#I'm procrastinating whoops
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hehe Hi I'm struggling :D (But not really it's WIP antics again)
Heyo! So- to make an overdone and dry story short, I'm turning to polls to figure out what WIP to do in what order! Y'all seem to like this and I find it really helpful in the long run so yeee! :D
Rough descriptions under the cut!
1.) Marked: William finds Sherlock writing a letter to his brothers. They share a soft moment before he realizes he accidentally smudged semi-stainable ink on Sherlock's face. Tickly antics ensue.
2.) Ogres and Princesses: Raichi and Gagamaru learn about Chigiri's fear of thunderstorms one night. They can't just leave him there, but they aren't very good at comforting him. Time for good ol' distraction!
3.) Too Stressed? Say Less!: Ikuya's falling back into bad habits after practice goes wary. Makoto and Haru don't want to lose their friend again, so they take matters in their own hands.
4.) Untitled (Still deciding on what to call this fic): Suga is feeling cheeky and wants to get a rise out of the Tsukishima. Little does he know the blonde has already gained a tolerance to dumb antics (ala Kuroo and Bokuto) and turns his attempts against him.
5.) Efforts To Stay Awake: Sagiri is sleepy from the bath and is struggling to stay awake. Gabimaru decides to help in the most inconvienent way possible.
6.) *Clink!*: Tengen invites Sanemi out for a spa day so they can spend time together. Sanemi is reluctant but eventually goes along with it.
7.) Written Out Of Context: Dazai is ticklish and Kunikida is not, giving the doppo poet an advantage. One slip up however and he finds himself in quite the predicament.
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animatedjen · 9 months
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Checking in on your droid vs LIL FISTBUMP WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND
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bittersweetresilience · 7 months
opening line patterns
thank you @kasienda for the tag 💜💚
List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern.
in order of update recency, skipping as time goes by podfic and brave, truthful, and unselfish since i didn't write their opening lines
1. loose leaves (feligaminette)
Marinette isn’t entirely awake when she stumbles into the kitchen, rubbing exhaustion from her eyes.
2. never been in love (aromantic félix)
“She’s incredible, Félix.”
3. VELOURS (sentitwin omori au)
Don’t worry… everything is going to be okay…
4. metempsychosis (time loop)
The gist of it is this—Adrien and Félix are walking by the Louvre when the commotion breaks out.
5. in certain light, i can plainly see (felinette)
“Is this okay?” Marinette whispers, her lips hovering over the back of Félix’s hand.
6. watership down (amélie soulmate au)
Amélie is thinking of her sister when her world dislocates: the determination in Emilie’s voice so many years ago, hung on a resolution Amélie couldn’t yet reach.
7. tous les morts-nés (sentitwins)
Félix is sitting with his back to Adrien when Adrien steps out onto the roof.
8. oh, no, not again (time travel)
“Okay,” Ladybug says, a determined glint in her eye.
9. nothing ever stops you leaving (réunion)
Duusu doesn’t look at Adrien as they press the kwagatama into his hands.
10. overflow (well... you know)
i certainly do like starting right in the middle of something 🤣 opening scenes are probably more my strong suit than individual opening lines. i like that amélie is the only one who gets a complex sentence. you deserve it, queen.
@ninadove @trishacollins @redundant-lava @celestialtitania @mostmagical @monpetitchattriste @wehadabondingmoment
@asukiess LOOK AUTUMN YOU GET A SPECIAL TAG OKAY 😭😭😭😭😭💘💘💘💘 @heartfulselkie AND MY OTHER SPOUSE
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strangefable · 1 year
what d&d class is your oc?
tagged for this uquiz by the lovely @jillvalentinesday, @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies, @voidika, @josephseedismyfather, @direwombat, @poisonedtruth, and @theelderhazelnut, thank you all <3
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You are a Ranger, an explorer of dangerous territories. You are fearless and cunning, traits necessary on your travels, but you tend to be closed off from others and overly pragmatic. Your connection with nature and skill with weaponry will carry you through most battles, and your sneakiness will let you avoid the ones it will not.
There isn't any other class that suits her. She's not got the magic for druid, but her fighting style keeps her out of direct warrior/barbarian types. Archery and nature, exploration and knowing the lay of the land, and using it to advantage? That's Micah. She's at home alone in the woods, but with party members she's off her footing, unsure how to interact or engage. Trusts comes hard for her, but a fearless ability to throw herself into danger? Yeah, she's got that in spades.
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You are a Rogue, a skilled adventurer who uses guile and expertise to your advantage. You are often seen as stealthy and precise, aiming for your opponent's weakest points, but you can master various other skills to aid you on your journey. While you tend to be underhanded and greedy, you can also be daring, clever, insightful and charismatic.
Sneaky. Underhanded. Guile. Charm. Greed. Loose Morals. What else could Lil ever be but rogue?
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You are an Artificer, an adventurer who wields science in place of magic. While your foremost trait is intelligence, you're built tougher than most others who place their faith in their brains. You are inventive, curious and occasionally reckless, all traits that get you both into and out of trouble on your adventure.
I admit it, I took the quiz for her a few times until it returned the right result. Intellect and knowledge, melding science and magic, those are Bright's Things. No matter how much the quiz kept trying to make her a traditional magic user, she's just not. She's extremely reckless, but it's not out of malice or a drive for power; it's simple curiosity. And a love of shiny things. She's clever but not wise; she's quick but not strong or nimble.
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You are a Paladin, a warrior sworn to an Oath, whether it be to a god, a king, an ideology or oneself. As a divine soldier, you are well equipped to strike down evil, but must follow a code of your choosing to retain this power. While you are limited somewhat by these bonds, you are also the most driven and determined member of your group.
tbh i've never considered what would suit Lore, but honestly? yeah, she's very driven for good, for what she sees as moral and right, for the betterment of the people, though i don't know if she could be defined as a soldier or warrior. she's about practicality and function over form or style, but she'd balk at the idea of serving a god or a king. her goal is always to help people, especially those who have no voice and no power. she fights hard, but she prefers diplomacy and compromise whenever possible, to save as many lives as she can. she's one of my purest, most good characters.
i realize i'm kinda late on this one, but i'm passing on tags, anyway. (feel free to ignore me<3) @henbased, @adelaidedrubman, @v0idbuggy, @legally-a-bastard, @damejudyhench, @mars-colony, @strafethesesinners, @thisisrigged4, @mediocre-life-span, @harmonyowl, @marivenah, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @florbelles, @trench-rot, @wrathfulrook, @simplegenius042, @incognito-insomniac, @gayafsatan, @shallow-gravy, @turbo-virgins, @chazz-anova, @confidentandgood, @aceghosts, @jacobseed, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @fourlittleseedlings, @clonesupport, @unholymilf, and anyone else who wants to do this, please say i tagged you <3
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best--dress · 6 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for tagging me on this one, @aristocratic-otter, @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla and @emeryhall! I was hoping someone would encourage me to procrastinate today <3
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/one of your WIP(s):
I'm working on my COBB right now, and it definitely doesn't have a title yet
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
roadtrip + karaoke bar = Penelope Bunce is going to kill Simon (not my cobb!)
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
eating disorders (altho I haven't written this part yet, not sure how big of a role it's going to play)
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
nothing gets a title until the very last minute, haha
5. ⚠️Which WIP are you most likely to finish or update next?
Most likely my cobb, unless I get inspired to work on the karaoke one (it *should* be a fun little one-shot)
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
"watford [redacted] snowbaz au"
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
Baz is right. Agatha is too good for me. This is probably like one of those high school makeover movies, but in reverse – she’s probably trying to sabotage me, and then Baz will look even better than me, in the end.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
honestly, the original concept was an erotic blood-drinking fic, but I don't think I'm going to go there after all. I just can't wrap my head around that for my baz
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
well, karaoke fic has two lines, so technically I've started it
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
really just my cobb
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
uhh...sitting down to write...writing a single scene that goes on for longer than a page...figuring out where the ending is going...
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send. honestly really needed that today <3
just tagging a couple people since this one is really making the rounds!: @mooncello, @facewithoutheart, @ileadacharmedlife, @iamamythologicalcreature
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anderstrevelyan · 10 months
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From this lovely template.
Might as well steal from some upcoming fic to describe him, too:
He’s shot up since [Jaheira] was last here, a tangle of limbs and a tall frame he hasn’t yet grown into. Traces of Viconia’s beauty in his face, gray skin and her violet eyes, but so much of Feron, too: black, straight hair shoved back behind pointed ears, the way he tilts his head with a considering stare, but, especially, that haunted look in his eyes when the light strikes just right. Jaheira knows what grief looks like. How it can linger, rotting, colouring everything even as you grow around it. “Hi, Aunt Jaheira,” he says, his voice deeper than she remembers. “Hi there, cub.”
-From Haunted One (Ch. 1), unpublished
But there's nothing more valuable than a trusted assassin, and Gortash hasn’t hired another in months. DeVir is cold and efficient, enough to stay hidden, to keep his commissioner’s deniability intact, and at the same time so creative, theatrical even, that there’s no mistaking the deadly message as mere accident. The man’s an artist. But until Gortash sees him for the first time, across the hall—dark jacket and expensive trousers tight to narrow hips, tall for a half-elf, so he has to tilt his head to meet that violent violet gaze—he hadn’t known he’d be a work of art, too.
-From Haunted One (Ch. 3), unpublished
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For a kingdom that worshiped the sun, Dawn was strangely beautiful in the moonlight.
Standing on the balcony overlooking the city, with music and chatter spilling out from the ballroom behind him, Scott could almost pretend this was a perfectly normal social event, like all the other events each empire took turns hosting. But lately it was harder and harder to pretend anything was normal. There was nothing jovial about the atmosphere inside. Gem and Fwhip stood off in a corner, faces serious as they whispered together. Shelby and Katherine stood on opposite ends of the room, glancing over when they thought the other wasn't looking, with downturned lips and forlorn expressions. No one had seen False in months. No one seemed concerned about it.
Scott saw movement along the shoreline, and leaned over the railing a little further to get a better look. His breath caught in his throat - was that sculk? Darkness crept over the pier, a tendril snaking its way across the boards. He needed to find Pix -
A hand clapped down on his shoulder, and Scott resisted the urge to yell even as he flinched away from the touch. "Whoa, easy there," said Sausage, sounding amused. "What's got you so on edge?"
Scott wanted to move away, but the hand on his shoulder kept him in place with a firm grip. "Hi Sausage," he said warily, and tried to tell himself the unusual glow he saw was simply the lights behind them. "You just...startled me, that's all." He looked back at the shoreline, but saw nothing but starlight reflected in the waves. Everything was normal.
"Sorry about that." Sausage didn't sound sorry at all. "Why don't you come back and dance some more?"
Scott let Sausage lead him back into the ballroom, fixing a polite smile on his face even as his skin crawled when Sausage put one hand on his waist and gripped the other hand firmly. "Weren't you dancing with the sheriff earlier?" he asked as they swayed together across the dance floor. Seeing Sausage sweep Jimmy into his arms and spin him around was one of the reasons he'd stepped outside in the first place. Sausage had once reassured him that he and Jimmy were only friends, but lately he seemed to take delight in making it obvious just how close their friendship was.
Sausage laughed. "I sure was! But he's mad at me, so it didn't last very long." He dipped Scott low without warning, his hold loose, and for a split second Scott felt like he was about hit the floor. Sausage's eyes glittered when Scott's grip on his arm tightened in fear, but he pulled him back upright, and Scott breathed a sigh of relief.
"Why is he mad at you?" asked Scott.
Sausage spun him around before pulling him close again. "We played a little joke on him the other day, and he didn't take it well." He smirked, and Scott frowned. Sausage was always the first to apologize when a joke accidentally went too far, always rueful when he overstepped a boundary and eager to make up for it. But now, he sounded like making Jimmy upset only amused him more.
Scott wanted to shake him, demand to know why he was acting so strange lately, but he settled for a disapproving look. "Did you apologize?" He was sure he knew the answer, but felt the need to ask anyway. "If he's upset, you should - "
Sausage snickered. "Whatever for? We were just joking, and he overreacted. It was Gem who did it anyway. I was just there." He looked at something over Scott's shoulder and grinned. "Oh, there he is! He's perfectly fine. Check for yourself if you're so worried."
He spun Scott around as he let go, a little harder than necessary, and just as Scott thought he might lose his balance he found himself wrapped securely in Jimmy's arms and swept smoothly into the next steps of the dance.
"Are you all right?" asked Jimmy, shooting a glare in Sausage's direction. He looked out of place in the ballroom. Everyone else was dressed in elegant finery, whether it was their usual look or not, but Jimmy looked like he'd walked straight out of the fields and put no more effort into his appearance than a quick washing up. A simple farmboy in a room full of royalty and divinity. Scott thought he looked incredible.
"I'm fine," said Scott. "He's just a little high-energy for me tonight, that's all." It wasn't entirely a lie. The steps Jimmy led him through were part of the same dance, but slower and steadier, and it gave Scott's pounding heart a chance to calm down. But, Scott realized as he noted the tension in the arm beneath his hand, there was a difference between 'steady' and 'relaxed.' A muscle tensed in Jimmy's jaw as he clenched his teeth. Scott wanted to run his fingers over Jimmy's stubble and massage away the stress.
"He's an ass," said Jimmy, and spun him around. "Everyone is lately."
"Everyone? Even me?" Scott's lips quirked up, intending his comment to be lighthearted and teasing, but his smile faded when Jimmy didn't return it. "I'm sorry. You've been having a hard time. I shouldn't tease."
"It never stopped you before." Something painful flickered through the closed-off look in the sheriff's eyes. "You've been right there with them all, laughing at me too. Why be sorry now?"
He dipped Scott down low, his hold secure. Scott's hand rested softly on Jimmy's arm, and he knew if he let go entirely he still wouldn't fall. Even angry and hurt, Jimmy wasn't going to let him fall.
Trusting in the grip that held him, Scott moved his hand up to touch Jimmy's cheek. "I haven't been good to you," he said quietly. "You deserve more. I'm sorry."
Jimmy stared at him, a wary look on his face, like he was waiting for Scott to laugh at him and turn it all into another big joke. He swept him upright again and resumed their dance. "It's a little late for regret, I think."
"It's a lot late for regret," said Scott. "But I'm full of it all the same."
Jimmy sighed and shook his head. "You and me both." They drifted to a stop in front of the balcony as the music dwindled down, and remained still when the next song began. But Jimmy's fingers were still entwined with Scott's, and his other hand still rested on Scott's waist, like he was ready to join the dance again on a moment's notice.
Jimmy leaned a little closer. A gentle breeze blew in, and on the night air Scott could swear he smelled a distant note of honeysuckle. "You?" said Scott. "What do you have to regret?"
Jimmy laughed. "There's an old general store in Tumble Town," he said. "Do you know the one I mean?"
"I do." Scott looked at him curiously. "Why do you ask?"
Jimmy finally let go of his hand, but only to pull him close. "I feel a lot like that store," he said against Scott's ear. "Fun and exciting for some people, at first. But then the novelty wears off, and I'm just...ragged and dirty on the inside."
Scott wanted to cry. His own words were being used against him, and now he knew how Jimmy must have felt that night under the stars hearing those same words. Jimmy tightened his hold, and Scott closed his eyes and leaned into him. So many words burned on his tongue. You're wrong, you're wonderful. Did you say that on purpose, to see what I would say? Does it mean you remember us? It feels like you remember us. You're in pain; how do I make it stop? But they all tangled up with one another, jumbled up so much that none of them would come out. How do I make it stop?
Could he make it stop?
"There you are! Sausage said you might be out here." Fwhip's voice cut through his messy thoughts like a knife. The chill when Jimmy stepped away from him felt even sharper.
"Oh? Were you looking for me?" said Scott as Fwhip took his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't say hello sooner. You looked preoccupied."
"It wasn't anything super important," said Fwhip. "I've always got time for you." He looked Jimmy up and down. "Wow, you sure put a lot of effort in tonight," he said snarkily. "Gem must be thrilled to see how much you care."
Jimmy scowled at him. "Gem's lucky I even bothered to show up," he snapped. "Seeing as how she hasn't cared enough to apologize for almost killing me on the bridge with Sausage's sword."
"It was just a little cut. You're so dramatic," said Fwhip.
"Gem did what?" said Scott at the same time. "That doesn't sound like her."
"Oh, like you don't know?" snapped Jimmy. "Fwhip and Sausage thought it was hilarious. I'm sure they told you all about how I almost bled out and drowned."
"No, I didn't know!" said Scott desperately. "Fwhip, what on earth - "
"You know what, I've had enough of this," said Jimmy. "No one cares what I have to say anyway. I'm leaving." He shoved his way through the crowd and disappeared, leaving Scott staring after him and Fwhip rolling his eyes.
"Fwhip," said Scott slowly, "what did you do?"
Fwhip only grinned. "Come dance!" he said, and Scott allowed himself to be tugged back into the ballroom. "Told you, he's just dramatic. And mad about the new gunpowder farm Lizzie and I built."
Scott sighed, only half listening as he and Fwhip danced and Fwhip told him all about the new business agreements between Gobland and Animalia. He needed to go to Tumble Town tomorrow, he decided. It was time they sat down and had a very long and - as much as the thought frightened him - a very honest discussion.
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lesbianpikachu · 1 year
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Daily Compendium Selections #10
A woman lies unconscious with an interesting shield.
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lighthouseborn · 7 months
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paradoxiii · 1 year
Anyway on a lighter note, it never ceases to fascinate me when I show my art friends my latest character designs & they praise my apparent fashion sense. I look at other artists with much more diverse designs & I feel like a hack.
So being praised for it, I have to resist the urge to put myself down like I used to do with my art in general. Y'know the whole "I know it's pretty shitty but I tried I guess" thing that you see most new artists spouting. I've been drawing for too long do still do that. I'm too old for that shit lol
I like my character designs, I think I'm decent at it, it just feels weird when other people seem impressed by the designs. I think pretty lowly of my tastes, so while it's good enough for me (after all, I draw for myself, I draw just to make myself happy, because it feels good to do), it's fascinating to think that it could be good enough for other people.
I obviously still have a long ways to go on working on my self confidence & self worth lol
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majicmarker · 2 years
I'd honestly be really bummed out if you stopped updating your jason pov fic, as I said in the comments - getting to watch Jason dig his own grave with Chrissy is definitely my new kink I didn't know i had and its entirely your fault lol. But if you're not feeling it anymore please don't make yourself. I think the ST and hellcheer fandom has kinda died down a bit overall to be honest so please dont take it personally, your writing is way to good. X
oh, no, TO BE CLEAR i have no intention whatsoever of abandoning any of my fics, least of all this one. i was just feeling a bit disheartened with the engagement on the latest chapter bc i generally get a steady stream of feedback, so it was... jarring, i suppose? like it Felt like i'd done something wrong with the chapter, considering i didn't have this problem with the one before it, which had been posted only a few days prior. idk i just got in my head about it, clearly. (not to mention i was also sick with a head cold and dealing with a very painful pulled neck muscle last week, so, not in a great place all around.)
but once i voiced that, ppl really showed up and i so, so appreciate that. i think smtimes readers don't always know how important comments are/how much they mean to us? that, and i think i posted during a bit of a lull. plus, yeah, i'd agree that the ST/eddissy excitement has maybe not died down, but it's certainly evened out. like we're all kinda just floating along rn (which frankly i prefer to all the dramatics of new content, the floating is safer and generally more pleasant).
but! whatever the reason... i was feeling down (what else is new!!) so it was all just sort of an amalgamation of bad timing.
all that to say—i'm a bit slower with fic lately bc it's had to take a backseat to my original work and, like, my day job. but i *will* be wrapping up all my eddissy fics, so, no worries there!
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ph0sphor · 23 days
i have returned please excuse my extended absence
might be a hot take but i DON'T hate mha's ending. i like it!!
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blitz0hno · 5 months
oh ok I figured out it's Blitz fronting rn yeah Muu on the personality test makes sense for the Way I Am Sometimes it's my shadow personality frfr 😭😭
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ellcrys · 6 months
Michael Kimmage, "Collisions: The Origins of the War in Ukraine and the New Global Instability"
One war, three collisions: Russia with Ukraine, Europe, and the US. On the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Michael Kimmage analyses the disparate factors that led to war in Collisions: The Origins of the War in Ukraine and the New Global Instability.
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astr0-physcs · 9 months
an offer i could definitely refuse
t.fushiguro x m!reader
<you, a stripper for an underground club, catch the eye of a dangerous man>
{TW: slight dub-con, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, Daddy kink, brief mentions of alcohol and smoking, reader is a stripper}
WC: 5.1k
a/n: this too me so long but i'm such a procrastinator 💀
The intoxicating thrum of Shibuya nightlife beckoned, its seductive pulse a siren’s call to the lost, lonely, and desperate. A kaleidoscope of neon lights painted the streets, each hue casting long shadows upon the asphalt canvas, obscuring the lines between reality and fantasy. It was within this seductive world that you thrived, your vibrant aura and ethereal beauty echoed by the nocturnal glow of the city. You were a creature of the night, and the night embraced you with open arms.
Your chains clinked against your leather harness, hugging your body tight as you spun around the metal pole, the neon strobe lights reflecting off the metal adorned on your body. The routine for tonight was nothing special, so you danced normally, smiling like you were having the time of your life. Your co-workers mingled around the club, offering drinks and services to the paying customers.
Suddenly, you catch a glimpse of your manager, an elegant woman with eye-catching white hair in a diamond studded jumpsuit, walking across the back of the club. You try to narrow your eyes to see better. She's greeting a man, tall and muscular, and appears to invite him to her office.He smiles cunningly and follows her. Before you can take your eyes off of the scene, the man's vibrant green eyes glanced up onto the stage. You felt a shiver go down your spine, and you nearly messed up your routine. His eyes pierced right into your soul, and then they were gone. Muscle memory kicked in as you finished out your routine. The song ended and the small crowd close to the stage whooped and yelled. You flash a cocky smile at the crowd, then whisper to your partner that you needed a drink.
Scurrying off stage, you run to the employees only section and grab your water bottle, taking a much needed drink. The clear liquid dripped down your chin and you huff, wiping it on the back of your wrist. A door opens to your right, and your boss walks through, leading the same dark haired man from before. You nearly choke, spinning around rapidly to avoid more eye contact. You didn't turn back around until you heard her office door shut.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
“What could they possibly be talking about in there?” You think to yourself. Was he getting hired? Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you set down your water bottle in favor of tiptoeing quietly to the door, careful to not let the heels of your stilettos touch the ground. Pressing an ear against the door, you try to listen in on their conversation.
“—And the payment is all here.” That was your boss.
“Thanks, Mei Mei.” The unfamiliar deeper voice must be that man. “I should have this done by next week.”
You can hear your bosses frown in her next words. “You can't make it any sooner?”
“Oh sure I can. But that's gonna cost ya’.”
Your eyes narrowed. What a scumbag.
“Come now, Toji.” Her voice turned sweeter and deeper, trying to seduce him. Toji, you thought.
“Nuh uh, none of your sweet talk. Ya’ know that don't work on me.”
They knew each other…?
“Tch, alright. Please make this quick.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Footsteps approach the door quicker than you anticipated, and you try to back up as quickly as possible. The door swung open, and the big man walked out. He gave you a quizzical look, arching an eyebrow.
“What's this? An eavesdropper?”
His baritone voice reverberated inside your head. You stutter and go pink from embarrassment as he shut the door. “N–no! I was just getting a sip of water after my routine, I would never—!”
“Ohhh yea, I saw you up there.” He interrupted. “Y’know, for such a scrawny boy, you dance pretty well.”
Your mouth goes dry. Of course, people complimented you on your performances all the time. But the way he gave you such a backhanded compliment made you feel… weird.
“Thank you…?” You say, confused and took a second to take in his appearance . He was wearing a black compression shirt, releasing his toned body and white sweatpants. Not exactly club attire, but he wasn't here for the club, you thought. He towered at least a foot or two above you, his black hair was untrimmed and a mess across his forehead.
He grunts a response. The corners of his mouth twitch, the scar on the side of his lip curving upwards.
“A sucker for attention, I see.”
The blush coloring your cheeks deepens. “I am not!”
He chuckles at your defensive stance. “Right. Like you weren't just up there dancing your slutty heart out for all the attention from big, bad men.”
You were bright red now, his teasing words embarrassing you.
“I–I'm not up there for any other reason other than to make money. It's a job, not something I want to do for fun.”
Toji gives you a knowing look, his thin eyebrows raising slightly. He hums inquisitively and then sighs. He pulls out a cigarette and starts searching his body for a lighter.
You scrunch your face a little. “Smoking isn't allowed in the club. I thought Mei Mei would have told you that.”
His glance sent a shiver down your spine. Emerald eyes narrowed, he looks you up and down unimpressed.
“And a rule stickler, too. Not my type.”
He walks past you, out of the club's back room. You stare after him incredulously. What an ass! You think as you grit your teeth, stopping yourself from going after him. You take another sip of water from your bottle and walk back out onto the stage. The next pair's routine had already started, and your partner came up to you behind the curtain.
“Hey, where were you? You were gone for a while.”
You shrug. “One of Mei Mei’s clients was talking to me.”
She blinks, surprised. “Mei Mei never takes on clients.”
You shake your head. “Not that kind of client, I don't think. Mei Mei has a partner. I think they were discussing money or something.”
You trail off, glancing into the crowd fawning over the two dancers on stage. Another member of the club comes up behind you. He had long dark hair out into a half bun. His nipple piercings glimmered in the strobe lights reflection.
“Hey, I need your help on the floor. Satoru is going on break and you're up next.” He said, his voice smooth over the electro music. You nod your head and wait for Satoru to come towards the employee break room. He comes up to you and your shift lead. He hands you his tray, clad with a black and white checkered design. You take it from him and watch him and the shift lead walk into the back. You sigh softly. It was obvious they had something going on.
You wave goodbye to your coworker and head onto the floor, swinging your hips with each step. You walked over to the bar to get the next order.
“Hey, Nanami. Who's up next?”
Nanami glances at you behind the counter, his dark brown glasses hiding his intimidating eyes.
“Whiskey, on the rocks. Table 94.” Nanami stated bluntly. He wasn't the type to have a conversation with those who he didn't consider in his personal circle. You nod and glance to the table he referred to. You are met with those same predatory emerald eyes. Quickly breaking your gaze, you stare into space for a second. Nanami gives you a look.
“He's watching you.” He says, his voice a low murmur. “Do you know him?”
You shake your head. “No. He's one of Mei Mei’s clients. For money.” You specify.
Nanami glanced at the table. “He looks like a dangerous man. Be careful.”
You gave Nanami a grateful look and sighed softly.
He places the caramel colored liquid on the bar top. You take a deep breath, gathering your confidence. “Okay, okay.” You breathe. Placing the glass onto your tray, you begin walking towards those watchful eyes. A chill runs down your spine as you get closer to his table.
His eyes never leave your body. You put on a sugary smile, pretending you don't know him. “Hi there! Here's your order.” You place the drink onto the table with a slight clunk. You notice the cigarette was still in his mouth, now lit.
“I'm sorry, sir. Smoking isn't allowed inside the building.”
He arches a brow at you. “I know the rules here, doll.”
Your eyebrows twitch, annoyed with his carefree attitude. You still give him a sweet smile. “Please put it away.”
He scoffs. “Or what, babe? You gonna make me?”
You drop your smile. “I am just doing my job. I'll have to call the manager if you continue to disrespect the rules of the club.”
“You're gonna have to ask nicer than that, sweetie.” His lips curve upwards into a smirk. Your face glows red with embarrassment, lucky the club was dark and he couldn't see it.
“Please put the cigarette away.” You say, much more politely than you wanted to. He gives you a wolfish grin, taking a long, exaggerated drag and then blowing it in your direction. Your temper rose, your blood boiling. Before you could think rationally, you took the cigarette out of his mouth. He glanced at you, a mild expression on his dark features. His deep jade eyes never left your body, studying your face. You take the cigarette and throw it on the floor, stepping in it with your heel, smushing it into the concrete club floor.
His expression darkened.
“Listen, doll. Nobody disrespects me. Especially not a stuck up bimbo whore.”
You stiffened up with anger and reached out to slap him. With incredible speed, he caught your wrist and pulled, tripping you and causing you to fall on top of him. Your eyes searched for him wildly, and his lips went back to that wolfish smirk.
He cuts off your protests with his lips against your own. You open your mouth to protest and he shoves his tongue into you. You squirm, but his massive rough hands hold you tight by your waist, forcing your thighs apart. He was greedy with his kiss, forcefully exploring your body with his hands. He tastes like cigarettes and you frown at the flavor.
A few seconds pass, before he finally breaks the kiss. He grins at you, noting how your cheeks were flushed and your breath was labored.
“Somebody enjoyed that.” He teased me. Your face went up in flames, scowling at him.
“You are seriously violating the rules of the club. Please let me go before I have to call my manager.”
Toji rolls his eyes. “I don't think Mei Mei will mind if I have a little fun. Besides, we have a deal in place.”
“What kind of deal?” You ask, curious.
He scoffs. “Wouldn't you like to know? Sorry doll, that info’s top secret. Not for cute little sluts like yourself.”
He flicks your nose playfully with his free hand. You wince at the impact and cover where he flicked you. He chuckles slowly, his hand on your waist tightening.
“Do you have any idea who I am, sweetheart?” he whispers slowly. You blink. He was right, you didn't know who this man was. Just that he was talking with Mei Mei. You shake your head. He chuckles, then laughs loudly like you just told the funniest joke.
“Oh babe… You are in for it, aren't you?” His scar curves up with his massive smile. You couldn't help but feel dread crawl up your spine like poison ivy. You swallow nervously.
“Don't worry, doll. I'll be gentle.” He coos. “Maybe…”
A soft gasp escapes you, your eyes going wide. Toji smirks and lifts your chin up with his other hand.
“Not like you're trying to leave anymore.”
You go red again and look away, all your previous confidence fizzling out quickly. Arousal begins to heat up in your core and you try not to close your thighs around his waist. He smirks up at you, getting in your face. His dark eyes sparkled with predatory mischief, and you bite your lip softly. He runs his thumb over your lip and laughs a little.
“Don't get shy with me now, baby. What's gonna happen when I see your entire body, free from all these stupid restrictions?”
To emphasize his point, he tugs on one of the straps to your leather harness. You blush again and open your mouth to defend yourself. The words get stuck in your throat and you look away your eyes sketching through the crowd of peoples, hoping something would distract you. Toji chuckles.
“You're so adorable, you don't even know what you do to me.” He coos again, tilting his head slightly. You look at him through your lashes.
“What do I do…?” You ask softly.
Toji raises both of his eyebrows, his smirk growing. “Somebody's being brave. You really wanna know?”
You nod, not breaking eye contact. Toji chuckles again.
“Alright, baby. I'll show you. Lemme take you to the back real quick.”
He effortlessly lifts you up, his hands on your thighs. You yelp and wrap your legs around his waist instinctively. He laughs in your ear, and you feel his voice reverberating in his chest.
“Where are we going?” you ask.
Toji gives you a confused look. “Don't you work here? We're going to a back room, baby.”
“O–oh, yeah…” You blush, embarrassed.
He laughs slowly, and begins walking down the hall labeled in glod letters ‘Private Rooms.’ You glance at Nanami at the bar, and he shoots you a worried look. You gently nod your head, signaling that you weren't in danger.
The hall was filled with quiet laughter, and the music was muffled. You subconsciously grip onto Tojis shoulders, and he laughs lowly.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I'm not gonna hurt ‘cha.”
You nod into his shoulder as he carries you into an empty room. The room looked like most of the other private rooms. There was a leather couch pressed up against the wall, matching the red aesthetic of this room in particular. There was a small coffee table in the middle of the floor with a lamp on it, emanating a soft glow. He sits you down on the lavish couch, his hands roaming from your thighs to the swell of your ass. Suddenly he slaps you, causing you to yelp. You push back from him, frowning.
“You said you weren't gonna hurt me….” You say with a pout.
“Oh yeah. I did say that didn't i?” He glanced away, pretending to think. You wiggle in his lap, your ass stinging. He roughly grabs your hips and forces you to stay still. “Keep still for me, doll— Yeah, that's it…”
You flush a little at the praise. Toji grins again, possessive and predatory.
“Yeah? You like that? Who's a good boy?” he says in a low voice. You bite your lip and glance away. He ‘tsks’ and harshly grabs your face, his smile fading.
“Look at me when I'm speaking to you, doll face. I asked you a question.”
“I–I am…” you mutter, your lips pressed together firmly. His wolfish grin returns.
“Good boy. I think you deserve a reward, don't you?”
You gulp and nod weakly, your body humming with anticipation. His smug expression gets impossibly wider. Jade eyes scan your body, unashamed.
“You really want me to tell you? Or d’ya want me to show you…?” He leans in, his warm breath fanning across your chin.
“That… That sounds good…” You agree, your voice shaky and breathless. Toji grins egotistically and his hands begin roaming your body again. He leans in closer to your lips and your breath turns heavy.
“Yeah?” He hums against your lips. “Where d’ya wanna take this, babe?”
You dont reply, instead opting to press your glossed lips against his chapped ones. You can feel his smile in the kiss, his hands gripping your hips tighter. You let out a soft whine that he immediately swallowed. The kiss is intense and full of lust and neediness. You're unable to fight your urges, an uphill battle. Your hips grind closer to his abdomen and he smiles slyly.
“Oh, sweetheart, don't you start without me.” His hands slide across to your thighs, spreading them over his lap even more. You barely register the sly hand traveling to your dick, before he gives it a harsh grab and you nearly choke. A moan spluttered from your lips and you broke the kiss, looking at him incredulously.
“Look at you.” He hums, possessiveness keeping in fond. “I could just leave you like this, drooling and panting like a fuckin’ dog.”
You could barely stop yourself from whining loudly. You grab onto his sleeves in a silent plea. He laughs and grabs you by the small of your back, pushing you flush against his abdomen. The friction makes you squeal.
“Ask me nicely.” He says lowly.
You swallow down your embarrassment and wrap your hands around his massive shoulders, burying your head in the crook of his neck. You open your mouth to speak, but a harsh hand grabs the back of your head, pulling you away from him.
“Look at me when you're speaking.”
You whine at the hold he has on your hair. He doesn't let go, and you open your mouth to speak again.
“Please, please don't leave me like this… N–Need you…” You feel hot tears well up in your eyes from the pain. He finally lets you go, and your head falls forward onto his chest.
“There's a good boy. Now, let's get you outta these stupid things.” His hands firmly tug your chains around your waist. You nod quickly and begin undoing your costume, throwing off all the accessories. All that was left was the shiny leather bodysuit. You blush. “Um…”
He gives you an inquisitive look. “Yes, baby?”
You swallow. “I… I can't get my zipper.”
He flashes his teeth. “Poor thing. Lemme help you, hm?”
His large hands briefly leave your body, but then skillfully return to your back. Warm fingers trace down your spine, causing your back to arch. He hums appreciatively. His hands slowly pull down the zipper, the sound cutting through the noise of your heavy breathing. You lean into his chest to hide your embarrassment, biting your glossed lip. As the zipper came to its end, Toji pulled the leotard down to your hips.
“Lift your legs up, baby.” He murmured. You raise your hips reluctantly and slide out of the costume, your heels falling off and clattering to the ground. Your now exposed dick twitched weakly and you glance away, embarrassed.
“There we go,” He hums appreciatively. He pulls your hips back down onto his lap, causing you to bounce. A whine escapes you and he chuckles. “I wanna see what I can make you do before I let you go. Now let's make sure you earn every penny I spent on you tonight.”
His voice was smug and arrogant, his hands roughly spreading your thighs. Your hips twitch slightly into his abdomen. He snickers lowly. “Let's see how much more I can make you shake, hm?”
You swallow and nod in lustful agreement. His smirk gets ever wider and he lets one of his scarred hands trails to your dick, already leaking, He wraps his hand around you, and you let out a mewl. He laughs darkly and begins stroking you, his veiny hands feel cool against your feverish skin. Your hips uncontrollably fucking his hand, soft whines continued to escape your throat and your eyes flutter close.
“Hey,” He snaps his free hand in front of your face. Your eyes blink open, hazy from lust. “Don't get shy on me now, sweetheart. I've just started.”
His hand moves faster, and you whine, trying to keep your eyes open. Your long lashes kept fluttering closed, succumbing to the arousal you were feeling. A hot feeling begins to build in your stomach and your hands grasp onto his shoulders. Your breath gets heavier and your moans get whiner.
“Yea? Gonna cum f’me? Be a good lil’ slut?” He asks condescendingly. You nod frantically, rocking your hips I time with his strokes.
“Beg for it.”
His voice was deep and taunting. His hand stops abruptly and he releases his hold. You whine loudly, rocking your hips frantically. Instinctively, your hand goes down to finish. Toji’s hand shot out to stop yours.
“The fuck you think you’re doing? I gave you an order.” His voice was hard, devoid of any previous lust. You flail helplessly on his lap, unintentionally grinding against his boner. He groans, and uses his free hand to slap your inner thigh harshly.
“Stop fuckin moving and answer me, slut.”
The sting makes you whine, and you finally pry your eyes open. “Pl—please… lemme cum…” Another slap causes you to cry out, the pain is a sharp contrast to the pleasure you feel in your core
“Wh—what? I asked nicely…” You pout, desperate for release.
“Yeah, well, I told you to beg. Do they just hire bimbos here?” He says degradingly. Your face goes red with embarrassment and you glance away. He roughly grabs your face, squishing your cheeks together. “You look at me when you're spoken to, got it?”
Your big doe eyes meet his dark pools of green, pupils blown out with lust. Your heart skips a beat and your hips tremble.
“Y—yes…” You mumble out. His arrogant smirk returns.
“Good boy. Now, does my favorite slut wanna cum in my hand or on my cock?” he asks in a renewed sultry manner. Your body jerks forward with his words, your face growing hot. His hand releases your cheeks, cupping your chin instead.
“I— I…” you stammer.
“Hm? I can't hear ya, babe. Speak up.” his deep voice drips with sarcasm, reveling in the way you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment.
“Y—your cock… please.” You ask softly, gently open your eyes to be met with a cocky grin. He hums a little.
His free hand drops to the button on his pants, undoing it with ease, his erect member springing up. You gasp slightly at the sheer size of it. It must be 8 inches long, the shaft throbbing and leaking with pre-cum. It rubs gently against yours, causing you to whine at the friction.
“Does the pretty boy likes what he sees?” He asks. You nod, trying not to drool over him. “Look at you. You're like a puppy, drooling all over his treat. You want it?” You nod once, transfixed.
“Gotta earn it baby.” His hand slides down your chin to your throat. “Wanna hear ya beg for me.”
You swallow, feeling his hand trace down your throat to your collarbone. “Please, please, n—need it, please lemme…. Wanna ride it, Daddy—”
The name slips from your mouth, shocking both of you. He paused, stunned for a moment, your hands fly up to your mouth, embarrassment washing over you. “I— Sorry…” You say, muffled. You watch as his eyes darken impossibly so.
“Say that shit again.” He growled.
Your breath catches in your throat, unable to resist his demand.
“D—Daddy…” you mumble.
“Fuck… the shit you do t’me…” He growls and lifts your hips up. “You ready, baby?” He brought the hand that wasn't holding onto your throat to your clenching hole. He presses a finger against the puckered rim. “Gotta prep this slutty hole f'me.” He mutters before pushing inside. The stretch isn't terrible, but it still makes you whine.
“You like that? Think you can take more?” He doesn't wait for an answer before pushing another finger into you. You whine and clutch onto his shoulders, your chest pressed against his.
“Fuck—!” You squeak, your hips rocking back and forth on his fingers. The tip of his fingers touch the bundle of nerves deep inside and you jerk harshly, letting out a shocked moan. “Yea? Right there?”
Before you could say anything, he pressed his fingers into you deeply, hitting your prostate with each thrust. Your mouth drops open and your nails dig into his shoulder blades. Your previous orgasm that fizzled out returned with fire. You whine into his chest, your back arching lewdly.
“D—Daddy… G–gonna—” You warn him in between breathless whines.
“No you're not.” He says firmly, roughly pulling his fingers out and wiping them on your thigh. You squirm in need, accentuated with a slap on your ass.
“Needy fuckin thing arent’cha?”
You whine. Tojis hand gently pressed against your chest, pushing you back from your hold on him. You pout, but he just grins again.
“Gonna put it in.” He says in a low whisper. You can feel his warm breath on your ear. Your body jolts, and you barely have time to react before he's lifting you up by your hips.
“W–wait—! Be gentle…” you say in a lustful whimper. He gives you a predatory look.
“Gentle?” he repeated incredulously, his voice dripping with mockery. “How adorable.”
With that, he shoves his entire length into you at once. A shriek leaves your lips as you feel his cock rearranging your organs. Your hands tightly grab onto his shoulders, your head thrown back in ecstasy. Your orgasm washed over you befroe you could even warn him, hot cum dribbling out of your dick. He ‘tsks’ in disappointment.
“Didn't give you premission to do that, hun.”
You open your mouth to speak, apologize, but he silences you with a rough thrust of his hips. He doesn't give you time to adjust, grabbing your hips and slamming you down onto his dick. Your moans were high pitched and breathy, the pleasure bordering on pain. You try to take control of your hips, trying to slow down.
“T–Toji—!” One of the hands on your hips slap your ass hard. You clench on his dick and he groans.
“Told ya what to call me, didn't I?” He asked, a rhetorical question. You force a swallow down and he begins furiously pounding up into you again.
“Daddy—! T–too fast! Slow—!” Another harsh slap to your other cheek.
“Don't tell me how to fuck you, boy.” He growled before slamming his dick up into your prostate. You scream, the noises ending in porno-grade moans. You couldn't even bother to be quiet anymore, the pleasure lighting all your nerve endings on fire. Another orgasm welled up inside you, and you tried to ask for permission this time.
“Please—! G–gonna—!!” You sob, the pressure nearly becoming too much.
“You better not, fuckin nasty slut.” He mutters darkly, and watches you writhe. You try so hard to keep your orgasm under wraps, but with his dick hitting that special spot that made you see stars, it was an uphill battle.
“Gonna—! I Can't— Daddy, please—!!” You whine out brokenly. His dick twitched inside you at the pet name.
“Fuck, ya gonna cum all over me? Whore.” His words sent your mind spiraling, and you nearly lose yourself. Your eyes roll into the back of you head.
“D—addy, please…” You plead hoarsely.
“Fuck baby, cum all over yourself. Make a mess f’me.” His permission sent you spiraling over the edge. You back arched as your dick shot out hot cum. It dribbled down his abdomen and he made another noise of disapproval. “Gonna ha’fta clean that up.”
You barely register his words, writhing with overstimulation. “Too– too much—! Please—!”
You whine, but it falls on deaf ears. He keeps slamming your hips down onto his, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing through the room and probably down the hall. Your fingers begin clawing at his biceps trying to get him to cease. Pleadin bubbles up and dies in your throat, replaced by whimpers and soft, teary whines.
“Shut the fuck up and take it, why dont’cha.” Another rhetorical question The pain became overwhelming, but Toji didn't show any signs of stopping. “Fuck you're so tight for me. Gonna breed ya, get ya fuckin pregnant.” He growls, and sending another shiver down your spine. Your dick twitched weakly, more pre cum dribbling out of the tip.
After what seems like hours, constant slamming of your hips onto his, his dick twitches harshly inside you. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum. You'll be good and take all of it, yea?”
Tears flowed down your face, your dick twitching weakly. You nod, breathy moans escaping you.
“Say it. Tell Daddy you'll be a good boy…” He demands, slapping your red ass. You jerk forward and mewl.
“Be… be a good boy for, for Daddy…” You say in between soft moans. He gives you a wolfish grin.
“Good boy. Fuckin’ take all of it.” Was his only warning before his dick exploded with his seed, coating your pink walls white. He presses your hips flush again his, hurrying himself inside you. The sensation made you tip over the edge again, clear cum dribbling out of you. He rocks himself slowly, riding out his orgasm. With a huff, he pulls out, his cum spilling out of you. Quickly, he pushed his fingers back into your hole, causing you to whine.
“You got a plug on ya, baby?” He asked. You shake your head, voice hoarse. He tuts again. “Next time, come more prepared.”
You shudder and nod, exited there would be a 'next time’. He pulls his fingers out and unceremoniously wipes the cum on your thigh. You make a face.
“Oh, be quiet. It's whatcha deserve anyways.” He says coldly. He picks you up and sets you beside him on the couch, buttoning his pants. “Maybe don't be such a nosy eavesdropper next time.”
You had nearly forgotten why he had targeted you in the first places You nod tiredly. He stands up and makes his way toward the door.
“Same time next week. Don't be late.”
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discoveredreality · 8 months
intro post <3
don't mind me editing this like every single day lol
my dm's and askbox is always open if u want to talk <3
anons are welcome too <3
also if u want to make new friends i am right here pls say hi im fucking lonely😭
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BELOVED MOOTS <33333 (everyone is tagging them and this is fun)
this in no particular order just whoever pops up on my dash or smth idk. not every moots just the ones i actually know lol. ok so
@im-just-here4853 my vent buddy omg we just vent to each other i love her so much idk what i would do without her <33
@the-gay-skeleton-in-ur-closet THEY'RE THE BEST OMGGGGG and they're nice and cool and shit <333333 i'm quoting myself it's fine AND LIKE SO NICE AND GOOFY AND EVERYTHING OMG
@cubemagnet somene i met on a random post and now we occasionally team up to correct grammar lol 🤓🤓🤓 anyways she's amazing :D and everything she says is so iconic like isjflsrijglruhglsuglijrsg
@book-girl4eva SHE'S AMAZINGGGGG. IT'S SO EASY TO GOOF AROUND W HER I LOVE IT. SHE ALWAYS SLAYS SO HARD. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SLAYS. idk if you'll see this but this is for u pookie <3
@mil-pinterest-sss-here-i-am ??? questioning why we're moots. but he's literally so nice. literally will be my therapist and help me w maths because that shit is impossible 😭
@dandelionflowery omg literally so kind and everything all the time. so fun fun reading their fics and doing shit together omg
idk brain isnt braining ill add ppl as i go along
moodboards made by my lovely lovely moots <3
so far i only have one here cause i forgot to link the previous ones whoops 😭😭😭
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about me
i'm ari. she/her. nicknames welcome. go wild. dude/bro/girl/literally anything is also fine. i use 'lol' and '<3' too much. minor. literally the biggest procrastinator and so disorganised i dare u to find someone worse than me. i'm indian but i live in australia. bengali/north indian idk. band kid :D my pinterest is here. PLEASE DM ME IF U WANT TO. I NEED FRIENDS. IM AWKWARD AND BAD AT MAKING CONVERSATION BUT STILL PLS 😭😭😭
personality/star sign or whatever
according to the mbti test here i am an istp-t. i am also a cancer. i found out my sun, moon and rising signs and the marauders version and i wrote it down and lost it so then i redid it and i lost it again so i can't bother at this point someone help me :(
time zone
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my music taste
i love taylor swift, conan gray, olivia rodrigo, sabrina carpenter and honestly a lot of other stuff lol. also love bollywood music.
favourite books and authors
i love reading and i'm usually a really fast reader lol. i love harry potter (fuck jkr tho), kotlc, chetan bhagat books, the inheritance games, agggtm, literally all of karen m. mcmanus's books, the divergent series, pjo and hoo, lorien legacies, the selection, powerless, soc, girl in pieces, dictionary of lost words and bookbinder of jericho, all the books by amish, and a bunch of other books.
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idk the usual?? if u think ppl arent valid or you're literally an asshole. honestly you all can go get stuffed. idgaf
tag games and shit
yes you can absolutely tag me. i love tag games and chain asks. sometimes i may not get to doing it but i usually will and it makes me so happy when i'm tagged lol
i don't post that much stuff so i don't really have mulitple tags for my posts. anything or any shitposting or thoughts will be tagged #ari's shit. for asks it's #ari gets an ask?
i'm literally obsessed with drarry but i'm mostly part of the marauders fandom. i'm starting to make my way through all of the marauders fics. i love love love hermitcraft. i'm an ethogirl literally who doesn't love etho?? also really into trafficblr. i literally love six of crows so much like omg. desperately trying to get through the magnus archives im only 8 years late haha i also love kotlc sm. (team foster-keefe forever!) i'm low-key in love with keefe sencen cause omg. aaaand also a bunch of other shit but those are the main ones idk bro
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i'm bored and this is too long already might as well add more so here are a bunch of userboxes :D
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and that's all not because i have self control but because there is a limit to images per post 😭😭😭 i literally had to delete some of my aesthetic images for this soooo
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all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
my profile pic is obviously from the makowka picrew here
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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