#I'm so excited to watch tho for the emotional validation
gxlden-angels · 1 year
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Not to ride Bezos's dick, but Shiny Happy People is free on prime video rn with ads and it's got all the hits including commentary from Fundie Friday, an interview of Paul and Morgan that's currently making Paul meltdown, and a summary of the "Joshua" generation
It is about the Duggars, so please be careful when viewing due to the nature of the documentary. There will be discussions of things like child sexual abuse material, child abuse, cults, and fundamentalism
#I'm so excited I didn't realize it was free#it's about the Duggars so be warned#and I am once again saying#it is about the DUGGARS family so please be careful#I'm so excited to watch tho for the emotional validation#this is the shit I was raised with#my grandad was 13 of 14 kids#my dad was 1 of 6#my nana wanted 12 and only stopped cause she got cancer#she's cancer free now thankfully!#but yea this is the shit I dealt with#I was lowkey groomed#still unpacking that part with my therapist#I was a fuckin sister mom#I helped raise the younger 3 from 11 y/o onwards#and it felt overnight too cause I was an only child then suddenly had 6 stepsiblings/cousins in the house#I was told at 14/15 years old that I was a sinner and disappointment if I didn't submit to a man get married and have multiple children#but was told unless I physically could not give birth because of something like cancer like my nana#I fuckin CRIED cause I had undiagnosed endometriosis and an irrational fear of pregnancy#I better fuckin do it or get use to fire and brimstone now#I want to see Jim Bob. Michelle. and Josh get what they deserve on 4K television#I want to see their girls go free and heal#And I want justice to finally be fucking served#I am very passionate about quiverfull families#They showed the Rodrigues family too who have 13 kids#idk if they showed the Collins with 10#n e ways I hope y'all enjoyed my brief moment of rage I'm gonna go to bed now#realized I didn't even explain the Joshua Gen but that's for another time#ex christian#religious trauma
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rieamena · 2 months
hii, i hope you are having a good day/evening/night!!
idk if u're recieving requests... i'm sorry if u're not TT but may i please ask for some billy kid headcanons with a sad reader? 🥹 like how he would try to cheer them up!! i feel like nothing it's imposible for him to do if it's for his partner!! and he would do everything for seeing them smile again 😭❤️‍🩹 like bringing snacks, or listen what's worring them, or go on a walk together, or play videogames, or watch a movie, or just cuddling! or everything together!! as long he can help and being at their side!
(i'm sorry if it's not clear enough, i'm a mess putting my thoughts into words TT)
(btw this is my first time doing a request eveeer, i'm too shy and afraid to ask for something even if i can do it anonymously 🕴 but now i'm being brave!) (i love how you write tho <3)
cheer up, baby!—
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billy would go all out, not just grabbing snacks from the nearest store but actually finding a way to get your favorite specialty treats. if you love a particular pastry from a specific bakery or a rare snack that's hard to find, he’d make it his mission to get them. he'd surprise you with a beautifully arranged snack platter, complete with your favorite drinks, eagerly presenting it to you with a bright smile. “i know how much you love these,” he’d say, his eyes shining with excitement. “i had to make sure you had something special today.” his thoughtful gesture and the effort he put into finding your favorites would instantly warm your heart
billy would soooo suggest cooking a meal together. everything seems to be going smoothly, you both have settled into a silent rhythm with very little mishaps, that is, until billy gets a bit too ambitious with the stove. maybe he turns up the heat too high, or perhaps he tries to flambé something without much experience, but suddenly, there’s a burst of flames, and for a moment, panic sets in. billy’s eyes widen in surprise as he grabs a nearby towel, trying to smother the fire. to his surprise, instead of being scared or upset, you burst into laughter. the absurdity of the situation, combined with billy’s flustered expression, makes it impossible to stay serious. your laughter is infectious, and soon billy is laughing too, relieved that he's managed to take your mind off of whatever was bothering you
turning your living room into a mini theater, billy would arrange a lineup of your all-time favorite movies or a series you’ve been wanting to watch. he'd create a comfy nest with blankets, pillows, and even a projector if he can get one. throughout the marathon, he'd ensure you have everything you need, from drinks and snacks to occasional shoulder rubs and cuddles during the emotional scenes. "i want you to feel better," he'd say so quietly, your ears never pick it up. as the television lights up with different frames, he’d sneak glances at you, swelling with love every time he sees you laugh or get engrossed in a scene. during particularly emotional moments, he’d pull you closer, offering comfort with a gentle squeeze and whispered reassurances. "i'm right here," he’d murmur softly, his touch soothing and constant
billy would build a pillow fort as a cozy, safe space for you to open up about what's bothering you. he'd dim the lights and play soft, calming music in the background. sitting next to you, he’d hold your hand or offer a comforting hug as you talk. he’d ask gentle, open-ended questions to help you express your feelings fully, making sure you feel heard and validated. "i'm here for you," he'd say softly, his hand warm and reassuring in yours. "take your time." his eyes would be filled with concern and empathy as he listens intently to every word you say. when you pause, he’d give you a gentle squeeze, letting you know he's right there with you. "it's okay, let it all out," he’d encourage, his voice a soothing balm to your troubled heart
billy would set up a gaming station with all your favorite consoles and games ready to go. he’d pick out games that he knows bring you joy, whether they're action-packed adventures, puzzle games, or cozy life simulations. and even though he's the competitive kind, he'd "unknowingly" let you win just to see your pretty smile that he missed oh so much. "let's see if you can beat me this time," he'd say handing you a controller. as you play together, he’d cheer you on and offer tips, his eyes lighting up every time you get excited or score a win. "nice move!" he’d exclaim and when you finally win, he'd laugh and pretend to be defeated, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "you got me," he'd say, eyes forming into crescents. "but seeing you happy is the best victory."
knowing how much physical touch can comfort you, billy would make sure you feel completely enveloped in warmth and love. he’d pull you into a tight hug, letting you rest your head on his chest while he gently strokes your hair. as he holds you close, billy would whisper sweet words of reassurance. “you’re so special to me,” he’d say softly, his voice full of genuine affection. “i’m here for you, always. you’re never alone.” the steady rhythm of his mechanical heartbeat would provide a calming backdrop, helping you feel safe and secure. if you start to drift off to sleep in his arms, billy would make sure to stay perfectly still. he’d adjust his position slightly to ensure you’re comfortable, but otherwise, he wouldn’t move an inch. his only focus would be on making sure you have a peaceful nap, the slight circles he drew into your shoulder a gentle lullaby. in these moments, billy would also find comfort in holding you. knowing that he can provide you with a sense of security and peace would bring him immense joy. “i love you,” he’d whisper, even if you’re already asleep, his words a promise of his unwavering support and affection
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nonnie this req is so cute but you are so much cuter <3 don't be scared to send some more or even just come to say hi! ur always welcome
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billy kid taglist
@pedrosimp137 @mary-moongood @nyxin-lynx @lemonboy011 @eisblume77
@amaryllisenvy @megan017 @astral-spacepumpkin @corrupted-tale @inkycap
@thurstonw @plapsha @lavenderthewolf @kurakusun @vitaevaaa
@sweetadonisbutbetter @cobraaah @mochiitoby @clickingchip @bardivislak
@h3r6c00k13 @cozi-cofee @apestegui-y @luvuyuuji @theitdoitnobody
@fersitaam @cathrnxxo @monkepawbz @fl1ghtl3ssdrag0n @dabislilbaby
@many-names-yuna @muffin1304 @doort @j3llycarnival @juuanna
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lilbabystuffieluver · 4 months
Welcome to my blog!
What's my blog about?
This blog is dedicated to educating people on age regression and the misconceptions of it! This is a safe space to ask any and all questions about age regression.
Here's a list of things/people I DO NOT want to interact with my blog! And if you do . . . Surprise! You're getting blocked! :D I reserve the right to block anyone with or without reason provided.
DNI if . . .
You participate in DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MBLG, ABDL, CGL or anything similar!
If your profile is NSFW
You are/support endogenic system(s)
You support pro-shipping
If you're anti-recovery
If you're anti-agere
You're a p3do/MAP
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or anything similar
Zoophile or necrophiliac
If you're gonna talk about politics
Support problematic people
You support autism speaks or similar things
Gore/sh/ed accounts
About Me
Hihi! I'm Alex! I've been an age regressor since I was 14, and I'm 20 years old now! I'm autistic and have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and a few other things. Learning about mental health stuff (including age regression) is my special interest! I prefer to interact with adults only, so please do not dm me if you're under 18. I run a sfw 18+ Agere server on discord so DM me if you want the link! I also have a partner/cg so please don't flirt with me or be a creep otherwise I'm gonna block you! I'm very excited to be able to teach others about age regression and hope I can help some people :D
What is age regression?
Age regression is a sfw coping mechanism used to cope with past trauma, or to heal your inner child. Regression can be voluntary or involuntary. It can also just be used for fun or as a way to relax. People who age regress mentally regress to the age of a child. This can be to any age but for a lot of people it will typically be from the ages of 1-6 years old. Age regression can present itself in many forms such as baby talk, playing with toys, watching cartoons, doing kid-like activities, being more vulnerable, using pacis, bottles, and sippy cups, dressing in a childlike manner, difficulty regulating emotions and more!
Can age regression be NSFW?
No! Age regression is strictly SFW and should be kept as such. The reason being is people who regress are in the mental state of a child, and children CANNOT consent. Anyone who makes it NSFW is taking advantage of the regressed person because again, they cannot consent to NSFW activities.
Why do some people have the misconception that it's NSFW?
When people think of age regression as NSFW, they're actually thinking about something called ag3 play. Ag3 play is a k1nk where someone roleplays being a child while their "daddy/mommy/d0m" (i do understand that lots of regressors use daddy/mommy in a sfw way tho!) interacts with them in an NSFW way. Ag3 play is borderline p3dophilic as someone is "getting off" to someone who dresses/acts like a child, and it's morally wrong. (If you support ag3 play, DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, or ABDL YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! 🙂)The difference between age regression and ag3 play is that age regression is actually mentally reverting to the mindset of a child, ag3 play is only roleplay. If you're making your "regression" s3xual, you're not actually regressing. It's just a k1nk and roleplay.
Is there a wrong way to age regress?
Absolutely not! Age regression comes in many different forms and the way you regress isn't wrong or bad! There's not a wrong way to dress, play, talk, or interact with other regressors (just remember to be kind!). Just because you don't fit the stereotype of pastels, pink, teddy bears and hello kitty doesn't mean you're any less valid as a regressor! You can even like scary stuff while regressed and that's perfectly okay! You don't have to be picture perfect to be able to regress. You can be messy and loud and anything you want! Just do what makes you feel most comfortable!
Do you have to have a caregiver to be a regressor?
Nope! Not all age regressors have, need or want a caregiver! Caregivers are completely optional to have as a regressor and some people feel more comfortable regressing alone!
What's the difference between a good and bad caregiver?
Here are some tips for weeding out good vs bad caregivers!
Good caregivers
Speaks in a gentle tone and doesn't yell or raise their voice to get their point across
Respects their littles boundaries
Doesn't use physical punishments (hitting, spanking, etc.)
Is understanding, patient and kind
Rewards their little for good behavior
Comforts their little when they are upset
Finds other ways of communication when their little is nonverbal/semi-verbal
Bad "caregivers"
Punishes their little for "not obeying" them
Hits or spanks their little
Yells or raises their voice
Is manipulative (ex: saying if their little doesn't do something they'll be punished)
Involved in any k1nk communities such as ddlg, mdlb, abdl, etc.
Doesn't try to get to know the big side of their regressor only talks to them when they're little
Calling their little mean names
Tries to make their little touch them inappropriately/touches their little inappropriately
Downplays their littles feelings
Keep in mind that every caregiver/regressor dynamic is different but these are some green vs red flags to watch out for when finding a caregiver. I'll add more to this list later!
What are some common disorders that cause age regression?
Age regression is very common in those with (c) PTSD, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dissociative disorders.
This post is a wip and more will be added later! Thank you for reading! :)
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
All the s/i asks with ur Undertale s/i??? >:33
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ANON I OWE YOU MY LIFFE RNNN QWQ,, (Just gonna copy and paste the other two answers since it was only two)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
~As for traits? Well,. she is a soul of kindness so hopefully stuff correlating to that? Probvs cuteified too tbh cause I know I look naive to outsiders so i bet she does too
~In my inserts design I was aiming for her to be more of a side character but I think she teeters the line cause of development lol. So I'd guess she'd be taken as one of the two. She followed the skele bros around a lot, and is generally in their section. She'll also be in Hotland visiting Alphys tho <3
~I hope she's beloved but she could also just be the, "annoying love interest every story has for some reason" and I'd say that's fair.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
~Obviously there would be new dialogue options, character interactions, a whole third bedroom in the skele bros house, a side mission, aaaand different stuff per which route the player is playing
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
~Probably naivety since that happens to me irl =-='
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
~With lots of emotions, essays, silly edits, screenshots, and excitement! Just, real accurate portrayal, death fodder, or the silly <3
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
~haha guess just kill me off and make me being too stupid too understand shit?
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
~Alphys 1000%! Our insecurities, flaws, and interests align too well afgkjg
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
~I'm hoping fluff but every fandom has people that thrive off angst soooo. Plus, hard to resist a good, "partner dies in their arms fic" right?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
~ Not anything special, just combining names like "CiRus" or "PapCi"
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
~Not sure? tbh I worry people would find the ship boring cause we're a lot alike
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
~Maybe Alphys or Sans sense we're besties? Tsunderplane cause I think their cute and would say so? idk really dsfkjsdg
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
~Heehee most likely friends to lovers going along with the source! More specifically, I bet there would be a lot of first confessions, pining, and/or angst involving their relationship in No Mercy timelines. (In a no mercy run she helps Alphys evacuate the citizens and is too late to save Papyrus. Instead, she ends up watching him die on Alphys lab screen :(( )
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
~Friends to Lovers
~Mutual Pining
~Endearingly Dorky
~ Insecure Love Interest
~Eh, stuff like that
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
~The hopeless romantics like myself will appreciate the the facial expressions, the descriptors, and the the general fluff of it all <3
~Dislike it for feeling shoehorned, or uninteresting most likely
~I can't see it starting debates tbh. Just like, some people are more interested than others and/or some don't care either way.(It's a background thing anyways)
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
~WE ARE THE CUTE FLUFFY SHIP EVER! THAT'S WHY!! No problems, just two mentally ill skeletons vibing and kissing sometimes <333
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
~Cici clearly excited whenever he's around
~VCi getting all nervous around
~She brings him a lot
~Idk it's everything with her tbh
~On Papyrus's end it's more subtle though. Little things like him offhandedly mentioning her unprompted in a phone call
~Saying how he wishes she was there to share something with him
~Waiting to do things until she's around
~For him it would be little text stuff
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
~I imagine it being shown over time or maybe in a slow burn kind of style? Lots of stuttering and red blush, stuff like that <33
~Strong focus on death or pining no in between gkjslgkh
~(Insert the many misconceptions with Papyrus here)
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterizations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
~I mean, I'll be more willing to try things and be more silly in general. A bit more open with the things I usually feel insecure about sharing cause' they're viewed as childish. Really, they make me feel safe so I'd be more unabashed in everything.
~Papyrus would have a forever friend! Someone that can help with his low self-esteem and wants, hopes, and dreams!
~Won't affect the world so much. Paps and I are just seen walking together a lot and the townsfolk probably gossip(especially the bar-goers and Mettaton dkjgsd) (Did I ever mention that Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton are dying for us to hook up? )
~I work at grillby's so he has more help and the player can talk to me there? idk lol
~I mean, there's lots that could be drawn from that considering Ci is a hacked in self insert that was added in by a human
~She has human memories but also lives with the monsters so she'll have a unque perspective on things for the time
~But idk if it would be too meta heavy??
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hooniiverse · 3 years
𔘓⁩ enhypen reacting to you coming out as bi !
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happy pride month, babies <3
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ HEESEUNG
most supportive boyfriend ™
he'll be so excited omg
it almost seems like he's more excited about this than you are
he's gonna ask you soooo many questions omg
"how did you find out, when did you find out ... "
you're gonna be bombarded with questions and literally won't even come to word
very very proud boyfriend uwu
lowkey gonna tell everyone how cool his girlfriend is ( of course only those who you've already come out to hehe )
read the other members reactions under the cut !
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ JAY
he knows something is up when you suddenly start crying
you were just watching a movie together and suddenly you started crying out of nowhere
jay is so worried and doesn't know what to do
doesn't have say anything, just holds you tightly
he doesn't pressure you into telling him anything, he waits for you to say something
eventually you come out to him
he feels so many emotions at once omg
he's happy that you feel like you trust him with this and don't hide it any longer from him
but he also feels sorry for you for having to pretend to be someone else the whole time
"i'm so happy you trust me enough to tell me"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ JAKE
it happened during a fight
people started spreading "rumours" about you
saying that you had kissed a girl in the past and that you were gay
they made it seem like you didn't like your boyfriend and only used him to seem straight
your parents found out about this and confronted you during dinner with Jake
angrily storming off, you yelled at Jake saying that it's true
you didn't plan on telling him any time soon
and certainly not like this
"yes i do like women also, so what?"
he just replies with "exactly, what's wrong with that?"
you just awkwardly stare at each other for like five minutes not knowing what to say
it gets a bit too awkward for Jakes liking so he hugs you tightly and kisses your forehead
"wow, i'm so proud of you, baby"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ SUNGHOON
he's just gonna be like
"okay and what was the big news you wanted to tell me"
any fear you had telling him disappeared once he said that
he makes this so much easier and less awkward for you
doesn't wanna make you feel like it's a bit deal and that you're any less valid
"i don't see why we need to make a big fuss about this! you're not any different than you were before you told me"
he is extremely proud of you
will be concerned for one thing tho
since you like not only boys he'll have more competition
but he knows he's stunning so he'll get over it eventually
you just can't resist his charms
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ SUNOO
an emotional mess omg
he's gonna be an absolute angel about this
he begins to panic when you start crying
poor bean doesn't know what to do
he's literally speechless when you tell him
turns out sunoo is the one crying now because he is so proud of you
it's now you who has to comfort him not the other way around
"happy pride month, baby"
lots of cuddling afterwards
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ JUNGWON
confused ™
he is just very confused at first
like you can literally see the question mark in his face
but will be supportive once you've explained your sexuality to him
he is very careful what to say at first because he doesn't wanna offend you in any way
will educate himself about it to not say anything wrong
forces you to watch documentaries and YouTube videos about it
people who don't know the situation you're in could assume that jungwon is the one who's bi judging from his search history haha
will fight anyone who insults you for your sexuality
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ NI-KI
gonna be a little overwhelmed at first
he feels scared to say something wrong so he doesn't really say anything
a big procrastinater omg
he thinks he'll come off as rude when he doesn't say anything but at the same time doesn't like wanna say anything wrong if he does say anything
does his best to understand how you're feeling
almost cries the first time you tell him because he thinks he's hurting your feelings because he doesn't understand
he'll be holding your hand the whole time
similar to jungwon, he'll educate himself about the topic and plan a coming out party with those who you've also come out to
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 19: how're the fjord moon theorists doing
(I still do not know what the fjord moon theory was, I missed that meme train)
update: preroll music still slaps
djsdlk matt started too early didn't he
travis being a hand model
wait why are liam and laura swapped
oh THAT'S why
sam no
"this is why you wouldn't let us see the copy!"
I'm just fully not looking at the screen anymore. I have a pringles car in front of the subtitles
no wait I lied I looked over in time to see travis dying
the tary dice are amazing
"ahhh, too real"
"surprise us" they're all getting lime juice
took me a solid ten seconds to realize travis is wearing a ring pop
and laura too! I know things
laura will never get the name of that place right
ashley's glasses are cute
"does this person still have enamel on his teeth?"
taliesin doing the kombucha girl meme
aw him lonely :(
oof, premature labor
hey, I recognized dressig's name!
ALYXIAN that's a badass name
liam's eyebrows at "matron of ravens"
[side-eyes That One Part of exu kymal]
lmao MATT forgot the name
you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you
he keeps saying "ill omen moon" like "ruidus" is voldemort
I always want to laugh at extremely location-specific tavern names but everything around here is "peach state [business]" and when I was in dc everything was "capitol [business]" SO
"calm down, DAD"
"I can't roleplay while you're watching"
liam's eyebrows went into space again
"gingers, man"
"don't you 'just vex' me you fuck"
"VAX stopped aging" sir
it's a valid theory tho!
"what is happening at this table right now?!" "it's the lime juice!"
they just can't not take the piss out of their old characters
I miss caleb's keen mind
"caleb knows EXACTLY what time it is, but liam..."
"cold dead eyes, come here"
"you can't have my eyes" "gotta sleep sometime"
shroom 20
"I KNOW what I'm about to say"
"I'm so excited to see what your next character is"
"are we getting off-track here?" "probably, but it's fun!"
this is the water plane isn't it
baja blast water plane
okay gepetto
"if we ever need to get rid of chetney"
you fish for that backstory laura
chetney's face
wait was it The Tree
"that tree had some serious pollen in it"
marisha's face
"I assist by smiling"
okay that's so smart tho
travis u okay
lil cal
"I've had this club night"
"I love a choking hazard"
travis ur face
am I the only person picturing the werewolf episode of doctor who
not the glasses
"you have a hard time focusing" vibe of the night
"and it kills travis"
"he's going to find a werther's"
simultaneously having emotions about imogen and sasha nein, which is A Spectrum
y'all this is gay
[quiet chants of "po-ly-cule, po-ly-cule" in the corner]
moon check
liam are you trying to make me cry
oh good he is. excellent.
gonna fly to la and kick him in the shins
"us around old people"
wholesome creepy
ur face
"thinking of the story she told him the other night" oh shit
"I'm gonna regret this purchase" "I'm not! :D" "you're not the one sleeping next to it" "nope :D"
"which one" which one do you THINK, MATT
"it got red! it got red!"
liam sdfjs
bitch out the moon
travis is me
hello 911 laura bailey is murdering me with acting
don't you call it now matt mercer so help me god
hey what the fuck
it's the other one for all wielders
orym :(
laudna :(
"I could help you"
fearne I would kill for you
I'm just picturing all-white eyes with purple lightning-veins
ten years :(
and she's only known laudna for like two, right?
all those years waking up alone
what if she thought if she didn't get to safety in the dream she wouldn't wake up
god that's so fucking wholesome I'm gonna fucking die
everybody gives her one and she looks like the most popular girl at camp
"everybody loves the FUCK out of you and we will FUCKING murder a fucker"
orym's little pillbug sleep
the dice support the narrative
oh I like this dark goldy color
my roommate calls friendly players in red dead online "blueberries" bc they're blue dots on the map so every time they say it about imogen I get confused
marisha really ships it huh sdlkfjsl
this is making me wanna play dishonored
"I'm never gonna use it for myself" li am
okay that's a little badass
oh god they're gonna blow up the whole thing
"wind folly" I don't know why that makes me miss dorian
"a very potter musical" draco malfoy vibes
it's ON MARS
he's already so tired of them lmao
I fucking love this
"we should have scouted" "YEAH"
they're trying to get the laser tag rules and the attendant's just 🤷‍
he gets hoa letters all the time
they try to go back out the front door and get attacked by zombie dogs
"massive warhammer" "no armor?" "bard!"
sure jan
trying to clock the cleric
matt: nice try
throw the tanglefoot bag right as they go
that's my prediction for next week
"this is a normal thing that every child did!"
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its-tie-kir-ra · 3 years
As someone who is a full-time inukag shipper, I totally get where your coming from w/ the inukag scenes where Moroha just "accepts" her parents.
I think though that most inukag shippers are no longer watching YH (myself included), and that we have collectively decided to ignore the context behind the inukag scenes and just focus on those individual scenes as a whole. That's why we haven't really questioned why Moroha just goes w/ the flow, because:
1) we actually want to relish the few inukagmor crumbs we get even if it is a little pathetic
2) we take certain aspects about those scenes, like InuKag being loving parents and Moroha being a happy daughter, as actual canon because it fits with how we always imagined an inukag family to be in post-canon, even before YH.
And 3) we know Sunrise, especially Sumisawa, are not smart enough to write about a rational, emotional struggle as big as coming to terms w/ finding your birth parents and what that might realistically do to a person. We've accepted the fact that the writing is shit and that a realistic portrayal of such an emotional struggle is too good a concept to be written into such a shitshow like YH, so why make a fuss about it anymore?😪
That's just my theory at least. I know I'm taking InuKag being loving and doting parents, with Moroha being a happy daughter as one of the only actual canon things from YH.
I've seen some YH fanfics that dive into that particular struggle tho, if you ever wanna look them up on FF.Net or Ao3.
This is a response to this post. It's about how the show doesn't handle adoption/child abandonement well, and I used the example of how Inukag are going to handle this going forward and how the scenes feel really hollow to me as an adopted kid. I'm not trying to crack on Inukag shippers for liking it. Like what you like.
You realize that making a fuss over those scenes is sending the message that this show has an audience and it will keep going, right? Like you're allowed to do it, but don't pretend that it's ultimately not sending the message that you're ready to spend money.
I don't understand this. Fandoms scream and cry and beg for shows to be brought back. When they're brought back, the fandom usually hates it, except for a few parts which they get excited over (which I have a whole theory over how eventually you just run out of story to tell). Then they beg for more. And the cycle continues. Like read fanfic if you want to get that Inukag hit so badly. Like fandom prides itself on being very "Canon, who cares" and then as soon as the creators announce more is coming they turn into Oliver Twist. Is the validation that important to you?
It's like the live action thing. Everyone is out here getting so excited over the ATLA live action, but I'm dreading it, because when has there ever been an anime to live action that's good? Mulan, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Beauty and the Beast, THE LION KING, all were adaptations that were pretty freaking terrible, both in adapting their works and making a new story, but that hasn't stopped like 6 more being announced this past year and them bringing in billions of dollars and every time people are like "IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT!" So I don't get it.
Watch another damn show. Those sequels and live action adaptations are not about making you happy or bringing the fandom together. It's about making money.
I'm not trying to be an asshole but Jesus Christ sometimes I feel like I'm losing it watching this, because like, my favourite anime is FMAB, and everybody wants a sequel, and I don't. Because the ending was perfect. Why would you want to mess it up? It's way more fun for me to imagine what happened in my head or read a fanfic than pay someone to tell me what happened that will ultimately be treated as "more official" (which isn't a bad thing because I also believe that we should be respectful of original creators because they're fucking human and they're eventually going to run out of ideas and it's potentially going to be bad). All a sequel will do is disturb the tranquility and ruin whatever better ideas that the fandom came up with. (Because there is no way in hell they'd let Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, be the house husband he was destined to be.)
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Adds "talk about sequels" and "talk about adaptations" to list of video ideas because I have way too many opinions
(I don't doubt that Inukag would've been great parents. Y'all can fight me on that. But when I see comics about Ayame and Koga raising Moroha as "Aunt Ayame and Uncle Koga" (which is BS in itself, Koga and Ayame are her parents in that situation and I bitched about how much I hated Koga raising Moroha for 10 minutes in my video because I don't care what y'all say he wouldn't be a good parent to a quarter demon but ULTIMATELY HE IS HER DAD) and everybody going aweeeee that's exactly how it happened, like, you're treating it like it's canon. Stop pretending you're not. You're not ignoring the context.)
(I feel like an overinvested crazy person right now.)
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scalpel-mom-mori · 3 years
6, 10, 18 and 25 for the soft asks :D
Also, how are you doing?
6: three nice things about me physically, and three non-physical.
- I have nice eyes
- I like my nails because I don't need to wear acrylics if I want to wear them long
- I'm relearning to love my body as it is.
- I genuinely believe I'm a good writer
- I'm mean, but I'm kind where it matters most
- I like to think being an affectionate person makes the people around me feel loved.
10: what's something I'm excited for?
okkotsu yuuta??? Is that a valid answer?? He?? I love him??? Irl? Spring break. Even tho I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. It'll be fine.
18: do I still love stuffed animals?
i do! I brought panda senpai plushie to school with me because I watched jjk 0 last night and I'm in emotional agony so he's here to make me feel better.
25: best personal gift?
I got a nice pair of boots for my birthday >:D
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luvhrs · 3 years
shadow and bone — ep 3 thoughts:
(might have to stop here and continue tmrw after i finish this stupid stats hw 😤)
rapunzel!alina with all the light imagery in that dream
suddenly i'm watching bridgerton
i like this ginger lady miss safin can they be besties
whoaaa a tailor??? how many kinds of grisha are there :o
kaz seems pretty adamant on the sun summoner not existing 👀 i wonder why
pretty nina~ yo now that i think abt it the extent of heartrenders' powers must be p wide tho couldn't they also just. stop someone's heart from beating in a snap
cool cinematography again!! (is that even what it's called) why is jesper eating the random biscuit(?) 😭😭😭
money money money. ain't it funny. in a rich man's world
god i'm sorry there's gonna be a lot of jester loving on here he is just. So Very Attractive and i am So Very Weak
andddd he took a detour to gamble 💀
kirigan appearing out of nowhere bcs ~shadow~ also this silhouette shot is very nice
oh my i wonder how she'll show her power. let's go exalted council
me to kirigan if i were in alina's place: [rihanna voice] what's wrong with me? why do i feel like this?
how did alina do that??? did kirigan cause that somehow??? bcs shadow needing light or vice versa or whatever but either way i'm excited to see her fight and awaken more of her power aaAAA
"you were perfect" silco haunts me. anw kirigan is very sus to me rn this feels like his plan wASN'T THAT TOO EASY
uhhhh ok sudden hostility from zoya 😐
ooh look man of progress poster (i'm just making arcane and DA references now lmao sorry)
"hope is dangerous. it clouds your judgment." sounding a lot like "emotions always screw everything up." kaz and hank ik y'all are just 2 big softies
oh no nina's still in trouble!!
convenient ominous giant train!!
ok zoya has the hots for kirigan the "she's in good hands" thing /was/ in jealousy (also yeah nadya(?) me too ngl hahsjdjdd)
stag again??? what if these are her memories coming back to her 😳
bet kirigan's lurking (haha get it) in this library somewhere. oh wait that's the spiritual adviser. he's a bit creepy 😭
i absolutely love how many kinds of grisha there are!!!!! feels like pokemon. i gotta know them all
as a burnt out gifted child with nothing left of my gift now but a desire for academic validation, i like baghra bcs if she were my mentor she's the type i'd want to impress. and she's pretty
oh i just noticed the grisha's uniform design depending on their power i'm BLIND
are these all the grisha existing rn or no? there are less than i expected
bro go easy on alina can i order an adjustment period 😭😭😭
he's so fucking cool ohmygod you guys and if i repeat this scene all night
but also he shifted his weight fuck what's gonna happen???
he is forming a lifelong bond with that goat i bet that being said i would like your hand in marriage sir
also jesper's actor giving us everything??? (also everyone else rly goddamn i hope the other charas get cool solo sequences like this too!!!) wHEW that GAZE at the beginning and then after everything seamlessly transitioning back into the funny clever persona 🤌🤌🤌
yo i rly love alina's letter to mal tho... idk there's smth so human abt it. it's abt the perpetual "i can go anywhere i want, just not home" feeling!!! it's abt the self-discovery and finding your place in this world!!! how it's a universal experience and yet every person goes thru it uniquely, not to mention blindly. smth hopeful in knowing that even the most powerful person in the world probably struggles with their identity
"you have always been my true north, mal." BITCH I'M 😭😭😭😭😭 that is the sweetest thing ever girlie dON'T U DARE CHOOSE KIRIGAN OVER MAL I SWEAR TO THE SAINTS
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banghans · 4 years
Noo I'm really sorry tho, and like you have no need to apologise!! I know you were busy so it's absolutely okay, no worries!! (yeaah, I would put this whole ask under read more if I could but I can't so I try not to spoil anything for others)
I don't think there would be moment what will live up to that sport festival maybe that one moment kacchan..you know what. Anyway that sport festival is truly unforgettable moment!!
Aizawa.. Im truly in love with that man as well.like I'm so mad he's sometimes so underrated..
DNDJDJDDJDJ IT'S NOT MY FAULT.. I don't know after that thing something broke inside me and....shut up._.💕 Exactly!! He's..whys so hard to put it in words..mom i love him🥺 but like he's not negative, he's just.. Ah I won't repeat your words you get me🙄😅But As someone who take feelings as weakness I do see a lot why he's like that and yeah, It just took me some time to realise.Eheh..you will riot huh?uhh....
Pff top three is something like that even legal to ask lmao.. Well as we know definitely todoroki,Katsuki..And still izuku. Although pikachu is kinda growing on me for no freaking reason. But yeah I totally get you, there's so much characters to be soft for🥺
I was crying, it truly becoming my favourite part because everything from the start was so..amazing.and it truly made me realise how much I love them all.. Dont mind me being little emotional right here lmao..Also you really underestimate me if you assume that I got to the rescue part by now.. ..even like 7episode after it all made me too emotional and I'm concerned😂
I'm actually starting 4th season now^^ I mean..by the time I send this ask I probably be in half or something😅I'm kind of quick watcher. I saw some news about the 5th season and I'm so, excited as well!! Oh my gosh that also reminds me..did you saw that emotional poster with kacchan and izuku? it honestly made me cry🤧 its so cute yet you can perfectly see how far did kacchan personality change, I'm proud of this boyy -✨
god its taken me 2 weeks to sit and answer........sincerest apologies
but ohhhh i just wanna rewatch season 2........a simpler time, im catching up with the manga now and its just.....all pain.......horikoshi please let these children be happy 
my greatest joy is u slowly becoming softer for katsuki :)) he’s such a bastard but god i love him....he deserves the world i will riot for him !! i mean it !!
ur top characters are so VALID, mr denki is a fave for me, i wanna cosplay him So bad its not even funny, lil pikachu man
i think u might like the upcoming season a lot if u liked s2!! they have combined training with the other classes at UA and im!!! really excited for it to get animated (im still not quite caught up but....my boi shinsou finally makes a comeback and im Thrilled) by now ur probably done with s5 i swear ur better at binge watching than me......WAIT
THE POSTER WITH KACCHAN AND IZUKU.....YES. the way i want to print a huge poster of it and hang it in my room i. ugh. yes. vety much enjoy 10/10
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junionigiri · 5 years
BNHA 227!!!! SO much emotions!!! Holy sweet potatoes!!!
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Starting with this sweet pic of Toga! I'm trying to analyze the stuff she's sitting on. Besides the dolls and knives and a camera, I think I'm seeing Shig's Chucks there so isn't that an interesting detail!!!
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So the chapter opens with Toga fighting for her life :( she has found a closet somewhere she hides in where she curls up into a ball and says something interesting at the brink of death--that is, that she has been there before :( the following discussion by Re-Destro somehow gives us a hint that she's pushed to the brink before precisely because she was cast aside by society as a villain, and that it comes with the hard life. That's pretty sad, that's an awful side of this society that Hori shows us. A neat detail when it comes to world building and an interesting commentary too.
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Giran gets schooled by that creepy Gorillaz knock-off; it turns out that this entire shit show is being filmed from up high, in the interest of spinning this into propaganda! I'm happy that they won't be able to use Toga's bit because shit that is creepy and icky and of course I'm rooting for the LoV instead of these creepy nerds
Giran tells them that they are all insane and he is right. Now this framing is interesting, as Re-Destro has already shed tears for the loss of Chitose. He then tells them that you can't move people without shedding your own tears... While we are shown a very vulnerable Shigaraki fighting for his life. Huh!
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I know all of us, as we are shown this panel have this to say in unison: Big Fuckin Mood. Shigaraki has not slept properly in a month and he's under very stressful conditions. Is it just me? I am impressed that he shows very accurate signs and symptoms of someone with severe insomnia and sleep deprivation--auditory/visual hallucinations, irritability (he says something about his mood in a different panel), other stress signs like vomiting.
And of course, flashbacks of a curious nature, which I think also occurs in stress disorders like PTSD. It's nice that he's still able to name his older sister Hana... What a little cutie pie, I'm sad that she's most likely already perished :(
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Ahhh, and I know we know from ages ago that Shigs is Nana's grandchild but there's something about this confirmation that is really moving? Very small details like the way Shigaraki calls her Hana-chan (so maybe a younger sister?); the fact that she also has a mole on her right face; the appearance of the study, the precise location where Hana got the pic. what the picture looks like.
There's a lot of questions we can ask here. How much of this memory of Shigaraki's is real? How much is fake? Why is the memory incomplete? Did AfO take them out, or is this something that he missed out when he "distorted" Shigaraki's memories? Also, I didn't understand what he was about to say about their dad but it feels like there's some resentment there?
One thing we are sure of, Shigaraki seems to remember his grandma's face. I wonder how important this detail is later on!!! Ugh so excited!!
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And look at our boy being terrifying! I'm so glad Spinner is there to provide accurate Shigaraki commentary due to his Shigaraki vision! He dusted all those people including those he didn't touch, all while throwing up on Father. He has become a force to be reckoned with!!! I mean he killed all those people but I can't help but feel a lil proud of him.
And also very very concerned. Can someone please let him sleep already?!
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Hah it's cute that Dabi watches all of this, and then thinks that hey if Leader can kill people I should kill people too (implication being, he has been avoiding casualties even tho it's obviously a free-for-all! I wonder why?). He might have been impressed by Shigaraki,, or just hates that he's stealing the spotlight. Idk.
Now it's interesting,,,, that Dabi is going to face someone with an Ice Quirk. Oh lordy. An ice quirk you say. Perhaps a quirk similar to his brother's, or his mother's. Perhaps a quirk that will segue into a flashback and a subsequent powering up of his quirk, just as it happened for Toga and Shigs.
Is this it?! Is this the Dabi-is-a-Todoroki flashback chapter we have all been waiting for?! Are we finally gonna be collectively validated or let down as a fandom?!
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
omg that’s so exciting !! i hope you’re able to wake up as best as you can for skz, i’m sure you’ll have an absolutely amazing time hehe <3
and yayy i rlly liked the cb too !! i’ve been very impressed w the different kinds of genres enhypen keeps trying, i feel like i’ve had the title stuck in my head all week (especially that pre-chorus part ahahaha). i really liked foreshadow too tho omg! border:carnival being your favorite still is so valid tho oh my god…i swear i played drunk-dazed a million times that first week after i heard it LOL. i think border: day one is still my favorite, but i did really like this one too!
i also saw that you said you’d just watched the eternally mv for the first time 😳😳 it’s probably one of my favorites from txt, their lore is so mind-blowing LOL and that mv in particular is so like. moving to me? the scene with taehyun finding yeonjun makes me wanna cry every time ngl 😭
hi beck omg i'm sorry i'm answering this so late 😭😭😭😭 but thank you so muhc i had a great time and i’ll be seeing them again later tonight <333
also yeah the vibes enhypen bring with their title tracks are really cool to me, and also their songs in general, i’ve had pass the mic just stuck in my head bc the beginning lines (the “walk the line, i hate the line” part) has been replaying in my mind haha and yes!! drunk-dazed is literally so good, i love that whole ep so much, fever was my most played song last year HAHA and mixed up and not for sale *chef’s kiss* also border : day one is also good given-taken is one of the best debut tracks honestly 😩
OH YEAH! i watched it yesterday with my mom and omg it’s so amazing, i’ve never been as invested in a group’s lore than txt honestly, i love it so much!! also eternally was one of the songs they performed at their virtual concert i watched last week and so i was so curious about the song and when i found out the video was actually an almost 20 minute lore video my brain went 👀✨ the song is so emotional and then it switches to that darker (nightmarish?) side and it reminds me a bit of some of the songs from billie eilish’s bury a friend album. it’s such a cool mv tho and YES when i saw taehyun’s section i wanted to cry bc no i hate that he found yeonjun like that my heart it’s so pretty and heartbreaking all at once 😭😭😭
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y-kihyun-archive · 4 years
Secretanon5: Hi Chelle thanks 4 asking I'm okay :), How r u? I just graduated with a degree on Chemical engineer this year, what do u study? Right now I'm working as a teacher & applying for a job too :D I hope you're doing great at uni, try to do your best & remember that as long as you're learning, you are not failing ☺️. Abt, black swan MV is beautiful and one of a kind in kpop, Jimin dances like a Swan literally. My favorite bts song ever is IDOL for me is the coolest thing I ever seen 👌😍
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hey hey ok i’m finally replying !!! lol!! :)
i’m doing well!! it’s been a productive week, so feeling good! congrats on graduating w/ chem engineering aahh that’s so cool!!!! :O chem is already difficult but engineering on top of it !! that’s v exciting and i wish u the best of luck in ur job search!! :) & i’m an english major!!! :’) so lots of reading & writing to do aaaahhhhhhhh 😔 it’s ok tho i chose this life 😂 ty for the encouragement!! 🤧!!!!!!
YES the black swan mv--ART in so many ways! and yess IDOL is so cool!! :0 the song is so hype and then the mv is like BARF!!!!COLORS and i’m like truuue👁👄👁 !!! :’))
 SHOOT OUT SBS - OK WTF THEY LITERALLY SMASHED THRU GLASS 👁👄👁 !?!??!? 😭 why am i getting emotional asdjflas ok but shoot out is literally the coolest song/performance of all time, i’m- God it’s so meticulous and powerful i’m 😥😥😥💗💗
SHOOT OUT KBS - ASJFKDSJDGL that entire intro i HAVE NO WORDS. asdf crikey. i’m at a loss. THEY ARE SO COOL. shownu / minhyuk / kihyun did THAT and then JOOHEON JUST ,, RISING OUT OF THE FLOOR LOL. IM YELLING.i cannot do this why are they litearlly the coolest ajdksfl screaming
MYSELF COVER - oh my God this is literally one of the first mx videos i watched and it’s my JAM HAHA!!!!! may or may not have a downloaded an mp3 for my mx playlist  😶 what a masterpiece 😭😭
BEAUTIFUL+DRAMARAMA MBC - they rly got a band of small children for the instrumentals i’m 👁👄👁 ??? BUT LIKE VALID HAHA they sound amazing as always ;___; OK BUT THE TRANSITION INTO DRAMARAMA THO HAHA 1) the color blocks on hyungwon - CHEFS KISS and 2) those arm things are 👁👁👌 Very Epic personally i don’t understand how they are so sexy !!!!! but like i am rolling w/ it 😔 ALSO THE JOOHEON PYRAMID AT THE END ASDJ i’m YELLING
ok i’m done :’))) those were amazing !!!!!! how do they do it!!!!! 😭🤧 anyway i have forgotten how to breathe but 🤷🏻‍♀️ worth it 😂😂
!!!!!! if u have bts recs i would LOVE to hear them!!! :o i think i’ve seen most of their dionysus performances bc that was my jam HAHA but w/ everything else (esp their earlier stuff) i’m totally blank haha!!! :D
also awwww ahahhhsdafhadjf thank you you’re so fun to talk to !!!! and i hope after the 14th and i get to know ur identity we can keep talking & hold legit conversations hahah !!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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