#I've never watched Outer Banks
suncoved · 3 months
SALTWATER BLUES ! 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𓇼 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂ𓆡 ⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ
pairing; childhoodbestfriend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: You return to the outer banks after moving away with your mother at 13, leaving your best friend Rafe, alone and confused with no way out. Now you're back, 6 years later.. and it's an absolute shit show.
series masterlist !
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Rafe threw his head back as he snorted his first line of the night, the rush quickly making its way to his brain as his body relaxed. He sniffed more from the intrusion, scanning his eyes over the crowd of people at the party on a normal night in the outer banks.
"My boy knows how to party!" Topper enthusiastically claimed, walking up to Rafe who was sat around the glass table on the balcony.
"Shut up topper" He grumbled in reply, glancing over at the girl following behind his blonde friend. "Rafe, this is Marley. Said she wanted to get to know you"
The girl batted her eyelashes at Rafe, her legs glistening in her very short skirt. "not happening" Rafe replied, preparing the next round of his supply as he waved his hand at the pair in front of him to go away.
"Well, the king has spoken. Sorry Marls, he's been a bit grumpy for well.. always."
Rafe rolled his eyes at Topper's words, not even bothering to watch as the girl walked away begrudgingly.
"When are you gonna move on man, I mean we all loved her but.. she's not coming back." Topper sighed, sitting on the chair next to Rafe. "Shut the fuck up, you don't know the first thing about me and her. " He snapped back, his blood boiling at the mention of you, as it always did.
He was so angry.
So angry that you had left him without a goodbye. So angry that he couldn't hold your hand or cuddle you. So angry he couldn't just have you back.
But what made him the most angry, was that it wasn't angry at all.
He could never be angry at you. All he wanted was you back in his arms, but he knew that was never happening.
And he was yet to make peace with that fact.
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"I've missed you so much!" Kie squealed as she ran into your arms, pushing you back as you giggled and hugged her. "I've missed you too Kie. It's been too long," you replied solemnly, pulling back to look at her face for the first time in years.
"Outerbanks hasn't been the same without you" Kiara replied, squeezing you extra tight as she pulled back. You just smiled in response, taking a deep breath of the fresh Obx air you didn't know you missed so much.
"Well c'mon, we have swimming to do." You giggled, pulling off your shirt and shorts to reveal your bikini underneath, feeling the soft sand between your toes.
You couldn't wait for her as she shimmed out of her clothes, looking at her and smiling before running to the water.
You had only been back in the Obx for a matter of hours, digging through your suitcase to find the first bathing suit you could see before running out of your house.
The feeling of the fresh, clear, water on your skin as you dived under waves was unmatched to anything you had felt before. Like before this, you had never even lived before.
All the worries and panic about coming back home dissipating the second you touched the sea.
You don't know how long you were swimming, but the second you came back to consciousness the sun was setting over the horizon.
As you swam back to the shore, you heard a bustle on the sand in front of you. You narrowed your eyes at the commotion, your feet finding their way to the sand below you as you walked out of the water.
Having only spent about 6 hours back in the Outerbanks, you hadn't yet become acquainted with the nightlife of the teenagers of Kildare.
You heard your name being yelled behind you as you walked up the beach to your towel and clothes, turning around to see Kiara now fully dry and fully dressed.
"Oh my god, you were swimming that whole time? I thought you went home!" Kie gasped as you noticed a red solo cup in her hand.
"I always lose track of time out there. What's all this?" you questioned, looking around at the crowds of teenagers and music pumping in your ears at the once peaceful boneyard.
"Kegger, Wait! C'mon, The boys will be so happy your back!" She enthusiastically replied, pulling you towards the crowds while you were still drying off with your towel.
"Wait Kie!" you gasped, much preferring that she gave you the chance to put on some clothes first.
"Guys! Look whose back" Kiara exclaimed, pulling you out from behind her to see the trio of troublemaking pouges from your childhood.
"Hey, no way! The kook princess is back in town" JJ gasped, pulling you in for a hug as you smiled. "Hey J"
You were never that close with the Pouges, because well you were never in the same circle as them. Though, Pope's dad Heyward knew your father from childhood and was at your house from time to time.
After exchanging hugs with the rest of the boys, they soon went into a conversation about god knows what, letting you have the opportunity to slip away unnoticed.
You sighed to yourself as you walked down the beach, attempting to escape the commotion of the Kegger. It wasn't dark yet, so you found yourself sitting in the soft sand, staring at the waves in peace.
You were yet to see or hear of the Cameron boy you had been thinking about your whole life.
Wondering what he had been up to for the last 6 years of your life. Was he in college? What did he look like now? Was he tall, handsome?
You had endless amounts of questions, but you were still undecided if you actually wanted them to be answered.
You brought your legs into your chest as you wrapped your arms around yourself, letting your head rest on your arms as you stared into the horizon.
You looked behind you as you heard voices, watching a girl climb onto a red buoy that had washed up on the shore. You squinted your eyes as you saw a familiar boy lend her a hand to get down.
As Sarah looked over the shore from her view, she noticed you sat alone. And i mean, you're someone people never forget, and along with the fact she hadn't stopped hearing about you from her older brother since she could remember.
You hear your name from behind you as you turn, seeing Sarah run up to you with Topper following cluelessly behind.
"Hey Sarah" You sigh, trying to be as enthusiastic as possible but you can't help but crave silence right now.
"What're doing back here, I thought I'd never see you again" She exclaims, leaning down to hug you. "Can't get rid of me that quick"
"Hey Topper" You spoke, watching as he nervously peered at you behind Sarah.
As much as you loved Sarah, you guys were never close. Sure you could have a good conversation with her occasionally, but you were always closer to Topper, because well, where you went, Rafe went.
You watched as someone called Sarah's name, making her turn around and walk towards the voice. Leaving you and Topper alone on the shore.
Instead of following her, he took a seat next to you on the sand.
"We've missed you a lot y'know" He sighed, shuffling closer to you as you turned to him "He's not doing good, at all. He needs you"
You felt a tear making its way down your cheek at the mention of Rafe, turning away quickly to wipe it off your face. "See him soon alright, please"
With his last statement, he got up and left you to your thoughts.
When your mom decided to whisk you away back to the mainland, you didn't only lose your father and all you knew, but the love of your life as well.
You and Rafe were inseparable, and you had always wondered what your life would be like if you never had left.
You looked over the crowd at Kie, who was having fun and laughing with her friends. Deciding against having the whole 'I'm going home now' conversation where you knew she was going to try to get you to stay, you walked the length of the beach back to your house.
You didn't even know how you would go about seeing Rafe again. Were you gonna show up to his house and offer milk and cookies, or hide from him for the rest of your life until you could have plastic surgery to change your face so he couldn't recognise you?
Probably the latter.
You held your shoes in your hands as you walked up the staircase to your room, your dad nowhere in sight, and the house as quiet as it was in your childhood.
You sighed as you flicked the light on in your room, the sky outside now pitch black.
You immediately start pulling off your shirt and shorts which were over your bikini. The mixture of the sand and the still-damp swimsuit making you squirm.
You look over to your balcony and realise your curtains are still open, making the wise decision that you should probably shut them before completely stripping, you walk over to the window.
You reach to each side of the fabric, beginning to pull them into each other before your eyes are cast to the light in front of you from outside.
You look over to the bedroom opposite yours out the window, clothes strewn across the floor, the bed unmade... Oh! and your childhood best friend staring right at you in utter shock.
Shoot, there goes your master plan.
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rafeshoeeee · 2 months
Best friends brother
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I had been best friends with Sarah Cameron for as long as i could remember. Our families go way back and had known each other for years.
Sarah is the kook princess, everyone knows her and everyone loves her. She's dating Topper Thornton, her brother's best friend. They're constantly arguing with each other and it's so tiring. Topper is very short tempered and gets annoyed by Sarah's friendliness towards everybody. I have to tolerate Topper as he's around most of the time, but i have my reasons why he's not my favorite.
Sarah's older brother Rafe is just so dreamy. Due to me being very close with Sarah he has to put up with me constantly being around, but deep down i know he doesn't mind that one bit.
I've known Rafe since he was a stroppy 9 year old boy. I've watched his mannerisms change over the years as he developed into the person he is.
We never really took any notice of each other when we were younger, but once we both matured, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.
We had gotten much closer over the past two years and everyone had noticed. We spoke more at parties, laughed together, got drunk together and behind closed doors we did things we know we shouldn't.
But we just couldn't help it.
I wanted him because i knew i couldn't have him.
i remember when i first developed a little crush for him a couple of years ago, and i would get upset every time he brought a new girl home. Which was usually once a week, sometimes more. But overtime this bad habit had worn off once we started getting closer.
We are actually dating now but it's a massive secret. No one can know, and that's what makes it exciting. Sneaking around together gives both of us a buzz that's indescribable.
I used to tell myself that i would never do anything to ruin mine and Sarah's friendship, yet here i was laying in her brothers bed with nothing but his t-shirt and my pink panties on. My body pressed up against Rafe's bare chest, my finger nail tracing shapes on his right bicep. His arms lazily draped around my waist and had been for most of the night.
It was early morning in the Outer Banks and i had been awake for a little while, just watching Rafe peacefully sleep, looking so calm and relaxed. I listened to his slow heart beat gently bump in his chest, calming me also.
I watched him as he blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the light that beamed through the curtains. I placed a couple of gentle kisses along his jawline to let him know i was awake before nuzzling my head back into his chest.
His hand gently stroked my hair and i felt his lips kiss the top of my head, making me smile to myself. I loved mornings like this, Rafe being all soft compared to his usual tough boy act. No one ever saw this loving side to him and that's why everyone thinks he's a hot headed maniac. Most people only see his bad moments as he doesn't let his guard down very easily, but i was so grateful he chose me to be like this with.
"morning baby" i whispered to him, propping myself up onto my elbows so i could look at his face.
He squinted at me, his eyes still not adjusted to the light. He slowly removed his arm from around my waist and rubbed his eyes with his hand. I lightly laughed at his action, knowing that he wasn't a morning person but he was trying his best.
"morning beautiful" he replied, his voice slightly cracking due to him not being fully awake yet.
I just looked at him with loving eyes, wondering how i got so lucky. My heart fluttered in my chest at his compliment and how sexy he sounded with his morning voice.
I cupped his right cheek gently and connected our lips, the kisses were gentle and passionate, full of warmth and love.
I could feel Rafe's hands traveling down my body and they stopped at my bum, squeezing the flesh, causing me to giggle into his mouth and our lips separating.
"Rafeee" i squealed from his unexpected gesture.
Before i could say anything else, Rafe grabbed my chin and reconnected our lips, the kisses still so gentle and soft.
As much as i wanted to stay in bed all morning with Rafe, cuddling with him and absorbing all his body heat. I couldn't risk getting caught in here and he knew that. A lot of the time we spend together has to get cut short and it's so annoying because all we want to do is be together every minute of every day. But we just can't.
I struggled to pull away from Rafe as he knew what time it was. He knew i had to leave and scurry off to the guest bedroom and act like i didn't spend all night and all morning laying in his bed.
He groaned out of frustration and peppered kisses all over my face. I giggled at his clinginess, "baby i have to go" i told him firmly but softly, looking at him with an apologetic expression.
I hated leaving him in the mornings when he's all cute and precious. He grabbed my body and pulled me into him, not wanting to let me go, "just five more minutes" he groaned out, wrapping his big arms around my small frame. He made me feel so comfortable and safe but now really wasn't the time, any minute now Sarah would wake up and come searching for me.
I untangled myself from his arms and quickly jumped out of bed. The slightly cold air pricked my skin, goosebumps appearing on my arms. I searched the room for my pjs, needing to change into them. I know Sarah would think me wondering around in her brother's top is strange and i don't want to cause any suspicion.
"look away" i told Rafe, about to pull his top over my head.
He jokingly scoffed, "your kidding right? I've seen you naked plenty of times"
He's right, but i knew i wouldn't be able to resist his lustful stare as i stripped in the middle of his bedroom. However, i didn't have to time to argue with him over such a silly thing, so i just pulled his top over my head, leaving me in just my pink panties.
My hand instantly shot over my bare breasts as i hurried to pull my own floral pajama top over my head.
"don't cover yourself up sweetheart, let me see you" Rafe demanded, i could tell he had a huge smirk on his lips, despite me not looking his way.
His seductive voice turned me on so much, i loved the way he made me feel. He made me feel like the only girl in the world and he treated me like a goddess.
I dropped my arm from breasts and let them free, perfectly on display for Rafe to eye. I looked over at him and saw him lick his lips.
"such pretty tits" he blurted out, running a hand over his buzzed hair, clearly overstimulated.
I smirked to myself as i pulled my top over my head. I loved how much control i had over him. The way he just drowned me in compliments all of the time made me feel so confident.
i teasingly bent down to grab my pajama shorts, my ass in perfect view for Rafe to see. I heard him grunt from behind me and i quickly stepped into my shorts before turning to face him.
"everything okay baby?" i asked him with a devious smirk on my lips.
He chuckled to himself, "you're such a little tease" he laughed softly and readjusted himself under the covers.
I quickly leant over him to give him a quick peck on the lips before exiting his room. I felt his hand slap my ass and i looked at back at him with wide eyes.
"i love you" i told him before opening his bedroom door to leave.
He smiled at my words and responded, "i love you more baby"
I gently shut Rafe's bedroom door behind me and i quickly scurried to the guest bedroom three doors down. I opened the door, the bed was freshly made and the windows were ajar, a little breeze blowing the curtains. I rolled onto the bed and buried myself underneath the covers, making it look like i had spent the night here.
I missed Rafe already. I missed hearing him breathe in my ear, i missed the feeling of his lips on mine and peppering my skin and i missed the way he looked at me. I couldn't put into words the amount of love i feel for him, and i fall in love with him more and more every single day. I couldn't imagine my life without him.
I adored him so much and never understood how anyone can be mean to him. I understood that he doesn't appear to be the friendliest person on the planet but i believe that you have to give everyone a chance. i took my chance with Rafe and it was one hundred percent worth it.
I opened my phone and typed a message to Rafe,
Me: I miss you baby x
He responded almost immediately, a mirror picture of him with a towel wrapped around his waist. His v line peeking over the top and little water droplets running down his abs. There was text at the bottom stating, i miss you too baby girl
My core was aching for him, he knew i loved him like this.
I quickly went into the guest bathroom that was attached to the bedroom and pulled my tiny pajama shorts down. I snapped a picture of my ass, it was slightly covered by my tiny pink thong, but it was perfect. He knew exactly how to turn me on, and i knew exactly how to turn him on.
Rafe started typing and his message read,
Rafe: fuck baby, i need you
That was it. As soon as i received that message, i quickly pulled my shorts on. i exited the guest room and headed straight for Rafe's. My hand reached the door knob but before i could turn it and enter the room I heard my name.
"y/n? what are you doing?" Sarah asked, confusion written all over her face.
My face dropped.
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andy-15-07 · 5 months
Beautiful memories
masterlist ! pairing Drew Starkey x reader
SUMMARY: Drew and Y/n create some beautiful memories with their daughter
Outer Banks Masterlist
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The soft glow of the afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm golden hue over the cozy living room where Y/n and Drew Starkey sat together. Their daughter, Elisa, lay nestled in Drew's arms, her tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb as she gazed up at him with wide, curious eyes.
Y/n watched with a smile as Drew cooed and chuckled, making silly faces and funny noises to elicit a giggle from their precious daughter. There was a tenderness in his touch, a gentleness in his voice, that never failed to melt her heart.
"You're such a natural with her," Y/n said, her voice soft with affection as she leaned against Drew's shoulder.
Drew looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with love. "I can't help it," he replied, his voice filled with wonder. "She's just so…perfect."
Y/n reached out to stroke Elisa's cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin. "She's got your eyes, you know," she said, a hint of pride in her voice.
Drew smiled, his heart swelling with love. "And she's got your smile," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to Elisa's forehead.
As they sat together in the quiet warmth of their home, surrounded by love and laughter, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming gratitude. She had never imagined herself as a mother, but now that Elisa was here, she couldn't imagine her life without her.
"You know," Drew said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them, "I never knew I could love someone as much as I love her."
Y/n nodded, her eyes misting with tears. "Me too," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "She's changed everything."
Drew leaned in to press a tender kiss to Y/n's lips, his love for her overflowing. "And you," he said, pulling back to look into her eyes, "you're the most amazing mother I've ever seen."
Y/n felt her heart swell with love at his words, her eyes shining with tears of joy. "I love you," she said, reaching out to take his hand in hers.
"I love you too," Drew replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
Together, they sat in the quiet warmth of their home, basking in the love that surrounded them. And as they watched their daughter sleep peacefully in Drew's arms, they knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be—together, as a family, forever.
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peavhyshy · 10 months
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Pairing: Sarah Cameron x Reader
Summary: In which you and Sarah share a secret kiss while hanging out alone in your room, complicating both of your relationships with John B.
Warnings: sarah cheats on john b with reader, explicit language, fluff, smut, secret relationship, friends to lovers, this set after ward blew himself up, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, fingering, oral sex, grinding/tribbing, nipple play
Words: 2,617 
a/n: guys is it bad to sleep with your best friend when your boyfriend is being a douche and didn't comfort you after you watched your dad die? but seriously there needs to be more sarah fics on here, y'all sleeping on her
((not proofread because i'm lazy and rereading stuff I write makes me cringe for some reason))
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The sun had just set over OBX, casting an orange glow across the sandy beaches. Inside the your families beach house, Sarah lay sprawled across your bed, half-watching some cheesy rom-com on the little TV in your room.
"Ugh, I can't watch this anymore," Sarah groaned, grabbing the remote and flicking through channels aimlessly. She was grateful for you trying to cheer her up after the traumatic events of the past few days, but she just wasn't in the mood for happy endings right now.
You glanced over from where you sat braiding friendship bracelets on the floor. "Yeah, I'm not really feeling it either," you said with a sympathetic smile. You tied off the bracelet and scooted up onto the bed next to Sarah.
Sarah clicked off the TV and flopped back onto the pile of pillows with a dramatic sigh. "I just keep replaying it all in my head, you know? Like maybe if I had done something differently…" Her voice trailed off as she stared up at the ceiling fan swirling above you guys.
You reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "It's not your fault, Sarah. There's nothing you could have done."
Sarah turned her head to look at you, her brown eyes glistening. In the soft glow of the bedside lamp, You looked so beautiful and comforting that Sarah suddenly felt the urge to kiss you. Before she could talk herself out of it, she leaned in and pressed her lips to yours.
Your eyes went wide in surprise before slowly closing as you kissed Sarah back tentatively. After a few seconds, you broke apart, blushing wildly.
"Um, wow," you breathed, biting your lip. "So that just happened."
Sarah let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just feeling extra emotional and impulsive tonight. I've always thought you were really pretty though." She grinned sheepishly.
You laughed and playfully hit Sarah with a pillow. "Oh so that's how it is, huh? Taking advantage of me in my own bedroom?"
Sarah dramatically flipped her hair. "I mean, can you blame me? Have you seen this hair?"
You both dissolved into giggles, the tension instantly broken. No matter what else was going on in your lives, you always had each other. And maybe this was the beginning of something more.
“What about John B?” you asked, putting the bracelet on Sarah’s hand.
Sarah sighed, twisting the new bracelet around her wrist. "John B…I don't know. He's been so caught up in everything with his dad and the gold, it's like he doesn't even see me anymore. I miss how things used to be between us."
She looked up at you. "But then there's this…" she gestured between you guys. "This connection we have. I've never felt this way about another girl before."
You nodded, a worried crease forming between your brows. "I know what you mean. I care about John B, but I also care about you." you bit your lip. "Maybe we should keep this between us for now? At least until we figure things out.”
Sarah considered it for a moment then nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re probably right. No need to complicate things even more.” She linked her pinky with yours. “This can be our little secret.”
You smiled, hooking your pinky with Sarah’s. “Our secret,” you repeated.
Sarah leaned in conspiratorially. “So should we pick up where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted by your question?” you teased.
You giggled and closed the distance once more, your lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss.
Sarah lifts your shirt over your head, exposing your bare chest. She runs her hands up your sides, caressing your soft skin as she kisses down your neck. You let out a soft gasp, tangling your fingers in Sarah's blonde hair.
"Sarah…" you breathe out, your heart pounding as Sarah's hands continue to explore your body. You feel a growing heat between your legs, this new intimacy with Sarah awakening desires you never knew you had. Sarah kisses lower, trailing her lips down your collarbone, then takes a hard nipple into her mouth. You moan, arching your back off the bed at the sensation.
Sarah lifts her head to look into your eyes, her own darkened with lust. She reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, then tosses it aside. Sarah sits back on her knees to admire your naked form, a smirk playing on her kiss-swollen lips.
"You're so fucking beautiful," she says throatily before leaning down to capture your lips once more. As your tongues meet, Sarah reaches down to undo the button on your shorts, her hand slipping beneath the waistband. You gasp into Sarah's mouth at the intimate touch, your hips bucking involuntarily. You never felt more alive than in this moment with Sarah, every nerve-ending tingling with anticipation.
Sarah's fingers dip lower, finding slick heat that makes you cry out. She strokes slowly at first, learning what makes you whimper and moan.
As Sarah's fingers work between your legs, you feel pleasure building within your core. Your breathing comes faster, soft moans escaping with each circular stroke of Sarah's fingers over your slick, swollen clit. Your hips rock uncontrollably, pushing yourself against Sarah's hand as your arousal grows.
Sarah watches your face, taking in every flutter of your eyelids, every gasp and whimper. She slides two fingers lower, teasing your entrance before pushing them inside. You cry out at the penetration, panting Sarah's name over and over. Sarah thrusts her fingers slowly at first, then faster as your inner walls clench tight around them.
The coil of tension in your belly winds tighter and tighter until suddenly it snaps, your orgasm crashing over you in waves of euphoria. Your back arches off the bed, a string of curses and Sarah's name on your lips as you come undone.
Sarah pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, her own bright with exhilaration and desire. She runs her fingers through your tousled hair and grins, trailing her hand down your body. She slips her fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts again, raising an eyebrow in question.
You bit your lip and nodded, lifting your hips so Sarah can slide your shorts and underwear off. Sarah tosses them aside, then settles between your parted thighs, kissing a path up your inner leg. You shiver in anticipation, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch. When Sarah's mouth finally finds your pussy, you gasp, your head falling back against the pillows.
Sarah hums in satisfaction at your reaction, the vibration sending sparks of pleasure through you. She uses her tongue to explore your slick folds, quickly finding the sensitive bundle of nerves that makes you cry out and clutch at the sheets. Sarah focuses her attention there, alternating between broad laps of her tongue and tight circles around your clit.
Your soon panting and writhing beneath her. "Oh god, Sarah…feels so good…" you moan. The coil of tension winds tight once more until you shatter again with a sharp cry, your thighs clamping around Sarah's head as you come. Sarah works you through it with soft licks, not stopping until you go limp with satisfaction.
Your moans fill the room as straddles you and slips off her underwear, your bodies coming together in a tantalizing display of desire. The slickness of your wetness creates friction that sends shivers of pleasure through both of you. Sarah's core radiates heat, igniting a fire within you that can't be quenched.
Your hands greedily explore Sarah's sides, eager to feel every inch of her. You grab onto Sarah's ass, pulling her closer, urging her to grind harder against your throbbing clit. Sarah leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that leaves you both breathless. Your tongues dance and entwine, a passionate tango of desire. The taste of your shared arousal fill your mouths, fueling your hunger for each other.
Your hips move in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge. Sarah's grinding against your clit, your clits rubbing together in a rhythm that drives you both wild. The wetness between your legs acts as a lubricant, allowing your movements to become even more intense, more intimate.
You arch your back, offering your breasts to Sarah's hungry mouth. Sarah eagerly takes the invitation, capturing a nipple between her lips, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh. The sensation shoots electric sparks of pleasure straight to your core.
With one final, powerful thrust, Sarah's body shudders with pleasure. She cries out, her climax washing over her in a wave of bliss that crashes through her entire being. Her walls clench around nothing but the air, her core pulsating with every release.
Your own release follows closely behind, your body convulsing in waves of pleasure. The intense sensations ripple through you, causing you to grip onto Sarah tightly, your bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace. You both ride out the waves of your orgasms together, matching each other's moans and gasps.
When you finally break apart your both are flushed and beaming. Sarah's fingers gently stroke your face as you kiss languidly, softly.
"Was that okay?" Sarah asks after a moment, suddenly shy.
You smile, pulling Sarah down for another lingering kiss. "More than okay," you assure her. Sarah grins, nuzzling into your neck.
Sarah smiles contentedly and lays her head on on your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat as it returns to normal. She feels a sense of peace and belonging that she hasn't felt in a long time. Here with you, away from the chaos and tragedy of the outside world, Sarah can simply be. No expectations, no pretending - just two souls connecting on the most intimate level.
Sarah traces lazy circles on your bare stomach as you lay entwined. She thinks about how rapidly her feelings have shifted - from seeing you only as a friend, to suddenly being unable to resist her. It feels natural though, not scary or confusing like her past crushes on boys. With you it just feels…right.
Eventually your lips find each other again, the kisses growing heated once more. You roll yourselves over so you're the one on top, straddling Sarah's hips. You look down at Sarah with hungry eyes as you slowly grind against her. Sarah gasps at the delicious friction, gripping your hips.
"Now it's my turn," you say in a low voice that sends a jolt of arousal straight between Sarah's legs. You reach down and tugs at the hem of Sarah's shirt. "Take this off."
Sarah complies, pulling her shirt up over her head and tossing it aside. You make quick work of her bra too until Sarah is laid bare before her. Your admiring gaze roams over Sarah's body, making her shiver with anticipation, you capture one of Sarah's nipples between your lips.
Sarah cries out, arching up into your warm mouth. As you lavishes attention on her breasts, Sarah is reduced to a writhing, moaning mess beneath your ministrations. This is even better than she imagined as she lets you take full control. 
You kiss your way down Sarah's trembling body until your mouth replaces your fingers between Sarah's legs. Sarah closes her eyes, crying out your name as a slick tongue explores her slick folds. She reaches down to tangle her fingers in your hair, urgent moans spilling from her lips.
"Y/N, I'm close…" she pants out. The coil of tension winding tighter and tighter within her finally snaps as she comes undone under your tongue.
You take Sarah into your arms. You exchange soft, languid kisses as Sarah catches her breath.
"Wow…" is all Sarah can say, still reeling.
You grin, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'd say we're pretty good at this secret relationship thing so far."
Sarah laughs. "I'd say so too. But we should probably keep practicing, just to be sure." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
You smirk, pulling Sarah in for another deep kiss. "I like the way you think."
Your lips meet again, both of you giddy with the exciting newness of exploring each other. For now, you’re content to stay lost in your little bubble of bliss, putting your troubles aside for a stolen moment of passion and release.
Sarah sighs contentedly, her body still tingling from her intimacy with you. She strokes your hair softly as you lie tangled together on the bed.
After a few peaceful moments, Sarah props herself up on one elbow to look down at you. "Not that I want this to end, but won't your parents be back soon?" she asks.
You glance at the clock on your nightstand and grimaces. "Yeah, probably. As much as I'd love to keep going…" You trail a hand suggestively down Sarah's side.
Sarah shivers at your touch. "Later," she promises with a grin. She gives you one last lingering kiss before reluctantly climbing off the bed to gather her scattered clothes.
As Sarah gets dressed, you sit up and wrap the blanket around yourself. You watch Sarah wistfully, not quite ready to burst this intimate bubble you’ve created. But the approaching sound of a boat motor outside makes the decision for you.
"Coming?" Sarah asks from the bedroom doorway, now fully dressed. Her cheeks are still flushed, lips swollen from kisses.
You sigh. "Yeah, be right there." As Sarah disappears down the hall, you take a moment to collect yourself. You press her fingers to your lips, Sarah's taste still lingering. Your heart flutters thinking about what just transpired between you too.
With a giddy smile, you get up to get dressed. You rejoin Sarah in the living room just as the front door opens and your parents walk in, loaded down with gear from their fishing trip. If they notice your matching blushes and shy glances, they don't say anything.
"Are you staying for dinner, Sarah?" your mom asks as she heads for the kitchen. "I'll throw some fish on the grill."
Sarah catches your eye, an impish look on her face. "I'd love to," she says sweetly. Under the table, she squeezes your hand, your secret.
The you too sat close together on the worn couch in your living room after dinner, shoulders touching. Your parents had retreated outside to the back deck, giving you some privacy. Sarah turned to you, looking into your eyes. She still couldn't believe what had transpired between you too earlier that evening.
"So…that happened," Sarah said with a small smile, cheeks flushing pink.
You nodded, biting your lip. You reached over and gave Sarah's hand a gentle squeeze. "It did. And as crazy as it sounds, it felt…right."
Sarah let out a soft laugh, interlacing your fingers. "I know, I feel the same way! I mean, I never expected this, but being with you just feels so natural."
She glanced down bashfully. "I know things with John B are complicated right now. But he's been pulling away, and you've been there for me. You make me feel safe and happy even during the worst moments."
You lifted Sarah's hand to your lips, kissing it softly. "You deserve to feel safe and happy, Sarah. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens with John B. And if this-" you gestured between you too "-is something you want to explore, I'm open to it."
Sarah's heart swelled with affection. She leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.
"Then let's explore," she murmured against your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, twining your arms around Sarah's neck to pull her closer. 
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519 notes · View notes
rafesapologist · 7 months
the setback ─ rafe cameron (sequel to the set up)
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summary: it's been two years since your departure from the outer banks and rafe cameron has seemingly convinced himself that he can go on with his life as if you never happened, except now more than ever his addiction is at an all time high. whether he was snorting lines of cocaine at wild parties or drowning himself in alcohol to numb the pain, rafe couldn't escape the memories of you. despite his efforts to bury his feelings, your absence lingered like a shadow, haunting him at every turn. meanwhile, you've been navigating life outside the outer banks, trying to carve out a new path for yourself. but no matter how far you've traveled, the memories of rafe cameron still linger in your heart, leaving you with a sense of unfinished business. as you find yourself facing new challenges and opportunities, you can't help but wonder if fate will eventually bring you back to the place where it all began.
warnings: not much, angst, mentions of addiction and drug use, mentions of alcohol
author's note: the sequel is here!! thank you guys for showing so much love for the set up and i can't wait for you guys to read the continuation of the series! mwah
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Rafe wiped the sweat from his brow as he hoisted another crate onto the ship's deck, the muscles in his arms straining against the weight. The salty tang of the sea filled the air around him, mingling with the scent of freshly sawn wood and the metallic hint of the gold hidden within the crates. His father, a rugged man with a weather-beaten face and a glint of mischief in his eyes, worked alongside him, his movements deft and sure.
"You're moving slower than a sloth today, Rafe," Ward teased, his voice carrying over the sounds of the bustling port. "Pick up the pace, boy!"
Rafe shot his father a mock glare before responding with a grin. "Maybe if you'd stop distracting me with your incessant chatter, old man, I could actually get some work done."
Ward chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, but where's the fun in that? Besides, a little banter makes the time go by faster."
As they continued their task, Ward's tone shifted, his voice taking on a more serious note. "You know, Rafe, I've been hard on you over the years. Pushed you to be better than you thought you could be."
Rafe paused, surprised by his father's admission. He glanced up, meeting Ward's gaze with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.
"But you've turned out to be my best child," Ward continued, his expression softening with pride. "Strong, capable, and fiercely loyal. I couldn't ask for more."
Rafe's heart swelled at his father's words, a rush of emotion flooding through him. For so long, he had sought his father's approval, yearning for even the smallest sign of acceptance. And now, here it was, offered freely in the midst of their everyday routine.
"Unlike your sister," Ward muttered, his voice heavy with regret. "Sarah always had a wild streak in her. Ran off two years ago, couldn't handle the life we lead. Sometimes I wonder if I pushed her too hard."
Rafe's heart clenched at the mention of Sarah, his sister who had always been their father's favorite. He'd watched with a mixture of resentment and envy as Ward showered her with praise and affection, leaving Rafe to feel like an afterthought.
"Yeah, well, maybe if you'd paid as much attention to me as you did to her, she wouldn't have felt the need to run," Rafe blurted out before he could stop himself.
Ward's gaze snapped to Rafe, his expression a mix of surprise and hurt. For a moment, the air between them crackled with tension, each of them grappling with the weight of their unspoken words.
But then Ward's features softened, his gaze filled with a mixture of regret and understanding. "I'm sorry, Rafe," he said quietly. "I never meant to make you feel like you weren't enough. You're my son, and I love you, no matter what."
Rafe swallowed past the lump in his throat, his eyes burning with unshed tears. In that moment, he realized that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for their fractured relationship after all.
Rafe wiped his forehead with his shirt, the midday sun beating down relentlessly as he and his father continued their task under the sweltering heat of Figure Eight's early summer. The air was heavy with the scent of salt and sweat, the rhythmic lapping of waves against the dock providing a backdrop to their labor.
"So, how're things with you and Sofia?" Ward asked, his voice cutting through the oppressive heat as he glanced over at Rafe.
Rafe paused, taken aback by his father's sudden inquiry. He hadn't expected Ward to broach the subject of his relationship with Sofia, not after their last conversation had ended in a heated argument about Rafe's antics.
"Uh, things are good," Rafe replied cautiously, unsure of how much he wanted to divulge. "We're… figuring things out, I guess."
Ward nodded, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "She's a good girl, that one. Strong-willed, like you. You two make a good match."
Rafe couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his father's words, a warmth spreading through him despite the oppressive heat. It was rare for Ward to offer his approval so freely, especially when it came to matters of the heart.
"Yeah, she's something special," Rafe agreed, a fond smile playing at his lips as he thought of Sofia. "I'm lucky to have her."
Ward clapped him on the back, a grin spreading across his weathered face. "That you are, son. That you are."
As Rafe continued with his work, his thoughts drifted back to the early days of his relationship with Sofia, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips. They had been through so much together, weathering storms both literal and figurative, yet somehow emerging stronger each time.
But as memories of their first meeting flooded his mind, Rafe's smile faltered, replaced by a pang of sadness. He remembered the excitement and nervousness he had felt as he approached her that day, the thrill of possibility mingling with the uncertainty of the unknown.
And then, like a sudden storm cloud on a clear day, another memory intruded upon his thoughts. A memory of someone else, someone who had once been a constant presence in his life but had vanished without a trace.
"You were still here," Rafe whispered to himself, the words barely audible over the din of the bustling port. "Before you ran away."
The pain of your disappearance still lingered, a wound that had yet to fully heal. Rafe couldn't help but wonder where you had gone, what had driven you to leave without so much as an explanation. Had it been something he had said or done? Or had you simply grown tired of waiting for him to change, to become the person you had hoped he would be?
As the memories threatened to overwhelm him, Rafe shook his head, banishing them to the recesses of his mind once more. There was work to be done, and he couldn't afford to let himself be consumed by thoughts of the past, no matter how painful they might be.
But deep down, in the quiet corners of his heart, he couldn't shake the feeling that he would never truly be able to move on until he had unraveled the reasoning of your disappearance and found closure once and for all.
With a determined shake of his head, Rafe pushed aside the tumult of emotions swirling within him and focused on the task at hand. He hoisted the final crate onto the ship with a grunt of effort, the weight of it a physical reminder of the burdens he carried both on and off the dock.
"Finished up here, Dad," Rafe called out, wiping his hands on his trousers as he made his way over to where Ward stood overseeing the loading process.
Ward glanced up, his brow furrowing in mild surprise at the sudden interruption. "Already? Well, I'll be damned. Looks like you're finally starting to earn your keep around here."
Rafe grinned at his father's gruff praise, a sense of satisfaction settling over him despite the lingering ache in his heart. "Guess I'm good for something after all."
Ward chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder with a rough hand. "Don't sell yourself short, son. You've got more potential than you give yourself credit for."
With a nod of thanks, Rafe stepped away from his father and headed toward the gangplank, eager to escape the confines of the dock and lose himself in the familiar streets of Figure Eight once more.
"I'm heading out to meet up with Sofia," he called over his shoulder, his voice carrying on the breeze. "I'll be back later."
Ward waved him off with a casual salute, his attention already turning back to the task at hand. "Take your time, Rafe. Just don't keep the girl waiting too long, or she might start thinking you've forgotten about her."
Rafe laughed, the sound ringing out clear and bright against the backdrop of the bustling port. "Trust me, Dad. That's the last thing I'd ever do."
As Rafe cruised down the sun-drenched streets of Figure Eight in his trusty old truck, a sense of freedom washed over him. The wind whipped through the open windows, tousling his hair and carrying with it the scent of salt and sea. He couldn't help but feel a surge of joy bubbling up inside him, the promise of the afternoon ahead adding an extra spring to his step.
But as he idly flipped through the radio stations, searching for the perfect soundtrack to accompany his journey, his heart skipped a beat when he stumbled upon a familiar melody. The haunting strains of "Gold Dust Woman" by Fleetwood Mac filled the cab of the truck, wrapping around him like a warm embrace.
For a moment, Rafe's finger hovered over the buttons, torn between the desire to switch the song and the inexplicable pull of nostalgia that tugged at his heartstrings. It was a song you had loved, one that had become intertwined with memories of lazy afternoons spent driving aimlessly along the coast, lost in each other's company.
With a sigh, Rafe let his finger fall away from the radio, surrendering to the flood of memories that threatened to overwhelm him. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be swept away by the bittersweet melody, the lyrics weaving a tapestry of emotions that mirrored the tangled mess of his thoughts.
In that moment, you felt closer to him than ever, your presence lingering in the spaces between the notes, in the warmth of the sunlight on his skin. And as he drove on, your memory by his side, Rafe couldn't help but wonder if somewhere out there, you were listening to the same song, thinking of him as he was thinking of you.
As Rafe pulled into Sofia's driveway, he couldn't shake the feeling of being haunted by your presence, like a ghost lingering in the shadows of his mind. He sighed heavily, trying to push aside the memories that threatened to overwhelm him, focusing instead on the task at hand.
He turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat, the familiar comfort of his truck offering him a brief respite from the turmoil within. But even as he tried to clear his mind, he found himself unable to shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within.
With a shaky breath, Rafe closed his eyes, willing himself to find some semblance of peace amidst the storm of emotions that raged inside him. He reminded himself that he was here for Sofia, that she was the one who mattered in this moment, not the ghosts of his past that threatened to consume him.
Minutes passed like hours as Rafe waited in silence, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him like a heavy burden. But just when he felt like he couldn't bear it any longer, the front door of Sofia's house swung open, and she emerged onto the porch, a bright smile lighting up her face.
Rafe's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, the warmth of her presence chasing away the shadows that had threatened to engulf him. With a sense of relief washing over him, he pushed open the door of his truck and stepped out onto the gravel driveway, ready to leave the ghosts of his past behind and embrace the promise of the present moment with Sofia by his side.
Sofia's cheerful voice broke through the haze of Rafe's thoughts as she opened the passenger door and greeted him with a warm smile. The kiss she placed on his cheek sent a flutter through his chest, dispelling the lingering shadows that had haunted him moments before.
"Hey, you," Sofia said, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Ready for tonight?"
Rafe returned her smile, the weight of his worries easing at the sight of her infectious enthusiasm. "Absolutely," he replied, his voice laced with anticipation. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
As he stepped out of the truck and joined Sofia on the driveway, he felt a renewed sense of purpose wash over him. Whatever demons lurked in the corners of his mind, he knew that as long as he had Sofia by his side, he could face them head-on with unwavering determination.
With a quick squeeze of Sofia's hand, Rafe followed her lead as they made their way towards the house, leaving the shadows of his past behind and embracing the promise of the night ahead. Whatever challenges awaited them at the party, Rafe knew that together, they could conquer anything that came their way.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
You were sprawled out on a hammock with JJ, the gentle sway of the hammock lulling you into a state of blissful relaxation. The warm summer breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the sweet scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers. You took a deep inhale, the fragrant smoke from the blunt swirling around you as you passed it back and forth with JJ.
"Man, this is the life," JJ said, his voice lazy with contentment as he took another hit before passing the blunt back to you. "Just kicking back, enjoying the sun, and getting high with my favorite person."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his words, the corners of your lips curling up into a lazy smile. "Right back at you, JJ," you replied, taking a long drag from the blunt before passing it back to him. "Couldn't think of a better way to spend the day."
As the two of you lounged in comfortable silence, the stresses of the outside world melted away, leaving nothing but the warmth of the sun on your skin and the soothing rhythm of the hammock beneath you. In that moment, surrounded by the peaceful tranquility of nature and the company of a good friend, you felt truly at ease, content to simply exist in the here and now.
JJ took another hit from the blunt, his gaze distant as he reminisced. "Life was wild back on the cut, huh?" he mused, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air. "But I gotta say, we're much better off where we are now."
You nodded in agreement, the memories of your past life tugging at the corners of your mind. "Yeah, definitely," you replied, your voice soft as you passed the blunt back to him. "It's been a crazy journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
As you took another hit, however, your smile faltered, a shadow passing over your features. Memories of your time on the cut flooded back, and with them came thoughts of Rafe. "Remember those days at the chateau?" you said, your voice tinged with nostalgia. "Those were some good times."
JJ's expression softened, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they were," he said quietly. "But you know what they say about nostalgia… sometimes, it ain't all it's cracked up to be."
You couldn't help but laugh at his words, the tension easing from your shoulders as you took another hit from the blunt. "True that," you replied, a wistful smile playing at your lips. "But hey, at least we made it out alive, right?"
With a shared chuckle, you and JJ settled back into the comforting rhythm of the hammock, content to bask in the warmth of the sun and the camaraderie of each other's company, even as the memories of the past lingered on the edges of your consciousness.
As you and JJ lounged on the hammock, lost in reminiscence, the sound of footsteps approaching drew your attention. You glanced up to see Kiara emerging from the house, a cooler full of drinks in her hands, followed closely by Sarah, a mischievous smirk playing at her lips.
"Hey, look who decided to join the party," Kiara said with a grin, setting the cooler down beside the hammock. "Thought you two could use a little refreshment."
You couldn't help but sit up in excitement, the prospect of cold drinks on a hot day too good to pass up. "Hell yeah, thanks Kiara," you said, reaching eagerly for a beverage as she offered them around.
Sarah followed suit, her smirk widening as she made eye contact with you. "Enjoying yourselves, I see?" she teased, her tone light-hearted as she handed you a drink.
You chuckled in response, taking a swig from the can and relishing the cool liquid as it slid down your throat. "Absolutely," you replied, a grin spreading across your face. "Nothing beats kicking back with good company and a cold drink on a day like today."
JJ echoed your sentiment, taking a drink of his own and offering a nod of thanks to Sarah and Kiara. As the four of you settled into easy conversation, the worries of the past and the uncertainties of the future faded into the background, replaced by the simple pleasure of the present moment and the warmth of friendship.
As you enjoyed the drinks and banter with Kiara, Sarah, and JJ, your attention was drawn to a nearby jacuzzi where John B and Pope lounged, seemingly lost in their own conversation. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of JJ's impulsive purchase, a jacuzzi that seemed out of place yet strangely fitting in the backyard of the house.
"Check it out," you said, nudging JJ with your elbow and gesturing towards the jacuzzi. "Looks like John B and Pope are living the high life over there."
JJ grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he watched his friends. "Hey, if we're gonna do this whole beach lifestyle thing, might as well do it right," he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice.
You couldn't argue with that logic, especially not when you saw the smiles on John B and Pope's faces as they relaxed in the warm water, their cares melting away with each passing moment. With a nod of agreement, you settled back into the hammock, content to bask in the simple joys of friendship and camaraderie, even as the world around you seemed to spin with uncertainty.
As you basked in the warmth and joy of the moment, a sense of contentment washed over you like a soothing tide. Here, in this idyllic setting, you were free from the debts and drama that had plagued your life back in the Outer Banks. The weight of those burdens lifted from your shoulders, leaving you feeling light and unencumbered for the first time in what felt like ages.
You couldn't help but marvel at the peace you had found in this new life, a life where you weren't constantly running from something or someone. Here, surrounded by friends who felt more like family, you finally felt like you belonged.
But even as you reveled in the happiness of the present, a twinge of guilt gnawed at the edges of your consciousness. You couldn't shake the feeling that despite the freedom and joy you now experienced, a part of you still felt tethered to the past, to the people you had left behind without a word of explanation.
Memories of your abrupt departure crept into your mind, casting a shadow over the tranquility of the moment. You couldn't help but wonder if you had made the right choice, if leaving had been the only option or simply the easiest one.
With a heavy sigh, you pushed aside the doubts and regrets that threatened to dampen your spirits, focusing instead on the warmth of the sun on your skin and the laughter of your friends echoing in the air. Here, in this moment, you were determined to embrace the peace and happiness that surrounded you, letting go of the past and embracing the promise of the future with open arms.
With a satisfied sigh, you finished the last sips of your drink and set the empty can aside. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, you decided it was time for a refreshing dip in the jacuzzi. With practiced ease, you peeled off your loose t-shirt, revealing the vibrant bikini underneath.
As you sat up from the hammock, the cool breeze playing across your skin, you made your way over to the jacuzzi where John B and Pope lounged, enjoying the warm water. With a playful grin, you called out to them, "Hey guys, mind making some room for me?"
John B and Pope looked up, their faces breaking into wide smiles at the sight of you approaching. "Of course, come on in!" John B exclaimed, scooting over to make space for you beside him.
You slipped into the jacuzzi with a contented sigh, the warm water enveloping you in its comforting embrace. As you settled in between your friends, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures of life, for moments like these spent with good friends in the warmth of the sun. With a smile, you leaned back and let the worries of the world slip away, fully embracing the peace and happiness of the present moment.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Rafe leaned against the doorway of Sofia's room, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched her finish getting ready. She moved with effortless grace, her movements fluid and purposeful as she applied the final touches to her outfit.
"You look beautiful," Rafe said softly, his voice filled with genuine admiration as he took in the sight of her.
Sofia turned to him, a radiant smile lighting up her features. "Thanks, Rafe," she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You're not looking too bad yourself."
Rafe chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through him at her compliment. He couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for this girl who had stolen his heart, who had stood by him through thick and thin, who had helped him find his place in the world.
As Sofia put the finishing touches on her makeup, Rafe couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. Tonight was going to be special, he could feel it in his bones. And with Sofia by his side, he knew that no matter what the night held in store, it would be a memory he would cherish for years to come.
With a final glance in the mirror, Sofia turned to Rafe, a playful glint in her eye. "Ready to go?" she asked, holding out her hand to him.
Rafe nodded, a grin spreading across his face as he took her hand in his. "Absolutely," he replied, his heart racing with excitement as they made their way out the door and into the night, ready to take on whatever adventures awaited them together.
As Rafe and Sofia headed to Topper's house party, the anticipation buzzed between them, filling the car with an infectious energy. With the windows down and the music blaring, they sang along to their favorite songs, laughter dancing on their lips as they shared the joy of the moment.
Rafe stole glances at Sofia in the passenger seat, his heart swelling with affection as he watched her sing her heart out, her laughter filling the air like music. Her happiness was contagious, and he couldn't help but smile as he soaked in the sight of her, the love he felt for her radiating from every fiber of his being.
But as he glanced over at her once more, something shifted. For a split second, he thought he saw a flash of your face superimposed over hers, your eyes meeting his in a haunting echo of the past. His heart skipped a beat, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he blinked in disbelief.
The moment passed in the blink of an eye, leaving Rafe shaken and disoriented. He shook his head, trying to shake off the strange sensation that lingered in the air. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that your presence still lingered, a ghost haunting the edges of his consciousness, refusing to be ignored.
Sofia's sweet gesture snapped Rafe out of his momentary dissociation, her warm kiss on his cheek grounding him in the present. He blinked, the remnants of the strange sensation fading away as he met her gaze, her smile a beacon of light in the darkness.
"Can't wait for the party, huh?" Rafe echoed, a smile spreading across his face as he reached up to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "Me neither. It's gonna be a blast."
Sofia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she settled back into her seat, the anticipation palpable in the air between them. With a renewed sense of determination, Rafe refocused his attention on the road ahead, the memory of your face fading into the recesses of his mind as he focused on the promise of the night ahead with Sofia by his side.
As Rafe drove, the weight of what had just happened settled heavily on his shoulders, casting a shadow over his thoughts. Try as he might to shake off the strange sensation, the memory of your face superimposed over Sofia's lingered in the corners of his mind, refusing to be ignored.
With a heavy sigh, Rafe felt himself zoning out, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he lost himself in the rhythm of the road. The familiar longing for escape crept up on him like an unwelcome guest, gnawing at his impulses and filling him with a restless energy.
He couldn't help but feel trapped, caught between the pull of his past and the promise of the future. The road stretched out before him, endless and unforgiving, a tantalizing temptation beckoning him to leave it all behind and disappear into the unknown.
As Rafe navigated the streets towards the party, a sense of unease gnawed at him. He couldn't shake the feeling that this party was just another part of his plan to escape, a temporary reprieve from the weight of his troubles. And buried beneath that unease lurked the insidious craving for something more, something that promised to numb the pain and quiet the demons that haunted him.
The mere thought sent a shiver down Rafe's spine, a mixture of desire and dread swirling in the pit of his stomach. He knew the dangers of succumbing to his cravings, knew the havoc it could wreak on his life and the lives of those he cared about. But in moments of weakness, the allure of escape proved too strong to resist.
As he pulled into the driveway of Topper's house, the bass thumping from the speakers and the laughter of the partygoers filling the air, Rafe felt a familiar sense of anticipation building within him. He knew what awaited him inside, knew the temptations that lurked in the shadows, yet he couldn't deny the pull they held over him.
With a heavy sigh, Rafe steeled himself for what lay ahead, determined to navigate the minefield of his desires with caution and restraint. But deep down, he couldn't shake the sinking feeling that tonight, like so many nights before, would end in a blur of euphoria and regret.
taglist: @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87,
@augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton, @ijustwanttoreadlols, @fastlovela, @wickedlovely121, @fals3-g0d, @givemylovetoall, @lucfics, @briefwinnerpersonaturtle, @maybankslover, @peachy4u2, @hockeybabe87, @yeosxxx, @zizouu23
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buckyseddie · 1 year
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pairings — rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary — in which, when rafe attempts to start over, he finds a mysterious girl who leaves him more and more curious about her after they meet. based on the song mine by taylor swift!
word count — 6.6k.
warnings — rafe left home and is more mentally stable and trying to be better, angst, fluff, reader has a bad past and family issues, use of pet-names [princess, baby, angel, sweetheart], hugs from the back, neck kisses, picnic dates, slight hints and mentions of fireworks and fourth of july, forehead kisses, forehead touches, kisses, rafe refers to reader as his girl a few times, reader calls rafe by his last name a few times, mentions of bills, arguments and fights, slight mentions of both of them getting mean in the fight, rain conversations, reader's big abandonment and trust issues are heavily mentioned, the reader and rafe get an unexpected and harsh visit from her parents, big mentions and hints of mental health, mentions and hints of rafe's dad's abuse in the past, reader has an episode and she has one with a panic episode with it, big mentions of reader and rafe visiting the obx and him being on good terms with sarah and the pogues because i wanted peace in this, mentions of rafe going back to college and working at a cafe.
notes — i've been wanting to do this one for a while, so here it is! gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
main masterlist
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in this case, this means two polar opposites from completely different worlds.
all rafe wanted to do, was leave his life and past in outer banks behind — as far as he was concerned, the old rafe was gone.
after taking consequences for his actions and getting some much needed help, rafe moved out of his dad’s house and went back to college.
"ah-ah, ah-ah. ah-ah, ah-ah."
then, he got his life together and was ready enough for a job.
“you were in college, working part-time, waiting tables. left a small town, never looked back. i was a flight risk with a fear of fallin’, wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts.”
as great as it was that rafe was finally settled in the old town of charleston, things were about to change.
he was working, and one day, a girl — a very mysterious one, might i add — decided to stop at the cafe for some peace and quiet. 
it wasn’t the first time a girl — or girls, if i’m being completely honest — stopped there.
in fact, loads of girls stopped there daily, most usually only stopping by to fawn over rafe.
but, he didn’t pay any mind to the attention — he was used to getting attention from girls from his experience as a kook back in outer banks.
and honestly? none of the girls that he’d seen stop at the cafe ever intrigued him or left him speechless.
well, at least until he met her.
there was something different about [y/n] — she had a certain distant emptiness to her.
she was reserved and quiet and shy, almost always making sure to do everything right, in fear of everything crashing down on her.
as she walks over to a table and sits down and opens up a book from her bag, rafe glances up and it’s as if time stops when their eyes make contact, despite how cheesy and corny that sounds.
he couldn’t believe his eyes — she was beautiful, of course.
but, she had that kind of side of her that he could tell she didn’t think it herself.
an easy-going smile is thrown her way as he makes his way over to her table, trying to ignore the shocking nerves coming from him.
“hi. would you like something to drink?” he asks in a surprisingly calm tone as he pulls out his notepad and pen, awaiting her answer.
looking up anxiously, she gulps, trying not to let the intimidation of the gorgeous man in front of her get to her.
“could i just get some water?” she murmurs so softly that rafe almost doesn’t even hear her.
he nods, watching her curiously. “sure. will that be all for your order?” he questions, raising a brow at her.
as she notices the way he’s watching her, like he’s seeing right through her ‘i’m fine’ facade and her soul, she nods shakily as a shiver rushes through her spine.
“y—yes. thank you.” she mumbles as he nods and says something about her water being out as soon as possible and puts away his pen and notepad.
but, as he walks back to get her water, he turns around and looks at her once more, this time noticing the scared look in her eyes — it's obvious that there’s more to her than she's revealing.
“i say, ‘can you believe it?’ as we’re lyin’ on the couch. the moment, i could see it. yes, yes, i can see it now.”
with a content sigh, [y/n] moves into rafe’s welcoming arms.
as she lays her head on his chest, his chin resting on top of her head, he wraps his arms around her and a sense of calmness — something neither of them have ever felt in their entire lives — fills their hearts.
it was just them, lying on his couch in the living room of his apartment, relaxing.
it’d been a few weeks, after he’d gotten her number and asked her out on a date — they’d been on countless dates, even though she was a little hesitant to get involved with him because of her past.
and now, they're almost completely comfortable around each other.
although, both rafe and [y/n] still have doubts and hesitance on whether this new and recent relationship will work, or even whether they can let their guards down around and let each other in.
but as they hold each other for a moment longer, a startling thought pops into [y/n]’s head and it causes a shaky breath to leave her lips.
noticing the change in her, rafe moves his chin away from her head and angles his head in a way that helps him see her face completely. he also notices her tearful gaze.
“hey… what’s wrong?” he questions, brushing her hair out of her face.
another sigh later, and she’s shaking her head and waving him off. “i—i’m fine. don’t worry about me.” her voice breaks and trembles, causing him to lift her chin up, in order for her to look at him in the face.
he gives her a pointed look, hoping it’ll coax her into telling him what’s wrong.
with another sigh, she finally voices her thoughts, “i just realized that i’m still scared that you’ll find something wrong with me — that you don’t like — and will either hurt me or leave me… ” she trails off, some of the tears actually escaping her hurt eyes.
realization hits him as his eyes soften. “i’m not going to leave or hurt you, okay? let’s just see how this goes.” he murmurs seriously, rubbing a comforting hand over her arms to soothe the upset mood she's in.
sighing once more, she nods, before snuggling further into his embrace, eyes closing.
“do you remember, we were sitting there by the water? you put your arm around me for the first time. you made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter. you are the best thing, that’s ever been mine.”
loud giggles leave her lips as he playfully chases her into the water.
“rafe! n—no! don’t you dare think about doing what i think you’re about to do!” [y/n] exclaims, noticing the mischievous glint in his eyes as she holds a hand up in the air.
he smirks in amusement.
then, he runs toward her — despite, her moving back every time he gets closer — and grabs her, lifting her up and running further into the water, before throwing her into the deeper part of the water.
she goes under for a moment, before eventually coming back up.
“r—rafe!” she exclaims, coughing a bit, since some water went into her nose and mouth when she went under.
she glares at him, shivering and trying to remain upset with him.
but then, he breaks into that smile — you know which one, the one that would make any girl’s heart swell — and her pissed-off resolve starts to fade away.
then, he laughs.
“you’re so cute when you try to act mad.” he murmurs, moving closer to her as she moves to stand up, still shivering.
she groans, a smile trying to desperately make its way onto her face.
“rafeeee! you can’t say stuff like that… ” she mumbles, full-on blushing now.
he chuckles at her reaction, before moving his hands up her arms in a repetitive motion, in order to warm her up better.
then, he moves his arm to put around her shoulder and starts walking closer to the shore with her.
as they finally sit back down on the towel, that’s near the water,          [y/n] snuggles further into rafe’s chest, a content sigh leaving her lips as she begins to feel at peace.
“thank you.”
“for what?” rafe looks down at her, eyebrows furrowing as he becomes confused on what she’s thanking him for.
[y/n] hesitates for a second. “for showing me how to live life without me feeling like i don’t deserve it.” she murmurs quietly, her voice coming out small.
after hearing her statement, realization hits rafe of what she means — she's talking about her old home life, before she moved away from her family.
her father was a workaholic and not the best person in the world, always snapping at her and her mother.
not only that, but her family was always, always fighting.
and she was always the blame when it came to her family defending their actions — she never got to live the life she deserved.
but now, she can. with rafe.
“of course. you deserve to live your life to the fullest and to always be happy, okay?” he murmurs softly before placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“flash forward and we’re taking on the world together. and there’s a drawer of my things at your place. you learn my secrets and you figure out why i’m guarded. you say you’ll never make my parents’ mistakes.”
rafe watches in concern as [y/n] struggles to get off of the phone with her family — a family she honestly wants nothing to do with.
with a heavy sigh, she finally hangs up, before making her way over to the kitchen’s table.
“god… ” she mutters, wiping away the fresh tears away from her cheeks.
“angel, what’s going on?” rafe murmurs, moving to sit beside her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
[y/n] sighs, refusing to look him in the eye — she knows that the second she looks at him, the truth will come tumbling out.
though, rafe doesn’t take offense to this and simply waits for when she’s ready to talk.
and when she does finally look over at him, the tears fall and the stuttering and trembling statements of the truth come out.
rafe’s eyes soften as he calmly and patiently listens to her.
“princess, i hope you know that i would never hurt you like your parents. and i’ll never hurt you the way your dad hurt your mom.” he murmurs seriously, moving his hand to cup one of her cheeks.
“you p—promise?” she trembles, more tears falling.
he nods. “always.”
then, he pulls her in for a hug, allowing her to let everything out.
“but we got bills to pay. we got nothing figured out, when it was hard to take. yes, yes, this is what i thought about.”
she lets out a light giggle when she feels those familiar arms wrapping around her waist as she continues to try to think straight on the numbers she's trying to put together.
"what're you doing?" he murmurs, kissing her neck, before glancing down at the paper that she's holding over the table.
a quick sigh in defeat leaves her lips when he pulls away from her and takes the paper from her and folds it, before putting it in his back pocket.
"you don't need to worry about that right now." he says seriously as she turns around to face him with a stern expression.
he rolls his eyes at her determination and stubbornness. "don't give me that look, sweetheart."
she opens her mouth to defend herself, but he interrupts her, "you don't have to worry about that."
she raises her hands up in the air in clear frustration. "but, i live here! i can't just live here — with you — and not pay for it!"
rafe rolls his eyes — again — at her, becoming frustrated himself. "princess, you don't have to pay for that."
she groans, clenching her eyes shut for a moment, before opening up her eyes and marching over to him.
"yes," she says, tapping his chest with her pointer finger, before continuing on, "i do. i've been living with you for a long while!"
"and," she says, motioning to the living room, where a lot of her stuff is sitting in boxes. "i already have all of my stuff here!"
rafe sighs, knowing that she has a right to feel this way, especially with the way she was raised.
giving her a serious look, he places each of his hands over her shoulders, trying to calm her down and ease her worries. "okay." he simply says.
she knits her eyebrows together in confusion and shock. "okay?"
he nods, chuckling at her shocked reaction. "yes, okay. we'll figure this out. but, for right now, let's just relax and take it one step at a time, okay?"
with a quiet sigh, she nods, letting him lead her into the living room.
"do you remember, we were sitting there by the water? you put your arm around me for the first time. you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. you are the best thing that's ever been mine."
it was meant to be a quiet, romantic picnic by the water. but, it becomes something else entirely.
something much more carefree and exciting.
rafe had planned this for the past few days, knowing that despite he'd been trying to get her to relax about the bills, she was going to be stressed no matter what.
but, that didn't mean that he couldn't give her a nice evening to distract her.
it really was meant to be serious, but that's exactly what [y/n] didn't want. because she wanted the distraction too.
and she's not quite sure how it happens, but she finds herself letting her guard down and wanting to live in excitement.
it's hard to explain, but rafe makes her happy and he makes her feel like she can actually live without everything she's been through holding her back.
that's exactly why when rafe hands her a bowl of grapes, she grabs a few and jokingly throws them at him.
she giggles when she sees the shocked look on his face, but then a teasing glint fills his eyes and a mischievous smile forms on his lips.
"oh, you're gonna pay for that one, sweetheart!" he says, getting up and preparing to get to her, causing her to squeal in both excitement and shock.
she giggles as she gets up and runs away from him, an insane amount of happiness and peace filling her at the current situation — it's moments like this with rafe that makes life feel worth living.
as she keeps running through the spacious field with tall grass and weeds, she glances back again, only to not see him.
this causes her to stop in confusion and look around.
only when she looks in front of her, does she see him jokingly running towards her.
"no!" she squeals, moving to run in the opposite direction, but he catches up to her and is able to pull her to his chest by wrapping his arms around her waist.
she giggles, sighing in defeat, before groaning in feigned-sadness.
"you got me, cameron."
he chuckles, leaning closer to kiss her shoulder and inhaling her scent, taking in the moment. "yes, i do."
the love in his voice causes her to turn around in his hold, his hands holding her waist as she cups his face in her hands.
maybe she's just in the moment — she doesn't know, and she doesn't care — but she murmurs those three words in honesty, "i love you."
he's shocked for a moment, before leaning closer to press a kiss to her forehead. "i love you, too."
a smile takes over both of their lips.
"do you remember all the city lights on the water? you saw me start to believe for the first time. you made a rebel out of a careless man's careful daughter. you are the best thing that's ever been mine."
a big smile on her face is what distracts rafe from the booming and bright fireworks.
that big smile, paired with the excited and awed glint in her eyes as she admires how the fireworks shine and reflect through the water makes his heart nearly stop.
he should be enjoying the celebratory fireworks, but he's only focused on her, because seeing her happy is everything he's ever wanted — possibly from the first moment he met her, even when she refused to get to know him in the beginning because of how scared she was to let him in, after everything she's been through.
noticing how quiet he is, [y/n] turns to face him, adorable confusion in her eyes as she knits her eyebrows together in concern.
"rafe? what's wrong?"
he's quiet for a moment, before shaking his head with a happy smile on his lips. "nothing."
"you sure?" she asks, still very much confused and worried.
that excitement that she expressed before is long gone now as she starts to ramble, "if something's wrong, we can go. it's okay if you're not feeling these fireworks anymore."
rafe immediately shakes his head, moving to kiss her forehead. "everything's fine. i promise."
"okay... then, what is it? what's on your mind?" she asks, tilting her head to the side in further confusion.
he chuckles, smiling down at her. "i just like seeing my girl happy."
not expecting this, [y/n]'s mouth falls open for a second, before her face turns red, clearly loving being called his girl.
he smirks at this, fully knowing his effect on her.
she sighs and leans her forehead over his, not caring who sees. "rafe, i hope you know you've changed my life and i'm so much more happier for it — with you in it."
those words bring a big smile to his lips. "good, i'm glad."
"oh-oh, oh."
one thing she loves most about being with rafe is how complete and happy she feels around him.
because despite the fact that she believed that she'd be stuck in her trauma for the rest of her life, he's shown her that there's more to life and that she wants what he's given to her.
"and i remember that fight, 2:30 a.m. as everything was slipping right out of our hands. i ran out crying and you followed me out into the street. braced myself for the goodbye. 'cause it's all i've ever known. then you took me by surprise. you said, 'i'll never leave you alone.' (oh)."
it was over something stupid — some small argument that turned into a screaming match.
it was something that caused the both of them to lose their control and snap at the other — that let them lose their cool.
it started with [y/n] just asking him a question — and of course it was about the bills because she wanted to do what she could to pay for her living with him.
then, he'd gotten frustrated. and what was once bickering, turned into something much more worse.
and it's not like they're angry at each other.
[y/n] just couldn't shake the feeling of being like a burden and rafe just wanted to show her that that's not how he sees or feels about her.
and it just didn't feel good for either of them — the insults and frustrated comments they made towards each other only made things worse.
when rafe opens his mouth to say something else, [y/n] quickly turns around and walks over to the door.
this throws him off, making him gape at her in surprise.
"[y/n], where are you going?" he asks, getting up and starting to step towards her, but he doesn't get close to her when she quickly twists the door knob and pulls the door open.
she runs out, and despite the pouring rain, she races into it, running until her feet hurt, to the other side of the apartment.
with breathless gasps and sobs leaving her body, she stops short and falls to her knees with her hands quickly hiding her face behind them with her shoulders shaking.
all she can think about is that she's probably messed everything up.
she just had to get involved with the bills and bring up — once again, for the millionth time — how she needs to pay her share for staying with him.
all she can think about is that as soon as she goes back into his apartment, he's going to break up with her and kick her out with a broken heart.
footsteps stop from behind her, but she doesn't hear it because she's distracted with the negative thoughts in her head.
then, a touch to her shoulder shakes her out of her own head and causes her to shakily stand up and turn around.
but, she doesn't look at him, she keeps her head downcast, refusing to see that disappointed look that's most likely on his face right now.
"hey, look at me." he murmurs softly, his heart hurting at how upset she is — how upset he's made her.
she still doesn't, however.
with a deep sigh, he lifts her chin up, forcing her to look at him. "i'm sorry, baby. i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you."
he frowns as she takes a deep breath, the tears spilling onto her cheeks.
a shaky breath leaves his lips and his eyes immediately soften, gently swiping away the tears with a tender expression on his face.
"i love you so much, princess. it was never my intention to get so cruel. please, know that." he murmurs, his face quickly forming with an expression of guilt and regret.
she sighs, finally finding the courage to speak, "it's not your fault, rafe. this is on me. i'm the one that's been bombarding you with letting me help with the bills — i just kept pushing."
he tilts his head slightly to the side in confusion.
when she doesn't say anything else, he shakes his head. "hey, this isn't your fault. i shouldn't have gotten so mad at you."
her bottom lip trembles, hating how upset she's getting around him.
"it is, though. i've messed everything up and our relationship is going to fall apart because i always destroy everything i touch." she whispers this emotional statement, but rafe hears it clearly.
he sighs, stepping closer to her and gently cupping her cheeks in his hands. "baby, when you told me the truth about your family, i told you then that i'd never hurt you like that." he says seriously, causing her to knit her eyebrows together.
"i promised you that. and that includes not leaving you, okay?" he murmurs, frowning when he sees more tears fill her eyes.
"i'm not leaving you — ever. i meant it when i said i loved you, and i still do."
she still doesn't believe it for a second, but when he doesn't say anything else and his face stays with an expression of honesty, she changes her mind — she believes him now.
"you promise that?" she asks quietly, her voice tight.
he nods, his face still filled with honesty, before he pulls her into him and wraps his arms around her body, while her face falls into his chest and her arms go around his back.
"we're going to figure this out, i promise."
shockingly, those words do just enough to comfort her in the moment.
"you said, 'i remember how we felt, sitting by the water. and every time i look at you, it's like the first time. i fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter. she is the best thing that's ever been mine.'"
it was unexpected to say the least.
she didn't even know how they found her — she hadn't told many people from her old town where she'd moved.
but, somehow, they found her.
the only thing she hates most, is that rafe gets dragged into it — she doesn't want this for him.
but, she and rafe had gone out, to go get some breakfast and then get some groceries, since they've been running low on a lot of things.
and on their way home, [y/n] almost trips, causing rafe to immediately catch her in his arms when they both realize that it's because one of her shoes is untied.
as rafe bends down to tie her shoes, she rolls her eyes at his joking manners.
"there you go, my lady!" he says with a joking tone of voice as he stands back up.
she giggles, rolling her eyes at him. "you're so silly right now, rafe cameron."
he smiles, happy to see her smile as he leans in to place a kiss on her forehead.
despite the fact that they're in the middle of the path of the sidewalk, the couple doesn't even take notice of the people walking past them and giving them dirty looks.
"you're so cute." he murmurs, pulling her body into his and wrapping one of his arms around hers, before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
this only causes her to giggle in response, a happy smile taking over on her face.
"you really are, though." he says when he pulls away from her.
she shrugs, not quite believing him herself.
he sighs, rolling his eyes at her clear refusal to believe him.
"you are, sweetheart," he says seriously, now moving his hands to hold her face in his hands. "you are quite literally the best thing to ever happen to me."
her mouth falls open in surprise, before her cheeks flush red and a small smile forms on her lips.
"you really mean that?" she asks softly, tilting her head to the side and watching him closely.
he nods quietly, causing a happy glint to fill her eyes and for her smile to turn into something bigger.
"i feel the same about you, cameron."
the both of them find themselves stuck in the moment, but when someone else passes them, they remember where they are.
rafe steps away from her, but not before intertwining their hands together and leading her down the pathway that's near the apartment building.
but, when they finally get there, two people standing outside makes [y/n] freeze in place.
rafe turns to face her with concern on his face. "hey, what's wrong?" he asks, noticing what she's looking at, making him turn to look too.
not knowing who they are, he turns back to face her. "who are they? do you know them?"
she gulps nervously as the unknown couple starts walking towards them.
catching rafe's nervous face, she quietly explains in a tight voice, "they're my parents."
rafe's once concerned face shifts into one of instinctive-protectiveness.
when he turns back around, her parents finally step in front of them.
[y/n] gulps nervously, barely even noticing the way rafe steps in front of her protectively with one of his arms in front of her — she's too distracted.
"you need to leave." rafe says, before either of [y/n]'s parents can speak first.
her mother is startled, whereas her father becomes quickly irritated. "who do you think you are? we're only here to speak to our daughter!"
her mother, despite everything she's put [y/n] through, nervously touches her ex-husband's shoulder to stop him from starting anything, especially in public.
he, however, harshly shrugs her hand off of his shoulder with an angry look in his eyes.
rafe turns to check on his girlfriend, only to notice the scared and nervous look in her eyes.
seeing this only makes him even more irritated — he hates to see her happy mood from before become sour and sad.
"you seriously need to go. you don't get to pop up back into her life after putting her through hell." he tries his best to stay calm.
this only angers [y/n]'s father; he scoffs angrily, motioning to his daughter. "[y/n], tell this idiot to leave and let us talk!"
[y/n]'s mother winces, nervously glancing around them, noticing that people, who're passing by, are stopping to watch.
somehow, though, [y/n] finds the courage to shake her head insistently. "no. he stays."
this only aggravates her father even more.
"are you really going to let him talk to us like this?!"
she flinches, stepping back.
however, seeing this is just enough for rafe. "you guys need to go. [y/n] has moved on from what you guys put her through and she doesn't need this or any more surprise visits. she doesn't owe you anything."
her father goes to say more, but his ex-wife stops him by grabbing his shoulder to hold him back.
rafe turns back to face [y/n], grabbing her hand and holding it in his own gently.
a soft look fills his face as he speaks his next words, "your daughter is an amazing woman, despite how much you've hurt her. and i love her," he says, causing her to smile in appreciation and love, before he turns back to face her parents again. "and she doesn't need this from you."
"so, do her a favor and leave. and don't come back." he says tensely, still holding her back from behind her.
"excuse me?!" [y/n]'s father exclaims angrily, moving to step forward, not scaring rafe one bit, considering he's use to abusive men like his father.
rafe stays standing in front of his girlfriend in a protective stance, but her mother is the one who reacts before her ex-husband can.
a look of defeat fills her face as she struggles to pull him away from his daughter and her boyfriend.
"let's just go. this was a mistake." she says, still struggling to hold him back.
finding the courage, [y/n] says the next thing that — shockingly — convinces him to leave, "dad, please. just go," she anxiously flinches when she sees the angry look in his eyes, after what she says next, "i'm sorry, but i don't want anything to do with either of you. and you both owe it to me to do that for me."
with a shocked expression, he lets his ex-wife pull him away from them.
when they're finally gone, rafe and [y/n] turn to each other, allowing her the final moment to break.
she drops the grocery bags to the ground, beginning to breathe heavily with tears spilling to her cheeks.
rafe sighs, knowing what she needs as he pulls her into his chest, dropping his own bags to the ground gently.
"it's okay, baby. they're gone." he murmurs quietly, finally wrapping his arms around her body and allowing her to feel what she needs to.
"hold on, make it last. hold on, never turn back. (hold on), you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. (hold on), you are the best thing that's ever been mine."
it wasn't a good time. not for either of them.
[y/n] knew that getting into a relationship so soon with rafe was bound to cause some issues for her.
especially with how she struggled in the beginning to open up and let him in and to begin to love him because that would mean letting down her guard and getting attached to him, until he'd eventually leave, because that's all that ever happens with her.
but, rafe is different — he promised he'd never leave or hurt her, and he meant that, and he still does.
it was just one of those days with an intense episode and this time, she can't control it.
and rafe having his own experience with mental health is able to see it from a mile away. and he's able to be there for her — and refuses to leave her — despite what she expects.
he walks past the hallway of the apartment, only to find her on the floor, against the couch, in the living room.
she's shaking and her face is practically beat red from crying and her breathing is panicked.
"baby?" he calls, causing her to immediately glance up in surprise.
her mouth falls open, her eyes filled with panic, but she quickly looks down and hides her face behind her hands.
"i'm fine, rafe. just leave me alone." she says, loud enough for him to hear, hoping that he'll listen because there's no way he'll still see her the same if he witnesses any more of this episode that she's clearly having right now.
this doesn't do anything to deter him.
in fact, it only concerns him more as he races over to her in concern.
her breathing only becomes much more heavy and rushed as he kneels in front of her.
"princess, talk to me." he murmurs quietly, internally struggling on how to be there for her without setting her off — he knows too well how it feels to be so consumed with pain, but to snap at anyone because of it.
she doesn't say anything, but her hands shake as she desperately tries to hold in everything she feels, in order to not snap at her boyfriend.
"hey," he murmurs, finally reaching over to gently pull her hands away from her face. "you can talk to me. you don't have to go through this alone." he murmurs, quickly becoming much more worried when he sees the way she's struggling to breathe.
the look in his eyes that are filled with both concern and love gives her the courage to finally talk, "r—rafe, i can't... i can't b—breathe... "
that pressure on her chest becomes incredibly tighter as she clenches her eyes shut in further panic.
he sighs, soothingly running one of his hands over one side of her hair in worry.
"okay... do you know if you're having a panic attack or anxiety attack, or is this an episode?" he asks genuinely, grabbing one of her hands and rubbing his thumb over it soothingly as he waits for her answer.
she shakes her head in more stress, shaking. "i—i don't know... i think... i—it might be b—both."
rafe sighs stressfully, before letting go of her hand to move to sit beside her.
"okay," he says in determination to help her as he grabs her hands to hold gently. "what i want you to do, is breathe with me, okay?"
she breathlessly nods, her eyes following his hand that's taking one of hers to hold over his chest and over his heart.
he counts to three, before nodding along with her as he starts to breathe calmly and deeply.
a shaky breath leaves her lips as she breathes deeply and calmly with him, but it doesn't feel like she's actually breathing on the inside.
noticing this, rafe nods, still very much determined. "okay, this is okay," he murmurs, holding her hand with his over hers that's over his heart. "just keep going, okay? you can do this."
she nods, still struggling to breathe with searing tears falling repetitively.
"it's okay. just close your eyes, and focus on my heartbeat and just try to breathe." he murmurs, trying to ignore how worried he is about her — he needs to be strong for her to get through this.
closing her eyes, she tries to take a deep breath and listens to the calm and normal beating of his heart.
after a while, she begins to calm down with her breaths returning to normal.
taking another deep breath, she sighs in relief and leans into him. "thank you, rafe."
he nods, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
after a few more minutes, she pulls away from him with an embarrassed expression clear on her face.
"i'm sorry. i hate that you saw me like that." she apologizes, glancing down at her now fidgeting hands, feeling deep in her bones that he'll see her completely different, now that he's seen her in this state.
rafe shakes his head at her, grabbing one of her hands with one of his and lifting her chin up with the other. "hey, don't apologize."
she opens her mouth to say more, but he cuts her off, "you're my girl, baby. when you hurt, i hurt. this is what i'm here for."
his words warm her heart and tears fill her eyes.
"you promise that you don't see me differently now?" she asks in barely a whisper.
moving his hands to her cheeks, he smiles at her with a fond smile. "baby, there's not a single thing in the entire world that could ever make me see you differently other than the girl i'm in love with and love with my whole heart."
a small, audible gasp leaves her lips at hearing that statement — this is the first time he's ever admitted to being in love with her.
i mean, sure, he's told her countless times that he loves her, but he's never told her until now that he's in love with her.
"really?" she asks in a whisper, once again.
he nods, smiling at the happy smile that takes over her face.
with no other words exchanged, [y/n] turns to lean her body against him again, only this time they're cuddling each other and closer to each other more than before.
"do you believe it? (yeah, yeah, yeah). we're gonna make it now, (yeah, yeah, yeah). and i can see it, (yeah, yeah). i can see it now."
"are you sure about this?" rafe asks her, his voice filled with nerves.
she turns around to face him, immediately noticing how nervous he is.
"as long as you are," she says, placing her hands on each side of his neck as he leans his body against the side of his car. "seriously, you tell me right now, if you're having doubts. we can always do this a different time."
she is nothing but supportive, something he notices immediately.
the situation that's stressing him out in question? it's about visiting outer banks, to meet with his sister and her friends.
things have been better with them, after he got the help he needed and helped pay for the actions he committed.
but, being on good terms with them isn't what's worrying him — it's the fact that he's going to have to run into his father at some point.
now, the truth is, rafe told [y/n] the truth about everything that happened in the obx when the two of them started getting really serious — he didn't want to lie to her.
but, another thing he's worried about, is him introducing [y/n] to everyone — he worries that they'll think that he doesn't deserve her.
because if they believe that, then he'll have to believe it too.
but, seeing the lost look in his eyes — which is clearly telling her that he's stuck in his head right now — [y/n] catches his attention by wrapping her arms around his neck.
as he wraps his arms around her waist, she leans closer to him, leaning her forehead over his, before pulling away with an infectious smile.
"it's going to be okay. but, it's your decision," she murmurs seriously. "but, if we do go, just know that i'll be there with you the whole time — you won't have to go through this alone."
her words are what helps him make his decision.
"if you're with me, i think we can go."
"yeah?" she asks, just to make sure.
"yeah." he says, confirming it with a smile.
a big smile spreads over her lips, nodding in clear excitement.
"okay," she says in confirmation. "let's go, then."
with that, she pulls away from him, giving him a look that really does prove that every word she said to him is something that she means completely.
this is all he needs to agree.
before they go, however, he pulls her back towards her to press a sweet kiss to her lips — one that she returns.
she pulls away with a big smile. "i love you, cameron."
he laughs in agreement. "and i love you."
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totalswag · 7 months
chapter one - all I want - rafe cameron
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paring rafe cameron x fem!kook!reader
authors note the first chapter is finally up! i can't wait for to start this series with you guys. you have no idea the amount of deduction i've put in this first chapter. i hope you lovies enjoy the first chapter.
summary Y/N Y/L/N is a regular kook that lives in the Outer Banks. One of the most pleasant person to encounter. Room lights up when you enter a room. Contrary to some kooks, you don't care whether side of the island people come from. Friends with the pogue's. You go through a lot struggles in your life where you shy's away from the world. Rafe Cameron, also known as Kook King. He has a huge reputation on the island; is cold, cocky, jerk face, asshole, and will say whatever he wants to get what he wants. Behind all that tuff-ness, he struggles with a lot of things too. On a random Friday night you meet for the first time and Rafe can’t seem to get you out of his head after your little encounter. He’s never met a girl like you before. Eventually, you learn a lot about the Cameron boy from your eyes.
word count 1.7k
warnings love, crying, kissing/making out, yelling, partying, cursing, explicit scenes, fighting, mentions of death, possible pregnancy?, addiction, mentions of drinking and other drug substances.
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You've lived in the Outer Banks for as long as you can remember. Lived in the same house since you were a little girl. Made so many memories, both good and bad.
You grew up on what others say “kook side” of the island, which honestly you never understood why that name was given in the first place. Never cared for the name title either.
Since you could remember, you didn't really care what side of the island people came from. Yeah, you went to school full of kooks but everyone's the same in that they do not care about the people who live in the cut. Never cared about which side of the island the people were from. You are good friends with the pogues too and occasionally hang out with them here and there.
You were in your room on the bed with your best friend Scarlett watching a movie on your tv. Both of you have been relaxing at your house for a few hours in your room hanging out. Today was one of those days where all you wanted to do was relax after a long week.
Scarlett has been one of your closest and best friends since eighth school. Scarlett is one of those friends you can talk to about everything. She won't judge you for talking about the same thing. She is a sweet and caring person, yet she can flip the switch if you mess with her. To this day, you have no idea what you would do without her.
“How was the mainland and seeing your brother?” Scarlett asked you, when you re-entered your room after using the bathroom 
Your family and you went to the mainland to see your older brother, Adam, and his new home, which he had purchased with his girlfriend, Liv. Plus, it was a good time to be surrounded by family and enjoy the small get away from Kildare for once.
"Y/N do you want to go to Topper's party tonight?" Scarlett asked, twisting her body to face you.
“Starts at ten thirty.” She says before you could ask about the start of the party.
"Uh, I don't see why not," you shrug, "Topper throws good parties too." You chuckle, gazing at Scarlett, who nods in agreement.
Parties are usually your thing on the weekends when you feel like going out. When you get a few drinks in you, you are the life of the party and have fun with your friends.
When you aren’t in the mood to go out you spend your time at home enjoying your night watching movies in your room in your cozy clothing.
“We can stay at my house since I live closer to him anyways. Plus, my parents are out of town for the weekend” Scarlett explains.
Topper Thorton, one of the well known kooks in Kildare. Everyone knows him. Known him for a few years now and have become one of your good friends. He throws some of the best parties too. 
Before you began packing your things for the night, you went downstairs to ask your parents, who were relaxing on the couch in the living room, watching their favorite television shows of all time.
“Hey sweetheart,” your dad, Edward, smiles when he sees you enter the living room, “you need something?” curiously looking at you as he tried to figure out what was about to come out of your mouth.
“Yes, can I stay the night at Scarletts?” You ask kindly, closing your eyes, crossing your fingers behind your back.
Your parents look at each other without saying a word then look at you with a nod.
“Thank you, I love you” smiling, blowing them kisses before running upstairs to your room.
“You know you don’t need to ask” your dad yelled as you raced upstairs.
Scarlett was walking out your bathroom when you entered your room casually, “what did they say?” she asked curiously, looking at you, trying to figure out what the answer is.
“It’s a yes bitch,” smiling as you do a little dance.
“This is gonna be so fun.” she smirks, nodding her head as you walk over to your closet picking a couple outfits you might wear.
“The smell of weed is already filling my lungs and we haven’t reached the house yet” you laughed interlocking your elbow with Scarlett as you two walked towards the house alongside others.
“Pretty soon we might be smoking that weed,” Scarlett replied with a chuckle.
“You are correct on that one.”
You get this strange pit in your stomach the moment you arrive at the party, which you had never had previously when you went to parties. You told yourself not to worry about it and instead focus on the upcoming night.
People turned their heads as you went inside the home, focusing all of their attention on you. You entered the party with your heads held high with confidence.
On the island, you are well-known for your personality. When you're just being yourself, people gravitate toward you. When you walk into a room, all eyes are on you; your presence captivates everyone you encounter.
The lights throughout the house were darkened to match the ambiance of the party, and the music was loud enough. Almost everyone was doing everything you see at a party– drinking, smoking, using other drug substances, making out, dancing, drinking games, etc.
Parties are well-known on the Outer Banks. Almost every weekend, there is a party happening. Parties you won’t forget. There are house parties or beach parties; you name it, and someone will throw it somewhere.
If you can be honest, so much was going on all at once you couldn't wrap your head around it.
A few people you know approached you as you walked past people who were tipsy, drunk, or high, eager to see you two at the party.
"Let's get some drinks, yeah?" You spoke into Scarlett's ear as you walked down the hallway that led to the kitchen and living area.
Upon entering the area, two tables laid out with people playing drinking games.
There were many coolers with different types of alcohol inscribed on top, which made decision-making easier because if it didn't, you'd have problems finding the drink you were looking for if the names weren’t on top.
People sometimes leave coolers without labels, resulting in ice on the kitchen floor that melts into water and causes someone to slip. You can't count on your fingers how many times you've seen it.
"Quickly grab two drinks just in case we finish these," Scarlett exclaims excitedly, making you laugh.
There were varieties of alcohol on the counter, along with a handful of shot glasses and red solo cups that were either empty, half-filled, or just waiting to be pulled out of the plastic bag. 
When you picked a spot in the living room by the sliding glass door, you could hear a drunk Topper come inside the house with two other boys who were equally drunk. The two other guys must be new because you’ve never seen them before.
"I'm so glad you two made it tonight!" Drunk Topper smiled and opened his arms as you approached him.
"Hey, top!" you both exclaimed, smiling toothily.
"When did you both get here?" He asks, slurring his words, but you understand what he's saying.
"Ten minutes ago, but don't worry, we'll be drinking more throughout the night; you know us best," you respond, poking Scarlett's left shoulder with your right.
He closes his eyes and nods, "That's what I like to hear, Whoo!" throwing his fist in the air before giving you both a hug then walking down the hall.
You turned around to face Scarlett, who was taking a large sip of her drink, which caught you off guard. She slapped your arm playfully, signaling you to chug your drink and allow the alcohol get you tipsy.
"That felt good," you grinned and sighed.
"Hey Y/N, Scarlett come play rage cage with us," said Josh, one of your guy friends, motioning for you to join the gathering of people gathered around the table.
Fuck it.
Rage cage is one of the most entertaining drinking games of all time. You take it very seriously every time you play, and so do many other people. You don't want to buy the bitch cup because some of them contain different types of alcohol.
Half an hour later, you are really drunk. Drunk enough to still know what you are doing and maybe saying.
“Girl drop it to the floor, I love the way yo’ booty go” everyone sang throughout the house.
All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move
You were dancing with your girlfriends on the dance floor with drunken bodies surrounding you– bodies dancing in sync to the rhythm of the song. Scarlett was a few away dancing with the guy she’s been seeing so you had a good eye on her.
You held your drink in your hand, tightly, covering the opening. You turned away from the crowded dance floor because the sweaty drunk bodies were making you feel hot. You need to walk outside to get some air real quick.
"I'm going to get some air; I'll be back," you said above the loud music to Amber, one of your close friends, gesturing to the balcony. 
Amber nods and advises you to be cautious before walking through the crowd and call her if anything happens.
You give her a quick hug. She’s too kind.
As you turned to face the balcony, you were caught off guard by a muscular chest bumping into you, causing you to stumble back somewhat before being caught by the two strong hands.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry about that," the male voice says, pulling you up and stooping down to make eye contact, trying to see if you were okay. The eye contact was strong, almost sending chills down your spine.
When you looked up, your jaw dropped but quickly closed to avoid looking foolish. The face appears familiar, but you can't place a name to it.
"No worries, I wasn't paying attention," you drunkenly giggled, pulling your hair out of your face and tucking one strand behind your ear.
"I'm Y/N, by the way," you grinned, extending your free hand.
"Rafe," he says with a toothy smile, shaking your hand, “Cameron.”
Suddenly that weird feeling went away…
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all i want tag-list
@winterrrnight @lucky7rosie @bejeweledreverie @rachelivey333
➨ i have two separate tag-lists one for my regular fics and this tag-list if for this series. if you would like to be added to my regular tag-list, you can let me know in the comment section.
➨ welcome to my rafe series tag-list readers. if you aren't on my taglist and would like to be notified whenever i upload a chapter feel free to leave a comment in the comment section or hit that follow button with post notifications (works either way).
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topherwrites · 9 months
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If I made a little comment about every single fic or series here, it would be inhumanely long, so I've refrained from doing so and have just put the summaries for each. This is split into two parts, TGM fics and everything else.
I hope that anyone who reads this list finds something that they love on it just as much as I do! If I missed you, I'm sorry, there was a lot to sort through!
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Yellow Soul by @creatchie8
Trapped in a relationship with your high school sweetheart Perry is like a never ending nightmare of always stepping on eggshells. One winter break changes everything as you are reintroduced to his younger brother, Rhett. Looking for an escape, Rhett provides the perfect shelter you crave.
right where i want you by @sushiwriterhere
Standing there, staring at the cotton balls in the trash, some part deep inside of you decides that it’s now or never with Rhett.
Odds are Stacked by @sunlightmurdock
In which Rhett loses a bet and you lose your virginity.
Wayfaring Stranger by @/sunlightmurdock
Betrayal sends Rhett veering further West, searching for answers and searching for himself. Instead, he finds you.
Much Love by @southpawbitch
you & rhett have found yourselves in a little fwb situation despite the fact that you have a fiancé.
About Last Night by @delopsia
A self-indulgent take on Rhett's best friend coming back to Wabang and surprising him after his final rodeo.
Dancing Beneath the Moon by @/delopsia
How is it that your heart only longs for the ghost of a cowboy? And why do you get the feeling that his heart utters the same for you?
Closing Time by @youvebeenlivingfictional
“You’re having a helluva night, huh,” You comment. “S’that supposed to mean?” “You got a shit bull, then you struck out with that girl…And you failed to bait Luke Tillerson into trying to kick your ass.”
Untouchable by @boneblushed
It is crucial that the head boy and girl of Kildare Academy work together. Too bad the head girl is you and the head boy is Rafe Cameron.
Glitch by @/boneblushed
Rafe has a bad fall on the ski slopes. A temporary amnesiac, he falls in love with you all over again.
So Gorgeous It Actually Hurts by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
childhood enemies to lovers, the slowest of burns, an unbearable amount of pining, both parties in heavy denial for like 90% of the fic, Rafe’s a total douchebag but he can’t help it (you’re gorgeous).
Euro Trip by @/folkloreslovechild (deactivated)
europe summer trip au!
new light by @outerbankies
you come home from college to spend your last summer before senior year in your hometown of the outer banks. an old friend hits you up wanting something more, and you begin to see what’s really been there all along.
You Belong With Me by @forevermoreharrington
Rafe’s fallen helplessly for his dream girl but she just doesn't see it yet.
tis the damn season by @atlabeth
When your roommate Rafe lies to his family that the two of you are dating, you agree to go home with him for the holidays to help sell it as his fake girlfriend after a generous bribe. It's just three weeks in the Outer Banks with one of your best friends -- what could go wrong?
Armour by @probably-writing-x
Having your heart broken was one thing. But Rafe watching somebody break your heart? That was something nobody could prepare for.
So We Won't Forget by @netegf
you meet rafe cameron at a grief support group while he struggles with the loss of his father. he's trying to be a better man, and you can't help but love him for it.
Hate It When You Leave by @/netegf
you are trying to cope with the fact that you're hopelessly in love with your best friend. He's trying to cope with the fact that you don't go after the things you want… including him.
I Know I Am by @bookofbonbon
For Rafe, it's always been you. He's just waiting for you to realise it too.
redamancy by @sanguineterrain
redamancy (n.) - the act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full // or, four times you kissed Steve Harrington, and one time he finally kissed you back.
dancing with our hands tied part i | part ii by @taintedcigs
in which steve is in love with his best friend's ex.
Pearl by @cacoetheswriting
a story about two kids trying to navigate through love and loss, inevitable goodbyes, various reunions, friendships and hardships, joy, heartbreak, plus surviving the upside down - all to the sound of Janis Joplin's Pearl.
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Cardigan - Rafe Cameron Imagine
Word count: 4.5 k (Longest fic I've ever written!!!)
Warnings: Illusions to smut, a lot of angst and heartbreak, and swearing. 18+ only Minors DNI
The italics are flash backs, so I hope this isn't too confusing to read!
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Vintage tee, brand new phone High heels on cobblestones When you are young, they assume you know nothing Sequined smile, black lipstick Sensual politics When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Life in outer banks was paradise, or at least it was supposed to be. Growing up, you had been blessed enough to be the rich side of the island and known as a kook. Your parents were pretty well off and you grew up next door to the Cameron’s. You had a good relationship with both of the kids, or you did anyways. You were never as high up on the popularity chain of politics at school as they were, but that didn’t keep you from fittings in with them.
Summer had just started; which meant that the first party of the year was creeping up that night. “What should I wear?” You were standing in your closet, eyes scanning the choices you had. You could wear an old band tee and a pair of jeans, or you could dress up a bit. But, that wasn’t really your style, it never had been. “Just wear your old nirvana tee, I love how that looks on you.” Your friends voice cemented your choice as you changed into the clothes, putting your makeup on. You were almost ready when you heard a gasp, your eyes lingering on your best friend as you waited for her to get on with the dramatics.
“Rafe is coming tonight.” The words hung in the air as you just clicked your tongue and tried not to think about what those words meant. “Do you still wanna go?” Reminders of the heart break the boy brought on filled your head as you swallowed thickly, thinking of if you wanted to deal with the feelings coming back. However, that slowly slipped out of your control as you skidded back into the recesses of your mind that had been taken up by the Cameron boy.
He ran a hand through his hair as he gnawed on his bottom lip. He wasn’t expecting you to act this way. “Come on, her and I were just having fun. You have no right to act like this.” His words infuriated you as you shook your head and laughed under your breath, of course he was that clueless. “Actually, I do. Fuck you. You can’t have us both like this.” And with that you stormed off, leaving him standing stunned and alone in the middle of the crowded party.
"(Y/N), come on. Do you still wanna go or not?" Your friend stood in front of you, her keys dangling off her finger as she tried to get your attention. You didn't realize you had zoned out until she snapped you out of it, an embarrassed blush taking over your face as you nodded. "Yeah, sure. I deserve to get out for a bit."
But I knew you Dancin' in your Levi's Drunk under a streetlight, I I knew you Hand under my sweatshirt Baby, kiss it better, I
As soon as you agreed, your friend could be heard cheering and taking your hand. She pulled you down to her car and quickly got in, driving towards the party.
She drug you inside, the sounds of kids cheering and music that was way too loud immediately filled your ears. The smell of weed and alcohol was impossible to ignore as the two of you made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink, the two of you leaning against the counter to people watch. You saw some of your old friends and went over to talk to them, laughing and smiling.
Time felt like it was flying as you enjoyed yourself, your body moving to the music with your friends. You hadn't felt this free in what felt like ever and it was a refreshing feeling. "Oh, shit. Excuse me." You felt someone run into you and you turned to look at who it was, meeting an all too familiar pair of steely blue eyes. Your mouth opened to say something before it closed again, your eyes now landing on the girl standing next to Rafe. Sofia, of course. You just gave a small, tight lipped smile as you saw a flash of sadness in the boys eyes.
You pretended to ignore it as you turned to your friends, telling them you would be right back. You walked outside and sat by the pool at the party, soft whimpers leaving your lips as you heard your name being called from behind you. Why did he have to be here? Why? Why why why? The questions kept piling up in your mind as you let yourself remember when everything was simple and easy; when you were the girl attached to his hip. When you were the girl he pulled along with him at parties and showed off.
“Rafe, come on.” Your words were drug out as you tried to pull the man up off the couch, his Levi’s feeling scratchy against your bare legs. He just sat back, an amused smile on his lips as he let you continue to try and pry him off the couch. “Come on, sweetheart. Gotta try harder than that.” The smugness in his voice was all but aggravating as you threw your arms over your chest, crossing them in frustration.
The boy in front of you finally took the hint and got up, his hands finding yours with one as his other slid around your waist. He held you close, humming softly as he spun you around the kitchen. The two of you were best friends, or were you more? You didn’t know. The two of you just always acted like this and no one asked anything about it and you never had any doubts. He leaned his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours as he leaned in.
Just before he kissed you, his phone started ringing and it caused the both of you to jump apart. “Hey, Top.” He put the phone up to his ear and listened to the other boy, nodding and glancing at you as he chewed on his bottom lip. “Yeah, man. (Y/N) and I will be there.” He said goodbye and looked at you, a smirk on his lips. “Come to the bar with the guys and I.” You knew you didn’t have a choice, nodding as you ran to go change.
After the excitement of the night wore off you stood next to Rafe outside the bar, his arm thrown around your waist as he talked to Kelce. The alcohol was pumping through both of your veins, your eyes moving from the boy towering above you and the streetlight you were standing under. “Well, I gotta go. It was good to see you guys.” Kelce gave you a nod and a smile before he left, leaving you and Rafe to your own devices.
You leaned against the streetlight, a love drunk smile on your lips as you looked up at the boy who was now leaning against you. “What?” Your words were innocent and quiet as you felt Rafe’s hand slide up on your waist, his cold fingers on your waist as he leaned in to attach his lips to yours. He tasted like bourbon and cigarettes, the taste intoxicating as you reached up and tangled your fingers in his hair.
That was the first time you guys kissed, but it definitely wasn’t the last.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan Under someone's bed You put me on and said I was your favorite
“Rafe, do you wanna come home with me?” The girls words rang out in your head as you stood next to him at the party, a crushing feeling starting in the pit of your stomach and in your chest. You were right next to him. Didn’t she see you? Or did she just not care?
Your eyes ran over the girl, feeling a bit insecure. She clearly was higher up on the pyramid than your family when it came to money, her flashy jewelry and clothes making that obvious. She was pretty, very pretty in fact. But, Rafe didn’t seem bothered. He just shook her off and pulled you closer, smiling down at you as he leaned and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips.
You didn’t know what you were to Rafe. You didn’t know if the two of you were just best friends still, friends with benefits, or dating. You didn’t know. But, you knew he made you feel special. He made you feel important. “You’re all I ever need.”
A friend to all is a friend to none Chase two girls, lose the one When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Rafe was a player, you knew that from a best friend stand point and from the standpoint of just having a pair of eyes. He did not like to every commit to just one girl. "It's too boring." The conversation was one the two of you had a lot; especially when his hookups came whining to you about what was happening. It always slightly broke you, and you weren't sure if it was jealously or just seeing the sheer heartbreak these girls went through at the fingertips of someone you knew that well.
"I'm just playing the field until I find someone I want to really settle down with." His explanations always were an attempt at getting away with it. And for a while, you let them work. You would just apologize to the girls and go about your life. After all, you weren't his mom. You couldn't control him.
But, the game seemed to change once you got wrapped up in it. It didn't seem so fair anymore and guilt ate at your stomach; wondering who else was getting the same treatment you were. But, hey. He wouldn't do that to you, would he? Surely not.
But I knew you Playing hide-and-seek and Giving me your weekends, I I knew you Your heartbeat on the High Line Once in twenty lifetimes, I
Rafe sung in the shower, that was a tid-bit that you knew that not many other people did. But, as you sat on his bed and listened to his voice carrying out of the bathroom, the angelic tone mixing with the falling of the water, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
You got to see all of his quirks that he hid from the world because they didn't seem to be manly enough. For instance, anytime he took medicine he almost always gagged and he didn't like the feeling of scratchy sweaters. He was human, but it often got lost in the perfection act that he had to put on for everyone.
But, as the water stopped you got a maniacal idea and decided to try and scare your beloved best friend. You scampered out of bed and went to hide behind the door to his bathroom, praying that he didn't accidentally slam it on you as he walked past. "(Y/N)?" His voice was softer now that he was out of the shower and it wasn't vibrating off the walls, his blue eyes scanning his room for you.
You stood in your place, hand over your mouth to hide your giggles. However, it was fruitless and soon you were being pulled into his tight chest. His arms wound around your waist as he twirled you around, both of your laughter filling the room. "Put me down! You're getting me soaked!" You instantly regretted the words as soon as Rafe let out a signature chuckle and winked at you, setting you down on the floor. Your bare feet felt soft against the hardwood floor as you landed softly, his eyes meeting yours. "Oh, I can show you soaked." And with that, you were shoving his chest away with a huff. "You're so perverted."
That was your friendship with him. It was everything good and innocent until it wasn't. "Come with me to the bar this weekend." After he had gotten dressed the two of you were now laying in his bed, your head in his lap as he scanned through text messages. His eyes would dart down to you every once in a while, his eyebrows raising in a half question and half statement as you considered it. "Maybe I want you to suffer without me." It was a joke, and you both knew it. But, it was fun to push his buttons. A scoff left his pretty lips before a pout overtook it, blue irises boring into your soul. "Oh, come on. You can't possibly leave me with Kelce and Topper. You know how much of a vibe killer they are."
The words elicited a laugh from your lips as you nodded in a shared understanding, though you had love for all three of the boys, Rafe wasn't wrong. The weekends were usually spent with Topper whining about Sarah and Kelce whining about the new girl who he struck out with. You really needed to give them some pointers, but it always fell on deaf ears. They never believed any of your tips. "I'll only go if you say please." You moved to sit up, looking at him with a raised brow as you put the ball in his court. "You know that word is like poison. You're evil." Your shoulders shrugged as you crossed your arms over your chest. You weren't kidding, and he knew it. "Fine. Please come with me oh lovely (Y/N). I will simply die without your presence." His dramatics made you laugh and nod as you leaned in to kiss his lips, taking solace in the warmth and giddiness they provided.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars Was all we needed You drew stars around my scars But now I'm bleedin'
The weekend came and you kept your promise of accompanying Rafe to the bar downtown with the boys. But, you hardly even paid attention to what was happening with the other two. You and Rafe were lost in your own little world, his lips almost always at the shell of your ear as he whispered drunk nothings into it.
"You make me so damn happy." The words caused goosebumps to run along your entire body, your eyes daring to peak up into his. His pupils were blown, no doubt the cause of the liquor that he had been drinking since you had walked into the packed bar. But, there was an ounce of truth there that was so raw and so Rafe. He could be tough, he could be scary, but around you he was raw and real. Or, so you thought.
"Any man would be incredibly lucky to have you." His words were beginning to slur as he pulled you into a kiss, his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer. The kiss got deeper and more passionate, your hands tangling in his hair and yanking slightly. This was perfect. It was everything you ever needed. "Let's go out to your truck." Your words were breathy and quiet as he gave you a knowing smirk. He took your hand and told Kelce and Topper he would be back; which earned a whistle and a wink from the other two. "Use a condom! We don't need anymore of you two." Oh, Kelce. Always the PTA mom when it came to you.
You brushed the two of them off as you walked out to the truck and Rafe helped you inside, the kisses shared enough to make your head spin. "I've never done this before." The words were a quiet and shameful confession as the kisses got more heated and the lines between friends and more started to blur. "I got you. Don't worry." His words were whispered into your neck as you felt euphoria start to take over. You had never felt anything like what Rafe was showing you right now. "You're so beautiful."
That was the night that Rafe took everything from you and you willingly let it happen. You let the lines blur, you let the alcohol and the pleasure take over your every instinct that was yelling at you this was dangerous. You knew he was a player, but maybe he was changing. Maybe he would want more after this. Maybe. Maybe..
'Cause I knew you Steppin' on the last train Marked me like a bloodstain, I I knew you Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy, I I knew you Leavin' like a father Running like water, I And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
Boy, you could not have been more wrong. After Rafe took your virginity that night, it seemed as if something clicked in his brain that you guys went too far. He was more distant and unavailable.
That was until Sofia came to town and Rafe fell for her hook line and sinker. He met her at a party and lit up like a little kid on Christmas. You had been standing with him, his arm against your waist as he kept his eyes trained on her. She was moving to the beat in a way that you couldn’t, her eyes locking with Rafe’s. She motioned him over; your stomach dropping as he pushed off the wall and seemed to happily oblige to her request.
His body molded into hers immediately, his lips finding hers as they swayed to the tone of the music together. It was sickening for you to watch, bile rising up in your throat as you decided to walk outside. However, he called after you and pulled the new girl over. "(Y/N), wait!" His voice stopped you in your tracks as you gave a fake smile, looking at him expectantly. "This is my best friend, (Y/N). We’ve been best friends since we were practically in diapers." Best friend. The words stung as you recalled the feel of his lips, the taste of his tongue, the feeling of his arms around you. How was that just something best friends did? You knew it wasn't and you all but held back a sob.
"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Sofia." She held her hand out for you and you took it, giving the most awkward hand shake you had ever given. You gave the best fake smile that you could muster up before you excused yourself to go back to your friends.
Throughout the night you could feel his eyes on you as you danced with other guys, having fun despite the circumstances. “What do you think you’re doing?” You heard the all too familiar voice behind you as he pressed a kiss to your neck, his arms snaking around your waist. “I’m dancing and having fun. Where’s Sofia?” The words had a bite to it that you weren’t expecting, but as Rafe’s hips stilled you could tell you caught him off guard.
He licked his lips and turned you towards him, his eyes locking on yours. “She left. What’s with the attitude?” His eyebrows went up and knitted together as he looked you over and tried to read you like a book. He knew you like the back of his hand, or so he thought. He could tell you were upset, but he didn’t realize it was with him. He thought you were just a little buzzed and the alcohol was making you act weird. But, unfortunately for him he was reading the words on the page wrong and it would come back to bite him in the ass. “You we’re just hanging all over her and now you’re here hanging all over me. Is this a joke to you?” Your words exposed your hurt as you glared at the boy that you knew better than anyone, his eyes flashing with confusion.
He ran a hand through his hair as he gnawed on his bottom lip. He wasn’t expecting you to act this way. “Come on, her and I were just having fun. You have no right to act like this.” His words infuriated you as you shook your head and laughed under your breath, of course he was that clueless. “Actually, I do. Fuck you. You can’t have us both like this.” And with that you stormed off, leaving him standing stunned and alone in the middle of the crowded party.
You left, sobbing as you shrunk down against your car outside. This was an absolute nightmare and it was affecting you deep to your core. This was a boy you’ve known for as long as you could remember. He was the one who wiped your tears when you fell. He was always there. "Friends forever." The words echoed in your head as you leaned your head back in frustration, cursing the words the two of you had sworn on as children.
That was the last time you had spoken to him, and now the wound was just as wide open as it was that day.
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long 'Cause I knew everything when I was young I knew I'd curse you for the longest time Chasin' shadows in the grocery line I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired And you'd be standin' in my front porch light And I knew you'd come back to me You'd come back to me And you'd come back to me And you'd come back
The sounds of the party had faded into the distance as you sat outside, head in your hands. Everything felt like it was a bad dream and you prayed that you could wake up from it. You wished you and Rafe had never started to get physical because that was when things got confusing. That was when feelings erupted and burst through the surface on your end. But, what if things had worked out? What if he had felt the same way about you?
The feeling of his lips still haunted your memory, a ghastly reminder of the impact the boy had on your life and your body. He was in your life for so long and then he was just gone, a faint memory of good times etched into your memory. It was like the faint smell of fire after a kegger, it lingered on your clothes and in your hair until you washed it off. But, it still always felt like it was there.
"He's an idiot for doing that to you. He'll be back once he realizes what he's missing out on." The talk you had with Sarah was resonating in your mind as you stared up at the stars of the backyard, their twinkling bringing a small sense of comfort as you let out a breath you did not realize you were holding.
"Hey." You swore you were hallucinating his voice and you actually prayed that you were. You didn't want to face him. You didn't want to see his pretty eyes, or see his shit eating grin that could light up the entirety of a room in an instant. No, that was your kryponite. That was the absolute thing that could make you break no matter what else was going on in your life. But, as you turned around and saw that exact sight, you knew you were in trouble.
"Shouldn't you be inside with your new girlfriend?" The words were pointed like a spear and you hoped it would wound him and cut deep. But, you knew he would never outwardly show if you did. However, the clearing of his throat was enough to show that they had at least pierced through the surface. "She's not my- That isn't important right now." You rolled your eyes as you stood up, looking up at his towering figure in front of you.
"Really, Rafe? Because she seemed pretty damn important when you completely forgot about me for her." Your voice was rising and you felt tears prickling at the waterline of your eyes, the big droplets falling down your cheeks. He was only back because he was bored of Sofia, you knew it. That had to be it. "She was a damn distraction." He was getting stressed, he was rubbing the palms of his hands against his jeans in a way that he thought you wouldn't see. But, unfortunately for him you did. "A distraction from what?" You hated how you took the bait and you also hated how he was walking closer.
His movements were slow and cautious as his hand moved under your chin, tilting your head up to his. "You." The single word answer was not what you were expecting, confusion crossing your face as you tried to read his reaction. "I fucking fell for you and I was afraid of fucking it up." His voice was saying all the things you ever wanted to hear, and yet you couldn't take them at face value. He had taken your virginity and dipped. He had abandoned you. He had left, after everything he had told you. And, you weren't ready to forgive him. You didn't think you could do that yet.
You just chuckled and shook your head, taking a step back. "I chased the ghost of our friendship around a graveyard of memories for the last month, Rafe. I'm not ready to forgive you just because you come spewing words about falling for me. For all I know, it could be a lie." Your words were not what he was expecting, that was obvious by the look in his eyes.
"What can I do to make it up to you?" His words were almost laughable at the rate of desperation that they were bred out of. It was a scared look, it was a flashback to growing up together, it was the feeling in his chest whenever you were around. It was the happiness that your laugh brought him, the bottle of your perfume he always kept in his car, the clothes of yours he kept in his dresser drawer. It was everything, you were the sun and the moon and all the stars. You were the entirety of his universe and now you were pushing everything into a black hole because he fucked up. That, in itself was enough to feel like death to him and he hated the fact that he messed up this bad.
"I don't know, Rafe. I'll let you know if I ever figure it out. Now, if you'll excuse me I have a party to get back too." And with that he watched you walk away, your head high and proud and your tears no longer falling for the boy and what could have been. You knew this would be better. You knew you deserved more than feeling like second best. You deserved the world, and you weren't going to have it given to you on someone else's time.
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rafesslxt · 8 months
🐰 secret bunny⎥ rafe cameron
part 1 ⎥"welcome back"
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「 ✦ 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.✦ 」
summary: Scarlett, JJ's cousin comes to visit him after 4 years, surprising everyone. But even than, what would be a day on obx without a fight between the Pogues and Kooks?
word count : 2436
warning: memory of losing someone, death, shooting,JJ pulling out his gun, English is not my first language
"So when did you want tell us that you - or should I say we - get a guest over the summer?" I shrugged my shoulders. "John B knew it." "Wow, so a complete stranger spends the whole summer with us and you don't think it's necessary to tell us?" Kie raised her eyebrows in a huff and pierced me with her gaze.
I looked at my watch and got up. " Yes, and I have to go now. By the way, you know her. It's my cousin Scarlett and I didn't tell you so you wouldn't make such a big fuss like last time until she felt uncomfortable."
"What? Scar is visiting us? Today?" Pope almost screamed. "See! That's exactly why I did not tell you!" " When was the last time she was in outer banks?", Kie asked. " I don't know, I think 4 years ago?" "I hope she hasn't changed and is still as cool as she used to be."
I left the house and took John B's Van to get Scar from the ship she came on.
Scar's POV:
It had been a long time since I've been here and yet the air smelled exactly as I remembered it. I had missed the warm weather and the nice people, but the older I got, the more and more responsibilities I had at home. Besides college, I helped my parents with the marketing of their company. They were markers in New York and I supported them with their website and Instagram profiles. In addition, I would occasionally take photos of the houses for sale.
As much as I loved helping my parents, I was glad to have a break from everything and finally visit my cousin JJ. I missed him from time to time, but we never had much contact when I wasn't here. As soon as I arrived, however, we were inseparable as children. Talk about the devil.
"Scarlett!"JJ yelled, who just got out of a van. "JJ!" I smiled and jumped into his arms. "How's my favorite cousin huh?" I laughed and hugged him tightly before letting him go. "Good, I'm your only one." I took a closer look at him now that he was standing in front of me.
He had grown a lot, his face looked the same as it did 4 years ago, just a little more mature. He looked more athletic and his style hadn't changed much either. He still looked like a typical surfer boy from the movies. The girls here had to kiss his feet.
JJ took my luggage and put it in the back of the van. "I'm surprised you didn't come on your bike." I knew he loved to ride his bike and I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd come on it instead of the van.
"We'll ride it soon enough," he winked at me and got into the van. " So? Go on, tell me. How are you little one?"
During the car ride, JJ told me everything that had happened in the last few years. His life hadn't really changed and his circle of friends was still the same as 4 years ago. I told him everything about home, how my family was and what I had been doing for the last few years.
We arrived at a small hut where John B lived, as far as I could remember. Excited, I got out of the car and helped JJ unpack my luggage before we brought everything inside. "This is where you're going to live for the next 6 weeks."
We went out onto the terrace where the rest of the Pogues were sitting. " Oh my god, hey." I felt myself getting a little emotional seeing everyone again after such a long time. "Scar!" John B was the first to ask how I was and hugged me tightly. Then I hugged Pope and after him Kiara. "Kiara. I'm surprised to see you here. Are you a Pogue now too?" I smiled and pointed at the others. Kiara was always better off with the Pogues than with the Kooks. Who on the island cared more about the turtles than her?
" I needed a change of scenery from all the glamor." she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and smiled back. But as quickly as her smile appeared, it disappeared again when I asked my next question. "Do you know where Sarah is today? I wanted to meet her when I've settled in. Why don't you come with me if you want?" She just shook her head. "You know, Kiara and Sarah aren't really friends anymore. There was this thing..." Pope began. "This thing, exactly. That she's a bitch, you mean?" She looked annoyed at Pope.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Sarah had never mentioned anything. Back in the days, we spent almost every day together. Kiara, Sarah and me. I wondered what could have led them to no longer being friends. " But have fun with her anyway. Hopefully you'll see as quickly as I did that she's a snake."
"There's a party at the beach tonight, you'll definitely meet her there," JJ assured me. I exhaled deeply. I was beginning to get the feeling that a lot had changed in the time I had been away.
In the evening
I went to take a shower and changed into some new clothes as I was already sweaty from the warm weather and the trip here. "Hey John B, thanks again for letting me stay here with you. " I knew that his father had been gone for a long time now and probably couldn't imagine how hard that must be for him. " No problem, JJ's family is my family too. Well, except for your uncle. " My uncle was the reason I spent my time in the Outer Banks at John B's. My parents and JJ didn't want me to sleep over there because they knew what Luke was like. Besides, JJ assured me that he slept at John B's most of the time anyway.
I chatted with John B for a while until the Pogues arrived. Together we went down to the beach where I met many familiar faces again. Including Sarah's. "JJ I'll be right back." Before he could answer, I ran to Sarah. "Sarah?" A wide smile appeared on my lips as she turned around. " Scarlett!" I probably heard my name for the 1000th time today. Happy that she was as exited as I was, I hugged her tightly and closed my eyes. "Oh my God, I've missed you so much!" she murmured into my shoulder as she returned my hug.
"Look at you! You're even more beautiful than last time!" she said, making me spin around. "What about you! The boys here must all be after you, right?" Embarrassed, she looked down at the floor and something clicked in my head. "Don't tell me! Do you have a boyfriend?" " Yes, his name is Topper. He's over there with his friends." I looked in the direction she was pointing. A boy named Kelce was standing next to Topper with another guy. I couldn't tell who the third one was because he had his back to us.
Sarah waved Topper over and he followed her hand like a puppy until he stood next to us.
"Topper, this is my friend Scarlett. Scarlett, this is my boyfriend Topper." she introduced us. " Ah, Scarlett. Sarah has talked a lot about you, especially the last few days." "Scar is enough and I'm pleased to meet you. " I shook his hand. I wish I could have returned his words, but Sarah hadn't said a word about him, which surprised me a little.
Rafe's POV:
"Where is he going?" Kelce asked me. "What? Who?" I followed Kelce's gaze. Topper ran to my sister who waved him over. I wasn't really surprised at that. She had him wrapped around her little finger since day 1. What did surprise me was who was standing next to my sister. "Who's that girl next to Sarah?" I asked Kelce. "I think that's Scarlett. Topper had mentioned something about Sarah being happy because she was coming to Outer Banks today. " He shrugged his shoulders and continued. " You know I hardly listen to him when he talks about Sarah."
My eyebrows drew together. Scarlett? Why did her name sound so familiar? Kelce seemed to have noticed my look " Man, that's Scarlett! She used to play with Sarah and Kiara. It's been years since she was here. "
Suddenly I could remember her. Scar. Kelce was right. She used to play with Sarah and Kiara at our house.
I took a closer look. Her long blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders. I could already see her curves from here. Damn, she's grown up. I licked my lips and took a few steps closer. "Watch out before something flies into your mouth." Kelce laughed loudly. I closed my mouth and punched him lightly in the ribs. "Shut the fuck up."
Scar's POV:
"I'm throwing a costume party at my house tomorrow. My dad and Rose are going to the Bahamas for the weekend. Why don't you come over if you want? Then I can introduce you to the rest of us.", Sarah suggested. "That sounds great. Is there a theme? Or a dress code?" I asked to make sure. "No. You can come as whatever you want." That meant I would definitely have to go shopping tomorrow.
We chatted a bit more with Topper when JJ and John B joined us. "Hey Sarah! Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ offered Sarah. Sarah looked at the beer and then at JJ " No, but thanks." " Oh sorry. Is it not fancy enough for you?" A little irritated, I looked at my cousin. "JJ, she doesn't want anything." Sarah smiled at me and said " No, we were just leaving."
Now I was even more puzzled. We had been talking normally. Why were they just leaving? The atmosphere quickly became tense. I wondered if Sarah already knew what was going to happen.
"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper said and reached for the red cup, but JJ pulled his hand away.
"If you said pretty please, maybe. But you didn't." " Oh really pretty please? Pretty please?" " So Sarah, you can have it." JJ tried to give his cup to Sarah again but Topper interrupted him by tipping the cup into JJ's face. "She doesn't want it, you dick!"
JJ tried to reach for Topper but John B intervened." Hey JJ. Come on he's not worth it man." He pushed him back more while I ran to JJ's side. "JJ what was that about? What's your problem with each other?" Before I could get an answer Topper shouted "Dirty Pogues!"
John B let go of JJ, stormed towards Topper and pushed him back. It only took a few seconds for them to start punching each other. John B fell into the water and turned around. "Hey John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" John B got up and rammed Sarah's boyfriend to the ground.
Slowly everyone gathered around and shouted: "Fight!Fight!Fight!"
"John B! Stop it!" I screamed, as did Sarah next to me. Kie joined in and yelled "Guy's stop it!" JJ and Pope cheered their friend on as he slammed his fist into Topper's face. "Stop cheering him on! Stop it you idiots!" I screamed into their faces.
They continued to fight and it didn't seem to stop until Topper got the upper hand and threw John B into the water and pushed his face under the surface. My stomach turned at the sight. Why didn't anyone intervene?
Sarah screamed Topper's name in vain. " JJ do something! He's drowning your best friend!" I wiped my face in panic. This was not how I had imagined my first day in Outer Banks. Suddenly JJ came up behind me and ran straight towards them. Just as the weight on my heart dropped, my eyes caught sight of something sparkling silver in JJ's hand.
He held a gun against Topper's head. "Yeah, you know what that is." Everyone started running away when they saw what JJ was holding against Topper's head. "JJ! Put the gun down." Sarah tried to speak calmly to him and took a few steps towards them. " Did you say something, princess?" " We're good! We're good! All right? Come on, man!"
" Kie! Can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah called out to Kiara. My eyebrows drew together at her statement.
"Okay everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ screamed and shot into the air. My whole body flinched at the sound.
"Aaron! Can you hear me! Please say something!" I shook his body as hard as I could but got no response. "Please please get up! We have to get out of here!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks and snot was coming out of my nose. "Scar, I love you. Tell mom and dad I love them too okay? Please. " " No! No! Get up come on! Please someone help us!" I screamed but no one came. Everyone ran like crazy through the streets and tried to hide.
" Scarlett! Are you okay?" Kiara brought me out of my thoughts when she touched me on the shoulder. I jumped and looked at her. "Scarlett, you're crying." She pointed at my face, which I wiped with my sleeve seconds later. I nodded and ran over to JJ.
Pope yelled at him and pushed him. "Are you crazy? What have you done you idiot!" "What did I do? I saved him!" They continued to argue until Kiara intervened. " Hey! That's enough guys!" JJ looked at us. I saw him look at me and recognize my red eyes. " Shit, Scar. I'm sorry, I- " " Can we please just go? Everyone's gone home anyway.", I said and went to John B who was still in the water. I helped him up and handed him to Pope.
After we had gathered all of our things, we walked to John B's hut. I changed straight away and layed down. Kiara and JJ stayed here too. Pope went home because otherwise he would be killed by his dad if he didn't show up. I had a hard time falling asleep that night with my hand around my pendant that was hanging from my necklace. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.
Let me know what you think 🫶🏻
part 2
Secret Bunny Masterlist
xoxo sarah
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outermaybanks · 4 months
Out of the Woods - ch. 1
a/n: this is the first chapter of an oc x jj maybank fic that i've been writing for a while, its essentially a rewrite of OBX with my oc in it, but i plan to make aus and oneshots for it. this is a slowburn, childhood best friends to lovers (i can't help myself i love this trope)
faceclaim for junie
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“That’s what, a three story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival.” Pope said, just as JJ opened a can of beer, handing it to me as I used the guard rail to swing my body to sit beside him on the ledge. John B was above us, precariously walking on the roof. I took a sip of the beer and watched as John B licked his finger to test the wind, making me shake my head with a giggle.
“Should I do it?” John B asked.
“Yeah, jump.” Pope encouraged sarcastically. “I’ll shoot you on the way down.”
“You’ll shoot me?” John B questioned before making finger guns at Pope
Kie came out from inside, complaining about the luxurious house development we were currently trespassing in, and how it used to be a turtle sanctuary. “Can you please not kill yourself?” Kiara called up to the boy pretending to walk a tightrope.
“Do a flip,” I called out with a laugh.
“You wanna see a flip, Junie? I’ll show you a flip.”
“Don’t spill that beer. I’m not giving you another one.” JJ scolded.
I rolled my eyes as I took another drink, only to flinch and almost spill my beer on myself at the sudden sound of a can hitting the ground. “‘Course you did, like right when I said-” JJ complained, making me giggle as I took a sip of my beer. I grimaced, never really like the taste of beer, but it was better than nothing. 
“Security’s here!” Pope called, tapping the railing. JJ was up the fastest, and I grabbed the railing to pull myself back up. JJ jumped down then held his hand up for me to grab as I jumped down. It was practically second nature at this point.
We all started running, trying to avoid the security guards as we hopped fences and quickly made our way back to the Twinkie. Pope opened the sliding door and I dove in after Kiara, JJ right behind me, but he didn’t close the door, instead he held a beer out the open door for Gary, the rent-a-cop chasing us. 
“JJ, roll up.” I commanded, if anything, to give him something else to do.
“Whoo, yes ma’am.” JJ cheered as he reached into his bag
The Outer Banks, paradise on Earth. It’s the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. 
This is the south side or the cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of... drumroll, please...the Pogues. That's us. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain. Okay. So, the downside of Pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of Pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
That's JJ, my best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know. Just don't tell him I said that. Mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat.
The girl wrestling him for the blunt is Juniper, but she hates her name so we all call her Junie. Kooks call her Loonie Junie cause she can be a bit… much. Rumor around the cut is that we got our precious Junie after a punk rock band tour came to town. She definitely has a rockstar temperament. She’s the only one who can put JJ in his place, so we’d probably be dead without her.
And that's Kiara, or Kie, as we call her.  When not saving turtles or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. I'm not really sure why, though. Cause, she's a rich kid, actually. Her family owns The Wreck, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists. You know, I'm not really sure how her parents feel about us. We all kinda have a thing for her.
And that's Pope, the brains of the operation... finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And the smartest person I know. Little bit of a weirdo. His father's this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you. Now, I'm not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. He was a Pogue, just like the rest of us. So, that's my crew. 
And that’s me, John Booker Routledge. And this is where I live.
“Jeeb, your bread has mold!” I shouted.
“So go get some more.” John B said, making me jump, not realizing he was so close. “Why are you awake so early?”
“JJ needed the bed…” I said with a fake happy tone, making John B chuckle. “Have you seen my shirt?” I asked. I had slept in my bathing suit after the late night swim we had. 
“Think I saw JJ’s new friend wearing it.”
I groaned. “Great. Now I have to burn it. Whatever. I’m making a grocery run!” I shouted so the house could hear.
“Can you get some more chips?” Kie asked, sitting up. I leaned down to grab the blunt from her fingers and quickly took a hit before passing it back. 
I heard a door creak open. “Grab some pancake mix!” JJ’s voice called out.
“My bag is only so big!” I called back, struggling to get my shoes on. Pope was rubbing his eyes as I passed him, and I gave his head a loving tap as a goodbye before grabbing my skateboard and pushing the door open.
“So you gonna ride out the storm with us?” JJ asked, popping a chip in his mouth.
“Can’t. Mom pops xannies everytime it so much as rains, so someone’s gotta be conscious to be with Cody.”
“What about Theodore?” 
“In Chattanooga for the next two weeks.” 
“Why can’t you just bring him?”
“I’m trying to limit his JJ exposure.” I teased, turning the bag to grab a couple chips.
“What? Why?”
I gave him a pointed look. “You know why.”
“Is this because I let Taylor wear your shirt? I said I was sorry.” 
I rolled my eyes and slowly stood from the table.
“Oh I get it. Junie’s jealous,” JJ teased.
“In your dreams, Maybank!” I called over my shoulder as I walked towards the shack’s exit.
“How’d you know?” JJ called after me and I flipped him the bird until I was sure he couldn’t see me anymore.
You wouldn’t guess by how we talk to each other, but JJ was my best friend. He was the one who came up to me at the beach the day I met him and John B, asking if I knew how to surf. He wouldn’t admit it, but I knew he only came up to me because he’d noticed I didn’t really have any friends. Mom used to say I was too quiet, and people didn’t like that.
Cody was like me at that age, shy, quiet. I wondered if he too would one day reach his breaking point, and finally have the courage to scream. Cody’s my younger brother, technically half brother, but I never cared for technicalities. He was my brother, even if I hated his dad. My mom met Theodore when I was 6, and he moved in practically overnight. I think my mom saw him as our way out of the Boonies, the trailer park we lived in, but even with a cushy electrician job, his alcoholism pretty much secured our spot in that damn trailer park.
As you can imagine, a trailer in a hurricane isn’t the safest place to be. But it was home, and luckily, the walk to the water was far enough. But the walk to the nearest dock the morning after Hurricane Agatha was littered with debris, me and Cody cleaned up a bit until mom woke up. My cell had lost service, so I had no way of contacting the Pogues. 
After a while, mom came outside looking for Cody, apparently all the food in our fridge went bad, she had to go get some canned goods. I walked to the nearest dock, sitting down and dangling my feet just above the water. 
“Thought you had babysitting duty?” I turned my head to see JJ standing in the front of John B’s boat, coming my way, while John B steered. I smiled.
“Xannies wore off, mom took Cody to the grocery store because the damn storm knocked out our power.” I said as the boat pulled up. John B held his hand out to help me onto the boat, and I gladly accepted.
Next stop was picking up Pope. JJ liked to rattle off the names of boats, and what he knew about them, and I liked listening to JJ talk. As we came close the port next to Heyward’s, we started waving to the locals.
“Hi Miss Amy! You guys make it through?” John B asked.
“Still here!” Miss Amy called back.
“Did you see her look at me? She totally wants me,” JJ said as we sailed past her. I rolled my eyes and brought the blunt up to my lips to inhale.
“Junie, let me hit that,” JJ said, holding his fingers out.
“Wow, JJ, way to be forward. Take the girl on a date first,” John B teased. I was about to hand JJ the blunt but the two began wrestling. “Jesus Christ,” I shouted, running over to grab the steering wheel. “Seriously guys?”. After John B let go of JJ, he walked over to take back the wheel. We were approaching Heyward’s dock.
“Boo-woo! We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory. Krrch,” John B said pretending to be speaking into a walking talkie. 
“I can’t! My pop’s got me on lockdown,” Pope said.
“Booooo!” I said giving a thumbs down.
“Come on, man! Your dad’s a pussy. Over. Krrch,” JJ said, joining in on John B’s bit.
“Oh I heard that, you little bastard,” Heyward said, walking out onto the dock.
“Awww, he didn’t mean it, Mr. Heyward!” I called.
“We need your son,” John B explained.
“Yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane’s a free day,” JJ added.
“Who the hell made that up?” Heyward asked.
“Uhh, Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance. I have a card,” JJ answered, making me giggle.
“Y’all think I’m stupid?”
“I’ll do it tomorrow, I promise, tomorrow,” Pope pleaded.
“Hell no, you doin’ it right now.”
“Get in the boat,” John B whispered.
“Make a run for it, bro,” JJ added, and that was all the convincing Pope needed before he dropped the hose and ran to jump on the boat.
Our last stop was to pick up Kie, who was already waiting at the dock near her house with a cooler. She stole some of her dad’s beers for us. As we drank, the four of us sat on the front of the boat, until John B asked Pope to switch spots. JJ stood up and held his beer out so it would fly into his mouth, only he didn’t have the best aim.
“Asshole! You got it on my shirt.” I shouted, before pulling my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bikini.
“Yeah, take it off Ju-” JJ was cut off by the boat halting suddenly, the jolt caused me to fall to the floor with Kiara. “Jesus, Pope!” Kie called as she helped me up.
“Where’s JJ?” I asked, seeing he was no longer standing on the boat. “JJ!” I shouted, and up he came from the water.
“Ughhhh I think my heels touched the back of my head.” JJ groaned, causing me to let out a laugh in relief.
I leaned over the side of the boat to help JJ back on. “Pope, what the hell did you do?” JJ asked as he came aboard.
“Sandbar. The channel changed,” Pope answered, going over to the side to look around.
“Hey, I saved the beer though,” JJ said, holding up his beer bottle.
“Congrats, JJ,” John B said flatly.
“Guys, I think there’s a boat down there.” Pope said, and we all moved to try and see what he was seeing. I could see a sliver of muted white and immediately jumped into the water, the rest soon followed. We all dived under to get a look but we needed air, so we only got a glimpse.
“Did y’all see that? That’s a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy,” JJ said before we all started swimming back towards the HMS Pogue. “That’s a primo rig.”
“Yeah, that’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something,” John B said, standing up.
“You surfed the surge?” Kie questioned.
“That’s my boy, Pogue style,” JJ said smugly, dapping John B up.
“Do we know whose boat that is?” Pope questioned.
“No. But we’re about to find out,” John B answered, opening the hatch to the anchor.
“Dude, it’s too deep,” JJ pointed out. I walked over to the edge to get a better look.
“Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ,” John B argued, pulling the anchor up.
“Well, I’m not resuscitating you. I’m just making that clear up front.”
“That’s fine.” John B walked towards the end with the anchor in hand
“John B…” Kie said softly, obviously unsure of what he was about to do.
“What?” John B asked with a laugh.
“Diver down, fool.” Pope said, making John B salute. “Diver down.” “Yeah he is!” JJ said before pushing John B into the water.
I hit his arm, making him turn to look at me.
“You could have messed up his breath!” I scolded, and JJ rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me into him. 
When John B resurfaced, he only found a hotel key, and he wanted to figure out whose boat it was, but Kie thought it was a bad idea, and wanted to report it, so we went back to the port to try and talk to the coast guard but they had their hands full, and wouldn’t talk to us, so we decided to try the hotel. I followed JJ as he tied us down to a post and prepared to go in with John B while the rest of us kept watch.
“Hey, don’t let him do anything stupid,” Pope said, pointing to JJ.
“Oh, we will,” JJ replied nonchalantly, I gently hit his arm. “Can you be serious for like 5 seconds?” I questioned and he shrugged in response.
“I’m not making promises,” John B agreed.
“Be careful, I mean it,” Kie said softly, handing the motel key to John B.
I made a teasing face of surprise to Pope as I walked past the two to get back in the boat. I watched with bated breath as the two boys ran inside.
©outermaybanks 2024
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evispunk · 2 months
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a/n: first chapters are normally super slow and are just to get you an introduction to the book, so if you don't like it, please give it a chance and read a little more. as a reader, i don't even like this chapter. this is where you can stop reading if you don't want to know a few things about me.
one - i've been watching outer banks and reading fics about it since 2020. i've gotten quite a feel for the characters and my own opinions and views on them. so of course, this may or may not be similar to other fics you have read, or maybe this is something entirely different! this will follow the plot of the show MAINLY. it will derive a few times and not exactly follow the timeline of the show but all of the events will happen.
two - i have been writing since i was twelve. my writing may not be your style or the best you've ever seen, but i'm proud of it and that's why i'm putting it out there for you to see. please do not critique me in the comments! save it for your therapist.
three - i'm a rafe defender sorry not sorry he's a baby
summary: violette and her parents head over to the cameron's, her parents' good friends, house for dinner where she meets sarah & wheezie for the first time, and rafe, whom she hasn't seen since they were in diapers. plot intro.
warnings: innocent little kook with no idea what she's in for
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"ARE YOU ALMOST ready?" Matt called up the spiral staircase to his daughter, Violette. She huffed, unplugging her curling iron and brushing out her waves.
"Yes, Dad, just get in the car, I'll be down in a sec!" she yelled back, applying lip balm at the same time and switching the lights off. The brunette girl took one last look at herself in the hallway mirror, staring back at her smooth, cream-colored dress with knots that were tied into bows on the shoulder straps. Her black heels clicked against the stairs as she jogged down them, heading towards her parents' car.
"Oh, honey, you look beautiful." Violette's mother, Cecilia told her once she sat down in the back seat.
"Thank you, Mom." she smiled, buckling her seatbelt behind the driver's seat.
"Are you excited to see The Cameron's again? You haven't seen Rafe since you two were in diapers right before we moved." Cecilia said, turning to face her daughter.
"I guess. I'm a little nervous to meet his sisters though, I mean, what if they're the fake bitchy type?"
"Language, young lady." her father interrupted, pointing a finger into the rearview mirror as he turned left.
"I doubt that. I've never met Rose personally, but I've talked with her a few times and her and Ward are amazing parents. I'm sure they're really sweet." Violette's mother reassured her with a smile.
"What are their names again?" 
"Sarah and Eloise, but the little one is called Wheezie."
"Wheezie? Does she have asthma?" she returned, pulling her phone out from her black shoulder bag.
"No, just a nickname that stuck, I'm sure. Don't make that joke at dinner."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Violette smiled, unbuckling herself as the car halted to a stop in the Cameron's yard.
"Be on your best behavior, Vi." Matt instructed, locking the door and putting his keys into his pocket, next to his wallet.
Violette swung the gold chain of her shoulder bag over her left, and began walking up to the front door with her parents. Her mother lightly knocked three times on their large door, and stepped back, awaiting their response.
The door swung open abruptly, and the blond woman behind it smiled.
"Welcome! You must be Cecilia!" the woman Violette now knew as Rose hugged her mother, then looked at her father.
"Matt." he smiled, and hugged her too as she kissed his cheek.
"Rose." she returned, moving her attention to their daughter. "And you must be the wonderful Violette I have heard so much about," Rose continued, initiating another hug. "Wow, I have to say you smell great. What are you wearing?"
"Miss Dior." the girl replied, thanking her.
"I'll have to buy that one. Come on in, guys." she said, opening the door completely to let the Rhodes enter their home. "I'm just about done with supper, and Rafe is setting the table."
Violette looked around at the Camerons' house, taking in her expensive surroundings. Their home was even more elegant than hers, and they were considered to be almost filthy rich. It smelt quite clean, almost like a mix of fresh linen and salt air.
"Violette?" a voice called from beside her, and she whipped her head towards the sound to find a dirty blond girl standing there wearing a strapless, navy, crossfront bandeau top dress. "Hey, I'm Sarah. Rafe's sister." the girl smiled, taking a few steps towards Violette.
"Oh, hi. Sorry, you scared me, but it's nice to meet you. I love your dress."
"Thank you! I got it at this cute boutique downtown, you'll have to come shop with me sometime."
"I'd love to." Violette replied, looking at the Cameron girl some more. She noticed her wearing two necklaces, one smaller gold chain, and a longer necklace with an 'S' on it.
"Your heels are gorgeous, by the way." Sarah continued, silently urging Violette to walk with her.
"Wow. So, you're bougie."
"I like what I like. Of course, not everything is about a brand, but it sure can be."
"You know what, I get that. I don't really care as much, but, I can see why someone would." she smiled. "Oh, Wheeze." Sarah stopped in her tracks, almost catching the Rhodes girl off guard.
"Hm? Oh. Hi, what's your name?"
"Violette. I'm assuming you're Wheezie?"
"I don't know anyone else with that name." she responded with a laugh, her dark curls bouncing with it.
"Can't say I do either," Violette said, voice back to normal. "Hey, I've met pretty much everyone besides Rafe. Do you know where he's at?"
"Probably in the kitchen." the black-haired girl answered, standing up to join the two girls on their walk. "Come this way." The two newfound friends followed Wheezie through the hall until they reached the kitchen, finding Rafe and Ward sipping on their drinks while leaning against the island.
"Violette. How're you doing, sweetie?" the older Cameron smiled, meeting Violette halfway and hugging her.
"I'm doing well. And you?"
"Great, great. You remember Rafe." he pointed to his son, drink in hand.
"Just barely. I do remember a lot of him stealing my toys." she replied and Ward laughed, grabbing Rafe's shoulder. The blond teenager only dryly stared at Violette and drank from his glass.
"Yeah, that sounds like Rafe. I see you already met Sarah and Wheezie, hope they weren't too hard on you."
"Hey!" Wheezie defended herself from behind Violette, still standing next to a temporarily silent Sarah, "We're actually really nice, if you didn't notice."
"I'm sure that's what you think," Rafe commented, refilling his cup with Coke. Violette's gaze fell upon him, slightly taken aback by his arrogant demeanor.
"Supper's ready!" Rose called out from the next room over, and Rafe smirked to himself while Ward's face turned sour. His expression quickly recovered when he turned to the three girls and nodded towards the dining room, he and his son following.
"This looks delicious, Rose." Cecilia complimented, smoothing her long dress down as she took a seat at the table.
"Thank you. It's an old family recipe of Ward's." she smiled at the woman in return, setting her napkin on her lap.
"It's steak, Rose." Rafe rolled his eyes, scooting his chair in louder than necessary. 
"I think it looks and smells lovely," Ward interjected whilst giving his son 'the look', "Let's eat." he smiled. 
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Violette walked into the kitchen and began stacking plates and cups, deciding to help Rose with the dishes as a thank you for the supper she undoubtedly spent hours cooking.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, honey. You can go talk with everyone else."
"That's okay, I like to help. Take it as a thank you for supper."
"Well then, I won't stop you," she agreed, turning back to the large sink, scrubbing and rinsing dishes before loading them into their stainless steel dishwasher. "So, Violette, do you have a boyfriend back on the mainland?"
"I don't, actually. I was seeing this one guy for a while, but he turned out to be a huge jerk, so I ended it. It was sad too, he was real cute." the young girl responded, heading over to the other side of the sink and using some of the water that had collected to rinse cups and silverware.
"Trust me, I've been there," Rose laughed. "I dated this one guy in high school, Thomas White. Turns out he was making out with guys the whole time we were dating." she continued, shaking her head.
"Whoa, talk about a plot twist."
"Tell me about it. You know, I never got to ask at dinner- what do your parents do for work again? I know your mother makes jewelry, I bought some from her."
"Yeah, she does. Um, my dad's a lawyer, actually."
"Have you ever got to say, 'My dad's a lawyer,'?" Rose chuckled lightly, switching off the sink and shutting the dishwasher door.
"Not yet, but it sure has crossed my mind a few times."
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"Goodnight Mom," Violette said as her mother passed her bathroom whilst brushing out her wet hair.
"Night sweetie. Love you."
"I love you, too." 
Violette walked across the hallway to her bedroom and opened her closet door with the intention of finding pajamas to wear. She settled her mind on a ribbed mauve tank top, and loose white sweat shorts. After dropping her towel and changing, she slid on her beige fluffy socks and plaited her hair. Tomorrow she would explore the island after having been here for a week and only unpacking her house. 
"Alexa, play thunderstorm sounds."
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andy-15-07 · 6 months
A Glimpse into Tomorrow
masterlist ! pairing Drew Starkey x reader
Outer Banks Masterlist
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Drew Starkey and Y/n sat on the porch of their quaint countryside home, surrounded by the soft glow of the setting sun. A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves of the nearby trees, carrying with it the promise of a cool evening.
Drew leaned back in his chair, a contented smile playing on his lips as he looked at Y/n. She was the epitome of beauty in his eyes, her laughter like music to his ears.
"You know," Drew began, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them, "I've been thinking a lot about the future lately."
Y/n turned to him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Oh really? What have you been thinking about?"
Drew took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "Well, for starters, I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you. You mean everything to me, Y/n."
A warm flush spread across Y/n's cheeks as she took in Drew's words. "You mean everything to me too, Drew. I can't imagine my life without you in it."
Drew reached out and took Y/n's hand in his own, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "I've been thinking about... us, you know? About our future together."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she looked into Drew's eyes, seeing the love and sincerity shining within them. "What do you mean?" she asked softly.
Drew took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving Y/n's. "I mean... I've been thinking about marriage. About spending the rest of our lives together as husband and wife."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, but to hear Drew speak the words aloud sent a thrill through her like none other.
"Really?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.
Drew nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Really. I want nothing more than to make you my wife, Y/n. To stand by your side through thick and thin, for better or for worse."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she threw her arms around Drew, pulling him close. "Yes, Drew. A thousand times yes."
Drew held her tight, his heart overflowing with love and joy. In that moment, he knew without a doubt that he had found his soulmate, his other half.
As they sat together, lost in each other's embrace, Drew couldn't help but think about the future they would build together. A future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.
But their conversation didn't end there. As the stars began to twinkle overhead, Drew and Y/n talked about more than just marriage. They talked about their hopes and dreams, their fears and insecurities.
They talked about starting a family, about the joy of watching their children grow and flourish. They talked about the adventures they would go on together, the places they would see, the memories they would make.
And as they talked, Drew realized that no matter what the future held, as long as he had Y/n by his side, he would be the happiest man alive.
So they sat together on the porch, beneath the starry sky, dreaming of tomorrow and all the wonders it would bring. And in that moment, they knew that their love was forever, boundless and eternal.
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wh0r3-for-klaus · 24 days
hiii seen that u were taking requests just wondering if u could write some father!figure!bf!rafe x crybaby!reader u can look up ideas on how to write them i just need something new
I had to spend a lot of time thinking of something that I was almost certain hadn't been done yet, I hope you like it!! I've never written for crybaby!reader before so I hope I did an okay job, I also didn't know if you wanted fluff or smut, so I went with fluff, I hope that's fine. My works are not to be reposted. If you want to be added to my tag list, leave a comment. Warnings: none?
father!figure!bf!rafe x crybaby!reader
x x x x x x
The Outer Banks were usually a place of sunlight and carefree adventure, but tonight, the sky was overcast, the sky was devoid of stars and was cloaking the world in an unusual darkness instead. You were curled up in your bed, the moonlight barely cutting through the thick clouds, casting eerie shadows on your walls.
The darkness had always been a source of discomfort for you, ever since you were a kid. You tried to convince yourself it was just your imagination running wild, but no matter how many times you told yourself it was irrational, the fear remained.
Tonight, it felt worse than ever. The shadows seemed to dance on the walls in a way that seemed human, and the wind howling outside made it sound like something—or someone—was scratching at your window and was trying to get inside. Every creak of the house made your heart race faster, and you found yourself trembling beneath your covers as you tried to calm yourself down.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, Rafe’s name flashing on the screen. It was a comforting reminder that you weren’t alone, even though it felt like the darkness was closing in and swallowing you whole. You hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone.
“Hey,” you whispered, trying to sound more composed than you felt.
“Hey, darlin’,” Rafe’s voice was warm and steady, a stark contrast to the anxiety twisting in your chest. “I’ve been thinkin’ about you. How’re you doin’?”
You bit your lip, a tear slipping down your cheek despite your best efforts to keep it together. “I—I’m scared. It’s really dark here, and it feels like the shadows are watching me.”
There was a pause on the other end, and you could almost picture Rafe’s concerned expression. “I’m comin’ over. Don’t worry, okay? Just hang tight.”
A wave of relief washed over you at his words. Rafe had a way of making everything seem better, and the thought of him being there with you made the fear feel a little more manageable.
Not long after, you heard the familiar sound of Rafe’s truck pulling up outside. You scrambled out of bed, stumbling slightly as you made your way to the door to let him in. The moment he stepped inside, his presence filled the room with a reassuring warmth.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Rafe said softly, pulling you into a tight hug. His arms were strong and steady, a protective shield against the darkness that had been tormenting you. “How about we get some lights on? We’ll make this place as bright as a Christmas tree if that’s what it takes.”
You managed a weak smile as he turned on the lights, the harsh brightness instantly dispelling the shadows that had seemed so menacing. Rafe moved around the room with a casual ease, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to your frantic energy.
He guided you back to the bed and sat beside you, his hand resting gently on your shoulder. “You’re safe here. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
You nodded, leaning into his side. The comfort of his presence was like a balm for your anxious mind. “Thank you, Rafe. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Rafe’s hand stroked your hair softly, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m always gonna be here for you, no matter what. Darkness or light, I’ve got you.”
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to relax for the first time since the fear had set in. With Rafe by your side, the shadows no longer seemed so frightening. You nestled closer to him, letting his steady breathing lull you into a sense of security.
As you drifted off to sleep, you felt Rafe’s gentle kiss on your forehead and heard his soft murmur, “Sweet dreams, darlin’. I’m right here.”
And for the first time in a long while, you felt safe, the darkness no longer a source of terror but simply a backdrop to the comforting presence of someone who truly cared.
x x x x x x
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smoshyourheadin · 3 months
Request for John b: reader is struggling with insecurities. John b helps her overcome those insecurities
even you
pairing: john b x f! reader
a/n: GUYS I LOVE WRITING FOR OBX!!! john b is so underrated and cute love him!! requests open <3
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the sun had just begun to set over the outer banks, casting a warm golden glow over the water. john b stood on the beach, his surfboard tucked under his arm, watching as the waves gently lapped against the shore. he turned when he heard footsteps approaching and saw you, looking a bit hesitant and unsure.
"hey," he called out with a warm smile. "you made it!"
you nodded, trying to muster a smile in return. "yeah, i thought i'd come hang out for a bit."
john b noticed the flicker of uncertainty in your eyes. "something on your mind?" he asked, setting his surfboard down in the sand.
you shrugged, glancing down at your feet. "just... stuff, i guess. i don't know. i've been feeling really insecure lately. like i’m not good enough or something."
john b stepped closer, his expression turning serious. "hey, none of that. come on, let's sit for a bit."
he led you to a spot near the water where you both sat down, the cool ocean breeze brushing against your faces. "you know," he began, "everyone has insecurities. seven people who seem like they have it all together."
you looked at him, surprised. "even you?"
he chuckled. "especially me. i mean, look at my life. it's a mess half the time. but you know what? it doesn't matter. what matters is how you see yourself and how you deal with those insecurities."
you frowned. "but it's hard. i keep comparing myself to others and feeling like i come up short."
john b nodded. "i get that. but comparing yourself to others is a losing game. there’s always going to be someone who seems smarter, prettier, more successful. the key is to focus on what makes you unique. what makes you, you."
he paused, picking up a small shell and turning it over in his hands. "look at this shell. it’s not perfect. it’s got cracks and imperfections, but that’s what makes it special. you're like this shell. you've got your own unique qualities that no one else has."
you smiled a little, feeling a bit of the weight lift off your shoulders. "i never thought of it that way."
john b grinned. "and another thing - don't be afraid to lean on us all. especially me. we're here for you, always. you don't have to go through this alone."
you felt a warmth spread through you at his words. "thanks, john b. i needed to hear that."
"anytime," he said, kissing your temple gently, and standing up to offer you a hand. "now, how about we catch some waves? nothing like the ocean to clear your head and make you feel alive."
you took his hand and stood up, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. maybe you still had a long way to go, but with people like him? it’d be a damn lot easier.
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blue-cordial · 3 months
The night was alive with the pulsating beat of music and the mingling of voices at the lavish kook party. The air was thick with anticipation, flirtation, and the kind of tension that only the Outer Banks could brew. Rafe Cameron, as always, exuded an air of entitlement mingled with dangerous allure. He moved through the crowd with ease, a drink in hand, his gaze scanning the room for familiar faces.
His eyes locked on her across the room—the reader. They had an arrangement, a dangerous dance of secret rendezvous and stolen moments. No one knew about them, and that was exactly how they wanted it. But tonight, something gnawed at Rafe's gut as he watched her chatting animatedly with JJ. The two of them seemed oblivious to the world, caught up in their own bubble of laughter and shared jokes.
Rafe clenched his jaw, his grip on the glass tightening. He had no claim over her, no right to feel this jealousy. But seeing JJ's arm draped casually around her shoulders sent a surge of possessiveness through him that he struggled to contain.
He took another sip of his drink, trying to quell the rising anger. Every glance exchanged between JJ and the reader fueled the fire within him. They were too close, too comfortable. Rafe's mind raced with scenarios—images of them laughing together, of JJ's hand slipping down her back, of her leaning into him. It was too much.
Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Rafe set his drink down with a sharp thud and began to weave through the crowd toward them. He didn't care if anyone saw the storm brewing in his eyes. But just as he was about to reach them, a slender hand slipped into his, pulling him away from the edge of his boiling rage.
"Sofia," Rafe muttered, his voice tinged with frustration.
She looked up at him with concern etched on her features. "Rafe, I've been watching you all night. You can't let this get to you."
He tore his gaze away from where the reader and JJ stood, now engrossed in a conversation with other partygoers. "I can't stand seeing her with him."
Sofia sighed softly, her touch soothing as she led him toward a quieter corner of the room. "Rafe, whatever you have with her... it's complicated. You know that."
Complicated was an understatement. Their arrangement had started casually—a dangerous game of secrets and stolen kisses that had spiraled into something deeper, something Rafe couldn't easily shake off. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration and desire warring within him.
"You can't confront JJ," Sofia continued gently. "Not here, not like this."
Rafe closed his eyes briefly, struggling to regain control over his emotions. Sofia was right. He couldn't risk exposing their secret, not in front of everyone. But the thought of JJ touching her, making her laugh, made his blood boil.
As if sensing his turmoil, Sofia placed a hand on his chest, her touch grounding him. "Come outside with me, Rafe. Take a breath."
Reluctantly, Rafe nodded, allowing Sofia to lead him through the throngs of party guests and out onto a moonlit terrace. The cool ocean breeze washed over them, carrying with it a momentary calm.
"You need to calm down," Sofia said softly, her gaze fixed on him intently. "I've never seen you like this."
Rafe leaned against the railing, his hands gripping it tightly. "I can't stop thinking about her, Sofia. It's driving me crazy."
Sofia's expression softened. "I know. But you have to remember why you're doing this in the first place. She can't know... none of them can."
He nodded slowly, the weight of their secret settling heavily on his shoulders. "I know."
Silence stretched between them for a moment, broken only by the distant murmur of the party inside. Rafe's thoughts raced, torn between desire and self-preservation. He couldn't afford to lose control, not now.
"She's special to you, isn't she?" Sofia's voice broke through his thoughts, her tone gentle.
Rafe hesitated, his jaw tight. "Yeah. She is."
Sofia sighed softly. "Then you have to find a way to deal with this. Jealousy won't help anyone."
He met her gaze, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Sofia. I needed to hear that."
She smiled faintly, her hand squeezing his briefly before she turned back toward the party. "Let's go back inside. Maybe you'll find a way to distract yourself."
Rafe nodded, steeling himself as they reentered the whirlwind of music and laughter. His eyes sought her out instinctively, finding her still in conversation with JJ, though the tension within him had eased slightly.
Days passed in a blur of uncertainty and restless longing. The reader couldn't shake the image of Rafe leaving with Sofia that night, the pain of watching him slip away becoming a cruel reminder of the boundaries that bound them. She had fallen into this dangerous game willingly, drawn to him in ways she couldn't fully comprehend.
Their encounters grew more sporadic, fleeting moments stolen in shadows and silence. Each touch, each whispered promise fueled the fire between them, even as the chasm of unspoken truths widened. They couldn't stay away from each other, drawn together by a magnetism neither could resist.
But beneath the passion simmered an undercurrent of heartbreak. The reader knew she couldn't keep her feelings hidden forever. Rafe was a tempestuous storm she couldn't control, his emotions volatile and unpredictable. And yet, when they were together, the world faded into nothingness, leaving only their tangled desires and whispered confessions.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the ocean, Rafe appeared at her doorstep. His eyes held a tumult of emotions—desire, uncertainty, and a hint of vulnerability she had rarely seen.
"I had to see you," he murmured, his voice rough with longing.
She stepped aside wordlessly, allowing him entry into her world once more. They stood in silence for a moment, the air thick with unspoken words and lingering regrets.
"I saw you with JJ," Rafe began, his voice low. "At the party."
The reader swallowed hard, memories of that night flooding back. "You left with Sofia."
Rafe ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his features. "I had to get out of there. I couldn't..."
She approached him slowly, her hand reaching out to touch his arm tentatively. "Rafe, what are we doing?"
His gaze met hers, searching for answers in the depths of her eyes. "I don't know."
Their bodies moved together instinctively, drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Lips met in a heated kiss, desperate and hungry, a collision of passion and pain. Clothes fell away in a frenzy of need, the world outside forgotten as they sought solace in each other's arms.
But as they lay entwined in the aftermath, the reader couldn't ignore the ache in her heart. "Rafe..."
He kissed her fiercely, as if trying to drown out the words she couldn't bring herself to say. "Don't."
Tears welled in her eyes, the weight of their forbidden love crushing her. "I can't keep pretending, Rafe. I've fallen for you, and I don't know how to stop."
His expression softened, his fingers tracing the curve of her cheek tenderly. "I know."
They lay in silence for a while longer, the ocean's gentle lullaby a bittersweet backdrop to their tangled emotions. The reader knew this couldn't last forever, that their love was a fragile thread threatening to unravel at any moment.
"We can't keep doing this," she whispered finally, the words heavy with resignation.
Rafe nodded slowly, his own heart heavy with the weight of their reality. "I know."
They held each other tightly, as if trying to freeze this moment in time, knowing that tomorrow would bring only more heartache. Love had never been kind to them, had never promised anything but shattered dreams and broken hearts.
But as the night wore on and their bodies found solace in each other's embrace, they clung to each other desperately, unwilling to let go. For in the darkness of their tangled desires and whispered confessions, they found a fleeting glimpse of the love they had both been searching for—a love that was as dangerous and intoxicating as the Outer Banks themselves.
And as the sun rose on a new day, casting its golden light across the ocean, they knew that no matter how hard they tried to stay away, they would always find their way back to each other, drawn together by a love that defied reason and burned brighter than the stars.
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