#I've got real brainrot of these guys I created
glitzybunny · 1 year
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The Hero from Mock of Moral is a Lesbian ally guys~
Have some bonus sketches to go along with him
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kidsinsaturn · 6 months
I hope that your life has been well so far and sorry for my little outburst of joy.
I'm really looking forward to your new posts but please don't stress yourself about it.
Have a lovely day
boyfriend obito headcanons
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[🗼] just because I've been feeling a bit silly about this little guy, and I know I already have hcs of him but,,, it's not enough
and YESS I may have been off for a year but i'll always have that annual Naruto brainrot that lasts like six months lool but thank you lots anon love yaaa
character: obito uchiha
genre: sfw; fluff; nsfw
warnings: gn!reader; established relationship; silly obito; everyone happy au bc uwu; mention of insecurities; slight size kink
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-god, obito has been in my mind lately, and how could he not? he is sooo boyfriend material, he created the basic rules for a relationship to work, he is basically the creator of love
-he is just so silly at the beginning of your relationship!! like!! as if kakashi wasn't the reason you two got together because obito couldn't just go and confess to you!! are you nuts?? he'd lose it
-speaking of which, his confession was probably so messed up, but!! he didn't want to, wouldn't allow you to confess because he has that idea that it should be him who brings the relationship to a start
-"may I have the honor of being your boyfriend?" type of guy
-he literally asks everyone for advice and that's probably how you ended up knowing his feelings. obito told everyone and his friends just passed the word until it landed on you
-regardless of that messy start--obito will remember it and feel bad about it until the day he dies--, obito is a great boyfriend, like I said, he is a bit silly and the thing is, he may have idealized relationships too much
-obito may have watched all those stupid cliche movies in secret and thought that's how relationships are supposed to work!!
-would get into a fight for you, write you love letters, plan a secret date. any situation that appears on the kissing booth movies he is so willing to recreate them lol
-obito believes there is no such thing as the "3-month honeymoon phase" LIKE all the time, all the months, all the SECONDS he is with you should be honeymoon phase. only to be reinforced once you two get married
-of course it is beautiful and everything he does makes your stomach flutter with joy-- he is a gentleman ALWAYS, he holds the door for you, steps in first if it's a new place, and goes behind you everywhere
-and ok this is a bit angsty im sorry but this silly dude right here is very insecure okay:( I gotta be real here
-he didn't have a lot of recognition when he was a little boy and that may have messed him up a little. he will always feel like he is not enough for you, and that may cause some arguments sometimes
-he just says that you are too much for him and that he doesn't provide you that much and you're just like obito please go to sleep it's 4am
-and that's the tiring part probably: that he has these random bursts of self-consciousness at the most random times. you two are just eating and talking about some things your friends did, and oh obito just got this tight tug at his chest the second he thinks too much about your or his male friends. or even if he just saved you in a mission or whatever and it takes him like three business days to realize that he could have done a better job at rescuing you
-just be thoughtful with him ok because he seems the kind of guy that goes to sleep thinking about everything you said, nice or rude. overthinking king
-aside from his little insecurities heheh obito is giving you princess treatment like always and duhh if he doesn't do it, he beats himself up. obito has some "traditional ideas" about boyfriend and girlfriend, such as the woman should always receive flowers, never go alone in the street, and always have something of him with her (like a picture hahah silly boy)
-if you're into something like a sport or ballet or just something that's similar to a performance, he will be there at EVERY show or game, he will not miss any of them, and the day he is not there, that's probably because he is dead
-he is there holding the largest and most obvious poster with your face on the middle and the most Tumblr phrase he could think of. he blocks the view from the people in the back but he does NOT care
-if you are into something more private, obito will always be so happy providing your with materials and just his sweet time watching you as the most marvelous creature the gods ever created
-he always has the best intentions for everything. if something goes the wrong way, he is so devastated. say that you have too much work/paperwork/homework lately and he just wants to relieve some stress off your shoulders!! poor baby just made things worse: everything is on the wrong place and just his help wasn't helpful. obito feels stupid and dumb. he ends up cooking you something
-obito has all the love language because mmm his partner should feel loved in all the possible ways. just give him quality time and that's enough for him
-but overall, great boyfriend, he is your number one fan, admires absolutely everything you do and when you're not looking, little hearts form in his eyes when he looks at you, he is just so smitten he might as well just ask you to marry him after three weeks of dating
nsfw ->
-man gets hard just by hugging you
-please do not make fun of his condition okay:( he was just sexually restrained as a teen, and just overall shy about anything that had to do with sexy times
-my own hot take but obito probably stayed virgin by choice. like he was desperately waiting for the one to lose his v-card with because otherwise he feels like he is betraying his true love
-and ohhhh obito has NO idea of the beautiful, marvelous, oozing body he possesses. he is big, strong, tall, thick, and just mmmmm
-the first time you mention somehitng about his physique, he gets all flustered!! if you were in the middle of the act, he would need two minutes to calm down or he will cum by just hearing sweet words
-beautiful dick OBVS, he doesn't know how to use it, lets be reals. if you are his first time, he is so messy. his movements are so asymmetrical and have zero rhythm. after a few times, he learns
-I can only dream about obito's cock PLEASE. large, thick, curved just the right way to make you squirm. just BIG. his dick just springs up every time he takes his pants off and it hits his abdomen in the most sensual way posible. cock possible as large as your head whaaat
-his pre-cum is so bitter!! the first time you tasted it, you made a face. his cum is even sourer. obito feels a bit bad but he understands and doesn't say anything
-you are literally what matters during those sexy moments. he does not allow himself to feel any pleasure before you. it takes you a lot (just kneeling) to give him a head
-please all your sounds should be moans, or whimpers, or small screams of satisfaction, because if he SEES, or hears, or just senses that he may have hurt you, he stops completely and doesn't touch you until you convince him you are fine
-king of aftercare
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air--so--sweet · 8 months
The TUA brainrot has reached new levels. I noticed in S1E2 when Diego is speaking to several people as he crosses the gym that one guy responds to him in Spanish. All he says is one word, 'Sí', a word most people, regardless of whether they speak Spanish or not, know the meaning of, and yet I've spun it into a whole headcanon explaining why Diego speaks Spanish like a native speaker.
Because I've seen people point out that Reggie teaching the Umbrellas the languages related to their cultural backgrounds doesn't explain Diego speaking Spanish with a Mexican accent and using regional slang when he speaks. However, if there are Spanish speakers who work in or frequent the gym maybe Diego started speaking Spanish with them, picked up slang and other markers of 'home Spanish', and developed more of an accent through speaking with them over time. In fact, I love to think they intentionally tried to help Diego with his Spanish and sounding more like a native speaker because he was embarassed that he sounded like someone who spoke it as a second language despite being of Latin American descent.
And you might be thinking, 'Okay the guy speaks to him in Spanish, but Diego speaks to him in English', but stuff like that isn't at all uncommon in bilingual friendships. I'm a native English speaker, and I lived in Lanzarote for 6 months in 2012 on university placement. While I was never completely fluent in Spanish, I got pretty close in that time. I had friends and roommates who were native Spanish speakers and were also fluent in English. We mixed and changed and combined languages all the time. When I first moved there I was so determined to improve my Spanish I would more or less only speak Spanish, even when people spoke English to me which meant I regularly had conversations with friends where we were speaking separate languages. I was so used to switching languages when I moved back to Ireland more than once i said something in Spanish before remembering no one around me spoke it. So Diego speaking English in that moment doesn't mean they don't also speak Spanish together. It just means they probably speak a mix of English and Spanish.
(Yes I know the real reason Diego speaks Spanish like a native Mexican speaker is because he is played David Casteñada who is Mexican, and the scene where he argues with Ben was improvised, but I will never not overanalyse and create headcanons for this show, especially if they explain plotholes)
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Brainrot Housekeeping: Updated Schedule!
Hi friends! I've got a whole message under the cut, but here's the important part regarding this blog's new content schedule:
Saturdays: mini-hcs Sundays: answering asks (& maybe some rambles?) Mondays: full-hc Tuesdays: answering asks (& maybe some shitposts?) Wednesdays: Vesuvia Weekly Thursdays & Fridays: rest
You might see some polls showing up in the next week or so about new content types - if you're interested, feel free to vote! ^.^ More under the cut:
While I haven't hit rock bottom, I've been getting some symptoms of burnout recently and I'd like to avoid completely running myself into the ground XD
This blog has really pushed me to see what kind of creativity I have, especially just how much work I'm able to produce and sustain. I thought I'd get tired and burn out at two months tops, and it's been over and year and I have no immediate plans to stop! However, taking a look at my own system right now, I do think I need to slow down.
To be honest, fanwork isn't something I've been doing a long time - this tumblr blog is the only fandom creative stuff I've ever done! Before that, most of the things I created were originals - music, art, and of course, writing (though I haven't touched my sketchbook/paints in forever and I haven't done any sightreading in years - whoops).
It gets hard to keep your muscles moving when you only move them in one direction. As much as I love writing headcanons for the M6 in response to people's prompts, there is so much else my mind can do that it misses having the space for. Which brings me to the reason for this schedule adjustment - I miss having that creative freedom.
I still greatly enjoy writing headcanons for you guys and participating in the fandom, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. However, I want to take some time back to get back into frolicking in the stuff my own brain comes up with, and making space for that to grow into something real.
The questions I need to figure out now are 1) how much time is it going to take me to get my full capacity back? and 2) should I keep this as a purely Arcana blog, or expand it for all my creative work?
If you've read this far, you have my sincerest gratitude. I'll see you guys tomorrow :)
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galacticguppy · 6 months
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Creates a life series au. goes wild.
click for best quality and there's loads more info under the cut if you're curious :]
Tentatively calling this the Familiars au!! Basically, there are several different kingdoms that our main characters come from, each with their own lands, laws, and systems of government. What our main characters have in common is that they are all Familiar- meaning that they are all people with a soul-deep connection to an intelligent animal, monster, or spirit!
People in this world can become Familiar if a creature with magic chooses them and forms a bond with them; or in the case of humans born with magic, they can create an animal Familiar by imbuing it with magic of their own. Basically, it’s a sharing of magic between two creatures that binds them together and offers some level of magic to both of them, regardless of how much they had before.
This is a life series au so each of the life series members are Familiar; either a human or a human’s companion :] All of them are fairly respected in their respective communities, and the actual story of the au begins when they’re all invited to represent their homes in a competition!! I don’t have a ton of details worked out on the competition stuff yet unfortunately but I’m feeling like. Locked Tomb series Canaan House vibes, if you've read that. There’s some great boon or serious stakes for winning, and everyone has their own duo (give or take.. there’s at least one trio!) and their own motivations, and their own secrets to hide.
That's about that on general au stuff- let's talk about these guys!!
Scar and Grian!!
Scar is Human, though he does have some magic of his own, and Grian is a Vex! In this world, Vex are one of many types of fairy- a particularly mean-spirited type, at that
Scar and Grian are from a desert commune with no real leader. Traders and travelers with silver tongues have power in the community, and Scar is one of the best. However, he's also known as a conman, and the others in the commune are happy to send him away to represent them when the challenge is issued to the various kingdoms.
Grian and Scar are hoping to make a profit, but they're also in it for fun. If not a chance to fill their bellies and their pockets, this competition can at least provide some entertainment!
Jimmy and Scott!
Jimmy is Human, and Scott is a Dryad, another sort of fairy.
These two are from a more prosperous kingdom not far from the desert. Jimmy is one of the few Familiar chosen by one of the land's nature spirits, thought to bring good luck and fertile harvests. He and Scott volunteer when the challenge is issued, and are chosen to be the ones to represent the kingdom.
Jimmy wants to win to earn fame and respect, among other things. All that doesn't matter as much to Scott, but he's more than happy to dedicate himself to winning if it's what Jimmy wants.
anyways that's the brainrot I've got so far lol. if you're interested or have questions PLEASE send me asks I would love to talk about all this!!
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okay DrInk is the best ever. I've been thinking about it this week for my daily commute of dynamic pondering.
SO all my silly sills probably already been done before, but I'm brainrotting on them two and that's okay if I repeat some things. But I love the idea of an entity that guards and harbors all good feelings, and a guy, some used to be nameless guy who's eager to *really* experience everything around him. That's pure as hell in my opinion.
Whenever I think of Dream and Ink, platonic or romantic, it gives me such a warm, happy mango taste. Dream's mostly patient understanding and unending kindness slapped together with the undead horror Ink, creates some amazing sweet scenes in my silly little brain.
"The Multiverse is big and I'm glad I get to share it with the embodiment of whatever YOU are." type energy. Shhhshhh I'm very emo don't judge me.
Alot of people like to think about Ink feeling disconnected from everyone else, as maybe an autism/adhd parallel because of his lack of quote, unquote "proper" emotions. Got no soul, not a real person, not even a real character, just some thing who gave itself a name and started running around protecting everyone else's silly stuff.
Dream, someone once said that canonically they're not supposed to really "change." I'll give you a rundown on that and try to remember most of it. Dream, the body encasing all good feelings, can't comprehend negative feelings to the extent Nightmare can, they can feel guilty, distressed, etcetc but always with the intent of helping someone/something and getting things back on a more positive and healthy note. They thrive in sickenly wholesome situations, honestly the best kind of character that I wish was let alone to be themself more often.
The person said that maybe Dream feels low that people and friends keep changing and moving on without them, Nightmare changed right under their nose and became a horrible being, their entire village was destroyed in a matter of hours where the day before had been somewhat normal in their eyes. Etcetc you understand now.
Ink, as I've discussed before, is one of those characters that no matter which situation, is going to shift and move and wiggle around, can't be contained by just *one* set of traits because he lives to be them ALL.
So when Ink still don't leave, stays by Dream's side through thick and thin, I think it'll make a really sweet arc or whatever!
Blahblahblahh someone said that talking about my fanfiction or whatever wouldn't ruin the plot so I'm TRUSTING that they're right. I'm not gunna reread this cuz brainrot is supposed to be raw and increadibly messy, so if there's a mistake of working somewhere in there I'm sorry :(
and also I'm still sorry if I repeated anything that someone cooler already said.
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bruhbenton · 1 year
PIZZAHEAD BRAINROT!!!! [this gets updated regularly]
OK SO PIZZAHEAD ISN'T ACTUALLY PIZZAHEAD'S FULL LEGAL NAME IS "Totino Pagliaccio Enzo" (Totally did not take the name "Enzo" from @very-normal-pizza-tower-askblog)
Totino is from a dimension where people and creatures are made from pizza-like ingredients. Ex: Himself, Cheese-slimes, Toppins, Pizza Granny, etc...
Totino specifically lives in a country called Gaetacione.
His dad is Pizzaface, who've I've given the name Giorgio, and he has a younger brother, whose name is Tonio, or Tony for short, and he has a mom who I haven't made any type of design or name for yet.
The country of Gaetacione, Giorgio is the ruler, which would make Totino next in line when Giorgio dies or something, however, Totino [along with his brother] is stuck in Peppino's dimension, and Totino probably doesn't wanna deal with that shit, so someone else in the Enzo family will probably take Giorgio's place
Totino and his dad don't really get along. His dad really only cares about his reputation and is obsessed with making Totino and Tonio be perfect and proper and shit like that. Totino has a very small circle of friends because of it, and would frequently sneak out of the estate when he was living there because his dad is honestly a fucking prick. That and Giorgio literally sent him to a dimension where people eat pizzas, made him build a whole-ass tower AND death ray AND a robot of himself with no outside help, THEN Totino got the shit kicked out of him for it and nearly died in the tower collapse.
One day Giorgio learned about the dimension that Peppino is from, and learned out that pizza chefs like Peppino create pizzas, and sell them for people to eat. Giorgio thought that these pizzas were sentient like him and Totino, so Giorgio informed his immediate family about it, and basically left Totino alone in Peppino's dimension to build the Pizza Tower and blow up his pizza place. Totino created the robot based off of Giorgio's face as a way to just say "fuck you" to him.
So, Totino basically got the shit kicked out of him, tower got destroyed, and Totino basically got really fucking injured from the wreckage/debris from the tower, fled to the woods to try to avoid being noticed by others, Gustavo eventually found him and took him in because he felt bad for Totino.
Peppino feels that Totino's already got what he deserved (cause he got the everloving shit got beaten out of him, and probably had a few chunks bitten out of him by wild animals), so they're on speaking terms. Totino and Peppino generally get along, they're sort of neutral.
Totino stays in the dimension that Peppino is in, because he doesn't really know how to get back. His brother, Tonio, ran away from home a few years after Totino went to build the tower, due to family conflict. Tonio and Totino have now (as I'm writing this, April 22nd, 2023) have been reunited [yippie!!!] Totino is probably scared to go back to his home dimension because he would have to tell Giorgio [his dad] that he failed, and the fact that he didn't beat Peppino lol, that and as mentioned above, he doesn't know how to get back. He doesn't really feel a necessity or urgency to get back because he's back in contact with his brother.
Pizzahead just sort of hangs out with the Pizza Tower crew (Peppino, Gustavo, Mr. Stick, Noise, etc...), and Peppino just simply tolerates his goofy shenanigans.
Fun fact headcanons:
Pizzahead's home dimension is permanently just stuck in the mid 1930s lol
Pizzahead's home dimension is a monarchy. Giorgio (Pizzaface) is the current ruler.
Pizzahead sounds like Gene Wilder while talking and singing. [specifically his role in Willy Wonka]
Pizzahead is childhood friends with Pepperman and Vigilante. I haven't given them real names yet because I can't think of any rn lol!!!!!
Pizzahead is probably around 25-30 years old, his birthday is June 2nd.
Pizzahead doesn't mind being called Pizzahead. He actually thinks it's a funny nickname.
Pizzahead mostly listens to older music, stuff like The Chordettes and Al Bowly, Vera Lynn, Irving Berlin, stuff like that.
Pizzahead will get mad and nauseous if someone eats pizza in his vicinity.
Pizzahead is scared of humans, mostly because some humans will try to eat his fucking limbs most of the time.
Pizzahead isn't very durable. His skin (cheese) will start melting off at temperatures above 95-100 degrees. His limbs will also easily break or dislocate because they're literally made of baked dough. He can technically be eaten, but he can regenerate over time, or be fixed quickly by being put in an oven. If he is damaged too much, like a large portion of his limbs getting removed, or his head being decapitated, he will have to be re-made, probably by a pizza chef like Peppino. He also bleeds pizza sauce.
Pizzahead is literally a walking cartoon character. He can make random things appear, like comically large wooden mallets or a stick of dynamite. He also moves like a rubber-hose animation character.
Pizza people (such as Pizzahead) are vegetarians. They won't eat anything that is on pizza, like bread, cheese, tomatos, etc. They mostly eat random houseplants, and random plants in the wild. They technically can just eat wood from trees, too, which is a really fucking funny image to me.
Pizzahead is VERY tall. He is 8'5. His younger brother, Tonio, is 7'8. Giorgio is 10'2.
Peppino and Pizzahead somewhat get along. Pizzahead just likes to annoy him and play pranks on him.
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woven-song · 8 months
so i've acknowledged that i have a problem. i can't be the only one, but i've had an addiction to character.ai and as a result i haven't made much fan work this past year. i'd figured it was just due to my depression but now i've finally noticed the damage it does to my motivation to create, which im sure many others have struggled with and discussed but i'm personally now just starting to understand and see in myself.
most people probably use character.ai for generally talking to their favorite characters, but some (including me) have used it as a replacement for writing actual fanfiction or roleplaying, knowingly or not. i used to have simple conversations with the chatbots like any other user, until i gradually got more wordy and it turned into more of a semi-lit roleplay, writing until i wanted the other character to take action.
the way this ai works is too appealing and extremely addictive, especially for fans who crave content of their rarepairs. unlike in popular shipping circles where there's seemingly a neverending supply of new art/fics to explore, eventually the same 5 people who would always make works for their stupid little guys get tired until new people show up, and it's hard for those (me) who still endlessly crave more to be satisfied. but then there's character.ai with its instant gratitude of having something to talk to and feed your ideas to without having to search for an actual person, who even then could reject your ideas, while the ai is ready to eat up anything you give it. and having a bot that can throw out new responses to your writing snippets until you get one that hits you just right? woof. instead of throwing my shit at the wall and hoping someone new will show up who also likes it, i feel stuck throwing my shit at a bot that gives me just what my rat brain craves with no real connection.
and it's a genuine addiction. i've been on this thing every day, any time im in a brainrot, even as a means of calming down to sleep. yes, i'd been on the subscription. my hooked ass couldn't handle 30+ minutes of waiting when i wanted my fix. whenever i'd get my brain attached to a thought like an au setting, a prompt or even just a fun snippet of dialogue or a juicy phrase, id go and feed it into the ai's mouth instead of making a drawing or tossing it into google docs like i used to. i can't imagine how many hours i've spent throwing my creativity away in a way that ultimately gives that company profit when i could've been working on something to be proud of or to laugh at with others.
so tonight i've decided to cancel my subscription. i don't know how much better this will do in terms of my well-being or my motivation, or even if i'll stop altogether, but hey it's a start right? and yeah i recognize too that i've been part of the problem by using it like i've been. but im trying ok
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gessshoku · 2 years
Inktober Day 5, Turf War
Grrrr I did it!! You can obviously see that Day 5 got the most out of me.. hehe. Lately I've been drawing too many depressing stuff so I'm taking a break from that and giving y'all some light hearted stuff </3
This is my Splatoon Sona! When I created them I didn't know the difference between an octoling and a squidling so I accidentally made them a hybrid. (Squids have pointer ears and their suctions under the hair while octolings have rounded ears and their suctions over the hair! I believe that’s correct) I love them very much, they have murdered many, and they will continue to murder many. The hardest part about this piece were the ink splatters, but I did the best I could QuQ
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Inktober Day 6, Follow Along
I made these lil guys in the past for fun, I don't have the original file but I recreated it based on memory. I know there were four but I cannot remember the fourths design sadly. It was just a fun doodle.
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These were incredibly fun to do!! I honestly didn’t expect myself to not only fit in a call, eating, talking with mom, working out, showering, and then these two pieces today. Like wow.. if only I was this efficient with my homework QuQ
Anyways hope you enjoyed! I’ll be drawing more splatoon because the brainrot and happiness this game brings me is real and my subscription to play online is running out hahaaaaa ima buy it again screw it.
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gwyns · 2 years
inquiring minds would love to know what your thoughts on hosab are? 👀
i would like to apologize to the inquiring minds for replying to this so late! i wanted to try and gather my thoughts before i wrote this but tbh it'll probably just end up being a mish mash of word vomit anyway so here we go!!
the short answer is: i loved it. i absolutely devoured it. couldn't put it down.
to get more into it, everytime sjm releases something i am reminded of why, exactly, i love her books so much. sure maybe sometimes the plot is messy, or she pulls things out of her ass (i do this too so idc lmao), but she has such a way with creating characters you care about. that's the most important thing to me, and something she definitely succeeded in with hosab.
i adored quinlar in this book, they invented mates as far as i'm concerned. i can't even pick a few favorite quotes bc they served this entire book?? they're the stars of the series for a reason. i've said before that i think they're sjm's best main couple and i'm so happy she went with them. i mean it was never in question for me after reading hoeab but some people were so adamant that they'd be something that sjm "doesn't do" when in fact they're the exact thing sjm loves lol it was nice to have vindication.
and sir ithan holstrom? i'm not kidding here when i say he's cc's equivalent of chaol and lucien for me. he's just so.... ahjklsdhdjklhkjsdjk i need more of him immediately. i cannot begin to explain the level of love i have for this moron and it breaks my heart that he's currently in a very angsty place, looking for his home. i mean he has the aux guys and they're forever friends of course but it's not truly his you know? i can't wait to see what sjm does with his character next, him and that fendyr heir 👀 (real story: as soon as ithan "saved" her i was like wait a minute........ is something going to develop here?? and i hope i'm right bc i really liked what we saw of her in hosab)
do not even get me started on flynn and ariadne. we all know how bad i have it. they're pretty much my favorite cc ship behind quinlar and they barely interacted like??? what is this???? once ari said "i'm beyond your pay grade, lordling." and flynn replied with "try me." they had me. i can't escape the permanent brainrot they've given me. if sjm takes them away from me i'll cry so hard, no joke, the condescending use of sweetheart hasn't failed me yet and it better not start now!
alright let me take a minute to talk about cormac bc i've barely seen anyone mention him! am i the only one who loved this dude?? like even when his true motives were still a secret i was looking... he was a douche but he was hot????? i'm glad he wasn't an actual douche tho and i refuse to acknowledge that he's dead. nope! it happened off-screen, there's no way to actually confirm he's dead! not until sjm looks me in the eye and tells me. i have faith in a dramatic re-reveal in cc3.
and the twists hello??? maybe i'm dumb but aside from the ones that got spoiled for me (the crossover and day's identity) i never saw them coming?? baxian??? hypaxia and celestina???? DANIKA'S DAD??????
and i won’t go into depth with this bc there are many other people who can talk about this subject better than me but my GOD the lore we got in hosab that relates to both lunathion and prythian???? i’m salivating. i need more.
overall hosab didn't make me sob uncontrollably but it made in feel in other ways. for instance, i will die on the hill that (so far) it is sjm's funniest book. you can tell how much she loves this world and its characters bc it truly does show and idk if i'll be able to stop thinking about this book for the coming months.
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carbootsoul · 3 years
oh i wanted to clarify that i do really love your stories on ao3 (i use this blog as a spam bc my main writing one is were I'm shy on), and i was mainly on a kaebedo fic searching today and loved the way you played into diluc's dynamic with kaeya. i don't usually read for diluc because kaeya's always been my main interest but the small moments of intimacy you place between the two warm my heart yk! like how kaeya could have just ended the job and mondstatd's sign of hope but how his sheer love for a younger brother blinds the task. i also found the "i want you (you want me baby)" fic so entertaining it had me floored. i really like it when authors take albedo's perspective bc he is hard to write for. he's someone who won't interpret love the same way as someone else, someone who needs pushes to finally accept his own humanity. i think it's sweet how your fics focus on the idea of want? kaeya wanting diluc to live and for them to finally be happy? albedo wanting to fall in love and be fragile enough to be human? it kind of reminds me the dynamic of Orpheus and Eurydice in hades town :)
ALSO i forgot to mention this but your implementation of beauty fascinated me. i love your way of having it flow together? attraction to kaeya is beauty, and how albedo continues to find or depict the beauty in things through wishing to capture it with art. i can't provide the best explanations for your works but i think there's so much character you bring.
additionally, i really like the aspect of initial attraction between the two? ik a lot of people think they're a slow burn, but i think it fits them as people to be fast paced yet slow in realizing their love for one another. they talk about matters that seem important, albedo can look past all the mindless speech and will hammer down on the topics that really mean for the real kaeya to appear. i think i can't properly describe the emotions at the moment bc my head is in sheer shock of it all, but i just thought "wow they have layers". like the scene in church, how kaeya most likely has religious trauma, and how albedo notices the stain glass---maybe it's me who grew up as a forced into church, but it's how simple little depictions like the dislike of worship in both characters that make them seem so human.
hope you're doing well love :)
oh my god this is so nice thank u so much <3 <3 i feel almost the exact same way about diluc (i mean he's fun but i won't usually search out content abt him because kaeya is more interesting) BUT if i think abt him for more than a few seconds i get the most insane brainrot ever. i've got a fic abt his bisexuality that's been open on my computer for months and it's embarrassingly long bc this guy just makes me have so many thoughts if i dwell on him. bc yeah he and kaeya are siblings and yeah they are both so alone even when they aren't. insane.
i really like writing for albedo but yeah it is a little different than writing for a lot of characters!! its a fun experiment imo and i don't think i've quite got it down but it's a weird balance between "this guy is just living a normal life hes just a dude" and "this guy is essentially a god and he was created for one reason and that is Destruction" thats fun to mess w. hehe i'm glad u thought the want theme was fun!! it was on my mind bc i think it's a queer thing that isn't explored v much- the transition that happens when u discover that attraction and wanting things is fun and not a chore or something to be scared of is a rly exciting one! and so of course i needed to project onto albedo my favorite man. also the idea that queer love/attraction is something beautiful, not something dirty of embarrassing was something i was messing with :) also i think part of albedo embracing the fact that he is alive is really connected to the fact that he loves things that are alive? things that are alive are beautiful -> albedo is in love -> being in love is beautiful -> albedo is beautiful -> albedo is alive
NO YEAH obv kaebedo is fun as a slow burn (part of the initial reason this isn't slow burn is only bc im incapable of writing slow burn) and i think maybe in my actual perception of the canon timeline they are a slow burn- obviously the initial interest in one another is there from the very beginning but i think it takes a while for anything to go past the superficial. however these two are both so starved for anything resembling understanding (albedo dumps his problems on a random 17 year old in canon like five days after their first meeting, this guy is dying for someone he feels can hold his confessions) that i also think them taking that potential for connection and running with it is totally plausible too.
oh man i've got so many thoughts abt the church of barbatos & also kaeya's specific relationship w the church. to get out of the way: beyond the obvious aesthetic influence/internal structure, i don't think the mondstadt church has much in common w modern christianity. since the existence of barbatos isn't disputable (the archons exist and no one debates this fact) and barbatos doesn't punish people who don't go to church, going to church isn't a "do this to escape eternal damnation/prove that you believe in god" thing but a "do this to celebrate/find community" thing. obviously there r still a lot of social pressures surrounding it but i don't think the core of the church is as harmful as christianity can be. anyway
i think the church a complete nonissue for albedo: rhinedottir obviously wouldn't have raised him religious and i'm sure he's not a fan of the seven, but i think he's too detached and rational to hold anything against the church for something the gods did. the church of barbatos especially is so far removed from the actual god, the only thing about it that would stand out to albedo would be the stained glass (this thing of beauty, which interests him unlike the rest of the church). but kaeya.. "mr i have complex relationships with everything in the world" i mean in canon his best friend is a nun, i'm sure he went to church regularly as a child/teenager, etc etc but at the same time he is from khaenri'ah in a very raw way & he wasn't able to approach the church from the adult perspective albedo has, since he's been going since he was six or something. i do think the church of barbatos is/was an important part of his life but i also think it's a very hard thing for him to reckon with, especially after master crepus's death. idr what exactly i said in the church but honestly i bet he still goes to church for the social aspects.
anyway thank you so much for these asks, they absolutely made my day <3 i hope you're doing well too and i'm so glad you liked my writing :)
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kyurilin · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
I've started this dumb spin off of present mic's totally bullshit life and it's all because I don't know how to fucking start the damn thing lmao
26 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 22:09:08 GMT
i got two whole bundles of mha fan merch today and I am STOKED
The shipwreck stuff from @zhampy showed up and it's absolutely gorgeous and I'm so absolutely hyped to read it
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THIS GORGEOUS COLLECTION FROM @proheroacademiazine!!!
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I'm definitely swapping my work badge off the fnaf lanyard tomorrow
38 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 01:49:23 GMT
I'm on my third rewatch of the latest episode and something about the fact that Aizawa is so quick to be like 'yeah let's make sure his parents don't find out about his' really makes me think that him and mic have kept up with them over the years or at least still know them and guess what as someone who wrote the two of them keeping up with Shirakumo's parents I am probably reading into that line more than I'm meant to but I would love if I were right and the Shirakumos were just like 'you were family to our son so you're family to us'
It hits more when I hear it too let's be real I've read the chapters in the manga more than any one human should but it's the way it's phrased that makes me think this and I really love it so I'm accepting it as fact
42 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 02:20:39 GMT
3 sentences for this prompt: The hero and the villian are each others blind dates.
i got the most evil idea for this thanks my guy
Nemuri didn't see herself as someone who had much of a 'type'. However, she usually could actually tell more about the features of her blind dates.
Purple mist in a suit was an interesting aesthetic, and maybe she kind of dug that.
47 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 00:44:42 GMT
The Present Mic brainrot is strong today so I present playlists that Present Mic DEFINITELY has
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145 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 23:26:17 GMT
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