ghostiesandghoulss · 1 year
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Scars || Spencer Reid
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Requested: YES/NO
Gender: they/them. None.
Description: based on/set in 10x1 when the team where comparing scars, except Spencer wins.
Warnings: normal CM talk, everything Spencer has been through up to season 10 (possibly missed some but eh).
Callahan and J.J. sat in front of each other as the plane murmured in the sky, comparing scars; you eavesdropping in on the conversation of course as Derek came over to sit with them.
“What’re we doing, we talking battle scars?” Derek asked as he slid into the seat with his coffee on the table, “oh yeah, i probably hold the record,” you couldn't help but snort softly; thankfully going under the radar to the people across the aisle from you, “so what’re the rules, i mean are we just talking stitch count or are we going full on, like broken ribs, pistol whips, concussion?” Derek asked, running with the gag.
“You weren't kidding,” Callahan said with a grin to J.J., you grinned at this as you set down the book you were reading and made your way in the final empty seat next to J.J.
“Told you,” J.J. said with a shrug as she smiled at you as a hello.
“Well why don't we start with the most recent huh?” Derek asked, you stayed silent for the most part, “guy hit me in the arm, same guy hit me twice in the chest but i was wearing my vest so he left me some welts and; see these idiots think they can beat me but they cant so, they at least try to hurt me you know?” Derek set the scene as he thought of the next memory of injuries; he looked to you and raised his eyebrows with a grin, “oh! Lets not forget when i got blindsided,” J.J. let out an appreciative ‘mm’, “and thrown out the window,” Derek finished, you did smile at this as you had only been told the story, you hadn't actually witnessed it thus far. Derek turned to Callahan with a grin and nudged the woman's recently shot arm, “welcome to the team callahan,” Derek said as Callahan let out a little ‘ow’; this was now your time to shine.
“May i?” you asked the group respectively, Derek and J.J. nodded for you to continue as Callahan looked at you.
“You? Scars?” she asked jokingly with a grin, you couldn't help but smile.
“No no, unfortunately not mine; Spencers,” you said with a grin as you pointed behind you, the three people around you cocked an eyebrow.
“Go for it (Y/n),” Spencer's voice came out from behind yourself and J.J., you grinned as Derek and J.J. looked to you confused; even they didn't know what was coming. You cleared your throat as a joke and straightened your posture.
“May i present test subject number 323; FBI Supervisary Special agent Doctor Spencer Walter Reid,” you grinned as everyone chuckled at the long title, the snort behind you from the man in question also gave it away as you held up your hand and begun counting on your fingers, “our darling genius here has been abducted,” one finger, “tortured from that abduction for two days,” another finger, “sadly addicted to the drug he had been administered during said torture, though now clean for seven, almost eight years,” another finger, “next i believe he was infected with a worse and more toxic strain of anthrax that kills the carrier within a few hours i do believe,” another finger, “shot in the knee resulting in crutches for three months, a cane for two and finally being able to walk without assistance after 4 surgeries,” another finger, “shot in the arm; two minutes later, if that, his...uh” you paused, unsure if this was something you should share, however the hand that gripped your unused hand made your head turn, Spencer was crouching in the middle of the plane aisle, his eyes saying it was okay; you didnt even realise he had moved, but you continued, “shot in the arm and then less than two minutes later his first girlfriend was shot and unfortunately killed in front of him,” another finger, “has been in a helicopter accident,” another finger, “and last but unfortunately i have a feeling it is not the least; recently shot in the neck just barely missing his carotid artery and having to go in for life saving surgery,” you put up the final eighth finger with a knowing grin; Derek and J.J. where grinning while Callahan had her mouth open like a fly catcher.
“Oh and don't forget,” Spencer interjected, “momentarially died in the shed i was being tortured in before being resuscitated but my captor,” Spencer said to Callahan, the girl sighed and blew out some air with wide eyes.
“Jesus...im…” she was lost for words, you grinned.
“And let's not forget!” you drummed on the table, “putting up with me!” you grinned as you put your hands out and did some wonderful jazz hands. Derek scoffed with a grin, J.J. smiled widely and Callahan looked slightly confused.
“You?” she pointed between you and Reid, Reid now sitting on the empty couch on the opposite side of the aisle, “you two are-?” you cocked an eyebrow as Spencer smiled happily at the realisation.
“Five years,” Spencer said softly, he looked at you with such love and adoration in his eyes; everyone could tell and easily see how in love the two of you are, almost like the honeymoon phase, granted it took a little while for the two of you to get to that comfortable phase (only around six months). Spencer always changed when he saw you; if he was having a conversation he cut it off when you came into his line of sight, his rambling increased whenever you were around, he involuntarily moves to your side, to be close to you or to hold you hand, his pupils dilate, his smile grows wider. God, anyone who was a profiler, even a simple civilian, could see, read and tell how in love with you Spencer was, and you him of course.
“And you’re not married,” Callahan said more as a statement, “I don't see rings, i don't see indents of rings and i don't see tan lines of rings,” the woman said with a grin, Derek smiled as he and J.J. shared a knowing look. You and Spencer simultaneously reached under the collar of your shirts, both of you bringing out silver chain necklaces with beautiful rings on the end.
“Spence has my ring and, well,” you motioned to the ring you wore around your neck, “i wear his,” you smiled as the two of you tucked your rings back under your shirts, “i don't personally like wearing rings, they tug on clothes and get caught and rip things so we both agreed to wear them as necklaces instead and-” Spencer cut you off, not being able to keep the large grin off his face as he talked.
“And instead of us wearing our own we wear each others as a remembrance of our vows, a remembrance of any fights, disagreements or arguments we have and because, as (Y/n) put it,” Spencer brought his fingers into the air as quotation marks, “‘it just feels right’” you grinned at that.
“Remembrance of any fights?” Callahan asked, she seemed so interested.
“If we have any fights or whatnot and need time alone both of us fiddle with the necklace,” as a demonstration you pulled it out and started moving the ring on the chain, “it reminds both of us that we have each other and that no argument can come between the two of us; if it really does get that bad then it's also a remembrance that we would have to take off the necklace to give back to the respective owner and obviously if we can't take off that necklace then we cant let an argument get in our way,” you grinned as you finally took a breath and looked to Spencer teary eyed; of course this got you emotional over this, Spencer squeezed your hand in reassurance.
“You two definitely have something special,” Callahan said with a smile, you nodded not being able to form words as you squeezed Spencer's hand again before giving a nod and moving to sit with Spencer.
“Read to me?” you asked Spencer quietly as Spencer leant his back against the wall, you cuddled between his legs.
“What would you like me to read my love?” Spencer questioned quietly as he kissed the top of your head before threading his fingers through it. You thought for a minute.
“Quantum physics?” you joked causing Spencer to chuckle, “no i joke, um,” you thought for another minute, “how about Arabian Nights?” you questioned, “Aladdin specifically!” you exclaimed, Spencer had berated you on how One Thousand And One Nights (or Arabian Nights) is actually a collection of small tales including Aladdin, SinBad and Ali Baba. Spencer grinned as you made your specific request and kissed your head.
“Get comfortable,” Spencer said with a smile as the two of you moved slightly before he started, “once upon a time in China, there lived a boy called Aladdin”
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
pretend (pt.2)
JJ Maybank x female reader
Part 1
Summary: You cant stop thinking about JJ after spending time with him at the kegger, so you decide to seek him out.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: swearing, slight smut (if you squint), i think thats it?
A/N: i am not happy with this at all but im super tired and just wanted to post it so sorry in advance for the shitty writing - it also took longer than i wanted cos i didnt know where to go with the story so that was fun. Anyway i hope you like it (and feedback is always appreciated 🥺)
Tagging: @rudysbay​ @danicarosaline​ thanks for expressing interest in a second part 💙
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You never thought that your mind would be occupied with JJ Maybank’s face as much as it had in the last week since the kegger you spent with him.  To be honest it made you feel a little pathetic - it was one kiss and you were almost certain he wasn’t thinking about you as he literally is known for hooking up with girls and then not speaking to them.
The more you thought about him the angrier you got with yourself and your changing moods were becoming more and more obvious to your best friend Lily.
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked from where she was lying on your bed.
“Nothing, why?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s that you look like you’re about to rip that top you’re holding in half, you keep sighing and let’s not forget I can tell when you’re lying.” She smirked at you, knowing you had to tell her now.
“Fine,” You sighed, sitting on the bed next to her, “Remember the kegger we were at last week and how I spent it with that JJ guy?”
“Well I kinda want to see him again and I’m not sure if I’m being stupid because it was the first guy I ever really spent time with after Rafe and he’s hot but I don’t know, I feel stupid because he’s probably not given me a second thought.”
Lily grabbed your hand, “Babes, I love you but you’re a mess - you don’t know if he’s thought about you if you don’t ask, so stop torturing yourself.”
You nodded your understanding, “And so I think after our lunch today you should go and find him to ask then you’ll know .”
“I might.”
“No, you will, I’m gonna make you.” Lily laughed, jabbing your side with her finger.
Even if it was the most kooky thing to do, you and Lily often spent your time at the country club, either to eat or play golf with your dads, especially on a nice warm day like today.
The two of you had been there for around an hour just chatting constantly when a busboy came to clear up the table. You looked up to thank him but froze when you saw the face of JJ Maybank.
“JJ! Hi.”
He didn’t even acknowledge you, instead just finished picking up your glasses and left.
You turned to Lily, “Wow he really doesn’t give a shit about our fun evening then.”
She scowled at the back of him as he walked into the building, “What a dick.”
“Should I go and talk to him? Or is that a bad idea?”
“Yes you should, otherwise I’m going to talk to him and then possibly murder him as he’s hurting my best friend.”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes at her, “Please don’t.”
She stuck her tongue out at you as you stood up and followed JJ back into the building, hoping it wasn’t too upfront and that he would at least talk to you this time.
You saw him coming out the kitchen and shouted him over, he had a slight bit of annoyance written on his face but other than that nothing you could decipher.
“What do you want Y/N?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh so you do know who I am,” you scoffed, “Why are you giving me such a cold shoulder? I thought we had fun.”
You were already regretting coming to talk to him, you were never this upfront or seemingly over-involved after spending a small amount of time with a guy, so it made you very uncomfortable.
“Yeah we had fun, but you’re a kook and I’m a pogue and as you said on the night we were just pretending, so what more is there?”
He began to turn to walk away when you reached out for his arm, “We might have been pretending but this week I’ve been wanting to see you again because I thought there could be something. Maybe I was wrong though.”
This time it was his turn to grab your arm as you turned away, and before you had time to speak, his lips were on yours. The kiss was nothing like you’d ever experienced, you could feel yourself melting into his arms, losing yourself in the kiss - he tasted like the sea and it was something you wanted to taste forever.
You broke apart, both smiling like idiots as you looked at each other, “That was-“ you began to say.
“A reason I shouldn’t have been such an asshole, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, and I wouldn’t mind making this a more common thing by the way.” You smiled at him.
“Well I’m on my break now so…” he offered his hand to you.
You giggled as you took it and he dragged you towards a more secluded corridor, pushing you against the wall and put his lips on yours, his hands on your hips as he deepened the kiss. You never wanted it to end - but you didn’t always get what you wanted.
“Huh so you weren’t annoyed at him for long then?” Lily joked from where she stood at the end of the corridor, arms folded as she took in the two of you.
You gave her the finger, not noticing the look on JJ’s face as he quickly moved away from you, putting his hands back in his pockets.
You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he seemed nervous all of a sudden.
“It’s nearing the end of my break, I should, um probably go.” He pointed in the other direction and moved to head off.
You quickly pecked his lips, muttering to him “When are you free?”
“For you, anytime.”
You laughed, “you can always come to my house later, it’s easy to find.”
He grinned at you, “Will do princess.”
He had already turned away, luckily as he wasn’t able to see the blush that had spread across your cheeks at him calling you princess.
You couldn’t stop smiling, Lily raising her eyebrows at you as you walked towards her, “Damn girl I haven’t seen you like this in forever.”
“I haven’t felt like this in forever.” You admitted, the butterflies in your stomach still going crazy.
Sat at home that evening, you kept looking towards the door, hoping JJ would come round. Your parents weren’t home and you were an only child so there was no need to worry about any one bothering you.
There was a knock at the door, you quickly stood up and before opening it you checked yourself out in the mirror in the hall, you nodded to yourself and moved the handle. You were met with the shy smile of the blond boy, hands in his pockets like normal as he took in the size of your house.
“I’m surprised I haven’t mowed your lawn with a house this big.” He joked but you could tell it kind of bothered him, not that you knew what to say.
“Um, come in,” you stepped back allowing him to walk through the door then headed to the kitchen with him following you, “do you want a drink or something?”
“Nah I’m good thanks,” raising his eyebrows at the large glass of wine your poured yourself.
You sat in a comfortable silence just looking at each other, unsure of what to say.
“So,” he started, “do you surf?”
He did taste of the sea so you weren’t surprised this was one of the first things he asked about.
“I used to when I was younger but then my parents decided I needed ‘other, better hobbies’, so not really, but I do miss it.”
“When you’re free I’ll happily teach you how to again.”
You smiled at him, “holy shit I’d love that! I’ll probably make a complete fool of myself but at least it’d provide you with some entertainment.”
“And I’ll get to see you in a bikini.” He smirked
“Oh I look really good you’ll definitely like it.” You flirted back.
You chatted back and forth for hours, and at some point you two had moved to the living room where you were now sitting on his lap, slowly kissing each other, enjoying every second of it.
You were interrupted by a knock at the door, “What the fuck?” You say as you remove yourself from JJ’s embrace and go to see who it is - you were met with the last face you wanted to see, Rafe Cameron.
You held out your hand before he had the chance to speak, “Nope, fuck off Rafe I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Please Y/N I want to apologise.” He pleaded.
“I couldn’t give two shits about an apology because I don’t. care. about. you. That’s why we broke up and why I don’t want to have this conversation.”
You went to shut the door, only to be stopped by his foot.
“I still love you Y/N and no matter what you say I know you love me.”
In the corner of your eye you could see JJ stand up to come and see if you needed help, you shook your head to indicate him to stop - it would only make things worse if Rafe knew JJ was there.
“No I loved you Rafe. Past tense. You made me miserable and I still loved you for so long, but not anymore, so please go.”
He stepped back, “I will get you back Y/N.”
Slamming the door on his face you muttered, “Sure you will.”
You leant against the door for a second, even talking to him for a few minutes completely drained you, how did you date him for so long?
“Hey, you good?” JJ asked from where he leant against the doorframe of the living room.
You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, “Yeah I am now.”
Removing yourself from the hug, you patted his chest, “Right that’s enough of the heavy stuff, what do you want to do?”
He smirked at you as he pressed his lips against yours, instantly wiping the thoughts about Rafe out of your mind. He lifted you up so your legs could wrap around him, your hands behind his head as he led you back towards the sofa.
You were sat on his lap and as he moved his lips over your neck you moaned, wanting him to do more.
You blushed, “thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
He chuckled and moved to take off your shirt - you raised your arms to make it easier before moving back in to kiss him.
It ended being one of the best nights of your life, you were so glad you pretended to be with him that night at the kegger.
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
The Hell Priests Bride - Home
Fandom: Hellraiser Characters: Pinhead, The Guardian, Deepthroat, others mentioned relationship: pinhead/reader Request: ugh you NEED to make another part! Please please please. Maybe I go to hell and stay? Idk though. Thank you sooo much AN: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/175621044764/the-hell-priests-bride You sat in your living room, your legs crossed as the box sat in front of you. This was the way you had been many do it before and, although some managed quickly, you knew it might take time to get through. The box could sense the soul of the person trying to open it but you didn’t have a soul, right? You were only half mortal and your crimes had only been for the benefit of the leviathan. Picking up with box, you were very aware how wrong this could go, but you had to try. Picking up the box, you held it to your lips. “Bring me to the priest. Bring me to the favourite. Bring me to Pinhead.” You whispered like it was your deepest secret. Taking a deep breath, you held the box in your hands and ran your thumbs over the box. instantly, it started to move. Not like you had never seen it move before. Or at least at the hands of a victim. you heard the familiar scraping of brick and your living room wall was torn apart to allow white fog to flow into the room as the hell priest himself stepped out. His expression was one of interest and, at the same time, displeasure. “Why have you called me here?” He stood in front of you and, for a moment, you felt a tint of fear. “I had to ask you something.” You raised to your feet, leaving the box on the floor between you. He moved his head to the side ever so slightly, his face giving nothing away. When he didn’t respond, you knew it was a signal to ask. “When will I return to hell with you?” You moved toward him but didn’t pass the box. Your question cause a raised eyebrow and you saw the pins move with his muscles. “You are so eager to join me?” He smirked, seeming to know the answer already. “I think I have proved myself to our god and to you. I have served you well these last few centuries, have I not?” You knew this could end badly. After all, you were challenging the hell priest himself. “You have.” He nodded, acknowledging your talent and servitude. “Then why do I stay here? Why am I bound to this realm still?” You tried to keep your voice down, aware that you could insult him very easily. You expected him to be angered, to be enraged, by your demand. But he chuckled, his dark eyes dancing with amusements. You ducked your head, pushing your hair behind your ear as you did so. He walked up to you, stepping over the box as he did so. His eyes darted to your shoulders which were visible in your strappy top. “I have yet to see this one. Who?” he asked and you instantly understood his question. “Angelique. She wanted something to represent her. Like many others do.” You smiled fondly, glancing at your right shoulder. In each of your shoulder, you now had two dermal in your skin, mirroring where hooks are stuck in her skin. This was a favourite of the cenobites that loved you. They marked you. Not in a violent or cruel way, but through piercings, much like what Pinhead had done. The first had been Deepthroat, who had placed a dermal at the bottom of your throat in your suprasternal notch, mirroring where his slit in her throat starts. She had been more excited than you had seen her in years, tell you that she eagerly awaited you, her sister, to join them. So eager, she had pierced your cheeks were your dimples were, mirroring her own. Chatterer had been next. You thought he would have placed a dermal in your lips or something, but no. He decided to place an industrial piercing in each of your ears, and then a dermal on your cheek bone just below your eye. You wondered if they were getting annoyed at each other for doing more than one but then it was Butterballs turn, who placed a piercing in your mouth, under your tongue through the frenulum. He seemed content enough only having one piercing upon you and in a discreet place. You were decorated by the cenobites, blessed to have such an honour bestowed on you. Several others had contributed to your piercings, but you cherished your gashes ones the most. “Never has one been loved before entering hell.” Pinhead commented, snapping you out of your dreamy state and looking back to him. “At least somewhere im loved. I hate it here.” You signed, wrapping your arms around yourself and turning away from him. “You are dissatisfied with your work, now?” Pinhead asked, his voice betraying nothing of what he was thinking. “No, it is not that. I am grateful for the work that I do. I want nothing more than to please you all. But it gets lonely up here.” You scolded yourself for sounding like a child and decided you needed to explain more. “I am often alone here. Guardian only summons me when I am needed and that is only when I see you and the rest of the gash. I feel like a cant breath properly, like all colour has drained from my world. I spend weeks at a time wondering, searching for something that I can never find. And its so ironic because I have became the very people we seek out and who seek us out.” As you spoke, Pinhead remained quiet, taking in all your words and watching you carefully. “The Gaurdian has shown no wish for you to leave his side yet.” Pinhead states, knowing that it was part of the deal that you could only return to hell to join the gash when he guardian wished. He wasn’t spiteful, it was just that he enjoyed your company and seemed to favour you over even the cenobites. “I know. And I don’t wish to. I enjoy my work, when it comes. But between it, that is where I feel lost.” You glance at him over your shoulder, wishing his face was a little more easier to read. Pinhead seemed to be deliberating something in his mind which was only shown by his stern expression. But, before you could ask, he seemed to make up his mind. Holding his hand out to you, he invited you to take it with a simple “My dear.” You placed your left hand in his right and he guided you to the wall. The very wall that had the entrance to his world. Stepping into it, you followed him eagerly, your heart hammering in your chest but not before grabbing the box. You knew that you had to carry it with you always. You had been into hell before many times. You would often come with guardian to consult with the leviathan and to communicate with the cenobites. A few times, you had come to warn pinhead of other cenobites who had expressed interest of betraying them and the god. You had always been right, stopping a handful of rebellions before they happened. “I must condult with our god and the guardian about something.” Pinhead turned to you, keeping your hand in his. “until I return, you may look around. Feel free to explore. Perhaps you will cross paths with some who shall be happy to see you.” You smiled widely at him. You had never been given full reign. Never been allowed to explore. “Thank you.” You bowed your head slightly to him before dropping his hand, turning of your heel, and walking down some unknown corridor. You knew he would be gone before you could turn back, but you didn’t mind. You wanted to explore. Turning down every bend and turn, you could feel your excitement about to explode when you heard the shrieks coming from a room to the right. Tiptoeing up to it, you placed your ear to the door. The scream from within was familiar. In fact, it belonged to a man you had given to pinheads gash a month ago. Daring, you pushed open the door. Inside, was a man hooked up to the ceiling by chains. To his right was Deepthroat, her attention on him and not even noticing you entering until the man did. “you!” He tried to scream, but his mouth was filled with blood. “Sister!” Deepthroat greeted you with delight as she left the man to walk up to you. “I have missed you.” Of all the cenobites, her and Angelique always greeted you with such warmth, something which only extended to you. “And I you.” You smiled widely. “I apologies if I interrupted you.” You nodded to the man. “Of course not.” She offered you a small smile, something which spoke million to you. “Have you yet experienced this side of the box?” “No, not yet.” You felt your stomach flip with excitement. “But may I stay and observe? I have some time but I want to explore a little more before my time is done.” “Of course.” She sounded delighted. She showed you all the weapons, all the devices for torture she had and how she intended to use them. Apparently, her speaking it through was worse for the man, whos cried became louder and more deranged. Not long after you arrived, Butterball entered. Equally surprised to see you, he rejoiced at the opportunity to show you his own work. Perhaps the gash could communicate someway other than spoke word, because soon Chatterer appeared, as eager to demonstrate his own methods. The man must have wished you never walked in there. your arrived prompted the cenobites to try and achieve new levels to impress you, meaning he would suffer longer and worse. You loved every second of it. And when Chatterer offered you a hook of your own, you happily accepted it, eager to learn and even more eager to please. Deepthroat started to clap when you did something right and Butterball would commend you greatly. You really felt like you belonged here. Sensing your time might be coming to an end, you decided to explore some more before having to go back to the mortal world so, bidding them farewell, you left. The labyrinth was beautiful in your eyes and you couldn’t help but love everything about it. You knew you were lost deep within the maze, but you also knew that pinhead would be able to find you if he needed you. Turning a corner to a dark hallway, you heard a low groan and saw something at the end of the hallway. It had a scorpion like tale, hanging upside down and seemed to be kept up by his back legs. Seeming to sense you, it looked up. Upon spotting your form at the end of the hallway, it let out a low groan and started to ‘run’ at you. You couldn’t move. Not from fear, but from awe. This creature truly was the leviathans doing, a beautiful monster whos appearance was unlike anything you had ever seen. It got closer and closer before stopping only a foot front of you, growling and baring its teeth but its eyes were filled with confusion. It must have expected you to run. Crouching down, you admired the beast while simultaneously wondering why it didn’t attack you. You had heard of these before, through some cenobites. They were creatures known as engineers and protected the hallways. “You create the things that the cenobites use?” You asked. The beast paused before letting a grunt and thrusting its head up and nod once, seeming to nod. “I help protect the lament configuration box and pass it to those who seek it.” You told it, sitting down in front of it and smiling. It let out a soft growl, seeming to settle a little. You wondered if it could speak, or if it was mute. But before you could make your mind up, it reached out a hand and pulled on your upper arm, telling you to stand. Getting to your feet, it moved past you and down the corridor. You didn’t follow until it looked back and signalled for you. Running to catch up, you walked under its hind legs in a comfortable silence. It lead you to a room and pushed you to enter. Once inside, your mouth dropped open. The room was filled with half made items, some racks to hold people, some weapons, others were devices to be used upon flesh and so much more. That wasn’t the only thing. There were 2 other engineers inside the room, working on something. They looked up and immediately hissed at you, turning to advance of you. But your engineer let out a growl and pointed to the back of the room to which the other two retreated, confused. When not in the corridors, the engineers seemed to walk on all fours. Once you felt safe, you ventured further in, looking at the machine. Beautiful and perfect, they just needed a few more pieces to become complete. Like puzzle. You marvelled at them, smiling at how complex they were. “These are amazing.” You breathed, your finger running over something that looked like it was meant to be placed over someone’s head. “You create them?” Glancing at your engineer, it nodded and then to the two at the back, who nodded with a look of pride. But as they were distracted, something must have slipped from within the contraption they were building, a loud clatter from inside made the four of you jump. It was big enough to fit two or three humans inside with a window in the door, perhaps a furnace or something that filled with water. The door itself was relatively small. The smaller of the three engineers open the door but couldn’t get itself inside to see what had happened. “I can look.” You offered, walking over to them. You saw a glance between the two you didn’t know but they nodded and moved away from the machine. You slid inside, making sure to keep your foot in the door so they couldn’t close it. You didn’t know them well enough to completely trust them. Once inside, you saw the shine of a bolt on the floor of the machine. Reaching down, you picked up the bolt and presented it to the three which had gathered around the door. The smaller one signed and looked to the top of the machine. The other two seemed to scold it, hissing at it. You looked around and saw a small step at one side and then a wrench next to it. “If you pass me those, I’ll fix it.” You pointed to them and then to the top, hoping you could find it when you were up there. The one you had came in with went and got you the items you requested. Placing the step in the centre, you lifted yourself up to look around the top of the machine which was domed. sure enough, you saw exactly where the bolt had come from. Placing it carefully in, you twisted it to tighten it in place then used the wrench to fix it into the metal work. “There.” You smiled, giving it one final turn just for luck. But just as you did, the stool wobbled and you lost your balance. Letting out a cry, the only thing that stopped you from hitting the ground was the three sets of hands that managed to reach inside and catch your arms. Balancing yourself, you smiled at them to show you were alright. The three of them let out a joyful noise which was quickly cancelled as a voice boomed through the room. “WHY IS SHE IN THERE?!” Pinheads voice made all four of you jump as they worried round to see him standing at the door, his face displaying rage. You knew what he thought. He thought you were in there as punishment or to be used by the machine. You jumped off the stool and darted past the engineers to stand between them and Pinhead. “No, its not that. A bolt fell from inside the machine and they couldn’t get in to fix it so I offered to help. I lost my balance but they stopped me from falling.” You held your hands out in front of you, desperate to save your new friends. Pinhead tilted his head to the side and glanced behind you, probably looking for confirmation of your story. “Very well. Come, we have much to discuss.” He held his hands behind his back as he walked out the room. You glanced back at the three, who seemed to smile gratefully at you, before running after him. You followed Pinhead by his side the entire way until you entered a large room. Inside, was the guardian himself. He was in his old man appearance because that was easier to talk to you in. “I have been told you are unhappy.” He states, his face blank which was never a good thing. You scolded yourself for messing this all up so badly because you weren’t able to properly explain yourself. You should have waited and thought about what you were going to say instead of using the box on a whim. Too late now. “No, I am happy when I work for you. I am happy in the work I do and everything involving the box. But when the work is over, I am left in the world where I don’t feel I belong.” You stepped close to him but stopped about 4 feet away, very aware of the damage he could do if he wanted. “what do you mean, child?” He tilted his head slightly. “I want nothing more than to serve you and the leviathan. And I know how important our work is. But between the jobs, that’s when I feel the strain the most. I want to be here. I feel homesick from a place I have never been. I miss the cenobites like they are my family. I crave every small thing that might bring me back to the world I love.” You ramble, trying hard not to cry and show weakness. “Homesick, eh?” he asks, a small smile pulling on his lips for a brief moment. All you could do was nod. “Well, I must apologies. I was under the impression you wanted to stay in that world while you were still part mortal. I was obviously mistaken. You have given me much to think about. But for now, I must ask you to aid me in another passing.” You understood what he meant. He had some more victims who needed to get the box. You nodded as he offered you his hand which you took and he took you to the world you hated. ---------time skip -------------------- The job had been easy. In fact, you just dropped the box into the guys bag and followed him home. He had summoned a gash you knew rather well, so they greeted you fondly when they saw you. But when it was all over, the guardian took you by the arm and transported you back to the room which Pinhead had brought you to, rather than your normal house. “Here.” He thrusts something out in his palm and you move quickly to take it. It was a small, flat circle which was about the same size as most earrings.. It was attached to what looked like a dermal. “It will glow when I need you. It will be my means of summoning you.” He told you as you stared in awe at it. “May i?” you nod eagerly and give the jewellery back to him. He took your right hand and turned it so it was vertical, your thumb facing the roof. You turned your head, glancing to Pinhead quickly who had a soft smile on his lips. Then you felt the pain but by the time you turned back, he was finished. He had placed the dermal in between your thumb and pointing finger, just below the webbing there. You were about to thank him for everything, but you heard the whoosh and when you looked up, he was gone. Looking back to the new piercing, you raised it to your lips. “Thank you.” You whispered to it, expecting nothing. But then it glowed a pale blue for a second before fading back. “Come, my dear. I have one place to show you.” Pinheads voice made you jump, completely unaware he was still here. Twisting on y our feet, you eagerly ran up to him, smiling widely. “Thank you so much.” You said, your voice wavering with all the emotions. He shook his head before guiding you out the room and taking you down the hallway and to the right. Standing outside another door, he signalled for you to go inside. Opening the door, your mouth dropped open. The room was massive, the size of a decent apartment. In one corner was a large, four poster bed with deep red drapes around it. In the other was two large sofas which matched the drapes. They cornered off one side into a sort of living room area, with a small TV and a table with a chair at it. There were two other doors that lead into the room with both open. One had a small kitchen and the other lead to a bathroom. “W-what?” You asked, turning back to face him. “You seem to have made some friends with the engineers, who worked to make this as ‘homely’ as they could for your return. We have had ideas about inviting you here permanently, but most agreed it would be beneficial for you to have a place similar to your old home. You are still part mortal, and require things most down here do not. So we hope this is adequate.” His eyes move over the room, checking everything he could see. “Its perfect.” You smiled, tears welling in your eyes as you step close to him. He reached out and takes your hands in his. “I have long awaited the day you would join me here.” He smiles at you, his black eyes uncharacteristically kind. Going up on your tiptoes, you tiled your head and press a kiss to his lips, able to avoid most of the pins from causing you or him pain or discomfort. “Plenty of time for that, my dear. But for now, you must rest. You will surely have many visitors once the new of your arrival travels.” Pinhead smiles at you, his thumb rubbing over the dermal he had placed on your left hand. “I doubt I could sleep.” You smile, unable to hid your excitement. “Then you may explore some more. And this-“ He pulls out a small box, similar to the lament configuration box but smaller and not as detailed. “-is your key to the mortal world. Should you need anything from there, you can use this.” He gave it to you. “Thank you.” You said again, smiling as you turned the box over in your hands. “I am afraid I must leave you for now.” Pinhead sounded slightly annoyed but you smiled and nodded. He took your left hand and kissed it softly. “Will you come back?” You asked, your lips in a permanent smile. “Of course. Trust me, my dear, nothing could keep me from you from now on.” He smiled before turning and leaving. You couldn’t help but run over to the bed, feeling the soft fabric of the spread and pulling the curtains around it back. Then you went to the kitchen and opened the cupboards. You would have to do some shopping to bring food in. Apart from that, it was perfect in everyway perfect. You were finally home.
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fanfictiooooooon · 6 years
‘badass new girl’-part two //Stiles Stillinski
Hey, this is definitely full of exiting things!!! never want it to end :( . don't worry, many more to come. Enjoy!
Warnings: none
masterlist part 1 part 3
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Reader POV
I get home and quietly close the door behind me, looking around cautiously for dad. with him no where in sight, I walk into the kitchen. I jump at first, not expecting him to be waiting for me.
“Seriously?” he says, disappointed “I called you too may times!? why didn’t you call back? Where were you!?”
“Sorry, dad, I'm so sorry. I was at lacrosse try outs.” 
he rolls his eyes at me “Really? lacrosse again? and you didn't tell me or at least call me back!?”
“I'm sorry dad, it wont happen again!” I apologise
“You realise that necklace won’t last forever, right!?” he shouts.
“Yeah... its fine though, really.” I reply.
“Deer for dinner.” he walks past me and goes upstairs.
I go about the rest of the night as usual, eat, do homework, walk Tofu once it gets dark, then shower and sleep. With no homework to do, after finishing dinner, I check outside. the sun is finishing setting, and I have my necklace. I should be fine. I clip on the red leash onto my Rottweiler puppy and head out.
Beacon Hills is a small town, and there’s not many places to walk, but Tofu gets tired easily anyway. I’m about to turn a corner and head back to the house when I hear a soft voice from behind me.
“Hey, you.” I turn to see Isaacs soft eyes beaming at me. He walks next to me.
“Hey, what’re you doing?”
“Walking,” he responds “oh my god, that is the cutest do I’ve ever seen.” he squeals, making me smile as he pets Tofu gently.
“He’s called Tofu.” I tell him.
“Tofu, oh my god he’s adorable.” he looks back at me, smiling widely.
we continue walking and chatting, and actually find out we have things in common. dogs, especially, but other stuff, too, like volunteering, our hatred of cats, and even sci-fi movies.
“Anyway, I should take off, gotta get to Derek’s.” he says as we stop outside my house. Derek? did he mean Derek Hale!?
“Derek who?”
“Derek Hale, he’s a friend. I gotta go, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah... bye.” I can barely move from shock. Derek Hale was in Beacon Hills. Fuck. I need to tell dad.
Five years ago, when I lived close with a lot of family, Derek found us. He locked me, dad, aunt Julie, and my cousins in his basement, torturing us. He only said one thing to us; ‘tell me who has the sight’. it was confusing to all of us, except my dad and Julie, who seemed to know exactly what he was talking about.
‘No!’ they would shout in response, getting them shocked by the fence they were tied to. We escaped after two months of being there and fled. Derek had tried hunting us down, but we made connections with the hunters in new Mexico, and Beacon Hills, too. they helped us in exchange for our help for hunting the werewolves. we don't hunt them anymore, making us vulnerable. but Derek hasn’t tried to find us, giving us a good chance to move on with our lives.
Stiles POV
I arrived at the jeep and was caught up quickly by Scott and Kira.
“Dude, did you talk to her?” asks Scott, climbing into the front.
“Yeah, we’re gonna hang out tomorrow, instead.” I reply, happily.
“that’s good, just don’t rush things.” says Kira, jumping in the back. 
I start up the jeep “Relax, I know what I'm doing.” I scoff.
“No, no you don't.” smirks Scott. I glare at him before driving them home.
“I mean, are you over Lydia?” asks Kira, softly.
“N- I mean... yeah!” I say. they give me unassured looks before I say “Well, she and Parish have a thing, you know? and maybe I cant move on  unless I have someone else.”
Scott nods “Okay, bro. Whatever feels right.” I pull up outside of Scott’s house and they get out. “We’ll meet you at Derek’s later” says Scott, waving.
I wave back before watching them go inside. I sigh and start up the jeep again, taking a few tries before I set off. by the time I arrive home, it’s 5 o’clock, and dad’s home already. his car occupies the driveway, making me sigh even harder.
I eventually park and let myself inside. “Hey, son!” he shouts from the kitchen.
“Hey, daddio.” I walk into the kitchen and sit next to him.
“What’s up?” he asks.
“Nothing. girl troubles.”
he looks at me, highly concerned “Stiles,” he moans “is this about Lydia again? Because I really think its time you move on!”
“No, dad, its not Lydia, its Y/N. a new girl.”
He raises his eyebrows at me “And you like this Y/N?”
I sigh “A lot.”
“But you cant know her very well, since she’s new and all.”
“I don't, but she’s totally awesome. she made lacrosse captain!”
“Captain? but I thought Scott used his werewolf stuff so he could be captain. if she can beat that, maybe she’s supernatural herself.”
“Stop jumping to conclusions dad,” I press “you’re such a cop.”
he leans his head around me, looking out of the window, not replying.
“What is it?” I look back and forth, making my neck hurt.
“Isn’t that Isaac?” he squints his eyes. we walk up to the window and peer out. what I witness makes my heart physically hurt. Isaac and Y/N were walking together. laughing and smiling, too.
“I have to get to Derek’s.” I say coldly before slowly getting my jacket. what was the point. I didn't stand a chance anyway. I close the door on my way out and start up the old jeep. the feeling of sadness was overwhelming, and it made me dizzy. I sat for a second, taking a breath, before making my way to Derek’s loft.
Readers POV
“Dad!” I shout, desperately. “Dad!”
“What, what is it?” he runs down the stairs, worry in his face.
“It’s Derek! Derek Hale! He’s in Beacon Hills!”
My dad’s dace dropped a thousand feet before he could muster a few words. “We need to call aunt Julie.”
Stiles POV
Arriving at Derek’s, I walk in to see Scott, Kira and Lydia already there. Peter sits on the spiral staircase, observing.
“Hey,” says Scott, cheerily. he notices my melancholy face “what’s up, buddy?” . I sigh in response and Scott reads my kimo signals. “Why’re you jealous?”
“You’re jealous? of who?” asks Lydia, who fakes being surprised, and clearly thinks its about her.
Me Scott and Kira exchange looks, knowing about Y/N. Derek walks in.
“What’s up with him?” he scoffs, walking behind his desk.
Scott looks at me for a sign of approval before telling them about her. “There’s a new girl, and Stiles is really into her.”
“So? what’s so bad about that?” replies Derek.
I answer “Because I saw her and Isaac together earlier.”.
At this perfect moment, the person I despise the most walks in. Isaac. He wear a wide smile but it quickly fades when he realises somethings up with everyone.  “What’s up?” he asks, innocently.
I give him an aggressive look, making him shift a little. I want to punch him until the Earth stops spinning. “Jealous?” he mocks me.
I cant help myself but punch him in the face, knocking him to the ground. I hear everyone but ignore them. I continue punching him on the floor until I'm pulled off by Derek.
“Whoa! Stop! What girl is worth that!?” he asks rhetorically.
“Y/N is.” I wipe my nose, staring down at Isaac, whose nose is bust.
Derek backs away, letting me go. he and peter exchange worried eye contact. “Y/N?” he eventually says “ What’s her second name?”
“Y/l/n. why what’s going on.” I ask, confused. Peter rises from his seat, rushing to Derek.
“And she’s here? in Beacon Hills?” confirms peter.
“Yes, why? what’s going on?” I ask, pressing the question.
they yet again exchange worried looks. “You don’t know what she is, do you?” I shake my head, furrowing my eyebrows, only getting more confused
“What is she?” asks Isaac, eagerly
Derek sighs “Someone who we don’t get along with.”.
we stand, clueless, while Peter and Derek talk privately near the door. Once they finish, Derek begins a speech.
“Listen, guys, we need to head to Deaton’s. Now.” he commands.
“Why don't you get along?” I pester as we walk into the animal clinic, Lydia left but we agreed to catch her up tomorrow. Derek continues to tell me that everything will be explained soon, but we cant help being so curious. Even Scott pesters him too.
“Hey, what can I help you with?” asks Deaton, letting us through to the other room.
“We need to talk. its about (y/f/n) and her family.”
“What!?” he raises his eyebrows “Are they here?”
“Yes. and we need to tell the Argents, too. They once had ties, but after being broken, they’ve been on the run.”
“And what are you going to do? torture them again? that got you no where last time, and it certainly wont get you anywhere this time.” he says sternly.
“Wait, torture!? what did they do!?” asks Scott, I remain quiet, not knowing what to do. as does Isaac.
Derek looks at Deaton, waiting for him to explain. He sighs “Listen, it was before you were even turned, Scott. five years ago, I think. Her whole family lived up here, in beacon Hills, but a fight broke out between the werewolves and-”
“Wait. they don’t know.” says Derek.
“They don’t know?” says Deaton, concerned “they deserve to know!”
“Know what?” I finally say.
Derek shifts around and explains “Well, you know about werewolves, chimeras, banshees and kitsunes, but you don’t know about them,” he begins, confusing us all.
“So what is she?” I pry
Deaton answers “They’re commonly known as ‘the cold ones’, and usually don't go out in sunlight, so its confusing to me how you met this girl? but anyway,-”
“They’re blood sucking demons who refused to help us in our time of need.” says Derek, fuming.
“In all fairness, Derek, whoever it was would’ve died trying.” says Deaton  sympathetically.
“Wait, so they’re...”
“Yes, Scott. They’re vampires.”
readers POV
I listened in to the conversation dad and aunt Julie were having in the next room. I uncontrollably bit my nails with anxiety. “Okay, but hurry.” I heard dad say before hanging up.
He walked back into the living room, looking at me concerned. he slowly sighed. “Aunt Julie is on her way up here. She’s bringing your cousins, Noah. Lillie and Caleb. Are you sure he’s here?”
“positive. but, they hunt normally, and don’t eat only animals, like we do.”
“I know,” he furrowed his eyebrows “But we’re just gonna have to deal with it. If Derek’s here, he probably knows by now, or will know soon, that we are too. They’re coming over for extra protection, we can’t have them getting to you.” he pulls me in for a warm embrace.
“But, what about you? and everyone else?” I worry.
“Don’t be scared, love, but he wants the one with the sight. That used to be your mother, but after her passing, she gave that gift to you.” he pulls away, still holding me by the arms. 
It’s me!? I’m the one he’s after!? “Why does he want me?” I ask, scared showing in my voice. only half an hour ago, I was laughing and having fun as a normal teenager, but now I'm scared for my, and my whole family's lives.
“Because, honey, you have the sight. the sight is a gift that helps you to retrieve or get rid of any memories. Just by touching someone, and concentrating, you can see their memories. I know this is new to you, but you’re gonna be an expert. I know it. My only wish, Y/N, is that you use it for good. and only use it when absolutely necessary. don’t be scared, but using it wrongly, or when you’re not ready, can cause you great harm.” he explains, filling my head with new found information. He looks around the house, worriedly “We need to get out of here. its not safe.”
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Hunters on the Hellmouth
first chapter
previous chapter
AN: This chapter was inspired by events in BTVS 7.10 “Bring on the Night” and 7.14 “First Date.”
Warning: implied torture, blood, STRESSSSSS
Chapter 26: Digging
All she said was, “We're alive. Get here.” Racing back to Buffy’s, Dean’s mind flooded with bloody, maimed pictures that fit alive. When he saw the house -- dark, windows shattered, doors smashed -- he bit back a scream. Alive. Alive.
Xander and Anya, sweeping up glass around a body in the living room, both pointed upstairs. He found Buffy in her sister’s room lifting an unconscious Andrew. Seeing Dean, she dropped the boy’s limp body and leapt over the bed, landing in Dean’s arms.
As he held her, he tried to make sense of the bodies in the hallway and the giant hole between the sisters’ bedrooms. Through the hole lay the splintered remains of the chair Spike had been in. “Did Spike hurt anyone?”
Buffy started to tremble. Dean eased her to her room where she set loose a torrent of tears muffled by his chest and a pillow.
After a few minutes, she blew her nose, and chewed on her lip while searching for words. “It’s all the same thing. It’s all one thing. My visions. ‘It is watching.’ Mom and Tara. Spike killing. It’s all the same. Its flunkies, they were in my vision a few nights ago; it was the first time in dozens of visions that I saw what killed me.”
Fear had carved a place around her eyes. It was the sort of fear people had when they first heard the hounds baying for them.
“Girly, ain't nothing gonna kill you. I’ll kill it first.”
“But that's what they're doing.” Her voice was rough and weak. “Dean, I think the evil monks are killing Slayers, or at least unactivated Slayers. I'm probably the big finish. It's the only reason I can think of that I would see and feel so many of these deaths.”
And she felt them. Night after night, she’d wake coughing, sputtering, flailing and scared. When her breathing steadied, and she stopped sweating, she’d tell him her vision. Always a girl being murdered. Sometimes she ran. Sometimes she fought. She always died.
He refused to accept it as some sick prophecy. “Maybe you're just supposed to protect these girls, and that's the only connection.”
“The bodies. Those are the monks. That’s what wrecked the house. A crew of them came to kill Andrew and ran off with Spike.”
Spike. Of course. Were the tears for Spike the redemption project or Spike the ex?
“What happened?” he asked.
She seemed to calm as she recounted Spike attacking Andrew, though Dean was less than thrilled to hear the thing had dressed up like him. She rattled off details of the attack on the house like it was a paper for school.
“Spike’s gone,” she said, an emptiness taking over her eyes. “He has information, and God knows what they’re doing to him.”
“We’ll get him back, Buffy. We’ll find him. Now, tell me how we kill the branded freak shows.”
“They’re easy enough to kill, but we have no idea what’s controlling them. It knows where to find us.” The fear returned to her face. “I c-cant fight this! It's just me, and I-I n-need Giles.”
Dean took her face in both hands, once again reveling in just how tiny his superhero warrior really was. “Look at me. This nasty has been hiding underground for how long?  Even if it’s met a Slayer before, you’re a goddess-crunching, master-vampire-dusting badass who’s fucking climbed back from death. It may have been the baddest son of a bitch on the block back in the day, but it ain’t got shit on you.
“First thing we’re gonna do is seal up the house. Then Sam and I are gonna get rid of those bodies. When I get back, darlin’, if you’re not in bed, I’m dragging you in with me. You’ve been up for days. Tomorrow, we’ll hit the books. Okay?”
She slid back into his arms, calmer and quieter than before. “You’re wonderful, you know. I love -- love hearing your voice. It’s all deep and rumbly and calming.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, concerned about her brief pause, the way her words sped up to the point of tripping her tongue. He looked over the room again just so he didn’t have to make eye contact. “Get your cute little ass in bed. I gotta deal with the bodies.”
He was sound asleep, but Dean still stretched out his arm for her. Buffy placed his searching hand over her heart and smiled as he snuggled deeper into the pillow, his pouty lips slightly parted, his brow smooth with peaceful sleep. The night they’d met, she had a hard time pinpointing his age. Dean Winchester existed between two extremes -- the wide-eyed, grinning boy with a soft heart and silly humor, and the brutal, cold-eyed hunter with a temper. Both sides of him had a place in her life, but she liked seeing his boyish side the most. Perhaps because that was a rarer moment, a moment when they were safe and happy; she liked to imagine who Dean would have become had his innocence not been stolen from him when he was four.
What if Dean’s mother hadn’t been killed? What if Dean never knew monsters were real? Would they have still found each other? Doubtful. Maybe that Dean would have settled down with a wife who could provide him with a couple chubby babies to bounce on his knees. He wouldn’t know the recoil of a gun or the sensation of blood on his hands.
That Dean wouldn’t be afraid of the words I love you which Buffy had felt obligated to choke back a few hours before.
But a Slayer and a Hunter would be crazy to think of happily ever afters. They’d discussed the likelihood of dying young many times, but those talks had been what ifs. Now, an unknown evil was knocking down her door, and she had no idea how to stop it; which meant the clock was ticking on their time together. She wondered if those glimpses of Dean the Lost Boy were about to disappear.
Startled by the sound of a window sliding open, she reached for the dagger she kept on her nightstand. Then she recognized the shadow climbing inside from the trellis. Painfully aware that she was wearing her boyfriend’s t-shirt and nothing else, Buffy approached the man in her bedroom. “Angel, what are you doing here?”
Her vampire ex, her first love, glanced at Dean sleeping in her bed. “I heard you were in danger.”
She tugged at the hem of the shirt and willed herself to stop feeling so dizzy. “So you climbed through my bedroom window? That might have seemed romantic to high school me, but I gotta tell you, adult me would have appreciated a phone call. Or a knock on the door. It’s battered and glassless, but still extremely knockable.”
He shook his head and smirked. God, did she swoon over his smirk. “Had to be in person. Had to be secret. So the rumor’s true then?”
“Off-the-scale danger. Some big evil force with an army of evil monks is trying to kill me with...evil. And I have no idea how to fight it.”
“I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about your new boyfriend, Dean Winchester,” he said, pointing at the bed.
Feeling like she’d been dunked in cold water, Buffy grabbed a blanket and sat down on the bench. “How did you know about Dean? Are you keeping tabs on me?”
“Not in the ‘Let me know if my ex is seeing anyone’ sort of way,” he confessed, sitting down beside her, “but a stranger rolls into Hellmouth City from another dimension? That causes some waves. Been hearing his name for a while, doing some research, catching some whispers. Buffy, he’s bad news.”
“I know who he is,” she said with a bubbling rage. “Who do you think you are to come here in the middle of the damn night to comment on my love life?”
“I’m someone who cares about you! This guy is a pathetic low-life. He’s a womanizing, alcoholic criminal. Worse than that, he’s a black hole. He’ll suck you in and you’ll die. He’s got a trail of bodies in his wake, and a lot of them are people who cared about him.”
“We live a violent life. You know that. Just because people died, that doesn’t mean it’s his fault.”
“Okay, ask him whose fault his dad’s death was. Ask him about his girlfriend Jo and her mom. Ask him about Bobby--”
“Bobby’s not dead. He’s just missing.”
“Then he probably doesn’t know about Bobby yet. Anyway, they all died because he abandoned them, and he’ll abandon you too. You think he’s going to fight beside you against whatever is coming? Buffy, it’s here because of him. He’s going to get you and your friends killed, then turn tail and run. He only cares about himself and his brother.”
“If you knew Dean at all, you’d know that’s not true. He cares about everyone. Yeah, Sam’s definitely special --  he practically raised him for God’s sake -- but Dean Winchester would never run from a fight.”
“Is that why he jumped dimensions? He wasn’t running?” Angel rose and straightened his jacket before walking towards the bed. “I’m sorry, Buffy, but you’re not listening to reason.” In one swift motion, he yanked the pillow from under Dean’s head and covered his face with it.
“NO!” Buffy pulled on the vampire’s arms while her boyfriend flailed. “Angel, stop! Please, don’t!”
Her cheek stung, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Dean leaning over her, worried. “You okay, Buffy? You were screaming about angels. Did you have another vision?”
She was in her room, in bed with her boyfriend, alive. “Let’s hope not.”
A cup of cold water to the face didn’t rouse Andrew. Dawn crossed her arms and twisted her mouth. “Boiling water?”
“Ooh, that’s an excellent idea,” said Anya, nodding.
Buffy smacked Andrew, causing his lip to bleed. Stung awake, the boy shook his head, trying to take in the room. She grabbed his bound wrists and practically spit in his face. “I am done playing. Tell us about the seal, or I’m turning you over to them.”
She pushed him into Anya’s arms. “Anyone have any wishes for Andrew?”
“Could you turn him into a jellyfish?” Dawn asked from the stairs.
“No, please,” begged Andrew, as Anya pushed him down at Willow’s feet.
“We have some unfinished business,” said Willow darkly.
Andrew, pale and shaking, rolled away from her. Sam yanked him up by the shoulders and turned him to face Dean.
“Wha-what are you gonna do to me?” Andrew asked with a small bit of hope.
Dean smirked. “Whatever we want. See, my brother and I, we just like hurting people. What’d’ya think, Sammy? Kneecap first, or maybe a molar?”
“Knee,” Sam replied.
Dean raised a hammer.
Twisting away, Andrew cried, “I liked you so much better yesterday, when you were just the guys who tied me up!” He bumped into the Slayer. “Thank God! The crazy hot guys are trying to kill me. You’re a hero. Go hero for me!”
“Answers now or--” Buffy pushed him back to Willow.
“Oh God, no! No! Please! Okay, the seal is in the basement of the high school.”
“In that case, it’s guaranteed to be sealing sunshine and rainbows,” said Xander, who’d been watching the show from the stairs with Dawn.
“What does it do?” Buffy asked.
“Don’t know. I was just told to open it.”
Looking very much like a child learning to lie, Andrew bounced on the balls of his feet and said in sing-song, “If you sing it showtunes, it will tell you everything your heart desires.”
Grabbing Andrew by the throat, Dean raised him to eye level. “Willow, you think he needs two eyes? That seems like a lot.”
“Blood! Blood! You open it with blood.” Dean dropped him, and Andrew fell to his knees gasping.
“The pig’s blood,” said Willow.
“Yeah, I botched it the first time, so I was hoping to open it with pig’s blood or I’d be next.”
“First time? Why do I have the feeling the first time wasn't a simple ‘open sesame’?” asked Buffy.
“H-he told me how to do it, but it didn’t work. The pig’s blood was sort of my long-shot to the thermal exhaust port, but I-I’m not as good of a pilot as Luke.”
“Details, Andrew,” Buffy demanded.
“W-Warren told me sacrificing Jonathan would open the Seal of Danzalthar and we’d become gods, but Jonathan didn’t have enough blood.”
“First of all,” said Willow, shaking her head as if it would help make sense of the chaos, “Warren is super dead. Second, you killed your best friend because your dead worst friend told you to?”
“Warren is very convincing. He’s like the Yoda of badness.”
“Yeah, a dead Yoda,” Dawn scoffed.
“Death cannot stop a true Jedi!” Andrew shot back. “Plus, Jonathan said it was okay. It didn’t even hurt, and he’s in a better place.”
“For the record, kid, getting stabbed always hurts,” said Dean, setting down the hammer and leaning against the washer.
“But Warren said--”
“Andrew, that wasn’t Warren!” Buffy was rubbing her head. “Your friends haven’t been talking to you. Those guys who came to kill you last night were sent by whatever thing’s been visiting you.”
“Assassins?” His big blue eyes filled with tears as the betrayal sunk in. “But I’m just Andrew Wells, little brother of the guy who ruined prom.”
“I thought you were Moriarty,” said Sam, bored.
“This may surprise you, but I was never very good at being bad. Warren was the brains. I was just the brawny lemming.” He pulled his knees up to his chin and started to weep.
Dean looked at Buffy, who shrugged. When they’d set up this ruse, they hadn’t expected tearful remorse.
Willow mouthed ice at Dawn who went upstairs for something to help Andrew’s swelling.
Dean almost felt bad for the kid -- was he even eighteen? Nerdy and insecure, he’d fallen in with a bad crowd, much like the teenager who’d stolen Sam’s body months before.
Andrew sat up and wiped his face on his sleeve, leaving a noticeable trail of snot. “If Darth Vader can throw the Emperor into the reactor shaft, I can change too. It’s never too late for a super villain to redeem himself. I’ll help you.”
The timing of everything was a perfect stress cocktail. Buffy should have been studying for her Developmental Psych exam next week. She should have been decorating and shopping with Dawn. She should have been planning her first Christmas with Dean, who, if the pattern held true, hadn’t had enough holiday cheer in his life. Of course, all of the evil would converge around the holidays and finals time. When did the bad guys ever make things easier on her?
Instead, ‘tis the season Buffy and Sam were following Xander and Andrew through the high school basement.
“Pick up your feet, you shuffling waste of air,” Xander hissed.
“It’s hard to walk with my hands tied behind my back. It’s hurting my bad shoulder, too. I pulled it in a light saber fight right before Episode I came out, and now whenever the weather changes it--”
“Shut. Up,” barked Sam.
Maybe if she wasn’t so stressed, Buffy wouldn’t haven’t gone gushy on Dean. There was fear in his eyes when he left her room, though she didn’t know if it was because she’d almost said I love you or because of his phobia that caring about him marked her for death; not that she needed help in that area. But he’d come back and climbed into bed with her after doing God knows what with the bodies. He’d even told her a story about a cursed coin, a wishing well, and a suicidal teddy bear she refused to believe was true. True or not, it was funny and sweet that he wanted to help ease her mind. They seemed to be okay. Maybe her fumbled attempt at affection hadn’t hurt.
After a couple turns, they entered a small room. Xander whistled low as Sam and Buffy swung their flashlights over a large metal plate featuring a goat’s head in an inverted pentagram. The ground was littered with shovels, burnt torches, and spots of blood. When Sam lit one of the torches, they could see a large, bloody wheel suspended from the ceiling.
“Of course this is what’s in the school basement. I don’t know why I expected anything different,” Sam muttered.
“The wheel of misfortune wasn’t me,” Andrew said. He looked away from them, his voice falling to a whisper. “I just stabbed Jonathan and took off.”
“You left your friend to die alone?” snapped Buffy, who wished more and more that they didn’t have to let their hostage talk in order to get information.
“It was icky.”
“Someone was bled on that thing.” Buffy wondered if it was Spike’s blood. If so, at least no one died, but it couldn't have been pleasant. What would they have done with him after?
“Do you think it opened the seal this time?” asked Xander.
Passing around shovels, Buffy replied, “Don’t know, but we have to cover this thing.”
Later as they were leaving the little room, Buffy stopped short and stared at a dark corner, a corner she’d hidden in days before. “Andrew, what night did you kill Jonathan?”
“Wednesday. I remember because I had to record--”
“No one cares,” said Sam.
“Slayer senses tinglin’, Buff?” Xander asked.
“I was down here on Thursday during school, and I ran into Principal Wood. He had a shovel and blood on his sleeve. If Jonathan’s body was still down here, maybe Wood moved it.”
“I don’t know,” said Sam. “Wood is a pretty chill guy. He’s never given me the impression he’s wrapped up in Hellmouth business.”
“Maybe he wasn’t before,” Xander said. “See, the Hellmouth used to be directly under the library. Giles had a bunch of charms and incantations to keep from going crazy with it blasting him every day, but that room we were just in sits right under Wood’s office. He may have started the year as Principal Nice Guy, but who knows where his head is now. Sam, you got a key to his office?”
“Just the outer doors and the library, but…” He pulled a lockpick kit from his jacket.
Principal Wood’s office was tidy, modern, and devoid of any personality. Buffy sneered at the motivational poster on the wall. “I hadn’t noticed he was Anya levels of bland. He doesn’t even have free, random business pens.”
After some poking around, Sam said, “Nothing looks out of place in his files; well, other than you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Here’s my employee file. Standard stuff. My resume. My quarterly review. School picture.”
“Look at you with your tie!” said Xander.
“Very handsome,” added Andrew.
“Your employee file is similar, but I found this laying underneath all the other files.” He slapped a thick manila folder on the desk.
Suffering horrible high school flashbacks, Buffy flipped through it. Disciplinary records. Report cards. Teacher concerns. A Child Protective Services notice that was never sent. She knew her file was thick, but the other additions alarmed her. Wood had her records from her pre-Sunnydale stint in a mental hospital, transcripts and letters from all of her schools -- university included -- medical records, lists of jobs she’d worked and friends she’d had. Most disturbing of all was a small collection of candid pictures -- Buffy at school, at her house, in various graveyards -- all clearly taken from a hidden place with a professional camera.
A snap pulled her away from the stalker puzzle. Sam had jimmied open a locked case on the wall, revealing hangers full of axes, knives, and swords.
“For the record, I’ve never met this Wood and have no idea what his deal is,” said Andrew.
“Apparently none of us have,” said Buffy.
Dean chewed on his lip as he thought about how to get away with murder. It was important to not leave a body, but if he made it look like the principal was killed by a vampire, would anyone even look twice?
“Babe, are you listening to a thing I’m saying?”
“‘Bout how your boss is a fuckin’ stalker? Got it. Thinking ‘bout how to handle it.”
“Not the priority right now.” Buffy handed him another dish to dry. They’d been piling up for days, a fact no one had noticed until there was only one plate for lunch. “Besides, it’s not like he’s going to break into the house to steal my underwear. It felt more like research notes. You know, kind of Initiative-y.”
“You think he’s workin’ for the government?”
“Or crazy. Should be able to handle either, although I admit gave me the wiggins. We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“I got a footnote in the stalker file?”
“No, it looked like most of it was pre-Winchesters. I guess he didn’t feel like he needed to follow me around anymore since my desk is right outside of his office.” She shuddered and started scrubbing the flatware. “Tell me happy news about research,” she said.
“Dawn’s gonna lap Sam for smartest kid in the class.”
“You think Sam’s the smartest? Don’t say that in front of Willow. She had a panic attack over an A minus.” Buffy grinned.
“My brother’s brilliant, an’ you know it. Anyway, Dawnie found a pile of letters with your monks on ‘em. Post-translation, she found out they’re called Harbingers of Death. I know what you’re thinking, that’s an awesome name for a metal band.”
“You know me so well,” she said, stretching on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek.
“These Bringers worship something called The First Evil, which Anya said is a shitty demon pick-up line, but I figure she never got high enough clearance in the demon world to learn some of the uglier stuff.”
Buffy pulled the plug on the drain and dried her hands. “How do we fight it?”
He wanted to keep doing dishes, keep making her smile with lame jokes, instead of telling her what hours of research had produced. “That’s it. Jack shit on the seal. We got two letters in Sanskrit, an’ they’re mostly poetry.”
“That’s not enough! We need--”
“We need a lotta things. The geek squad is crackin’ at it now. Do you wanna call the Council again? They gotta know something or at least have more books.”
“They made it pretty clear they have no desire to help.” Throwing her towel on the counter, she grumbled, “I need Santa to bring me a very English-y Giles bearing answers. An army would be nice, too. And some new boots.”
Xander popped his head in the newly repaired backdoor. “Hey-ya handyman, can ya gimme a hand with the drywall situation? Unless you two enjoy zero privacy.”
The Median Witches’ Chronicles was also a bust. Willow looked at the book-strewn dining table and, not for the first time, longed for the resources the Magic Box provided. She kicked herself again for burning it down. One of those books could have had answers. No, no, she wasn’t going to guilt trip herself again. She wasn’t going to dwell on what she couldn’t change. Healing meant those moments had to stay in the past.
“Anything?” she asked the room.
“I found a really cool spell for changing hair colors,” said Dawn.
“Ooh, lemme see!” demanded Anya with grabby hands.
“I thought the drug store sold magic kits for that,” said Xander, relaxing on the couch after reassembling Buffy’s house.
“Try to focus!” snapped Buffy. “I know you’re all tired, but we’re sitting ducks right now. We don’t know how to kill this thing or even how to find it.”
Willow, too excited to find words, began waving her hands and ooh oohing.
“Monkey girl, do you have something to share with the class?”
“We don’t know how to find it!”
“Why is that exciting?” asked Dean.
“Locator spell. I can find anything.”
“Like with the map and little lights?” asked Sam, closing his laptop.
“That’s one kind, but with the not-so-creative name of The First, I’m thinking we won’t get great results. There’s another kind that lets you essentially search for something’s essence and see what it sees without it even knowing you’re there.”
“So any time you’re bored, you could get inside me, touch my essence, and have a looky-loo?” asked Dean. “Willow, I didn’t know you were such a perv.”
“What? No perv. Not perv!”
“Do you really want to try touching something that calls itself The First Evil?” asked Buffy.
“Yeah, you touching evil books didn’t go so well for any of us last time, and publication is several steps removed from evil essences,” said Anya, as she copied the hair spell from Dawn’s book.
“I’d like to think I’m smarter than that. No, for this to work, I need to touch something it touched. We don’t have anything of The First’s, but we have those Bringer blades. They probably touch each other’s weapons. They worship The First. Maybe if we find where they’re hiding, we could, I don’t know, bag one and give it the once over for answers.”
“I knew we shouldn’t have staged that Andrew scare. Now the fear-lust is in you,” said Buffy.
“I also like to think I’m a badass,” said Willow.
Everyone gathered in the dining room to watch her work her magic. The spell itself was shockingly simple -- a couple candles, some sand, ground eggshells, an object, a bowl; it was staying in the subject’s head that was hard. It was the beyond the mental equivalent of tiptoeing. She had to be cat-like quiet, or whoever’s mind she was in would kick her out. Pouring the sand over the knife, she closed her eyes to see.
The room was cavernous. A church warmly lit with the flicker of a thousand candles. She was sitting in one of the pews beside a few other Bringers. At the front of the church, beneath a dark rose window, lay Spike, pale and stripped, stretched out on the altar.  
“Why don’t you bugger off?” she heard Spike. “You’re wrong. She’ll stop you.” She couldn’t see or hear whom he was talking to. Focusing on the host Bringer’s legs, she tried to stand.
Suddenly she was hit by an electric blue light searing through her body, a voice rumbling like thunder. Witch, you will only make me stronger.
The roar of it deafened her, and she blacked out.
Everything was dark. There was a steady beeping. Willow reached for the needles in her arms. “Will, don’t try to move, okay?”
“Xander? I’m scared. I-I can’t see!”
He squeezed her hand. “There’s a bandage over your eyes. No, don’t freak on me,” he said, pulling her other hand off of her face. “The locator spell went kaboom, and this giant demon ghost thing came out of you and started shooting lightning at Buffy and Dean. They’re okay, but your eyes have a flash burn from whatever you saw. The doctor said you’d heal, but only if you keep your eyes covered.”
Willow tried to speak, but her voice was replaced by a choked wail. She heard a couple clicks and felt Xander crawling into the bed with her, wrapping her gently in his arms.
“You can get through this, sweetie,” he murmured. “You can do this. We’ll all be your eyes while you heal. You’re not alone. You’re not alone.”
But she knew. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t alone, because the First wanted to see them all die together.
next chapter
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ventregardless · 4 years
huge mood swing
weird how those have been happening a lot more than usual lately.
im trying to beat my computer about to die. I only have a few things to say, and I cant be fucked to get up and grab the charger from my room only to put it back in there so that I can watch hunter x hunter in the living room before it gets too dark, because frankly im a big scaredy cat pussy that cant do anything remotely required of an adult.
im pretty proud of my shopping habit today. I went in, I assesed properly, I didnt give in to buying stupid shit that I already had, and because of my absolute god tier discernment I managed to only buy one thing!!
very proud. in the grand scheme of things, that doesnt matter all that much, but it was a big deal to me and im excited to get my habits under control.
I dont know whats going on with my feelings lately.
I dont feel my best but I don’t feel my worst. some days are better than others. I can feel really good one moment but then the next I get smacked with a huge let down that brings my entire mood down to shit despite it not being a big deal at all.
I am realizing now that I probably really need to get my charger because I have a lot more to say than I figured and I kinda dont want to risk fucking up my flow.
I am back.
I supposed its a good thing I went to get up because I was able to put my zara bag back in the guest bedroom/second closet room.
Okay, in the super grand scheme of things, spending a solid $500 dollarinos on a bunch of clothes is probably not the best step in the right direction. BUT! To justify it, I really went on that wild bender because I have transitioning. It’s a big transition, a very big girl transition into adulthood. I have an aesthetic I want to keep up, and frankly, Miss Kelly Stamps has taught me that wanting to keep up with an aesthetic takes fucking work, so I sought out to put that god damn work in and I did. That was a very privileged sentence; putting in work towards my closet as if that’s the biggest thing I could be doing with my time. But honestly, I’m working towards an overhaul of like... everything. It’s not terribly torturous, at least not to me, (I just glanced outside and I’m noticing that I’m losing sunlight, but I really want to watch more hunter x hunter, but im scared to do that at night because im on that chimera arc, and I find it very dark and scary. So perhaps I should stop wasting time and wrap up my thoughts, but I have so many that idk how im going to do it)
Anyway, yeah, at least not to me.
It’s not that I don’t want to be myself. It’s that I’ve felt so trapped by an old self for so long, and a new self is ready to emerge that I really like, but she needs work to come out. And its ugly work, it is.
She’s trapped in here and I’m working to get her out.
Now, I’ve been slacking the last few weeks. Thankfully not to the point of no return, but enough to where I’ve really been feeling like garbage about it. So I’m starting again, and I’m pretty sure I can do it better this time. I had a wonderful start (not sure what it is with me and new weeks, I feel like fresh starts are best launched at the beginning of new weeks) but I did well. Made some returns, picked up my glasses, exercised some habits I want to curate, I’m doing a good job. 
I’m hopeful to not have much errands to run after wrapping all of this up the next coming week. I say hopeful because honestly, I say that every week, and it doesn’t get any better because I’m an idiot. I know this.
But I feel this new change in my bones!! Can you believe it. Bones!
Few things I still want: Solid pairs of trousers (camel and black) Levi’s ribcage jeans/everlane cheeky jeans (black and classic blue) and heeled mary janes with a strap or some other black, square toed heel.
that’s a solid five more things I want in my arsenal that I can argue I need! But I cant order four of them until I get more other issue sorted out. Then will come winter, and I’ll have to replace my sweaters because I should look much different by then, and they will no longer due. Luckily, I have plenty of cardigans to buffer the issue, and thankfully the coats I boat were in mediums so I can get away with them, I believe. I’m imagining purchasing no more than like, four additional sweaters. Maybe even two, if I’m being as strict as I should be.
But that shopping will be spread throughout the year. Hopefully by september I will be where I want, if these habits I develop end up bending to my will.
I really want to stop being scared of little things eventually. But I need the fear so that I can do things. I need to be limited now so I’m not as much later, and I’ll have good habits to balance out any cravings I may have so that indulgence doesn’t lead to weighted regret.
I want to come up with a name for this idealism. I’ve bought six books this week, I want to read them... and I will. I want reading to be a habit. I want staying inside to be a habit. I want skirts and dresses and heels to be a habit. I want yoga and light work to be a habit. I want a lot of things.
I’m a little worried about my connection to Kelly. I want to be like her a lot. I think her philosophy is very cool, I rewatch the same videos multiple times over the course of a few days because I just like what she says. I like how smart she is and how sure she is of things. The discipline she has is very cool, and I want to get on a similar level soon. Not her extreme methods, per say, but a similar mentality because it’s fun to mimic and very much resonates with me.
She’s really cool.
I kinda want to be cool like that.
Things Ive learned:
This crochet and I are not friends. I miss my twists and my braids to my ass. But you see, I am not going anywhere, so investing in braids to my ass at this time would be incredibly stupid and hard on the neck for no good reason.
For someone who loves books so much, reading them is quite the hassle. How awful of me to buy so many but hardly read one?!
Slightly obsessed with my closet... unsure if in a good way... I’ll have to sit down with myself and inquire if we have a problem, which I think we might, and then go from there on how to get it under control.
Speaking of closets! I still think mine could be paired down some more. Though I went through it yesterday and happily got rid of things I don’t like nor fit, I still feel like I restrained on a lot of things. I’ll have to give that another go and be harder on myself and my items.
I like minimalism a lot. I want to read more about it and find more youtubers that talk about it. It interests me a lot, not because I want to be one exactly but I want to share their sentiments and teachings. It sits very well with me and my soul. I like that feeling.
Hair being short is a no go. I don’t care what itch I gain; never again. that’s dead, if you will. Though I don’t fully regret doing this cut, because I needed to scratch the itch to learn what I didn’t like. I saw what I look like and thats that!
I get full fast. Gotta slow down the habit of stuffing my face just because I can. You know. Eat when hungry, or whatever. How do people eat three times a day? Or more? I can’t even think about it without feeling full.
I like tea. I should drink it way more often.
I need to read more as well.
Anyway, some goals before I wrap this up:
I hope to hear back from crown and remodel soon. I would really like to take on either of those projects because it’s what I want. I love those spaces and I’m hopeful to aid in their curation.
Hopeful that this cut will get into full affect by mid july. It was a bit hasty of me to start it up at the beginning knowing that all of my items hadn’t arrived yet, so returns still need to be made as well as assessments.
Fill out that damned application (BH)
Watch some barbie/princess/disney movies cause you like that shit.
Read something! What is your deal! You have fics and books to devour why are you like this!
Anyway, I think I’m on the right track. I’m trying and it feels like it’s working sometimes but other times it doesn’t. It is working though, in ways. It’s okay that I don’t always feel like it... but it is.
This is going well!
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