#I've seen a bunch of examples of when there's a trio of friends and the two of them start dating the third one starts getting treated
veetowervaporwave · 7 months
The funny thing about Vox and Val being Velvette's dads is that it also (partially) comes from the old Instagram accounts (Vel would sometimes say things like "My parents are fighting again :(" when the other two were going through another breakup), except even there it was glaringly obvious that Velvette was an adult and just acted childish and cutesy on purpose to fuck with people. And it made Vox sooo mad he was like "Stop saying shit like that you're a grown ass woman" and Val would play along (but it didn't stop him from talking shit about her)
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getmemymicroscope · 2 months
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Bollywood loves making the same story into movies over and over again. As examples that come to mind mostly because of my recent watchings: just saw it with 2003's 88 Antop Hill, based on James Hadley Chase's 'Tiger by the Tail,' which apparently also gave rise to the movie Kashmakash 30 years prior. Even more recently, the movie Chase a Crooked Shadow was turned into Dhuan and Khoj within a 9 year period. Or (if we're talking chronologically and not just "movies I've recently seen"), the movie Unfaithful was adapted into both Murder and Hawas - which both released within a month of each other in 2004. And now, we see Soch, a 2002 movie inspired by 'Strangers on a Train,' a movie which also inspired the subsequent (and honestly, much less annoying and much better) 2007 movie Strangers.
Soch tries to take the basic premise and change it quite a bit, beyond the basic premise of 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine.' We're introduced to this plot well beyond that initial meeting - which we only see later, after the initial murder, via flashback. And then it fits into the same vein, with a psychotic man stalking our protagonist to get him to follow through on what the man thought was an agreed upon plan (it, of course, wasn't).
This movie merges this story with the public persona of an actor and the Bollywood life. His name is Raj, sure, but late in the movie, we see a bunch of movie posters of his - and they're all from Sanjay Kapoor's actual movies (Prem, Raja, Kartavya - his first 3 movies, all released in 1995). We get brief forays into how fucked up the paparazzi and media is, bordering on stalker levels and downright invasive of privacy, and a poorly developed 'love triangle' between star, ex-star who gave up that life for him/love, and the director who loves him and whom he spends most of the movie with. By the time we meet this trio, the current (soon to be dead) wife is already reached near-psychotic break, cutting herself (and threatening it additional times), humiliating him in front of crowds because of what she assumes is his love for the other girl, and even threatening to shoot him.
Aditi Govitrikar's character has clearly gone crazy, no doubt - but also, for him to win a national award and be like "the person I owe this to the most is" and then name his director, who apparently has been in the paparazzi's view as his love interest for a while, and not his literal actual wife - you sorta understand why she's losing her mind. Especially because she was apparently an actress who gave it all up for him. Not justifying cutting herself or threatening to shoot him, but, like, what the fuck is he doing and does he really think this repeated "she's just a friend" is going to work when he's acting like she is more than that?
The Tiku Talsania comedy track, like essentially all 90s/00s movie comedy tracks, falls completely flat and, like the songs, just works to delay the progression of this story (though, of course, it loops in because he's the one who knows where the bad guy is hiding).
Arbaaz Khan is full-on creepy and evil, much like his role in Daraar. But he's definitely full on lost it. Danny's character's literal last decision in the movie is full on "WTF?" Raveena Tandon does make an impact, but also spend the last bit of the movie just being damsel in distress after spending the first bit of the movie just being 'married guy's possible love interest.' The annoying cop before Danny's character shows up is annoying.
Maybe it was the star cast (Jimmy Shergill, Kay Kay Menon), maybe it was the story better following Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train (from what I can tell/remember), maybe it was the better songs (Farishta Nahin Main comes to mind), but I definitely much preferred Strangers to Soch. This movie tries to focus too much on pretending that Sanjay Kapoor is a star (nepotism, I guess), tries too hard to show Aditi as someone that Sanjay would wanna be free from but mostly just manages to make him look like an ass and her look like she needs some help (and distance from him), and spends too much time trying to convince us that he doesn't love Raveena until he suddenly changes his mind and is like "I'm answerable to no one."
Madhu and Preeti both deserved better. And honestly, probably, so did we (luckily, Strangers released a few years later and gave us that - Preeti and especially Madhu weren't so lucky though).
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I have a question and I'm so sorry if this is dumb but like... what's the order for me to watch all the daomu biji series'? There's a bunch of them right? Like Ultimate Note, the Remake(?) etc? 😭😭😭
Technically without the extras chronologically so far like that:
The Lost Tomb (2015) The Lost Tomb 2 (2019) The Lost Tomb 2: Explore with the Note (2021) Ultimate Note (2020) Sand Sea (2018) Reunion: The Sound of the Providence (2020) Reunion: The Sound of the Providence 2 (2020)
The Mystic Nine (2016) - techically before everything, but you really don't need to start with 50 years before the main story.
With all the extras here on MDL there's a list.
BUT BUT BUUUUUUUUTTTT listen, like I in no way forcing my opinion, I think everyone has to decide for themselves how to watch, there's lots of opinions here and there, but I really don't think starting from the beginning is a good idea. I'm only saying it bc I know for sure that I myself personally wouldn't continue watching the first one and probably would've dropped the idea haha (but that's very personal opinion again, don't take it close to the heart).
My friend back in the days, when she recommended it to me told me "start with Ultimate Note, then do Reboot, just read the basic background about the characters and if you don't mind spoilers you can watch this ZQ and pingxie explainit vid on YT". And since I trusted her, I started with that one, knowing bits. By the end of Ultimate Note, I went straight to Reunion, bc by that time, I was already hooked and in the middle of the books. After Reunion I was already full on coo-coo and reached Restart novels and was just absolutely fucking in love. After that I've decided after already knowing everything, including obsessively digging into author's notes, interviews and all the extras, I decided to go back and see others for myself (by that time god awful Explore hasn't aired yet xD).
All in all each time new part airs and yeah in between those there are still holes (books) that hasn't been adapted yet, like for example "Tebetan Sea Flower" will air soon (by soon I mean next year if we're lucky xD), it is set before "Sand Sea" and one book after "Ultimate Note". So like you technically won't see the whole picture even if you watch all these. But also because most of them are a mess.
For example 1st adaptation is like technically book 1, but they stole a very important scene from book 7 there even tho its like clearly don't fit the characters in a state they were in part 1 and to me it's super dumb. Because like they don't even know each other in that part and that scene is like iconic for the trio. But most importantly I also just don't see anyone fitting into their roles. And to me its like 10 episodes of a weird cosplay xD. But some like it still.
I mostly judge adaptations by the "are characters close to the books or not" scale. I'm less offended by plot changes/holes, bc its in general the fun part of reading the books also (trying to guess what the fuck is even going on lol). So to me the most important part is my faves being my faves. That being sad it's impossible for me personally to see some of these adaptations as characters of original DMBJ.
Like Ultimate Note and Reboot also have their flaws ofc, esp UN, it has some stuff that doesn't make sense at all and it kinda like if DMBJ was seen through pink glasses, but still when you watch them you know for sure you watch the characters the author wrote (except for UN's Wu Xie's behavior during A Ning's death part that I can't forgive lmao) and also their emotional state fits exactly the moment of their relationships at that moment, which I think is very important, because again pingxie and iron triangle relationships progression are the MOST important part of these books. Ruining the incredibly touching thing everyone is there for is basically like ruining everything to me. Bc it's not just about the "hey its bromance", its a story about how hard it is to build trust and home and love etc. Not just "hey here it is".
There are lots of posts here like this one or this one with explanations and recommendations for the first entery to this fandom insanity. You can check these out too, if that helps.
So… if you have the guts to join this incredible fandom with incredible characters and ship, shitton of adventures and fun and heavy debates who played who better, then it'd be better to read the books for sure haha. That if you're ready to go on a rollercoater with a sometimes drunk author who adores his characters. I think it's perfect lmao. Personally its my fav franchise.
From which place to start this journey I think everyone decides for themselves, it for sure helps if you have a DMBJ addict friend to guide you, if you need help in process, you can DM me anytime. I think it depends on whose words/tastes you trust. Bc evryone watches things differently. I personally trusted my friend, who I know very well, then I already went with my own opinion about it after reading all the books, bc I wanted to see for myself. I wouldn't personally recommend anything besides Ultimate Note, Sand Sea and Reunion, but again thats me. To me Reunion still stays the closest to the characters and atmosphere of the books he wrote. So yeah, I myself started with UN, then in process started reading books, then watched Reunion after UN, finished the books, went back watch everything else and didn't enjoy anythings apart from Sand Sea. Others to me despite some being close to the plot, disgraced characters so badly that it was not good to watch in my opinion.
Books you can read here (books 1-5 are on amazon also, but you can start first one here bc its the better translation).
P.S. It seems scary to enter, but I swear it's absolutely 1000% worth it, also first books aren't that long even lol
P.P.S. The best option is really probably to read and judge for yourself. Bc there are also some ppl who treat the characters like they're from folklore, you know haha. So there's lots of "I haven't read, but that character is OOC here" (according I'm guessing to their headcanons haha), so it's better to not fall for that too. Bc I was very confused after I've read them. And I mean me you technically also can't trust. Bc even tho I've read everything fr bc I'm obsessed, we're all very different, so we'll still see things differently. Not that far (most book readers agree that these two are the best), but about some bits still maybe haha.
P.P.P.S. So far everyone I've gotten into this fandom were highly happy and are in the pit now, so I'm guessing my start with UN+ some basic knowledge formula works xD.
Also just remember that it's absolutely ok to feel confused at first, even those who are way too deep are still confused (Im kidding not really lol) trust me it'll slowly fall into amazing puzzle with some tiny holes still lol But with UN its easy to catch the wave and after that it'll all happen naturally and without much difficulty haha At least for many it worked, I can judge, I've forced many into this fandom due to my vids lol
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shanastoryteller · 7 years
SHANA HOW DO YOU START WRITING A STORY? I have the idea of how it will end and a VERY BASIC plot, but I've never attempted to write an actual book before and all I have are half-finished stories. How do you start the first chapter and plan for plot-related scenes? How do you weave a narrative out of the tiny bits of actual story I have? Any advice here? :(
oh wow i’m just the WORST at advice!!!
but i talk here about my horrible and messy writing process when it comes to starting a story
and i’ve talked about my shit outlines before, but i guess here take a some examples?
under the cut i’ll put my outlines for cut from the same cloth and chapter three of survival is a talent. idk if can really recommend planning this way because it’s … a disaster, but it’s the way that works best for me ???
also i want no sass from any of you about my horrible outlines, YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM THEY’RE JUST FOR ME, but i’m making an exception and posting them just as an example of how i plan stories, because i get a lot of asks about it
especially with survival is a talent, you can see my final product deviates from my outline A LOT. so i’m also very against sticking to your outlines. 
also, honestly, if it’s under 10k i … probably didn’t even do an outline. i didn’t write a single thing down when i was writing an invincible summer until the partway through third chapter, so more than 50k into writing it
anywho, here you go, i hope this helps???
arranged marriag au
izuku attended UA in the general mprogram, and eventually switched to support
he got one for all when he was 13 and kept it a secret for Reasons
all for one is maybe probably dead? no he’s the big bad. but he hasn’t been active.
all-might is the only dad he’s ever known, his real dad being very absent. inko isn’t thrilled about the turn her sons life has taken, and has a kinda strained relationship with toshi, but she knows her son loves and respects him and she can’t deny him that
all-might’s issues with his form aren’t as bad, and they’re a huge secret - no one but the ua teachers and some other people know. endeavor finds out and threatens to tell everyone, unless izuku marries his son. toshi is fucking pissed that endeavor would even propose that, but izuku doesn’t even have to think about it. he agrees instantly.
his best friends are mei hatsume and hitoshi shinso. bakugou is his best best friend.
he acts under the secret identity deku as all-might’s sidekick. bakugou is also a side kick, and one of the few people that know all his secrets. also one of the few people that are publically known to know both izuku, his childhood bff, and deku, his fighting / hero partner.
his cover is working with mei in her support items company, and he actually does contribute a large amount to that. todoroki thinks he has an intelligence quirk.
everyone thinks izuku has the same quirk as nedzu (high spec), just to a lesser degree, and that he just thought he was quirkless until he went to ua and nedzu took an interest in him. in reality it’s just a cover and he really was quirkless, but now he has one for all.
bakugou to todoroki: he has the same quirk as principal nedzu. if i’m worried about someone, it’s not going to be midoriya.
shouto takes midoriya to this hero social thing, and watches him and bakugou interact, and is like um???????? and everyone is like uh okay, this is fine, it’s nothing to worry about i’m sure.
they go home, shouto is jealous but feels like he doesn’t even have a right to be jealous, and midoriya is like, well, i was hoping to dance with you actually, or sometihng equally sappy, and then they have sex
the just. have a lot of FUCKING sex.
someone kidnaps midorya because he’s shouto’s husband, and a bunch of other people, and the truth comes out when he fucking DESTROYS them
midoriya tells shouto the whole truth, and he has shouto’s mom move in with his mom, and izuku and shouto live happily ever after
oh also deku officially comes out as deku
so, background pairings: aizawa/hizashi, tenya/mei, kirishima/bakugou/uraraka
add in scene where pro heroes are called away “should we all really be going?” “we’re leaving the sidekicks behind, it’ll be fine.”
bakuou discovering his mom has been take. mei being taken for tenya. others. uraraka’s parents. didn’t take someone for everyone, only the top sidekicks.
todoroki did get a message - they’re broadcasting everything. they’re all gathered in izuku’s house. todoroki is a mess. the rest of his family show up. inko and yukiko are fast friends, even in a criss.
bad guy monologue. izuku being like wtf?? discovers all for one is in charge.
shinsou, bakugou, and inko trying to come up with reasons to do nothing. bakugou wants to charge in, even though it’s a trap, but shinsou tells him they’re fine, they don’t know. bakugou is worried that izuku will choose to protext his secret over over saving everyone.
heroe are on their way back. they don’t know what’s going on.
once izuku gets confirmation that all the hostages are in the room with him, he goes wild. hand guy is about to touch mei when he does it. reveals that he’s deku to the world.
bakugou and inko go wild. they all get a text with a location. everyone bucked up to go.
they have to fight all for one. todoroki pov, notices how similar deku and bakugou fighting is to izuku and bakugou dancing.
izuku finally tales all of the one for all quirk to beat all for one. he gets away, but he’s hurt.
family reunion scene. everyoen takes their respective loved ones and bounces. have people reactions to deku.
izuku and shouto have a Talk and then there is Sex
add nezu scene and shiga deciding to send nobus
siat third year
draco keeps offering to curse his cousin and his family. harry discovers that draco has rather a lot of freedom, as his parents, especially his father, is rather busy. draco casually uses the floo network to visit pansy and blaise often. harry thinks draco’s parents are rather cold, and uncaring. draco thinks that harry’s family needs to be cursed.
they got each other bday presents, but are saving them until they see each other at hogwarts. draco got harry gifts from japan, where he visited the past summer with luna and his mother. harry is incredibly worried that draco will think it’s stupid, but he picked the first iris that bloomed and carefully pressed it, and did the same for the most beautiful iris each full moon, so he has a mini boquet of iris flowers.
chapter opens with harry panicking about aunt marge. he calls draco, who tells him to take the knight bus and stay calm. mention the dog. draco’s worried, clearly, but he won’t tell harry why.
draco talks wistfully of meeting harry in diagon, but they know its a bad idea. show a scene of draco with pansy and blaise. mention dobby.
draco is super worried about harry one the train.
mention draco’s silver buttons
add in crookshanks
golden trio have a convo about draco’s dad and allegiances. mention imperio and vertisarium.
draco knows what sirius black being free means because he’s not a moron. it takes a while for him to figure out that harry doesn’t know, then he tells him. draco talks about his cousin. says he’s a black and can’t be trusted. “draco, you’re a black.” “yes, and very few people trust me.”
the thing with buckbeack really is an accident. harry is really worried about draco - it is a lot of blood. lucius comes down, furious. draco tries to tell his dad he’s fine, but he stands up too suddenly and whites out, and lucius has to told him up right. is upset because his son is hurt and because he can’t be affectionate with him in front of all these people. lucius decides buckbeak needs to die.
draco tries to pretend his arm isn’t bothering him, which it is because it’s a magical wound. but pansy does all his chopping and what not and draco just oversees.
draco doesn’t like lupin, and won’t say why. he and hermione have a convo about it, and decided not to say anything, for very different reasons. or he just assumes hermione told him. “i really need to stop assuming people tell you anything”
use polyjuice so harry can go to hogsmead?
draco and the twins develop a friendship.
draco becomes a chaser in 3rd year, and gives harry way more of a run for his money as a chaser. he scores so many points for his team that sometimes even when harry catches the snitch, they still lose. this is also why the twins become friends with him, because they spend a lot of energy constantly trying to knock him off his broom
sirius gets in and draco freaks the fuck out, as do the other slytherins. draco looks him over. sends over luna to sleep by harry, who brings ginny.
snape does werewolf lessons
hufflepuff vs gryffindor game. draco’s the one who performs wingardium leviosa to save him, subtly. only his friends and a couple of professors notice. not a soft or nice fall, but it means he just has bruises and broken bones. later, lupin will realize the wingardium leviosa that saved harry was draco’s was harry. maybe draco’s charm gives dumbledore enough time to cast his?
draco has to go home for christmas because otherwise his parents will go mental. but he gives harry his gift with stern instructions not to open it until christmas. they talk on christmas, and harry sees that draco has already hung the flowers in his room. says his mom helped him. harry asks about his dad, and draco says, “dad doesn’t have an opinion about interior design. mum just does whatever she wants and dad pays for it”
everyone gets together to try and think of a way to save buckbeak, but lucius is pissed
when harry is training with lupin draco bursts in, goes in front of harry, realizes its a boggart when it changes forms, and uses ridiculous to stop it. he then turns his wand on lupin, using the disarming charm. harry wakes up and stops him from cursing him, then when he calms down asking him what he’s thinking. “oh like, you’ve never been attacked by a professor before?” “thats…a fair point.”
except now lupin has seen draco willing to take a dementor’s kiss and fight a professor for harry, so this mortal enemy thing isn’t going to work. draco tells lupin he knows he's’ a werewolf, and threatens to expose him to the school board if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut about all of this. or nah, says his mom said to let her know if lupin so much as looked at him funny, and she would destroy him. draco says and lupin ever hurts harry he’ll use his father’s solution instead, and lupin half smiles and compliments his buttons. draco says yes, they could do a lot of damage, even with simple wingardium leviosa charm. then that lupid realized it was draco who slowed harry’s fall before. draco makes comparison between buckbeak and lupin. harry’s like he’s a werewolf?? “obviously, didn’t granger tell you?” joke about needing a memory charm. lupin knows they’re not enemies, doesn’t know they’re soulmates.
draco taking patronus charm classes alongside harry after the confrontation with lupin.
while hermione is being ostracized by ron and harry. she hangs out with the slytherins. her and draco really do get along scarily well. draco agrees with hermione that the firebolt should be inspected. very odd moment for everyone, really.
scabbers is supposedly eaten by crookshanks
harry says that cho is kinda pretty and draco gets pissy. harry and ron vs draco and hermione. they’re both just like what the fuck m8.
buckbeak verdict is announced. draco is like !!! what do you want me to do ???? and it’s actually ron who’s like don’t worry about it mate, we know you tried, can image my dad would be too pleased if i was mauled by buckbeak
slytherin vs gryffindor game - harry still catches the snitch and they win, but thanks to draco on chaser they only win by 100 points, so slytherin still gets the quidditch cup. wood curses up a storm that malfoy switched to chaser, he’s far too good at it. draco is worried harry will be pissed they got the cup, and he’s a little indignant, but mostly he’s … kinda proud of draco? because there were almost no fouls this game. slytherin won mostly fair and square. lee jordan spends a lot time commentating that malfoy switching to chaser was the worst thing that ever happened to gryffindor.
draco follows them down to hagrids. finally admits that he feels guilty and stiffly apologized to hagrid, saying he tried to talk his dad out of it, but he wouldn’t listen. hagrid is instantly endeared, because he is the best person in all of the hp series. says something about he shouldn’t have brought something that dangerous. draco calls hagrid ‘scamander stock’ and he tries to make it sound like an insult, but by the way hagrid tears up it’s clear it’s a compliment. they see lucius and the executioner coming, and draco panics - his dad will be pissed if he finds him. hagrid hurries all of them out and gives draco and affectionate pat on the way out.
they all end up following into the whomping willow. sirius, lupin, and snape. pettigrew.
draco is more concerned about sirius than lupin - figures a black with a vendetta is more worrisome than a werewolf. look at his mother, after all. he and sirius get into an argument about it all. is like wtf about the scabbers thing.
snape appears, they fight. harry disarms him, and draco is like fuck this noise he uses the memory charm on him from behind, then ron knocks him out. lupin: “i thought you struggled with non corporeal tied charms.” draco: “…. i do.” no one has any idea what condition snape will wake up in. draco’s like if snape finds out about us, that’s fucking it, he’ll never keep the secret. golden trio’s like that’s your head of house!!! and draco shrugs and is like whatever he’s kind of bastard, really. and sirius laughs and says he’s not all bad or something like that.
deal with the pettigrew thing
snape has only lost a few hours worth of memory. he asks why draco was there, and draco is like ??? i saw someone sneaking around and told you and followed you out, what the heck.
draco and harry go back in time. draco knew about the time turner. harry “why does no one tell me anything” potter. he summons a snake, and harry uses parseltongue to tell it what to do. it captures pettigrew. draco and hermione are anxious, looking for whoever cast the patronus, but harry realizes it was him, and does it. they steal buckbeak and take him to sirius. they’ve captured pettigrew. trials are not easy things, so black should stay away until some sort of bail is posted on him or something. but authorities do get called.
pettigrew does escape custody, but not before everyone sees him. so he still helps resurrect voldemort, but the sirius’s trial / case is still be reviewed. MOTHERFUCKING PLOT TWIST lucius agrees to represent sirius in trial. people point out that won’t help his believability any, and naricissa is like my cousin deserves the best and the best is my husband, get fucked.
draco’s talk with lupin. banishes his silver buttons, and says that lupin should stay because he’s a great teacher, and exactly what they’ll need to survive what’s coming. call’s it his “furry little problem” unknowingly echoing james. lupin laughs, lighter. harry bursts in saying he’s heard. draco is like oh good, maybe he’ll listen to you. but lupin ignores them both and ruffles their hair.
silver trio is there. just. reacting to things, hanging out.
ginny sticking her nose in things, while being bffs with luna.
maurader’s map locked so it can’t be changed or altered. our group amends it so it can’t be altered by any but the original six.
add crookshanks and scabbers
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