#meanwhile red guys just in the woods rip
dhmis-autism · 4 months
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unreciprocated loserfail yaoi hours
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Just a Flight Away
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Ilvermony!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Request N/A
Summary: Neville has a cutie who lives in America but no one seems to believe him.
Warnings: None! 
A/N: This isn’t a request but it’s based off of me rambling here and slightly off of the vibe telepatia by Kali Uchis gives off.
If there was one thing Neville was thankful was it was the absolute goddess he got to call his girlfriend. It was funny the way they first began talking to one another. (Y/n) had been trying to contact a friend at Hogwarts but after the long trip from Ilvermony to Hogwarts, her owl was quite exhausted and ended up bringing the letter to Neville instead. Neville saw the poor bird, giving it a bit of bird seed and water that he kept in the green house before he set off to find the rightful owner of the letter. Luckily he had 3rd period with the girl who thanked him before excitedly yanking the letter from his hands. When Neville went to go check on the owl, he saw that it had already left, leaving a heart shape in the bird seed.
After that day, Neville hadn’t really thought about the incident that much. Well, that was until he saw the same owl fly towards him with a letter in its mouth. He smiled fondly at it rubbing under its chin with his finger before going to give the letter back to the owl until he noticed it had his name on it.  He ripped it open, careful to not damage the envelope before reading the letter.
Dear Neviile,
Thank you so so so much for getting the letter to Gwen! Gwen is a good friend of mine who I had been missing dearly and if not for your kindness she would have never received my letter. 
As you may be able to tell from the seal on the letter, I attend Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry. I've heard of how grand and great the infamous Hogwarts is, is it true? How is England in general? I've never had the pleasure of traveling out of America.
Oh yes! The main point of this is as a thank you, I've attached a package of my favorite American sweets as a token of my gratitude. The package is enchanted which is why it's so small. To restore it to its original state, place it on a flat surface before tapping it with the tip of your wand.
(Y/n) (L/n)
Neville felt his face grow warm at the girl's kindness. (Y/n). 'What a beautiful name..' he thought to himself before pulling out the galleon sized package from the envelope. He pushed aside a few plants on the table in front of it before placing the package down, tapping the top with his wand. He gasped, watching in amazement as he saw the package expand. Neville wasn't quite familiar with this enchantment, perhaps he'd ask her about it in his response. His cheeks turned a brighter red. Response?
Did she want to speak to him more? He didn't want to assume but by her letter and her asking questions, it made it clear that this wasn't the last exchange she wanted to have. Was this a prank? Were the Weasley twins up to this? There was only one way to tell. Neville reached a shaky hand forward, opening the package as he closed his eyes expecting something to pop out at him but when he opened his eyes there was nothing but a box of snacks he had never seen before. He let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the racing in his heart.
After that, Neville and the girl started to talk quite a bit. Months had turned into years and he couldn't have been happier. It felt nice to have someone he could talk to, someone far away from all the hustle and bustle of the castle. To her he wasn't the kid with unfortunate luck or the "cowardly" boy in Gryffindor. He was just Neville, her boyfriend. Neville, her kind boyfriend in another continent, far away. 
(Y/n) loved Neville just as much. It wasn't that she never had suitors approach her. In fact, she had quite a few. (Y/n) was what you could consider popular, not that she cared. She was kind, smart, and beautiful. Who wouldn't want that? However, she always felt like none of the men who'd approach her got her. They all just saw her as a beautiful woman instead of what she was, a normal girl deserving of love. That's why she liked Neville so much. No matter what he always treated her with the utmost respect and that hadn't stopped when they started to date either. 
When the two had first exchanged photos, Neville was stunned. He had been talking to that beautiful of a girl? He couldn’t believe it. It was as if Olivander himself had sculpted and carved her out of the best of wood. She had glowing (s/c) skin, soft healthy looking (h/c) (h/c) hair, and a smile that could compete with the sun on its brightest of days and win. And when he found out she was single? He would’ve been a fool not to make a move. Angels as sweet as (Y/n) didn’t come around that often. 
And although their relationship was as great as can be there was the underlying sadness: they lived across the world from one another. Every time either of them would see a couple hug or kiss in school, they’d feel a twinge of jealousy pierce their hearts. It wasn’t fair that the most perfect person in the world was off enjoying themselves in their respective countries. Although (Y/n) tried to ignore it, Neville was the type to bring it up. He’d describe in the most beautiful of words what he’d do if they were together. How he’d hold her in his arms and show her off to all of his friends. Where he’d take her on a date, the plants he wanted to show her as they were both herbology geeks. Meanwhile she’d end each of the letters discussing this topic with the same phrase as usual. ‘You know I’m just a flight away. If you wanna I could take a private plane.’ He could never ask that of her though. As much as he’d love everyday to be filled with his flower, he wouldn’t wanna rip her away from the things she had going on in her own life.
It wasn’t all bad though! After the girl had taught him the charm she used when she first sent him something, they both would send each other gifts back and forth as much as possible. Neville sent her sweaters with his scent embedded, charmed flowers, chocolate frogs, anything she wanted was hers. She’d send her own things to remind him of her as well. Her favorite stuffed animal, loads of photographs, little crochet hats she made for Trevor, more...unsavory things as well definitely not her underwear. Despite the increase in objects Neville owned, none of his friends had questioned it until he started to wear a necklace with a heart shaped piece of onyx on it with the letter (Y/f/i) carved into it.
“Oi! Neville. Where’d you get that necklace from?” Ron questioned his friend who sat across from him in the Gryffindor common room. The boys had all decided to study together which of course turned into Neville studying as they goofed off. Neville tensed as his cheeks heated up turning a pink color.
“O-oh um..it’s from my girlfriend.” He said, saying the last word as soft as possible. He prayed to Merlin that his friends hadn’t heard him but unfortunately for him they had. It wasn’t that he didn’t want anyone to know about her. It was far from that. He was just a bit protective, he didn’t want anyone to try and steal her from him. Even though it was impossible since they had no contact with her, he never knew when it came to his friends. They always found a way to make the impossible possible.
“What year is she in?!”
“Who is it?!”
“No way, is she fit?!”
He finished at the chorus of voices, trying to calm them down so he could speak. They all scooted closer to him, looking up at him expectantly. “Well you see..” he trailed off, looking away as he played with the pendant around his neck. “She doesn’t go here. She attends school in Ilvermorny. But to answer your question, yeah she is bloody fit.” he responded, turning his attention back to the scroll of paper in front of him. Dean, Ron, and Seamus exchanged a look with each other trying to suppress their laughs.
“Yeah I’m sure she does Nev.” Dean said sarcastically as he joined the other two in laughter. Neville looked up at his friends confused at their behavior.
“Yeah Nev, if your nan sent it you could’ve just told us! Better than saying you’ve got a girl halfway across the world.” Ron said, pushing the boy slightly as he continued to laugh at him. Seamus was doubled over, snorting with laughter as fire whiskey shot from his nose causing the other two to howl with laughter.
“It’s not from my nan! My girlfriend really did send it to me.” he exclaimed, smacking Ron on the back of the head, before doing the same to the other two men. “Besides, you have some fucking nerve accusing me of lying when none of you have birds yourself.” he sneered, causing the boys to quiet down some.
“So harsh Neville, you didn’t have to go there mate! Well what’s this ‘girlfriend’ of yours called.” Seamus asked, doing air quotes as he mentioned the topic at hand. “You’d think it was a bit strange too if your friend suddenly mentioned a girlfriend who lived all the way in the states too wouldn’t you.”
“(Y/n). And I’ll have you know this isn’t a new thing. We’ve been dating since around 2nd year. Sure, I’d find it a bit strange if you mentioned a girlfriend in America that you had never brought up prior, but I wouldn’t find it impossible! Now if you excuse me, I have to go.” he quickly stood up, packing up his materials as he stormed off to the direction of his dorm. He sped up, ignoring the protest and begging of his friends to come back and continue to hang out with them. He had enough of them and he wasn’t gonna sit there and let himself be called a fucking liar by Hogwart’s biggest ones.
“Did you guys hear? Students from Ilvermony are supposed to be coming to visit!” Ron said, running up to the other four boys. “I’m just picturing how hot all the girls from the states are gonna be. All hot and leggy with those bloody accents. I could combust just thinking of it!” he exclaimed, flopping down on the couch. Neville gasped softly, looking up. Did he hear him correctly? 
“Where’d you hear that from? I didn’t hear anything of the sorts.” Hermione questioned, looking up from her book at the interesting news she had just heard. However, Neville was still frozen. Was this true? And if so, why hadn’t (Y/n) mentioned it. No, no it couldn’t be. She surely would have told him.
“I just overheard it from Dumbledore himself. They should be arriving in a few minutes! They’re staying here for a few months. It’s a part of this new thing that they’ve set up. Something about wanting the students to learn different methods and what not. They decided it’d be a good idea since summer is coming soon.” he said nonchalantly, looking over at Neville who hadn’t moved since the news left his mouth. He went to question what was up with him before his eyes lit up, recalling the conversation they had a few months ago. “Hey Neville? Didn’t your supposed ‘girlfriend’ go to Ilvermony.” the boys all suddenly interested began to ‘ooo’ exchanging looks with each other.
“See Neville, this is why you don’t lie. Lies will always come back to bite you in the rear. Perhaps Ronald i-”
“I wasn’t lying, Hermione! She really does go to Ilvermony.” he exclaimed, standing up as he wiped his hands on his pants. All of a sudden, there were the sounds of a bunch of American accents speaking which caught all of their attention. Many different students in Ilvermorny uniforms (some without them) roamed freely to explore the large and intense castle.
“God you weren’t kidding Ron, the girls are bloody fit.” Dean muttered, eyeing some girl who gave him a wink before giggling and running off with her friends. “Woah look at that one, are you kidding me? She’s a fucking goddess!” Neville’s curious hazel eyes followed his friend's words as he saw a familiar shade of (h/c) hair styled in the way his girlfriend wore it. Wait, was that his sweater? 
“That’s not just some fucking girl, that’s my girlfriend!” Neville exclaimed, standing up from his seat.
“No chance.”
“You couldn’t pick a more believable one?”
“Prove it then.”
Neville went to say something before the girl turned around, locking eyes with him. She gasped, tearing up some as she pushed through the crowd of people running to him as quickly as possible. “Nev! Neville babe, is that you?” she exclaimed. Neville’s face flushed brightly taking in the girl’s appearance. She had worn the first sweater he had given her, a mossy green sweater with an obscure pattern, with a pleated skirt pairing it with a pair of boots. Neville nodded his head quickly, holding his arms out as the girl ran into him almost knocking him over. He picked her up, spinning her around quickly before setting her down, holding her soft face between his hands.
“W-what are you doing here?! You never told me you were coming to visit!” he exclaimed, wiping at the stray tears that had left her eyes. He moved his hands from her face securing them around her waist as he stared down at her. God she was even more beautiful in person.
“I wanted to surprise you! I actually found out a few weeks ago and let me tell ya, it was SO hard not to tell you!” She giggled, reaching up to stroke his cheek. He leaned into her touch, smiling at her. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get even more handsome but bloody hell. You’re so fucking hot, Nev.” she said, feeling her face heat up. Neville flushed a bright red before leaning down, kissing the girl on the lips. She pulled him down more, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed back. The kiss was full of the love and affection they had both been craving from one another. (Y/n) tangled her hands in the back of his hair as he deepened the kiss, moaning softly. They both jumped away from one another at the sound of someone clearing their throat. “Ah sorry! Nev, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” she asked looking up at him as she intertwined his large hand with her smaller one.
“I suppose I will, even though for some reason they thought you weren’t real.” he quipped, glaring at the four boys who looked away ashamed. “From left to right there is Harry, Ron, Dean, and Seamus. And over there,” he said pointing to the big arm chair in the corner. “That is Hermione.” he said as they all muttered ‘hi’ and ‘sorry’ from some of them. (Y/n) giggled some, waving at them all.
“It’s very nice to meet you all! Nev talks about you guys all the time in his letters. Oh!” She said, eyes looking at his chest. She reached a hand forward, grabbing the engraved onyx in her hands. “The necklace I gave you!! You like it? I think it looks really good on you.” she exclaimed with a smile, happy her boyfriend enjoyed the gift she gave him. Neville once again looked at his friends chuckling some at their wide eyes.
“Of course I do, petal. I wear it everyday, everywhere I go. Right guys.” he teased, watching as they all stuttered out ‘yes ‘yep’ ‘sure does. “Come on flower, I’ll show you around the castle. I know you’ve been looking forward to that for a while. Also, you look quite cute in my sweater.”
“Thank you. I wear it quite often, even though the smell of you has worn off it still brings me good memories.” she said, playing with the slightly worn out sleeves of the sweater. “I’d love to!! Can we check out the greenhouse first? I wanna see that plant you were talking about. Maybe we can work on identifying what species it is!” he nodded in response, taking her hand once again as they began to walk off. Before they turned the corner, he quickly turned his head around using his unoccupied hand to flip off his friends before turning his attention back to his lover.
“Who would’ve thought? Longbottom with an absolute fox.” Ron said, slumping back down as he frowned. Hermione took the book she was reading smacking him upside the head.
“Maybe if you knew how to treat women you’d be with one too.”
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: Black Dog - part seven Word count: 3100± words Episode summary: When  Sam gets an anonymous phone call with information about his father,   Dean receives a text message with coordinates to different location. The  brothers clash and split up, one following orders, the other trusting his instincts. Meanwhile, in the wilderness of Cascade Range, Washington  State, Zoë loses grip on a personal case and is forced to confront her  demons. Without back up, this might very well turn out to be her final  hunt. Part seven summary: Zoë and Dean try to form a plan of action, now that they are stuck in a cabin with hellhounds surrounding them. One wrong move can mean their end. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only!   Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of   demon possession. Swearing, smoking, weaponry. Descriptions of  torture  and murder. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and flashbacks. Descriptions of suicidal thoughts and tendencies, depression, panic attacks, hallucinations. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​​​​ & @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​. Thanks, girls!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E03 “Black Dog” Masterlist
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     “Can I ask you somethin’?”
     Zoë looks up, but can’t see the hunter who prolonged her life from where she’s sitting. She hasn’t moved much, still facing the fire that is raging now, filling the cabin with a comfortable heat. The tremors have stopped, her respiration much calmer now. Her body seems to have recovered from the initial shock of the traumatic attack. With the adrenaline gone, her leg hurts badly, though, the pain having her grit her teeth. She tries her best to block out the loud noises of pots and plates being moved in the cupboards of the small kitchen, increasing both her headache and frustration.      “Shoot,” she replies, her voice much weaker than she would like it to come out of her mouth.      “If you were so dead set on dying,” Dean says while pulling out a drawer, “then why did you stock up enough food and water to survive a fucking apocalypse?”      The huntress scoffs. “Hoping for a miracle, I guess.”      “Does this mean I’m your miracle?”       Dean moves into her peripheral vision with a can of tomato soup, a pot, some cutlery, and a can-opener in hand, setting the items down on the ground next to her for later. He has a boyish smirk on his face, apparently amused with his own remark.      Zoë rolls her eyes. She’s been stuck in this little house on a hillside for a little over an hour now, and this manchild is already getting on her nerves.
     “Let’s see if I can work miracles and get some help, because I have a feeling we’re gonna need it,” Dean slides his hand into the pocket of his leather coat, taking out his phone.      Zoë watches him, noticing a hint of hesitation. “Who you gonna call?” she wonders.      “The nerd.”      “He’s downhill?” she presumes.
     Dean drags his teeth over his bottom lip, but doesn’t answer. Instead, he stares at his Motorola as he looks up Sam’s number. His thumb hovers over the call button, but he doesn’t press it. Judging from the pause, Zoë is able to connect the dots; she knows something happened between the brothers.
     “You two got into a fight, didn’t you?” she assumes, not beating around the bush.      He glances over his phone to meet her gaze, then confirms with a nod. She can distinguish the concern and guilt in his stance; it’s bothering him.      “That bad, huh?” Zoë huffs. “Where is he then?”      “He was heading to Nashville,” Dean tells her.      “Tennessee?” she checks, stunned. “That’s a long way from Waco. Why the hell is he there?”      “It was the weirdest thing,” the older Winchester recalls, still unable to wrap his head around the strange lead that ultimately led them to have the biggest fight since Sam went to Stanford. “Someone called him, didn’t identify herself, and claimed that she knew where Dad was.”
     Zoë frowns, her interest peaked. For one, she is very curious about how this Mystery Lady would have gotten her hands on that kind of information, since John has basically been as invisible as a ghost. She knows, because she has been trying to track him down as well, but of course, that is a detail the huntress is going to keep to herself.
     “How did she get Sam’s number?” she questions, instead.      Dean shrugs. “Beats me, but when it comes to finding Dad, Sam can be quite--”      “- obsessive? Yeah, I've noticed,” Zoë chuckles, remembering the long conversations she had with Sam and the arguments the boys had in her presence.
     The guy who usually is so quick to respond to such a comment, seems distracted now, staring down at his Motorola. “Fuck.”      “No signal?” she presumes.      “Nada,” Dean sighs, thinking of another solution. “We need to reach him, especially if David sends out an S.O.S. signal. Sam needs to realize what he’s dealing with before he charges up here.”
     Realizing the Winchester in her company is right, she ponders. If the younger brother goes into this case without knowing that the hellhounds are off their leash and will attack anyone they come across, he is going to get torn to pieces. Dean and David are lucky, if there even is such a thing. The hunter is as stuck as she is, and the hellhounds might have caught up with the only Cleveland survivor; the kid could be dead for all she knows. 
     She adjusts her leg a little, carefully testing its mobility. The swelling is starting to pull at her skin, so she props her foot up again on the plastic first aid briefcase, watching Dean in the meantime. He has crouched down by the backpack he was carrying and mutters a few curse words under his breath while rummaging through it.
     “What are you looking for?” Zoë wonders.      “The kid packed a satellite phone,” he says, giving up his search, recalling that the zipper of the backpack wasn’t entirely closed when he took it off earlier. “Shit, I must have dropped it outside.”
     Annoyed with the rookie mistake, Dean gets up and walks over to one of the windows. There he listens carefully, but he can’t detect any sign of the hounds. No growl, no nothing; it’s almost too quiet. Ready to pick up any sign of movement, the hunter scans the area outside, but there’s nothing living nor dead to be seen. Then he spots the black device in the snow, just a yard away from the cabin.      “I see it.”
     “So what? It’s not like you can go out there.” Zoë pushes herself up on the edge of the table, careful not to put any pressure on her injured leg. Leaning against the pillar, she follows Dean’s fixed gaze. Without hesitation, the either fearless or oblivious  hunter intends to go out, his hand already reaching for the iron latch.      “Dean! Are you fucking nuts?!” Zoë calls out, dazed. “And you call me suicidal?”      “We need that phone, Zo,” he reminds her, his hand still on the handle.      “Do you have altitude sickness or something?!” The wounded huntress steps forward, her leg almost buckling, but Dean’s fast reflexes prevent her from hitting the floor.      “What are you doing? You shouldn’t even be standing up,” he scolds, steadying her.      “What am I doing?! If you go out there, those motherfuckers will rip you to shreds!” she argues, smacking his hand away.      “Yeah, and if we don’t contact Sam, he will!” he reminds her as he hands the shotgun to his current hunting partner, his green eyes intense. “I haven’t seen them yet. If they are still focused on you, they might not attack me.”      She meets him with the same fire in her eyes, keeping a tight grip on his biceps before he does something stupid. “And what if they do?”      “You’ll back me up,” he says, trusting her. “Okay?”
     Zoë stares at him for a couple of seconds, but then sighs, realizing that he makes a good point. If they are not able to reach his brother before he gets here, he will sign his death warrant the second he sets foot on the mountain. Reluctantly, she lets go of his arm and takes the gun, holding the action release button before she pumps the slide to force the shells into the chambers. “Okay.”
     He nods and turns away from her, glancing at the black and white world outside. Nervously, he takes a breath, collecting himself before he steps into the wolves den; here goes nothing. 
     The latch unlocks and the door opens. Careful not to break the line of goofer dust, Dean steps onto the porch and looks back for a second, sharing one last look with the huntress, then descends down the stairs. 
     It’s eerie how quiet the forest is. At midnight, the trees stopped whispering in the wind and even now he could still hear a penny drop. Even through his boots, the snow feels cold as he walks on it, highly aware of the crunching sound with every footprint the hunter leaves. Dean isn’t anxious often. But right now, being as exposed as he is, it ambushes him. Alert, he bridges the few yards between himself and the phone, trying to be as stealthy as possible. He ducks to pick it up, when he hears it; a deep, low growl.
     “Oh, fuck,” Zoë whimpers, staring past the hunter wide-eyes. 
     Slowly, Dean looks up into a pair of red eyes which light up in the darkness of the woods. It approaches him like a predator sneaking up on his prey, its head hanging low between its shoulders, every motion calculated. While Dean stares straight into the hypnotizing fiery orbs that seem to be portals to the afterworld downstairs, the wind picks up and begins to circle around the cabin. Zoë is shocked when she notices that the goofer dust at her feet is blown off the threshold; there goes their last line of defense. A shiver of both fear and the cold has her trembling as she holds up the shotgun, peering over the double barrel. The beast in the shadow inches closer to Dean, until the moonlight falls on the creature, revealing its true form.
     “Hey - uh, Zo?” Dean asks without moving a muscle. “These hellhounds, do they look like bear-sized monster mutts with hellfire burning in their eyes?”      Zoë inhales sharply, lifting her cheek from the stock of her weapon. Shit. He can see it. He can see the fucking hellhound. Realizing that Dean is a split second away from being torn apart, she swallows apprehensively, steadying her rifle in order to fire. 
     The hunter’s hand hovers over the essential device in the snow as he tries to form a plan of action, but he’s captivated by the bone-chilling creature before him. He has never seen anything animal-like so evil as what is standing before the hunter. It’s an absolute monster, about the size of an Irish wolfhound. It looks like one too, but its dark fur is anything but soft and cuddly. The hair on the back of the creature stands straight up, like splinters of obsidian. The beast growls, fixed on its target, showing its razor-sharp teeth, blood dripping from its mouth. 
     Dean stares back, contemplating his next move. Frozen to the ground, he holds his breath, aware that any sudden movement will trigger Hell’s watchdog to charge him. The hunter sets his jaw, never breaking away from the definition of Death before him, until movement in the black shades surrounding him draws his attention. A second pair of eyes appears, then a third, and a fourth. Within seconds he can count a total of six hounds.
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He exhales with a shudder. I am so fucked.
     Who is going to make the first move? Dean knows it has to be him, because if he gives the evil creatures only a fraction of a head’s start, he’s going to end up with a lot of stitches, and that’s only if he’s lucky. Bracing himself and gathering his courage, Dean  takes a breath and counts down. 3… 2… 1… 
     Lightning fast, he snatches the phone from the snow and dashes back for the cabin. As fast as his legs can take him, he sprints to safety, but he can hear the beast that was closest to him lunge itself at its victim.
     “Get down!!!”      It’s Zoë’s high-pitched voice that cuts through the night air. He takes her cue and dives for the ground, rolling on his side. A mistake, because the vision of the hellhound coming towards him with tremendous speed is one that will surely leave him with a nightmare or two if he survives this. 
     Right before the supernatural being is about to release its fury, the creature is shot out of the air and squeals like a pup. Knowing he can’t afford to lose a second, Dean gets on his feet and rushes towards the porch. He registers the comforting sound of a shotgun reloading before another loud bang echoes through the valley. Almost there, Dean.
     But instead of just one hellhound, a whole bunch of them arise from the shadows now. Zoë’s eyes widen; there’s no way she can handle them all. She lowers her rifle and backs out. She doesn’t have a choice, there is no other way. What she’s about to do isn’t like anything she tried before, but it’s their only shot of staying alive. 
     As Dean stumbles in, the shotgun clatters against the floor. He turns around to close the only barrier between them, horrified when he witnesses the first two creatures already within inches of the threshold; they’re not going to keep them out of the cabin. But before the hunter can blink, the door slams closed with unmeasurable speed and power without anyone touching it, cutting off the creatures outside. Barking like mad, they march against the wood like a battering ram, clawing to get inside. 
     Unable to process the unexpected scene that plays out in front of him, Dean snaps his head towards his hunting partner, watching in shock how the woman has her right hand heaved up in front of her, fingers spread out and shaking. Her eyes are firmly closed, respiration fast and frantic. Holy fucking shit, this is her doing, Dean realizes. Whatever energy she’s sending towards the door, works because the dogs can’t get through. 
     “Dean, the goofer dust!” she exclaims over the sound of barking and growling, needing every ounce of her power to keep the barrier closed.      Zoë’s order brings him back, time speeding up again. He grabs the bag and quickly lays out a line on the doorstep. As soon as he has connected one side of the doorframe with the other, the pressure on the door drops as if someone flipped a switch. Out of breath, Zoë lowers her hand and opens her eyes as an almost unbearable headache comes to the huntress. Trying to cast it out, she pinches the bridge of her nose while fresh blood drips down from her nostrils. For a moment, she feels like she is going to pass out, but then the pain begins to fade to a level she can cope with. Whoa, that was intense. 
     She didn’t think she could do it, but she did. Making a whiskey bottle fall off a shelf in Beetle’s Bar is one thing, talking to Sam only using her mind is another, but this was a whole new experience. Of course, she has practiced her telekinesis, but never before has she used it on a supernatural creature. She’s getting better, or worse - depending on how she looks at it. 
     Dean, who can’t believe what he just saw, stares at her, his jaw slightly dropped and eyes wide. When Zoë glances aside, he knows she can see the indignation in his glare, detest even. He always assumed there was more to the huntress they crossed paths with only recently, but never once did he expect this. Who - or what - is standing before him, is anything but human.
     “Christo!” he shouts.      “I’m not a demon,” she assures.      “Then what the hell are you?” he asks, his upper lip twitching with a hint of hatred.       What. He asked her what she is. Not who, but what. Zoë swallows with difficulty as she collects the courage to speak again, hurt by his choice of words.      “I’m human,” she tries to assure him, her voice breaking. “Dean, it’s me.”
     She steps closer, but Dean quickly draws his Colt M1911 from behind his waistband. Alarmed and cautious, she moves both her hands up as a gesture of surrender. “Easy, tiger.”      “Leave her the fuck alone,” Dean sneers, convinced a demon is possessing his hunting partner.      “Would you drop it already?! You just yelled ‘Christo’ at me. Here, I can say it myself! Now if I was a demon, that would be a fucking awesome trick, wouldn’t it?” she fires back.      “Shut up,” Dean mutters, starting to doubt himself, yet unable to take his finger off the trigger.
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     “It’s all mighty fine that I’m staring down the barrel, but a bullet won’t kill a demon. It will kill me, though,” she brings to mind, pointing at her chest.      “A human is not supposed to be able to do that kind of freaky shit!” Dean exclaims firmly, still aiming the .45 caliber at her.      “Neither is Sam, but I don’t see you pointing a gun at him!” she returns.
     He swallows apprehensively, brought out of balance by her rapid reply. He hates to admit it, but it’s a valid comparison, one that scares him. Because if he’s able to keep Zoë at gunpoint, what does that say about how abnormal his brother’s abilities are?      “Do you want to soak me in holy water if that makes you feel better? Fine, be my guest,” Zoë offers, waving her hands to the side.
     But Dean already lowers his Colt M1911 and flips the safety on, the engravings in the metal catching the light from the fire as he tucks it behind his waistband again. The hunter looks away, aghast, the mixture of doubt and distress that he’s experiencing throwing him off. Unsettled, he peers outside, but the hellhounds have disappeared. He thought he understood Zoë’s fear for these things, but now that he actually can see them, he’s experiencing that same anxiety. His heart is racing so severely he can feel it beating in his chest, and his breathing does not seem to slow down either. Almost dying is something he has gotten used to over the years, but almost going to Hell is a new one.
     “You okay?” Zoë checks, noticing his weariness.      “Yeah, I’m okay,” he claims, annoyed by the fact that he isn’t.      He starts pacing through the cabin slowly, keeping a sharp eye on the door. But it’s not just the creatures he keeps an eye on, he can’t help but monitor Zoë too. He huffs almost unnoticeable. You fucking idiot, you thought you had her figured. There’s a whole lot more to Zoë Sullivan than she shows, that’s for sure.
     “It’s a good thing we’ll be stuck up here for a while, because it’s about damn time you start talking,” he makes clear, done playing catch-up.      The woman across from him wipes her bloody nose with the back of her hand before she suggests otherwise. “We better make that call first.”
     Dean knows she’s avoiding the subject, but she has a point; he needs to reach out to his brother. He picks up the satellite phone and inserts the country code and Sam’s cell number, but before he presses the green button, he hesitates. He knows Sam. He knows his stubborn pain in the ass little brother; there is no way he is gonna talk to him after their fight. As soon as he will hear Dean’s voice, he will hang up, yet the one person he has been wanting to talk for days, is sitting right across from him.      He hands Zoë the phone. “You call him.”
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Thank  you so much for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if  you  do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work  or buy me coffee (Link in bio at the  top of the page)
Read part eight here
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arsonistslut · 3 years
Chapter 9: Reminders of Tragedy
"Hey, Jane!"
"Hey, Ingrid! How is my favorite person in the world?"
Jane's girlfriend of a good 9 years now happily walked over and kissed her on the cheek, beaming as she always seemed to do whenever she looked at her lover.
"Amazing now that you're here. Hey, you wanna go to that party Randy's having at his house tomorrow?"
"He's having a party? I didn't figure him the partying type."
"Despite the whole business parents thing, he is a real party animal. Hey, you know what's weird about the party?"
"What is?"
"He invited that Jeff guy there..y'know, that creep with the Conduct Disorder?"
She gestured to the tall, dark clothed young adult that sat alone at a lunch table nearby, playing with a switchblade.
"Hey, I remember him being pretty nice.."
"Remember him? You two date at some point?"
"We did, actually, wayyyy back."
Jane smirked when she saw the look of surprise and pride on Ingrid's face when she realized she guessed right.
"What was he like?"
"He was a sweetheart. Cheesy, but a sweetheart. Hell, even cheesier than me."
"Jane, you've carved our names into multiple trees. There's no out-cheesing that."
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how we met, either. My dad was out mowing the lawn, and he accidentally ran over a rock and it hit Jeff in the head."
"Oof, that sounds bad.."
"I visited him in the hospital with my parents one time, and I will never forget what he said to me as a pick-up line."
"What did he say?"
Jane cleared her throat, before trying her darndest to do an impression of a young Jeff.
"Did you come from heaven? Because you look like an angel!"
Ingrid couldn't help but let out a giggle as she quickly pulled Jane into her arms.
"Aww, that sounds so cute!"
"It was!"
Jeff himself was hearing this conversation from afar, the little tricks he played with his knife not an adequate distraction from the constant reminder of what could've been.
"I don't think he handled our breakup too well..nobody really wanted to treat him as anything other than a freak after his diagnosis went public. One time, I heard him ranting to his brother about how it was hypocritical of the school to do a health topic on depression when they wouldn't stop judging him for his CD."
"Sheesh, it sounds like he's been through a lot..poor kid could use a friend."
"It doesn't really look like he wants any. Liu isn't sitting with him..that's weird, Liu always sits with him."
"Prolly had an argument or something, you know siblings."
The day continued without incident, Jeffrey getting home at the same time as usual..yet his mind was not thinking about the party, or school, he was thinking about Jane and Ingrid. Why was Jane so special that she had everything she wanted in life and not him? What crime did he commit that landed him with absent parents, demonization from his peers, and a fucking smile cut into his face? That love, that relationship they had..Jeff came to the conclusion that it was something to be destroyed.
Liu, meanwhile, was..struggling with something. Something he never expected would be a problem in his life. Lately, he began having these thoughts..these violent, awful, intrusive thoughts, thoughts that seemed to be begging to be spoken aloud, the actions they describe seeming to grow more and more appealing as time passed.
Kill Randy.
Maim Keith.
Skin Troy like the cattle he is.
Maybe if he gave the thoughts an identity, they'd be easier to handle, he thought as he thought of a name for these urges..one stood out from the others. Not at all goofy, but not as laughably edgy as the other options.
Chapter 10: Enter Sully
Liu ended up speaking to Sully for the entire night..and even into the morning. When Jeff woke up the next morning, he could already hear Liu downstairs talking with..someone.
"It's sad, really..so concerned about themselves..no time spared for you."
"I-I guess..but they've got more important things to worry about.."
"Child, they do not have a thought in them about you. They're all self centered egomaniacs that would rather get pushed around by a genetic failure of a human rather than do anything about their situation!"
"That's not true, Sully! You're lying!"
A horrible growl soon came from the room.
"We are friends, child! Friends do not lie to each other, do they?"
"I..I guess not..goodbye for now, Sully."
"Where are you going?"
"I..I need some time to think."
Liu got back up, jumping from fear when he saw his brother staring at him.
"Holy shit, Jeff! You scared me!"
"I bet."
Awkward silence soon filled the dining room where they stood.
"Hey, Jeff...?"
"I'm..sorry about punching you, and saying all that shit about you. I shouldn't have done that."
"No shit, Sherlock."
The elder brother turned around and began walking back up to his room, but not before his brother called out to him.
"Hey..is there any way I could make things up between us?"
"You could make things up by not betraying my trust again. You're all I've got, Liu..don't pull a Jane and fuck it up for me."
Liu always did question that grudge Jeff held for his ex, after all, he chatted with her in the past, and it always seemed like she genuinely enjoyed what her and Jeff had, and she always felt bad for leaving him like that. Hell, it sounded like it was as painful for her to leave him as it was for him to find out that his girlfriend left him. He was tempted to point that out, but he feared ruining things with his brother again.
Chapter 11: A Hell of A Party
When Jane and Ingrid rounded the corner home, they found..a disturbing sight. A dead raccoon laying in the middle of the street, it's guts ripped out of it's body and thrown aside, Jeff gleefully pawing through the freshly murdered animal, childishly gawking and giggling over the corpse.
"Hey, Jeffrey! What happened here, what the fuck did you do?!"
Ingrid cried out to the blood-soaked kid, who looked up at her, confusion riddling his bloodied face.
"I killed a raccoon. It's not like anyone's gonna miss it."
"Why, you little-"
Ingrid slapped Jeffrey right across the face, knocking him to the ground as Jane held her girlfriend back and tried to keep the situation from escalating any further.
"What the hell was that for?!"
"You killed a helpless animal, you freak!!"
"I oughta kill you next, you piece of-"
Woods choked on his own spittle as he made his threat, never having been particularly..elegant with his words.
"Oh, really?! I'll kick your teeth down your fucking throat!"
"I swear to God, I'll strangle you with your own fucking intestines!!"
When Jeff reached for his switchblade, Jane panicked and grabbed her lover's hand, running off with her as Woods continued to scream at them.
"Your last words better be some Mark Twain shit, because it's going on your tombstone!! You hear me?!"
That experience was all on Jane's mind as she watched Jeff steadily get more and more wasted by the bonfire outside as time went on, at least, what glimpses she could catch of him when she wasn't busy dancing with the other students. Randy was also outside, reluctantly playing Truth Or Dare with the others as well as his increasingly hot and bothered enemy.
"Ok, Jeff!"
"Whaddup, baby?~"
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare, hit me with the worst ya got!"
"Slow dance with Randy."
"What the-no! I'm straight as a arrow, dude!"
"So is spaghetti until it gets wet~"
"Jeff, never say that again."
"C'mooooon, do the dare, ya pussy~ I don't bite!~"
Woods took his time getting up, but still had enough cognitive function to put on Grover Washington Jr's "Just The Two Of Us", to try and improve the mood, but Randy still wasn't having any of it. In a last ditch effort to try and seduce Randy, Jeffrey just..up and took his shirt off. That'll get things going, right? No, it didn't. Despite some swooning from some of his classmates, Randy himself didn't want any part of this. He was a few drinks deep as well, so in a drunken haze, he grabbed one of the bottles of booze they had, took a running start, and smashed it right over Jeff's head. The problem with that is that they were only a couple feet away from a bonfire, so when Jeff stumbled backward, he fell right into it, the alcohol on his exposed flesh quickly igniting. He quickly burst into flames, screaming and running off as the fire quickly seared his body, every remaining nerve ending he had that wasn't burnt away shocking his body with waves of pain. He could feel his scalp burning up once his hair was scorched away, finally finding solace in a nearby puddle that put out the flames. Jeff could see his life flashing before his eyes..his family, his brother..that was all he could see. As Randy and the other students' screams of horror faded away, Woods silently cursed himself for not doing anything more with his life..a single bloody tear rolled down his face as he shut his eyes for what he believed would be the last time.
Chapter 12: The End Of The Beginning
Suddenly..he was in some sort of void. The ground beneath him was black as pitch, and footsteps began to grow ever closer to him. When Jeff looked to see who was approaching, he found no earthly being waiting for his attention. When he laid his eyes on whatever approached, the previously totally dark void began to turn a sickly red. What stood before him was a monster unlike any other, an otherwordly monster many believed to be a mere tall tale.
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"We understand why you did it but...we're a team, right? Together we can fly even higher. Always." (HQ Fluff Week, D1)
Restless, Ch2
Read Chapter 1 | Ao3
Hinata can't help the bouncing. It's been years since he's been back and after "sightseeing" from afar (because really, they could still be recognized, it hadn't been that long since they left) they're home.
Tsukishima scoffs, "It's only been a few years for us, it's been nearly their whole lives."
Hinata smiles, grabs Tsukishima's hand in his, reminds himself that yes, that's true, it could have been Tsukishima's whole life, nearly gone in the sixty years they'd been away, is glad they found a way to make it not so. But he also feels slightly guilty. Was Tsukishima glad he'd left all of this behind? It was still early but what if...
Tsukishima squeezes his hand, "Stop thinking, you always think about stupid things and then get sad."
Hinata pouts, "Not stupid!"
Tsukishima rolls his eyes, "Really? Then why the constipated look? Need a bathroom? You can probably run into the woods." He frowns at the lack of homes as they continue to follow the road, "Where did they say to meet again? I can't believe Tadashi lives so far..."
Meanwhile Hinata just splutters, "That's so unsanitary!! And no I'm not constipated, we haven't even eaten human food!!"
Tsukishima laughs and tugs at his arm, "Then everything is okay, let's hurry."
Hinata feels a smile come to his face again and he yells out, "Okay!" Because really, Tsukishima is right, somehow everything has been alright
Which is why they even have this opportunity
After being gone with little to no communication, most of Karasuno had paid them a surprise visit at their new home, which was so far out North that Tsukishima had nearly frozen when they'd first moved there.
(Hinata remembers how he'd felt so useless, unable to help warm Tsukishima. It was the opposite really, his body much too cold, and after sleeping together for years, making sure to keep his distance, at least at night when Tsukishima's temperature also dropped, had made him very sad. They'd both acclimated to the situation in time)
They had only just finished a feeding session, which Tsukishima had almost forcefully made Hinata do. He'd noticed how Hinata somehow felt colder, he had been spacing out, and that tanned tinge to his skin was starting to become paler. He had started to look like, well, a creature
"Just hurry up and drink!" He'd pushed his arm under Hinatas nose, his sweater sleeve drawn up. He'd seen the way Hinata's eyes had dilated, his mouth opened, but still he held back
He'd sighed, touched Hinata's lips, "It's okay, I'll be fine, it'll only be a bit."
Hinata had drank, carefully, watching him, making sure he really was okay. He'd then lapped at his skin, tickling him with his tongue, kissed the fading and new marks of his teeth, staining his lips red, and then bandaged him up, pulled his sleeve down, kissed him over the cloth, held his hand
"I love you."
The knock came when Hinata was putting away the first aid kit
They had both been confused. They hadn't told anyone their new address, although they also hadn't tried to hide it either (anyone who truly wanted to find them could with a bit of detective work). Tsukishima pulled on a small blanket over his shoulders as Hinata went to open the door
Karasuno's relieved but upset faces greeted him
They'd sat around their small living room, the air slightly tense.
It had been interesting to see Hinata apologize and try to hide what was going on, his flailing and muttered words so obviously lies that even Kageyama wasn't convinced.
Tsukishima had finally given into Hinata's side stare and admitted, "He's a vampire."
Hinata just gaped at him.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, it was Kageyama who broke the silence with a so that's why your hands were always so cold, which made Tsukishima want to facepalm. Really? So easily? And because of that? Hinata could have just had bad circulation (although thinking about it, that probably wouldn't have made much sense either)
But then the pieces began to come into place for the others too and Tsukishima begrudgingly was glad for Kageyama's words. The little things that everyone always found off but never truly questioned surfaced
Sugawara, "The passing out?"
Tanaka, "I knew it was weird you didn't eat as much as us even though you ran around the most!"
Nishinoya, "So cool!! Can you turn into a bat?!"
Daichi, "Wait, are you...?"
He'd shaken his head, "No." He paused. They may as well tell them about their plans too, "Not yet."
That was how they shared their biggest secret. And also when they were made to promise not to disappear again
Sugawara had smacked their backs, "Our first years are so high maintenance! I can't believe you made us come all the way out here!"
Taukishima had just sighed, "We haven't been in school for years."
Sugawara was quick to reply, "And yet you two still act like kids, especially with this little stunt!"
Azumane had been kinder. He'd grabbed Hinata by the shoulder, a soft smile on his lips, "We understand why you did it but...we're a team, right? Together we can fly even higher. Always."
Hinata had cried big ugly tears, "Always!"
It was the first time Hinata had broken his rule about returning to a place before it was safe and he's glad the reason is this little town where he's gained so much. Perhaps he'll find himself living here a third time (another rule broken) in the distant future, Tsukishima at his side
But for now, they sneak into town in order to meet up with their friends, practically family, without anyone's notice.
"Finally, there it is," Tsukishima sighs
It was a perfect little home with a big backyard, nearly merging with the woods behind it if it weren't for the fencing around the house. There also weren't many neighbors, which was ideal for the occasion. They came in through the back, the door left unlocked just for them
There's a woman on the porch, her silver hair cropped, and her tiny feet dangling in the air, sandals right under just in case she needs them. She has a baby on her lap, a pacifier keeping them occupied, while another child, this one a toddler, runs around with a volleyball in hand. He seems to be blubbering about something Hinata can't make out. He feels his eyes prickle and he grins wide
"Yachi!!" he waves at her while pulling Tsukishima along.
Yachi turns around, only just noticing them. She rearranges the baby so they are sitting up, "Hinata!! Tsukishima!!" She turns into the house, "Tadashi, they're here!"
There is some shuffling indoors and then a freckled man appears, his back slightly angled, "Tsukki?!"
From there, an outpour of people comes. Tsukishima mutters an I can't believe the King is still alive, I thought he'd keel over first, and Hinata can't help the bellow that leaves his body
And Kageyama, such a force on their team, is still loud and awkward and unwavering. And he needs a cane because of an injury
Sugawara had laughed when he'd told them the news a few months back, "He still acts like a kid, his body can't keep up!"
Azumane is the first to properly greet them, "You two really haven't changed."
Nishinoya is on his heels, still bright and energetic. His hair is shorter and speckled with gray, and just as wild as his high school days, "Of course they haven't, you know why!"
Azumane laughs, "Not because of that."
Yachi asks Hinata if he wants to hold the baby, her grandchild from her youngest daughter, now 23 and conveniently not home. Hinata nods enthusiastically and he's instantly charmed by the gurgles and kicking and the honey-brown eyes he's sure they've inherited from Yachi (Yachi blushes, but nods, "Yup! My daughter and her husband both have dark eyes so all mine!).
As he's holding the child, he realizes this is the first time he's been this happy, not about leaving, he will always hate leaving, but at how things turned out
He watches Tsukishima carry the other child, who hadn't stopped staring at him because "Ta'! Me, up, up!"
Daichi and Tanaka aren't there yet, both of them running late (Sugawara tells them Daichi went to pick up Kiyoko and Tanaka from her family home where she'd been visiting her parents' graves. He'd laughed at Hinata's worried look, Don't worry. None of them are actually driving.) - but everyone else is sitting outside in the shade of the porch, recounting the latest gossip. Their laughing is loud and Hinata thinks that his family has also not changed at all
He looks over at Tsukishima, who now has a slightly disgusted look on his face as he lets the child climb on his shoulders, his dirty hands pulling at his blonde hair
Hinata smiles.
Together they really have flown to the top
It's perfect.
i was conflicted about tenses and character names #rip (ah well)
i hope you guys enjoyed! this is sort of the “good ending” of this used to be oneshot i wrote for the seasons of anime exchange, but like i mentioned in that posts notes, i kind of wanted to continue but didn’t know if i should do the good or bad ending xD maybe if there’s a hq angst week i can post the bad ending :”) but for now, i think this will be it?! who knows
Prompts for day 1: - Reunion - Found family - "We can fly even higher!"
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dothwrites · 4 years
i love your writing! i would love to see you write a Dean/Cas "getting together" fic with maybe... #15 *Don’t tempt me* :D :D
google doth, always taking prompts!
It’s been four days since the moving van appeared on the street like a mirage, and Dean has yet to see the poor sap who bought 401 Kripke Drive. 
The house is a damn eyesore and it’s been that way for years. Dean’s complained about it to the homeowner’s association, along with several others, but he never got any answer other than a vague The owner appreciates your concern and something will be done about the property soon. Meanwhile, the shutters were rotting and the grass in front of the property was tall enough to play a game of Jumangi in. Dean’s seen a few intrepid raccoons slithering around the property and he’d be willing to bet that there are snakes in that tall grass. Snakes. He shudders as he finishes the touches on his own (pristine) lawn. 
Not that he’s become a Stepford Smiler whose only concern is his lawn, but...Look, it’s good to have a nice lawn. It gives the right impression, plus it boosts property values. And what’s the point in having a house if you’re not getting equity out of it? 
Which is why Dean is so excited that finally someone’s bought the dilapidated two story at the end of the street. Finally, he can stop wincing whenever he invites Sam and Jess over. He waits, in eager anticipation, to catch sight of the person who Dean’s come to think of as his personal savior. Failing that, he waits to see the taming of the lawn or the painting and re-siding of the house or...anything. 
He waits. And he waits. 
After a week with no progress, he’s tired of waiting. He quickly whips up a non-offensive lemon cake (no pie; pie is for people who mow their lawns and don’t ruin his property values) and treks down the street to greet the new neighbor. 
“What do you have there?” his neighbor, Jody shouts. She’s being a good neighbor and planting her yearly marigolds in her front (landscaped) lawn. “You going to see the new guy?”
“Yeah. Why, have you seen him?” This is good. Up until just a few minutes ago, Dean didn’t know that it was even a guy who had moved in. 
Jody smiles. Everything about her screams I know something you don’t know. What’s worse is, from experience, Dean knows that she’s not going to share. “Sure have,” is all that she says. She smiles a Cheshire cat grin at him. 
“Yeah, thanks for nothing,” Dean mutters as he heads over to 401. 
The walk towards the front door is a perilous prospect. The sidewalk is pitted with holes and loose gravel decorates the surface. Grass and weeds tenaciously rip at the concrete, making the surface uneven. Dean has to watch his step in order to avoid tripping, which is probably a gift in the long run. It keeps him from noticing how the rotted shutters dangle from the windows, held on by a single, dedicated screw, or how the ugly grey paint is peeling away from the house, like it can’t bear to be there a second longer. The front steps creak alarmingly under his weight and Dean quickly makes his way up them and across the front porch. He tries to keep light on his feet, not wanting to crash through. 
No doorbell. There’s just an ominous, lion’s head door knocker. Dean takes it in hand and lets it fall several times. The sound echoes. 
After a few minutes, Dean’s ready to give up. It’s possible that the mysterious neighbor isn’t here. There’s no car in the driveway. Maybe he came all this way for nothing. 
The door (wood chipped in several places, paint coming off of it in long, jagged stripes) creaks open. 
Wow, that’s some pretty strong hash, is Dean’s first thought followed by Oh shit, because those are some seriously blue eyes looking back at him. 
Then Dean gets a look at the whole package and Oh shit starts to war with Of fucking course. Blue Eyes’ owner is just as unkempt as his house, in a loose linen shirt that hangs off of his frame just enough to tease at the existence of rock hard muscles without ever revealing any. His pants look similarly like they’re a size too big, clinging to his hips by nothing more than sheer willpower. Dark hair hangs loose over the man’s forehead and the whites surrounding those arresting blues have a fine spiderweb of red running through them. Dark stubble scruffs up a jawline that, given the right circumstances, looks sharp enough to cut glass. Everything about the man is rumpled, like he went one too many times through the wash and no one bothered to hang him up to dry afterward before shoving him in a forgotten drawer. 
“Can I help you?” The voice that rasps from the body takes Dean aback--It’s deep, hoarse, like he...Well, maybe like he smokes a fuckton of weed every day. 
“Dean. Hi. I’m Dean. I’m your neighbor. I live down the lane at 416? I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.” The cake is cumbersome in Dean’s arms. Having seen the derelict who bought this house, he’s not sure whether he wants to take himself and his cake screaming back to his house or to drop to his knees right here on the man’s front porch. Welcome to the neighborhood indeed. 
The man blinks, like he’s taking the time to parse every word for hidden meaning. It could just be that’s stoned out of his mind, but Dean doesn’t think so. Behind the haze of the weed, there’s a sharpness in his eyes that Dean doesn’t often see. The man taps his chin, his eyes flicking up and down Dean’s body. Dean doesn’t think that he’s imagining it when they linger on his lips. “I see. Hello Dean.” 
Something warm and pleased curls in Dean’s belly at hearing his name spoken by that voice. He does his best to push it aside, concentrating on the reason why he came. (Weeds, jungle lawn, peeling paint, wonder how he tastes, wonder how he sounds) “Yeah, anyway, friendly advice? I just wanted to let you know that our Homeowner’s Association are a bunch of hardasses (lies), and they’re going to get on you for the way that your lawn looks (more lies). If you want, I could pop over one Saturday morning and help you take care of it (where the hell is this generosity coming from?).” 
The man looks at his lawn and then back at Dean. A vague sort of smile creeps across his face. If Dean didn’t know any better, he’d think that he was being laughed at. “Well, I thank you for the offer, but I have no interest in mowing my lawn. Uninhibited growth encourages local bee populations, as do many of what you would call weeds. So thanks, but no thanks.” 
The rejection is delivered so pleasantly that it takes Dean a while to realize that he’s been shot down. When he finally makes that connection, he sputters. “You can’t...” He points one finger at Blue Eyes (asshole didn’t even tell him his name, and now Dean is forced to use one of his best physical attributes to describe him?) and spits, “You need to mow your damn lawn!” 
On that rejoinder, he stalks down the stairs, jumping when one creaks underneath his weight. Asshole (Dean refuses to think of him with any sort of admiration) calls after him, “Don’t I get my cake?” 
Dean whirls around, narrowly avoiding falling flat on his ass. “Cake is for people who aren’t dicks!” he shouts, before he stalks towards home, through grass so thick that it clings to his ankles. 
The lawn at 401 Kripke Drive remains uncut. The house remains unpainted. The shutters continue on their slow journey towards the earth. Asshole (Castiel, Dean discovers, through the truly formidable stalking talents of one Becky Rosen) continues to allow his property to languish in a state of neglect, as he...Dean’s not sure what he does exactly. Keeps to himself and doesn’t spend a second thinking about the rest of these poor bastards who have to live with the sight of his ungodly property. 
When the grass becomes a height that Dean would estimate as ‘mid-calf’, he acts. 
Saturday morning, he putters down the street with his mower and pretends like he doesn’t see several curtains flicking back to watch him. Let them stare. Cowards. He, Dean Winchester, is personally going to save the property values and curb appeal of Kripke Drive. 
His mower isn’t quiet, nor does Dean make any attempt to lessen his noise, so it’s really remarkable that it takes Cas a good forty-five minutes to stumble out of his house. By that point, Dean’s already finished up with the front and side yards and is happily working his way through the back yard. 
“What...What the hell?” 
Dean glances over to see the source of the complaints. When he does, his step stutters and falters. It’s almost enough to knock him off of his stride, which is impressive, seeing that he was fairly single-minded in his mission. 
Castiel is clad in nothing more than boxers and a threadbare robe, which flutters open whenever he moves, revealing miles of tanned skin. His hair sticks up at odd angles and his stubble could best be described as aggressive. His eyes look clear, but they also look angry. 
Swallowing hard, Dean settles for giving Castiel a cheeky wave, as he turns around to make another pass of his lawn. 
This does not have the desired effect (Castiel thanks Dean for performing a necessary function of homeownership and goes inside to make a heaping breakfast, which they will consume together while discussing their plans for wedded bliss). Instead Castiel marches across the lawn in his bare feet and stands in front of Dean. Dean, not so focused on yard work that he can’t appreciate when he’s about to take off a man’s toe, releases the kill switch on the mower. 
Castiel takes the opportunity to advance on Dean (it is not hot the way that he does that, or the way that he pushes himself up on the balls of his feet to erase the scant inch or so difference in their height, not hot at all). His finger pokes into Dean’s chest. This close, Dean can smell him. He still smells like weed, but instead of being eye-wateringly overpowering, it’s just a comfortable, earthy scent, mixed with something sweeter and brighter--his shampoo maybe? 
“I said, what the hell are you doing?” 
Dean looks at the lawn and then back at Castiel. He makes a valiant effort not to look at Castiel’s chest, specifically where the robe has opened to reveal the edges of one, dusky nipple. He fails, but he thinks that he should be commended for making the effort to begin with. 
“I’m doing you a favor,” Dean says, wincing when Castiel digs his finger into his chest further. He was right--there are a lot of muscles in that frame. 
Castiel goes still with rage. “A favor?” he finally asks, voice soft and dangerous. “I specifically said that I wasn’t interested in having my lawn mowed. The bee populations--”
“Oh what the hell Cas,” Dean says, rolling his eyes. “Look, if you care that much, we can go to Home Depot later this afternoon and pick out some bee friendly flowers. Hell, I’ll even help you plant them.” 
Castiel doesn’t say anything to this, though his eyebrow does quirk up in what appears to be interest. Dean takes this as his opportunity. “If you want, I can even help you build a place where you could keep a hive. If you want.” (He’s never built an apiary in his goddamn life, but surely there are videos on youtube that tell you how to do that?) 
“You mowed my lawn,” Castiel says, but he doesn’t sound angry about it. More...considering? He tilts his head to the side. “Were you planning on painting the house as well?” 
“Don’t tempt me,” Dean answers. The shudder that shakes through his body is only halfway exaggerated. “It’s a whole fucking disaster Cas.” 
Castiel hums. This time, when his eyes land on Dean’s lips, he lets them linger. 
Dean doesn’t do anything to stop him. 
(After Dean finishes mowing the lawn, Castiel greets him with a mug of coffee. He’s still dressed in his robe. Dean brings the coffee mug inside. It takes him a while to find his way out of the house. They don’t make it to Home Depot that day, but they do manage to make it to a dinner the next morning for breakfast. Dean does eventually help Castiel plant his flowers, though zoning regulations prohibit apiaries.
Painting the house takes a little longer because Castiel persists in looking so damn good in a pair of jeans that Dean gets distracted. A lot. After blood, sweat, and other bodily fluids are shed, the house gets painted, but by then, it’s time to fix the front steps. After that, the whole damn porch needs to be replaced. Dean keeps on finding chores to do around the house, so many in fact, that he eventually just moves in.
Was this your plan all along? he asks, lying on the floor with Cas as he stares up at the (newly finished) ceiling. 
Cas lets a plume of smoke escape from his nose and smiles. Yes, it was always my plan to seduce you with unsolicited yard work. I always knew that a madman would come mow my lawn and I just wanted it to be you.  
Don’t fucking tempt me, Dean says, and then there’s not a lot of talking for quite some time.)
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Dead or Alive: Donny Donowitz x Latina!Reader
You don't have to be Latina to read (we do be needin the rep though XD)
TRIGGER WARNING: Xenophobia/Racism, Mentions of segregation
Requested by @sansasdove
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
______________ Donny and Utivich were sent out to an isolated town, while the rest of the basterds finished up a mission a miles and miles south of there. They'd meet back up a few nights later, in their hideout in the woods. Meanwhile, Donny and Utivich were tasked with finding a new troop assigned to the basterds by the OSS. The only problem was they didn't know your name, rank, or what you looked like. All they knew was that you were a marine in the Pacific at some point. "You think that's her?" Donny narrowed his eyes, looking in the direction where Utivich had (tried to) discreetly gesture toward. "Are you pointing at the lady with the baby?" "Wh-" Utivich then realized the likelihood of that lady being their contact, and turned red as he stammered, "N-no... They wandered around the town, trying their best not to get any unwanted attention. After a while, Donny started grumbling, "Well no one fucken told us who the hell we're looking for!" "What about her?" 
Donny glanced up, and it took him a moment after he smirked to nod, "Yeah she's cute." "No...I meant...do you think that's her?" "Oh! Well..." His hand rested on the back of his neck, as he cleared his throat, "Sure, sure...uh..." He noted the way you stood by an old tavern, newspaper in hand, appearing innocent to the untrained eye.   "The kid stands like a goddamn marine." "Donny, wait!" Donny walked past you slowly, almost unnoticeably glancing toward you. Your eyes scanned over the newspaper, beneath the brim of your hat. You acknowledged the newcomers with a slight, almost imperceptible nod, and remarked beneath your breath, "I've been compromised. Don't follow." Donny stalled for a moment. "Leave. Now. I'll catch up." You spoke through gritted teeth, hidden behind the newspaper. Donny went ahead without a word, understanding the implications of associating with a compromised spy. He pulled Utivich along without explaining anything. They turned a corner, and Donny glanced back one last time, seeing if he could spot anything. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a nazi staring at you, and approaching, barking something in broken French and intermittent German. Your stone-cold narrowed eyes, and defiant, fearless face remained unbothered as you slowly lowered your newspaper, seemingly annoyed by the nazi's interruption. That alone told Donny you knew exactly what you were doing. But, night came, and morning passed. There was no sign of you at all. "Donny..." That was the first thing Utivich said since then. Of course, he was usually a quiet, composed kind of guy. Sarcastic and witty whenever needed, but only when he had something to say. He didn't now. He just hated the unsettling silence. Even more so, since Donny hadn't said anything either, which was even  more unsettling. Donny looked up, but what could really be said? If something had happened to you, then...another good, young life was meaninglessly lost in an seemingly endless war. And if something hadn't happened to you, then it was certainly coming, and Donny wasn't prepared to let that happen. Why? Well... in that infinitesimal instant that he glanced at you, he looked into your eyes, and he saw so much life. Something unexplicably cheerful, even in the face of the worst the world had to offer. A smug, determined intent to fight, to love, to go on. Something Donny only saw in the eyes of the innocent, and the brave. Somehow, you seemed to be both, all at once. He turned back, marching  toward the distant village. "Where are you going?" "I'm not goin' back to camp without that troop." "But-" "We're finding her Smitty. Dead or alive." As they'd soon find out, those were the terms and conditions given to the nazis that were hunting you. Donny was so hung up in finding you, he and Smitty were caught. They were tied up, and thrown beside you, in a line on a ledge overlooking a swift, lashing river, facing a nazi patrol in the forest. "I told you not to follow." You sounded more disappointed than angry, which struck Donny, though he didn't dare look at you. Smitty turned, "We didn't." You turned to look at his sergeant, "I could've handled this." "But you didn't," he quipped. "You got a problem with me, sergeant?" You challenged him, with a slight smirk he couldn't really resist. One of the nazis that had captured you had just about enough. The orders on finding the basterds were to keep them alive, and bring them in for interrogations and of course, torture. Orders for finding a common nuisance  believed to be an informant were as follows: dead or alive. So, the nazis had some leeway when it came to your fate...so they thought at first. Though, they did need at least some kind of answers. The nazi  noticed a silver chain around your neck. He reached, and frowned when he realized what he'd pulled out of your shirt was a dog tag.  Seething, he remarked, "Y/n L/n." He narrowed his eyes at your name, then spat at you. In his foul ignorance, he confused you with a Spaniard, he accused you of being a traitor to the axis. He strung together what little Spanish he could from dealings between Germany and Spain, "Traidora. Eres una española," (which was completely wrong) he swung and struck you in the jaw. Donny pulled against the ropes used to tie him and Utivich up, "HEY!" You looked up at the nazi, as two more dragged you back to your feet. Blood dripped down your nose, and out the corner of your mouth. You spat right back at him, staining his face and uniform with your blood. "I am not a Spaniard." You held your head up high, proud of who you were, who your parents were, and their parents. You muttered under your breath, glaring right at him with eyes that would scare just about any nazi, "Hijo de puta."
You stood strong, resilient, looking him in the empty, hateful voids he called eyes. The nazi glared right back, though a shadow of panic and fear loomed behind his shallow blue eyes, as he stammered to find words, and hid his fear in German curses and mumbles. The nazi was ready to attack you again, but Utivich and Donny started to put up a fight. When some of the nazis threatened to kill them, the nazi's colonel finally emerged from his tent, ordering his men to stand down. "Wir sollen die Basterds lebendig machen." 'We're to bring the basterds in alive.' The nazi that had attempted to torment you turned harshly to his colonel, demanding to know "Und das Mädchen?" 'And the girl?' His colonel tossed a gun at him, nonchalantly commenting with a disinterested shrug and sigh,  "Werde sie los." 'Get rid of her.' Donny turned between you and Utivich, "What's happening?! What the fuck's happening?!" You understood what was happening, but telling Donny would only put him in more danger. Besides, you could see the sheer emotion in his eyes. He wasn't scared for himself, he was scared for you, and you knew it. You stood silent, and glared ahead at the mob of nazis, right at your dim fate. Donny could tell from just that look. A resigned, brave soldier? It was something he was all too uncomfortably familiar with. He and Utivich lurched forward, in spite of the ropes,  toward the nazis, "COWARDS! YOU FUCKING COWARDS-"
While everyone was distracted trying to control Donny, they all stopped and turned, hearing the rushing river splash unusually loudly. You were gone.   The nazis rushed to the edge of the ledge, and peered toward the river below. The colonel looked at the other nazis, shouting, "STEHEN SIE NICHT NUR DORT. OFFENES FEUER." 'DON'T JUST STAND THERE. OPEN FIRE.' Each of them rushed over to the end of the ledge, and started to fire into the murky rapids. After a seemingly endless torrent of bullets...there was nothing. No body floating, no cloud of red in the water. The colonel turned, snatched the dog tag from the soil, and read the name. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach,  as his eyes went wide with rage, "IHR IDIOTEN." 'YOU IDIOTS.' Utivich turned to Donny with a bloodied smirk, "Well I understood that." The colonel's commanding officer wanted you brought in for questioning. In fact, so did everyone in the German army who was someone. You were a ghost story in the Matanikau River, when you were still stationed in the Pacific. When you emerged in the European theater...well...all of Berlin was sacked, and all of Paris was turned upside in an effort to find you.
"Find. Her." The nazis wasted no time, they all knew that he'd show them no mercy. The nazi that had been responsible for the confusion...well, he begged, shaking in his boots. One shot to the forehead was all it took to quiet him down. His colonel kicked his body to the side. He stayed behind, sitting by a fire, as the sun set, watching Donny and Utivich intently. Eventually, he began to noticeably shift around, constantly checking his watch. He wasn't used to being kept waiting... None of his men came back. All the while, Donny taunted him, meaning time went by a thousand percent more slowly. He reminded the nazi who the fuck the basterds were, telling him it wouldn't be long before Aldo the Apache was coming down the hills. Donny swore it wouldn't be long before Hugo Stiglitz got his hands on the nazis. It wouldn't be long before... He detailed how he and the basterds had quite literally ripped local nazis to shreds. He even gave names. Names that colonel definitely knew. He screamed for Donny to shut up, barely able to control his murderous impulses, even knowing high command wanted Donny and Utivich, or any basterd for that matter, be taken in alive as a trophy, and for information. He really couldn't do much more than beat Donny up, and Utivich for good measure. But at the end of the day, the only one that was terrified was the nazi, and each second seemed to be slower than the last, while Donny and Utivich looked at him smugly. Eventually, around midnight, after hours and hours, and after Utivich was sure there was no way out, he hung his head down again. Just then he heard an agonizing, almost sobbing, gargling sound coming from the now calmer river. The remaining nazi stood up, his gun trained on the basterds, as he marched cautiously toward the river bank, every few steps, looking back at Donny and Utivich making sure they hadn't moved. "Give it up, kraut. Your boys're no match for ours." Donny taunted him again. The unmistakable sound of a muffled scream, and a knife made both Donny and Utivich turn toward the river. It wasn't exactly who they were expecting. You were standing there, dripping from the river, your clothes soaked in cold water and stained blood. "You're alive?!" Donny's voice was happier and more relieved than he intended to let on, as you cut them free, "Yes, sir." "How'd...how'd you do that?!" Utivich looked at you with star-struck eyes. "I'm a marine," you winked with a smile. "Marine, huh." Donny twisted his hands around his aching wrists, trying to relieve the soreness from being tied up so long. "Lance Corporal Y/n L/n, at your service, sir." You saluted him. "Nice to meet'cha kid," He smiled, genuinely, though his soft glance had to be cut short by the realization that you were all still in the middle of a war, and possibly a man-hunt. "And nice of you to salute and all, but we better get movin'." You nodded, and tossed something at him, catching the light of the moon in a fleeting silver glint. "What's this?"
"Their colonel's dogtag." You eyed the ones that Donny kept around his neck as trophies, "I see you got a collection going there." Donny smiled, as his heart skipped a beat. You'd fit right in with the basterds...
Your first mission with the basterds was not quite what anyone would expect, but then again, neither were you. For an impromptu rescue, it wasn't too bad. ************* All three of you sat kilometers away, a few hours later, still under the guise of the dark night, by a small fire, attempting to remain hidden, though all of you were freezing cold, especially you. Donny gave you his coat, and Utivich gave you his hat, trying to keep you from catching anything. "Heard ya made a mess of Berlin and Paris." You glanced up at him cheekily, "They sent me to you for a reason, sir."
"Call me Donny," he smiled warmly, between the steely moonlight, and the golden embers of the fire. Utivich asked, "So...you heard of us, but how come we ain't heard of you..." "Some of us are good at making things look like an accident," you teased him a little, and Utivich laughed.   Donny turned a little red, and nodded subtly, damning himself for seeing the stars adorning your hair, and the night sky in your eyes. His heart was pounding, and he didn't even try to deny why. Who would, when they saw you the way he did? You were all silent for a few moments, then Donny asked you what he asked any of the other basterds when they first met. "So, uh...why'd ya enlist?" You were quiet for another moment, then looked back at Donny. Your eyes seemed tired. Not from the long day, or even from the impressive tactics... Tired from memories, doomed to be repeated, as you sighed, "You ever see those signs?" "What signs?" He raised his eyebrow, then glanced at Utivich, who seemed equally as puzzled. "The ones in nice stores and parks and schools. Places like that. The signs that go 'no dogs, no black people, no mexicans allowed.' Doesn't even matter if you're Guatemalan, Dominican, Bolivian or Argentine, anything...They don't give a fuck. Those signs." Utivich looked at you, his heart was heavy as he nodded quietly. He was from a particularly open, urban place in the west...and even then he'd seen things like that. Things he didn't want to see when he went back home... He knew what it was like to have people hate you for what you were... Your name, your language, your family. Most of the basterds knew. Aldo and Hugo may not have known first-hand, but they'd be damned if they let anyone get away with that sort of bullshit while they were around. Donny's heart sank a little, as he murmured, "Fuck a duck..." He looked up at you, nodding slowly, "Yeah I've seen those." "Yeah, well I didn't see those in any bases. The one chance I got at being treated like a human,  and it's gotta be when I don't know if there's a tomorrow. Get it?" His heart broke, in a way he didn't see coming. He shook his head, and you sighed as you shifted a little closer to the dying fire, "Anyway, this fucking war's been on for what, three years, now? I wanna end this before my kid brother has to. Guess that's another reason right there." Donny understood that too. He had nothing more to say other than what was on his mind. "You're a good kid, Y/n..." "Thanks," You glanced up at him. And for a moment...a moment he would've missed if he'd blinked...you didn't have that trademark bold, striking look in your eyes. For a moment, you glanced away, shyly, with a small, quiet, innocent smile. Utivich noticed. He looked at Donny with a smirk, but said nothing. He knew to leave well enough alone.... "Ya know, I got a kid brother too. His name's Mikey."
You smiled softly, and pulled out a locket, tightly wrapped around your finger. You didn't open it, but you let it dangle a little, "Carlos." Donny chuckled, "Smitty there is the kid brother. At home, and at camp." "So that's how it's gonna be, Donny?" Utivich tilted his head with a laugh. You chuckled, "And how's that working out for you, Utivich?" He shrugged a little, though he was clearly amused, "Great. So far...I've only gotten one purple heart, which may be the lowest out of all the basterds....But my mom's still going to kill me when I get home." "Why?" "I enlisted, see? Didn't get drafted." He smiled at you. He was, as you'd soon learn, a real sweet, honest guy. Sometimes you wondered how a guy like that even made it into a team like the basterds... But then you'd see him in the battlefield, or getting a few scalps, and you'd remember why.  "My sisters tried to talk me out of it. My older brother couldn't enlist because he's got asthma. He just married too, so it would be real upsetting... Anyway... What can I say...Of course they didn't want me to go, I'm my mom's  youngest kid." "A baby," Donny remarked, which Utivich ignored. "They wanted me to go to college, but honestly? I don't regret a damn thing, Y/n." You smiled, understanding that need to be free to choose. Soon after, you all decided to was best to put the fire out, for fear of the smoke giving away your place. You were sure they were asleep. You shivered, still damp from the river. You were wide awake, your arms wrapped around yourself, watching as your breath turned into a cloud before your eyes. You sneezed softly. "Hey..." You heard a voice, warm, and quiet. Donny wrapped his arms around you, and you instantly sank into his chest. He smiled a little, speaking quietly so Utivich wouldn't wake up. "Can't have ya getting sick on us now, can we, kid?" You didn't protest much, as you couldn't remember the last time you were so tired. So Donny smiled sleepily, and held you tightly as he fell asleep. (He may like being big spoon but who knows ;) ) He couldn't tell you how panicked, and lost he felt when you disappeared on them for those long hours....But he'd tell you that some other day. Some day, when you were far away fom there. When you were safe...
******* You all arrived at the hideout finally, extraordinarily late, even for Donny. After you were introduced to the legendary basterds, Aldo took you aside for a little talk. He asked you what happened out there. You were days late, after all. Being a spy, you naturally spun a tale so convincing, it damn near worked,  as a way to cover for the boys' little mishap, and to save face for them. Frankly, Aldo just nodded, saying it was fair enough, and let you on your way. He then joined Donny and Smitty, who were both looking for something to kill their headaches with (of course after being punched that many times in the face, it was understandable). "I know Y/N's coverin' for you both." Utivich, slightly startled, turned around with a jump and panicked. "What? We didn't tell her to do that, we-"
Aldo didn't care for explanations, "Now, I don't give no goddamns, but if I didn't know any better, I'd think she was tellin' the truth." He chuckled a little, "But, I know you two are some damn trouble makers." Utivich nodded, and sighed, "Ok, you got us." Donny turned slowly to Utivich, and narrowed his eyes, "Snitch." Aldo shrugged, "And anyway...even if her story did check out, it don't explain to me why and how you got yourself a black eye, Donowitz. And why my boy Utivich here's got his lip busted open, does it." "Aldo..." Aldo sighed, "That kid's let the boys in her old teams take all the credit in public. But here, well, she gon' make one hell of a basterd, ain't that right Donny." He winked, and smirked. Donny sighed, "That obvious, huh?" There was no use in denying it anyway. It would only be a matter of time before the basterds started to notice the way Donny looked at you. Aldo shrugged, as he tossed  a bottle of pain killers at Utivich, "Just a lucky guess, son." He started to make his way out, but turned around for another minute, "Oh, and Donny?" "Yeah?" "Go on, you fucken basterd." Aldo shook his head, grinning. Donny smiled, as he walked out, and made his way over to you. Somehow, you made him feel a way he never felt before for anyone. When you were around, Donny was calm. He'd never admit it...but after what happened the day you met...he felt safe when you were near. Maybe your reputation preceded you... Maybe that was all...
But then again, when Donny talked to you, he wasn't as loud as he normally was. When he looked at you, and walked toward you, he didn't try to make himself look and act the like biggest, baddest basterd around. He didn't need to. When you were around, he knew he didn't have to worry. He knew he'd somehow make it home. When you were around, the question was no longer dead or alive... When you were around, and he saw that smile, and those eyes, he knew he'd be alright. Who the hell wouldn't, when they had you?
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Robin Hood AU
OKAY so set in a fantasy thing because I can't make things historically accurate and sorry it's rushed.  Again, I don't know if this is historically accurate so rip. Also the bat fam are still vigilantes but they keep it seperate from their royale life stuff.
Also daily dose of @noirdots appreciation.
ALSO swearing in this one (slight.)
"AFTER HER!" Barked Gabriel Agreste.  Adrien and Gabriel broke into a sprint, as they both struggled to keep up.  The woman in question raced, laughing confidently as she raced up the stairs of the palace.  The sound of several footsteps grew louder and louder as she just got more and more excited. She reached a dead end at the end of the hallway she had run into.  Only an unused study room and a window were at the end of the hallway.
"We've got you now, you crook!" Gabriel snapped.
Nathalie stepped forwards.  "We're willing to cooperate, but first hand back the items you stole." The girl paused, and tapped her chin.  Then, she smiled.
"Nah." The girl spun around and whipped out a red grapple gun.  She launched it clean through the old glass and swung out of the building, laughing all the way.  Gabriel cursed as he started sending out orders to the security team.
The bat family were not amused, they were getting in calls non-stop to investigate a mysterious burglar, who had managed to steal from nobles, high-class man, and even royalty.  The bat family traveled for a few weeks to Europe, and walked along the streets. As they traveled to the palace to meet with the Agreste Family, they didn't miss the looks of hunger and poverty from the people.  The children were cold and tired, and the mothers and fathers struggled to make ends meet. They dreaded to meet the king behind it all. They were planning on meeting with him later that evening.
Except they didn't.  As they traveled through the woods, the family started to drift off to sleep.  Suddenly, the horses cried out and began to cry in surprise. The family woke up as the royal guards surrounding them became alert.  Damian stepped out of the carriage, and glanced around. Not a single sound. Damian went over to the horses to try to calm them down, but they wouldn't listen.  Bruce sighed as he too stepped out, and the rest of the family followed. They walked around to see what had happened, and strayed from their carriage. They checked around the forests and tried to find any animals that were scaring the horses, but didn't spot anything.  They signed and made their way back to the carriage, only to find it completely empty. No gold, no luxuries, and with knocked out knights. They quickly gathered in formation, back to back. They glanced around wildly, trying to find the culprit. The horses were relaxed and nibbling on some food that was most definitely not there before.  Damian snatched away, fear of it being poisoned, but Bruce inspected it. He shook his head and handed it back to them. The horses smiled and continued eating.
Then, Damian heard it.  The snap of a twig, a loud thud and a small curse.
Damian ran from the group with his sword at the ready.  Sure enough, a small girl with midnight hair and big blue eyes was face planted on the ground, looking as if she had just tripped.  Damian charged as she looked up surprised. She ducked under him and he went flying. He hid the ground and saw next to him were the stolen goods.  He snarled as she awkwardly chuckled. She made a run for it, but was soon stopped by the rest of the family. She just laughed and held her hands up.
The family narrowed their eyes and began the interrogation.
"Who on Earth do you think you are?"
She did a mock curtsey, "I go by Robin Hood, your highness." Damian snarled.
"No, you can't.  I already called dibs."
"E-excuse me?"
"Yeah what he said!" Dick added. "Robin is trademarked by the Wayne dynasty!"
"You all go by Robin?"
"Ye-" Bruce clamped his hand over Dick's mouth.
"No," Bruce said. "We're just fans of the bat family.  Nothing else. Ignore my son."
"Oh, same here.  I go by Robin Hood because I find them quite intriguing.  I especially like the new Robin. He seems fairly sweet. Though, I've only heard stories about his chivalry."
Damian puffed out his chest.  "Yeah, trust me I've met him. He's a pretty snazzy guy."
Jason cut him off.  "No, the current Robin is actually pretty lame." Damian gasped offendedly and snapped back.  Meanwhile, Marinette just grabbed her backpack. She opened it and began loading everything in.
"Dude Robin is like up to my elbows at best.  I once saw him fall off a roof because he tried to walk backwards and he failed," Jason countered.
Tim added, "Yeah once I saw him dab but he hit red Robin in the face.  Not cool. He's a jerk."
They began to bicker back and forth as Marinette finished packing her bag.
"Alright, well it was lovely meeting you guys!" She took Damian's hand and kissed it.  She winked and walked away. The entire family focused their attention on Damian as he struggled to form words.  She had a smug look on her face but none of them noticed it.
Damian just turned red as his brothers made fun of him.  He ignored them, but couldn't keep the small smile off his face.
They joked and laughed as they made their way back.  However, once they reached their carriage again they paused.  Then, Bruce cursed.
@noirdots @caffeinetheory
Royale Damian is too cool 😎 for school and that's just a fact.
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Raven x Fem Reader- "I Need a Lap Dance"
In the 1990's, ECW was a professional wrestling company known for doing things that other wrestling companies, especially mainstream ones like the WWF and WCW, didn't do.
What was that?
Being excessively very violent, serious and not very cartoonish and childish, using profanity, sexualized and even shocking.
After all, ECW stands for Extreme Championship Wrestling.
Granted, the WWF by the end of the 1990's did get edgier, more violent, more sexualized and added some shock value with their Attitude era, but the Attitude era really didn't come about until the end of the 1990's.
Some people could even say the Attitude era was just a rip-off of ECW; even some Attitude era icons like Mick Foley, the Dudley Boyz and even Stone Cold got their starts in ECW.
There were 2 kinds of women in ECW: women who were legitimate wrestlers that did try to do wrestling matches (i.e. Luna Vachon, Miss Congeniality/Angelica who would later on become Lita in the WWE, and Jazz) and women that were just there to be valets and fap material (Beulah McGillicutty, Francine, Missy Hyatt, Kimona Wanalaya).
You were the latter.
But...there's a positive to that.
Why? Because there were a few men in ECW who were hot and sexy, and you wanted to arouse these sexy men in ECW and be with them.
One of ECW's most famous alumni was Raven, a depressed, nihilistic grunge rocker with an abusive, troubled childhood.
Raven was perfect for the 1990's considering the grunge movement was at the height of its popularity and he was a wrestler many people could relate to.
Raven was probably one of the few men in ECW who actually was nice to look at, when his hair wasn't wet and covering his face and not drenched in blood.
One of Raven's signatures is that he sits on the ring's floor in the corner, he did that in ECW, WCW and even in the WWF/E.
Hmmm...sitting down, does that give you an idea?
It did, and you were gonna share and explain that idea with your body.
During Raven's arguable heyday in ECW, circa 1995 to 1997, he was sitting in the corner of the ring, resting his arms on the ropes.
His thick hair was dry, this is how you like the way he looks, and he was dressed in his signature black leather jacket, 90's rock band T-shirt and denim jeans cut at his knees with a flannel tied at his waist.
Several people were in the audience watching him as well as you, and this ECW moment was filmed on television.
You were dressed in micro-mini acid wash denim shorts that were cut off so short, they may as well be underwear and your ass cheeks were exposed, and your shorts were both unbuttoned and unzipped all the way down.
By the way, you didn't wear any underwear under those shorts, but your vagina was completely shaven without the slightest bit of pubic hair.
And luckily, you didn't have any red bumps, stubble and shaving cuts on your vulva, so above your twat was as smooth as the skin of a mannequin.
You also wore a makeshift crop top that tied a knot in between your breasts.
The men in the audience absolutely adored your outfit, some of them were reaching their arms and hands out trying to touch you and were making catcalls and wolf whistles at you.
What you did is that you slowly walked behind Raven, your index finger tracing and sliding across his back, which made Raven turn his head and look at you.
Blood was swelling his penis underneath his denim shorts, his shorts feeling tighter on his thighs, and he was already getting an erection seeing you in that outfit.
When you reached Raven's other shoulder, you lifted one of your legs off of the floor and placed it under the ropes, showing your long, smooth, hairless, Stacy Keibler-esque leg in front of him, and placed one of your hands on that leg, that hand caressing up your leg.
Your hand tried to not rub your leg too hard and make it red, that would be unsexy.
That hand that caressed your leg lifted off of your leg and grabbed onto one of the ropes, and your hand behind Raven's back moved to one of the ropes, wrapping your fingers around a rope, where you carefully slid yourself under the ropes and entered the ring.
You were hoping that the shorts you were wearing wouldn't fall off of your ass, but they were snug around your rear.
Now that you were in the ring, with your legs spread apart horizontally and the upper half of your body bent over, showing Raven some of your cleavage, your other hand grabbed onto one of the ropes across from the ones you were currently holding onto, where you pulled yourself up from the ring's floor.
"Oh mi God!!" Joey Styles on commentary shrieked, and the men in the audience were still cheering you on, making all kinds of obscene catcalls and silly wolf whistles at you.
Raven, meanwhile, his eyes were staring at you in front of him, his face was completely straight and devoid of showing any emotion, although his eyes were looking at you in front of him.
When you were standing in front of Raven, you slightly bent your body over and still showed him your cleavage, while you stuck your ass out and slowly waved it back and forth horizontally, showing him your rear end despite your torso being in front of him instead of your back.
You smiled as you horizontally waved your ass back and forth, though you look a little corny smiling at him.
You then rotated your body around, where now your back was in front of Raven instead of your torso, and you showed Raven your denim clad ass cheeks, where you continued to horizontally wave your ass back and forth in front of him.
Your fingers were still wrapped around opposite ropes across from each other.
"Maybe we could get some music on!" Joey Styles exclaimed.
Indeed, music could set the mood, what's a lapdance without some music?
But what song would they play?
And while this will be an eventual lapdance, did you really need to stand up in front of Raven and shake your ass?
That's not technically a lapdance; which is when you dance on someone's lap.
The audience must think Raven must be gay since he isn't reacting to you being practically naked shaking your ass in front of him.
It's a good thing Raven wears those flannels tied around his waist to hide his erection.
You then dropped yourself down to the ring on your knees, your fingers letting go of the ropes and you sat on your knees, only for you to roll yourself over and rotate until your face was looking at Raven's face.
You rotated your body using your knees to spin yourself around.
With your hands on top of your thighs, you spread your thighs out and show him your denim clad crotch, only for you to lift your hands and place them on the ring.
You proceeded to crawl up to Raven like Shakira in the "Whenever, Wherever" video where she's crawling in the mud, looking like a panther on the prowl.
As you crawled up to Raven, you were looking at him quite ravenously (and no, that wasn't a pun), grinning from ear to ear whilst you crawled up to him, looking at him like you wanted to pounce on him.
Your ass was sticking out as you crawled to him, the audience knew what was probably gonna come next.
When you had approached Raven, with you now being in between his legs, you lifted your legs and sat your thighs on top of his thighs, you straddled your lap on his crotch.
You could feel his erection hiding inside of his denim shorts that just kept growing and growing while you tried sexually arousing him.
First, you thrust your pelvis out and nudged it on his lap, then you began to grind and gyrate your hips and lap forward on his lap, rolling your lap and crotch forward onto his erection.
This got a massive pop from the males in the audience, you could play a drinking game with how many wolf whistles the men in the audience made at you and end up with alcohol poisoning.
"Oh mi God!!" Joey Styles exclaimed. "She-she's givin' him a lapdance!"
No duh.
As you rolled your pelvis on Raven's lap, you placed your hands on top of your head and ran your fingers through your hair, as well as swung your head back like this:
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You were trying to look sexy and turn Raven on, which is what you were doing.
Raven, meanwhile, sat there with a straight face, and surprisingly didn't try pushing you off of him.
Again, the males in the audience probably think Raven's gay since he isn't cracking even the slightest of smiles with a sexy, beautiful half naked woman grinding her pelvis on his lap, giving him a lapdance.
Although, one man in the audience chanted "Raven's got a wood-y!", which ended up spreading to the other men in the audience, chanting along with that guy.
Why didn't they chant that when you waved your ass in front of him?
As you were giving Raven this lapdance, you moved your hands to his leather jacket and slightly pulled his jacket sleeves down his arms.
His eyes looked at your hands sliding his sleeves down his arms, but he didn't have much of a reaction.
Your fingers let go of his jacket and moved to his chest, where your hands proceeded to caress up and down his chest, and not just that, but one of your hands slipped under his shirt and elevated up his bare torso, where that hand caressed and stroked up and down his chest.
His eyes darted to his chest with your hands caressing him, but he didn't even have the slightest smile when you caressed him.
Deep down inside, he loves this.
Oh yeah, he loves this.
You could see a bump underneath Raven's shirt, which was your hand under his shirt caressing his chest.
Your other hand, specifically your index finger, moved to one of the strands of his hair, where your index finger twirled one of his curls (that rhymed).
You leaned your face closer and further into his face until you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip, placing his bottom lip in between your teeth, and you tugged and stretched his bottom lip out.
You didn't bite into his bottom lip too hard, but you did stretch it a bit.
The camera was zooming in on your face stretching his bottom lip out, his lower lip stretching like taffy.
"Oh mi God!!" Joey Styles exclaimed and repeated once more, and some people in the audience could see that you were stretching his bottom lip out.
Your teeth let go of his lip, his bottom lip returning to his face.
After a while, you exited your hand out of Raven's shirt through the bottom of it and lifted your hand off of his chest, only for your hands to form knuckles at your breasts.
Your knuckles pushed and raised your cleavage in front of him, and his eyes stared at your cleavage.
Some men in the audience can see that you're pushing your tits out, and they're wolf whistling at you, some men are even chanting "take it off! take it off!" and "show us your tits!".
You're tempted to untie your top and show him your breasts, but...maybe not. Sadly.
However, your hands pulled away from your chest, but you lifted one of your legs off of his thighs and moved your ass to one of his thighs, where you now straddled his thigh.
You proceeded to start rolling and gyrating hips forward on his thigh, like how you rolled your hips on his groin.
You rode his thigh like you were riding a mechanical bull, brushing your lap back and forth on his thigh.
Raven's eyes stared at you giving him this lapdance, but he isn't even cracking a smile.
You then lifted one of your legs over his thigh and turned your body around, where your ass was now nudging his groin and your back was in front of him.
You started to vertically roll your ass up on Raven's crotch, sometimes your ass brushed up and down his ass like a paintbrush painting a picket fence.
Sometimes, your hips and ass gyrated and writhed around in a 360 degree angle on his crotch.
"Raven's one lucky guy!" Joey Styles mentioned.
Is he Joey Styles or Jerry Lawler?
(Author's note: I haven't watched a lot of ECW, but apparently Joey Styles is ECW's most iconic commentator)
Surprisingly, during this lapdance, your shorts haven't slid and fallen off of your ass, you didn't even wear a belt to hold your shorts, but that's a good thing they didn't fall off.
Raven could've gotten this lapdance anywhere else, whether sitting on the floor of a locker room or janitor's closet, but you gave him a lapdance in the ring.
You giving Raven this lapdance as he sits in the corner and you're dressed in denim shorts resembling underwear seems like something Kimona Wanalaya would do, and she was a former stripper that Raven discovered at a strip club.
Kimona was also Raven's valet/girlfriend in ECW and she did a few stripteases in the company.
(Rumor has it is that the man who played Raven worked as a male stripper when he was a struggling wrestler just so he could pay the bills)
I haven't seen a lot of ECW footage, but I have seen some of Raven and I know he's an icon in that company.
There were moments where he tried grabbing Beulah McGillicutty only for her to give him a low blow in the nuts, and his moments with a scantily clad Kimona Wanalaya.
He didn't seem to really move that much when Sandman's wife was writhing all over him, though he did react when Kimona flashed her tits at him.
Wonder how Raven's character would react to a lapdance?
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jungle321jungle · 5 years
Sleeping In The Woods: Three
It was never in Virgil’s plan to be a camp counselor, he had never been a fan of kids.
It was never in his plan to learn to enjoy each of the boy’s company, he had never wanted to learn the truths behind their fake smiles.
It was never in his plan to get wrapped up in things he didn’t understand, he had always preferred to keep to himself.
None of it was ever his plan, but he’d do whatever he’d have to save everyone- even if it means risking himself.
A summer camp gone wrong au
Taglist: @hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie
Ao3 - Masterlist
“Dante if you do not get in your f-” Virgil took a deep breath. “Just go to bed.”
The boy finally did as he was told as he climbed in his bunk, but that didn’t mean the attitude had stopped. “That’s not how to speak to your favorite camper.”
“I don’t have favorites, but if I did it wouldn’t be you.”
Virgil had a clear favorite: Patton.
The kid was so sweet and adorable that he almost made Virgil forget how much he hated kids. Almost.
Virgil looked up from where he had been glancing at his phone to see Patton holding up a painting with a smile. “It’s you dressed as a wizard!”
Virgil gave a chuckle as he nodded, “What the obsession all of you have with making me during art?”
“It annoys you,” Remus called over from his seat.
“No it’s because you’re cool ,” Patton corrected in a matter of fact tone.  
“Oh, um thank you.” With that Patton moved to walk back to his seat but Virgil frowned, “How did you get that much paint on your clothes?”
“More than the paper it looks like,” Logan tossed in.
Virgil gave a sigh, he’d have to leave the rest at the next activity and bring Patton to change.
“Why do you have more stuffed animals then clothes?”
“Because I need them.”
Virgil paused looking at the few shirts the boy had brought, “Okay I guess, laundry is gonna have to be done a lot for you.”
Not only did Patton have a lot of stuffed animals, he seemed to have at least one within his general vicinity at all times save when he went to the bathroom.  
Virgil supposed it was supposed to be a kid thing or whatever, but he most certainly was not a fan of the one which seemed to be Patton’s favorite to drag around.
It was your average stuffed doll, with button eyes, but something about those eyes only unnerved him. Despite not having pupils, emotion, or literally anything they always seemed to be watching him, and the stupid smile she had almost made her look smug.
When Virgil dropped a bunch of stuff? She was watching. When he was being an absolute fool? She was watching. When he was just trying to mind his own damn business?
The doll was fucking watching.
Virgil really hated that thing.
“Virgil can you hold Ginger while I swim if you’re not getting in the water?”
Ginger. So that was the devil’s name.
“Fine,” he nodded, taking the toy. With that Patton hurried off to join Logan who was waiting for him by the lake. It wasn’t fair, Logan finally starts participating and leaving him alone, and now he was stuck with “Ginger”.
Virgil paused looking into those red button eyes before he set the doll beside him. “...I am losing my mind.”
“You say that a lot,” Thomas’ voice commented.
Virgil looked up to the other counselor who was carrying a box of something, before he held up Ginger, “Look at this doll and tell me it’s not trying to murder me.”
Thomas paused considering Ginger before he shrugged, “I can’t read it’s thoughts.”
“Then what good are you?”
“Wow, I was just coming over to tell you that tonight we’re having another unofficial counselor night. But I guess you’re not interested.”
“I deeply apologize,” Virgil told him quickly. A counselor night would do him so good. Just a bunch of the other counselors hanging out and chilling while kids slept. It sounded perfect. “I’ll be there.”
“See you tonight then.”
Virgil had been looking forward to counselor night. A lot. A lot a lot. But of course, like everything else, the boys had other plans for his evening.
“A fight?” Virgil asked in disbelief as he held the two apart. “Are you all stupid?”
Dee didn’t seem bothered at all by the scratch Roman had given him, but Roman was still fuming. “Don’t say that about my brother!”
Remus meanwhile was watching, entertained from his bunk, “I thought it was funny.”
“Fighting’s not nice,” Patton put in grabbing Roman by the hand. “And I’m sure Dee didn’t mean it! But you can’t hit him Ro! And Dee you can’t be mean! Now say sorry.”
The two each gave a reluctant “sorry”, and Virgil silently wished Patton could take his job over for him. But unfortunately, protocols were protocols.
“Alright we’re heading down to the Head’s cabin you two,” Virgil informed them before he held in a curse at the following thought. “Actually all of you need to come for me to keep ratio.”
Logan gave a groan, “I didn’t do anything. Why can’t I stay?”
“If we’re going to talk to the Head Counselor, then I need to look like I’m doing my job properly.”
“We can’t let Virgil get fired for something they did!” Patton encouraged.
Logan didn’t seem convinced but he headed out the cabin with them anyway.
“Look at the stars Logan! Oh and you gotta make a wish!”
“You wish on shooting stars,” Dee corrected, but Patton shook his head.
“Every star is a collection of everyone’s wishes. But to know which wishes to grant first you have to wish on them all again, and again, again. That’s how they know your wish will come true!”
“Stars are just gas in space,” Logan said with an eye roll.
“Like farts in space?” Remus asked him.
“Stars are wishes,” Patton cut in firmly. “That’s what Leanna always tells me. And I believe it.”
“I wish that Dee goes away,” Roman muttered.
“And I wish that you’d eat-”
“I wish that you’d all shut up,” Virgil cut in. “This isn’t a fun-looking-at-the-stars-walk. This is I’m-supposed-to-be-having-fun-right-now-but-I’m-stuck-here one!”
“Are we not fun?” Patton asked him worriedly.
Virgil found himself coming to hate those big eyes. He gave a sigh and looked away from the child’s face as they approached their destination, “Not when you guys get in fights.”
The sound of crying drew Virgil from his bed. He bit his tongue trying not to curse out children for needing him the instant he got comfortable, and headed into the main room.
He was greeted with the sight of Patton crying as he held a stuffed turtle missing a leg. Beside him Remus was tossing the toy’s detached leg against the wall and catching it like a type of game. Too bad it wasn’t Ginger.
“What?” Was all Virgil asked.
“Remus ripped the turtle’s leg off,” Logan answered, moving to try and comfort Patton.
“Accidentally!” Remus corrected. “But it did come off easy.”
Virgil gave a sigh, “Remus, go to bed. Now . Patton I think I have some duct tape. Do you want me to tape it until someone can sew it?”
The boy gave a nod and followed Virgil into his room. Now the issue was if Virgil could remember where he had put the tape. He knew he had some. It had been sitting out since day one of camp since he had used it to tape up the kids’ signs to their beds. He had set it out to finally bring it back because staring at it had annoyed him, so where the hell did it go?
“Does this one have a name?” Virgil asked awkwardly as he bent to look under his bed.
Behind him Patton gave a sniffle, “This is Sheila Shells the second.”
Virgil succeeded in grabbing the stupid roll of tape and climbed back out and sat on the floor. “Second? There’s another Sheila Shells?”
Patton nodded and sat down beside him, “The other Sheila is older so I didn’t want to bring her. I thought she could get ripped...”
Virgil gave an awkward cough as he took the stuffed turtle and laid it in his lap. “How many stuffed animals do you have?”
Patton said nothing until Virgil had ripped off a piece of tape and had begun to tape shut the “wound”.
“Lots. My parents get me one every time they leave for a business trip... I have a whole closet for them.”
“Wow. So are there more than two Sheilas then?”
Patton gave a small smile, “No, just them. But there’s a whole family of the Shells. All my stuffed animals have their own little family, and they’re all one big family.”
“You have so many that they have family reunions? Ah, all done.”
Patton took the toy and examined her carefully, “Thank you. And yeah, Mommy and Daddy leave a lot. But Leanna always tells me that each one is a protector they leave behind, so it’s okay. And usually I have Leanna too.”
He had heard that time a bunch of times since camp started, and yet he never knew who it was. “Who’s Leanna?” Virgil asked him.
“She’s my nanny,” Patton replied hugging the turtle. “But this summer her mom is sick so she has to go take care of her instead of me... But it’s okay, family is important.” He held up Shelia with a smile for Virgil to see. “And I’ve got my family right here!”
Virgil forced a smile, pretending he couldn’t see the sadness behind the boy’s eyes. “Well um, maybe let’s keep your family further from Remus, okay?”
Patton nodded gratefully, “Okay. I’m gonna go to bed now. Night Virgil! Oh, and Sheila Shells the second says thank you!”
Virgil nodded as the kid moved to leave the room, “You're welcome...”
Two - Three - Four
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A Princes Gamble
A Todoroki Fantasy AU
Request for Anon. ♥️
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In a kingdom far , far away. Lived a Prince with his family. He was the youngest of his siblings and would not be inheriting the kingdom anytime soon. Because of this the Prince was subjected to rigorous training with his father.
His oldest brother, Touya, was spending his days with lessons on running the kingdom from his father. But by night he was sneaking out and spending time at the local taverns or brothels.
The second oldest Fuyumi, his sister, spent her days caring for the kingdom, cleaning,cooking . Her father was also arranging a marriage for her to bind two kingdoms together.
The third oldest was Natsuo, a proud knight. Throwing his life on the line for his kingdom and family. His army settled wars and brought peace to the land.
The training was hard on the Prince day in and day out. He had no interest in running the kingdom and this angered his father. He told him he would need an heir to keep the family going and the Prince did not want to do that either. He wanted to travel, see the world and everything it had to offer.
So on a very early Tuesday morning the Prince snuck out of the castle. He creeped to the stables to find Touya in one asleep, he had a bottle in his hand and smelled of perfume . The Prince quickly took the bottle emptying it out . He then shook his brother awake .
“Touya, Touya,”
“Hmm….?” His voice was very soothing, like velvet. It was one reason the ladies loved him so much. He opened an eye seeing his youngest brother.
“Touya, you're in the stables again. Go change before Father sees”
“Always looking out for me Shoto.” He placed a hand on his brother's head pulling himself up, staggering till he regained his ficus. “Whereeee are you going?”
“I just want to explore.” Shoto said getting on his horse. “I'll be back before Father notices.”
Touya waved lazilly at his Brother and stumbled into the castle.
Shoto took off , his brother would be okay. He did this almost every night and Father never noticed. He rode out of the kingdom into the village that sat right at the bottom of it. No one was out so no one would see him. He left the village following a path to his left.
Meanwhile , at the end of that path sat a lesser known village to the kingdom. It was very small, maybe only 30 residents. They were taxed heavily because of their location. It was near a forest that had monsters in it. Dragons, fae, witches, ogres But also some gnomes and fairies who were kind to those who were kind to them.
You often spent time in this forest gathering herbs for medicines for your people. You were the village healer and you enjoyed it very much. The monsters never bothered you surprisingly, you healed them too if needed. You were sitting on a rock mixing up some herbs in a basket early this morning.
Shoto had followed the path all the way down, taking in everything he saw. Fields, horses, stone walls, merchant stalls . The villages he noticed got lesser and lesser in quality the farther he got away from his kingdom. The homes looked weak and made out of wood instead of stone, the fields were empty and the merchant stalls were scarce. Did Father know of this?
He took a turn into the forest slowing to a trot to a walk. The forest was very pretty, the sun poked in through open holes in the leaves giving the ground a spotted look. He passed little mushrooms and stone houses , he also found some large paw prints . Shoto go off his horse to inspect them. Wolves? Wolves were still around? But a village is so close by. ..
His horse stomped its hoof and Shoto looked back seeing him stomp again and walk in a circle. Shoto went over grabbing the reins trying to calm the horse.
“Shh... it's okay.” The horse was not listening though, it ripped free of Shoto’s grip running off out of the forest.
Shoto still had his hands out when he heard something behind him. Slowly he turned to see a ogre staring down at him. It was breathing heavily. Making Shoto’s hair swish around. The ogre hit him with his arm sending him flying right into your lap.
“ WAHH!!!” You held your basket up just in time to save it . Shoto rubbed his spinning head till he saw you.
You were red in the face and very.. cute to him.yoir dress looked a little old and ragged though, you smelled of herbs and flowers. Shoto got red in the face and pulled himself up holding his bleeding arm.
“Run… there's a .. ogre..” he coughed out.
You both heard a groan , it sounded close. You dashed in front of Shoto with your arms out.
“What are you doing?!?” He asked trying to get you to move
The ogre emerged swinging his arm into a nearby tree.
“The law states you cannot hurt humans, ogre. Or you'll be killed.” You said.
The ogre stomped its foot but you didn't move . Shoto was speechless watching you.
“Go home . And ill forget i saw this.”
The ogre turned away to leave and you sighed turning around . It was the Prince .. the Prince of the Todoroki Kingdom.. what the heck was he doing out here?!?
“Your .. hurt..”
“Im fine..”
You sat him down even though he tried to refuse you. You pulled your basket over rummaging through your leaves and herbs. Shoto watched closely, you must be a herbalist.. hes never seen one before. You wrapped a damp leaf around his arm and tied it with some grass.
“Just.. keep this on for a day. Can you walk?”
“ i can.. walk..”
Shoto stood up and fell into you.
“Oh yeah tough guy? “ you pulled his arm over your shoulder helping him stand. “Cmon.. lets get you to my home to rest,”
Meanwhile Fuyumi was by the stables starting her day when Shotos' horse scared her. She quickly grabbed the reins calming the horse.
“Shhh… what's gotten into you? Do you know where Shoto is?”
The horse started to get Spooked again and Fuyumi brought him to the stalls to calm down. Where was Shoto?
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alexthepartyman · 4 years
The Rescue of Jamie (a really weird drabble I wrote and read to my English class)
“I have the forty thousand, right here, in my fucking hand!” The woman screams, her green eyes lighting with fire as her voice echoes off the walls of the warehouse. “Now give me back my son.”
The men who had taken her boy didn’t know who he belonged to until she tracked them down and demanded he be returned, but they had to stick to their guns and deals, even if they had unknowingly kidnapped the sick toddler son of a murdered cop during a robbery gone wrong.
The ransom remained steady over five months, forty thousand would go a long way for the gang. It would also cause severe financial damage to the woman, as somebody had to pay for what they thought was child abuse, but in reality, was just Jamie’s nature.
The five-year-old boy was quiet, believed to be somewhat deaf as he didn’t acknowledge anyone or speak, but mischievous as any other boy his age, possibly more. He was small and frail as if a gentle drop could shatter him to pieces, though he often entertained himself by climbing and tearing things apart to put them back together. Of course, the group felt mad for making him so frail, but nobody could’ve seen that much blood spurting out of the boy after giving him an over-the-counter ibuprofen that they triple-checked for poisoning. The boy had certainly made up any, if not all, lost sleep in his life, as that was all he did unless he was using the bathroom or eating, due to the blood loss he had suffered.
Now, his mother stands downstairs, in the night of that abandoned Mulholland warehouse, with forty thousand dollars in her hand and a pistol hidden in the waistband of her wrinkled jeans.
“Alright, alright, you’re gonna get your kid back. Just give us the money, we’ll count it, and then we’ll bring him down to you.” A man tells the woman.
She nearly thrusts the money at him.
“Now you relax, gotta get this counte- EY-EY-EY!”
A pistol now sits in her hands, pointed at the bridge of his nose.
“No, it’s all there. All forty fucking THOUSAND OF MY LITTLE BOY’S LIFE!”
A moment of silence passes; she gasps for breath before ordering, “Now, you’re going to march your pretty little butt to wherever in this building you’ve put him, and you’re gonna bring Jamie back to me.”
“Stick to the deal, woman. I just told you, let me get it counted, don’t want to come up short here-”
He falls to the ground, holding his left bicep while groaning in pain.
“Get. Me. My. Son.” She says, stepping over him and pointing the gun in his face. 
“ADELAIDE WOODS, FBI!” A crash follows the sound, police and federal agents swarm the warehouse, the black of the night being interrupted by flashing blue and red.
“Addy, drop the gun!” A woman with raven hair quickly approaches, pointing her gun at the woman with curly brown hair that frames her tear-streaked and stone face. 
“I WANT MY SON!” She screams, turning around to face her new audience. 
“Drop the gun, Adelaide. It’s over.” A man orders, pointing a pistol at the woman. 
“No! Not until I get him back!” She yells. 
“You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to shoot another cop, Addy.” The raven-haired woman says.
Meanwhile, upstairs, three men search upstairs for the missing boy.
“Where would a five-year-old hide?” The black man asks. 
“Start looking in boxes. Jamie would hide somewhere cozy where he’d be protected from harm,” The youngest replies, with the oldest adding, “The boy’s sick; reported to be covered in blood and unable to respond. Be careful, he’s easily scared and stressed.” 
The three men holster their guns, knowing that the little boy would be terrified to see a gun pointed at him, and armed with a flashlight, they start ripping open boxes.
“Try moving to a corner. Jamie might feel safer there.” The youngest states. 
“So that box there, in the corner there?” The black man replies.
“Yeah, I feel that’s exactly where he’d be. Come on.” The oldest man ventures over to a back corner of the room, the other two moving scattered boxes out of the man’s walkway.
He reaches for the tipped over box on the ground and puts it right side up.
“Hey, little guy. You must be Jamie.” He speaks with a softer tone, looking into the cardboard box. A tiny, sickly boy lies in the box, curled up into a little ball, his green eyes more vacant than an abandoned hotel.
“I’m David. You’re okay, you’re safe now.” He says. 
Jamie blinks slowly, his eyes lazily drifting about. Dried, crusted blood covers a lot of his face and most of his body and clothes, and his thumbs lay loosely in his mouth.
“I NEED A MEDIC!!” The black man bellows, agitating the boy further.
“Sssh, it’s okay. We’re gonna get you help.” David says, reaching in and picking up the toddler, who was too sick, stressed, and tired to properly fight, though whimpering and trying to wriggle free of his newfound captivity.  The man adjusts the boy to a better position, scooting him up to better hold him close so he would be warm. 
“We got him, Hotch, but he’s not doing great,” the black man speaks into his microphone.
“I’m getting him out of here, he needs medical now,” David says, heading for the stairs to lead him to the paramedics. 
“Hotch, Rossi’s bringing Jamie to medical.” The black man says into his microphone.
David carefully climbs down the stairs and darts across the warehouse floor, with the boy in his arms, arriving at the exit in little time.
The tear-stricken mother jumps to her feet and runs at them from a police car, a blonde woman following behind her.
“JAMIE! JAMIE!” Addy bellows, forcefully pulling her son into her arms. “Oh, Jamie. Jamie, what have they done to you?” The woman sobs, holding onto the boy for dear life. She seems unaware of the boy’s screaming and squirming, dying to escape her grip. 
“Adelaide-Addy. Addy, let him go.” The black man approaches calmly, slowly reaching out towards the boy. 
“He’s not your boy!” She screams, sobbing uncontrollably into the boy’s curly hair. Blood spurts from both nostrils of his little nose, gushing at a rapid rate. “It’s Mommy, don’t you remember?” She sobs, guiding his chin to her face. As soon as she touches him, he cries out and whips his head away, spurring a coughing fit as he cries and screams. 
“Addy, he’s too stressed and sick. He needs help.” The black man calmly says, reaching again.
“HE’S NOT YOUR SON!” She screams back at him, falling into a sitting position. 
The boy is soon covered with his own blood and vomit, his skin turning blue as his green eyes flutter shut.
“Addy, you have to let him go. He needs help, look. He can’t breathe.” The blonde woman says, her blue eyes boring into a maternal green.
“Come here, Jamie, it’s okay.” The black man says, quickly pulling him out of her arms and handing him to David before turning to fight off Addy, who had leapt to attack him.
David runs the boy to an awaiting ambulance, paramedics quickly placing him on the sideways on the gurney and strapping an oxygen mask to his face before strapping him down and plugging his nose, forcing him to breathe through his mouth. 
The white lights of the ambulance are a near match to the little boy’s skin; they load him up, David climbing in and being handed the boy’s stained shirt. The paramedics work quickly, poking IVs into the unconscious child and hooking him up to machines that add to the chaos of the back of the vehicle. Sirens ring out, machines beep, a man pumps medications with funny names into Jamie. The ride seems to take forever, until the boy is wheeled into the hospital, spots of white and purple amongst the red, where they had inserted needles and where he had bruised.
David pulls out his cell phone and dials a familiar number as he finds a seat in the waiting room, holding the bloodied shirt to his chest. He knows he can only hope the doctors can save the little boy’s life, only the Lord could let this boy take another step on this Earth.
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samuelkwinchester · 5 years
14.11 - Sister!Winchester
Warnings: Language, Gore (kind of?), Mentions of rape, Unwanted touching (isn’t super detailed and doesn’t get very far, but please avoid if easily triggered).
Summary: Hope Winchester is Sam and Dean’s little sister from a different mom. This takes place during the events of season 14 episode 11, “Damaged Goods,” when Dean visits his mother and Nick is searching for her so that he can get revenge. Unfortunately, Hope gets caught in the crossfire between Nick and his obsession to find who killed his family
(I know that the picture is not from the episode, but bear with me. Also, it is not mine)
Enjoy :)
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“Sam, I’m worried about Dean…” I whispered into the phone.
“What’s wrong, Hope?” Sammy asked, his breath hitching in his throat.
“Dean is getting real close with Mar- mom. Plus he’s been in the shed for almost an hour now. There’s a lot of noise going on. I think it’s a blowtorch and maybe some sort of power saw? I don’t know. Either way, he had a lot of books with him. And that’s really not like him. You know that, Sam. He’s just not himself. I mean, I know with Michael being stuck in his head and all, but really thi-”
“Hope. Breathe.” Sam commanded through the phone. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll be over in maybe four hours, give or take. Stay there, stay alert, and stay safe. You have your phone, so call me if you need me. I’ll be there soon, okay?”
“O-okay.” I said shallowly. The phone went dead.
I got up from my curled up position on my bed. The sun had gone down, and the room was no longer visible. I shivered, remembering what dad had said about the dark. My feet touched the cold, bedroom floor. I carefully guided myself toward the lightswitch, finding the panel, and switching it on. 
The floor was pristine, obviously hadn’t been walked on in at least a few months. I looked in the mirror next to the doorway. There I stood, dressed in a simple pair of light denim ripped jeans (which Sam and Dean gave me a lot of crap for), a black short-sleeved undershirt, and a red and black flannel. My socks were black, warm, and fuzzy. Dean got them for me around Halloween, when the weather started to get cold. 
I quickly looked away from the mirror, and walked into the hallway, down the wood stairs. I walked into the kitchen, smelling something greasy and… familiar?
“Hope!” Dean smiled at me from the kitchen. “You hungry? Mom and I were making and old favorite- Winchester Surprise!”
I forced a smile on my face. “Of course! Let me go wash up real quick and I’ll join you guys.” Excusing myself to the restroom, I locked the door and leaned against it, doing the one thing I haven’t done in over a year.
“Castiel? If you are hearing this, I need you to stay where you are. I just wanted to tell you that I’m with Dean and Mary. Dean doesn’t seem to be doing well. He’s not like himself. I just wanted to tell you so that you could keep Jack posted. He deserves to know as much as I do, especially with everything going on right now. I’ll keep you up to date.”
“Jeez, Dean. I can’t believe you remember how I used to feed you and John this dish. It’s so… greasy.” Mary smiled, reliving old memories that I obviously wasn’t apart of.
“How could I forget? I love this stuff.” Dean smiled, stuffing his face with this interesting concoction. Meanwhile, I just picked at my food.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Mar- mom asked.
“I’m just… Not feeling well. I think I might take a walk. Some fresh air might help.” I said, slowly getting up from the dinner table. Before I could get far, Dean grabbed my hand.
“Don’t forget your gun. I’m not letting you step out of my sight without it, okay? Especially out there.” Dean’s eyes glazed over, and I knew that something was eating him up.
“O-okay. Love you, D.” I said before grabbing my gun from the buffet table. Putting the gun in my waistband, I slipped my boots on and walked out the door.
The woods were somewhat of a sanctuary- especially where I’m from. I was raised in Seattle before Sam and Dean found me. Dad was on a case there and met my mom. I was conceived the night they met. Then Dad up and left, but came around for the few birthdays I had (before he died) and the occasional Christmas or Halloween (again, very few). I wasn’t completely special to him, but I was his child. And there was still love given to me from him.
He’d tell me about my brothers before I had even met them. He said that Sammy was a genius going to college so that he could do something with his life besides ‘the family business’- which was what he would call it back then. Dean was described as the legacy of the family, the one who would continue the business.
I hadn’t met them before John died.
Sam and Dean had barged into my house the night my mom died. I was five years old when the demon was killed. That’s when I started touring with the Winchester duo, and I contributed as the final part to the trio. I went through it all with them but stayed with Bobby a lot. When Mary came into the picture, I didn’t know how to react. She wasn’t my mom, but I was Sam and Dean's sister. She accepted me as her own early on, and I love her for it, but I’m still adjusting.
As I walked away from the cabin, I noticed headlights in the distance. I had a bad feeling about it, but I walked away. I knew I would regret it, but I didn’t just how much. 
Continuing into the woods, I thought about Dean. What was he doing in the barn? Building something maybe? Or was he just releasing some pent up feelings? Either way, something was up, and I knew there was something he was keeping from me. I know he was possessed by apocalypse Michael, but he knows that at one point I was possessed by Michael from this world. I may not have been possessed for long, but it was still hell. I can remember that much. Especially because Michael only talked about wanting to use my brothers so that he could kill his own. He messed with my head too, and Dean doesn’t realize it. I want him to know I’m here. I need him to know I’m here. He shouldn’t go through this alone. He didn’t let me go through it alone.
I heard sirens coming from the dirt road, which made me feel a little safer but also a little more on edge. I didn’t think there was anything obviously wrong, so it was a shock to know the van was being looked for.
 I quickly returned to the road, the cabin nowhere in sight, and turned to see Donna and… Nick? They were fighting, and for a moment it looked like Donna had the upper hand. Then Nick pulled the taser out from nowhere and tazed Donna. I froze, not knowing what to do. I could yell, but that would bring attention to myself. I watched as Nick effortlessly lifted Donna, and put her in the cop car. As he finished up, he turned around and locked eyes on my distant figure.
My blood ran cold- and not because it was near 40 degrees.
I had heard about a killer roaming around the Pike Creek area in Delaware, but I didn’t put two and two together. I should have known- I should have said something.
Nick started to walk towards me, and my body kicked into fight or flight mode.
I started with a jogging pace, getting away from Nick. I started to sprint as I heard a clicking noise. While trying to run in a zig-zag pattern I heard a ‘boom’ and then pain spread throughout my hip. I cried out, the pain was sudden and unforgiving. As I fell, I could feel the blood staining my clothes and my waist. My left hand moved to the wound so I could attempt to stop some bleeding. Everything was in slow motion. I hit the ground with a hard ‘thud’, my head spinning. The pain was almost unbearable, but I’ve had worse. I heard running footsteps and I knew he was coming for me. I took my hand off of the wound and pushed myself back up. I suppressed a groan as I put pressure on my leg, which traveled to my hip. I started to run towards the cabin, praying that I could make it before I either bled out or Nick caught me. 
I could see lights, indicating I was close to Dean. Maybe not as close as I’d like, but it was something. Hope filled my veins and pushed me forward. I was so close to being home, so close to having the upper hand in this fight, so close to telling Dean that it was going to be okay. That I was going to be there for him.
Until I wasn’t close anymore.
Hands traveled to my hips, grabbing hard and intentionally pressing against my damaged hip. I choked out a quiet sob. I was caught, and I couldn’t see the light in this situation anymore. I wasn’t just scared- I was terrified. Nowhere left to go.
Game over.
“Where do you think you’re going, princess?” Nick sneered into my ear, obviously rubbing his victory into my face.
“Fuck. You.” I growled. I began to get defensive. I knew that he didn’t need me for anything, but he didn’t want his cover blown either. The worst outcome was that I’d be killed right now, leaving Dean with Michael and without Mary. I’m praying that he doesn’t go down that road.
“Feisty, huh? We can fix that real quick,” Nick pushed harder onto the bullet hole decorating my hip. I hissed at him. “Okay. That didn’t work… I could try something else. Something I remembered from when I was shacked up with Lucifer…”
Okay, I was wrong. Being killed wasn’t the worst scenario.
Nick ran his other hand, the one not putting pressure on my hip, down to my thing and squeezed just slightly. He started to move up, and he pressed up against me. He stopped right before he reached a place I definitely didn’t want him to touch.
“We have two options, Little Winchester. Either you give up, or I bring up some repressed memories. Some that haven’t seen the light of day since they were scarred into your pretty little head. But hey, it’s your choice.” Nick taunted.
My mind was racing a million miles per second. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I actually thought about throwing up on his shoes, but I don’t think I could aim for them. But in all seriousness, my mind was at war with itself. I didn’t want to just give up and be submissive, but I couldn’t risk being killed, or worse.
“Alright. I’ll behave. But you have to promise me something.” I said with the strongest voice I could come up with.
“And… What would that be, Hope?” Nick grinned against my ear.
“Keep Dean and Mary alive. They don’t need to be killed.” I was practically begging and he knew it.
“Okay. We have a deal.” He smiled as he took his hand off my thigh. 
I let out a sigh of relief, before suddenly being spun around and lifted over his shoulder. He turned and walked towards the van. The back door of the van was opened and I was shoved inside. I held in a cry as I somehow landed on my hip (just my luck). Next thing I knew the van doors were slammed shut, and my vision was fading fast. My last thoughts were dedicated to my brothers, praying that they’d find me or move on if they didn’t, before I blacked out entirely.
*2nd POV*
“-Dean, he’s going after your mom,” Donna sighed into the phone.
“He who?” Dean asked, feeling very confused yet on guard.
“Uh, some guy named Nick.” Donna finally spit out, and Dean acted immediately.
Dean ran outside after hanging up with Donna, gun in hand. He was going to find that bastard before he found Mary. He walked out of the bushes and onto the dirt road, taking a faster pace. Sticks were broken behind him, and in less than a second his gun was cocked and pointed to whoever was behind him.
“Dean! Woah, easy!” Sam yelled, clearly not wanting to get shot by his brother. “Dean, what’s going on here?”
“It’s Mom,” he rasped. “She’s gone.”
Mary awoke in the van, her head pounding. Her head was resting on something… soft? She slowly opened her eyes to see the ceiling of the van. She pushed herself up and turned to see Hope laying on the floor, bleeding at a steady pace.
“Oh god!” Mary yelled. “Help!”
She scanned the back for anything that could stop the bleeding. She found an old cloth and some alcohol. Perfect. After she shredded the cloth, she poured alcohol onto it and tied it tight around Hope's waist, making sure that it was covering and putting pressure on the wound. Hope shot up, eyes wide open, and fear evident in her eyes.
*1st POV*
I shot up, my eyes wide open, and my heart beating out of my chest. I took in a shaky breath and saw Mary leaning over me.
“Oh, thank god.” She said, tears rolling down her face.
“Hey, Mary.” I croaked out. Smiling, she helped me sit up against her.
The back door swung open, and Nick was standing there with a smirk on his face. I’m not entirely sure why he needed Mary, but I could tell that whatever the reason, it wasn’t good.
“Morning, Ladies!” Nick sang, before hopping into the back with us. Mary pushed me to the far corner, trying to get me as far away from Nick as possible. “Oh, come on, Mary! I wasn’t going to do anything… yet…” He smiled viciously.
“Alright, what do you want?” Mary asked, clearly not happy with the situation she was in.
“You know… The demons, they know where you are,” Nick said, taking a seat across from me. “They keep track of you, you and your kids. They’re sort of scared of you. So wherever you are, they’re not. So that’s how I got to Hibbing. I didn’t have an address. Luckily, that- that perky little sheriff lady- what’s her name? Deborah? Debbie? Something? Whatever. She had some emails on her cellphone talking about you and her family cabin, so here I am.” Mary just glared at him while he rambled.
“I know that’s a lot to take in, but… And if you feel like screaming, you can- you can go ahead cause we’re pretty remote…”
“Nick,” Mary started. “What are you doing?”
Nick got up suddenly and moved right next to me as I flinched. Mary looked slightly afraid, but kept it in knowing that I was watching.
“Tonya Baker,” Nick began. “Yeah, you knew her. You saved her life. Her whole girl scout troop was murdered and she was the only survivor, thanks to you. These two demons were about to finish her off, and then you came in and chased one away but you faced off against the other one, a demon named Abraxas.”
“I remember. So?” Mary snapped.
“So? Abraxas murdered my family the same way he killed those girls- bloody, brutal, slow.” Mary's face fell at his confession, and even I felt bad.
“I’m sorry, Nick,” Mary started. “But you could have just asked me. This, shooting Hope, this is cr-”
“Crazy?” Nick asked, finishing her sentence. “What would you have told me?”
“That I killed him!” Mary raised her voice. “Abraxas is dead.”
“So you would have lied to me?” My eyes widened at his statement. “You didn’t kill him, you trapped him in a box. How’d you do it?”
Mary stuttered. Nick grabbed her coat and shook her. “Tell. Me.”
“Okay, okay. We put him in an Enochian box. He’s contained.”
“Do you have him?” Nick asked, clearly done with beating around the bush.
“No… but I can take you to him.”
Dean and Sam were pacing, waiting for a response from Donna’s radio. Dean was beyond worried. When Sam and him got back, Dean immediately went upstairs to look for Hope. He was praying that she got back while he was sleeping, but when he opened the door to her room, she wasn’t there, and he lost it. Sam was stunned for a minute but began to worry more and more.
Eventually Donna got a trace, and they sped off to Grand Rapids.
We pulled up to a storage unit that, Mary said, had the box containing Abraxas. Nick pulled Mary out of the van, then me. He pulled me along as I struggled to keep up. Mary unlocked the door, and he pushed her inside first before pulling me in.
“Alright, where is it?” Nick asked. Mary remained silent. “Listen, if you tell me where it is, you and little Winchester get to walk away.”
Mary sighed, obviously struggling with her decisions.
“It’s over there.”
Nick looked around while Mary stood still.
“Where is it?” Nick asked, clearly getting angrier by the minute.
“In the lockers…” Mary said. “Too bad I don’t have the key.”
I smiled a little at how dumb she was playing. I liked her style. Nick shrugged, grabbed a machete, and chopped off the lock, moving into the room with the lockers.
“Which one?” Nick asked. Mary just shrugged, not giving him a clear answer.
Nick grunted and shoved me towards Mary. He started to chop off locks again while Mary helped me keep steady.
“Just sit here, hun. Against the lockers.” I nodded and slid down the lockers onto the floor. I was losing steam, and I didn’t know when Dean or Donna would find us. I was rooting for sooner, rather than later.
“Open the box.” Nick said as I looked up.
“Sorry, but you need a host. It can’t be you, it can’t be me,” She lifted her shirt to show her tattoo. “And, it can’t be Hope.” She lifted up my shirt so he could see the tattoo on my side.
“Well, then I’ll improvise.” Nick said, before leaving.
Nick walked in with the security guard from the post out front. He sat him down and pulled the bag off of his head.
“Nick don’t do this-”
“How do I open this thing?” Nick cut her off.
“I don’t know.” Mary sighed.
Nick turned around while trying to figure out the box, which gave Mary a chance to walk up behind him and kick his knees out from under him. She attempted to grab the dropped box, but Nick got back up and kicked her over while she was laying on the ground. I tried to get up and help, but everything was still spinning, and I couldn’t see who was who at this point. I was useless. So I prayed that it wasn’t too late to save us all.
“I said I could handle it!” Nick yelled as he pushed her up against the fence. Nick continued to mess with the box, but then threw it onto the ground. Nick, frustrated as ever, picked up the drill and drilled into the box. Black smoke came from the black cube and flew right into the security guards' mouth.
“Heya, Blondie.” Abraxis cooed at Mary, then looked my way. “Who’s your cute friend?”
“Why’d you kill my family?” Nick demanded.
“Have to be more specific.” Abraxis smirked, clearly messing around.
“Pike Creek, Delaware.” Nick stated, getting emotional.
“Oh. Nick. Why are you walking and talking? I thought the big man had you on lockdown.”
“He’s dead. Now, why did you kill my family?” Nick raised his voice.
“Kill her first, then we’ll talk.” Abraxas looked towards me. “Mary here locked me in a box and I hold a grudge. But I want her to suffer instead. Kill the girl nice and slow, then maybe we’ll talk.”
Nick looked at me.
“Nick,” Mary started with a grin on her face. But Nick looked serious about going through with it. And I was terrified. “Nick! Don’t do it!”
Nick walked toward me slowly, and suddenly my adrenaline kicked in. I needed to get up and run. I tried pushing myself up, but Nick picked up his pace and pounced on me. He straddled my waist as he bound my arms together.
“You ready to die, little Winchester?” Nick sneered as he prepared his knife. He lifted up the knife, and was about to drive it into my stomach, but a gunshot cut him off.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Sam yelled, holding Nick at gunpoint.
Nick cowered away from me, and Dean came rushing over to me. His eyes filled with rage as he released my arms and saw my bloody hip. Sam was helping Mary out of her handcuffs while I tried to stand up against the lockers.
“Hey, De.” I said weakly.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean smiled slightly, struggling to watch me keep myself up.
“Is she okay?” Sam asked, his voice wavering.
“Not sure, Sammy.” Dean sighed. Sam rushed over and gave me a bear hug. I hissed when he held me tight against him.
“What’s wr-” Sam saw my bloody hip, and his face fell. “No, Hope…”
“I-It’s okay, Sammy. I’ll make it.” I chuckled lightly. Sam gave me a kiss on the forehead before pointing his gun at Nick again.
“What are you doing?” Sam questioned.
“What I have to.” Nick said, before grabbing a knife and scraping off a piece of the devil's trap.
“NO-” We all yelled, before being lifted into the air and slammed onto the floor. I groaned out in pain as the cloth fell off of my hip. More blood started to pour onto the floor.
“You wanna know why I killed your family? I was following orders-” Abraxas started.
“From who?” Nick pressed, not giving up.
“Who do you think? Lucifer.” Abraxas smirked.
“I-I don’t understand.” Nick stuttered. “Why me?!”
“You were chosen, but you’re not special. We threw a dart at a phone book and-”
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica-”
“Stop,” Abraxas said as he forced Dean into one of the storage shelves.
“Dean!” I coughed, looking back to make sure he was okay. He groaned and tried to push himself back up.
“So. Who dies first?” Abraxis asked, before Nick pulled his head back, forced him onto his knees, and stabbed him in the chest.
Nick got up and started swiping at anyone who would come near him. 
“Take it easy!” Sam yelled, before Donna shot him in the leg and M- mom knocked him out.
“Payback, bitch.” I choked out a quiet laugh while trying to fight the darkness from taking over.
“Hope!” Sam and Dean yelled, rushing over to me.
“You gotta stay with us, sissy. Okay?” Dean asked, trying to keep me awake.
“N-no pr-omises…” I smirked.
“Even with a bullet in your hip and at least a quarter of your blood on the floor, you’re still a pain in our asses.” Dean chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.
“I try, De.” I smiled, before slipping into the darkness.
I woke up to Dean by my side. I tried to sit up, but my hip was burning.
“Woah. That’s some kick.” I joked, pushing myself up to the headboard. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad, but it still hurt.
“Take it easy, kiddo.” Dean ordered, clearly not messing around. “How are you feeling?”
“Like hell, but I’ll be okay.” I tried to smile, but I just couldn’t. The fight was finally over, and somehow we won. The tears came right after, but I let them fall.
“Hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. It’s over now, I promise.” Dean climbed into the bed with me and held my head against his chest.
“H-he did so much more, De… So much more than just this.” I sobbed.
Sam quietly entered the room while Dean and I sat in silence. He sat down on my other side and kissed my head, letting me know that he was here too.
“W-when he shot me, he… He said he remembered something about me from when Lucifer was possessing him…” I stuttered, more tears flowing but I didn’t care.
“What’d he say, kiddo?” Dean asked, clearly defensive.
“H-he said that he’d use something against me if I didn’t stop fighting him… He moved his other hand to my thigh a-and…” I sucked in a breath, trying to stay calm even though everything in me wanted to scream and thrash. “He made me think he was going to touch me… He knew what had happened to m-me bef-fore… I thought he was going to r-rape me-” I sobbed, wanting to crawl out of my own skin.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Dean growled lowly, getting out of the bed and pacing the floor. “How did he know? Lucifer wasn’t even apart of that… That was another assholes fault…” Deans held his head in his hands.
Sammy comforted me as I continued to sob. My face was buried in his chest, but I didn’t care. Dean sat back down and held me.
“We’re gonna fix this, okay? We’ll get through it together. You’ll always have us. Always.” Sam choked out, trying not to lose it because he wanted to be strong for me.
“We got you, Hope. We love you.”
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Blood Lust| Vampire!Tom Holland
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Requested By @cosmicstarbabe
— Hi Hun! I've been reading a few things and your writing is so good! I wanted to know if requests are still open? If so, I wanted to request a vampire au with Tom! Where he ends up meeting the reader on a casual night out~ thank you sunshine! Have a nice day or night where you are and stay hydrated!
✧ Pairing: Vampire!Tom Holland x Reader
✧ Featuring: Vampire!Harrison Osterfield, F/n, Zendaya, bartender, patrons.
✧ Summary: you meet Tom in a pub, but he is lusting for your blood rather than you, or both.
✧ WARNINGS: ignore the summary, angsty? alcohol, pubs, blood, vampirism, supernatural themes, injured! Reader, comforting friends (well one of them is comforting).
✧Word Count:1640
✧ A/n: f/n = friends name, requests are open!!!
Your fingers tapped lightly on the surface of the countertop, leaning slightly on it as you waited for the bartender to fill the three glasses up with liquor.
You turned your head to the left, looking at the table were your friends sat.
Zendaya looked uninterested in whatever f/n was telling her, probably the latest crush she had.
Zendaya rolled her eyes, her gaze drifting over to you as she gave you a pleading look, to come over and rescue her from f/n’s rambling. You let out a chuckle, shaking your head. You turned back around quickly as you heard glass clinking against the wood counter in front of you.
"Thank you." You spoke, as the bartender smiled at you, then walked away from you to serve another customer, you quickly grabbed some napkins from the napkin dispenser, before huddling the three glass cups together, before carefully picking them up, your tongue poking out just a bit as you concentrated on trying not to drop them, just as you turned around you bumped straight into someone, making you let out a yelp, dropping all the three glasses onto the floor, making the glasses shatter into pieces while liquid spilled onto the floor. 
"Shit." You cursed, pushing the fallen strands of your hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear hastily.
"I am so sorry, I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking." You apologized, kneeling so you could clean up the mess, the guy followed suit, as you used the napkins to pick up the broken glass, putting it into a not so broken glass cup.
"It's fine, I'm just as much to blame as you are, I wasn't really paying attention." Tom spoke, as he started to pick up the broken glass. His friend Harrison leaned against the counter as he watched the whole interaction, smirking at his friend. Tom snapped his head up to look at you, staring at you intently, his eyes quickly scanned your body up and down, biting his lip, as his eyes darkening with lust.
"I'm such a clutz." You mumbled to yourself, though Tom could hear you. Tom has about to say something when he heard you let out a swear word, then he smelt the sweet metallic scent of blood, his heart quickened, as he gulped trying to ignore his animalistic side that was coming out, god how he wanted to sink his teeth into your neck and suck you dry.
You grabbed one of the unused napkins wrapping it around the cut on your finger. While Tom looked away from you, gulping again, as he tried to compose himself, the sclera of his eyes turned blood-red, as dark veins appeared under his eyes as the blood pumped through them, his canine teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs, poking against his bottom lip.
Toms eyes snapped closed, then snapped open again, as the desire to drink your blood only grew stronger, he had to get out of this pub before he sinks his fangs into your neck. His eyes snapped open again, as he clenched his fist to his side. The piece of broken glass he was holding pierced into the palm of his skin, but he didn’t care, it would heal.
You were just about to say something to the guy when he quickly stood up abruptly, making you flinch, your head snapped up to look at him, noticing he looked pale, also looked like he was in pain.
"I have to go." the guy spat out, turning around and walking away from you and out of the pub, while you just looked at him in shock, his friend who was watching him had wide eyes, he quickly followed after him, turning back to look at you and giving you an apologetic look.
You stared at them in shock. What the hell, just happened? Did I do something wrong? You thought.
You were too deep in thought that you didn’t notice that f/n and Zendaya come over to you. Until you felt a hand gently touch your shoulder. Zendaya kneeled beside you, concern clouding her eyes as she looked at you.
“You okay?” she asked, as she started to pick up the rest of the glass.
“Yeah, I think.” you squeaked out.
“He was so hot, you should have gotten his number or at least his friends’ number, he was hot too.” f/n spoke, making you and Zendaya look up at her as she stood in front of you’s. You gave her a confused look while Zendaya gave her an annoyed look.
F/n turned her gaze towards Zendaya, f/n shrugged her shoulders before speaking.
“What, I just want my friend to date, to finally be happy.” F/n she exclaimed, making Zendaya roll her eyes, while you just gave f/n a smile.
“Y/n, doesn’t have to date to be happy.” Zendaya scoffed, clearly annoyed by f/n antics in trying to get you a boyfriend.
“But she deserves a boyfriend.” f/n huffed.
“And she will find one, stop pressuring her too much.” Zendaya sighed.
“I wasn’t, he is hot she is hot, what a perfect combination.” f/n explained.
Zendaya let out a scoff, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Just because they look hot, doesn’t mean there is any deep emotional attachment, a relationship isn’t about looks f/n.” Zendaya snapped.
F/n was about to argue back, but Zendaya interrupted her again.
“Here take these to the bartender, y/n and I will wait for you outside, we are going to the club.” Zendaya ordered her, as she held up the two half-broken glass cups filled with broken glass towards f/n.
F/n let out a huff, grabbing them and giving Zendaya a bitchy glare, Zendaya returned the look.
“Fine.” She huffed, turning on her heel and walking to the counter.
“Bit harsh.” You spoke, making Zendaya look at you, she just shrugged.
“She will live.” Zendaya grumbled, helping you up, as you and she made your way out of the pub, leaning against the wall, as you two waited for f/n to come out.
“You know she isn’t that bad, she’s just showing her love” you spoke, making Zendaya snort.
“Love, she is obsessed with your love life and mine, even her own, I don’t even know why we are still friends with her?” Zendaya grumbled as she unlocked her phone, opening the Instagram app, and scrolling through it.
You let out a snicker, your eyes wandered down to the napkin wrapped around your finger, you let out a sigh, just as your thoughts were about to consume you, Zendaya spoke.
“Stop.” She warned, making you look at her.
“What?” you replied.
“Stop thinking about that asshole.” She responded.
“Maybe he hates blood?” you mumbled, looking back at the napkin that was wrapped around your finger.
“He is an asshole, it’s not your fault you cut your finger on a piece of broken glass and he couldn’t handle it.” Zendaya replied.
“I just, he as kinda cute, and I thought maybe I could, you know, ask for his number, maybe go on a date, I don’t know.” You confessed, Zendaya gave you a sad smile before speaking.
“And you will meet more kinda cute guys who won’t run away at the sight of blood.” Zendaya responded.
You were about to say something, but f/n voice cut you off, making you and Zendaya snap your head towards her direction.
“Let’s go bitches.” She shouted, grabbing yours and Zendaya’s hand, pulling you two with her towards the direction of the club.
・。・゜☆・。・。☆・゜・。・゜。・。・゜☆・。・。 MEANWHILE
Tom leaned against the wall, trying to control his breathing. It was working, his eyes were back to normal and his fangs were gone. His face was pressed up against the club sign, the cold metal, cooling his skin. Tom felt a gush of wind by his side.
“Are you okay?” Harrison asked, walking over towards Tom. He rested his hand on Tom’s shoulder, his eyes clouded with concern as he looked at his friend, waiting for his reply.
“Yeah, I just, I lost control and I had to get out of there before I sucked her dry or worse ripped her throat out.” Tom replied. Turning his head to the side to look at Harrison.
Harrison’s eyebrows were raised as he smirked at Tom.
“What?” Tom asked, giving Harrison a questionable look.
“Oh, just that I could see you giving her the bedroom eyes.” Harrison smirked, making Tom roll his eyes.
“Admit it, you started to develop feelings for this chick, even though you just meet her.” Harrison spoke.
“Maybe... it’s not like I can do anything about it, besides I don’t want her to be dragged into my chaotic life, I don’t want the reason for her death to be my doing, or the reason she turned to be my doing.” Tom sighed.
“You are such a hopeless romantic Tommy, but you will probably end up stalking her.” Harrison chuckled.
“Will not.” Tom huffed, smacking Harrison in the chest hard, which made Harrison let out an oof noise.
“Sure, you won’t, now let’s go find some girls to compel, I’m starving.” Harrison spoke, jumping down from the building and landing on the ground on his feet perfectly, Harrison composed himself, before looking up at Tom, giving him a questionable look.
Tom stared at Harrison on the ground, his mind wandering to you, maybe another girl would be the perfect distraction to get you off his mind. Tom landed on the ground beside Harrison, standing up straight, and fixing his outfit, turning to look at Harrison who was smirking at him.
“After you.” Tom smirked, as they walked into the club…
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dailydianakko · 5 years
Undying Au-Fuck
I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it. (Da night before Diana and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Holbrooke chased Pool away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Diana had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.) Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys. “WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to Lotte Gothic Night’fall 666 and Barbara. L’Ote Gothic Nightfall 666 was wearing a black leather mini with a Good Chraloote t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Barbara was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Diana came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Gerard Way or Billie Joe Armstrong. The girls joined in cause they were bi. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” Andrew was saying as suddenly a gothic old woman with a black beard and everything came. She was the same one who had chassed away Paul yesterday. She had normal tan skin but she was wearing white foundation and she had died her hare black. “……………….HOOLBROOKE?1!” we all gasped. “WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought she was just wearing that to scare Paul!” “Hello everyone.” she said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?” Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1. “BTW you can call me Miranda.” SHE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes. “What a fucking poser!” Duana shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see her crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Gerard) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet she’s havin a mid-life crisis!” Su’cY shouted. I was so fucking angry. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day we sat angerly finking about Helbrooke. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go. Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Diana was being all secretive. I asked what it was and she got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve lesbian gurlz r so hot). “No one fucking understands me!1” she shouted angrily as her green and blonde hare went in her big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. Shee was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik) “Accuse me? What about me!” I growled. “Buy-but-but-” she grunted. “You fucking bastard!” I moaned. “No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” she shouted. But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Diana banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (VALK that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot. Suddenly Avery came. she had appearated. “You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in da red team’s room?” Only it wasn’t just Avery. Someone else was with her too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Andrew or maybe Diana but it was HObrooke. “Hey I need to ask you a question.” she said, pulling out her black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?” “U no who MCR r!” I gasped. “No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” She said. “Anyway Diana has a surprise for u.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since POOL had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Diana so we could do it again. “Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Picies! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Holbrooke had told us all 2 be careful around het and Nelson since she was a pedo. “No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.”s he growld angrily. “Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally. “Fuker.” She said, gong away. Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Pieces and Nelson were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Finnelan was watching!1 “Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Finnelan ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing the sheep of wuter) but both of them were fuking preps. “WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat) “Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Pisces shouted angrily. “Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed. “You dimwit!.” Nelson began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything. “Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?” “It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my girlfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to holbeook. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Paul, looking extremely fucking hot. “WTF where’d Diana?” I asked him. “Oh she’s bein a fucking bastard. She told me she wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking her hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?” Then….. she showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. She said her rummate constanze had given it 2 her. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘AAKEW’ on it. ……….I gasped. We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing. Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band. I almost had an orgasim. Gerard was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Diana, cryin in a corner. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Later we all went in the skull. Diana was crying in da common room. “Duana are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice. “No I’m not u fuking bitch!”s he shouted angrily. She stated to run out of the place in a suicidal way. I stated to cry cuz I was afraid she would commit suicide. “Its ok Akki.” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make her feel better.” “U mean you’ll go fuck her wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Diana. Vampire came too. “Diana please come!” she began to cry. Tears of blood came down her pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive lesbun gurlz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!) And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out her blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Meenotar there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand. “WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw a rat come. It went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly. “IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Menotaur. “No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under her breast in a disgusted way. “EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Norris. Den he heard the rat meow. “RAT is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. The Rat nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! She did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Mentouar was taking of da cloak!1 “WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Duana crying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting her rists outside of da school. “Diana!” I cried. “R u okay?” “I guess though.” Diana weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Diana and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fafnir and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped. Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Lotta Nighdfall 666, Vampire, Diabolo, Diana, Dracula and Barbara! I opened my crimson eyes. Barbara was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Diana was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. She looked just likee Gerard Way, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Lotte Nightf’all 666 was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Avery) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Hannah and Wangari. It turns out that Darkness, Diabolo, Hannahs and Wangaru’s dad was a vampire. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists with a razor. He had raped them and stuff before too. They all got so depressed that they became goffik and converted to Stanism. “OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?” “Akki something is really fucked up.” Duana said. “OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily. “It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Diana said in a sexy voice. “Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all erective.” “I will I will.” she said. So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Lucbh room and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Chole from Purple Teeam was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see Holbreooke. FAFNIE was there shouting at Hobroooke. Finnelam was there too. “THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!” “PAUL IS PLANNING TO KILL THE STUDENTS!” yelled Fafrnir. “YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE THE PRINCIPAL ANY LONGER!” yelled Finnelan. “YOU ARE TOO OLD AND YOUR ALZHEIMERS IS DANGEROUS! YOU MUST RETRY OR PAUL WILL KILL YOUR STUDENTS!” “Very well.” Holbrooke said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Paul and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Akko Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” Diana, Hannah, Barbara, Darkness, S’ucky, Vampire and B’loody Lotte Nightfall 666 looked at each other………I gasped.
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meanwhile-on-spn · 4 years
Season 1 Ep. 2 - Wendigo
Previously on Supernatural: A demon waited for Sam to come back so he could start his BBQ.
“Why are you guys just sitting there!?” A young man demanded stomping up the slope to a campsite fire. An older man and woman sat, in dingy folding chairs, passing food and beer to one another. “We should be looking around.”
Laura turned to him giving a indulgent smile as she finished the last of her beer, tossing into an air tight container to avoid scavengers, “For what? It was a bear, Kevin.” Kevin was not happy about that, the tiny bear bells on his pack giving a jangle, as he stomped his feet in frustration.
“Guys, you said you would take this seriously.” He whined, an actual high pitched whine.
“Yeah” Jeremy popped in, around a mouth full of his trail mix, “and we seriously think that was a bear.”
Kevin scowled, throwing his pack to the ground and started to dig through it, “This is why I don’t invite you out on hunts.” Finding what he needed, Kevin pulled out a battered composition notebook that was bent, stained and had dozens of loose sheets of paper falling out of it, “We are supposed to find evidence of this thing.”
“No, We agreed to do this because we wanted to get out of the city and drink in the woods.” Laura restated, watching as her companion took the final folding chair for himself. Once seated, Kevin opened up the notebook, leafing through pages of what looked like internet printouts, crude drawings and gibberish written in what wanted to be organized text. “Come on Kev. We’re having one more beer and calling it a night.”
“How many times do we have to go over this!?” The agitated young man said, stomping his hiking boot, the dry foliage underneath giving a crackle. He hunched over more, trying to read the writing in the low light. Laura looked over his shoulder to see the name Wendigo, scratched in like a saw victim would their will, with jagged pen strokes. “Rumor is that this thing makes human noises. What kind of Bear makes human sounds?”
“Yogi?” Jeremy snarked, pulling out his vaping pen. Laura leaned in closer, actually reading Kevin’s notes.
A Cree name for the Monster common in folklore of the First Nations Algonquin folklore, this creature is created when a human, usually in desperate need of food, starts to consume other humans. 
Mostly sited the northern forests of Nova Scotia, the East Coast of Canada, and Great Lakes Region of Canada and in Wisconsin, United States.
Tall, lanky, smell bad, superspeed, Cunning, Can mimic human voices. Under that were several crud drawings and multiple new clippings  about missing campers in the woods. The one Kevin was currently reading though, had just been published last week.
Volunteer firefighters were baffled this week as a fire erupted from the long abandoned silver mines deep in the backwoods of Blackwater Ridge. The mines, built back in the 1870s, had long been lost to park rangers until the emergency forest fire that took out 2 acres led them to one the shaft openings. As for what started the first, experts are still looking for answers but are suspicious that it somehow sparked within the mines. Rangers want to remind everyone to practi... ropriate.... Afe... 
The lower half of the news article was jaggedly ripped. In the right hand corner there were coordinates scribbled in red ink and circled multiple times.
“Why the hell do you even want to ‘find’ this thing Kevin?” Laura was aghast, if she even believed in it for a second she would have already hightailed it out of the woods. 
“Come on I have one more place to look. Come with me.” Laura looked in his eyes and saw that unbridled excitement that she saw in her 6 year old sister. With a huff, she agreed, standing up to join him.
“Fiiiiiiine.” Jeremy groaned, lifting himself out of his seat. “Let’s get this over with so we can drink.”
Laura And Jeremy were behind Kevin as he led them through the woods, guided only by a coordinates app on his phone. Everything looked the same to them, charred, burnt and destroyed. Finally, after several minutes of stopping, inspecting his app, spinning in circles then reinspecting the app again, Kevin announced that they had arrived. The trip stood at the edge of a small ravine that was once probably covered with copious small plants. Now though, with the fire destroying everything the entrance to the mine was left bare and exposed to the world.
Carefully they slide down the ashes sides, coughing as the dust is kicked up into the ravine.
The entrance to the mine was completely blacked, ominous scorch marks from the inferno that birthed from its entrance leaving a lasting impact. Kevin pulled out his flashlight and slowly inched towards the entrance. The camera hanging around his neck banging about his chest in a rhythmic beat.
The insides of the mine smelled like a confusing mix of dry burning and musty dampness. It made Laura sneeze almost instantly and made Jeremy’s eyes water in irritation. They weaved through the labyrinthian channels of the mine so quickly Laura was scared they would be lost forever inside it. Just as she was about to demand they head back to the came Kevin froze. Laura and Jeremy both slamming into his back as he stood stock still, his flashlight frozen on a mass before them.
It was black and massive, laying prone like it was dead or asleep.  Kevin started to inch closer, even though Laura tried to lank him back harshly hissing him to come back. Kevin forged ahead walking a slow circle around the prone figure. “Is it dead?” Laura asked. To answer their question, Kevin sticks out his foot, jabbing at the body.
“Dead.” With a relieved sigh, his courage back, Jeremy walks over inspecting the body as well
“What the hell is that thing?” Jeremy pointed to what looked like a charred piece of jerky, tough, wrinkly, and smelling vaguely like a cookout. Laura picked up a stick and started poking at the corpse. “Hey, don-”
“It’s a bear?” She said with the absolute confidence of a person who had no clue what they were talking about.
“With no fur!?” Kevin's incredulous loud voice bounced off the stone walls, echoing down the chasm. 
“Burnt off probably. Or it’s got mange.” Jeremy added, then melted into uncontrollable giggles. Poking harder at the charred remains, “Hey look, it’s Smokey!”
“Oh for the love of god!” Kevin threw his hands up
“Come on guys,” Laura looked around her, uncomfortable with just how much noise this supposedly abandoned mineshaft was making, “let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.” Jeremy hummed in agreement, dripping the stick and instantly giving up on his probing of the corpse.
“Hey, it's okay, man. Who knows maybe we will run into the moth man, he can give us a ride home.”
“That’s not funny.” Bending down lower, Kevin inspects the head of the creature. It was burned beyond recognition but he couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't look like a bear's head. It almost looked human.
“It’s a little funny if you let yourself laugh.” Jeremy said, giving the body a kiss. Which managed to splatter some disgusting black goo on Kevin's face. Sputtering, Kevin hell back into the dirt, scrubbing at his face.
“Yeah, Kev. You’ve got to relax. It’s not about the monsters you find, it’s about the friends you make along the way.” The trio left, none of them noticing the luminous red eyes tracking them from a dark corner of the mines.
Onscreen Body count: 6
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