#I'm bad at counting but I think we have 37 so far!
prettiestcolours · 1 year
I'll go to bed now, but thank you for all the submissions! I especially love the creative names and descriptions some of you have come up with and I can't wait to read more of them in the morning! Love you! ♡
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Fic Roundup!
@summer-of-bad-batch is over, 26 prompts over 13 weeks, plus 2 bonus prompts to celebrate the 200 & 300 follower milestones. The time just flew by! Here's a quick roundup of how it went...
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Your favourite fic:-
Far and away this was i'm not trying to replace you (only hold on to your memory), for the bonus prompt "Can you braid my hair?". This was my first (and thus far only) fic ever to break 100 notes on Tumblr, clearly you were all here for the Hunter & Omega missing Tech feels! I poured a lot of love into this fic so I'm really glad you all liked it :)
Honourable mentions go to Hunter and Crosshair winding each other up in "It's just a scratch", your second favourite, and to i reach for you in the night (you're still my brother after all) and "Just when were you planning on telling us that?", both tied for 3rd place!
My favourite fic:-
Hmm, I'm not sure I have one this time? There were lots of them I enjoyed writing! There was "I didn't think [we] would get this far", the fic that started life under the name TechPhee Diamonds, and "R.O.U.S.'s", another fic in the Stardust Universe! I also loved writing Mayday, Veetch and Hexx (and later Fives and Echo) enjoying the sea on Pabu... and let's not forget the prompt that started it all, Water Gun Fight!
And now for the stats:-
Total Word Count This Month - approximately 30,000 Longest Fic - Radio Silence, 4090 words Shortest Fic - "Get out of my room!", 310 words New Followers - 37 I think?! (I'm so excited to have you along and I hope you've enjoyed the stories!)
Future Plans?
Now the weekly prompts are over, it's back to my big fics! I've got Pieces Of The People We Love Part 4 to write, ideas in the back of my mind for Adrenaline Crash: Savage (part of the Savage Hunter series), and my ongoing Beach Days & Hair Braiding timeline. And I absolutely won't get distracted by other prompt events. Not this time. I think...
Have you enjoyed the stories? Wish you could read more? Drop by and say hi, it's remarkable how often you shake loose a new idea which turns into a follow-up fic... or you can always drop a request in my ask box! :)
Lastly a huge thank you to everyone who has followed, reblogged, commented, and liked my fanfiction this past month. I'm genuinely touched by reading the wonderful comments you have left, and it's so fun to know you've enjoyed reading my stories as much as I've enjoyed telling them! Thank you for all your support! <3
Don't forget to check out my Summer of Bad Batch Masterpost for a list of everything I wrote for this event! :D
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wellbelesbian · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
tysm for tagging me @bazzybelle, it took me a while to get around to this but it was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
113,598, not bad.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly the Simon Snow Trilogy, but I have a couple of Greek Mythology/Epic Cycle fanfics too. i used to write for Percy Jackson and Marve, but not anymore.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
two old Marvel fics are right at the top, then it’s:
i want the love on your wrist (oh give me the heart on your neck), the first explicit work i’ve ever written, maybe a sign i should write more.
The Tale of the Two Merwolves, which I wrote with a bunch of other lovely people in the fandom
Everything I Am Not, my COTTA fic from 2020
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, I always try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely crimson, my COTTA fic from 2022, but a close second is Visions, a little Trojan War Helenus fic i still really like.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well a lot of my fics have fairly happy endings, but I’d say All That She Wants, an Agatha-centric fic, and Happier Memories, a proposal fic, have the most hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, I don’t think I ever have, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
only twice so far, though I have another stewing in my brain that might get written. I can’t really say i'm limited to a certain “type” though, i’m pretty versatile, pun intended.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no, they’re not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge! i hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back when i used to write on wattpad i got some DMs asking to translate my fics and i always agreed, but i don’t know if they ever followed through.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, i really love doing so! I wrote a stucky fic with one of my friends years ago, but we never ended up posting it anywhere. also, the two aforementioned marvel fics were co-written with another (now ex) friend, and the tale of two merwolves was written as part of a group.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
snowbaz, definitely. it’s been my longest-running OTP (do people still say OTP?) and i’ve written so any fics for it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm, i’ve only got 3 wips and i think i’ll finish them all eventually, but blow on the tinder and we are slaves to the gods are definitely on the back burner for now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’ve been told i’m good at writing dialogue, which is good because that’s two thirds of all the words i write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions and anything sappy, which gives me second hand embarrassment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i tend to shy away from it, but if i do i always put it in italics and will put a translation in the notes unless it’s super obvious, and like when other authors do the same.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! I wrote so much solangelo and was actually pretty popular on wattpad, one of my fics broke a million hits which is still insane to me. i still get the occasional message asking me to come back and finish my fics, but i logged out of that account in 2018 and am not going back.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
oh, that’s hard. i’m really enjoying writing Shoulder To Shoulder right now, but i still love All That She Wants and Liar Liar. i also really love I’m On My Way To Believing, which is a greek mythology Pyrrhus/Hermione fic. they’re my blorbos. but i’d have to say my all-time favourite will always have to be the first carry on fic i ever wrote, which got me out of a years long writing slump: Rats.
i don't know who has already done this, so i'll just tag @ileadacharmedlife @prettygoododds @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @artsyunderstudy @alexalexinii @shrekgogurt and @j-nipper-95
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lipshits-continuous · 7 months
Prime numbers of the ask game let's go!
This is gonna be a long old post haha /pos
2. What math classes did you do best in?:
It's joint between Analysis in Many Variables (literally just Multivariable calculus, I don't know why they gave it a fancy name) and Complex Analysis. Both of which I got 90% in :))
3. What math classes did you like the most?
Out of the ones I've completely finished: complex analysis
Including the ones I'm taking at the moment:
5. Are there areas of math that you enjoy? What are they?
Yes! They are Topology and Analysis. Analysis was my favourite for a while but topology is even better! (I still like analysis just as much though, topology is just more). I also really like group theory and linear algebra
7. What do you like about math?
The abstractness is really nice. Like I adore how abstract things can be (which is why I really like topology, especially now we're moving onto the algebraic topology stuff). What's better is when the abstract stuff behaves in a satisfying way. Like the definition of homotopy just behaves so nicely with everything (so far) for example.
11. Tell me a funny math story.
A short one but I am not the best at arithmetic at times. During secondary school we had to do these tests every so often that tested out arithmetic and other common maths skills and during one I confidently wrote 8·3=18. I guess it's not all that funny but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
13. Do you have any stories of Mathematical failure you’d like to share?
I guess the competition I recently took part in counts as a failure? It's supposed to be a similar difficulty to the Putnam and I'm not great at competition maths anyway. I got 1/60 so pretty bad. But it was still interesting to do and I think I'll try it again next year so not wholly a failure I think
17. Are there any great female Mathematicians (living or dead) you would give a shout-out to?
Emmy Noether is an obvious one but I don't you could understate how cool she is. I won't name my lecturers cause I don't want to be doxxed but I have a few who are really cool! One of them gave a cool talk about spectral geometry the other week!
19. How did you solve it?
A bit vague? Usually I try messing around with things that might work until one of them does work
23. Will P=NP? Why or why not?
Honestly I'm not really that well versed in this problem but from what I understand I sure hope not.
29. You’re at the club and Grigori Perlman brushes his gorgeous locks of hair to the side and then proves your girl’s conjecture. WYD?
31. Can you share a math pickup line?
Are you a subset of a vector space of the form x+V? Because you're affine plane
37. Have you ever used math in a novel or entertaining way?
Hmm not that I can think of /lh
41. Which is better named? The Chicken McNugget theorem? Or the Hairy Ball theorem?
Hairy Ball Theorem
43. Did you ever fail a math class?
Not so far
47. Just how big is a big number?
At least 3 I'd say
53. Do you collect anything that is math-related?
Textbooks! I probably have between 20 and 30 at the moment! 5 of which are about topology :3
59. Can you reccomend any online resources for math?
The bright side of mathematics is a great YouTube channel! There is a lot of variety in material and the videos aren't too long so are a great way to get exposed to new topics
61. Does 6 really *deserve* to be called a perfect number? What the h*ck did it ever do?
I think it needs to apologise to 7 for mistakingly accusing it of eating 9
67. Do you have any math tatoos?
I don't have any tattoos at all /lh
71. 👀
A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors
73. Can you program? What languages do you know?
I used to be decent at using Java but I've not done for years so I'm very rusty. I also know very basic python
Thanks for the ask!!
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onlythebravest · 11 months
✨️ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨️
Thank you @disgruntledkittenface for tagging me! These questions things are always so fun to read and answer!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
212 726
3. What fandoms do you write for?
rigt now, 1D and hockey rpf. I've written for harry potter and acotar before though
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in order; never been a fan of change, but we're still the same, in the pub that we met he's got his arms around you, dream about a summer night, a conversation starter and these arms were made for holding you
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! almost always. for different reasons. as a reader, I always enjoy getting replies to comments I've left. it also motivates me to leave more comments, esp on that author's fics. that's just how I work. and since I like and want that, I assume it's the same for other ppl so I do that to them. it's also bc getting comments sometimes makes my entire day, and it makes me so happy, and I want to let them know that
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm not sure i've written anything with an angsty ending? oh wait, two of my older mini fics do. the loss of a friend and what are we now? both have pretty angsty endings, or at least not happy ones. so i'll go with them.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the rest of them? no, but I prefer happy endings so I think almost all of the rest have. all of my top five kudos ones that I mentioned above are the first ones I'd pick, so take your pick among those. but if I were to pick another one... most of the rest are kinda happy throughout the entire fic and then the ending doesn't feel as happy. so to pick one that's not happy throughout, but has a happy ending, I'll go with maybe we're good, maybe we're not.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, i don't. i've gotten some rude comments, but that's as far as it's gotten luckily
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, i've written a little. it's still a bit out of my comfort zone though, esp posting it, but i've written some m/m smut of different variants.
10. Do you write crossovers? What the craziest one you've written?
no. or well, technically yes, but it's an abandoned wip that i don't like so that's all you're gonna get about it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i'm aware, so i hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope. I was part of a round robin, but that got abandoned and I vowed never to do it again. group projects are not my thing 😂
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't think I have one. I change favorites so often, so I don't think I can say I've got an all-time fave
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh multiple! I have one that I do doubt I'll ever finish but I still hope I will so so much, so I'm not gonna give up on that one just yet. instead, I have one that's even less likely I'll finish. it's a fantasy one, enemies to lovers (I should've known it was doomed already then, that's not my thing), magic that was based around elements. it's main feature is that it has a "who did this to you?" between two ppl who don't like each other, which is something I love. maybe I'll end up publishing only that scene, it can be read as a stand-alone so it's not that bad of an idea actually
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue, I think. specifically banter, I think I'm pretty good at that. I always manage to write it in at least and have a lot of fun writing it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I write pretty short sentences, making paragraphs sound a bit choppy. I'm also an expert in writing english sentences with swedish grammar, so I feel for my beta that has to correct that shit. esp when the sentence doesn't even make sense in English and it's a guessing game😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if it's important to the plot, then yeah, that could be nice. but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when i read dialgoue in swedish and it's obvious that the author has used google translate, it bothers me. i'd rather read it in english with an accompanying "says in swedish" rather than the inaccurate translation. but that's probably bc it's my native language. when it's in languages i don't understand i don't have that issue obviously.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
harry potter probably? at least that I posted for, might've written something that I didn't realise was technically for fandom when I was younger
20. Favorite fic you've written?
oh, hm... right now it's probably a tie between does it always end in heartbreak? and maybe we're good, maybe we're not. but that's probably bc those are the latest ones I published. one favorite I always mention is one of the drabbles in the drabble collection snapshots of moments, the one in chapter 11, pretty when you beg
Since this was the first one I saw of these, I'm not sure who has done them, but I'll tag @greenfeelings, @neondiamond, @larrysballetslippers, @lunarheslwt, @sun-lt, @hellolovers13, @zjofierose and @zanniscaramouche. oh and if you see this and want to do this, just say I tagged you because I want to read it!
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch: season 2 recap
Voyager's second season was a real mixed bag. Numbers wise, I actually ended up liking more episodes than I disliked, but the ones I disliked, I really hated. In fact, some of my most hated stories in the whole series were this season. But it says a lot about how strong the show's concept and characters are that all the bad apples in this bunch couldn't put me off the show. In fact, despite only liking half the episodes, I still finished this season loving this show just as much, if not more, than last season. I have to give so much credit to the actors for that- the writers don't seem to have thought very hard about these characters in a lot of places, but the actors held some of these stories together seemingly through sheer force of will. Their charisma and chemistry with eachother in the little moments made the bad stories worth watching, and I'm very grateful for that.
Interestingly, appparently episodes 1-10 were actually filmed during season one, and meant to be the end of that season, but for some reason were held back and aired as the beginning of season 2. The original order is included on the DVDs:
Projections ep 17
Elogium ep 18
Twisted ep 19
The 37s ep 20
Initiations ep 21
Non Sequitur ep 22
Parturition ep 23
Persistence of Vision ep 24
Tattoo: ep 25
Cold Fire: ep26
Since five of my most hated episodes are on that list, I know it would have lowered my esteem for s1 if they had aired then, so in hindsight, I'm glad they were held back until the audience had time to build up more goodwill for the characters and the show.
Things I liked this season:
B'Elanna at her little engineering station on the bridge- I love that she had this during early seasons, why did they do away with it later?? it was nice to get everybody on the bridge together during important scenes.
Tom Paris getting a more heroic plotline and some respect at the conclusion of the Kazon spy arc. There's been a lot of disconnect on the show so far between how everyone talks about Tom versus how he actually behaves, and it's nice that he actually got some recognition from other characters for his many good qualities. Everyone needs to appreciate Tom more tbh!
Captain Janeway's bun hair continues to be a delight; keep slaying, Queen!
While the Kazon are not my favorite antagonists, and I don't like where Seska's storyline went, I do actually kind of appreciate that they tried an ongoing story arc this season. The way it was woven as a subplot through otherwise standalone episodes and then picked up on as the main plot in later episodes was a nice way to do it. It found a nice balance between standalone and serialized formats that gave us the benefits of each.
Things I disliked this season:
We still can't manage to have a story where B'Elanna and Kes interact beyond two or three words?? I think every character has been in at least a scene or two one on one with all the other characters, except for them. On a show with only three women in the main cast, not having two of them even talk to each other, let alone develop a friendship, is an egregious omission. They could have had at least one episode where they went on an away mission together or something. It would have been way better than all the episodes where men treat Kes like an object to possess, which leads into my next point of dislike:
Way too many romantic subplots. It felt way too high-school with all the secret crushes and jealousy and rivalry nonsense. Kes was the writers favorite target, with a grand total of 4 romantic subplots, including Neelix, plus another guy who was just straight up obessesed with her kinda counting as 5? At any rate, she had the most romances, and she's clearly older mens vision of a manic pixie dream Ocampa, which is super gross. Watching Kes get treated like crap by almost every male character she comes in contact with, and yelled at by Neelix, wasn't pleasant either, and kind of ruined Neelix for me. I'm glad that they decided to finally give it a rest this season, but the way they attempted to resolve it wasn't believable, and actually very misogynist, and thus not a satisfying conclusion. Neelix was nice to Kes in a few eps here at last, and it would have been fine if he'd been like that from the start, but the memory of him yelling at her, and her crying over it, is kind of in my head now, and I can't shrug it away. It makes me sad how they saddled these characters, and consequently, us as the audience, with all this unnecessary baggage.
Janeway and the Doctor both clock in at number two in the romance derby, with three romantic subplots each this season. The character with the most on screen kisses is the Doctor though, with three this season. (Giving the middle aged bald guy all the chicks sure makes it feel like there's some wish fulfilment going on in that writers room lmao)
Season stats:
They started the season with 154 crew in 'The 37s'
Crewmembers killed: 6
Crewman Kurt Bandera and 2 more unnamed (Alliances)
Lt. Darwin (Meld)
Crewman Michael Jonas (Investigations)
Ensign Bennet (Innocence)
Romantic subplots:
The Doctor: 3 with kiss (Projections) (Twisted) (Lifesigns)
Kes: 1 with kiss (Projections) 1 without kiss (Parturition) 1 with cheek kiss (Tuvix) [I'm not counting her ongoing romantic subplot with Neelix since it's been a main part of her plot since the beginning of the show]
Harry: 1 with kiss (Non Sequitur)
Tom: 1 without kiss (Parturition)
Captain Janeway: 2 with kiss (Persistance of Vision) 1 without kiss (Resolutions)
B'Elanna: 1 with kiss (Persistance of Vision)
Chakotay: 1 without kiss (Resolutions) [I'm not counting Persistance of Vision on Chakotay's list, since it was a hallucination of him and not the real Chakotay that kissed B'Elanna]
Number of shuttles destroyed/lost: 3 (1 for sure, 2 probable)
1 (Initiations) [destroyed]
1 (Non Sequitur) [presumably destroyed, since Harry is beamed off shuttlecraft Drake before imminent hull breach, though whether the shuttle actually exploded and/or was unsalvageable isn't made clear]
1 (Parturition) [again, presumably destroyed, since it crashed and was damaged, and recovering the shuttle was never mentioned]
[shuttlecraft Cochrane was presumably recovered intact from the planet of lizard babies in Threshold, though we never saw it]
Number of episodes I liked/disliked/mixed reaction:
Liked: 13
Disliked: 9
Mixed: 4
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bi-bats · 10 months
just barely holding back from sending you the entire list lmaooo. once again, feel free to pick and choose
1, 3, 5, 15, 24, 37, 42, 54, 77, 85, 100, 129, 131
Bean, my beloved. Hello dear thank you for always coming through 💖
A book that is close to your heart
Vicious by V.E. Schwab. If I had to pick a favorite book, it's probably this one. My original copy of this book is SO fucked up lmaoo
3. A stand-alone that you wish was a part of a series
OH Wilder Girls by Rory Power. What a phenomenal fucking book. It had an open ending that left me satisfied, but also really thinking about what was going to happen and wishing that I knew. I still think about this book and I read it like... four years ago?
5. Something in fiction that reads like poetry
15. A book rec you really enjoyed
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley!! This book has something for literally everyone, I'm actually in the process of re-reading it because I didn't know it was a part of a series when I first read it and my therapist keeps telling me that the way that she puts the overall plot of the series together is one of the most interesting things he's ever read
24. A book on your nightstand
The Cabinet by Un-Su Kim, The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin, The Martian by Andy Weir, Vicious by VE Schwab, I'll stop there because I'm not typing out like 20 titles for this and I wish I was joking
37. Your favorite heist book
I'm actually not entirely sure that this counts, but Anxious People by Frederick Backman. I have a bunch of heist books that I want to read, but I haven't gotten around to yet. This is one of my all time favorite recs though! I love Frederick Backman fr he's such a great author
42. A book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
Lost Boy by Christina Henry oh my god. Ohhhh my god. Oh my sweet lord. Everything by Christina Henry is phenomenal, but this one in particular fucked me up. This was one of those books that leaves you feeling raw and hollow at the end. It will stomp on you. It will shred your heart. It will be worth it.
54. A book with the best opening line
Poison for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket. The opening line is literally "This morning I ate poison for breakfast." Full disclosure, if you go into that book expecting a full plot, you won't enjoy it as much. It's really a very wandery story without much plot, but I had a good time and normally I hate stuff like that. There's just something that's really so lovely about Lemony Snicket's way of writing though. Also, the audiobook is narrated by Patrick Warburton my beloved
77. A book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith. This is the only book I've ever given a zero star rating to. I've never read fanfiction as bad as this book. This is comparable to my wattpad writing when I was 12. Maybe worse. I wouldn't even use it as a coaster, because I returned it.
85. Your favorite book about magical realism
Right now it's probably Even Though We Knew The End by C.L. Polk. This book was so beautiful, and so quick, and the vibes of it were absolutely impeccable. It's a queer, noir, magical realism murder mystery. It was also slightly devastating, but in a really beautiful, hopeful, satisfying way.
100. Your favorite gothic novel
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. This is one of my favorite books of all time, and it's definitely my favorite haunted house story of all time! The plot is just phenomenal and Shirley Jackson is SO incredible. Also it's far superior to The Haunting of Hill House (which she also wrote)
129. A book with beautiful prose
Gallant by V.E. Schwab. She couldn't just have one book on this list. She's my favorite author by FAR. I just. kdfharughu. I don't know how she does it. There are always SO many banger lines in her books. The way she writes is just so. SO. Idk man. If you like my stuff, read her stuff, she's such a huge inspiration to me.
131. Recommend any book you like!
A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers OR The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey. Literally any book by either of them is phenomenal, but those are two of my favorites! They do have VASTLY different vibes though. A psalm for the wild built is like. a solar-punk utopian book about happiness and existence and success not being defined externally. And the echo wife is like. a sci-fi character study of two (three?) horribly fucked up people and also murder and also becoming the thing you fear the most and losing your humanity and rguahrgur. They're both amazing books though!
book rec ask game
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alwaysdevilday · 2 years
Part 2
Spring of the first new year has arrived. The snow still lingers on as it will until the heart of summer, but it's not as terribly harsh as it was in winter and grass is still visible beneath the cover of the pines. A bounty of diorite hidden far beneath the earth has allowed us to make enough smooth tiles to cover most of our surface floor, obscuring ugly sand-riddled loam with pristine, interlocking stone.
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We now number seventeen. Ten migrants trudged through the frigid air for god knows how long to join Icemourn and I don't even know why, but extra hands are certainly welcome for the moment. It's worth noting that when a civilization has only eight members (our dwarves and our king alone) migrants will be drawn from mysterious and unknowable origins. This technically means that the game creates them out of whole cloth, but I like to think that they were itinerant and simply did not have a nation of origin until they decided to join us. Whatever the case, they're dwarves of Icemourn now, loyal only to the banner of our group, the Last Wanderer.
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During the winter we spent a lot of time prioritizing our subterranean expansion. Access to stone meant access to easy and plentiful building and crafting materials, many of which could be quite valuable and hardy--not to mention the security that being deep beneath the earth represented. A few weeks of work and what would become our "main floor" was cleaned of debris and tidied up significantly. We smoothed the floors of our (non-denominational) temple, our future militia's barracks, a handful of offices and our first infirmary.
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Additionally, we spruced up the kitchen and food storage areas, laying down pine slats to seal off the packed soil beneath. I don't know if there's a tangible effect from this, but it undoubtedly makes me feel better. Unfortunately I didn't manage to construct the canal-ways in time to get fresh water into our fortress, but I'm prepared for when the weather warms this year.
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Since I've come down with a bad case of stone-greed, I had also ordered my dwarves to carve away at the stone far, far below our feet. I would need great fields of rock to supply me with enough materials to rebuild our civilization, so I would go as deep as I needed to, damn the consequences. After about 20 meters, I set up a series of chambers that would serve as the foundation of our mining chasms. Little did I expect that I would come into contact with an ancient cave system spanning a massive depth.
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I counted! This chamber (open air shown in blue) extends vertically a full 37 z-levels (about 74 meters) to the dark, murky water below. The whole cavern plays host to a network of towering fungus of several varieties. So far I see no signs of hostile life, but I plan to seal it off just in case. Either way, the moment I broke the seal on this cave system countless centuries'-worth of spore-saturated underground air flooded into our fortress. You may have noticed some yellowish patches in previous pictures? Yeah, that's our new fungal carpet. You're welcome. Regardless, work continues apace.
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Meanwhile on the surface, I've directed the dwarves to construct upwards, walling off a section on top of our hill to allow our handful of chickens to roost and forage and potentially allowing us to set up an apiary in the future. Honey is tasty and shiny golden, and as we all know, bees are generous roommates. Thankfully, the local colonies seem to be extremely resistant to cold weather.
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Unfortunately in our efforts to secure our home, we've neglected to provide our dwarves with private lodging. They'll be content enough with the primitive dormitories I've provided for a little while, but sooner or later I'll have to bite the bullet and construct a residential district of some kind. It wouldn't do to have our citizens disgruntled by constantly being exposed to each others' various odors. I took a few minutes to lay out the skeleton of what would hopefully satisfy their needs.
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Thanks to some careful organizing and the help of our fortress management-dwarf, our basic needs are being met purely off of our last trade and the occasional foraging excursion. Thankfully, many of the plants in the area are hardy and their roots and stalks tend to survive being blanketed in snow. With only seventeen mouths to feed and plenty of livestock in reserve I'm not too concerned for the moment, but I know that with a growing population will come growing demands for long term solutions.
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As an aside: I've requested that my dwarves build a few simple wooden cages. The puppy population is growing quickly and I fear that before long I'll have too many of them running around to keep track of. I'll let them roam freely until the end of this year but come winter, I'll be adopting some of them out to the trading caravan who will hopefully provide them with good homes.
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It also might be a bit overdue, but I decided to build a farmer's workshop to start handling some of my animal population in various ways. The first order of business is to actually milk the water buffalo and yak that I have hanging around outside my fortress gates. Hopefully they won't object after a year with almost no handling.
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Speaking of food, let's take a look at our stocks, shall we?
Our primary form of alcohol delivery has been in cranberry and bayberry wine. Personally, I find this delightful as hell and I'd actually love to try some. Unfortunately the wine is digital and cannot currently be accessed as I am not yet a wizard.
Our food itself is perhaps less exciting, delivered to dwarven mouths entirely in the form of biscuits! I'm not quite sure what the binding agent here is, as not every biscuit uses egg and we don't have access to flour, but they're evidently making it work somehow. Even in the case of the... "bayberry wine biscuit"? Formed entirely of bayberry wine. And nothing else.
I've decided to do my best to provide them with better food in the future.
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Just in time for summer, we received our first visitor, a human mace-man. This made me think that we might start getting more travelers in the future, so I decided to start planning for the construction of an inn and tavern; such an attraction might tempt some folks to stay, which could be a boon if we're ever invaded. I'll never say no to more meatshields. For right now they'll have to content themselves with hanging around the fortress entrance, but once I have enough materials the project is on for real.
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As the height of summer hits, several things happen at once.
The temperatures rise above freezing for the first time this year. The river ice melts and allows water to start flowing into my little canal. Soon we will have a steady and safe supply of drinking water, which is vital for the recovery of injured dwarves. The grate I've installed should ensure that no errant fish (or goblins) make their way into my cistern.
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With the coming of the thaw, there also comes a human caravan. Humans are not quite as fond of alcohol as dwarves are, but they can still carry it, and so their arrival is welcome news. Unfortunately I have very little in the way of trade goods prepared so I'll have to scramble to come up with something that they might find shiny enough to give me booze for.
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When the human merchant's guild representative asks me what I would like to request for trade next year, we cheerfully reply "as much alcohol as you can carry in every variety I haven't seen before". Or at least that was my intent. I'm not sure how my broker phrased it.
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In the rush to create some valuable trade goods, my dwarves must have gotten some wires crossed in the order relay, because they studded our hive boxes with gemstones. This was not the plan, as I'm not sure bees care how opulent their hives are. None of the workers will accept the blame. The plans for an apiary will have to be delayed as we instead try to convince the humans to buy some fancy nest boxes. Maybe we'll enlist the help of the bees.
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They didn't want the hives.
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But on the bright side, we have water now!
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Remember I mentioned my mine chasms earlier? Well, they're definitely under development. The plan eventually is to have them go about a dozen z-levels down (about 24 meters) and possibly build some pod-style bedrooms into the walls, but for now they're a great source of stone.
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And as suddenly as they came, the humans are departing. Their wagons full of rock mugs and wooden brick-a-brack, hopefully they leave satisfied and carry good word to their fellows.
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Okay so I may have made an oopsie. Somehow we ended up with over 400 units of food... almost all of which is biscuits. That's enough to feed us for over a year at our current population. How did this happen? Ah, looks like I screwed up the fulfillment conditions on my cooking orders. So they just kept going... and going. And going.
Well, you live and learn. Guess they're gonna be chowing down on solidified wine biscuits and spinach bricks for a while.
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Now that the trading is out of the way for now, we began the arduous process of smoothing all of the stone on my fort's main floor. It's time-consuming and not at all necessary, but it makes me feel good to look at smooth pixels and makes my dwarves feel good too. It will take them almost a month to complete the work on this floor alone.
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Autumn comes in, riding a steed of frost and falling leaves. The ice returns. Thankfully we still have a large reserve of water hidden safely below, but this cold signals the coming of the snow and the dormancy of the fruit trees. This is our last chance to harvest before it all spoils.
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While much of our retinue spends their time shaving away at the rough stone of our bedroom district, I direct our miners to carve into our caveward staircase to open up some rooms for smithing. It is in here that we will conduct most of our metalworking. The furnaces will produce a fierce heat, but dwarves are hardy creatures and also I do not care, wear some shorts or something.
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Thankfully, the next dwarven caravan has arrived. Surely these folk will appreciate our crafts and trade precious alcohol with us, as our supplies are running low (a short six months before we run out!).
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We decide to buy several barrels of alcohol for a few bins of our meager wooden crafts. We also buy a peacock. Because I wanted it.
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Of course, our luck has been running too well for far too long. A ghostly apparition has risen, presumably the product of some unknown fallen dwarf somewhere on the map. He may give our residents a fright. If I could order him punched I would.
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Continued later
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deliriumsdelight7 · 10 months
Twenty Questions for Fanfic Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @kelyon. Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
37. Please don't ask how many are finished lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,126,833. Woof.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon a Time (and any other Bobby works for Anyelle purposes), Stranger Things.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One More Time, Steal My Breath
We Could Be Invisible
What You'd Thought Lost
You Think You're Tough (I'll Call Your Bluff)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ughhhhhh. I've been REALLY BAD about responding to comments for the past year. I wound up marking ALL of my unread comments as read and just starting over with new comments because it was so stressful. Only I would turn the act of responding to compliments into A WHOLE ORDEAL.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Yyyyyeah, see, that implies that I finish my fics, lol. Angstiest ending goes to "A World Gone Very Wrong," which was a gift fic for the amazing @toguchindraws. They wanted an open ending, so that was what they got!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of my fics have (or will have) happy endings. I guess the one with the most nauseatingly happy ending would have to be What You'd Thought Lost.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, a pairing I ship has gotten me accused of being a racist and fatphobic. Which is kind of funny, because 1.) they obviously didn't read the fic, 2.) I drew on my own experiences as a fat woman, and 3.) I had thin people telling me that they hated and failed the Presidential Fitness Test as much as I did! And as for the racist bit... I already addressed that in a rant earlier today.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. Never written smut in my life. I haven't written tentacle smut or Daddy kink or period sex or ritualistic sex based on pagan sabbats.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Anyelle inherently involves crossovers, so yes. I also snuck brief Rumbelle into a Hellcheer fic. What I'm really looking forward to writing is a Once Upon a Time/Stranger Things crossover where Eddie and Chrissy were citizens in the Enchanted Forest and were brought to Storybrooke by Regina's curse. It'll basically be a half-assed season 1 AU featuring Hellcheer and Rumbelle.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. I don't think I'm popular enough for that to happen. Also, most of my fic is kinda weird so I doubt anybody would steal it. People who steal fic seem like they want the latest popular thing. I'm not saying "wurrrr my fic is SO UNPOPULAR" because I know it's not. Just... it would stand out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if someone wanted to, I'd be cool with it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have a stalled fic with @phoenixwrites that would be a Hellcheer/VanQuinn crossover (which is hilarious because I find real people far too boring to ship). I need to get back to that.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Listen. I can't pick just one. You show me someone who struggles to accept that they can be loved for who they are, and I will ship them obsessively.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I plan on finishing MOST of my fics. Even the ones that have been on hiatus for over a year. The one that stands out to me is Masters of Destiny, my Dark One Belle fic. For one thing, the title makes me cringe. And for another, I had too many plans at once for the damn thing, some of which directly contradicted one another. So now the whole damn thing fizzled out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No clue. I kinda flail at the keyboard and what happens, happens. Atmosphere, maybe?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I'm not a very visual person, so I just describe a detail or two of the setting and let readers take it from there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I know for a fact that Google translate is unreliable, and I'm not fluent enough in any other language to attempt it myself. It certainly has its place, but I don't see myself doing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon. Cringey self-insert fic pairing myself with the creepy mopey white-haired anime boy villain. And I was Sailor Sun and I had my own team of Sailor Senshi and WE WERE ALL IN A ROCK BAND. Very cutting-edge stuff for a sixth grader. (First fanfic I ever conceived was before I could even read. I watched this anime Thumbellina movie and just obsessively thought, "what if Maia plummeted to her death and her frog and sugarplum fairy friend cried?" for like MONTHS)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don't think I could choose just one. I love and cringe at all my fics in equal yet different ways. And all of them have parts of me in them.
I tag @peacehopeandrats @rogueimperator @astorytotellyourfriends @staceymcgillicuddy and anyone else who wants to play!
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lil-melody-moon · 1 year
Hi darling 😘 now it's my turn so for the musk ask game: 2,4,13,15,20,24,37,41
Hello- Oh boi, that's a lot of questions! Luv ya for that <3
2. Weirdest song I love?
Gotta be one that McCartney did. Which one made me laugh the most tho...? Not like I know his whole discography, I'm too new for that, but there was one- *suddenly remembers Led Zeppelin* No, going with "The Crunge" - confounded bridge wins everything!
4. Least favorite song by my favorite band?
I have a few favorite bands, but I'm going with The Beatles and this specific "song", because it brings "wtf" on my face every time I think about it.
Listened to it once, never again, moving on!
13. In my opinion: a. most underrated classic rock band or b. most overrated classic rock band? No or, I'm going to answer both!
a - Well, I didn't actually listened to a lot of The Animals as of now, because I still plan on doing it and I don't know if they count exactly as a classic rock band, but I don't see a lot of people talking about them and the songs I know by them are fucking amazing. "House of The Rising Sun" my beloved <3
b - Don't hate me, but I'll say what I think. Queen are the most overrated classic rock band for me. They are not bad, far from that, but I was never a huge fan and they are freaking everywhere. I am getting kind of fed up with that.
15. Lennon or McCartney?
Are you fucking serious with this question?! ...It's difficult as shit to answer as both are good at music. I have songs by John which I can kill for and same with Paul's songs. *mumbles* It's like choosing between listening to "Imagine" and "Monkberry Moon Delight", where I will listen to both.
Alright, let's think about it, focusing only on music. I adore John's songs up to "White Album" I believe, because there I started having problems with his songs, but then again, I do like his solo stuff a lot. Then there's Paul, with who I have like zero problems. Now that I think about it, I really have little to none songs by him that I don't like/can't listen to, looking at both The Beatles and his solo stuff. Plus I like him a lot more than John...
So I guess I will say that McCartney is my answer for that.
20. A song I love that everyone hates?
I've seen a lot of hate for "The Crunge" and I'm always like, how can you not like a stupid song? It's so funny!
24. Musician I’m attracted to but wish I wasn’t?
Paul McCartney. He is the last guy I thought I will be attracted to, literally. Like, I never really paid much attention to him, but one day I just looked at him, after starting to love his songs and something just fucking clicked. And you know what's worst? I had a crush on him before, first time being when I heard him in "This Girl is Mine" which he sang with Michael Jackson and then after I heard "Say Say Say" and saw him in the music video I was a goner. I still fangirl when this song plays. The last time they played it on tv I just screamed out of joy XD
God, why, why does it have to be you of all people?!
37. Musician I want to marry?
I have...two musicians in mind and those are Serj Tankian and Ringo Starr. Both my top favorites, the ones who I feel a strong connection with, but when I think about it, I would go with Ringo Starr.
Serj Tankian means a lot to me. I'm thankful to him for a lot of things, the most important one is making me grow up in the last year and find myself again, but I think there's not a strong connection between us. Sure, we share similar opinions and certain world view, but that's about it.
Now with Ringo it's another thing entirely. Like I said before, I'm new to The Beatles, but from what I managed to gather about him I sometimes see myself in him. I'm making allusions to when he was younger of course and not to Richard Starkey, but the persona he had created. Intelligent, chill guy who is up to talking things out instead of straight up arguing. Lonely, sad and sometimes sulking for whatever reason he sees worthy of sulking, also a miserable guy who can get in a great mood and is funny and very charming. Also, a sentimental guy, which makes him cute <3 Not to mention his low self-esteem which I freaking share with him on personal level. This is how I see him and sometimes when I listen to his songs or see him act on the videos I stumble upon I can't help but feel like I found a soulmate. I know it can sound cheesy, but I feel like that, especially during the days I feel fucking lonely, almost desperate for affection and sad because despite the age I still didn't find anyone. Ringo is helping me a lot during those days and sometimes it feels like he is next to me, which makes my days better.
So yeah, I would want to marry Ringo Starr <3
41. Ultimate rock n’ roll fantasy?
I have two, which I will describe.
First being a chance to meet either Serj Tankian or Ringo Starr and having the chance to hug them and talk with them. I would like to thank them for what they did and how they've changed me, but I think a honest hug would express those feelings much much better. Plus, they both deserve it, they are sweethearts <3
Second being able to meet John Bonham and Jim Morrison in the afterlife. This is a really wishful thinking and probably something impossible, buuuuut since it's a question about fantasy, I would like to meet them and just talk, I guess. Know them a bit more, because they died long before I was born and I adore them. John for his drumming, Jim for the voice and poetry. So I guess this is the only way to see them XD
Thanks for asking, hun <3
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wyn-n-tonic · 2 years
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I posted 4,903 times in 2022
2,333 posts created (48%)
2,570 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,509 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#ask o - 739 posts
#wm2022 - 98 posts
#wc2022 - 98 posts
#ask games - 66 posts
#keep sending me benny stuff i love it - 63 posts
#✨pedro✨ - 62 posts
#pedro pascal - 50 posts
#lovely things - 45 posts
#footy things n that - 37 posts
#scream - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#lfc membership entitles you to go to every lfc women's game for free but nobody bothers because the stadium is in an inconvenient location
My Top Posts in 2022:
Word Count: IDK, I wrote this in drafts. Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader Warnings: PiV. First time together. Oral (f receiving). A/N: Can't stop thinking about him.
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"Telling me to relax isn't helping, Marcus."
His flexes at the base of your skull, his grip on your hair loosening. "I didn't tell you to relax, sweetheart." His words ghost across your skin. "I asked very nicely if you could relax for me, please."
"I need you to go slower." He already spent time opening you up. Between his tongue and his fingers, it shouldn't be this difficult. But when his pants came off, your body went back to square one.
"I'm already going as slow as I can."
"Then I need you to stop," you breathe out.
He lets go, nodding into your neck as he reaches down and slowly pulls himself--what fit, anyway--out of you. The relief is instant but emptiness you feel now goes deeper than he ever got.
"We need more foreplay," he tells you. Excited. Like your arousal is a science experiment and it's missing the ingredient that makes the final product so satisfying.
134 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
me, the first time i watched Triple Frontier: this is so bad. me, now: this is my favorite movie. it is literally a work of art. sloppy art, but art.
255 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Sacred Oasis
Word Count: 3.6k+ Pairing: Rhett Abbott x f!reader (established relationship) Warnings: Drinking and driving (not really though). Unprotected sex. Blink and you miss it knifeplay. Angsty boy Rhett Abbott Author's Note: "Heard you weren't doing anymore x reader fics, O." Yeah, but a bitch is down bad so forgive me, father, because I am SINNING.
If you want more of these two, please check here: Beautiful and Shiny.
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Music’s too loud.
Between the alcohol and the social interaction, the music became a blaring siren in your mind, beat increasing in frequency until it signaled time to go.
Walking to the bar to settle up, you stop, staring at the unmistakable back of Rhett. Last time you saw him, he was over by the jukebox. You’re half certain he was the one feeding the machine and the music, knowing exactly what gets under your skin and all.
Bar’s surface is small and he’s sitting dead in the middle, head bent over his beer or his phone. Hell, it’s late enough now that he’s probably moved onto tequila. Or whiskey. Or some deadly combination of both that’ll see him pissing on the side of the road because home’s just too far away. 
See the full post
385 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Coin Toss
Word Count: ja;jakdsjfalskj Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd/f!reader Warnings: Oral sex (f!receiving). Fingering. Author's Note: Blame @green-socks. This is also in answer to a prompt I received a couple of weeks ago!
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Khaki might as well be a camouflage of its own with the way he lets it shrink him. The first time he said hello might as well have been a whisper for how loud everybody else was. You walked past him, uncapping beers and taking cash in return. He turned back to his friends, the ones who had encouraged him to pluck up, and realized he couldn’t let them win with their laughter and sly smiles.
So he said it again, louder, as his broad shoulders almost expanded. Because there’s a difference between curious, quiet Bob and confident, quiet Bob.
516 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You All Over Me
Word Count: 2k+ Pairing: Bob Floyd/f!reader Warnings: It's mature but not explicit. Def unprotected PiV. Author's Note: I'm not the biggest fan of reading xreader fic anymore for various reasons but when you're beloved @green-socks requests some, you simply have to give in. No proofreading, we die like men.
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God, you forget just how big he is when he’s gone.
Six feet, broad shoulders and thick arms. You’re watching him unpack across the room, capable hands working to separate piles of clothes, folding the clean and throwing the dirty into the hamper to the side of the dresser.
The sleeves of his t-shirt tighten around his bicep as he picks the pile of folded shirts up and bends down to quietly pull the drawer open. His glasses are off, hair wet and unkempt, long in the way that suggests he missed a chance to clean up at least the back and sides before heading to the airport.
See the full post
664 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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archivestarlyht · 4 months
3, 10, 17, 37, 40 for both Sol'rys & Fox <3
Tav Banter and Dialogue
3. Directing them to attack/move in combat
they ran into my knife   .... onward. wits sharp,   daggers sharper.   or something. pay no attention to the   ---  need to work on that. focus. let's go. you've done it now. i'm starting to get too old for this. don't look at me   ... strike true.
i spin thy web of chaos,   mother. olot dos!   [darkness take you] victory now,   bottle of wine later. may your goddess be more merciful than mine. in lolth's name. find the high ground. make this shot count. into my web. i go. lil alurl.  [the best knife {is the unseen one}]
10. Sending them to talk to an NPC.
just a moment of your time,   please! a moment!
let us get this over with. need a word.
17. Looking in a mirror
roguishly handsome as always. hmmm.  not getting younger am i. i'm due a shave. *chuckles* what a fox.
*scoffs* seen better days. the sun does not suit my complexion. not too bad   ----    from     ....     *scoffs* a certain angle. *muttering*  should wear a cloak.
37. How would they respond to a player character prompting them with, "Tell me about yourself"?
01.   tell me about yourself. oh,   it makes sense you would ask since we're traveling together,   doesn't it?   i own a shop in baldur's gate where the nautiloid got me.    01.  a shop?   what do you sell? 02.  i should watch my pockets,   you're saying. magical baubles and trinkets and things,   all locally sourced,  i should add!  you should visit next time you're in the area.  unless that tadpole makes you a mind flayer.  that would be bad for business. 01.  unless the tadpole makes you a mind flayer,   too. 02.  locally sourced?  stolen,   you mean? haha.  couldn't let me have this moment,   could you?
01.   tell me about yourself. *scoffs*  you are serious? 01.  did i stutter? 02.  never mind,   then,   if you're going to be like that. no stutter heard.  you find i have little to tell. 01.  nothing?  not even a name,   quest,   favorite color? 02.  are you always this difficult? i do not understand,   but if you insist the question.  where to start?   like most drow i am from the underdark?   i rarely stay in the same place?  whatever i am paid to do,  i do? 01.  so   ....   a sellsword? 02.  that explains so much. i hope this is no problem.  i am quite decent,  too.
40. If romanceable, what would they say if a player character asks for a "last kiss" at the Morphic Pool/HIgh Hall?
didn't know where i expected they'd keep a giant illithid brain,   but i was hoping i wouldn't have to go anywhere underground again. 01.  these might be our final moments together and you're thinking about the ambience? 02.  do you think we can win this? well,  when you put it that way   ....  [clearly reading the invitation for what it is,  he offers you an apologetic little laugh and closes the distance between you.  the kiss is a denial of what you both want,  a gentle and teasing peck,  before he draws you in closer for one far hungrier.]   lady luck brought us together,   didn't she?  it would be terrible if she tore us apart now.
[he laughs,  a hint of bitterness]  this is where they kept the elder brain the while?  at least if i die it will not be with the blasted sun in my eyes. 01.  these may be our last moments together,   you know. 02.  do you think we can win this? no,   you are right.  [he sighs quietly.  a frown tugs at his lips,   though it doesn't seem to be directed at you.  he closes the distance between you,  one hand at the back of your neck and the other at your waist so that he can draw you in for a hungry kiss.  he studies you when he pulls away.]  whatever happens,   happens.  trust i am yours until the end. 
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aijamisespava · 1 year
Favorite Song From Each Country! Part 8/37: Switzerland!
Ah yes, hello everyone! If you're reading this, then it is time for me to tell you about my favorite song from yet another country from 2009 onward. I've talked with someone about some stuff afterward, which will certainly help tide us over a little bit to help with the Post-Eurovision Depression (because sometimes we want more than memes and compilations)!
So, what's next for us? Switzerland!
Well, here we are with the country well known for winning the very very first contest all the way back in 1956! Oh yeah, plus their second win was with a song by someone named...CELINE DION! Needless to say, Switzerland has certainly found a place in Eurovision history, and a little bit of music history as well. For me, it makes personal history as the first (and so far only) country to have been my personal winner TWICE! That's right...I've had different countries win all my other rankings, except for Switzerland. So, let's get to the favorite and my 2023 thoughts (I've been looking forward to this one)!
Favorite Entry: I want to start off by saying that my favorite Swiss entry is my favorite Eurovision song. Period. End of story. And that it's Gjon's Tears' "Tout l'univers" from 2021. This is one of the first non-winners that I've heard (not counting Iceland's 2020 entry that randomly popped up on my Facebook feed during the pandemic). So, imagine hearing and liking "Fairytale," "Arcade," and "Zitti e Buoni" and thinking that those songs slap, knowing they won. And then you hear a non-winner and you think "Wow. If a song like this didn't win, IMAGINE what other songs are out there!" So, to be 100% honest, I doubt that I would be here writing this if it weren't for that song. Also, I'm putting a link to the song that would send you to Gjon's debut album (that he put "Tout l'univers" on). It came out a little over a month ago and it's really good with so many other songs and a variety of vibes! RANK: 3rd in 2021 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 1st of 39 Countries *and 1st of God-Knows-How-Many Entries*
Thoughts on 2023 Entry: Alright, we have Remo Forrer with "Watergun" this year. After the blazing success of "Tout l'univers" in 2021, Switzerland has been sending ballads. Which, as someone who likes ballads, I don't see it as bad. "Watergun" follows that format. And aside from the theme being rather...ironic (iykyk), it's actually not that bad. Remo's voice is excellent, and I absolutely love that beginning piano. It's one of my mom's favorites from this year too! Other than that, I don't have much else to say about it because it ranked rather mid-pack for me. I liked some entries more, but I liked it more than others. RANK: 20th in 2023 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 23rd of 37 Countries
0 notes
tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Welcome to Episode 37 of Kamen Rider Revice~! Or as I call it, "Kamen Rider Live Gets His Cheeks Clapped - Episode 7". So uh... Kinoshita, when you gonna give Daiji his due? I'm waiting~!
For now though... Spoilers, I guess...
-They just gave Tamaki a headband, I'm :sob:
-Wow, they're really multiplying.
-We're really
-Oh, Akaishi's alive! Yay~!
-"Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Gifu-sama? He gave me a res and said 'Hide-chan... in times of sadness, at the lowest points in your life, where you could not see my footprints in the sand... it was because I carried you.' Anyways, we're cancelling Kamen Rider Revice and replacing it with me doing cool skateboard tricks in honor of Gifu-sama~!"
-Ah, so it's not like a weird anti-vaxxer thing, it's just like... DNA gathering.
-"We did it, Daiji-kun. We successfully scared all of humanity. :)"
-Ohhhhh, there's a maximum. Thaaaat's concerning.
-Daiji, you really need to go apeshit.
-How was your Weekend~?
-Ehhhhhhhhhhh, like, I'm trying not to read too much into something that could've just as likely been totally unintentional, but Kinoshita's on Twitter and there's an extreme excess of stupid and horrible people on there.
-Ah, yep, Akemi-san's hint.
-"Daiji, you're really jobbing right now."
-Just standing back and letting things play out isn't gonna do a damn thing, Daiji.
-Oh there he is...
-So, George thought his dad was dead his whole time.
-Ohhhhhhhhhh, that's harsh.
-Giffdemos. Our target.
-Ahhhhh, we freezin'?
-Barid Rex? Ohhhhh, we increased its freezy power~! Epic.
-Oh great, demons...
-Yeah, good luck Sakura.
-Daiji... hurts to watch, not gonna lie.
-Ergh... I absolutely do not want creepy-ass Akaishi as my stepbrother.
-Oh yep, there she is. Akemi-san, and the Super Giffterian or whatever it's called.
-Yeah, Sakura's got that guy.
-Ohhhh, regens.
-"Most impressive, George. All we need now is for the Igarashi children to-"
-"Shut up Daddy, it's time for backstory."
-All of George's sinister moments are traced back to his crippling daddy issues.
-...quite relatable, to be honest.
-Ohhhhhh, he's got Shroud face!
-Ohhhhhhhh, Daiji's mad!
-Oh finally, Hikaru has another character trait. It ain't much, but hey, at least his brazen overconfidence is something. Hana's definitely not amused, so at least there's room for debate.
-Ah, fnally,
-Ohhhhh, Gifu's own essence.
-"Heeeeey, Akemi-san, do you wanna come back?"
-Ahhhh, finally, more space.
-Yeah, you're worried, huh Akaishi?
-Yoooo, Ikki, it's about time to Bari-Bari~!
-Ayyyyy! ...I assume Volcano works just the same though, right?
-btw, I saw somebody somewhere complain about Aguilera's knifey thingies being repaints of Ichigo Arms's kunai? And like... yeah? Sure, it might be lazy, but are you really jonesing for Ichigo Arms to come back? They can just make new ones!
-Oh cool, Hikaru can Genomix. Epic.
-And he also can't count! Epic!
-Wow, he's working Daiji to death.
-Oh no, misunderstanding.
-I thought those were suspiciously light in Donbrothers so far.
-Oh shit, Sakura lost!
-"Bye bye, Akemi~!"
-Nooooo... we're losing her!
-Aaaaaand, he's here!
-Be a real man, Dai-chan!
-...please don't misinterpret this in the worst way possible.
-Hiromicchi's here!
-Hiromi-san... things are bad, man.
-I'll probably watch Dear Gaga Part 2 later, on my own time.
-Fuck, dude... I think I'm mostly just getting really sad whenever I watch Revice now lol
-I love the new suits tho, holy fuck.
-This show, i stg
-Uhhh... I guess I'll see you next week.
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wow, shiratori sure got brave from the last time we met… what’s with r & having these smug evil asshole agents who deserve a good slap to the face? first r*kep*ck, now him. anyways why does he still care about what r has in mind for mc? he said they ‘hung him out to dry’ or whatever last time we spoke so why’s he still invested in what they want? if someone did that to me i’d despise them & maybe even work with or protect whoever they’re after even if it’s purely out of spite. i’m pretty sure r*kep*ck is like that too in ch 37, still going on about what r wants after what happened to her. guess they’re both too stupid too realize that r probably doesn’t give a damn about them anymore
Before I go any further, I just want to say, I have to say, I have to stop, pause, and say...that it is downright astounding to me how much my anons hate this guy now. How far the public opinion seems to have swung into negative territory when it comes to Shiratori. At least, based purely on my inbox. Granted, I am running way, way behind and gradually climbing my way through at a snail's pace, but all the same...I went back and counted no less than twenty-four Asks who all had their subject being some variation of an angry reaction at Shiratori for the most recent chapter. Again, obviously no one person could have known that so many others would send in similar thoughts, and I'm not even disagreeing or anything, trust me, but some of them even went so far as to say that they consider him to be just as bad as Rakepick...to which I say....
...Eh? (Insert a non-committal shrug here)
I dunno, Y7CH36 just...didn't do anything for me, really? It didn't make me dislike him anymore than I already did. Really, the only thing of prominence that I took from this chapter was his line about "sleepwalking through life" which could be a reference to the Sleepwalking Curse, of course, but I don't even think it's that. I think it's another hint that R has a great and terrible secret that will change everything once MC learns it, and that for whatever reason, they seem to think that, because of whatever the secret is, they'll be able to get MC to willingly join them. That's why Shiratori brought it up. That's why he flat-out offered to let MC probe his mind. While I've been one of the people hollering that MC should remember that they have this power more often, all of a sudden, doing that didn't seem like such a wise idea...because Shiratori invited them to do it, and MC and Moody probably should have guessed that he had some kind of agenda in doing so.
If anything, I wonder if all of this wasn't a ploy just to get MC into that exact situation, where they could have that private conversation within his mind and he could let them know that R's offer still stood, but that the clock was ticking. Hell, I wonder if R is even "done" with him after all, or if all of that fear and desperation to make a deal wasn't all staged. Judging by past events, like Rakepick "saving" MC from The Red Cloak in Year 4...a bit of theatre wouldn't be out of their playing field, really. So yeah, Shiratori is still a bastard, and I guess I wasn't really expecting him to be anything else. All this really means is that he's not specifically self-serving, but is still loyal to R, and I guess that doesn't really mean much to me? I didn't really have high hopes for the guy in the first place. He's just your average, generic villain to me.
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poppy-in-the-woods · 4 years
DOPEMAN Part 1 - Chapter 1
Tags: Explicit language, sex talk, sex in general, masturbation, fluids... not an accurate depiction of what being a cam girl actually is, and possible bad English (this text has not been proofread by an English native speaker, so it might contain spelling and grammar errors).
Word Count: 2425
Author’s note: I have decided to post the whole first chapter, see if you like it. So please, please, if you like the story and/or you have any suggestion, leave a comment or message me, so I know you like it.
Also, I kinda don’t like writing fanfiction for real people, but MGK is very inspiring for me, so this is him, but not at the same time. Like a character played by him.
On with the show.
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Dopeman [21:30]: Hello, gorgeous.
ArkAngel [21:32]: Hello.
Dopeman [21:33]: What's up, are you shy?
ArkAngel [21:33]: Sorry, I was making sure the door was closed. I don't want my roommate to come in suddenly and see me do this.
Dopeman [21:34]: Why not?
ArkAngel [21:34]: Are you kidding me?
Dopeman [21:35]: No job is unworthy if it helps you put food on your table, sweetie.
ArkAngel [21:35]: Right.
ArkAngel [21:36]: I'm nervous. This is my first time doing this.
Dopeman [21:36]: I'll treat you well, I promise.
Dopeman [21:36]: Why don't you turn the camera on so I can see you?
ArkAngel [21:37]: Don't think I'm stupid, money first.
ArkAngel [21:37]: gifty.me/ArkAngel606
Dopeman [21:37]: Sure.
ArkAngel [21:39]: Okay, wait a minute.
The grey square lit up, showing the image of a young girl, in her twenties, with pale skin and green eyes. She wore red lipstick, glitter on her cheeks, a pastel blue wig, a headband with a gold halo, and a white nightgown under which a set of lingerie matching the wig was visible. She was sitting on the edge of a bed of white sheets, with her legs crossed, and behind her was a stuffed pink unicorn and a strip of little blue lights.
��Look at you, how pretty you are”, said Dopeman aloud.
Dopeman [21:41]: How much to hear your beautiful voice?
ArkAngel [21:41]: Ten dollars.
Dopeman [21:42]: Say my name.
“Hello, Dopeman.”
The truth is that she had a beautiful voice, sensual and rich in tones, like a radio host. He had chosen well.
Dopeman [21:43]: How about you put your headphones on so you can hear me?
Dopeman [21:43]: I have nothing against typing, but it will be difficult for me to do it with one hand, if you know what I mean.
ArkAngel disappeared for a moment, returning shortly after with a rather expensive-looking pair of wireless headphones. She put them on and activated the option that allowed him to be heard.
“Do you hear me?” He asked.
“Loud and clear” she replied.
“How old are you?”
“I'm not supposed to reveal any personal information,” she replied, uncomfortable.
“I just want to make sure you're not a teenager doing this behind Mom and Dad's back,” he replied.
“Well, I'm definitely doing this behind my parents' backs,” she laughed, “but I'm twenty-one.”
“That’s a relief. You are very pretty, ArkAngel.”
“Thank you. Do you do this often?” She wanted to know.
“Only on special occasions.”
“And what are we celebrating?”
“My birthday, gorgeous,” he said, smiling in the dark, though she couldn't see him. “I'm turning twenty-five, and that's quite an achievement, because honestly, I never thought of making it so far.”
“Why not?”
“Oh, we're not here for that,” he replied. “No, my depressing life stays away from this. I want some happiness, can you do that for me, my gorgeous ArkAngel?”
“I can try,” she agreed.
“How much is gonna cost me to get you naked?”
“Ten dollars a garment.”
“Take off that ridiculous headband too,” he ordered. “And take your time, there’s no rush.”
She removed the headband with the halo, tossing it somewhere out of frame, and began to slowly remove her clothes. The nightgown was the first to disappear, revealing an hourglass silhouette and a pair of tattoos. Dopeman liked tattoos.
“Oh, bad girl!” He exclaimed when he saw them, amused. “Can you bring those closer to the camera, please? I would like to see them better.”
She moved closer to the camera. Both tattoos were text in Gothic letters, under her breasts, slightly following the curve of them. One of them said “NON TIMEBO MALA”, while the other said “MEMENTO MORI”.
“I'm thinking of getting another one,” she said, returning to her starting position.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes. I thought I could get a small feather tattooed right here,” she said, pointing to the space between her breasts.
“It would look good on you,” he said. “Come on, keep stripping.”
“Yes, Dopeman.”
“I like it when you say my name.”
“Dopeman,” she whispered, removing her bra.
Her breasts weren't very big, but he liked them better that way; large breasts tended to sag once released from the bra, and while he was never averse to a good pair of boobs, when he couldn't touch them, he preferred breasts on the smaller side, like ArkAngel's.
“You like what you see?” She asked, touching her breasts as she looked at the camera (looking at him).
“Of course. I thought this was your first time as a cam girl.”
“And it is,” she said.
“I don't believe you, you're too bold for that,” he joked.
“First time as a cam girl doesn't mean first time with a guy,” she replied, somewhat annoyed. “I am not a virgin.”
“I didn't expect you to be,” he replied in a conciliatory tone. “Come on, don't be mad at me.”
She smiled.
"You like that, huh? Begging.”
“Maybe,” she admitted. “But what I'd like to know the most is if you're enjoying this. Come on, Dopeman, I don't hear masturbation sounds.”
“I'm waiting for you to take off those adorable panties to begin with it,” he replied.
ArkAngel smiled again and turned her back to the camera. Kneeling on the bed, she proceeded to ditch the last item of clothing.
“Oh, beautiful... Raise that ass in the air, come on,” he demanded.
She did as he was told and Dopeman finally allowed himself to release his erection from his boxer shorts. She faced the camera again, letting him see her trimmed pubic hair.
“You've got me dripping,” he whispered. She blushed. “You're adorable. How much to masturbate for me?”
“Twenty if you want me to use my fingers, thirty if you want me to use the clit sucker, forty for the G-spot vibrator, and fifty for the large vibrator,” she replied.
It might be her first time, but she had things clear.
“Show me, come on, show me your toys. I can't decide blindly.”
She came out of frame again, returning with a box, and spread the toys on the bed in front of her. The clit sucker looked like a penguin with a bow tie, and the big vibrator was one of those so-called “rabbit” vibrators, in hot pink with stylized lines.
“Adorable,” Dopeman repeated. “That thing, the G-spot vibrator, does it have a remote control?”
“Yes, but it's going to cost you extra if you want to access it,” she pointed out.
“How much?”
“Fifty. You have to keep in mind that I'm placing a lot of trust in you by giving you control”, she added.
“You don't have to justify yourself, gorgeous. However, I have not received as much birthday money as I would like, so we will have to save the remote control for another time. Start with your fingers, and when you're really wet, I want you to take that pink cock and fuck yourself with it. And spread your legs wide so I can see how you touch yourself,” he instructed.
She zoomed in the camera and leaned back on the pillows, spreading her legs. She began to play, stroking herself lightly. Dopeman began to masturbate as well, matching his rhythm to hers. After a couple of minutes, ArkAngel stuck two fingers inside her.
“Show me how wet you are.”
She smiled and brought her fingers closer to the camera, so he could see the moisture on them. Without his command, she leaned back and began making tiny circles on her clit with her fingers. With the other hand she began to caress and massage her breasts, pinching her nipples and stimulating them just as she did with her clit.
“That's it, gorgeous. Come on, moan for me.”
“Do you think you can put the vibrator in now?” She shook her head, pursing her lips. “Do you need a little more time?”
“It's okay. Why don't you turn it on and use it on your pussy?” he suggested. “Put it in the lowest speed and go up a little at a time.”
"Yes, Dopeman."
She did what he had suggested, running the vibrator over her labia minora and her clit, bathing it in her lubrication. She turned the speed up a notch every time he said “more”. There came a time when she could no longer help moaning. She whispered his name from time to time; somehow she knew exactly how and when to say it to turn him on.
“Come on, now you have to be wet enough for your precious little pussy to swallow that cock. I wanna see how you penetrate yourself with it.”
“Yes, Dopeman,” she gasped.
He watched her masturbate using the vibrator; the rabbit’s ears brushing against her clit every time she got it in deep. Her hand accelerated more and more, and his did it at the same time, keeping pace without trouble.
“D-Dopeman…!” she stuttered.
“Oh, you're amazing, ArkAngel!” He praised her. “Come on, keep going until you cum.”
She went on for several minutes, moaning and squirming, reaching a point where Dopeman had to slow down so as not to come early; he liked doing it at the same time as them. He was sentimental.
After a few more minutes, she pulled the vibrator out of her and brought it to her clit, pressing gently. She let out three high-pitched moans in quick succession and threw her head back.
“Dopeman!” She shouted.
He picked up the pace one last time and came, spilling onto his bare chest.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
Dopeman watched her get up with some difficulty as he wiped himself with a tissue. ArkAngel blinked a few times, pulled her nightgown over, and disappeared once more. It took her a little longer to get back, but when she did, she was still breathing heavily and carrying a glass of water.
“I ran into my roommate when I came back from the bathroom!” she whispered. Dopeman smirked; so that's why she had taken so long and was so agitated. “I had to tell her that I was going to the kitchen to get something to drink.”
“Drink up, gorgeous, you need to replenish fluids,” he laughed.
ArkAngel laughed, but drank the water.
“It was nice meeting you, Dopeman. You have a very beautiful voice,” she said.
“Wait! Will I see you again?”
"Maybe, I don't know. You can always send me a message. If I see that you really want to see me again, then I may decide to do this again,” she replied.
“You definitely like to be begged,” he laughed. “Very well. We'll see each other, ArkAngel.”
“Good night, Dopeman,” she said, turning off the camera.
Dopeman [23:05]: Sleep well, my gorgeous ArkAngel.
In her room, ArkAngel closed her laptop, took off her wig and lay down on the bed, turning back into Molly. She grabbed her phone and opened WhatsApp.
“I’ve done it,” she wrote.
Almost instantly his phone started ringing.
“Hi, Helen,” she said, answering.
“How did it go? Tell me everything!” Helen exclaimed.
“It went well, I think. I’ve made 165 dollars.”
“Who have you contacted?” Helen asked.
“I don’t know his name.”
“Obviously! But you know something about him, right?”
"A young man, in his twenties by his voice, and he called himself Dopeman,” she replied.
“Uh, the man with the dope! Maybe he can get you something.”
“I don't do drugs, Helen.”
“Then maybe he can get them for me,” Helen suggested.
“Stay away from Dopeman!” Molly warned her, sitting up suddenly. “You have your own clients.”
“I thought you said you were only going to do this once.”
“I've changed my mind.”
“Adrenaline is addictive, huh?” Helen teased. “You've had a good first experience, and that's great, but be careful, okay? And feel free to call or write me if you need any help.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh, and remember you can report a user if they behave inappropriately with you.”
“I know”
Although Molly had some doubts as to what was considered inappropriate behaviour in the world of cam girls, she was very clear about what she did not intend to tolerate, and she was not going to hesitate to click on the “report user” button.
“See you in class on Monday?”
“Sure, have a nice weekend.”
“Same, girl! Ciao!”
Helen was a little older than her, and had been a cam girl since she was eighteen. She used the money she earned to pay for all her expenses, especially those related to college, and she was saving to buy her own apartment.
Her curiosity had been piqued when the subject of jobs had come up in conversation after a study session. Unlike her, Helen came from a humble family.
“It may sound strange, but of all the jobs I've had, this is the safest,” Helen had said.
Helen had helped her set up her profile on the same page she used, as well as explaining how it worked. All the money she made in the live sessions was hers, the page kept the money generated by the clicks on the ads, and a part of the Premium content, if she decided to upload any. They also charged for VIP subscriptions, and basically, that's where the company's profits came from, and it was totally legal.
Molly didn't need the money, not really. Her father had opened a portfolio for her when she turned one, and she had her own money, although cash was always a good thing. No, the reason why she had decided to be a cam girl was very different.
She had always led a comfortable, carefree life, protected by her parents from the horrors of the world. She had only begun to realize that not everyone had a life like hers in her teens. And then, sports began not to be a satisfactory source of endorphins and adrenaline. Even rock climbing, which she had started in her first year of college, was not enough. The experience with Dopeman had given her a high she hadn't felt in a long time, and without taking drugs.
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