#I'm so haunted by this concept fr
fiorella-a · 1 year
A secret to be kept
Streamer! Aged up! Future! Kenma x Reader
-While playing a horror game full of jumpscares, he blurted out something– and that something was supposed to be a surprise for you.
-Gn! Reader
-Some cussing here and there
•Kodzuken is online
•Kodzuken's stream will start in 1 minute!
•Kodzuken is now live, click to join!
"Hello Everyone. Good evening, afternoon or morning to each of you here. Today we are playing a game called?"
"The hunt!" You say excitedly, "Me and Kenma are in a call because I'm currently visiting a friend."
Kenma smiles at the camera while nodding at your words.
:Heard that's a scary game
:Start! Start! Start! ✊✊✊
Kenma pauses while reading the chat, "alright Calm down and let's play the game, Y/n do you wanna read the game's information?"
"This game is in beta and is currently being observed for issues or bugs, please leave your reviews on what should be changed or whatnot.
Warning: this game will contain jumpscares out of nowhere. For those with weak hearts, please exit the game immediately.
You and your friends (recommended to play in multiplayer) decided to go camping out in Icho Woods, that's famous for it's haunted stories. Finding out there is no such thing as Icho Woods, you are now stuck in the middle of nowhere and desperately surviving. But hey! At least the haunted stories are true, though.
The game is fictional, anything that references in real life is pure coincedence."
After reading, you breathe in and out, "that was breathtaking. Now let's go on, shall we?"
Kenma nods his head before replying to you, "let's go."
:Hi! One of the developers here, hope you enjoy it :)
:Blessing to be in this stream fr 😩
"Okayyy we spawned in" you say in a surprised tone
"One of the creators of the game is here. I recommend adding a short cutscene of how we got here." Kenma looks at the camera and smiles politely.
:The smile‼️‼️
:We're working on it! We're also planning on adding more lives for the players.
A crawl was heard along with the sound of cracking bones. "What the hell was that? If i could be an emoji, it'd be the crying one" You say as you laugh nervously
Kenma chuckles at you, "No need to be af– THE FUCK?" Kenma swears as he gets killed.
:We're working on that bug! If you stay at the spawn too long it'll kill you, promise we're working on it.
:Developers sweating nervously 💀
"Okay, I got killed too, yay!" You say still clearly nervous.
"Alright, follow me, love. I see a shed over there" Kenma says as he goes in first before your character follows along.
"We won't get killed here, right?" Kenma says jokingly
:Nope! ☺️
Kenma smiles at the chats.
"There's a battery here, i think it's for a light? A car? I'm not sure." You say to Kenma and at the chat.
"Oh, is that all?" "Yeah" "Alright, let's go out."
As Kenma opens the door at the shed, the monster was lurking around and spotted them. Giving them a thrill-chase. The monster climbs onto a tree before finally ending them.
:As developers, we didn't expect to help in a marriage.
Kenma coughs as he realizes what he said "Let's exit the game."
"Sure, sure." You agreed and followed along with him.
Once you both left the game, Kenma spoke again "Once you get home from your trip, we can talk about what I said" He says as he turns off his camera at the stream.
"Alrighty, Love."
"I'll end the stream now, don't worry, we'll leave in a review afterwards. Goodbye, chat"
"Babye, everyone!" You say with excitement.
:*Gets onto knees* will u marry me bb? LMAO
:Bye for the two of you <33
:Looking forward to the reviews! Thank you and enjoy your happy life ❤️
•Stream ended 13 seconds ago
•Kenma is offline
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tewwor · 18 days
 🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒 
send🍒 for nice words >:) ( accepting ) — whoever sent this, ilu
anon, you're so goated 4 this. gotta crack my hand knuckles and brain knuckles for this because WHEW....... i do have that many folks i'd love to yap about in no particular order. also, this is so long — that's my only warning ❤️️
🍒 @desalvar idc if we've only written 1 thing together. i don't care if we haven't chatted an exuberant amount. i'm here to say i love nik sm and i love how passionate you are about him. those hcs i see floating around? eat them up instantly. i cannot wait to yap and explore more no matter how long it takes!!!!!!
🍒 @interxstitial YAINT SLICK. I SAW THAT OTHER ASK SO I MUST PUT YOU ON BLAST about how much i've come to cherish you. fr fr i haven't hehe'd haha'd with a relatively newish mutual this fast in a Long time. but you take the cake. the entire bakery, even. the way you just... okay, look, i said it literally when i first imed you, but your verses are so CHEFS KISS GOOD. THE WAY YOU WRITE IS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. JIWON AS A ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SO SENSATIONAL.
you're so silly, he's so silly, we're all so silly together. the marked literally became a whole ass community because of your enthusiasm. it genuinely encouraged me to not hold back and continue to yap about all of their stupid nuanced dynamics. and the way we have soooooo many threads together, but they all feel different? juniper's just babey!!!! he's the marked's babey!!!!! don't even get me started on ravi.... i did not think anyone would pick him up by the scruff and hang onto that bro frat man bro. hes so ridiculous but you RAN WITH IT AND WE KEPT SPRINTING. you're amazing, i'm so so happy i followed you all those months ago ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
🍒 @gollldrush okay, not going to lie. you're currently an inspiration for my writing. there, i said it. you're so well-rounded with so many genres — like how can you write the most visceral angst, fluff, action, and eerily atmospheric threads? hello? i'm knocking on your blog door, teach me?????? i absolutely adore leo and ellory both SO much. but the way you write rilen specifically has me fascinated.
also, not to mention, it's a field day to chat with you in the best way possible. you're SO nice and you, too, have contributed greatly to the inner dynamics of the marked. i can't wait to see what other shenanigans we come up in the future ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
🍒 @justsurvival KEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh. DARN. sorry if this comes across as too much, but i was so incredibly excited to see you back. would also like to thank the stars for aligning, because i literally got flashbacks to hatsune miku ORYN THE OTHER DAY OUT OF NOWHERE? the picture... haunts me....... anyways. you're a phenomenal writer across the board. you're so fun to chat with and your creativity's off the fucking charts. when i said i couldn't pick who to write a starter for, i meant it. the concepts are all so GOOD it amkes me ( wails on the floor )
🍒 @cordoliae vic, this is my official appreciate blog post tweet story. i cannot for the life of me... even begin to explain / do justice to how wonderful you are. like, as a person AND a writer — i am bowing down at the steepest degree. your writing is TOP TIER and it has influenced my writing so, so much. a lot of the prosier things i type has 10000% been from our earlier threads where mister no-good chanyeol plonked himself in baby jail to bother THE love his life 💗
also, idk if i've ever told you this but i got into botw because of you. like off to the sidelines, i got that game to relive some nostalgia and try to understand that world more and got dunked into getting lost in everything for an eternity. i would also like to POINT OUT that your understanding of ANY canon you write floors me. vincenzo? that's quite literally him pulled from the kdrama itself. BONGGIL? THAT'S HIM DIRECTLY FROM THE SCREEN ITSELF — ACTUALLY? I would like to also point out how ecstatic i was when you reached out about mutually loving exh.uma. i quite literally haven't tunneled that fast before, and while my focus is severally scattered right now — the best shamans are still in my brain. also, you're one of the 3 people that got me into op, so thank you sm for that ♡♡
🍒 @huntershowl ( kicks thru the wall big bird style ). raine... you.. i cannot describe everything i adore about you, but i sure can try. let's get the obvious out of the way, alright? seph, the creature that you are........ fantastic.. feral..... so for real with the cards you've been dealt............. i want to dub you and seph as THE ones that got me to progress jie so much. also litho HELLO? NOT TO DRAG THAT BEATEN HORSE BACK IN but i'm so serious when i say this, he's like so close to being a single ship with seph. highkey the reason why he only crawls out of his stupid cave when seph's around. it still might end up happening, but either way — the influence and sheer devotion and love he has for seph clocks me over the head every single time.
NOW FOR THE NEWERISH DEVELOPMENT. i might not be immersed in jj.k and only have a pinky toe dipped into wb / bn.ha BUT i know you're taking everything and everyone by storm. anytime i see one of your posts about anxiety ( which is so totally understandable ), i'd like to try and reassure you that there's an entire group of folks that love and adore your version of canons and ocs. and if anyone else tries to muck around like a fucking buffoon, i'll send a mathematical plague upon them i s2g
🍒 @xinxiins this is my confession.... not featuring usher, hi, it's just me. i'm clearing out the entire room to say that you have reconnected jie with his culture and i am so forever grateful for that. his slice of life verse version is currently hibernating, but i Did Not Forget about our yapping and immersion in a community he so desperately wanted to be a part of. and as someone that's also struggled with that connection, i thank you so so so SO much from the bottom of my heart. it's truly so incredibly special to have experienced that, and i hope to continue that in the future!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, YOUR WRITING IS BREATHTAKING. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S A GIVEN BUT I HAVE TO SAY IT ANYWAYS. AND YOU'RE A GEM TO TALK TO ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
🍒 @fangmother don't mind me scooting on by, but hi, yes, hello. i know we recently started to interact, but a) love the way you write b) love the lore you have surrounding rainer b.1) i was so immersed reading up on her bio / verses — like, truly, thank you for the meal c) cannot wait to explore more dynamics because already, i'm buckled up for more replies and will eventually reach out just to yap yap yap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍒 @miidnighters brodie.... 100 golden stars for you. just.. gosh..... i can say with full confidence, i will never tire of your characters ever. i don't care if we have a million dynamics with the x amount of characters i have. i still want more!!!!!!!!! you're so talented. honestly very inspirational. idr if i told you this before, but you are also 100000% part of the reason why i got so involved with the marked. OH? ALSO? LETS NOT FORGET HARBORVIEW TOO? before the marked consumed me BUT HELLO???? FLYNN IS HARBORVIEW'S COLLECTIVE GROWN MAN BUT ALSO BABEY. ahem, anyways, i've learned so many new things about my own characters because of our interactions. and i always, always wish the best for you / am so grateful we're pals.
🍒 @catfcng going to be so fr, idk most of the fandoms you run with but i want to ( eventually )!!!!!!!!!! there's just something so captivating with the way you write and bring attention to your characters in the best way possible. also? your blog's entire aesthetic is So Good. i hope to write more with you and will always cheer loudly from the sidelines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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~ Donna Beneviento with a haunted doll Reader ~
Note: back to being crackhead dhhdhdhh— I have the weirdest ideas in the world but I just thought How would Donna react and be around a haunted doll reader?
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• She found you in the least expected place that someone would expect to find a (haunted) doll, in the damn waterfall—
• Donna was going out today to sit near the waterfall near her house since she finally convinced herself to at least go outside for a little bit but that was until she saw you! Your lifeless battered and cracked porcelain doll body floating in the waterfall, shit! it scared the living daylights out of her when she first saw you like that
• But then she quickly composed herself and walked over to you, she didn't mind if she got herself a little wet to get you! She just found it weird that someone would leave a perfect doll out in the middle of the woods and especially in a waterfall! She just had to get you out of there and bring you back to her home
• Once she brought you back to her house, she began fixing your little cracks, polishing up your porcelain skin and getting new clothes for you that match your aesthetic in her opinion! She had a lot of fun fixing you up! After she was done with your upgrades she set you down on one of her chairs to go get something she forgot in the basement when she was fixing you up
• tho in those couple of minutes that she was gone you woke up! The last thing you remember was your friend owner threw you into a river when they had enough of you. You were confused and scared, You have no idea where you even are and when you looked around the place from where you were sitting, you don't remember this place at all! This is a whole new area,,, Did someone find you?. You decided to stand up in your seat to see more of the area around you!
• But before you can think more on the subject, Donna walked in and screamed bloody murder that had Angie come running in with a knife looking for danger— but when Angie saw what Donna screamed at, she looked confused as fuck— She didn't understand why Donna was screaming at a doll?? She has dolls all over the place????
• But before Angie could say anything to Donna, Donna interrupted her, “Huh?... Are you alive or?..—” Donna said in a shaky voice trying to figure out if she really gone insane for a second, “aH— i- well— I'm something that you would call a ‘haunted’ doll I guess?.” You tried to explain to her without her freaking out but to your surprise she didn't freak out!
• Donna looked more interested than anything else! Fascinated by the concept of something ‘haunted’ so her and Angie sat with you for a couple of hours asking questions about you and your past, it was quite nice to talk to someone that wasn't mean or scared of you- it was refreshing in your opinion
• After you guys talked for a couple of hours, she decided to let you stay here with her! Believe it or not she grew quite emotionally attached to you when she was fixing you up so you being ‘haunted’ was just a bonus for her! It would be nice to have some more company!
• Since now that you live with her, she includes you in a lot of her daily activities! Like gardening, tea parties with the other dolls, fixing dolls, making dolls, cuddling and going to meetings with her!
• Especially meetings, she just can't leave you at home! She gets so worried about you that she can't even function properly at the meeting, she's so scared that you might fall and crack yourself or someone breaks in and steals you! Every possibility that can run through her head, will run through her head
• So she has to bring you to every meeting and no one really questions it because it's Donna- like come on- The antisocial quiet Lord that already has a creepy ass doll on her lap has another one on her lap too, ain't no one going to question that cuz it is not worth the time fr
• But you're basically attached to her hip now since she carries you around like Angie but even more- Both of her arms will be full holding you and Angie, She's so so attached to the both of you! She loves you guys so so much—
Hope you guys liked this cuz I couldn't stop myself from making this lol but i maybe do more of this in the future!
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son1c · 11 months
answering some questions about my oc, fibula, for the @sonic-oc-showdown :]
🌼 - How old are they?
he was 16 when he died and will remain 16 forever!
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
chaos energy... although he's always had a soft spot for green apples and will still eat them sometimes just for fun, even though they don't do anything for his undead stomach anymore. same deal with green apple lollipops. he's big on those. and the caramel apple lollipops too!
💼 - What do they do for a living?
i wouldn't really call it "a living" but he DOES work for eggman. since eggman is the one who revived him, he kinda feels like he owes the guy.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
he REALLY loves to scare people. he gets a kick out of people's terrified reactions to his undead appearance. he goes about it in a really hammy, halloween-haunted-house type of way. in fact, i can imagine him hiding IN a haunted house, pretending to be an animatronic or something, but nope! there goes his head, rolling on the floor...
one of his more mundane hobbies, though, is something he carried over from when he was a live--magic tricks! specifically card tricks, and other relatively simple sleight of hand stuff.
🎯 - What do they do best?
fibula is super strong! he can flip cars with his bare hands. he wasn't always this strong, but being undead has its perks.
🥊 - What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
he likes to cause problems on purpose <3 it's exciting for him to see the pandemonium that ensues. a big part of the reason why he stays with eggman is because it's FUN for him to be a villain.
on the flip side, though, he also loves to take naps. this dude would marry a sunbeam if he could fr.
as for what he hates to do... probably think? haha. but really, to slow down and actually think about stuff agitates him a lot.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
a lot of his time spent alive was pretty bleak. he doesn't look back fondly on most of it. however, any memory with his sister he holds close to his heart. she was his sunshine in an otherwise gray life. sometimes, he wonders what happened to her... but then he forces himself to stop thinking about it.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
dying. even though he's glad it happened, it still wasn't fun in the moment. he's thankful his zombified body can't feel pain the same way it used to, so he never has to experience agony like that again.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
horror... and comedy
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
he/him menace, interested in whatever can get his adrenaline pumping the fastest
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
just one, a sister named femur.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
nonexistent. they're dead.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
his design + concept! i'm really proud of how it turned out, and i think a pink zombie hog is a really interesting idea that could totally fit into the sonic world with how i've incorporated it via chaos energy. :]
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
yes, two. the first one is flowers. and the second one is buses. i also have this thing i like to think about where he's scared of amy, specifically because of her name (rose) LOL
🍩 - Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
shadow t. hedgehog babey!!!
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
since 2020, so for 3 years :)
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grishaverse-chaos · 6 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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cheemken · 4 months
Y'know what,, have some lil hcs abt Regulus and An-An bc I saw art abt them and y'all don't know how quick I get attached to crack ships and rare pairs
•Horror movie marathons w the gfs, do you see my vision when I say Regulus canNOT handle horror movies, girl fucking hates it lmfao
-An-An tho? Loves them, has posters of her fave horror movies in her room that's why Regulus always insists they'd hang out in her own room instead of An-An's
-real tho, An-An purposely picks the movies w jumpscares in it bc she knows Regulus would cling to her when she gets scared. Bonus points she'd end up teasing her how weak she was w horror movies lmfaooo
-pls, Regulus is an absolute speed demon w her lil vespa, it's honestly surprising how fast it could go. An-An is the only one who can really tolerate and handle the fact Regulus has no concept of a speed limit
-but also it's cute bc it's also the same art that got me to ship them here look
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-also it'd be fun if Regulus drives her to the haunted sites An-An discovered. She wouldn't join ghost hunting tho, girl would cry fr edit: y'know the more I think abt it, I think An-An wouldn't let her join sometimes bc she knows Regulus would have beef w the ghosts lmfao
•Regulus would ask An-An if she'd still love her if she was a worm, SHE WOULD
-i have this concept that Regulus pulled in Schneider and Sonetto on that, just a lil prank y'know, to see if their partners would say yes or not
-surprisingly enough, only Matilda passed the vibe check lmfaooo
-Vertin walking down the hall after Schneider kicked her out and saw An-An on her knees banging at the door of Regulus' room going "Reggie, baby, I'm sorry! I swear I'll still love you if you were a worm!"
-guess Vertin isn't the only one sleeping on the couch tonight
•attention whore Regulus is so real and dear to me you don't understand, like An-An working on her blog? Hah, best bet Regulus will sit on her lap till she has her full attention
-sometimes just to fuck w her, An-An wouldn't even look at her lmfao, she thinks it's cute when Regulus gets all pouty
•An-An saw Regulus try out her red/green shades* once and she hasn't recovered since, her girl was so cute in her shades holy shit
-she let's Regulus wear it more often
•imagine APPLe giving An-An the shovel talk tho😭
-just this tiny floating apple trying to act tough and serious to a person ten times his size lmfao
-but also him crying bc augh his daughter is growing up and now she has a gf and she's gonna leave the nest soon and he starts bawling
-An-An had to calm him down
•this makes me wanna write abt them now ough,,
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avatarkv · 1 year
Hiiiiiii! I'm here again after reading the New chapter of Every Corner Of This House Is Haunted and I LOVE IT!!!! It was really worth it waiting a little while. When I saw the notification on my phone I was EUPHORIC!!! Thank you for coming back to us, dear author 😔😔🤙
Omg I was so broken reading Neteyam's part 😭 It seems like he's trying his best not to worry about his sister, but he's failing!! Like, after all the distance on their relationship, he feels like he shouldn't be worried, but he is 😟
THEIR FLASHBACK!!!!! It made me so happy reading a little about their sibling relationship :))
HE USED TO CALL HER TSMUKE 😭😭😭 WHY DID HE HAVE TO STOP?? Neteyam, pls, call reader "sis" back again 🙏
And it broke me so much the fact that the reader literally taught neteyam the concept of lie 😢 I mean, the navi language doesn't even have a word for lie, so it's normal to a navi not know the concept of it. But instead of him learning the word "lie" as something bad that hurts people, she taught him the good part of the lie, because she lied just to protect him 😭😭😭😭🙏
I kinda feel a little bad for Jake tho (not because of the situation with reader of course, he was wrong), but his whole life he's known as someone that brings chaos and destruction, and he feels he needs to be perfect to deserve to be happy, but he's so focused in it he doesn't even notice when he's being cruel and losing touch with his family. He somehow admits that he's responsible of the chaos the brought to the family and didn't even notice until it happened 😭😭😭
and I was so surprised by the end of the chapter when reader encountered the palulukan 😟 I can't wait to read the next chapter!!
I love your writing, the way that you work to describe both parts of the situation and not making it like "reader is right and jake is the villian". (Of course im a little biased on reader's side, but who cares 🤭)
It's literally the last thing I'm holding onto to stay on the fandom. Pls, pardon my English! I was so excited to comment on the fanfic that I didn't even have time to see if it makes sense.
Love you, bye!! 🩷💖🩷💖
AIKO MY WIFE HELLO thank you for mentioning the flashback! i actually thought of removing it from the chapter because i thought it wouldn't hold any significance whatsoever, but i'm glad i didn't! how you put it, with reader teaching neteyam the word lie is so heart-wrenching ;( yall are wise fr. to think that he knows that word as something soft and gentle because of reader is BEYOND me, i love you for that
i feel so bad for jake too bby: (( i genuinely think that he blames himself for every bad thing that has ever happened because he thinks he brought it to them himself. my man just wants to be happy
thank you for this! i really love exploring different perspectives and dynamics, it makes the story more in depth that way?? i'm really glad that i'm able to portray it well! (bby believe me, your english is good! ilysb, thank you for reading!)
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ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (4-9)
Again. I'm nitpicking, it's just how I enjoy a lot of my media. Overall I'm still giving the story a fair chance. (Except the Nehemia plotline)
Chapter 4
Really great opening paragraph, like honestly so good.
Proof sjm once understood that starvation would decrease breast size. Also proof that misogyny rots the brain cause god forbid Nesta didn't look hot enough for Cassian to fuck during her depressive breakdown.
Sorry, back to tog.
This chapter is great, amazing even.
Everything from Celaena falling asleep on the floor cause the bed feels too different after her horrible year in the mines
-> her reaction to sunlight and the small bits of hope she has
-> her figuring out a way to kill Chaol every 15 minutes.
-> her solemn reaction to the fact that no one else would be leaving the mines in anyway except death.
The scene with the dogs was nice. I like the interaction and characterization going on between these 3 main characters.
The scenery and worldbuilding is good too. We have Ellwye, the West, Wendlyn, The Witch Kingdom, the East, Endovier, Ardalan and Rifthold all mentioned and somewhat defined within narrative context. No info dumping, just small relevant tidbits.
Okay so Celaena is 18, Dorian is 20, Chaol is 22.
It's almost shocking how reasonable sjm used to be.
Celaena's a little crazy but it's fun sometimes. She says she's trying to get under Chaol's skin but she's the one saying he's not very nice and being bothered when he doesn't engage with her.
22 is much better than I thought. But he honestly has to be not only the best swordsman in the country but also a very high up, well connected young lord to be Captain of the Royal Guard.
Me and Celaena locked in, fr. She clocked him as a Lord.
Also characters with a strong sense of justice >>>>> another 5 points for Chaol.
Top tier chapter overall.
Chapter 5
The forest scene is cool. King Brannon. 2000 years ago. Fae. Hope this plays a big role.
If the Fae are just gonna be dudes who run around the same as humans (with pointy ears and magic) why make them immortal? I don't think sjm really comprehends the concept or how otherworldly it really is.
She knew plenty about this forest, knew that the denizens of this place had once been faeries: gnomes, sprites, nymphs, goblins, more names than anyone could count or remember. All ruled by their larger, human-like cousins, the immortal Fae—the original inhabitants and settlers of the continent, and the oldest beings in Erilea.
Just say Elves, I beg of you
Okay but surely the King of Ardalan, aka Dorian Senior, banning magic and making it disappear is an act of magic itself? Like unless bro is god, the simple act of banning magic would not erase its existence.
The King of Adarlan had outlawed it all—magic, Fae, faeries—and removed any trace so thoroughly that even those who had magic in their blood almost believed it had never really existed, Celaena herself being one of them.
This all just happened within the last maximum 30 years. She herself just told us Fae are immortal. How the fuck would they forget they ever had magic? There are humans old enough to still remember.
"It had been a while since she’d contemplated the gifts she’d lost, though the memory of her abilities haunted her dreams." okay so it's happened only in the last 10 years??? That means everyone still remembers. Why not just write that Celaena could barely remember instead of implying it was a common thing.
Still really like her descriptions of the forest and of the faeries.
I'm guessing gnomes left her flowers. We'll probably never see them again.
Chapter 6
Icy rain kept them company for four days, during which time Celaena was so miserably cold that she contemplated throwing herself into a ravine, hopefully dragging Chaol with her.
Her dedication to murdering him is quite endearing, I fear
The weather hits for me rn because it's autumn here too.
...the Crown Prince pulled out of line and came trotting toward them, his dark hair bouncing. His red cape rose and fell in a crimson wave. Above his unadorned white shirt was a fine cobalt-blue jerkin trimmed with gold. She would have snorted, but he did look rather good in his knee-high brown boots. And his leather belt did go nicely—even though the hunting knife seemed a bit too bejeweled.
Dorian the fashionista
Okay wait. The castle is half stone half glass... Can you just see into the castle? How did they even build that. If this was wheel of time or something I'd assume it was a modern skyscraper being seen through the eyes of people who didn't understand that. But there haven't been any other clues to suggest post apocalyptic fantasy stuff... Idk how I feel about this
The writing continues to be good. Celaena's dreams are pretty disturbing and her moment of quiet contemplation while staring at the greenish glow of the glass castle was really solemn and grounding. I think her thoughts about putting kingdoms behind her would have really hit if sjm revealed her identity and still had her refuse to rule.
"She wasn’t fated for anything. Not anymore"
During this scene the weight of her life experiences so far - running from her burning home at 8, losing her magic, being taken in by a man she couldn't trust, being made to murder for a living, being betrayed (most likely by that same man) and ending up in a slave mine - feels real, feels like it's made her truly lonely.
Still, the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: a lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back.
Okay so why didn't sjm give Feyre a moment like this if we're supposed to believe Rhysand is her destined true love.
Chapter 7
There's a sense of life in this story thats really missing from acotar. Rifthold has flags and sigils and trumpets announcing the Prince's return. The horses smell, the city smells, the spices from the market smell, the river smells. Like there's a world here and it's tangible.
Acomaf really is the grave. And stans act like it's her magnum opus. No wonder sjm doesn't talk to them.
From bearded peddlers to servant girls carrying armfuls of hatboxes, everyone paused as the flag-bearers trotted proudly ahead, and Dorian Havilliard waved. They followed the Crown Prince, who, like Chaol, was swathed in a red cape, pinned over the left breast with a brooch fashioned after the royal seal. The prince wore a golden crown upon his neat hair, and she had to concede that he looked rather regal. Young women flocked to them, waving. Dorian winked and grinned.
Nobody in Velaris or the Hewn City or Illyria gives a fuck about Rhysand like this lmaooo
Now that she noticed, there were countless chained slaves working the docks, lifting and sweating, holding parasols and pouring water, eyes on the ground or the sky—never on what was before them. She wanted to leap from her horse and run to them, or to simply scream that she wasn’t a part of this prince’s court, that she had no hand in bringing them here, chained and starved and beaten, that she had worked and bled with them, with their families and friends—she was not like these monsters that destroyed everything. That she had done something, nearly two years ago, when she had freed almost two hundred slaves from the Pirate Lord.
I get what sjm was trying to do but the White Woman Energy™ is off the charts. It's not about you and you being seen as bad. Decentre yourself from the slavery narrative, please and thank you.
Kinda disappointed Celaena didn't spot any other spies or assassins lurking about. She was strangely unobservant for once.
Spears erect, they held rectangular shields, and their eyes were dark beneath bronze helmets. Each wore a red cape. Their armor, while tarnished, was well crafted from copper and leather.
Actual description of uniform and weapons rather than just "Illyrian leathers" "Illyrian knives/swords" BUT why does the description sound like Roman soldiers when we're clearly in a renaissance-esque fantasy time period
No, okay, I don't like the literal glass castle on top of a stone castle. Celaena agrees.
Dorian: you won't compete as yourself, we'll keep it a secret.
Dorian at the entrance to the castle while nobles and guards are welcoming him back: WELCOME CELAENA SARDOTHIEN
They were each armed with a sword, knife, and crossbow, and though they’d been alert while their captain passed by, she knew a crossbow wasn’t exactly a light weight to bear for hours on end. Celaena crept to her bedroom window, pressing herself against the marble wall, and glanced down. Sure enough, the guards had already strapped the crossbows across their backs. It would waste precious seconds to grab the weapon and load it—seconds when she could take their swords, cut their throats, and vanish into the gardens.
Smart, and even adding to her character weight and credibility. She surveys the room, makes a weapon and categorises what she could use to kill. Legit feels like a competent assassin.
Even the clothes are so much better than in acotar. What happened to sjm??
“He has a big heart, His Highness.” hahaha Dorian is apparently out here hoeing, I respect it.
Not the literal throne of glass.
And then there was the matter of Dorian’s sapphire eyes—not even his mother had his eyes. No one knew where they came from.
I hope this matters
The conversation between Dorian Snr and Dorian Jr is loaded with politics:
King Dorian I is a conqueror
Dorian II doesn't want to inherit the empire.
The younger brother isn't really a threat, neither of them take Hollin seriously.
Ardalan is in active war against Wendlyn
Why call Celaena a witch if the race of Witch exists. Why not just call her a snake or temptress or something
Dorian wants to kill his dad. He just like me fr.
Chapter 8
Okay. Chaol has an eagle shaped pommel on his sword. Dorian's sigil is a wyvern. The guy Celaena ends up with can turn into a bird I think. Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel have bat wings. The love interest in Ccity is an angel. SJM has a thing for wings, yes?
Tamlin not having wings is more proof of Feylin not being endgame than anything else you can point to in the text.
Chaol is giving the assassin a tour of the castle... Is he stupid??
The competition begins tomorrow??????
“I don’t understand why you refuse to enter the glass addition,” he went on. “There’s no difference between the interiors—you wouldn’t even know that you were inside it unless someone told you or you looked out the window.”
I lack the visual imagination to understand what the fuck is going on with this building. It really just sounds like a skyscraper
A clocktower made of black stone. Something like you'd see at the Gates of Wyrd. Hmmm. King built a spooky magic tower thing around the birth of his son. The same king magically made magic disappear.... The gargoyle on the tower points to a tile in the garden with a symbol on it. It's feeling very Da Vinci Code rn
A library... I miss Nesta.
The letter exchange between Celaena and Dorian is better than anything in acomaf. I said what I said. Including it for proof:
Your Highness—
It has come to my attention that your library isn’t a library, but rather a personal collection for only you and your esteemed father to enjoy. As many of your million books seem to be present and underused, I must beg you to grant me permission to borrow a few so that they might receive the attention they deserve. Since I am deprived of company and entertainment, this act of kindness is the least someone of your importance could deign to bestow upon a lowly, miserable wretch such as I.
Yours most truly,
Celaena Sardothien
Celaena beamed at her note and handed it to the nicest-looking servant she could find, with specific instructions to give it immediately to the Crown Prince. When the woman returned half an hour later with a stack of books piled in her arms, Celaena laughed as she swiped the note that crowned the column of leather.
My Most True Assassin,
Enclosed are seven books from my personal library that I have recently read and enjoyed immensely. You are, of course, free to read as many of the books in the castle library as you wish, but I command you to read these first so that we might discuss them. I promise they are not dull, for I am not one inclined to sit through pages of nonsense and bloated speech, though perhaps you enjoy works and authors who think very highly of themselves.
Most affectionately,
Dorian Havilliard
What happened to Sarah, when did she abandon romance?
Also. Again. This is supposed to be kept secret but she signed her name??? And Dorian responds "my assassin" any courier or spy would have had them by the balls before the day was done.
IS THAT KALTAIN??? Her ladies are idiots.
Ahhh, classic YA girlhate
Chapter 9
Super short chapter.
Aww, Chaol.
Overall I'm still enjoying this more than I expected.
Again what happened to sjm? This love triangle is building so well.
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cryiling · 10 months
in honor of totk NOT winning goty 🫡 here is my notes app from when totk first came out and I wrote all my thoughts abt the game down
today totk got released!! and I played for 8 hours straight 😭 I'm not suuper far in the game yet, I sort of just started the rito quest with tulin, but here are some things I love and dislike about the game so far:
first of all I love the archaic outfit 😊 however I'm very sad that it only does 1 protection because I wanted to wear it all the time AJDBAJDB
I love everything about the zonai, like the way they look, the music associated with them, the way they talk at the end of a shrine, the way you can tell something is of zonai make just by looking at it, like that's how you know a concept design is well done ✋ I'm so fascinated by how rauru looks, he's just so amazing
I do hate how extremely similar aspects of the great sky island are to the great plateau, though. "room of awakening" bro r u serious rn 😭 the way rauru follows you around like the king good bye. I just feel like this could have been done a little more uniquely so that it didn't feel like the great plateau with a texture pack slapped over it
there's also some things that I felt botw just did so much better than totk. like the way rauru's ghost would disappear felt very cheap and uneventful, like why does he just fade to 0 opacity and nothing else happens ?? at least with the king his ghost faded with the little blue flames and sparkles, it made it seem more interesting
I hate the inventory layout I'm sawryy 😭 the botw inventory looks very sleek and easy to comprehend, but the way the totk inventory is designed just feels very cheap and elementary to me. not the scrolling on one page instead of having multiple pages, that's not my issue. just the color design and how so much more information is crowded into each tiny box when you are selling things, it just confuses the player with too much info
uhh what else. oh! I also hate the animation for when you get the abilities at the beginning, and when you get those lights of blessing or whatever (honestly I hate that name too, why is it so long I literally can't remember it 😭). like why do the orbs with the abilities and blessings look so 2d and unfinished? they look like they were slapped on top as a fanmade effect rather than actually being a part of the game, and every time I see it, I feel removed from being immersed in the games because it's distracting
but I totally love the way the zonai statues are at the end of the shrines!!! the way they talk is SO 🙏🙏 like I'm totally obsessed with it. also!! this is very specific, but I love the music that plays during shrine battles, like why does that song go so hard fr
omg something else I love is the pony points system it's so cute 😭✋ and honestly it's a great incentive for me to use the stables, I don't think I used them that much in botw so I definitely appreciate this new addition
however I am devastated that we can't pet dogs ☹️ like was no one at nintendo listening to us when we were all asking abt it hello ??
this is more of a personal preference rather than a game quality thing but I AM SO HAPPY THERE'S PIRATES IN THIS GAME AAAAAAA i can't wait to go to lurelin village I rlly hope they let me join the pirates 🙏 (hi it's me from the future here, girl wtf why are the pirates literally just MONSTERS ON BOATS 🙁 give me real fucking pirates you cowards)
omg yeah I was obsessed with the frozen rito village ost, it had the core elements of the ost from botw but with that lonely haunted vibe and I was gonna cry omg it really set the mood and I loved listening to it 😭
ohh yeah something I didn't enjoy was how it felt like I was being overloaded with so much plot-heavy info, especially once I started the rito village quest. like yeah I get maybe playing for 8 hours in one day is probably gonna fry my brain and attention span but it just felt like they were telling me to do all these things and I just felt so overwhelmed that I literally had to put the game away and stop playing for the night 😭 I think if things were spaced out more for what they tell you then the plot might have been more digestible
oh yeah this is minor but I don't like how when you go to a new place it says "discovery!" and also when you cook a new food it says "new!" like it felt very commercial and broke the immersion in the game for me, there was literally no reason for it to be in the game? (upon playing the game further I've decided I don't mind the "discovery" notif. but I still don't like when it says "new!" on a food I cooked sorryyy)
OMG WAIT SOMETHING I LOVED was how link cycles through humming different things when he cooks!!! it's so cute and I love him for it 😭
also I loved the function of when you open a chest and get a weapon but your inventory is full, instead of having to close the chest drop a weapon and reopen the chest, they added the feature where your inventory pops up and you can drop a weapon while still in the chest so you don't have to switch back and forth. it was so relieving for me ✋
umm I definitely feel like there was more I wanted to say, I just forgot 😭 but let me just say, despite me having a lot of negatives on here, I still really enjoyed this game, and honestly aside from the things I mentioned I disliked, I love pretty much everything else about the game!! there's so much to love and appreciate, I really can't list it all or else I'd just be listing literally every aspect about this game ajdhskfj. so yeah. while I'm disappointed that I found parts of totk to be lesser than what I had hoped, I am still overall ecstatic about this game and I'm so excited to see what else I'll discover in this game!!!! (hey it's me as of writing this post, I definitely wrote this last paragraph to avoid getting bullied for not liking a lot of things LOLL)
hey I'm back (not as of writing this post, like a couple months after initially starting totk), listen ok I hate these stupid sage powers like 💀 they're literally not useful at all, I think tulin's is the only one I use regularly, and even then I'd rather have revali's gale bc at least it goes up ??
I've been watching other ppl play and I realize that actually yunobo and riju can kinda be useful when fighting large groups, like if you just activate yunobi's ability you don't really need to aim him, and he'll hit a bunch of monsters. same with riju, just activate her and shoot somewhere random and it'll do damage. but other than that, like sidon and mineru are useless 😭 also I get rlly annoyed when I'm trying to pick things up and tulin gets in the way like GIRL GO AWAY ugh it would just be so much better if the abilities were activated like the champions instead idk
ok I'm obsessed with the way rauru's ear twitches LOLL THAT'S SO RANDOM but in the memories it's just so satisfying to see
hm idk how to explain this but there's some aspects of this game that feel very aoc to me and it annoys me. like, the defend kara kara bazaar + gerudo village quests, and that one thing in hateno with the stupid pumpkins, idk but it totally threw me off guard with having to fight with npcs, like it felt very jarring to have in the middle of totk. i never liked aoc or any hyrule warriors games so that's probably why I don't like this very much, but yeah I just didn't enjoy it very much
god I can't describe how much I hate everything abt mineru I'm sorry I just hate her bc like,, bro I hate to say it but I never connected with her character at all. every part of her in the storyline felt forced, and her connection to zelda and the sages never felt authentic. also I hate the eng voice acting like why does she talk like that 😭
her talking about draconification felt sooo forced. she said "there are stories of eating the stone to turn into an immortal dragon" like that could be a solution, then when rauru asked if they could do that, she was like "however 🤓☝️ you'll lose your sense of self and it's forbidden. I thought this would give us an answer but maybe not 😞" like BITCH IF YOU KNEW IT WAS FORBIDDEN WHY WOULD YOU SAY ANYTHING 😭😭 the way she said it, it sounded like she was reading a book and learning this information as they went, which would make sense why she brought it up but turns out it won't work. BUT SHE KNEW THE FULL THING ALREADY WHY DID SHE SAY IT LIKE THAT???? god it annoyed me so much, it was such a bad foreshadowing plot point
and honestly her entire quest confused me, bc the whole first part has a very thunder/lightning theme so I thought her power would be related to that but it wasn't at all? like how come we didn't do anything spirit related meanwhile all the other sages had areas that related to their powers, ugh it felt so dumb. lightning is already heavily associated with riju + the gerudo, so it felt weird that they themed the whole first half of mineru's quest around it too.
I hate her stupid construct. IT'S SO LAME 😭 has anyone actually enjoyed fighting with it. has it actually benefitted anyone. like be so fr rn. I hated it so much that I built a freaking airbike and just flew to the final temple without fighting any of the stuff along the way bc I refuse to be forced to do things I don't like 🫶
and then at the end of the game when her spirit leaves her construct and she dies or whatever, I was just like 😐 they tried to make it emotional but literally mineru is my worst enemy and I was cheering and applauding atp. like I could care less. her character felt, idk how to describe it, like.. cringy and self-inserty? something about it felt very off to me and so I was just never able to like her. it felt like nintendo was trying to force me to like her and I was Not about to let that happen
hang on I have other things to complain about... oh yeah the STABLE TROTTER CONDUCTOR LIKE BRO 😭😭😭 why does he sound like mario, like I actually want to punch him in the face. the rest of the band is fine tho, I like their music 🤞
hm something I'm annoyed about is how much harder it is to find the dragons now. in botw their flight pattern was more predictable, but here like istg I can never find them when I need them 😭 it's just vv inconvenient
ok I'm back back. I think that about covered all my thoughts BUT one more thing. the map is so fucking cluttered. something that was done so well with botw was the openness of everything, it really fit the vibes and it immersed you in the expanse of the game. but the totk map was WAYY too busy 😭😭 not only with the purah pad map (which btw I still think sheikah slate is a better name) but just in general when you're walking around hyrule. there is Too Much going on and I don't like it
LAST THING although tbh this could be a whole separate rant. the way the purah pad is compatible with zonai technology makes no fucking sense???? like there is NO logical explanation for how it can mark waypoints at zonai shrines
in botw it made sense, because the shrines were sheikah-made and so was the slate, so ofc the sheikah would have built them to be compatible and programmable with one another. but the zonai shrines??? first of all they're just rocks on sand. no sort of technology the purah pad can latch onto. second, you activate the shrine with the ZONAI ARM, not the purah pad. literally no connection is made. this is such a small thing to fixate on but every time I think about it I am filled with inexplicable rage
I have a whole OTHER rant on why the sheikah tech disappearing makes literally No Sense but. this post is long enough as it is. if u want I can make a separate post but I think this is good enough for now 🤗
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myadhdbot · 1 year
the concept photos for the youth version are so goood??? i should've got the set fr. my decision will forever haunt me now unless i get the youth ver. shipped and the shade version is not that good(which is not possible). wakeone really outdoing themselves????!!!!
i'ven't seen the others in the hyung line yet my internet has given up on me but jiwoong's showed up almost instantly. (rtd everyone's without even looking god I'm down bad.)
jiwoong i love you have i said that yet? he's everyone's campus crush.
Tumblr media
like what is thiss?? and the bisexual coloursssss?????? iconic
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irrelevaantidiot · 8 days
Get ready for a yap fest in 3.. 2.. 1..
OKAY so ur AU right. I fr love the concept and everything, so obviously, brainworms.
One of my fav bands (the crane wives) has recently relased a new album, so obviously, again, brainworms.
So. My brain has connected the two into a very specific thing that could only work if i draw it. But im fucking lazy.
So get ready for Moths Inconherent Description Of A Big Nonexistent Drawing With Some Of The Lyrics To "Predator" By TCW Because Why The Fuck Not ™️
"Whats the worst thing that could happen, whats the worst thing you can imagine" - not really literal to the lyrics, maybe just astrobiology hanging out together or smth?
"This world is a nasty place, Im afraid to get comfortable" - BH feeling out of place on uh.. earth? Where the fuck is the universe set in (personal headcanon but shhh)
"Unavoidable disaster" - The Tree incident
"Serial overreactor" - This could be Fanny imo. From BHs perspective she is overreacting about the team loosing and the whole pact thing
"My head is a nasty place, I'm afraid to get comfortable" - BH getting ✨️The nightmares✨️ after decapitating his boyfriend i mean boyfriend i mean best friend
"What were you thinking, shouldnt you know better" - BH blaming himself for the incindent and stuff
"You opened a door for an apex predator" Tree trauma monster nightmare demon thingy
I dont think the rest of the lyrics fit the au or astrobiology itself tbh but the brainworms have taken over. Anyway ramble over i am so sorry for this
the whole "bh feels out of place on earth" thing like. makes complete sense to me actually. in my gijinka interpretation he was a space creature before the more "human" form I guess i can say. and he doesn't remember anything before the new form. it drives him mad tbh.
"Your heart is a nasty place—I'm afraid to say no to you" An exchange of sorts. Trauma monster Tree is like "I hate you you suck" and Black Hole just kind of. takes it. because, well, he blames himself for what happened. so he feels he HAS to take the deprecation or whatever his mind throws at him. the torment and guilt and anything else. hence "I'm afraid to say no to you" being blackholecore. listening to this song makes my brain switch the imaginary animatic in my head between waking moments and the horrific dreams "I am fighting for survival" I can imagine this being Black Hole being constntly and constantly haunted by the incident and the dream stuff, and he just keeps going and going. Idk how to explain it just works man :gay: "I keep forgetting that you won't learn so I keep getting hurt" I can imagine this being Tree himself telling Black Hole that, atleast in his dreams. (Trauma monster Tree is always switching between like "I hate you I hate you this is your fault" and "I forgive you. I love you." type shit.) I imagine Tree trauma monster saying those kind of things as a result of the shit he has gone through tpot 8-10. especially in black hole's nightmare?? it just makes sense to me. not sure how to explain.
get shoved into the brainrot playlist thank you for sharing this ramble with me. ALSO TYSM IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THIS AU AND THOUGHT THIS UP. new animatic idea.
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zilliondollarpussy · 2 months
Wow she paid me back $100 after years wow all because of my self concept changed and I took her power and held the power as a result. So grateful I'm in the very g spot of my desired reality cause I saw she kept seeing "you owe me money" so grateful my Magic fr haunts her
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 11 months
Shit I'm Probably Never Gonna Write - Supernatural Edition
I'm gonna start a fun little series. I'll give you guys my little WIP synopsis of a possible project I've had lying around for too damn long. I will list it as a prompt and let ya'll have at it. Ya'll can use it, just give me credit either from this username, or the correct sight corresponding one (my fanfiction cross platform names do not match, so I'd have to tell you).
For this one, let's do Supernatural.
Sallie House:
Basically, it's just a Supernatural episode that takes place in the Sallie House in Atchison, KS. Story goes its haunted. There's also like three different versions of the story: one that Sallie is a little girl and there's another ghost who's actually malevolent who's some sort of black servant who is the one who's vengeful. Sallie's chill, I guess. Second story is that Sallie was a kid who went to the house to get emergency medical treatment (Owner was a doctor) and died due to her injuries or a botched surgery. Third option is Sallie is a demon. An actual demon. There's a pentagram in the basement. The idea I had was to kind of make Sam and Dean figure out which story was true. I see it as something Pre-Cas, so pre-season four. Even early season three would work. Or maybe at a point where they're not having Cas riding around in Deans ass.
This one I still may do, but I think it's a cool concept and I don't mind sharing.
Backstory: about a year ago a guy named Fr. Kapaun's bones were identified in the "Punchbowl" - a cemetery in Hawaii where a bunch of POW bodies from the Korean War era were being kept while the military worked it ID them and return the remains. Kapaun is special because he's a Catholic priest, and he's actually a Servant of God in the Catholic Church (1/4 of a Saint, essentially). His case is active currently, so because of that his bones were placed in a cathedral for veneration. However, he's from a town about an hour and a half away from this Cathedral. His mom and dad are buried there.
The story line is that one day: some kids for the Catholic High schools (there's two, that's important) are out at his old house (its now a museum, if I remember correctly) and taking pictures. They see his ghost walk all the way up to the fence, then disappear after standing there. Sam and Dean go to investigate and find out there's actually three ghosts: the army one (Kapaun) an older guy in a farmers get up and an old woman who keeps asking "When will Emil come home?" The boys go to the school named after him to investigate and find the newspaper with the pictures one girl took - turns out the ghosts are in the background. They interview her and go to the other school to interview that photographer, and she shows them her pics. Turns out that the ghosts are in the background of those ones too. They do some research then go to the Cathedral to see the bones, and they see a girl inside who they recognize from one of the papers (she wrote the article the photos were for). She explains that she thinks he should've been buried in his hometown. The boys then go to the hometown and encounter the ghosts. Luckily, they don't think they're malevolent, but they do want to put them to rest. Salt and burn the bones, but the army ghost (Kapaun) keeps coming. Sam suggests they need to get the bones out to his hometown, and long story short it works.
0 notes
daisywords · 11 months
Mike Flanagan series rankings (now that I've just finished Midnight Mass and can compare)
Haunting of Hill House: 6/10. Fun. A little disjointed. Some good scares and interesting techniques. Whole less than the sum of its parts. Some impressively well-crafted moments and concepts individually. Points off for being an "adaptation" of a book that's good in its own right but has completely different themes and narrative like just file off the rest of the serial numbers fr
Haunting of Bly Manor: 3/10. It was bad, y'all. Had some good elements but boy did every episode get progressively worse. I really liked some of the characters so I did finish it, but getting through the ghost's backstory episode was a particular slog. The sheer amount of narration and overexplaining. Has anyone told Mike that ghost stories need a little bit of subtlety? By the end of it all of the mystery and Romanticism were wiped out by the way-too-literal possession mechanics and it the ending was just forced I'm sorry. Very disappointing overall, since the beginning did hook me, and there was some really promising stuff that the overall series didn't do justice to.
Midnight Mass: 8/10. It was pretty good! Felt more cohesive than the others. The narrative played out in some really interesting ways that felt true to the characters and themes, and it kept me on my toes even though I'd already heard some spoilers. Points off for the unsubtlety again. Like it was good but it would have been better with a little less of characters monologuing at the camera and shoving their exact motivations down my throat. Some of the characters were really well done and others were underdeveloped imo (Riley's family, for example). A fun and compelling watch overall.
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eruanee · 1 year
i told myself it was probably time to watch the other shows besides utena kunihiko ikuhara directed, as they've been on my watchlist for a while. so i started this by watching mawaru penguindrum and it. uh. i need to read meta
i didn't hate the show i think but i found the first half to be hella boring and i couldn't find myself to be so invested in the characters, but the two last episodes did. kinda get me honestly.
as always ikuni's direction shines when it comes to creating impacting shots that will crave themselves into your memory and eventually haunt you.
i've only finished the show like an hour ago so i haven't had the time to process it all yet, but it's still interesting to me that penguindrum was also about
dealing and processing (generational) trauma (ie. no one does that very well)
the destruction of oppressive structures (mostly the concept of nuclear family)
the fact only love matters in this world fr
things you can find utena and it makes rattle the bars of my cage
about point 3, it kills me that it's the second time i'm seeing ikuni pull the card of "genuine and selfless love for one another is the only way we can fix anything in this cruel world" and i'm falling for it AGAIN
i have so many complaints about this show but. im a fool. "it doesn't matter if our existence and life is insignificant as long as we have known one single person who loved us, it means this life (as painful as it might be) was worth living". i'm a FOOL
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set-in-stardust · 1 year
BMan!! I hope ur doing ok I'm so sorry i would've screamed here sooner if it weren't 4 the Horrors. Im in sneak 100 mode rn so i got time. Ok ok, so u said it was 1900s au in the tag over on ao3, is it like historically with like wars or aesthetically like with the settings and architecture and fashion? Also where does scar get his trinkets and stuff ? I've been L👀king at this silly little man for a while but after the pearls spoke my curiosity blew up more. How long has grian known mumbo and scar here, in this life. How did he meet them? Does scar know about the past life dream thingys, has he been holding back all his feelings and knowledge this whole time?!! OOOUGH ur au is haunting my brain bman is such a good concept fr!! -🪹
HI!! i am doing Alright I have also been experiencing some Horrors, so that's why it's taken so long to answer this!! sorry!! also, im just gonna separate this by questions u asked cuz this is gonna get RAMBLY
is it like historically with like wars or aesthetically like with the settings and architecture and fashion?
it's mostly architecture and fashion! it's meant to take the technology of the era, the style, and some of the social norms of the time. it's also set in the UK, which makes Scar stick out even more :)
Also where does scar get his trinkets and stuff ?
Scar's day job is something like an interior decorator, so he likes to "help" his clients get rid of their "ugly" things by offering to take them off their hands a lot. he also just. does a lot of pawning and trading in his free time. the decorating is his job, but the scamming is just a passion project and an excuse to see a certain someone
How long has grian known mumbo and scar here, in this life. How did he meet them?
(doing both of these in one) In this life, Grian met Mumbo when he showed up and started his little fix-em-up operation across the street a couple months ago, and he's known Scar for about two years now since he started his own little antiquing business and Scar started coming into the shop to try and pawn off junk. Grian thought Mumbo was charming, if not a bit odd, and brought him a few old parts and pieces of some machines he's found just as a welcome gift. Mumbo didn't seem to recognize any of them, but hey! neither did he, so he figured they were just a little past their time.
Does scar know about the past life dream thingys, has he been holding back all his feelings and knowledge this whole time?!!
don't know if i can answer this right now, but he doesn't... know about the dreams, per say, but he has been holding some things back. that's all I'll say, for now.
ANYWAYS wonderful hearing from you!!!!!! i've had to take a bit of a break from working on VDA for now because i'm getting ready to graduate and move out and blah blah blah,,, but i think i'll have some time to keep going here soon enough!! this story,,, ough im not giving up on it im too invested in my own goddamn plotline
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