#I'm back I guess
dabiwantsfood · 1 year
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🎶👾The 21st night of September👾🎶
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Tumblr Story Time - Safe now: Story by @the-modern-typewriter prompt by unknown
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anotherplumbob · 1 year
So...did I miss anything?
It’s been...what? Like 1 year (and 8 months and 15 days but who’s counting)? Since I just left and moved everything to Twitter....And now, I’m considering coming back here -my first online home- because Twitter (sorry, “X”) has since then been purchased by a Billionaire Toddler-Man who’s actively trying to ruin it and being there everyday fills me with this deep aching sense of dread. 
So...long story short. I may be undusting this place a little bit. And also may be spamming (yes, it may get intense) the last few generations (3 but who’s counting) of my Lacey Legacy here so that the archive is all in the same place. If you’re not interested - or have already read- I’d reccomend you unfollow or block the tag  #laceyspam which I’ll use for all these “archive” posts. 
So...did I miss anything? :D 
tl;dr: I am back and will probably spam 3 generations worth of Lacey content for the next few weeks.Unfollow or block the tag  #laceyspam if you don’t want your timeline affected by this!! 
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Ballistic: Don’t you guys read the papers?
Revenant: Only the funnies.
Ballistic: You mean the obituaries.
Revenant: Oh, potato, pohtahto…
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whatsagirltoblogabout · 3 months
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This moment. This damn moment. I love this moment so much that I'm back on Tumblr because I need to gush about it. I learned how to make a gif just so that I could capture the full glory of this moment. This moment drives me absolutely nuts in the best way.
Spoilers ahead for the Alias season 2 premiere.
Okay, so she's got a bullet wound in her shoulder from her mom shooting her when they were reunited for the first time after Almost Thirty Years™. It's been sore all episode, she was rubbing it while talking to the CIA-mandated therapist, it's a whole thing.
Now Sloane, Mr. I'm-evil-but-I-also-care-deeply-about-you, is trying to comfort Sydney by giving her a gentle shoulder squeeze. Normally this would be completely incidental and unremarkable, just a casual bit of contact. But here, he's causing her pain by squeezing her bullet wound. All while telling her how much he cares about her! And of course, she's hiding her pain from him, a reinforcement of the continuous theme of her hiding things from him that's existed throughout the whole series so far.
It's a brilliant piece of blocking and performance. The subtlety of it, the depth of the characterization conveyed in this one moment, it's all so good. Notice how she doesn't react the moment he touches her shoulder, but waits until he squeezes. And he squeezes mid-line, specifically on the word "care." Genius, the whole thing is absolute genius.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. See, my latent script supervisor brain has been keeping track of which shoulder is the injured one ever since attention was drawn to it by her fidgeting during her therapy session early in the episode. Way before this scene with Sloane, there's another character who interacts physically with her shoulder in a way that's intended to provide comfort: Weiss pats her shoulder as he's leaving their meeting in the warehouse pre-France, and he pats her uninjured side. This episode deliberately has a direct parallel to this moment, demonstrating which characters genuinely care for her and which one just thinks he does. Or, well, he probably does care, just in his own unique way. Not enough to realize which shoulder he's squeezing. And that's so cool. I freaking adore bits of visual storytelling like this.
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galactic-blitz707 · 8 months
Agh- from the void! I need to get back on my Naga!Wesker grind when it comes to art my goodness.
I'm sorry that I've been missing. Art block is a stubborn thing, but eh, I'm trying, lol. I know I gotta a lot to work on when it comes to @ask-naga-albertwesker-blog. There are so many letters and asks to get done lol, and I'm indecisive when it comes to replying so pain.
Anyways! I'm trying to come back and give you guys yall some Naga!Wesker food(art lol), so stay tuned, I guess lol. I mean, my asks are open here, so idk feel free to just ask about things, I got ocs as well that I wish to post about, but we know Weskie is the king here XD.
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skyhopedango · 1 year
So like... like...
Here I am, just minding my own business, being in a somewhat better place mentally in these past couple months (despite my world getting increasingly worse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), considering slowly getting back to fandoms and reactivating my social media and stuff*... especially after having an AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH moment over Loulou*di's Dying Matter**
...and then I open Twitter, and the HanaDoll* account comes at me like
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I'm so worried! I really really don't want this franchise to get one of those really cheaply made idol animes, like the TsukiPro show... but I don't think they have the funds of even UtaPri, let alone Idolish7 or something... Also this franchise has such an amazingly well thought-out visual design, it would really really suck to see it not being done justice in an anime, but I can't imagine it having the sort of money to make it happen... Oh well, we'll see.
Anyway, though, it says the anime will be adapting Season 1, which is I guess a safe way to go? It's a good introduction to the HanaDoll* world. Honestly, though, I would have preferred more manga over an anime. S2 would make a great manga, especially with Loulou*di and the sheer intensity of their... *gestures wildly* their everything. Maybe, if the anime makes any decent business, they'll restart the manga.
So anyway, I guess I'm back? :D
I thought I'd just sit down and write a post like "the world still sucks, and it sucks more and more with each moment, and I'm still feeling low-key anxious, but I guess I'm doing better, enough to have been able to sob my heart out over Think Of Me: Mono anyway,*** so let's just slowly ease back... also maybe write something about Mono because yeah that should totally be written about..."
Instead it's
"OH MY GOD HanaDoll* is getting an anime WHAT"
I guess that's how my life rolls! :D;;
*If anyone happened to have read this far - I apologize to anyone who have written to me or messaged me! I turned off app notifications on all my social media, but left email notifications on Tumblr, and got none, so I was like okay, so it's peace and quiet... except as I found out a week ago, my email client at one point decided to deliver all my Tumblr notification emails right into my junk folder. 😩And since that folder is set to be emptied in every five days... yeah, I basically missed everything. So I'm very sorry if you wrote to me and I didn't reply!
**I haven't had the opportunity to listen to the Think Of Me: Ark drama yet, but of course I did listen to the songs, and look,
1. I don't need to have listened to the drama to assume that Dying Matter is a Rui song, and
2. I guess this is basically canon confirmation that Rui is in love with Ageha? not that it hadn't been obvious so far but here they just flat out say it, not even in English or whatever like in Butterfly Knife, just flat out 愛してる、愛してる、愛してる/"I love you, I love you, I love you";
3. anyway that aside, tell me this is not going where the song implies it's going dear god Ageha, Rui, no, never mind poor Toki, also
4. 葬列の果てまで/"till end of your funeral procession" is just an absolutely amazing line, just... chef's kiss. This is Loulou*di, guys, they're not satisfied with the cheap dramatics of "until the end" or "beyond the grave" or whatever, no, it's "till the end of your funeral procession" because why be OK with a mere ten if you can turn it up to eleven. (Also, the visuals and implications it evokes are amazing. Hama Takeshi keeps doing it with this band, damn that man.)
***Dear god, Toki and Kaoru, My poor, poor Toki and Kaoru. Just... damn. That whole scene of them together. Oh god. Poor Toki. Poor Kaoru. Someone please help these boys.
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boredmariedelline · 2 years
You've mentioned that the endings of iklies, derrick and reynold were hastily tied in the side story.
What do you think would have made the endings better? Especially derrick, since I thought his was done pretty okay
Anyways, I apologize for the rather long hiatus, but school is mentally and physically draining. However, I'm back and I'll do my best for now :)
They were hastily tied so here are my thoughts on their better endings. For context, anon refers to this post in the ask.
Him coming to a realization/rationalization about the utter chaos he went/lived through, would have completed it for me. It doesn't even have to be about Penny. Just him reviewing his entire life in flashbacks and trying to grasp/understand/comprehend the utter hell he went through because that boy's been fighting for survival that he really doesn't know how to just live. Just him living his best life peacefully is what I hoped for his ending. (eckles cottagecore era when? he deserves it)
A career/occupation that suits him while still being a bit out of his comfort zone like the military or ambassadorship, that matures him. He is viewed as a second son and that is all he will ever be viewed as, unless he seeks out his own path that differentiates him from under Derrick's shadow. That's why I imagined him having something else to do in his life other that being just the dukes spare son. In the side stories, he's the same but I really expected more from him considering his personality. (being compared to the older, more responsible brother your entire life and just staying in his shadow? that's definitely not like him)
I would have loved him to suffer more and have like a very big slap off reality to realize how shitty his actions were the entire time. Maybe a gap year or an equivalent where he just figures himself out where he comes to a realization/rationalization before trying to be a better person. In the side stories and special chapters he was barely mentioned like we needed to see him come to terms on what kind of crap he made Penelope suffer for positive character development, but being saddled with the duke's job is probably stressful enough so yay?
I don't think Gyeoul-nim had any future plans for them afterwards since they're all just side characters in the end. It's fine but it does seem super satisfying to see some positive change in the end, it's not exactly the most fulfilling, but that's what fanfics and analyses posts are for right?
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marinakatz · 10 months
I'm tired but still breathing so that's good
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ketchappu · 1 year
To make my tumblr app work again I had to go to the web version and accept all their privacy settings.... do you really have a choice when the opt out option doesn't work?
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Hey Tumblr. Let me just randomly appear after a year of not being active, drop ✨️this fic✨️ in your lap, and disappear again (or maybe not?)
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letovigor · 1 year
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Hi there, long time no see.
I abandoned the blog for 3 years, I had reasons for this. But now I decided to try to go back, mostly out of nostalgic feelings. Let's see how it gets better here.
Over these few years, my preferences have changed somewhat, including, I have upgraded my skill, replenished my portfolio. I hope you will be interested in how I have developed during this time. Of the fandoms that interest me now, these are Postal, Warhammer 40000 and Russian punk rock with Yegor Letov among them, as well as the theme of the USSR.
I hope, u'll like it. - Rogatich.
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You remember this quote from Clueless when this girl said: "you're a virgin who can't drive"?
Well, now i'm only a virgin
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juliaanoia · 2 years
My laptop mysteriously crashed and refuses to boot since then. My IT crowd brother is on it, but it might take a while. So, let's just say I'm out of the loop a bit, probably missed a lot of election memes and whatnot. Currently writing this on my old laptop, which is barely functional but doing its best to let me at least keep up the most important work related things etc... Trusty old faithful, so old, so fucked up, but he is doing his best and I am so proud of him for letting me look at the tumblr and the funny inters videos.
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schnaf · 2 years
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moonbushin · 2 years
ahem... *taps mic* it's me. hi.
the "twitter is gonna end" madness made me comeback to tumblr and to the langblr community. i know i'm not taylor swift but hopefully i can comeback stronger than a 90s trend too :P
열공 하자~~
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