#I...don't think I should tag any of the other characters. This is largely negative without any constructive elements.
frost-felon · 1 year
Playing Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice for the first time (note: like Dual Destinies, this is labeled as a "Phoenix Wright" game). I didn't like Dual Destinies, but outside of a few issues, Spirit of Justice was shaping up to be a better game than DD. That wasn't a hard bar to pass, but then I get to case 4 (henceforth referred to as "6-4").
Sweet GOD, this case sucks ass! As an Apollo fan (who knows some of the spoilers for the late game¹), I have anger, but I can't imagine the pain Athena fans likely felt, holy SHIT.
The way that this is written to be Athena's first big case on her own, where she proves that she doesn't need to be rescued or babied (as Phoenix was her 'savior' when she had a panic attack in DD). So what happens? Simon Blackquill, a twenty-nine-year-old man, has to rescue her during the trial. Not because she has a panic attack, but because she's CLEARLY too stupid to not need assistance, Your Honor.
This is after Blackquill had been pestering her into trying to get any sort of assistance from her (male, much older) boss, Phoenix, and her (male, older) co-worker, Apollo. She notes that neither could help her even if she wanted to acquiesce to Blackquill's concerns, as Phoenix is in a different country, and Apollo is on a theater stage as the boss' daughter's assistant.
Blackquill FREQUENTLY nags Athena about how he doesn't want to "nursemaid" (babysit) her during the trial, and often insults her intelligence/competency, insisting that she needs the help to successfully defend the accused.
The accused, whom Blackquill benefits from proving the innocence of.
Prosecutor Shithead also frequently insults Athena's intelligence and competence, and mocks her for her inexperience and age. She's 19...Shithead is only 25, the same age as her co-worker (and as we found out in 6-3, his adoptive brother).
Athena literally gets manhandled by Blackquill at one point, when he's frustrated that she's floundering. This is a unique animation using the 3D models, from Athena's perspective. This is a grown-ass man assaulting another member of the court, when he was the one to force himself into the Defense Bench.
The Defendant, who shows up drunk to the trial (and is only sober when he is found Not Guilty), mistakes Athena to be Simon's lover, due to a misunderstanding that Simon caused. Defendant: "Is she, like, yer fellow apprentice or sumfin'...?" Simon: "...Heh, something like that. I've known her longer than I've known you. You could say we're bound to one another." Defendant: "Ohhhh, m'kay... Well den. Guessh I better call 'er MIZ chickadee, den." Simon never corrects this during the case. (Not sure if he ever does afterward.)
In general, I feel like this case was meant to be the developers saying, "Hey, we didn't forget about Athena, guys!" (She was Apollo's assistant for Case 2.) And...seemingly to push Blackquill/Athena. I don't mind the fans of that ship, but that's a pairing I definitely don't want to see become canon. Especially if it's going to be like this.
Things that don't have to do with Blackquill below:
Prosecutor Shithead is particularly unbearable in this case. I believe that in general, he has some of the worst arguments of any prosecutors in the series, save maybe the Paynes and DeBeste. I'm not even sure if he's got better arguments than them, honestly.
Athena went into Law School abroad, but specializes in analytical psychology (particularly as to be used in court cases). One of the witnesses is revealed to have a certain psychological condition. Anybody wanna guess?! ...Yeah, it's a popculture favorite: Multiple Personality Disorder. The correct choice to reveal this is, "[The witness] has multiple personalities." Athena then correctly identifies the real phenomenon of Dissociative Identity Disorder...before using both that and MPD interchangeably. I actually don't think it's ever referred to as DID again, after that. The secret witness (the fourth personality of this witness) is revealed when the other three become unconscious, due to being alcoholic lightweights. This fourth personality, who is portrayed as a child, is not affected by the alcohol (at least insofar as how the case portrays drunk characters, including the other three personalities).
The other witness (besides Blackquill, who is actually a witness as well) is used for boob jokes (if you've seen the clussy memes with the balloon lady, that's her). She's also the killer.
The case is pretty easy...save for one or two issues. My primary one is with the murder weapon. The autopsy report notes that the victim suffocated, but "Nothing was found in his lungs." He is killed by...being smothered to death with uncooked dough. Even beyond what a pain it is to realize what you're actually supposed to point out, this...this is a painful revelation for the case. And by that, I mean it goes against almost everything that was established before, and is suspect, logically. My only defense for this would be that maybe he didn't inhale any of the dough, but ingested some, and the coroner just didn't check. In typical Ace Attorney fashion, the defendant is tried for this murder the day after the body is found...but still. Very frustrating.
But what's HELLA FRUSTRATING is that this is the penultimate case. And it might as well be a Case 2 in terms of structure and difficulty, as well as overall plot importance. 'Cause this has NOTHING to do with the overarching plot, as far as I can tell. Case 3 literally left off with the plot ramping up. Apollo's got a ton of connections to the overarching plot. Athena has...a filler case that puts the brake on any forward momentum in the plot. I already thought that Dual Destinies either should have been an Apollo Justice game² or more appropriately, an Athena Cykes game. She didn't do anything to get shafted like this, good Lord. And it's not like this messy handling would appease the majority of players, either...right? Athena fans, you deserve better--as an Apollo Justice fan (of the game and the character), Godspeed.
I like literally none of the characters in this case, ugh. Connected to the last point, my feelings would probably be different if this was actually Case 2. But the Case that is Case 2...as much as I have mixed feelings on it, there is a lot more to enjoy there. AND IT'S PLOT-RELEVANT. Is...is 6-4 even thematically relevant??? It sure doesn't feel like it.
Alright, so last thing. The only justification this case has for being as late as it is--that would be Prosecutor Shithead's acknowledgement of Athena as a worthy adversary. With some tweaks, that could have happened at the end of 6-2 (if these cases were swapped). It would also have been way more interesting to actually utilize the information of Apollo and Shithead being adoptive brothers, instead of 6-2 having a hook at the end for that reveal in 6-3. In general...6-2 should have been 6-4, given what I understand to be going on with 6-5 (and even what I don't, as there are plenty of things I successfully avoided knowing due to my hiatus).
I'm very peeves about this case. It's a massive low point for Spirit of Justice, and I was already trying to be charitable. Thank you to anyone who read this far--hope you enjoyed my seething. 'Cause my God, the lead up to playing more of this game (watching playthroughs of Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies) and actually playing it have caused me to stew so, so hard.
¹That's got a whole backstory to it, so I won't be talking about it in this initial post. Feel free to ask in reblogs, replies, or my ask box, though. It's why I left the Ace Attorney fandom since around the time the game came out (2016).
²I have many feelings about Dual Destinies, and many of them are negative. Athena deserved better than debuting there, but similar to the above, I won't go into any of it here.
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 3 months
So you know how some fics have like "Andre Sugar" in the tags to indicate he'll not be portrayed as the bastard he is in S1/3?
I came up with an alternative type of tag, "Character X Cinnamon" with it basically being:
If this character is so good you are giving them some sin to spice things up. But if they are too evil you are adding a little bit of 'sweetness' without forgetting what they are.
In this context, an Audrey cinnamon fic would be like... she stumbles on a conversation Chloe is having with Andre trying to get comfort & advice on impressing Audrey & the mix of how that interaction looks and what Andre says.
IE stuff that makes it quite clear he's done nothing to disabuse Chloe of the notion Audrey just needs to be impressed to love her when frankly Audrey just does not fucking 'want' to parent & made that clear many times over.
Well it leaves her a little... Off, it feels a little too familiar, and a little too scummy for her to just write it off as Andre's usual neediness and simpering explanations and excuses for anything that creating problems in his life.
Cue, this is just an idea it could go many way, pulling Sabine aside at the fashion show either day 1 or 2 and being like.
"Your family's mundane. Tell me, does Andre's relationship with Chloe seem normal to you?" "...." "That silence does not fill me with confidence, unless you misunderstood." "I understood you fine, I was just thinking. But no, it does come off a little unseemly." "Dammit all." "Why are you bringing this up so suddenly, did you just notice?" "Obviously, why else would I be bringing it up this moment, use your head." "I can see where Chloe got her charming personality from." "I didn't raise her, if she's like me its... Ugh, because Andre probably wanted her that way, or is that assuming things? I don't know when children start thinking for themselves." ".... You should speak to Madame Bustier, her teacher, she might be of more help." Audrey's head tipped back in a beleaguered groan.
Basically Audrey's still fucking awful but she has like a handful of barely coherent & even contradictory standards for what she deems acceptable. Andre being a raising his daughter to be Audrey's carbon copy but one that 'needs' him & encouraging her to appeal to a woman he knows will reject her happens to tick such a box.
So she's going to have to do something about it, but she A, has zero idea what she's doing, B, fucking HATES doing it and C, is still by and large otherwise the worst (tm)
Like such a story would not end in Audrey being all, "Oh I actually want to be a mother & make up for lost time."
But more like, "I made a stupid decision having a child when I didn't want one & have neither the heart nor capabilities to parent. But I will do the right thing here; I am gonna be real bitter about it though."
This spin on Audrey would sort of rely on taking her abuse as mostly just her being indifferent to Chloe in a "I did not want to be a parent" way and so she treats her like everyone else. IE like shit.
As opposed to her having any other kind of motive or reasons for said behavior or there being more to said abusive behavior than what was seen. Which is very easy to conclude by just watching and musing but isn't like, overtly canon.
I feel like I am making this come off as more lighthearted than intended, but that's more a reflection of Audrey's like... Vibe? Sort of like how everything's more somber and clinical from Gabriel's perspective even if its a crack comedy story.
Audrey's perpetually proud, unsatisfied and irritable with little desire to empathize or wallow in any negative emotions that aren't anger or satisfaction born or breaking something. She might be better-ish at the end of such a story but she'd not do a 180 like Andre's shown to do in such fics.
Part of what would be good for Chloe in it is getting that sense of why her mothers like that, that Audrey being shitty isn't on her, and eventually kind of untethering Audrey from "mom" to just, "A woman". So she can seek out connections with people who can and will actually give her what she needs in a paternal relationship.
So, first, sorry this one took me so long to respond to, I've been sick for a few days, and swinging between "coherent" and "what time is it? Sleep, I guess"!
I do like the idea, and think it’s fairly funny, but . . . I'll be honest, I tried to imagine Audrey doing this and just. My brain was like "Error 404, File not found". I COULD NOT imagine Audrey Bourgeois doing this, or being like this. Like, at all. It would not compute in my head. The only way I could think about this idea working was to try and apply it to a different character, then smack it Audrey's name on it.
(Which, again, I'm currently kind of sick, so it could be that - though my friend Mimi started cackling at the fact someone suggested Audrey being in anyway even REMOTELY decent and I basically bluescreened)
If I was doing this, I think I would have some definite character growth for Audrey. Like you say, she still doesn’t become a "good" person. She doesn’t miraculously want to be a mom, or realize that she really DOES love Chloé. But I'd have her grow a bit as a character, to at the very least, treat everyone a little less shitty. Like, she's still blunt, and kind of a bitch, but she becomes a less toxic person overall. She learns how to communicate with other people, figures out how to . . . . I was going to say, "stop insulting everyone", but maybe "be less insulting" is more believable. She isn’t ever going to be "mom" or even "mom-adjacent", but she learns to stop penalizing Chloé for not living up to her impossible standards. She figures out how to interact at least neutrally with Chloé, who, whether she likes it or not, she's responsible for.
Chloé, meanwhile, yeah, should learn to disconnect "Audrey Bourgeois" from the idea of "Mom", which, I'm not sure about how easy that would be. It's definitely going to suck. But, and I'm not sure about this, I feel like Audrey and Chloé should at least develop a rapport. A comfortable way to interact with each other. Cause, at least until Chloé is eighteen, Audrey is partially responsible for her. I'm not saying Audrey has to be loving mom, or that Chloé needs to be "mini-Audrey", but they do need a healthy way to communicate. I think the end result should be something like "distant aunt". Like, you're family, you'll help each other out if you need it, you'll send a wedding invite, and occasionally update each other, but you aren’t super close, and you don’t talk much.
Though, for any of this, I think Audrey would need to divorce André and take custody of Chloé. Like, she doesn’t particularly CARE about being married to André - it’s a status thing, security, and Audrey can deal with him. But Cholé can't (that's the point of all this) so Audrey would need to get Chloé away from him, make sure he doesn’t have any legal say in Chloé at all. And that would be a hell of a headache for all involved.
(Somehow, during this, Hawk Moth's identity comes out. Audrey is left to question how SHE is somehow being a better parent than Gabriel, because my god, the bar is SO LOW, it is literally an INCH off the ground, yet somehow he isn’t clearing it.)
though, afterward, I can see Audrey setting Chloé up with her own place in Paris, with either a paid live-in bodyguard, or regular check-ins or something. Hell, have her move in with Marinette or something, and Audrey sends an allowance. Like, I don’t see Chloé actually wanting to permanently leave Paris, Audrey doesn’t want to stay (she has work), so they figure out some arrangement that lets her stay in Paris.
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see · 6 months
basically the conversation going on right now is targeted towards the large majority of booktok, especially those who ask "does this book have spice (that means sexual content)?" about any and all books, and how this is no better than having a porn addiction.
i am not going to start and end this conversation by saying that everyone who reads books should always read classics, should always read horror, should always read nonfiction, etc. i think the conversation of diversifying one's tastes is far beyond helpful at this point. i have seen countless videos of people politely suggesting that 27+ year olds who read only ya/romance content break out of their comfort zone, met with stitches from women (often white women, which might become important depending on the length of this post) well into their 30s/40s/50s spitting with vitriol and claiming misogyny at the bare notion that they branch out. i don't want to save these people from bad literature. i don't want to share a space with these people. the only reason i bring them up is because this issue extends far beyond their spheres.
1. adults in spaces clearly marked for children
there has been a misconception brewing among the majority of circles where older members of "fandoms" and subcultures coalesce to project more mature ideals onto fictional properties, and that is that of the "puriteen," or that younger generations are more puritanical than older generations. besides the fact that this is a very subjective claim that is given no backing, older members of subspaces, in this case, booktok, use this claim to discredit any critique coming their direction. many booktok content creators who face criticism for never deviating from ya or romance genres, or for refusing to read books without spice, will often make the sweeping claim that many comments critiquing them are from children--puritanical, sex negative children, at that--thus their opinions and claims should be thrown aside.
but, hey, pause. why are so many children making this observation about your reading habits? especially reading habits that largely involve sex and smut and "spice"?
you'll notice, often, that the larger claim that older booktok members intend to make is that they do not enjoy being policed on what they should read, hence why i started this post with a disclaimer in which i disclose and explain why i do not care what these people read. however, it becomes very apparent when the two pronged request of "don't police what i read" and "children should stay out of adult spaces" is veered into willful ignorance. YA (literally Young Adult) is a genre typically depicting characters within the ages of 12-18, for audiences of 12-18. this is not restrictive, there is nothing written on or around these books or this genre that claims that people above the age of 18 (or below the age of 12, for that matter) read YA content. by definition, though, ya media is advertised to and written for its intended age demographic. videos blatantly advertising ya books will be recommended most to people within the ages of 12-18, that's how algorithms work. so who do videos tagged with the titles of ya fiction books, or just tags like "#yafiction", get recommended to? who is most likely to see when you comment under a ya book review with the question "does it have spice"? who are you exposing to your claims that you "cannot read a book without spice"? 12 to 18 year olds. it's not that teenagers are the only demographic of people who have an issue with your addiction to smut, it's that they are they age group that is being shown these comments the most often.
2. lack of diversity in booktok spaces
for sake of conversation, are there other demographics who take issue with the booktok standard search for smut?
this post, and conversation in general (this conversation has been longstanding, but its resurgence in particular) came from a post by 21 year old gabe escobar (@/gabesco on tiktok) and a response by mid-20s emma skies (@/emmaskies on tiktok). gabe made the claim that many books that become very popular on booktok are basically just porn, and emma responded that he was misogynistic (a staple) and that he would have no way of knowing what books were popular in booktok spheres because he was not in booktok spheres, also making a point to refer to the 21 year old man as a "boy" throughout the video. not only does emma tick the box of using age to belittle the points of anyone who speaks out against booktok trends, but emma is also wrong--gabe is, by definition, not a boy (obviously). emma not only assumed the age of the person in question, but also assumed his position in booktok spheres, and also the larger identity of booktok.
i'm not claiming that emma was being a misandrist (which would be a pretty funny curveball to throw ngl), but rather that a member of booktok must fit certain qualities: 1. they must be a woman, 2. they must be white, and 3. they must be an adult. this lines up with the frequent silencing of content creators of color who denounce franchises like harry potter and the works of racist creators like rebecca yarros and lana ferguson. to large booktok creators, anyone who does not look like them must not pay attention to booktok spheres, or atleast, must not have a say in them. this is where this false confidence comes from, to denounce any take that does not come from a white woman's mouth as uninformed.
3. ignorance, purposeful misconstruing, and the true cause for concern
when everyone who criticizes their behavior is a misogynist, a puriteen, or just misinformed, where does that leave us? are we met with many people who are up in arms just for the sake of doing so?
it would be remiss to say that many of the people who criticize the smut heavy tbrs of booktok influencers truly just have the best interests of the creators at heart when they call out their porn addiction--but they are telling it like it is either way. reading erotic literature so heavy-handedly that you cannot read anything else slots pretty cleanly under the moniker of porn addiction, and should be a cause for concern if brought to dangerous extreme.
these creators who call out this porn addiction are not doing so because they are concerned for the safety of porn addicted booktok influence, nor because they are trying to "police" the content you consume or be needlessly puritanical. the reason you see many people from many demographics calling attention to this behavior is behavior is because it is public and infringing upon their space.
one large phenomenon spread throughout many subspaces on tiktok (from biketok to cookingtok) is comments along the lines of "Booktok has been summoned!" at the sight of anything remotely related to content from ya literature, especially men who look similar to male love interests in ya books (who, if you remember, tend to be between the ages of 12-18).
booktok influencers who claim that other people are policing their behavior seem to think this criticism comes from thin air, and spin the story that people from out of nowhere are attacking them in their tiny corner of the internet. you are commenting on videos of random people to compare them to teenage characters and often sexualize in the process, your videos are being recommended to 12-18 year olds by your own accord, and you are routinely ignoring the opinion of anyone who does not look like you. be honest: who else do you have to blame but yourself?
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Tagged by @radioactivepigeons Thanks Pigeon!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
(Personal note: all my fics are currently locked to ao3 users only to help prevent ai scraping. If you do not currently have an ao3 account and would like one send me an ask and I can send you an invite.)
First Fic: Oh certainly something silly I wrote as a gift for a friend back in middle school. It was a patrol report from Batgirl. First thing that made it to ao3? The Beginning of the Flock which still gets the odd hit, kudos, or comment much to my delight as I feel like my writing has improved quite a bit since then.
Most recent fic: At Least They're Only Losing Money one of 3 fics written thanks to insomnia, the end of series/seasons, and a penchant for grumpy Brits with a smoking problem and/or Key Narrative Foil. Also, painfully insightful look at the fact that I really like crossovers and only write for certain fandoms under those conditions.
Fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship once: See above re: crossovers, this being my only Lockwood & Co. fic & like all my Magnus Archives fics it's a crossover, though I'm still delighted by the response it got. They Just Let Anyone Walk In involves some "real" ghost stories and a personal favorite trope of modern teens with inexplicable swords.
Favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship you wrote the most for: I'm going to count the DC fandom at large rather than the smaller sub-fandoms. Negative Effects of Habits is like the fic that launched a thousand plot bunnies. I adored playing with Mia's moxie, John's kindness, and their combined snark. So much so, I just kept writing their unlikely friendship.
Fic I wish more people read: This one is easy: glitter and gold my love letter to the dcu, its families, and the way the characters all connect in little or large ways and care for each other. I spent a lot of time on it and purposefully used minimal tags as to not clog things up but as a result I know it didn't reach very far. But I love it and I worked hard to try and get it just right so I hope those who do come across it enjoy it.
Fic I agonized over the most: There's two options for this, it's a tossup. Both were wips for the longest time and one took a tonal and stylistic turn in the middle as a result. Can We Get a Refill? a modern au Les Mis diner fic featuring idiots in crush, Romantic investigations, and just a touch of magic. The other is Donna Troy and the Outlaws a pre52 story of Kory, Roy, and Jason being brought together by Donna to try and claw herself out of a dark place and save some kids who never should've died in the first place.
Fic that sprang fully formed without effort: A lot. So many. Most. But I remember listening to this song and just writing this fic as it played in the library. Solider, Poet, King is a pretty good character study for being borderline stream of consciousness. The fact the song got REALLY popular on socials about a year later is kinda hilarious too.
Work I'm most proud of: five phones on the table is a little experimental and something I was worried about how it would turn out but I'm really happy and, well proud, of it. I think it's fitting that it's the Fab Five too, as the Teen Titans are what got me into fandom in the first place.
I really don't know who to tag for this so if you see this and write fic consider yourself tagged! I want to know what I should add to my reading list.
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dutchdread · 3 years
Bruh, we don't want to hear about your negative views about cleriths. Cloud loves Aerith and he always has. He lives in her church because he loves her. He thought of Aerith a lot in OG , On the Way to A Smile, and AC. He went to live in her church. Why tf would he go live in her church if it wasn't for Aerith? There are millions of places he could've gone but he chose the church. You don't have to believe our way of thinking if you don't want to, but don't tag clerith in your posts.
Thanks for your question. I think it's important to have these conversations so we can clear up these misunderstandings. Clouds motivations have been well documented so it's unfortunate that large swaths of the fandom seemingly are still in the dark about something that has been known for quite a long time, and I blame lack of communication. Before I answer your question though I'd like to address the style of it, since I find it amusing that in response to my article concerning productive conversation styles you not only used one of the styles I described, but even the same exact argument. This is a nice confirmation for me that I am right on the money. In my article, I said that the "dishonest inquiry" is the Clerith conversation style of choice. The example I gave was as follows:
The dishonest inquiry: “Why don’t you admit that Clouds actions in AC show that he doesn’t love Tifa?”
You mirrored this approach by saying "Why tf would he go live in her church if it wasn't for Aerith?". The defining characteristic of the dishonest inquiry is that the question isn't asked with the goal of seeking clarification, but as an offensive tactic meant to attack the others position, you're not trying to evaluate your position, you're trying to get others to re-evaluate their position under the guise of a question. If we look at the rest of your post we can see the indicators I described for someone who has reached the last stage of the debate style. "Cloud loves Aerith and he always has. He lives in her church because he loves her". As I noted in my article:
If assertions are backed up, they are backed up with other assertions designed to dissuade rebuttals, rather than investigating veracity.
This "argument" had no actual arguments, it was a meaningless assertion. Stating that you are correct in an attempt to avoid having to actual show that you're correct. "Cloud loves Aerith and he always has. He lives in her church because he loves her": This is what you're trying to prove, you can't state what you're trying to prove as your starting premise.
If you're honestly interested in learning more about FFVII then leave out the baseless assertions, they literally just waste peoples time and makes them less willing to engage with you.
If I had to rephrase your question in a way that's more inviting for a productive discussion it would be something like this:
"Why do you believe Cloud chose Aeriths Church as his hiding place in AC? He thinks about Aerith a lot, what do you think the reason is for that if it's not love?".
The answer to this is pretty simple of course, it's been restated several times, this is not something that is some grand mystery, it's not even an aspect of FFVII that's particularly ambiguous. The reason he stays in Aeriths church is the same reason he's seen lingering at Zacks "grave", it's guilt. As stated in the 10th anniversary ultimania, and several other times:
when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him
While this is an element of the story that has been explicitly confirmed through ultimanias and quotes, this is not an element of the story that was ever in any way unclear, its a direct continuation of Clouds character arc in FFVII. Infact, Clouds mental health issues are the central part of the fake persona storyarc, and is arguably the core of the story. The rough order of events shown in FFVII, on the way to a smile, and Advent children (and also CC) concerning Clouds mental health is as follows. 1: Cloud as a boy want to protect Tifa. 2: Cloud fails to protect Tifa. 3: Cloud and townspeople blame Cloud for Tifas injuries. 4: Cloud internalizes this and beats himself up over his failure to protect Tifa. He develops a fear of failure. 5: Cloud starts acting up, starts wanting to prove himself, and decides to join Soldier to impress Tifa. 6: Cloud fails to get into Soldier, develops an inferiority complex. 7: Cloud is too ashamed of his failure to face Tifa. 8: Cloud fails to save his mother. 9: Cloud fails to save Nibleheim. 10: Cloud fails to save Tifa, again. 11: Cloud fails to save Zack. 12: Cloud develops a soldier alter ego that is everything that he isn't, as a defense mechanism. He hides from his own weakness. 13: Even as a soldier, Cloud fails to save Aerith. 14: Cloud regains his memories in the lifestream, and discovers he did fulfill his promise to come save Tifa. Here we basically end FFVII, and go into on the way to a smile. At this point Cloud has overcome the alien parasite messing with his mind by establishing a stronger sense of who he is. However, now that he's lost his fake soldier defense mechanism he's forced to deal with the past. His past failures haven't been fixed, he doesn't suddenly think he's a great person now, he simply can no longer use his fake persona to hide from his own weakness, and is forced to confront it. 15: Cloud still blames his own weakness for the deaths of Aerith and Zack, he thinks that he needs to atone for his sins, and thinks that the only way to do this is through living* 16: Cloud starts living with Tifa and experiences happiness and peace for the first time in his adult life.** 17: Cloud develops cherophobia and survivors guilt. He feels ashamed for being alive and happy while Aerith and Zack are dead because of him.*** 18: Clouds mental health deteriorates because of these feelings.**** 19: Cloud finds Denzel and sees him as a way to atone, having found a pathway to redemption, Clouds situation improves.***** 20: Cloud is unable to save Denzel from geostigma, and contracts it himself. 21: Clouds mental health worsens again, he failed again, he is unable to save Denzel, he is even unable to save himself, he won't be able to atone for his sins through living. He potentially brought an infectious disease into the house and as a result of his actions Tifa and Marlene will now lose him. 22: Depressed and ashamed, Cloud runs away. He thinks Tifa and Marlene are better off without him, he doesn't want them to see him waste away and die, he feels like he doesn't deserve to be happy and should instead die alone, Etc. Classic depression. (Some quotes concerning the *** are at the bottom of the article)
As for why he thinks about Aerith and Zack a lot, and hangs around the places that are connected with them, what else do you expect? Of course he's thinking about them, they're the people he failed, they're DEAD because of him. Cloud is a caring man, he beats himself up over it, of course he'd be thinking about them. And where else would a man wallowing in guilt and self-pity go than to those places? But the important thing to remember is that none of this is supposed to be seen as romantic. It's supposed to be viewed as sad and negative. Every internal character arc has something to overcome and this is what Cloud has to overcome in Advent children.****** Tifa to Cloud: "have we lost to our memories?" Cloud to Sephiroth: "Stay where you belong, in my memories" A well written story has internal and external obstacles to overcome, and ties the two together. In the case of advent children, the return of Sephiroth is the physical representation of Clouds internal character arc, which is that he should stop living in the past, and should move on. The past here isn't a positive thing he wants to get back to, Clouds past has always been a thing he's ran away from, but then is forced to accept. The past in Clouds case is a bad thing, his failures, and is something he should stop dwelling on. If you've ever seen the lion king, this resembles the scene where Rafiki hits Simba with a stick. "What does it matter, it's in the past", "yeah but it still hurts", "Oh Yes, the past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it, or learn from it".
When Cloud returned to his normal self, he stopped running from the past, but as a result, he started dwelling in it. That's what he's doing in Aeriths church; dwelling in misery.
If we juxtapose Aeriths church with the 7th heaven, we can start to see where peoples misunderstandings are taking place. When some people look at the events of ACC they think that 7th heaven is a place of sadness, which Cloud leaves to be happy at Aeriths church, the place of happiness. The "have we lost to our memories" is then seen as a confirmation of this and that the memory, which they think corresponds to Aerith, is better than life with Tifa. This character arc then concludes with Cloud being happy by finally leaving Tifa behind, and riding off in the sun-set in search of Aerith at the end of the movie. But this interpretation falls apart as soon as you apply context to it, both narratively, and factually, it doesn't fit with with developer quotes, as well as the fundamental story themes of FFVII. 1: If 7th Heaven/Tifa is a place of sadness, then why has Cloud been consistently quoted to experience happiness there? 2: If 7th Heaven/Tifa is a place of sadness, and Cloud leaves at the end of the movie, then why has it been stated to be his promised land, aka, his land of supreme happiness (the reason it's literally called 7th heaven), and why is he stated to return there? ******* 3: If Clouds "memories" are positive, why is the plotarc resolved by Cloud telling the villain to "stay there"? 4: If Cloud is happy at the church, why is he living in self-deprecating squalor? 5: If Cloud loved Aerith and thought Denzel was sent to him by her, why did he abandon him? 6: Do you really think SE would write a story about a "hero" whose main emotional hurdle concerning the past comes down to. "I am sick of the girl I am with, I prefer the one that is dead, so I will get over the past by letting go of the girl I am with, as well as my adoptive children, to go chase the dead girl"? 7: Don't you think this would do Tifas character a tremendous disservice and do you think SE would be that preferential in their treatment? I could go on, but I think the point is clear. While the "Aeriths church is a happy place" interpretation is semi-coherent when looked at in isolation, it becomes exceedingly bizarre as soon as you place it in context. As I am fond of saying, this is not a matter of personal interpretation, it's a matter of lying to yourself vs not lying to yourself. I also suspect that this is the reason why SE changed the ending to advent Children, because people were misinterpreting it in this bizarre way, so they made it more in your face. In context, the following interpretation is much more fitting. Aeriths church is a place of sadness that Cloud runs to because of his guilt and depression. The "memories" line refers to Cloud dwelling on his past mistakes, as evidenced by his constant quotes about needing forgiveness. The character arc of moving on from the past is then resolved when he forgives himself, and as a result, defeats sephiroth, the metaphorical demon of his past. This allows him to return to his place of joy, his promised land, the 7th heaven, with a more positive outlook on the past. Instead of tarnishing Aerith and Zacks memories by wallowing in the past he instead moves on from it, thereby allowing it to become beautiful, which is represented by him planting Aeriths flowers on Zacks grave, and placing Zacks sword in the church. Instead of Zacks grave being the place where Zack died, it is now the place where a hero was born. Cloud has moved on, he has let his mistakes go, and has learned to come to terms with himself. I think it's hard to argue that this version of events is much less shallow, and much more meaningful than the story of a lovesick guy who abandons his partner and adoptive kids to go chase after a dead girl, but that's just me, what's more important is that it's the only version of events that's corroborated by the evidence. Thanks for the question. __________________________________________________
Corroborating quotes (not comprehensive)
* from case of Tifa: "“I’m going to live. I think that’s the only way I can be forgiven. All sorts of things…"
** Nojima in AC prologue: "“Cloud never had a candid personality to begin with, and although he started living with Tifa and even started working, he obtained a peaceful livinghe’s never experienced before, and this conversely made him anxious. And in the midst of this he contracts Geostigma himself, and rather than being able to protect the people dear to him, he instead was forced to face his own death, and so ran away.” (among other quotes)
*** 10th anniversary ultimania: "when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him"
Aeriths 10th anniversary profile : Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet. And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, she was a major factor in causing him to close himself off. -Aerith’s 10th anniversay profile.
And more, really this is reiterated constantly.
**** From case of Tifa: "During that time, it was Marlene who noticed a change in Cloud. She told Tifa how Cloud would sometimes space out and not listen to her.
Transporting mail around the world meant he was traveling around his past too. She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn’t protect Aerith. Cloud was trying to overcome that and live on. But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again.
It was night, and they had closed the bar. Cloud was drinking alcohol even though he rarely did. He drained his glass. Tifa thought about it before going over and filling his glass.
***** From case of Tifa: "Tifa wondered if they became a real family after Denzel appeared. Cloud was clearly taking less jobs. At night, he would always make sure he had time to spend with the children. The silly little conversations he had with Tifa were also back."
****** Reunion files, page 58: "As long as Cloud blames himself for Aerith’s death, he won’t be able to move on with his life. One of the first ideas we had for Advent Children was to have Cloud overcome and resolve that immense feeling of guilt. For Cloud, no one other than Aerith can solve that problem for him."
- Takahiro Sakurai pg. 15 reunion files: After Cloud was told, “Which is it? A memory or us?: by Tifa, he tells Sephiroth, “Stay where you belong. In my memories,” just before he defeats him. I think Cloud finally becomes free at this moment. Deep down, Cloud knew that he shouldn’t be so hard on himself, but at the same time he couldn’t let go of those feelings of guilt for what happened to Aerith and Zack, or the thought that he could never forgive himself for it. But then his companions made him feel better by telling him to let go. ******* "The place where he awakens—- That is Cloud’s Promised Land As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices. The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn’t belong here yet. When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma— his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realizes where he is meant to live."
"Aerith lends her power to the people suffering from Geostigma in Edge, and personally provides for Cloud’s recovery. Geostigma is cured. Cloud returns to Tifa and the children."
-  FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Complete Timeline
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Thank you for encouraging a safe space on Tumblr. It might seem like basic courtesy to leave people be, leave them their comfort and creative freedom, but apparently it's not. As someone who has very questionable self ship poly dynamics, it's.. nice not being scared of seeing "Don't interact if this- dont interact if that" and then in danger of harrassment.
Please keep spreading these vibes of comfort and love - you're a great person whom we need a lot more of in the world wide web
You're very welcome, lovely! :) :) :)
Hoo boy. I have...soooo many thoughts on like....ALL of this. And this post is gonna get LONG because I've opened the can of worms and I'm lettin' it all out :P
The amount of bullying and negativity I've seen in the selfshipping community lately is very painful and disappointing to watch. Tumblr and fandom has always been somewhat of a cesspool but I had hoped that selfshipping was a little better.
I'm not seeing a positive community on a large scale right now.
There are some people who are shining little stars out there of course! But there's more hate being spread around than I can stomach.
I've spent Y E A R S researching and unlearning and pushing back against the psychological and emotional effects of manipulative behaviors like: blame, guilt, shame, and harassment.
I absolutely 100000% believe you can speak to people civilly and state your reasons why you think their behavior is damaging. Without telling them, "You are wrong. You are a bad person." Or otherwise making them feel shitty about themselves.
And I also believe that you CAN allow that person to say, "I don't agree with what you're saying" and you can still have normal interactions with that person without immediately shunning them and labeling them as a terrible person.
People BLOSSOM when they are showered in love, acceptance, and understanding. People are MUCH more willing to listen and heed what you have to say when you give them SPACE to see your point of view (or disagree with you and still accept them).
This culture on social media where people jump STRAIGHT to, "You're a HORRIBLE person because you do something I disagree with!" is, frankly, horrifying and a little disgusting.
Does this mean I condone negative and damaging behaviors?
No. Absolutely not.
But there seems to be this loss of perspective on what is considered "negative and damaging behaviors".
1. It's fiction. Fiction has NEVER been "clean". It's a place of freedom to discuss EVERYTHING.
2. You don't have to feel comfortable with everything being discussed in fiction. I'm not. If I don't like a self-shipper's content because it hits some trigger buttons for me...I don't follow their blog. Because that's my boundary and I have every right to it.
Do I send them messages saying, "You're a toxic person!"
Do I comment on their ship that they love and say, "This makes me uncomfortable!"
It's not my business.
Also: it’s fiction and there are MUCH bigger problems that require my energy than whether or not I should correct someone’s fictional ship.
Go save the ocean.
Go save the rainforest.
Go save the planet you live and breath on.
Fiction should not be making you angry enough to send hate mail to someone else. Full stop. That should never ever be a priority.
3. Some people engage in selfshipping "negative behaviors" as a way to cope with their trauma. We have no idea what a person has been through and we have no right to tell them that they should stop what they're doing when we do not know where they are on their journey of healing.
It hurts my heart so, so much when I receive messages from selfshippers like you, dear anon, who are TERRIFIED to share their love stories with their characters because they're afraid of being labeled/attacked/harassed by the community.
That's the community letting you down. That should NOT be happening and I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, lovely.
The ENTIRE point of selfshipping was to ESCAPE the people who criticized for shipping yourself with a character that you love. The foundation of selfshipping is that ANYTHING is possible!!! You are limitless!!!
And now people are policing what you can do??? That's...that completely obliterates the point of selfshipping. That's WHY we escaped to our own community!
I don't know if this video is available outside of the U.S., but I highly recommend, the Crappy Childhood Fairy's Youtube video on Cancel Culture. It's a great listen when you're navigating the emotional turmoil of social media culture.
So, if you're still reading after ALL OF THAT :P here are some key points about this blog and my philosophy when it comes to selfshipping:
This blog will always be a judgment free zone
Of course I have opinions! Of course we may disagree on something! But I won't judge you for it. You're allowed to do your own thang! ;)
I will never have a DNI.
If I feel an interaction is crossing into territory that isn't appropriate or acceptable, I'll say so. And if that doesn't work, I'll block and report. But I will never have a DNI on this blog.
Yes, I am an adult. So if minors don't feel comfortable following my blog, it's okay if they don't! I understand!
But I don't have a problem talking with minors because they are human beings and they may need support. I worked in Youth Services at a library for over two years. I know sometimes kids just want someone to talk about cool books and movies with and I'm 100% down for that 24/7 :)
Because this blog is all-ages friendly, I will never post 18+ content because - just like IRL - I make sure that I am mindful of the people around me. I may post some suggestive content that is tagged, but I try not to get too explicit.
I also don’t really think a DNI is necessary for me personally. Of course if I feel threatened by someone, I won’t interact with that person. But if a shipper is into content that I don’t like???? I don’t feel the need to say, “I will never interact with you!” That’s....exhausting. Besides, there are plenty of other things we can chat about! :)
I will always share f/os.
I know some people don't like to share and that's their boundary they can draw if they want to (no shade here!), but I've found that if I don't share, it's a very lonely experience. So I always share and I’m happy to interact if we have the same f/o :)
DMs are always open if you need a shoulder to lean on
If you need to dump or vent or whatever, my DMs will always be open so you can chat! It can feel weird, and maybe you'll feel bad because you won't know what to say!!!
That's okay :)
Even if all you want to do is vent and never reply, I'm happy to listen and offer any words of encouragement and support you need to hear! :)
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desidarling123 · 3 years
Alright, I'm a little bit new, but listen... I'm a wolfstar stan and I don't see a real reason for this particular drama flare up. First of all, I don't like remadora and I doubt I ever will, but that's personal preference and I don't think the wolfstar fandom thinks there's anything wrong with the remadora fandom. With the reblogs on both sides, it looks like wolfstar fans think remadora fans are accusing wolfstar of being problematic, toxic, and/or abusive, inherently (I don't know the history behind you and op and I'm going to stay out of that as well but I'm talking about the fandom to fandom accusations). And remadora fans think wolfstar fans are accusing them of being homophobic because they don't ship wolfstar? That's not true, like I said, that's personal preference and I agree with what you said about nuance. The homophobic thing is in the context of accusing wolfstar of being problematic. To clarify, it's not that if you don't ship wolfstar you're homophobic, it's that if you think it's problematic while NOT thinking remadora is problematic (because, again, nuance) then that seems pretty homophobic. Anyway, I don't know. Maybe the fandoms just want a reason to be mad at each other and this isn't helping but I just wanted to clarify anyway.
You’re fine, and thank you for hopping into my inbox! Let me smooth the waters as bit -- us folks on the Remadora side are well aware that there are loads of issues with our ship, too (thx 4 nothing, JKR). We talk about it a lot within our community, and I think a healthy amount of critique is something everyone should be open to. 
What’s not been OK (and what I sort of jumped down OP’s throat for, which I understand, to unassuming onlookers would have been very !!!!) has been a recent flouting of what I would call traditional rules of engagement in fandom -- if you dislike something, tag it anti-X, and don’t cross-tag where someone who DOES like the ship might see it. 
Instead, as of late, the Remadora tag here and elsewhere has been FLOODED with accusations of homophobia (fully baseless, as you said) along with loads of general negativity from folks who do not know anything about us or why we enjoy the ship. People who are NOT a part of our community have felt entitled to entering our spaces and harassing us over what we like. 
The point of irritation (that led to the post OP talked about) is that the relentless attacks on our ship have come ALONGSIDE claims that Wolfstar is 100% unproblematic, or a “better alternative”. This feels unfair -- whatever your personal preference, painting one ship as strictly Bad and one as strictly Good is preposterous on face. It also puts us on the defensive -- yet again -- and so of course the counter has been to say, well, if we’re so Bad, what about This Thing About Wolfstar? Or This? (The kicker here being that we STILL manage to tag our critiques appropriately, even if that respect has largely not been returned to us)
It’s not enough for people to not like or be indifferent towards our ship -- instead, some folks have become hell-bent on proving that Remadora is the Beacon of All Things Wrong with fandom. Which is, frankly, exhausting.
OP has been part of that deluge of negativity -- their contribution was a meme  that deliberately misstated the facts of a real case, and spurred further attacks and accusations of homophobia towards our fandom. There’s been other accusations, too, but the homophobia one has struck a personal chord because so many of us ARE, in fact, queer.
They’ve also engaged on a personal and extremely rude level with many of my mutuals (the ‘cyberbullies remadora stans’ in their bio is a nice touch), so when I saw the post on my dash I did get angry. I got angry, because I looked into the very serious accusations his post made, accusations that had made so many of us feel guilty over something (a supposed lawsuit from Hers Truly) that we couldn’t have possibly had any control over -- only to find out they were all bunk, and clearly written to spur more hatred between the two sides.
Also, before I end, I’d just like to clarify: 
I was being snarky in comments to snipe at OP directly, but I have nothing personal against Wolfstar. (I actually have grown to like it quite a bit, despite other drama.) Nor do I think a ship needs to be canon for you to enjoy it -- that’s the whole fun of fandom, of filling in the gaps. Who cares what a renowned TERF has to say about it? Every iteration of these characters and pairings has a right to exist without backlash. You can enjoy Wolfstar and I can enjoy Remadora and we can all stick our🖕 at JKR, because I think both communities have been critical enough of her work and motivations to have reclaimed the ships -- problems and all -- on our own terms.
Anyways! Sorry for such a long post, and thanks for being so polite about it. I hope this clarifies some things from our POV. 
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
I don't know if you want to talk about this (and feel free to ignore this if you don't want to answer), but I wanted to ask which side of the Ethren mess you're on? I know in the beginning you were on his side, but I've seen so much hate and so many accusations and I don't know what to believe anymore, and I trust your judgement
I have to be honest -- when I first saw that a blog had been created with the specific purpose of “calling out” someone in the HPHM fandom...I blocked it.
I come to this fandom largely to escape from the real world. It’s been one of the few remaining sanctuaries I’ve had during this quarantine and from my own mental health problems. I’ve made a lot of friends in this community, and I feel very strongly about putting out more positive content than negative, as well as trying to digest more positive than negative. I don’t like the thought of a stranger posting stuff online about someone else who -- let’s be honest -- nobody truly knows unless they actually physically know them IRL. Unless one wants to go down an entire rabbit hole of getting to know a person uncomfortably well, there’s not much anyone can do to prove what’s true. And I know it sounds really immature and selfish of me, but...I was never that interested in learning much about this fandom’s members’ personal lives, excluding what the friends I’ve made have been willing to confide in me on a case by case basis. I have plenty of my own drama happening over here on my side, and I just want to have fun roleplaying with people’s characters and making content for both mine and theirs. It’s been one of the few things that helped me fight back my untreated and severe chronic depression after being furloughed from my job thanks to the COVID-19 shutdown. My job had been my escape, and without it, I was drowning -- one of my only life preservers was making content for this blog. So for my own mental health, I shut out the negativity, because I wasn’t emotionally or mentally able to deal with it. And admittedly, it felt to me as though this sort of thing really shouldn’t be handled online when -- again -- this sort of thing seems like it’d be better handled in the real world and the legal system, rather than in the court of mostly anonymous public opinion. And it also feels kind of nasty to reblog content from people online who simply liked the character Ethren Whitecross and made fan content for him, just to harangue them for it. It’s like attacking all Harry Potter fans for being transphobic just because they enjoyed something created by a trans-exclusionary radical feminist -- particularly when in the case of Ethren, the vast majority of us don’t know Ren personally. One could’ve related to Ethren’s story without knowing anything about his creator, and people did, often not because of any kind of malevolent reasons.
After receiving this message, though, I unblocked the blog in question and read some more of their posts. When I’d first blocked it, the only post of theirs I saw in the HPHM tag came across as rather hostile, and combined with Ren’s blog saying that an ex was stalking him, I don’t think it’s unsurprising that some people were initially warded off by it. But reading some of the other stuff written on that blog since...I must acknowledge there’s a lot of troubling stuff there. It made me very upset, and made me kind of regret that I’d initially jumped into making a stance without hearing both sides. But at the same time, considering that someone from outside the fandom had arrived specifically to target someone in the fandom, supposedly on behalf of someone else who also had no ties to the fandom, it looked a lot like cyberbullying to me at the time. Now it’s very clear there’s more to the story, and for that initial leap to judgment, I am sorry. I wasn’t in a place where I understood fully what the discussion was about before I took a side, and that’s something I should know better than to do.
But I think this comes down to, in the end, my answer to your question, regarding sides.
I don’t want to take a side -- because I didn’t come to the HPHM fandom to fight people. I came here to be happy.
I know someone could read this as cowardly and ignorant, but please, understand that I thought long and hard about this. This place has been a safe space for me, and I understand it has been for others as well -- a place where we can go to enjoy art and fanfiction for something we enjoy and roleplay as new, interesting characters with other people who have similar interests and creative leanings. I thoroughly understand that it can’t truly be a safe space if we allow people who would threaten other people’s safety into it, and I also thoroughly understand that people can include problematic aspects of themselves into their characters along with good things (just look at how J.K.’s apparent subliminal views on the LGBT+ community influenced how she’s handled Dumbledore). Both things are definitely things to be aware of, and it’ll be an ongoing struggle to try to propagate a truly welcoming and positive, and yet safe and supportive community. There will always be shadows and dark spots that aren’t easy to see, just like with all fandoms, and it’s good to now and again take the time to examine them.
But to quote a line from one of my favorite songs, “it’s hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead.”  I cannot log onto my computer and into this fandom every day and think about openly attacking someone else, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. This feels like something that the victim should handle herself in the real world, and I truly hope that she finds peace in whatever path she takes. But that is her story to tell, to write, and to play out -- it’s not mine. Mine is a story I have written and am still writing, where I’ve tried to find a way to be happy and be a good person despite everything in my life that has made that so difficult. And so I truly feel the only way I can approach this situation is to not let the things that hurt and drain me have power over my life, and put my energy toward things that build me up instead. I try not to visit tags or places online that could be triggering, and simply enjoy the things I do like. I’ve stopped spending money on things Harry Potter-related because of Jo’s stance on transgender rights, but still engage in the HP fandom and celebrate what is good in the original material and especially what its fandom has made out of it. In this case, I will simply do the same, particularly since from the look of things, Ren’s blog is no longer around for anyone to interact with anyway, positively or not. I’ll engage with blogs whose work I can still enjoy and give me some light when I most need it, and try my best to keep creating more light of my own for others. I will light candles, and little by little, I’d like to think the room will be bright enough that the dark will be significantly smaller and less scary than it was.
I understand if any of you disagree with or are angry about anything I’ve said. I know “playing both sides” is not a great thing to do, and I truly don’t mean to. But I’m afraid I do have to take my own side here, for my own mental and emotional well-being. I responded to this Ask because I felt like saying nothing would’ve truly been the cowardly thing to do, by pretending the issue isn’t there at all. I’m not pretending it isn’t there -- but I do think it’s a battle I’m ill-equipped to engage in, not because of my personal morals, but because I don’t feel emotionally able to play the role of judge, jury, and executioner in this court of public opinion.
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hmm.. I don't why I even bother with my mutuals. I'm the only one who engages with them. Yet, when I send a simple cool starter meme to a mutual they don't reply to mine, but other people. This has been happening for several months, it's a small rpc, but the fandom is large. Whenever I reblog a meme I don't ever expect anyone to send me anything that's their choice, but its quite dishearting when my mutuals doesn't send any. Only one or two do sometimes five, while I'm nice enough to send it in their askbox. Sometimes I wonder if its because I don't post my fanart on my blog or I write a popular character; some rpers have a negative stigma against.. which is unfair and wrong.. Its so depressing. I don't know why I'm sad I'm in my 30s I should not be feeling this way. Or perhaps I'm being taken advantage of due to how genuine and considerate I am.. its like they sit back and do nothing while I do the work. God I hope not. I'm very chill and respect my mutuals. It just seems as though I'm being lead on and I'm afraid to express how I feel.
I'm really sorry you're feeling like this, Anon, I don't know if anything I have to say will help, but maybe it'll at least be helpful that you've gotten to express it somewhere! I'm definitely going to try, though.
Unfortunately, all of this is way too common. You're not at all alone in feeling this way, any of it! I think we've all had the experience of what amounts to being in one-sided RP, if we haven't, it's because we haven't yet. You'd think that being in a smaller area of the RPC that it would make this less likely to happen, but I think it can be worse sometimes in this situation because people in smaller circles have a tendency to become insular in a way that can be really bad.
It isn't usually intentional, you just become very comfortable with this smaller number of people and your relationships with them, everyone ends up with a sort of role within it. We establish in our minds that muns a, b, and c are our go-to writing partners, b and c are those we always send to or answer memes from, a we always interact with extra OOC, and so on. When you're muse d, your efforts go nowhere, you're not the mutual for any of it in their minds.
There probably is something making this easier, though, and you might very well be right about you being genuine and considerate being a factor. As much as that is the way to be, it can act against you as well if you're being viewed not as just a nice, considerate mun, but as someone who just exists to quietly support others. People could be viewing you as so relaxed and without demand that it doesn't matter to you much, or that even if it does, you're not a priority compared to the mutuals they might be concerned about dropping them if they don't give enough attention to them.
To that end, there is honestly not much you can do. Anything you say on the dash is likely to come across as suddenly too demanding or guilting, and coming to them individually to ask if there is something you could be doing for more interactions might not be seen as a genuinely no-pressure question. I'd recommend, if there are any changes you end up enacting in order to help combat all of this, that you post a very pleasant message saying, essentially, "I've made some updates and I'm looking to do some new threads, if anyone is interested, here is my meme tag! If you'd like me to send you a meme, comment what your meme tag is so I can."
That way, you're making them aware that you have changed some things (you can even post about those specific changes so they can all see if those are things that they felt were holding them back from interacting), directly stating you want/are seeking new interactions with them, and giving them two options to start that up quickly. Nothing guilt-trippy about it, just informative and direct, but polite still.
Now, about those possible changes, because there might be some other factors compounding this situation.
Do your current mutuals seem to be just meme based? I mean, do they primarily interact only through memes, or do they prefer to do some plotting first? It could be that they don't feel like responding to the starter meme coming from you is going to turn into a lasting thread if they require some plotting. It's possible that they started out just doing memes, but as time has gone, they've changed...and not mentioned it.
For example, I do require plotting or established interactions between mun and muse alike before I'll do a starter-style meme with someone. That's because I want it to be a longer-lasting thread, and I don't have to do plotting with these muns to make that happen. I also put that in the tags on the incredibly rare occasion I reblog one because that's the polite thing to do, but they may feel afraid that they'll be accused of favoritism or elitism if they do that. I'm not saying that's right, it's not, it's unfair and kind of mean to ignore people for their failure to do something you require that you're not telling them about, but it could be part of what is happening.
If they have open starters, do starter calls, that they're also not responding to (or have things in their rules about plotting) that could be a big part of this issue. They'd rather you react to the open starters, or contact them about writing a starter, and/or contact them for plotting.
There is also the possibility that the memes you're sending do not seem, to them, like situations that are either going to work out or that are appealing from your muse. Obviously, you thought so, or you wouldn't have sent it! It's always hard to tell what someone else thinks, however.
The memes you're sending could be too vague, or conversely, too specific for a situation they don't see with your muse/don't want with your muse. If they're very simple sentence starters, that could be hard to respond to with a muse they don't have established interactions with. If they're too specific, they could feel it's implying a relationship with your muse that theirs doesn't have.
It's a difficult balance and a lot of guessing, but try to send something in the middle of the two. Something that doesn't imply the muses know each other, but also gives something interesting to go off of easily.
Could also be the number of memes you're sending. Everyone wants to get memes, we're all upset when we post a meme and get absolutely nothing! But one person sending us many memes can feel overwhelming or even demanding. I know you're not trying to come off that way, and I cannot say that it is being perceived as such, but this is a possibility and I am trying to cover as many of them as I can in case one works out so you can enjoy yourself in RP again!
If you think this may be the case, try holding off on sending them. Give yourself a set number...something very small at first like one to each mutual a month only when it comes to starter-style memes specifically. That's going to be lame, and I'm sorry! You clearly don't have the interactions you want and it's upsetting enough to you as it is, but if running this experiment means figuring out something that allows you to have them, it'll be worth it, right?
As for the memes you do receive from others, what kind are you getting? Are they sentence/starters, or ones you can answer OOC? Variety of both? Are they the most basic, non-committal sentence on the meme, or interesting, engaging ones? This could be an important clue as to what your mutuals want/where they hold the possibility of your interaction and why. It could also be adding to their perceptions.
I feel like I should say again, as I've no desire to add to how bad you're feeling, that I mean none of this in either an assured way or a judgmental one. I'm just covering all bases of possibility, and even if any of these things are the case, you're not being a bad RP partner, you just might be the wrong one for some of your current mutuals.
If you are primarily getting OOC or non-committal sort of sentence starters, they could be trying to send you memes to be nice, but not have an interest in writing with you. They could be trying to see more of your muse before making that commitment, too. It could be that they're seeking some more development on the muse from you, or more development of a verse they think their muse would work out best with yours in.
So, if you're getting questions that are giving you an opportunity to talk about your muse, develop them, show everyone how you write them, be sure you're taking that opportunity. Try not to reply to those with really short, obvious answers/responses. If it seems there is no way to answer without being obvious, think on ways you can give new information involved with the obvious answer.
If you are getting sentence/starter memes, make your reply as personally interesting to that mun as possible. Go through their wishlist tag if they have one and write your response based on one of them. If they haven't any plots they've expressed a desire to do, you can still get a good idea of what they find particularly appealing by both the threads they already have and the sort of things they reblog. It could just be that, in the past, what you've given in return wasn't something they felt drawn to enough.
Since you said in the second message you sent that this was a relatively recent thing, they used to interact with you, I'm really wondering if they've lost interest in your muse for another fandom favorite, or there is a similar issue going on. Because that certainly implies that something changed for them that did not change for you.
Has there been a significant change in fandom? An old favorite character returned, there is a new one the whole fandom is about, or yours did something in canon that the fandom didn't like? It's always the risk of playing a canon...even one that is canonically dead can end up having something in their story added to that drastically changes the fandom's opinion, so it's a possibility.
In any event, on the other points, big fandom favorite-of-the-moment canons always, I mean that, knock everyone else out. jusAnd it doesn't even have to be in your fandom, either! It can be in a popular enough fandom that your mutuals accept crossovers from, and can feel really shocking when you have a situation like...they all left that major fandom due to burnout with it or drama, but were still attached to it enough to accept crossovers, and suddenly, new media, especially with an old favorite, appears - you are categorically ignored for another fandom's MC lol Neat feeling!
So, it could have nothing at all to do with you. You're just not the hyperfixation right now.
There are some changes that could have happen that might be more involved with you. I don't want to say "have to do with you," because that implies fault and it's not a fault situation when people change and want different things than what they one enjoyed with you. It's possible that some of your mutuals have grown into lengthier writing, different plot genres (they were about hurt/comfort, now they're about fluff), are more/less into shipping than they were, things like that.
I feel I should clarify again that this isn't judgment! It's unfortunately stigmatized to call this "growing into/progressing/etc." when that's just the best way to put it. It implies that you lack growth, you're stuck somewhere, you need to progress. That's not what I'm implying, or that there's anything wrong with continuing to enjoy a hobby the same way you always have...just as there's nothing wrong with expanding on it.
This could be part of the situation. Especially if your mutuals are at one of those awful age ranges where people experience rapid changes in how they enjoy things. What is a great time when you're RPing in your late teens is really different from what you enjoy in your early twenties is really different from what you enjoy in your mid to late twenties is different from what you enjoy in your early thirties is...you get the point. (Though, I will say, for all y'all ageist folks out there: you need to both stop shitting on teens/early twenties people for writing at a lower level than you in your late twenties and stop acting like anyone over thirty is a pedo, unapproachable, and into their forties and beyond are just incomprehensible as writers. Writing is a skill, you improve by doing it, and there is no magical age at which one turns into a pedo and has to give up their interests.) It's really possible that many of them have moved into different aspects of RP than you have.
If that seems to be the case, you have a couple of options. Pay attention to what they are writing, see if that's something you would enjoy working on doing as well. If so, start working on it by increasing your writing skills with any threads you do have or memes you do get, practice is the best way. If you have literally nothing to practice with, you'll have to practice on your own by taking a meme line you would have loved to get, using it as a writing prompt, and writing out what comes to you, just as you would in a meme someone sent you.
Okay, so what if you aren't interested in doing what they are? That's fine! Instead, you may want to look into attracting new mutuals that are more into what you are.
Honestly? If you feel like you are questioning why you even bother with these people already...that's my honest opinion of what you should consider doing regardless. Find new mutuals.
We all know there's a bit of a promo issue, they don't bring in new partners the way they once did, but it's still a good idea to have one floating around. Promo yourself on any relevant lists of active RPers out there you can find. If it's something you'll be alright with, be sure you're crossover and OC friendly to attract the maximum amount of muns and advertise in the maximum number of lists (though, if you say you have a verse in a fandom, do actually make that verse). Verses are a great way to give your potential mutuals the possibility to interact with your muse, consider adding ones from any major fandoms you enjoy and the usual favorites like a "modern" verse.
Other things you can do/should check if you're going to try attracting new mutuals would be having some writing on your blog for them to see and being certain your rules, muse bio, etc. are all up to date and finished out.
With the writing, I realize the situation you have going on is not great for showing potential mutuals your writing! Whatever current things you have, be as active with them as possible, and consider doing some headcanons or one shots. That way there is something that shows you're active, a bit about what interacting with you and your muse is like, and what you're capable of writing.
And with the other things, they're all really important information for mutuals to have, especially new ones who haven't been there with you this whole time. Your old mutuals may know, for example, what putting in your rules "just don't be a dick" means to you, specifically, but new mutuals do not. So, give your rules a once-over to be sure they're clear on what you do/do not want, how you approach RP, etc. Make sure all the common things are covered, but things unique to yourself as well.
If you haven't finished your muse bio, or you feel there are new things for you to add to it now, it's the best time to do so! Since you have a canon, I have to say it - don't just link to a wiki. Take this time you've been unfortunately gifted by inactivity to write up your own take on this muse - your portrayal is different than anyone else's, show your new mutuals how.
If you haven't a page for verses yet, or that page/post is really brief and has things like, "this is a modern verse, it takes place in our world" now is also the time to either make it or improve this. Really tell them what is different about your muse in each verse, what's interesting about this verse, where they fit into the canon of whatever fandom. Treat these verses as foundations for what you'll build with your mutuals, not hard stories that have to be followed, and be sure you're clear about that on the page/post! It'll help more people engage with your muse when they don't feel like you have an immutable story already without them.
Consider adding a navigation page/post if you do not already have one. A pinned post can work for this! That way you can link by your tags as well, so new people checking out your blog can quickly see your memes, headcanons, aesthetic posts, everything. And if you haven't been tagging those things? Start doing it for this purpose! Give people a way to quickly and passively check out as much as possible on your muse before they choose to interact, it'll help them make that choice.
As a last thing...I have to ask, have you asked any of your present mutuals why you're not interacting anymore?
I understand if you haven't, especially if you hadn't developed a good rapport with them yet. They could take that as guilting or pressuring and get annoyed with you, so I get the anxiety and reluctance. People also have an unintentionally horrible way of lying, too. Their intentions are good, they just don't want to make anyone feel bad or start an argument, but the outcome isn't nice. Yeah, people do totally ask these things expressly to be lied to and validated, or even to start an argument, but we shouldn't be treating everyone like that's what they're doing. We should assume that when people ask for help understanding a problem that they want the help. Community problem we all need to work on!
But anyway, if you feel like any of them are going to be honest and polite with you, and you haven't done so already, try asking them what is going on. No one knows better than they do why they're not engaging with you anymore, after all. Even if this isn't a situation that is going to improve with these mutuals, it's good to know for the future.
To avoid sounding like you're pressuring/shaming/guilting them, choose your words and phrasing carefully. Instead of, "I noticed you don't respond to the memes I send you, but do respond to memes from other mutuals," try, "I noticed we don't interact much anymore, it's fine if you're just in a different place now, but if there is something I can be doing differently, it would help me a lot to know, if you're alright with discussing that with me."
I'm not trying to imply you don't know how to converse with people, Anon lol I just know that it can be a difficult situation, it can lead to us unintentionally saying something that come off wrong to the other party. I'd really love for you to get an answer, even if it isn't one you like, so you'd at least know what went on and could move on from it.
Because this, reasonably, is pretty upsetting.
You are never too old to feel disappointed, hurt, or confused, Anon! It's okay to be depressed at any age when you've invested your time and energy in a hobby only to have it passed over for nebulous reasons. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, but that's the thing...hobbies aren't your job, the time and energy you invest in them is just for you. It's a passionate pursuit, if you want it to be. So having this kind of situation is hurtful, and you don't even know why it's happening.
Tumblr has this extremely gross problem with throwing around shit to shame muns over twenty-five for having a hobby still, don't internalize it! I'm not remotely sorry that I have interests outside of my work, cleaning my house, paying my bills, or having offspring (which, I do not, but that's the expectation, at midnight on your twenty-sixth birthday, if you don't drop dead, you have three children and a spouse and they're your sole interests, this is the only way to be an adult)...and I'm not remotely sorry for being as passionate about those interests as I was ten and twenty years ago, either. Including the emotions that come with it. I'm sure that if being a PTA parent was my primary hobby and someone snubbed me repeatedly in it without telling me why, I'd be upset about that, too. It's okay to have a hobby, it's okay to have feelings, including negative ones like being depressed. No matter what the RPC has to say about it.
I just hope that something in here helps! It might take a little bit to find new mutuals, talk to your current mutuals, try out new things with your writing, whatever it is you end up trying, but try to stay patient and looking forward to better things to come. I believe this can work out, and you deserve for it to!
Oh, on a side note? If it is your muse being one the fandom has stigmatized? Same, and fuck them. Is that hostile? Yes, and I'm not sorry lol Don't feel like you need to change muses because of that. You need to find the right mutuals, not cater to negative, irrational, and almost certainly purity culture-based attitudes of the wrong ones. When you take up a muse your fandom, or even corner of your fandom's RPC, has taken issue with, your only responsibility is to accept that you likely will have fewer interactions as a part of that choice. Fewer does not mean none, nor does it mean the interactions you don't want/are not fulfilling or otherwise enjoyable for you. Again, you just need to find the right group of muns!
There are muns out there who will appreciate your muse, and exactly as you are writing them too. There are muns who will appreciate your writing style, activity level, and preferred genres. If it takes you a bit to find them, just look at it as an exercise to spend more time developing your muse and writing for when you find them. It'll all be worth it if you hang in there.
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fair-fae · 8 years
You know, I'm not a drama person, I don't like it, but it came up on my dash so much that I kind of had to read it. All of that nonsense could've been avoided if you didn't even take it to the public. Judging people for THEIR characters that THEY made and can do WHATEVER the hell they want with them? Oh woo ho good job, you're so popular for taking the "barrage" of it. No. all it did was prove that you're a D-bag and I've got a nice, long list of people to block now and avoid contact with.
Okay, anon. I haven’t bothered setting the record straight with most of this shit, because I know folks like you will continue to believe what you want to believe and hear what you want to hear, just like you’re doing now. But I’ll bite. You’d think all of you getting onto your soapbox about how you shouldn’t judge or attack others wouldn’t keep talking shit about a situation you know nothing about and/or are terribly misinformed about. So I’ll enlighten you with what actually happened.
A while back, the person in question got into an argument with some people on the RPC, trying to tell them that their interpretation of the lore was wrong. Rather than leaving it at that, when he effectively got shut down there, he proceeded to take a screenshot of the conversation and post it on his tumblr, complete with a rant about the people who disagreed with him, their opinions are so wrong and awful, how dare they disagree with him, etc. essentially playing the victim when he was the one to try to badger them for their opinions in the first place. He also left their names, icons, signatures, etc. in full view.I responded and told him he probably shouldn’t be trying to harass any other people about the lore considering his own character concept (thus, you would think, making my opinion on his character pretty clear). Why? Because it’s fucking true.I don’t give a shit about the lore or whether anyone follows it. Probably every single one of my own characters at least bends the lore. But at least have the self-awareness and respect for your fellow role-players to say “yeah, my character breaks the lore” or not get your jimmies rustled every time someone says “oh, yeah, his character is lore breaking.” You wanna break the lore? Cool. Own up to it. And if you do break the lore, don’t try to force everyone else into following it–especially when you can’t even admit you break lore and instead stretch the lore to try so hard to justify your entirely lore-breaking character concept. Don’t try to heckle people for presumably doing what you do but won’t admit. Granted, these people weren’t even breaking lore anyway, which makes his insistence that they were even more ridiculous.So after some excuses about how he was trying to start some intellectual discussion or something and not just drag these people despite featuring their identities and primarily just complaining about them throughout the post, he admitted he should have at least edited out their names and apologized. Great! You’d think that should be the end of it. I didn’t have anything against him at that point, but also had no desire/reason to associate with him, so I didn’t. A couple months go by. Some post comes across my dash. A girl in the community is doxxing her online ex-boyfriend in a callout post about him for unexpectedly breaking up with her because she “thinks” he was lying to her about serious issues and “believes” he was cheating on her. Because I’m a loud and opinionated person, and because that’s some heinous thing to do, I spoke out against it (via a post on my own blog without naming names, mind you, because I’m not going to hijack someone else’s post with negativity or call them out by name). The girl found it, assumed it was about herself, flipped out, and then of course I was the bad guy for saying doxxing isn’t okay. And then the person in question joins in. Not even to discuss the topic at hand, but to dredge up the old drama about how I was so mean to him and he did nothing wrong, etc. A pretty crappy 180 turn for a person who apologized and made it seem like there were no hard feelings, but whatever. Someone saw that he obviously didn’t like me, and seized the chance to try to talk shit and spread rumors because they knew he’d give them the platform. They sent him some anon about how I hate women (lmao). And of course, he published it, with no skepticism or disagreement, only more commentary about how I’m mean and awful. I went to respond, only to find myself blocked. So I went on about my life because it’s not that big of a deal, but hey. The moment you talk shit about me, especially in a venue where I can’t respond, especially facilitating some lies and BS rumors, especially after leading me to believe we’d made amends–you aren’t off limits. You don’t get spared niceness and politeness. Is that mean and petty? Probably.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve never claimed to be a nice person.Now, to the horrible, awful thing I did to make this “public.” Fast forward to yesterday. I’d kept my mouth shut and left him alone. In a section of the RPC that doesn’t get a ton of traffic, largely because you have to make an account on the website and then manually opt in to this specific forum, several of us were discussing an absolutely awful person which is an unrelated story I won’t get into. Someone asked something along the lines of, “Are you guys talking about Underaged Looking Allagan Voidsent Chimera Demon Guy?” I responded with basically “No, we’re not talking about Underaged Looking Allagan Voidsent Chimera Demon Guy.” And that was it. We moved on with the conversation because he wasn’t who we’d been talking about. His name, tumblr, server info, in game race, class, etc. was all never given. No identifiable information beyond a very brief and tongue-in-cheek description of his RP character comprised of words taken directly from his own wiki, tumblr info, talk of his own character and RP posts.Someone saw the conversation, and based on our intentionally shitty description, was able to accurately guess who we were talking about and send him an anon to tell him about it. You’d think that would be pretty telling about his own RP, and this anon’s interpretation of it. He answered the anon in a long rant about me that featured both my in game name and my tumblr handle. In case you need me to spell this out for you, he went public with it first. I’ll also remind you that I was blocked, so I wasn’t/couldn’t be following him, and I was not properly @tagged in this rant, so I never would have seen it unless someone told/linked me, or someone I follow eventually reblogged it. And I honestly can’t imagine the level of narcissism it takes to write a long personal post full of wangst and victim-playing every time you hear a person had something negative to say about you or your RP character (not even by name–and by picking words from his own descriptions of his character), especially a person you have had issues with in the past and who you openly shit-talked yourself prior. Who does that? Lord knows my blog would be overflowing. Not everyone will like you, especially not people you jabbed at first. Especially not with an off the wall RP concept. Especially not with you trying to pass that concept is lore abiding and just “unusual.” Especially not with you trying to tell other people they���re “wrong” about the lore. Especially not with your character being a squicky, walking fetish and immortal jailbait. And that’s not even touching other things people have told me about this person that rubbed them the wrong way. Move on with your life.However, I found out about the post thanks to the OP himself when he unblocked me just to send me the link to the post and then before I could even read/respond to the post, sent me a barrage of IM’s still playing the innocent victim which is grating enough on its own but also included him straight up lying about ever posting/saying anything about me, insisting he’d done nothing to me, had nothing against me, this was so out of the blue and uncalled for, etc. When I pointed out this wasn’t the case, that I had seen and read the posts firsthand because blocking me doesn’t prevent me from seeing his posts, he began to lie instead about the contents of said posts and pulled some gaslighting bullshit about how I had just “misread” them, all the while either willfully or coincidentally not seeming to understand anything I said to him (I mentioned him publishing the anon about how I hate women at least twice and the response was always “I never said you hate women!!” Well no shit). He kept insisting that I had “gone behind his back” and that if I had a problem I should “say it to his face” despite the fact he’d had me blocked and that I’m not a douchey enough person to try to contact him despite that, and despite the fact that he had “gone behind my back” and not “said it to my face” twice now prior, and had done just that with his post about the folks from the RPC as well.He also insisted that the tumblr post was meant just to innocently “bring the issue to my attention to clear things up” despite me having no way to see it on my own unless by coincidence, and despite him proving to be willing and able to send me IM’s instead, which you’d think could render the need for a public post moot. When I pointed this out, he promptly deleted the post, lest anyone else see through his bullshit to what he was really trying to do.After my initial response to his wall of IM’s, he sent another wall this time with more insults and accusations, and promptly blocked me so I couldn’t respond. So yes, I made a vaguepost, I know, how awful, how dare I. A vague post vague enough that only someone who had seen his post, or who heard about it from him otherwise, would know who and what it was referencing. Until he responded to it himself, that is and unblocked me again to send me more angry messages to which I responded by permanently blocking him instead because this game of blocking and unblocking sure was getting old.Cue his charming friends sweeping in to tell me to eat a dick, making false accusations against my RP partner and I, sending me threats on Discord, telling people I flashed my breasts for money, etc. And the other person? The one who brought him up in the first place who I had only been responding to? Whose name he was given, was aired in the same public post on his blog as mine? As far as I know, she hasn’t gotten any hate, probably not a single message. And I’m glad, because she shouldn’t get any, she doesn’t deserve it. But at the same time, sure seems sketchy that the person who did the same exact thing as me–and who did it first–has not provoked anyone’s ire, not even been messaged. The public post in reply to the anon who named her, even, was aimed 100% at me. Now isn’t that funny. It’s almost like this was an excuse for people who already had beef with me to try to take shots at me and pretend it was justified. It’s almost like all you anon keyboard warriors don’t even know how this started or what actually happened.And now I’m going to talk about something else. You cannot do “whatever the hell you want” with your character. RP is a two-way (or more) street. There is a real person behind each and every character. These people are looking for fun just like you, and are every bit as deserving, and your fun shouldn’t impede on theirs. We are all allowed equal parts of fun.So when people play their weird ass lolicon/shotacon/pedobait characters, who is having fun? What if the other person in the RP was sexually abused as a child and you’re dredging up terrible old memories for them and making light of their pain? What if they’re a parent worried for their child, or worse, the parent of a child who’s already been abused? What if they’re an actual pedophile and seeing you RP this is tempting them, making them think they’re desires are normal and okay? Hell, what if they’re a goddamn ordinary person who finds it creepy and uncomfortable?What if the fetishized, futa ERP avatar is interacting with someone who is trans or nonbinary or intersex IRL? What if it’s triggering them (in the genuine, real sense of the word)? What if the walking affront against the lore character talking about being an Voidsent Half-Primal Garlean Spy in the middle of the Quicksand is ruining everyone’s immersion–particularly when they refuse to play along as others respond realistically IC and try to kill them or arrest them or kick them out? What if the OP af infinitely-stronger-than-everyone-else-around-him character is making the RP unfun for every other RPer involved because their characters can’t do anything but get beaten up or bow to his whims unless they stoop to godmodding or suddenly beefing up their own character?People can and will judge your character. Those judgments are usually best left kept themselves or quietly shared between trustworthy friends. But when your character trespasses on the OOC fun of the role-players around you? Sorry, my guy, people have every right to speak up. And all this nonsense? All this nonsense was a small handful of people who were already pretty nasty showing their true colors and getting told to pipe the fuck down. A pretty good outcome, if you ask me. So, please, block me, anon. My life will be better without idiots like you in it, and the same probably goes for anyone else you intend to block. Your nameless, ignorant, anonymous presence will not be missed–or noticed, for that matter.
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armstrong48-blog · 5 years
Here's What I Know About Wrestling
The kicker is that every loot box only opens 5 items at a moment. As soon as you realize that your opponent is tired or losing strength, you want to react immediately and pin his arm to the table. Friday's matches are going to have significant impact on tournament seeding. The song selection is fine. Like golf and tennis, it's only likely to attract a certain kind of fan. The larger picture was obviously the match for a whole. Wrestling: the Ultimate Convenience! The Viacom-based company trying to stay informed about the UFC signed Hager. The Stephanie McMahon character is simple to dislike. So, make certain to practice your abilities and use drilling to be the very best wrestler you can be.To acquire supplementary details on john cena standee please check out Superstar Cutouts. Grappling or wrestling is a fundamental portion of defense, and can allow someone that has been brought to the ground to acquire the upper hand. While Lesnar will be searching for revenge, there are a number of other clashes in the night to seek. Okada can acquire cocky, though. Wrestling - What Is It? In the event the wrestling community is ready to reveal this, it would be quite tricky to vote against it. The aim of our presentation was obviously to find approval but also to demonstrate how far girls wrestling has arrived. There are most likely a few wrestlers around who think they make a commitment. In case the sport of wrestling interests you and you want to find out more info about ways to train and where to train then below are some comprehensive details about gyms you may take part in to learn introductory level wrestling. Injuries still occur as a result of essence of the sport. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. Wrestling Options Finally, it's an established actuality that John Cena is the best wrestleman to get ever lived and would be an even greater father. Jericho's promos and segments build until the moment where someone is going to wind up on the list, or will receive this, or will get called a stupid idiot. Every Hollywood action film ought to have an expert wrestler on cast. The Advantages of Wrestling Wrestling photos are a really good method by which to find publicity. Bubba finally receives a tag and downloads. Cover, TWO, Mercedes is somewhat shocked. The Do's and Don'ts of Wrestling Styles, Cesaro, Wyatt are the very best workers in the organization. The crowd will count as though the ref would even consider counting to 3. WWE makes a whole lot of questionable decisions. Where to Find Wrestling The number you're seeking is 15! If you'd like to learn more regarding the sport or would like additional information about how to train and the locations it is possible to find to train then please keep reading as you will get some information on locations where you could train in and take part in entry level wrestling. You may usually locate a club to take part in at a reasonable price. Basically the ideal collection of wrestling stuff you're going to find in the region. The matches are predetermined but of course that's the whole purpose of the company. With each match that you compete in you're gaining valuable experience, even if it's the case that you don't know that it's happening. restling: the Ultimate Convenience! Help contribute to the website! Wrestling is an ideal topic for documentariesbecause of the very nature of the company. Internal development is the only thing we can govern. Because at the close of the day, if it receives the conversation going, it's far better than no conversation in the slightest. The following thing is they will need to make a determination on what skills they need to concentrate on. The response is it would ring false with the audience. The New Angle On Wrestling Just Released From that point, Barrett's WWE career appeared to be full of lots of false stars and non-finishes. TNA Wrestling feels they can benefit from Flair in a global aspect also. WWE is among the top kinds of amusement next to NBA. Because wrestling is fixed, obviously a few of the wrestlers will have to lose. A wrestler's yearly plan might also be known as a macrocycle. Some wrestlers can have a lucky tee shirt. Wrestling Fundamentals Explained On the flip side, more than 1 macrocycle might be used over the course of a wrestling season as you might have more than one key competition which you want to peak for. Moreover, autograph events are often held in order to permit fans to fulfill their favorite wrestling superstars up-close and personal. The victory is a great springboard into the postseason. The following suggestions will help you develop your wrestling strength and stay it throughout the season! When you take a youthful child to tournaments throughout the place make sure it is fun for him. There's tons of room on earth for one more side scrolling indie platformer with a large headed protagonist in a scary planet, but only as long as you're prepared to further innovate on such a concept. Wrestling and Wrestling - The Perfect Combination What's more, you can want to get a less intense practice the evening prior to a significant competition so you're recovered and fresh to wrestle hard the following day. These days professional wrestling has turned into a billion dollar enterprise. Across both main promotions in the USA, the last ten years are FILLED with power struggles between authority figures. The End of Wrestling It involves a lot of strength and control, because you need to be able to hold and control your opposition in order to win. Grip training should only be done at the conclusion of a workout. Successful wrestlers know that great nutrition is an essential part of their day-to-day training ritual. You can't wrestle if you don't have any energy. Freestyle provides a small change of pace from folkstyle and you might not be as concerned about maintaining a particular weight. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be in a position to experience an entire cycle 3 times. Rollins on the opposite hand has really been clung to the notion of beefing with the significant Dog. The Women's Division on Monday Night RAW is truly in a tricky spot at the moment. Everything was booked perfectly and the stream of the show felt the same as a PPV. Wrestling: the Ultimate Convenience! It's very rare to receive a title changing hands, or a vital storyline development which makes people wish to tune in. In fact, the thought of precedent is a fiction. In India sports people are utilised to advertise the Xbox 360. Then you'll have a better idea when it actually counts. Anime is the expression used to refer to the fashion of Japanese animation. Evidently, everyone has their own opinion for this statement. Get the Scoop on Wrestling Before You're Too Late You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. There are 3 periods in a worldwide wrestling match. If it still doesn't for you, then you should watch the whole match. To be able to chain wrestle well you should be sure you drill the moves individually. In addition, it's simple to create a tag team online. When you watch the chess match that's Freestyle, the smaller details might be lost on the typical fan. What Everybody Dislikes About Wrestling and Why Not everybody can be their very own hype man. Factions and a good deal more six and eight man tags would help protect a great deal of their feuds for larger shows. You don't ever want to say it's simple, but the guy makes it simple. Type of Wrestling In the WWE, the tag team division for a whole is set on the shelf, though most wrestlers concentrate on solo careers. Wrestling is a type of sports entertainment unlike any other. Beach wrestling is fun for everyone. Therefore, you've been playing cityville for some time now or perhaps just started. To the extent you've got an interest in playing wrestling on the web, you're going to be very happy to hear you can now play these games without actually having to pay any money. There's tons of room on earth for one more side scrolling indie platformer with a large headed protagonist in a scary planet, but only as long as you're prepared to further innovate on such a concept. Top Choices of Wrestling Due to this, there are not many serious injuries related to wrestling. Doing hundreds of stand-ups with negative technique won't enhance your stand-ups. So, practice doesn't need to be drudgery. Nakamura may be called up and create the challenge his very first night (highly unlikely). Bayley, on the flip side, is thought of as the ultimate babyface. Well, pro wrestlers are absolutely efficient and masters in regards to doing physical improvisation. Type of Wrestling If your kid is younger or his school does not own a wrestling group, you might discover a neighborhood independent wrestling club. Top players like John Brzenk of North America are famous for their collection of techniques within this sort of wrestling. Today this kind of wrestling is thought to be among the oldest and most demanding of all the recognized styles. It's also sensible to tailor your grip training for a certain athlete's need if it's possible to discover this. Some wrestle well just because they know that they're in terrific condition and have great skills. There are lots of things you ought to know about wrestling and what your kid will want to start on the mats. Vital Pieces of Wrestling Listen, the aim of your conversations with your little one needs to be positive and an opportunity to turn things into a learning piece. The wrestlers eat many big meals every day, and it's important they eat with somebody else as studies have revealed that we eat more when we are in the business of some other individual. Try to guarantee you or your athletes have some success too, for many folks doing pullups or chinups for a whole minute despite a band for assistance is extremely difficult or impossible. Basically the ideal collection of wrestling stuff you're going to find in the region. The strange and ever-changing world of pro wrestling is a tricky place to comprehend initially, particularly in this case with a ton of language and cultural barriers. Grabbing hold of any industry share in an industry that's been dominated by WWE for decades are going to be a tall job. The 5-Minute Rule for Wrestling The decade of destruction is really as soon as the streak began to get steam. To put it simply, Brock Lesnar remains in the majority of ways undefeatable, unless of course there's some type of interference or outside assistance, the same as Undertaker appearing at Battlegrounds when he fought Rollins. There's almost always a fresh roster which never loses credibility. The New Angle On Wrestling Just Released Styles went on to have one of the best years of any expert wrestler. A traditional Undertaker original that all of the fans love. Therefore, attempting to use periodization for wrestling may appear impractical. Ambrose puts Owens in the top tourniquet. A wrestler's yearly plan might also be known as a macrocycle. Lesnar winning will look like not a huge deal. The Fundamentals of Wrestling Revealed Exercise selection is likewise very vital to make the program possible. My very first love was music and have been in the business for twenty decades. Things have changed over time. The Wrestling Cover Up If, say, you need to capture your entire body, you'll need a screen that trails along the ground with a lengthier length based on how far away your camera will be and how much is shown. If you're looking to receive absolutely free energy in castleville then you've reached to the proper place. Don't starve yourself, just make certain you eat healthy though or else you'll have a challenging time cutting weight and not have a lot of energy whatsoever. Grip training to enhance hand strength on a sustained period will directly impact a wrestler's performance very fast and ought to be added to each program. Most athletes receive the best effect building up to 1-2 gallons each day. Besides eating right, you need to have an intense exercise program. To create the opponent appear stronger. Woods nearly receives the pin fall. Thus, there appears to be no end in sight for the prior champion. The song selection is fine. Following that, take your pick through the dumpster so far as very good tag teams go. The larger picture was obviously the match for a whole. The Hidden Treasure of Wrestling Exercise selection is likewise very vital to make the program possible. My very first love was music and have been in the business for twenty decades. Things have changed over time. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Wrestling Champions have an absolute urge to win. Wrestling is a type of sports entertainment unlike any other. Sumo wrestling games might seem to be an extremely effortless sport. Also remember to be able to enjoy wrestling games online you are going to be required to get flash player installed on your favourite browser. When it has to do with wrestling, you can imagine it like a video game. To summarize, if you're somebody who enjoys wrestling games, then you need to seriously look at playing this kind of game online. The Key to Successful Wrestling Arm wrestling puts plenty of pressure to the whole arm which might bring about tearing of tissues or cracking of bones. Grip training should only be done at the conclusion of a workout. Successful wrestlers know that great nutrition is an essential part of their day-to-day training ritual. You can't wrestle if you don't have any energy. Freestyle provides a small change of pace from folkstyle and you might not be as concerned about maintaining a particular weight. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be in a position to experience an entire cycle 3 times. Top Choices of Wrestling You may simply rehearse the moves and skills you would like to improve upon for as long as you desire. Doing hundreds of stand-ups with negative technique won't enhance your stand-ups. Roman comes out before Braun has the ability to murder Foley and they begin brawling. What You Should Do to Find Out About Wrestling Before You're Left Behind One only needs to have a look at Pentagon to know he's a special individual. The main reason is creating that which we wish to see out of something we love. The shortage of foreign object use proved to be an important lack in programming. Wrestling - the Conspiracy There's nothing cushioning the slam. The crowd will count as though the ref would even consider counting to 3. The fans in attendance weren't only counting in the last 10 seconds of a moment but in the center of a minute too. The Hidden Truth About Wrestling The number you're seeking is 15! Online Wrestling You can receive a fantastic start from doing just a little research on the internet by finding some good workout routines just by looking for it using Google. Perhaps you're thinking about selling your game in a foreign sector. Wrestling - What Is It? In the event the wrestling community is ready to reveal this, it would be quite tricky to vote against it. One of my most significant criticisms of women's wrestling is simply that. Beach wrestling gives people the chance to keep on participating in a sport they love. In case the sport of wrestling interests you and you want to find out more info about ways to train and where to train then below are some comprehensive details about gyms you may take part in to learn introductory level wrestling. Injuries still occur as a result of essence of the sport. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. The Basic Principles of Wrestling That You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Right Away Sting's WWE run was short because of injury. however, it was still great to find The Icon yet another time. TNA Wrestling feels they can benefit from Flair in a global aspect also. WWE is among the top kinds of amusement next to NBA. The Advantages of Wrestling Rollins on the opposite hand has really been clung to the notion of beefing with the significant Dog. The particular fan The New Day attracts is the sort of fan who would like to be the meme. Everything was booked perfectly and the stream of the show felt the same as a PPV. What Is So Fascinating About Wrestling? Not everybody can be their very own hype man. Factions and a good deal more six and eight man tags would help protect a great deal of their feuds for larger shows. Don't attempt to stay through your kid.
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