#qintha writes
imaginejercy · 2 days
Legacy of Venus!Percy, who has rainbow eyes like an oil spill on the water.
Still a beautiful sea-green color, but a shimmering rainbow, bright and colorful.
If Jason liked Piper's eyes, then Percy's eyes he worships.
His eyes are like clear green diamonds. Light bounces off of them creating a myriad of colors like a kaleidoscopic sea. There's nothing else in the world like it. And there's nothing else that Jason deemed more beautiful.
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
The Adult Touken Danshis React To Being Asked "Where Do Babies Come From".
They don't have an answer. Because they don't know. Even if you do get an answer, they'll probably answer something like "They come from plants.".
Honestly, you'll probably have better luck asking the tantous or wakizashis about this. They are the the ones that spends most of their time in their former masters' bedrooms afterall.
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everyone always has a habit that they do first thing in the morning. Like drinking coffee or checking their emails
Me, personally I like to open up AO3 and check how many hits I have gotten on my latest published story
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ao3-feed-pruaus · 6 years
Welcome To Flirting 101 (Hetalia)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SxEEcO
by the_fangirl_in_a_wheelchair
A Hetalia version of Welcome To Flirting 101 (Crack)
Words: 138, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Qintha Writes Crack
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia)
Relationships: Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark/Norway, Greece/Turkey (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Crack, Inspired By Pinterest, hinted pairings, guess who answers what!, Historical References
remember to leave kudos and comments after reading! https://ift.tt/2SxEEcO
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ao3feed-spamano · 6 years
Welcome To Flirting 101 (Hetalia)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SxEEcO
by the_fangirl_in_a_wheelchair
A Hetalia version of Welcome To Flirting 101 (Crack Crossover)
Words: 138, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Qintha Writes Crack
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia)
Relationships: Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark/Norway, Greece/Turkey (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Crossover, Crack, Crack Crossover, Inspired By Pinterest, hinted pairings, guess who answers what!, Historical References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SxEEcO
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handicappedwriter · 10 months
The Saniwa has had enough of Jikkyuu's doe eyes. (Warnings Inside!)
Warning/s: Eyes gouged out, gore, blood, black honmaru. This is probably not medically accurate.
"Could you please stop staring at me with those big doe eyes?"
"Sorry aruji..."
"Jikkyuu, come." The Saniwa offered their hand. Jikkyuu tries to follow the Saniwa's voice. He appears to have trouble finding his master's hand. After several seconds he finally managed to touch the Saniwa's fingers. He then laces his fingers around his master's.
"How do you feel?"
"It hurts..." Jikkyuu whimpers.
"That's understandable, your nerves are still adjusting to the missing organs after all." The Saniwa smiles gently. "Don't worry, if your brother could live with only one eye I'm sure you could learn to live without any."
The Saniwa feel the grip on their hand tightening. Jikkyuu rests his head on his master's shoulder. He lets out painful sobs.
How cute. The Saniwa thought to themselves.
"Come, Jikkyuu. Let's go for a little walk." The Saniwa stands, pulling Jikkyuu up with them. He lightly lost his balance due to the abrupt movement, but his master holds his waist to keep him from falling.
The Saniwa opens the door. The afternoon sun's rays shines onto Jikkyuu's face. He has bloody bandages covering his eyes like a blindfold. And dried blood and tears stains his face.
"Let's go visit Fuku chan's garden, I'm sure the flowers are blooming today." The Saniwa guides Jikkyuu outside, holding his hand.
Inside the room they left, lies a jar containing a couple of eyeballs with ripped nerve roots attached to them. Both of them are violet in color.
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handicappedwriter · 10 months
Mitsutada's face in the picture frame was smiling. He looks so peaceful. Jikkyuu can't remember the last time he saw his brother smiling that way.
The coroner said that he committed suicide. But Jikkyuu knows that's a lie. He was murdered.
(YagenJikkyuu, minor NihonFuku and KuriMitsu. Warnings Inside!)
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handicappedwriter · 1 year
Mini TKRB poem.
Prompt borrowed: Feast.
TW: Cannibalism.
Hands, feet, eyes, and bones
Ripped apart from dead bodies
Scrapped metals with bleeding rust
It is a feast for monsters
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
Do you want to see a certain eyepatch wearing sword suffer? Are you tired by the lack of whump this slut has?
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Then worry no more because I have the series just for you!
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
Hello TKRB fandom~
Do you like pathetic Osafune content?
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
Black Cinderella
This is actually a drabble for my original Saniwa universe. I shared it once to a minor TKRB Discord server, but no one in that server liked seeing their oshis suffering so no one liked my ideas. Which is why I left that server.
But I still like this drabble and decided to share it here where I know there are people that do enjoy seeing their oshis suffering.
Warning/s: Suicide, sword breaking, abusive workplace environment (referenced).
"It's okay, you've been a good boy so far, so I won't break you." His master strokes his hair softly, akin to petting a cat.
Why does his master took mercy on him? He failed a mission, he should be punished for it, he should be broken, his body should be scattered to pieces right now. He spent such a long time in this room waiting in agony for his master to decide his fate. He was ready to die. So why does his master spare him? Why isn't he broken?
Why is he still alive?
Mitsutada gripped his sword in his hands tightly.
"Why are you letting me live?!" He stood up and glared directly at his master. "Do you enjoy torturing us like this?! You don't even use me! I'm not afraid of you anymore! So go ahead and break me like you did the others!"
He pulls out his sword from its scabbard and presents it to his master. The blade cuts into his palm making him bleed, but he doesn't care about the pain.
His master just stared at him with a blank expression and said, "Oh Mitsutada, death is too merciful of a punishment for you."
Those words felt like a direct stab in his gut.
He could feel his eyes getting hot and his vision becoming blurry, small sobs escapes his lips, tears wells up in his eye and falls down his face. He doesn't care how pathetic he looks right now. The truth is, he stops caring about his appearance a long time ago.
He storms out of the room.
"Aruji, is everything alright?" Yagen steps into the room, he must have saw Mitsutada left from his post.
"Follow him, if you found him dead, get rid of the body." Kuro instructed.
Mitsutada enters the repair room, he barricades the doors to prevent others from entering.
"Shokudaikiri san are you in there? Open the door!"
The shouts and screams of the other swords falls on deaf ears.
He puts his sword on top of the smithing table, and takes the hammer that the smith often uses to forge swords. It was the hammer that gave him life, and now it's going to end his suffering once and for all.
He positions himself near the table, he closes his eyes, and with a deep breath, he swung.
When the other touken danshis arrived at the smithing room, the only thing they found is a broken Shokudaikiri Mitsutada the sword, but Shokudaikiri Mitsutada the tsukumogami is nowhere to be seen.
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You know you've done well when that popular author that has written multiple fics likes your work
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Me: I wish these characters could be happy in canon
Also Me: *Proceeds to make everything worse for said characters in fanfics/headcanons*
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I love turning the most nicest, sweetest, innocent, friendliest guy/girl character in the fandom into the most evil, creepy, manipulative, fucked up villain in my works.
I don't care if it's OOC, it's in character to me because I enjoy the characters better like that.
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
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Hello fandom, do you like existential crisis?
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handicappedwriter · 3 years
@thehistorynut19 / @toukenramblings
Top/Dominant Saniwa HCs (SFW)
Top Saniwa Manifester Anon revealed! Manifesting this content because there isn't that many of it here! (This is my first time doing reader x character(s) actually).
When Daihannya says his flirty line to you for the first time, you flirted back. It threw him off guard and he immediately became quiet afterwards. From the corner of your eyes you could see a hint of red dusting his cheeks, you smirks.
When the boys flirts at you, you always flirt back.
One time you flirted back with Tsurumaru, he started laughing and tells that it was quite a pleasant surprise before promptly leaving. You can't help but notice his awkward body language and the slight hint of blush he tries to hide. You smirked after he left.
You are quite the Citadel's Casanova. Occasionally, you have gotten a slap from some of the boys for your behaviour, but those times you understand you might have taken things a little too far and promptly apologizes to the sword you offended.
You have nicknames for the swords (Example: Hasebe = Wisteria-chan, Tsurumaru = Crane Bride, Mitsutada = Candle Queen, Kashuu = Sakura-chan).
Every morning you always greet your swords with "Good morning my beautiful flowers." 
Mitsutada might want to look cool, but he is only cute in your eyes, and you often tell him how cute he is each day, it doesn't help that he gets flustered every time you tell him that, which makes him even more adorable. One day you might have taken it a little too far that he threw a tomato at you.
You are a strong saniwa, you can bridal carry the boys with no sweat (but you can only carry the tantous up to tachis, the swords bigger than that are still way too heavy for you), you usually do this whenever one of the boys are heavily injured and you have to carry them to the repair room, some of them would struggle at first but you just whisper gently in their ear "You've done well, so let me take care of you this time.", eventually they got used to this and lets you carry them.
You would pat their heads whenever they did a good job at something. The adult swords would often blush and tries to tell you that they're not a tantou. But you kept doing it anyway, because seriously, who would be able to resist their cute blushing faces?
It's fun to tease the boys, sometimes you would drop a compliment bomb on them when they least expect it and you get to see their cute flustered face.
Sometimes the boys would knock your room's door in the middle of the night and asked you if they can sleep with you tonight. Usually it's one of the tantous, but the older swords have appeared in front of your door as well. On those nights they often comes because of nightmares, they said your presence and warmth are comforting to them and helps them go to sleep. So, you let them in and the two of you will have a peaceful sleep together.
You often give the boys kisses to revive their fatigue. A full on kiss on the mouth, a kiss on the hand, a kiss on their forehead, etc, you two will be surrounded by flower petals instantly. 
Whenever you go shopping with one of the swords you sometimes buy him a gift (but nothing too expensive, you're not a rich saniwa). You see him looking at something that catches his eye and you pull out your wallet/credit card and buys that thing for him. The sword you are with would apologize for making you spent your money on them but you just reassure them that it's fine. "You deserve a reward for all the fighting you've done."  
Sometimes some of the boys would get jealous whenever you pay a lot of attention to one sword in particular. Of course they would deny it, you have to reassure them that you love them all equally, and if that still doesn't work and they are still pouting/sulking, you put a finger under their chin and gives them that smile that always gets them weak in the knees "It's okay if you wanted attention, I can give it to you." 
When you do get together with one of the swords, you refer to them as your wife, they are completely fine with this.
But if you decided to get together with more than one sword, get ready for a lot of catfighting for your attention. 
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