#I'm going back to school on tuesday I NEED to do hw
arandomeroacher · 2 years
Thorne the Merchant from The One Within the Villainess hits different I love him so much he is brilliant please he is perfect and HIS HANDS HIS PERFECT PRETTY HANDS how is a fictional character so perfect
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runfast-runfar · 6 years
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Tuesday things ☺️
✨ today's been a day. tbh glad it's almost over.
✨ had early start today; stats at 8am. Then had classes until 2pm.
Smacked on a chai tea latte with soy and clif bar while there.
✨ came home and did some hw for a few hours before wag walking a pup this evening!
✨ picked up an iced decaf coffee while out bc I was craving coffee but part of my self care practice is not drinking caffeine later in the day soo go me 👏🏼
✨ after that I went home, changed and then went out on a run.
✨ now I'm back home, about to shower and then snuggle up in bed and do my stats hw.
✨ today was fine until this evening, I've been in this LONG ass process of trying to get accommodations at my school's DRC (disabilities resource center) to help with my stats class specifically. And first of all, the district somehow LOST ALL OF MY FUCING IEP's.. 😒 I've been in RSP since third grade. THIRD. GRADE. that's over 10 years of paperwork just poof. Gone.
So I've been retesting this semester and the lady who is in charge just emailed me this afternoon saying "I want to do more testing instead of reviewing your results next Tuesday." Well lady, "more testing" means another 3-4 weeks of not getting any accommodations and at that point my classes will all almost be done?!?? Wtf is the point at this point!? So fucking annoyed.
So I'm gonna talk to the two teachers who I needed the accommodations for class wise and see what they suggest.
Bc at this point I'm suffering in a psych class since I have to miss part of the lecture to go to these stupid testing things and it's just screwing over my whole fucking semester. Annnd to make it all even more inconvenient, the lady who runs the testing is only on campus one day a week.... so it's a fucking molasses type-a process. 😒😠
✨ anyways. I'm trying to let it go a bit. It's just been a fucking day. Thank god for therapy tomorrow tbh.
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