#I'm very excited to break these two down into the smallest pieces and then put them back together
allastoredeer · 5 months
In regards to crossovers. I’ve come across two crossovers in Hazbin that I’m pretty interested in. One is a Naruto crossover which is interesting to say the least, where Kakashi ends up in hell.
The other is a cult of the lamb crossover however the timeline and fic is so far off canon.
Anyway also wanted to tell you I love your writing and the newest chapter is fantastic. Lucifer losing his absolute shit is amazing and the way you write Alastors fear was awesome. However the ending notes about how he’s not gonna learn to not poke the sleeping bear is something I look forward to as well.
Oh, and the flirting between angel and husk is absolutely adorable.
It's a shame I haven't seen either Naruto or Cult of the Lamb. Hazbin Hotel crossovers must be insane tho. I'm intrigued.
Awww thank you 🥺 I love it when Lucifer displays how powerful he is. And how intimidating and scary he can be (¬‿¬) It butters my biscuit. It's the best.
I LOVE exploring Alastor's more vulnerable human side. He works so hard to look like this big, strong, powerful Overlord - and, granted he is. He may not be as powerful as the Ars Geotia, Deadly Sins, or the royal family, but he is a threat in his own right, particularly in Pentagram City where the sinners are kept. The Pride Ring is essentially all of the sinner's entire world, and given that Alastor's a bigshot in this world that he resides in, yeah, I figure it would be intimidating and threatening to have other, more powerful figureheads intrude on it LOL
Anyway, he works to hard to maintain that image, that when it cracks, especially around others, it is just 😩👌 it's so good. That is my type of angst, right there.
Even after his and Lucifer's little skirmish in this last chapter, he's definitely going to be poking the bear. He's too stubborn, spiteful, and full of pride to not to.
(I had to sneak that HuskerDust in there. They're too cute.)
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
7.2k words
It's a pouf × reader (gender neutral) fluff fic because I'm gay for a bug 💖
It was essentially a date night. He didn't call it such, of course, but there was truly nothing else to call it. He wanted to watch a movie with you, a cheesy romcom you'd heard of in passing but never bothered to see, but upon seeing how his face lit up as he described it to you, you knew you couldn't say no to him.
He'd even dressed for the occasion, a pink sweater two sizes too large slipping over his hands and hanging well down his legs. You hadn't immediately put the pieces together, only thinking adoringly at the time that he'd taken an extra step to try to look cute for you, but realized partway into the film that the clothing had a real utility to it. He'd left the windows open to let in the cool night air - the sweater was meant to keep his cold blooded body warm enough to stay awake, while keeping the windows open to view the stars and let the breeze in to keep you comfortable as well.
He was thoughtful, for certain. He'd laid out a few snacks for the two of you to share; granted, it seemed as though he'd only realized late into his preparation that he wanted to provide some, seeing as he'd only given you an entire plate of fruits, but he'd taken time to finely chop and dice them into neat little squares. Diced apples, strawberries, mangoes, and a few local fruits you couldn't fully identify, all arranged artfully across a wooden serving platter. He'd placed it on a coffee table near the couch, moved almost too close to ensure neither of you would have to reach very far. You took a seat close to one of the ends of the couch, with Pouf picking a spot close nearby, as close as he could get without actively touching you.
He'd held the remote excitedly, fumbling with the buttons to turn the screen on. He'd spoken quickly while he worked, almost rambling as he discussed how glad he was that you wanted to see the movie, that you were sure to love it, that the central couple was absolutely perfect for the plot concept, which was absolutely brilliant, a work of fine cinema. He seemed to be stating anything and everything that came to his mind, and you knew he wasn't talking simply to hear himself speak - he found each thought he had to be worthwhile to share with you, even as they came to him rapid-fire. Sharing meant quite a lot to him - his music, his romcom, his room and food and thoughts, all of it privy to you. Though he was initially quite chatty, he quieted almost immediately as soon as the movie began, his excitement practically tangible as he shook his hands in front of himself, unable to contain his passion.
After some time passed, you estimated you were roughly one third into the movie, using Pouf's various synopses as a guideline. You glanced over at him to find him enraptured, seeming to hang on to every line of dialogue as though he were working to memorize the entire film. You knew you would hear the plot of the movie rehashed tens of times again over the next few weeks, with him asking you about every aspect of it and how it made you feel, reliving his excitement and joy of having shared something so close to his heart with you. That's all there was to it, really. It made him happy and he was hoping to make you happy as well. It was so simplistic, coming from someone who tied his own mind into knots on the daily.
And in the dimmed light of the room, of course you were happy. He loved you above all else, and he'd gone above and beyond to demonstrate. He'd restructured the entire social order of the palace to include you, read into even the smallest of details you'd expressed to him; the greatest difficulty had been breaking down his walls to perform the same for him, and this night marked a massive stride in progress. He was becoming less reserved, wanting to share his life with you after allowing you to become a part of it. It was just an allowance at first, then a welcome that became increasingly warmer, to the point where you weren't certain he could ever let you go. When he'd fallen, he'd fallen hard, beginning to offer his own affections in a flurry of words and gestures, still too nervous to accept your own. His gestures had still been quite shallow - a hand on your shoulder, a general comment on your appearance - but it seemed that, as soon as he'd gotten a positive response, he let the gestures become deeper and flow more freely. Still with an almost unhealthy amount of thought attached, but accomplishing them regardless. It was part of what had brought you to this night, with him hoping above all that you were happy with it.
Of course you were happy. You loved him.
His eyes flickered off the screen for a moment to observe you, likely trying to determine if you were enjoying the film as much as he was (a nearly impossible task), and he froze upon realizing you'd been looking, gazing, admiring him instead. He was already so close to you, but in that moment scooted himself towards you just a bit more, pressing your thighs together, keeping his eyes on your own as he closed the distance. He was smiling so wide you could swear he was about to burst into tears of joy. He balled his hands into fists and placed them in his lap, stiffening his arms and raising his shoulders, shyly glancing away before suddenly leaning into you.
It was as though he'd simply let gravity take over, his head at an odd angle on your shoulder, his entire body stiff in the unfamiliar gesture you could only imagine he was praying he'd performed correctly. He didn't speak or voice any nervousness, but you could practically feel his rapid pulse with the little contact he had established. The gesture was so clumsy, you couldn't suppress a small chuckle, feeling his head shift as he turned to see what could have made you laugh. Uncertainty shown in his eyes, everything had gone so well until he'd made a gesture that may have been too much too soon, and now he'd made a fool of himself in front of you-
You slid your hand onto the small of his back, slipping under his wings and gauging his reaction to your touch. His eyes widened further at your response to his advancement; he gave no indication of wanting you to stop. You moved just a bit further, settling your hand on his waist. He was grinning almost madly, seeming to try to suppress his excitement at the reciprocation of his affections. You inched your hand onto the top of his thigh, fully resting your arm around him. He still felt tense beyond belief, the unfamiliarity of all the sensations making him almost comically awkward in his posturing.
".. Are you okay?" You kept your voice low - in spite of the adrenaline spike, he still seemed to focus on the movie.
"Do you want me to stop-?"
"No-!" His whisper was almost a hiss - he'd tried to get the words out as fast as possible. "No. Please don't." The words tumbled out in an almost frantic exhale as he tried to reassure you.
"Are you sure?"
A beat of silence
"... Yes, I am."
You could feel some of the tension in his back begin to loosen as he confirmed he was comfortable, having sat with the sensations long enough to adjust to them. Beginning to settle down, he hummed in contentment and readjusted his head, fully leaning into you and snuggling closer. You felt his shoulders begin to lower as he finally began to relax, though you could swear you still felt him trembling, the adrenaline from the advancement still fresh in his body.
And so you sat.
You sat with your lover to - no, on - your side, keeping one eye on the screen and the other on the way he kept fidgeting with his hands, still held in his lap. Every few minutes, he seemed to feel the need to readjust his posture, using the motion as an excuse to nuzzle his face back into the crook of your neck, a small satisfied sigh audible each time, without fail. He was definitely cute, that you'd always known - his odd quirks and mannerisms had been part of what had captured your heart. The way his voice was nearly monotone until something caught his attention and he suddenly came to life, the way he spoke with hand (and, on occasion, full body) gestures, the way it was so obvious when his smiles were polite versus the almost over exaggerated grins he displayed when he was really, truly happy; all of it made your heart skip. But to see him here, melting into your touch, was unlike anything you'd seen prior.
To say he struck you as nervous was a frank understatement. Every advancement he'd made towards you, even the smallest of gestures like complimenting an outfit or passing you a wildflower, seemed like it would send him directly into cardiac arrest. The very first gift he'd given you had indeed been a wildflower - something of a weed really, but perfectly formed with all petals intact. He'd stiffly extended his entire arm to offer the flower, anxiety visible in his eyes and in the sweat dotting his brow. You later learned that he'd been considering every possible outcome of his gesture, hammering in on every negative, of every chance for you to say no, to be disgusted, to turn away for good. He'd thought of it every single time, thinking whatever he did would finally be it, that your love was simply too good to be true, that you were merely toying with him, that one day, the curtains would fall unannounced partway through the act, leaving him alone and in the dark.
Frankly, it broke your heart.
Of course you knew risks were incurred with every relationship - continuing to pursue one with a chimera ant royal guard told you that well enough. Seeing him, in all his glory and power, be reduced to having such human fears and anxieties struck a chord in you. At the end of the day, in spite of it all, he was still subject to the same trials you were. You shared even ground on that front, and it was almost calming - no matter how different he seemed, you were still able to intuitively connect with him on a familiar level. At least, that's how it felt for the things you knew how to comfort; him coming to you crying about his king or screaming in rage over board games was something else entirely. Though, it was also a reminder that you never quite knew what to expect from him. Something that still rang true even in this moment as he curled up to you.
What was presumably the climax of the film was playing in front of you - neither of you had been paying it much attention. The main couple was arguing over what appeared to be a miscommunication, seeming to split for good before their assuredly dramatic reunion. In spite of Pouf explaining the plot to you time and time again, you still weren't entirely sure what the fight was about. Not that it mattered, anyways.
"That could never be us."
He'd spoken for the first time since the film started. You humored his quip.
"How so?"
"We're close enough to not need to resort to airing petty grievances; we simply speak."
He wasn't entirely exaggerating. He seemed to have an almost uncanny knack for honing in on what your true emotions were, no matter how much you would try to suppress any upset if it happened to cross your mind. You eventually stopped trying, becoming more open about how you felt with him. You found that you needed to tread carefully as you did so - he was so easy to upset it felt like a hassle to try, but with the right assurances, he could take the information in. You still felt a few minor struggles when it came to truly reading him - there were minor instances where he definitely seemed as though he were trying to hide something, but he also didn't seem to be the best liar. Trying to get him to actually discuss those feelings could feel like pulling teeth with him, but you'd been able to coax it out of him time and time again.
The two of you had put in an exorbitant amount of effort to become as synchronized as you were, with him always monitoring you for signs of distress and you keeping an eye on his rampant anxiety. While it occasionally felt almost overbearing with the way he observed you so closely and so consistently, it made sense in your eyes. He was an ant. He had little idea of how humans functioned and when he'd be crossing a line with his behaviors; his sheer insistence was his way of ensuring he wasn't breaking the boundaries you implicitly had as a human. His fears about upsetting you were palpable; you knew he had a tendency to overthink, to map out the consequences of everything, stilling himself into paralysis. And that was where you came in, pulling him out of the trenches of his worries and reassuring him that yes, you were comfortable, you were happy, you were just as in love. Close indeed.
Your heart leapt at his words, simple as they were. His efforts had been some of the most arduous; watching him cry as he struggled to articulate himself had been painful beyond belief, and being able to see him gradually become better at it with practice had been a reward in and of itself. You beamed, adoration and pride on full display in a gaze you delivered to your partner. Keeping your arm wrapped around him, you moved your hand from his leg to his arm, pulling him closer and turning to kiss the crown of his head, picking up on the faint scent of lavender in his hair. He giggled, turning towards you and shifting to wrap his arms around you, hugging you close and once more nuzzling into your neck. You returned the gesture with enthusiasm, giving him a tight squeeze as you did; he was too nervous to do the same for you - in spite of his spindly frame, his strength far surpassed your own. He instead settled for a loose grasp, just enough for you to feel the warmth from the thick fleece sweater; it almost felt as though he were wrapping you in a blanket.
He began to subtly, gently sway side to side, still holding you. Even in the small moments, his proclivity towards dance and motion still shone through. The motion was relaxing, slow and repetitive. He kept his face buried in your shoulder, his breathing evening out, hinting that his heart may have finally begun to slow to a standard resting rate. He was finally calming down, blissfully relaxing in your arms. You began to loosen your grip, feeling some slight tension in your arms from having held him so tightly for so long.
He also began to loosen what little grip he had on you, leaning back and gazing into your eyes. His own eyes shyly flickered away every few seconds, but the eye contact he briefly maintained was soft and dreamy. Still looking, eyes glinting in the light like gemstones, he moved. It was quite a subtle motion, but he had leaned in just a bit closer. A silent cue, you suspected. You tested the waters, beginning to close the space between the two of you. He smiled a bit wider, anticipation becoming visible in his expression, eyes shining even in the dim shifting lighting. You shifted your hands, moving them up to encircle his face, your fingertips dipping into his hair. His eyes fluttered shut, with your own following soon after. You leaned in and, after some slight hesitance to ensure he was still wanting, you closed the gap, gracing your lips against his own before finally settling into the kiss, the faint taste of strawberries still lingering on him.
His arms, initially wrapped around your waist, slipped away as he trailed his hands up your sides and over your shoulders, sliding them down and across your back as he encircled you by the shoulders. He melted into your touch, sinking into the kiss gradually, fluid as a drop of honey and just as sweet. Even with the thick sweater, his insect nature still shone through - he was still noticeably cold to the touch, as though he'd just been chewing on ice. It was just another draw towards him - part of an odd natural charm, alongside his wings and antennae.
He held you close, near and dear, drawing the act out as long as he could, a certain decadence present in his lips, soft and cool as silk, pressed to your own. He returned for more and more, almost afraid to stop, lest the magic vanish for good. As you began to feel yourself begin to become lightheaded, you felt him finally begin to break away, his chest rising against you with a sudden inhale; he slowly let the air out, his eyes fluttering open, batting his lashes at you as he met your eyes once more. Your lover regarded you with nothing short of adoration. You were responsible for the sun in the sky, for each individual star, radiating the very same warmth to him, the greatest need for his cold blooded body, the very thing waking him from stasis. He leaned back in, nuzzling your face.
"... You are everything I could have ever wished for..."
He delivered affection with no hesitation. That was almost never an issue for him; he definitely put a bit too much thought into how his larger gestures would be received, wanting them to be enacted with perfection and precision, but in the most general sense he loved nothing more than to dote over you. Still fairly early into your relationship, he had held some reservations, but after witnessing your positive reception, he moved without hesitation. Delivering was only a minor issue - it was the reception that always threw him into a tailspin.
The very first time you motioned to hold his hand, he seemed as though he was about to have a heart attack. You of course registered this as a large gesture as well - an open display of PDA between the two of you. He'd found it quite easy to sneak quick kisses to you, to lace your fingers between his own, to pull you into an impromptu waltz, but as soon as you returned the favor, he appeared to be left in shock. Being on the receiving end of love seemed to be something completely foreign to him.
You had made it your personal mission to habituate him.
It had taken time, but he was growing more accepting of it. His initial fluster and discomfort had been because he simply did not feel worth your time or love. It was something he had expressed to you quite explicitly, telling you as you returned kind words or gentle touches that someone like him simply wasn't deserving. You had a suspicion that he still didn't quite believe that he was worth all the time and effort you'd invested with him, but he no longer voiced objections and welcomed your gestures, so you'd felt that that constituted a great deal of progress in and of itself.
It was absolutely invaluable, seeing him become more comfortable not just with you, but with himself as well.
The room suddenly went dark. Both of you turned in unison to see that the movie had ended. Neither of you had actually caught the ending. Pouf seemed almost embarrassed - he'd praised it so highly for weeks on end, and then completely disregarded it in favor of you.
"Did you.. enjoy it?" He paused, knowing full you had also found yourself a little distracted.
".. I think we might have to watch it again." While you didn't find yourself all that drawn to it (from what you did remember seeing), you wanted to genuinely try to watch it for his sake.
Even in the dim light, you could faintly see him blush.
"Yes, we certainly should." He said it with certainty, making it sound more like a promise than a suggestion. At any and all costs, you would view this romcom in its entirety, distractions and all. He spoke again.
"Are you comfortable?" It was a general question - were you hungry? Tired? Cold? You'd gathered over time that it was his shorthand way of covering all questions pertaining to your needs, as to not irritate you by asking one thing after another.
"Maybe I'm a little cold."
In truth, you were quite comfortable - being wrapped in his sweater had staved off the worst of the drafts. You had said it as something of a joke, forgetting his tendency to take such statements seriously; the words had barely left you when he'd begun to shimmy out of the sweater, tucking his wings back in through the collar and slipping it over his head.
"Lift your arms." He looked at you quite seriously, holding the oversized pink sweater. You kept your arms close to yourself, lifting them enough to bring your hands even with your face. He held the bottom of the sweater open and gently pulled it down over you, a soft and warm smile lighting him up, even in the dim light of the rolling movie credits. You slid your hands through the sleeves, feeling your fingertips barely make it out of the sweater. You immediately felt yourself beginning to warm up, the open window and cooling desert air no longer presenting a concern.
"You look adorable."
His voice was drenched in saccharine; when he loved, he loved with his entire being, and it was plain to see that particular force at work. One could have called him a hopeless romantic, but with his relationship fully realized, he was nothing but hopeful, despair having fully become gratitude. For as nervous as being loved could make him feel, it was one of, if not the best thing to have ever happened to him. The security he felt with you was practically unparalleled - he knew he could come to you for comfort, for any solace at all from the obsessive thoughts that plagued him. As much as the feelings were new and nervewracking, they were exhilarating. You loved him, you *lloved him, you loved him. He very thought made him giddy and lightheaded, such simple joy!
Such simple joy in seeing you in his clothes, calm in his presence. You'd kissed him. You'd kissed him and it was the closest he'd come to feeling real magic. This was all known to you - both from his own words and from a somewhat cruel prank his brothers played which had involved you seeing a rather fervent excerpt from his diary, all free space on the page dotted with hearts.
The kisses and holding him close had probably been enough to satisfy him for the night, but you felt just the slightest bit curious as to how he would respond if you gave him just a bit more.
He was still blushing at you, for certain. You couldn't see it now in the low light, but you felt absolutely certain that, if you cupped his face in your hands once more, your hands might actually be colder than him. He hadn't dressed any differently underneath the sweater - still the same high waisted dress pants, the same dress shirt with its collar evocative of a butterfly's wings. Still the same nervous-in-love man you'd fallen for.
He hadn't always been as sweet as he'd been this evening - he'd been quite cold and rude to you in the beginning, later confessing to you how unsure he had felt with his new feelings towards you, a human, of all things. Nerves, disgust, and above all else, domineering fear, had been the primary facets of his emotional landscape, and with you appearing to be responsible for them, he'd wanted you gone. He'd changed his mind just as quickly, confronting the depths of his affections and taking a massive risk - his own king kept a human he was quite fond of, surely this couldn't destroy his status, could it? He found that the only poor outcome of his pursuance was an entire new category of teasing from his siblings, about his increasingly poorly hidden crush, about how "in loooove" he was, the words always drawn out in a singsong voice. He'd deny it to them, of course, he had at least some dignity left to preserve, after all.
He couldn't deny to himself how you charmed him, how the mere mention of your name granted his full attention, oh you? Were you here? Did you want to see him? It was maddening, the way his heart had been tugged and yanked, the way it was threatened to be torn asunder if he never received an answer from you. He knew his pain was largely self inflicted, but had been powerless to stop it until you two began your waltz around one another. He was aware of courtship, idealized it to heaven and back, but the execution was nervewracking; were you enjoying the gifts or merely being polite? He cherished yours. He cherished you, of course fearing you may not feel the same. As the sun's heat lifts fog, his fears dissipated when that waltz had evolved into a slow dance, the warmth seeping into every area of his life.
Oh, how he adored you.
The room suddenly became darker. The credits had finished and the screen had shut off, leaving the two of you silently staring at each other in near darkness, dim silvery starlight trickling in with the breeze from the open window. Pouf suddenly seemed embarrassed.
"I completely lost track of the time..! You must be exhausted-"
"No!" You didn't want him to feel bad about such a good night. You also knew he would probably call you out for lying.
"... I'm just a little tired." You'd also lost track of the time. You fished your phone from your pocket and checked the clock as it flashed up. 1:37AM. Had the movie really been that long? Truthfully, you considered the most likely culprit: the excitement both of you had had for this evening, delaying the meet up for more time to prepare, not noticing the late start until it has brought both of you to this early hour.
"I think I'll stay over here for the night." He would've walked you home, flown you even. He would've viciously fought the desert cold to ensure your safety; you didn't want him to feel he had to. He also would have complained the entire time, his heart wrenching at the thought of having to let you go for a bit. You were finding yourself quite comfortable on the couch, in the sweater, with your partner at your side.
"I'll prepare a bed-" You reached out and took him by the shoulders.
"Actually, I'm comfortable right here."
"Don't be silly, it won't be long-"
"And where will you sleep?" You knew there wasn't an extra bed - the one he'd prepare for you would be his own.
"I don't mind this couch-"
"Well, neither do I."
He fell silent. Were you trying to shrug off his good will? Or was there something deeper being implied in your words that he was simply missing?
You took one of the throw pillows on the couch, something too plush to be a throw, and set it in the corner closest to you before leaning half your weight onto it. You smiled up at him, genuinely becoming quite settled and comfortable on the couch. He still didn't seem so certain; you considered taking a leap, feeling your heart start to pound as you pondered your words.
"I could.. show you how comfortable the couch is."
Nailed it.
He stared blankly back at you. "I've sat here before, I know what it feels like..?" His voice rose at the end of his sentence, genuinely confused by your statement.
"No, uh, let me. show you-" Your response was stilted, awkward pauses scattered throughout. Pouf wasn't dense. He was far from it. He was an incredibly intelligent man, a mind as quick and bright as a flash of lightning. It all fell apart as soon as social dynamics came into play. He struggled with subtext, with tone, with reading emotions without the use of his nen. You would have to be direct with him, stating your intention without hiding it behind your embarrassment of actually asking him for the innocent query that was on your mind.
"... I don't understand what you mean." You begged yourself to just speak up, to tell him what was on your mind. It wasn't even anything excessive - you'd already held him close during the movie. Just ask. Speak up.
"I want to show you that it's comfortable on the couch!" This was not your finest moment. You were stalling.
You took a deep breath.
"I want.. to ask you something." He straightened up immediately. You completely forgot how saying something so vague would set his anxieties alight.
"It's nothing bad," you quickly added. He didn't respond, confused by the barrage of vague words and unreadable signals.
"Are you okay? If you want to leave-"
"I don't!" Oh my god, you couldn't do this. You looked over him. His hands were folded in his lap, even in the low light it was still visible that he was digging his nails into his hands. His expression could be mistaken for vacant if you didn't know him as well as you did. He was in frantic thought, trying to find where he'd gone wrong after such a seemingly successful evening.
The time was passing. You inhaled, gathered resolve, steeled yourself-
"Do you want to cuddle?"
The words didn't even seem to come from you with the way they had slurred together in your nervousness. He was no different - his response was a shrill sound, something almost like a squeak, as both his hands flew to his face, covering his mouth.
A heavy silence settled over you. Having to be so forward felt almost humiliating. Pouf seemed to also be embarrassed for having missed every cue you'd tried to put in front of him. Though, it was admittedly something you very much liked about him. He never made assumptions, always waiting for confirmation instead. It was quite polite, the way he would consistently wait for consent - to make an advancement, to enter an occupied room, to wait until you said you liked something before immediately snatching it up as a future gift. He was moving towards spontaneity - if anything, this evening had been proof of that - but his fear of accidentally making you uncomfortable kept that behavior largely in check. He almost seemed to refuse to read subtext as a result.
Granted, you didn't feel you had been giving off very clear cues.
His gaze fell to his hands. ".. How do you want to do this?"
You scooted to the side of the couch, closer to the edge, then lifted your hands to him, arms fully outstretched. You gave a sheepish smile, offering up the newly opened space to him. He still seemed unsure.
"You're so close to the edge, you'll fall if you lie there." The concern was evident in his voice.
"I think I'll be okay." Your voice was full of warmth as you coaxed him into lying down. He leaned over you, resting himself on his hands as he looked down over you; he was visibly beginning to shrink away as soon as he'd moved closer.
"Are you sure?" His voice had dropped to a whisper.
"Yes." You could see he was smiling as he asked the question, as shaky and tense as he seemed. He was glad you'd asked - you know he almost never would have worked up the courage to ask you himself. Too much to consider, too many variables to account for.
He clumsily lowered himself into the gap between yourself and the back of the couch, moving slowly to disturb you as little as possible. You brought your arms back down as he began to settle, lying on his side with his arms bent close to his chest. He kept his legs straight, trying to not make too much contact between himself and you, a difficult task with how almost comically long his legs were. You turned to your side as well, your head even with his. He was still grinning, almost a little too widely - he was still visibly nervous about being invited into much more intimate quarters with you.
You weren't going to pretend you weren't nervous either. You'd always returned to your own home to sleep, even as Pouf would protest and plead with you to stay; you suspected that he didn't actually know what he would've done if you'd said yes. He would make his bed for you and take the couch, not realizing you may have had a bit more on your mind if you had agreed to stay the night. It was almost odd, he was so close to you, but you couldn't feel any body heat coming from him. He would only cool further with the open window lulling him to sleep.
The two of you stared at one another in silence.
"So.. do you come here often?" You just needed the silence to break in any way possible. He let out a small amused exhale.
"Yes.. I may even live here."
You smiled almost a bit too much at him not missing the joke this time. He would claim that you never made it clear that you were joking, your delivery was too serious and genuine and he simply could never tell.
"I didn't think what I said was that funny.."
You spoke through soft laughter. "No, it's just that..." What were you going to say? It was just what? That he was being cute? That you loved him? That you'd gladly spend every night for the rest of your life with him, just like this?
"You're just... cute, is all."
He immediately shifted, angling his head to look above and away from you, bringing his hands just a bit closer to himself.
"You even moreso." He seemed to say it almost impulsively, as soon as the words had come to him. He'd glanced briefly back at you as he spoke before his eyes immediately darted off in the other direction. God, he was cute.
Your hands were rested next to your face, similar to where his initially had been when he'd first settled. Once he began to relax after his compliment, you could see his eyes shift from empty space, to your face, down to your hands. He stared quite hard, almost as if afraid you might move. He took a deep breath. He played it off, letting it out slowly. He inhaled again.
"...May I.. May I-" His eyes shifted back to your own, "-please.. hold your hand?" The words were awkwardly spaced and almost too quiet for you to hear, but the request was clear enough for you to understand.
"Of course." Your reply was in the same gentle lull he had spoken with. After your affirmation, he reached out, bridging the very short gap between the two of you, laying his fingertips on your hand first. You felt almost shocked at how cold his touch was. His hands were usually cool, but they felt nearly ice cold in that moment. He lowered the rest of his hand, sliding his fingers around the back of your hand, his thumb curling over from the opposite side. You folded your fingers inward, brushing them over his own.
He smiled in bliss. It took very little to make him feel truly happy; anything that demonstrated your love to him was prioritized in his mind above all else. Your affections were one of the few things his anxieties couldn't touch. For certain, he still held fears about the relationship as a whole, but many of them had eased with time. He felt certain you weren't going to leave him, that your affections were genuine, that you saw him, really saw him and loved what you saw. And in that moment, all of that broke upon like a wave breaking onto a shoreline.
You could see tears in his eyes, glistening in the starlight. He smiled just as widely as he had been, looking into your eyes as he loosely held your hand.
"I love you.." He was barely audible as he confessed. He had never said the words to you. It was clear and evident to anyone who saw the two of you that you loved each other deeply, and of course you'd shown each other that love in a variety of ways. Words weren't his strong suit - he struggled greatly with articulation when it came to emotions. To see him able to pull it all together, for even this brief moment, was absolutely priceless. It was a memory you would treasure long after the night was over.
You felt tears begin to sting your own eyes.
"I love you too."
His tears fell, quick streaks of shining silver down the side of his face. He'd summoned everything he'd had in himself to physically say the words to you, and you'd returned them with no hesitation. His vulnerability had been rewarded almost immediately with validation, he couldn't help but begin to cry in joy.
You yawned.
You didn't mean to break up such a deeply tender moment, but sleep had been creeping up to you since the movie had finished. Pouf's demeanor immediately changed.
"I'm sorry, I forgot how late it was-"
"Oh, hush."
The tears were still bright on his face. Of course he was concerned for you, it was what he did best. He didn't need as much sleep, as much food, could withstand heavier hits. He treated you as though you were made of glass, constantly checking in to make sure you've eaten enough, that you've slept enough, that him putting a hand on your shoulder hadn't been too rough. He struggled to understand human needs, but he'd be damned if he didn't do his best to try to meet them. You knew his mood would start to fall again if you let him think he was depriving you of a basic need.
"I am getting a little tired.. goodnight?" You deliberately phrased it as a question, giving him a chance to give his own thoughts.
His eyes softened.
You could tell that didn't seem to be all.
He was searching for words again, loosening his grip on your hand.
"I would like to.." He stopped entirely. "May I.." He paused again. He seemed to he struggling with the same embarrassment you had confronted earlier. You knew whatever he wanted was innocuous. You two had already gotten handsy an hour ago, it wasn't as though there was anything more nervewrackingly intimate he could look you in the eyes to ask for.
"... Goodnight kiss?" He said the words to put them on the table, dropping the entire first half of the sentence. You flashed him a dreamy smile.
"Of course."
You moved your hand, with him immediately letting go as you brought it to rest on his cheek, leaning in, lifting your head and resting it closer to him, softly pressing your lips to his, feeling him reciprocate. The moment was wrapped in a haze from your exhaustion, yet it stood out like a vivid dream you didn't want to end. You pulled away, a silly thought forming in the back of your mind.
"Hold on, I don't think I did that right, let me try again." You immediately went back in for a second kiss, hearing him softly laugh before he sank back into your touch.
"Hm.. maybe one more, just to make sure."
You felt his hand slide onto your own cheek, mimicking the position you held your own on his face. Your hand slid up, just enough to tangle your fingers in his hair, feeling the way the soft locks parted with your touch. You could dimly feel him move his legs over and between your own, tangling them together. He broke away for a brief moment, mumbling against your lips a small statement, an almost inaudible, "I want to hold you", to which you happily obliged, moving just enough for him to slip his other hand beneath you, wrapping his arm around your torso. For as intimate as the two of you were in that moment, it wasn't particularly heated - both of you were beginning to succumb to your exhaustions. You felt yourself beginning to drop off as he slowed, pressing a few more lazy kisses to your mouth; you smiled against his lips as he finally broke away, nuzzling your face as a final loving gesture.
You spoke first, "I love you."
He smiled, full of warmth in spite of the cold room.
"I love you too." The way he worded it was almost unlike him. You would've expected to hear "as well" or "also", but he kept the phrasing conventional, exactly as he would have read about it. Exactly as you would've expected to hear. Perfect, just for you.
He removed his hand from your cheek, moving it along your back as he wrapped you in his other arm as well, pulling you closer. You grinned as you had one last thought about making the night unforgettable for him.
You yawned once more, asking, "Hey, do you still want to cuddle?" You took your hand off of his face and gently tapped your own chest. He hummed in confusion, not understanding the gesture. You shifted your posture as he loosened his grip enough to allow you to move, scooting yourself a bit farther up the couch, bringing your head near the top of the pillow. He watched you with a dim, drowsy curiosity. When you settled, you lazily lifted your arms to him.
"Come here."
His eyes widened enough for him to appear fully alert once more.
"Are you certain?"
Always the gentleman.
He let go of the awkward grip he had on you, repositioning his hands as he moved to lay his head on your chest, hesitating for a moment but replaying your reassurance in the back of his mind. He rested his head against you, motioning to hug you again, snuggling into you as you also pulled him close. You bowed your head, picking up that faint lavender scent again, kissing him one final time.
"Goodnight lovebug."
A lovestruck giggle.
"Goodnight... Goodnight." You had been able to immediately seize the low hanging fruit for a pet name; he hadn't gotten quite so far yet.
You could feel his breathing already beginning to level out as he fell asleep in your arms, feeling yourself about to do the same. His heart had beaten so fast when he cuddled up to you, and now it had calmed in his respite. You'd seen his bed and the multitude of pillows and stuffed animals he kept on it (he swore he wasn't attached to the animals - you swore he was a terrible liar). He seemed just as comfortable using you as a pillow. You weren't going to keep awake for much longer, using your last handful of spare minutes to imagine the scene, the way he fully curled into you, arms wrapped and legs tangled, wings trailing behind him down the length of the couch, his head positioned just so that his antennae were kept aloft. An unbelievably powerful insect, fueled by loyalty and devotion, the depths of which you could scarecely even begin to imagine, an absolutely fearsome creature indeed - on a couch, snuggled up with his favorite human, already lapsing into a dream. In spite of it all, you two seemed to make the impossible a reality. It was what you got for dating an artist, a dreamer.
A dream that would carry on long after the morning sun arose.
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crabknight · 6 months
I'm going to bed now and I'm assuming you'll see this in the morning
The curtains opened and blinding light poured into the otherwise peacefully dark room.
"Rise and shine!" Frederick called out.
"Shut uppppppp! It's too early for this  bullshit!" Maribelle growled back, stuffing her head under the pillow.
"No cursing, Maribelle, that's unfit for a steward and noblewoman. And stewards wake up when the sun rises, even if that means getting up at four."
"I hate you."
Though she was mad, she rose. Frederick let her be while she switched into her daily wear. She considered going back to bed, but he would only come back if it took her more than two minutes to get dressed. Honestly, two minutes! She didn't even have time to put on any makeup or do her hair, what did he expect of her!?
She settled for a low ponytail and joined him in the hallway.
"Fastest way to wake up is with a cold glass of water," he smiled, handing her a cup.
She drank it all, quickly feeling much more alive than only seconds prior.
"There's lots to do today, we have to clean up from the feast yesterday!" he smiled.
"Didn't the stewards all do that last night?" she groaned.
"Not all of it. They're human too- never forget that, stewards need breaks."
"And I don't?"
"Well, neither of us work as much as actual stewards."
She ceased her grumbling once they reached the kitchen and they began doing the dishes. As much as she detested Frederick, (or at least his work ethic) they had developed a sort of rhythm when they worked. They needed hardly exchange a word, already knowing what to do. She scrubbed at a seemingly endless pile of dishes while he dried and put away.
After dishes was sweeping, mopping, polishing and finally, laundry. Maribelle sat on her knees, scrubbing endlessly at the stained tablecloths. This was one task she didn't need to work together with Frederick to do. They each sat with their own pile of clothes, some meters apart without exchanging a word.
Still, Maribelle caught herself stealing glances at him. He was perfectly calm, expression unchanging as he cleaned. He was far better at it than she could ever even hope to be, though she didn't feel envy. It was all admira-
"Ouch!" she said, finally looking down at her bucket.
In the excitement of the previous night's feast, someone broke a glass. Apparently, not all the shards had been thrown away, for Maribelle had cut her hand on one of them.
"Let me see," Frederick said, still perfectly calm.
He held her hand and carefully examined the wound before taking out the pieces of glass and wrapping it in a bandage.
They had worked enough, he decided, and it was difficult to continue with such a big cut. The rest of the laundry would be left to the stewards. With heavy steps and droopy eyes, they took to a drawing room where they always reviewed their progress.
"It is nine! We worked-" Maribelle yawned, "Pardon. We worked for five hours without a break!"
"That, we did," Frederick replied.
Maribelle narrowed her eyes, trying to find the smallest hint of exhaustion on his face, anything to indicate he was tired as well. He seemed fine, as though he could run a marathon or work another five hours.
But he yawned.
"We can review our work later," he said, "And I think I'm gonna have to reconsider waking up at four everyday."
Before Maribelle could even say she agreed, Frederick had fallen back on the couch and was beginning to nod off. She didn't complain and only leaned on him, resting her head on his shoulder as she fell asleep.
yes very good I enjoy
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mercurial-madhouse · 3 years
hi! I see on your Tumblr you mentioned that you have a couple fics in the outline stage... I'm currently writing for the soulmatesabroad fest, but I never made an outline, I just started writing. I almost never make outlines for anything I do bc they feel too organized for my brain and it stresses me out. is that bad? Will that make it more likely to be too DISorganized for other people?? I have ~2k rn and it hasn't been an issue yet, but will it become one later? tysm! I LOVE your writing 😊😍
Beautiful Anony, congrats on writing for the fest! How exciting! (And thanks for the compliment!)
Please never think that the way you write is bad. There are books and blogs galore in the author world discussing writing method and I believe neither is inherently better than another. Here are some thoughts that’ll hopefully help!
(Great industry terms, right?)
On one end, pure plotting is outlining every single detail, breaking down not just the plot but each scene and then each moment within the scene, every character arc and how the theme will play out in each moment, how long the fic will be to ensure you hit certain points at certain word counts, etc etc. and then writing only once you’ve got everything lined up.
A pure panster, which is where I believe you feel most comfortable, just goes for it! Put that pen on paper or clickety-clack that keyboard and start writing! See where it goes!
Both have pros and cons, but here’s the big secret:
The best method is the one that works for you and gets you writing. 
Here’s the second big secret:
Every writer is almost always a blend of both.
And that mix is a super special concoction that changes with each author and can change with each fic. I’ve never met a writer that flies by the seat of their pants who didn’t start with an idea and therefore have some sense of where the fic was going or what it would be about. That’s a certain level of plotting.
On the flip side, even the most meticulous plotter still pantses when they write. Characters run away from us or the outline has to be reworked, for example. Perhaps you may know what type of scene you want in a certain spot, but have no idea what exactly is going to happen so you just go for it. There’s your pantsing!
Next secret: There’s no right answer, you’ll have to figure it out!
One of the craziest and most mythical experiences in the writing journey is discovering what method (or bits of a method) work(s) best for you depending on what you’re writing.
Here are some of examples from my own body of fanfic works:
My first fic is 186k and I mostly pants’ed it. I started with a single idea: “What would happen if character A got stuck in character B’s head so no one could shut character A up?” Where does it start? A night clubbing! And then I just wrote.
I intended for it to be a crack!fic. It turned into a monster of a wild angst fest with insane levels of snark. The beauty of pantsing.
My most recent fic is 162k and I spent a lot of time plotting it. Why? The fic is very complex, written in two points of view with five important character arcs on top of a very intricate plot with many twists and reveals. With so many moving parts, I needed to have a clear idea of where the pieces fall and wanted to ensure I had a balance when it came to which POV we read.
Occasionally this method put me in analysis paralysis. I was so aware of the rest of the fic that it felt overwhelming at times. And in places where I didn’t have a scene plotted out, suddenly pantsing it felt terrifying. But it also kept me on track. The beauty of plotting.
The fics I currently have in the works are a mix of plotting and pantsing as well. One is a time traveler AU, so I leaned into plotting because of it’s moving parts and the cyclical nature of the plot itself. Meanwhile one I’m posting today started as a drabble where I just wrote.
If a method is stopping you from writing, toss it. Try something else. The most important thing is that whatever you’re doing helps you get those beautiful words on paper.
Writers are alchemists. We weave gold from words. Think of it like casting a spell. You have the words (pantsing) and the wand movement (plotting). They’re two separate pieces, but you need both to create the magic. Depending on how you tweak the movement or the words, you may burn your eyebrows off or get a paper butterfly’s wings a’fluttering. Find the pieces that work best for you for the particular spell-fic you’re creating.
Maybe you need the smallest of outlines before you write, a ‘here’s where they start and here’s where I want them to end up’. Maybe you want to completely explore a theme, a feeling, a relationship, so you start with a simple question and see what happens. Maybe you’re stuck so you decide to really plot out one specific scene. Maybe the outline you wrote feels too limiting all of a sudden. Chuck it out!
Pick and choose, love! If it works for you and leaves you with a finished fic you’re proud of, then it’s a success!
My current goal is to polish my skill in writing shorter stories. I’m leaning into an outline for my upcoming fic because I want it to stay short, but my personal outline for this one isn’t as rigid or comprehensive as you may think. I’m experimenting to see if it’ll help me hone in on what details can be removed without detracting from the story. I’m still on the journey too. It’s all an experiment and that’s the beauty of it!
As for your final concern about what readers may think: fear not! I gave us a peek inside my writing process for a few of my fics because I guarantee most readers won’t be able to tell whether you plotted or pantsed. (My beta definitely can, but she also knows my writing style inside and out). Were you able to tell reading my fics whether I plotted or pantsed?
If you’re writing, then whatever you’re doing is working.
So keep putting those words out there, love. You got this! Not having an outline may never become an issue. But if it does, make one! Use the tool that helps when you need it. And feel free to reach out to me any time! My ask and DMs are always open. Writing is as solitary or as social as we want it to be.
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milkmateartist · 3 years
HEAVENS Black Garden English Translation 【 Eiichi & Eiji's Route Pt. 1 】
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[ --- I do not own Black Garden, HEAVENS, Utapri, or any of the characters. This is a fan translation using a combination of google translate and my own japanese knowledge --- ]
// Translated by MilkmateArtist
▽ You
"Someone may come back, so I'll wait here."
I might get lost if I walked around recklessly in an unfamiliar place.
I also didn't have the courage to wander about in the dark.
▽ Eric
"You're awake……?"
▽ You
"Eric! !!"
I turned around to see Abel and Eric.
▽ Eric
"Sorry, did we surprise you? We ran out of firewood so we went out to get some more".
He held some pieces of firewood in his hands.
▽ Abel
"This area gets cold at night".
Abel said this as he added wood to the fire.
Embers from the fireplace flared up and the room became brighter.
▽ You
"Where are the others ...?"
▽ Abel
"They're back in their room and resting. Everyone was pretty energetic today so they're probably tired."
▽ You
"I'm sorry, you two remained because I fell asleep, huh?"
▽ Abel
"I thought about picking you up and carrying you to your room, but Eric thought it would be pitiful if I woke you up, so I didn't do so."
▽ Eric
"Jeez, Nii san! That was supposed to be confidential. "
As if a bit flustered, Eiichi's words got the better of Eiji.
▽ You
"Thank you for your concern. "
▽ Eric
"Um……. If you'd like, would you like to talk a little more?"
▽ You
"Of course! To be honest, It's rather lonely being on my own".
The drowsiness I had before seemed to disappear as if it were a lie.
▽ Abel
"So what would you like to talk about?"
(A) Hear about Abel
(B) Hear about Eric
(C) Hear about life in the mansion
(A) Hear About Abel:
▽ You
"I want to hear about you Abel."
▽ Abel
"I'm pleased by your request, especially since you're lonely, But I think it's better to talk about something else."
Abel seemed to care about Eric being there. He seemed to cherish his younger brother.
▽ Abel
"Instead, tell us about yourself.. I'm sure Eric wants to hear too."
Then as requested, I started telling them about myself for a while.
(B) Hear about Eric:
▽ You
"I want to hear about Eric".
▽ Eric
"About me……? I don't know if it's that interesting. I'm not very good at conversation."
Eric looked down with little confidence. I felt his humble nature.
▽ Eric
"Um ... if you don't mind, I'd like to hear about you. We'd like to get to know you better. Right, nii san?"
Then as requested, I started telling them about myself for a while.
(C) Hear about life in the mansion
▽ You
"I would like to ask about life in the mansion.".
▽ Abel
"Though the work is split between all of us, with the exception of my own work, there is much to do."
▽ Eric
"There are only 7 people, so we have to work together. When we finish our work we have free time so it's enjoyable."
Excited, the conversation piled up regarding their mansion life.
How much time had passed? The firewood they had put down earlier had gotten smaller.
I felt that I became a little more familiar with things regarding the mansion.
▽ Abel
"Thank you again for coming. You're a person suitable for the mansion."
▽ You
"Me? Really ...! I still think it's a dream."
I couldn't believe someone with such a wonderful mansion was my relative. The world they live in is too different.
▽ Abel
"You don't have to be modest. Just by being here your beauty accompanies the flowers. More than anything, you have a radiant personality. There is no boundary to your virtue."
I could tell he was speaking from the heart as he emphasized and gestured with grandeur.
▽ Abel
"Your soul is resonating, do you understand...? You're a necessity."
▽ You
"I'm a ... necessity ...?"
As though captivated, I was drawn in by the fiery zeal in Abel's eyes. A hypnotic floating sensation dominated my body.
▽ Eric
"It's unusual for my brother to like someone this much".
To relieve the tense atmosphere, Eric got up from his chair and added wood to the fireplace.
▽ Eric
"Even though Nii san was better than anyone, and was the envy of others, he never sought out anyone."
▽ Abel
"That's a misunderstanding. I can't do anything on my own.. I think it's all thanks to everyone and especially Eric that I can maintain this life."
▽ Eric
"That's very like you Nii san. You're as special as always. I'm always chasing after you. For me that's always so..."
Then he closed his mouth and looked down.
▽ You
"That's not true. The food today was really good and the garden you take care of is more radiant than any other."
Is there anything I can do? I thought I'd try to encourage him in the least.
▽ Eric
Perhaps he was surprised by the sudden words, seeing his startled expression.
▽ You
"Ah……. I just got passionate.. I'm sorry, I just met you and all."
▽ Eric
"No, Thank you. As Nii san says, you really are wonderful. I'm happy that we met."
▽ Abel
"We should wrap it up. It's getting later in the night. You should go back to your room. "
Heeding Abel's words, the fun time came to a close. The two sent me out beforehand since they had to clean up.
It seemed that the rain had stopped before I knew it.
On my way back to my room, I couldn't help worry about something.
"Don't enter the garden at night"
When it came to the garden at night, everyone spoke as though they were hiding something.
And above all, I was struck by the desire to see the beautiful garden at night.
▽ You
"I wonder if there is any place I can go to get outside."
The doors and windows of the building were locked and unlikely to open. I tried many ways, but even the smallest window was locked.
The back road that I passed in the daytime was also closed.
It felt like I was trapped in the building itself.
▽ You
"Over there……".
While wandering around the hall, I found a corridor through the window. There was a tower at the end of the passageway, and it seemed like it could go outside.
I put my hand on the door to the crossing corridor.
▽ You
"It's open! "
The cool outside breeze stroked my cheeks.
When I leaned out from the railing in the corridor, I could see the garden through the gaps between the trees.
Now I can go out to the garden. I broke into a walk as if I were drawn in.
▽ Abel
"What are you doing."
Abel appeared from the entrance of the tower.
▽ Abel
"You didn't go back to your room?"
He gave a sharp look that pierced through me.
▽ Abel
"You weren't going to the garden, were you?"
(A) Be honest
(B) I got lost
(C) I wanted some fresh air
(B) I got lost
▽ You
"When I tried to return to the room, I got lost ... "
I mustn't tell the truth. I felt so instinctively.
▽ Abel
"Lost, huh ... Don't you think that sounds rather unfortunate?"
He looked at me with mercy and approached me.
▽ Abel
"I hate lies."
(A) Be honest
▽ You
"……I was. I was really curious about the garden."
It was useless hiding it. I answered honestly.
▽ Abel
"I see.. You answered well. It's good to be honest."
I thought I would be scolded, so I was surprised at his words.
▽ Abel
"However, there are rules in the world that must not be broken."
▽ You
……! !!
Someone smote the back of my head and I fell down there. A red stain spread on the floor.
▽ Abel
"Good night. Sleep for eternity ..".
(C) I wanted some fresh air
▽ You
"I wanted some fresh air ..."
Even if it wasn't correct, I immediately gave an excuse not too far-fetched.
It was also true that I wanted to get out from being indoors.
▽ Abel
"Well said, but all doors and windows are closed at night. Except for this passageway."
He spoke in an inquiring tone.
▽ Abel
"Why do you think that is? If you are that clever, then you know the answer?"
Abel walked slowly and lined up next to me.
▽ You
"..... I - I don't know. "
▽ Abel
"It's to catch anyone trying to break into the garden."
Abel strongly grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back into the mansion.
▽ You
……! !!
Unable to resist his power, I was at his mercy.
▽ Abel
"Those who break the rules need appropriate sanctions."
My dread prevented me from speaking.
Abel roughly opened a door and I was thrown into a room.
My body hits the back of the wall in recoil.
▽ You
"...... Kya! !!"
Abel hit the wall with his hand as if to corner me, and peered into my face with a bloodcurdling expression.
▽ Abel
"Didn't I warn you enough? Why did you not take it?"
▽ You
"I- I'm sorry ..."
▽ Abel
"...... I'm disappointed in you."
He let me go, expressing a bit of sadness.
▽ Abel
"It must be seen that bad (girls/boys/etc) be punished."
The key ring in Abel's hand made a noise as it swayed..
▽ Abel
"Cool your head in this room. If you wish to live here, change your behavior."
▽ You
"Abel, please wait!"
I desperately clung to his hand. Feeling really guilty, terror started to seep into the gloomy room.
▽ Abel
"Understand that there are things in the world that should not be known."
He shook my hand off and I slumped to the floor.
(A) Ask the secret of the garden
(B) Contradict him
(C) Obediently comply
(A) Ask the secret of the garden
▽ You
What kind of secret is there behind the garden at night?
I said I had been wondering for a long time.
▽ You
"When the topic comes up, everyone acts as though they're trying to hide something. As if they're scared ..."
The secret that casts a dark shadow on this happy mansion. The circumstance was so unnatural that I felt a sense of discomfort.
▽ Abel
"I have no obligation to tell you."
(B) Contradict him
▽ You
"If that's so, then why did you tell me?"
"Don't enter only the garden at night"
Everything started with Abel's advice.
▽ You
"If I didn't know, I wouldn't even be interested in it in the first place".
Yes, he dared to give me that information.
▽ Abel
"…… Huh.."
As if delighted, he smiled as his eyes shined suspiciously.
▽ You
"Are you testing me?"
▽ Abel
"As I thought, this is only what I expected. Your attitude in pursuing the truth and unyielding to fear is to be praised."
Abel pushed my chin up with his finger.
I immediately pushed away his hand.
▽ Abel
"II ! I like you more and more ( ___ ) . "
(C) Obediently comply
▽ You
"I understand……"
I sensed it was meaningless to resist anymore.
▽ Abel
"I wish you had taken my advice from the beginning."
Abel muttered the words under his breath as he moved towards the door.
▽ Abel
"But it's all in the past now".
The door closed mercilessly, locking with a loud noise.
I wondered how much time would pass here.
The windows were tightly fitted with iron bars and unescapable.
The door never opened, as if my existence had been forgotten.
▽ Abel
"It's all for you."
He muttered the words as he left, and then the door was mercilessly closed.
I ran up to the door, put my hand on the doorknob and moved it as hard as I could.
▽ You
"It's no good.. It's locked and it won't budge."
I tried various ways to get out of the room, but none of them worked.
The windows were tightly fitted with iron bars and I couldn't escape..
The only thing that seemed to move was time.
Suddenly the room was unlocked.
▽ Eric
"Are you all right?"
▽ You
"Eric ...!"
▽ Eric
"I didn't see you around so I went looking, but it seems you were here."
I was relieved seeing his gentle smile. Without thinking, I rushed to him.
▽ Eric
"I guess you're being punished by Nii san?"
▽ You
"You know that?...! "
Without having to explain what had been so far, he seemed to know everything.
▽ Eric
"This is the room for that. A place where those who break the rules are trapped. Though I have never been myself though."
He shrugged with a bitter smile.
▽ Eric
"Regardless of how you look, you're pretty bold if you upset my brother."
▽ You
"In the end, I was curious about the garden at night ..."
I honestly confessed my feelings.
▽ Eric
."..... It wasn't enough huh...."
▽ You
His muttered voice was so quiet that I couldn't hear it well.
▽ Eric
"No. Nothing. I was just thinking how I should have paid more attention to you."
▽ You
"You didn't do anything bad. My thinking wasn't sound after all..".
Even though I said that, my questions lingered.
Why couldn't I enter the garden and what were they hiding ... My anxiety only increased.
▽ Eric
"Did you still want to see the "Night Garden"? "
(A) I want to see
(B) I do not want to see
(C) I'm not sure
(A) I want to see
▽ You
"I want to see it. I want to see it with my own eyes. "
I answered with clear intention. I couldn't lie to my heart.
▽ Eric
"I thought you would say so. You have strength that I don't, and I find that attractive".
▽ You
"Eh……? What do you mean by that..".
I couldn't hide my confusion from his straightforward words.
▽ Eric
"It means just that. It's rather dazzling. Pure and fearless. That kind of freedom is like a flower blooming in the field."
(B) I do not want to see
▽ You
"I don't want to see it. It's been a lot."
There was no need to anxiously make a decision.
▽ Eric
"I ... understand. You definitely must be tired from all the stuff that's been going on".
I nodded at his words, even though something about the phrasing made it seem like it held hidden connotations.
▽ You
"I want to get back to my room soon to sleep."
▽ Eric
" If that's the case, you should drink this. It's a medicine that makes you feel tired. I created it from the plants I've been nurturing."
Eric had a purple vial in his hand.
▽ You
"Thank you".
Upon receiving the bottle, I opened the lid and put the medicine in my mouth. A thick, sweet liquid spread across my tongue.
I was enraptured by a flower-like scent and an indescribable sense of happiness.
I closed my eyes as if I were dreaming.
I didn't want to wake up anymore.
I found that my heartbeat gradually slowed down and my consciousness went away.
(C) I'm not sure
▽ You
"I don't know. I want to see it, but I'm a little scared to know the truth."
I was hesitant to step further.
▽ Eric
"Are you worried about my brother? About if you'll be scolded again?"
I nodded honestly.
▽ You
"But I don't know if it's right to keep lying about my feelings."
I was wondering if at this rate, I could still live here while raising all this distrust.
▽ Eric
"Haha. You answered for yourself just now, right? It's okay. I'll support you."
▽ Eric
Eric took my hand and we left the room.
▽ You
"Eric! ??"
He held my hand strongly as we walked down the corridor leading to the garden.
▽ Eric
"One cannot overcome curiosity. Once you're obsessed, you can't escape."
Guided by Eric, we headed to the garden at night.
Go to Black Garden English Translation Directory here for more routes.
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utapriyanderes · 4 years
Hi, could you please do QN with their crush loving singing/music by another idol who is noticeably less skilled than they are? Like "I'm a pro so why are you such a big fan of this musically challenged person?" (Also I sent an ask while you were on hiatus and I'm not sure if you got it, it was about dealing with loneliness/sadness from being kept in isolation for too long)
   Hello! I actually know what ask you are talking about! I actually had it finished before I came back as it was the one I worked on before my official announcement. So it’s been done for awhile. I have just been hesitating on posting it. Though I’ll make sure to post it either today or tomorrow!
Though it will be like my usual posts instead of like this one since I got it done before doing this. Either way this took awhile just due to motivation hitting me then leaving me. Though this is how I prefer to do things since it's more like mini oneshots and I love writing oneshots/more story based things like this so it actually makes the process more fun! I also think it helps to build the world and characters for all of you guys as well! So please enjoy!
Reiji Kotobuki:
    Reiji comes home from work for the day, excited to see you as he always is. He was even expecting you to greet him as soon as the door opened, but you're not there. He walks in closing the door behind him, worrying as to where you could be. He takes a peek in the living room and kitchen. When he finds you're not there he starts thinking about, every horrible thing that comes to his mind. Realizing he has another room he could check, he goes into the bedroom you two share. 
    There, he finds you. Sitting on the bed surrounded by CDs, listening to music through your headphones. Your back is facing him as you sway to the music. The frantic Reiji's beating heart calms down as he smiles in relief. He goes towards you with a hand reached out, but stops quickly after as soon as he hears your voice sing out a line from a song. 
    Reiji notices right away that it wasn't one of his songs you were listening to. That definitely wasn't a lyric he wrote. His smile drops and his expression turns serious. Hand still reached out he moves to grab your shoulder. You jump in surprise at the contact. As you're quick to stop the music and take off your headphones he notices all the CDs surrounding you. 
    The new rookie idol in the agency? Reiji doesn't understand it. He was by far the better idol, but you're listening to someone else that wasn't near where he was! Reiji lifts his head to find your bright orbs filled with surprise and worry and, shame. Reiji can tell you're trying to find an excuse.
    Reiji looks back down at your hands. He grabs one ever so tenderly. Your all he thinks about all day. You're the reason he is able to be so happy in his life! You're his reason to keep on living and breathing! But you're here, listening to someone lower than him. Someone who will never notice you or love you like him.
    It makes him so upset to see you like this. He's never felt this betrayed before. He knows he has to do something. He runs over his thoughts as he stares at your connected hands. Then he looks back up. Your excuse is clear in your head and you're about to speak, but he stops you.
    "(N/N), I love you very much right? You know that don't you?" Reiji's question seems innocent enough. It stops you from saying whatever excuse you had. Instead you close your mouth and nod at him, looking down. Reiji calls you by the nickname he gave you again. 
    "Do you love that idol more than me?" You're quick to shake your head. Your eyes, already starting to fill with tears. Reiji's heart breaks at the sight. He doesn't want to see you in tears. He moves his arms to hold you. Letting you rely on him. 
    "(N/N), if you love me… then you know what we have to do with those CDs right?" Reiji whispers it into your ear. Your body freezes at the dark tone in his voice. Slowly you nod your head at his question.
    Feeling your response, Reiji's heart becomes much lighter. His grip on you tightens despite his mood. Reiji promises to never let you go, and he won't let your heart be taken away so easily by another idol. Especially one below him.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    Ranmaru opens his eyes to stare at the bland ceiling overhead. Waking up from his mid-afternoon nap he feels a warmth on his stomach. Remembering you slept with him he places a content hand on the warmth. Except, that warmth wasn't you. He looks down to see one of his cats curled up into a ball sleeping peacefully on his stomach.
    He sits up in a state of rush, but not so much that it hurts or startles the cat. He quickly places the cat down on the sofa and stands up to go looking for you. He can feel the racing in his heart as he goes into the bedroom to look for you. Luckily, that was exactly the right choice. 
    You were by the window. Looking out as you held an MP3 in your hand and had earbuds in your ears. Ranmaru's heart calms down at the sight and he makes his way over to you. As he walks you notice him. You're quick to stop the music and take out your earbuds.
    You smile up at him as you move to place the MP3 beside you. Ranmaru is quicker and grabs your wrist to see the screen. 
    "Hmph," Ranmaru makes a noise at who you were listening to. His grip tightens around your wrist as boiling rage fills him up. You let out a small whimper at his hold, but he's too focused on the fact that you chose to listen to an amateur artist. Someone below him who had all your attention. You were sitting so peacefully just listening to him!
    "Were you thinking of him coming to your rescue?" Ranmaru could see the fear in your eyes as he spoke. 
    "Ranmaru- please-!" You tried to squirm out of his grasp. He only held on tighter as you did so.
    "Oi (Y/N), answer me," Ranmaru spoke in a low voice. You stopped your squirming and tears started to fall down your face.
    After sucking in a shaky breath you replied, "N-No, that's not what I was thinking! I-I just wanted to listen to their music!"
    Ranmaru wasn't convinced at your plea. He let out a low sigh and then roughly pulled you up, you making a small noise in the process.
    "If you're sure about it, then smash the MP3," Ranmaru eyes glance to the MP3 still in your hand. You hastily nod your head at him. Somewhat satisfied Ranmaru unhands you and gives you the space you need. Shakily, you raise the hand up giving out a small sob. Then you smash it.
    Then you step on it until you're sure it no longer works. Once you're done you stare at the pieces laying on the ground. You cry to yourself as Ranmaru wraps an arm around your back.
    Letting out another sigh, "It's alright. Go to bed and cry it out. I'll clean up this mess."
    Ranmaru's satisfied with the outcome. He allows you to rest as he stares at the same broken pieces. Content with making you his once again.
Ai Mikaze:
    Ai looks at the screen in front of him. Finishing up some last minute ideas for QUARTET NIGHT's next song. After his last thought was down his eyes drifted away and moved over towards the person sitting in the corner of the room, listening happily to music on their phone. A ghost of a smile found its way upon his lips at the sight. His eyes then go back towards the screen and he opens up a software.
    He clicks your phone on the program to see what you are listening to. When the name and album shows up Ai isn't sure what to make of the situation. All he can feel is something heavy pulling him down. In order to figure out what this feeling is he goes over beside you, and when your beautiful eyes fall on him you can’t help but to feel a shiver run down your spine. You're motionless as you stare at him.
    He bends down to your level and grabs an earbud from your ear that’s still playing music. He brings it to his left ear and hears a voice of an idol that's not his or the Quartet's. This sinking feeling drops even more inside of him. He takes out the bud and let's it fall. Ai's crystal clear cyan eyes look you dead on.
    "(Y/N)... Why are you listening to this person?" Ai asks you innocently. A lump of saliva goes down your throat as you try to find an answer. Ai sees you searching. He looks down and sighs.
    "Fine. ...Then why do I feel like this?" Ai proposes another, different question. You tilt your head slightly in confusion. Ai can see the question still processing in your head so he takes your hand and puts it over his heart. You can feel it beat, move oddly. You look back up at him.
    "Ai… I'm sorry, I don't know," despite how you are feeling you answer him softly. This makes Ai stand back up, your hand still in his.
    "The cause is from you listening to him," Ai holds your forearm with his other hand and lifts you up from the couch as gently as he can. You don't feel any pain but you're scared. He picks up on it.
    "(Y/N). You don't have to be scared," Ai tells you but it doesn't stop you from trembling. He walks with you over towards his computer setup. He gently places you on the ground in the corner and proceeds to take the all too familiar chains from their place on the wall. You sit there and watch as he opens up the cuffs and slips them on you. As a tear rolls down your cheek you hear the sound of the cuffs clicking locking you in place.
    Ai reaches a hand up and pats your head with a smile on his face, "it's alright (Y/N). I'll get rid of him for you. So you don't have to listen to his music again."
    Camus walks out of the room for a second to clean up the table's mess of the tea party you two just had. When he came back he saw that you were listening to some music on the tablet he provided you with. Along with this task you were performing one of your hobbies while doing so as well. Camus content with your being he picked up a book and sat facing you. He opened his book and started to occupy himself with his book.
    Occasionally he would look up and stare at your focused face, the smallest glimpse of a smile reaching his lips. When he went back to his book he could hear the faintest sound of your music. Listening in on it more he could clearly tell it wasn't one of his or the quartet's. He sits there taking in this unknown singer before closing his book and standing up. Even as he stands you're focused on your task at hand.
    He walks over to stand directly by you. His shadow overcasting onto your activity causes you to look up. Camus stares at you with an icy gaze. Your hands shake as you reach up and pull down your headphones. Camus reaches over and grabs the tablet right beside you. He turns it on and sees the album being played is from an idol he is not familiar with. Yet can he tell that it is someone far less spectacular as him.
    He pauses the song. Ice starts to spread throughout the tablet but doesn't follow through to your headphones.
    "(Y/N). What's the meaning of this?" His voice is stern and serious. He stares at you and you have to shift yours eyes away as you tremble. You can feel yourself starting to cry.
    "C-Camus, I-I-I'm… s-so… s-sorry," your apology is slow and unsteady. Camus watches as you continue to stare down. Tears are starting to stream down your face as you breath in and out shakily. Camus then moved to place the tablet down, the device cracking in the process.
    "Do you really think that's enough?" Camus' voice is steady and unwavering. You move your face away from him.
    "O-Of c-course n-not," you reply, trying to steady your voice. You can feel ice cold fingertips brush under your chin before it gets grabbed. Gently but forcefully your head gets turned to look back at him. Looking back into that icy gaze you can't help but to freeze. You're scared- no, terrified.
    "Then what else must you do for me to forgive you?" Camus asks you, his grip on your face only becoming a little more tighter. The answer is ready to pop into your mind.
    "I-I promise! I-I w-won't listen go-to them a-again! N-Not t-them or a-any o-other i-idol or g-group! I s-swear!" You end up closing your eyes at the end, body shaking your reply was shaky and erratic. Camus watches your form for a few moments longer, soaking in your promises.
    Then you, suffering in this silence as you let out small whimperings of sadness. Soon enough you can't take it and grip onto him.
    "C-Camus… please! I'm so s-sorry!" Your apology is desperate but in earnest. Camus now satisfied with your answer and state let's go.
    "If you know this then you will know not to do it again," Camus' deep voice reaching you makes you nod your head profusely making Camus content once again. With this Camus touches you gently. Pulling you close into his chest, he gives you the much needed affection you desire.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m soft and EXCITED cause we’re starting book four next week and you guys have no idea what’s coming -Danny
Words: 1,798
Warnings: None! Tooth rooting fluff
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Book IV
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Good Omens.
Dumbledore left when Harry walked out of Lupin's former office, he stopped when he noticed Mel was outside.
"Oh," He said, "I thought you'd be with Ron and Hermione."
"I was talking to Dumbledore," She replied simply. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes," He moved to where she was standing. "I talked to him too, when you left the office..."
"You did?"
"I was... I told him that I felt like our mission hadn't made a difference," He explained. "He told me I was wrong... sort of."
"Sort of?" She smiled.
Then Harry told her everything. Including the prophecy Trelawney had told him on their last day of exams. She had to admit, it sounded terrifying, but their teacher was known to be a bit dramatic. Still, the part about the dark lord rising... she didn't like that bit at all.
"What he said about the people that loves us never leaving..." Harry frowned, trying to put his thoughts in order. "They help us when we're in trouble, one way or another... I'm lucky to have you, Ron, and Hermione. Emily, and Sirius... they care and they'd help me if I needed them to... Not everyone is that lucky, though."
"I suppose so," Mel tilted her head, patiently waiting for the rest of whatever he was trying to say.
"Erick," It was the second time he'd mentioned the boy's name and it still sounded completely strange coming out of his mouth. "What you said about his family... he doesn't have many people helping him. I guess... I understand why'd he go out of his way to talk to you... You're brilliant and all..."
"What I mean," Harry pressed on, having a hard time expressing himself. "What I want to say is, I think you're a good friend and you're right– I shouldn't judge people without knowing their story first, that's what made me think Sirius was trying to kill me... I'm sorry I reacted that way, my interactions with the Slytherins haven't been nice, but I get that not everyone has to be the same. I trust you–"
Harry's speech was interrupted when Mel threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly (no kisses this time, though- She wasn't going to do the same mistake twice) and apologized profusely.
"I know... Mellow, I can't breathe!" He complained.
"Sorry!" She stepped back. "Sorry..."
"So... I'm your hero now, right?"
"What?" She frowned.
"You said that whoever made the dementors disappear the other night was your new hero, turns out it was me," He smirked.
"I was also there!" She exclaimed. "That was my Patronus too!"
"Well, you can't be your hero!"
"Says who?"
"It doesn't make sense!"
"I say it does. I'm my own hero," She teased. "For all I know, I saved your life this time."
"I've saved your life before," He pouted.
"Now you're just being pretentious..."
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"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning, just before breakfast. I've decided to drop Muggle Studies," Hermione commented once they were settled on the train's compartment.
"But you passed your exam with three hundred and twenty percent!"
"I know, but I can't stand another year like this one. That Time-Turner, it was driving me mad. I've handed it in. Without Muggle Studies and Divination, I'll be able to have a normal schedule again. Besides, I asked Erick and he told me he'd be happy to tell me all about what he studies in class."
"I still can't believe you're friends with him," Ron rolled his eyes. "And I still can't believe you didn't tell us about the time-turner. We're supposed to be your friends."
"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone," said Hermione. "And you know how important it is to keep secrets when you're not the only one involved..."
She looked at Mel, who was looking at Harry, who was looking out the window with a sad expression.
"Oh, cheer up!" said Hermione.
"I'm okay," Harry jumped lightly. "Just thinking about the holidays."
"Yeah, I've been thinking about them too– Mel, Harry, you've got to come and stay with us. I'll fix it up with Mum and Dad, then I'll call you. I know how to use a fellytone now —"
"A telephone, Ron," said Hermione. "Honestly, you should take Muggle Studies next year..."
"Or ask us more about muggle life, like Erick does," Mel teased.
Ron ignored them.
"It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How about it, Harry? Come and stay, and we'll go and see it! Dad can usually get tickets from work."
Harry did cheer up at that.
"Yeah, I bet the Dursleys'd be pleased to let me come... especially after what I did to Aunt Marge..."
"I'd love to see the World Cup!" Mel said excitedly. "I can picture it already, all the wizards from around the world..."
They wasted a whole hour playing and talking when Hermione pointed out to the landscape.
"Harry– What's that thing outside your window?"
It was the smallest owl Mel had ever seen. It dropped a letter onto Harry's seat and began zooming excitedly around the place. Hedwig clicked her beak while Grey and Crookshanks sat up, following the owl with their eyes. Ron caught the owl safely and threw a disapproving look their way.
"It's from Sirius!" Harry said happily.
"What? Read it aloud!"
'Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle.
I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job.
I believe the dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted.
There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt —
"Ha! See! I told you it was from him!"
"Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?– Ouch!"
'Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather.
I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you and Mel that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me.
I'll write again soon. Sirius
P.S. Mel, if Remus tells your mother what happened during the school year, will you please send her my regards? I miss her, I'm hoping I'll find a way to communicate with her soon.'
"I absolutely will," Mel smiled widely. "What else did he send, Glasses?"
Harry looked inside the envelope. She saw his eyes grow in surprise and then he was grinning, handing the small piece of parchment to her.
'I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends.'
"That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry.  "Hang on, there's a second P.S."
'I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat.'
Ron's eyes widened.
"Keep him?" he repeated.
He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff.
"What do'you reckon?" Ron asked. "Definitely an owl?"
Crookshanks purred.
"That's good enough for me," said Ron. "He's mine."
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"You know," Mel said to the boy once they arrived at the station. "I'm really sorry you can't live with Sirius, but there's a good side!"
"Which is?"
"I'll still be your neighbor!"
"I thought you'd be happy," He teased. "Finally getting rid of me, a well-deserved break."
"I was happy because Sirius cares about you and you would've had a good life... besides, I get to see you in school, which is almost the whole year."
"Well," Harry put an arm around her shoulders. "We'll still have to stand each other for the years to come."
"I think I can live with that," She chuckled.
"I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after they parted.
Mel saw her mother standing a few feet away from the Dursleys and ran to meet her.
"Hello!" She said cheerfully. "Do you think we can stop by that place we like to get lunch? I'm– You know everything, don't you?"
Emily was looking down at her with such a severity that Mel prepared herself for the impact.
"Time-turners, dementors and sneaking out of the castle after curfew," Emily whispered angrily. "Helping a convict escape, attacking a Professor–"
"Snape had it coming!"
"Are you trying to drive me insane?" Emily hissed. "I swear, every time I get a letter I feel like I'm about to hear you murdered a teacher!"
"You're exagerating–"
"Watch me overreact all the way to our house, young lady!" She retorted.
"Very well," Mel sighed. "Can I tell you two things first?"
"What things?"
"I spent a whole year having a normal period -dreadful and gross, not reccomended– but that means I can take the potion now! Second, Padfoot says hi."
Emily's mouth opened and closed, her eyes never leaving her daughter's face.
"How do you–"
"Didn't they tell you the whole story?" Mel asked. "I'll have to do it myself, then..."
"What's that?" They heard Mr. Dursley spat at Harry while they walked past. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another —"
"It's not," Harry smiled brightly. "It's a letter from my godfather."
"Godfather? You haven't got a godfather!"
"Yes, I have– He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though. Keep up with my news... check if I'm happy..."
Mel and Emily shared a look and left quickly, holding back their laughter until they were safe inside their car. There, both of them laughed until their stomachs hurt.
"You know," Her mother said breathlessly. "Prongs would've been so proud of his son..."
"I know," Mel smiled, looking out her window and watching Harry's gleeful face as he walked out of the station with a terrified uncle following close. "We all are..."
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Next Part —>
@tiphareth2018 @vampiregirl1797​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @stardusthigh​ @mikariell95​ @omiwashere​ @steve-thotgers​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @tomshollandz​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @reverse-hxlland​ @bloodorangemoonlight​
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hiiii Congratulations on 300 followers!!❤️✨ About Myself: I'm 5'4'', Tomboy, black hair with boycut (literally boy's cut/hairstyle), dark brown eyes. I play lots of sports (⚽🏀🏐🥊🥋🏸)and workout everyday! I'm currently studying highschool physics n math. I'm West-Asian🇮🇳 and can speak 2 languages (one being English) I love eating chocolates and sweets but I eat healthy food 9.9/10 of the times. I can play multiple instruments as well! Could you please pair me with one of the 1-A's boys?
Thank you for the congrats! :) You got it. Awe yeah, I’m excited for this one because I haven’t gotten the chance to officially write for Blasty Boi yet...but I want to. So. Bad. Thank you for providing me with this blessed opportunity. <3
I match you with: Bakugou Katsuki!
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This gif cracks me up
-Total Power Couple. You dominate EVERYTHING together, yet at the same time, you challenge each other to be better and worker harder to get to where you want to be. Love Rivalry at it’s finest (he does really love you tho)! Working out together? Check. Practicing sports together? Check. Cooking healthy food together? Well...mostly check. Bakugou can be picky about his cooking and who he wants in the kitchen, but he’ll let you help out 99% of the time. To be fair, you feel the same way about your sports and actual games. You two practice them together and he does okay, but he doesn’t have the finesse that you have for sports just like you’re not a practiced cook like he is.
-You can play instruments, and Bakugou can play the drums. It’s perfect! The two of you could do some really nice duets together! If you don’t already know how to play the drums, he might be willing to teach you. Good luck teaching him how to play any other instruments, though...his temper has a short fuse and he gets frustrated very easily. It’s not going to be pretty.
-Sometimes Bakugou’s favorite thing to do in his down time is play the drums with you. Even if it’s a short song or something the two of you came up with on a whim, he finds it relaxing to give you a soft steady beat and listen while you play. Honestly, all his focus is on you. He’s practiced so he can keep up with the beat just fine, but he’s just watching you the whole time with soft red eyes. It’s the softest you’ll ever see him apart from the times he’s being affectionate.
-He’s gonna notice your love of chocolates and sweets almost right away. And do you know what that’s going to result in? Home baked sweets. They don’t look the prettiest...but they taste like heaven. He’ll take extra time with any chocolates he makes so that they look nicer, and you can definitely tell that he put the effort in. It does take him a few tries, but he gets it down within the first couple of batches, probably just in time for a special holiday or occasion. He wraps them up neatly with a little bow and everything, and then gives it to you as a surprise gift. So sweet! Figuratively, and literally lol.
-Bakugou would help you study if you needed, and does his best to keep you focused on yourself and your school work and hero studies. Although, you do pretty good at that already, so mostly he just helps where you need. He’s a really good tutor, so if you do ever get stuck on something, he could help to explain it to you and walk you through it. In exchange for his help, you return the favor by tutoring him in english studies if he ever needs it. The two of you make sure you keep the other motivated and both of you get the best grades you can.
Fall Drabble: Pumpkins
“I’m gonna kick your ass at this, Katsuki!”
“Not a chance in Hell, babe!”
Bakugou laughed menacingly at you as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other in anticipation for the event you signed up for. Since pumpkin season was coming to an end, the local farm in town had a surplus of pumpkins, and the teachers at UA thought it would be a good idea to hold a pumpkin smashing contest so that the students could work on their quirks and let off all the steam accumulated over the last semester. The remains would be cleaned up by the participants and donated to animal sanctuaries and rescues as a source of food as well, so there was a good cause behind it all. You and Bakugou had immediately jumped at the opportunity, both of you eager as ever to outshine each other and earn bragging rights against the other.
“Alright, listeners! On the count of three, you can start smashing! We’ve got plenty of pumpkins, so don’t hold back, okay?” Present Mic raised a hand in the air enthusiastically, his thumb and pointer finger sticking out as he started the count down. “One, two, three, let’s go, listeners! YEAH! START SMASHING!”
Pumpkin flew everywhere as the school’s training grounds turned into a war zone in mere seconds; the students’ screams and hollers easily drowned out Present Mic’s voice, all the pent up stress from school studies and work manifesting itself in violent acts against the poor orange squash. You wasted no time in joining in on the festivities, using your quirk to destroy multiple pumpkins at once. Beside you, your boyfriend stalked over the heaping pile of his own pumpkins and, in true Bakugou fashion, gave the gourds a pompous sneer as his quirk crackled to life at his palms, sweet smelling smoke starting to rise in the air.
“Sorry to break it to ya Y/N, but I’m gonna blow this competition away. There can only be one winner, and that’s gonna be me!” There was loud boom as Bakugou shot off a huge blast of his quirk. “AP Shot!” 
Boy, you really wished the teachers had put a limit to how much the students were allowed to use their quirks. Not because his blast scared you or shook you, but because now you were behind by 20 whole pumpkins! Speaking of which...you weren’t sure there was much to clean up after that blast, if you were being honest. It looked like he had completely obliterated them all to tiny bits and pieces, unsuitable for even the smallest of animals.
“Oh ho ho! Somebody get this kid more pumpkins!” Present Mic announced, and only then did you realize he had destroyed them all in one go.
“How you like that, hah!?” Bakugou’s eyes narrowed as he laughed, the competitive smirk on his face taunting you.
Oh hell no. You were NOT about to let Katsuki just one up you like that.
“Alright, Bakubitch, it’s on!” 
A growl escaped your throat as you powered your quirk up to it’s highest capacity and gave him a challenging smile, your gaze flitting to him out of the corner of your eye momentarily. He seemed too fired up for his own good, though you were happy to see him let go a little bit after the grueling work you both had put into the current semester of school. Sports could only do so much in relieving frustrations and worries; this was a much needed vent for the both of you. 
Focusing your attention back to your own area, you hit your targets harder, faster, with more effort and determination than you thought possible. After a while you fell into a rhythm, and time seem to just pass by as you let yourself go, smashing all the remaining pumpkins you had. One of the teachers wheeled more over to you in a wheelbarrow, dumping them unceremoniously on the ground. But before they even rolled to a halt, you had destroyed all of those too, and the board above you that was keeping track of your score continuously began to rise in numbers without stopping. Over and over again you demolished them, not stopping a single time during the competition. The only thing left on your mind was beating Katsuki at his own game, absolutely wrecking him and then rubbing it in his face. 
Suddenly there was a loud buzzer ringing out. “Alright, listeners! That’s a wrap! Please remain in your designated areas while the score boards come a stop!”
You huffed, desperately trying to catch your breath after exerting yourself to your utmost limits. You’d really gone all out. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt his alive, sweat pouring off of your brow as your heart pounded in your chest. “Holy shit...” you muttered as you leaned over, your hands resting against your knees for support.
“You good?” Katsuki slunk over to you and inspected your form, his warm palm caressing your cheek as he helped support you with his other arm. “Been a while since I’ve seen you that worked up...damn.”
You tried to give him a reply, but it came out breathy and quiet, and you ended up just shaking your head yes to let him know nothing was wrong. He slung your arm over his shoulder to help keep you up, and the two of you looked at your respective messes with amusement. There really was pumpkin bits everywhere. The walls, the street, the grass, it was an utter mess. Cleaning this up was really going to suck, but you reminded yourself once more that this was for charity and animals, and that you could deal with a little bit of scrubbing and sweeping if it meant helping cute little porcupines and squirrels.
“Seems we have our winners!” Present Mic’s voice interrupted your train of thought as he spoke, and you leaned most of your weight back onto your own two feet but left your arm over your boyfriend’s shoulders as you listened. “Who would have guessed it!? It’s a tie for first place between Bakugou and Y/N!”
The two of your cursed in sync together, your brows furrowing and Katski’s lips turning down in a frown. But as soon as it came, the frustration was gone all the same, and you gave a soft sigh before smiling up at him.
“Nice job, Y/N.” It was a plain complement, but that was how Bakugou worked. You had noticed that when you first started dating. He was more willing to say things with his actions than his words. Although, you knew him well enough by now to catch the soft tone in his voice.
“Thanks. Guess we’ll just have to have a rematch sometime, huh?”
Bakugou snickered at your comment. “You idiot, how are we supposed to have a rematch at smashing pumpkins? You’re just a sore loser.”
“Loser? I believe I’m tied with you if I heard correct!” 
“Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming, Y/N.”
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BTS Reaction: Easter with you
Requested: nope :) psst, requests are always open!
BTS MASTERLIST ← find all my works here~
Genre: FLUFF❤️
Warnings: None~
a/n: My second BTS reaction you guys!\(^-^)/ I'm still in shock from the support on my first reaction, like I feel like I'm still dreaming. I hope you like this reaction just as much as the last my bbies 💕 p.s. I'm terrible at finding gifs so I'm sorry, but our boys are cute anyway~~ Happy Easter!! (I got a bit carried away the farther down I got I'm so sorry)
Psssssst, read all the boys! They may or may not be connected ;)
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Aww, bby so soft~
"Jin sweetie~"
You try to keep the whine out of your voice as you pout down at the cutting board on the counter where you're trying to cut cute shapes into about two dozen hard-boiled eggs. You and your husband were throwing an Easter party this afternoon and you didn't have time for this.
At first the eggs kept rolling around before it was their turn to be cut, then when you got a bowl to put them in, it fixed that problem, but after that you couldn't figure out what shapes to make. You finally decided on bunnies and chicks and a few could just have pretty designs.
Now, the problem was that you couldn't do it. You weren't a terrible cook or a dreadful artist, you were average, but mixing the two, apparently that was way out of your league.
Jin chuckles and looks up at you, still stirring the pasta salad he made for the party. He gives the salad one last stir and then walks over to you and your stubborn hard-boiled eggs.
"What's going on princess?"
"I can't- I'm getting so frustrated right now."
You glare at the little egg in your hand until Jin gently takes it from you. He walks over to the knife block and grabs the smallest thinnest knife then walks back over to you.
"Try it with this knife princess, here, I'll do one first, then you do one." You nod and he holds the egg a bit closer as he carefully carves some bunny ears and then decorates it with black olive pieces to make a cute bunny face. He holds it up in triumph and turns it to show you the adorable design.
"There! Hey, it looks like Jungkook!"
He bursts into his windshield wiper laugh and starts lightly stomping his foot in his laughter. You break down and start giggling with him while you take it so he doesn't drop it.
"It's cute Jin~ I love it! I bet Guk will love it too, seeing as you made it special for him."
Jin wipes tears from his eyes after containing his laughs and gives you a kiss on the forehead, then he takes another egg and hands you one after you put down the bunny one. You smile at him, grateful that he's gonna help you out, since the Easter party was soon and it was more fun with him anyway.
He looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eye than arches an eyebrow.
"Who should we make next?"
A few hours later, the party is going smoothly and you can't stop smiling as you see more and more people arriving. When the Easter egg hunt starts for all the kids you smile while looking out at them laughing and running around. Jin comes up behind you and takes your hand in his.
"You did great princess, everyone is having a blast."
You turn and smile at him, "you did a lot too Jin! Thank you for all the help, and for doing the food." He chuckles and kisses your cheek. Then hugs you tightly as some of the members come up to talk with you two.
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He smile :((
Yoongi was a bit anxious about the party, since there would be a lot of people there and he hoped you didn't expect him to talk to them all. Which of course, you didn't. He wanted to see the rest of Bangtan even though he saw them everyday for work, but strangers? Nah...He wasn't afraid of them, he just didn't like being awkward. He told you his worries and you assured him that he could stick with you and not to worry. You suspected he'd be attached at your hip practically the whole time. Well, you were right.
It was a giant gathering, all the BTS members and their girlfriends and wives, and all of their family members and some close friends along with their little children were there.
You and your fiance Yoongi arrived as the party started, walking into Jin's house where the Easter party is being held. When you two arrived, Namjoon was there with his fairly new wife, and Hobi and Jimin were there with their girlfriends.
"Y/n!! Yoongi!! Happy Easter!"
You see Jin's wife walk over to you smiling and you wave, then open your arms to her. She hugs you and leads you to the kitchen so she can show you the adorable little eggs that she slaved over this morning.
You two fawn over the cute little hard-boiled eggs and you keep telling her how beautiful the house looked with all the Easter decorations. She blushes and is quick to say,
"Thank you, I mean, Jin helped a lot. I can't reach a lot of the places he can."
The both of you talk until Yoongi comes up behind you and back hugs you shyly. You pat his hands comfortingly until you finish talking to your friend. She then goes to greet more of the guests.
Yoongi nuzzles your shoulder and you turn to take his hand, then you go outside to the big backyard where people are mingling and eating the refreshments on the little tables.
You and Yoongi sit on some of the chairs and he keeps your hand in his, rubbing it with his thumbs and absent mindedly messing with your engagement ring. Some little kids come out and start running around with their Easter baskets looking for the eggs that Hobi, Jimin and their girlfriends hid around the yard.
You smile at them and feel Yoongi squeeze your hand slightly. You look at him and notice that he's got a tiny smile on his face as he watches the children run around. You keep watching him since he has no idea that you're looking and you don't want to miss this. His eyes are bright as his smile gets even bigger and turns into his sweet gummy smile.
He finally sees you watching him and his cheeks turn pink as he ducks his head away from you. You bring his hand up to your lips and kiss it while you coo at him.
"Aww, Yoongi~, don't worry someday our kids will be doing that too."
He turns to you and smiles then pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear.
"I love you y/n..."
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Curly hair bby here, uwu
"Hobi love, calm down! We have plenty of time and there is a lot to choose from!"
You laugh at your boyfriend as he bounces up and down in the candy aisle. The two of you were in charge of filling half the eggs for the egg hunt at the Easter party the next day. His smile is glowing and he grabs another bag of jelly beans,
"Look at these y/n!!! They're starburst flavor!! Do you think the kids will like them? Should we get a bag?"
You smile at him and nod so he happily puts the bag into the cart you're pushing around the store.
"Baby, do you think we have enough? Maybe too much..." He looks uncertainly at the cart that he threw a ton of candy into, then he looks at you to see what you have to say. You act like you're thinking then say,
"Hey you know what? I think we don't even have enough yet, a few more bags, and if there's extra we can eat it ourselves." You wink at him as he beams at you than takes your hand and continues searching for candy.
The next day you two arrive an hour before the party so that you can hide the eggs and help finish up the preparations. Jimin and his girlfriend arrive at the same time. You talk with Jin's wife and Jimin's girlfriend while you three plate up different snacks and put them on the tables in the backyard.
You look up and see Jin, Jimin, and Hobi slinking around the yard, scouring for good hiding spots that won't be too hard for the kids. Jin ends up telling the boys he needs to finish other stuff and they can figure it out. You giggle when Hobi catches your eye with a panicked look.
So you and Jimin's girlfriend go over to help them out. Hobi walks super close behind you and every once in a while he points out a good place to put one. Eventually he just clings to you like a koala while you finish hiding the eggs.
"Ohh, jagi I'm so excited for the kids to find them!" You laugh at his enthusiasm and give him a quick kiss on the lips, then give him a high five.
"Good job love, we did it! Now let's go help with whatever else needs to be done." He takes your hand happily and follows you inside to find out what to do before the party.
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I wanna poke his cheekies uwuu
Namjoon fiddles with the tie that you just put on him. You look at your husband quizzically, "is it uncomfortable Joonie?" You ask him and he blushes then pulls his hand away.
"Oh, no...no it's fine babe." He smiles at you and his dimples show perfectly, you smile back at him and shake your head. You two have only been married a few months and you couldn't be happier.
You realize he's just being his cute awkward self when he has nothing to do. You grab the dress that you've been waiting to wear until today, then make your way into the bathroom. Quickly undressing and pulling the dress over your head you call out to Namjoon to keep him occupied as you finish getting ready.
"Are you excited to see everyone today?"
You can hear the smile in his answer when he calls back.
"Yeah, I see the boys all the time, but all of our families will be there and I haven't seen them in a while!"
You smile and open the door then walk over to him and turn around, holding your hair up.
"Can you zip this for me please?"
"Of course babe." Namjoon ever so gently zips up the dress so as not to break the zipper, being the god of destruction himself. He hums proudly when it's zipped and still intact.
You smile and turn around to show him the new dress. He grins widely and takes your hand to spin you around then he whistles,
"You look absolutely stunning y/n."
You blush and fix his tie again then step back to look him over once more, "thank you Joonie, you look very handsome yourself."
He puts his fingers to his cheeks and starts acting cute as you laugh at him. He puts his face in his hands in embarrassment and walks over to the front door.
"Wait! Joonie wait!" You catch up to him and hand him the veggie platter that you two are bringing, then grab the fruit platter yourself. He holds it cautiously in his hands and starts walking to the car. You smile and call after him,
"Be careful babe! I've only got one platter of veggies!" He nods slightly and continues his treck to the car.
You two arrive a few minutes before the family members start to show up, you greet everyone and hang out with the girls who freak out about the dress you bought, as Namjoon goes to say hi to Hobi, Jin and Jimin. You smile at him seeing how happy he is talking to them.
When the party is in full swing you and Namjoon are out in the backyard drinking punch and watching the kids hunt for Easter eggs. You see Yoongi and his fiance sitting in some chairs and watching the children, smiling. Taking Namjoon's hand you two walk over and join them. Namjoon has you sit on his lap and Yoongi's fiance gushes over your dress as you two chat.
Namjoon snuggles his face into your hair and you play with his hands, enjoying the rest of the party.
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Mochi boy so squish 🤗
Jimin grabs all the grocery bags full to the brim with candy as you finish checking out. He turns to you with a smile and you laugh at his cuteness,
"Jiminie baby, let me help you with those!"
You hold your hands out but he shakes his head and starts walking out of the store. He calls back to you as you scramble to catch up, "I'm fine baby, it isn't even that heavy!"
Back at your apartment you quickly unlock the door and open it for him since he insisted on carrying everything. He walks in and sets everything on your dining table. Then he turns to you and beams,
"Ok then y/n! Do you have the easter eggs?" You nod and run back to your room to grab the bag of colorful eggs you bought the day before. You, Jimin, Hobi and his girlfriend were in charge of filling the eggs for the egg hunt that would take place at the party tomorrow.
You hurry back out and place the eggs on the table with the candy.
"All set baby!"
Jimin smiles and takes your hand to lead you to sit down. He takes a seat as well then starts opening the candy bags while you open the Easter eggs.
The both of you fall into a system of switching between one filling an egg and another closing it and putting it in a big bag then switching again. You tell jokes and funny stories to pass the time and soon enough you two are holding your sides and laughing hysterically. Jimin keeps snacking on the candy and you try to scold him but he puts a piece into your mouth as well.
It's so good that you can't help but eat more and pretty soon you're both snacking on the candy and it's a miracle that you manage to fill the last egg with the amount of candy you've already eaten.
Jimin proudly places the last egg, a purple one, into the giant bag. You both give each other high fives then he pulls you to the couch to cuddle and take a nap after all the work you did.
When you two arrive at the party an hour early to help set up and hide the eggs, you see Hobi and his girlfriend are just arriving as well.
You, Hobi's girlfriend and Jin's wife set up the food while the boys hide the eggs. Suddenly Hobi's girlfriend taps you on the arm and you look up to see Jimin wandering around blankly and Hobi staring at his girlfriend in a panic. You two walk over to help them and you giggle as Jimin hands you a bunch of eggs and smiles gratefully then carefully walks the yard over again to find the best spots, you can see how serious and dedicated he is to making it perfect. Once you finish with the ones you have you find Jimin only has one left. His eyebrows are furrowed as he clutches the purple egg in his cute hand.
"Hey isn't that the last one we filled yesterday?" You point at the small egg in his hand and he smiles at you and nods. You help him find a good place for it right before the other members start to arrive. He looks around the yard happily and you can tell he's super excited for the kids to come and do the egg hunt. He kisses your cheek and grabs your hand, walking over to where Taehyung and Jungkook just arrived with their girlfriends.
You chat with the girls happily as Jimin holds you closely by the waist and gently rubs your hips. The party was super fun and lasted a while, giving you a chance to hang out with your closest friends and sweet boyfriend.
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Everyone say, "TaeTae is too precious~" tis true, my friends.
"What do you think about this one y/n?" You look up and try not to uwu out loud at the sight of your boyfriend carefully finishing cutting an egg shape out of pink parchment paper. When he holds it up to you, you see that he's decorated it with a ton of pieces of different colored parchment paper and added some glitter. It really was impressive.
"It's beautiful Taetae, how did you think of all those colors? They look amazing together! And the glitter really makes it very pretty." He smiles so big that his eyes scrunch up and his boxy smile makes an appearance. He goes over a bit of what he did to make it then asks you to show him yours.
You shyly hold up your pastel green egg that has diamonds and a white bow on it. He gasps and claps his hands together for a good thirty seconds and won't stop smiling as you giggle at him.
You smile as your boyfriend hangs up the last of the Easter egg decorations that you two spent hours making. Then you choke back a gasp as he teeters on the chair, swinging his arms in an attempt not to fall.
"Tae!!" You grab your heart and hurry over to him as he straightens himself out in the awkward stance he acquired being at a height he wasn't comfortable with.
"I'm okay! I'm fine! I'm fine!" You're not sure whether he's trying to convince you or himself that he's not dead as he shakily gets down from the precarious position.
Now safely back on the ground his breathing steadies and he says proudly, "there you go baby! Now your place is all ready for Easter!"
You smack him lightly on the arm, "thank you love, but geez Tae, be careful please! You scared me half to death just now."
He just grins with his boxy smile, "that makes two of us."
A few days later Tae is back at your place where you two are getting ready to go to Jin and his wife's Easter party that will be held at their place. Some people volunteered to bring things, and when you asked if there was anything you could do they assured you that everything was in place and all you had to worry about was bringing yourself and Tae. So that's what you planned on doing.
You were in your favorite Easter dress and touching up your makeup when Tae came around the corner to the bathroom to show you his new shirt for the event. The shirt was white with colored flowers on it, he also had on his wire rimmed glasses and tbh he looked like a snacc and you were sure to tell him that when you saw his outfit. He blushed and giggled then shyly said he wasn't sure if he wanted it tucked in or out and loose, so he asked you what you thought.
You hum thoughtfully as you look him up and down.
"Try tucking it in...."
He tucks it in then looks at you.
"Okkk, now let me see it out."
He pulls it out and looks at you again.
"Mmmm, I like it tucked in."
He smiles and nods while he tucks it into his belt again. You stifle your laughter and say casually as you go back to your makeup,
"I'm kidding, out is better."
His deep laugh erupts happily at your teasing and he pulls his shirt back out.
You two finish quickly then hurry out to the car since you were picking up Jungkook and his girlfriend to go to the party together.
When you four got to the party you see Jimin smile and come over with his girlfriend and the six of you talked while Tae held your hand tightly and kept his chin on your shoulder.
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Pls don't speak to me, I just want to kiss his cheeks 🤧
"What's the matter Jungkookie?"
You scoot over on the couch to get closer to your boyfriend and gently touch his arm. His big doe eyes aren't sparkling like usual and his little lips are turned in a frown. When he feels you touch him he blinks and refocuses on you instead of the blank TV in front of him. He rubs the back of his neck and shrugs unconvincingly, "nothin', I'm fine, sorry." You sigh and start to slowly move your hand down toward his waist. You knew how to make him crack and tell you something; sometimes it was better to do it another way but now, this was best.
His eyes narrowed in suspicion of your moving hand a second too late as you started to tickle his sides. He started laughing immediately and you grinned at his bunny smile returning. You finally let up to let him catch his breath, "ok Kookie, now tell me what's up." You say softly.
He shifts a little then mumbles quietly,
"I wanted to do something for the party tomorrow but Jin hyung said it was okay and we didn't have to bring anything."
You feel your heart drop hearing that your little bunny just wanted to do something to help with the party. He was so sweet. You think for a second and then stand up abruptly. His gaze follows you curiously. You walk into the kitchen and call out for him to follow you.
When he reaches the kitchen he sees you pulling two cartons of eggs out of the fridge and he notices that you set some weird colorful looking kit thing on the counter.
"Uh, y/n? What're you doing?"
You quickly grab a pot and fill it with water before setting it on the stove and plopping all the eggs in carefully.
Then you turn to him and put your hands on your hips in determination.
"We, Jungkookie......are going to have some fun!"
An hour later, you and Jungkook are sitting at your dining room table and he's bouncing up and down in his chair in excitement while you sort out different cups full of different dyed colored vinegar.
Finally you give him the signal to start and he grabs a few different eggs and gets right down to business. You start dying your own eggs and glance up at your cute boyfriend every once in a while. He's going all out with all the different supplies in the coloring kit and he does his signature little head tilt every now and then when he's trying to think of a new design. He's so zoned into his work that he doesn't say anything.
You smile at him and keep working on your own hard-boiled eggs. After about half an hour Jungkook makes an irritated grunt. You look up and see that one of his eggs rolled while still wet and got splotchy. You get up and move to his side,
"Baby, these are amazing! They're the best Easter eggs I've ever seen!" He blushes and mumbles a thank you before pointing at the smudged one sadly,
"Except that one....it's ruined.." You look at it and tsk your tongue at him then take it and hold it up. "I don't think so, it actually looks pretty cool like this!" And it did still look cool, since the golden maknae himself did it. You two finished up and he went on about how good your Easter eggs looked and you just shook your head and laughed. Then he hugged you tightly and said, "thank you baby, that definitely made me feel better." You just hummed and hugged him back, happy that he was back to his old cheery self.
"Honey are you ready?"
It was the next day and Jungkook was at your place to get ready for the party; you hurry into the living room and grab your purse. "Ready! Did Taehyung say they're here?" Tae and his girlfriend were going to pick you and Jungkook up to go to the party together.
"They'll be here any minute, you look beautiful by the way." He smiles at you and your cheeks turn pink. You mumble a thank you and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Once you four make it to the party you immediately see Jimin and his girlfriend come over to talk to you all. Jungkook is back hugging you the entire time and keeps playing with your hair. What a cute bunny.
(let's just say his day got even better when Jin gave him a hard-boiled egg shaped like a bunny, saying it was just for him.)
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Hey! I was wondering if we could get another teaser excerpt from your Chisakixreaderxshigaraki fic? I'm so excited for it! Btw that recent request you made for Chisakixreaderxchrono was so so freaking good!! But I felt bad for Hari tho, I just want them to equally share the s/o (trust me, they would be doing the s/o a favor lol)
Hari is just too easy for me to hurt, i can’t help it… Maybe one day he will find happiness… maybe *shrugs*  ╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭
SURE THOUGH!!!! I have the first part written out and the third part! (i skipped part two for now!) BUT SURE!!!!
Sorry it took SO DANG LONG!!!!! I just didn’t know how i felt about this!
Please please please you, and everyone else let me know if you liked how i did this part >_
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You don’t know how you managed it, but by some miracle you were able to press the dial button on your phone before your attacker smacked it out of your hand.
“Te-Tenko…” Your eyes were filled with watery tears as your arm covered the lower half of your face, shielding your trembling lips.
Your savior had arrived, you saw the dark purplish portal opening in the corner of the elevator. Out coming was Tomura Shigaraki. His face covered with Father; despite the rest of his facial features being covered you could see in the smallest slit the rage in his eyes.
Shigaraki saw that not only were your denim shorts unzipped but your white tie up top was now opened, exposing your left breast. He had never seen so much red before from anger. Who did this attacker think he was? Laying his filthy hands on something that didn’t belong to him.
Shigaraki had no idea what took over his mind, but all he could think was ‘gotta protect her. End this piece of trash now!’ Never in his life did he have the urge to actually “save” someone, but when it came down to you he was willing to put aside the evil that laid dormant…
Dropping to the elevator floor from the portal, Shigaraki stands between you and your attacker.
“Just who in the hell do you think you are? Didn’t anyone teach you that you can’t just go around touching things that don’t belong to you… Especially when they belong to me!” Not giving the man time to react, with his hands held out, Shigaraki lunged at the man. Making contact with the mans face, Shigaraki pressed all five fingers on the mans face as his other hand pressed on the mans stomach. It didn’t take long for the man to decay away…
You don’t know why, but as your body shakes and your lips tremble… A flashback plays through your mind as you remember how Shigaraki came to be apart of your life… 
It was a quiet evening when you were walking yourself home after your shift. You didn’t know what took over you but instead of cherishing the long way home you had decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway. Which is where you discovered the injured male.
His body looked tattered, blood drenching his already dark clothing, and adding to the mess was a gash on the side of his face which you could barely make out due to the hand covering his face.
The hands all over him were a dead giveaway… you knew who this young male was. He’s supposedly the leader of the league of villains, but still. Could you really just leave him here to die like this?
All your life all you’ve ever wanted was to help people, but being born quirkless gave you a huge disadvantage. Leaving you to be just an average girl trying to survive med school.
You wanted to leave him, he’s a criminal, a villain, someone who’s definitely, maybe, killed before, maybe? Of course he has! You turned your back towards him, your hands on your head, you were so confused, why was this so hard? Just leave and forget about it… Looking over your shoulder, you saw his breathing was faint, his chest was lifting slowly, he was struggling… bad.
So doing what most humans wouldn’t do, you tossed one of his arms over you, attempting to carry the injured villain… ‘Man why are you so heavy!? For a skinny thing you sure do weigh a lot.’
It took you an extra hour to get home, but you managed to drag him through your front door…
Panting you fell beside him, it was a long journey home… you had to keep taking breaks, plus whenever someone came by you threw him on the ground behind either a trash can or garbage bags.
Once you were home with him you dragged him inside, laying him on the ground next to your couch you ran to your bathroom so you could find your supplies.
Gathering your medical box you patched him up, but there was still the giant gash on his face… you wanted to patch it up too… but that hand on his face… what if… it zaps you? You were aiming to grab it so you could reveal his face, but when you heard a small noise escape him you became frightened and ceased your movements. “Okay… there goes that idea, maybe i can manage to place a band-aid there with the help of some tweezers…” You did as you said to yourself, you were able to squeeze your tweezers under the hand that rested against his face so you could place a band-aid on his gash.
After you had him all patched up you didn’t know what to do next, leave him on the ground? Throw him back outside? Give him a stuffed animal incase he gets lonely? Throw him out your window? Call the cops? No! That’s the worst idea! He would kill you if he found out, literally!  “Agh! What do i do?” Holding your head you sat next to the villain, your hair sticking up all over the place. Scratching your head you finally decided to bring him a pillow and blanket, lifting his head you placed the pillow under his head before throwing the blanket over his body.
You were just too nice, and deep down you knew it would haunt you if you threw him back out on the streets.
There was little to nothing else you could do for him after getting him situated on the floor so you decided to head to your room for the night hoping and praying he wouldn’t wake up and kill you in your sleep.
You were slowly regaining consciousness as the scintillating light from outside your window crept through, hitting you directly on the face. You shut your eyes, remembering that there was a villain in the very next room… ‘Maybe he left’ you thought, but you doubted it. Cracking back open your eyes, you knew you had to face the music.
Slipping on some sweats and a hoodie, you made yourself presentable before making your way out of your room.
“Uhm- hel-hello?” Peeking out of your room you saw that the villain was still passed out on your floor.
‘He’ll probably be hungry by the time he wakes up… should i?’ thinking to yourself, pondering whether you should fix him breakfast or not. You eventually decide to cook him up something delicious. ‘Eggs and bacon it is then’ Heading to your itty bitty kitchen you started gathering everything for breakfast.
Unbeknownst to you, Shigaraki’s lashes began to flutter open, waking as he heard a loud clatter. Awakening, his head is spinning, but that isn’t the main focus right now. Analyzing his surroundings he realizes that someone had brought him here, but who?
Flipping the eggs, you heard movement coming from your living room. This was it, time to face the villain you had rescued. Placing the eggs and bacon on a plate you hesitantly took a step towards your living room. Upon entering  you were shoved against a wall, the force knocking the air out of you for a split moment. That’s the least of your concern though, your shoulder is burning, and it feels like pins are going into your flesh. Viewing down at your shoulder, you see a small part of your shoulder is starting to decay.
Grabbing his wrist with your hand you beg him to stop, but he only glares at you through the hand on his face, “St-stop please!” Your nails dug into his wrist a bit and that’s when Shigaraki peered down to see that his arm was patched up.
“Are you the one who brought me here?” He loosened his grip and lifted his index finger to stop you from decaying completely. “Ye-yes… I- I am… You wer-”
“You were badly injured, and i didn’t want you to die in a forlorn alley! No one deserves that, right!?” Eventually, Shigaraki freed your shoulder.
He should just kill you right here and now, but you clearly knew what you were doing when it came to the medical field… Maybe you would come in handy.
“And the cops?”
You shook your head, “I- I haven’t called them! I knew better than that, you would kill me if i called them or have one of your minions do it!”
Glaring at you from behind the hand on his face, Shigaraki tries to believe you, but he’s having doubts.
“You seem to know what you’re doing in the medical field, are you some sort of hero healer?”
He was still standing extremely close to you, his body and arms caging you in, you could feel his body heat radiate off him.
“N-no, i’m just trying to make it through medical school so i can become a doctor.” Your voice was low, why hasn’t he killed you yet?
“Then let’s make a deal, you’ll become my personal healer and i won’t kill you. Got it? You wouldn’t want to die before you made it to the final level would you?”
Final level? What was this guy talking about, was he seriously making video game references…
“…Deal… Just please let me go before the rest of your food burns…”
Gripping Shigaraki’s shirt as he holds you close, you peek to see what was left of your attacker as you and Shigaraki both sit and hold one another on the elevator. 
“Tenko… I was so scared.”
He knew this feeling in his chest, he was terrified. Holding you tightly, he’s afraid that if he lets go you’ll evaporate. He hears your words, but he says nothing. 
You didn’t expect him to say anything, he was still new to this whole love thing, and before you he didn’t have anyone except his master. Worlds wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because the way he’s cradling you in his arms says everything. 
“You’ll no longer be staying here in these apartments. You’re coming back with me to the hideout. That’s a demand not a request.” 
Nodding your head against his chest, you agree to it as Shigaraki pulls out his phone.
“Kurogiri, portal.” 
Back at the hideout, Shigaraki shows you his room. You’ve never seen it after all these months, he’s always only came to your place. 
“This looks like it would be your room, Ten-”
“Don’t say my name while you’re here. The others don’t need to know it.”
Pulling back the sheets on his bed, you climb in, exhausted from the event that just occurred. You watched as he moved around his room, ‘Why are all these memories popping into my head… Is it because i thought i would never see him again?’
Looking down at your hands you smooth out the sheets, ‘Who would have thought, me? In a secret relationship with a villain… A villain who just saved me… I love him… so damn much… I love you, Tenko Shimura.’ Holding your head, it throbbed as another memory kicked in.. 
“Are you ever going to let me see your full face, Shigaraki? I mean it’s been about two weeks now, I feel like you at least owe me a face reveal. Especially since you keep having me use all my medical supplies, and besides I was nice enough not to take the hand off your face when I patched you up the first night I found you… I could’ve done it but I didn’t.”
“You thought it would zap you if you touched it, that’s the only reason you left it on.”
Your face had fallen to a small little pout.
“…That’s somewhat true… but still. I just really want to see the guy I’ve been harboring, it’s only fair! You already know I won’t go to the police! So what harm could this do?”
Shigaraki reached up to scratch his neck only to be stopped by both your hands. One hand gently covered where he was about to scratch while your other hand rested on his to hold it back from going up further.
“Please.” You could feel him stiffen due to your hand laying on the side of his neck. You could tell it wasn’t because he was scared you’d run off to the police, more so judge him.
Gliding your hand down slowly from his neck until you reached where his heart lays dormant inside him.
“Shigaraki… no one is hideous in my eyes. It’s all about what’s in here.”
Pressing lightly on his chest you could feel his increased heartbeat. You really wondered why his heart was beating so fast… has he never experienced this, someone touching him so gently… at all?
“I kill people, doesn’t even matter if they’re kids. I attempted to kill a little brat not long ago until eraserhead stopped me.”
In the time he was explaining how he kills people he gradually moved one of his hands to your face, only leaving his pinky finger extended out.
“My hand was pressed to her face, I was ready to do it but eraserhead is just too cool.”
Your living room was silent, neither of you made a sound. Your hand was still pressed against his heart while his palm and four fingers were pressed to your face.
“I could do it now ya know. End your life as if it was nothing, it would be game over for you.”
Shigaraki’s pinky inched closer to your temple, but unlike most people instead of feeling fear you were at ease. You were tense for only a second before realizing it. So you did what most wouldn’t do in a situation like this. Your hand left his chest, now guiding both your hands to the one that covered his face. You waited for him to smack your hands away, but instead Shigaraki grasped your wrist making sure to leave one finger extended on both his hands.
“I’m what you would call repulsive in the facial department. So there’s no need for you to be so curious. It’s annoying anyhow.”
“Tomura… Please.”
Using his first name kind of hit him hard, you were being serious. Is this really all you wanted? To see his disabled face? Why? Shigaraki was so confused, why would someone be so curious, and about his face? It’s nothing to look at, it’ll only scare you away… Wait. Why would he care if it scared you away?
Shigaraki was scared you would run if you saw his face, but he was even more scared of you leaving if you didn’t see it… So unnaturally his grasped loosened on your wrists, “I’ll do it, don’t touch father.”
You nodded, agreeing to his request.
Taking hold of father, Shigaraki lowered the hand so you could get a full view of his tattered face.
“There, happy? Is it everything you weren’t hoping for and more? Go ahead tell me how you really fee-”
Placing your hands on his cheeks had silenced him. No he didn’t have a face society would deem as attractive, but… “I like it but,” to you, he was exquisite and quite handsome. Your hands wandered closer to his lips where two scars rested, “You should smile more.” That’s when you pushed his lips up so you could force a smile on his face.
That’s when he finally smacked your hands away, “enough of your games, i hate liars.” Five of his fingers were reaching close to your face, but instead of backing down you raised your hand and smacked his hand that was reaching for your face.
“Liar? I was being hones-”
You were knocked back by him.
Shigaraki had a firm grip on your throat, using your neck to support nearly his entire body, his pinky up in order to keep you from decaying for the time being. Steadily your oxygen was decreasing, slowly you were slipping unconscious, but with the tiny strength you had left… Instead of fighting him off, you elevated one hand to his cheek again. Placing it there tenderly while showing him a benevolent smile.
The compassion in your touch had caused him to release his grip on your throat before his pinky was able to make contact.
You were finally able to breath again after a few coughs, but you noticed his hands were still placed on either side of your head… He was looking down at you, his red eyes full of shock, and yours full of loving warmth.
You were both lost in one another’s eyes that you had both failed to realize the position you were both currently in…
Shigaraki laid above you on the couch, his right knee pressing in between your legs, and your hands caressing his face.“Tomura?”
Despite him trying to kill you seconds ago, your voice was full of concern for him. His crimson eyes began to soften… You could see though, there was something more in his eyes… Like, he felt guilty about something.
“Tomura? Are you oka-”
“Tenko… Tenko is my real name. Tenko Shimura.”
He leisurely began to sit up from you, but when he had moved his knee that was pressed in between you he heard a subtle noise… it was a subtle squish. He’s played plenty of R rated games to know… You were excited down there…
You however did not catch the noise your womanhood had made, you just continued to sit up with him.
“Tenko?” -you reached out with your hand, only to hesitate for a second before you gently place your hand atop of his- “Ya know… I like that name a lot more, Tenko. It’s got a nice ring to it, ~Teeennnnkkkooo.” Giggling softly you didn’t even catch that you placed your head on his shoulder, as your hand laid on his still.
Shigaraki stared down at you, all this contact was making him uneasy but at the same time, he felt this warm feeling in his chest. What was this? Why didn’t he push you off of him… Why were you… wet for him…
Holding your head, you smiled at the memory. He was a complex guy, but it would be so boring if he wasn’t. He really did make your life a bit more interesting, and in all honesty you wouldn’t want it to be anyone else in your life. 
“Tenk-Tomura, i know you have a lot to do still tonight, but do you think you could stay with me until i fell asleep. I know you need to find the others but i-”
“Shut up. Why would you think i wouldn’t stay?” 
Walking over to his computer desk, Shigaraki grabbed the gloves you made for him a few days after he told you his real name…
“Thanks for letting me go to the mall with you, Tenko! I really needed a new pair of shoes! Who was that kid you ran into? I saw you talking to him but-”
As soon as Shigaraki closed the door you gasped as he yanked down the zipper of your dress and pushed you onto the couch.
Shigaraki’s figure hovered over your nearly bare form, as he stared at your soul. He was devouring you and you were swimming into his brain. You both could feel everything about each other in that moment. You were both in love. Crashing his lips to yours, it was a bruising kiss, he didn’t know what to do, but he figured this was the way to do it. Yours and his breath synchronized. Unclasping your bra as he destroyed your panties, clothes were just a simple nuisance now.
Your hands were tangled in his hair as he rocked his hips deep against you. Shigaraki was too far gone in his moment of bravery, and the second he touched your hips… You yelped in pain. 
Looking down he saw that he had placed all ten of his fingers onto your soft flesh… Quickly removing his hands he removed himself off you.
“I’m leaving!”
He wanted to touch you, to feel you, to experience this desire with you… but… he would only end up killing you…
“W-Wait! Tenko! You can’t!”
“Why the hell now? It’s pointless for me to be here, i’m not injured.”
Flying off the couch you embrace him from behind, “Y-You can’t leave…-” He could feel your tears dampen the back of his hoodie… His teeth bitting at him already damaged lips, his fists balled up, if he stays you’ll be the one needing healing…
Moving his legs, Shigaraki drifted towards the door causing you let go of his hoodie…
“Please… It was an accident, you didn’t mean to, Tenko. I-I don’t hate you… I know it wasn’t on purpose.”
He laid his his forehead on your door, his hand carefully around the knob… 
“I-I was waiting to give you something, but i-” You wiped your face, “I didn’t know when to give them to you… I guess now would be the perfect time… Just… Don’t go, please… Tenko…” 
Rushing to your room, Shigaraki stayed next to door, all he had to do was twist the handle and leave, but… Something maybe him stay, he was curious at least to see what this stupid gift was.
Sprinting to his side you grabbed hold of his arm and placed the item in his palm, “Here, I made these for you! Now please, don’t leave me to be here alone tonight.”
Shigaraki saw a pair of gloves placed in his palm… The fingers were missing except for the pinky… 
“If you put these on, you won’t be able to use your quirk… You can… feel… and touch things without worrying about your quirk… you can-” You looked away from him, “…You can touch me…”
Slipping on the gloves you made for him so he couldn’t hurt you in his sleep, Shigaraki made his way towards you and his bed.
“What’s that look for?”
“Hmm? Oh nothing. Just remembering some things, that’s all.”
Shigaraki glared at you, but soon crawled into bed alongside with you.
“Tomura, thank you.”
“For saving me today… and staying.”
His room was silent minus his computer screen buzzing…
“You belong to me, _____.” Pinning you down, Shigaraki’s gleaming red eyes gazed down at you. “And only me.”
Caressing his cheek you twinkle at him, “Who else would i belong to? I don’t know how you did it, but you captured my whole heart. I love you so much-” You began to whisper into his ear, ”Tenko Shimura
Pressing his forehead to yours, Shigaraki spoke with question, “Is that this feeling then? The same feeling i had that night i hurt you… Am i…”
“In love?” You giggled, “I think so, why else would you be here with me right, why else would you have saved me?”
His lips finally met yours. This was only the second time he has kissed you, and still he was unsure of what to do fully, but as you wrapped your arms around you guided him through the kiss as you did the first time.
His gloved hands move awkwardly around your body as your tongue traces his dried lips. Clumsily he opens his mouth to let you explore before he begins to move his mouth with your movements.
It’s getting hard to breath and you need to break the kiss for air, doing so you pulled back to see his messy blue locks hiding his face. Pushing his hair back so you can see his face, you can’t help but think how adorable he looks right now.
“Was that, better than the first time?”
Pressing your head to his you laughed, “Much! You’re actually a pretty decent kisser.”
Pushing your head with his, Shigaraki kisses you once again, but this time… he was the dominant one.
Discarding your both your clothes, Shigaraki lined himself up with your entrance, but before he pushed inside you he remembered how your attacker had gotten your top down and your breast out… Shigaraki remembered that some piece of trash had his hands on you…
“He had his hands on you…”
“He touched you… I’ve never been so enraged… I want to erase his touch…”
Grabbing you by the hips, Shigaraki then spread your beautiful legs and  aimed his hard, ready to explode cock directly at your waiting pussy. His lips locked onto yours as he slid it inside of you slowly, filling you and causing you to shift your hips to accept it. You couldn’t get used to his size, even after the first few times. A gentle rhythm began and you matched him, bucking your hips to meet each stroke. You both remained in sync. Slowly the pace increased and he could hear his own voice groaning as the warmth of your cunt enveloped his cock over and over again. Moaning into his mouth as your tongues danced in concert with the music his locked cock and your cunt created. Wrapping your legs around Shigaraki’s back you then used him to pull your own ass off the bed as he withdrew and pulled himself back as he plunged into your cunt again. Shigaraki’s chest was rubbing against the raw flesh on your breasts as you both fucked. You broke your mouth away from his and buried your head in his shoulder, your arms holding on for dear life and your gasping breath made his shoulder damp. 
“Am I hurting you?” he rasped.You felt a sudden powerful fierceness, as if a challenge had been issued. You smiled into his shoulder, "No,“ You said, “But I want you to.” Shigaraki’s devilish smile returned. Grabbing you violently and pushing his cock deep inside of you, your head flew back as you gasped at the impact and the pleasure. Never in your life had you felt anything so satisfying as his flesh pounded into you. For a few minutes you were paralyzed. Your eyes wide and tearing up with the ecstasy. You stared blankly as he fucked your body into oblivion. Railing ruthlessly against your pelvis. Shigaraki held your wrists up over your head and pinned them to the mattress with his protected hands. Laying you out like a helpless doll. Your tits bounced with each thrust he made and your entire being was rocked. You began orgasming so powerfully that you started to squirt. The wet slapping of his flesh against your own grew ever harder and more violent. 
You moaned out his name, “Tenk- Tomura! Right there! Please keep going!” He moved his hands from your wrists to your throat and clasped them tightly. His face was alive with all of his spirit, his eyes aflame with savage desire. The faster and harder he thrust the more tightly and more desperately he closed his hands around your throat. You were floating in a mist of ecstasy, your body limp and completely destroyed. You were cumming uncontrollably. Squirting and pulsing as if your body were losing all control, and then he gave a final, earth shattering thrust as he came inside you. Coating your walls with his milky white seed.Falling upon you. Both of you were heaving and sweating and completely entranced by the power of this drug called sex. You kissed him and tasted blood. You had both bitten each other so hard that both of your lips were bleeding…
“I’ll never leave, ___…” With his eyes closed, Shigaraki had drifted off to sleep while laying on top of you.
Smiling to yourself, you played with his hair and traced your finger tips across his lean back.
“Me either, Tenko…”
Embracing the night with him you closed your heavy eyes and joined him in sleep… Sadly though, neither of you knew… This would be the last night you two would embrace one another for quite some time… If ever again…
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