#I've gotta stop posting at this time haha it's almost 3
The world will never get to see the goofy silly Lark/Terry "I Don't Dance" (from High School Musical) animatic that plays out in my head on loop. Tragic 😔.
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aerodaltonimperial · 3 months
okay, are y'all ready? cause we got results from that smut poll, and it absolutely confirms everything i'd already discovered through keeping a stats spreadsheet of my own fics.
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let's fucking talk about this!! first, almost 5% of people either don't read explicit fics on ao3 or don't read fics at all, so we can just sort of slide those results out of the poll entirely, since they don't matter for purposes of information gathering here. the big thing that i sort of KNEW would be a thing but was desperately hoping i had made up in my head is not that 5% of people, but the staggering 15.4% of people who say they won't even leave a kudos on explicit works that they liked (options 1, 2, 3, and 7).
now, interaction, at least in my fandom, is pretty shitty anyway. i've had people i considered friends in this fandom point-blank tell me they read my fic and i hadn't seen a kudos from them in 6 months. i will yell until the fucking world explodes that it's a GOD DAMN BUTTON that you CLICK and takes zero effort, and yet. here we are. that 15% of people? i am so fucking uncharitable towards. you don't deserve to read fic at all. you don't deserve to read a single explicit fic. it's an ANONYMOUS WEBSITE. literally nothing is stopping you from creating A SECOND USERNAME if you are THAT WORRIED about someone seeing that you left a kudos on an explicit fic, which, might i remind you, no one can fucking see unless they are on the fic themselves (or the author).
see, the thing about smut, is that for a lot of us, it's nerve-wracking to post. it's nerve-wracking to WRITE. and we are out here, putting our whole ass username on it BECAUSE WE ARE THE ONES POSTING IT (unless you post to anonymous), and y'all can't even click a button at the bottom of the fic??? a ton of the tags mentioned that this is a devil's sacrament situation, and they're right. anyone who sees you in the kudos list either also read the fic or wrote the fic. all you are doing is hurting your chances of getting more fic. honestly, the not leaving kudos pisses me off way more than the not leaving comments does lol. it's the lowest of energy. it's a fucking button. you can click it with your finger, or your nose, or you dick, idgaf, but you click that god damn button. absolutely horrible lol.
but then you gotta look at the other options, where people leave kudos but not comments. a few people were like "oh haha my explicit fics get lots of interaction" well good for you, you must have a real dedicated group of friends who reads and comments on your shit lol, but most of us don't have that! we are out here worrying over, was this hot? did i do a decent job? did i get the characters right? because i find smut difficult not just because i freeze up trying to write the narration, but because i am so focused on making sure the characters still read like themselves! and we just wanna know if we got it right, if it was sexy, if it sounded good. 56.2% of readers will not leave comments on explicit fics that they like.
that leaves us with just under 20% of people who will leave a kudos AND leave a comment on the fic if it's explicit.
look. i knew this would happen lol. i keep a spreadsheet of my fic stats (one-shots only, as chapters skew hit counts). anything explicit will end up sitting at about half what the others are in terms of kudos and comments. a lot of reblogs mentioned that people re-read explicit fics more, but in a small fandom like mine (tiny! niche! very low fic count!) i find that ALL my fics get re-reads simply because there is so little of it available, and that all the fics get the re-read numbers by the end.
if you ever wonder, why don't i have more fic to read? this is why. fic writers are putting this out for free. we are creating this out of love. yes, we all know, and have been told about 5 million times by everyone under the sun, that we should write for ourselves, but that's not the point of FANDOM. fandom is for interaction. fandom is for finding community. and fandom ain't gonna get fic if people treat writers like content creators on tiktok.
my last huge fandom was livejournal based, and sometimes i'm struck by how much i miss that. there were no hit counts on LJ. no kudos buttons. the ONLY way people could interact with your fic was to reply to the entry. and people DID. that's how we all made friends. that's how we all connected. that's how we created our community. people commented on your fic, and the ecosystem thrived. and people just don't do that anymore.
anyway. for the people who, like me, said they would kudos and comment on explicit fics, thank you. you are keeping this whole place afloat. and here are some of my favorite tags, the ones that made me feel slightly better about how the results from this came down.
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thank you all for being here and saying the things you did lol. you are why people keep writing explicit fanfics.
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depravedangelbaby · 9 months
best of 2023 ♡ tagged by the sweet @trazynstolemygender ! gonna throw it under a read more bc I will be oversharing for sure :)
movie- I.... do not remember a lot of the movies we watched this year. The only one I can think of from this year is Barbarian n I absolutely would not say that it was the best lol. I looked up a list lol but I enjoyed the D&D movie and Fool's Paradise
tv show- gotta be Dimension 20!! Neverafter, Dungeons n Drag Queens, n Burrow's End (we still need to finish it) gave me liiiife. dungeons n drag queens also kickstarted my current drag race obsession!! I've watched 12 seasons in 3 months haha. I also really enjoyed The Last of Us bc my girl told me all the video game lore as we watched hehe
book- I embarrassingly do not read enough books! I started reading For Small Creatures Such As We by Sasha Sagan and that was... incredible. I need to get back into it n finish it!! (I read it aloud to my partner when she was in the hospital n we haven't read together in a while)
album- ooo tough tie between the whaler by home is where (hiwf♡♡♡) and So Much (for) Stardust by Fall Out Boy. the whaler is so full of raw emotion I can't help but feel it deep in my soul when I listen (it's been my go-to album for when I need to ~sob~), the singing saw just *gets* me. I'm seeing them live in 2024 and I'm going to sing at the top of my lungs and cry. I might even be brave enough to get in the pit lol. so much for stardust rekindled a childish joy I haven't felt in years (fob was THE soundtrack to me n my childhood bestie's adolescence), gave me energy on my bad days, n got me through a very, very, very hard month (when my babe got in her accident). I don't really listen to it much anymore bc it's kinda connected to that now.
food- we started going to this Venezuelan place in town that is *to die for*. omg. I eat sooo good every time we get it and get it for all of our guests when they visit!! I literally can't decide what I like the most from them
new thing- my tattoos!!! I got four this year after not getting any for 7 years- I'm so desperate for more!! I found a shop ran by queer folks for queer folks n I'm simply in love with them (definitely need to book with my artist asap for a thigh piece). exploring my gender more has been such a nice experience too. supporting my girl during her transition!!! huge!!!!! (she's been on hrt for almost 5 months now ♡♡♡!!!)
misc- I got to see NADDPOD live!! one of the happiest moments of this year for sure :) I made really good friends with my coworkers, we went to many concerts together (and I got to see merch I printed at multiple shows!!), and went to a few parties together. it's just really nice to have irl friends where I live haha. and I got to meet/talk with a lot of musicians bc of my job which is.. actually so fucking cool???? I made a lot of friends on here too n y'all have been so sweet and wonderful :)
favorite picture- honestly? one of my favorite photos from this year is one I took of all the staples in my girl's arm (she had to get 40) after her surgery.. it's a gross pic though so i will nottt be posting it lol. so instead have this cute one my friend took when we were out for my birthday :) I just love my maya kern bee skirt n had so much fun that day haha. it's actually not a great picture but you can see how happy I was so I like it :) (ps start masking again in public if you stopped!!)
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feels a bit strange tagging people to add theirs but!! any mutuals that see this n wanna post theirs I'd love to see it!! ♡♡ sending you all a lot of love n hugs!! I hope your 2024's are kind to you and full of love n joy ♡♡
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
#if i made you write you gotta come back and tell me what >:]]
am i allowed to do shameless promo on here? if not feel free to just delete my ask sdFGJKSDFHK but like i've been working on this series that... was SUPPOSED to be skz centric but the atz and tbz members i included as "side characters" quickly became main characters as the reader spends more time around their own band than skz since its an enemies to lovers battle of the bands au but like. with a twist. well, multiple twists, if you include the fact that i have no self control and made it a poly fuckfest where all 8 members of skz, and 3 members of tbz and atz end up in one huge polycule and there's just... copious amounts of filth, bc the reader's band are the kinda bandmates that fuck the homies goodnight and skz are not the type to back down from Any sort of challenge. its lots of fun. oh yeah the reader is also transmasc but like... i feel like if us transmasc folk can enjoy fem reader content then fem readers can still enjoy a transmasc mc once in a while 🤭
currently i only have the prologue out and pinned because mid-writing chapter 1 i realised that if i was inspired to write later scenes now, nothing's stopping me from writing them. so i have like 4 wips of scenes much later in the story and a chapter 1 that's not even half done. lmfao. you reblogging that post made me get off my ass and get back to working on chapter 1, so, thanks! and thanks for listening to me ramble in your inbox lmao
haha, you're literally doing what i told you to do, so yes!! and not having the self-control to keep things from being a fuckfest is something i get 😔
i love that you're doing multiple groups—a lil fun for everyone, and a battle of the bands au sounds like such a good setting for that!! also hell yeahhhhh, transmasc reader! i love seeing people write readers more specific to their own experiences, i feel like it almost always reads a lil better than a one-size-fits-all reader!!<3
honestly, i need to follow your example and get my ass back on writing shit in order too—so thank you for that reminder, haha💕
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solomonish · 3 years
oh please don't feel bad!!! (ŏ̥̥̥̥ A ŏ̥̥̥̥ ) I'm really happy to hear that you've been thriving in real life and enjoying recent interests tbh! I just wanted to make sure I hadn't pulled a serious stupid or worse, a serious stupid that had negative effects on you is all, and am really, really glad to read that no such thing has occurred. I also really appreciate the further explanation on everything, as it has definitely put some worries to rest regarding the ask itself {and also regarding the situation which led to the initial "hey please respect my boundaries" post to be honest. not gonna lie my first reaction to catching wind of the whole debacle was just instant (ง'̀-‘́)ง }. anywho! genshin sure is something huh? the multidimensional gameplay is really fascinating to toy with, and the animation style is also?? so pretty?? I die, tech is so cool sometimes. and the concepts! the concepts. the abyss alone is really intriguing, and I've gotta admit that I am really curious to see if any other goetic demons make their appearance as "archons" or the like later on. {ah yes, complexities on complexities on complexities and problems caused on purpose for exactly no reason at all. gnosticism at its finest}. personally my money's on signora herself having a secret identity to such effect too, and if such a theory is indulged by the devs, her connection to the fatui and also general disposition lends itself to belial being a strong contender. maaaybe also naberius given the whole "cryo = likely connected Khaenri'ah" thing that seems to be a trend, tho that one might be a bit niche for marketing purposes 🤔. oh! also! what's your favorite vision type/weapon class btw if you don't mind me asking? :D — Return of PB
Haha, well its all over now so no need to get upset about it. But thank u for double checking and im glad we could figure it out!!
Listen my friends pulled me in sometime in November I think? But I stopped playing for a few months because I couldn't play it on my phone or laptop but once they implemented cross save i FELL IN LOVE AGAIN!! And then today with the livestream -- I am in the group of people who were so excited to see a certain hat-having character again <3
Ahhh i gotta be honest I'm not too familiar with demons (despite my position in the obey me fandom lol) and don't have any theories regarding future names lol? But those are super interesting! I personally want more Scara screen time, not just because he's hot my favorite bastard but I also really, really wanna know what the fuck he meant at the end of Unreconciled Stars. My man's just said "the stars are a lie" "what?" "I don't have to explain myself to you" and then LEFT FOR ALMOST A YEAR. WILL WE EVER KNOW???? HELLO???
Obey Me is easy and fun to make theories off of because yes queen give us nothing 🤩 there's not a lot to go off of so I can just kinda go crazy? But with genshin there's a lot of established lore and its a lot for me to keep track of so I'm more of a theory listener than theory creator in that regard lol
Anyway! My fave element to play with is definitely anemo bc swirl reactions work with pretty much anything except geo. And I love polearms!! Very speedy and stronk. This works out because I'm a Xiao main LOL
Although Amber is the best girl and I'm going to build tf out of her at some point. She's gonna be so fuckin buff. Idk how but she will be. God I love her so much.
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