#I've been saving for alhaitham....
ihatekaveh · 3 months
yes I came back from the dead to post abt arlecchino what did anyone expect
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mintjeru · 1 year
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rough day?
open for better quality | no reposts
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nc-vb · 1 year
since i'm off from classes this week, maybe I'll finally complete that whole Enkanomiya thing, that I haven't even once touched lololol
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates (3)
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh, Dainsleif, Dottore (edit** written before kaveh release)
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (here)
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there has to be some sort of trade-off; his time is precious so there's got to be something in it for him. luckily for you, who's one of the few people he considers a close friend, it's just some random errand he doesn't want to run
he’s a mediocre date; follows your lead and is just kind of a wallflower honestly. will make polite conversation but only if someone talks to him first
drinks just enough to loosen up but not enough to get sloppy, and definitely still sober enough to read the book he brought. you leave him be, but you’re still going to go have a good time at this reception
yikes someone from the groom's guest list comes sidling up, hoping to shoot their shot with the handsome stranger sitting alone. of course he gets annoyed; not only was this person disrupting him but wasn’t it obvious he came with you?
wait where are you
he finds you on the dance floor with… someone else??… which is fair since he's here as a friend, but he strides up to you anyway and does not hesitate to interrupt
"thanks for keeping my date entertained but I'll take it from here" and then he leads you away to a different corner of the dance floor
did not think this all the way through because now he’s dancing with you but it’s just so…… robotic. he tries, he really does, but that doesn’t stop the secondhand embarrassment from anyone who happens to see him. you don’t mind though, you think it’s cute
"finally haitham, I've been waiting for you all night!" and then you kiss him on the cheek
perhaps it was a combination of the lighting effects and the alcohol, but you don't notice the blush on his face
events like these aren’t really his vibe but you catch him in a good mood after you 'laugh' at one of his jokes
seems like a very intimidating guest at first and that’s not the impression he wants to give to your family, so he brought his joke book! chooses to tell one at your table during dinner and the silence after he explains the whole thing is truly deafening
he tries again but says "how about this one; y/n thought it was hilarious." so now you have to fake laugh and elbow the cousin sitting next to you to laugh as well
one of the uncles from the table next to yours actually overheard and leaned back in his chair to tell him it was hilarious so that’s a win
when you get overwhelmed by relatives asking you when you're getting married, he steps in to help you but accidentally says,
"we'll take the step when we're ready"
wait what
mans is a mess trying to fix the situation and you've never seen him like this so now you have to save him by laughing it off and dragging him away
he plays genius invokation tcg with some of your teen relatives; they were losing though, so they distract him by saying "heard the next wedding's you and y/n" and it works
he gets really awkward around you after that and you have to reassure him that it’s fine, no big deal! you even joke that if fake dating tonight would get all the annoying aunties and uncles off your back, then sure let’s do it
he’d never tell you, at least not anytime soon, but it doesn’t sit right with him to hear you say ‘fake dating’
if you’re not bringing a bag/clutch/purse/whatever, then he will and he has everything: antacids, aspirins, bandaids, safety pins, an epipen, etc
wow this venue decorated the place with such nice plants, a shame they’re not for anyone to take home. good thing no one noticed him take clippings to propagate
it's great to have him on your team because he is very good at all the physical wedding games like cornhole, ring toss, etc. you don't win anything except bragging rights but at a family wedding? sure, you'll take it
doesn’t smile in any group photos; only smiles in photos of just the two of you and selfies that you take on your phone, even though he pretends to be over it
is not nice to your offensive relatives; super passive aggressive with lots of backhanded comments. he'll make some snide remarks under his breath but everyone thinks he's joking. finds out one of your uncles is a flat earther, and takes it personally
complains about the music and how it's too loud but doesn't do anything about it, so you take him outside for a stroll in the little botanical garden
despite the nice, peaceful atmosphere of the garden, you guys do eventually have to regroup with everyone else gathered out on the lawn to watch fireworks and tighnari is doing is absolute best to stall
"....eh, we can see just fine from here, no?" he says as he pulls you down next to him onto the bench he's sitting on. if he plays his next cards right, maybe... you'll even rest your head on his shoulder?
he asks you if he can come as your date to the wedding because he loves these sorts of events and you agree because it’s always a fun time with kaveh
neither of you want to be dd so somehow… somehow he ropes his ‘annoying roommate’ into driving you two there and back
makes sure both of you are dressed to the 9's; maybe he wants to upstage the wedding party because he arrives in a satin suit and his shirt is unbuttoned dangerously low. some poor relative has to take a million photos of the two of you until he likes it, and then some more ‘just in case’
shows off some of his architectural work from his phone; even gets a few inquiries from your rich relatives for future jobs. networking king
once it hits cocktail hour, you’re taking a shot together. his arm is around your waist and that’s where it stays the entire time you guys are mingling with others
drinks a little too much and gossips about your family a little too loud though, so you've gotta reel him in even though you're not too far behind
drags you onto the dance floor and is a fun, but messy, dancer. you guys are in almost all the candid shots the photographer takes
on the drive back his roommate makes an extremely sharp turn and you find yourself thrown into kaveh. physics, am I right. you’re apologizing profusely even though he insists it’s fine and that you should, in fact, just stay in that position, your body against his
throws up in the car after you get dropped off and the next morning you wake up to a slew of messages from him complaining about how his roommate is so cruel for making him clean his car at 7am with zero regard for his hangover
he agrees to go but panics the week of and keeps asking you if you're sure you want to take him as your date even though it's been rsvp'd for ages
maybe not the most fun date, but overall not a bad date
offers you an arm when you two go somewhere together, holds your hand through a crowd, pulls your chair out for you during the reception, etc
brought you one of every dessert from the buffet and risked looking like an absolute glutton because
“you said to bring you a dessert, but didn’t specify which one”
he’s very sweet to the older guests; they are swooning and keeps winking and telling you he's a keeper. you don’t have the heart to tell them you’re not even dating
gives random unsolicited advice and it’s always a hit or miss
he is so awkward in the photobooth because he doesn’t know what to do? it takes 4 photos in one strip and he looks the same in 3 of them. finally on the last one you do the thing where you lift up the corners of his mouth so he’s at least smiling
keeps his copy in his wallet for a long time, maybe even forever who knows
you never thought him to be a dancer so you’re a little surprised when he asks you to slow dance; even more so at the fact that he is very good at it??
you follow his lead, and dancing with dainsleif is honestly such a tender moment. if not for the color of your clothing, people might have mistaken you two as the newly weds, what with the way he’s looking at you while you rest your head against his chest
you see him crack a sliver of a smile when you catch the bouquet and you think that he’s just happy you won. but he knows full well what it insinuates especially when everyone’s clapping him on the back in congratulations
you only ask him if he's your absolute last option because why in your right mind would you take dottore as your date to a family wedding. he only agrees to go as 'an experiment'
pick out his outfit please lest he wear one of his funky little suits
introduces himself as dr. and he's so dramatic about it so a lot of people are fawning over him; you suppose all families love a doctor but only you know that he's technically not even legally allowed to practice medicine
scowls behind you when an old family friend starts talking to you for a bit too long. excuses himself to socialize with said friend, but then you wonder why hardly anyone else approaches you the rest of the night
insists on you wearing his suit jacket because he doesn't want you to 'catch a cold'
he makes the 7-year old flower girl cry at the reception but the thing is, he wasn't even trying? everything he says sounds vaguely threatening and kids are just terrified of him
so first of all he makes it very clear that he's doing this for you okay; he will make it up to you by doing some simple science party tricks for the kids
.... except he way overdoes it and sets off a mentos/soda rocket into the ceiling
and he’s not even sorry; he’s actually proud of that little demonstration like ‘go little rockstar.’ you’re forced to leave early in shame
he does go down as a family urban legend though because aunties will say "if you don't behave, the scary doctor will come get you!”
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With so many new characters, I feel like part 3 has been long overdue!
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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fictoculus · 10 months
Hello ^^ I've been reading your stories and I really like them and I was just wondering if you don't mind doing a genshin impact boys x Reader with the characters being Tighnari,Kaeya,Albedo,Alhaitham and Kaveh? And the story being you hug them from behind (I hope that is fine with you of course no NSFW I've read the request rules ^^) that is if you still do genshin impact
౨ৎ hugging them from behind...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... tighnari, kaeya, albedo, alhaitham, kaveh
A/N... hellooo anon, thanks so much for this request, and for taking the time to read my rules too, i really appreciate it! alsoo, i'm so glad you like my writing, it means so much ♡ i actually really love this concept, and you've chosen some good characters too! apologies in advance if anyone is ooc ^^ (i have a feeling tighnari and kaeya might be a bit whoopssss)
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✧ tighnari.
for tighnari, being the "chief officer of forest rangers" comes with a lot of responsibility, an example being informing the rangers of the route for patrol and any threats they could face along the way. that's why, when you find your beloved stood infront of a group of eager men and women, you're hardly surprised.
you sneak closer to them, listening in on the instructions your beloved was giving, but not paying attention to a single word said; instead, relishing in the smooth sound of tighnari's voice. it was so calming and so soothing; he was always able to relax you from just a few words... and that's when you decided, you wanted to hear it "more up close"
the "plan" had been created, and it was a simple one at that; you knew tighnari always left his weapons at home while instructing the team for some unknown reason, but would always have to come back to collect them before setting off. you thought you'd be helpful and bring them to him instead, it would save him the unnecessary trip, after all.
despite a couple doubts crossing your mind, you decided to follow through with your "plan", rushing back home to collect his bow, trying your best to be as quick as possible so that you don't miss your chance; and luckily, you didn't.
arriving back at the meeting grounds, you make your way over to tighnari, being sure to approach him from behind. setting his bow aside, you waved at the rangers who waved back enthusiastically, leaving tighnari to wonder: "who are they all waving at? me?"
he lifts his arm to wave awkwardly, only for you to grab hold of him, squeezing him tightly around his waist and pressing tender kisses behind his ears.
"you forgot your bow again, love"
you whispered, a rosey hue tinting his cheeks as his eyes widened in embarassment. instinctively, tighnari wraps his tail around you, his soft fur tickling your skin slightly. you smile to yourself, just imagining how brightly he must be blushing; having about a dozen people watching an intimate moment he'd much rather keep private, or atleast away from an audience.
"i have a question regarding the-"
"any questions will be discussed another time, dismissed"
he hurriedly shoos the forest rangers away, making up excuses such as "there are matters i must attend to" and even "those things don't concern you, now please take your leave". he acted all angry when he turned to face you, but archons, he looked adorable.
"now what do you think you're up to, hm? hugging me like that infont of all the rangers?"
"i can tell you aren't mad, 'nari"
you can read him like a book, knowing exactly how he acts when he tries to hide how flustered he is; how he attempts to harden his exterior but gives in within seconds.
"i- i never said i was i just... don't you- i-"
he sighs, admitting defeat as he burries his face in the crook of your neck. you feel his hot breath against your shoulder as he murmurs:
"i hate you"
"i love you too"
✧ kaeya.
you walked to the cat's tail with a spring in your step, excited to see kaeya after spending more than a week apart. you'd been on a long expedition to liyue and had only just gotten back to mondstadt, not bothering to drop your belongings off at your house but instead hauling them along with you; unable to wait any longer to see your beloved (and silently praying he'd offer to help you carry them to your place)
after what felt like an hour of walking, you finally made it to your destination, shoulders sore from having to carry your bags instead of loading them onto a cart like you had when travelling to the nation of contracts.
poking your head into the tavern, you could see kaeya sat at one of the tables alone, watching out of the window, as if he was waiting for something, or someone... that's right, you!
you watch him carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and there it was: he'd gotten up from his seat, suppossedly to order a drink at the bar, and attempt to avoid the black cat and his... friendly translator; being invited to play a game of genius invocation tcg was the last thing he wanted.
dropping everything and leaving it in a pile at the front door, you practically throw yourself inside and run towards kaeya, his back now turned to you as he walks back to his table.
"[name]? archons, you scared me, i almost dropped my drink!"
refusing to let go, the two of you awkwardly waddle to the window, wanting some peace and quiet away from the taverns other patrons.
"someone's a little friendly today, hm? you miss me that much?"
"well if you don't want my attention, i can just let go..."
you tease, slowly but surely loosening your grip on his waist and sliding your hands to his sides. without warning, he grabs hold of your hands and wraps them back around him, holding them in place firmly, caressing your palms with his thumbs.
"i never said let go! wait... do you... not want to hug me anymore?"
here comes the show... kaeya would gasp dramatically, clutching at his chest as if he'd been struck by lightning, or something even more theatrical.
"do you not love me anymore?"
it never ends. he keeps building on it, acting hurt by your actions, more-so physically than mentally despite you having injured him being nothing to do with the "plot". only when you spin him around in your arms and press your lips against his does he finally stop talking, melting into the kiss as his mind goes completely blank. he'd pull away panting for air, his eyes glazed over with pure adoration.
"i love you"
"i love you moreee"
you're basically asking for it at this point.
"you love me more than i love you? impossible! preposterous! disgraceful! outrag-"
"i'm going to magically fall out of love with you in a minute if you don't-"
"i'm only kiddinggg, you're so fun to tease"
he brings one of your hands up to his lips and kisses it softly with a big grin plastered on his face; oh how he loves to wind you up, and secretly, you love it too.
"i do love your hugs though, and i really did miss you so... please hug me again?"
✧ albedo.
it's been hours since you'd last seen albedo, and though only a few hours doesn't sound too long, it felt like an eternity. it was all too often he'd hide away up in dragonspine, working tirelessly on his latest experiments and not taking any time for himself, and it worried you. that being said, you decided to come up with a plan to distract him, and a hug from behind sounded like the perfect idea...
you creep into his campsite, waiting for the perfect moment to throw yourself onto him.
"3... 2..."
you whispered to yourself, counting down the seconds before you could finally hold your beloved once more, missing his gentle touch; and you were more than just eager.
excited, you jog up to him and wrap your arms tightly around him, but feeling him jolt so harshly made you slightly concerened...
"woah! careful, careful!"
panicked, albedo sets down the equipment in his hands as quickly as he can, worried he'd drop or injure you with them. he lets out a sigh of relief once they're out of the way, moving his hands ontop of yours and loosening your grip so that he could turn to face you. hands now resting on your waist, he looks at you with a stern expression.
"[name], what did i tell you about hugging around my experiments?"
"i know, i know, i just missed you and thought if i hug you from behind i wouldn't be getting in the way"
"i-... technically you're right, but you gave me quite the scare nevertheless, it could've caused an explosion if we were to have fallen. what kind of lover would i be if i were to put you in danger?"
"i'm sorry, 'bedo, i didn't mean to-"
he sighs, noticing the way he was being slightly too hard on you; all he wanted was to keep you safe. he'd never forgive himself if you were to be injured from one of his experiments, which is why he always to extra precautios when it came to you.
"i know, it's alright, my love, i'm just glad you didn't get hurt"
he leans towards you, reaching both hands up to cup your cheeks, squeezing them gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips. he doesn't take his eyes off of you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes, his own filled with the purest love. you could get lost in them for hours, admiring how all the different hues work together so perfectly to create the most beautiful shade of blue.
"i know you were probably hoping to spend some time together, but... i really have to get this done, honey, i'm sorry"
"that's ok, i just want to be with you..."
"... then stay, hold onto me from behind, ok? just make sure you-"
"-don't touch anything, i've got it"
and so you hung onto albedo, almost like a sloth, slowing down his movements ever so slightly, but he didn't mind, nor did he mention it. he'd apologise whenever he accidentally stood on you foot, even though he wasn't applying much pressure in the first place, being purposefully light on his feet as to not hurt you. every now and then, he'd take hold of one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it so gingerly before setting it back down onto his waist.
sure, it wasn't the most romantic scenario, but you couldn't care less; all you wanted was him, to hold him, to feel his warmth against you, to know he was there...
✧ alhaitham.
you call out, wondering into his study, half expecting him to be elsewhere, but being pleasantly surprised when you find him sat comfortably in his arm chair. (like an old man)
"yes, darling?"
a soft smile creeps onto your face as you slowly make your way towards him; you just can't help it. even when he is doing almost nothing, alhaitham never fails to charm you, to make you smile like an idiot from a single glance.
"will you tell me that story again? the one about the dr- oh! sorry i didn't realise you were busy-"
you apologise profusely, turning to leave but only being able to take a few steps before alhaitham grabs your arm and drags you back towards him, almost pulling you over the arm of his chair
"love, it's ok, i'm not busy, i can tell you stories whenever you'd like to hear them"
"that's ok, how about you tell me about that book instead?"
you smile down at him sweetly before taking a look at the cover of his book; the gold lettering complimenting the brown leather perfectly.
"darling, you don't have to pretend to be interested, i can t-"
"no, no, please, tell me what you're reading! i like hearing you talk about your books"
he blushes slightly, his slightly widened eyes flicking back to the pages of the novel within an instant, wanting to avoid any possible eye contact.
"well, if you insist... this book is about how two-"
listening carefully, you move behind him, resting your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down his upper arm before dragging them across his chest. your hands meet near the middle, intertwining with eachother and resting against alhaitham's pounding heart.
"everything ok?"
you tease, knowing well how flustered this makes him, enjoying how he stuggles to keep a hold of himself.
"i- as i was saying... this book here is about two young lovers, how they met, and how they will someday grow old together and see the beauties of the world beyond life hand-in-hand... quite a precious story if i do say so myself, wh-"
you stand in shock, scanning over the open pages to make sure the story he's explaining is truly the one held in his hands; to your surprise, it was.
"wait wait wait, 'haitham... you are reading a romance novel?!"
"is that so surprising?"
"never in my life did i think alhaitham, the akedemiya's scribe who seems only interested in facts and figures, would be reading books about romance"
"well, dare i say you've rubbed off on me, love"
"i- i have?"
"why of course you have, every empty moment is filled with you, my love. see,"
he gestures to the pieces of - what looks like - paper sticking out of the book in various places, each one seemingly marking a significant moment in the plot.
"-even this book reminds me of you, all these little tabs represent thoughts of mine, these purple ones are thoughts of you, of us"
much to your disbelief, almost every single tab - par one or two - is coloured a shade of purple, you can even spot a couple of hearts peeking out from inbetween the pages. each section that was sticking out had the words "i love you" carefully written on them, written in his fancy handrwiting rather than what you refer to as his "scribe mode handwriting"
you squeeze him tighter, touched by how head over heels he was for you, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck and planting soft kisses on along his shoulder and below his jaw. you wanted to show just how loved you felt in that moment, and how loved you wanted him to feel too. little did you know, alhaitham was a blushing mess; his face a vibrant hue of pink, his mouth forming words but not being able to force any of them out.
"i love you so much, 'haitham"
"i- i love you, [name]"
✧ kaveh.
"that doesn't seem quite right..."
kaveh is stood pondering in his office, the blueprints on the easle in front of him full of detail, far more complicated than anyone other than him could make any sense of. several stacks of scrolls take up all his desk space, 'stealing' his pencils and other pieces of equipment, or atleast that's what he claims to be happening.
in reality, his workspace is far too messy, causing him even more stress ontop of trying to find the perfect measurements for whatever building he was planning. you picked up on this, how he often promises to eat with you at the table, but gets so lost in his work he dismisses his own needs just for the sake of his project.
you decide to take the initiative, covering the plates of food with towels before making your way to kaveh's office; a small building to the left of the living area of the property, though it seemed to be that he was living there instead.
slowly pushing the front door open, you let yourself inside, sighing happily at not only the warm air against your now cold cheeks, but also at the comforting scent that you know all too well...
"it looks good, hun" you'd say, your voice gentle and sweet as to not scare him. he wouldn't turn to face you, but instead stare holes into his blueprints, hand holding his chin as he was lost in thought.
"hm? oh, sorry love, could you repeat that? i didn't hear you"
you make your way over to him, choosing to stand behind him rather than infront. snaking your arms around his waist and pulling him into you, you rest nuzzle the side of your face against his back. he jolts slightly, only to relax into your touch seconds after. "it's looking good" you repeat yourself, rubbing circles on his stomach through his shirt in an attempt to ease his stress. all it does is leave him stressed and flustered... ok maybe a bit less stressed, he's not complaining though. he loves the way you're so gentle with your hands, and know exactly how to make him feel so flustered. placing his own hands on yours, he intertwines your fingers with his, dragging your hands across his lower stomach to wrap around him tighter. "y- you really think so?"
"of course i do, love, everything you design is beyond beautiful, but this one especially...
"would- do you think you'd live in it?"
"oh, absolutely! strangely enough, it looks just like how i imagined my home to be when i was younger"
unbeknownst to you, kaveh is uncontrollably smiling like an idiot, knowing that you approve of your future home really gives him even more motivation to put his all into every single one of the blueprints, making sure not to miss even a single detail...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
That Loud House : Finances; Kaveh x Reader x Alhaitham poly
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"We're broke."
"What?" Kaveh turned and leaned his arm over the back of the couch to look at Alhaitham.
"What?" Sitting up from Kaveh's lap, you peered over the couch to stare at the Scribe, too.
"Let me rephrase that," he would take his time to take off his cape from the coat rack by the door, before making his way into the living room to face his lovers. "We are dealing with a financial crisis."
Your confused stares became skeptical. "That's impossible!" When Alhaitham levels you with a gaze, Kaveh laughs and eases back on the couch.
"Oh please, this must be one of your ruse again. You're the Grand Scribe, you never run out of money."
You see Alhaitham cross his arms with a serious look on his face, and so, unlike your blond lover you began to ponder on the matter deeply.
"That would have been the case. However, recent spendings from the both of you had taken a toll on our (my) savings. For example," he gestures a hand towards the architect. "I just paid the growing tab under my name, you would think I'd remember to pay for my own drinks. Much less a whole crate of them."
At this, Kaveh would tense up on his seat, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck and refusing to look anyone in the eye. You were about to speak up before Alhaitham continued, now eyeing you.
"I also had to fund a major research project recently for equipment and manpower to deliver said equipment."
Now it was you averting his gaze, whistling a random tune from the guilt. With his points made, he shook his silver hair in exasperation. "My next paycheck is still a week away and we're down to 100 mora. Now that I've made myself clear, I need to head back to work."
That went smoothly, the Scribe thought as he swiftly made his exit before his expression could give away his scheming. This was a lesson and a test he devised to see what the next course of action his lovers would take under such circumstances.
No, they were not financially tanked - not with the intelligent man that he is in charge anyways. But it was true that his lovers' reckless spending under the illusion that they have infinite sources of mora isn't a healthy habit to cultivate, hence why he is doing this now.
To see how they would try to make ends meet under said crisis.
"A week..." Looking away from the door to gaze into his scarlet eyes, your eyes widened into saucers as the situation started to sink in. "We're gonna be mora-less for a week!" The drama queen jumped out of the couch and started spacing in the living room.
You mumbled to yourself, still glued to the couch. "Do you think he's angry at us? Disappointed even?"
"Oh please, he's always like that. To me, at least." Shaking his head, he stops in front of you with his hands on his hips, nose wrinkling in his brainstorming. "Do you think I should sell some of my inventions? The ones I demonstrate in the Bazaar?"
"No one likes those, it would be unstable income." Crossing your arms and legs, you hum too. "Should I sell the equipment I bought then? I can hold off the research until next week."
"I doubt the merchants would want to buy their own stock, nor would there be any researchers who'd have the same equipment needs as you."
This is going nowhere. Defeated, Kaveh dropped on the couch and flopped his head on your lap, sighing loudly.
"What is something we can sell that's easily acquired and enticing enough for customers..." Letting the inquiry linger in the room, you started brushing off the strands scattered over his face, pushing them away to give way to his beautiful face.
Even with his eyes closed, brows furrowed and forehead wrinkled, your man still looked as dashing as ever. Forming a square (rectangle) with your hands, you framed the man's face like a picture.
And when his eyes opened to your shenanigans, a gasp showed your bright idea. "Kaveh, get dressed and get the Kamera."
Work in the Akademiya was bearable, almost uneventful even. There weren't any meetings to transcribe or laws to write up today, and as such he only had to file in the newest thesis that had been approved, it was a normal day.
So normal in fact that he had almost forgotten the stunt he pulled that morning, almost. As he was nearing the street to their house, a flyer on the bulletin board of Puspa Café's Message Board caught his attention.
So effectively in fact that he almost dashed to it to tear the paper from the board. How could he not react so brashly when a picture of his Kaveh and (Y/N) was plastered on it? For an... advertisement?
'Limited edition photos of Kaveh, Kshahrewar star! With additional stock of (Y/N), Akademiya's infamous TOTGA, all sold by Dori for limited time only!'
He didn't need to read the rest of the details as he crumpled the paper in his hand, feet already rushing towards the famed merchant's spot to strike out an urgent deal.
When the next day came, Alhaitham groans awake at the sound of his bedroom door slamming open, courtesy of you and Kaveh barging in with happy exclamations.
"We're not broke anymore!" And you two looked genuinely proud of yourselves at the huge bag of mora in your hands.
Tired and done with the world, Alhaitham could only groan more as he hid his head under the pillow. He doesn't have the heart to tell of his supposedly clever plan, not when he lost half a million from paying Dori's overpriced photograph collections, which he bought the entire stock of to make sure no one in Sumeru had a copy.
Of all the people he ends up being with... Alhaitham squeezed his eyes shut from the impending headache.
Never again. And perhaps later on, he should refrain you two from pulling that business strategy ever again.
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Alhaitham's kryptonite is his own lovers. They are stupid, your honor. Wrote this in under an hour while on the verge of dozing off just so I can post something, so if you see typos, uh no you don't.
@ireallylikehamsters @chuusposts
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starcurtain · 9 months
Another Haikaveh Fanfic I Want to Read
The Deshret reincarnation one, but the twist is that Alhaitham has known he's Deshret from the time he was tiny. The story isn't about how he regains his tragic lost memories of being the desert king--it's about how he does everything he possibly can to avoid having to do that job again. Forming some grand ambition to achieve power? Nope, not doing that. Seeking the means to overthrow Celestia via forbidden knowledge? I'll pass. Becoming a main character? Absolutely not. Al-Ahmar Al-haitham is going to live a peaceful life this time, thank you. He's going to study a basic subject (his own language), get a basic desk job, find himself a basic little house, and somehow convince the perfect perfectly-mortal guy he went to school with to marry him--
Destiny, of course, finds him anyway. (Really, Rukkha, really?) The Akasha is turned on the people, the sages seize control, and does this upstart baby deity ("Shouki no kami," pffft, like who even are you, kid?) think he actually has a snowball's chance in the Mare Javari with the minds of two of Sumeru's real god-kings set against him?
At least at the end of all this, with the nation of wisdom saved and Kusanali in charge as she is very welcome to be, Alhaitham can still go home and be normal with his Very Normal™ roommate!
("Alhaitham, listen... I know this isn't the best of times, but there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I'm not exactly... who you think I am...")
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rainstops · 8 months
thank you for saving me
alhaitham x reader angst/comfort
summary: you and alhaitham clearly liked eachother. but fate did not have in store for you what you had hoped for.
warnings: arranged marriage, you argue with your mom
words: 2.4k
you and alhaitham always got along really great. some people would say that youre the only one who he ever really got a long with. always kind and respectful to you.
kaveh was the first one to notice alhaithams blatant favoritism towards you. whenever he tried to bring it up, alhaitham quickly shut him down. but this time he wasnt going to let that happen.
"so? when are you going to ask [name] out?", he immediately asked when alhaitham walked through the door of their shared apartment. "ask her out? why would i do that?", alhaitham was quick to answer. "come on dude, everyone knows that you like her. "like her? sure i like her as a friend", alhaitham hung up his coat.
a moment of silence followed.
"oh so you wouldnt mind if i asked her out?", kaveh asked. alhaithams head shot into his direction. no words needed. the expression on alhaithams face was far more than enough for kaveh. "Ha, see you do like her!" "whatever im going to sleep"
kaveh was right though. alhaitham did hold feelings in his heart that he didnt understand very well.
you on the other hand also just arrived at home. you took off your shoes and were immediately confronted with a "[name] we have to talk", of course from no one less than your mother. you tried to avoid her as much as you could, but with how controlling she is, that was more than just hard.
you both sat down at the kitchen table, and your mother immediately started talking. and you wished you wouldnt have come home that night.
"so you know that the fact that our family keeps on living, and keeping up our status is important, right?", your mother started. she had been giving you the same talk lately over and over again. she kept reminding you about how you had to get a boyfriend soon and get married soon. for archons sake, you were 19!
your family had a fairly high status in sumeru, and your mother lived for continuing the family. she had an early marriage and an early pregnancy, just to ensure that the family reproduces.
"mom get to the point", you sighed. you couldnt hear the same talk over and over again. she would just tell you how its important that you have children and its for the family and-
"i've arranged a marriage for you"
what? she what?
"you did WHAT?", you slammed your hands on the table and stood up from your chair. "[name] you know its just so-" "i dont CARE what its about!" "now how about you sit back down and listen to me. ive found you a lovely guy whos just a year older-" "no, how about you listen to ME for this first time in your life? all the time you were trying to control my life and manipulate me and you kept telling me over and over again how its 'for the family'!, well in all honesty fuck this family!", all your pent up anger from your nineteen years of living was now let out at the person who caused it all.
"young lady that is no way to talk to your mother, and especially no way to talk about your family!", your mother stood up from her chair as well. "youre not fucking listening to me! i am not getting married!", you screamed while putting your shoes back on.
you stormed out the door, although you were very aware that she was going to get whatever she wants one way or another.
it doesnt matter. she never even mattered. you needed to go somewhere, somewhere else than that place you lived in. and you knew exactly where.
kaveh opened the door for you. "alhaitham theres someone here for you!" he shouted through the whole apartment. its not like you were never here for you. whenever your mother got too much, you slept at alhaithams place. kaveh also told you a million times already that youre the only one who alhaitham allows to sleep in his room.
"same fights as always?", kaveh asked. you shook your head. "worse" "worse? what did she do?", alhaitham was suddenly standing right in the hallway. it took you everything you had to stop you from ugly crying right then and there.
you were still mad. you were always gonna be mad, but the fact that you almost sprinted all the way to the shared apartment, took away a little of the rage.
"its kind of really hard to say", you really didnt want to say it. it for some reason felt even more wrong to tell alhaitham, but you didnt know why. "i dont think theres really anything that we dont expect from your mother by now", alhaitham said looking at kaveh, and then back at you. your eyes started watering. not at the thought of having to say it out loud, but at the thought of having to spend most of your life with someone you didnt even know.
"she arranged a marriage for me", you said. your words were followed by a long silence.
alhaitham looked irrated at you. or maybe he was angry. who knows. kaveh on the other hand was shocked. his eyes wide, and lips slightly apart. never of them knew what to say.
"youre kidding", alhaitham said, more wishing than actually asking. his voice was barely above a whisper. you could only shake your head.
a shaky, long sigh escaped your lips, and even though you didnt want it, the tears started falling. your body tensed up, and you could feel alhaithams arms wrap right around you. all you could do was lay your head onto his chest, and kaveh went to grab some water for you.
the rest, you dont remember.
you woke up, in alhaithams bed. the apartment sounded empty. what time was it? you honestly couldnt care less about going to school today. you didnt want to go anywhere today. but you also couldnt stay here another night, that was decided. one way or another you had to confront your mother, and who knows, maybe you could also convince her to stray from her plan.
but you knew, you could not convince her.
you discussed and fought with her for quite a long time.
"youre getting married to that man, and if i have to drag you to that wedding. besides everything is already paid for"
"wait- already paid for? when is the wedding anyways?", "next month"
without another word, you stood up from the kitchen table and went to your room. you threw yourself onto your bed.
your body felt so heavy, and especially your heart. your eyes felt as if they were going to close any second, but you didnt feel like you could sleep. you were angry, but you were also disappointed and sad. disappointed in your mother, that she saw you as nothing else other than an a way to extend the family. and disappointed in yourself, for not being able to convince her.
well at least you still had alhaitham. he was the best friend you could ever ask for, although you ever wondered if you felt more towards him than just friendship.
your question was answered pretty quickly. you had no idea what had caused it. if it was the upcoming marriage, or just because he was always there for you. but recently you wanted to be closer to him than before. you wanted to always stay by his side, but maybe you just wanted to avoid being home.
but alhaitham... was it just an illusion or was he getting more and more distant by the minute? he used to always make time for you. if you were struggling with something, he stopped what he was doing just to help you. he wanted to talk to you over all of the people he knew. he talked to you daily, but now the days you two talked were moving apart further and further.
what was happening?
"alhaitham can we talk?", you carefully asked, not wanting to disturb him. this was one of the first time you felt like you were walking on eggshells around him. "not right now [name], im busy", he replied, not even bothering to take his eyes off the paper he was working on.
"but its kind of important...", you tried again. suddenly he slapped his paper down onto the table. "what is it?", he finally looked at you for once.
you sat down right across from him. "well... how do i start this" "just say it, i have important things to do"
... were you not important to him anymore?
"alhaitham, i feel like we are drifting apart", those were the best words you could find to describe what you were feeling. "so what? its not like we're a couple or anything" "so i dont matter to you at all"
a moment of silence. thats not true, is what alhaitham wanted to say.
"alhaitham dont ignore me" "im not ignoring you" "then answer me"
huh wait what? did he just say that?
"did i just say that...?", he mumbled to himself, kind off hoping you would hear it, but you were already out of the room, heading home. your mind was blank. where did you go wrong? what did you do that couldve possibly made him act this way?
alhaitham got home, closed the door, and sunk into the couch. his hands were traveling through his hair, and he was rubbing his face as if he was trying to rub away the words he said.
"woah what happened to you", kaveh asked as he walked past him, just wanting to get a glass of water.
"nothing", alhaitham mumbled, his hands still in his face. "doesnt look like nothing to me", kaveh replied. honestly he shouldve just dropped it right then and there.
"kaveh what do you think gives you the right to nag me like theres no tomorrow?" kaveh just stared. "seriously man what is up with you recently? is it because of... you know, [name] getting married?", it almost felt hard to say. his heart dropped to his stomach and a shudder went down his spine, hearing kavehs words.
the reminder that you were getting married takes him right back to the day when you told him whats happening. he couldnt help his heart feeling like it was getting ripped apart, like its nothing more than just a piece of paper. from that day on he couldnt concentrate on anything. everything felt like a reminder of you, everything reminded him of the daggers that were send through his heart of the mere sight of you.
so he did the only thinkable thing, which was to distance himself. maybe his heart and mind would go back to the way things used to be. but everyday where he would be spending less time with you, felt like someone was taking half his soul away. he was even less focused on things, and was living in a trance, like a depressed man. but in no way was he trying to hurt you. no that was even worse than anything he could think off.
everything felt like it circled around you. it almost felt like...
"it feels a little like youre living for [name], doesnt it?", kaveh suggested. yeah exactly that.
kaveh sat down next to him. "alhaitham, do you remember the exact date [name]'s wedding is?" alhaitham looked at kaveh. "its tomorrow, alhaitham"
wait wait, no, when did time pass so fast? you cant get married. no way.
you were standing there, in your white dress. it wasnt really yours. it was your mothers old dress, meaning you did not choose your own dress. but maybe it was better like that, since you didnt want to get married anyway. the reception wasnt very pretty, it almost looked like a church. but maybe only you felt this way. you didnt want to be here. you didnt want to be anywhere. well there was one place that couldve been nice. you wanted to be wherever alhaitham is right now, but he didnt seem to want you arround.
you were staring at the bouquet you were holding. everything felt so surreal. you looked up at the guy you were marrying. he looked absolutely happy to be where he was. it almost made you uncomfortable to look at the wide grin on his face.
you looked at your mother, who seemed to be crying. everyone seemed so happy, except for you.
you were not picking up any words, until the question was asked.
"do you take [name], as your wife, your partner, for all eternity?", the sentence almost made you throw up. "yes", the guy so quickly replied. he smiled at you. and you felt the urge to slap him. and maybe your mother while you were at it.
"now, do you take [guys name], to be your husband, your partner, for all eternity?" "I.. uh", you wanted to say no so bad, but it seems you didnt have to.
you looked up from the floor you were staring at to avoid any gazes, when suddenly the doors to the reception slammed open. "stop... the fucking wedding", alhaitham stood there, out of breath, his hair messier than ever, and he looked like he had been... crying?
he walked up to you and took your hand. "you dont want to marry this guy right? forget this, forget everything, and just come with me"
he looked at you like he had never seen anything he loved more. and in that moment, you indeed forgot everything. like nothing was important, nothing other than the happiness of you and the one who was holding your hand.
you dropped your bouquet right there and ran. your mother shouted something, and the guy was standing there all confused.
as soon as the both of you had left the reception, you started stumbling. "alhaitham im wearing heels!", without hesitation, alhaitham picked you up like you weighed nothing.
a few more steps and you both hid in an allyway. to some people this might looked weird, but they dont know what was happening. to you you couldnt be happier than this.
but yet, tears were streaming down your face. and you arms wrapped themselves around alhaitham, quicker than he could react. your head was already pressed into his chest. and he hugged you back.
"im so sorry, im sorry for shouting at you and im sorry for not helping you earlier. i love you, [name]", his voice was wavering, but it had an odd certainty in it. without someone having to tell you, you knew from this day on everything was going to be okay.
a/n: sorry that this is kinda rushed, but i just wanted to get a genshin fic done before im flying to england :) thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed
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Space Rider's AU Voice Claim Headcanons Part 1
Still riding the au train of @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, cause it's just that great. So for the past couple of day's, I've been brainstorming on possible voice claims for this au's critters. Though, these voices could work for other au's if anyone so wishes.
Before getting started, all the voices in this post are gonna be from Genshin Impact. The reason being it's very easy to listen to voice samples of each character thanks to a section in their profiles. I also avoided the more child like characters for the voice's, since the Critters in Onyx's au seem more on the young adult range.
With that out of the way, let's get started with everyone's favorite sunny dog!
Dog boy for the dog boy. A soft voice with the ability to go serious and commanding at a moments notice, perfect for a leader of a team such as Dogday.
For if you looking for something a bit more on the calmer and gentler side, then Thoma could be a good choice for Dogday. I feel like this voice fits better for the Dogday's in au's that resemble more to the canon story. The caretaker Dogday, if you will.
Catnap was a bit difficult, as he more often than not doesn't talk or whispers. But I think I found one that can work. There were some voices that were more sleepy, but they were female so it can't work for Catnap.
Calming, if a bit monotone. Originally I was having Albedo be one of Bubba's because of all the research talk, but I think Catnap fits better.
Need a voice that's confident, bombastic, and possibly in over their head? Then look no further than Itto. The minute I heard this voice, I knew it would be Kickin.
More toned down compared to Itto, but I'd say it still fits. Especially with the voice sounding very gen z, which I'm confident Kickin would 100% be.
Energetic, optimistic, possibly ADHD? This does sound like Hoppy. Though it might be too high pitched for some.
This one was actually my first choice for Hoppy. Confident, serious when needed, but not too serious so she can sound like she's having fun.
Analytical, with a good amount of snark? That what Space Rider's Bubba gives me, and that why I found Alhaitham to be a good choice.
I also feel like Bubba would have a more deeper voice. Being one of the tallest of the Space Rider's, so Zhongli feels like a good choice.
There was third choice for Bubba, that being Tighnari's old voice. But...I believe it wouldn't be a good choice after what the old voice actor had done once he started getting popular as Tighnari's voice. Which is a shame, as it would've been another perfect choice along with Alhaitham.
I'm nearing the video link limit for a post. So I'll be splitting this into two parts. The second part will be for Crafty, Bobby, and Picky.
And a reminder that this is all my opinion and is subject to possibly change overtime. And to check @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, and that's what inspired this and the subsequent post, as well as read there Saved au as well.
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caspersickfanfics · 3 months
Trigger warnings: extreme angst! discussions of torture, homicidal/suicidal urges, death/murder, extreme violence (all in a fictional context)
I've been having some Thoughts about Tighnari getting kidnapped and tortured but like. It's not your typical torture set-up. He gets drugged with something that makes him want to hurt and kill anyone he comes into contact with, and it escalates with his emotional reaction to the person. So he's more cruel with people he's closer to.
The rest under the cut since this is out of my typical range and I'm sure not everyone will enjoy this kind of thing. If I actually wrote this fic I am sure I would include some emeto because I am me, after all, but it wouldn't be the focus unlike most of my stuff.
Basically: evil Tighnari
And then!! *rubs hands together evilly* Cyno/Kaveh/Alhaitham come to "save" him not knowing what's gone on. Cue them getting caught off guard, seriously wounded and still trying to fight him so that they can help him. But they're at a disadvantage because they're all reluctant to hurt him. Anyway this all culminates in Cyno having to one-on-one Tighnari because the other two are knocked out or getting help. Tighnari snaps out of it briefly and suddenly it's all worse because it's clear he's been fighting against it this whole time, and he's apologizing begging Cyno to kill him because he doesn't want to hurt anyone else. Cyno is exhausted and devastated and ultimately decides to go down with Tighnari, because he doesn't hve the energy for self-preservation when this is what's being asked of him, except something happens - Collei shows up and is in danger, maybe - and Cyno ends up fatally injuring Tighnari, entirely on instinct.
He's a mess for a handful of seconds, but then he realizes he can use his vision to jolt Tighnari back to life. And he does, but he was already severely wounded himself and it takes everything out of him. He pushes himself further anyway, because Tighnari still needs healing. Cyno needs to get him help. So he carries Tighnari to the Bimarstan. On the way, Tighnari wakes up in unimaginable amounts of pain and begs Cyno to take care of Collei. He passes out and Cyno thinks he might be dead but keeps going anyway out of sheer determination. They're both in really awful condition when someone finds them and actually gets them help.
Essentially just me torturing the entirety of the Sumeru gang, and especially CynoNari. They do get a happy ending though!!!
(If folks are interested in this, please let me know. I'm not sure if it will ever be written as a fic, since that would take me a significant amount of time and energy as it is so far out of my comfort zone, but the more I know that people want it, the more I will want to write it!)
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love-marimo · 1 year
The Theory of Everything (Alhaitham x Reader)
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Sumeru city is as bustling as the pitter-patters of rain in its forests. Scholars, merchants, adventurers, thespians, performers and even commonfolk are in harmony with each other ー whether they seek refuge, or a deadline to follow through, or they simply want to entertain themselves and the passersby ー there seems to be a place reserved just for anyone and everybody else. Perhaps that is why it is called the city of wisdom ー it gathers people from all walks of life together to share their knowledge, woes and experiences through their own poem and song.
And you found it perfect. Sumeru is your home, and for sure even wanderers feel their hearts fill with the warmth of belongingness once they step foot in the city.
So when the skies' hue meet the melodies of the Dusk Birds, you gleefully make your way to the Akademiya, where a certain stoic scribe awaits, albeit deniably, for your presence.
Alhaitham heaves a long sigh. Another long day, he thinks to himself. He had just finished signing documents submitted by the scholars of all Darshans that were filed 1-4 days prior. On top of that, he had to attend a meeting with Spantamad researchers in their planned expedition in the deserts of Sumeru.
So, to say that he wants to relax at his home and continue reading one of the science fiction books you gifted him (he loves it very much, thank you)… is an understatement.
Since his working hours are coming to a close, he decided that he'll take a minute or two to relax before heading home. Leaning back on his chair, he rubbed circles on his temples and closed his eyes.
For a while, he seemed like a content cat, enjoying his solitude.
So when he heard your loud voice greeting the scholars who are on their way home, as if he practiced this a thousand times (he didn't, he genuinely just doesn't want you seeing him slipping up), he immediately grabbed his pen and a few papers to pretend that he's doing something productive.
Which he does ー he always does, and you always tell him that he doesn't seem to notice it.
"Is he still here?" You ask, and a faint voice replies to you just outside his office.
"Good! Take care on the way home." You replied before opening the door to his office.
Alhaitham doesn't know how to respond, you always surprise him and it's always at times when he would much rather be alone.
But can he blame you? You always end up bringing much better company than his own solace offers.
Again, he's too aloof to admit it to you, but he enjoys being with you. He wishes you seek him like this forever.
"Knock, knock~" You smile, voice suddenly as gentle as the breeze. As if you knew how to read the room, you quietly walked towards the chair in front of his desk.
"Hello." Alhaitham fixed the papers and placed them back where they came from.
"You were pretending to sign them just now, weren't you?" You leaned your chin on top of your hands.
Alhaitham lets out a breathy laugh, as if he surrenders to your receptive eyes.
You laugh with him as well, getting up to walk behind his chair.
"Close your eyes." You say, and he does so. You fish your pocket for the ointment you bought from a travelling merchant from Liyue.
He wishes you don't see the smile plastered on his face, lest he'll wish for the ground to eat him alive.
"This one is made from the extract of Silk Flowers, Glaze Lilies and Lotuses. I hope you don't mind the fragrance. This was from a merchant from Liyue. He said it's good for headaches. Too bad you didn't get to visit his stall. It was amazing, really. He even sells this beautiful reddish silk robe. I didn't buy it of course, I've been saving up for the new novel series of this author I've been hearing about for a while. Though I really wanted it…" You rambled, and he finds your soft voice pleasant. It was as if he was listening to a songbird sing him to sleep.
You massaged his temples with the ointment, and a comfortable silence befalls between the two of you.
"You know you could be doing other important things right now." He finally says.
You flick his forehead.
"Are you implying that I'm wasting my time when I'm with you?" You bite back.
"You do nothing whenever you come here."
"Well, what do you do when you come over to my place? Nothing, so do not talk me out of visiting you in the Akademiya. Besidesー"
"I commend your promptness. You come here just right after I am through with my working hours." Alhaitham holds back a laugh.
A pause.
"Besides, I am well liked by the scholars and sages here ー is what I was about to say… Unlike you." You smile, awaiting his response.
"…Can I see the ointment?" Alhaitham changes the subject, a silent acceptance of defeat. You laugh and hand it over to him.
Wrapping your hands around his nape, you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"Feel any better now?"
"I like its mild scent. Did you buy a perfume version of this?" He asked.
"I did. I'll wear it every time I come to Surasthana. I can finally smell like the flowers there." You chuckle, stroking his hair.
"We should go." Go home, is what he meant.
"Perfect! I was about to invite you to come to the Razan Garden." A misinterpretation, coming from your end.
"And stay there until you fall asleep on me? You seem to treat that place as your second bedroom." In truth, he really doesn't want to go. He is exhausted and he wants to finally be able to do nothing and fall asleep.
Yet here you are. The bluish glow of the flowers in bloom blend in with the color of the starry night sky.
"Ta-da! They're in full bloom. I tended to these flowers for months. What do you think?" You cheered.
"Impressive. Here, rub the ointment on your wrists. You told me you want to smell like flowers." Alhaitham returns the ointment to you and you smile.
You both take a seat on the bench to admire the city.
Alhaitham stares at your figure, engulfed by the tranquility of the sanctuary ー both the place and the being, which to him is you.
"Haitham, do you believe in gods?" You were staring at the stars.
"I do. I believe that gods and humans should be treated as equals. I do not see the point of bowing down to such deities… Offerings made for their honor… I believe it encourages pride and self-righteousness amongst the devotees themselves, whether they are aware of it or not." Alhaitham replies.
"What if they didn't exist?"
"Then we will inevitably create ones among us."
You pondered about his reply for a moment, and he admires the way you put your fingers on your chin. How adorable, he wishes to tell you.
"Why?" You face him and seated yourself in between his thighs, head resting on his chest.
"Humans are dogmatic creatures who seek order. Even if we evolve into a society who does not serve a ruler, we will still follow a set of laws, either implemented by us or the gods themselves." He replies, and when you fall deeper into your thoughts, he adds,
"We each define order in different ways, but in the end we will always seek the common ground. No matter how stubborn one is, they are bound to seek people who are similar to them, but of course this isn't always the case."
You gather your thoughts and Alhaitham kisses your cheek.
"I haven't thought of that before."
"I'm surprised. You've read too much philosophy and fiction. I thought you'd be into these things more than I am."
You brow twitches and you look up at him.
"Is that an insult?"
"I am only describing what I have observed."
You sigh at his reply, now it is your turn to accept defeat, and to that he chuckles.
"Do you know why I love to travel a lot?" Alhaitham hums in reply.
"I want to discover the edge of Teyvat. Even if in reality, it's the last place I'm going to step foot into. To know the stories and secrets of different nations… fuels a beautiful passion in my heart."
Alhaitham suddenly hugs you tight. Was it out of endearment? Fear of not seeing you again? Admiration? You didn't bother reading too much into it, for all you know it could be all those things all at once.
So you enjoyed his presence and held his arms in return.
"We are as old as the stars. The iron in our blood… the nitrogen in our DNA… do you find it bittersweet that what embodies our lives were once in the hearts of dying stars?"
Alhaitham ruffles your hair, satisfied with your rhetoric.
"And once we pass on for the next generation to take place, the cycle continues." He agrees.
The noise of the city echoes beneath you.
Beautiful. That is one word that Alhaitham would describe you and being around you.
You could talk and ponder about anything and you never get tired of asking him questions that even he doesn't have a definite answer to.
He enjoys it. He enjoys pondering about life with you.
"You sure love to think about the General Relativity and Quantum theory by relating the cosmos and human life." He describes.
"I don't think it's supposed to be that way. Quantum theory mostly deals with atoms and particles."
"I know. I was just trying to create metaphors."
"Well…aren't they scientific?" You attempted to pull a joke.
"That's very funny." He says sarcastically, and you laughed.
"Hey, Haitham."
"If you believe in gods… do you believe in my beauty?" You sat on the railing and you wiggled your brows at him expectantly.
He sighs. He doesn't just believe in it, because it's the truth. And what else are you supposed to do with the truth?
Being with you feels like time speeds and slows down altogether. He always finds himself wishing for it to last, yet he also wants it to be over to save room for a new moment with you.
"Stop asking pointless questions." He reprimands.
"But, Haitham~ I want to know."
"You already know the answer to that."
"Eh, I want to hear it from you. I cannot have my own mind drown in my delusions."
Alhaitham laughs. "Well, that happens. You like to think about farfetched things."
"That's not funny!" You pout.
Alhaitham looks into your eyes and smiles at you.
"I believe in it."
Your eyes light up, gesturing for him to continue his answer.
"I believe in your beauty. The theory of everything is nothing compared to the moments I share with you." You may or may not sense it, but his heart was beating out of his chest. It's a wonder how he managed to say that without breaking character.
"Hehe, that's more like it." You smiled and peppered kisses on his face, to which he chuckled in reply.
He doesn't want to say it out loud, but you make him want to believe such a unification of the larger and the microscopic aspects of the world and the cosmos. You make him want to stop questioning everything.
He will give you the world and bend the laws of nature if you so wish. But you're too fickle-minded and frankly, he'd rather not do that too.
He loves you and himself enough to not do such ruthless things. He likes the comfort of his current life and where it's heading.
Especially because you're in it, so he'd prefer not to cause unnecessary disturbances to ruin your relationship.
The summer night's winds course through your bodies. You shiver slightly in his hold.
"We really need to go home now." He finally decides.
"Sure, I really just wanted you to see the flowers I worked so hard on maintaining." You say casually, yawning, as if you didn't have a deep conversation just a while ago.
Yes, you truly are fickle minded. Alhaitham smiles to himself.
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ー Lolita
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yourlocallyneysimp · 1 year
Genshin Impact x Yuzuha!Reader
Characters: Kazuha, Scaramouche, Childe, Alhaitham, Itto, Lyney, Aether
Others: Older brother= Taiju Younger brother= Hakkai
A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been preparing for my finals. <3
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He admires your fighting skills. Even though you don't fight as much as your brother he still thinks you're quite strong.
He did find things to be a little concerning when he noticed a few bruises or you would suddenly panic when you would forget to tell your older brother something. This would only make the alarms in his head go off even more after he sees your older brother for the first time. This would make him more clingy not wanting you to leave and him wanting you to sleep over at his house more often.
Kazuha will promise you that he would get you out of your abusive household and protect you.
He first took notice of you when he saw a bunch of delinquents trying to pick a fight with you and your younger brother, Hakkai. Even though you were quite short, you still somehow mangaed to kick them in the face. It surprised him a lot and eventually he went up to you with a fake persona introducing himself, but you knew that he was only acting. You do it all the time after all.
After you two would start dating, he would get annoyed that you would have to go home early and find it annoying that you would try to cancel a date on him last minute. It's not like you wanted to, you just couldn't.. He would eventually be concerned when he starts seeing cuts and bruises on your face.
After he met your brother, he would try to devise some plans to get rid of him immediately, but you both know that taking down your older brother wouldn't be so easy.
He probably met you through some connections he had with the gang Hakkai is in. As soon as Hakkai would introduce you to him, he literally won't leave your side. Ever.
Thats why he noticed the way your face would immediately change when your older brother Taiju gets mentiond. When he finds out you're being abused, he finds it evil and heartless that someone would treat their siblings that way. He would never hurt his younger siblings!
But don't worry Y/n! Childe isn't a harbinger for no reason, he would take care of him. Somehow....
Alhaitham isn't stupid and will pick up the obvious signs right away. He won't tell you, but he would know that you are being abused by someone and would try to convince you to stay longer during dates to keep your mind off things.
He promises himself that things won't stay the way they are at your household.
Itto most likely tried to pick a fight with your brother, but probably got his ass whooped immediately. He underestimated your brother because his and Taiju's heights were pretty close so he thought the fight would be equal.
It would take him a while to realize that Taiju is abusive towards you and your younger brother, so when he finds out, hes furious. He wants to pick a fight right away, but you convince him not too.
He would assy put for now, but that makes him even more determined to beat your brothers ass one day.
Lyney would actually save you from your abusive household and would give you a home to stay in, but not without some requirements of course! He would make you work at his circus and preform alongside him.
If you don't like it then too bad, anything is better than getting beat up by a family member, so you just deal with it. He also finds your stubborn personality to be quite amusing, but irritating at certain situations.
He loves you, but he just wishes that you would listen to him sometimes...
With Paimon's help, Aether would notice the small details about how you would silently panic whenever you would get a call or would be to conscious to stay out too late. He thought it was odd, but his concern for you only increased after he met your older brother.
The first meeting wasnt pleasant since he literally got jumped by him and punched. He didn't do anything to upset him, well at least he don't think he did, but that was just how your brother was. If he needs a new punching bag, he will find one. Aether just happened to be one of his next victims.
Those punches hurted like hell and he couldn't even imagine you having to go through that everyday. So gathering enough courage, Aether and Paimon made a promise to each other that they WILL save you.
Another A/N: I just watched season 2, ep 6 of Tokyo Revengers and all I can say is WTF- It became so brutal..😰
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mitraoki · 1 year
Hello! I've had this idea for a while now with Kaveh and the quote "An architect's dream is an engineer's nightmare". Can you perhaps make a fic where Kaveh's work is reader's nightmare? Knowing how much effort and thought Kaveh may put on his work. Because of that they have small banters because of it, and it would be pretty funny if they're in a relationship and they have a lover's quarrel about it.
I'm sorry if this is confusing, take your time with this and I hope you have a great day ahead! (I'm not fluent with english so I hope you can understand-)
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pillar (kaveh x gn! reader)
note; HELLO ANON!! thank you sm for requesting!!🥺❤️ i really like this idea too, though i do apologize for taking a while. i think it became a little too sad in between OOPS but it gets better i promise. (i also got carried away uhhh) thank you so much and i hope you have a great day/night too! <33
cw; slight angst, kaveh gets drunk, the rest is fluff i promise
'a kshahrewar student's maintenance in reputation is nearly enough for them upon building a strong foundation. putting their vast knowledge to use, they have been entrusted throughout the years with a promise to uphold the safety, security and the comfort of the people residing in sumeru.'
those were the words you remember reading in one of alhaitham's books (which you surprisingly got your hands on), and you remember making annotations for future references. (of course, they had to be done on a separate paper.)
that was the book you remember excitedly clutching, further arguing with your friend that you needed every source, every material alive that revolved around the man you fell head over heels with. you remembered the butterflies in your stomach whenever you were reminded of the days of young kaveh - before his cheekbones became more defined, his shoulders a tad bit broader, and a face well cared for. the hard work of yours must have paid off; his feelings were mutual.
.....but it only took a while to realize that maybe you've always paid more attention to the good side of things. after all, who would ever want to ever digest the worst-case scenarios?
it hurt you when he was hurting, but his reality was far too inevitable than you think. with the countless debts that he'd carry over his shoulders, it was like the ground would eventually swallow him whole. but kaveh doesn't give in. he doesn't want to - so he receives projects time and time again. one thing was for sure, he would not think of the payment whatsoever. sometimes his clients would have to question him. it was his morals that got in the way that may leave him empty handed at times.
it didn't hurt him.
what would hurt him was when you offered to provide him with some funds to pay off any concerning debt from your savings. no, it wasn't arrogance or ignorance. kaveh loved the fact that you were independent, and that was exactly what he would feel guilty of. it was your hard-earned mora, why would you have to use it to settle his problems when you could use it instead to treat yourself? once again - his morals come into play. 
of course, that didn't stop you from helping him out. often you were greeted with a confused kaveh, scratching his head and thinking about how his debts were greatly reducing. he was also gullible, so that came to good use whenever he asked you if you had anything to do with this.
day and night, you were always on his mind. the gift shops or cafe owners recognized his face almost immediately - due to the fame, primarily - and also because he needed to get you something to cheer you up with. kaveh was indebted to you. meeting you from day one till the moment he found out about your involvement with his settled debts. and he was going to do anything in his willpower to treat you like royalty.
the guilt spiraled in him because he knows just how engrossed he was in his work, which at times meant he was neglecting you. every now and then he grumbled on to you about how you should not pay off anything he owed. you returned his stance with your concerns about his work, how much it's taking him away from the real world. how you two are constantly bickering about the same thing all over again. how much it was interfering with the relationship.
sometimes kaveh wonders if he's not done enough. sometimes you wonder if you've done too much.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
it was a moonless night in the city of sumeru. stars painted the sky instead - and as kaveh looked up, his heart momentarily swelled with joy, wondering if he could ever call you out for stargazing some other time. the smile slowly faded away when he was reminded of the recent confrontation. 
'not for now, that's for sure,' he said aloud, sighing. worry began to wash over him even more as he wondered if you already had plans of sending him away. sure, he could always crash in at alhaitham's, but what if this time he was to permanently move away from his lover?
clutching mehrak tighter, kaveh held back his tears which were threatening to roll down his cheeks. work today was stressful too - the owner of the project was a pain in the ass. nobody was listening to his ideas, and he spent around 30 minutes trying to find a blueprint of his that he had worked on overnight, right after you slammed the door of your shared room (he found it because he noticed the tear stains at the corner of his work).
he felt a spark of solace when he noticed the well-lit lambad's tavern to his right. the liveliness of the tavern was self-explanatory, it was peak hours. weird. kaveh doesn't really acknowledge this place on most nights, so why was it today that he was yearning to go? he could always drink at the comfort of his home, but something was pulling him away from you.
maybe he didn't want his appearance to scream that he was in dire need of your love, your touch, even. maybe he was embarrassed. maybe he was worried you might ask him to sleep on the couch that night. he was worried he would see his things, packed up in bags.
would it really be a problem if he could take a shot? maybe two? would you scold him?  he was taking a step forward, then backward. he walked in circles, sat on the bench, and checked the time once again. every time he became extremely drunk was when his roommate was around. now that he was alone, can he handle it?
'just this once. and then i'm heading home.'
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
'he's not here, y/n. he didn't tell you anything?' alhaitham stood in front of his door, which in a way told you that he had just reached home. 
'ah. we had a little.... argument. usually he would be back home, but today i assumed that he would stay here for a night.'
'right,' he nodded slowly. 'the only thing that kaveh has been doing is visiting my home - during my work hours - leaving treats. hasn't been sleeping here, though.'
you sigh, feeling the sinking feeling starting to pool in. maybe you weren't able to process the places kaveh usually heads to, because you were sure you checked every corner. you were certain of the time he would return home, and even told some of your friends to inform you if you ever saw him around, because they were so used to seeing him purchasing goods for you. so where in archon's name was he now?
'you didn't tell him to... you know. move out-,'
'no!' you answered almost immediately. 'no. i would never.'
'i know. just crossing out possibilities. now, your boyfriend should be in a tavern. if he's not, come back to me and we'll think of some solutions.'
when you busted the tavern doors wide open, you were welcomed with a warm breeze. the mixed scents of sumeru's delicacies with a faint mix of alcohol flared your nostrils. when your burning eyes finally set on the figure you had been searching for hours, you noticed your vision slowly blurring out.
poor kaveh was slumped on one of the tavern's stools, still holding onto one of the cups he had taken a huge swig of his drink from. he looked small from where you were standing, curled up while his other arm hung lazily around something you couldn't make out from afar.
you inched closer and noticed it was mehrak that he was hugging. his hairpins were holding on for dear life, and his messed-up braids were already contributing to the mess on his hair. you noticed his cheekbones being glossy, which was painfully obvious that he had been crying. his white clothing was stained with the alcohol, and you knew that he would never be that messy when he drinks. then again, his alcohol tolerance was low, and he made sure to remind you that he could only drink at least half a glass (maybe one) in parties or gatherings. 
kaveh has probably had one of the worst days yet.
your ears seemed to filter out the noises around the tavern, because all you could hear was his steady breathing, accompanied by the little noises he was making. you wiped away your tears with the edge of your palms before stroking your knuckles against his cheek. 
'come on, my love. it's time to go home.'
it was no difficult task for you to get him home. despite being almost blackout drunk, he managed to cooperate with you the whole walk back. neither of you said a word. you felt like if you were to utter a word, you might burst into tears. him on the other hand.... he already knew who was guiding him.
and he already felt more embarrassed. 
you sat him down on your shared bed, and began stripping him off his accessories and shirt. he didn't argue, did not push you away. a lovely shade of red tinted his cheeks, and he stole glances of you every few seconds. telling him to wait, you prepared a basin of warm water along with a cloth to wipe his body with. 
but when you returned, he landed with a plop! on the mattress. it made you smile a little - it was like you were seeing little kaveh once again.
you managed to force him to sit up while you worked your way from his face, to his arms, and his chest. you could hear him let out a soft snicker. maybe it tickled, but he still did not say anything the entire time.
and after a long silence -
'are you going to leave me?'
'hey....kaveh, darling. why would i ever leave you?' your hand trailed up to his cheek. being this close to him, you could really tell he immersed himself while drinking today - the alcohol was overpowering his sweet-smelling perfume.
'after what we talked about and everything. y/n, i'm trying everyday but it's so tough. i'm sorry, sweetheart. it's so, so tough. i- today was the worst, and the last thing i wanted was for you to go and- and...,' he trailed off, his fingers wrapping around your wrist. 
'okay, okay. first things first, breathe with me. come on,' you inhaled, signaling him to match his breathing pace with yours. his tense shoulders began to relax. his figure was sinking into your touch after what felt like an eternity.
'i'm not leaving you, kaveh. keep that in mind. good or bad day, don't you ever think of that, okay? even if you do, i will be here to reassure you. nothing in any way, shape or form can ever take me away from you.'
his softened ruby red eyes lazily looked up to yours. 'really?'
'mhm. cross my heart. i didn't mean anything i said the night before. i'm sorry too - i know you're going through all kinds of things right now, but i will be here. and when i tell you that i would do anything to help you out, i will. let me help, kaveh. i promise you, you do not owe me anything.'
'when was the last time you treated yourself, y/n. it's your money. you do whatever you want with it.'
'and helping you is part of it. say whatever you want, but i know what i'm doing. and i know that i'm doing the right thing.' you closed your eyes. 
'.......i'm gonna spoil you when i get rich,' he slurred, kissing your cheek.
'aren't you spoiling me everyday already, my love?' you giggled. 'always getting me gifts when you get the chance.'
'anything for you. anything.'
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all created content belongs to mitraoki. reposts/remakes are not allowed.
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mimlicious · 1 year
so 👏 i destroyed my pity earlier cause i pulled on Yaes banner for shits and giggles even though i was saving up for my husband and i immediately started screaming and complaining
(i love yae but i am a kazuha wanter that wants become a kazuha haver as soon as possible)
so sagau where the allogenes, in my case Yae, hear us complain when we get them on banners
cause i'm convinced that Yae would be all salty but would try not to show it
like "Oh? Is that so? Well, sooner or later they'll understand that me joining the team has more merits than the Kaedehara kid. Jealous? Of course I'm not jealous! Why would you even suggest that!"
and Yae wouldn't even be the worst
imagine pulling for idk any 4 stars and the Wanderer comes home. If he could reach out of the screen and yell at the player he sure as hell would. Don't be alarmed though, he's just trying to cover up for the fact that he's terribly afraid that you don't want him on the team
"What do you mean no? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUD RATHER HAVE THAT CRYO KID FROM LIYUE? That's pathetic! I am not salty! I could not care less!"
and aside from those who would act like a four year old that didnt get any dessert, youd also have the other side of the coin
example number 1: Bennet.
He"d be so sad and dejected, and he would absolutely blame it on himself.
"I mean it makes sense... I wouldn't want me either..."
poor baby would be feeling depressed, cause its one thing having npc's not wanting you around and its another when its the creator that doesn't want you on the team
another allogene that fits into this category is Collei
once she hears the disappointment that your voice is laced with, her shoulders slum and her eyes get teary. the only difference between her and benny is that she'd try to hide it
"No, I mean it makes sense! I... I am not good enough, that's why... But that's okay! I just need to do better..."
(istg if you hurt my babies ill hunt you down, they are both too precious)
so up until now we have those who are salty and get annoyed that you dont appreciate their greatness, and those who blame themselves for not being good enough, and then you have Kaveh
If this post is a coin then Kaveh is the line you try to balance the coin on
he'd be so annoyed by your reaction but internally he'd be beating himself up
meanwhile inside his head: "I guess it makes sense... A burden is a burden no matter with who is carrying it..."
and of course we have those who couldn't care less (cough Alhaitham cough) and those who don't make a huge deal out of it and just smile saying that "it's okay, they were just excited" (the loml, Kazuha)
Yeah anyways I've been thinking. Feel free to elaborate or add stuff :))
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vivalabunbun · 11 months
This is about your recent work that had touched my heart to the core. As someone who has been married for over 6 years now, I felt every situation you have expressed in the story similar to the events of my life.
I and my husband got into a marriage due to our parents being close friends. It was an arranged marriage with no love or idea about each other's personality. As for me, I was always skeptical about romance and relationships as they sounded absurd to me at one point of life. I even doubted how long would my marriage with him last for but thankfully for the first few years we respected our spaces.
Just like Alhaitham had tried various ways to express his feelings through gifts (by the suggestion of his friends ofc), my husband had also tried buying gifts but unfortunately he had less clue about my preferences. In short, he sucked at communication, which did make me smile a little as I read your work.
Love necessarily doesn't come just from gifts or sweet words but every gesture can be accounted to the bond. It doesn't have to be voiced out and can even be formed from common interests. Let's say I've been quite enthusiastic about games and books, which my husband happens to enjoy as well. We literally saved a falling apart marriage just from voicing out our common interests, so here's me hoping the same goes for Y/n and Alhaitham.
Just like how they discussed a little at the dinner table, I wish they continue to talk and bond over the little common things they had. Even in silence as they do the household chores, I hope they do it comfortably, knowing they have each other to help and get the work done. After all marriage is not always about being lovey-dovey, but also to show an actual teamwork and effort!!
Another wonderful story by Viva! (p.s English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes)
Thank you so much for telling me how my works have revoked such personal experiences, it’s always a goal of mine to want each work to resonate deeply with the reader at times. 🥹🥹
Alhaitham and wifey are getting through this rough patch together 🙏 they’re young and still learning.
Your English is perfect don’t worry 💕✨
Since you shared a piece of yourself I feel I should too, i write a lot of slow burns bc… I write them to learn more about love.
It might come across as a shocker but I’m actually very very unromantic, even in past relationships it was always a criticism of my character. However, even if I’m unromantic I can still love no?
Communication. Quality time. Respect. These are also key aspects of love, and the ones I personally enjoy most.
I feel that’s why I’m so attracted to characters with similar personalities/ vibe as me, and in the soulmate au, I wanted to explore it.
I’m not the biggest believer in opposites attract, for personally, I’d like to find the person who’s fingers fit into the gaps of mine. The other half who has my missing extra limbs and face all those years ago perhaps.
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amsdia · 2 months
You know, I've been very slowly working my way through a couple of Alhaitham/Cyno fics based on prompts from cyhainoweek2024... and I suspect it probably says something about me that for the prompts "First date/kiss" and "Aaru Village/Sharing a Bed" I was able to write bite-sized little one-shots, eight pages each, but then I got to "Injuries/Scars" and I'm currently at twenty-eight pages and still not done.
I do wonder if it's a little too similar to my other Alhaitham whump fic, think before you act... but I figure there's never too much whump, right?
I've actually re-written this once - I got to 10900 words in the previous version before deciding I didn't like the flow and re-writing the entire thing from the start. And I'm still not happy with it, to be honest! I'm probably gonna sit on this one for a while even after it's done, because I still don't like the way it reads. I'm considering saving some of the ideas I have in this for another fic, and keeping just the actual injury part and redoing that entirely (again) for this series. Guess we'll see!
Have to work around IRL work, anyway... I'll have time to think.
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