#I've shared it before but i simply think oneshots work better on tumblr
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
Hmm, there's a few one-shots I'm surprised didn't receive more reception than I expected but I'm not too bothered by it.
I would name Heard No More as one I'd love to receive more response on but in my experience, 1-5k one-shots tend to gain a lot of traction on tumblr over multi-chapter/10k+ fics.
Like I was happily surprised at the response Gibbous got on AO3 when I posted the most recent chapter, but then like. It's tumblr version only received like 5 notes. Part of that is because I didn't reblog it as much/add it to my pinned fic list, but even so.
My plans, however, with Heard No More is to finish the overall AU (By The Pricking of My Thumbs), edit it and then release it onto AO3 serially
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lowkeyerror · 3 years
Directors Cut
So I really want to do that director's cut thing that's going around, but no one sent me an ask. So I'm taking it into my own hands. I'm going to do a director's cut on my five favorites from my works. Apparently I've written about 69 (lol) imagines/oneshots/stories ( or whatever you like to call them) so narrowing it down to top 5 might be a little hard, but let's get into it.
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5. She's Not That Bad ( Madison Montgomery × Reader) - Published June 18, 2021/ 91 Notes
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This was one of the first pieces I posted to Tumblr, prior to this I was only uploading on Wattpad. It's not the most well written but, it get's the job done. It took awhile for me to think of the powers for the reader before I settled on weather manipulation. It's something big and threatening but very niche in my mind, it makes the reader a one trick pony in a way, which explains why she's not preforming the seven wonders. The story ends in way where it seems like the reader is kind of blindly following Madison and that's the intent. As I prefaced earlier in the story the reader felt drawn to Madison for no specific reason, which is why in the end the reader is potrayed as obdeient by simply replying, " Yes Madison"
4. Just My Luck ( Poison Ivy x Reader)- Pt 1 published July 20th, 2021/ Pt 2 Published August 7th, 2021/ Combined 211 Notes
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I wrote Just My Luck because I was looking to read Ivy fics and could only find a handful. Like this fic was written in complete self interest, which is why it took so long for me to make a part two. I completely stole the idea of the reader being Unlucky because I was binge watching Murphy's Law at the time ( Great cartoon by the way written by the same guys who did Phinease and Ferb). The comraderie between Selena, Harley, and the Reader just seemed like a given. To me Harley, Selena, and Ivy all have this perpetual soft spot, like they all teeter on the line of vilians, but they have limits and morals. I love bringing up the fact that both Ivy and Harley are technically doctor's so that's why the main conflict revolves around Dr.Ivy studying the reader. There also so many adaptations of Ivy that sometimes I have no idea how to protray her. You've got the slutry sensual Iv from the games as well as the Batman and Robin ovie, and you've got the latest version from the Harley Quinn show who is more of just an angry activist. I often mix them but in the first part of this I'm almost only relying on the first version of Ivy. In part two she's a little more activist/caring because that's what is supposed to make you guys connect with her. This might eventually get a part 3.
3. Simple ( Wanda Maximoff x Reader)- Published August 3rd, 2021/ 215 Notes
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I wrote Simple to get back into the written move after posting a shit ton for my 400 follower celebration. I feel like this, wrote itself. It's honestly a lot of fluff but also insecurity projected in the Reader's relationship to Wanda. I think it's feeling we all can relate to of not feeling good enough to be with someone. I think there's point in this imagine when the Reader starts to realize that she had been too caught up in her thoughts to realize that Wanda actually fancied her as well. When the Reader sees that her comments and prescene alone is making the witch flustered the Reader feels comfortable enough to flirt as well as share her feelings. This one is just so cute, and for a lack of a better word Simple which is why it's one of my favorites.
2. Syllabus Week ( WandaNat x Reader)- Published August 7th, 2021/ 315 Notes
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Syllabus week is 100% me trying to cope with the pressures of the first week of college. This wasn't my first college syllabus week but it was defiently the worst I was spending all day everyday in front of the computer just doing school work and it was driving me insane. I chose Wanda and Nat because they're super comfortting characters for me. Like I feel like they would be remorseful and super protective, so this was perfect for them. A lot of this is feel with just small touches and acts of affection that could comfort everyone. I really wanted to amplify how exhausted the Reader was. That's why the shower is completely innocent and nothing like sexual or smutty happens in there. It solely revolves around being comforted after you pushed passed your limits.
Honorable Mentions- I couldn't just pick five so I added some honorable mentions. They include my most popular fics as well as some I just wanted to talk about.
Ex Military, New Shield ( Natasha Romanoff x Reader) - Published June 15th, 2021/ 507 Notes
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Now I had originally though that this imagine was my most popular. The love and response I got from this imagine was tremendous. Credit goes to @confusinggemini612 for making such a good request. I have not a single clue what it was about this specific imagine that made it so popular. I remember struggling to write this one because I had no idea how to get the Reader into a relationship with Natasha. There were drafts where I had described the mission they went on together but I felt that it dragged it on, so it was a challenge to convey how close they were before sending the reader MIA. I also wanted to convey the close relationship that Maria had with her sister, I wanted it to be more than just coincidentally they are sisters, which inspired the first half of the story where you can kind of see what kind of relationship they have.
Not What I Expected ( Natasha Romanoff x Reader)- Published September 8th, 2021 606 Notes
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Talk about not what I expected, this is my most viewed singular part imagine. I had no idea that this had even popped off like that. This was also request by @confusinggemini612, banger after banger with these request. I guess what you guys like about these imagines in particular is the SHIELD Agent part, because a common denomentar of both post. I had so much fun writting this imagine. My favorite type of character to write is the perceived badass who is actually just a big softie/dummy. Whenever I have to write about a goofy reader in coorilation with Marvel, expect to see Thor. Thor is, in my opinion, the best character to have involved when questionable decisions are being made. Only an absolute lunatic would think that they could beat Thor in a drinking competition. I think allowing herself to induldge in the more playful aspects of life was a big tell that they would end up together. The part where the Reader is basically confessing to Nat that if they weren't super focused on the mission she would've distracted them is so cute in my opinion and it does a great job of explaining the contrast in personality. Peter interrupting is also one of favorite fic tropes and I felt this was a good time to add him in.
A Better Gotham ( Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy)- Published July 20th, 2021/ 25 Notes
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I honestly loved this request by @frostbite883 . I think that the perspective of Ivy and Harley being normal is so domestic and cute. I really do think if they hadn't have became villains that the enterity of Gotham would prosper. I think that for me the question I had while writing this imagine was if they would just be friends or end up together. I decided that they would end up together not only because of their mutual success but also because they were the only ones that could rely on each other. I think that unstable or not their bond and their chemistry is unbreakable, this was a really cute imagine.
Bonded For Life ( Needy Lesnicki x Jennifer Check x Reader) - Published September 30th - October 28th, 2021/ Combined 662 Notes
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The absolute monster of planning I did for these 4 imagines was so worth it. Before October had even began I knew I wanted to write these imagines. I wanted to span the whole month so 4 parts was what I settled on. I didn't want the Reader to be foreign to Needy and Jen but I also didn't want an immediately explicit relationship between the three, which is how I settled on Chip's sibling. The reader and Needy both also being a demon creature was a nobrainer to me. In my heart I know that Needy wouldn't have left Jennifer with that band. Part two was just kind of an explanation of the Reader and where they actually being to feel the bond. Part three was just smut originally I was going to have Jen and Reader hook up in like a closet or locker but I felt that it wouldn't have fit well before or after the conflict with Chip. Part 4 was probably the hardest to write because yes smut but what was the rest of plot going to be. I hadn't planned on killing Chip. It wasn't even a thought in my head, until I physically typed it out. I made the Reader do it because it just gives her another reason to latch onto Jen and Needy. It's a fuck up that the Reader won't ever forget and her codependency grows because of it.
1. I Wish I Would've ( Natasha Romanoff x Reader) - Published September 3, 2021/ 152 Notes
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In the AN at the beginning I say that I feel like this is one of the best things I've ever written and I stick by that. Fun fact I orginally named it The Cliff but it wasn't doing well, so I changed the name after posting it. This is probably the most angsty piece I've ever written and I love it. Everything about it was felt complex. The twist of the beginning all being the dream, the conscious efforts of the Reader to get better, having Yelena involved, and the cherry on top of having some spiritual connection to the real Natasha at the end. I love it, it's just so well put together. I usually hate the it was all a dream trope but the way I utilized in this imagine is a little different because the dream still holds meaning and has an affect on the reader. The dream is an important means of communication, it's the only place that the Reader can be connected with Nat. Which is wild considering that I had originally made it so that it wasn't a dream, like the stuff on the cliff was going to be a hundred percent real, but I felt like that was writing myself into a dead end with that. This also has one of my favorite lines in it," There was something so inconsolable about knowing that she wasn't thinking about you." That completely just destroyed me when I wrote it. When you lose someone they can't think about you, they can't remember you, they can't feel you, because they're gone and it just hurts so much. This is one of the few things I wrote that I think has a lesson and a message that you can't move on if you're drowning yourself in sorrow, there has to be an attempt to get better. It might not always work but the effort definitely means something.
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When I Will Be Gone (1/2)
Trigger Warning: Suicide
Pairing: Logince
Summary: Logan loves Roman with all of his heart. Logan can see that Roman wants to do more with his life. Logan can also see that his own life just isn’t working. Logan thinks he can fix both of their problems.
Roman only wants to spend his life with his boyfriend. He’s perfectly fine with giving up on his dreams if it means waking up every day to see Logan’s face.
Roman wishes he had said that sooner.
Ao3 link: (Tumblr isn’t letting me link it in a neat and simple way, so you get a large oversized link to the fic)
This was meant to be read as a oneshot, but since Tumbr doesn’t like me for some reason, here’s the second part
A quick note:
When anything is written in italics, this means that the text is part of Logan's recording. The recording takes place a few hours earlier than the story's present day.
By the time you are listening to this, I will be gone. Not dead, most likely, but gone.
January 18th, six years prior to the recording
Sunlight dancing through the trees, the scent of roses in the air. Logan and Roman sat on a checkered picnic blanket, hand in hand.
Roman, I love you more than the world, but I think we both know that I was always bound to fail as your boyfriend.
March 15th, six years prior to the recording
The last scene in the movie had come to a close, just as Logan finally stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up. Roman glanced down at his boyfriend, who was leaning on his shoulder, before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
I that thought I was helping you to achieve your dreams, but I now see that all I was doing was holding you back. I wish I had seen sooner.
November 3rd, six years prior to the recording
Roman quietly opened his boyfriend's bedroom door. He draped a blanket over the shoulders of the figure passed out at the desk and placed the cupcake he had carried in beside the mountain of paperwork.
"Happy birthday, my love," Roman whispered.
Roman, you are the most incredible human being I have ever met.
December 1st, six years prior to the recording
A smile fluttered across Roman's lips as Logan brushed a strand of hair out of his boyfriend's eyes.
The way your eyes light up when you smile fills me with a kind of joy that I did not think I had the ability to possess.
January 18th, five years prior
Roman grinned and leaned into Logan's arms
"Happy anniversary! I love you so, so much,"
The blush that dances across your cheeks when out eyes meet is nothing less than adorable.
January 31st, five years prior
They stared into each other's eyes. Moonlight just barely lit up the room. Roman hoped that it was too dark for Logan to notice how red Roman's face must be.
Watching you spin around the room laughing when your favourite Disney songs come on always ends with my cheeks hurting from smiling.
February 14th, five years prior
Logan's quiet laughter filled the air as his boyfriend pulled him up from the couch.
"C'mon specs," Roman pulled him closer. "Let's dance."
Listening to you talk about the things that you're passionate about always melts my heart. I love you so much.
March 21st, five years prior
"I GOT THE GIG!" Roman had applied for a job preforming stories for children at the local theatre. "Let's have a drink to celebrate!"
Logan looked at him in confused amusement as Roman grabbed a bottle opener. "....babe thats a bottle of soda, not exactly the kind of drink one would use to celebrate with."
And it's because of how much I care, that I must leave. I can see that you're hiding your emotions behind your smiles.
May 30th, five years prior
Roman wiped a tear off his cheek as he put on a fake smile. He stared at the figure in the mirror. Roman loved Logan more than he could even imagine. His boyfriend was the best thing to ever happen to him. It didn't matter that Roman had lost every job he had tried to keep. It would be okay.
You clearly want more than anything to follow your dreams but you don't. Why?
June 12th, five years prior
Roman pressed his lips to his boyfriend's knuckles. "I'd travel to the moon and back if it meant simply seeing your face."
So many hours were spent with me laying on my bedroom floor, trying to figure out why you refused to go out into the world and pursue a better life. Then it hit me. I am the problem.
Present day, Roman's perspective
Roman's jaw dropped and his heart fell as he listened to the recording that he had found in his and Logan's apartment. It had been addressed to him, and he had found it sitting beside a single blood red rose, and a golden locket containing a photo of him and Logan. It hadn't been long before Roman had put two and two together and figured out that there was something else going on here. This sounded bad.
As long as I stay by your side, you'll stay stuck in an unfulfilling life.
July 2nd, five years prior
They lay in a meadow, side by side, fingers entwined.
"I love you Logan,"
"I love you too,"
Please don't be sad.
August 15th, five years prior
Logan wiped away the tear rolling down Roman's cheek.
I would have told you all this in person, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to bare seeing your pain. I knew that I'd back out the second we stood face to face.
Present day, Roman's perspective
Roman picked up the rose. He ignored the thorns that pricked his skin.
"Logan, why, why why why," he could feel more tears forming.
I love you so much, Roman. I never would have gotten this far in life without you, but as they always say mall good stories must come to an end.
December 26th, five years prior
Roman closed the storybook, a smile on his face. He plucked the glasses off his sleeping boyfriend's face and set them on the nightstand.
I've hit the metaphorical dead end.
January 30th, four years prior
Roman glanced at Logan, who was sitting in the passenger seat,
"I-I think we're lost,"
"Now you admit it?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "Here, let me drive for a bit."
My family disowned me for my sexuality.
February 13th, four years prior
Roman's heart dropped as he saw the mess of tears streaming down the typically calm man's face. "You told them?"
"...I did."
I was fired from my job at the lab, simply because I argued that the animals being used as test subjects were not being treated fairly.
January 1st, four weeks prior
"They're fools for firing someone as intelligent as you,"
"No, they're right to do this. I tried to think with my heart instead of my head for once, and made the mistake of bringing emotions into a workplace,"
"Well either way, they just lost their best scientist,"
All of my friends left eventually because of how many walls I put up.
December 2nd, two months prior
"Did Virgil call?" Roman frowned when he saw the sad look on Logan's face.
"Yes, yes he did. I'd rather not talk about it though. How about we make dinner?"
My own cautiousness and inability to be overly emotional have been my own undoing. You are the last good thing left in my life.
March 14th, four years prior
"Logan, you are absolutely not just an emotionless robot! You're the sweetest guy I know. Don't you dare let any assholes tell you otherwise!"
I may not believe in soulmates, but I truly think that we are as close as it gets.
June 8th, four years prior
"Aw, you don't think that we're soulmates?" Roman said with a pout in his face. "Why not?"
"I simply said that I don't believe in such things," Logan pressed a quick kiss to Roman's forehead. "Now get sleep, we both have work to do tomorrow."
My story has come to an end, but yours is just beginning.
August 17th, four years prior
Roman gazed lovingly at the stacks of books lining the shelves that surrounded the place where Roman and Logan sat.
I know that I don't have the emotional capacity to be able to make an accurate estimation as to how long it will take for you to be able to get over this, but for both of our sakes, I do hope it will be quick.
October 6th, four years prior
Roman sighed. His boyfriend had obviously stayed up all night working again. When he peeked at the pile of notes on Logan's desk, his face lit up. From the looks of it, Logan had started teaching a course at a local college, which had always been something he had wanted to do.
I can tell that you're hiding sadness underneath all the smiles, you don't hide it very well.
December 31st, four years prior
Smiles. Grins. Laughter. Joy. Roman's entire life was based around joy. He couldn't just go tell Logan that he was sad about losing another job, that would ruin his whole facade. No, he would have to just get another job as quickly as possible.
I haven't seen enough of your genuine smiles lately.
January 14th, three years prior
Roman was so happy for the first time in what felt like ages. Logan had finally agreed to get a pet! Granted, it was a goldfish, because Logan claimed that neither of them had the time to take care of a puppy, but a pet nonetheless!
He named it Roman Jr.
You clearly want to do something more with your life, but you don't.
February 14th, three years prior
"Vegas would be a nice place to live one day, or LA. Ooh maybe London,"
"What, life isn't enough for you?"
And since I've heard you joke about me being the tether keeping you from being a star, it wasn't hard to realize that the only logical explanation is that I'm the one keeping you stuck in this small town where it is impossible for you to follow your dreams.
Present day, Roman's perspective
"I never meant it. They were nothing more than jokes. I would do anything to keep the small life we share," yet more tears rolled down Roman's face as he spoke to the empty room.
I say that you are the only thing left in this world for me, but if you can't be happy with the life we have, then I have truly failed.
April 7th, three years prior
They lay on a Roman's bed, a Disney movie playing on his laptop, long forgotten. Roman snuggled closer, savouring the moment.
The only way I can think of to fix this, is to completely disappear.
July 25th, three years prior
They sat under a cherry blossom tree, watching the petals fall around them.
"This is magical," Roman's voice was barely a whisper.
"There's noting out of the ordinary about the situation, except for the fact that the petals are dropping later in the year than they usually would," Roman merely grinned.
You're the only one who could possibly miss me, so I have three requests for you.
Next part
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