 years
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       “You are challenged by Eve of the Elite 4!”
|| SHE IS!!! DONE!!! MY QUEEN 😭💖💖🥰🥰🥰
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lucabyte · 5 months
your ocs!!!!! please ramble about them!!!!
i love your art so much
So ! My ocs. I guess I'll do an overall explainer for the overall groups. If you check out my Toyhouse (LINK!) there's a bunch of folders up top that are how I categorise them. It's primarily by universe except for the folders that are just "misc."
So folder 1: Blatant favouritism:
These are silly little guys that don't fit in any specific wider universe, but I really really like. So I'll spotlight the two important ones before i get real in the weeds with my main universe.
In here are notably, my Fursona (self explanatory), Ali and Pittsburgh Cincinnati. There's also Hauntkit and Clearpelt who are warriorcats ocs that *is dragged away by airport security*
... So, Pittsburgh, lovingly sometimes called pissbug, is a weird little Thing who I made as like, an homage to characters like happy bunny and Sweetypuss. She (and her weird dog) exist to stand next to strange and offputting captions. I love her. No further context. She's just silly. and violent.
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Now. Ali.
Ali Alighieri has thoroughly stolen the show, and also ties into the next folder along, Making Your MK.
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With over a hundred extra images compared to second place (Sorry, Tabitha). Ali is my fucked up little scrunkly. My little baby guy. They're a shared character of mine and @samhainian's, and is from their Creature Feature setting (A modern fantasy setting wherein Cryptids and Magic are real but in our modern world.) They are as such, a modern human young adult... Who is also a demon + magic user.
Strange little pansexual altersex genderqueer poetry-nerd that they are... The modern setting also means they are literally just a tumblr user. A fellow countryman, so to speak.
HOWEVER.... Ali's true origin was in *Purrgatorio*, a scrapped visual novel of mine set in the MYMK universe! They were simply retrofitted into CF as the joke with Purrgatorio was that a regular human had mysteriously just shown up in MYMK's pure-furry setting.... And then when we scrapped the project we got all attatched to our little not-so-blank-slate protagonist. But I'll put a pin in Purrgatorio for later.
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Making Your MK.
(Guest of honour: My super unfinished website <3)
Okay so here's the big one. The setting with.... (looks at spreadsheet) 109 characters not including so-called incidentals. At time of writing.
MYMK is home to... Multiple stories. As you would hope when a setting has 100+ characters. I'd wager each story has about 10-20 relevant characters tops but with a big shared universe like this there gets to be overlap between casts!!! Yay !!! 😊😊😊
MYMK is the name of the main story in the setting. Pronounced "Making your Mark", it is centered around Markus Felidae (The purple one) and their family. It's very action-adventure-y. It's also the plot I'm most secretive about the backend of since I WILL!!!!! Turn it into a nice prose story with pictures SOMEDAY!!!!! But for now tee hee hee secrets secrets. Markus' family is strange and ragtag and is keeping something from them... I can't ramble on too long here unless further prompted in asks about specifics but!!! Everyone in the MYMK folder has a fully furbished little profile with a blurb about them. So if you're curious....
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But yeah, I tend to think of the MYMK setting more in terms of its Locations than its Casts, due to the overlapping nature of them all. The Malbranche may be the villains of the main plot, but they're also major players in relation to The Palsgrave who are the antagonists of Moraine, etc etc,
The country everything in MYMK is set in is called New Orphidian, Southern hemisphere little thing, here's a very cartoony map of it.
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Um. Cliffside!
Since it's the best map I have... Here's an exclusive sneak peek of a Zine I'll be getting back to once the fandom brain cools down a bit.... :3c
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Cliffside is situated on a big ol' Cliff.
A tiny hamlet of a place, it used to have reason to exist, and now does not. It's not even a good tourist locale, as the cliff is much too dangerous compared to the nicer tourist spot of Welkin just a little north. Not to mention nearby Moraine's allure as a tax haven with no labour laws place where a bunch of TV and Movies are filmed!
It's where most of MYMK's main cast reside (except the antagonists from the Big City Varmonte), and is as such a location I have a lot of tiny little worldbuilding thoughts about :)
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I won't go into the other locations here just because then this post will SUPER get away from me but... I think most importantly for Cliffside right now...
Is that it's where Purrgatorio is set. Yes, that VN I said got scrapped. It's not dead. It is in fact serving it's original intended purpose as "A (mostly) noncanon exploration of character voice and setting"
It's back and its prose babeyyyyyyy!!! (A BUNCH OF THE EARLY STUFF IS ME BEING SUPER RUSTY ... BE WARNED)
Purrgatorio is currently the most publicly available coherent work I have out of my ocs! It's very low-stakes and serves mostly to bash my toys together and see what character dynamics come out, but you can look if you want to!
(There's also a whole THING on the meta of its Canonicity... It's not canon, but it's also not NOT canon. But if I talk about Metanarrative Timeline Collapse in my normal mundane non-magic setting im gonna sound bonkers ✌)
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Ali's dynamics with the MYMK cast are so goddamn funny to me. Like I literally just handed my OCs some ET shit but ET is a sexually repressed tumblr user with a mood disorder.
But yeah I don't think I can coherently string together much more about MYMK without just actually explaining THE WHOLE PLOT.... Though I will absolutely elaborate on any given character's Whole Deal if i'm prompted. (OH MY GOD I DIDNT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHROME AND TABITHA. WAIT. OKAY THERE'S. OK NO IF I TALKED ABOUT THEM IT'D JUST END UP AN ESSAY ,SORRY..)
So here's some bonafide classic images for the road.
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... And as for the other folders on my toyhouse!
Misc and Fandom are what they sound like. Self explanatory,
Then, Ysden is @samhainian's fantasy setting. It's where our DnD games happen to be set but it's also a general fantasy setting :)
and Monster of the Week... Is currently being revamped! It used to be a modern world setting with hidden magic, now it's going to be more... Adventure Time-y. Fantasy world get iphone. Yknow. It has a lower Age Rating than MYMK's "anything goes", as it started as a Pitch Bible Project in my animation class. They're a little neglected but I still love them :) The revamp is extemely recent and not reflected in any of the art/writing yet but I'm workin on it. It still doesn't have a proper title..... OTL
So yeah!! Uh. This wasn't as comprehensive as I was hoping but it turns out I have way, WAY too many thoughts on my guys. And no idea what to do when im actually asked about them so !!!! This was not a very coherent ramble but it was a ramble !
There's things like essays on Chrome and Tabitha (Link) and also The Queer Gender Identities Of The Whole Cast (Link) hiding around on my toyhouse, and once again, Purrgatorio (Link) serves as my sandbox for playing with how these characters act in situations.
But..... ! I did try to make my toyhouse approachable for the average layman. Every character in the MYMK folder (Link) has a *blurb* of information, rather than a giant wall of text explaining everything about them. I want people to be able to understand their general vibe at a glance rather than be overwhelmed.
In any case ???? Uh. Fun game for everyone: If you know your homestuck classpect, every single MYMK character has a classpect and lunar sway. and a birthday. Try and find your andrew-hussie assigned kin! As a Prospitian Witch of Heart, I share my classpect and lunar sway with Chrome. No I don't know what this means. It worries me honestly he's kind of an asshole.
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s1 episode 21 thoughts
now i may have accidentally learned what happens in this episode before i watched it which is why i try very hard to not peek at other blogs BUT. the episode certainly still delivered. return of the lizard man!!! i had forgotten about his yellow lizard eyes and shapeshifting. charming fellow.
anyway it's only been a few months since lizard man eugene tooms broke into scully's house (i think, time is confusing in this show) but they say he has been SUCH a good boy it's time for him to be released. to which i say: was breaking into her house not a massive deal? it is written off as "misplaced anger"... the fuck?!?
and scully is being reprimanded by her bosses, who say her reports don't play by the rules! but she shuts them up with her successful conviction rate. yeah of course they aren't playing by the book they're hunting bigfoot???
mulder testifies at his hearing because he spent 3 years working for the behavioral science unit profiling serial killers. now i feel that in any case involving an attack on scully, he's not the most objective guy to bring to the table. and he sure wasn't!
he openly claims that tooms is a hibernating century old lizard monster. ah, mulder, your honestly is refreshing and underappreciated. the judges think he is crazy.
scully rolls up and basically says that he also sounds crazy, to which he replies "i don't care how it sounds as long as it's the truth'' self-image be damned! spooky mulder wants answers (love his ongoing dedication to Truth as an overarching theme throughout this show. big fan)
scully just got yelled at by her bosses for not being by the book enough so she's hesitant to get involved, and mulder came out of the gate with a banger line here:
"look scully, if you're resistant because you don't believe, i'll respect that, but if you're resistant because of some bureaucratic pressure, they've not only reeled you in, but already skinned you" <- i gasped and said "get her ass" (sorry scully but i agree with him just this once!)
tooms picked up a dead rat and then licked his fingers which is Normal Behavior!
he also saw a pretty woman and began shifting into Lizard Mode, but before he could strike, mulder is on the scene! he asks tooms to help him find his elkhound named heinrich, which he uses to hunt moose
(now, to me, this line revealed some key information: fox mulder was DEFINITELY a theatre kid who took improv games VERY seriously. because where else could that even come from?)
old man says he knows where the body from the 1930's murder is and this is not treated as suspicious but shocker! he's right!
this moment also gave us scully in a big ol' coat and safety googles, which was entirely a look <3
next mister eugene tooms stakes out the house of a businessman, where mulder has followed without authorization... he begins to sneak in through the sewer to come and get the wife! who was distracted by her baby! to which i wrote the following:
"NAUR HE'S GONNA COME UP THROUGH THE TOILET NOOOOOOO don't have kids they will distract you from the lizard man climbing up your toilet to eat you"
solid advice i think we all can apply in our daily lives
(i also noted that mulder looks very at home in a shady alleyway but we don't need to analyze that right now)
then i wrote "i really hate this lizard man" which speaks for itself
scully shows up after mulder has spent 3 straight days in his car. she says mulder, your car fucking stinks. i will bring you a sandwich. you haven't slept in 3 days. let me take over.
he says he doesn't care about his career!!!! he just doesn't want her to break the rules and get a mark on her file by getting involved in an unauthorized stakeout!!!! what!!!! fuck!!!
WE GET OUR FIRST TIME SCULLY CALLS HIM FOX!!!! he laughs at this and said he even made his PARENTS call him mulder so she adjusts herself and says mulder, she wouldn't put herself on the line for anyone else AUGGHHHHHHHHH MELTING INTO A PUDDLE. THERE IS A PUDDLE NOW WHERE ONCE I STOOD.
she brought him a sandwich but he says "if there's an iced tea in that bag, could be love"
(love? the subject of love, spoken between OUR mulder and scully? at this very hour, by a man delirious from no sleep? i held my breath)
"must be fate", she says, and hands him a root beer <- LMAOOOOO the writers got my ass with that one... i fell entirely for their trap
before she heads for the stakeout he SO earnestly tells her that at 11:30 there is a sports talk radio show and leaves her with the silliest smile like :) which DID cause me to giggle. ugh he's SUCH a nerd.
but noooo the lizard man is in his caaaaar!
scully brought some magazines for her stakeout. once again NEED to know what she is reading in her free time.
cut scene back to mulder's place. whyyyyy does this man SLEEP on his COUCH?? have we investigated THAT mystery??? oh fuck he looks sooooo cozy though
lizard man cut his own face to frame mulder which made me GAG EWWWWW
their bosses say mulder has been forbidden from anymore tooms investigating since he has been framed for attacking him... they tell him to take a long vacation and he was very close to getting fired... aughhh i mean i DO want to see him take a vacation so we can get our beach episode but! stop being mean to him :(
the doctor assigned to deal with lizard man seems so nice only to get eaten. sad!
mulder IMMEDIATELY gets back on the case after the newest murder despite being told maybe 5 minutes ago his job is on the line. lol. lmao, even.
they go to the site of lizard man's old nest which is now a fancy building and mulder takes off his jacket and tie to crawl in the vents. okay but he didn't have to make it sensual. but he did. without trying. it was probably the last thing on his mind. and here we are. everyone say thank you mulder <3
sewer man ATTACKS in the SEWERS! a likely place for him to be.
LMAOOOOOO THEY KILLED HIM WITH AN ESCALATOR i knew that was gonna happen but did it make it any less funny? no!!!!
the episode ends with mulder staring at a caterpillar in a cocoon and he says that a change for him and scully is coming... okayyy cryptic <3
(i would have expected them both to be heavily triggered by the sight of a cocoon but they seem well-adjusted)
so there was no addressing of the previous bug incident from the last episode which i expected but was a little disappointed by because the bugs cocooned them and i wanted to see what that fallout was. alas i have come to accept the timeskip format
(but like. aren't you curious about their quarantine? how long it took for them to feel better? what the recovery procedure was? no? just me? well alright then)
it was a good episode! glad we got to see mulder's improv skills, our first (and maybe last?) time scully called him "fox", more sleeping on the couch, an end to lizard man's reign of terror, and their undying loyalty to one another that i drink in like ambrosia. and i only have 3 episodes left of s1!!! what could those cryptic last words to the caterpillar mean....? we must stay tuned to find out!
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mcrdvcks · 4 months
Down Bad - Chapter 2
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Chapter Summary: Amina and Omega stay on Ord Mantell while The Bad Batch goes on a mission. Then, they become involved in a Imperial occupation on Ryloth.
Word Count: 6.0k+
Pairing: Hunter x fem!Jedi Original Character
Notes: so this chapter covers episodes 10-12 of bad batch season 1. next chapter is where i stray a little bit from canon, but in reality it doesn't change much. you'll understand once you read it. but, happy reading! <3
also, i've literally written 10 more chapters of this because i'm crazy and bored, and in need of hunter so bad. hopefully i'll remember to post more regularly...
Series Masterlist - Chapter 1 → Chapter 3
AO3 Link For Chapter
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The group had landed back on Ord Mantell, walking to Cid’s Parlor as Omega sat on top of Wrecker’s shoulder.
“How’s the Mantell Mix, kid?” He asked.
Omega ate another piece, “mm-hmm. Better than ever.” She dropped a piece of the mix into Wrecker’s mouth.
“Yeah, it is.” Wrecker said, laughing.
“So, when’s our next mission?” Omega asked, holding the small box with the Mantell Mix with both hands now.
“With two bounty hunters after you, it’d be wise to keep a low profile.” Tech replied.
“Tech’s right.” Hunter said, as he grabbed Omega off of Wrecker’s shoulders and helped her back on the ground. “There’s too much heat on us right now.”
“Ha! That never stopped us before.”
Amina came over, and took a piece of the Mantell Mix, trying a piece. It was different and sweet. Echo grabbed a few pieces in his hand and smelled them.
They watched as Hunter walked into Cid’s parlor as they followed along. When they entered, Cid turned to look at them. “I’ve got a mission for you boys. A simple extraction on Raxus.”
“Raxus?” Tech said, “that is the former center of the Separatist government. It has since become an Imperial outpost- ”
“I’m not interested in a history lesson, Goggles. You’re being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Singh from his confinement.” Cid pulled up a holographic image of the Senator on her data pad, “my client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you. Details are on this. Now get going.”
She threw the chip towards the group as Hunter caught it. “Help a Separatist? Not gonna happen.” He threw the chip back at Cid.
“Your debt’s still not paid, remember? A job’s a job.” Hunter gestured for Cid and him to walk away from the group as Amina hopped on the stool next to Omega, being careful of her ankle.
Omega glanced up at Amina, her eyes wide with curiosity. "What's going on?" she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.
Amina leaned in closer, keeping her voice low. "Looks like Hunter and Cid are butting heads," she replied, her gaze flicking back to the two figures engaged in conversation.
Omega furrowed her brow, her expression thoughtful. "Why does Hunter seem so reluctant to take the job?"
“Raxus was the home planet of the Separatists. We fought against them in the war.” Amina answered.
“Yeah, yeah, Bandana. Just get outta here, will you?” Cid exclaimed, walking away from the group.
Omega stood in front of Hunter now, with her crossbow on her back. “Ready when you are, Sergeant.”
Hunter kneeled down, “not this time, Omega. You’re staying with Cid.”
“But th-the mission. I’m part of the squad too.”
He put a hand on her shoulder, “then following orders shouldn’t be a problem. Stay close to Cid and don’t leave this parlor. Got it, soldier?”
Omega groaned and rolled her eyes, “yes, sir.”
Hunter went to Amina, who still was seated on the stool. “You okay with staying here with Omega?”
"Yeah, yeah, we’ll be fine. Plus, I don’t trust Trandoshans," Amina replied with a smirk, her tone light but tinged with a hint of mischief.
Hunter chuckled, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Fair enough," he said, nodding in agreement. "Just keep an eye on Omega for me, will you?"
Amina nodded, her gaze flicking over to where Omega was now standing. "Consider it done," she replied, her voice confident.
As Hunter turned to leave, Amina couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the prospect of being left behind with Omega. Despite the young girl's enthusiasm and resilience, Amina couldn't shake the feeling that trouble always seemed to find them, no matter where they went. Perhaps, find her wherever she went.
Omega huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't need a babysitter, you know," she muttered, her tone petulant.
Amina chuckled softly, reaching out to ruffle Omega's hair affectionately. "I know you don't, kiddo," she replied with a playful grin. "But it never hurts to have a backup, just in case." Amina stretched out her leg, “plus it’s not like I can go that far.”
Omega grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she conceded, her earlier annoyance slowly dissipating as she moved the sponge in a circle on the table that Cid gave her.
“Hey, think of it like this. You’re babysitting me. And let me tell you, I’m quite slippery.” Amina smirked, trying to lighten up the mood.
Amina looked at the shelves of alcohol Cid had. She doesn’t drink, but one of the missions she went on with her master before the war was to Morlana One, where she was undercover as a bartender for information.
She learned a few things there, she had to since she worked at that bar for almost 7 rotations. She glanced over at Omega, who was still scrubbing the table.
“You’ve got her cornered.” Bolo laughed.
“Oh, yeah, I’m real scared.” Cid replied.
“Delay all you want, you’re not getting out of this one.” Ketch taunted.
Cid hovered over a button as Omega chimed in, “I wouldn’t do that.”
“Hear that? We got an expert here.” Cid rolled her eyes.
The dejarik table made noises as one of Cid’s figures went down. “She’s done for!” Bolo laughed, again.
“I told you.” Omega said.
“Well, expert, what should I do next?” Cid asked Omega, as she hopped down from the stool and pressed 3 buttons on the board.
Bolo groaned, “you blew it!”
“Yeah, but you’re the one who said to bet it all!” Ketch retorted.
“You wanna take this outside?”
“Gladly.” Ketch got off his seat as the two walked outside.
“How’d you know to do that?” Cid asked Omega.
“It’s a strategy game. I’m good at strategy.”
“Hmm. How good? Enough to, uh, win a few matches for some money?”
“Depends.” Omega said slowly. “What’s my cut?”
“Hmm. Thirty percent.”
Omega thought it over quickly, “sixty.”
As Omega played, Cid’s parlor gained more and more people entering, to watch and to play against her. Amina took it upon herself to get some new clothing, and to bartend the crowd.
It wasn’t hard, since most people weren’t getting any drinks, but the few that did tipped well. Whether it was because they were kind, or because she had put her hair down, she wasn’t sure.
Her hair had grown since Order 66, and she got used to keeping it short and up, but now, she hasn’t had time to cut it. She handed another drink to someone as they went back into the small crowd.
“No one can stop this kid.” Someone in the crowd spoke, as Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, and the Senator and his droid walked in.
“Of course.” Hunter said.
Omega’s current opponent played his move, as Omega pressed two buttons and played hers, winning the game.
Cid shook Omega’s shoulders with a small smile as Omega looked into the crowd and waved at the guys. She jumped off the seat and ran towards them.
“All right, show’s over. No more bets.” Cid announced.
Wrecker picked up Omega, “Kid, where’d you learn to do that?”
“She’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Cid said.
Omega smiled, as did Wrecker. Hunter walked in front of Cid, “I told you to keep a low profile. This is the opposite.”
Omega’s smile dropped, as she glanced down. Cid pushed Hunter’s shoulder, “ease up, Bandana. Omega made enough money to pay off the debt you boys owe me, so try showing a little gratitude to my friend.” She walked around Wrecker, patting Omega’s shoulder, “you did good.” She walked over to the Senator, “Senator, glad you made it. Let’s talk payment.” she said, guiding the Senator and his droid to her office.
Wrecker set Omega down as the group walked away. He nudged Hunter’s shoulder with his as Hunter looked down. “You really paid off our debt?”
“I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn’t go on the mission.”
Hunter hummed, before turning around to look at Omega. “How about we put those strategy skills to the test? One match. If you win, then no more sitting out on missions.” Hunter turned on the board as Omega’s eyes brightened. He gestured for her to sit down as she ran over and took the seat across from Hunter. “You ready for this?”
“Are you?”
Amina shook her head and finished cleaning up the glasses before setting down the towel underneath the bar. She counted the credits she earned, which was around 100. Not too bad.
"Come on, Omega, you got this!" Amina found herself cheering aloud, unable to contain her excitement as Omega made a bold move, catching Hunter off guard.
Hunter chuckled, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Not bad, kid. But let's see if you can handle this."
Amina watched with bated breath as Hunter made his move, his fingers flying across the board with practiced precision. Omega's brow furrowed in concentration as she assessed her options, her gaze darting from one holographic figure to the next.
Suddenly, Omega's eyes lit up with realization, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. With a swift motion, she made her move, her fingers dancing across the board as she executed a series of calculated maneuvers.
"I did it!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she looked over at Amina.
Amina couldn't help but grin, her heart swelling with pride at Omega's accomplishment. "You were amazing," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
Omega beamed, her chest puffed out with pride. "Thanks, Amina!" she said, practically bouncing with excitement.
Meanwhile, Hunter leaned back in his chair, a look of disbelief on his face. "I can't believe I lost," he muttered, shaking his head in mock defeat.
Amina chuckled, crossing the room to join Omega and Hunter at the table. "Well, looks like you owe someone a mission," she said, nudging Hunter playfully with her elbow.
Hunter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You earned it, Omega."
Omega's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze flicking between Hunter and Amina. "Wait, really?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement.
Hunter nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, really. You proved yourself out there, kid."
Omega's grin widened, her excitement bubbling over as she practically vibrated with energy. "Yes! I won't let you down, Hunter," she said, her voice filled with determination.
Amina reached into her pocket and pulled out the credits, placing them in Hunter’s hand.
“Where’d this come from?”
She shrugged, “I bartended. I learned a bit on a mission with my master years ago. But I don’t trust myself holding them, I’d probably lose it.”
Omega glanced over at the credits, “how much is there?”
"I think 102 credits," Amina replied, her gaze flicking between Omega and Hunter.
Omega's eyes widened with excitement. "That's amazing!”
The rest of the group walked out as Wrecker looked at the credits in Hunter’s hand. “Whoa, that’s a lot of credits! How’d you get them?”
“Womanly wiles.” Amina said, crossing her arms, as Echo let out a chuckle.
“What’s that?” Omega asked.
“Uh… I’ll teach you when you’re older.” Amina pondered, “surprisingly, it was actually Padme who taught me that. She made a whole deal out of it, even pretending she was teaching a class to me and Ahsoka. Anakin found out when he visited her office and saw me and Ahsoka taking notes.”
Amina chuckled at the memory, her lips curling into a fond smile. "Yeah, it was quite the sight," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "Anakin was absolutely baffled. I don’t even want to think about what happened after he dragged her out of her office.” She shuddered at the thought.
Omega's eyes widened with curiosity, her gaze fixed on Amina. "What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.
Amina chuckled, shaking her head. "Let's just say Anakin was not pleased," she replied cryptically, her lips quirking into a smirk. "But enough about that. How about a game of dejarik? I'm sure you're itching for a rematch after beating Hunter."
Omega's eyes lit up with excitement, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "You're on!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm.
Amina chuckled, her own grin mirroring Omega's infectious excitement. "Prepare to be defeated, young one," she teased, gesturing towards the dejarik table with a playful wink.
As they settled into their seats, the holographic figures flickered to life on the board, casting a soft blue glow across the dimly lit room. Amina watched Omega carefully, her gaze sharp and focused as the young girl deliberated her next move.
Omega's brow furrowed in concentration as she surveyed the board, her fingers hovering over the holographic controls. With a sudden burst of determination, she made her move, her fingers dancing across the controls with practiced precision.
Amina's lips curled into a smirk as she studied Omega's move, her mind already calculating her own counterattack. With a swift motion, she executed her move, her holographic figures springing to life as they clashed with Omega's.
The game unfolded with a rapid flurry of moves, each player vying for dominance on the holographic battlefield. Amina's heart raced with excitement as she anticipated Omega's next move, her competitive spirit fueling her determination to emerge victorious.
But Omega was proving to be a formidable opponent, her strategic prowess matched only by her youthful enthusiasm. With each move, she pushed Amina to the limit, testing her skills and cunning at every turn.
As the game neared its climax, Amina felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Victory was within her grasp, but she knew she couldn't afford to underestimate Omega's tenacity.
With a final, decisive move, Amina unleashed her masterstroke, her holographic figures converging on Omega's position with deadly precision. The room erupted into cheers and applause as Omega's last line of defense crumbled beneath the onslaught.
Omega stared at the board in disbelief, her expression a mixture of shock and admiration. "I can't believe you beat me," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with awe.
Amina grinned triumphantly, her chest swelling with pride. "Never underestimate the power of experience, young one," she teased, reaching out to ruffle Omega's hair affectionately.
The two laughed and exchanged playful banter as they reset the board for another round.
Meanwhile, Hunter watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and pride. He had never seen Omega so animated, so full of life and energy.
As he observed Omega and Amina's playful interaction, a sense of warmth and contentment washed over him. Omega ended up winning the second game as Amina leaned over the table, “want to get something to eat?”
Omega nodded, “yeah, sure! Do you have any credits?”
Amina shook her head and stood up, “I have many ways of convincing people. One of them being,” she waved her hand, “the force. Want to see a Jedi mind trick?”
Omega's eyes widened with excitement, her curiosity piqued by Amina's suggestion. "Really? You can do that?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation. “But wait, won’t people find out?”
Amina grinned, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "I won’t tell if you won’t. Come on, let’s go find a stand outside and get something.”
As Amina and Omega made their way through the bustling streets of Ord Mantell, Amina couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration coursing through her veins. She hadn’t used the force in a long while, so she was excited to use it, even in a small, insignificant way.
As they approached a nearby food stand, Amina cast a subtle glance around, ensuring that no one was paying too much attention to their actions. Satisfied that they were in the clear, she turned to Omega with a mischievous grin.
"Watch closely, Omega," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "This is how a Jedi mind trick works."
With a flick of her wrist and a subtle wave of her hand, Amina reached out through the Force, gently influencing the thoughts of the vendor behind the stand. She implanted a suggestion in his mind, a subtle nudge to offer them a discount on their meal.
The vendor blinked in confusion for a moment, his brow furrowing as if trying to recall something. Then, with a shrug, he smiled at Amina and Omega, his demeanor suddenly warm and friendly.
"Hey there, ladies! What can I get for you today?" he asked, his voice cheerful as he gestured towards the array of food on display.
Amina returned the smile, her confidence bolstered by the success of her Jedi mind trick. "We'll take two of your specialty sandwiches, please," she said, her tone casual as she leaned against the counter.
The vendor nodded eagerly, quickly assembling their order with practiced efficiency. As he handed the sandwiches over to Amina and Omega, he flashed them a wink.
"On the house," he said with a grin. "Consider it a gift from your friendly neighborhood food vendor."
Amina accepted the sandwiches with a gracious smile, her heart fluttering with a sense of satisfaction at her successful use of the Jedi mind trick. She turned to Omega, who was practically buzzing with excitement at their unexpected windfall.
"Thank you so much," she said, her voice sincere as she turned to Omega. "Shall we?"
Omega nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Definitely!" she exclaimed, falling into step beside Amina as they made their way through the bustling streets of Ord Mantell.
As they walked, Omega couldn't contain her excitement, chattering animatedly about everything they passed – from the colorful storefronts to the eclectic mix of alien species milling about the marketplace.
Amina listened with amusement, her lips quirking into a fond smile as she watched Omega's boundless enthusiasm.
Eventually, they found a quiet spot to sit and enjoy their sandwiches, nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the main thoroughfare. Amina took a bite of her sandwich, savoring the delicious combination of flavors as she glanced over at Omega.
Omega looked over at Amina, “can I use the force?”
Amina set down the sandwich and wiped off her hands with a napkin, “well, not really. The force is what gives a Jedi their power. But it’s also an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us, binding the galaxy together. Jedi have a higher level of the force, which makes us Jedi, but everyone else still has the force, but it’s impossible for regular people to use.”
Omega listened intently, her curiosity piqued by Amina's explanation. She nodded thoughtfully, processing the information as she took another bite of her sandwich. "So, does that mean you can't teach me how to use it?" she asked, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Amina smiled sympathetically, reaching out to pat Omega's hand reassuringly. "I'm afraid not, kiddo," she replied, her tone gentle. "The force is something that's innate within certain individuals. It's not something that can be taught or learned, no matter how hard you try."
Omega's shoulders slumped slightly, her expression crestfallen. "Oh," she said, her disappointment evident in her voice. "I guess I'll just have to stick to strategy games then."
Amina chuckled softly, her smile warm and reassuring. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a master strategist," she said, her tone playful. "In fact, I'd say it's a pretty valuable skill to have, especially in our line of work."
Omega perked up at the praise, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, you're right," she said, her enthusiasm returning. "I may not have the Force, but I've got plenty of other tricks up my sleeve."
Amina grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's the spirit," she said, her tone approving. "Never underestimate the power of a sharp mind and a quick wit."
As they finished their sandwiches, Amina glanced around the bustling marketplace, her gaze scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble. Despite the relative peace and quiet of their current surroundings, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered at the back of her mind.
"Come on," Amina said, rising to her feet and dusting off her pants. "We should probably head back to Cid's parlor before Hunter sends out a search party."
As Amina and Omega returned to Cid's parlor, they found the Bad Batch still sitting at the bar, their conversation paused as they glanced up to greet the newcomers.
"Hey, you two," Wrecker called out, a friendly grin spreading across his face. "Where've you been?"
Amina chuckled, slipping onto a stool beside Omega. "Just grabbing a bite to eat," she replied casually, her gaze flicking over to Hunter. "Did you miss us?"
Wrecker spoke up, “oh, no food for us?”
Amina chuckled, shaking her head at Wrecker's comment. "Sorry, big guy," she said, her tone lighthearted. "Next time, I'll be sure to bring you back a little something."
Wrecker pouted playfully, earning a round of chuckles from the rest of the Bad Batch. Hunter glanced over at Amina and Omega, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Did you two have a good time?" he asked, his voice gentle as he turned his attention to Omega.
Omega nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yeah, we had a blast!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing in her seat. "Amina even showed me how to use a Jedi mind trick!"
Amina grinned as Omega continued to talk about the mind trick she had used as the rest of the group listened along.
They landed on Ryloth’s nearest moon with a crate of weapons and explosives, which was their current mission for Cid.
Everyone got out of the ship, except for Omega who sat on the stairs of the Marauder. “Are you Gobi? Cid sent us.” Hunter asked.
“Along with three dozen blasters and a case of thermal detonators.” Tech added.
“Let’s see them.” Gobi said.
Wrecker placed the two crates on the ground as Echo opened up the crates. The young Twi’lek walked closer to the ship, admiring it. “What type of ship is this?”
“A modified Omicron-class attack shuttle.” Omega said.
“Can I have a look inside?”
“Hunter, can she come aboard?” Omega called out, as Hunter nodded. “Okay. You can come up. But no funny business.”
“Funny business?”
“Uh-huh. I’ll be watching you.”
“Uh…” The girl chuckled, “okay, then. Show me around.”
The Bad Batch, and Amina, stood as Gobi and Serin looked over the weapons. “It’s a start.” Gobi said. “Have Cid contact me when she has more to sell.”
He handed the container of credits to Hunter. “Building an arsenal attracts attention. You better know what you’re getting into.”
“We don’t have a choice.” Serin started to drag one of the cases as did Gobi, “Hera, we’re leaving.”
Hera and Omega walked out of the ship, as Hera followed Gobi to their ship. “Good luck.” Omega said, waving at Hera.
The guys looked down at Omega, “make a new friend?” Hunter asked.
“She’s kind of strange. I like her. Did you know flying’s about a feeling?” she asked, holding one finger up as she made her way back onto the Marauder.
“What feeling?” Tech slowly asked, as Amina snorted as bumped his shoulder, following Omega back onto the ship.
“Uh-oh.” Omega said, as she tried to fix Gonky.
“What’s going on here?” Hunter asked.
“Gonky’s prime power source won’t fully charge. I’m fixing it.”
“You can’t. He’s a defective unit.”
“Hunter.” Tech called from the cockpit.
Gonky beeped, tilting downwards. “Don’t worry, we’re defective too.” Omega said, trying to cheer up the droid.
Amina stood up from the floor and walked into the cockpit, along with Hunter.
“We are receiving a recorded transmission, but I do not recognize this frequency.” Tech told Hunter.
“Patch it through.”
A hologram of the young Twi’lek, Hera, popped up. “Omega, it’s Hera. You have to come back to Ryloth.”
“Isn’t she the kid from the weapons drop?” Wrecker asked.
Omega ran into the cockpit, “Hera?”
“The Empire’s taken my parents, and they’re after me now too. I’m sending coordinates. Please hurry. I need your help.”
Hunter tapped a few buttons, pausing the transmission and turning to Omega, “you have her our comm channel?”
“For emergencies, and that sounded pretty urgent. We have to go.”
“Perhaps the situation is not as dire as described. Children often overreact.” Tech added.
“No, we don’t. You heard her. She needs us.”
Hunter placed a hand on Omega’s shoulder, “Omega, it’s a big galaxy. We can’t put ourselves on the line every time someone’s in trouble.”
“Why not? Isn’t that what soldiers do?” Omega asked, as Hunter’s eyes widened and gave a slight nod.
They landed on Ryloth, in a small opening in the mountains. Omega exited first with Amina at the back. A droid with an orange top rolled out beeping.
“What’s his problem?” Wrecker said, as the droid rolled close to Omega.
“Thank you for coming. I wasn’t sure you would.” Hera said as she walked towards the group.
“You said you were in trouble.” Omega responded.
Hunter stepped forward in front of Omega, “care to tell us why the Empire is after you?”
“Because my father is Cham Syndulla.”
Tech looked up from his data pad, “the freedom fighter?”
“Yes. This was his old command outpost. It’s where I’ve been hiding. The Empire’s begun targeting anyone loyal to him.”
Echo spoke up, “what do you want us to do?”
“Free my parents from the Capitol. That’s where they’re being held.” Hunter crossed his arms and glanced at Omega, “they can pay you if you get them out.” Hera added on. “Please. I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
Omega looked up at Hunter before walking over to Hera’s side as she gave a small nod to the girl.
“Let’s see what we’re up against first. But no guarantees.” Hunter said.
They lay on a hill overlooking the Capitol from a distance as Chopper brought out a small satellite on his head, letting them hear what Rampart was speaking about.
“But… the perpetrators of this heinous assassination attempt have been captured.”
“Assassination attempt?” Hunter quietly asked, sparing a glance at Hera.
“Rest assured, Cham Syndulla and his insurgents…”
“That’s not what happened.” Hera said.
“…will answer for their betrayal.”
Omega leaned up, “Hunter… Crosshair’s here.”
“Great. Just what we need.” Wrecker said.
Hunter made a gesture as the Batch stood up and moved away from Amina, Omega and Hera. The kids kept looking at the Capitol with their binoculars as Amina sensed something. Turning her head she saw a probe droid, lurking behind the mountain’s curve.
She stood up and walked past the guys and force jumped onto the side of the mountain. Hunter glanced over, also sensing the probe droid as Amina jumped onto the droid, turned on her lightsaber and stabbed it through the probe’s eye as the droid and Amina fell onto the ground.
Amina turned off her lightsaber and hooked it back on her waistband as the guys and Hera and Omega walked over.
“Oh, good. A probe droid,” Tech said dryly as he examined the broken remnants of the droid.
“The Empire will know we’re here.” Echo spoke, looking down at the smoking droid.
“And so will Crosshair. Come on. Let’s move.” Hunter said, as they ran off the hill and back to the hideout.
“All my father wanted was peace on Ryloth. Why is this happening?” Hera said sadly.
“He’s a voice the people stand behind. That makes him a threat to the Empire.” Echo replied.
“I don’t care about any of that. I just want my parents back.”
Chopper chattered as he flew down the ramp of the Marauder with Tech following. “We’re all over the Imperial comm channels. They’ve increased patrols within the city.”
“Crosshair will expect an attack. The element of surprise is gone. There’s nothing we can do.” Hunter said, looking over at Hera.
“Wait, you can’t leave. I told you no guarantees. We’ll get you off world and take you some place safe.”
Hera grabbed Hunter’s arm, “stop!” She let go quickly, “I’ll pay you double.”
“All the money in the galaxy won’t matter if we’re dead. What you’re asking us to do, it’s not worth the risk.”
“Not to you.” Hera said, turning away.
Omega took a few steps in Hera’s direction before stopping and looking at Hunter, “you shouldn’t have said that.”
“Being strategic means knowing your limitations, Omega.” Hunter said, as Echo, Wrecker, and Tech got back on the Marauder.
“She’s trying to save her family, Hunter. I’d do the same for you.” Omega said, before turning around and slowly walking to Hera.
Hunter sighed, before turning around towards the Marauder when Amina stepped in front of Hunter, her hand resting gently on his chest plate as she looked up at him with unwavering determination. "We have to help them," she said, her voice firm and resolute.
Hunter regarded her for a moment, his expression unreadable as he met her gaze. "Amina, you know the risks," he replied, his tone tinged with concern. "If we go back now, we could all end up captured or worse."
Amina nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I know, Hunter. But Hera's parents are in danger, and she has nowhere else to turn," she said, her voice pleading. "We can't just abandon her." She took her hand off his chest plate, “at least… just think about it. Maybe Hera and Omega will come up with something.”
She turned around and went up the Marauder’s stairs as Hunter slowly followed.
Hera and Omega came inside the Marauder, telling the group that they had come up with a plan.
“Attack the Capitol? Wh- that was my plan.” Wrecker said.
“Not the Capitol, the Imperial refinery on the outskirts.” Omega replied.
Chopper projected a holo-map of the refinery, “I’ve been spying on their activity. I know their routine. If we attack there, reinforcements will be diverted from the Capitol.” Hera explained.
“We can use that distraction to rescue Hera’s parents.” Omega added on, as the two girls smiled at each other.
“Any heavy defenses at the refinery?” Echo asked Hera.
“Five perimeter cannons, but they are unmanned.”
“Auto cannons are extremely vulnerable. Where is the control console?” Tech asked Hera.
“Right inside the main gate.” She pointed at on the holo-map, “it is heavily guarded, but Chopper can slip inside with the other droids and disable the cannons.” Hera looked up at Hunter.
“All right. You two go with Chopper as backup, but at a distance.”
“Really?” Hera and Omega asked at the same time. Chopper chattered in response.
“By themselves?” Tech slowly asked.
Hunter continued on, “Tech, Wrecker, Amina. Wait until those cannons are down and move in. Echo and I will scale the Capitol wall and free Hera’s parents.” He looked down at Hera, “I guess we’ll follow your lead.”
Tech, Wrecker, and Amina were waiting on the Marauder for Omega to signal about the perimeter cannons.
Tech commed Omega, “Omega, has Chopper deactivated the perimeter cannons?”
“No, but Hera and I are working on it. Just don’t shoot down our shuttle.”
“Wait. What shuttle?” Tech said. A few moments later, Tech looked at the console on the ship, “Omega, I am registering multiple explosions near the refinery.”
“That was us. Cannons are down. Do some damage, Wrecker.”
Wrecker laughed, as he went to the gunman mount on the ship, “that, I can do!”
“Hang on.” Tech said from the pilot’s seat, as Amina sat in the co-pilot seat. He flew forward fast, before cutting the speed and turning around as Wrecker started to shoot at the cannons.
“We’re getting the hang of this.” Hera said through comms.
“Yes, your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us.” Tech replied.
A few moments later, Hunter cut through the comms, “Tech, Omega, we have alternate transport. Meet at the rendezvous.”
“Gladly. Because there are multiple Imperial vessels inbound.” Tech said, as Amina looked at the scanner.
She stood up and went to the door opening it, “I’ll meet you at the rendezvous!” She yelled.
With a determined expression, Amina leaped out of the ship and landed gracefully on the ground below. She glanced around, scanning the area for any signs of danger. The sound of blaster fire echoed in the distance, and she knew they had to move quickly.
All she had to do was quickly find an Imperial shuttle, fly it, and get the shuttles off of Tech and Omega.
Amina scanned the area, her senses attuned to the slightest disturbance in the Force. She spotted an Imperial shuttle parked nearby, its engines idling, ready to take off at a moment's notice. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards it, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she drew upon her Jedi training.
As she reached the shuttle, blaster fire erupted from behind her, and she ducked behind a nearby crate for cover. Peeking out cautiously, she spotted a squad of troopers closing in, their white armor gleaming in the dim light.
Amina knew she had to act fast. Pulling out her blaster, she began to shoot at the troopers. The troopers were caught off guard by her sudden attack, and she quickly dispatched them with a series of well-aimed strikes.
With the immediate threat eliminated, Amina sprinted towards the shuttle, her heart racing with anticipation. She could hear the sounds of battle echoing in the distance, signaling that her friends were still engaged in combat.
Reaching the shuttle, she quickly accessed the controls, her fingers flying across the console as she initiated the startup sequence. The engines roared to life, and Amina felt a surge of triumph as she prepared to take off.
She flew the ship up and to where multiple Imperial vessels where following the Marauder and the other Imperial shuttle Hera and Omega were flying.
Amina shot down 3 shuttles in rapid succession, as the rest of them turned towards her, leaving Tech and Hera alone.
Hunter walked up the ramp where Cham and Eleni stood, “here’s the payment Hera promised.” Eleni said, holding a case in front of Hunter.
“Keep it. You’ll need it. These occupations are happening on other planets besides Ryloth.”
“I hoped to have fought my last war, but our people need us now more than ever. We must organize.” Cham said.
“Well, that’s not something we can help with, General.” Hunter turned around to look at Wrecker, Tech, Echo, Omega, and Hera, “I have my own people to look out for.”
“If a war is coming, it will be their fight as much as ours. Come along, Hera.” Eleni called out.
Omega and Hera ran up the ramp, “Tech showed me how to scramble a ship’s signature.” Hera said.
“We will soon see how well it works.” Eleni replied. “It is time for us to go.”
Hera and Omega shared a glanced as Hera kneeled down in front of Omega and Hunter walked off the ramp.
“Where’s Amina?” Hunter asked Tech, as he looked up from his data pad.
“She jumped off the ship while we were flying away from the refinery to give us cover.” He replied, adjusting his goggles.
“What?” Hunter yelled, as a whirring sound became louder and a speeder blew in.
Amina turned off the speeder and got off of it. Omega now stood with the group as she ran over to Amina. “Woah, where’d you get that?”
“I ditched the Imperial shuttle and found it.” She patted the speeder.
As Amina patted the speeder, Hunter's expression shifted from surprise to concern. "You jumped off an Imperial shuttle?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry.
Amina nodded, “technically I jumped off the Marauder and landed in the refinery, grabbed an Imperial shuttle and handled the ships that were tailing Tech and Hera. Then I ditched it in a remote location that we used during the war and hopped on the speeder.”
Tech adjusted his goggles again, “she had a 28.3% of survival when jumping out of the ship.” He looked up at her, “you’re lucky to be alive.”
She grinned, “lucky is my middle name, Tech.”
Hunter couldn't help but shake his head at Amina's daring stunt. Her recklessness both impressed and worried him, a mix of emotions he wasn't entirely comfortable with. "You're lucky, all right," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "But luck can only get you so far."
Amina flashed him a grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, it got me here, didn't it?" she quipped, her tone light despite the gravity of their situation.
The group, excluding Amina and Hunter got onto the Marauder.
Hunter couldn't help but admire her spirit, even as he felt a twinge of concern for her safety. "Just be careful, Amina," he said, his voice softer now, laced with genuine concern. "We can't afford to lose you."
Amina's grin softened into a smile as she met his gaze. "Don't worry, Hunter," she reassured him, her voice calm and steady. "I can handle myself. I’ve got the force on my side.” She patted his chest plate as she made her way onto the ship.
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tags: @callsign-denmark
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 3 (Nesssian AU)
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A/N: I'm very(read: kinda) sorry for cliffhanger last chapter. Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: Language
2094 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Cassian never knew such panic. He knew he was being an ass for acting as if he had the right to be protective of her. Of the person he didn’t even know the name of. Of the person he felt drawn to and yet wanted to forget. Of the person who got under his skin so easily. Of the person whose beauty can bring the best of men to their knees and make even queens try everything possible to best her. He didn’t know her at all other than a few conversations that weren’t his best moments, but he still felt as if they had been together since they were just kids.
All of those were reasons good enough to get him to forget other females. But this woman, gods, this woman wasn’t like the others, was she? No, she wasn’t. He found her on her knees with a man standing before her in an alley on the way back home from the library. At first glance, his heart broke for different reasons. He started walking away, before he realised it wasn’t what he thought it was. When he caught the telltale whiff of blood and saw the glint of a blade from the corner of his eyes.
Undiluted panic and rage —both feelings he didn’t have the right to feel— spurred him forward, knocking the man unconscious and breaking a bone or two for good measure, only to find the woman laying on the floor, her heart beating too fast for her good. Cassian debated entrusting the man and woman over to the authorities. Somehow, Cassian felt that the man and woman were well acquainted before today. He felt all of this was planned from the man’s side. So he brought both of them to his house. The guy was shoved into the basement with a strong sedative. The woman was left in the guest room one of his brothers or friends slept in whenever they stayed over. He didn’t take her to his room. No, he won’t. That would rip open a wound he still struggled to keep closed. A wound that wasn’t even closed properly. That would remind him of images he didn’t want to admit was stored in his mind. One of those images rose, of the woman laying on his bed, golden-brown hair fanned around her flushed face, her eyes screwed shut in—
Cassian shoved that image away and sighed. He should probably have a little chat with the woman once she wakes up.
Today, when the woman didn’t wake up after one week of unconsciousness, when her face was ghastly pale, he felt the optimism that incentivised him slowly seeping out. He started regretting his decision of not handing things over to the police. What if Cassian’s first aid hadn’t been enough? Worse, what if he did something wrong? What if, because of his actions —done knowingly, or unknowingly— would be the reason why the earth loses a certain gray-eyed beauty?
Cassian was close to giving up. It pained him to see her like this. If not for the slight rise and fall of her chest he would think she was dead already. He slowly walked to her bed, crouched and tucked stray strands of hair behind the shell of her ear. He tamped down the emotion cresting in him. Her pulse was getting steadier day by day. He should be happy— his one week of taking leave from both of his jobs and tending to her was paying off. But his mind shot to the moment that day when they first met. When he was stunned by her beauty. Her side-profile, not even her full face, at that. That day, when he realised something deadly was brewing between them. It had been growing from that day, he realised. It was barely five weeks since he had known her— he didn’t even know her. They were just acquaintances. Still, Cassian knew he was falling hard for her. This time, he couldn’t contain the swell of emotion in him. He couldn't hold back the tear rolling down his cheek. He slowly slipped out of the room and sighed. To say he was screwed was a major understatement.
Everywhere hurt. Death was supposed to be one's liberation. No one mentioned that there was physical pain in death. There shouldn't be, right? One didn't even have a body to feel physical pain after death. Mental pain? Probably. Physical pain? A big no.
Nesta blinked open her eyes — which again, no one mentioned ghosts would be able to do.
Huh. She expected Hell —for the mistakes she'd atoned, she assumed Hell would be her place— to be all dark and gloomy. What she didn't expect was for Hell to have separate rooms— with furniture and bright blue walls, no less.
She wanted to sit up and get a sense of her surroundings and clear her still groggy head. That's when she heard muffled footsteps. She jerked upright —and immediately regretted it for her head hurt even worse than before — and her pulse raced. She paused. Pulse raced?
She cautiously placed her hand on her wrist, then her neck and on her chest to be sure. Pulse. She had a pulse. She wasn’t dead?
The door flew open revealing a hulking, heaving figure she knew all too well. What was he doing here?
Ohh. She closed her eyes against the onslaught of memories from the alley. Of Tomas. She opened her eyes to find the man sitting on a chair near the bed. Immediately she was keenly aware of the limited space between them. He silently passed her a glass of water she gladly downed, refilled and let her drink her as much as she wanted.
She set her glass on the bedside table and looked up at him, at the concern etched deep on his face.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” he asked.
Why is he being kind? Why is he making it difficult for me to hate him?
“Why am I here?” she asked instead.
“I asked you first,” he deadpanned. Typical.
“Mhm, nice way to deflect. Too kiddish, though,” she said.
“As if you aren’t deflecting,” he retorted.
“How about this? Your answers for mine.”
He huffed. “Whatever. So, are you okay?”
She smiled, “Me first.” At his glare she said, “I’m sick, aren’t I?”
“How nice of you to pull that card,” he murmured.
“Why am I here?”
“I found you on your knees, your nose slightly broken, bleeding here and there with a man holding a knife to your throat in an alley.” He shrugged. “I brought you and healed you as well as I could without gaining attention from the authorities. This is my home.”
She opened her mouth to ask her next question.
He cut her off with a smile and said, “My turn, sweetheart.”
She clenched her jaw. His audacity.
He leaned forward on his elbows. “Does anything hurt?”
“Yeah,” she allowed herself a small smile, “My head feels like it's being hit with a hammer by a particularly unkind person. My nose feels like it’s stuffed with cotton. My scalp feels like it’s being used as a cotton reel. I’m in dire need of a bath. Other than that, I’m fine I guess.”
He nodded, “Well, I’m glad you’re fine.” There he is, being all kind and caring to me again. He chuckled. “No need to give me that look. I’m just glad my one week off didn’t go down the drain.”
That was what she wanted to hear. But it still stung. Her head snapped up as realisation struck. “Wait— has it been one week already?”
He smirked, “Yes. Now, my question—”
She frowned, “It’s my turn.”
His smirk only grew larger. That bastard. “ ‘Has it been one week already’ is a question, my love.”
Shit. She should’ve thought about that. He was correct but still, “How dare—”
“Calm down, darling, calm down. If you want—”
She sighed and said, “Bring it on, then.”
His jaw ticked. He’s angry, she realised. “Who was he?” he asked quietly.
She drew in a breath. “That was Tomas. Tomas Mandray. My ex-boyfriend. He probably wanted revenge for putting him in jail.” She didn’t explain. She didn’t want to and he seemed to understand that. She slightly dreaded the next question. She put on her no-emotion face and asked, “Where is he?”
His face said he saw right through her facade. He pursed his lips, “In the basement. I figured the both of you had some sort of personal history so I wanted to wait for you to wake up before I did anything. He’s not awake; I’ve taken care of that but I don’t think he’ll be unconscious much longer. Do you need anything?”
She nodded, she was still in the same clothes as that day. There were blood stains throughout her black shirt. The mere thought that she hadn't cleaned herself for one week made her shudder. He didn’t change her clothes and she appreciated that though it seemed her face, neck and hands were wiped with a cloth. “I’d like a bath.”
He seemed to consider this before saying, “Sure. You can use my friend's clothes from the closet. The bathroom is there. Take a bath, use whatever you want. I'll get breakfast ready.”
He turned to leave. “Wait,” she called.
He arched his brows, waiting. “Thank you. For everything.”
He gave her his signature half-smile, “Anytime, darling.”
Making breakfast was normally very easy. Today, however, it was proving to be a very, very difficult task. Apparently, your brain turns to mush when the woman you've been drooling behind is bathing under the same roof. Also when you're talking to her. He found it a miracle that he didn't make a fool of himself earlier.
But he was sober enough to see the vulnerability behind her guarded expressions when they were talking about her ex-boyfriend. Gods, her ex-boyfriend. The anger he felt when he saw him in the alley was less than a tenth of what he felt now. He didn't know why he was angry. He just… was. He knew she was smart and brave and strong. But that didn't wipe off the fact that somewhere, beneath the tigress exterior, there was a scared little rabbit. He knew what he was going to do might be stupid. He knew it might not work out. Still, Cassian was going to arm the scared rabbit, consequences be damned.
Turns out, he makes delicious breakfast. There was steak, salad, boiled potatoes and a number of other foods. Nesta didn't know when she last had such mouth-watering steak. Not that she'll admit it though.
“Did he see you?” she asked after a hearty meal. “Tomas,” she clarified.
“No,” he replied, “I came from the back. His guard was down so he wasn't ready. I don't think he's trained in this kinda stuff. He probably knows a little but not good enough. Why?”
She shook her head. “I don't think I want anything to do with him. Would you mind sending him to the police? Maybe you could just attach a note saying you found him abandoned somewhere or something like that. I really don't want to get you into trouble either.”
She didn't dare look at him, afraid he'll say no.
“Fine,” he said. “You can call a cab whenever you're ready to leave. Take my first-aid kit if you want. Anything else?”
“No, no, nothing.” She cleared her throat. “Thanks. Again
For, uh, everything.”
Gods, why was she getting so flustered?
She packed her old clothes and some medicines he recommended for her headache, ignoring the pang of disappointment. Before she left, he passed her a scrap of paper with an address scrawled on it.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It's a centre I run with my brothers. In three weeks from now, after that Sunday, do you want to come? It's a self-defense arts centre. We could teach you a bit here and there. If you want. Totally no pressure.”
Nesta was stunned. That was exactly what she was thinking about in the shower earlier. Learn how to fight. Learn what to do. Then, payback time. She really didn't understand how he managed to read her mind. She smiled. “I'd love that.”
He grinned. She felt happy. Soon, she was going to give back suffering for all she got. Tomas was so going to pay. She's going to learn how to fight. Never again, she vowed. Never again would she be vulnerable.
@shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @ladygabrielli1997 @nehemikkele @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @ddsworldofbooks @irenethaleia @sjm-things
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cncoaddicted · 5 years
it had been just a simple fuck || Z.D.J
masterlist | requests are open
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warnings: sex (if this is a warning), voluntary cheating
word count: 1.3k+
this imagines will probably have a second part
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you and some friends had just arrived at the club, you already had a glass full of alcohol in your hands while playing with the straw
"y/n, how's it going with Brandon?" your friend asked but as soon as the name of your boyfriend left her lips you crossed your eyes with a boy at the back of the room, he smiled at you and you still reciprocated with the strew between the lips
"y/n!" your other friend called you back but you were no longer listening to them
your gaze was fixed on that boy standing on the sofa in the club surrounded by numerous other boys
you involuntarily smiled as soon as you saw him laugh
you turned to your friends
"don't wait for me to return, I'll probably be back tomorrow morning" you said starting to walk backwards
"y/n, do we have to remind you that you have a boyfriend?" they said trying to stop you
"who knows how many girls Brandon has fucked during his business trips, nobody will die if for once I am the one to fuck" you answered raising the glass towards them and then taking a long sip turning towards the unknown boy
when you found yourself close enough you saw him get off the sofa and approach you with the whistles and cries of the friends behind him
you started dancing one next to the other to the rhythm of some latin music
"go zabdi" you heard the boys shouting
"Zabdi? particular name" you said in the boy's ear
"my name is Zabdiel" he replied looking you straight in the eye
"and clearly you're not american" you said again, with a sharp blow Zabdiel made you turn making your back slam against his chest and putting a hand just under your breast
"Puerto Rico" he replied a few centimeters from your neck creating a trail of chills all over your body
"I heard interesting things about that island papi" you replied with a smirk pushing your butt against the crotch of his pants and moving your hips more and more
"and I'm y/n anyway"
"how about moving the party home y/n?" he asked you, marking your name while with his hand he went down to the button of your pants making a light pressure on your mount of venus
"I think it's a great idea" you replied moving away from him and then turning around and looking him in the eyes, your gaze passed from his eyes to his lips and you couldn't help but starting to kiss him
the guilt feelings crept inside you but disappeared as soon as Zabdiel returned the kiss
he said something to his friends before turning to you, taking your hand and starting to walk towards the exit of the place
you were full of pleasure at the thought of what would happen once you entered what you thought was his home
as soon as you entered, Zabdiel wasted no time and slammed you against the wall starting to kiss you, threw the keys on the shelf and started taking off his jacket while you were doing the same
you could certainly say that Zabdiel was a god in kisses compared to the boys you had been with before but at that moment you were more interested in his evident erection that grew every time he touched a different part of your body
"in the room" he panted while you were intent on kissing his neck and probably leaving him some sign that would remain for days
he took you from under the thighs making you cross your legs around his waist and starting to walk towards the bedroom
he made you lie down on the bed and he lay down on you by unbuttoning your shirt in one fell swoop while also blowing a few buttons
"carajo" you gasped as zabdiel kissed and sucked from your neck to the groove between your breasts
you could feel his erection against your thigh so you started massaging him over his pants
"fuck" he said
you overturned the situation finding yourself above him, you quickly took off his shirt going down to kiss his chest continuing to look him in the eyes, unbuttoned his pants making them go down to his ankles and then on the floor where his underwear also ended
his penis was straight in front of you, for a second you stopped thinking about Brandon and the feelings of guilt returned
"are you all right?" Zabdiel asked in a voice broken by pleasure
that phrase said by him in that way was enough to make your boyfriend's thought disappear, you made saliva fall on his tip before starting to massage him
"carajo y/n" Zabdiel gasped bringing his head back
you licked the tip and left a kiss continuing to look Zabdiel straight in the eyes
"don't tease mami" he said
without leaving him too long you relaxed your jaw taking him in your mouth, you started sucking and licking his penis massaging his balls with one hand while with the other massaging the rest of the cock, you moaned from the pleasure causing vibrations that hit in full the tip
"carajo nena, eres tan buena" he panted putting a hand in your hair to push his cock more and more into your throat until you find yourself a few centimeters from his base
you walked away to catch your breath while continuing to massage him with your hand
"come here" he said hoarsely
his hand behind your head pushed you towards his lips, Zabdiel could feel the taste of your saliva mixed with his precum when he put his tongue in your mouth
you inevitably pushed yourself higher and this gave his hands access to the button of your pants making them then go down to your ankles and end up on the floor like all the rest of the clothing
he slipped a hand into your panties without warning, making you gasp in the kiss
"you are so wet" he said an inch from your lips before starting to kiss you again and unexpectedly he put a finger inside you
"carajo Zabdiel" you gasped on his mouth
"do you like it mami?" he said to your ear biting your lobe and inserting another finger, he moved his thumb on your clitoris and quickly moved his fingers in and out
"Zabdiel I'm coming"
"not yet" he said only stopping all his movements and letting his fingers come out of you
you didn't even have time to protest, however, because moving your panties to the side he entered in you without warning
"fuck" it was the only thing you could say while he moved your hips up and down, then he came out of you leaving you time to completely take off your underwear and then come back inside you
he changed the angle of his thrusts by hitting your g spot directly
"fuck, fuck Zabdiel" you gasped again
"y/n, I'm going to come" he said in a voice full of pleasure
"me too" you answered
Zabdiel was already ready to go out to get a condom but you stopped him before he could do it
"I'll take the pill" you said just leaning over him and starting to kiss him
you came around his cock shouting his name on his lips
only a little later you felt zabdiel coming inside you, you kept moving your hips against Zabdiel's, feeling his sperm run down your inner thigh
you let yourself go against his chest while he stroked your hair
you stood up with his liquid still coming out of your hole
"the bathroom is there" he said pointing to a door
"thank you" you said only before going to the room and cleaning yourself
when you came out Zabdiel was already under the covers and as soon as he saw you he lifted them slightly making a sign to go and lie down beside him
at that moment Brandon crossed your mind but the image of your boyfriend was immediately chased away by the knowledge that the one with Zabdiel had been just a simple fuck and that Brandon would never know
and while at that moment you were observing the perfect profile of Zabdiel you still didn’t know that that boy would have completely fucked you, in every sense.
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would you like a second part?
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chub-rye · 5 years
Hey Krissy!! This is for you my dear child!! I know I haven’t been around recently but I hope you feel better! I miss you so much bb and I hope you like this ^-^ your a way better writer than me anyways~
The woman jumped startled from behind her desk quickly clicking away from the hero fan forums and looked over her monitor to her boss that was making his way over to her. She stood up from her desk and straightened out her dress shirt as she smiled at him softly.
“Yes sir? What can I help you with?” The older man grinned excitedly as he slapped a file on her desk. Kristina looked down at it before glancing at her boss as she picked it up. “What’s this sir?”
“It’s a new publishing assignment and I know that you're the only person I can trust for this client.” He grinned confidently grabbing her shoulder as his finger poked at the thick file in her hands. She blushed softly and smiled pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she shrugged.
“Wow, I mean- Thank you sir, that means a lot. I promise i'll try my best.” He chuckled and gave her a soft shake.
“Well that’s what’s expected of you my dear, especially with this client. Wish you the best of luck Krissy….. You’re gonna need it.” With one final pat on the shoulder the older man made his way back to his own office leaving his employee to read the file. She sighed and sat down setting the file in front of her looking down at the confidential stamp on the front. Never really gotten a file like this before, or this thick. She worked as a political advisor and a client advertiser, You could call it like a manager to those that needed help with their image. She’s worked with politicians mostly but the company was started to broaden its levels of expertise into the Hero business which had honestly been a bit stressful on all of the employees. THis would actually be her first Hero assignment if the Confidential stamp with bold red letters was anything to go off of but hey! It would be an honor to work for anyone that kept the words safe, even the youngest of heroes needed to be appreciated for they were the Heroes of the future.
Taking in a deep breath she flipped the file open, her bright smile slowly fading as she saw the picture of the hero glaring back at her. Her hands immediately became sweaty and her stomach dropped. Explosive blonde hair and those angry ruby eyes, they were unmistakable. She could already feel the heat rushing up her neck to her cheeks changing her face to a bright rosy color.
Ground Zero, Japan’s most misunderstood rising hero.
And Krissy’s long time Hero crush.
She swallowed dryly and started paging through the file, her eyes skimming through pages and pages of public complaints and misconduct reports. They even put in articles that didn't exactly help his case. The initial shock slowly started to fade as her business mode started up. She exhaled heavily and opened up a new profile in her computer and started typing away.
She leaned back in her office chair lightly massaging her palm as she looked at the spread out of documents on her desk. She nodded and started to pile it all together putting the file away in her briefcase before standing up stretching her back moaning softly at the loud pops that ran down her back. She sighed and packed up the rest of her things and shut off her computer ready to leave for the day. It was still a bit early but she did come in really early to fix some issue with a client, so to say she was ready to go home was an understatement. Especially with this new case, she looked down at her desk as she smiled shyly, she was going to be working for THE Ground Zero!!
“Kristina!!” She yelped as her gaze snapped up at her boss who was hurrying towards her. So much for leaving early…
“Yes sir?” She smiled as he typed away at his phone.
“Were you on your way out?” He spoke without looking up.
“Y-Yeah I was about to head ho-”
“Well cancel that.” He interrupted not even listening. He handed her a post-it note shaking it slightly for her to take it. “I need you at this address ASAP. It's about your new client.” She glanced at the note then back at the clock.
“But sir my shift is over.” He sighed and looked up at her.
“Yes I know, I wouldn't be sending you there if it wasn't important. Heroes will be our top priority now, so when it comes to them we are always on the clock do you understand.” She sighed and nodded.
“Yes sir..” She mumbled, grabbing her briefcase and coat. He sighed and ran a hand through his thinning hair.
“Listen Krissy. You get this guy up the popularity poll and I will give you a raise. Any number and I will give it to you okay?” He gave her a pat on her shoulder and walked away back to his office. She looked back down at the note and gasped as she looked at the time scheduled. She hurried out of her cubicle and towards the elevador. She was already running late!!
“Can you tell me what exactly we are doing here?” Bakugou glared at Kirishima as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest. “You know I don't like these fancy places.” He mumbled as he huffed. Kirishima could only chuckle and shake his head.
“You do realize you sound like a child right, and dude can you please sit up straight? She's going to be here any minute.” Bakugou looked at him confused.
“She? Who the fuck are you even talking abou-”
“Hello! I'm so sorry for running late I do apologize.” Bakugou and Kirishima were both taken back by the woman who frantically bowed. Kirishima was the first to stand up and laughed softly, extending his hand to her.
“Hey don't worry about it, we weren't waiting too long. I'm Kirishima and you are?” She cleared her throat shyly and shook his hand.
“It's such an honor to meet you, my name is Kristina but everyone calls me Krissy.” She smiled sheepishly as Kirishima gestured for her to sit. She sat down setting her case next to her chair.
“And this guy right here is Bakugou. But i'm sure you know him.” He chuckled as Bakugou glared at him sitting up in his chair, he sighed and turned to look at her. He looked her over watching as she blushed and looked down shyly. He chuckled softly and leaned his elbows on the table.
“So Krissy what are you doing here?” She almost shivered at hearing him say her name like that. She cleared her throat trying to pull herself together.
“I-I well...Im y-your new public affairs adviser, sir.” She managed to say as she twiddled her thumbs under the table.
“New? What the fuck happen with the last one.” He looked over at Kirishima who looked away whistling awkwardly.
“I wouldn't know sir but I promise you that I will do everything I can to make you beloved by everyone. I'm already such a big fan and I can't wait to work with you!” She smiled brightly. Bakugou looked back at her and smirked.
“A fan huh~.” He chuckled and rested his chin in his palm. “Never had a fan work for me before. You sure you wont get distracted?” She blushed at his tone and shook her head.
I assure you sir that work comes first.” Kirishima grinned happily and patted Bakugou on the back.
“Awesome! Alright well I just had to make sure this dude didn't run off. Have fun and don't scare this one off Bakugou.” He got up and bowed before going on his merry way. She sat there watching him leave as she realized it was just both of them left.
“So.” She jumped at his voice and turned back to look at him.
Y-Yes sir.” He smirked at her.
“You sure you aren't going to get distracted? You look like you're about to melt with how red you are.” He chuckled as her face only lit up more. She quickly covered her cheeks embarrassed as he leaned back smiling to himself.
To say that all of this wasn’t a quick change of pace for Bakugou was a lie, when this girl came into his life she meant business. His numbers went up just by some simple social media pictures that she had posted of him when he wasn’t paying attention. He was obviously upset at first for not asking first but once the public opinion changed he couldn’t really complain anymore. He had never really spent so much time with someone before which was also a welcome change that he had to come to terms with. He noticed when she was and wasn't there, at first it bothered him that she had had an affect on him but slowly but surely he had to face the facts.
He liked her.
Not that it was a bad thing but why?? She was just some quirkless worker so why had she grabbed his attention so much? What about this beautiful woman had him thinking of her almost constantly. He didn’t know…. and he was starting to not care. He sighed as he watched her type away at her laptop as she sat across from his desk. It had been a mellow day and his patrol had ended early due to no crime activity, she must have felt him looking because she glanced up at him and blushed once she met his eyes.
“Oh. Um is everything okay Bakugou?” She smiled softly. He smirked softly, always loving when she got flustered by him just looking at her. Plus he was guilty of using that against her, even to the point of making her wheeze of embarrassment
“What can’t I look at you?” Her blush darkened as she looked away putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear, a habit he was quick to notice when she got shy.
“S-Sorry I thought you needed something..” She mumbled. He chuckled and stood up walking around the desk.
“Actually now that you mention it. I think I do need something.” She gasped when he slapped her laptop shut leaning over her resting his hands on the back rest of her chair. She looked at him wide eyed as the tip of her ears grew red.
“A-And what might that be.” She held back a squeal as he leaned closer towards her face, his eyes never leaving hers.
“I need you to be my date tonight.”
“D-Date?! Me??” He smirked and grabbed her chin rubbing his thumb gently over her bottom lip.
“Well I’m talking to you aren’t I? I want you to be my girlfriend. How’s that sound?” He smiled at her. One of those smiles she rarely saw and knew were genuine. She sighed softly, her trembling hands resting on his chest.
“That sounds lovely.”
I love you 3000 Krissy!! You deserve the world my darling @katsuizukiri
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jimin-and-things · 5 years
Pairing: Yoongi×Reader
Warnings: there's nothing too bad, just a mention of bullying
Note: This is just based off a dream I had the other night, and in the dream so much happened sooo there may be a part 2, but I don't know yet.
A/n: Alrighty! This is my first time writing something like this, so it's pretty garbage. But I am kinda proud of it and it's kinda good for being just a little introduction to the next few parts, I still don't know if there will be other parts but yeah I really hope you guys like it! 💜
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"I really hope you like it here"
Your brother says to you with a reassuring smile, he pats your shoulder then lifts up a box labeled 'fragile'. You sigh "me too" you mumble underneath your breath and with that he walks away. You follow behind him with another box. Your dad got offered a job and he had to be relocated. This meant that your whole family had to go, and honestly, you didn't hate the idea of moving.
It's fall at the moment and all the leaves are turning different shades of red and yellow. The neighborhood has bunches of oak trees towering the houses. Many of the houses were made from brick and had groups of flowers bunching up around the yards and you watched as the groups of kids rode their bikes along the streets. The neighborhood was tranquil and quite pretty to say the least.
"Sooo, what do you guys think?" Your dad walks into the living room and leans against the door frame while smiling widely at you and your brother. You two are unpacking the boxes of random items that you forgot even existed.
"I don't know, it seems kinda boring here" you scoff at him "you've barely been here for 3 hours, give it some time" he rolls his eyes and then mumbles something that is inaudible to you. You walk past your dad to pick up another box thats labeled, "y/n's things" you glance at your dad then take the box into your arms, "well if it makes you feel any better, I think I'm gonna like it here" and with that you walked up the stairs while carrying the box.
You lay out all the items from the box across the floor of your empty new room. You take out a year book from the box and you knew you shouldn't open it, knowing that it would bring back too many memories that you didn't need at the moment. But instead, you open the yearbook and your eyes begin scanning the notes that people wrote. Every word you read hit you deeper and deeper. 'Bitch' 'Everybody hates you' 'Go rot' you came across these words too often as you were reading and before you knew it, you felt a tear fall across your cheek. That single tear turned into a whole stream of tears that you couldn't stop. You throw the yearbook across your room and pull your legs up to your chest and let the tears fall, sniffling every so often.
You stand up after your done crying and wipe your red, puffy eyes. You walk over to the window and see the trees swaying gently in the wind as the leaves dance around on the ground. You huff, I need to clear my head. And with that you grab your black jacket and you go down the stairs and just as you're about to open the front door you hear your mom,
"Where are you going sweety??" She strides towards you but you look down so she doesn't see your puffy eyes from crying, "I just want to go for a walk and have a better look at the neighborhood, is that okay" You still don't look at her and she tilts her head then smiles at you, "Of course y/n, go ahead, just be back by dinner okay?" You nod and with that, you're out the door, ready to get your mind off of everything.
The neighborhood is a good distraction for you. With each step you take, you can hear the crunch of the leaves under your shoes. When you glance up from the leaves you see chipmunks scurrying around, chasing eachother through the yards of the houses. You continue walking, happier than before you left your house and you may even have a bit of pep in your step. As you're walking you come upon a house that has someone sitting on the steps on the front porch. He's not looking at you but from what you can see from his profile, he is very handsome. And must've been too distracted by him because before you know it, you are on the ground. You tripped over a rock on the sidewalk and you groan as you slowly sit up while rubbing your hand. Ouch, why are you so clumsy?? You were about to get up and painfully run away in embarrassment when you hear him, "Wow, are you okay?" You look up to see where the voice is coming from and the face that greets you is gorgeous. Your mouth hangs open and you say nothing. When you still stay silent he squats down so he can come face to face with you, he has worry on his face, "hellooo??" When he says that you snap out of it and your face turns crimson red and you look down, "I...I'm fine" you try to get up and you hiss in pain and you look down at your knee, "you're bleeding, come on let me get you cleaned up" he holds his hand out to you but when you don't take it he tilts his head at you.
"I don't even know your name and you expect me just to walk into your house?" You gawk your head at him and he pulls his hand away and scratches his neck awkwardly, "Right, my bad, you're smart though, I could've just been a serial killer and dragged you into my house to kill you" you look at him with wide eyes, trying to make out if he was joking or not.
He notices your shocked facial expression and he chuckles, "oh come on, I'm joking! I wouldn't even think of killing you" he laughs lightly before looking down at your now ripped jean that shows your scraped up knee, "My names Yoongi, if that helps you, now can I please help clean that up?" he says while pointing to all the scratches on your hands and knees. You smile up at him Yoongi, what a nice name. You let a bit of your guard down to him and then nod at him, "My names y/n, if that helps you" a gummy smile lights up on his face when he hears your name and man oh man, it was the cutest smile you've ever seen you suddenly feel your face going red once again and you look down as he leads you into his house.
Yoongi's house was alittle messy, but it felt homey. The front door opened into the living room, he had pieces of music equipment scattered throughout, "this way" he takes your hand in his and you smile at the feeling of your hand in his, he leads you into the kitchen and pulls a chair out for you to sit down, he walks out of the kitchen and you replay the image of him in your head, his gummy smile stays in your mind. You snap out of your thoughts when he walks back into his kitchen with a small first-aid kit, he pulls out another chair and sits in front of you while taking out the items he needs from the kit. You watch as his hands work through the kit, pulling out items such as neosporin and bandages.
He glances up at you for a minute but then goes back to working on opening the cap to the neosporin, "So you must be part of the family that moved in down the street"
You nod then he takes your hand in his and places it palm up and begins applying the cream and you watch him work on your hand with concentration on his face, "So do you like it here so far?" His eyes flick up to yours for a split second and then he gets back to work, "I really like it so far, do you know how adorable this neighborhood is? it seems so calm here" He hums in agreement, "you're right, it is pretty calm here, its peaceful, thats one of the main reasons I decided to move here" his hands work their way to your leg, they linger on your thigh a bit longer until you notice and then he moves them down to your knee and he begins to work on patching up your knee, its silent for a minute until you break the silence, "You have a nice smile ya know" stupid, you just had to blurt that out, you blush profusely, you hear him chuckle, "why thank you very much" he eyes your blushing face and he smiles warmly at you then he finishes and puts a band-aid on your knee
"Alrighty, you're good to go" He helps you stand up from your chair then he looks around trying to break the silence, "So uhh...do you need anything else? Do you want something to drink?" He goes toward his fridge and grabs a water bottle, "I have water if you want one" you shake your head, "No thanks, I should really get going, my mom wants me back for dinner" he's alittle disappointed but he doesn't let it show.
He smiles at you and sets the water bottle on the counter and walks over to you, he looks into your eyes and glances down at your lips for a split second, "Well, hopefully I'll see you around y/n" you grin at him, "you'll definitely see me again, don't worry" you step closer to him, daring to look back up into his gorgeous eyes, "and thank you for helping patch me up today, I swear I'm not usually that clumsy" your voice is full of sincerity and he smirks at you, "Well please just be careful, I really don't need to be patching you up whenever you walk by me" you both laugh in unison and he opens the front door for you and watches as you step out of his house, and you begin to walk away, he smiles contently as he watches you walk away from him. He sighs then shuts the front door, he sits on his couch and smiles, he's alittle happier now that he's met you.
You step into your house, "I'm home!" Your mom comes walking over to you as your taking off your shoes and jacket, "oh there you are! I was beginning to get worried, where did you go?" You grin slightly while thinking of the charming man that you felt an instant connection to, "oh nowhere, I just got alittle distracted" she gives you an odd look but shrugs it off and you follow her into the kitchen thats beginning to come together, now that theres no more boxes piling into the kitchen. And when you all sit down to eat, you smile, you're alittle happier now that you met him
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