#I'm all about that narrative babeyyyy
youvegot-timetogrow · 7 months
I respec'd Shadowheart into Life domain as soon as she got her new hair and now she's a fucking powerhouse why did I waste my time trying to make Trickery work
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sunny12th · 1 month
2, 6, 8, 15 for dany!!!
Under the cut <3 ty for asking
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Dany is never what anyone expects her to be, narratively and from a meta standpoint. We don't expect a female character, far removed from the main point of magic in the story, to find her own magic and be a destined hero. We don't expect a child rape victim to have a lusty, consensual, and fun romance with a side character. She was not expected to survive khal drogo or the red waste. She was not expected to pivot at every turn and find a third way. And we didn't expect the very real consequences to come from her actions in slavers bay. No one expected the wide spread consequences across Essos from her actions - a slave revolution brewing. No one thought we'd get to see what might happen when a revolutionary character actually commits to the revolution and then has to handle the fallout. That feels so rare to me. She exists so far removed from what the average fantasy reader, or reader in general, would expect to find in a book and I think the fandom takes this for granted sometimes.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Not going into detail but- isolated childhoods with not very good siblings, messy family history, and a whole heaping of desperation. Looking back, it's pretty blatant why I latched onto Dany when I first read agot back when I was like 14/15. Projection and cathartic healing babeyyyy 🔛🔝
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
In another ask, I said that I hate when the fandom uses Dany's family/ancestry as evidence for her impending madness. Along with that, I also really dislike the notion that Dany should have not acted at all to free the Unsullied and other slaves because she didn't have a clear enough plan to handle the fallout. This idea that, because she couldn't do this Perfectly she should not have done it at all. For obvious reasons lmao. One reason I like Dany is that doing nothing goes against her character and usually leads to negative consequences for her, as in Meereen.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I'm not overly invested in any of Dany's ships tbh. That being said, my fave is Dany/Jhogo. I am probably one of 3 people that like them. grrm is an excellent writer when he cares to be one but he didn't care for the Dothraki. Why are none of the bloodriders allowed any interiority or ... personalities. Or anything that might let them feel like distinct characters that warrant the level of proximity and relevance they have to Dany. 'blood of my blood' - was this supposed to mean something? Because it couldve meant a lot! especially to a character like Dany, with no blood relations and desperate for family. Besides Jorah, the bloodriders and her dothraki handmaids are the characters she spends the most time with since book one.
Anyways, Jhogo has a bit more personality than the other bloodriders, he's 'of an age' with Dany (all the bloodriders are around the same age), and it just has so much potential. The royal guard/royalty trope but outside the culture we usually see this is. And!!! They've seen each other literally at their lowest. They survived the red waste together, sacked cities together. Jhogo is held hostage for her right now, along with Daario. I can't pull up the quote right now but Barristan remarks that Jhogo is indispensable to Dany, or smth like that, in his POV chapter. They grew up together, learned how to be strong together. If grrm had cared, they couldve been a top tier romance. It wouldn't have felt rushed or like they were pulled together through fate. Could've just been two lost kids growing into love. But this wouldve required grrm putting effort into the Dothraki characters and he's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't feel the need to do this.
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bonefall · 1 year
JESUS FLIPPING CHRIST! You’ve written BB!Fallenleaf so, SO we’ll it’s literally amazing! How do you make such a good rewrite AND flesh it out so well? Like, if someone found your blog and had never read Warriors, they might think THIS is the actual story! It’s that good! :D
My secret is being unhinged about women and being obsessed with Themes and Symbolism~~
But really it comes from Po3 and OotS being absolutely formative to like, who I am as a writer. It was the point as a kid when I stopped reading, and it was based massively on how they got rid of Holly and flubbed literally everything about the Tribe.
The way that the narrative treated the Tribe as a frustrating lesser entity, made Jayfeather retroactively create the whole thing, never brought Midnight and Rock's importance as spirits back around, and only used this super cool ancient tunnel ghost for a no-chemistry, trash tier romance made me go absolutely nuclear as a kid. I have been thinking about how I wanted to fix these for yeaaaaars.
And like, that's how something becomes part of you. I have such a vendetta against badly written romance because of that ship. I care so much about building side cultures in stories because of how the Tribe was failed. Symbolism and theme matters so much to me because Hollyleaf never got that.
Hollyleaf's Century still has some political drama I'm teasing out in the middle, but it's all the result of me writing what I always wanted to see. It's self indulgence babeyyyy
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rat-prophetess · 1 year
10 and 9 from the pathologic ask game!
Ty!! :D
9- I think the only thing that stresses me out in terms of mechanics is the feeling that there's probably some important side quest/interaction/piece of information that didn't show up in the quest log or letters that I just totally forgot about. Also the fucking rats. I just want to catch you and put you in my pocket so I can bet on you in a race later! I love you stop trying to eat me! please you are such a small target to hit I just bought these boots.
10- !!! Everything! For so many reasons! I think overall it's just that it felt very familiar from the beginning.
[OK this might be long and somehow both tmi and boring at the same time, so uh feel free to skip.] *Shockingly*, I'm sure, I am in fact Officially Mentally Ill™ and my personal depression has a lot of dissociative symptoms attached. Unfortunately I grew up in a house where We Don't Believe In Mental Illness, so I spent a lot of years feeling absolutely nothing and just wandering around in this fog feeling like my body was just a marionette kind of moving on its own while I just watched and couldn't do anything about it. I was told that I was perfectly normal and there was nothing wrong with me at all (because if we all just pretend hard enough...) so I thought that was just it. If there's nothing wrong with me then there's nothing to fix and this is just how it is on this bitch of an earth, c'est la vie pas le paradis, etc. Life is just tracing the same paths over and over and nothing changing except that it kept falling apart and getting worse. I felt totally cut off from the rest of humanity because I didn't feel like a real person in the same way that everyone else was a real person.
Do you see where I'm going with this lolll. being dropped into Patho classic and feeling like there's just. something a little bit off all the time and no one else seems to notice it. The buildings are the wrong size inside; everything feels kind of artificial, like it might just be a stage set; sometimes you have the same conversations over and over. You trace the same routes day after day, and it really does feeling like being blood moving through a vein, and meanwhile everything is deteriorating around you. The characters are horrified and frustrated to learn that they're just dolls and feel helpless and like they have no control over their own actions or fates. So I was like HEY SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR!!!!! <333 They get me <3
It's always a relief to find a piece of art that makes you feel genuinely understood. Any experience/idea/belief that you have no way of communicating is really isolating, but as soon as someone else gives it a name or an image or a narrative form, it suddenly feels like a real shared human experience. It's like learning the word тоска and realizing oh, my language doesn't have a word for that feeling but there is a word for it! That's validation, babeyyyy! The whole game is like that. Also I'm v attached to the characters now. None of them are even a little ok at any time. <3 I love them. Everyone in the town is either queer, kind of fucked-up, or queer AND kind of fucked-up. High School Friend Group Simulator right there.
Ok sorry probably none of that makes sense bc it's almost 3am but uh. Good thing we're all used to reading long, cryptic dialogue that might be pretentious and makes no sense! It's thematic! Anyway I'll shut up now.
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newtedison · 2 years
thank you!
it got long so here's a read more
favorite thing about them
i know it's kind of trendy lately to be like i love evil women <3 and like while i don't think teresa is evil i do love exploring the aspects of her character that other people and the narrative dislike about her. at the end of the day this is a girl who genuinely just wants to do good. she wants to leave the world better than she found it, she wants to solve problems, she wants to help. but she takes this motivation to such an extreme that she sometimes actively causes more harm in the process. but to her the net outcome is worth it. i love exploring that morally gray area, of someone who is willing to do despicable acts in the name of the greater good, someone who will torture you for data but the truest part of them is that they are kind. she is so complex and i love that about her.
least favorite thing about them
i am going to contradict myself but like she do be torturing people though :(
no but to expand beyond that i do think she is a bit too willing to go by the whims of her authority figures and not question them. she seems convinced there are no alternatives because WCKD says so, but if she took the time to think of it for herself rather than try her hardest at their procedures, would she find another way? a better, more ethical way? it's possible. but she's so blindsided by her belief in WCKD and what they are trying to achieve that she doesn't stop to consider alternate approaches. i feel like this could extend beyond this or even canon to other aspects of her life; the idea that once you have decided one way is the correct way, it takes a lot to stray you from the path.
favorite line
"There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories, just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them. I won't."
oh i just thought how this is sort of a parallel to newt's line earlier in the scorch trials "You can't give up. I won't let you." like okay guys........
I said on the Newt ask that I think they would be best friends outside of their canon circumstances so he's still my answer
brenderesa babeyyyy <3 <3 <3 it's literally all made up in my head with no canon basis but it is SO REAL 2 me
thomesa. i'm sorry to all the thomesa babes out there.........but i just can't do it. first of all teresa is a lesbian to me. secondly i just really hate a lot of how their arc was written and i think a lot of their story could have been so much more powerful if they were siblings. the telepathy would make more sense. the moral split between the two would feel more dynamic, the complications it would cause them..........god the potential of it all!
random headcanon
in my current WIP i have that she has OCD and also is a germaphobe. i also see her as the type to carry a first aid kit in her purse and stress over her friends' health and habits (did you put on sunscreen? etc)
unpopular opinion
that she is a LESBIAN i'm kidding i've seen some other people think this too. um i'll say i like it when she's mean and evil and fucked up <3 i think it makes her interesting i like when she does things the narrative frames as morally wrong <3
song i associate with them
i'm gonna list two:
good morning by two door cinema club
I'm a sinner, I am the victim I'm an alien when I'm myself I'm a healer, I am a fixer I'm a present danger to my health
I'm so strong Doing what I'm supposed to do There's something wrong With somebody like me
i am not a woman, i'm a god by halsey
i already made an edit of her with this song here
favorite picture of them
any of the ones from the cliff scene in the scorch trials are sooo beautiful. here's the one i'm using as my icon. had to edit it to hell and back because of how god damn dark the movie is but what can ya do
Tumblr media
send me a character!
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bellasredchevy · 4 years
I'm just gonna say it. I actually really like Bella Swan, as she is, as a protagonist. She likes reading and sunlight and warmth and the views in Arizona, wears big sweaters and wants to be loved more than anything else, is a little messed-up by her mother's neglect but doing her best, and is sarcastic and awkward and bad at gym which are all highly relatable. She was written by a racist misogynist as part of a racist, misogynistic narrative, but her character is fantastic
she’s so funny and snarky and good and sarcastic and honest and genuine and selfless and UGH i love that clumsy bitch i don’t call myself a bella swan enthusiast for no reason babeyyyy
have your “i’m just gonna say it” moment and drop your unpopular opinions about twilight anonymously in my inbox
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