#I've got more thoughts on this so stand by for that
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
Quinn pleaseeee 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm gonna put a warning on this because I like it so I don't feel like rewriting it. Warning: shitty relationship with father.
Drabble Masterlist
"Don't touch me. We're fighting."
Quinn didn't seem to care that you were pissed. But pissed didn't even describe the soreness in your jaw from clenching it so tight or the fact that your body temperature was elevated or that all you wanted to do was scream. Glancing over as he stood on the other side of the kitchen island, his face was as it always was calm, his thoughts were probably collected while your brain was firing off things to add to the fire if needed, he looked like he was in control of his body while yours was being controlled by the rage inside you. Looking at Quinn only pissed you off more so you just looked away.
After a minute, you decided it was best to walk away and cool off before you said something you'd regret. Quinn on the other hand, wasn't done fighting he wanted you to understand his point of view and he didn't wanna wait till morning. As you made your way down the hall you could hear Quinn's footsteps behind you.
"Wait Y/N, Let me explain." He went to gently touch your arm in hopes that you would stop walking away from him.
He got his wish, you turned around talking through your teeth you grunted. "Don't touch me. We're fighting."
Quinn has never pulled away from you so quickly before. Even with how angry you were at him it still hurt you how fast he pulled away. Quinn was looking at the floor, for the first time showing emotion since your fight started. "I was just trying to help."
All you could do is sigh. "By telling my father off?" you question defeat clear in your voice. "Quinn I've been over this with you, my family isn't like your family. You can't just voice your opinions to my dad, especially if it's you disagreeing with him or his choices."
Quinn looked up at you finally, he frowned his eyebrows in annoyance but you knew it wasn't at you. "Well I am mad at him. He shouldn't be allowed to talk down to you and blame you for not getting along with your stepmom when all she does is talk down to you. I couldn't sit there and let her talk down to you at dinner. Okay. And I guess I'm sorry for how it came up, but I am not sorry for standing up for you."
"Quinn I know you were trying to stand up for me. But I don't need you or anyone to stand up for me, especially against my family. Okay?" you ask waiting for him to acknowledge you.
"No. I'm sorry because how can you let them tell you that you aren't as far in your career as you should be as if they helped at all with the cost of college. Or the fact that all they did all dinner was telling you everything you were doing wrong with your life?" His tone was accusing and you found yourself taking a step back, your body was exhausted and all you wanted to was get out of this ichy dress and go to bed.
"I don't wanna have this conversation tonight." you begged.
"I just don't understand why do you even keep him around Y/N!"
"Okay since you seem to not be able to understand why I let them talk that way to you let me explain it to you so we never have to talk about this again got it?" you ask waiting for Quinn to nod his head before you continue. "Look my dad might be a piece of shit, but guess what he's my piece of shit father not anyone else's. Everyone always ask me for years 'Y/N if I were you, I'd cut him off why don't you.' For a long time I didn't have an answer for them but as I got older I do and it's this. Because he might be a piece of shit but without him I wouldn't be standing here physically because he is physically half of me. And I know you have lovely parents Quinn and brothers. But not everyone does and I am terrifed that if I do cut him out all the way vs seeing him three times a year like I do now. That one day I will get a call and he will be dead and I will have regret for not at least having him in some capactiy in my life. So because of that fear of regret because I know many people who have it now since their parents passed. I keep him around and if you can't understand that fine, not everyone does."
Taking a step closer to Quinn you add, "but whether you agree or not, you don't get to judge me for the choices I've made when it comes to the relationship between my father and I. Because that is exactly what it is." Pointing to yourself. "It's MY relationship not yours and you also don't get to make it more shaky then it already is by yelling at him in the middle of the steakhouse."
Quinn and you aren't sure how long you stood in your apartment hallway, it could of been seconds it could of been minutes. At some point Quinn looked at you and said "agree to disagree." All you did was nod and you both said true to your word you never talked about your father and your relationship ever again.
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ohisms · 2 days
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐄 . ( a collection of fantasy - based dialogue prompts . adjust phrasing as necessary . )
strangers don't last very long around here .
lay down your sword , and i'll lay down mine .
whatever you do , do not stray from the path .
try not to get yourself killed .
the magic here is old and wild .
quiet ... do not wake it .
i thought i'd find you here . get up .
the tavern in [ location ] is known for its ale and its rumors .
you are starting the path towards your destiny .
is there no end to this accursed forest ?
my sword is yours .
the path to redemption is paved with trials and tribulations .
this forest feels ... sick . as if a disease lies upon it .
you are nothing but damned bones , and a damned soul .
have you ever seen the world beyond [ location ] ?
in the face of overwhelming odds , we must stand united .
please don't let them know that i'm here .
i've heard tales of your exploits . impressive , if they're true .
there's a town three miles east from here .
we have such history , you and i .
go carefully ... there's a camp nearby .
you will not die here , i forbid it .
your reputation precedes you .
i would rather die on my feet than on my knees .
there is no destiny . no born heroes .
you've got a fire in your eyes . use it , but don't let it consume you .
the spirits of this forest are restless .
there's more that you aren't telling me .
you have something that belongs to me .
you shouldn't be here , it's not safe in these parts .
all we can trust are the blades in our hands .
do you believe in fate ? destiny , prophecies ...
i don't think i'll ever get used to having blood on my hands .
wait ! there's traps here . lots of them .
i would die before helping in such a task .
there's an inn just another mile north .
have your blade at the ready .
if you can't already tell , i don't require saving .
have you drank your fill already ?
this isn't just some lark to me .
i'm headed to [ location ] . i could use some company .
your bravery is admirable , but it will also be your undoing .
you're exhausted , [ name ] . we're stopping here .
i will hunt you until the day i die .
i wish you a safe journey home .
as long as i can be of no help , i'm going to hide .
raise your sword . this should be a fair fight .
you're brave to show your face here again .
in this world , you can trust two things ; your intuition and your sword .
i've seen the way you look at the horizon . you're searching for something .
[ administers a healing potion / spell ] is that any better ?
you have no idea of the catastrophe you've set in motion .
there's an ambush ahead , stay quiet .
i want to know your story ... beginning to end .
in the end , we're all just stories waiting to be told .
i've heard tales of a dragon living high up in the mountains . some say it's just a myth , others swear it's real .
the line between friend and foe is often blurred .
try to stay quiet . is the wound deep ?
do not provoke them .
monster ? who's the monster here ?
i forbid you from telling anyone what you've seen here .
are you scared of witches ?
that's a beautiful [ weapon ] . may i ?
you are a valuable ally and a fearsome adversary .
do not tell me you've grown soft over the years .
if our enemy has returned , we must know .
you're a tough one to read , but i can see the kindness in your eyes .
the key to survival is knowing when to fight and when to flee .
i never expected to run into you in [ location ] .
last we spoke , you owed me some coin .
do not fear me ... everybody else fears me .
there is no magic or medicine that can cure this .
you keep questionable company .
every choice has a consequence .
the fate of the world lies in your hands .
so you're the great [ name ] .
remorse will get you nowhere .
you must stay on the path . do not leave it . if you do , you'll never find it again .
i once dreamed of this place . it's real ?
some secrets are best left buried .
the bridge is heavily guarded . we need a plan .
i thought you were returning home .
i would not do this unless i had to .
i need my horse .
it's real . all of the stories , the legends ... and it's real .
don't lose your wit . i believe you'll have need for it yet .
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lukolabrainrot · 18 hours
Calm theory anon!!! So glad we got a break yesterday with a calm day. I did see a couple things I want to talk about though. One of those things is this thought that the reason why Luke and Nicola aren't currently dating is due to Luke. And the other thing I want to discuss is the shipping Nic with every single man she is standing next too. Nic and Luke are both flawed human beings. They are not perfect. They make mistakes and sometimes they even hurt people (by accident). I say this I see so much hate speech directed at Luke as if he the one that said Nicola wasn't good enough. Let's look at what we know. We know they spent 5 years getting close and playing a couple that's in love. Five years is a long time to be in a character world. Then in their season they had to do something they were terrified of which is those love scenes. In order for those scenes to look real their bond had to get even stronger. Nic has said that Luke was protective and went out of his way to make her comfortable even though he himself was almost nude. So it's understandable after so many years they wouldn't understand if what they were feeling was their actual feelings or their characters. It was smart of them to take a break from each other. They are friends at the end of the day. They would never put their friendship on the line for confused feelings. Now Luke being blamed let's be honest. They both have experiences in love correct. And those experiences shape our thinking. We know Luke was in a serious long term relationship and I'm sure he has some scars from that relationship. Just as a I'm sure Nic has some scars as well. Hell she even said herself she was a cynic about love that the show has help her a bit. Both of them have work to do but my point is while the fans blame Luke how do we know they didn't make a decision to hold off until they knew what they felt was real feelings? They are putting their friendship on the line , and they work together. This a serious commitment that if they had a fall out comes with so many consequences. I personally think they are soul mates. And I think they know that. they either have more growing to do or they are trying offline. I truly believe everyone that comes into your life is either meant to be or a lesson. Nic has given us a lot of hints lately and people love it. The issue is she can't stand next to a man without shipping her with them. And that's why she trolled us with her post to her friend Dylan. She telling us to calm down. She will come out with who she dating it's inevitable. She wont be able to hide forever not with her fame. We myself included need to remember these are actual people. That are flawed and not perfect. They will figure it out or maybe they already have. We will know when they are stronger to deal with the masses.
I've talked about this a lot on my page, no notes!
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lilacwants · 1 day
I absolutely love they way you write Homelander!!! He's got me in a vice grip 😭😭😭
The brain rot is so real
I wanted to request something, you might have already done it but it dosnt hurt to ask right?
*cough cough* sky sex? Like Homelander and the reader fucking over the skyline... much like the end of season 2 except he's not alone this time?
Annnnndddd maybe the reader is terrified of heights?
Who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️
I hope this was an okay request!!! I love your work and I hope everything is going well for you 🫂
the sky is ours.
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notes: hello guys! im finally back :) i know the wait was loooong and i apologise about that :’( i’ll start by responding to my asks because they’re really getting me in my writing mood. warnings: mature content. minors do not engage.
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The cold night air rushed past your face, stealing your breath as you soared high above the city's skyline. Your arms were wrapped tightly around Homelander's neck, your body pressed against his as he carried you through the air like you were nothing but a feather. The world below was a blur of lights and buildings, tiny and insignificant from this height, while the sky stretched out endlessly around you.
Despite the exhilarating sensation of being weightless, your heart pounded in your chest for an entirely different reason. You weren't one for heights. In fact, you hated them.
Every instinct in your body screamed at you to hold on tighter, to demand to be put back down on solid ground, but the thought of doing so seemed impossible with Homelander's arms cradling you with such ease. His power was palpable, and even though you knew he could kill you with a single motion, there was a strange sense of comfort in his grasp.
"You okay up here?" His voice was smooth, low, and teasing, but his eyes flicked toward you with a glimmer of something genuine.
The deep blue of his eyes seemed to glow against the night, and you had to force yourself to look away.
"I'm fine," you managed to say, your voice shaky, despite your attempt to sound calm.
You didn't want him to know just how terrifying this was for you, but it was impossible to hide the tremor in your voice.
A slow, knowing smile spread across his face, his lips curling at the edges as if he could sense your fear. "You sure about that, sweetheart? You're shaking like a leaf."
You tightened your grip around his neck, digging your nails into his cape, feeling the way the fabric stretched beneath your fingers. "I said I'm fine," you repeated, more forcefully this time, though you weren't sure who you were trying to convince-him or yourself.
Homelander let out a low chuckle, his chest vibrating with amusement. "I know you're scared. I can hear your heartbeat," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "But don't worry. I've got you."
His words were meant to be comforting, but the way he said them, with that dark, seductive edge, only made you more aware of how dangerous he was. It wasn't just his power that terrified you; it was the way he made you feel. Being with him was like standing on the edge of a cliff, teetering between fear and desire, unsure of which way you were going to fall.
"You... You're not going to drop me, right?" The question came out before you could stop it, the fear lacing your voice more obvious than ever.
He grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he adjusted his grip on you, his hands sliding down to your waist, holding you tighter against him. "Drop you? Now, why would I do that?" His voice was thick with teasing, but there was an undertone of seriousness that sent a chill through you.
The truth was, he could drop you. He could let you fall to your death right now, and no one would stop him. But you knew he wouldn't-at least, not tonight. Tonight, his mood was playful, almost tender, in his own twisted way. There was something possessive in the way he held you, something that made you feel like, at this moment, he didn't want to let you go.
"Relax, sweetheart. Enjoy the view," he said, his voice dropping to a softer, almost intimate tone as he flew higher, the city shrinking below you. "Not everyone gets to see the world like this."
Your stomach churned as you glanced down at the sea of lights far beneath your feet, the skyscrapers looking like toys from this height. You could feel the wind whipping through your hair, the cold biting at your skin, but the overwhelming sensation was the dizzying fear of falling, of plummeting into the void below.
"I... I can't," you whispered, squeezing your eyes shut to block out the terrifying sight. "I hate heights, Homelander. Please, can we go down?"
He hummed thoughtfully, his fingers tracing slow circles on your waist as if he were considering it. "Hmm, I don't know..." he drawled, his voice laced with amusement. "I kind of like you like this. All vulnerable. All mine."
His words sent a jolt of electricity through you, awakening a heat deep inside that contrasted with the icy fear coursing through your veins. Despite everything-despite how terrifying this was, despite the fact that he could drop you at any moment, you were drawn to him, irresistibly so.
"I thought you were stronger than this," he taunted, his breath hot against your neck.
"You can't really be that scared, can you?"
You swallowed hard, your heart pounding so loudly in your ears you were sure he could hear it. "I'm not scared," you lied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I don't like it."
"Oh, I think you like it more than you're willing to admit," he said, his voice dropping even lower, more predatory, as his lips grazed the sensitive skin of your neck. "The fear... the thrill. It's exciting, isn't it?"
A soft gasp escaped your lips as his mouth trailed down your throat, his tongue flicking against your skin, and despite yourself, despite the fear, you couldn't help the way your body reacted to him. Your pulse quickened, but this time it wasn't just from the terror-it was from the undeniable desire that had been building between the two of you for so long.
He chuckled, clearly aware of the effect he was having on you. "That's it," he whispered, his hand sliding up your back, fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled your head back, exposing more of your neck to his hungry mouth. "You can't deny it. You want this."
Your mind was spinning, the fear of heights warring with the intoxicating heat of his touch. You hated that he was right. You hated that despite everything, despite how dangerous and terrifying he was, you wanted him more than you had ever wanted anything in your life.
"Homelander.." you breathed, your voice trembling as his hands roamed over your body, his touch firm and possessive. You could feel the raw power beneath his fingertips, the control he had over you, and it made your heart race even faster.
"I could take you right here, right now," he murmured against your skin, his voice dark and full of promise. "High above the world... where no one else can reach us."
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, the imagery sending a rush of adrenaline through your veins. The idea was terrifying, exhilarating, and utterly intoxicating all at once.
He moved his face back to yours, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that took your breath away. It was rough, demanding, and full of an intensity that only Homelander could bring. His hands tightened around your waist, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours in a way that made your whole body ache with need.
Your fear melted away, replaced by the overwhelming desire coursing through your veins. You were his, completely and utterly, and in this moment, high above the world, it didn't matter that you were terrified of heights. All that mattered was him-the way he made you feel, the way his power wrapped around you like a cocoon, keeping you safe and dangerous all at once.
The tension between you both snapped like a taut wire, and in one swift, dizzying motion, Homelander had you pinned against him, hovering impossibly high above the shimmering city.
The cold air bit at your skin, but his body was a furnace, burning with heat and power as his hands roamed over you, pulling you closer.
His mouth crashed against yours, a demanding, hungry kiss that left you breathless, and before you could even comprehend the danger of the height, your body was responding to him with equal fervor. His hands gripped your thighs, pulling you around his waist, his strength holding you effortlessly as he pressed into you with a low, possessive growl.
The sensation of him inside you was overwhelming, heightened by the adrenaline of being so far from solid ground, and all you could do was cling to him as he thrust into you, each movement sending shockwaves through your body.
The world around you disappeared, the city below forgotten, as the only thing that existed was him-his strength, his control, the way he dominated you completely.
Your cries were swallowed by the wind, mixing with his low, primal groans as he moved faster, his grip on you tightening with each rough, relentless thrust. The fear of falling faded into the background, replaced by the raw, intoxicating pleasure that surged between you both, as if you were defying gravity itself, suspended in the sky, lost in the intensity of the moment.
And as his hands roamed over your body, his breath hot against your skin, you realized that maybe-just maybe-the sky was where you belonged after all.
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maxwell-grant · 2 days
The Penguin: Episode 1 Breakdown
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Thank you Lauren LeFranc, Mike Marino, Colin Farrell and Matt Reeves, we owe you the world for this, good God. It's finally here everyone and I've decided I'm gonna give each episode it's own post/breakdown of thoughts, because hahaha holy shit you guys this is beyond what I even dreamed of, and we're gonna be covering this for a while I think. I've worked out enough madness about this out of my system by talking with friends and I can't seem to be able to work on anything else till I get this done, so let's do it.
Bottom line: This isn't even just a must-watch if you like the Penguin or if you like The Batman, this is something I'd recommend to just about anyone in a heartbeat, something I can point to when people ask "why do you like The Penguin so much" and, instead of the elaborate nerd ramble that usually turns them off, I can just tell them to watch this. A friend of mine (who already loves Batman and digs the Penguin quite a bit) even told me as much, that he's starting to get why I love the character so much, and truly, is there a better feeling than this? Well, there is, and it's watching the show. Let's dig into this first episode:
Right upfront I'm gonna say that this doesn't really seem to be the Sopranos rip-off that people have been calling it before release, although there are definitely Sopranos comparisons to make here. I've spent the past months finally watching The Sopranos in order to get the comparison and definitely want to talk about those comparisons after I finish it (and this show ends). This thing aims to stand on it's own legs as a crime show and it's smashing out of the gate with an extremely promising first episode.
So this just casually opens with the reveal that all along, there was a second rich Gotham the whole time that was completely unaffected by everything we saw in the movie, already throwing a great twist on the events of that movie, and further reinforcing how fucking full of shit The Riddler was. All we saw Batman and the others deal with in the movie was just affecting the poorer parts of the city. All Eddie did was drown rats, and make life worse for the people already in the bottom, while never even getting close to targeting the systemic rot that ruined his life. He retains ideological worshippers in subways obsessed with the corruption of the city without doing anything to actually improve it, and because of him, the streets of Gotham are waterlogged shitholes while the rich Falcone suburbs are doing just fine, peachy even.
I said a while back that, in spite of having about 6 scenes/10 minutes of Penguin runtime, The Batman managed to squeeze impeccably controlled Penguin Trademark Scenes, and this show opens with the last one they didn't get to then: Penguin killing someone for making fun of him. In the movie, he tries doing that with Falcone and is beaten to the punch, so here he gets to actually do it to disastrous consequences.
Fucking adore that the inciting incident of the show is based on the fallout of Oswald killing someone for making fun of him. He pours his heart about the dream he lives his life for, his new boss makes fun of him for being an embarassment to their profession and then he does the most typical Penguin thing by killing him for it and laughing afterwards. And then he realizes how badly he fucked up, and then we get a fucking perfect titledrop with his musical theme, the exact moment we finish The Batman and enter The Penguin.
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God it is so fucking cool how the make-up/lighting, the scar across his face, makes it look like he's got a genuine beak from certain angles, how they're able to achieve that effect without giving him a more literal beak for a nose. Everytime they talk about the character, Reeves and Farrell always emphasize how integral the make-up was to them figuring out what to do with Oz, how little they knew what to make of his six scenes until Marino created their monster and suddenly everything fell into place. Mike Marino fully deserves co-credit for the creation of Oz.
Pretty amusing that Victor, as designed to be Penguin's Robin, has exactly the same origin as Jason Todd, a poor street kid trying to steal the hubcaps off the Penguinmobile (I'm sure this bodes very well for his odds at survival), as is the way in which Oz goes on about his recruitment. He press-gangs this kid at gunpoint to help him bury a body arguing with himself and eventually the kid why shouldn't he just kill him to be safe, while trying to impress the kid with his car and air freshener and later that bullshit about "What, you think I hire any schmuck off the street?". From the tile drop onwards, he's doing everything on the fly while also spinning long-term plans set in motion as soon as he's on screen, he's taking this kid in out of sympathy and because he enjoys a power dynamic over someone weaker than him and because he very much needs someone to help him get stuff done. I'm extremely interested in exploring Penguin having a mentorship dynamic and I'm beyond curious as to what happens with Victor from this point onwards, but that poor kid is in for a terrible fucking time.
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Found it very funny how much he half-asses the murder threat to Victor. Like it's his first time actually doing it and he's trying to be serious, but not too scary because he's already seeing himself in the poor kid with a stutter and wants the kid to think he's also a cool guy like he wants everyone to think he's a cool guy. I also think having Victor as the POV helps to sell moments like these, because it's still terrifying to him. Even as we follow their stories, these power players of Gotham are still big scary monsters to people caught in the dregs and Victor helps to reinforce that.
I enjoy Oz being friends with sex workers and drag queens off the street as much as I enjoy Oz being depicted as the kind of guy who deludes himself into thinking the prostitute he's with actually likes him, Lauren and Farrell launched into a bit about in on the podcast and I'm curious to see what's going on with him and Eve here.
Lots of perfect funny little character moments across the whole thing. Oz insulted by the idea of taking extra pickles off a poor kid's dirty mouth, but with zero hesitation whatsoever for picking jewelry off his boss' corpse. Dude is governed by principles even as he actively has to break them to survive.
"Technically it's plum." "He is the - or was the - new kingpin", "He's got nurse-like qualities." The show is not overtly trying to get you to find Penguin likeable as much as it wants you to find him engaging - making you think he's likeable is Colin Farrell's job and he's masterful at it, definitely a lot more matured within the character compared to the movie.
If there's anything in particular I'm thankful for regarding Gotham (well okay Gotham led directly to Telltale Penguin which was the basis for this one, so really I do have a lot more to be thankful with Gotham), it's the decision to give him a legit waddle via the broken foot, but the way they incorporate it here with the club foot does so much for him, so much as a modern day reinvention of The Penguin. Adds so much to why he's never been a serious candidate for mob leadership, why he kinda had to spend all his time in the Lounge, why he actually needs someone to help him run affairs, why he has such a gaping ego wound and is so murderously angry at people making fun of him / calling him a goddamn penguin, adds so much validation and so much darkness and nuance to Oswald's overwhelming anger and bitterness over how the world treats him (and so much power should he opt to reclaim it, in turn). It's the kind of thing that frankly feels like it should have always been part of the character, like what all the previous versions were itching closer to or trying to get at. Of course this is a guy gets called a penguin and he hates it badly enough to murder people over it, of course.
This gets to really highlight how differently Oz acts depending on who he's with. Traditionally, one of my favorite things about The Penguin, and one of the things that puts him above the other villains, is that, due to his position, he has to interact with a lot more people than the other Bat-villains. He has to manage a lot more relationships and dynamics, he has to play peacekeeper and puppetmaster. he's the only one in the United Underworld who's regularly interacting with and recruiting other villains to do business with. He's the guy who you pin stuff on like the Gangland Guardians, Team Penguin, doing betting pools with the Rogues taking cover in his Lounge while Joker War is happening, having to rig games to keep good standing with Maxie Zeus and Frenchy Blake in Batman Audio Adventures, and so on. So I greatly enjoy this beat here of him talking about how makes himself smaller before the Falcones, and that moment of him adjusting his outfit and practicing expressions in the mirror before meeting with them. How he contorts himself is present in all of his relationships, and retroactively adds to the way he carries himself in The Batman.
It seems that Oz is functionally regarded as the Paulie Walnuts of the Falcones: useful muscle, loyal for the most part and amusing to keep around, but largely an unstable self-serving dumb asskisser kept where he belongs, a liability if not kept on a short leash. I think the show does a good job of highlighting all the reasons why Oz has never been seriously regarded as a viable option for a boss, even putting aside his disability. He is a fundamentally embarassing person for these serious respectable criminals to be around and of course, the joke is ultimately on them..
Of course, there is only two people in the show who actually know what he's capable of, Francis Cobb and Sofia Falcone, said to be the central relationships defining the show moving forward. Both of them also a defining commonality with Oswald, being people who are looked down on and dehumanized, and characters who are underestimated until it's time to bear their fangs.
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Extremely invested in where they're going with Sofia Falcone, Cristine Milioti's been killing it, and will in fact not stop killing it. What a perfect villain for Penguin they've set up with her, someone who has his Kryptonite: she does not underestimate him. Although we know in advance that Oz is going to live and be in the next movie, the question here isn't even so much who's going to win the gang war, and rather how much damage these two freaks will do to the city until Batman gets back. In many ways, Sofia represents the shape of things to come just as much as he does.
She is this embodiment of both the pristine unfathomable wealth and privilege and power that he both detests and strives for, as well as this brutal new breed of madness and violence attacking the streets that he has to survive against and make deals with (and is himself very much a part of, however he denies it). She is Falcone's legacy in every way that matters, both a Kingpin of Gotham whose existence creates the oppressive conditions under which a Batman or a Riddler are created, as well as the Arkham Rogue, the larger-than-life sadist with a tragic origin and a signature torture-murder method and an embarassing name for the papers.
Even the fact that she is The Hangman, and Carmine was defined around his penchant for brutally strangling women - regardless of whether or not she did the crimes that got her in Arkham, she's become this larger-than-life themed expression of a violent obsession in a way that sets her up as every bit the Batman villain that The Penguin is. The two champions of the two Gothams, duking it out in this new world The Batman and The Riddler made, The Penguin vs The Hangman.
I am so glad Lauren LeFranc made the call for binning Alberto in the first five minutes so the rest of the show can focus on Sofia and make a real character out of her in a way nobody's ever really done before, every step of the way so far LeFranc has been perfectly on the ball about where to take these characters and their conflict. And speaking of those,
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I feel very confident in saying that this is the first time anyone's ever really had something worth doing with Oswald's mother as a character in her own right and not just a source of anguish for Penguin (Gotham was almost onto something with Gertrude, but not nearly enough). When it comes to Penguin origin stories, my favorite's always been the Pre-Crisis one, where he's poor and bullied but happy with his mom and birds until she dies and the government seizes everything he has, which doesn't necessarily involve her much. But here? Francine Cobb is a real character in what little time we get to know her, and what a character she is. We quickly understand the role she's playing in Oz's life, not just as his mom and person he loves and strives to protect, but the person who's sculpting him into the man he's going to become.
She is vulnerable and she does need meds and she's not quite all there, and Penguin's need to care for her is visible in other actions of his. But then they turn it around by showing how strong and demanding she is, how she is fiercely ambitious and pushing him to be something he would otherwise not be, how much she loves him and sees greatness in him. She knows he's a people pleaser, she knows how to push his buttons, and she wants him to be more, so of course he's going to be more, because he lives to please his mom.
Related to this is this absolute bullseye of a summation of The Penguin, that Lauren LeFranc delivered in the podcast: "Perhaps his greatest fear is that love is transactional. And that yet, everything he does, every decision he makes, is as if that's true. As if "love is transactional" is a truth he abides by". Oswald's conception of power is being loved and revered like Rex Calabrese, and the love he wants most in all the world is the one from his mother. So in turn this, and all extensions of it, drive him to greater and darker lengths.
He doesn't have that ambition quite down yet, it's his mom that does. She who's pushing him to take over the city and not just be a guy scraping by for survival. He's smart and ambitious and extremely good at slipping out of trouble, but she's pushing him to be the guy who will be taking the city by the horns because that's what he has to be for their sake. Her legacy to her son is nurturing him having that dog in him that will make him the supervillain who picks fights with Vengeance. She is the force that's turning Oswald into The Goddamn Penguin and I can't wait to see how she's developed.
Of course he reprimands Victor in that scene for lacking ambition, who do you think he gets it from?
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Really love what they've done with Sal Maroni in here so far. I like adaptations that take these throwaway Batman backstory gangsters and make something out of them, in this case, with Clancy Brown lending his power and voice and reputation as The Grand Boss of Villainy to play the last Respectable Gangster of Gotham, this intimidating principled old tiger who's inversely proportional to how much of a petty and scummy piece of shit Carmine Falcone was. Extremely a guy I'd want to see playing a hand in the creation of Two-Face. Just as crucial is the fact that he is the one who gets the most effortlessly outplayed by Oz here, because this is The Penguin Show: no room for traditional or respectable gangsters anymore, their purpose is to be crapped all over by our wacko birdman.
There's a lot about this that re-contextualizes his behavior in The Batman and the one I'm gonna point out is: even though he can't be sure his plan didn't completely go to shit, he is still keeping his wits and not being terribly scared about being beaten up and tortured and staring down the scariest Falcone with a gun shoved in his throat. But he craps his pants at the sight of the Batmobile. He gets pain, he gets indignity, but he doesn't get Vengeance, what kind of sick freak would come up with the stuff that guy does. A gun in his mouth and Falcone torture is just Tuesday, but a car that wants to eat his soul is some psycho shit he's just not ready to deal with.
It is the delicious tasty fucking irony that Oswald thinks Vengeance is this weird freak who doesn't play or bend to any rules and is here to fuck up everything, just like the madman who flooded the city, and thinks of himself in turn as a justifiable guy standing for the respectable old-fashioned empathetic way of doing things, instead of the exact same thing that Riddler and Batman are. Only Sofia gets what he really is, the same thing as her, and that's why she is the arch-enemy / the biggest thing he's gotta defeat in life for now.
God, how fucking PERFECT it is that he gets caught and tortured because he, after stabbing out a man's eye and causing him to get run over by a schoolbus, stops to wave at the kids in that schoolbus while covered in blood. Just the Rex Calabrese of it all, the self-image, this guy who's both a mean nasty son of a bitch and also a real bleeding heart softie and in ways that ruin his life and allow him to slip and wriggle his way out of shit he has no right to, as demonstrated by the finale.
Thinking about Sofia chastizing Oz saying he thinks she is a toy to play with, while rattling off the ways in which she owns him and everything he has, all the ridiculous little accessories her daddy let him play him, and he in turn is a ridiculous little accessory for the family she is twisting until it breaks. Perfect fucking villain for him. Can't wait to see how badly these two are gonna burn Gotham.
I knew deep in my heart that all I wanted out of a Penguin show, the thing that I simply needed to have in it, was Penguin pulling a heist set-up in advance, and it fucking delivered. He doesn't even complain at Victor for being late, because if anything, getting captured and tortured while the car crashed was even better for him. No, he complains at Victor for not being sufficiently gruesome with the body. See, unlike other cowardly anti-hero reinventions of Bat-villains, the show never wants you to forget that Oz is a weird freak and a disgusting piece of shit, even if he is a very likeable and even aspirational one. Only by the most random stroke of fate it wasn't Victor that he fed to the wolves at that moment, that he sees himself in the kid isn't exactly ensuring that he's gonna make out of this in one piece.
Mr. Vengeance gets Nirvana, and Mr. Boniface gets Dolly Parton, perfect credits.
In conclusion: Out of everything they could have done following the thunderous success of The Batman and it's ensuing influence over the DCU, out of all the offers Reeves must have gotten to helm their new universe after delivering a megahit reinvention of their breadwinner blockbuster character, Matt Reeves went "Nah, I listened to my crew, and what we really want to do is 8 hours of television about the waddling freak who's in my movie for 10 minutes", and he and his crew deserve the world for that. I dreamed as a kid of getting to make a big Penguin story or show, a wild impossible idea that would never actually happen, and now it's here and it's better than anything I'd ever imagined.
I'm fit to burst with joy and riding a high of no longer having to hunt for scraps and washing away decades of put-downs for the character and enjoying a Penguin renaissance like one I never imagined happening. I am extremely not an unbiased reviewer here, this show rules and I've waited for it since I was a kid and it's here, drink it the fuck in cause it's only the beginning.
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Symphony 🎻 | Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanon
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GOT/HOTD Masterlist
note: I wrote this because I want to be part of Rhaenyra's symphony 😩😉
Rhaenyra falling in love with a musician would look like:
The first time the Crown Princess laid on eyes on you was during her name day celebration. The king had called upon the finest performers, artists, dancers, and jesters in Westeros for the eighteenth birthday of the Kingdom's heir. You were part of a traveling music group, where you played the violin and were the lead vocalist. 
Immediately drawn to your captivating presence, Rhaenyra barely paid attention to the others in your group, and when the rest of the performers were brought on stage, her thoughts lingered with you and zoned out the rest of the celebration. Searching the grounds the moment the final performance ended to try and get another glimpse of you. When she finally did, Rhaenyra swore she'd never seen anything as beautiful as you before in her life. 
"Princess!" You abruptly stood from your chair upon realization the young lady was behind you, too emersed in the conversation with your friends until one of them cleared their throat with wide eyes and pointed over your shoulder. "My apologies I did not realize you were there." "Please, do not apologies, I should've announced myself. I was wondering if you'd be interested in talking a walk with me. I'd like to hear more about your music and travels of the country."
For an hour you strolled through the area reserved for the performers and vendors. Tents and stands on every corner. At one point you stopped to see the small animal enclosure with baby goats and cows. Rhaenyra learned you were from the Riverlands, and your family were nomadic. Traveling all over Westeros, from Dorne to Winterfell, at the request of lords and ladies to perform. The most recent journey before coming to King's Landing was High Garden to celebrate the knighthood of Lord Tyrell's son.
There was an evident spark between you two. You felt it. Rhaenyra felt it. The warmth in your chest spread each time you made eye contact, her cheeks flushed when you complimented her. She hung onto every word you spoke, and in return you observed her body language. When someone interrupted, there was visible annoyance where she pretty much pleaded with whoever to leave with her eyes, and dismissed them with a, "Yes of course, tell my father I'll only be a moment."
When the celebration came to an end and it was time for the dinner, the princess asked you to join her table. Of course you were surprised, and a little nervous, "My Princess, my thanks to you for the generous off, but I fear that would be inappropriate. I am employed by your father, not a guest." "Nonsense, you are my guest. I've said it--and it is my name day after all so it shall be upheld. Join me so we can continue our conversation." How could you say no after that?
When the day rolled to the next, you and your group were set to leave after breaking your fast, but as you loaded the carriage a guard rushed with a note and informed you the Princess had requested your group to remain in King's Landing and be the permanent performers for when the Royal family hosted banquets, balls, and tourneys with the promise of payment, lodging, and all the benefits employees of the Red Keep get. 
Yeah, you all accepted that without a second thought. 
To say you didn't miss traveling would be a lie, but you enjoyed living in the Red Keep. You were given food, clothes, money, and a section of the lower levels for your friends to live. The Princess called on you regularly, to play your violin or sing ballads while she either admired you from beside or read her books. Soon you two fell into a routine. Progressing as the weeks go by to moments where you broke fast together, strolled the gardens, accompanied her on trips around the kingdoms. 
Each time you performed, Rhaenyra sat as close as she could to the stage. Staring in awe as your fingers and bow moved graciously across the violin, your beautiful voice so enchanting it'd make the Seven fall in love, echoing against the walls. Eyes full of love, finding each other's with smiles painting your face. 
Unfortunately a union between you would never be approved. Not by the court, the country, or her father--no matter how happy you made Rhaenyra. She was the Crown Princess, the heir to the Iron Throne. It was expected of her to marry a nobleman, bear children, and take her place as Queen. You'd have to remain in the shadows. A secret to the people.
Of course, rumors spread of the tales between the Princess and her close companion. Most of them diminished upon Rhaenyra's marriage to Ser Laenor---which the three of you had come to an agreement that the two would uphold their image to the Court, but in secret Rhaenyra's heart laid with you--but even then, whispers echoed the halls.
She's sneak to your quarters in the middle of the night to hear you play when she had trouble sleeping. You gifted her favorite sweets whenever you went into the city. When she felt the threat of the Greens growing as her father's conditioned worsened, you joined Rhaenyra at Dragonstone. By then your musical group had decided to part ways, many stating they wanted to return to their homes and raise their families.  
Over the course of your relationship with Rhaenyra, you wrote many songs of her and your life together. She'd become your muse, the inspiration for your works. Sometimes you'd sing them for an audience, but there few reserved only for her ears. 
So when the decades passed and you two were lost to the Dance of Dragons, the songs of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and her violinist lived on. Passing from generation to generation like the songs of the Conqueror and eventually Jenny of Oldstones. People live and die, but music is immortal. And you had immortalized the beauty and love of Rhaenyra through your art. Making her part of a symphony. 
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I think it's pathetic that Milswancas are now resorting to sending each other anonymous asks claiming they switched side. It's even sadder that they're being so obvious about it and didn't even bother to do the research.
Like, I understand that some of us might have Byler doubt. I even understand that due to traumatic experience from queerbaiting, some of us don't think Byler will happen.
What gave them away is a Byler suddenly becoming a Milswanca shipper.
I wasn't here during S1 so I couldn't be certain what we had seen then, but
In S2, we got to see that Mike had a "Will voice", how he treated Will differently from his other two best friends, how he called El every night for 353 nights but dropped her completely on night 354 and 355 (she came back on night 356 so I didn't count that), the "Crazy together" scene, the "Best thing I've ever done" scene
In S3, we got to see how unhealthy Milswanca was (to the point that 5 different characters also thought so), how they didn't have a single thing in common, how Mike immediately backtracked after he hurt Will ("I'm not trying to be a jerk") and even ran after him in the rain to apologize but couldn't apologize to El for lying to her until 5 episodes later, the open-eye kiss vs the "Not possible" scene
In S4, we got to see even more of that unhealthy relationship, how this time El was also lying to Mike, how he couldn't even write those 3 words to her, how when he finally said it El was filled with enough anger to break out of Henry's hold, while having so many Byler scenes I can't even include them all in this part (but the most special scene was the final scene of S4 with the 3 endgame couples and El standing alone)
Now, before S5, we got a plethora of BTS pictures indicating Mike was spending a lot more time with Will while El was nowhere in sight, churchgate, the original four news, the Miwi casting
So if any of those supposedly "used to be Byler but switched side" people could point out when and why they suddenly thought Milswanca was better, they could try to convince me.
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glitterhammies · 1 day
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 Alcina Dimitrescu x reader
A night spent with Alcina caring for you when your feeling bad. 
Your lady was your greatest concern of a evening, when you first arrived at the castle you were one of the scullery maids, nothing more than the lowest of the low. But now you were her lover, her personal maid also. everything you do was for your Lady. Even though Alcina loved to look after you and make sure you didn't have to lift a finger but you couldn't help continue you maid duties. 
You knocked on her bedroom door eagerly awaiting her voice, "come in" she called. You slowly opened the door and stuck your head round the corner. she was facing her dresser putting her hair in little rollers, you loved seeing her like this. Everyone sees the grand lady Dimitrescu who shows no emotion and instils fear in all who speak to her. But this is your favourite Alcina is your favourite, the wish of living a domestic life with her. 
she saw your reflection in the vanity mirror " My darling" she grinned at you " come help me finish this off" she said pointing to her hair. You shuffled over taking her gorgeous midnight locks into your hands. No matter how long you have been together she still takes your breath away every time your close to her. " 
" How was your day Darling" she whispered into your hands as you moved them to gather more hair. " It was okay, I've missed you though. spent most of today in the library" you replied. Now you were no longer Alicnas maid you spend your days anywhere other then the wings that lead to the dungeons. you have seen you fair amount of maids go down there and never return and the screams are enough to keep you awake at night. You were lost in your own thought brushing your hands through her hair humming to yourself. You felt Alcinas large hands over yours, she was looking at you in the mirror with concern " My love, tell me, what is bothering you" 
you sigh looking down at the floor. Alcina notices your sadness and turns round so she's facing you, even with er sat down and you standing she was still a head taller than you. she lifted your chin up with her fingers. " I just never see you anymore" you whisper trying to hold back tears "Your always in meetings with Mother Miranda or dealing with business for the wine, which is good I'm happy your doing business but I just miss seeing you I get lonely being here by myself" you were battling with tears that feared escaping from your eyes as you spoke " I just feel like you don't want me around anymore"
You look into Alcinas eyes you could see the sorrow forming " oh my Darling don't think that, I'm sorry I haven't been spending as much time with you but with the wine and Mother Miranda i don't have much time during the day and when I get back here I see you sleeping so peacefully i don't dare wake you" 
"Here let me make it up to you" she picked you up bridal style carrying you to the bed something she enjoyed way too much considering your height difference. she set you down on the edge of the bed and started slowly removing your dressing gown. she kissed a trail down your neck as she removed the fabric replacing the silk with her lips. you moaned slightly into her touch enjoying the closeness. Once she got down to your belt she pulled it off and slowly let the fabric fall onto the bed. You were wearing a black lace underwear set, something Alcina has specifically tailored for you.
She looked down at your figure on the bed and brought her lips to yours, you took her mouth in yours and enjoyed the moment, you brought your hands to her waist and took off the belt that surrounded her waist, pulling the fabric back over her shoulders and onto the floor. she released your lips and pulled back so you could see what she was wearing, a Blood red lingerie set accented with black lace. It complemented your set perfectly. you licked your lips at her.
You scooted back onto the bed giving her indication to join you, Alcina crawled up the bed towards you. you could see her animalistic side coming out. She kissed you again this time with more passion, grabbing hold of your waist and pushing you into the bed. She enjoyed how soft you were under her fingers, she loved your curves and the plumpness of your body, letting you know about it every time you were together " you look gorgeous my darling" she said into your lips not letting you go. "I could say the same about you" you giggled pulling back and biting her bottom lip. 
There you stayed for a while cuddling with each other, talking about simple things like what dates you want to go on and rearrangements of the never-ending pile of books in the library. 
Looking into your ladys eyes you noticed them looking darker then usual. " Are you okay my love" you ask a bit concerned. Alcina looked down at you " would you mind if I got up to get some wine" she asked with genuine concern in her voice. " of course go, go" you chimed shooing her away. Alcina got up and slid back into her robe swaying her hips as she walked to the wine cellar. 
You didn't mind about Alcinas constant drinking, you knew she needed the Blood to keep her mutation under control, and if you had to admit you found it incredibly sexy seeing how animalistic she got over it. 
After a few minutes she returned, ducking her way under the door bottle and glass in hand. She sat down on the spot she had just been in before. you taking the bottle and pouring her a glass. She sipped back the first mouth full and you could see her visibly relax. " Darling, you look so beautiful when you drink that" you say to her. you couldn't help yourself you loved to see the stain of red around her lips and smell the wine on her breath. you didn't care what she had to do to get the wine as long as it meant she could stay with you, you didn't mind. 
You had a idea watching Alcina taking the last swigs of her glass. she positioned the glass towards you so you will be able to fill it up again but instead you brought the bottle to your lips letting the liquid fill your mouth. Alcina looked confused " my love what are yo-" 
You pulled Alcinas face close and put your lips around hers pushing the liquid into her mouth. you felt her ease into your grip and drink down the liquid. parts dripping out of your mouth and down your chest. Alcina pulled back, a slight moan leaving her lips admiring your blood stained mouth. 
"oh darling, you have no idea what you have just done" she grabbed you and slammed you back onto the pillows. Passionately kissing you for the rest of he night. 
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dullgecko · 3 days
Ok, thinking about Riz developing feelings for Fabian but not understanding them, so one day he pulls Adaine aside and asks her Is it normal to want to bite Fabian and only Fabian? Like, what does that urge mean?
Adaine tents her fingers in front of her mouth and takes a deep breath before putting both her hands on Riz's shoulders. The goblin currently standing on a chair in front of her to put them at eye height. He looked frazzled, which was normal for him, and if he was stuck on something he'd usually come to her first for help but the subject had honestly caught her off guard.
"Riz, I can honestly say i've never had the urge to bite anyone. I might not be the best person to ask." she tipped her head to the side, wincing when Riz's ears drooped slightly and he gave her a pained expression. "BUT, if i had to guess, you could be pissed off at him. That would be a reason to want to bite him..... How HARD do you want to bite?"
"No I'm not mad at him that would be obvious." He flicked his tail, glancing down at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand that he'd ripped out of his notebook. Being angry at Fabian had been the first thing he'd thought of, then crossed out, then wrote down again with a question mark next to it... then scribbled out again.
"And i don't want to bite him hard. Just like, a bit. But ALL the time. I'm so confused."
"Oh... Oooooh." Adaine nodded, giving the goblins shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "Okay. Have you considered, now hear me out on this one, that you might like him?"
"Well yeah of course I like Fabian he's my best friend? What has that got to do with me wanting to bite him?"
"No, Riz, listen. You might like him." She gave the goblin a little shake when he cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Gods. Okay, let's try a little thought exercise. So, that urge to bite you keep getting. Lets maybe pretend the bite is something else. When you think about Fabian could you maybe also see yourself kissing him?"
"What? No? I mean... no? I don't even..." The rogues eyes went wide and glazed over as he started thinking, Adaine could almost see the cogs whirring in his brain as his flit through a thousand different thoughts like he was just given the key to a cypher he'd been stuck on for weeks. "Oh no."
Riz dropped into a crouch, bringing a hand up to chew on the claw of his thumb as he thought some more. Eventually tipping his head back to look up at the amused wizard and flatten his ears back into a distressed position.
"Shit Adaine."
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billiebooxxxx · 1 day
Date Night Bites
pt 1 (tell me if you want the rest)
Billie Switch
Y/N switch
I walk in the door expecting to hear Billie’s silly voice excitedly welcoming me home like she usually does. I walk into the kitchen, noticing how clean everything was. A soft  scent wandered through the air as I continue exploring our house, trying to find my girlfriend. I figure she might just be taking a nap so I make my way to our bedroom. As I open the door my eyes become glassed over and my cheeks get hot. Still no billie in sight, but to my surprise a bouquet of roses lay on the bed with a new black lingerie set displayed out. On it was a note that said "wear me" and a card with a heart on the outside. I open the note quickly, excited about this romantic gesture bills had left for me.
the note read:
I ran out for a quick errand. Be ready for a hot date with yours truly ;) I'll be home at 6:30 to pick you up and head to a nice dinner. I love you <3
I love how romantic Billie is with me. We've both grown so much in the 2 years we've been dating. I feel so immensely lucky.
Billie POV
It's 6:30 on the dot when I pulled into our driveway. I'm anxious and eager to get in the house and see Y/N, and knowing what's she got on underneath her clothes makes my heart skip a beat (maybe the heartbeat in between my thighs stole it)
before I can open the door I see Y/N exit the house, giving one last head scratch to mr shark and then locking it behind her. As she turns I feel my cheeks flush and my pussy throb. Her perfect curvy body is on display in a tight black dress, sheer black gucci tights and black heels. I don't think I'll ever get over how gorgeous she is. I don't know how I pulled her ass but I did (round of applause for me please).
I pull her in for a kiss as I smell her intoxicating skin and another intense throb travels down me. I spin her around and head back inside the house as she looks at me confused.
"I thought you said be ready to leave at 6:30?" she questions me, as she looks down and suddenly clocks the all black plastic bag in my hand
"I've got one last thing I need you to wear before we go mama" I whisper in her ear as we get inside the door.
I pull out our new toy as she looks down, her eyes wide with new found desire.
"Turn around for me and spread your legs baby" I say as I help her spin around and push her against the door. Her ass is now facing me and her legs begin to spread. I pull up her dress and pull down her tights, careful not to rip them. Placing the beads in my mouth to wet them, I run my finger in and out of her pussy lips, causing her to let out a quiet moan. I stand up, the silver metal beads in my hand, and place my mouth right in between her ear and her neck. I bite her once, delicately, knowing she wants it harder, knowing she'll be thinking about all the bites i'll leave tonight and as I whisper in her ear I slowly pump the beads into her now wet pussy.
"every time you move tonight I want you picturing how good it's going to feel when these beads get replaced by my fingers. Can you do that for me love?"
"fuhhckkk.... yes baby yes I can do that" she says with a breathy moan.
I pull up her tights and get her dress rearranged and with one light slap on the ass I push us both back out the door.
As I sit down in the passenger side of Billie's porsche I can't help but whimper quietly as I feel the beads moving against my tight walls. Fuck I love how horny billie is. She comes up with all the best ideas and keeps me on my toes at all times. I squeeze my legs tightly as my now incredibly horny mind searches for more pleasure. Billie grabs my thigh and looks at me with a smirk
"enjoying that, huh sexy" she says as she looks down at my center, my legs crossed tightly as I wiggle slowly. As we hit a red light billie leans over and kisses me softly, her tongue tangling with mine briefly before pulling away to keep driving. I'm throbbing now and can't help myself but tease bills in the seat next to me. I adjust so that i'm sitting on my knees and lean over to her side of the car. I wrap my hands around her neck and bite her ear. As I breath out I let out a soft moan in her ear, "I hope you know that every time I look at you at this dinner, the only thing I'll be thinking about is my head in between your thighs listening to you moan my name" with that I move my hands to grab her pussy, quick to pull away as I feel her buck her hips in desperation. I sit back down happy with the state I've now put her in. Her cheeks are bright red and she's gripping the wheel tightly now. Two can play this game, I think to myself.
As we pull into the parking lot I see that she's taking me to my favorite restaurant. A nice little vegan italian restaurant in a secluded part of LA. This restaurant is frequented by celebrities and it allows us to eat peacefully knowing that there won't be too many people disrupting our meal. (as much as we don't mind her fans at all)
billie POV
We just finished our dinner and Y/N took the last sips of her white wine.  suddenly I feel her leg sliding up my pants from across the table. I know those beads are driving her crazy, and knowing Y/N, the wine is only making her hornier.
I look up at her and see that she's already staring at me, I meet her eyes and bite my lip slowly, making sure to keep my eyes on her, I see her jump between looking at my eyes, down to my lips, down to my boobs (which are spilling out of the tight black corset I have on under my black blazer), then back at my lips before she begins to lick hers. I see her wiggling and writhing in her chair as her head falls back gently. My pussy immediately aches for her touch at the sight of her pleasure. 'Fuck she's so sexy' I think to myself as I scan over her body. I need her naked. I need my hands on her skin. I need her taste in my mouth.
I signal down the waitress for our bill and quickly wrap things up with the check before getting up. Before she could stand, I place my body behind her chair and bend down. I move her long straight hair from her neck and kiss it gently. Before moving her chair I whisper in her ear, "I need you to be my good girl tonight, can you do that for me?"
"Yes baby yes, you're in charge tonight" she moans out quietly.
I let her stand, noticing the pleasure she feels as the beads shift and slide against her walls, and look up at her. Her pupils are so big that her eyes almost look black. I think I've done my job here.
as soon as we get in the car I let out a loud moan. I've been holding it in for too long and I feel drunk with pleasure and desire (and wine). I squeeze my thighs together just as I did on the way here, now desperate for more. My eyes are closed and my head is tilted back against the seat of the car as I move back and forth trying to get these beads to move more for me. Suddenly I feel Billie's hand grab my thigh and pull my legs apart. She grabs my waist to stop my movement and looks me dead in the eyes.
"so impatient aren't you? Be a good girl and wait for me love. No more self pleasure, that's my job, you got it?" I can hear the dominance take over her voice and i'm instantly more wet than I've been all night. my black lace thong is soaked and the feeling of my slick juices against my shaved pussy feels so good. I try moving again but stop myself, knowing that dominant Billie doesn't fuck around.
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I've come to yell about Seraphim!Ace more because you've given me the most extreme brain rot (as someone who is so far away from them even being introduced, oops)
I know the Seraphim are younger clones due to technology constraints apparently but what if Seraphim!Ace is the first they managed to clone in his prime age when he died?
And lets say Akainu got so mad when he saw S!Ace malfunction so badly due to the partner he couldn't kill at marineford. So fearing another Rouge/Roger situation Akainu suspects Ace fathered a child with his partner, so he makes it a main directive for S!Ace to hunt his own family down (with back up plans incase S!Ace malfunctions again)
Of Course S!Ace malfunctions again, memories and sensations flood to his mind overriding the mechanical brain, sending error after error message, Hes about to tear himself apart to stop it all when he hears his child cry from their nursery down the hall and suddenly his mind is silent. His heart hammering in his chest and he breaks out into a cold sweat. His child he never got to meet. He may be a cloned-cyborg but he has the Will of D. A soul so fierce can it be stopped? His memories rush, he was terrified of being a father, his own crippling fears and traumas of his childhood suffocated him, the same situation happened, he left his partner and child alone, just like his dad. He is the monster he feared. But he hears it again, the cooing of his baby. His partner is trembling with emotions they can barely process, they take a step toward the sound, hesitantly, he watches them, same panicked expression on his face. They take another, and another. His body moves on its own as he follows. The errors still silent in his mind even if he knows they are there, but a greater force is driving him now.
There in a crib, he sees it. A small bundle with a fiery motif'd blanket. His heart clenches so hard he feels like it will combust, or explode. He freezes, his heart beat is in his ear drums. He can't hear anything anymore. Until his s/o hushes and coos back to their child. S!Ace watches them scoop them up, with such tenderness, that he can't even fathom in his head anymore.
Dirty blonde hair, images of Rouge's wanted poster flash in his mind, a red Hibiscus. He stumbles backward holding his head, he feels like he is going to hyperventilate, as A curly blonde child missing a tooth flashes before his mind too.
He hears a footstep, his head snaps back up to his s/o and the bundle in their arms. The babe's cheeks are dusted in freckles, S!Ace can no longer breathe, he doesn't register that he is shaking, tears pouring from his eyes as he stares bewildered. His mouth is dry. Lips chapped.
Before he knows it his hand betrays him, fingers twitching as he raises his arm slowly, his mind is screaming at him all over again to stop, a million doubts and conflicting thoughts running through it at once.
But his finger brushes the baby's cheek. Its soft. It's the softest thing he's ever felt in his life. His Wings wrap around himself as he breaks down. His S/o wraps their free arm around him and he falls into the embrace like a feather. Terrified of everything he is feeling, he holds them shaking, speechless. But the baby looks up at him his once dark eyes staring back at his golden starbursts. They grab his finger and he bristles. Feathers standing on end gooseflesh erupting all over his body.
His s/o says something impossibly tender to him. And brushes their nose against his cheek. The sensation makes him want to break down all over again. He buries his face in their hair, tears streaming down his grief stricken face. He didn't understand anything anymore. His very DNA and soul fighting the rigid metal and wired parts of him. He wanted to burst into flames but he found he couldn't he felt incased in ice, but also as if he was being swallowed by the sun itself.
He swallows trying to find words. Any words at all. But he can't his throat was too tight. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth, clinging to his S/O. Still feeling the tiny firm grasp his child had on his finger.
A new red alert appears in his mind and he tenses up impossibly. The back up plan is approaching. A buster call on this island, he can feel the other units growing closer. A total assault, every living being would be eradicated on this island to ensure the end his s/o and infants lives. To wipe out the cursed bloodline and those sympathetic to it once and for all.
He had a choice to make. He had to act now.
His humanity
His orders
Flesh, blood and soul
Cold hard steel, calculated code, and genius technology.
What would win in the end?
I'm gonna be honest. This wasn't rlly how I imagined the 2nd part as but this too good to be left to rot in my asks. Soooooo.....
@ofoceansandtombsanew @captainportgasdace @that-student-that-has-homework @lynndt-chocolate @acesdiary
Ya'll HAVE to see this.
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beevean · 2 days
So some recent... discourse put into my mind the concept of "power fantasy", and how people relate to it in different ways. Of course, I'm talking about Hector :P
Is Hector, in the games, a power fantasy? I think the answer is "yes but actually no but actually yes it's complicated".
Let's be honest, first: Hector is a product of his time. He is, in many aspects, Castlevania's response to the wave of edginess that was en vogue in the mid-2000s - I don't compare CoD to ShTH for no reason lol. Hector was always meant to be an anti-hero contrasting the pure heroes the games always starred before him:
—Why did you choose the theme of "revenge" for this game? Iga: Up to now, the Belmonts have been seen as the good guys. I thought it'd be nice to do something other than a moralistic "good triumps over evil" theme sometime. After all, Castlevania has always had an excellent world for telling a "dark hero" story. Alucard would be one such character… though even he is fighting for a just cause: "I've got to stop my Father!" So he's still kind of a good guy. This time, though, I wanted the motivation itself to be impure. So this theme is what I came up with, and then I thought it would be even more interesting if each side was out for revenge on the other.
Hector has "impure" motivations. His quest is completely selfish: while all the other protagonists want to face Dracula (or others in his place) because it's the right thing to do, Hector is just in to kill the man who ruined his life. In fact, he really couldn't care less about the Curse, and multiple times in the game he asks why can't Trevor just deal with the issues he doesn't want to deal with lol. This is in line with other characters of the same caliber, such as Shadow sneering at a city being invaded by aliens until there is something in for him, or Guts who declares that he's willing to let a whole town fall prey to demons, as long as Casca is safe. However, this is not a detriment to Hector's character like it would be nowadays, as he's also very much mean to be "cool": while obviously every protagonist has his cool factor, even going back to Simon in the first games who defeated Dracula all by himself and then had to heroically struggle with the Curse, Hector is cool in that, well, deliciously over-the-top way that was all the rage back then. He can ride wyverns as he slashes them, he can go toe to toe with Trevor himself to the point that even he is impressed, he can forge a gun and an electric guitar, cutscenes show him punching a stone devil with his bare first, he gloats in Dracula's face that he can nullify his Curse... yeah, he's a gigachad lol. The flaws are only meant to make him cooler and not "boring", as paragon heroes were seen at the time.
I, personally, never cared about this part. I'm not the target audience for this kind of power fantasy. Sure, I like that Hector is over-the-top cool and I will always joke about his most outlandish feats, but I'm not so keen on reducing him to those alone. I couldn't even explain why avenging your dead lover counts as part of a power fantasy lol.
This is why I latched on so much on the first half of his story, the one where Hector deals with Dracula, and why I insist that Hector is much more than his admittedly cliché archetype of "angry man on a revenge quest".
Calling Hector "stoic" is not even knowing the meaning of the word. Calling pretty much any CV protagonist "stoic" is factually wrong, as even the more serious ones like Alucard and Shanoa have other depths to them (Alucard is still grieving for his mother and we see it in a nightmare, Shanoa was deliberately made stoic and she subtly longs to feel again), but Hector doesn't even begin to fit the definition of "One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain". The whole point of CoD is that Hector was left so emotionally vulnerable by his grief that both Isaac and Zead used him as a puppet. Anger is the complete antithesis of stoicism. "well anger is still a toxically masculine emotion" - memes aside, Hector shows other emotions too, most notably around Julia, the only person with which we see how actually gentle and polite he is when he doesn't have Dracula's influence scrambling his brain. By the way, you cannot ignore the effects of the Curse on both Hector and Isaac when you analyze them, especially the former:
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It can't be plainer than this.
And it doesn't come out of nowhere, because not only Julia herself tries to warn Hector that Devil Forgemasters are susceptible to the Curse, he acts vulnerable around her. He apologizes for his unjust outbursts, sympathizes with her plight, is visibly affected by her grief when Isaac dies... sure, it might be all because he's lowkey crushing on her, if you want to see it that way (and I do have my words over the plot point of Julia looking like Rosaly: I would have preferred if the game had more time to show that Hector grew to see Julia as her own person beyond her appearance), but the point is that this behavior highly contrasts with how angry and aggressive he is to everyone else, which the reveal of the Curse recontextualizes.
Also, just saying, while anger can be toxic, the point of these storylines is usually precisely that revenge is bad. Unchecked anger is bad for you, and you shouldn't let yourself fall down that spiral, lest you lose yourself. Isaac got consumed by his own hatred and died as a tool; Hector realized in time that he should snap out of it and survives, also because he was nice to Julia and so she grew to care about him and saved him when he tried to kill himself <- a reaction that is very unmasculine, might I add, as toxic masculinity dictates that men should make other people pay for their pain. bro. bro this is the complete antithesis of "toxic masculinity". Again, this is really not knowing the meaning of the word.
I don't even need to pull examples from the manga, but just for completion's sake:
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iunno about you chief, but someone who bursts into tears just because wifey told him that she's happy he was born isn't exactly the portrayal of toxic masculinity to me.
Which makes me segue into the next point!
Hector and Isaac are victims of abuse, and this is another very important angle to understand them. And I'm not just talking about their childhoods, of which we only get hints, although of course it does matter that the two experienced so much hatred and rejection in their youth that Dracula was the better option for them.
We don't see the details, but Dracula affected both of them deeply. He put them in a competitive dynamic, favoring Hector over Isaac: Isaac grew bitter with resentment, which made him double down on his loyalty to Dracula, while Hector only got the appreciation he craved at the price of his very humanity and morals, which weighed on him. The point of this favoritism is not really the core of their rivalry in game, as that one was caused by Hector's betrayal, but it gives a different dimension to the character. It would have been easy to have the mistreated guy the one who decided to turn his back to Dracula, but no, it was the golden child. Isaac was so entrenched in this dynamic that he never broke free, choosing instead to blame Hector and do everything in his power to prove himself to an uncaring Lord, including (in the manga) killing his own underlings so that he would be free to face Hector by himself. From PtR:
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"My own body is proof of Your expectations for him" is such a hard-hitting line. Isaac fears that he didn't even disappoint his Lord, because his Lord didn't have expectations for him in the first place. It's Hector the one he's so proud of.
And Hector hates it. By all means, he should be happy to have a home, to be respected and appreciated and free to use his powers. And he used to be!
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"Lord Dracula... You once accepted and needed my powers. There was a time when such a thing gave me joy..."
Hector was grateful for his Lord, but he couldn't live anymore in the safety of the castle, if the price was committing indiscriminate murder for the sake of a senseless revenge, going against his morals and being used as a weapon. Hector had to make a choice: keep living under Lord Dracula's protection, but losing his humanity piece by piece, or breaking free and facing the world that hated him, but as a free man?
Hector chose freedom over conditional safety and love. He was ready to die, as long as he died a free man. He put himself first, he turned his back against people who did not truly appreciate him, and despite the mess he left behind it was the right decision. And that's the power fantasy I adore, and that is what makes him a strong character in my opinion. It's the embodiment of achieving self-confidence, the healthy selfishness, the affirmation of the self when everyone else around you only sees you as an object or a prize, the reassurance that even if you fall, you can always get up and try again and become a person you can be proud of.
And Hector, after breaking free, very much acts like a victim of abuse. I spent countless words over how he displays the belief that he needs to do something to earn the right to be loved by Rosaly, unaccepting of the fact that she simply does because, well, he likes him and sees the good in him, and that's it. I wrote a whole analysis on how this belief stems from a sad naiveté on how the world works, because Hector is naive underneath the aloof exterior, and it's not something to make fun of him for, but a tragic result of living under Dracula for so long. I'll also point again to him having breakdowns because he hates himself and sees himself as inherently unlovable.
I could also spend all the words about the parallels about how Hector loves Dracula and how he loves Rosaly:
In both cases, he latches onto the only person who has showed him a modicum of kindness. He wants to give his life for them. The difference being, of course, that Dracula only appreciates Hector for what he does (and I could also go into a whole tangent on how Hector was personally raised by Dracula to be his knight and he has a piece of his essence inside him which parallels how abusive parents see their children as an extension of themselves), while Rosaly for who he is. With Dracula, Hector understands that all the shallow care in the world doesn't matter if he isn't also respected as a person: he still cares about him, in some fashion, but not the point of clinging.
And if Hector is ready to lay down his life for Rosaly because she finally showed him what real love looks like, is it any wonder that seeing her die would spark such a fury in him that it makes him prey to the Curse and to being once again twisted into a tool?
The power fantasy comes from the part where Hector breaks free of the abuse and manipulation - twice over. But he is also relatable, with all of his flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes he makes. The whole point of Hector's journey in the first half of his story is that he feels the need to atone for his sins, and the consequences of his actions all catch up to him in the worst of ways. Ignoring this to reduce Hector to an edgelord who only spends his life angry and then hooks up with a Rosaly replacement (which incidentally also ignores Julia's personality and agency and I might even call as misogynist as the plot point itself) is a huge disservice to the thought and care put into him to make him stand out from his own archetype.
Power fantasies are not inherently bad. Depending on the fantasy, they can be inspirational. Hector is inspirational to me, if that wasn't clear, I see part of me in his circumstances and I admire his arc: it tells you, "you can break free too, you have the strength to do so, and you will find people who will love you without reason". And I just generally speaking find him a very well written character despite stemming from a rather outdated context, because all the details come together to make him fleshed out and tridimensional.
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imthesilentwriter · 2 days
The Stars
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Harry Potter x Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader
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Summary: With a little help from the mistletoe, you and Harry share your first kiss under the stary night sky.
Warnings: first kiss, light teasing
Authors Note: I'm currently in the process of planning out a couple of oneshot ideas I've had in my head - so, as to prepare for the no time I will have over the next couple of weeks. These fics should be posted about a week or so apart, then I should be done with my final exams, and well... I'll be back. I hope you can understand, enjoy this fic!
Word Count: 2250
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You stand in the doorway to the boy’s dormitory, leaning against the frame as you watch Harry rummage through his trunk. The room is mostly empty, with only a few belongings left scattered about from students still ready to pack.
“Are you all set to go?” you ask, crossing your arms with a playful smirk, catching his attention.
Harry straightens up, turning to face you with that familiar messy hair of his falling over his glasses. “Almost,” he replies, his voice warm but a bit distracted as he shoves a book into his trunk. “Just making sure I didn’t forget anything.”
You raise an eyebrow, stepping into the room a bit more. “You’re not leaving behind any homework, are you? You did hand in that Potions assignment, right?” Your tone is teasing, but there’s a genuine question behind it. You’ve known Harry long enough to recognise that sometimes he forgets things when he’s too busy thinking about other stuff.
He grins, leaning casually against the trunk now. “Yes, Mum,” he teases back, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he crosses his arms in response. “Everything’s done. Handed in my Potions essay two days ago. Thought you’d be proud of me.”
You laugh softly, rolling your eyes but feeling a warmth in your chest as he steps closer. “I am proud. I’d hate for Snape to ruin your holiday with some snarky comment about missing work.”
Harry’s grin widens, his eyes sparkling as he takes another step toward you. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let anything ruin our holiday. Especially not Snape.”
You tilt your head at him, smiling, and there’s a moment of quiet tension between you. It’s the kind that has become increasingly familiar lately, and you can feel your heart speeding up just a little. His eyes linger on yours for a second longer than usual, before he shakes his head with a laugh.
“Anyway,” he says, breaking the moment, “we should head down for dinner before Ron eats everything.” He gives you a playful nudge as he moves past you toward the door.
You chuckle, following him out of the room. “Knowing Ron, we’re probably already too late.”
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You and Harry step into the Great Hall, the warm glow of the candles overhead flickering against the enchanted ceiling. You spot Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table, sitting close together with a half-empty platter of food in front of them.
As you approach, Ron looks up, his cheeks bulging with a mouthful of what appears to be roast chicken. He says something muffled, completely incomprehensible as bits of food fly onto his plate.
Hermione rolls her eyes, giving him a pointed look before turning to you at Harry. “He said, ‘It took you both long enough.’” She offers a small, knowing smile that makes your stomach flip. There’s a teasing glint in her eyes, as if she’s noticed how close you and Harry are walking together.
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you quickly sit down next to Harry, trying to act normal. “We didn’t take that long,” you reply, though your voice sounds more defensive than you intended.
Ron, now finally managing to swallow his food, grins. “Yeah, sure. You’re only the last ones here. Hermione thought you two got lost or something.” 
You scoff lightly, shooting him a playful glare. “We were just making sure Harry packed everything, unlike someone who nearly forgot their Charms homework last week.”
Ron shrugs, completely unbothered. “That was one time.”
Hermione looks exasperated but doesn’t press the point, instead glancing between you and Harry. “You two seem… close tonight,” she says, her voice casual but with a hint of teasing. “Sitting awfully close, aren’t you?”
Your heart skips a beat, and you realise that, yes, you and Harry are sitting closer than usual – your knees brushing under the table, shoulders almost touching. Harry shifts beside you, and when you glance at him, you notice the light pink tint spreading across his cheeks.
“Oh, uh-” Harry stammers, trying to play it off, “there’s just, you know, less space at the table tonight.” He sounds unconvincing, and you can feel your own face growing warmer.
Ron snickers, biting into a piece of bread. “Right. ‘Less space.’”
You kick Ron lightly under the table, earning a chuckle from him, while Hermione hides her grin behind her glass of pumpkin juice. Harry, still a bit flustered, reaches for a roll, but his hand brushes yours as you both go for it at the same time.
“Sorry,” he mutters, looking down at his plate quickly. You pull your hand back, feeling the butterflies in your stomach flutter more intensely.
Dinner goes on with light conversation, mostly centred around Ron’s enthusiastic retelling of his plans for Christmas and Hermione’s exasperation over his lack of preparation for the upcoming exams. All the while, you’re hyper-aware of how close Harry is, and how his arm occasionally grazes yours.
Once you’ve finished eating, the plates magically clear themselves, and Harry glances at you, an almost shy smile tugging at his lips. “We’ve got some time before bed… do you want to do something?” His voice is soft, hopeful.
You bite your lip, thinking for a moment, before the answer comes to you. “I’d like to go to the Astronomy Tower,” you say, your voice quiet but certain. “To look at the stars.”
His eyes light up, and he nods. “That sounds perfect.”
Ron lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Of course, the Astronomy Tower…”
Hermione gives him a look. “Oh, hush, Ron. Let them go look at the stars.” There’s a sly smile on her lips, and you have a feeling she knows exactly what’s going on between you and Harry, even if neither of you has fully admitted it yet.
Blushing, you get up from the table, feeling Harry’s eyes on you as he stands as well. You glance over at Hermione and Ron, who are both trying their hardest not to look too amused.
“Well, we’ll see you later,” Harry says awkwardly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he waits for you to join him.
You give Hermione a quick wave, and she winks back, as you and Harry head out of the Great Hall together, making your way toward the Astronomy Tower.
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The cold night air bites at your cheeks as you stand atop the Astronomy Tower with Harry, the sky above a sea of stars. They glitter against the black canvas, so clear and sharp that it feels like you could reach out and grab them. You pull your cloak tighter around you, sneaking a glance at Harry beside you. His breath forms soft clouds in the crisp winter air, his eyes trained on the sky, but you can tell he’s just as nervous as you are.
For a while, it’s quiet – almost awkward – as you both gaze up at the stars, your fingers brushing his for a split second before you quickly pull your hand away. The cold is a convenient excuse for the shiver that runs down your spine, but deep down, you know it’s not just the temperature making you feel this way.
Harry clears his throat, breaking the silence. “The stars are… really bright tonight.”
You nod, unsure what to say, your heart racing just being next to him. The space between you feels charged with something unsaid. “Yeah, they’re beautiful.”
Another stretch of silence follows, and you sense Harry shifting on his feet beside you, as though he’s gathering the courage to say something more. You’re at a loss for words, the nervous flutter in your chest making it hard to think straight.
Then, after a moment, Harry speaks again, his voice softer, almost hesitant. “You know… the stars, they kind of remind me of you.”
Your breath catches at his words, and you turn to look at him, your heart pounding in your ears. “Remind you of me?” you repeat, your voice barely above a whisper.
He glances down, shuffling his feet before meeting your gaze again. His green eyes are bright, reflecting the light of the stars above, and there’s something vulnerable in his expression, like he’s afraid of saying too much but wants too anyway.
“Yeah,” he continues, his cheeks flushing pink from more than just the cold. “They’re beautiful, obviously, but it’s more than that. They’re always there, constant, even when everything else feels uncertain. Like no matter what’s going on, you can always look up and find them.” His voice drops, a little shy as he adds, “You’re like that for me.”
His confession is so simple, but it makes your heart feel too big for your chest. You can’t tear your eyes away from him, and suddenly, the awkwardness disappears, replaced by a quiet tension that hums between you. There’s something in his gaze, something tender and full of hope, and you realize you’ve been waiting for this moment just as much as he has.
As you stand there, words hovering on the tip of your tongue, your eyes are drawn upward – and that’s when you see it. A sprig of mistletoe, its little white berries gleaming in the dim light, hanging just above your heads. It’s almost laughably convenient, but it’s there, and you know Harry’s seen it too.
Your eyes meet, and for a moment, you both just stand there, the realization hanging in the air. He glances at the mistletoe, then back at you, his breath coming out shaky, lips slightly parted as if he’s waiting for you to stop him. But you don’t.
Instead, slowly, carefully, Harry leans in, his movements tentative, giving you time to pull away if you want. But you find yourself drawn to him, your heart racing as you close the distance between you. Your eyes flutter shut, and then, finally, his lips meet yours.
The kiss is soft at first, tentative, like you’re both testing the waters, but it sends warmth flooding through you, chasing away the cold of the night. His lips are gentle, and the hand that’s been brushing against yours squeezes lightly, grounding you in the moment.
When you finally pull back, the world feels different, like everything has shifted into place. You open your eyes to find Harry staring at you with a soft, almost awestruck expression, his cheeks flushed and his breath shaky. You know you must look the same, a blush creeping across your skin despite the cold.
The silence between you is thick with emotions that have been building for longer than either of you realized. You’re both standing there, frozen in place, still processing what just happened.
Without thinking, your hand moves up, trembling slightly as you cup the back of his neck. His skin is warm beneath your touch, and you can feel him shiver – not from the cold this time, but from the same nervous anticipation that’s thrumming through you.
You pull him down toward you, closing the space between you once more, and kiss him again. This time, the kiss is more certain, a little bolder, your lips pressing against his with quiet intensity. Harry responds instantly, kissing you back with the same urgency.
But just as you’re getting lost in the moment, Harry pulls back, his breath shaky as he rests his forehead against yours, his fingers brushing lightly over your hand. For a second, neither of you moves, standing there with your foreheads pressed together, the stars twinkling above, the cold night air forgotten.
You let out a breathy laugh, something soft and uncontrollable that bubbles up before you can stop it. Harry pulls back slightly, his lips quirking into a curious smile.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, his voice quiet but warm.
You bite your lip, still smiling. “I don’t know… I guess it’s just – this. Us.” You pause, your heart racing as you search for the right words. “I’ve wanted this for so long... I didn’t think it would actually happen.”
Harry’s expression softens, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek now. “Me too,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t know how to say it... but I’ve liked you for ages. I just... I didn’t want to mess things up between us.”
Your heart swells at his confession, and you realize just how long you’ve both been waiting, dancing around this moment. You take a deep breath, your voice trembling slightly as you speak. “I like you too, Harry. A lot. I’ve been so nervous around you lately, and I-”
Harry smiles softly, his forehead still resting against yours. “You don’t have to be nervous anymore. We’re okay. Better than okay.”
You smile back, the relief washing over you, a weight lifting off your shoulders. There’s nothing left to say; you both know now.
Without second-guessing yourself, you lean in again, capturing his lips in another kiss – this one slow and sweet, like a promise. His hands settle gently on your waist as he pulls you closer. The world fades away, and all you can feel is him – his warmth, his steady presence, the way everything just feels right in this moment.
When you finally break apart, the stars are still shining above you, but all you can think about is how bright everything feels now that the truth is out in the open. Harry looks at you with a soft smile, his hand lingering on your cheek as he whispers, “I think the stars were always meant to lead me to you.”
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lovechrissturniolo · 2 days
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12/ day two - afternoon
contains: quick making out at the beginning (kissing), basically Chris being hot af, wet hair, gaming
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Chris came out of the shower when Lea opened her eyes, she must have fallen asleep again.
"Hey." Chris said with a shy grin and ran his fingers through his wet hair. He just wore black sweatpants, nothing else, and looked amazing.
It was the first time they really met since they had slept together earlier.
"Hey." Lea smiled back and stood up.
Surprisingly, she was no longer insecure at all since she had thrown professionalism overboard.
"Are we good?" she whispered, placing her hands carefully on his hips, her forehead against his bare chest.
"Yeah." he replied, taking her in his arms in such a loving way that Lea felt as if it had never been otherwise.
"I feel really good," Chris continued quietly and gave her a kiss on the head. "But I've been thinking the whole time that I don't want you to feel - taken adventage of, you know what I mean?"
Lea smirked and made a soft denying noise. "No, it doesn't feel like it. I mean, it's not exactly a good idea, but..." She looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "We had no other choice."
"No other choice." Chris confirmed, biting his lower lip before placing his mouth on hers.
Lea's breath caught in her throat at the tension that shot through her body immediately.
Although they had been intimate that morning, it felt like the first time they touched.
They started making out slowly, kissing, stroking each other's backs, soft sounds of arousal escaping their lips, their bodies pressed closer and closer together.
But both of them knew that Chris had to get back in front of the camera.
"I'm down to do it again," Lea smirked as Chris sat on his chair and she left the filming space.
He made a suffering noise and gave her a pouty look as he put on his headphones. "Y'r a tease."
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With the new knowledge of how Chris kissed and was in bed, it was really challenging to watch him play.
"Shut the fuck up!" he shouted, slamming his fist on the table so that his veins showed, his face lined with anger. Everything about Chris being so tense was unbelievably attractive to her.
And the way he was constantly on the move:
his hand in his hair
his foot tapping on the floor
stretching between rounds
turning around in circles
standing up and leaning over the chair
shifting around
chewing on a bottle cap
'God damn he's sexy!" Lea thought, biting her lip.
'I'm a 21-year-old woman, sitting here, simping about the famous Youtuber I work for,' Lea thought, sighing quietly. 'Trying to focus on my tasks, but all I can think about is lying under him naked, his hands and mouth all over me.'
Lea was just about to get something to drink from the fridge when Matt's bedroom door opened and she flinched in shock.
"Wow!" Matt exclaimed, startled by her fright. "Fuck, sorry!" he burst out laughing. "I didn't mean to scare you!"
"No, it's fine..." Lea stuttered and laughed too. "I don't know why I even got scared!"
"You forgot there's someone else here besides Chris, that's okay!" Matt winked mischievously and disappeared into the bathroom.
Lea froze for a moment and wondered uncomfortably how much he knew.
The more the afternoon progressed, the more Chris longed for a break to be alone with Lea. The way she smiled at him when he looked over gave him unholy thoughts.
He couldn't leave Matt alone on stream for no reason. They were both pretty exhausted and it wouldn't have been fair to ask him for a break.
But he thought more and more urgently about a way to disappear from the screen for a moment.
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that-tmr-girl · 3 days
Quiet Down
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Despite thinking he's being sneaky, it's obvious what Thomas is doing in the showers.
Thomas didn't have the best ideas all the time. Sure. Sometimes they were fine, but he didn't always think them though.
He should realistically realize that no amount of water could cover the sound of him jerking off faster than he could run, his hand moving up and down on his dick as he carelessly moaned. That really should be obvious, but for some reason it wasn't. Maybe because he couldn't think straight. Not until he had a release. Plus, he had never been caught before. Not that he knew of at least.
Groaning and grunting, he kept stroking himself, his eyes half shut in pleasure. He could feel himself getting closer to his release as he frantically tried to speed up.
You definitely heard. How could you not?
After a long day of being outside, sweating a ridiculous amount, you couldn't find the ability to care anymore. It was honestly easier to just try to take your own shower and pretend you couldn't hear Thomas a few doors down, going at himself. You just tried to wash yourself off, wishing that the sounds were blocked out the way he seemed to believe.
He twitched in his hand as he was right there. With his eyes completely shut, he envisioned you, something he knew he shouldn't do but couldn't help. For some reason, it seemed to be the only way to finish, the only way to push him over the edge.
“Shuck, Y/N,”He loudly moaned, his head thrown back as he finished. Your eyes were wide as your face warmed at the realization.
When you heard him stop, you sighed to yourself before finishing up your shower. Shaking your head at the way you had actually heard Thomas masterbate to the thought of you, you dressed so you could get ready for dinner.
Having just finished rewashing himself, Thomas threw on new, fresh clothes, feeling just a little more relaxed than before. He couldn't help but think that he had definitely needed that and after being in the maze all day, earned it even.
He walked out to where everyone was eating, his posture significantly more relaxed than it had been the entire day.
He couldn't quite look you in the eyes despite sitting beside you, which is probably good. A little bit of shame was probably needed, but he was sure he would be completely back to normal and better than ever in a few hours.
“Ready to do that all over again tomorrow?”Minho asked.
“What?”He asked quickly, his heart racing at the thought that anyone knew.
“You know? Go running again?”He clarified.
“Oh. That,”He said, heaving a sigh of relief as he slightly leaned back with his plate still in his hand.
“Yes. That,”Minho deadpanned, rolling his eyes a little.
“Yeah. I mean I've got to be, right?”He shrugged.
“Yeah. You do,”He nodded, taking the last bite of his food. You watched him empty his bowl while almost being ready to do the same. You couldn't help but think that if Thomas hadn't been so busy pleasuring himself he could have beaten all of you for dinner. Instead, he’ll be the last one with food.
Standing up, Minho gave you a half hearted wave before going to give his plate to Fry. You nodded your head as acknowledgement before going back to your meal.
Thomas’s heart was just beginning to calm down in his chest. He silently reassured himself that nobody knew as he started eating in silence with you. The shower blocked out the sound, and he was totally fine.
You finished the last bite as well, closing your eyes for a moment to savor it. When you swallowed you sighed a little bit at the way another successful day had been completed.
You glanced over at Thomas for a moment. As you saw him leaning back, eating without a care in the world, you decided he was too relaxed.
“I highly doubt Minho would ask if you were ready to jerk off in the showers again, though seeing as you're delusional enough to think water covers up the sound of your moans, I can't say I’m surprised you thought that,”You whispered in his ear. He turned beat red as he choked on his food for a moment. Paying it no mind, you clapped him on the back before getting up to also get your plate cleaned off.
Thomas watched in absolute horror as every part of him burned.
It looks like he has to find a new place to pleasure himself. Or at the very least, not moan so damn loud.
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no-i-will-not-post · 3 days
hi i'm not great at analysis or writing so this might be nonsense. and also i don't have any way to review the movie/certain scenes again so forgive i've misremembered something (and point it out please). but i've been possessed by this thought since i got back from the theater and i need to get it out of me or i'm gonna explode.
also spoilers for transformers one.
i cannot stop thinking about d-16's sticker.
like there were theories about why he already had the decepticon insignia/logo/whatever. i remember there was one where the theory was that the decepticons were straight up a separate race or maybe the decepticons already existed and d-16 would take them over or its a tattoo for some reason and so on and so forth. theorizing and such and whatever. and then it's just a sticker.
like. it's a sticker. it's a sticker of megatronus's head because megatronus is d-16's favorite. and he only has it because orion got it for him because orion knew megatronus is d-16's favorite and d-16 is orion's best friend. and it's a gift that makes d-16 happy and meant nothing more.
(in the world of transfomers one, i mean. we all know it means. but in the world of the movie it's just a sticker. it's literally merch.) and if i remember right orion literally physically puts it on d-16's shoulder for him. it means nothing!! d-16 wears it though the whole movie and it's! just a sticker! it's a decal!! of someone he looked up to! he could take it off anytime he wanted to !!!
and it means nothing until the end, when it abruptly becomes the symbol of the decepticons and of megatron and everything the autobots and optimus are/will stand against. it's just a sticker until sentinel literally carves it into his chest and it can't be taken off anymore! he can't take it off! it's literally a part of him!! it goes from just being a sticker and a gift (and maybe you could call it a symbol of friendship, too?) to being a literal scar. it cannot be undone. and he only has it because his best friend gave it to him. i need to lie down
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