#I'm so happy for you
hauntedwoman · 3 months
working in a bridal shop is so toxic for me bc everyone else is so excited for the brides and im trying to make them explode with my mind bc i have never felt any kind of reciprocated love and they're all younger than me :D
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mollymarymarie · 4 months
HELLO!!! the anon from a while back, the one that said "you changed my life with DYH and I'm pursuing a career that will allow me to help people." if you remember.
just an update! I'm on my second semester of community college, and I want to mention that I'm also tutoring children at my old elementary school!! it's fun, I get to see some old teachers twice a week, and I get to help little 7 year olds with their vowels and numbers!!
I haven't been on this blog in a while but I hope everything is going well for you love!! ❤️❤️❤️
I do remember!! Hi friend!! That sounds amazing!! I'm so proud of you for doing something you love, and something so important! You're incredible! ❤️❤️❤️
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theblackestofsuns · 5 months
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"I'm So Happy For You"
Perla La Loca (2007)
Jaime Hernandez
Fantagraphics Books
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systemshoutouts · 1 year
Proud of us for finally seeing sense and getting out of a toxic relationship, and not just getting out but finally blocking him everywhere. We deserve freedom.
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Have lovely day claire🥰🥰🥰
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Babe!! I wanted to tell you that I'm taking care of your request!!
p.s: tell me how things are going? How was the day at the beach? Did you meet the puppy your mother adopted? I'm really curious 💜j
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capitanschampagne · 1 year
bitches when they see theirs favorite oomfs interacting with eachother
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batllethinker · 11 months
it’s been amazing my kove, I met Elizabeth and Hailee at the comic con and ahhhhhh!!!!
Ah baby, you gotta tell me more
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aidansloth · 1 year
*runs back* I FORGOT TO SAY!! i got more legos!! they’re the succulents ones!! *jumps up and down*
what are the succulent ones-
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my-name-is-siduri · 2 years
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"I'm so happy, I'm so happy for you."
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"what's the appeal of drag kings" because women are my favorite guy next question
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kottkrig · 1 month
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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cabinette · 23 days
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fun times at the theme park!
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kyetalksshit · 5 months
I'm well aware at this point that this is nothing more than a virtual diary, and tbh I kinda like it that way. I've very recently started being more active again on tumblr and, as is my routine, started scrolling back through my text posts (especially the private ones -- wow there are so many hahaha), and had a wild time reliving the past.
I think it was a private one, but the most recent (or at least one of the most recent) was about Connor, back when we were both still in California. Ironically, we're both back in NC now, and even though I think about them a lot, I'm very relieved I haven't run into them. Thanks to some intel from my sister, I avoid the food lion in our hometown at all costs.
Something I kept thinking though was, it never had to get to that point. We were never meant to be friends that long, and in fact I don't think we were really even meant to be best friends past high school. Maybe even in high school. I mean some of this I've realized on my own ofc, but reading back over how I felt at the time...
Dude that whole friendship started because they fell in love with Kristen, their first best friend, but she was straight and stopped being so close with them after that. I've always been tender hearted and eager for love in any form, and so when they suddenly turned and looked at me and said ok we can be best friends now, instead of being offended that I wasn't appreciated until they had no other option, I excitedly ran into their arms. My family never liked them either, which I should have taken as a red or at least yellow flag, but instead it just made me cling to them more. At some point, my dad trying to tell me that it's ok for high school friendships to falter in college, just fueled my determination to hang onto it no matter how miserable I was.
They literally always took me for granted, and while I think they lowkey hated me, they loved the space that I filled in their life. And the fact that despite all of that, at our absolute worst I was wracked with guilt and pain and tried my hardest to work out my own frustrations on my own instead of calling them out for their toxic and shitty behavior? I understand why I did it, but goddamn I wish I hadn't had to.
I'm back in NC now, just had my first real Christmas in 6 years (or longer if we're not counting the ones where my family and I felt estranged even when I was physically there). It was wonderful and my heart is full. I've been able to see my old friends all the time whether we're playing dnd or not, and I've missed them so much. There have been moments of tension for me lately in that regard but overall I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm in this townhouse for another month and then I'll have to move again, and my roommate is currently silently moving her stuff out today even though we've got another month. I have a new job working at a vet office as a "pet counselor" and I love it.
There's not much going on for me right now except financial stress, planning for my future, and finally getting to spend time with people I love without reserve. But even so, the whole situation with Connor has been so heavy on my mind lately and I just wanted a space to grieve on that for a bit. Not to grieve the end of the friendship, but to grieve the time I lost while putting off the end.
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saradiation · 2 months
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Hey it's that time of the year again :D
HAPPY 413! 🎂
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caffichai · 4 months
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More Aurora!
Hey, if you're here, check this out!
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dragondawdles · 1 year
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the beastie <3
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