#I'm trying to earn some money
lovelaceisntdead · 10 months
Something I need to stop doing is getting excited when a job comes up that is perfect for me but realistically I know I can't do. Just because it's a job I would enjoy doesn't mean I can now magically do a 7 hour shift? Because then I just end up sad and frustrated AGAIN because I get caught up in the what could be and then I remember that my body hates me.
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starcluster-fr · 2 years
I really appreciate how often Flight Rising inspires me to do stuff. Like, I'm not joking when I say that part of the reason I'm currently taking a bachelor degree in Digital Culture is due to the site and its community. As a part of my degree I'm learning web design, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I'm trying to specialize in accessibility and responsive web design, (when a website re-sizes for different screens, and the layout changes for ease of use on mobile) as a result of reading a bunch of people's feedback on what works and what doesn't with how Flight Rising currently is built. I honestly want to get good enough to be able to help improve the site, and make it a better and more accessible place for as many as possible.
Will I actually be able to get there? Who knows! But I won't find out until I try, so I'm just gonna aim high and see where I end up. So I think I'm gonna try to use this blog a bit more for sharing some of the stuff I create during the rest of my degree. I'm nearly halfway through the degree, with exams next month. So I hope to post some of my works, (it's a portfolio exam, so I'm currently working on 4 different websites with different core focuses) when I've gotten my exam results. (Othervise it might get marked as plagiarism, which would be horrible.)
So, this is a huge THANK YOU to the Flight Rising community! I would never have thought that reading drama blogs like the morning newspaper, and making spreadsheets for commissions and stuff like NotN actually would have an important role in my life, but here I am C:
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mysticfemme · 8 months
I keep worrying that I'm kidding myself about doing a masters and I'll get there and be totally unable to keep up. I've also realised I need somewhere to live but because I'd be moving city I don't know anyone to live with. And I'd be changing my specification which I'm worried is a bad idea
I go to a pretty mediocre university right now and it's been good for me to get a secure standing but the university I'm looking at is Russell group and quite esteemed and I'm just terrified I'd get there and be surrounded by mid twenties white men who sound way more intelligent than I do and are way better at everything
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wedding-shemp · 8 months
How do you make $1650 in a month without being very good at anything in particular
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stroyent · 11 months
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gumheel · 2 years
the stupidest part of being deeply suicidal and constantly carving your life smaller in response to trauma & brainfuckery is just how difficult it is to try and fix it once you realize that maybe you want to live and that life could be good. it's worth doing don't get me wrong! it's probably the thing that's most worth doing! but it's also. really hard to look at the pieces from the life that's been broken for the past several years and go okay, how do we put this back together
#and i'm doing good! you know!#all things considered. i'm doing good.#i'm on top of most of my classes i'm trying to finish the ones that aren't.#i've got friends and people i trust.#i'm slowly earning money.#and things are slipping. you know. as they do.#some days i forget to brush my teeth or i can't go to class or i miss an assignment becasue i decided something else would be easier. and.#that sucks. you know#it's a game of trying to decide whether today's energy is best spent trying to fix what i broke#or trying to keep more things from breaking#and that's. really sad#because if i had been doing better. and if i were more capable. it would be easier now#but you know. every day it gets easier doing it every day is the hard part.#so i'll take my minor victories and scrape a life back together. and who knows#maybe in a few months or years it'll be good. and i'll be happy and i won't be picking up after myself anymore#rokowski's 'it was hard to rewrite my life into one i wanted to live but today i want to live'#and abdurraqib's 'but i'd like to stay alive and keep trying to make my own tragic corner of this sad spinning pebble as clean as i can'#BUT ESPECIALLY calvocoressi's 'oh my gd! i did not want to die that day. ... why don't we talk about it? how good it feels? ->#-> and if you don't know then you're lucky but also you poor thing.'#you get it. you understand#call me!#sorry i can't refrain from tags rambling. i'll delete this later maybe. did you know that being awake and alert for once in your life#can actually feel. good?#it's crazy.
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senadimell · 10 months
I'm normally a huge fan of USPS, and I still am, but it is very unfriendly to people without stable addresses. You can't forward your mail to a house you don't permanently live in (and have proof of residence in, like your name on a lease). If you want to forward your mail somewhere, your billing address has to either be the place you are sending it to or the place you just came from.
You can't get a P.O. box without proof of residence.
that said, however, I did learn that if you do not have an address, you can have mail sent to Your Name, General Mail, Town/Zipcode and pick it up at the post office.
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fonulyn · 1 year
I keep seeing all these posts that go smth like “go talk to your friends about your fic in the group chat” and “have a cheer reader” and “a fic can be you talking about half baked ideas to your friends and making them cry” and “the real joy about writing is the way your discord friends go nuts over it” and so forth and like. good for you, but none of those work if you don’t have friends (at least ones who like that thing you like, lol). 
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izzy-b-hands · 11 months
I think my fave, and by fave I mean most hated, thing, is when my brain decides literally from the moment I wake up that I’m going to be suicidal. Like, cool. I guess. I’d have preferred Not This, and there was nothing to trigger it, it’s just. Happening. Woke up to ‘oh you aren’t meant for this world’ no shit buddy but I don’t have a choice but to live in it, do i?
But we’re down to about once every other week for this so. A win? kinda. I’ll take it lol
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roseband · 1 year
yeah i got into a huge fight with my fiance yesterday
but like at this point i got him to agree that if this shit with his mother continues about the money and that shithole apartment we're uninviting her from our wedding
im not letting some psycho fester thoughts that include, "my daughter in law will hand me $5k a month, live in an illegal basement studio next to a boiler with my son (that i scammed him into putting two years savings into before seeing the unit while lying it was a two bedroom), push out babies for me to make all decisions about and coo over while she does all work, while i live upstairs and get served by her the same way she took care of her mom (while she had cancer and im completely healthy and eight years younger) cause that's what i deserve as a mother of a son even though i did none of this cause ive never had my own job so i couldn't give money and lived halfway around the world from my in-laws so i couldn't serve them"
while she lies about it being cHiNeSe CuLtUrE as her reasoning (even though we live in NYC) thinking she can get away with it.....even though most of me and my fiances mutual friends are Chinese cause we went to a school together that was like nearly 50% Chinese.........i fucking offered all the actual cultural things for the wedding too, tea ceremony, food, attire (using plastic for chuppah glass to not have a broken glass at a wedding). things that are literally faux pas in Judaism and this useless woman goes, "no I ONLY WANT THE MONEY" while lying to relatives that she paid the fucking dowry and my mom's "stealing from her" by not giving her reimbursement gifts........but in actuality, and with literal fucking receipts that I'm not afraid to air out to his relatives, she's actively trying to steal tens of thousands from my relatives and my mom???????????? she's also been telling people im stealing MY OWN SALARY from her..... psychotic broad
like we're cutting it off now....im not putting up with it at all in marriage especially at this point when im the fucking higher earner (which has honestly gone back and forth our whole relationship that's no biggie in normal circumstances (cuz both of us are in careers that have similar wages at all levels and a similar cap) but when this psychopath wants to steal our money oh hell it is)
and next time she says "i deserve as mother of son" im calling her a useless cum-hole who does less work than a fucking actual prostitute, because the only difference between her and my mother (other than my mother's lack of like... medically neglecting her kid with a disability to the point that im nearly fully functional and his brothers like....not), is the cum.....she had no choice in which cum formed a child, so she gets NOTHING from me
im done with this lying useless thieving piece of disrespectful sexist useless garbage
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daisywords · 1 year
hey. uh. is unpaid internship but with the expectation that I would kind of get slid into getting paid for projects as we go a good idea or would I be being taken advantage of
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randomnameless · 1 year
FantasyInvader is right about the Witcher adaptation. Probably should use that as a good example.
Yeah when they confess it themselves it's kind of obvious lol, but I still don't think the persons who made Dragonball Evolution really liked or wanted to adapt the DB mangas/verse - at this point imo, it's not even not being "faithful" to the source material!
Granted, the wiki said the writer apologised for the film, he wasn't a fan but thought of himself as a businessman taking an assignment?
And yet, maybe it's my french ass speaking (since DB's reception was massive here!), but 2007-9 if you told anyone you're making a Dragon Ball movie, even if you're not a fan, you'd know it exists as a manga/anime and wouldn't make a movie with Goku in a highschool with his crush Chi-Chi.
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
whenever I feel shame for spending hard earned adult money on silly horse games I remind myself that lots of people are spending way more hard earned adult money and I don't shame them for it so why should I shame myself <3
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the-wereraven · 2 years
By the way I have a lot of adopts on my DeviantArt and ToyHouse, link in my pinned post ^^
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hale-of-stiles-heart · 2 months
god i really wanna make brownies and eat em with ice cream, torn between going to walmart where it'll be cheaper and going to acme where I can also buy booze
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