#I'm. deranged.
yunattokai · 1 year
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I've been listening to Jrwi for over half a year. This was made over the course of my journey with this amazing podcast :]
There are some mistakes here and there, but quite honestly, I don't really care. I wanted to portray them exactly how they are looking in my brain as I listen and these are the results.
[please ignore my poor attempt at drawing feet in the right places]
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byfulcrums · 6 months
been rewatching rtte
toothless is called T multiple times, but the letter T doesn't exist in the alphabet of this world
i think hiccup was also called H???
hiccup went to the wedding of the man who tried to kill him and his family multiple times. no wonder he thought he could change drago's mind
snotlout is canonically a theater kid
"you're so small and cuddly" "please never say that again"
the twins are really smart, but they're also just stupid
hiccup straight up disappears when he's working on something
heather had a super noticeable crush on astrid
fishlegs got a love interest!! a plus size main character actually has a cool, badass love interest!
it was super hetnormative but it was cute
there was an island full of flying women who were implied to regularly commit cannibalism
hiccup taught all the riders how to fly with toothless, that's so sweet
everyone is a flat earther except for the twins
hiccup almost directly killed a lot of people
and killed a LOT more when destroying their ships
“scalding– cal..ding--" "toothle, plama bla!" was pretty much the funniest part of the entire series
dagur was bullied as a kid by a guy 8 years older than him who literally tattooed an imagine of him beating up little dagur in his arm??? What was that all about
actually we need to talk about how messed up everything about dagur is and about how the things that could've/did happen(ed) to him may be the reasons why he's Like That
just why was he imprisoned by the outcasts??? he didn't do anything to them directly
oof my brain is spiraling. "he loved you" "ig now we'll never know" what do you mean he didn't know if his dad loved him
there's a technically musical episode
tuffnut became hiccup's defense attorney and immediately got him the death sentence
hiccup regularly jumps off cliffs
he also jumped off a boat, with his arms tied and without toothless. just where did he think he was going
snotlout's annoying attitude is actually because spitelout pressures him too much and he feels like he has to be perfect for his dad :((
viggo is the best httyd villain change my mind (you can't, swords at sundown, you may bring backup but i will win on my own)
skrill comeback skrill comeback SKRILL COMEBACK!!!!
what is a boar pit???
oh my god i had missed this series so much. it has no right to be this funny
this was my childhood. it has forever shaped the way i am
berserker heather the unhinged >>>
actually good disability rep! yay
hiccup complains about his peg leg pinching him
he straight up cannot walk without it and it is shown many times
"well, there are the benefits of a metal leg" after it got caught in a bear trap
funny moments, like snotlout trying to steal it to use it as a weapon
the jokes!! toothless laughing at the jokes!!! hiccup being so fucking done with the twins, who are always making the jokes!
there's an episode where everyone is so sleep deprived they actually start spiraling
astrid becomes a happy go lucky girl, hugs snotlout and tells him he's handsome
the fucking mood swings snotlout got were insane
the twins were straight up just hallucinating
"i sent them to wash their dragons, how could they mess that up?" cut to heather falling on her face with a bucket full of water in her hands
fishlegs becomes so paranoid, he's yelling at everyone all the time
"don't you know the trapper's trap can trap the trapper?? ...oh gods, i must be losing it, i'm quoting dagur"
YOOOO VALKA!!!! it's so nice to see her
hiccup tried to murder dagur to stop him from getting to toothless, which is scary bc it shows just how far he's willing to go for his bff, but also funny because hiccup. that was not going to work
oh the hiccstrid slowburn, how i have missed you
the twins's made up language
there was a beach episode turned murder mystery and a musical episode held at gun point
hiccup has a whole little speech that he periodically gives astrid to remind her that the twins serve a purpose
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
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foolishness and all
summary: your boyfriend puts your love to the test when his heart is set on a certain unsightly purchase.
pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
warnings: jar jar binks. not edited, i was laughing too hard.
wc: 1.8k+
a/n: this is the product of a very insane conversation that occurred in the middle of the night last night with @emmaisgonnacry, @lokis-army-77, and @emma-munson. forever sad we can't get the jar jar watch </3 (but at least emma got the darth maul one!) ((thank you for making me laugh until i cried last night, friends.))
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“If you buy that thing, I’m breaking up with you.”
“No, you aren’t.”
“Yes, I am.” 
“I’m getting the watch.” 
“And I’m getting a new boyfriend.”
You glare at your boyfriend for several beats of tense silence, narrowing your eyes as if it’ll do anything to change his mind. His heart is already set – there’s no stopping what’s about to happen. 
“Edward Munson,” you stress, hand shooting out to hold his wrist, but he’s already whipping it out of your reach, “That thing is hideous. We’re shopping for a nice watch for Steve’s wedding, not that.” 
“This thing has a name, sweetheart,” Eddie smiles toothily, tilting his head tauntingly at you, “And I think it fits the theme perfectly.” 
“In what fucking world?”
You're whispering harshly now, trying to keep from causing a commotion in the middle of the store and garnering any more unwanted attention. The workers had given you strange enough looks when Eddie had first laid eyes on his prize, his little yelp of excitement seemingly startling them. 
The less people who witnessed the atrocity on Eddie’s wrist currently, the better. 
Eddie goes against that wish entirely, holding his wrist high in the air for the entire mall to see at this point, “In my world. He did say it was meant to be open for interpretation-”
“Not like this.”
“And my interpretation is buying this absolutely priceless Jar-Jar Binks watch.” 
The thing looks down at you, almost as if it’s laughing at you just as Eddie was right now. 
Part of you wonders if it’s all a bit – something Eddie noticed set you off, and he’s now making it into an entire catastrophic situation solely for his own enjoyment at your irritation. But part of you also knows that even if it is a bit, Eddie Munson will commit wholeheartedly to it. 
It doesn’t matter if it’s a joke or not. He’ll be leaving this store as the owner of that watch, and the thought mortifies you. 
“Please,” you finally resort to begging, feeling a bit childish as you give a pitiful hop to reach his wrist. It’s useless. He only stretches higher, shirt riding up to expose that strip of pale skin beneath the fabric. Your eyes catch on it momentarily, but you force yourself to not get distracted, “Eddie, baby-”
“Nuh uh,” he’s quick to shake his head, taking a full step back from you, “Nope. That baby shit isn’t working on me this time. I’m buying it. End of discussion.” 
Fine. The sweet talk route didn’t work. That’s fine. 
You had more than one weapon in the arsenal. 
Before he can even think to step any further away, you reach out and hook your finger through one of his belt loops, giving a tug that further exposes the band of his boxers all while forcing him closer to you. 
You’re back on your tip-toes, no longer reaching for the watch, but to let your lips barely graze over his as your whispers, “What if I ask you not to very, very nicely?” 
That has him faltering. Complete hesitation as he takes a deep breath and visible gulp, arm beginning to drop ever so slightly. 
“I would… I’d…” he trails off, clearly losing focus as your lips stay hovering just out of touch, “I’d probably… I-”
“Probably not buy it – right, handsome?” 
And just as quickly as he’d fallen victim to the game you’d started playing, he’s pulled from it. 
He leans back as far as he can with your finger still clinging to his pants, scrunching up his nose, “I see what you’re doing. Not fucking fair. It’s only thirteen dollars, anyway. I bet if Steve was here right now, he’d tell me to get it.” 
“He wouldn’t!” you whisper-yell, giving up and pulling back as well, “It’s his wedding, Eddie. He told us to get something nice to fit in with the black tie dress code,” you can see him ready the argument of interpretation once more, and nip it in the bud, “No amount of interpretation can ever qualify the head of Jar-Jar Binks turned into a watch as something that fits into black tie attire.”
He’s not convinced. Not of the point you’re trying to make – no, you know he agrees with you and is just being a little shit at this point – but of not buying the watch. 
“What if I just bought it?” he barters, “Maybe I don’t wear it to the weddin-”
“There’s no maybes about it. You can’t wear it to the wedding. You’re one of the groomsmen.”
He lifts his other hand just as the one adorning the eyesore finally drops to be eye level once more, “Fine! Fine. I won’t wear it to the wedding, but I’m still getting it.” 
It’s a compromise. Or as close to a compromise as you and Eddie were going to get to right now. 
With his wrist finally lowered, you can finally get a proper look at the thing. It’s Jar-Jar’s head with a band to mimic his skin, no clock in sight until it’s flipped open. The inside might be even worse though. Vivid font curling to spell out Jar-Jar, a light orange background with darker swirls, and the world’s smallest sliver of a screen to display the digital time. 
It absolutely blows your mind that anyone thought it was a good marketing idea. But then again, people like your boyfriend exist. He was the intended audience, not you. 
“It’s not even that cool,” you weakly still try to fight the losing battle, gingerly grabbing for the wrist this time with your free hand. Your finger hasn’t left Eddie’s belt loop, now resting comfortably in it, just growing fond of the closeness rather than weaponizing it against him. 
And maybe as a way of keeping him from running up to the counter to complete the purchase. Maybe. 
“It’s the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he proudly proclaims, right there in the middle of the Radio Shack, never having looked more satisfied with himself, “It can just be a conversational piece. I promise, I won’t break out the secretly evil little shit-”
“Unless the occasion actually calls for it.” 
“I’m sorry, can we go back to where you just called Jar-Jar secretly evil?” you ask, more perplexed than concerned at this point.
He was getting it. You were hating it. You had bigger wars to win with the man before you at a later date, surely. 
His grin makes you regret asking, “Oh, you haven’t heard the theory about Jar-Jar being a Sith lord, have you?” 
Your finger slips from his jeans, and your eyes nearly roll out of your head. 
“Go buy that thing. I’m waiting in the car.” 
“Wait, babe, no!” 
“Nope. I’m not listening to this.” 
You turn from Eddie to walk away, making sure he can’t see the corners of your mouth twitching with a smile you’re so desperately fighting, but it’s no use when he grabs onto your elbow to spin you back around. 
“Eddie, I’m not-”
You’re interrupted with his lips on yours, an unexpectedly genuine kiss ensuing. The kind that reminds you why you’d ever deal with someone who wants a Jar-Jar Binks watch, the kind that reminds you why the occasional embarrassment Eddie purposefully puts you through in public is all worth it. 
All the butterflies, all the sweetness, all the tenderness. The way his thumb traces over your skin as his hand stays wrapped around your elbow, the way his other hand comes up to cradle your cheek. You can still taste whatever sour candy he’d bought moments before walking into the store all over his tongue and lips, hiding his last cigarette from hours ago. 
It’s a good enough kiss to forget the entire interaction that had just occurred. 
When he pulls away, you’re a little breathless, all fluttering eyes glazed over as you look up at him, “What was that for?” 
His smile could melt your entire existence. Turn you right into a puddle of all the love you struggle to contain, just for him. 
“Just because,” he shrugs, but then he continues on, “And for putting up with me. Thank you for that.” 
“I don’t put up with you,” you say immediately, and mean it.
Even when he’s being insufferable. Even when he’s still wearing the goddamn Jar-Jar Binks watch. You don’t put up with him – you love him. Foolishness and all. 
Your finger returns to his belt loop, and this time, you tug him in for another kiss. Something short and sweet, something just because. 
“You know,” he mumbles against your lips, arm wrapping around you so you can’t leave him just yet, “They have a Darth Maul one, too…” 
Your hand comes up between the two of you, only a slight struggle, just for you to smack him in the center of his chest, “You can only have one, Munson.”
“We could match!”
“I am not wearing that thing.” 
He throws his head back and cackles, a certain glee only born of being with the one you feel safest with flooding his features. All those wrinkles in the corners of his crinkled eyes, the stretch of his lips that bring on the appearance of dimples you could bury yourself in if given the chance. A boy made up of stardust and felicity. Your boy made up of every good thing that could have ever existed in this lifetime. 
You’d rather bicker over the useless things with him a hundred times over than ever live a life without him. 
“It’s fine,” he finally sighs dramatically, “I’ll just wear the Jar-Jar Binks watch to our wedding one day.”
Our wedding one day. 
Your heart just about explodes, and the only thing you can do to not choke up is smack him even harder. 
Our wedding. 
It has a nice ring to it. 
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” you tell him instead.
There’ll be plenty of other moments to talk about that. Now, when he still wears the ugliest watch you’ve ever laid eyes on, is not the time. 
“Gotta catch me first,” he teases as he slowly backs away, a twinkle in his eyes that makes you question if he knows how you’d secretly felt about that joke. That makes you question if he and Steve Harrington had really only been shopping for Steve’s rings for the last year. 
He doesn’t even run to the counter, knowing that you won’t be chasing him. You’re content to stay back and wait. You’ll always wait on him, really.
Even if it meant waiting for the day he wore that goddamn watch on your wedding day, because at the end of it all, you’d probably let him. You’d even wear the Darth Maul watch to match if he insisted. 
You’d let him wear whatever he wants, and you’d wear whatever he insists upon, because at the end of the day, it wouldn’t matter – it’d be enough to simply marry the dork that just tripped on his way up on the counter while giggling over a watch on his wrist, and know that he’s yours, forever.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @mediocredreams @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin
@ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87
@thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck
@cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking
@witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore
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@vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp
@princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
@writinginthetwilight @trixyvixx @kittydeadbones @munson-addict @bluejeangenies
@cryingglightningg @joannamuns9n @missmarch-99 @rhirojo @findmeincorneliastreet
join my taglist!
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sluttyhenley · 2 months
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I know you love him. I love him, too. That's why you gotta do this.
THE BIKERIDERS dir. Jeff Nichols
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based on that one post
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tubbytarchia · 7 months
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I don't know what this is all I know is that LimL Joel makes me really emotional
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tennant-davids · 1 year
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DOCTOR WHO 60th Anniversary Trailer // Series 1-4
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sekaithemystic · 1 month
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neve's dimple... neve's dimple save me...
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3x15eddie · 2 months
you ever read a fic so good you almost want to print it out on some letter sized paper and just go to town with a highlighter
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ofbardsandmen · 6 months
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inklore · 4 months
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has anyone ever seen a more pathetic man than colin staring at penelope's mouth? trick question, you haven't!!!
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nextimeiny · 6 months
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jennicatzies · 7 months
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No girl don't delete me off your puter hahahaha I'm your best and only friend ever
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canisalbus · 1 month
Where and how did you learn to draw bodies both feral and anthro so beautifully detailed and soft? I love all the lines you add that act as muscle and wrinkles.
This isn't going to be a very helpful answer but I think anatomy might just be one of those things I've been autistically obsessed with since I was very little. Bodies have such good shapes, they're very satisfying to draw and I want to do them justice.
I've taken a couple of life drawing classes over the years and they've certainly helped (especially when it comes to figuring out dynamic poses, perspective and line of action), but I think for me the bulk of it has been just looking at living things really intently and trying to mentally pull them apart like a ball jointed doll so that I have, like, a 3D model of them in my brain that I can rotate around and pose.
Mammals are pretty meaty and flexible, we have a lot of soft tissue, and it's always fun to try to convey that feeling of fleshiness when drawing. The different layers of the body (skin, fat, muscle and bone, mostly) all interact with each other in interesting ways and different poses accentuate different aspects of them. Managing to capture small nuances like where your skin wrinkles when you move your joints, where you accumulate fat that creates softer and rounder shapes, and where your bones are closest to the surface, can really make your drawings seem more alive and organic.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
Mariella [Achromatic Loop / Blank Scripts AU]
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gingermaple · 23 days
*sticks mic in your face* start rambling about the roleswapverse plz?
with pleasure!!!
the entire premise is (as the name would suggest) that all the characters roles are swapped. scar and grian are no longer the heros hotguy and cuteguy, and instead their roles are filled by pearl and gem (hotgal and cutegal). as such, scar and grian now fill their previous roles as the villains spectacle (scour) and bleeding heart (bleeding hart). while the roles are all swapped everyone keeps their original mutations.
pearl is still a journalist, but now she also takes matters into her own hands as the vigilante hotgal, alongside her trusty sidekick gem/cutegal, a soldier who feels she finally has something worth fighting for.
funny enough, their first meeting/general dynamic goes a lot smoother than it does for the boys in canon, with their first meeting being pearl saving gem instead of shooting her (looking at you hotguy)
scar (spectacle) is a villain who believes everybody should be able to be their 'true self'. he's very flashy, changes his costume with every appearance, and doesn't like to get his hands dirty. instead he has a ton of henchmen he calls 'stagehands' to do things for him.
grian (bleeding heart) is his primary stagehand. originally a stone-cold killer who only knew how to follow orders, spectacle gave him the opportunity to have fun and express himself.
they have a very 3rd Life coded dynamic in which grian uses his position as scar's lackey to cause chaos and do what he wants with the excuse that 'he was just following orders' and scar uses grian to do his dirty work.
this au (of an au) exists in collaboration with a bunch of my fellow hgcz contributors and we're all collectively going insane over it.
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