#I'm not tagging all the characters
toyourliking · 3 days
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the rest of curry week :)
first two here by duratrans
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jerusalemstraycat · 27 days
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Some misc mop cycle doodles while I figure out how krita works
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sassypantsjaxon · 4 months
Nobody asked about my soulmate's scar au that I'm bringing back for one piece, but I'm telling you anyway. Like any good soulmate au, there's an identifier to let people know who their soulmate is. In this case, it's the first time someone touches their soulmate it causes a scar. So casual touch is little more taboo, and sometimes people will wear gloves if they're not ready to meet their soulmate. Other than that, things are pretty much the same.
Luffy is still the same overly excited, physically affectionate idiot. He has no concept of personal space and often forgets other people might not want to be touched.
It's just another thing that Dadan and Makino and the Mayor get to scold Luffy for as he's growing up. Shanks probably thinks it's hilarious
Zoro's the same old Zoro. He doesn't care. If he meets his soulmate, it's fine. If he doesn't, that's fine too
Nami wears gloves and gets kinda weird about people touching her
Usopp has his soulmate by the time he sets out to sea. Everything's fine with her, but he regrets leaving before realizing they were soulmates
Sanji wears gloves. Constantly. While he's working. Fighting. Eating. He has a pair he wears while he's sleeping. He never bathes with the other guys but there's a (mostly) joking bet about if he even undresses for that
Nami still dresses in her t shirts and shorts, so the gloves are really the only signifier that she doesn't want any physical contact, whereas Sanji is fully covered in his three piece suits. He is not taking any chances.
After Arlong Park, once Nami realizes that having friends and letting people care about her is a thing she's allowed to do, she stops wearing her gloves.
Vivi is wearing gloves when they meet her, because if she's going to find her soulmate, she doesn't want it to be while she's working for Baroque Works
She joins the Straw Hats, and she still wears them usually, but she's not quite as rigid as Nami was with hers
Chopper is a reindeer and animals don't have soulmates like that, but with the human human fruit, he really has no idea if that's changed anything for him? he's not really interested in having a soulmate anyway, so he'll cross that bridge if it ever comes up
Robin doesn't really like being touched, but there's no point in her wearing gloves when they wouldn't carry over to all the extra hands she can grow. She doesn't even know if touching her soulmate with her extra hands would be able to create a scar
She doesn't really believe she has a soulmate anyway, so...
Franky also doesn't know how finding his soulmate will work since so much of his body is artificial. Can his prosthetics leave a scar? Can his skin be scarred? He has no idea
Brook doesn't need to worry about finding his soulmate since he doesn't even have skin to scar (skeleton joke!)
For real though, he never talks about if he found his soulmate in his first life, and they don't ask him about it
Jimbei also doesn't talk about soulmates and, again, the rest of them don't pry
They meet Law at Punk Hazard and he is just as serious about keeping himself covered as Sanji is.
Somewhere between Punk Haz and Dressrosa someone asks them if this is some North Blue thing. They both immediately say yes. They are both lying through their teeth and are now wondering what the other one gains from covering for them
Neither of them are gaining anything, they're just both really weird about the idea of meeting their soulmates
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22ndnervousbreakdown · 2 months
Which social media would Sherlock Holmes characters have, according to a discussion I had with my friends in the middle of a night a couple days ago. This is ACD Holmes I think but leaning onto Soviet movies somewhat.
(And yes I'm aware telegram isn't popular outside of russian-speaking internet but just let it be part of the joke i guess)
Holmes: a lot of fake accounts on every website ever, but the only place that he actually posts on for himself is his telegram channel about tobacco varieties that has almost no followers. When Watson learned that Holmes has telegram, he was pissed because he thought Holmes is there to buy drugs.
Watson: he's a really popular ao3 writer. Also has a tumblr blog and an insta where he posts pictures of food, pictures of Holmes and sometimes his drawings (which he photographs with a lot of random stuff in the background for "aesthetics"). He also created a number of "official" Sherlock Holmes accounts without telling Holmes and makes all the posts there himself.
Mrs Hudson: facebook, where she posts recipes, household advices and stuff like that, and occasionally grumbles about Holmes and Watson. Also whenever they do something that really pisses her off, she would list the flat for rent, but always take it down shortly.
Moriarty: tumblr where he mostly posts about maths and a personal website to advertise as a private math tutor. Also a private telegram channel that Holmes somehow managed to follow from a fake acc.
Lestrade: EVERY social media ever. Most notably, twitter, where he always gets in fights (especially with Holmes's fake accs). He also set up an official Scotland Yard tiktok where he just makes really bad edits of policemen just walking somewhere with some music and lots of filters on.
Irene Adler: Instagram. Also onlyfans where she posts really rarely and she's always fully clothed, but she still has like thousands on thousands of followers there.
Mycroft: an official twitter that he hired someone to manage. Also facebook.
Mary Morstan: She doesn't actually exist, it's just one of Holmes's fake Instagram accs where he posted pictures of "Watson's wedding" to escape rumours.
Sir Henry Baskerville: onlyfans with only one subscriber whose username is infusoria666. Everyone but sir Henry himself knows it's Dr. Mortimer. Also Dr. Mortimer tried to set up a travel blog for him but ended up having to post there by himself.
Dr. Mortimer: tumblr blog full of skulls and also a youtube channel. He's also one of the few people who follow Holmes's tobacco telegram, and probably its biggest fan. When they met, he mentioned his youtube channel a lot, hoping that Holmes will ask for a link, but he just ignored even the most obvious hints.
Baker Street irregulars all have tiktok. They force Watson to watch skibidi toilets.
Lestrade writes with a lot of errors and uses emojis excessively.
Moriarty writes immaculately with all the capital letters and punctuation and periods in the end of every sentence. Holmes does the same but with no capital letters.
Holmes followed Irene Adler from one of his female fake accs. She in turn followed his tobacco channel from a male acc, and commented under one of his posts recommending him to follow a blog on autism.
Once Watson posted a photo of his lunch on his insta and after that a photo of Holmes with a caption "desert :)" and refused to delete it.
Holmes made a youtube channel about beekeeping when he retired.
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lolo3h · 7 months
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Yet another comic of shadow milk commenting on pure vanilla's life like a tv show
I was confused when at the end of the Golden Cheese story, they decided to travel to beast yeast without the other legendaries. They'll most likely be added in the future, but with Sherbet Cookie's story (Towards the Light) Wind Archer said that he'll go to Beast-Yeast to fight the darkness. I seriously through he was going to show up as a npc or cameo.
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stalerocks · 6 days
Had an idea for an ISAT AU where each of the party members get a separate time loop (as in, they all separately experienced a time loop where they're the only one looping) only for all these timelines to converge at the start of act 5.
Not sure what that would do to their mental states, but it would be fun to watch!
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toon-topaz · 2 months
Re Zero ship tier list for fun
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I'm at the end of arc 6 so any characters beyond that I haven't met yet lol
Anyways just figured I'd do this for funsies. You can tell by the top tier that my Subaru bias is in full effect lmao
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dadstielkline · 1 year
Ranking Ted Lasso Characters Based on How Willing I'd be to Drive Them to the Airport
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laly-481 · 8 months
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Doddles compilation. Inspiration : my cult (i love my former god wife who bullies my followers until they die of old age)
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ikuzeminna · 2 months
Gundam Seed Freedom was… something
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I'm not exactly a Seed fan. Yes, I own the gunpla, yes, Cagalli, Athrun and Badgiruel are my favorite characters, yes, I enjoy the series up until Kira gets the Freedom, but I will still mock it mercilessly, groan at every lack of bra or brain cell and by heavens, I want to smash every single one of Lacus' Haros to pieces.
And I only watched Destiny once because I couldn't stomach Cagalli's character assassination a second time. Or Gladys', literally, in the very last second. Like, ma'am, you have a kid. What are you doing dying on an exploding asteroid? :/
So you can imagine I wasn't exactly refreshing Gogoanime every two seconds to see if the movie had dropped. Eventually, it did and I got around to watching it, and although I had already spoiled myself with plot summaries and recorded scenes, this movie somehow managed to miss even my wacky expectations. I was promised wtf scenes, and I got them, but at x1.2 speed which just left me confused and checking my speed settings all the time.
So, let's get into this, with spoilers and all.
Though honestly, what's there to spoil? It's just the last episodes of Destiny all over again, which itself was recycling Seed's finale. If you have seen Destiny, imagine reading a retelling of its finale on Wattpad with a five-year-old and a fourteen-year-old collaborating. The five-year-old handled the plot while the fourteen-year-old handled the romances. That's Seed Freedom in a nutshell.
To be a little more specific, the plot is basically a new bunch of bad guys, Accords, who are super Coordinators able to read and manipulate minds, wanting to implement the Destiny Plan because... reasons. They were all grown by Walmart Mariemaia who Benjamin Button'd herself because... Tuesday. And she's the queen of a kingdom now, somehow, which has the brilliant name of "Foundation."
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"Kingdom of Foundation." Why don't you have it run by Prime Minister CEO while you're at it? Seriously, this physically hurts if you speak English. -_-
Anyway, the Earth Alliance and ZAFT are still trying to kill each other because it's Seed and while people can genetically manipulate their offspring to be superior and even reverse age now, they still haven't figured out how to grow brains yet, which is why Cagalli launched Seed's version of the Preventers, called Compass, which is basically Kira beam spamming everyone into submission like he always does because it's forbidden by law to put the words "Seed" and "originality" in the same sentence. The Accords use the conflict to make it seem as though the Earth Alliance blew up their Kingdom of Stupid Name via nuke so that they can then retaliate with Requiem because, again, originality is not allowed in this movie. Oh, and the Accords are also racist, because duh, everyone is.
Does this all serve a grander scheme? Why, of course! Do you think it's so that they can stage a successful coup on the PLANTs to gain more allies?
Actually no, that just happens to coincide.
The far grander scheme is to pinch Kira's girlfriend!! -_- I kid you not, as soon as they fire those nukes on themselves, they pull a Lady Une and make a dramatic escape with Lacus straight to space within 5 minutes tops, just so that Orphee, the leader of the Affronts To My Intelligence and a visual cross between Athrun and Cagalli, can repeatedly get rejected by Lacus since Baby Queen Abysmal Eye Shadow hardcoded being horny for Lacus into his DNA, but her love for Kira overrides her own genetic coding finding Orphee attractive (since Lacus was apparently also created by Queen Baklava For Brains while her mom wasn't looking?), so Orphee just ends up growing Shinji levels of sexually frustrated with Lacus, which, given how Lacus' (and every female's, honestly) lip fillers make her look like a blowup doll in various scenes, especially when she forms an "oh" with her mouth, I can almost understand why hearing her say no is unexpected. Too crass? That's what you get for making me watch a zoom-in on Lacus' giant butt in a cat suit in the finale.
It doesn't culminate in him choking her out, but Orphee does try to force himself on her and the fact that Lacus doesn't knee him in the balls right then and there makes the whole scene pointless. It's very reminiscent of a fourteen-year-old fanfic writer thinking a woman talking her almost-rapist out of his action is the height of female empowerment. It's not. And this wasn't written by a fourteen-year-old. Fukuda says there were over a hundred drafts for this movie. And they settled for this? Lacus should have used that unearned Seed mode and gone Corin on Orphee's nuts.
(Go watch Turn A if you have no idea what I'm talking about. It's Seed but better. Which is an embarrassment, since Seed came out right after it.)
At this point it's pretty clear that our fourteen-year-old has infiltrated the plot with her romances, because we can't have a mere final battle with giant robots and pink explosions, it has to mean something!
And in this case, that meaning is a battle for Lacus' love!
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Same, Cagalli. -_-
So it's time now to look at the romance side of this movie, just so that you can understand why my brain started dripping out of my nose by the 1 hour mark already.
Every single character arc in this movie is relationship drama. Every. Single. One. From Kira to Lacus to Orphee to Ingrid to Agnes to even Luna and Shinn. If characters interact, it's always in the context of the same freaking love triangle. No variation.
So let's go through the list. First, we have Orphee, who we've established wants to get into Lacus' pants. Ingrid, the blue-haired Accord chick, is saddened by this because she wants him to get into hers instead, which, given how this Village Of The Darned refer to Mini Me as their mother, is... Freudian to say the least. Baklava For Brains either didn't code her right or is a sadist, I guess. Next, we have Kira, who is in Lacus' pants, but thinks Lacus prefers Orphee and starts whining about it because the movie can't make up its mind on how it wants to portray their relationship. It's clearly established that them living together alone and acting like husband and wife is anything but platonic, but when Lacus and Orphee have their shoujo sparkle moments of intense, sexual attraction, Kira acts as though he isn't her boyfriend, when it's abundantly clear that he's seen her naked on the daily for the past year or so. The movie adds the new character, Agnes, to the mix here, who looks like a pink Misa Misa (alas, without the hidden intellect) and has the hots for her commander, Kira, taking every opportunity to hit on him, even going so far as to try to plant one on him while Lacus is "hiding" around the corner.
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....She's not even trying.
And you know, you just know a fourteen-year-old wrote this because we hear nothing of the 152 regulations that hitting on your superior officer go against, never mind any consequences, because... brilliant writing. That they dare to give Agnes Flay's voice is such an insult to me, considering how her writing was freaking Mark Twain level compared to this Post-It note version we're getting here.
Kira ultimately rejects her and Agnes, who previously mocked Luna for settling for whatever came along (which had me laughing real loud because where is the lie?), falls into Walmart Yzak's arms a mere two seconds later because he told her she's pretty and proceeds to spend the rest of the movie as a bad guy because that's what happens to a woman scorned: both self-esteem and the IQ start hitting the negatives.
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There are also Murrue and Mwu, and while they don't have drama, they are pretty much reduced to their relationship to each other. You think you were gonna get any personality out of the veteran captain of the Archangel? Pfff, not with Becky writing. Have Murrue jumping, straddling and kissing Mwu on the bridge in front of everyone instead.
The only girls who aren't strangled by a relationship are Meyrin, who barely says three lines but gets to be a pilot now for some reason, Cagalli, who is, weirdly, the best character in the movie, and Ehehe. (You will know exactly who I mean once you watch it.)
Out of those three, Cagalli is the only one actually in a relationship and, lo and behold, her and Athrun are unexpectedly handled well! They even use that they are dating in their fight against Walmart Yzak, which leads to that famous lewd Cagalli fantasy of Athrun's. Cagalli even gets to react to that! (She's not pleased. lol)
The funniest part is that we didn't even know Walmart Yzak is allergic to girl cooties, what with hitting on Agnes previously, so this was Athrun full-on trolling him with Seed's version of the Sexy Jutsu. Look at Athrun having a sense of humor. Look at Cagalli consistently making every scene she is in better. :)
I'm honestly surprised that the best characters in this movie end up being Athrun and Cagalli, with the former being the most badass and the latter the most relatable and best-written, complete with personality and crowning moments of awesome, given how they had been handled in Destiny.
Took them 20 years, but they finally made up for it. Now, if only the rest didn't suck so bad. :/
Because the rest is pretty much Kira and Lacus angsting over not deserving each other for almost two hours because they apparently never sat down and talked about their feelings and relationship, so the merest hint of rejection or competition sends them spiraling into a depression that becomes a galactic conflict for reasons beyond intelligence. Like, picture Shinji and Asuka in a stable relationship act like Shinji and Asuka in Eva, without any depth and in dumb. That's the level of Huh???? the relationship was written with. It makes no sense at all.
Why are you two so insecure? Why is all it takes one comment from random people to make you question your year-long relationship??
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Agnes, Ingrid and Orphee are there to provide an external source of conflict because the relationship itself is full of gaping holes so we can't focus on that, and because Becky is fourteen, the best she can manage is contrasting Kira's and Lacus' lip service pure love with evil horniness. Even though it's heavily implied that they've boinked, too.
Okay, I'm being mean to my fictional Becky here. I have actually seen digital manhwa that have this exact same love story, so it's not like you can't write them as an adult and make money with them. I just had irrational expectations, I guess, after Flay hopped over that low bar.
The cherry on top of this sad puddle of melted brain matter is Fukuda saying in an interview that he viewed Kira as having an obsession with Lacus in Destiny, so this was his attempt to fix that. Sir? You catapulted their relationship right past toxic and straight to the acid pit from MK II, Erich Fromm quote or not. Lacus blathering about needing someone because you love them (mature love) rather than loving someone because you need them (immature love) is nothing but lip service in this fetishistic nightmare Lacan would balk at.
I had to sit through two hours of "Gundam Seed - Get All These Drama Queens Freaking Therapy, But Not For War Trauma, But For Their Psychotic Relationship And Self-Esteem Issues."
Because not being in a relationship with the person you want in this movie results in emo exits to the left (seriously, count them), incessant temper tantrums and desperate clutching from heartbreak. We also get to wade through Kira's emo episode as the movie's emotional turning point, whining that Lacus doesn't love him because he can't make her happy and that he's good for nothing, which Athrun thankfully beats out of him quickly in good ol' Beavis and Butt-Head fashion, lest they have to go through Kira's character development in Seed again, too. And no, Kira still hasn't learned how to throw a punch properly. Athrun destroys him.
I read in a lot of reviews that people cheered at this scene, but I had to check my speed settings because the movements were all so fast. The pacing is really abysmal in this movie and I don't mean in a plot kind of way, but in a "my cat hits my keyboard and keeps fast-forwarding scenes until I stop it" kind of way. There are so many scenes that feel like I've accidentally hit increase speed, especially in fight scenes, and I'm utterly confused because letting a scene breathe was never an issue in Seed. We all remember Kira bawling his eyes out every five minutes and either muting the audio or dying from laughter because the VA just sounded severely constipated. Here we get sequences like Kira's Freedom getting destroyed, Shinn's Justice getting wrecked, a nuke going off, the Archangel being blown to pieces, and if any of it was supposed to make me emotional then it utterly failed because not even the characters react to these events with how fast we have to get to the next scene. Never mind people practically teleporting from one location to another, except for Kira who takes longer than Goku to get somewhere.
Seed Freedom is a very weird mix of dragging and speed-running and I don't get why. You had 20 years, man. In fact, even the movie knows it's paced awfully, which is why it keeps giving you the location every time, to increasingly ridiculous degrees.
Anyway, back to the plot and romance. So, Athrun snaps Kira out of his funk with a good walloping. What's next? The rescue mission, of course, which is supposed to be the scene that fixes Kira's and Lacus' relationship by proclamation of their true love for each other! Yay, emotional payoff for this relationship I was totally invested in and not groaning through.
Well, truth be told, I can't stand kumbaya Kira and Lacus in Destiny, so this movie not making me want to scream at my screen whenever I saw them is a feat. Too bad Becky heard me, because she presents us with the following, which somehow manages to be the most mind-bendingly dumb exchange in the entire movie, which honestly requires a superpower at this point to pull off.
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Kira, if she slits Lacus' throat, her vocal chords are gonna be the least of your worries. Why is the only one with a functioning brain in there Kisaka? Who, by the way, owns super Coordinator mind reader like it's nothing, despite being a Natural, because ovaries.
Just, ugh.
So after Kira and Lacus get to tell each other "I love you!" with dramatic catches thrown in despite no need for them, making things just awkward, we rush off to the final battle and it's like Fukuda took 5 episodes that were supposed to be the finale and condensed them into three, while cutting half the transitions. There's colorful pew pew, Shinn hilariously weaponizing his stupidity, things exploding, people dying, Yzak and Dearka pushing new gunpla sales, Mwu outright breaking the last remnants of my brain, Lunamaria and Agnes having a girl fight, Murrue ramming a space ship into another one because screw logic, and finally, rolled into this erratic nonsense burrito is Kira defeating Orphee with the power of Lacus' love and her being able to use the Force now, while Horny For Pink is still screaming about wanting to get into her pants and Ingrid still wants him to get into hers instead.
Thankfully, they both die and rid me of their presence.
The saving grace really are Athrun and Cagalli, who rely on actual skill and brains in their fight, and thus end up the best part of the movie by a landslide.
...And then there's Mwu tanking a Requiem shot to the face without issue and deflecting its beam with its puny shield to destroy various targets and Requiem itself because dinosaurs.
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Dang it, D.J., stop writing the script for the movie and go back to your noodle pictures. I have a hard enough time reining Becky in as it is. The happy conclusion is everyone smooching or reaffirming their relationship status otherwise, while Lacus blathers over the ending song with her and Kira as two human shaped blobs ready to get nasty on the beach.
So what's the verdict?
Gundam Seed Freedom sucks. And I don't even mean that as a movie, but as a Seed movie. If I previously thought Seed's characters had the depth of a rain puddle, then Freedom threw a maxi pack of paper towels on all of them.
You get a gigantic cast, with various well-established characters with pasts, and, somehow, only Athrun and Cagalli resemble themselves. The rest are bulldozed to single word characteristics like dumb, horny emo, or rude.
For instance, there are two separate occasions where Compass fights a Destroy, and Shinn doesn't care. Stella even gets a cameo, going full Tokomon teeth in his mind at the Evil Dumbass Brigade trying to infiltrate it, but do you think her traumatic death would warrant a reaction when he has to face the mobile suit she piloted when she was killed before him? Naaah.
Kira starts the movie with something resembling a personality, but that gets quickly flushed down the toilet by the time he and Lacus go through the same scene for the 8th time.
Murrue? Don't get me started on Murrue. Murrue spends the entire movie in heat. Funnily enough, she's finally wearing a bra when Archangel gets hit, so no more gainaxing boobs. But she's worse than the horny teenagers.
Everyone else you know and love is just there. I don't remember Sai even getting a line. Miri does, one. Dearka and Yzak exist and it's a big, fat whatever. You'd think they could have put some of them on the ships' bridges, so that we could get cool discussions, right? Yeah, no, have two new characters instead, one of whom is voiced by freaking Jiraiya. No, not Jiraiya's VA, but Jiraiya, because that man doesn't vary his voice one bit.
As someone who used to watch Naruto, it drove me bonkers. Especially when the female VAs put in the effort to blow everyone out of the water. Props to Cagalli's new VA especially who manages to capture the original's stresses and pauses perfectly. I knew right away it was Cagalli despite the different voice. Kudos.
Another positive thing are the backgrounds of the movie. I'm pretty sure a sizeable chunk of the budget was invested in those. They all look gorgeous.
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Those visual feasts sadly make the wonky characters stand out more though. Movements down to the very mouth flaps look really choppy, 3D Gundams are always a bad idea, please stop doing that, and often enough the animation quality dips noticeably.
This movie is also in love with potato noses so huge, Gerard Depardieu would laugh at them. It's especially weird 'cause half of those are on Coordinators. You know, the designer babies? Did dogs and pigs go extinct in the Cosmic Era that they need to sniff for truffles themselves now?
It's also a complete crime that the movie ends with no one having kicked Orphee between the legs. Or in the face. He taunts Kira so many times with the line that all he's good for is fighting that I kept yelling at my screen for Kira to please just display that and introduce a bat to Orphee's face.
Not even Shinn gets to throw a punch his way, and that boy is allowed to wave a sword at a person. But in a manner that makes me wanna tear my hair out.
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That's a saber, you moron. You don't hold sabers with two hands. Coordinator, my foot. You deserve getting your butt kicked just for that. Though I went full panda facepalm when Yzak With Hair Horns started doing cart wheels during their fight.
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Just. Throw a brick at my head, it's less painful.
Then we also have the gem that is the dance scene between Pinky and Horny For Her, which cracked me up specifically, because it's supposed to be this beautiful~ smooth~ charming~ skilled waltz the super Coordinators perform that makes Kira so sad, and I'm dying of laughter because I'm an avid Ballroom e Youkoso fan and if there is anything that series taught me, it's a) the man's hand goes where the bra strap is, so Orphee fails at a basic hold already and b) that's the most pathetic throwaway oversway I've ever seen. Total beer keg.
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If Kira knew the first thing about dancing, he would have been sassing Blond Athrun instead of getting all mopey, like actual Athrun did to Discount Yzak. Would have improved the movie by x1000 actually if Kira had gotten the same amount of brain cells as his sister and friend and spent the two hours snarking at all the fanfic nonsense instead of acting like he got gut punched all the time.
Alas, we can't have nice things. What we get after 20 years and over a hundred drafts is a movie about Kira's and Lacus' love story that's literally no different from a Wattpad fic. It glues itself to the surface level of the concept and pulls it off as if the entirety of the two prior series doesn't exist, while making sure to give it no substance at all. Sure, they throw in names and reuse plot points that anyone who has seen the series knows, but they end up as mere Easter eggs. There is no taking advantage of established backstories or past events. Not even a nod. Creating a sense of continuity or closure?
Not in this movie.
Another thing is this bizarre tug-of-war between prudish and sexy Lacus. There's no opening anymore in which she can float naked across our screen, so the movie needs to push her boobs in our faces in a different way, I guess, but she's still a "pure" character so it just ends up being... weird. She won't kiss Orphee and probably whip herself every night for ever considering it, but she'll prance around naked on the beach with Kira and go all Golden Boy with how she's shown riding those wing attachments for the Freedom. Like, make up your mind, movie.
I understand why Fukuda wouldn't want to sully Lacus' "purity" (outside of teenager's minds >_>), but I really wish that she had just kissed Orphee. Just, give me something to work with here. You can't drag out "No! I don't love you! I love Kira!" for two hours by recycling the same exchange over and over. If she had kissed him, there would have been a point to all the relationship drama at least. But like this, it's just boring and inane because we're stuck at the setup and never move to a build up or climax, much less a resolution.
So yeah, outside of the Cagalli and Athrun scenes, this movie really didn't do it for me. I actually recorded my reaction for my own amusement because I thought I'd have a blast hate-watching it, but it's just me going "good grief" increasingly loudly as the movie goes on and pausing to check my speed settings.
Oh, and me losing my mind at Kira and Lacus keeping their motorcycles in their living room. Who on Earth does this???
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halfavampvancey · 1 year
me sitting here eagerly waiting for more ch&t content while i patiently wait for s2
guys pls i have no clue what to do over the fact this is taking over my brain and there's nothing i can do about it
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Before you vote, note this:
"Grey eyed, from 'grey as glass’, 'grey as crystal’, or 'grey as a falcon’ can mean green, blue, grey, amber, and hazels from Old and Middle English texts. "
This is specifically if they have silver eyes.
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You got me thinking about the mecha in Among Us again so I wholeheartedly believe Soundwave will hit sabotage so much that they'll just start assuming he's the imposter every round there is a sabotage (which will lead to many times where they eject crewmate Soundwave)
Megatron will struggle with the keycard way too much and it will be hilarious.
Raf was imposter one round and absolutely pulled a markiplier move where he managed to convince them he was crew even though he was exactly seen killing someone.
Optimus lost a round early on by asking "Why is my username red?", but after that he became one of the better ones at imposter because who would suspect oppy?
I saw One comic about megs dying and Starscream getting so loud on mic they voted to airlock him and I've just gotta say that's happened yes yes yes.
Jack is surprisingly really good at the twisty turny dial minigame i hate so much.
Shockwave plays the detective person of the crew fairly well, this is tbh what I used to do as crew.
Bumblebee as an imposter hides in the vents constantly and jumpscares mecha.
Arcee sabotages a lot as imposter too but only started doing it after Soundwave gained his rep, so they don't typically assume it's her doing it.
Bulkhead sticks with the buddy system and always follows around other crewmates... even as imposter, which occasionally means free alibis
One time the stars aligned and Breakdown and Knockout were both imposters at the same time. They did pretty good, but once one was caught so was the other.
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aromantic-boulder · 13 days
I decided to do a favorite character bingo
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These aren't in any particular order, and these are just the ones I thought of right now.
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Events Masterlist
Most likely the first of many Events Masterlists if I'm being honest here. All events are tagged as dove does events; and are for either follower milestones, or in some cases, just because I feel like it! Some events may get their own masterlist, but it depends on how long they go on for.
Emoji Guide
Angst: 🖤 | Crack: 🪅 | Dark Content: ⚠️ | Fluff: 💞 | Hurt/Comfort: ♡ | NSFW/18+: 🌶️ | Platonic: 🧡 | Romantic: 💌
Femme: 🌙 | Gender-neutral: ⭐ | Masc: ☀️
Summer Won't Last Forever [100 followers event]
Hot days fall into cool nights. Carnivals arrive in town. Long days spent at the beach or community pool. Fond memories made with friends. But, summer won’t last forever.
Leona Kingscholar; Caught in the Rain 💞⭐
Jamil Viper; Carnival Fun 💞💌⭐
Floyd Leech; Campfire Antics 💞💌⭐
Azul Ashengrotto; By the Babbling Brook 💞💌⭐
Jade Leech; By the Babbling Brook 💞💌⭐
Idia Shroud; Stargazing 💞💌⭐
Deuce Spade; Let's Beat the Heat 💞💌⭐
Jade Leech; Stargazing 💞💌⭐
Epel Felmier; Long Distance Relationship (platonic) 💞🧡⭐
Jade Leech; Long Distance Relationship ♡💌⭐
. . . . . . .
The Cottage by the Sea [200 followers event]
A flower garden in the front. The shudders weathered by the salty air. A shed in the backyard contains some paddles and a tandem bicycle with a wicker basket. An idyllic scene, for a relaxing getaway. Your very own cottage by the sea.
Jamil Viper; Warm Mornings 💞💌⭐
Sebek Zigvolt; Rainy Night 💞💌⭐
Jade Leech; Fairytale Scene 💞💌⭐
Jade Leech; Discovering Old Secrets 💞💌⭐
Leona Kingscholar; Nights Spent In 💞💌⭐
Vil Schoenheit; Rainy Nights 💞💌⭐
Floyd Leech; Warm Mornings 💞 💌⭐
Rook Hunt; Discovering Old Secrets 💞💌⭐
Floyd Leech; Tandem Bike 💞💌⭐
Leona Kingscholar; Fairytale Scene 💞💌⭐
BONUS; Azul Ashengrotto; Nights Spent In 💞💌⭐
. . . . . . .
One of Us is Guilty; a TWST murder mystery [300 followers event]
Prologue & how to participate ⚠️⭐
Chapter 1 ⚠️⭐
Chapter 2 ⚠️
Chapter 3 ⚠️
Epilogue (Part 1) ⚠️
Epilogue (Final) ⚠️
. . . . . . .
Whispers of the Past [400 Follower Event]
They say the house is haunted by many spirits, both kind and vengeful. They still are here on this plane due to business left unfinished during their lives. Perhaps this is a chance to let them go free.
Malleus Draconia; Visions of the Past 🖤💌⭐
Vil Schoenheit; Words Unsaid 🖤💌⭐
Lilia Vanrouge; Bump in the Night 🪅💌⭐
Leona Kingscholar & Vil Schoenheit (poly); Visions of the Past ♡💌⭐
Future Events; To Be Determined!
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Shameless Self-Insert Hours & Nicknames
Picrew | I list the nicknames I would use for TWST, Ikevamp & Ikepri because I would absolutely annoy the ever-living hell out of them for my own entertainment. (Picrew at the bottom)
"Wait a damn minute, this is an Otome? NOPE CAN'T CATCH ME! LATER LOSERS! PEACE!
Name; Dove
Birthday; June 30, 2001
Height; 166 cm
Dominant Hand; Right
Pronouns; They/Them
Gender; Non-binary / I'm just vibing
Sexuality; Asexual (neutral)
Romantic Orientation; Aromantic (neutral)
MBTI; bruh, idk and idc anymore, I just vibe
Enneagram; 5w6
Hobbies; writing, reading, knitting, crocheting, drawing, cleaning, dancing, singing, annoying friends
Talent; pulling stories out of thin air
Pet Peeve; getting hair in their mouth and cleaning up other people's messes
Other; Eldest of three siblings and acts as the peacekeeper of the entire family. Gots that juicy gifted kid to undiagnosed neurodivergent adult drip. Speaks English and a tiny bit of French. Swears like a sailor. Has the sides of their head shaved (undercut). Hair is a mix of 2B and 3A.
Modern Aesthetic; dark academia, art hoe, and grandparent-core
For Fantasy Games; plays with dresses and suits, mixing up the more gendered clothing
Somehow ends up going into several games that they play or are interested in. IDK man, just thought it would be fun
Nicknames they have for people;
Ace; Ass
Deuce; Deedee
Riddle; Riddler
Trey; just Trey
Cater; Cat
Leona; House cat
Ruggie; Gigi
Jack; just Jack
Azul; Adam
Jade; Florence
Floyd; Jasper
Kalim; Kal
Jamil; Millie
Vil; Queenie
Rook; Monsieur Ombre
Epel; Epi-pen
Idia; Idea, Ikea
Ortho; Son
Malleus; Tim (insert Tim 'Hornton' joke here)
Lilia; Lily
Sebek; Beckie, Beks
Silver; Silvie
Isaac; Apple tater
Arthur; just Doyle, sometimes Dodo
Vincent; Vinny
Theodorus; Dora
Dazai; Ozzi
Comte; Germs
Mozart; Zarty
Napoleon; Bonny
Sebastian; Seb
Leonardo; Lee, Finky
Jean; John
Shakespeare; Pear, Billiam, Shakes
Vlad; Lad
Faust; Jojo
Charles; Hen
Chevalier; Chevie, Cheval (horse), Computer
Clavis; Clavs, Clavicle
Gilbert; Giovanni, Bertie
Jin; Jen
Keith; just Keith
Leon; Dompy (surname)
Licht; Lick
Luke; Lulu
Nokto; Nok-nok, Toto
Rio; just Rio
Sariel; Ariel, Elly
Silvio; who? (straight up ignores him) fine fine, Silly it is
Yves; Yew
William Rex; Rexy
Liam Evans; Evs
Roger Barel; Roadkill
Victor; Tori
Elbert Greetia; Elbow
Ellis Twilight; Twilight Sparkle, Lizzie
Alfons Sylvatica; Alfie, Alf
Harrison Gray; Hare
Jude; Dude
*forgets others*
Obey Me
Lucifer; Loo
Mammon; Mams, Mammogram
Leviathan; Levi, Nerd
Satan; Nerd, Dork, Blondie
Asmodeus; Asmo, Momo
Beelzebub; Bee, Bubs, Bubbie
Belphegor; Belphewhore, Bels
Diavolo; Princess
Barbatos; Barbie
Solomon; Old Man
Simeon; Angel
Luke; just Luke
Thirteen; Lucky
Mephistopheles *idc how it's spelt*; Mepmep
Raphael; just his name
More nicknames tbd
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