#I'm sorry guys. I have never been sane about Jason. But let me tell you. my grip on my sanity is slipping
cicimunson · 2 years
Dungeons and Darlings Part 4
Chapter Summary: We continue with Season 4, traveling back to the lake to see if there's a gate and entering the upside-down. Eddie and Y/N add a little romance to their relationship.
Series Summary and Characters listed in Part 1.
Warnings: Angst, romantic situations
Part 1 2 3
Nancy leads you away from the others and thrusts a bag into your hands. “I brought you some clothes.”
She must have noticed the expression on your face because she frowns at you. “Not my clothes, Y/N. I stopped by your house and grabbed what was sitting on top of your dresser. I told your aunt you’re staying with me because have a project for class.”
She’s not so bad, I guess. 
“I'm sorry. I should be more grateful. Anything would be better than these dirty pjs. Was…was she worried? My aunt?”
Nancy nods. “She was going to call the police but I promised her you were fine. You have to call her if we ever get to a phone. We're lucky Jason didn't see you or you'd be a person of interest right now.”
She turns her back to you and you quickly strip, shimmying out of your now ruined pajamas. You slide into underwear and jeans, and tug your shirt over your head.
“There’s shoes and socks, too. I figured your sandals weren’t cutting it out here.”
“Yeah, I lost one in the lake and the other is hanging on by a thread.” You flop down on the ground and finish dressing. “Nancy, thank you.”
“It’s no problem.” She turns and offers a half-smile. “I should have brought a brush though, your hair is-”
“Wet and dirty and matted, I know. I’ve never felt so gross in my life.”
She slips a scrunchie off her wrist. “Here, maybe you can pull it up, at least.”
“Thanks.” You manage to twist your hair out of your face.
When you walk back to everyone, Dustin is practically jumping out of his skin. “There’s got to be a gate around here somewhere! It would explain everything!”
“A gate? To what?”
Everyone turns to stare at you. “Have you not been paying attention?” Dustin scolds. “A gate to the upside-down! We could sneak in, kill Vecna, and save Max and Eddie!”
Right. Let’s just sneak into another world and kill a creature that literally has the power to murder us from a different dimension. These kids are fucking nuts.
“Eddie, what do you say?” Dustin asks.
Eddie's eyes flicker over to you and you shake your head. He frowns. “Guys, can I get a minute?”
You scowl as he takes your arm and pulls you into the woods away from the others. “Y/N, I know it sounds insane and risky-”
“And dangerous. This could get everyone killed. Am I the only one out here with a brain? Dustin, Max, and Lucas are children. They shouldn’t be involved in any of this!”
“They’ve been involved for years, apparently. I can’t help that-”
“It doesn’t make it okay!” You yank your arm out of his grasp. “Eddie, this is going to get someone killed. Probably you. We should walk away. We should take the kids and leave.”
His eyes darken. “Walk away to what, exactly, Y/N? The whole town thinks I’m a murderer. Max is as good as dead if we don’t find a way to kill Vecna! You’re talking about keeping the kids safe, but Max isn’t going to be safe if we don’t help her. I know it’s terrifying. I’m just as tired and scared as you. But I know what’s right. And I know you do, too.”
He doesn’t understand. I don’t know how to tell him. I don't want anyone else to die on me.
He steps close again, his hand resting on your waist. You give in and lean into him, tucking your head under his chin.
“I don't want to do this without you.” His voice is barely above a whisper. “You’ve been keeping me sane this whole time.”
You sigh. How can I say no to him? How can I walk away knowing he or the kids could get hurt?
“I need you.” He murmurs. “Stay.”
I’m staying, Eddie.
You lift your head and your lips graze his chin. He smiles softly and slides a hand behind your neck. "Y/N-"
"I'll stay. I'm not leaving you."
His lips crash into yours. He yanks on your shirt, pulling your body as close to his as possible. He lightly nips your bottom lip and you gasp, giving him space to slip his tongue between your teeth.
You run your fingers through his hair and he shifts his weight, walking you backwards until you're pressed against a tree. You wrench your mouth free.
"Eddie, the others-"
"They can wait." His lips claim yours again and you give in to him instantly, returning his kiss and slipping your hands underneath his shirt to feel his skin. You pull away again, this time to trail kisses down his neck.
"Mmm, sweetheart." He mumbles. "Don't stop."
You both freeze. 
"When you two are done with your little conversation, the rest of us are ready to go."
You both turn to see Robin and Steve have come to check on you. Robin looks like she's suppressing a laugh and Steve looks both impressed and disgusted at once. 
"We'll be right there." Eddie waves them off. "Just need another minute."
"Only a minute? That's sad." Steve quips, and Robin slugs him in the shoulder. When they've walked away Eddie turns back to you, sliding his arms around your back.
"I really wish we had more time." He sighs and kisses your forehead. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."
You press a quick kiss to his lips. "You'll just have to make it up to me."
When you arrive at the lake, Eddie turns back to you and takes your hand. “Y/N, listen to me. I want you to stay with the kids.”
What the fuck is he talking about?
“No way, Munson! I’m not staying behind. Not without you.”
He shakes his head. “The kids need someone to look after them, and I think I’d lose what’s left of my mind if something happened to you. Please.”
“Then leave Steve with the kids! I’m not letting you do this without me.”
“Yes, you are.” He jumps into the boat and kicks it off from the shore before you have time to react.
That fucker!
“I’m sorry, sweetheart!” He calls back to you.
“That’s two things you have to make up to me, Munson!” You yell, flipping him the bird. “How did I wind up the goddamn baby-sitter in this scenario?”
You don’t have time to mull it over, because the police arrive and Dustin is shoving you. “We gotta hide, like now!”
“You guys go this way, I’m staying close to the lake. Go, go!” You hunker down behind some bushes and keep your eyes on the boat.
Steve has jumped into the water. Your eyes comb the surface, searching for him to pop back up. When he does you breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God. I am not replacing him as these kids’ surrogate parent.
Your relief is short-lived however, and you watch in horror as he gets dragged below the water.
What the fuck just happened?!
Nancy is on her feet in an instant, jumping into the lake without hesitation. Robin follows after her and you watch as Eddie looks back to the shore where you were standing before you hid.
Fuck Eddie, don’t do it, don’t!
You’re already running into the water before his feet even leave the boat. You swim as hard and fast as you can, hoping you get to him in time. It feels like forever before you make it to the boat.
“Eddie! Nancy!” You call, treading water. There’s no sign of them. You take a deep breath and dive under the surface, unable to see anything. 
Fuck, where are they?
You’re about to go back up for air when you spy a faint red light in the water.
Is that…what is that?
You swim downwards, following the faint glow until you’re close enough to tell what it is. It looks like a giant hole in the bottom of the lake.
Is this the gate they’ve been talking about? Did they go through there? Guess I’m about to find out.
You push yourself through the gate and cry out as you slam into the ground, your head bouncing off the dirt. “Fucking hell!”
You climb to your feet and glance around your surroundings.
“Holy…what the fuck?”
Your mouth gapes open as you take in the scene before you. The sky is red and dark, lightening occasionally flashing through the clouds. There's black vines everywhere, writhing through the dirt and trees like they have a mind of their own.
"Jesus Christ." You take a step backwards and trip, landing on your back. "Fuck me!"
You struggle to stand again. "Eddie? Nancy?" You call out.
You whirl to the sound of Eddie's voice and run towards him and the others.
Are those fucking bats?
Eddie shoves part of the oar into a bat's mouth as Steve repeatedly beats one on the ground. The rest fly away as you launch yourself into Eddie's arms.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
He squeezes you tightly. "I'm fine. What are you doing here? I told you to stay with the kids."
"They're fine, they're with the cops." You reassure him, stepping back to survey his frame. "Are you sure you're not hurt?"
"Fine, Y/L/N, thanks for asking." Steve grumbles, wincing as Nancy's hands press to his stomach.
"Jesus, Steve, you look terrible."
"Yeah, no shit." He retorts.
"I got you." Nancy reassures him. "Let me wrap those wounds and we'll figure out our next move."
"I vote our next move be getting the fuck out of here!"
"Seconded." Robin agrees, high-fiving you.
"Third." Steve mutters, leaning on Nancy for support.
Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Stay close to me, okay? Don't get out of my sight."
"We gotta figure out weapons. Those things could come back." Nancy shudders.
"What about the police station? This place is exactly like Hawkins, right? There should be weapons there."
"I don't know if Steve can make it that far, Eddie. He needs those wounds cleaned and real bandages. He could get an infection, rabies-"
"Y/N!" Robin and Nancy scold you.
"I'm just saying. We need to get him out of here, asap. If he starts having rabies symptoms we won't be able to do anything to stop it."
"Okay, okay. If this place is exactly like Hawkins, I have guns at my house, in my room. It's closer than the police station."
You and Eddie share a look of disbelief. "You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"
She scowls at the two of you. "Yes, I do. Why is that so hard to believe?"
Eddie opens his mouth, but you nudge him in the ribs. "No reason. So we're all in agreement, we're going to the Wheeler house?"
Robin and Steve nod.
"Let's get moving."
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mintacle · 2 years
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