#I'm fallout pilled again so I'm back :)
fallout-friends-react · 6 months
Could you please do NV companions react to courier dating yesman
Arcade: "Oho my god. You cannot be serious." Arcade had a comically large smile on his face. The Courier assured him they were serious about it, and did their best to explain all the good things about Yes-man. Arcade listened intently, as seriously as he could. At the end of their speech, he looked at Yes-man, and (he thinks) Yes-man looked at him. "You know what? Why not. Who am I to say this type of thing is impossible?"
Boone: The Courier was nervous to come out with the news, but knew they had to if they were going to keep traveling with Boone. "Great." Boone said dryly. "Can we get going?" As it turns out, he really didn't care all that much. As long as Yes-man didn't get in his way, it wasn't really any of his business.
Ed-E: 2 robots, 1 courier :)
Lily: Surprisingly, Lily took to Yes-man quite well. Maybe it's his high-spirited attitude that she likes so much. The Courier liked to listen to the conversations between the two. Very entertaining.
Raul: "Y'know boss? I've seen a lot in my time. This is something... new." Raul rested his hands on his hips and faced Yes-man. "I sure hope that's a good thing!" Yes-man replied happily. "I guess it's not... bad?" Raul questioned his own words. He shrugged. "I just hope I don't have to be the one to fix him when things go sideways."
Rex: Clunkly metal box is just around all the time now. That's fine.
Cass: "This is stupid." Cass said flatly. The Courier, clearly upset, couldn't get a word out before being interrupted. "I mean, look at his stupid face. Can you even stop smiling?" She asked Yes-man. "I cannot!" he said cheerfully. "Oh yeah. This is gonna go great."
Veronica: "You're dating.. a securitron.." Veronica asked without a question mark. The Courier gestured to Yes-man, "yeah look how cute he is!" Veronica clearly stifled a grimace with an awkward smile. "Can you come here for a sec?" She slung her arm around their shoulder and whispered, to make sure the robot couldn't hear. "Look. I know my way around mechanical things. Are you sure this is like... safe? Couldn't he go rampant and end up hurting you or something?" The Courier shrugged her off and dismissed her worries. More than anything, Veronica was just worried about them.
Vulpes: Vulpes took one look at Yes-man. "No."
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arcann · 5 months
she finally gave me her fucking phone and that very same day i blocked her lmfao how does it feel to talk through the assistant now bitch
i haven't had my period all this year and yet i keep getting cramps. my last ultrasound was "normal but keep in observation" and she gave me pills to force my period that did nothing but make the cramps worse
she tells me in the morning (while i'm working) that she's sending me a new treatment, 4 hours pass, i tell her politely that she hasn't send it yet and she's like "yeah i'm working give me some time" :)))) ok what do you think i'm doing
i did watch fallout videos at the last hour but she doesn't know that. she's been rude to me the entire time fuck off.
then it's three different pills she's never told me about + vitamins and i'm like "what's this going to do?" and she gives me surgery line which i've had already been told as a dismiss + that it was too complicated to answer by dm and she wanted to make another appointment to explain.
i'm not going to pay her again so she can mess it up. again!!!
so yeah that's it. back to step one. and my period has been completely shut down for 5 months :)))) back to step minus three.
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stevn93 · 7 months
Not usually about it, but...
Me again old friend, was feeling a little down so I put some music box mix on TV to relax and take a old time tumble. To my dismay all I see are posts disparaging the country I call home, I can forgive the trashing of the government because it's been a mess for a long time. But blaming the country and hoping for it's failure... makes me sick. All the time people complain about the USA stepping in to matters that don't concern us and the moment we don't everyone hates us. Well reach into your wallet and send funds or enlist in the military of your choosing and take action. If you stand idle and spew hate and speak ill of a nation are you any better?? Are you doing anything different?? Sometimes I think of awful things people have spoken and wonder would it be better?? Bomb ourselves into oblivion and let the few if any survivors figure it out like in fallout?? The media is a joke and bought by the highest bidder or most powerful influence. I gave up on the news years ago as it was nothing but doom and gloom. I have days I regret having kids as they didn't ask for this...so I'm going to give them anything and everything I can. They are learning being independent well and are proving resourceful which leads me to feel they will be able to think on their own forming their own opinions and ideas. I have a number of unpopular ideas and opinions and I'm OK with that. I don't expect this to be all that popular. But back to the base of this, if you live in the USA and don't like it that much start a go fund me to leave. Don't like we as a nation aren't involved in something, step up and get involved yourself. In the early 40's people went to the fight before it ever came to us. Don't wish for ill fortune to others or their nation, because I have a big ol cup of FU to wash down a hard to swallow pill. The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to stand and do nothing. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that, Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that. " Martin Luther King Jr
May God bless America 🇺🇸 and may peace and love find a way.
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danifandxm · 9 months
oh WOW i dont post a lot here anymore do I. oof
much to the relief or disappointment of anyone, I am alive. Depressed, anxious, but alive!
New year! 2024! We made it! Lets recap my 2023 for those who still follow this blog. for some reason. AHEM.
1. Had an entire fallout with 3 people I THOUGHT were my friends for the past 7-8 ish years, bc god forbid I have interests and yknow. talk about my fears.
btw this lasted from late april (when they told me to take a "break") to LATE AUGUST (when they finally decided to drop me bc god FORBID i want to try and talk and mend things. fuck you all btw). so yeah. shitty start.
2. We had two family pets pass away! One passed away around june/july-ish (big dog, great dane), and then another one in september. the second one was one i took care of personally (she was a bearded dragon), so theres a lot of guilt on my end. (im. still recovering).
this fucked me up so bad that i had to INCREASE my medication dosage. so yeah. not sugar pills. (you know who you are.)
There was other small stuff but those where the two big things that made 50% of a horrendous year. And bc of some of that, im guarded and less forgiving. I feel like i've gone like,,, ten steps back.
But, On the brighter side:
- I turned 21! (still figuring out my tastes lol)
- Got to see a few musicals throughout the year! Wicked (for the 3rd or 4th time), Jagged Little Pill, and Beetlejuice (FINALLY)
- Saw lovejoy live in my state! (10/10 would go again)
- Started playing Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and I'm v much enjoying it!
- Trigun. That's it. thats the bullet point
and much more
so yeah. pretty 50/50. but the negative really,,, impacted me in the worst way. I'm just hoping 2024 is better to me.
I already have one silver lining going for me this year, but I'm not gonna say so I wont jinx it.
happy 2024. may we survive the storm together
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falloutstasis · 9 months
That's not where I want to be Part 1
Notes: Takes place one year once again. Before the fallout tv series. Warning: Death, Blood, Gore, descriptive about how the body died
"So, why I'm I here again?"
"We want your expertise on this. That's why."
Quest Started: That's not where I want to be
□ Investigate the crime scene with Detective Veronica Briscoe and find clues.
Kelsey was dragged into a crime scene by one 51 year old detective named Veronica Briscoe while traveling to the still intact Beverly Hills. It was NCR territory, but she was surprised she wasn't given the stink eyes whenever she passed by a trooper considering she was a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Right now, she was standing in front of a dead body. His chest was exposed outward as if it exploded. Kelsey tends to stomach the amount of gore she's been exposed to, not just because she was a doctor, but because it was the wasteland. Plus, she was a ghoul and ghoul's don't actively smell a whole lot.
John Doe's body not only had exposed chest, it showed his rip cage open outward as well, the blood and muscle spilling. It all splattered on the ground. Like some kind of weird flower.
Because it looked like the bomb might off came from the inside, it didn't tore his body in half. Well, it almost did.
"Geez, did someone put a bomb in him or what?" With rubber gloves, she was checking other signs of attacks from other parts of the body.
"Witness say they didn't see a bomb strapped to him." Veronica replied.
"No, I meant like actually in his body." There was no signs of struggle that's for sure.
"How does someone swallow a bomb? It has to be small enough like...a pill or something?" Veronica asked.
Since the chest was exposed, there was no way to tell if it was swallowed or if surgery was done for the bomb to get in.
"A lot of people saw this man eating in that restaurant," Veronica pointed at Chuck Joe's Restaurant in front of them both. "Someone must have slipped in the bomb when he wasn't looking. Swallowed it, then someone must of detonated for him to explode."
"The guy who did this probably was a good enough scientist engineer to be able to make it small enough to make it explode." Kelsey explained.
Another investigator came in, gave Veronica something in a ziplog bag.
"Detective, I found this." He said, Veronica stood up and grabbed the item.
There was a stern look that matched the stern tone in her voice. "Where did you get this, Logan?"
This action caused Kelsey to stand up too and look at the item in question.
Johnathan Logon crossed his arms. "This device detonator was behind the Chuck Joe's. Someone see's the guy out of the restaurant, they press the button from the back," The two followed Johnathan to the back of the restaurant. It was a mess with piles of trash and some random pieces of metal lying on the ground.
Chuck Joe's
"And blew the poor bastard up."
The detonator was small enough to be wrapped around in one hand, but apparently easy enough to break down. There was a small dull red button that seemed to be broken off. The device was bent before finally broken in half.
"Better get people here too." Kelsey pointed at the footprints left, where Johnathan found the detonator. "There's footprints here."
"Good eye, Detective."
"Uh, thanks?" Johnathan asked, clearly confused since Kelsey was the one who found the footprints.
"Not you, Logan. Our temporary Detective over here." Veronica said, pointing at Kelsey.
"I'm a what- Shit!" Kelsey just barely caught the Detective badge that was coming right at her. When she did catch it, she saw what it looked like a very old BHPD badge.
"Ah, that's the temporary Detective you were talking about."
"I'm not a-"
"Listen, kid." Veronica pointed at the badge Kelsey was holding. "We are currently short staffed and we were fortunate enough to get a recommendation from the one and only Nick Valentine."
Kelsey couldn't believe what she was hearing. From all the way from Boston, Massachusetts, they can actually communicate. It make sense if it was through radio, like Aster has back at the Library.
"Nick? Nick Valentine?"
"Yeah. The detective at the Valentine Detective Agency."
"You contacted him through a radio, right?" Kelsey asked.
"That's right. Look, you can see for yourself and contact him when we head back. But first things first," Veronica had led Kelsey back to where the body had meet his untimely death. "How about a quick description of our unfortunate friend here?"
"Right." Kelsey nodded and with one quick glance at the body, she looked at the victim's head.
"Brown hair, blue eyes," She kneeled down and moved his lips to see his teeth. "Probably late 40s, tan skin- what the hell..?"
Through the flesh skin, Kelsey pulled out what it looks like a dog tag. It was melted due to being in contact with the explosion. She could barely make out the name: Char...Char-something. The tag melted halfway to his first name and through the last name. But even when dog tag melted halfway, she recognized this type of dog tag right away.
"Oooooh, I know this tag." Kelsey said, looking at Veronica.
"Yeah. That's a Brotherhood of Steel dog tag."
■ Investigate the crime scene with Detective Veronica Briscoe and find clues.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
WTF helicopter bj? Out of nowhere ? Rip kinnporche. They probably didn't write script for them they be dead. I try so hard not to cringe 😬 but what can I do if the writers hate them? Ep11 really be doing it's magic ig.
But since it's 14eps they'll dragging kp corpse for another fallout but at that point no will care abt it unless someone gets shot for sympathy again. Guess it's really a lakorn.
It all went down hill when bigg died ( tho it was struggling before that i just mark his death to be a crucial part of Kinn and the consequences of wanting love but also power but also showing he really cares abt his bodyguards, loyalty, freedom, unrequited feelings, sacrifice) . I hope the fandom who agrees with this does a funeral for bigg and a moment of silence for whatever kinnporche had in the beginning.
Wegath and pete carrying the show for me. But it was so fast like wegath is already giggling. I'll take wt I can get because of the hedgehog and that tharntype war pill 💊 flashbacks.
I be giving advice on how to fix this show but whatever, they shat so hard for me to even care abt fixing it.
Look, no one watches a show for the titular characters and their relationship that was all of the trailer... oh. wait.
Yeah, I no longer care about them. At all. Just... nope. Both of them could vanish from the show and my entire response would be a sigh of relief.
Now, you made it longer than I did. I started to struggle a while back, a lot longer than when Big died and, frankly, the first date with them all giggly and goofy was the first time my heart truly sank. Because that moment was so completely disconnected from the rest of the show that is was like a death knell.
And despite a few reasonable moments... they never came back from that for me. That took all their depth away just lost the plot and none of it ever came back. They half-heartedly tried but every try as almost instantly undone.
Big definitely deserves a funeral and he deserves mourning and the fact that the show just shrugged its shoulders and moved on is just... painful. Really? Nothing? Yes, characters in a mafia show are going to die but part of the mafia is supposedly loyalty. But not here! Nope! Instead we forget the people who sacrifice themselves for us and move on to blowjobs in helicopters! Wheeeee.
The idea that Kinn remembers Pete because he gets a text message from Pete asking to go visit his grandmother and that's... that's the payoff for him forgetting? That's it and no one cares and Porsche even tells him not to worry? That is the other moment I will never forgive this show because that's just so fucking over the top and stupid. Like, really? I'd rather Kinn just not remember. That would have been better.
Vegas and Pete are the best parts of the show now. They have depth and complexity and growth and you can see how they're shaping each other and changing each other and how the characteristics we saw in the past are coming into play now. It's so good. We get to see past the surface for both of them and it's everything I wanted. Would I like it a wee bit slower? Sure. But I'm also okay with this because, frankly, the more time we get with them the better.
I also adore the hedgehog but that cage needs to be bigger. I hope Pete can help Vegas learn about how to keep a pet... in multiple ways.
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snarkythewoecrow · 4 years
Heyy, your addiction fics are so well written and with care enough to not trigger someone, I was hoping I could request one? Like Peter's in college and the stress gets to him so for a while he like loses his mind and turns to partying but his family helps him? you don't have to write this ofc, love your fic! (I'm spideyreids2003 on ao3!)
Thanks for the prompt! I had fun writing this. 
***Warning for alcohol abuse and drug use*** 
Read on Ao3
“Peter, maybe you should call it a night, get some extra sleep.” Ned tried to reason, but Peter wasn’t listening. He was three drinks in and working toward a buzz already and didn’t want to go back to their dorm.
College turned out to be different than Peter had expected. He’d planned to focus on his studies, make some new friends, get good grades, and impress Tony. He was attending the man’s alma mater, after all, but things had a funny way of working out.
Peter had started school with big dreams, but a few months into the year, and he was struggling against the current to stay afloat. His grades didn’t come as easily for him as they did in high school, and his life wasn’t as easy either. Everything was more complicated. There were days he felt like a failure, and maybe in some ways, he was one. He certainly wasn’t handling the stress like he should.
He’d spent his life abiding by the rules, and maybe that played a role in his new coping mechanism. Perhaps it was a cry for help. Either way, the partying he had been doing drowned out the noise in his head and made things a little easier to deal with at the moment, though there was always a price to pay.
The more he partied, the more his grades slipped. The more his grades slipped, the more defeated he felt, making him want an escape, so he would drink himself into a stupor and try to forget. He knew it was a problem, but he couldn’t see a better solution. So the cycle continued unchecked.  
Then there was Ned, who stood in front of where Peter sat on the couch, giving him his best disapproving face. Peter wanted to go back to when they were in high school, and things were simpler between them, but he couldn’t, so he needed to accept how things were now, which meant that Peter wasn’t the same kid he used to be. Drinking had given him a way to muffle the chaos in his head and have a little fun, too. Ned didn’t understand, probably because Ned was better than him. He always had been.
Peter put up a good front, but he had always struggled beneath his mask. He knew he wasn’t perfect, and now that he was in college, facing pressure like never before, that mask was cracking. It was clear for anyone who dared look that Peter was falling apart. Some people might see a college kid partying and having fun, but if someone were to look closely, they’d see it was more nefarious. Peter was using it as a cover to hide his failures.
He knew it wasn’t good, but Peter never claimed to be great at self-care.
“I’m good here.” Peter sipped from his Solo cup, glancing up at Ned. "Really, I’ll just stay for a few hours, and then I’ll walk back.”
Ned pursed his lips. “I don’t like leaving you here. It’s never good, Peter. You’ve been doing this too much lately. What would May think?”
Peter downed the last of his drink. That was a low blow. May had been dead for nearly a year. A man had charged into the emergency room, shooting anyone unlucky enough to cross his path. Of course, May hadn’t stayed hidden. She’d run across the hall to grab a child and got shot. By the time they could get to her, she was gone.
Peter didn’t need to be a psychiatrist to know that her death played a part in his current spiral. At minimum, it didn’t help his sleep, which came at a premium these days, something that wasn’t helping matters at all.
After his aunt died, Tony stepped up to help him, paying for his college and making sure he wanted nothing, making Peter’s current situation feel even worse. He wasn’t just letting down May’s memory by partying like he was, but he was letting down Tony, too. Peter didn’t want to think about what Tony would say about his new lifestyle. The worst thing was, he’d probably be understanding, telling Peter it was okay and sharing stories about his own struggles, which just made Peter feel worse.
He deserved Tony’s anger, maybe some choice words. You didn’t blow your college career by partying and not expect some consequences.
What kind of person did this make him? Not Spider-Man, that was for sure. He hadn’t even gone out to patrol in months. He didn’t feel like a hero anymore. He and Spider-man couldn’t be further apart. Maybe it was time they parted ways, at least for a while.
Peter pushed himself up to get another drink, nearly bumping into Ned, who had to hastily step back to avoid him.  
“Peter, come on, man.” Ned’s voice chased after him.
Peter glanced over his shoulder, briefly meeting Ned’s gaze. He didn’t like the concern he saw, so he looked away, going back to making another drink.
“I’m really fine, Ned. Trust me.”
“Maybe a year ago, before everything got bad, I would have, but I don’t think you’re thinking straight anymore. I think you need to talk to someone.”
Peter turned around, taking a sip of his drink. It was more alcohol than soda, and it burned his throat. He welcomed the feeling. It would take a lot to get him drunk. His mutation made it hard to get there, but the payoff was worth it. He relished the moment when the world blurred, and everything hurt a little less.
The music thumped in the background, and someone bumped into Ned, making him frown and cast his disapproving glare in their direction. Peter swirled his drink in the red plastic cup, watching it slosh around before sucking down the contents in a few big gulps. When he looked at Ned, his expression had turned hurt. His shoulders slumping, Ned shook his head, stepping forward to put a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“I’ll see you back at the dorm, right? Not too late?” Ned asked.
Peter pushed back against his guilt and smiled. “Yeah, yeah, I won’t be out past three.”
Sighing, Ned patted his shoulder twice and then disappeared into the crowd. Peter stared at the people for a moment before turning back to refill his drink. The ache in his chest was back, and he wanted to forget. He wanted to let everything go and have fun.
Peter downed another drink, then headed for the couch where a bowl of pills was being passed around. He didn’t normally get into drugs, but he was missing May, and he wanted to have a little fun. He joined them, sitting next to a girl he recognized from one of his classes. He didn’t know what it was that he took, but he didn’t care either. Soon, he felt himself relaxing, and he spent the rest of the night drinking and melting into the couch.
He woke up in the morning or thought it was morning, but from the bright sun coming in the windows, he realized it might be closer to noon. He wasn’t in his bed, and when he turned his cheek, it scratched on the polyester fabric of the couch. Blinking his eyes, it took a moment to place himself, but then he saw the cups and beer bottles, and hazy memories of the previous night drifted back.
Groaning, he scrubbed a hand over his eyes and sat up, his foot bumping into a body on the floor. Squinting, he looked at the ground and saw someone was passed out on the floor between the couch and coffee table.
He needed to get out of here. Ned was going to kill him.
He stepped over the body and patted his pockets for his phone. He needed to see the time. He’d probably missed class again, and his professor wasn’t going to be understanding. He’d already missed a bunch.
Feeling his phone in his pocket, he grabbed it and checked the time. Shit. It was after eleven. As he went to stuff his phone back in his pocket, Thunderstruck started playing, and he looked down to see Tony’s face lighting up the screen.
Double shit.
Scrubbing a hand over his face quickly, he answered the call and brought the phone to his ear. He scratched at his hair as he greeted Tony.
“Hey, Tony, what’s up?”
“I should ask you. Ned called.”
Peter’s heart skipped a beat. He’d be talking to Ned later about boundaries. For now, though, he needed to deal with the fallout.
“Oh, really? What did he say?” He tried to keep his voice even, but it raised in tone at the end. His nerves were getting to him.
“He said you didn’t come home. Again. Seems to be a running problem with you lately. I thought everything was going okay. What’s going on, Peter?”
“No, it’s no big deal. I just stayed out late, um, studying.”
Tony hummed. “That’s interesting. Tell you what. I need to straighten away a few things here, and then I’ll fly out. I can be there tonight.”
“Wait, what? No, no, no, you don’t need to come out here.” The last thing he needed was to see Tony’s expression fall when he saw what a mess Peter was. “It’s fine. It’s all fine. I swear. You don’t need to come out here.”
“I’ll see you tonight, kid. Maybe shower or something before I get there. Ned mentioned something about you going through a grunge phase.”
“I’m not—” He started to argue, but Tony hung up. Huffing out a frustrated breath, Peter shoved the phone back into his pocket and weaved his way through the mess to get back to his dorm.
He was going to kill Ned.
“Why did you call Tony?” Peter asked as soon as he was in the door.
Ned was at the desk, working on his computer. He turned to look at Peter. His expression was hard to read, though. Peter thought he looked a little smug, but maybe he was just imagining it.
“I’ve tried talking to you for months, and it hasn’t done any good. You’re blowing your chance here. You spend more time at parties than you do in class. It’s not cool, Peter. If I can’t stop you, maybe Mr. Stark can.” He finished with a shrug and turned back to his computer.
Peter was angry, but he couldn’t blame Ned. He was only trying to help, part of what made Ned a better person than Peter. Sighing, he walked over to his bed and flopped down.
What was he going to do?
At some point, he showered and put on some questionable clothes. He found them under his bed. Other than a few wrinkles, they seemed okay. At least they didn’t smell. He needed to prioritize things a little better. Laundry came after everything else.
He skipped his classes that day, too stressed about Tony coming to attend. He was already in deep with his professors. He couldn’t see how missing another day would hurt.
Sometime after their ramen dinner they made in a coffee pot, Ned left to visit a friend, leaving Peter to anxiously await Tony’s arrival.
At seven o’clock, there was a knock at the door, and Peter had to take a deep breath to collect himself before opening the door.
It was Tony.
“Jesus, kid. Ned wasn’t kidding about the grunge phase,” Tony said by way of greeting.
Peter forced a smile, running his fingers through his hair. “Come in, sorry it’s not much, but, um, it’s a dorm. You’ve been here, so you know.”
Tony nodded and entered the room, turning around slowly and taking it in. He settled in the desk chair, looking at Peter expectantly. “So, I think we need to talk, and depending on what you, depends on whether you get to stay, or if you take some time and collect yourself.”
It felt like something had punched Peter in the gut. He’d never considered not being able to stay. Tony wouldn’t do that to him, would he? He scrambled for something to say, anything to make this better.
“It’s not that bad. I don’t know what Ned said, but it’s fine.”
“That you’ve been getting wasted every night, and not surprisingly, your grades are slipping. Ned tells me you’ve been missing classes because you're too hungover to go. He's worried about you—I’m worried about you.”
Tony’s eyes were soft and full of concern, and Peter didn’t deserve it. He’d been screwing up, and he knew it, and Tony should be angry. He should hate him for wasting his money. Instead, he just looked worried, and that stung worse.
Part of him wanted to lie, to make up some half-truth to explain his behavior, but another part of him was tired. Now that Tony knew, Peter didn’t want to fight it. Since May had died, he’d been struggling to kick his feet to stay above water. He’d made some bad choices, but maybe he didn’t need to drown here.
“I’m sorry,” Peter’s voice cracked on the words. “I’m sorry, Tony. I’ve really made a mess of things, and I don’t even know why.” Tears pricked at his eyes, and he wiped them in frustration. “I’ve really fucked things up.”
Tony stood, crossing over to Peter and pulling him into a hug before he could object.
Peter melted into his arms, feeling grounded for the first time in a while. Tony was solid and real and there. He existed and wasn’t going away. His presence eased Peter’s anxious thoughts. Even his cologne was familiar and made him feel safe and at home.
After a minute, Tony pulled back, holding Peter by the shoulders.
Peter wiped his tears again, sniffling. “I’m sorry, Tony.”
Tony shook his head. “We’ll figure this out. I think you know I have some history with drinking and partying.”
Peter gave him a watery smile. “Yeah, I remember Rhodey telling me you peed in your suit.”
Tony laughed. “It was warm for a minute at least, but it puddled in my boot.”
“Ew, Tony. That’s gross.”
“I’m sure you’ve done some regrettable things, too. I remember what it’s like to be single and in college. Now, here's what we're going to do. We’re going to sit down, and you’re going to show me what’s happening with your grades.”
“You don’t have to. I can handle it.”
Tony raised a brow. “Really? You’re gonna try for that? I think we both know you need a hand. We can figure this out. I honestly think it might be good for you to take some time off.”
“And do what? I need school.”
“And see a therapist. Talking to someone can help. I wouldn’t be surprised if you still haven’t processed losing your aunt. I think even a few months to get your head on straight might make a difference. Come back at the start of a new year—a fresh start and all that jazz.”
Peter frowned. He didn’t want to miss school, but he also felt like he was spiraling out of control, and he didn’t know if he could salvage things. Maybe what Tony was offering wasn’t so bad.
Tony squeezed his shoulder. “Just think about it, kid. We don’t need to decide today, just know the option is there. I can pull some strings. They don’t name a building after you for nothing.”
Peter nodded. “Yeah, can I think about it?”
“Sure, like I said, we have time. Now, why don’t we skip looking over the damage and just go grab a bite? You look like a hobo skeleton. Have you eaten anything green this year?”
Peter gave him a weak laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Is ramen a vegetable?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Not quite, kiddo, but good try. God, I don’t miss college.”
They went out to dinner, and Peter spent the night thinking over Tony’s offer. He even ate something green. The last year had been a disaster, and Peter didn’t even know how to get back on track. Maybe a reset was what he needed. May had always wanted him to succeed, and Peter wanted to make her proud, something he wasn’t doing now.
He didn’t need to think any longer. He knew what he had to do. All he needed was a little time and maybe a little help, and he would be okay. He was just glad to have Tony around to help him.
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Sex, Drugs, and The Rolling Stones: The Redlands Drug Bust
At the heart of celebrity drug culture in the mid-1960s was the uneasy alliance between the press and the police. One such partnership emerged in 1967 between The News of the World and Scotland Yard in England. In that particular year, this tabloid began campaigns against many rock bands including the Moody Blues, Cream, and the Who . At that time, the news of the world represented the TMZ or National Enquirer in the press. The paper had earned the nickname the Screws of the World due to the fact that it primarily reported on celebrity sex scandals. The first star to be subjected to shabby treatment and misrepresentation by the tabloid was Donovan when arrested for marijuana possession. A gap began to develop between these newly famous rock stars and the press when in the past more traditional entertainers had been given much more leniency to their private lives. In early 1967, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Brian Jones began to be pursued by the press again and again about recreational drug habits due to a story that year in The News of the World. In February, a story was published specifically on the Rolling Stones, which mentioned a member of the band talking about drugs, while taking Benzedrine tablets and hashish. The article claimed that to be Mick Jagger, but when in fact it was Brian Jones. Two days later Mick Jagger filed a lawsuit against the newspaper for libel. Furthermore, they quoted Jones talking about using LSD, but once again his words were misrepresented because in reality he had said marijuana. The newspaper did this on purpose because at the time LSD was seen as a much more dangerous drug than marijuana. Other celebrities also believed that the News of the World actually knew that was Brian Jones, but used Mick Jagger because it would sell more newspapers. Yet, a problem emerged because Jagger actually had an alibi for the night in question. The newspaper began to immediately look at the possible financial fallout from his lawsuit. They then decided to place two reporters on the Jagger day and night in order to prove of his drug use making their article completely accurate.
On February 11, the newspaper received a tip that the Rolling Stones were engaged in a drug party at Keith Richards home on his Redlands estate, which could be found in Sussex. The party was attended by a few of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards’ friends including Jagger's girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull, art dealer Robert Fraser, photographer Michael Cooper, and antique dealer, Christopher Gibbs. Brian Jones had planned to attend, but he was finishing up work on a soundtrack album. He planned to stop at the party, once he was finished. The other person at the party emerged in David Schneiderman, who was well known in party circles as the Acid King. He often walked around with a briefcase filled to the brim with LSD. Reportedly, the party was being thrown in order to give Jagger his first acid trip. Everyone at the party dropped acid around noon of that Saturday. In the early evening, George Harrison of the Beatles and his wife stopped by, but they did not stay very long. The raid by the police would happen the following day when 18 police officers including two females performed the raid. Nobody was arrested on that day, but fairly quickly Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were charged with major drug offenses. Robert Fraser was also charged at that time because he had been carrying heroin in his pocket. Many believe that at the time of the raid Jagger and Richards were coming down from the previous day's acid trip. Richards would later say, “There’s a knock on the door, I look out the window, and there's this whole lot of dwarves outside … I'd never been busted before, and I'm still on acid.” In actuality, the police found very little in terms of illegal activity that day. There were a few roach joints laying around and amphetamines possessed by Jagger. Untruths began to immediately come out about the party as it was erroneously reported that they were having an orgy. A false story began to emerge that Jagger was eating a Mars candy bar out of Marianne Faithfull‘s vagina. This did not happen. Faithfull would make the comment saying you have to wonder where people's minds were at back then. For his part, Richards was informed by the police as property owner he would be liable for any drugs found on any of his guests. He said, “I see. They pin it all on me" At that point, Brian Jones called to say that he would be driving down shortly, but Richards told him to not even bother since they had been busted. These drug offenses at the time carried quite a bit of jail time, as well as jeopardizing any chance to tour America because they would need to obtain a travel visa. Their manager, Andrew Oldham, fearing his own arrest fled to America in order to avoid any legal issues.
One of the first things that the band did after the raid was to find out who had informed on them. Their paranoia began to go into overdrive at this time. At first, they believed it to be their chauffeur. Friend Nicky Kramer, who was also there had actually been assaulted in order to get him to give up the informant, but it did not work. The most likely person was probably Schneiderman, the Acid King. Yet, by the time anyone realized this, he was back in California. Another example of their paranoia came in the fact that they believed the raid happened after George Harrison had left out of respect for the Beatles. The Stones were being singled out specifically by the police. Within a week, the band needed to figure out a legal strategy due to the seriousness of the charges. The fact that Oldham had left the country almost immediately struck the band as him being a coward. Allen Klein would devise the legal strategy and publicity for the band. The bust actually started to seal his fate as the bands ex ex-manager. The raid also worsened Jagger’s friendship with Brian Jones. From his point of view, if the guitarist had not been talking so much, then none of the problems with the News of the World would have ever occurred. In hindsight, Jagger was probably fooling himself about the raid because it was Richards that invited the Acid King and other outsiders to the party. Christopher Gibbs would later say that it was actually brought upon them by them. In order to escape the press, the band went to Morocco, where Brian Jones got very sick. He met up with Keith Richards and Anita Pallenberg in Tangier, which eventually led to the latter leaving Jones for Richards. Jagger and Richards would both spend the night in jail following their court date. They were sentenced shortly after with Jagger receiving four months in prison for four pills, while Richards was sentenced to a year in prison for allowing cannabis to be smoked on his property. During their trial, Marianne Faithfull recalled one of the silver linings throughout the affair was that Mick and Keith wore an incredible wardrobe to court. She saw them as almost romantic figures in a novel.
The saving grace for Jagger and Richards actually turned out to be something they would never suspect in a million years. The editor of The Times, William Rees-Moog published a scathing criticism of their sentences entitled, “Who Breaks a Butterfly Upon a Wheel.” This was a reference to an Alexander Pope poem talking about torture. He would write, “Mr Jagger received a more severe sentence than would have been thought proper for any purely anonymous young man.” On appeal, Jagger’s sentence was changed to a conditional discharge, while Richards’ sentence was thrown out. With the help of The Times, public sentiment began to turn against the police regarding the sentences. There seemed an outcry that Jagger and Richards were being persecuted. On the day that Jagger and Richards got their release from jail, Brian Jones was arrested for drug possession. Once again, Klein needed to bail him out. He later joined the band at a party at a London hotel when Marianne Faithfull pulled out some hash. Klein immediately grabbed it and threw it out the window yelling, “You people are stupid.”
In the aftermath of the entire ordeal, some interesting things came out of it, which would go on to affect the band. Keith Richards would say in 2003, “When we got busted at Redlands, it suddenly made us realize that this was a whole different ball game and that was when the fun stopped. Up until then, it had been as though London existed in a beautiful space where you could do anything you wanted.” Marianne Faithfull would go on to say that the acid trip along with the raid that day strengthened the bond between Jagger and Richards. After that, they were pretty much inseparable. To people like Rees-Moog, the sentence of Jagger was particularly eye opening because the pills he had were in his words “sea sickness tablets.” Anybody else would have merely received a fine. Another thing about the bust emerged in that it further cemented their bad boy image as the anti-Beatles. One of the more lasting impacts from the bust came in the fact that this became the first time the establishment had really gone after rock stars, as it was being played out in the tabloid press. This became a signal to everyone in Britain that traditional values had pretty much gone out the window by this time. This started TMZ for rock stars.
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Well, considering MI8 is Tom's last I kinda doubt they wouldn't give him a happy end? Esp. after the last two movie's kept repeating the Option of going away and getting out (with Ilsa)🤔 And since they actually had him move on from Julia on-screen, I'll keep my fingers crossed they will let Ilsa be his happy end cause DAMN, THEY BOTH DESERVE IT!😭 Btw, I just saw some claims about a possible spin-off movie about Ilsa?😱😱 Haha, sorry? That parallel literally shot in my head right away(TBC)
(TBC:) Lol, yeah, sadly Kara's reaction to the suggestion was nowhere as good as Ethan's😖😭 But uff, imagine post-finale!Kara sitting there with Mon and him being melancholic and either of them saying how they wish they had just run away together all those years agoand maybe him asking again or her telling him if he asked again, her answer might be different this time before someone(Alex or J'onn?)interrupts their talk?😭 But ohhh, yes, Luthor definitely saw it and even pretty much (TBC2) (TBC2) confirmed Ethan was in love with Ilsa when he talked to her in Fallout😍 Ah, Yeah, sorry, but I think the missing thing was just the explanation of the island being full of highly sensitive alien detectors which is why Kara (and Mon) has to take pills which render her DNA temporarily human🤔 Oh, and Mon saving Kara from capture ala Ethan/Ilsa first meeting but not telling her anything about how/why he's there(Mon just fits Ilsa's mysteriousness better with his future stuff IMO)(TBC3) (TBC3) And haha, no, this is nowhere near thought thru😅🙈 About writing it..Hmm…Dunno🙈 (Jup, just gotta find a way about why HE came from the future to help Kara instead of Brainy/Lena helping😅🙈 Uhh, I suppose? Like I said, haven't thought it through yet😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈) Oh man, but tbh, I did kinda expect her to erase at least one anyway, considering how many message I wrote😅🙈🙈 And haha, okay then😊😊🙈🙈 Still, sorry for the "spam"! …You don't have Discord, do you?🤔(8 messages)
I know but then again look what kind of ending they gave Tony... T_T But yes, the fact that McQ specifically brought Julia back so that he could put that past relationship to rest completely AND he did it without killing her off gives me a lot of hope. YES THEY SO TOTALLY DESERVE THEIR HEA!
Oh yeah, I think I remember reading that McQ acknowledged Ilsa was so good she deserved her own movie and he's talked about it with Rebecca but he also mentioned that Rebecca deserved to have a completely original starring role made just for her so... I guess we'll see what happens after MI8?
...See, you just described an insanely easy AND YET STILL BETTER way the show could have ended! YES I'M STILL BITTER!
Luther probably knew the second he saw Ethan's expression and UGH, that conversation with Ilsa, it hit me right in the feels. BUT HER REACTION. HER REACTION WAS BASICALLY "I understand your worries but I'm like him and he's like me so the best thing I can and should do is come along and help instead of making him think he really does need to protect me" HITS ME EVEN HARDER.
True, Mon-El fits Ilsa's role better (plus Kara and Ethan have that "must save the world!" martyr thing in common) and I don't believe you about it being "nowhere near thought through", I hope you realise that. XD (You'll figure it out, I have faith in you. =P)
She got annoyed with you giving her so many messages, huh...
I do have Discord actually but I haven't used it in a while. Do you and if yes, do you want to 'move' our conversations there? At least there's no Tumblr secretary in Discord... as far as we know...
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marshaeb · 3 years
P.S: I'm Mated With The Cursed Alpha!
Chapter Fourteen
Hey guy! Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Review, and Follow for more updates! My apologies in advance for all the grammatical errors. Book will be professionally edited when completed.
“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Miss Joel, Happy Birthday to youuu!”
The entire day-care staff and the pups surrounded me, singing off-key in my ear.
“Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Joel!” Ms. Sumpter exclaimed, resting a chocolate cake in front of me.
“I know it’s not much, compare to what’s in store for you.” She winked. I smiled, but my heart was ready to erupt in my chest. “But please accept this token of our appreciation.”
I was overly emotional but also happy that I’ve finally reached a milestone in my life. From a little girl, I’ve always dreamed of this day. Finding my mate, falling in love, starting a family, but unfortunately, that could all change in a matter of seconds.
The things in life I wish I could control.
That day in the library was the last time I’ve seen Alpha Darius. I haven’t spotted him anywhere since, and it was nerve-wracking.
Damn, he’s so unpredictable! But little by little, I’m starting to figure him out.
Then again, I haven’t heard or seen Jackson since he told me returned the other day.
The suspense of it all...it was eating me alive! They’re both aware that it’s my birthday. Who knows what those two have planned for today.
My stomach started to breakdown as I overthink about the worst possible outcomes. What if...just what if those two run into each other.
All the demons in hell would break loose! And here I am, caught up in the mix.
I zoned out everyone in the room...my mind was far and my heart was too heavy to focus on those celebrating for me.
“Ms. Joel?” Ms. Sumpter called me out of my daze, concerned. “Is everything alright?”
Gosh! If only she knew...
I placed a happy facade on my face and smile up at her as a few of the pups gathered around me. They were only there because they wanted to blow out my candles.
“Everything’s alright... I’m just thinking about this big day.” I whispered.
“Oh yes, didn’t we all on our Eighteenth Birthday,” she said as the other caregivers agreed with a smile. “Today you turn a new leaf...that lucky fella is out there waiting for you.”
I wish it was that easy. I’m in a living love triangle at the moment and it’s driving me nuts.
“Yes,” I cleared my throat. “Thank you.”
I lean forward and blew out my candles. The pups cheered and popped their party time confetti at me.
Since it’s my birthday, Ms. Sumpter gave me the rest of the day off to enjoy myself, but to be honest, I was far from enjoying myself.
Any second now things could turn around, and Alpha Darius could be my potential mate.
Arriving home, just a the door, Samantha waited for me with a small box in her hand with a bright smile on her face.
“It’s from yours truly,” she said, placing the small box in my hand.
My heart melted for a second and for the first time for today a genuine smile widened on my face. Jackson sent me a box. He always loves to surprise me.
I took it in my hand and shook it near my ear. Something was clunking inside. I wanted so badly to see what it was, but first to my room.
Before I could make it to the second step, Mom called out for me in her office down the hall. The door was wide open.
“Yes, Mom?” I said, entering her office.
She leaned back in her chair, her desk full of paperwork.
“I heard Mr. Hamilton is Sarah’s mate and they are engaged to be wed next month.” She said, eyes fixed on her yellow booklet.
I rolled my eyes annoyingly and sighed “Yes, good for her...”
She rests down the booklet and looked over her glasses at me confusedly.
“Wow, you said that quite coldly for a best friend.” She said, taking off her glasses. “What’s going on with you two? She said. “She told me you two had a little scuffle at the hospital. Ever since she been trying to reach you, but you’re deliberately ignoring her.”
“It’s nothing really,” I mumbled. “She has her mate...and I got my problems.”
“But, she’s your best friend.” Mom replied. “She called to wish you a happy birthday. And told me to tell you, that as soon as she comes out of the hospital, she’ll be stopping by to see you and patch things up face to face. She wants you involved in her wedding plans.”
“She has her mate...let him help her!” I exclaimed heatedly, then I shut my eyes feeling shame for overreacting.
“I see... I don’t know what happened between you two, but obviously, I sense that it’s jealousy.” She said.
“Jealousy?” I repeated, upset that she called it out for what it was. “Jealous of what?”
“That she already has her mate...and that you are in a more complicated situation,” Mom replied. “You envy her. I’ll admit it’s kind of cute. It reminds me of when you two were younger and always had fallouts.”
“Well, this is different!” I said, getting even more upset. “I’m not interfering with her life any longer.”
“Don’t worry, you two will patch things in no time—
“No, Mom! I mean it this time.” I said, not giving my decision a second thought.
Mom folded her arms and shrugged her shoulders. “If you say so.” She said not taking me seriously, but I was as serious as a heart attack.
“Anyway, that’s not the only reason why I called you in here.” She said. “Are you enjoying your birthday so far?” She asked tiredly.
I breathed out anxiously and nodded my head, “Y-yes ma’am...so far so good...and thank you for everything—”
“No need to thank me for the breakfast in bed and the gifts...” She said. “It was mainly your father’s idea... You should thank him.”
“I-I did thank him before I left for work,” I said wanting to finish say what had I to say, but she kept cutting off. “But—
“I wanted to take you hiking to the lagoon, but obviously Alpha Darius ruined my plans.” She said, tapping her pen against the desk.
Mom wanted to take me to the lagoon?! I’ve always wanted to go there...ever since I learned about its magical healing powers in school. Almost every day in junior high, I would beg her to take me, but she was always too busy and promised me she would take me on one of my birthdays...my eighteenth birthday!
“Sorry for interrupting you...what were you going to say?” She said.
“I just wanted to thank you,” I said holding back tears. “I— I haven’t got the chance to do it earlier... Now that we’re alone, I just thought I’d tell you.”
“What are you thanking me for, Joel?” She asked. “Not for... protecting you... as I should, right?”
I cleared my throat and nodded my head. “But it’s not just that...these couple years I’ve been nothing but a troubled teen. Disobeying you, shaming you. Even though I’m not your biological daughter, you still put up with my rebellious behavior and loved me anyway. The gifts are nice and all, but...nothing can top you, Mom...” I said wiping my teary eyes. “And of course Dad, Sammy, and Samantha.”
She paused and shook her head at me. “You’re my daughter...it doesn’t matter, biological or adopted...your mine, Joel.” She said to me. “You know that I love you.”
I nodded my head. Her words touch me deeply. I couldn’t hold back the tears. They just kept flowing and flowing.
“Come here.” She said as I shuffle towards her slowly. She took my hand in hers. “You’re nervous aren’t you?”
I nodded my head, looking down at my feet.
“Nah uh, use your words...” She said.
“Y-yes ma’am.” I sniffled.
“I know you are...any second now you won’t belong to me any longer...it’s such a hard pill to swallow,” she said. “Especially for me and your father.”
A warm, relaxed sensation came over me for a split second as she rubbed her thumb over my knuckles.
“Who do you think it might be?” I asked softly.
She glanced up at me, “What do you mean?”
“My...Mate.” I said, seeing images of both Alpha Darius and Jackson in my head.
She sighed, releasing my hand, “I don’t know.” She said. “But there’s no doubt that you are Alpha Darius’s mate. Because of his curse, his chances of his mate accepting him in return is very, very scarce... but because of that, you have a chance of finding another.”
Part of me felt thrilled because my heart beats for Jackson, but a part of me felt bad for Darius... All he wants is for someone to love him in return, but Moon goddess why me? Why?”
“If that’s the case, why is he so determined if you know what’s to expect?” I asked.
“Because it’s obvious that you have an attraction for him as well. The stronger the connection the weaker the curse will be.” She said.
“I-I don’t have an attraction for him...” I said strongly, but deep down apart of me really did. Even when I don’t want it to. “I mean he is awfully handsome, but...but so is Jackson.”
“Jackson is nowhere close to Alpha Darius in looks, stature, and dominance, but they do have one thing in common... agility.” She said. “Regardless of who ends up being your mate, just know that you will be the most loved and protected thing in their life.
“Mom, w-what are you saying?” I said giving her a hard, confused look. “I thought you wanted Jackson to be my mate?”
“I’m just saying what it is, Joel.” She replied. “Of course I want Jackson to be your mate, but that doesn’t change your situation, does it?”
I shuffled uncomfortably where I stood and softly reply, “No...”
“Good, now the only thing we could do is wait and see what happens.” She said. “Jackson’s back and he sent a surprise for you. It’s upstairs in your room.”
Immediately I turned around and rushed upstairs to my room.
My bed was covered in rose petals, a few gifts, and a silk emerald dress. My heart fluttered in my chest...it was the sweetest thing. I was falling in love all over again.
I walked over and started with the smallest box. It was from Sarah.
Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Joel!
About the other day, please forgive me, I love you,
Love, Sarah
Getting overly emotional, I forcefully bite back my tears and opened the box. It was a silver bracelet with stars, my birth sign, and a blue moon that represented my birth month.
It was beautiful, but being immature and narrow-minded, I rest the bracelet back in the box and rest it on my nightstand.
My mind was solely focused on the surprise Jackson had for me. I opened his first gift, revealing the most beautiful black and silver rhinestone heels I always wanted. I took out a shoe and marveled at its beautiful detail.
Then my eyes drifted to another small box. Inside revealed the most beautiful drop diamond earrings I’ve ever seen.
“They’re beautiful!” I whimpered as I blinked back my tears.
My sweet, sweet Jackson. He did all of this for me not having a clue that our relationship is being compromised by another man. The same man that seduced me and in return I willingly seduced him behind my boyfriend’s back. Guilt and sadness started to take over me. Questioning myself if I should accept these lovely gifts that he wholeheartedly went out of his way to get me, his unfaithful girlfriend.
I looked over at the small box Samantha gave me at the door.
I opened it up and stared at the two chocolate kisses, my favorite candy, but there was also a folded piece of note inside. I unfolded it and read it aloud.
~Happy Birthday, sweetheart! I hope you love the gifts I sent you, there’s more to come...I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. I’m going to wine and dine you tonight. Meet me at the Closure at 7:00 pm in your pretty, little dress.
Love, Jackson.
I instantly grew all bubbly inside and quickly ran into the bathroom to prepare my bath with the bath&body works Mom gifted me this morning for my birthday.
After soaking, shaving, moisturizing, and applying a small amount of makeup over my face and my neck, I fixed my hair into a curly afro.
The dress fit me so perfectly, showing my natural curves. The drop earrings complimented my complexion nicely. I felt like a million dollars, but deep inside I was still so nervous...nervous about what to expect.
As I walked downstairs, all eyes were on me.
“Is that you, Jo?” Sammy said with his eyes wide open.
Samantha playfully nudge her elbow into his shoulder, “Of course it’s her!”
I chuckled softly as Dad called for me.
“You’re so beautiful!” he said holding my hand. “My baby’s all grown up!”
“Ah, Dad you’re gonna let me ruin my makeup,” I said trying to force back the tears, kissing him on the cheek.
“Which we don’t want!” Mom said, sipping on a can of soda. “So it’s a date, that’s nice! Where to? I’ll drop you off.”
“It’s at the Closure,” I replied.
They all gasped sharply.
“The Closure, eh? That’s quite expensive.” Samantha said.
“Yup, Lad got that coin I see,” he said. “Maybe he can take me and my girlfriend out next.”
“Get a job, heffa!” Samantha said.
“Let’s get going.” Mom said as we headed out the door.
“Have a goodnight!” Dad and Samantha said waving as we left.
“Bring me a spare plate, Jo-Jo!” Sammy said as Samantha pulled him back inside the house.
After a short drive to the Closure, Mom dropped me off at the entrance.
“Tell Jackson there’s still a curfew for you,” she playfully winked. “Enjoy your night and stop worrying.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said as she drove off.
I turned around and face the entrance of the door and slowly walked towards it, but something felt off. The wind had a thrilling feeling to it and all my senses were growing sharp.
As I stepped inside the five-star establishment, I marveled at the elegant interior design as the hostess welcomed me.
“Welcome, to the Closure, ma’am,” she said.
“Oh, thank you,” I said looking around for Jackson, but it seemed as if he hadn’t arrived as yet. “table for two please.”
She escorted me to a comfortable seating near the frosted window under a stunning chandelier.
“Thank you!” I said as I took my seat.
This was so romantic, but where is Jackson? Probably late on purpose to surprise me. He always does that.
I glanced at the couple a few tables before me, indulging in a warm kiss. The scene made me melt inside a little, but then my mind went on Alpha Darius. Remembering the intense kiss we shared. I shook my head, trying to forget all about it, but my heart kept racing as I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat.
I have to stay focus. I have to get him out of my mind!
Five minutes turned into seven, then ten. Still, Jackson was nowhere in sight.
I was starting to grow worried. My mind raced with every disastrous thought I could think of. What if Alpha Darius got a could hold of him on his way here. He’ll find out that I’ve lied to him when I said I had broken up with Jackson when really, I didn’t.
“Oh, goddess! I can’t take this!” I muttered to myself.
I got up promptly and headed towards the lady’s restroom.
I looked myself in the mirror and took deep, sharp breaths. I just needed to calm down, but nothing seems to work.
“Come on, Joel, calm down,” I said. “Deep breaths...deep breaths.”
Gradually I became at ease when suddenly the restroom open and it locked behind the person who entered.
“You look really nice in your dress, princess.” The familiar deep voice said.
My ear flinched back as a sharp, chilling sensation rolled through my body. I slowly looked over, gasping deeply at the man standing before me. He was dressed in a fitted black suit that displayed his gold chain laying on his muscular chest. His jet black hair was slick back with a diamond stud in one ear.
He stared at me with those blazing golden eyes as a dark, cunning smile formed on his face.
It was Alpha...Darius.
“Happy eighteenth birthday!” he said with a smile.
Instantly, it hit me.
Every hair strand on my body stood upright as I inhaled a big whiff of his scent. It was a sharp, hazel, vanilla mixed with a hint of mango passion. It burned in the back of my nostrils, hitting my brain like a strong drug.
He took a step closer and his scent became even more potent.
I hunch over, feeling a slight churning feeling in the pit of my stomach. “That’s right...take me all in, baby girl,” he said. “You can’t fight it...the more you fight, the stronger it gets.”
My nails were shifting and unshifting into claws and the same with my teeth.
“I’ve kept my word...I’ve waited...” he said.
My wolf, she was raging, flipping, and howling from within, ready to emerge for the man standing in from of her. She has finally found her mate.
“I told you an Alpha knows when something belongs to him!” he smiled hungrily at me. “You officially belong to me, princess. Get ready for a hell of a ride!”
How do you like the book so far guys? Are you happy for Darius?
(Click the link below to continue)
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perenial · 7 years
Can we have even more details about the trans Paul headcanon? I'm in love with it!
of course nonnie! I could talk about trans paul all day ngl
as I mentioned here he gets top surgery at 19 but before that he had some serious boobs. like, I’m talking back problems and specialty bras/binders bc boy had some big tits. he absolutely made the old “I’ve got to get something off my chest” joke just before going into surgery
speaking of binders, he still has his very first one in storage somewhere. he gave the rest to a trans youth centre to be repurposed but this one - a simple black piece with silvery details that remind him of the night sky - feels too special to part with
when he was fourteen he had a very uncomfortable discussion with one of his mums about buying a packer with the money he’s earned from walking the neighbour’s dogs. she allows it and they never speak of this again
(he buys the packer)
(it’s too big and makes him look like he has a sleeve of tennis balls shoved down his pants)
(rip in pieces)
a few more thoughts under the cut!! cw: mentions/discussions of dysphoria, eating disorders, menstruation and pregnancy
paul’s dysphoria tends to go hand-in-hand with his eating disorder - that is, he sees his curves/pudge as an intrinsically feminine thing and tries so hard to minimise that in order to pass. hopefully by the time disco is set the pressure to pass isn’t as intense but lbr (western) society won’t change overnight and some of that shit will still persist
his periods are pretty bad - he bloats, he breaks out, he has terrible cramps that leave him in bed all day bc it’s too painful to move. once, when he was seriously ill, he had to go off testosterone and it’s like all his missed periods hit him simultaneously. hugh deserves the nobel peace prize for dealing with the fallout
he also deserves a prize for when paul goes back on T and (re)experiences the sudden all-consuming horniness that comes with hrt
not that it’s really a hardship
while periods tend to drop off/lessen with T, there’s still the (v slim) possibility of getting pregnant - something which paul tries hard to forget bc it reminds him of some rly fucked up experiences with his first boyfriend, so he’s on the pill and hugh uses condoms and that all works well and good (except after he injects himself with the tardigrade but, again, that’s a whole other post to make)
I’ve tried to keep this short bc seriously, I could talk about trans paul all day. feel free to hmu again if u do want more rambling hcs tho!!
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Lo they do get back together right maybe it's because I'm on my period but I cried watching tonight's episode but I feel so upset, how are ED going to fix this.
hey anon!
we’re synched up bless
ok think of it this way
this break up - yes it’s about the baby and it’s  about rebecca - but really, it’s about aaron and robert - and it started back in january
like - robert and aaron argued and it was huge, monumental. rob tried to move out, tried to call off the wedding. aaron flipped and put kasim in a coma. 
in their next scene, when aaron is still reeling, aaron says “i love you but i hate who i am around you”. like. aaron was already struggling so much. and that was his own shit, more than anything - beating up kasim wasn’t robert’s doing. even aaron’s jealousy, while yes, was rooted in robert’s behaviour at some level, was more a sign of his mental state
and then the police rock up and they get so distracted by the thought that they almost lost each other, could still lose one another, that they cling onto one another with both hands, completely ignoring the fight they had on the night before they were supposed to elope.
but aaron is still in a bad space and he’s having panic attacks and he’s just... struggling - and he’s worried about robert leaving him and about liv
so rob throws him a wedding, as a way to solidify the little family they’ve made and aaron is the happiest he’s ever been, until right at the end, where he admits he’s scared and he and robert have that lifechangingly beautiful conversation - and then follow it up the next day with their goodbyes
prison only makes things worse for aaron and it starts robert down a much darker path too - all of a sudden, it’s not just aaron who is struggling, but we see robert unable to sleep, on constant high alert, sad and lost
aaron has, obviously, a worse time than anyone could have imagined and it breaks him completely
this in turn ends up accidentally breaking robert and he ends up sleeping with rebecca
aaron gets out, talks to robert openly, finally, about what he went through. they end up going away for a month and from what rob says during the reveal, aaron starts to get back to his old self again (which we see for ourselves too).
they talk about it a lot during the reveal - aaron’s mh, robert’s own state of mind, how they’ve dealt, how they’re going to deal. we know that aaron sees the broken bottle and we don’t know what happens there - he ends up going to his therapist, but that’s still very much in his mind. he’s still struggling.
aaron decides to stay with robert and forgive him - and fuck, watch aaron say that line to robert again. he says it so quietly, only gets half the fucking words out. watch aaron’s face from that point onwards. i think... i think aaron just desperately wants to stay with robert, because he loves robert and he doesn’t want to be without robert, but he also looks so unsure. like. i think aaron knew, just as he knew back in january, something wasn’t working. i think he gave into his own desires and ignored what he also knew would be better for his mh - to leave and take some time to get himself better. doing it in this situation that is so fraught, has so many problems, is just... it wasn’t helping him at all.
then, to top it all off, we see aaron and robert find out that the baby is still a reality and it’s even worse. aaron immediately goes into supportive mode and this lasts a short amount of time, before he stops being able to keep it up. robert starts off in snappy attack dog mode and softens pretty quickly - but all in all, what results is that aaron and robert clearly haven’t had sex since the reveal, aaron has isolated himself repeatedly and robert has sort of tried to get him to talk but hasn’t succeeded at all and hasn’t really pushed all that much. at some point aaron starts self harming again. he tries to buy spice again, gets attacked by jason for his troubles. 
ultimately, we see aaron and robert fighting, trying to end it and not quite doing it. they decide to run away, that maybe that will help, if they get out of the situation and away from the baby entirely -
and again, they haven’t spoken about it but although the baby started it again, this ultimately started long before the baby was even a possibility, so it never would have worked 
- and then aaron is in the car with adam and he sees the scan and throws that wrench at robert’s head.
and the thing is - up until that point, aaron’s behaviour has hurt kasim and it’s hurt himself, but it had never hurt robert. and it’s at that point that aaron shuts down and shuts robert out entirely.
this is the point where aaron talks about how they do this to each other - push each other, how they can hurt one another and how it’s not good for either of them. it’s not just about aaron anymore, it’s about robert potentially getting hurt too - and this is what ultimately makes aaron leave.
and then aaron comes back, walls up, refusing to give robert even an inch - because he knows if he does, he’ll be right back there. it would be so so so easy for aaron to give in all over again - he’s done it every single break up before (#shameless self promo have a read through my break up guides)
and it leaves robert feeling entirely fucking bereft, like hope is gone and he’s lost aaron entirely
- because aaron is codependant in their relationship but robert is codependant as a person and he cannot even begin to understand really what aaron is trying to say - all robert knows is that they love each other
and i think ultimately they need that absurd balance - robert being there to keep them going, having that rock solid faith in them - and aaron being there to put a stop to things when it gets dangerous, to bring them a little more down to earth when they need to, like now, where aaron really does need to be alone in order to try and work through his shit
and where robert actually also does need to be alone to try and work out how to be single, bc he’s incapable of it, and develop a healthier relationship with himself too so that eventually his relationship with aaron will be healthier
that’s not what he’s gonna do tho he’s gonna slip larry some sleeping pills and take over home farm instead
but like - this break up could have been about how robert did something unforgivable, they could have set robert up to have a full on affair with rebecca, they could have done any number of things...
but instead they told this story - horribly depressing and heartbreaking, and yes maybe in some ways it feels hopeless, but in other ways i think it’s actually the exact opposite - it’s about addressing issues that have been prevalent for so long, about the way they’re entirely unable to communicate and it’s been told so so so slowly and
and what i’m saying is that this story has spanned 8 months and is still going and it has been entirely about their love for one another and the struggle they’ve faced and tbh you don’t do that for a couple you plan to drop forever
like... look how in love they still look with one another
like they do - despite all appearances - put a lot of care into robert and aaron’s storyline
just... look at the pete/leyla/priya mess and tell me you don’t see a difference
or any of the couples, honestly. it’s absurd. they put so much care into showing how in love they are that all the other couples on the show feel a little ridiculous next to them??????? you don’t do that for a couple that’s never going to get back together
and look at how much fallout vic and adam got
(any fallout they’ve had has basically been related to robert and aaron it’s absurd)
they’re gonna be fine. it’s the ‘when’ more than the ‘if’ right now. they’ve just gotta get this whole white scheme out of the way first lmao.
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bookio · 3 years
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The Emissary (2014) by Tawada, Yoko
A story about a grandfather and his grandchild living their everyday life in a dystopian world of future Japan. After a global fallout, the earth pretty much became contaminated, which lead to Japan isolating themselves. Internet disappeared (but remembered through a memorial day called Off-line day), animal went extinct - except for a few dogs, foxes and boars. Dogs can be rented if need companion for the day!
Big companies like banks went down, no cars (or horses to pull wagons with) and other machinery - beside the refrigerator and a few shipping ships survived with help of solar panels.
All fishes died out, but a new fish developed with stars all over it's body, not sure if eatable though. Milk, even human breast milk became poisonous, making future kids extremely fragile without proper diet of calcium. The people suggested getting it from grinded bones, way down from before the fallout, like dinosaurs.
The elderly have become immortal, going over the 100 year mark without getting ill or tired once. While the youngest generation is now fragile and have slight fever every day.
"Grown-ups can live if children die, but if grown-ups die, the children can't live."
Because of Japan's strict isolation policy, nothing foreign is allowed. No non-japanese words or music, books or even import of food.
Because the dirt and earth is contaminated as well, food is scarce but fruit has been easy to grow in artificial dirt, like oranges. Many parents go to other cities (which are more like new countries because of the isolation) to work on these fruit farms.
Nothing really major happens in the book, you're slowly introduced to a new world and cultural mannerisms throughout the everyday life of grandpa and grandchild, looking back at our present day as something long long time ago. The constant starvation really gets to me as a reader, i can feel the taste of fruit in my mouth.
Even though the author is writing slowly, actually spent 4 pages to describe a single kitchen knife, i enjoyed this book. It felt very different from what i usually read! 4/5 stars
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Never Tell Anyone About This (2020) Frida Boisen
"Frida. You got what you wanted! I don't want an obituary. I don't need no funeral. Not a headstone either. I hope you're happy. // Mom."
Frida's mother decides to end her life with sleeping pills - leaving a note claiming it to be all Frida's fault.
This is the author's own biographical book surrounding her own childhood, up to adulthood when this occurred. Recollecting her memories and last interactions with her mother leading up to this decision, in hope to understand this given guilt.
I think because i can relate to her mother's behavior, having had thoughts of ending my life just like this, the mother's blaming and behavior i understand.
But also hearing it from the oblivious daughter's perspective, it must be so confusing. Only seeing her mother as a bitter and angry person. Initially hating her mother for not acting the way Frida wants.
Even if i can connect this to myself, her mother's image reminds me more of my grandma. Her bitterness grown from awful marriage secluding her from the outside world. To be stepped on and disrespected by someone they love, selfishly shrinking their self esteem. A mind parasite. The obsession, however, like brainwashing, is what truly ends you i think. When one truly believes not to have any worth anymore.
When Frida's mother once desperately told Frida of her suicide thoughts over the phone, which must have taken a lot of courage, Frida instead shuts her off by threatening to call the mental hospital unless she promise to never speak of this again. Her daughter using the same words as the ex-husband, the mother must have realized her daughter was truly lost.
It's true you are not to carry others (because eventually you will be crushed under the weight), you can't take away their pain but you can valid their feelings and remind them that they are not alone, maybe even suggest where to find help.
When Frida wrote about always being her father's daughter, even though she knew he disrespected and scared her mother, Frida subconsciously picked up this behavior and did this towards the mother too. Yes, the author was not a nice person, this is the guilt she has to live with.
Being however the author's book, written from her perspective, lots of her mother's actions are accompanied with a in-between-the-lines feeling of "this is strange, right? my mother is awful, right?" and pushes herself to look innocent.
Her aunt even asks, why Frida always was so mean to her mother, which comes without a conclusion. It reminds me of that passive aggressive high school bullying of whispering and disgusted looks, but from the bullies view point. Trying to justify it with some sort of "I didn't lay my hands on her, i did not push her" but in a twisted way, she kind of did?
I'm furious with the father, and furious that Frida stood by him, furious she chose not to cherish her mother. But in the end, she is the one that has to continue living with this truth. I don't want to forgive the author because the experience is far too close. And even if important points were brought up, it's still too covered up by Frida herself with a soft "you can't hurt someone if you love them" mindset (plot twist, you can), living up to the title her father coined "never tell anyone about this". But i do highly appreciate she did eventually brought this story to light. 3/5 stars
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