#I'm fucking trying :') but my mom Does Not Care™️
heartshattering · 4 months
I wish I felt real. I wish I wasn't just an imitation. I wish I knew how to be an actual person instead of "just a copy".
I'm so sick of living like this.
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lesbolordo · 1 year
G'day r u aight ? Cuz I'm not.
The Hogwarts Legacy fandom lacks something. Very much.
Where the fuck are my genderbent meow meows ??? I want to see Seb with big tatas and Ominis with pretty nice thighs in witch I can die between-
I want to see Poppy as a cute beast lover boy and Imelda as a hot Quidditch player wtf ?
Urh, so much potential wasted 😔
Anyway I tried genderbending Sebinis thinking about that.
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I made several headcanons about them because I have nothing to do with my life but think about Women.
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Sebastian :
If Sebastian was a girl, I'd have no name for her. Really. What is the female version of Sebastian ? Urh.
Anyway, if she was a girl Anne would be a boy, obviously.
I feel like Sebby would be a chubby-buff girl. She's strong in all third ways : Is a bit round and could beat your ass with and without magic.
She was very close to her dad and so she hates Solomon even more after her parents die.
I feel like one summer she suddenly got curves and took some weight and Solomon -being Solomon- was too awkward to ask her her new size of clothes so he just tried something : spoilers, all of her clothes are too small but she doesn't seem to care much and since she only hangs out with Ominis -blind mf- nobody really tells her that her shirt is begging for help, threatened by her big tatas.
Honestly, girl or boy, Sebastian would beat your ass -or try to. He's not one to differentiate boys from girls after all.
Often deemed unladylike, "behaves like a boy". She doesn't care, she never will, move on.
She's self conscious about her height -even Masc! Seb is to me- and so she lies about being 160 cms tall when she actually is 159 cms tall. I see some Poppy inside of her, small but feisty... I think that these two would be friends, boy or girl.
"Fuck around find out."
Hates dresses. Unpractical. Ugly. She will wear dresses only for Ominis. End of the discussion.
What is going on with her hair ? No one knows. Legend has i that in the morning if you pay enough attention, you can hear the birds that accidentally got caught in it
She'd wear the boys uniform.
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Ominis :
Even as a girl Ominis is the mom friend. Always looks worried and tired, but don't worry she could very well beat your ass if she wanted to.
Unlike Sebastian she comes from an aristocratic family and so she behaves "properly" for a lady, but only because it's the only thing her parents await from her : As a woman she is deemed less important -Ominis hates it- but at the same time they leave her alone most of the time.
I do not have a name for Fem!Ominis but she could step on me either way.
Fabulous lashes™️.
She may be taller, but only because all of her damn curves went into her height : flat as a wall, no ass, and very much thin like her masc version. Her depression may be chronic, but her ass is microscopic.
Speaks well, could end your career with words, won't be afraid to do so. But don't you dare bring your fists to the fight, because Sebastian is always behind to save Ominis from breaking a nail -and committing murder.
Pretty hair in appearance, but do not touch it. Under. Any. Circonstances. I'll let you ponder why. Her mother loves to put ugly hats or accessories in her hair, Ominis hates it but apparently Sebastian finds it funny and pretty, so she leaves it on. Being blind, she learned very early one way to style her hair and now she ALWAYS uses it. Because she doesn't know any better.
Long elegant pianist fingers, just like her boy version. Can and will use them to either hurt you or make Sebastian cu- Cuts her nails short. More like Sebastian does it, Ominis lies saying that she can't see she can't do it herself -Sebastian believes it.
Doesn't mind dresses. Prefers comfortable clothes, may be girls or boys.
"God let me live another day. And I'm about to cry about it."
She's tall -both for a girl and a boy- but she knows Sebastian is self-conscious about her height so they don't talk about it.
She'd wear the girl's uniform.
Now that I'm done please do give me genderbent! HLC. Especially Fem! Versions because I love women.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
My Hero Academia Pride Headcanons (Pro Hero Edition)
If you'd like to see my headcanons for the 1-A kids plus Shinsou, it's linked here!!!
This is all about the Pro Heroes!!
Except, not all the Pro Heroes because that would be ridiculously long, and there are a lot of Pros I don't care about or just plain don't know what their sexuality would be.
You think I know the romantic trysts of a washing machine??
You think I know who Best Jeanist likes?? Mans too busy dying and resurrecting over and over to go on any dates.
So, this list will talk about only the Pros I'm interested in covering.
Disclaimer: These are my own thoughts and opinions. This is how I’m choosing to engage with this media in this post. There are other ways to engage with a chosen media and neither way of engagement invalidates the other. Art is subjective. Fandom is ultimately for fun! Don’t take me too seriously!
Now that the long introduction is out of the way:
Yagi Toshinori | All Might (he/him): Bisexual
Not only did All Might have an American Romance™️ with David Shield, not only did he have an on again/off again with Sir Nighteye, but I'm here to convince you that he is married to his Good Friend™️ Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa.
Go on, tell me I'm wrong. Why does this random police officer know the OFA secret when not even David Shield does, huh??? Tell me. You can't. They're married.
Oh and some people ship All Might with Midoriya's mom and that's valid, I guess. You do your thing, people!
I just don't think All Might is straight. I gave him the Bi-label arbitrarily. He could be pan or gay or something else feasibly. That's the fun thing about headcanons. you can make it the Fuck up!
(but I do like to be realistic within a certain parameter to how the character is written and I just think All Might and the Detective are sus)
Todoroki Enji | Endeavor (he/him): Straight
Some people write Endeavor as homophobic and while I think that's not an out of there interpretation, I think it's more nuanced.
I don't think he's homophobic in the outright hate sense. I think he's obsessed with power and lineage, and that manifests in his control of Shouto specifically.
So, if Fuyumi brought home a girlfriend or Natsuo brought home a boyfriend, it wouldn't be a big deal.
But Shouto bringing a boyfriend would be an issue because Endeavor wants the Ultimate Hero. To do what he couldn't do. That would be hard if his masterpiece brought a boy home.
This is beyond the scope of this discussion, but I do think Endeavor is allowed to atone for his mistakes and abuse. I don't believe he's afforded forgiveness from anyone he's hurt, and he absolutely deserves consequences, but Enji himself is allowed to do better and want to do better.
Where it's relevant to this discussion is I believe he'd drop that mindset against Shouto once he realized it was an overreach of his power and hurting his son. He'd eventually get to a point where he's not as controlling and not as much of an asshole.
Takami Keigo | Hawks (he/him): Bisexual
He's got the charisma! The flamboyance! The Trauma! He's Pro Hero Hawks! All the women and men swoon for him and he's got his pick of the market!
That is, if he actually had time. No, he's too busy making sure his city's safe. Too busy being held in a cage by a combination of Hero Commission conditioning and his own ideals.
Oh and let's not forget that he's spending all his off-hours at the behest of his side-job as a LOV spy.
It's a good thing one of their members is hot. Literally and figuratively. At least it gives him something to look at while he's trying to keep himself together, and oh no, he's caught feelings-
Usagiyama Rumi | Mirko (she/her): Sapphic
She's a lesbian. Most of the time. She likes girls. Loves them. Would date them.
So why is she sleeping with wanted criminal Shigaraki Tomura-
ijessbest on insta made me like this cursed ship so much!! To me, at least, it's a purely physical thing for both parties.
I think she's romantically and physically attracted to women, but also physically attracted to men?? That's my idea, anyway.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (he/him): Gay
Aizawa would be happy with just his cats and coffee, really, but he just had to like men. And specifically the loudest blond on the planet.
Aizawa absolutely had a crush on Oboro in high school. It's not clear what would've happened if he'd survived. Maybe he would have ended up with Oboro. Maybe they'd have split up. Maybe he was always meant to end up with Hizashi. Aizawa doesn't dwell on it. What happened happened and he wouldn't trade what he has now with Hizashi for anything.
Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (he/him): Bisexual
On the opposite side of things, Hizashi laid eyes on the transfer student from the support course and was immediately smitten. He was not subtle about it either. He made Shouta a playlist, a playlist, and Shouta said "thanks, but I don't use spotfiy" and Hizashi cried for weeks. Nemuri won't let him live it down even to this day.
Years later, when Shouta asked him out, he nearly busted both their eardrums from the shock of it. He really thought all this time it had been unrequited, and he wasn't about to even attempt to bring up the idea of a relationship after Oboro.
Now they're happily married and Hizashi makes them do cute couple-y things together all the time. But not in front of the kids.
They're actually pretty subtle about it. Not even Midoriya picked up on it, and he picks up on everything. He only realized after Aizawa adopted Shinsou and noticed Hizashi also treating Shinsou like his own.
Kayama Nemuri | Midnight (she/her): Bisexual
Mostly men-attracted, but that doesn't make her any less bi. I also like the idea of her quirk working best on people who are attracted to her, not necessarily guys. I personally ship her with Ms. Joke actually.
Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke (she/her): Lesbian
Emi (a lesbian) continually asks Aizawa (a gay man) to marry her because she finds it very funny! She likes annoying the shit out of Aizawa. But she likes women. When Emi asked Mic for his friend's number, Mic was about to have a fit before Emi explained it was Midnight's number she wanted. Mic quickly got with the program and (not-so-subtly) encouraged their relationship along.
Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods (he/him): Pansexual
As my Pan sister says: Everyone's eligible but none have applied. (or so he thinks)
I don't think he's had much luck with dating, despite being a pro. Is it because of his costume? Will he ever find love? He just hopes it's someone he likes and not someone egotistical like Mt. Lady. Could you imagine him dating her-
Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryukyu (she/her): Lesbian
Lesbian Dragon Lady!!! Why, you may ask? Vibes. Would marry the Lesbian Dragon Lady.
Sakamata Kugo | Gang Orca (he/him): Aro/Ace
Despite his harsh exterior, he's really a people person, but not a relationship person. He'd love to make a queer-platonic connection and maybe raise a kid one day.
Takeyama Yu | Mt. Lady (she/her): Pansexual
Her ass is out for all genders. You know, like, "Nice to meet your assquaintance"?? No?? (I'm not tryna sexualize her I promise)
I think she's much more worried about ratings and numbers than a relationship. And if she did decide to start dating, she'd have her pick of the pool. She might like people regardless of gender, but she also has standards. She'd never settle for someone like Kamui Woods. Could you imagine her dating him-
Toyomitsu Taishiro | Fat Gum (he/him): Pansexual
He just loves who he loves. Comfortable in his sexuality and his body image. Truly someone to look up to.
Chatora Yawara | Tiger (he/him): Trans
Actually Canon!!! Tiger is a trans man!! It's so nice to see him open and visible! Even if it's just a small blurb. He's treated with respect by the narrative and I appreciate that!
That's it for the Pros!! Next time I'll tackle characters I've missed including some from the LOV and some students in other classes!
Until Next Time!!!
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dat-bruv-person · 3 years
I DON’T WANT YOU TO BE SAD SO HERE’S A REQUEST. Can I please have some headcanons of the pretty setter squad ( if that’s too much Akaashi, Suga and Oikawa is fine) taking care of their s/o who broke their ankle? And the s/o like cried Bc it hurts?
Pretty Setter Squad w/ an S/O Who Broke Their Ankle
Genre: fluff, comfort
Pairing: Sugawara x reader, kageyama x reader, kenma x reader, moniwa x reader, oikawa x reader, akaashi x reader
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(┬┬﹏┬┬) Sugawara (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Now, prepare to see Sugamama™️
He will get over your ankles and, well, every part of you
If you cried,
Oh good LAWD
Prepare yourself, because you won’t be let out of his sight
On a more serious note though, he is very, very worried about you
But don’t worry too much, Sugamama is ready to take care of you.
He will baby you though
Expect cuddles and random hugs and all that shit
If you don’t mind that, then good for you! You have a loving boyfriend who’s ready to take care of you until you get better.
Even if you do get better he’ll still baby you but you didn’t here that from me
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞  Kenma ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
ah, yes, insert Aiko simping noises
Aiko’s a simp for Kenma 
we know that now
Whether you genuinely broke your ankle out of bad luck, 
or for some attention
You’ve definitely got his attention now
Damn, well done I’m so jealous ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He will actually take time off of his games to help you
He's a simp okay?
Hugs, cuddles, he will give it all to you, don't worry
He is very concerned about you
After you have healed, however, he will then realise he needs to put his games down and pay more attention to you
After all, it felt nice having his eyes away from the screen and giving his s/o some TLC
He won't admit it though, he doesn't want to see that smug ass grin on Kuroo's face the next training session.
(¬‿¬) Oikawa (¬‿¬)
Alright then
*cracks knuckles*
get ready for this one my friends
Especially if your short mf like me- 5,4 lookin’ ass 〒▽〒
What the actual fuck did you do?
Like, I headcanon that Oikawa does everything for you anyway
So how, on God’s beautiful green earth, did you manage to break your ankle?
I’m listening.
This mf will not let you go
Nuh uh
Try and argue all you want
It’s like talking to a brick wall
R.I.P you
When you are out of that hospital
Game over
He’s like a mom
In a good way though, don’t get me wrong
You just won’t have your freedom
┗|`O′|┛Kageyama ┗|`O′|┛
Kageyama is very interesting
He is always at volleyball practice
That we know
He is a very busy person
But for you however, he is a whole other being
Workaholic Kageyama?
Who’s he?
When he heard you had broken your ankle
Right by your side
most of the time
He won’t cancel practice because of your ankle
That’s for sure
But he will make as much time as he can for you
It’s very endearing
He will run errands for you if you want something
He will help you walk if needed
If you do extra curricular activities then he will sort stuff out for you
Just don’t tell Hinata. 
You’ll experience a not so soft Kageyama :) 
( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Moniwa ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Moniwa is adorable, change my mind
He is always helping others
You are no exception
He probably helps you even more
He adores you
When you broke your ankle, he was so worried and carried you all the way home
Protesting didn’t work
He cancelled practice for the whole team, which upset some but hey, who are you to question the captain?
He helps you get anything you want
He spoils you 
He is 100% that shoulder to cry on
Oh my goodness he is so so SWEET
You make such a fast recovery.
He will shower you in compliments for being very brave too!
He does leave you to do stuff by yourself as well, but not evrything
He only wants the best for so take that to heart.
I believe in Moniwa supremacy
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ Akaashi (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
Caring boi
Look, Akaashi loves you a lot but sometime he can’t help but wonder whether or not you’re controlling your own body
No offence 
He will lecture you a bit but then-
Soft boy to the MAX
Don’t worry, Akaashi’s here
No need to cry
He will take care of you don’t you worry your pretty little head
Mwah <3
Soft kisses and cuddles every single day
He may even bring you presents to cheer you up
You sure you ain’t a sugar baby?
Not that I’m complaining
Just single
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bunnyb34r · 2 years
Today Gurkle is officially 7 years old! I didnt get to make a post like this for Scupa bc I thought he died when his bday rolled around but he too is 7!!! When I got them I didn't really know what the fuck I was doing but I did so much research into how to take care of these dudes and I'm still just amazed that they've made it this far 😭
(The Party Boys lore under the cut)
Kermit only lived a week with me but he was living in VERY shitty conditions before me and I think the stress of everything just was too much
But I like to think that he had a good last week and that I was able to provide him a place where he felt comfortable enough to pass. Like a crab hospice sgdgdggdgd
Speedy passed on last year during a molt, but he was with me for 6 whole years! He was so little when he came to me and we got him so that Kermit would have a buddy since hermit crabs, despite the name, do not like solitary and need companions
We got Scupa a couple days after Kermit passed, so that Speedy wouldn't be alone. He was SO tiny when I got him and hes grown so much! I like to think that he and Speedy were friends bc they liked to be by each other a lot sgdgdg
Gurkle came to me by suprise! My aunt remembered I had lost Kermit and a whoooole month later was at the pet store and remembered that and picked me up one dggdgdg I was like "oh um... okay... thanks"
Gurkle did NOT like living here at first and he broke out of his tank twice within his first couple weeks. First time he got all the way to our front door! The second my mom found him in our bathroom closet, I think he was like "okay let's try THIS direction" and headed that way. I'm honestly just suprised he made it past the cats and three people sgdgdgdg I didnt even know he was out of the tank!
He since has calmed down and settled. He's been a pretty chill crab, still anxious and afraid of my hand/me coming close to the tank, but he does have moments I call bastard mode™️ where he just gets very energetic and active set on destroying the tank. Most days he just sits there head empty no thoughts (which I call Gurkling when I myself feel like that sgdgdgd)
He and Scupa get along better than they have but they do still have that sibling rivalry and will fight/argue over territory (usually the cup or the front of the tank)
It's been such a joy to watch them grow up and develop personalities, and I'm so lucky that they came into my life and that I've been able to help them get this far in their own lives! Heres to another 7 and many more after that!
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