#I'm just musing
ghostofanonpast · 2 years
if we were quick and proactive we could collectively team up and preserve some discussion of recent major political events, revolutions, leaks etc from twitter while it still stands. doing this comprehensively would require mass effort & efficient organization. however anyone can make use of the internet archive's crawlers for wayback machine individually if there's something you specifically want to preserve
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I've seen people discourse about Sauron/Melkor; namely, their dynamic, with some frustrated with how fluffy the fanworks can be, and others upset at how often people interpret the ship as toxic or abusive. I'm pretty surprised by this, because I've always felt that this ship runs on fumes. In terms of canon, there's basically nothing about how the two of them act around each other. Neither of them really has much personality at all in canon beyond "Evil™". If we're only going by Tolkien's writings, the ship isn't much more than the suggestion of a concept: "Dark Lord and his lieutenant". There's a lot that can be done with that dynamic, and everyone's interpretation is going to differ a little (or a lot!) I've always loved seeing the different interpretations of the pairing, because it shows how vastly creative the fandom is.
In the end, we're all just playing pretend with the OCs of a dead Catholic. Let's have fun with it!!
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
...what happens if i vote for the wrong person in drv3
...does my one vote override everyone else's vote
...or does the game just proceed as normal with just one vote in the wrong category
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purecommemasolitude · 7 months
genuinely think chris hadfield would be internationally famous if he was usamerican tbh
obviously he's a canadian household name and he is famous but like. read the list of stuff he's done and tell me everyone wouldn't know who he was if he were from the usa
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dudefrommywesterns · 1 year
is it acceptable to have an f/o who's not really an f/o but more of a fuckbuddy?
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luosaugury · 1 year
How did the Prothean know the Reapers' plan was to destroy space faring (or at least advanced enough) races and not all organics? Javik says that when the Reapers came his people abandoned all research on the Council races in hope that the Reapers would see them/us as too primitive to harvest, which implies the Prothean must have known about the plan early enough to drop their research.
Did they have someone like Shepard who talked to one of the Reapers? Shepard's first conversation with Sovereign, iirc, gives us more questions and than answers that barely make any sense bc Sovereign is a giant condescending squidhead, which implies the Reapers do not go out of their way to explain things to organics.
The Reapers wouldn't have needed any organic agent either because the only reason Sovereign uses Saren is the Reapers couldn't contact the Keepers on the Citadel to kick-start this cycle's invasion.
Did the Prothean receive any warning from the races before them? If so, they would have only needed to touch the relic(s) to have at least a faint trace of memory to confirm the warning is real and not a myth, in that case the Prothean wouldn't have been caught by surprise and lose the Citadel and would have been more prepared for the invasion. If they weren't warned, we're back at the question how they learnt of the Reapers' plan in the first place.
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otogariado · 1 year
jack sticking with his hydrogen bomb plan until the very end, stubbornly struggling against all odds is such a very Jack Thing to do and it's such a good contrast against sawyer's current "what's happened happened" sorta go with the flow, make the best of what you've got mentality. i think, in a way it's perfect; sawyer is a good contrast to jack because he did some growing up in dharmaville. he used to believe he got nothin' waitin' for him off the island, that he could never have a life in the regular world. but ever since he's started a life with juliet, now he's found something he would so desperately get off the island for. something and someone he wants to build a life in the regular world for and with. in contrast to jack, who's only gotten even more bitter, jaded, and who's still as stubborn as ever, just now with a hell of a lot more at stake than just one life.
but somehow, i feel like jack boiling all his motivations down to kate just kind of. cheapens the situation a bit. makes it feel reductive? even sawyer comments on this. honestly, i feel like it's just a remnant of the ol' love triangle at this point.
but it still makes sense, i guess. jack did love kate, and they were engaged until he screwed everything up. so much to the point that she'd become so cold and distant from him. so i guess it makes sense that three or so ish years later, he'd still have some kind of fighting spirit left in him, clinging onto the small bit of hope that maybe, maybe he can fix all of this. somehow.
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narastories · 2 years
Okay, Hannah Ascher gets me too.
“Just . . . admiring the manipulation,” she said. “I mean, I don’t like it, but it’s good.“
Nic is an artist in his own field, give the man some credit.
Also, Ascher reminds me a lot of how Margaret could have been and it makes me equally happy and sad because she’s fun but at the same time we never got to properly know Margaret :(
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 10 months
I've mentioned before about the one comment I got on a fic where they basically just said "this is incredibly unrealistic"
It was a Tamaki x Kyoya OHSHC fic where adult Haruhi and Tamaki realize that hey we work better as friends and we love each other just not in that way and that they still have feelings for old highschool flames so they decide to divorce(I've never finished the manga but I know how it ends)
And I think about that comment from time to time like what did you expect you clicked on it knowing roughly what went down. That and I wrote it at like 15/16.
But now almost 10 years later I realize no it actually isn't all that unrealistic. People can get married realize that no they don't love each other that way or that they're better as friends. People can divorce for many reasons just like how people can get married for many reasons.
It's probably because divorce has such negative connotations that people forget that couples can seperate for non negative reasons and that people can fall out of love.
That was also the only comment on that site that I did not ask for. Any other comments I got on other fics was because I asked hey are you guys enjoying this???
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imbrisvastatio · 1 year
I honestly think that I'm a lot better at making campaigns than stories
And I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that it's for people, like my stories are not to be published and therefore will probably never be read by anyone unless they ask
But a campaign is inherently made with the space for someone else and I know that I am not in a position to run campaigns I don't have the people required
I just think that distinction somehow does make it better
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ailelie · 1 year
Why is /j the tone indicator for joking when we've been using /jk for, like, two decades to the point that it has entered dialogue?
Seriously, I have heard people say something, get a sour look, and then respond, "Jay-kay!"
(Two decades b/c I know we were using /jk when I was in high school. And, yes, I know /jk stands for 'just kidding' but the tonal implications are basically the same as 'joking').
Many tone indicators are completely unintelligible and I have to look them up every time or just ignore them. But I can't say they're new because /jk's been around since high school and /s for sarcasm has been around since college (for me).
That someone would look at those and be like, what if we had more doesn't surprise me. I figure the most useful ones will persist while the majority will fall away into disuse.
People don't adopt memorize long lists unless necessary. They'll memorize what's useful to them, though.
/hj for half-joking is an interesting one for 'I'm not really serious but I'd still like a response' and I can kinda see myself using it in the future. /gen for genuine as a way to underscore yes, I really mean this could be useful, too. And I've definitely used /jk and /s over the past decades (though not tons).
But /srs (serious), /p (platonic), /r (romantic), /pos (positive connotations), /neg (negative connotations), /c (copypasta), /ly (lyrics), /lh (lighthearted), /nm (not mad), /t (teasing), /m (metaphorically), /rh (rhetorical question), /hyp (hyperbole), /th (threat) and the myriad more?
...I'm a control freak, but not that much of a control freak.
Some of these I could see being helpful if you're around people who constantly misinterpret you or are talking to strangers who have no idea who you are, but I typically talk to friends? Or to communities that give benefit of the doubt?
Tone indicators are not new, but they're not used all over the place because I think they undermine themselves to a bit. If I have to tell someone a statement is a joke, it probably isn't a very good or funny joke. Or the '/jk' is the punchline. And the only time I've used /s is when I know a statement is not immediately apparent as sarcasm or I know too many people have said something similar genuinely. Even then, though, it'd depend on where. And, honestly, I've learned to embed tone in my word choice.
I could say: "He's a great leader. /s" or I could say: "He's such a great leader."
For most people, the inclusion of the italicized 'such' will read as sarcasm. In print you have to go a bit more overboard with things.
Now I'm thinking about adverbs and how they weaken writing. They're so handy. "He ran down the track." vs "He ran rapidly down the track." Except, the better way to do that is to drop the adverb entirely and choose a better word for "ran" like "sprinted." "He sprinted down the track."
I wonder if tone indicators are like adverbs-- a way to improve clarity of meaning (because they can do that!) while also weakening writing and decreasing the need to think about the words you're using.
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tofixtheshadows · 2 months
You guys really need to stop and consider the ways you're talking about Kabru I am dead fucking serious. Like I know that flattening characters is just what fandom does to a certain extent, but Kabru's actual personality is getting lost to the fandom hivemind insisting that he's aggressive/cruel/sociopathic/hateful, and these are particularly concerning takes to see leveled at the only brown character in the main cast day after day. "My poor sweet golden child Laios needs to be protected from this scary brown man" is not a good look! Like, it's very telling that the bulk of the hate and bad faith readings are reserved for Toshiro and Kabru. Everyone else's flaws get to be discussed and validated and forgiven (or erased), meanwhile people are straight making up things to be mad about with Toshiro and Kabru but patting themselves on the back for being smart.
The worst part is how undeserved it all is. I'm trying to lay off anime-onlys because we're still kind of in the red herring stage of getting to know Kabru, but I would still like to gently suggest that even if you think Kabru is up to something, you don't gave to get in the tags of every fan creator's post and bring up how you hate him or You Can Tell he's totally evil. Sometimes I think Kabru's blue eyes give people license to say things about his appearance that they know would sound completely racist otherwise, but referring to his blue eyes acts as a get-out-of-racism free card. The jokes about the dog with brown contacts are getting old, by the way.
For people who have read the manga, it's disappointing. Kabru is one of the most complex and important characters in the story, and if you base your interpretation of him and all your fandom interactions on shallow first impressions you are completely missing out.
I know part of this is because Dungeon Meshi is a comedy, but the story also wants to be taken seriously. For example, it's admittedly really funny when Chilchuck calls Laios "sick in the head", but that doesn't change the fact that the way Chilchuck casually belittles Laios caused him to hide the fact that he was "hallucinating" from his friends for weeks. Those feelings matter.
Like, this
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is funny.
But this?
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Is not. This is just a very clear example of a brown boy with PTSD. As someone else with PTSD, just looking at this fucking sucks, man.
The only reason why Kabru thinks about killing Laios is because he is in the middle of a flashback. He's struggling through a panic attack. If he truly wanted to kill Laios because he's violent or because he finds Laios inherently annoying, he wouldn't otherwise talk with Laios normally. Notice how he doesn't act this way at any other point in the story- it's just because he's triggered by monsters. Even when he's thinking about his plans to "deal with" Laios later, he's reluctant to actually kill him and only considers it to prevent another tragedy. Despite his deadly skills, Kabru relies far more on "soft" power- insight, persuasion, diplomacy. He's a rare example of a character who absolutely is, or at least can be, manipulative, but seems to use his abilities for good. He's not a pathological liar, he isn't looking down on everyone behind a smile. He's someone who is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he's willing to put aside all his own basic wants and needs to stop the cycle of dungeons devouring humans.
I'm going to cut a potential thesis on his character short and just give some examples of things that fandom should consider about his personality more:
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Racism in fandom isn't just about whitewashing in fan art, or using racial slurs. The insidiousness of bad faith readings, reductions to racist tropes, lack of fan content for characters of color, and dismissal of a character's complexity are far more common. You can believe yourself to be completely neutral or even positive about a character and still churn out low-grade bile about them into fandom's collective unconscious. Fandom reflects real life.
And I have been around fandom long enough to see how these behaviors (mostly from my fellow white fans) affect fans of color, how it makes a fandom feel hostile and unwelcome to them. It's fun to make jokes and memes, I'm absolutely not saying that everything needs to be a deeply nuanced take, but we need to be careful that it doesn't veer into toxicity. Please think about how our contributions to fandom come across, and what sort of vibes they cultivate in this communal space.
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madamemiz · 9 months
sad: falling out of a hyperfixation
tragic: watching your beloved friends and mutuals fall out of the hyperfixation while you're still in it
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
me wondering how long flash was comatose before being brought to peter in a persistent vegetative state like ???
peter was teaching during the accident so it wasn't summer though he made a joke about pencilling june 10th into his calendar (well i suppose it could have been early june)
i got the vibes the "accident" happened in the fall either before or during October, though (not just cause of the real mini pumpkin norman sent to peter) but i guess it could have also been February or March too, really. pouring buckets either way
(a spidey comic: torrential downpours / me: omg i love it)
when they bring flash to him in ssm it's def summertime (and an irl year ish later, publication-wise) both in terms of looking like summer and peter having what seems like a lot of free time, though it seems like it might be late summer since peter starts layering his clothes again not long after
wonder if flash was in a coma for that long (6-9 months) or if it's just an inconsistency (could be either, or both) (my money is on it probably being indeed that long, putting nearly a year between the events)
relatedly it seems like it was 4-6 ish months between him coming to be with peter and his recovery though, if i had to spitball, since #27 was snowing (tho i did not read the between stuff closely so there's a chance i missed some passing time but i don't think i did), which is funny cause THAT was like 2 years irl, but time doesn't move at a constant rate in comics anyway
idk, it doesn't matter or anything, it's just fun to think about
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sonotgiantballoons · 1 year
Y’know...with the whole “multiple universes” thing...if it’s likely that there are timelines where B and E never met (or “technically” met again), I think that multiple timelines where there’s no relation could actually be possible...just a random thought.
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canisalbus · 9 months
Ok ok hear me out: it could end in tragedy,, AND have a happy ending. The attempt(s) on Machete’s life force him to flee, he doesn’t even have the chance to find Vasco. Cue gay longing for at least a few years while Machete despairs over the loss of his love, his life, his status. He and Vasco only reunite (again) in their later years. Their relationship is forever flavored with loss and loneliness, but that only means they savor every moment that much more
I also I would like to see them as old men. Vasco would be so droopy :)
You gave me such old dog brainworms.
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