dhmis-autism · 4 months
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unreciprocated loserfail yaoi hours
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dun-on-me-blog · 8 years
The Run and Go Part One (Josh Dun X Reader)
Synopsis: A three peice story loosely based of the Twenty One Pilots song The Run and Go, about josh dun and the reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder, Cursing, shitty writing, and bad grammar.
Josh had never really depended on me for anything, and he never confided in me, which made it weird when I got a call from him at 1 am while he was freaking the fuck out. But what really freaked me out was what was about to come out of his mouth.
    “(Y/N) I just fucking killed someone!”
    “ Josh?! What the fuck?!” I screamed “Why?!”
    “I didn’t mean to!” he pants “I have to leave town! I’ve gotta go!”
    “Im packing my shit right now  Josh, I suggest you do the same. Meet me at my apartment because you are not leaving without me do you understand?” as soon as this comes out of my mouth I hear his breath hitch over the phone and a small silence.
    “(Y/N) I can’t just drag you into this, this is a lifelong-.”
    “This isn’t up for debate. Pick me up or i’m coming to find you.” I hung up, packing the rest of my important items including, clothes, toiletries, pawnable items, pictures and keepsakes, before dressing in all black and grabbing a big floppy hat and sunglasses. I walk outside in the cold, pacing waiting for  Josh to pull up. It was taking was way too long and I was starting to get nervous. What if he got arrested? Fuck. My stomach was doing flips and I was about ready to puke just as his huge black van pulled up. I quickly threw my bags in with his, before jumping in the front seat with him, instantly buckling up. “Give me your phone.” I demanded, and he complied handing it over confused as I took the batteries out of our phones before shoving them both in his glove box.
“ Josh, Drive?” I demanded from him once again.
    “Oh, Right.“ he said dumbfounded shifting the gear into drive and speeding away from my apartment.
    “Stop by the store we need burner cells, and an atm.”
As soon as all of that was taken care of we drove out of state and rolled up in the parking lot of a sleazy, rent by the hour motel. “Okay before we go in we need to get our story straight, just in case.
Your name is Timothy, Im Shellby. when we go in to get a room  We’re gonna frat kids coming from a party, they won’t think twice about that. Got it?” I asked him, trying to get a grip myself.
“Yeah, Yeah I think so.” he let out a shaky breath he wrapped his arm around me and started to lean on me a bit as we walked to the front door. When we walked in there was not one person at the front desk. I let out a sigh, ringing the bell only for a plump cranky man to come out from the back room.
“Bathrooms are for paying customers only.” he let out rudely as he stared at Josh. Looking over at him he had a look on his face that made him look constipated. I nudged him, this was already going swell.
“Actually we need a room.” I let out in a strong southern accent, pushing up my sunglasses. The rude man let out another sigh.
“One bed or two?” he said his voice lacking any emotion.
“One-” you and  Josh said in unison
“One is fine” I let out looking at  Josh.”
“Im Timothy.” Josh blurted out rather loudly.
“Hmmm interesting.” the man said obviously not giving a single fuck. “Room 9” he said handing us a key as we paid for 8 hours.
Josh and I walk back to the room carrying one bag each. looking the door once we were inside. “Timmothy we need to work on your acting.” I plop down on the queen matress yawning, He did the same.
“You need to work on your southern accent Shellby.”
“Oh shut up!” I said playfully hitting him. By this scene you wouldn’t think that I was on the run with a murder, it was something we had very much forgot about for a solid 20 minutes before panic set back in once we were trying to sleep.
“Josh,” I whispered next to him in the dark. “What are we gonna do?” My breath was shaky, I felt like crying. He didn’t respond, he only wrapped his arms around me bringing my body closer to his as hot wet tears flowed down my cheeks and onto his shirt.
It was a little after 11 when I heard a knock on the motel door, I promptly got up and swung open the door to see different motel staff personnel than the night before.
“Hi! I just wanted to let you two know that you have around 17 minutes left or were gonna have to charge you another hour.” the man said cheerfully.
“Oh um, thank you. well start packing then.” I shut the door and picked up our thing sorting them into each others bags before waking up  Josh.
“Wake up Tim, we have 13 minutes to get dressed and get out.” he only groaned in response getting up to brush his hair and teeth something I had already taken care of.
“Hey shelby, whadda think about going out for breakfast.” he said with a southern drawl of his own, causing me to snicker.
“In case you’ve forgotten were on the run,  Josh.”
“Yeah but,” he started before picking the accent back up “- Tim and Shelby aint.”
Dennys, We went to Dennys.
“-and that will be with hash browns.”  Josh said folding his menu, and tugging his hat down further.
“Same for me, thanks.” I say handing the waitress the menu.
“I’ll be right back with that for the lovely couple!” she said walking away.
“So were a couple now?”
“Jos- Timothy!” I yelled nearly spitting out my drink.
“What?” he asked giving me his innocent smile, which meant he was up to no good.
“you’re so infuriating!”
“Am I now? why’s that?” he leaned back obviously enjoying himself.
“You know exactly what you do.” I hissed kicking him underneath the table.
Our food didn’t take long to arrive and it didn’t take long for us to scarf down the food, being that we hadn’t eaten in a full day. what did take forever is getting the cheque, at least that’s how it felt after seeing  Josh and I flash across the screen of the muted tv.
“ Josh!” I whispered for the fifteenth time feeling more and more anxious. “Josh I wanna leave!”
“The waitress is coming it’s fine.”
“How are you so calm about this Josh?!”  just then the waitress comes back and sets the cheque on the table and  Josh promptly pays and drags me out of denny’s by my hand. As soon as we were in the van I looked him straight in the eyes as he started to leave “Josh what the fuck!? Did you not see what I saw?”
“I saw it.” he said stoically. I let a huff of air before laying back in my seat.
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