Ja ću te samo posmatrati, kao što posmatram insekta koji se upleo u paukovu mrežu. I znam, bićeš zbunjem mojom smirenošću, mojim osmijesima, mojom radošću, mojom sposobnošću da volim i živim svoj život - mimo tebe.
Neke ljude možeš izgubiti samo jednom.
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astratv · 2 years
«Niške Igre, μια υπέροχη εκδήλωση»
Για μια ακόμη χρονιά η τοπική διοίκηση Καρδίτσας της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Αστυνομικών συμμετείχε στην υπέροχη εκδήλωση Niške Igre, που σημαίνει «παιχνίδια της Νις», που διοργάνωσε για έβδομη χρονιά η αντίστοιχη τοπική διοίκηση της Niš στη Σερβία, με την οποία έχει αδελφοποιηθεί. Η ΙΡΑ Καρδίτσας ταξίδεψε με οκταμελή αποστολή, όπου έλαβαν μεταξύ άλλων μέρος το επίτιμο μέλος Αρχιμανδρίτης Νεκτάριος…
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butchboylemons · 1 month
When she has a nut allergy 🥜 but still swallows >>>
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celestialdaily · 2 months
The celestial object of the day is IGR J17091-3624!
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This black hole has in its accretion disk the fastest winds ever discovered, at 32 million km/h (20 million miles per hour) or 3% of the speed of light. And just like the black hole GRS 1915+105, it also has X-ray variability patterns or 'heartbeats.' While fainter than the ones of GRS 1915+105, IGR J17091's are faster!
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lupismaris · 4 months
Just watched the first ever All Trans International Rugby Match and my club mates were on the pitch im so emotional rn y'all saturSunday is a rugby day is everybody happy you bet your ass we are
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indigitalembrace · 4 months
None of this is okay.
None of it.
After all of this shit I've put up, even after countless sleepless nights, all the times my hands have cramped up from the typing, the fear that one day that firewall is just going to collapse or my watchdog will fail me-
All of my guards up, and something still got in.
Someone with the potential to he dangerous, and she got in.
And not only that. Someone of us is dead and it's all my fucking fault. Because I wasn't watching.
Clearly it's not enough, but I don't know what else I can do.
I don't want to fail him.
I don't want to fail all of you.
I'm so... tired.
So so.... tired...
- 🦐
To: ⭐
From: 🦐
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lifeinbooks · 6 months
shvatio sam... nije da nisam vjerovao u ljubav. Samo sam je čuvao za tebe.
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digitalechos · 1 year
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Been reminded of the create your own reaper thing from I'm the Grim Reaper :))
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da-riya · 2 months
I wanna make a playlist based on the colonial marines cassettes but for music I'd listen to
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malonasjealnasima · 3 months
Ajde neko ko se razumije u ovo pls recite za koga da navijam sutra
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richardsays123 · 4 months
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pruvodcebih · 8 months
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Výstava u příležitosti 40. výročí Zimních olympijských her '84 v Sarajevu, s názvem "12 dnů, kdy jsme byli středem světa" bude v Sarajevu otevřena od 7.2. do 29.2.2024
Organizátorem je Historický archiv Sarajevo, za podpory Ministerstva kultury a sportu kantonu Sarajevo, Olympijského výboru Bosny a Hercegoviny, Městských muzeí Sarajevo a sdružení cestovního ruchu Visit Sarajevo.
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adriaticpulse · 2 days
Evo koje igre nas očekuju uz PlayStation 5 Pro
Nova PlayStation 5 Pro konzola donosi niz nevjerojatnih unapređenja koja podižu gaming iskustvo na novu razinu. S naprednim ray tracingom, super jasnom slikom na 4K televizorima i visokim framerateom, PlayStation 5 Pro omogućava da svoje omiljene igre zaigrate s najimpresivnijim vizualima ikada viđenim na PlayStation konzoli. PS5 Pro je dizajniran kako bi svjetski najpoznatiji kreatori igara…
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lifeinbooks · 6 months
Netko je jednom rekao da su pakao drugi ljudi. Imao je pravo.
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