#I'm a little late but... finals.
the-cowardly-cheese · 4 months
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skellagirl · 3 months
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played DA2 for the first time and romanced the possessed bisexual poor little meow meow who's totally down for firebombing a walmart
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ryansjane · 2 months
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#guess we'll never know jane's age
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sysig · 9 months
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Good skeles, like you lots (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Finally a set mostly featuring the brothers! Yay!#I love their dynamic so muuuuch and they're both so cuuuuuute ahhhhhhh <3 <3#I made that first one based on some half-remembered doodles from my Very First time around drawing UT characters - going way back!#I never posted any of them - I do actually have some studies from back then from various artists including Zarla haha ♪#And I think the original sketches for the pixel bouncies I made of them? :0 There's a lot of good stuff back there! Been a while tho lol#Really tho I've just kinda been on a big-eyes-and-swirly-cheeks kick lately haha ♪ They suit it so well! Especially Sans#Very fun to put down strong lines about ♫#Hugging <3 Always hugging <3 <3#I'm really pleased with their hands there actually haha - Papyrus pulling Sans in and Sans' hand on his ribs not pushing just a little space#They're so cute <3 Even some of my first doodles of them were them giving little donk-pecks on their cheek or forehead#Y'know - since they don't have lips lol#Also probably not a shock but I've pulled out my own colour cube(s) to play with out of inspiration lol#I am So out of practice lol#Sleeping on each other - it is The Classic! I love Papyrus' little paw thing with his plated hand while he sleeps haha#I personally really like the inverted Soul look on Monsters but in Handplates they're right side up! What do!#There must be a happy medium to strike somewhere hmmm#Just put them sideways and upset Everyone lol#A silly little set with Gaster of the two ''flying'' - does that activity actually have a name? :0 I don't know it#Gaster is not about to have them playing anything that could end up with 1-s falling though - not that he'll listen lol#''Because I told you to!'' Lol#And finally trying on clothes in their house! Papyrus is getting weird vibes off this shirt with how it ties in the back and hangs loosely#I'm pretty sure? I've been drawing him with his scar but it can hard to tell even looking at it myself lol#I'm not exactly careful with the delineation of his neck bones so the line can get lost#Needs a shirt that will compliment a scarf or a cape for sure
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kimtaegis · 21 hours
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stories of three little birds for @jkvjimin ♡
texts & paintings, by first appearance: Die Drei Spatzen (The Three Sparrows), poem by Christian Morgenstern // In einem leeren Haselstrauch (In a bald hazel tree), painting by 6-year-old me // Three Little Birds, song by Bob Marley & The Wailers // three little sparrows, painting by Annemiek Groenhout // Three Birds, poem by Ben Onachila // Birds on a Branch, painting by James Coffman // Birds of a Feather, song by Billie Eilish
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probably-impossible · 3 months
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rat man of all time
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 4 months
"A book of fairytales and fables? A warm gift from our sun-walking friend, no doubt..." ✨️
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haeroniel-doliet · 1 year
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It's done! The final piece of my Dinluke big bang collab with the most inspiring @coriesocks! The whole wonderful and heart warming fic is up already so go go read I know places (where we can hide)! (This piece is for chapter 7!)
Great big shoutout to my author for being so kind, patient and supportive throughout this whole journey. I could not have hoped for a better partner!
Thank you all for your support and I hope you've all enjoyed all the fantastic work (compiled here!) that's come from artists and writers alike in this event, as much as I have <3
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preseriesdean · 2 years
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peppermint-whiskers · 2 months
Last archangel! Raphael is finished uwu
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Raphael is archangel of healing, both physical and mental. Despite that, by their own admission, they don't understand human minds at all. In fact, none of the heavenborn really do. Raphael instead blesses medical advancements, especially those they consider especially worthy. They're appalled by people withholding treatment or making that treatment inaccessible.
They're pretty close to Emily! They make her pancakes sometimes just like they did for Lucifer, and they like hearing about her ideas to bring joy to Heaven uwu They're also an excellent healer, rivaled only by Elohim himself, so they handle any healing the heavenborn need (especially the exorcists, both physically and mentally). Physical wounds are a lot easier to heal than mental wounds because they can easily convince the body to seal those wounds. Mental wounds need that person's cooperation and willingness to get better.
They desperately want to heal both Lucifer and Elohim. It's just a shame that they both refuse in their own ways
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jils-things · 5 months
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by the lighthouse.
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softichill · 1 year
The Sound of Nightmares unofficial transcript
(Sadly @queen0fm0nsterz wasn't able to work on this one, but is still important to credit bc I say so)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
[Thunderstorm in the background]
OTTO: The guardian at the threshold. An archetype that parapsychologists have obsessed over for centuries. A mythic entity who’s appeared in the stories of innumerable cultures. No matter their description, his role is always the same: to confront anyone who dares cross into unseen worlds. 
OTTO: In our last session, he spoke to her, or– through her. Even when I listen to the tape I can’t be certain what I’m hearing. Still, I’ve repeated his words like a sickness ever since. It went like this. 
OTTO: “Cross the sill. Sink in a twinkling. Cast aside the old sleep, to sleep again anew.”
[Otto puts the paper down]
OTTO: The Candleman, the Ferryman– indeed, the Guardian at the Threshold. An idolon on the inside, determined to [Hitting the table] Keep. Me. Out. 
[Tape rewinding]
[Intro plays]
[Shifting, electric humming, Otto putting something together]
OTTO: Noone was right after all. [Slow beeping starts] I noticed something off, while reviewing the E.E.G, and reluctantly, sent her up to radiology. At first I doubted the validity of the results, but the technician assured- curtly- that Noone’s scan undeniably shows… a pea-sized tumor, on the right-sided amygdala. 
[clatter, humming continues]
OTTO: They maintain it’s benign, [click, more humming] despite the unusual ocular appearance. 
[repeated clicking, Otto keeps building]
OTTO: This calls everything into question. The mass’s location could impact fear response, emotional salience, and damningly, dreams. And yet… I cannot deny all the evidence to the contrary. 
[Lower click, Otto stops building]
OTTO: I’ve… pondered the ethics of informing Noone. She’s already so scared of her body that it would only send her spiraling. I can’t risk anything jeopardizing a revelation that might lead to Cici. 
OTTO: From here on, anyone listening will think me mad. But, the proof is in the pudding! Noone’s… vanishings; her transpersonal states; they’re undeniable evidence of a realm- beyond our senses. It’s always been on the periphery, but now I know… it’s accessible. And she possesses the means to enter that domain. 
[Papers rustling on the desk]
OTTO: My professor’s paper posits thus: “There are two requisites for entering the quiddity of consciousness. First, a gateway; places hidden amid our world. Second, a means to open these doors. And I assert that keys are primarily cut out of fear.”
[Otto places the paper down and lifts the device he was building. Humming becomes more clear, Otto sighs.]
OTTO: Either I lack his erudition, or his mania. My only hope lies in completing my labours. [Sigh, shifting on desk] I’ve not slept in weeks, [another sigh] and if I cannot dream as she does, I’ll never know how to enter- this… Nowhere. 
[Click, audio cuts]
[Audio starts]
[Thunder in the background]
OTTO: [in the background] An ugly autumn night, isn’t it Noone? Swirling mist, they called it on the broadcast. A weather phenomenon unique to the Counties- a downpour’s not far off. But- a gift, may brighten the mood. 
[Otto gets closer to the recorder]
OTTO: Here. 
[Otto slides something over to Noone]
NOONE: O-oh. It’s nearly the same. Red, too. 
OTTO: A chrysanthemum, like your parents left you all those weeks ago! An apology, a- a reminder that I remain as committed to you as I did then. 
NOONE: Pretty. 
OTTO: It’s a perennial, so it’ll blossom year after year, just like you!
[Shifting as they both sit down]
NOONE: I think, I’m ready now. To talk about… m-my Mum and Dad. 
OTTO: (surprised) Oh. And why now? What’s changed?
NOONE: Because… I feel like I’m beginning to forget. And maybe talking will help me remember. 
OTTO: Because you’ve been away so long, or you literally feel you’re losing your memory?
NOONE: Um… more like I’m losing a part of me. I can’t tell, am I the girl here, or- the one there?
OTTO: (slightly amused) They’re one in the same. Given all you’ve told me, they must be. It’s not you that’s different, but the physical space around that y-
NOONE: I said I want to talk about my mum and dad! When most kids have nightmares, or- whatever these are, they go to their parents to feel better. Here, I relive them again and again. And it’s all you want to talk about, because you think you can find Cici! Through me!
OTTO: Noone. The only way to find answers is to discover where you go when you sleep. Talking about your parents would be wasting the hours!
NOONE: Aren’t these sessions supposed to be about me?! 
OTTO: Always. 
NOONE: But I have no say. No control. Over how I feel, or- what I do, I don’t even belong to myself!
NOONE: I’ll do as you ask, but promise me. (Quiet) No wires hooked into my head. No machines. Not tonight. 
OTTO: No machines, promise. [Getting up] I think you’ll enjoy what I’ve got planned. 
[Audio cuts]
[Door opens]
OTTO: This bed was for shiftwork*. Now I sleep here more days than not. 
NOONE: Oh. Pretty. 
[Door closes] 
[Steps on carpet, recorder set down]
OTTO: I’d like to try a sort of role-reversal. [Creak] I’ll lie here, blindfolded, depriving my senses, to enter a self-induced hypnogogia, so I can focus on your words. You’ll recount your latest visit, and I want you to try as hard as you can, to project your dream into my head. 
NOONE: I don’t think it can work, but… I’ll try. 
[Creak, shifting as Otto lays down]
NOONE: That girl. In the photo there. That’s her, your daughter. 
OTTO: My sister. 
NOONE: O-Oh. You don’t look much alike. 
[Otto getting prepared]
OTTO: [Exhale] I’m- I-I’m settled. Blindfold on… Carry me away with you, Noone. 
NOONE, narrating: …I couldn’t see anything-
OTTO: S-Slow down. This is vital. Speak, as if you’re trying to pull me in. 
NOONE, narrating: I floated through a darkness, with nothing at my feet. Then it all faded and, I was somewhere new. 
NOONE: An underground brick tunnel, with a stream of… thick sludge passing through a canal at its center. 
NOONE: I can still hear it. Jangling keys. [Dream ambience starts] Screaking metal. Do you hear, Otto?
OTTO: I… I can’t. But keep trying. 
NOONE: It came from… a kid in the distance, struggling to shut a ground-iron door. The last thing I heard before the slamming shut was… laughter. [Echoey laughter, faint slam] 
[Running water]
NOONE: Sludge poured in from the pipes that ran along the tunnel walls. I had no choice but to follow the stream and, so I did until I reached a section [Distant kids chatting] where I saw storm drains above. 
[Dripping water, kids sound more intense] 
NOONE: Looking up through one, I saw a boy’s dirty boots, and orange light shining, from a lantern on his waist. We locked eyes and he called out,
BOY, overlapping with NOONE: “Look! Critters already!”
[Children laughing]
NOONE: Lights then shone down from… every drain above. Other boys and girls wanting to peek at me. 
[Children laughing, Dream!Noone quietly starting to breathe hard]
NOONE: Very suddenly, [laughter dies down] they went quiet. [Kids start whispering] I didn’t know why, until… I heard it. A rumbling through the tunnels. 
[Kids whisper things like “It’s here!” “It’s finally here!”]
NOONE: They whispered together. “It’s here! Finally here!” 
[Whispering dies down, rumbling]
NOONE: Do you feel what I felt, Otto?
OTTO: They’d… been waiting. For you. 
NOONE: …Not exactly. Their joy, their bratty excitement… they’d- gathered for an event, and it had finally come. Like a holiday, that only arrives once per year. 
NOONE: Running from their celebration, I turned down a tunnel, [wet footsteps] going until, I came to a junction. Overwhelmed by how many options surrounded me, I closed my eyes. Listening. 
[Running water, squeaky metal detector sounds] 
NOONE: The sound… came from the path to my left. [Faint electronic buzzing] I waited, watching from a distance, as someone crossed [squeaking] by the dark tunnel mouth. 
NOONE: He carried… a strange gadget. And every now and again, its buzz, turned to some- beeping. Detecting secrets, in the waters. 
[Metal detector squeaking]
NOONE: I hardly noticed the rest of him. But, I got a look before he crossed out of view. He carried a heavy sack, over his shoulder. And things squirmed inside. But, he was gone as quick as he’d appeared!
[Metal detector gets quieter, Dream!Noone’s wet steps]
NOONE: The sludge was… rising quickly [Dream!Noone: Ugh!], up to my ankles, and- the stink became so awful, Otto! I-Imagine it, waste filling your nose. 
[Wet steps continue]
NOONE: Then, across from me, a small pipe became blocked, stopping the sewage. A grey mass poked through [Nome chittering], jammed in tight, wiggling to get loose. But… not until it fell into the sludge [plop], did I realize this… tiny… [chittering] thing… was alive! It picked itself up and- swayed about, curious of my company. 
[Wet steps combined with Nome sounds. Nome makes noises through the next paragraph]
NOONE: The head was… was shaped like- those cone mushrooms, that grow out in Haitfield**. I inched closer to the little mushroom fairy, and… it began mimicking me! As if we’d been old friends!
OTTO: (distant) A friendly presence… the first non-hostile being you’ve met that wasn’t another child. 
NOONE: Yes! He belonged there. In that world. Part of it rather than… a stranger, like me. 
NOONE: Is… is it working, Otto? Can you see its little mushroom head?
OTTO: I think so. Maybe. Keep going. 
NOONE: [mimicking a deep voice] Yes. Drift away, Otto. Drift away… 
[Wet steps, Nome noises]
NOONE: A crooked net lowered down from a drain grate above. While I ducked to cover, the mushroom fairy didn’t. I tried to point upward but, it simply copied my gesture! There was a girl [little girl giggling] giggling with- ugly delight, sticking her whole arm through the grate, hoping to capture the poor thing! So I grabbed a loose brick, [lifting brick] and threw it at her! [Dream!Noone: Hup!]
NOONE: Hitting her arm [girl wailing] she cried out, while I picked up the mushroom fairy, [running through sludge] and ran off.
[Dream!Noone panting, running]
NOONE: After we were well clear, I put the creature down. [Nome chatters] It immediately walked off! Then, looked back, suggesting I follow. 
NOONE: [walking] That little body clicked, jittery and… ungraceful. Somehow the thing seemed to know where it was taking me, stopping only once we came to a rusty door [metal creaking], leading to a maintenance room. 
NOONE: Entering though, I discovered something else entirely. [Squeaky door opening, Dream!Noone gasps and whispers “Wow”] Endless piles spread about the room, some of pure junk while… others housed gold jewelry! As long as it could be collected, there was a place for it here. [Dream!Noone walking through the room] Mesmerizing. 
NOONE: Only after examining a mound of keys [key jingling] did I understand, where this stuff came from. Everything in this room, had been dropped down from the world above over the years. [Nome noise(?)] The only thing out of place, was a child’s propeller cap. On a chair, tucked away, forgotten. [Nome chitter] I think that’s what the mushroom fairy wanted me to see. 
NOONE: [Nome perks up] As if on cue, I heard the man approaching; the little creature hid in a pile of mismatched mittens, and I jammed my way in too. [Running, fabric shuffling, metal door opens and electric buzz + squeaking starts] 
NOONE: I peered out, as he stepped through the door and began dumping out his… pockets. [Faint clattering of various things] Coins, rings, trinkets… [Clattering stops] Next, he took off his plastic suit, covered in- gunk. Beneath, was a bony body, his spine bent horribly. What I thought had been a sack carried over his shoulder… was the back of his head. Like a balloon full of water, throbbing and- swollen. 
NOONE: But I could tell he was not always that way. He’d changed. Somehow become one… with the sewers. 
OTTO: (more distant) I don’t understand. You believe this place transformed him?
NOONE: Aren’t you meant to be drifting into hypergocklia, or whatever? Seeing, smelling, hearing as I did?
OTTO: I can’t seem… to let go. I want to, more than anything I-
NOONE: [Imitating Otto] Try! That’s what you always tell me. If I’m trying my hardest, you have to as well. 
NOONE, narrating: From the corner of my eye, I noticed the little cone sneaking away. The balloon-headed man was inches away, and in that moment, I thought of Jester. Of the Child with Gooey Hair. Of Rusty. I couldn’t do nothing, not again!
NOONE: Thankfully, [rumbling, clattering] that rumbling from earlier returned in that moment, stronger than before!
[Sewer Man notices and panics] 
NOONE: The shaking destroyed the man’s piles, startling him into… an odd anger, so… I stumbled out from hiding, [Running] and bolted for my mushroom fairy, [Nome] and out the door! [Metal creak, Sewer Man notices] 
NOONE: I ran and ran, and, [Dream!Noone running and panting] although the man, he wasn’t very fast, that didn’t matter. [Buzzing & squeaking] He had his gadget, and, that buzz followed wherever I went!
[Dream!Noone wading through water]
NOONE: Any sense of direction washed away with- the sludge that was now up to my knees! [Dream!Noone running & panting] Turning down tunnel after tunnel, I stopped, [ambience calms down, squeaking] hoping I’d lost him. 
NOONE: All at once, those lanterns shone from above [clicks]. The naughty kids had spotted us! [Kids start singing a teasing song] Wildly they sang, “Snatch a gift! Snatch a gift! Before they’re all sent adrift!” 
[Kids continue singing and start clapping along, ambience picks up]
NOONE: Their cheers grew and, [squeak, Dream!Noone gasps] and I saw why. [Electric buzzing] A bag-headed shadow appeared at the tunnel’s far end. Cutting me off. The man and his machine used the tunnels as if- as if the sewers had leaked into his thoughts!
[Dream!Noone breathing hard, splashing water]
NOONE: I tried to backtrack, but, must have taken a wrong turn, and found myself at a dead end. A wall of bricks! [Nome struggles] The mushroom fairy squirmed hard, begging to be freed! So… [plop] I let go, and the grey cone climbed up a pile of fallen rubble, and slipped through a crack, without hesitation, to abandon me! (Sad) Despite saving its life. 
[Water leaking]
NOONE: The crack the fairy squeezed through began spouting water from the other side. [Squeaking and buzzing start up again] I pulled at the bricks as the man stepped closer [Sewer Man gets closer, bricks shifting], one brick loose, then another. His gadget buzzed and buzzed, when I ripped a final brick loose, [Sewer Man sees Noone] leaving a hole large enough to creep through. 
[Sewer Man yells and hits the wall, buzzing and squeaking get farther away]
NOONE: He bated at the wall, grabbing at me, but, I was too far gone. His small, milky eye peeked through at me, until the walls rumbled, more fiercely than ever! The man backed away, overcome with horror. 
[Sewer Man yells, echoey kids’ cheers in the background] 
NOONE: The rumbling didn’t stop after that. And neither did the kids cheering from above. [Ambience rising] Whatever they had waited for… 
[All ambience stops]
NOONE: It was time. 
[Wind/thunder in the background, back in the office]
NOONE: Otto, you’re awake! [Otto startles]
OTTO: Yes, Noone. I’m trying, so hard, to see, to feel- to sense what you did, but I can’t. I don’t have the gift you have, and your gifts are not as commanding as I hoped they’d-
NOONE: (Upset/frustrated) I’d trade places with you in a heartbeat! I wish I could give you everything in my head, then I’d be rid of all of this. 
NOONE: Shall I go on?
OTTO: Yes. 
NOONE, narrating: …It felt as if someone had picked up the sewer, shaking it with rage. Water crashed against the walls. I stumbled on and on, the tunnel growing wider and wider… A second smaller sound appeared; [distant nome chitters] clicks, and murmurs. Then, [nomes getting louder] out of the darkness ahead, they appeared, [many nomes running] scurrying so fast I couldn’t react! A hundred little mushroom fairies, rushing past me in a panic, escaping something close behind!
[Distant kids teasing]
NOONE: It wasn’t long before that something came. [Rushing water, kids cheering] speeding like [Dream!Noone gasps] a pack of horses tangled together, a tidal wave pounded through the sewer!
[Dream!Noone yelps, wave approaches] 
NOONE: The wave was feet away when, [Wave is extremely close, ambience pauses minus the kids cheering] I finally understood. For the kids above, this was a blast. They waited and waited, unable to experience the wave’s power themselves, and that made them love it all the more. Snatching things that run from its path was part of their awful celebration. 
[Waves crashes down on Dream!Noone]
NOONE: The violent wave hit, sweeping me away, carrying me back through the maze of tunnels. I swam up and up, doing my best to surface, and just as I did,
[Splash, music suddenly calms. Dream!Noone gasping for air]
NOONE: The waves paused. My body no longer needed to swim. And the Candleman appeared, floating… on some kind of… broken door. 
OTTO: (distant, serious) Go through your encounter diligently. He holds the answers I- we need. Make no mistake: he is your tormentor. 
NOONE: (darkly) ‘m not sure that’s true. 
NOONE, narrating: This time, I was able to speak in his presence. 
Overlapping with Dream!Noone: “Why do you bring me here? What do you want?!”
NOONE: He replied,
FERRYMAN, ov. with NOONE: “Cross the sill. Sink in a twinkling. Cast aside the old sleep, to sleep again anew.”
NOONE: I yelled back (dream!Noone) “Why?! Why should I?!!” Before I finished he said,
FERRYMAN: “Blight. Not within, but without. Here, all banes be set free.”
OTTO: More riddles. He doesn’t think I can solve them, but I will-
NOONE: I already did. I think… he means by giving myself to his world, I won’t be ill any longer. That’s why… when I’m there, no more headaches. No more parasites. No more tests. 
OTTO: That’s not true, it’s not!
NOONE: [interrupting] I would almost prefer him to take me. 
OTTO: [Standing up] Don’t say that!
NOONE: Away from here. From yo–
OTTO: It’s what he wants!
NOONE: Maybe–
OTTO: He wants you!
NOONE: (yelling) Maybe your Cici felt that way too! Relieved! 
OTTO: [Angry shock, deep breaths] 
[Walking, door opens] 
OTTO: (whispering) No… (mumbling) I was only a boy…
[Wind picks up slightly in the background]
[Door creaks, click, audio cuts]
[Click, tape rewinding, click]
[Audio starts, storm continues in the background]
[Papers shifting. Door opens]
OTTO: We’re done tonight. Get out. To your room, go. 
[Papers rustling]
NOONE: (accusatory) What’s this?
OTTO: Nosing through my desk, were you?
NOONE: My name’s on it. It’s my scan, yes?
OTTO: Smart girl. 
NOONE: Wh… what does it tell?
OTTO: That you’ve got a mass. Growing on your brain- a tumor. 
NOONE: I knew it. The cure. …How bad is-
OTTO: A mass in your brain is never good. 
[Faint thunder]
NOONE: (about to cry) You should have told me. Why? Why didn’t you tell me?
OTTO: It’s not my practice to tell before necessary. Now, get. To. Bed. 
NOONE: …Fine. [Sniff]
[Storm continues]
NOONE, narrating: But after the Candleman spoke, the wave carried me by the maintenance room again. The Bag-Headed man looked through a window, terrified. He was– opposite to those kids above. Living down there, he– he’d no reason to celebrate the wave. Instead… he cherished what they dropped down by accident. 
NOONE: You see… each wanted what the other had. But could never have themselves. 
NOONE: I’m taking two sweets tonight. [Ceramic chime, wrappers]
OTTO: Take as many as you want and leave. 
[Ceramic click, audio cuts] 
[Audio starts]
[The storm is louder now]
OTTO: [Sigh]... 
OTTO: Perhaps I was cruel to tell her. But as she sleeps, I’ve been pondering the entry requisites specified by my professor. I believe he was only partly right. One need only to look at the theater of agony that the Ferryman’s created to understand fear, is an essential requirement. [threatening ambience starts] And I know better than anyone, a little fear can compel us towards discovery. 
OTTO: As for the gateway’s location, perhaps it’s not a place hidden in our world, but in our minds. Is it not possible that her tumor is somehow this unknown gateway? An organ of transcendence. 
OTTO: The apparatus may be unfinished, but its [unintelligible]*** monitor is functional. If she’s to cross over, in a “twinkling”, what choice do I have? In her words, you must try. 
[Click, audio cuts]
[Audio starts. A machine is running and Otto is typing something.]
OTTO: She hardly stirred at all while I pathed the BCI. 
[Beep, Otto stops typing. Something whirrs]
OTTO: All seems stable. As soon as her dreaming begins, the monitor should translate neurosignals into visualizations. 
NOONE: (half-asleep) Otto…
OTTO: Shhh, shsh…
NOONE: [Mumbling, starting to become distressed] 
OTTO: Shhh. Return to that sleep of yours. 
[Audio cuts]
[Audio starts. Machine is still going, storm is outside]
OTTO: It’s past midnight. She fought as long as she could, but finally succumbed. This is it. Show me, Noone. Show me the other side. 
[Noone mumbles, monitor turns on]
OTTO: Here we are. The image… a… kaleidoscope of black…
[Noone winces]
OTTO: An unnatural abyss…
[Noone winces repeatedly]
OTTO:  Wait- a shape. It’s difficult to see… [Noone] like looking through a negative mist. 
[Noone continues making noises of distress. Otto spots something]
OTTO: There! A silhouette! Ovular, splitting across the center– 
[Static rises and Otto yells in pain. Ambience is loud] 
OTTO: [Strained] It– it glares like the sun– [choking] No! A pupil! Near white! Oh god, it’s– it’s watching me! It’s watching me!
[Noone nearly yells in her sleep] 
[Whoosh, Otto yells, machine shuts off. Audio is muddled for a moment.]
OTTO: (very muffled) [Breathing heavily] Noone? [Gasp] Noone!
[Crashing, audio cuts]
[Outro plays] 
*I'm not super sure of what he says here since the door drowns him out
**I don't know how this is spelled
***According to text-to-speech, google, and autocorrect, what he says here is not a real word and I have no idea what it could be. All I know is that it ends in -graph.
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sidver · 1 year
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nostalgic-manatee · 5 months
Your art makes me way too happy. It feeds my bizarre 15+ year long hyper fixation. Do you take requests or suggestions? I'd love to see Ichabeezer and Mr. Nezzer just sort of chilling together.
Ahh thank you, I'm glad my art makes you happy! Here are the boys and a special cameo:
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And a bonus for answering this so late:
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merakiui · 11 months
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like pointy teethies on guys?
Easily a 10!!!!!! >w< recently I watched Across the Spiderverse for the first time and a certain Miguel O'Hara has enchanted me with his pointed teethies hehehe.
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WOOOOOOOOOOOO pointed teeth are just so !!!!!!!!! I like Jade and Floyd's pointed teeth as well because it makes them so much more predatory than they already are and reminds me that, even in a human form, they're still dangerous. I also just like the differences in their teeth! Floyd's are thicker like a shark's and Jade's are thin like a dolphin's, which is fitting considering the shark and dolphin emojis are often used to refer to them. Also it works in symbolism: sharks are often misunderstood and seen as violent dangers when, most of the time, they only attack if provoked or threatened or if they mistake humans for prey (they have bad eyesight, even worse when they attack because their eyes roll back into their head for protection). And dolphins are seen in more positive lights, but they can indeed be dangerous and unpredictable because they are still wild animals.
OH, BUT AZUL'S CANINE TEETH!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHARP!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!! I hope he gnaws on me like a chew toy!!! >0< and of course I can't neglect Ruggie and his teeth!!!! I hope Rugs tears into me with his teethies,,,,, anything for him. <3 I'll gladly bleed if that's what he wants. orz he's so precious. Best hyena, so very beloved.
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harmoniouseclipse · 3 months
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Me and my freaking ship charts for my freaky mind
#I'm gonna rant about them in the tags a lil bit so bear with me#I really like the idea of them taking turns “spooning” each other (or just one laying on top of the other idk)#bc they listen to each others' heartbeats since Lisa's dying lmao#and idk where losa being taller came from#but her canon height says she's 5'11 and i believe it honestly#and kind of the same thing with her being trans; i just think it's a neat character study#especially since we dont know anything about her past or who she was before the game's events#and i didnt rly know how to mark Jean's flirtiness levels because Jean flirtation is VERY different from Lisa flirtation#hers is much more unintentional or very charming like a kiss to the back of Lisa's hand or dancing her around her office when it's late#and she speaks formally too which adds to the unintentional rizz#Lisa cant help but fall for her fr#and i think they are the embodiment of the “fell first fell harder” trope#Lisa falls first and she's content to watch Jean from afar bc she knows how important her job and Mond are to her#and then Jean finally catches up tripping falling bleeding all over ripping her heart out to show Lisa how it beats for her#altho i think it was hard for her to come to terms with it especially since she doesnt want her personal life to interfere with work#so she has to find the balance first#and Jean also knows that being flirty is just who Lisa is and that they are both extremely loyal to each other#but Lisa gets pushed a lot probably when other women start hitting on Jean a little too much#and they're both equally overprotective of each other especially out on dangerous missions#but Lisa feels like she HAS to protect Jean more bc of her importance to the safety of Mond#this is just me rambling tho im literally so in love with them bc theyre just so soft and the wives ever#i am the most sane jeanlisa shipper actually#ty for coming to my ted talk#jean gunnhildr#lisa mici#jeanlisa#genshin impact#ship chart#character art is mine
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