imaginejercy · 7 years
An Omegaverse Biology Lesson (part 1)
Yo i wrote another dumb PJO story set in my OC Verse
You can also read it on ff.net and AO3
This is kind of a sequel to "An Omegaverse Sex Ed Lesson", and just like that story, this is also kinda cracky and humorous, and i planned for it to be a two parter. The IGIRLS won't appear on the first chapter, they will only be mentioned, but they will appear on the second chapter.
Information on everyone's second genders:
Alphas: Jason, Frank, Will, Reyna
Betas: Piper, Leo, Calypso
Omegas: Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Nico
"I can't believe i'm saying this, but i think we need to teach those IGIRLS sex ed." Percy sighed exasperatedly.
He has asked all of his friends—the ones that also have The IGIRLS as Bonded Helpers just like him—to meet him in the Poseidon Cabin to discuss something very important: giving The IGIRLS sex ed lessons on their world's biology. Ever since his awkward conversation with Aina the other day, where she asked him about whether or not he gets periods sometimes, he decided that maybe it's about time The IGIRLS get some lessons on their world's sexual biology to avoid further awkward questions like Aina's previous one. And he is going to ask the help of the other Bonded Families.
"I think i have to agree with Percy." Nico rubbed his forehead as if he has a headache. "Just yesterday Vile asked me if i have a vagina, i had to explain to her multiple times that i don't have a vagina!"
"Also, one time Laura asked me if being a beta makes me a hermaphrodite." Piper exclaimed. "I don't even know what that means!"
"A hermaphrodite means having both male and female body parts." Annabeth explained to her girlfriend.
"Well i didn't know that!"
"Emerald once tried to take a look at my knot." Reyna deadpanned. Everybody else seemed really surprised when they heard the alpha female tell them that, even Reyna herself looks like she can't even believe her own words. "I don't want to talk about it." Nobody pressed further.
Jason is the only one that looks more exasperated than surprised. "That sounds like Emerald. Speaking of which, she also once asked me the same question as Vile did about Percy."
"What did you said to her?" Percy stare suspiciously at his boyfriend. Whatever his respond is to Emerald, it better not be something stupid.
"Don't worry, i told her i'm pretty sure you don't actually have a vagina." He reassured the male omega.
Percy sighs in relief.
"Wait, you don't right?" That earn him a slap in the head from Percy. He then began spluterring apologies to his boyfriend for asking such a thing.
"I don't think my experience is as weird as any of yours, but there was that one time Amber wanted to know if us omegas give birth to a lot of children all the time." Hazel thought out loud.
"That really doesn't sound that weird, since it's partially true." Annabeth said.
"That's what i said to her too, but then she grabbed onto me and wanted to know if condoms and birth control existed in this world, she looks so worried for me that she almost starts crying, i felt bad for her and told her that those things do exists." Hazel covers her face with her hands, while Frank rubs her back trying to comfort her.
"Okay then, it's official! We need to teach them sex ed immediately!" Percy announced.
Leo snorted. "I feel very sorry for the poor souls who has to do that."
Frank finished comforting his girlfriend to turn to Leo. "He said we Leo, that means we're all going to do it."
"Do i look like a sexologist to you?"
"Well, do you have a better idea on who should be giving those Helpers 'The Talk' Leo?" Piper raised her eyebrow at him.
"Yes i do," Leo retorted; "i think only four people should be giving them 'The Talk'. A female alpha, a male alpha, a female omega, and a male omega. No betas because i remember Hester saying something about betas being pretty much like the normal people from their world, so i believe they don't need any lessons on me, my girlfriend, and Piper's second gender."
"I guess that's understandable." Annabeth hummed in though. "So, who are going to be the unlucky alphas and omegas that are going to be teaching them?"
Everyone look towards Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna.
"Oh no, no way," Percy immediately refuse; "i do not want to deal with similar awkward questions about my body from them."
"You were the one who suggested the idea." Nico said matter of factly.
"And why am i the other chosen omega? I'm not the only female omega in this room. Why not Hazel?" Annabeth argued.
"I'm not that knowledgable in these kinds of things, also you're the smartest one out of all of us Annabeth." Hazel explained to her.
"I'm also not the only male alpha here, what about Frank or Will?" Jason pointed at the other alpha in the room.
"Oh hell no," Frank shook his head; "you have much more experience dealing with their crazyness, there is no way i can't ever handle all of them at once."
"I can't argue because i know i'm the only female alpha." Reyna sighed in defeat.
"All in favor of Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna to be the ones to teach The IGIRLS sex ed?" Leo exclaimed.
Everyone except for Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Reyna raised their hands.
Percy groan. "Fine, we'll do it." He then look towards the other three unlucky chosen teachers. "So, how are we going to teach them?"
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cloudbeom · 5 years
Concert tears | Igirl Idol
A/n : SUPRISE UPDATE YW, anyways, I was inspired to write this from a clip of Taehyung crying backstage because he thought he messed up (when he clearly gave his best and all)  SO enjoy some angst and fluff yallsss don’t forget to vote comment Yada Yada noW LET’S GET IT!! (Requests are open and are in the middle of writing the ones I received,  so send some more in , love you all sm ♥ )
genre : angst, fluff, comfort and hugs from Jiminie
summary : no one was perfect yet you still took blame when you made the slightest mistake, luckily you had seven of your brothers and Jimin who had been in your position before
Warning : none
pairing : BTS x 8th member reader (platonic) ; mostly Jimin x 8th member reader  (platonic) in this one
a/n : i couldnt find a perfect gif so hope this works!
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It had all happened so fast, too fast that even some of the keen and observant ARMY couldn’t catch it.
But you did, and it hurt you , big time.
You were performing your solo, happily interacting with fans and dancing, until you got distracted by the beautiful ARMY bombs and almost missed your line.
Almost wasn’t even the worse bit.
You had quickly brought the mic to your lips to sing your verse, but not only did you miss a beat, but you sang the wrong fucking line.
You missed a beat and sang the wrong fucking line.
You played it cool by pointing the mic to the ARMY’s so they could sing it instead while you nodded your head to the beat, concentrating this time.
And you know when you really concentrate you tend to make more mistakes?
Well, you did.
The ending had a high note, but you were too busy beating yourself up from the previous mistake you hadn’t even measured the vocal range you had to sing before you placed the mic back on your lips.
Your voice cracked the tiniest bit. The most smallest, unheardable Crack.
But to your ears- the ones connected to the earpiece- made it absolutely clear, that your solo was royally fucked up.
You missed a beat, sang the wrong line, and your voice cracked.
That was the tipping point.
ARMY’S chanted your stage name, screamed happily for you when your solo ended, oblivious to your pain behind your smile, and you were lowered down under the stage to be brought backstage for intermission, which was thankfully right after yours, so you had a time to rest before returning to perform boy with luv.
You were brought backstage, panting , tired and sore from the dancing. You were thankful your stylist navigated you, because the only thing on your mind was how you fucked up.
Bangtan was in the lounging room resting, only Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon was out to congratulate you for your performance, and when they saw you, Jungkook immideately ran to hug you happily, also oblivious to your pained state.
“You did amazing, (Y/n)!” He cheered when you collapsed on the chair, an ice pack placed on your sore neck, and unfortunately, a cameraman had came to you as if sensing some drama to record the live scene that was happening for the Love Yourself in Seoul DVD.
“I didn’t, I messed up,” You said quietly, which only Jimin- who was in front of you- heard over the loud fans screaming, you hoped the editors of the movie couldn’t hear as well so this clip would be cut out or not make it into the subtitles.
“You did not mess up,” he said comfortingly, making you scoff.
“I sang the wrong line, missed a beat and my voice cracked.” You said out loud so now they could hear you over the noise, the managers and staff had busied themselves arranging everything backstage,  ARMY screaming and chanting even during intermission.
Namjoon and Jungkook heard you loud and clear now, Namjoon had noticed how you kept biting your lip and how glossy your eyes were, so being the sensible leader he was, he had politely asked the cameraman to stop the scene and give you personal space, as much as it would make good content in the DVD, ARMY didn’t need to see you in such state.
Once the cameraman captured everything, he bowed and left you alone. Namjoon immediately crouched down in front of you right next to Jimin.
“(Y/n), look at me,” he said, cupping your face and you complied, “You did not mess up, we all make mistakes sometimes.”
Jungkook began softly rubbing your back and that’s when you broke down in tears.
“I- I fucked up, guys, I royally fucked up this time,” You cried into your sweater paws, uncontrollably sobbing at the horrible memory of your performance. More than 100,000 ARMY’S were there, one out of them would have definitely noticed.
“(Y/n),” Jimin stood to pull you in a hug, fully knowing how you felt, letting you sob into his chest as Jungkook didn’t stop rubbing your back, the three Bangtan members trying to calm you down.
“I fucked up, guys, I’m so stupid,” You hiccuped, gripping the back of Jimin’s shirt, crying. Jimin had started to rub your back soothingly, replacing Jungkook’s hand.
“I’ll take care of it.” Jimin told the maknae and the rapper, and they both looked at him smiling softly, fully trusting Jimin on calming you since he’s been there already.
“Let’s talk about it after your calmed, Love.” Namjoon said, Jungkook kissing the crown of your head, his heart breaking at your glossy cheeks before the both of them walked away,  giving Jimin and you some space.
Jimin waited for you to calm down before he talked, softly stroking your hair or rubbing your back, keeping his strong grip on you, hugging you to him and letting you know he was there for you.
“I’m sorry,” You sobbed into his chest, pulling apart and showing your puffy eyes, your cheeks flushed and you panted, exhausted from the dancing, singing,  worrying and now crying, “I’m so sorry, Jimin, I di- I didn’t mean to burden you-”
“Shh Shh,” he coed, stroking your hair, “Please don’t apologize, it’s okay, your okay.”
“I’m didn’t mean to fail,” You started, small tears still streaking down your cheeks, which the vocalist wiped with his thumb, “I really didn’t! I’m such and failure!” You cried out tiredly, and Jimin brushed your hair.
“Your not a failure, (Y/n), your a perfetionist, that’s why you feel so burdened by this,” he said, softly wiping your tear stained cheeks, “Honestly, you were so amazing tonight, from the start of the concert up until now, you did amazing, you know? People make mistakes, and you need to realize that you’re human too,” he smiled, hugging you too him once he realized you were going to cry again.
“You gave your best, ARMY’S loved it, they were so happy chanting and singing to you, (Y/n), and ARMY’S happiness is the most important, right? They don’t care if you messed up- not that they realize it,” He said, provibg a point, and he wasnt one omto lie, especially to you.
“You have worth and value beyond your current state, you are not alone,” he continued, feeling you crying again against his shoulder, “This is not who you are, (Y/n), it is simply what you did, you are not a failure, and a simple,unnoticeable mistake will not make you one, you’re never alone. You have me, you have us.” He smiled, remembering Yoongi’s little poem, “What a relief we have each other, right?”
You chuckled through tears, and pulled away from the hug, smiling as wide as ever, and Jimin couldn’t help to smile wider too, his eyes smiling with him.
“Thank you, Jimin hyung,” You said, your voice hoarse from the crying.
“Yah, that’s enough crying for now,” Jimin teased, wiping the last streaks of tears from your eyes, “Let’s meet up with the others and get you something to drink, yeah?”
You couldn’t help but smile, your heart happy and your limbs absolutely sore and exhausted.
And when you both entered the room Bangtan had been in and was immideately tackled by Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook in a hug, Jin hyung whining ‘I want to hug my youngest child!’ Jokingly, and Namjoon and Yoongi helplessly trying to pry you out of their death grip, ended with you in the middle of a huge group hug, you realized Jimin was right.
What a relief you had each other.
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
One Of The Families: The only time you seem honest is when you’re insulting someone!
Dina: The only honest things I can say to you are insults.
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
July 24, 2018: 3:57 pm:
July 24. 2018:<br><br>On this page, I have explained that the Screen Actors G... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-24T17:15:30-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-24T18:57:46-0400
July 24. 2018: On this page, I have explained that the Screen Actors Guild, in allegiance with Quebec Canada, in association with the Seventh Day Adventist Church have killed, or taken captive State Police Officers in Oregon, and replaced them with Canadian Mounted Police impostors, and supplemented those impostor police with Actor/soldiers from the Screen Actors Guild. I have shared some personal experiences regarding survival in a socio-terrific environment such as the one that exists in Oregon. I have explained that the Impostor State Police, along with an army of Seventh Day Adventists, who are also impostors, and in reality are soldiers from Quebec are slaughtering Americans in Oregon. I have explained that Nitrous Oxide airborne gas, mixed with Versed is used at the places that Americans shop for food, clothing, gasoline, and anything a person needs is being used as an offensive weapon. The places Americans shop are killing fields in Oregon. Exposure to the Nitrous Oxide causes the intended victim to feel a false sense of security, a sense of tranquility, a feeling of happiness and well-being occures as the result of exposure to Nitrous Oxide. The Versed in the gas mixture erases the victims memory very quickly. Research Versed. It is used in surgery when a patient needs to be awakened in the midst of the surgery and reduces anxiety that could be experienced afterwords by removing the memory of having been woken up. Surgery patients who are awakened often see that their bodies are opened up. Chances of having a frightening memory, and nightmares of the surgery are reduced with the use of Versed during surgical applications. Anything that occurres during the time that a person is exposed to Versed is not possible to retain in the memory of the individual, the Versed prevents memories of events from being retained. For terrorist coup applications, such as the use of Versed mixed with Nitrous Oxide and released airborne as offensive weapon, the gas mixture is deadly, not as a result of exposure, but as a result of what follows the exposure. Victims exposed to the gas mixture are taken captive at the places they shop, at the checkout cash-register, in the bottleneck line area, and their shopping carts are used to cart the victims away for extraction of personal information such as banking passwords, birth certificate locations, family member locations and cellular telephone contact list farming. In Grants Pass Oregon, at any grocery store, convenience store, shoe store, restaurant, gasoline station, public facility such as Oregon Health and Human Services facility on 6th Street (the place where people sign up for food-stamp welfare)... absolutely everywhere an American wants, or needs to go, including a river rafting day on the Rogue River... everywhere,  there are Seventh Day Adventist Soldiers, from Quebec, waiting there to kill anyone who is not a Seventh Day Adventist from Quebec. They use the Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture both indoors and outdoors and incorporate the direction of the wind or the breeze into an attack. All they need to do is get the intended victim exposed to such a condition as they describe as "98", as in when a surgical patient is told to count backwards from 100 as the anesthesiologist administers the anesthetic for the surgery. "98"... no one ever is able to count down to "96", so they have come up with that communication among them in an order to describe that an intended victim is ripe for capture. At the Grocery store, all of them, the people who work behind the counter, those who wear the store employee uniforms, the people who work in all departments and management, along with, and in association with the people who are in the store pretending to shop, they are all terrorist soldiers who are there to kill... not shop, they are there to take Americans captive, extract useful information, and then dispose of them. Some victims are passed along to Screen Actor Guild for use as sex slaves, some are surgically altered in horrible ways and used for imaginable uses, and some are surgically altered and turned into "Partners" who are used to teach the soldiers how to behave as Americans behave. There are no more Americans who reside in Josephine County Oregon, I am the last one. Some travelers come through and shop at the stores and go to the restaurants, and those are the targeted victims.The Americans who lived in Josephine County Oregon have all been killed and replaced, every-one. The terrorist soldiers expose themselves to the gas mixture also. It's not the gas mixture that kills, it's the people who use the gas mixture offensively, as a very large group. At the grocery store, all of the perceived employees, along with all of the perceived shopper soldiers, they all have a tank of Nitrous Oxide with them, releasing it into the isles of the store wherever a targeted victim is located within the store. The entire building can get fogged with the gas and everyone gets exposed to it. With the Versed... no one is able to remember anything that they have seen, or done, or experienced in any way. Not the victims or witnesses, not the terrorist soldiers, not law enforcement if they were to investigate. Versed is dangerous. The perpetrators of the mass murdering cannot even remember what they have done. On a national scale, this is really super bad news. It's real. The agencies I have reached out to have not responded. No one has answered the call for help. Lots of calls for help over many years, and now the entire population of... Oregon has been replaced with terrorists.
Shared with: Public
+1'd by: Igirl Kelechukwu, To Live And Dine, Aphorism
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-24T19:46:55-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-24T20:18:49-0400
July 24, 2018: The information provided above is not limited to Oregon. I have personal knowledge and have experienced the same kinds of conditions in other states. Bullhead City Arizona; Laughlin Nevada; The Grand Canyon National Park Visitor Center; The entire State of California; The entire State of Hawaii: and Las Vegas Nevada all have the same condition as is explained in the post above. That is a short list. I am convinced that Montana and Wyoming were among the first to be taken many, many years ago, however, I have no personal experience in those states. I have personal experience of the madness in the other locations mentioned. In Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, there was a shooting indecent reported to have injured over five-hundred concert goers and killed fifty-eight others. It did not happen the way it was reported. In the days prior to that event, in Grants Pass Oregon, there was activity at a new construction of a hotel at the Southbound exit of the Interstate 5 Freeway exit 58. Actors from Universal Studios were in Grants Pass and they practiced for the event at that new construction hotel, that practice included laud representations of automatic gunfire, at the new construction, the sound was passed off as construction noises, it was not construction noises but rather a very powerful amplification system was tested for use. Also, there was practicing of casino activity at Fred Meyer Grocery Department store. The practicing included that the actors who perpetrated the event in Las Vagas were made familiar with casino gaming at the grocery store in Grants Pass. Their were also casino style cocktail waitresses practicing their movements in the grocery store while in full costume... it was a dress rehearsal for casino activity at a Grocery store in Oregon. Not kidding. The event in Las Vegas rendered Fifty-Eight people dead, all of whom were wearing the kind of shoes hospital employees wear. Hospital shoes. There was no concert, it was a distraction and a staging area for soldiers who advanced on Desert Springs Hospital and took the hospital by force in a staged and rehearsed attack. It is likely that the hospital was not the only target. Now, the Desert Springs Hospital is under control of Screen Actors Guild. It is likely that the surgeons who use the hospital are being held captive somewhere and used as needed by the Screen Actor Guild terrorist army, the Seventh Day Adventist terrorist army, and French Canadian soldiers from Quebec. Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas was taken over by SAG years ago and is also in control of those same people. There are no police in Las Vegas, they are French Canadian Mounted Police officers who trained for taking over the USA in association with an army of actor/soldiers under direction of the Screen Actors Guild. The event in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 was a gigantic, live action, movie production, in real life, with real people, out in the open and in our faces for our consumption. It resulted in a coup on Desert Springs Hospital... and likely, a lot more than that. When we see in the news that a weird group of demonstrators have gathered someplace in opposition to another weird group of demonstrators and then a third group of demonstrators shows up and it all turns chaotic, that is a terrorist attack and is designed for the capturing, killing and replacing of real law enforcement officers who come to keep the peace. The Screen Actors Guild does not want anyone to have any peace. They kill the police, replace them with their own people, who then kill the population of the area having gained control of the Department of Motor Vehicles in the area. That's what is going on... right now. There is no hospital that I can go to in Josephine County Oregon or in Jackson County Oregon in the event that I get sick or injured. I have first hand knowledge of the extermination practices that happen to Americans that need medical attention. Asante' Health, Three Rivers Medical Center... it's under control of an anti-American group of people, The Screen Actors Guild.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-24T23:35:18-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-24T23:45:49-0400
July 24. 2018: In the event that someone is reading this page and is interested in protecting the USA from complete take-over, you must understand and accept that the National Guard is not available. Not in Oregon. The National Guard members are American citizens who were called upon to give one weekend per month of their lives to protect the United States of America. It turns out that those citizens, those National Guard men and women gave all of their lives. they were killed and replaced like all of the other citizens in Oregon. All of the Guards equipment is in the hands of the terrorist soldiers. Some of the Guard may have been held in captivity for forced communications and protocol training of the terrorist soldiers. You could still rescue them. The same condition is true in Hawaii, and in California. While our leaders were partying with rock stars and movie stars, our children were being slaughtered and raped. Now, the west coast of the USA is under control of Screen Actors Guild and French Canadians from Quebec. I wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger has a new blockbuster action packed movie for our leaders to watch at the theater? The baby is on fire. In Benghazi, there were 600 cries for help, and none came. Have we learned nothing from our own history?
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-24T23:40:56-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-24T23:43:34-0400
July 24, 2018: Album: Here Come the Warm Jets Baby's on fire Better throw her in the water Look at her laughing Like a heifer to the slaughter Baby's on fire And all the laughing boys are bitching Waiting for photos Oh the plot is so bewitching Rescuers row row Do your best to change the subject Blow the wind blow blow Lend some assistance to the object Photographers snip snap Take your time she's only burning This kind of experience Is necessary for her learning If you'll be my flotsam I could be half the man I used to They said you were hot stuff And that's what Baby's been reduced to... Juanita and Juan Very clever with maraccas Making their fortunes Selling second-hand tobaccoes Juan dances at Chico's And when the clients are evicted He empties the ashtrays And pockets all that he's collected But Baby's on fire! And all the instruments agree that Her temperature's rising But any idiot would know that. Songwriters: Brian Eno Baby's on Fire lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
Seli: And if you see Dina, give her this message.
Seli: *makes a neutral face*
Seli: She'll know what it means.
Aini: Oh, and Seli said to give you a message.
Aini: *makes a neutral face*
Dina: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
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handicappedwriter · 6 years
The whole Helper concept in the IGIRLS Verse is either this: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, nothing would change." Or this: "My work here is done." "But you didn't do anything."
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