#I've needed these answers for like 15 years I can't believe I'm potentially going to be interacting face to face with people who KNOW
idsb · 2 months
this is my most niche post ever but I am probably going to accept a tour because the lead singer is married to a girl who dated the guitarist Adam Lambert he had a not so secret secret gay relationship who and then became an openly homophobic trump supporter (if u recall my powerpoint), so maybe, MAYBE, it'll come up in conversation and I can find out The Truth.
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martsonmars · 6 months
[wrote most of this last January — I'm not deleting the tags but LOL — and I'm not changing my answers — not even the last time I cried — but I'll add stuff]
15 Questions 15 People
Thanks @nausikaaa @johnwgrey @shrekgogurt @raenestee @yellobb @stitchyqueer @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @sillyunicorn and at least two more people (whose notifications were eaten by Tumblr) for the tags! I love being tagged in these games even though I don't always participate. [And now it just took me a year...]
I almost didn't participate this time either because I don't like some of the questions, but I really wanted to answer a couple of them so here we are 😂 It'll likely be long so...
[Tagging @onepintobean @brilla-brilla-estrellita @palimpsessed @ileadacharmedlife @technetiumai @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @messofthejess @theimpossibledemon @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @valeffelees. That's 15! If you played last year you can ignore me or play again.]
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really? Definitely not after a relative (thank god, I'm not a fan of it), but:
a) my mother's religious enough that biblical Marta was on her mind. She used to say that if she had another girl she wanted to call her Miriam, and it wouldn't have happened anyway because when we thought my brother would be a girl — before that “uh there's a penis here” that made me cry because I was used to being a single child by then, and I was already so upset to get a sibling that at least I wanted a sister — I fought for the name Emma, but she did want to play a vague Martha&Mary game. (My brother got a religion-inspired name too, anyway.)
b. there's a song by one of her favourite singers that's called Marta che parla con Dio (I love this song so much!) and she always mentioned it when I asked about my name
c. Marta Abba was an actress and the muse of my mother's favourite writer. I always say that I'm named after her because I like the idea.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember when I last cried properly (not because I never cry but because I cry too often) but the last time I had to fight tears because I was in public and almost failed was two days ago.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! I'm baby myself. I used to say I absolutely didn't want kids but now my stance is more “we'll see what happens”. Kids feel like too much — I'm always exhausted when I have to take care of my brother (who's almost 11 now, so not a baby, and still requires so much time and energy) and spending a week with my 3yo cousin reminded me of how it is when they're younger — and I'm not sure I'd want to devote such a big part of my life and my days to someone who, at least at first, would need me so much. But I love kids. I usually joke and say that I love them as long as they're someone else's and they go home at the end of the day, but I think I'd like having my own kid. I want to believe I'd be a good parent. But I definitely don't want to birth anyone, so we'll see what more queer rights or moving to another country life brings!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so? I love sarcasm, but I probably don't use it as much as I think I do.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is one of the questions that bothered me because I couldn't think of any physical characteristic, but then I realise that the answer is SO easy: the first thing I notice about people I interact with is whether they pass my anxiety's vibe check.
(What I notice about people I don't interact with is whether they'd be good fancasts. The only faces I remember among all the people I've seen in 3 months of classes in person are: potential Shep fancast & potential fem Baz fancast.) (They're friends btw.)
6. What’s your eye color?
Brown. (I almost found a way to turn this answer into 15 paragraphs too, but I'll spare you.)
7. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings for sure. I'm not a fan of scary movies in general (can't see the appeal), but I'll always pick happy endings. Though I can bear sad movies better than sad books, probably because everything's faster.
8. Any special talents?
I'll skip this one. Not because I don't think I have any special talents, but because what's a talent? What's special? Honestly my special talent is not being able to answer this kind of question about myself (along with “describe yourself in 3 adjectives” and shit like that).
9. Where were you born?
Wouldn't you like to know.
10. What are your hobbies?
I am, sadly, pretty inconsistent about hobbies. The ones that never leave are reading and writing (even when I had my 3 year long writer's block, writing was still at the top of my mind), but other than those two I have a wide variety of hobbies that come and go. Mostly because if I don't master a skill immediately I give up, and so I keep picking hobbies up and then abandoning them and then picking them up again. I'd probably be happier if I stopped wasting so much time on my phone and dedicated more time to getting better at some of these hobbies I've tried, but alas, my brain cannot be coerced into it.
December edit: learned and learning to crochet and I have a feeling this hobby will stay.
11. Do you have any pets?
Nope. I probably wouldn't want a pet that can move around, or one I'd have to touch (I assume you have to touch most pets somehow... but when I helped my aunt with her fish I didn't have to touch them because she had a little net I could use to move them when cleaning was needed, and it was great, so I could probably handle something like that). I'd also be sad about their lifespan.
Honestly, I'll probably only have a pet if someone I live with will have or strongly want one.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet from age 4 to age 11, then I let them fat shame me away from it. I probably would've quit after middle school anyway, but I wish I hadn't let them make me feel like shit about my body because I really love ballet, and I was the best of my group (the examiner from the Royal Academy of Dance said so twice.), and we were going to try point shoes the next year, and I was just a chubby kid.
Then I did archery for 2/3 years in high school. I quit because I felt like I didn't have enough time to do it AND study, and so I didn't want to commit to it to the point of buying my own bow, and the equipment my trainer gave me for free wasn't good enough that my skills could improve past a certain point, and so I got frustrated with it. I'd like to pick it up again someday.
(I almost googled whether ballet is a sport because I feel like a lot of people would say it isn't for different reasons, but then I decided that I don't care. It counts as a sport to me.)
13. How tall are you?
174 cm, I think. Maybe 173. 5’8”?
14. Favorite subject at school?
Oh boy. I could spend hours on this, I'm such a swot (which is why my current struggles with studying hurt so much! I never thought I'd be the kind of person who'd struggle with the only thing I used to be the best at, and yet here we are).
I think my favourite subjects to study are things like history and law. I also love languages so much and I need structure to study them (I struggle to be consistent and practice on my own). I loved scientific subjects and kinda miss them occasionally. I loved all the literature/social sciences classes I've had in my life but most of them are mostly stuff I like to read about and don't really want to study.
[December comment: I didn't post this in January because I didn't finish answering this question. I still don't want to finish because it's too much. I just want to say that there's a difference between subjects I like in general and subjects I like to study, and I think the two categories intersect in the fields of history, languages and law.]
15. Dream job?
There are two wolves inside of me.
The wolf that wants to leave a very specific mark in the world, which is the reason why I'm studying politics. I am not saying that politics are the way (or the only way) to change the world. I'm not even saying I want to be a politician. But there is in me the desire to do something for the world from this point of view, be it through writing or activism or NGOs or European/international institutions and organisations or the government. I'm currently [December] planning to write my bachelor thesis in International Law and talk about the regulation of AI, and my professor says this is a field that's creating more job opportunities and isn't yet as saturated as the human rights job market, so maybe this is something to pursue.
And the wolf that wants to stay in my little bubble and write fiction. Or translate books (though I don't think I'd actually want to be a translator. It's a shitty job). Have a nice house and a family and forget about the world.
I know these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive (in the sense that both could be possible at different times), but I'm not sure what will prevail. I guess it also depends on the jobs I will find when I'm done studying.
I agree with who said they want a job they like well enough but that leaves them time and energy to pursue their actual dreams. Work doesn't have to be your dream, it can be just work. But maybe I'll turn my dreams into work and have more, different dreams in my private life. We'll see!
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superconductivebean · 10 months
#626: That HC-ed Parallel Keeps Me Up at Night
Alrighto, here it is! @endeavour12345 It's quite a long one. xD potential tw: description of injury?
Since forever I sit on this little idea really that caught my eye when I played the game for yet another time, which one I frankly can't recall.
Perhaps, that was the start of my way to implement Sharp's character in the MC story of my own; so that reply is going to be heavily theorized, headcanon-based thing -- which I also believe could've made its way into the game, in some way and form, if not for time constraints and other difficulties the developers had to put up with in order to just finish the game and release it due time.
It's also a little hard to read I think, I'm sorry.
Fig has general knowledge of the area and it's vast; he had a life of a travelling scholar, according to Poppy's comment on him and Miriam:
Did you know that Fig and his partner used to be world travellers?
Why did he decide to settle at Hogwarts, I don't exactly know and I don't remember the artbook mentioning it either. My guess is, whilst Miriam still preferred the life of a traveller, however, she might've needed books, anything Hogwarts library had, that Eleazar could've if not make a copy of but search for references, examples of translations, anything really, to assist her in her ever-going inquiries and searches. Ancient magic study could've been that reason, which is interesting, to be frank.
Fig has two particular things that keeps my gears grinding:
About Miriam's searches, started years ago:
A good question. Miriam spent years searching for evidence of a long-forgotten form of ancient magic.
2. About his tenure, during a conversation with Professor Rookwood in the Map Chamber:
Their aptitude for magic is beyond anything I've ever seen – and I've been teaching a long time.
He himself, I suppose, could've indulged his time and effort into the searches, being as passionate as Miriam, to find anything about ancient magic secrets; unrelated bit, but Fig did induce me with the vibe and I'm quite a passionate meself, too. %) All I'll say in regards will be this: Miriam searches began at Hogwarts, and while she was out and about in the valley, in the other parts of the country maybe, Fig aided her and looked into the matter for himself, expectantly searching at places where magic potentially could've been once.
Magic that isn't formalized and taught, a wild force, like Fig himself.
He isn't just a talented wizard, as Osric described, but intent and devoted to his study of a specific area that allows the very term ancient magic to exist, in his mind; in minds of people he and Mirriam had been studying, too, as Fig's words to MC about ancient magic are precisely those MC later heard from the Keepers when they greeted Isidora on her first day at school.
That's quite a topic in and of itself, it led me slightly insane about ancient magic, but as I had put it, it all started at Hogwarts, from what was likely to be mentions of the Architect lifetime because, if Hogwarts presumably was built with ancient magic, the first known wielder must be him.
Nevertheless, Fig would be out and about the valley, searching for answers and clues, to later study them further or at their place.
I can only imagine his shock when he learned MC was enrolled at the age of 15, because what if, and his awestruck, when MC showed signs of seeing and hearing, feeling magic like nobody does, then turned out to be an ancient magic wielder, whatever that means, they're the key to the mystery of his life.
Sharp, on the other hard, was driven, if not forced, to Hogwarts in order to find a cure to an injury that, perhaps, is incurable; which could be an interesting read on his character -- and which I usually apply -- as a man who doesn't believe there is a cure.
He carries on, however, he keeps at his relentless and tiresome search, because.
Because he isn't the only one driven to use the Hogwarts library.
My belief is, Fig largely inspired him, gave him something to aspire to, a glimpse of hope; if anything could've been found on ancient magic after eons of laying dormant, then there has to be something, ought to be anything that could be of help because stored knowledge is greater and already has records of errors and shortcomings that should be avoided and yet, studied as thoroughly.
Sharp eventually will come across it, he must, aware where to look and for what exactly, at the very least. Perhaps, he needs to ask the right question and is rather in searches for ways Fig understands magic. Which… Might not be an easy doing for him, although it's a bit of a stretch, but he was quite reluctant when heard about goblins working with Rookwood:
You cannot be serious. Goblins, working with Rookwood? Makes no sense. Unorthodox. It's inconceivable, it's -
The whole thing should be italic because he spits Fig words back at him, he doesn't believe a word, he talks him off slightly unhinged even when MC standing just about the room in his direct field of view, either because he wanted to impress something on MC, or he didn't care, he had enough of this.
MC returns the favor starting on sneaking in the Restricted Section last night when Sharp is still in the Fig's office LMAO.
He may be as reluctant about anything Fig studies and shares but Sharp knows the man doesn't lie; his far-fetched statements and declarations are just who he is, after all he had seen and experienced.
However. Sharp can't afford himself outside ventures, spend a lot of time adventuring, as walking is in a short supply of time until manageable levels of pain begin turning into something excruciating. At times like this, Eleazar ways of studying magic might even struck him as toomfoolery because, if to assume there is a book where, everything is written already and lie waiting to be read, then shouldn't there be easier, shorter ways to come to an answer? Can't say, Sharp is spiteful at such times; that comes from me, from an experience of my own injury (same leg, same area it seems, same dragging), when I couldn't put few through together after pain-stretched nerves could produce only a bitter and gruff response to anything even slightly requiring more brain powers, already in short supply, already burned by lingering and crippling sensation of what felt like a bane of existence.
It's important to put it that way because at when you're in such a desolate state, you become desperate; you don't want to hurt anyone but you may unintentionally, so you keep it all to yourself, live as best as you can if not for yourself, than for the sake of people you're in charge or put in care for, who aren't responsible for the way you feel and who shouldn't meddle with your life, and it's bloody intoxicating.
That creates another parallel in my mind, of devotion and desperation.
I'm sorry I was a little graphic but I'm a little self-indulgent.
Their personal beliefs -- signs taken from the outer world full of impressions of magic & underlying stream of knowledge that deserves attention and a study in its own right -- in my head are forming two views on the study of magic.
Fig would encourage MC to travel whenever possible. The world has many things to surprise with and to teach anyone something. Studies shouldn't be neglected but without a demonstration may not settle in properly; the world is also a great teacher.
Sharp would insist on keeping oneself close to the castle walls, as one never knows when the fascinating world of magic will unexpectedly hit the hardest it can. It doesn't mean one shouldn't be prepared to fight it back, however, and reasonable exploration is also helpful to teach oneself something potentially life-saving.
I'll say, Sharp is less approving of risks MC will have to take studying magic the way Fig proposes. That is what essentially creates a conflict of interests between them.
Not to mention what their leisure is. Fig reads, a lot, in his private chambers and in the office. Sharp does the opposite; to capture the views of the castle, the owlery, the scenery, he strolls the grounds on the best of days, looking at something he'd otherwise walk past now captivates him and makes him portray the world he once was able to run through, enjoying success in life, in the silence of his art room.
I'd also say these ^ are their ways to live through grief and existential dread, though, the latter is my personal little flavor for character traits.
I'm not sure if I was clear in this little essay?xD But I also enjoy the dynamic of outer-inner perceptions of the world colliding in two like-minded people, friends I believe, grieved by deaths of their loved ones, equally passionate by a research that may never come to a desired conclusion, if there is even one.
End this I want with Sharp's quote about Fig:
I hope you know better than to let Professor Fig take you on one of his foolhardy adventures.
Sends me vibes of a bicker kind of friendship.
But which is also -- in my MC's story -- conveys some other messages, tied to what Sharp says during his second assignment:
Good. Ordinarily, I'd say it's not my concern either way, but you - I want to make sure you're well-prepared.
Which I hear as, "I wouldn't say a word otherwise on somebody's interest to take someone under their wing but in light of who that someone is and what had already happened to you this week alone -- I want to make sure you're well-prepared."
Talent and resolve are a potent combination. It would be a shame to let that go to waste. Don't let it go to your head.
He didn't quite complimented MC on anything. What I heard, to put it harshly, "Shame if all of us are here for you only to aid you on your very last journey; you came here to die, MC. Your mentor will let you down unwillingly but he will. He might."
The pain-stricken realization Sharp quickly hides behind don't let it go to your head.
Will it shatter the friendship. Will it send it to a moral purgatory of some wicked kind.
A dynamic -- confronting each other on each other's passion projects, because it endangers the life of a bystander child -- I'll never see in the game.
I think it'd be OH MY GOD how COOL to see going from the MC's perspective. Both men care for them, in their own right, but neither can stop the inevitable from coming upon everyone of them, they have to accommodate, work together--
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dyemelikeasunset · 1 year
Dom-kinnie again! After that last comic... *Woah.* I didn't think I'd be able to relate to Dom this much! If you don't mind, I'd like to ask - and it's totally fine if you're not comfortable answering! I was just curious about smth that was brought up, NSFW UP AHEAD - I'm also Asian, and I was raised with very conservative views on sex and sexuality. Recently in my young-adulthood, I've been reevaluating my feelings on the matter and what brings me pleasure (pt.1)
(pt.2) While I don't actively participate, I've found that I can *potentially* find more satisfaction (and fun!) in pleasuring my partner - and that I don't really care about achieving orgasms. How do I know if my feelings are truly *my own* authentically, and not smth born out of social expectations? As in, was I giving in to the harmful conditioning to NOT expect to receive pleasure, or do I truly find personal gratification in making my partner feel good?
HI I honestly don't mind talking about these things. I think being open and honest about sexuality is really important!!
Gonna put this under a read more tho cause it's long as usual
Healthy discussions of sexuality are part of why i started this comic actually!! Recently I finally figured out Dom & Mor's sexual chemistry after like. lol. 15+ years??? And I realized I just had a lot to say. I wanted to portray something candid, relatable, a little educational without being dry-- and ultimately, I wanted to share something human. I'm actually really happy it could touch you this way
Everyone has different experiences that affect their sexuality-- it's the "nature" vs "nurture" argument. And while I know it can be kinda creepy when cishet people ask us about that topic, I think it's important to muse on for our own internal work.
But ultimately, I can't give you any answers-- even though I'm also an ace asian my experiences are very different from yours. I do think many asian cultures (at least east asian, which i am) have shame-related thoughts around sexuality, but there's also a weird undercurrent of hypersexuality as well-- like pressurized steam shooting out of the crack of a sealed container. I went through quite a hypersexual era in my teens and early 20s bc I needed the unhealthy validation and ended up hurting myself A LOT bc I didn't know I was ace. I won't go into it too much, but it was rough and I was really pulled into the exotification of east asian women by U.S culture (also didn't realize i wasn't 100% woman back then either so you can IMAGINE the negative impact it had on me)
But I will say that what you're experiencing-- and what I wrote into Dom-- is something called Lithosexuality, or "Stone" sexuality. In the lesbian community specifically, it's very often associated with the Stone Butch identity, and is an identity that I would also call a "service top." There's a lot of weird pushback against lithosexuality in the wlw community-- along with their counterparts, either High Femmes or the "notorious" Pillow Princesses-- and like honestly I don't get it. People are picky and clique-y about the most specific shit.
This might sound weird, but I actually really wanted to portray a healthy litho top in Dom, like someone who really thrives with a partner who doesn't force her to be pleasured. And that's the thing, is litho came about in the first place because of things like ace/sexual relationships, or trans people with really bad body dysphoria, or like... ANYTHING. It's a valid existence and it's actually really fulfilling for some people!! Sex is weird, it's not straight-forward, and you don't have to tick every box.
Yeah there are a lot of reasons it might have happened, but I also truly honestly believe it doesn't NEED to be psychoanalyzed. So while I can't tell you what's causing your gravitation towards it, I WILL tell you that it's okay. It's fine. If you change your mind in the future that's fine too. But if it feels comfortable and right in this moment I really think there's nothing wrong with it, and nothing wrong with you
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kenobster · 1 year
So apparently there is a nationwide shortage of ADHD medication in the United States. :) :) :) This has been known to me for several years because every time I go to fill my prescription, it's out of stock. It's to the point where I've learned to never believe I'll have my next dose of medication that I need in order to function until it's physically in my hand.
In fact, several different times, I've changed my meds to ones that don't work as well for me, completely variant on which specific medication is in stock. Bless my psychiatrist's heart for not making me go to a 1 month check-up every time I have to do this. Bless my pharmacist for helping me as best she can and answering all of my questions and doing her best to get an ETA for me (even though she usually can't). And fuck the pharmacy technician last night whose answer to my sobbed questions was just, "just try a different pharmacy or ask your doctor to change your meds." Yes, very helpful, Jodie. Yes, I don't mind having to change my prescription to a less effective med every single month. I also don't mind spending five hours every single month calling every pharmacy within 15 miles of my apartment only to be told "we don't have it in stock either" by half of them and "we're not legally allowed to tell you that information" by the other half. I especially don't mind doing any of that while literally suffering the severe effects of ADHD's lack of attention span, focus, and dopamine, every single month for days (and sometimes weeks) while I go without my meds. Fuck you very much, Jodie.
Every time I ask why there's a shortage, I get a new answer. What I've surmised is that
(1) I am limited in the amount of ADHD medication I can have. That makes sense. Except when I'm going to go out of town and my refill period lands straight in the middle of my rarely taken vacations and I'm legally not allowed to get it like 1 day early. Cool.
(2) The pharmacies are limited in how much they are allowed to order per month. So if I need 27mg of Ritalin and Susan needs 27mg of Ritalin and we both use the same pharmacy, and the pharmacy has already ordered 9/10 of their prescription slots per month, then either Susan or I needs to go without.
(3) The vendors are apparently limited in how much they are allowed to sell to the pharmacies per month. This number is created by zip code... No, not how many people who have ADHD in the zip code, but rather how many people live in that zip code in general. So if, idk, zip code 55555 has a shit ton of people with ADHD living there because, idk, maybe ppl with ADHD tend to clump together, then it doesn't matter. All those people who don't make the cut in their zip code need to go somewhere else to get their prescription.
(4) This, I found out last fucking night. Apparently the manufacturers are ALSO being limited by how much ADHD medication they can even fucking make.
# 4 broke me last night. I had a panic attack on top of an anxiety attack on top of a near-suicidal depressive episode. I was scream-crying in my car. Other than when I've had a kidney stone, I literally have never scream-cried before. And all because someone somewhere decided that it's more important to deny the potential for a drug addict to get their hands on slow-release anti-recreational capsules of Vivance than to give someone with a legitimate prescription a medication that they desperately need to survive.
Last night, I asked my pharmacist, "Okay, well who the hell is responsible for this? Who is limiting all of these different places on ADHD medication?"
She told me the DEA--the drug enforcement administration.
Since it's an administration, that means it's directly under the executive branch. I don't have time or energy to research who to contact at the DEA directly or which cabinet member oversees the DEA. All I know is that since it's an administration, it's directly within the jurisdiction of the executive branch (i.e. the President). There's no need for Congress or the Courts. So idk, if you have ADHD and you're sick of not being able to fill your prescriptions because of this bullshit, or if you have a heart and think this sounds like the utter bullshit it is, maybe send an email to the president telling him to stop the DEA from making my life hell. His email is [email protected]
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wrestlingcreative · 3 years
My Full Gear Predicitions
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AHHHHHHHHH y'all! I haven't done a full structured write up in ages and I've gained so many followers and friends since then. I'm so psyched for Full Gear that I just have to do this. So here are my result predictions with explanations and potential follow up storylines.
Championship Matches
Hangman Adam Page v Kenny Omega for the AEW World Title
Many people feel that this match is unpredictable and I get why. But I refuse to believe that they would let all of our hopes down AGAIN with a loss for Hangman. I remember making a post about us still getting this match after the eliminator match defeat. Now here we are and DAMNIT HANGMAN FOR CHAMP 2021. I think Kenny is either going to take a well-deserved break or we are going to start to see the Elite fall apart with a feud between Adam Cole and Kenny. The seeds are already there. I'll be in my Cowboy Shit shirt swinging my Cowboy Shit bandana and possibly in tears when the dreamy cowboy wins.
Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Tay Conti v Britt Baker for the AEW Women's World Title
I said this earlier this week, I'm going to love seeing Tay Conti as world champ BUT, AEW is not going to allow anybody but ThunderRosa to take the title off of Britt. Now I don't actually watch the rankings but I'd comfortably bet that with a Tay loss, Thunder Rosa is the number one contender. I see Tay Conti being the first extended feud for whoever wins the TBS title. (The TBS title will either be Jade Cargill or Ruby Soho)
Winner: Britt Baker D.M.D.
FTR v The Lucha Brothers for the AEW World Tag Titles
Honestlyyyyyyy, this is kind of a toss-up. Two of the best tag teams in the world, both teams are over regardless of being heel and face, and the booking has been kind of 50/50. We've certainly seen a lot more of FTR than the Luchas Bros in the past couple of weeks. And I feel as though regardless of who wins, the tag team division is going to be revitalized. It hasn't been at the forefront as much as it usually is. But just to play favorites, I'll go with the Lucha Brother's retaining.
Winners: The Lucha Brothers
Bryan Danielson v Miro Tournament FInals (winner gets a world title shot)
Sheeeeeesh I'm going to be wincing throughout this match. The wrench in this prediction is that Miro was never supposed to be in the tournament. That'll lead some to believe that a Danielson win is guaranteed but I don't think so. I want to say Miro just for the shock factor. But at the same time, Hangman v Bryan sounds spicy. Hmmm, I'll use my one toss-up on this match.
Winner: Undecided
Stipulation Matches
The Super Kliq v Jurassic Express (this includes Christian Cage at this point) in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
Damnit I just used my one toss-up. Well, hmmm. If Kenny loses the title but Adam Cole picks up the victory for the Super Kliq that's a *chef's kiss* lead into the dissension that officially kicks off their feud. I'm sorry Jungle Boy, I love you but this setup is too perfect.
Winners: The Super Kliq
The Inner Circle v The Men of the Year + members of American Top Team + Dan Lambert in a Minneapolis Street Fight
Y'all I don't give a damn. I really don't. I'm honestly just watching to see Santana's fine ass and to see if Dan Lambert will actually work.
Winner: always me whenever Santana is on my screen
Good ol' Feuds
CM Punk v Eddie Kingston
WOOOOOOOOOWE. I see this being Punk's first loss in AEW and it would be brutal poetry. 15 years later and Kingston finally gets his bragging rights. And honestly, from a none kayfabe perspective, this is exactly what Punk came back to do. We talk about Kingston all the time any damn ways but can you imagine what it'll be like after whooping Punk and giving him his first loss since his return??? GIMME THIS!
Winner: Eddie F'n Kingston
MJF v Darby Allin
MJF. I can't even explain why, it just feels like the correct answer. And MJF is *undefeated (yes that needs an asterisk.) The only way I see him losing is if Wardlow turns on him mid-match. But even if MJF wins, his next feud is Wardlow.
Winner: MJF
PAC & Cody Rhodes v Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo
Um... not entirely invested in this feud or its outcome. I feel like it's a pretty even match. I want Malakai and Andrade to win but I doubt that's what's booked to happen. UNLESS the next step is for the entire Nightmare factory to turn on Cody officially. Which would be dope, But we haven't seen a lot of PAC recently so I want him to get a win and some momentum. Damn this is hard.
Winners: Malakai and Andrade because its the cool kid answer
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thnxforknowingme · 3 years
Jenna my beloved <3
how are you? how's everything going?
I need to know your rating of all the klaine duets (and/or sperately a ranking of Kurt's and Blaine's solos)
hope everything is going well 🧡
Hello Myle!
I've been putting off this answer until I finished my rewatch so I could see Daydream Believer in context before passing judgement. But now I have finished, and I have agonized over this ranking (I can't even imagine ranking each of their solos, that's a whole other undertaking) and here are my resulting thoughts:
16. Perfect - it's fine. I mean none of their duets are bad but this is the least compelling.
15. Story of My Life - it's also...fine. I don't understand in context why this was the song that was chosen for this scene, like even among 1D songs it's not that interesting (no shade to 1D, I enjoy many of their songs), if they wanted to impress a potential industry connection why not choose something more challenging or dynamic?
14. Love Is a Battlefield - the song itself is very fun, but nothing exceptionally impressive about the performance.
13. Daydream Believer - a good performance, nothing particularly special, but it does have some excellent Kurt-low-voice moments which I'm such a slut for
12. Somebody Loves You - really cute song, not particularly excellent but a lot of fun
11. You Make Me Feel So Young - maybe it's just the overwhelming amount of pop songs versus more classic, musical songs like this, but it makes this song stick out because it showcases their voices - individually and together - so well!
10. White Christmas - My least fave of the Christmas duets, but still has a fun vintage feel
9. American Boy - I don't know why I love this song so much but I do. Is it weird to hear Blaine try to use the same slang derived from Jamaican influence on a multicultural London sociolect as Estelle does? Yes. But it's still a fucking bop.
8. Animal - I love this song in general and also it holds a very special place in my heart as a pre-Klaine duet that made the fandom lose their minds before we discovered the context. Also just sounds good.
7. Candles - objectively a good song, a nice ballad for the boys, even if the context was a little antithetical to the lyrics
6. Let It Snow - a top-tier Christmas song. Like if I were ranking Glee Christmas songs this would probably be #2. It's jazzy, it's fun, they perform it in formalwear in their imaginary """bachelor""" chalet in the Swiss Alps. Top-notch, but it's still a Christmas song so the playability is pretty limited.
5. Just Can't Get Enough - oh my GOD this song is so catchy and adorable and I just love it
4. Got To Get You Into My Life - I'm a little biased because I have been a Beatles fan from birth, and I also feel like this was one of the few Beatles songs in the two tribute episodes that Glee actually did a really good job of covering...and also just such a fun performance
3. Baby It's Cold Outside - the OG. Words cannot describe the joy that this duet brought when I was but a 15-year-old child watching these two dumb boys make heart-eyes at each other on my television (back when we actually had cable TV, in the Olden Days). Still sounds so good, a god-tier Christmas song that you KNOW is on the playlist I break out every year in December. God your lips look delicious indeed
2. It's Too Late - I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS GEM until my recent rewatch of season 6. Oh my GOD it's so good. I mean, the original song is already incredible. And then KLAINE takes a crack at it?! The way they perform it as a duet, the way that their particular lines are split up to show their relative perspectives? The MATURITY of this duet, and the ANGST, and the LONGING. I've listened to it on repeat before and I will again. This song burrows into my SOUL it's INCREDIBLE
1. Come What May- I mean. I mean. It's the ultimate fucking love song. It's yearning and devotion incarnate. It's from a fucking dream sequence. The vocals - out of this world. The emotion - unparalleled. The fandom reaction to seeing this in a time period when Klaine was broken up, but this song proved that they were soulmates/endgame/would love each other until their dying day???? - incomparable. A masterpiece of a song. Inject this shit directly into my veins.
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: How was your first day? Amelia: 🥱😴 Amelia: What about you? Jac: Oh dear, it was a lot more observing rather than doing I suppose, but I kind of expected that, if you want to get experience somewhere that isn't willing to just let anyone come in and do a shift so Jac: You'll never guess who was on my placement too though Amelia: Connor following you there wouldn't surprise me Amelia: he can't take a hint Jac: Thankfully not Jac: Swerving him during school is basically an extra-curricular Jac: I suppose it isn't all that surprising when you think about it, but I still was taken aback by the turn of events Amelia: thrill me Amelia: who is it? Jac: Savannah Moore Amelia: oh god, that sucks Amelia: if you don't wanna change placements, we'll make her Amelia: it'll be okay Jac: That's the surprising thing Jac: she was like, a different person Amelia: like really fake, you mean? Jac: No, like, a normal person Jac: maybe because she was away from her friends, her audience, or I don't know Jac: but she was just getting on with her work too, being chill about the whole thing Amelia: 🤔 suspicious Jac: Well, you can't say anything Jac: but why would you Jac: she's having like, a really hard time at home right now, she was a bit upset at one point Jac: it just broke the ice, and it makes a lot of things make sense Amelia: did it or did she throw you off with a convincing 😥💔 story? Jac: She was having a breakdown in the toilets basically Jac: I don't think she wanted anyone to see that, least of all me Jac: we knew her dad was like A LOT anyway, it tracks Amelia: it's Savannah, she wants everyone to see everything, especially you Jac: Come on, what would she even get out of tricking me with a sobstory Jac: bar work experience not being a total drama, which surely she'd love more, by that logic? Amelia: your attention Jac: 🤔🤔 I just don't see it this time Jac: I can't explain how sincere it was, what she said Jac: it definitely wasn't made up, at any rate Amelia: if you believe her, I believe you Jac: Like, I'm not saying we were wrong Jac: but too harsh, maybe Jac: we don't need to waste any energy on being her enemy or whatever Jac: not that we were ever THAT childish but, she really isn't that bad Amelia: I can be a bit harsh Jac: You're a softie, really Jac: but I'm not going to spill all your secrets to her Amelia: it's not a secret that I missed you today Jac: Was it seriously that boring? 😞 Jac: Who are you with again, anyone not awful? Amelia: yeah Amelia: my 🧠 has turned to mush Amelia: they put with with Valentina Hernández, I've had detention with her before Jac: You poor thing Jac: we'll have to do something fun when this is over, if you're going to hate it so much Jac: and I'll keep to a minimum how much I'm enjoying getting some industry experience 🤐 Jac: Oh yeah, she's cute Jac: I don't have many classes with her, but I know who you mean Amelia: she said I look like her ex, do you think that means she hates me or I'm her eye candy of choice for the next week? Amelia: can't we do something fun tonight!? Jac: How weird Jac: sounds like a really bad pickup-line a 40-year-old man would use Jac: Guess you'll see what she meant Jac: That's not going to make your early start tomorrow any easier, is it Amelia: I'm already planning to sleep through my alarm Amelia: and Is is up for it Jac: I'm totally wiped Jac: and trying to save you from yourself 😉 Jac: Is can make her own poor choices Amelia: vodka redbulls were invented to change wiped to wired Amelia: you know she'll get drunk and throw herself at some boy, that's what you'll be saving me from Amelia: dark corners are no fun when I'm being left in them on my own Jac: so I can be hungover tomorrow Jac: if she is tricking me, I'm going to need ALL my wits about me Jac: maybe Val will come and keep you company Amelia: and if she's as nice as you say, she can pick up the slack Amelia: please come Jac: Are we talking about a house party or a club or what, you've not even told me 😅 Jac: also, you know I don't want to drop anything, I need to ace this Amelia: it's a club you'll love Amelia: so you won't have to drink loads to have fun anyway Jac: If Is or any of her conquests have picked it I SO doubt that 😏 Amelia: I picked it in case you needed cheering up but it works for a pat on the back too Jac: Okay, I'll see what the parents say Amelia: if they look like they're leaning towards no, it could've been me having a breakdown in the toilets Jac: I'll tell them you'll be heartbroken Amelia: the truth works too Jac: they're not that understanding so I wouldn't hold your breath Jac: I'll corner one of them when they get in though Amelia: more understanding than mine, not to be Savannah-ish about it Jac: I assume you will be sneaking out, as per Jac: or staying over one of ours to catch up with your work Amelia: 😏 Jac: 🙄 how you ever get away with it when your mother knows everything about everyone is beyond me Jac: if you applied yourself, you could be seriously impressive Amelia: could be? Amelia: you just said I am Amelia: she knows everything about me that I want her to know Jac: duh Jac: gotta give you something to aim for though Amelia: oooh a challenge Jac: I know how you feel about them Amelia: unless it's going to be something about applying myself this week Jac: am I a teacher? Amelia: you've taught me loads like why would I waste my energy buckling down with Valentina 📠 when I could spend it doing something that isn't 🥱😴 with you Jac: You have a point Jac: or, I do? 😂 Jac: and I can come out for a while, but I need to be home to get at least 5 hours sleep minimum Amelia: can I stay or does Jude still need 15 hours minimum? Jac: if you keep the noise down and promise to talk less than her Amelia: I'll be so 🤫🤐 Jac: another person at mine in the AM makes no odds Jac: but I will be leaving extra early, FYI Amelia: why? Jac: Mainly because I want to get there on time Jac: but also because Savannah said she'd bring breakfast, as I listened to her when she was upset today so Amelia: bribery is her style 🤑 Jac: I guess so Jac: but it'd be rude of me not to accept any coffee or pastries she wants to throw my way Amelia: what if they're toxic Jac: You're giving her too much credit now Jac: she isn't going to have the time to poison them AND not be late Amelia: she's probably baking them right now, what else are her and her invisible mum going to do to bond? Jac: You're the one that takes home ec 🍳 Amelia: yeah and if you wanted me to kill her, all you had to do was ask Jac: Feel free to note my silence any time you like 😏 Jac: What are you wearing, how smart/casual is this place? Amelia: [pictures of potential outfits on the bed so she can see the vibe] Amelia: which one will you break your vow of silence for? Jac: You know I love that colour [hi khaki moment] Amelia: 😉 Amelia: if you want to know what Is is wearing, the group chat is full of her maybes Jac: I am purposely ignoring that notification 🙄😑 Jac: like yeah, I'm probably going to wear my black tank dress again but the difference is, I'm not pretending it's getting any crazier Amelia: it got her to shut up about all the 'hotties' at the sports centre that she got to 'service' today Amelia: 😣 Jac: Ew Jac: she's so graphic sometimes Jac: it's a good thing she has her reputation tbh if those are her lines Amelia: this is before a drink too Amelia: I need you, I wasn't even laying it on thick Jac: God, she is a lot Jac: hopefully one of them asks her out, she's at least less gross when she's in a relationship Amelia: 🤞 Jac: I do need to plan my outfits for the rest of work experience though Amelia: god, I can imagine what Savannah looked like today Jac: Right? Jac: She was so on point Amelia: for a stepford wife Amelia: it's unsettling Amelia: her mum probably stays invisible because she takes the clothes off her back Jac: Come on, she looks good Amelia: so would I in head to toe chanel Jac: Exactly Jac: so I need to keep up so I don't look like a scrub Amelia: you don't have to try as hard as her, that's the difference Amelia: you actually look good Amelia: not just expensive Jac: You're biased but I love you for it Amelia: you could ask anyone in our year and they'd tell you the same thing Amelia: even her boyfriend would probably want to agree with me Jac: I doubt his eyes ever leave her, they're totally inseparable aren't they Amelia: it sounds like you'll be getting all the gossip Amelia: you'll be able to tell me everything by Friday Jac: not that that has any real use now Amelia: maybe or maybe not Jac: ?? Amelia: we've got loads of school left, you can't say never Amelia: today could've been a weird fluke Jac: Nah, it was a total ceasefire if nothing else Jac: it's not like a feud Jac: Oh my God, what is that skirt she just posted Amelia: okay Amelia: 😳 on her behalf Jac: should I tell her to wear it? Amelia: yeah 😂 Jac: 😏 Amelia: what are you wearing though? Jac: my lbd 😂 Jac: I don't know if it's classic or predictable but if nothing else, I can say this was short notice Amelia: if I couldn't predict you I'd be worried Jac: but you love a challenge 🤔 Amelia: but I love the way things are Jac: see, so soft and soppy Jac: nothing has changed yet Jac: still think transition year is pointless 🤷 Amelia: your 🧠 didn't turn to mush Jac: it might Jac: I just wanna pick all our new classes and get started Jac: but it is cool we get to do stuff like this, I suppose Amelia: you just want to find out if Savannah will be in every single class again Jac: 🙄 Amelia: [like I'm gonna say she was joking then but now the posts have appeared so it's like oh you actually do and she leaves her on read which I cannot overstate how much that would NEVER happen because she always answers immediately no matter what] Jac: Hello? Jac: are you picking me up? Amelia: are you ready? Jac: you aren't talking to Isabelle Jac: of course I am Amelia: nothing she's saying needs a reply Jac: 'Fashionably' late is her vibe Amelia: yeah I know, Is hasn't changed since I met her Jac: Like that's a good thing? Amelia: I wouldn't go as far as to call her perfect or anything Amelia: but at least I get her Jac: Funny, Meels Amelia: like totally weird, that kind of funny Jac: You are being weird Amelia: that isn't even a worthy deflection Jac: What do you wanna say? Jac: It's just a post Amelia: I've never heard you describe anything as perfect, what are you saying? Jac: Did you see her post? Amelia: yeah, it's obvious why you're tired Amelia: I was exhausted reading it Jac: Well I couldn't just say nothing in return, could I Amelia: I never caption anything, it's easy Jac: you're a girl of few words Amelia: why does she think she knows you on such a 'deep level' now? Amelia: you said she was the one who overshared Jac: You know her friends Jac: Paige G and Becca Jac: I doubt they do 'deep' Jac: it's just in comparison Amelia: I know you, there's things you aren't telling me Jac: like what, I told her all my secrets Jac: if you know me then you know there's no way that's true Amelia: then you're keeping hers Jac: No I'm not, I told you, it's her home life Jac: and I'm sure she doesn't want everyone to know so I shouldn't but I did Amelia: okay Jac: You don't like her, you don't have to Jac: but don't be off with me Amelia: neither did you yesterday Amelia: but now you're going to [whatever that market location was] together Jac: She needed cheering up Jac: and I was going to go anyway, my last bouquet was dead Jac: it's not a big deal Amelia: it was so chill you weren't going to say anything before she outted you with a post Amelia: obviously Jac: I didn't say anything 'cos I didn't think you'd be bothered Jac: it's not your thing Amelia: right, why would it be news that you've changed your entire POV on Savannah Moore Jac: Well I told you about that Jac: scroll up Amelia: it's one thing putting up with someone during work experience, which is what you said Amelia: do you see me taking Valentina out when we're allowed to leave? No, because it'd be totally weird Jac: Why would that be weird? Amelia: we're not friends, I barely know her Jac: you're free to get to know her Jac: you may as well Jac: like I said, it's totally childish having some kind of grudge against her Amelia: it's too late to invite them both Jac: so you want to? Amelia: no, but you think I'm being childish Jac: I think it would be childish for me to decline this peace offering Jac: if it makes life easier, it'd be stupid not to Amelia: I don't see how it'll make anything easier if she's going to be that extra Amelia: Is is already a lot Jac: I can deal with them both Amelia: okay Jac: You don't need to be jealous Amelia: of her? oh please Jac: right Amelia: she's not the only one who has had a bad day, that's all Jac: what's wrong? Amelia: I got in trouble, they might not even have me back tomorrow Jac: What did you do? Amelia: nothing! It wasn't my fault Jac: Alright, what happened then Amelia: I didn't think it would crash the whole system, I was just trying to get done quicker Jac: Oh God Meels Amelia: it would've been impressive if it had worked Jac: they can't get rid of you for a mistake Jac: just be really, really sorry, yeah Amelia: I am sorry, it was really 😳 Jac: I bet Jac: you won't do it again Jac: did she tell you to Amelia: who would tell me to do that Jac: You said she was your detention buddy Amelia: no I didn't, I said I've seen her there before Amelia: everyone gets detention except you and Savannah Jac: Hardly Jac: well, you could say it was her idea Amelia: you've been having a go at me for being childish Jac: you'll be in so much shit if they refuse to have you back Amelia: I'll go work with my dad or something, it'll be even more boring but it's only a week anyway Jac: it'll still reflect really badly on you Jac: it's not childish, it's practical Amelia: it was an accident, I won't be the only one who's done something stupid Jac: Yeah, but you said they were arsey about it so Jac: just saying Amelia: maybe I was a bit defensive Amelia: don't worry about it Jac: Hmm Amelia: I'll smooth it over Jac: Good luck then Amelia: trust me Jac: You always end up alright Amelia: you're my lucky charm Amelia: I just ask myself wwjd Jac: You're such a loser 😏 Amelia: you're so cruel to me 💔 Jac: You love it Amelia: I love you Jac: I love you too Amelia: are you coming out or am I coming in? Jac: You'll just get waylaid by dogs and siblings Jac: be right out Amelia: the hair isn't an accessory I should wear to the club Jac: I've not done anything with mine, don't judge Amelia: it always looks perfect whatever you do or don't do Jac: 😘 Amelia: if you're going to use that word, at least throw it in the right direction Jac: oh yeah, that's a caption I wanna write 😂 Amelia: I'll write it for you, if anything's worth breaking the rules for Jac: You want to compete with Savannah's word count? Amelia: I don't want to, but I will if I have to Jac: I'm not that desperate for validation, you're okay Amelia: Isabelle meanwhile Amelia: has NOT shut up Jac: It's a wonder anyone is getting past her on reception Amelia: 😂 Jac: maybe she should ask if she can work the door when she finally shows Jac: [you go out now though gal, don't need to be messing about] Amelia: [go forth and be messy gays at this club instead] Jac: [no wonder, the tension henny] Amelia: [all the useless lesbian awards to amelia for not making a move tonight] Jac: [blink and you miss it babe] Amelia: [literally does not think she's running out of time, soz gal] Jac: [oh it's sad[ Amelia: [it is, we've been doing this dance for years ladies, obvs we think we'll just keep doing it until uni forces us to stop and do something else and at that point that's years away still] Jac: [when you think you got another three years to have gay angst and drama, nay nay] Amelia: [mhmm] Jac: [well, a different kind of angst and drama will be happening but nobody is loving that Amelia: [except me haha]
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americanduckling · 5 years
I Have An Idea For a Video Game
I'm finally gonna post about my game series concept idea thingy!! Starting immediately!
So, it's called Jerry's Grand Adventure, and it's about kids that go on adventures. The main character is named Jerry, and he looks like this:
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It's a 2D platformer to start off, with RPG elements like a level up system, towns with NPCs to talk to, and sidequests to be done. The main series "gimmick" is each character's ability to launch themselves like a cannonball out of a cannon, or a rock out of a slingshot.
"But how can he do that if he's only got a sword?" Simple: the sword is magic! Over the course of the game, you get these magic orbs that grant the sword elemental powers, and using Fire allows you to propel yourself diagonally upwards into the air. The other elements do other things, like wind allowing you to hover for a short period, as an example. And every mode has combat potential, even being able to switch to other elements for multi-elemental combos. I probably should have drawn all of this out, but alas, I've only got the characters right now.
Speaking of which, I should probably talk about the actual character of Jerry.
So, Jerry Calvadere (it rhymes with his first name) is a 12 year old alien boy living with his cousin in a field known as Destiny Plains, on the planet Tente (that's pronounced ten-TAY). He raises Lub Lub fruit on an orchard, so he's a bit of a farm kid. He's happy-go-lucky, and more than a little weird. He was abandoned not just by his birth parents, but by his adoptive parents too, so he has some self worth issues. But that hasn't stopped him from staying positive, as you can see. Over the course of the first game, he discovers that his past is actually more complicated than he's been lead to believe.
Next up is his cousin and adoptive brother, Jonnathan (or Jonny) Calvadere.
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He's the snarkier, more sarcastic one. He's also older than Jerry, being 15 years old. Jonny's a little more cynical than his cousin, but still a nice guy all the same. When his parents left, he took it harder than Jerry did, and is pretty mad at them, even to this day. Due to their parents' departure, Jonny has become Jerry's parental figure, helping to manage the Lub Lub orchard. Despite his snark, he secretly fears being alone. Shh!! Don't tell anybody!
The way he is able to launch himself in gameplay is to throw his spear, then use his telekinesis to pull himself behind it. It's an anomaly in universe, as telekinesis isn't something the Amis (that's the name of the alien species) usually have.
These are the two playable characters for the first game, and their story begins in the Marin Valley Kingdom, on a day everyone in the kingdom knows as Market Day. Market Day is the day where everything in the kingdom's castle city, Plaza Town, is on sale, and Jonny sends Jerry with some money to buy more food and other essential stuff. While there, he has a run-in with the kingdom's princess, Rockelle.
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Rockelle is a sweet girl, around Jerry's age. She's bubbly and a little ditzy, betraying her intellect. She's also pretty shy around new people, so when the two bump into each other and Jerry drops his stuff, she apologizes profusely for it. The two hit it off, and you're left with the idea of a potential friendship between the two.
Rockelle heads back to the castle and tells her mom, Tabitha, about the kid she met.
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Tabitha is the series resident fanservice girl flirty and silly, despite being a respected and responsible ruler and mother. As such, she's eager to tease her daughter about her "new crush," and while Rockelle doesn't harbor romantic feelings for him, she can't help but feel that something about Jerry feels... familiar.
Meanwhile, on Jerry's way back home, he finds a mysterious cave, and urges Jonny to go explore it with him, after they've put up the supplies. And they go inside to find this guy:
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This is Xander, and he's the series villain. Mario has Bowser the Koopa King, Kirby has Cosmic Horror #73, and Jerry has Xander McBram, the most powerful vampire in the world (probably!)! And he's tampering with the legendary First King's Seal! Before Jerry can call him out on it, Xander purposefully breaks it, making it abundantly clear that Xander probably isn't very nice.
Within moments, 7 giant monsters are released from the Seal, Xander has disappeared, and now Jerry and Jonny are trapped in the cave with another giant monster. But also jumping out of the seal is a big white dog:
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Valko is a magic dog placed within the Seal to keep the giant monsters from breaking out on their own. He gives Jerry the magic sword (that was sticking out of Valko's forehead), and they're able to defeat and reseal the first of the monsters, referred to as the Kingdom Beasts.
Jerry, Jonny, and Valko all exit the cave, Valko explains what's going on, and they all go to the Plaza Town library to research more of what's happening. (Valko, being a dog, is forced to wait outside, but talks to the kids through an open window.) Valko tries to convince the kids to go on a quest to reseal the monsters and save the Kingdom, as Jerry's new sword, known as the Wonder Blade, is everybody's best bet at defeating the Kingdom Beasts. Jonny is hesitant, but Jerry wants to go for it, and it seems they're at a stalemate, until the television in the building broadcasts the news:
The princess and queen of Marin Valley have disappeared in a flash of light.
Now there's nothing that's gonna change Jerry's mind. He wants to be a hero! People are gonna know about him, and think he's worth something! And everyone needs his help!
Jonny sees the passion in his cousin's eyes, and realizes there's no way Jerry's gonna take "No" for an answer. And so, Jerry, Jonny, and Valko set out to stop all those monsters, bring back the royals, and save the Kingdom.
...And that's the beginning.
Sorry this post was so long, it's just that Jerry and his entourage are very near and dear to my heart. They're my oldest OCs, and in its current state, the world of Jerry is inspired by all of my favorite stuff, from Sonic to Kirby, to cartoons, other video games, food, and even mythology. Tente has a lore that I want to share, and characters that I want people to meet.
The series has a continuity, but no overarching story to go along with it. There's no build up to a grand finale, although there may be games that build up to a big event. Think Shantae, or Kirby's "Dark Matter Trilogy." The tone, overall, is lighthearted and fun, with weird jokes, bad absolutely ingenious puns, and slapstick. But it's also gonna have more tender moments with its characters than your average Mario game. Jerry isn't a story, it's the spirit of adventure.
I'll probably explain/expand on more in a future post, but this is gonna be it for now. If you read this entire thing, then
...thanks! I appreciate it! And reblog if you care enough because I want people to see this
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Ali & Ro
NYD Catch-up
Ali: *Daintliy throws the tiniest of pebbles at our window 'cos I'm in trouble enough if this goes tits up without also breaking a window* Ropunzel, Ropunzel, let down your hair! Ro: allow me to busily make tea while I loudly quiz Tess and whoever else may be in earshot about their resolutions Ro: I can't believe you're only just getting home! I was going to ask how you're evening was but I think I can guess Ali: You're a 🌟 Ali: We need to fully mind-map and dream-board ours later, I've got so many ideas already but I at least need in on that tea action first, builder's brew please and thank you 😘 Ali: Shh 😉 I've been in bed since 1 💤 like an 😇 Ali: Hehe social media never lies, not mine at least Ali: I'll tell you all about it, whilst Ma tries to tell you she quit the fags years ago, like 🙄 Ali: 💃 Ro: Of course. Well, there has been a kitty there so the universe should stay on our side with that one, hopefully. Ro: Hm yes, if anyone asks you got back before I did, there's not much I can do if social media decides to answer instead though alas Ro: Oh Tess, no offense intended, but truly I'd much rather hear what you have to say Ali: Oh, Bluebs, hope she was alright with the fireworks, I paid Rocky with a selection box to keep her company but bet he was too busy being a hooligan come 12, nutter...but I'm sure she hid herself nicely warming the blankets for us anyway, like 😽 Ali: Did you and Meena have a good time? With all dem 💶💶💶 you can both more than make up for missing the hottest part night of the year, ay Ali: Bless her heart, though perhaps take her pack away from her still, you'll be helping her and, you might need one after I fill you in, like 😉 Ro: I can't tell a lie there was some bribery involved for us too with the older kids. They had me baking and the text advice I received from Tommy wasn't as helpful or coherent as usual Ro: We definitely earned our crusts it has to be said Ro: I think Meena would've liked to join you so you might want to play down the finer details when you fill her in but no complaints here, fussy children aside Ro: I draw the line at that level of trickery, we'd both be caught if I even tried I think Ali: I think its to be expected, babysitter rules are there are no rules, or very few, ESPECIALLY when it comes to sugar 😋 Lucky kiddos, I would kill for a sweet treat rn Ali: Maybe I can push it and see if the old man is any fit state to do a fry-up too, mmm Ali: We should deffo ring Tommo then and be annoyingly loud and cheerful 'cos he always gets hangovers un🍀 🦆y Ali: Payback Ali: Well her brother was there so she wouldn't have been able to have all that much fun, like, I'll be sure to downplay it though, tact is so my strong suit 😏😂 Ro: Oh? You'll be glad to hear then that I had the foresight to make enough cookies to bring a batch home. There's still a few that could be claimed by you if you're quick enough. Ro: I can make no such promises about a proper breakfast but time will tell I suppose, I'd consider it favorable if you work a little of your own magic Ro: You have plenty left don't you? Ro: We'll likely need an actual spell to wake Tommy after all Ali: Faster than a speeding bullet, me Ali: I can climb these drainpipes like nobody else 🐈💪 Ali: I'm sure we could concoct a pepperup potion, getting him to drink it is another kind of magic altogether Ali: even if we settle for calling it an energizer smoothie or something muggle Ro: Perhaps we could say it has lots of biotin that'd make him more inclined for sure Ali: When quiff is life Ali: He truly is sweet 16 Ali: And 15 is looking up for me too, fingers crossed and knock on wood rn, this is gonna be our year, Posy, and that ain't the after-affects still talkin' Ali: Wished on every 🎆 in the sky Ro: Wishing is very powerful so I'm not surprised, I am very intrigued though Ro: Go ahead Ali: I'm in 💚 Ali: 🙃 and now hiding under the covers eeeeeeeeeeeppppp bye Ro: Did Marlene get off work early last night and surprise you? That's so lovely Ali: No, no, no Ali: It's all but ended and it will be if my feeling is correct and reciprocated Ali: We'll be better off as friends, honestly, I can't give her what she wants but I can be there for as a mate so that's what's best, she'll see that given a bit of time, I'm sure of it Ali: That said...do you think I'm a total slag for who did surprise me last night now? 😳🙈 Ro: Oh okay. That makes sense Ro: No Ali, I'd never Ro: Is it someone I know? You've mentioned Meena's brother already... Ali: Oh lordy no 😂 Drew is an alright lad really but no, he's not the sort, definitely would not be reciprocated, he's got half the girls at School after him and he loves that Ali: More power to him but you're getting warmer Ali: you know the lad him and Meena live with, don't you? Caleb Cavante, in my year too Ali: 😍 Ro: I think so? He's always in the music block isn't he? Ro: He smiles a lot. Not in a weird sense though I don't mean that Ali: Oh Ro 😂 you make ME smile Ali: sounds like him, cool hair Ali: obviously, I knew of him before last night but it was just like...right time, right place, you know? Ali: Sounded triter than all the 'new year, new me' posts aren't I? Ro: Not at all Ro: It sounds like a fairy tale and we're treating it as such! Ro: Did you kiss him at the end of the countdown? Ali: Oh no, I forgot to lose a shoe...Typical, on the one night to make throwing dancing shoes aside count! But I suppose he won't have to search the kingdom high and low Ali: Back at School Tuesday Ali: At least this promises to make my weekdays more entertaining at any rate Ali: Mhmm 😊 *Gameshow host voice* BUT THAT'S NOT ALL Ro: What else is there? Did he lose a shoe instead? I dread to think what I'm missing here... Ali: [Improptu selfie with the tattooed finger over her lips like a moustache] Ali: Not saying that trumps 'Facebook Official' but 😎 Ro: !!!! Ro: did Caleb get a tattoo too? Ali: Oh silly me, yeah Ali: [Photo they took together post-tattoo] Ali: Big n Lil dipper, its cute, right? Ro: Oh my god! You better not post these, Tess will kill you, but Ro: I think that's adorable Ro: Did it hurt so much?? Ali: She'll love it Ali: we did it ourselves, on each other Ali: thank god he wasn't really crap, unfair, I'd have to go over it myself 😂 Ali: Not really, doing lil dots like that by hand is probably the most chill way to do it, it really wasn't anything to think about even Ali: I could do one for you, really get the mumbot shorting a circuit 😈 Ro: Really?! Weren't you scared?! I would be. Ro: Ali that's so brave. He must have trusted you and vice versa to such a degree Ro: Only you'd get all of this out of the way before a first date has even happened Ro: No wonder you're so giddy Ali: Nah it's not scary, you can watch next time I do one on me, if you like, see for yourself Ali: Promise it isn't dead gory or anything Ali: I'm thinking of doing a Clitocybe rivulosa, our 👑 achievement in witchery to date, you want in? Ali: Won't show Mum that one forreal, she'd lock us in separate dungeons again 👎💔 Ali: Yeah...it felt good to get that shit out of the way, this way, if he wants to look down at his hand ever again and not be reminded of a bad memory, we'll have to make it good Ali: Clever, non? Everyone will think its ridiculous, I know, but I trust his intentions now, which is more than I can say for any of my previous Ali: Bar Marlene, of course, although technically she didn't set her intentions but not in a malicious way so we're letting it slide Ro: Do you sincerely promise? I'd like to see the whole thing for myself before I make any of my own but Ro: It does sound lovely. I'd be jealous if I wasn't so pleased Ro: No offense to Marlene, oops, I'm getting carried away here Ro: It is happy news though Ro: I mean, a love letter on skin, that's just Ro: It makes me speechless Ali: 🤞 Ali: ❌💚🙏☠💉👁 Ali: Me too, it's catching Ali: It'll be better in the long run, she can find her a wifey Ali: I know, I just- ahh Ali: He just text, asking if I got Home alright Ro: Sorry but this boy is a keeper Ro: that's so gentlemanly it's like we've stepped into Austen Ro: Are you nervous about school? It just sounds so magical and classrooms are so...well, not, aren't they? Ali: Better! He wasn't stand-offish and rude to me at the party, only to be won 'round by my wit, humor and independent spirit Ali: Clearly, he's more clued in and go-with-the-flow than Darcy, a win in anyone's books, even Jane's Ali: Hmm, not particularly, nah Ali: I'm not overly concerned with what other people think, so that won't spoil it, fat chance Ali: and we've always had a certain talent for making the mundane magical, haven't we? Ro: Jane would be spinning! Lydia with all her apparent lack of concerns for 'social conventions' has nothing on you and I have little doubt you'd be overjoyed by whatever 'disgraces' Caleb had in mind Ro: A much better match that anything she'd have conceived no doubt Ro: School seems so far off still but now I really am envious that you've made certain you'll have reason to look forward to it. Very unfair! Ro: The only fly in the ointment, potentially is what Marlene might say, how much are you going to tell her? Ali: 🙊 Ali: I'd be happy to regale you with the night's disgraces but I have even less doubt that you'd rather not hear about those details Ali: You're not trying to tell me you've previously nearly eloped with Caleb yourself though, are you? 🤔 Georgiana Darcy is a pretty good fit for you Ali: Now that would be a scandal worth the gossip 😏 Ali: Perhaps you can join me and make the music block your new haunt for a bit, give the library chance to REALLY miss you, like Ali: Hmm, no doubt she'll say things she'll regret when her pride is less hurt Ali: but they aren't prejudices against my 'fake' sexuality I haven't heard before, from her as well, so 🤷 Ali: I understand why, not that I agree with her. For one, I can attest to the reality, and also, I've not got any issue with experimentation, whatever the outcome but I see her frustration Ali: Serious as she is, about, everything Ali: It'll be okay, if she doesn't want to be my friend then alright, her loss frankly, but I'll always be there for her if she chooses Ro: To be honest, no I would not. It's much too early in the year, and day, for all that Ro: Oh goodness! Flattered as I would be to considered an accomplished woman, I fall short in all necessary regards, least of all the elopement alas Ro: Hm, as much as I both enjoy, and clearly need the practice for that comparison to hold true in any sense, I think I'll leave you to the necessary haunting yourself Ro: True. She's always been very vocal, hasn't she? I can understand if you slightly relish the opportunity to leave her speechless just this once too Ro: And it really would be her loss if she chooses that path to go down anyway Ali: What can I say? I'm an overachiever Ali: Couldn't even help myself, like 😎😂 Ali: No you don't, and you're a year younger, you're well ahead of the curve set and it ain't even necessary for a lady to have pleasant hobbies and talents in our day and age so Ali: You're an overachiever too, that's why I loooooove you 💚 Ali: S'cool though, suppose we don't wanna turn up en masse, put him off his A game, bit rude Ali: It is one of the things I admire about her but less so her dogmatism Ali: No one is always right about everything, even me 😜 Ro: Thanks I suppose Ro: Though I probably shouldn't pass on that wisdom about not always being right to everyone else at the kitchen table Ro: Not if I would like to live to be a year older at any rate Ali: Honestly 🙄 Ali: No wonder they love Marlene so much Ali: Ma is gonna be gutted, no doubt it'll be all my fault Ali: like lowkey but damn, woman, show a little loyalty when your daughter can't 😂 Ro: She'll calm down as long as you keep your gentleman caller away from the door for a while I'm sure Ro: When is the first date set for actually? Oh so exciting! Ali: Yeah, we've both agreed as much Ali: For Lene's sake as much as mother's Ali: Gotta get my house in order Ali: I don't know, ooh, what should we do?! Ro: There's always the open mic if he'd adore being serenaded Ro: Sounds like you'd have time to work on a dedication if not a song Ali: THAT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA Ali: I'll bring out an old classic, best to stick with what I know and am best at for max best impressions Ali: Can always go new and exciting with the outfit 🤩 Ro: Exacty Ro: Your full of good ideas when it comes to that Ro: Oh! We should go donation diving. New year, new clothes to peruse through Ali: Yes! We must we must! Ali: Best time of year for it, ungrateful fuckers binning their unwanted presents Ali: Regift 'em our way 🙏 Ali: Marlene wants to meet up later Ali: Looks like we're doing this today then, ugh, we can hit the charity shops tomorrow maybe? The sales rush shoulda died down a bit at least Ro: That works for me, I'd rather not fight for my faux furs, somewhat defeats the desired purpose Ro: I'll be around if things with Marlene go according to plan, or otherwise and you need to talk it out Ali: Agreed, though I'm down for granny bashing our way to the bargains if needs must Ali: I'll be getting some practice in today, like 🙃 Ali: Thank you though, Posy Ali: Sure it'll be fine Ro: I know it will. You can do this Ro: I can condone that much at least, your shopping behavior less so Ali: 😽 Ali: With you on my side, how could I fail? Ali: She is getting narky though so watch me waltz down the stairs and out again like missed me missed me
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