#I've got surveys!!!!!
80sgaytrashgoblin · 2 years
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20001541 · 4 months
imagine baby afo and yoichi coming across a park and they're confused as what the equipment is for.....
similar thing would happen when they come across an abandoned toy store, they're not sure what these little figures are for because they've never been given toys to play with ahhh poor babies
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savage-rhi · 2 months
Magenta 😥
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pessu · 11 months
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Capcom what the hell is this
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
shdhsdh i feel like whenever you post a google survey to here your always like "oh yeah i'll get like 25 responces" and then you end up getting 5000
IT'S RIDICULOUS. I'm always cautious about it because you never know how people will respond to taking a survey, but the Stellarlune one got 143 (143. in the keeper fandom. i was expecting 50 MAX). My thanking behavior one got blazed by someone and I got 2220 responses when i had planned for around 100.
and now?? we planned for a few dozen and i'm at 440 and counting. it's been 25 hours.
obviously it's excellent and the more data the better, but man am I never prepared for it
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chemicalarospec · 6 months
my haircut inspo board filled with the ugliest men on earth and one woman who looks like young william beckett.
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rookflower · 16 days
do you have any results to share from the wc fan survey?
ive been busyyy sorry. I'll try to close it soon 😭
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thesporkidentity · 9 months
going through my mom's local library catalogue to try and figure out what's there that will satisfy her reading challenge for the year and it is...sparse. i had forgotten what a huuuuge difference it made when i moved from podunk, nowhere to the nearest "big city" and am so grateful all over again for how truly excellent my city's library is and how they can afford more than just the latest patterson books and go out of their way to make sure they're serving all of their patrons' diverse needs and experiences
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bitegore · 10 months
is there anything more heartwarming than watching mediocre bands get started and then get popular?
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cheezyharu · 2 years
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Pokeddexy 2023 | day 26: Fave Starter
recently realized that Legends: Arceus is officially 1 year old now, I feel old :')
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essektheylyss · 2 years
being an adult with free time and opinions is great because it's like, I WILL fill out your email survey. I WILL tell you about what I liked and didn't like about my college experience. I WILL complain to you about my commute on local transit. I WILL tell the DNC where I think they need to put their time and effort ahead of the election.
I understand that volunteer bias is real and a statistical problem, but I'm an anarchist with an office job who obsessively collects information on everything, and somebody needs to offer a counter perspective to the middle-aged wine moms who fill out polls online to feel something.
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cospinol · 1 year
[saika] and such....? 👀
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh w... so saika is a hbtw dlc character semi-major antagonist in hbtw's second-third major plot arc (<-girl who is extremely still in the middle of restructuring this story's outline from the bottom up OTL partly to get this extremely self-indulgent 'mn on the same side in a military campaign' arc into the main plot. so a lot of this info is a wip still but), a good-hearted folk-hero type spearheading a small coalition of territories' fight against the tyranny of the izar empire, whose revolutionary efforts emery has been contracted basically as a mercenary by the empire to crush with extreme prejudice lol. saika's purpose as an opponent is mostly just for the sake of emy showing off (.. his Evil Tactics) but to the point of that post his main power source is a lightning magic seam that emy gets to cap the arc by taking for himself <3
his design also while i'm here ↓
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solradguy · 2 years
Busy today. Here's some updates:
Got the JP manuscript for Ky's Overture short story compiled and ready for translating. The last 3 stories (Ky, Raven, That Man) look pretty easy so fingers crossed they don't take me like 2 months to do like how they have been lmfao
Started cleaning up the Dengeki PS mag scans. Man, was that cover filthy. Took an hour just to clean up that single scan. It sparkles now.
NEOCITIES UPDATE. Crossposted Paradigm's and Valentine's Overture stories over there.
I've also been messing around with some Japanese learning apps as alternatives to Duolingo since Duolingo's last update was, frankly, absolutely shit-tier. The JP study materials page on my Neocities is gonna get an overhaul soon. Would also like to make a sitemap eventually since my little slice of internet's getting a bit labyrinthine.
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Im seeing the light at the end of this long ass tunnel that was getting my master's degree : im getting close to finishing my thesis and i just got my dream internship
I fell apart in 2020, rebuilt myself slowly but surely and now everything is falling in place
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wtungsten · 1 year
I'm working on a project this semester that's about kpop fan culture in the US, so if you're even remotely interested in kpop and live in the US it would be really helpful if you filled out this survey!!
it's not very long, only a handful of questions :)
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fakeasmr · 2 years
Be honest, how much have you spent on Ensemble Stars?
$80 but that was for the dvd
Is that better than spending it in game?
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